Cloud Security Assessment Report Template (July 2020)

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The assessment report provides an overview of the security posture of a cloud services provider and its cloud platform. It identifies both strengths and weaknesses in the CSP's security controls and culture, and provides percentages of implemented controls. Cloud consumers are advised to consider the report and any next steps recommended.

The assessment was conducted on a cloud services provider to evaluate the security of its administrative, support and production environments according to the ISM standard. It outlines the CSP, services and regions in scope as well as the assessment methodology used.

The CSP demonstrated strengths in some areas of governance, but weaknesses were also identified. The assessment found issues in both the CSP's administrative systems and cloud production environment that did not fully meet control objectives.


Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Security

Fundamentals and Cloud Services Assessment

<Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Name>

<Service Platform Name>

<Assessor Details>

Instruction: Where this report is being completed as part of a Phase 1a assessment, use the entirety of the
report template.

Where this report is being completed as part of a Phase 1b supplementary assessment,

sections 2 and 4 of this report may be omitted, with reference to the original published report.

Delete this and all other instructions from your final version of this document, as well as all
ACSC branding.


Document Details
ISM Version <Month YYYY>
Control Classification Choose an item.
Cloud Definition Choose an item.
Cloud Deployment Model Choose an item.
ACSC Report template version V1.0

Prepared By
<Assessor Organisation Name>

Assessor Name
Assessor Qualifications
Contact Email

Prepared for
<CSP Organisation Name>

Contact Name
Contact Email

Revision History
Versio Date Description Author


1. Executive Summary 5
2. Introduction 6
2.1. Cloud Service Provider 6

2.2. Cloud Service Platform 6

2.2.1. Overview 6

2.2.2. Logical Diagram 6

3. Assessment Details 7
3.1. Methodology 7

3.2. Scope 7
3.2.1. Dependencies and Inheritance 7

3.2.2. CSP Locations 8

3.2.3. Service Regions 8

3.2.4. Cloud Services 8

3.2.5. Exclusions 8

4. CSP Security Fundamentals Assessment 9

4.1. Overview 9
4.1.1. Strengths 9

4.1.2. Weaknesses 9

4.1.3. Security Culture 9

4.2. Governance 10
4.2.1. Overview 10

4.3. Administrative and Support Environments 13

4.3.1. Administrative and Support System Overview 13

4.3.2. Assessment Overview 13

4.3.3. Key Findings 14

4.4. CSP’s Cloud Production Environment 15

4.4.1. Overview 15

4.4.2. Key Findings 16


5. Assessment of Cloud Services 18

5.1. <Cloud Service 1> Assessment and Consumer Guidance 18
5.1.1. Cloud Service Overview 18

5.1.2. Summary of Control Findings 21

5.1.3. Key Assessment Findings 21

Attached Documents 23
Attachment A: Cloud Security Controls Matrix 23

Addendums 23


1. Executive Summary
Instruction: Provide a one to two-page overview of the assessment, including a broad commentary of the
potential risks posed to cloud consumers using the cloud provider and services. Broadly, this
should cover: Background on the CSP being assessed, and any specialty markets they cater for
(if any).
- Background on the type of CSP, a summary of the service offering.
- Summary of the general themes of the report.
- Control Implementation percentage as an overall percentage.
- Any recommended next steps for the CSP to take having undergone the assessment.


2. Introduction
2.1. Cloud Service Provider
Instruction: Provide a one to two page high-level introduction to the Cloud Service Provider, including
- The ownership of the CSP;
- The locality of the CSP;
- Where its cloud services are provided from;
- Is there any potential extrajudicial control and interference over a CSP by a foreign entity;
- Where the CSP’s personnel, such as support and administration is located; and
- The ownership of the CSP.

2.2. Cloud Service Platform

2.2.1. Overview
Instruction: Provide a one to two page high-level introduction to the Cloud Service Platform.

2.2.2. Logical Diagram

Instruction: The logical diagram should show the authorisation boundary, and logical relationship between
all services assessed, as well as the link to any outsourced platform dependencies, the
administrative and customer support environments, and cloud consumer access.


3. Assessment Details
3.1. Methodology
Instruction: Detail the methodology used to assess the cloud services in line with the Anatomy of a Cloud
Assessment and Authorisation document, and the Australian Government Information
Security Manual (ISM).

3.2. Scope
3.2.1. Dependencies and Inheritance
Instruction: List any external systems, services, or applications (including client software) on which this
service platform is dependent ('dependencies'), either owned by the assessed CSP or other
providers. Dependencies may implement controls that the cloud service platform relies on.
Specify if these dependencies have previously been assessed against the ISM, and if access to
the assessment was provided.

Note any inheritance of ISM controls, the implementation of any configuration guidance the
dependency source has provided, and any variation made by the service that may impact
inherited controls.

Lastly include if the security of the external dependencies are in scope of this assessment.

Provider <e.g. IaaSProvider>

Services Used <e.g. IaaSService, AuthService>
Data Locality Used <e.g. AUS-Southeast-A>
IRAP Assessed <e.g. IaaSProvider has an existing IRAP assessment issued 2019-01-01 with the
lasted CSP addendum issued 2019-12-12.>
Visibility and <e.g. Visibility of this assessment was available, and the control implementation
incorporation of is detailed in the Common Infrastructure CSCM, with key details outlined in in
IRAP assessment Section 4.4 of this report. Note that this is the extent of evidence viewed, and the
assessor provides no further assurance for the validity of IaaSProvider’s
Description of Use <e.g. CSP relies on IaaSProvider to provide data locality for AUS-SouthEast-1

Provider <e.g. SaaSProvider>

Services Used <e.g. MailService>
Data Locality Used <e.g. Europe>
IRAP Assessed <e.g. SaaSProvider has an existing 2020 IRAP assessment.>
Visibility and <e.g. Whilst SaaSProvider completed an IRAP assessment, the Cloud Security
incorporation of Assessment Report and CSCM were unavailable for visibility. Accordingly, no
IRAP assessment assurance can be made as to the secure hosting of this service beyond the CSP’s
responsibility for implementation on this service>
Description of Use <e.g. CSP relies on SaaSProvider to provide all mail services on the CSP platform>


3.2.2. CSP Locations

The CSP, its cloud services and other locations such as support and management are provided from the following

Instruction: This section should list the different locations the CSP is based in to provide its cloud services,
including data centres and management, support and administrator locations.

Function Location (Country/City) Physical Security

Country City Certification(s)
<e.g. Office HQ> <e.g. USA> <e.g. New York> <e.g. None>
<e.g. Support Office> <e.g. India> <e.g. Bangalore> <e.g. None>
<e.g. Local Office> <e.g. Australia> <e.g. Sydney> <e.g. None>
<e.g. Support DC> <e.g. USA> <e.g. Chicago> <e.g. TSI>
<e.g. DC Syd 1> <e.g. Australia> <e.g. Sydney> <e.g. Zone 3 SCEC,
<e.g. DC Syd 2> <e.g. Australia> <e.g. Melbourne> <e.g. Zone 3 SCEC,
<e.g. DC San Francisco 1> <e.g. USA> <e.g. San Francisco> <e.g. TSI>

3.2.3. Service Regions

Instruction: List the data locality service regions assessed for this assessment, and identify which of the
above locations are relevant to storing or processing data for the selected region.

Service Regions Data Localities Used

<e.g. AUS-East-1> <e.g. DC Syd 1, DC Syd 2>
<e.g. AUS-SouthEast-1> < e.g. DC Syd 4, DC Melb 1>
<e.g. USA-West-1> <e.g. DC San Francisco 1>

3.2.4. Cloud Services

The cloud services assessed are dependent on the following locations:

Instruction: This section should list all cloud services in scope of this assessment as well as the location they
are provided from for Australian based Cloud Consumers. This should include essential services
of the platform required for use, such as the web console, account management and resource
management as appropriate.

Cloud Service Available Service Other Dependencies Assessed Classification

<e.g. Great PaaS Service> <e.g. AUS-East-1, <e.g. Support DC, <e.g. PROTECTED>
AUS-SouthEast-1> IaaSProvider>
<e.g. Great SaaS Service> <e.g. AUS-East-1, <e.g. Another SaaS <e.g. OFFICIAL:Sensitive>
AUS-SouthEast-1> Service>
<e.g. Another SaaS Service> <e.g. USA-West-1> <e.g. Support DC> <e.g. OFFICIAL:Sensitive>

3.2.5. Exclusions
Instruction: List any CSP systems or ISM chapters or sections that are not included in this assessment scope,
and a justification for their exclusion.


4. CSP Security Fundamentals Assessment

4.1. Overview
4.1.1. Strengths
Instruction: Detail areas where, in the assessor’s opinion, the CSP provides particularly effective approaches
to identifying and managing risk within their platform, such as zero trust, or security focused
cloud services.

4.1.2. Weaknesses
Instruction: Detail general areas where the assessor was unable to observe the CSP is suitably managing
and addressing risks, with specific reference to ISM guidelines where appropriate.

4.1.3. Security Culture Response to Cyber Security Incidents
Instruction: List any notable cyber security incidents in the provider’s history, and an analysis of the
provider’s response to handling these incidents. The focus should be on the provider’s
response to the incident, rather than the incident itself. Contributions to Cyber Security

Instruction: Describe any research or initiatives the CSP takes to actively contribute to a global cyber
security posture, including research papers, blogs or software. Cyber Security Guidance

Instruction: Describe the CSP’s record of providing consumer guidance on how to use its services securely,
including in line with ACSC publications. Information Security Compliance Certifications

Instruction: List any other information security certifications completed for the assessed cloud platform,
such as FedRAMP, SOC, ISO27001/2, HIPAA, PCI or (CSA) STAR. A note should be made where
these certifications cover a different scope to this security assessment such as a different set of
services, available regions, or customer base.


4.2. Governance
4.2.1. Overview
Instruction: For each of the following topics, describe the CSP’s approach to implementing robust, secure
practices. The topics listed in this section have been selected as generally being common to
CSP governance across all services, but in the case that the assessed CSP implements any of
the topics differently across its services, this should be detailed in Section 5 of this report. Enterprise Risk Management 

Instruction: Describe the CSP's enterprise risk management framework/s to manage strategic and
operational risks. Personnel Security 

Instruction: Describe the CSP’s practices for managing personnel security, including personnel vetting,
training and awareness practices, and whether personnel are entirely CSP staff, or whether
sub-contractors are used. Detail whether these practices vary by teams such as administrative
or support staff. Also include whether staff hold current Australian Government Security
Clearances, and if so, which groups of staff, and what level of clearance is held. ICT Change Management 

Instruction: Detail how the CSP manages ICT change, how cloud consumers are notified of these changes,
and the possible implications of change on the security of the service. For example, where a
cloud service’s security posture is affected by a critical operating system update, assess the
processes used to make decisions about if or when to apply an update, and the
communications processes and mediums used to advise cloud consumers of associated
changes. Data Type Definitions 

Instruction: Detail and define the different data types used by the CSP including cloud consumer owned
data and provider owned data. Include definitions that provide details of data kept on cloud
consumers such as service tag names, resource group names, subscription names, payment
data and associated information. Define the data types that are appropriate to store sensitive
or classified data based on this security, and whether the customer retains full ownership and
control of each type. Security guidance may be necessary for data owned and stored by the
CSP that the cloud consumer may consider sensitive or classified. Include details on the data
types that may have Privacy Act (1988) & Australian Privacy Principles protections implications.

<Sensitivity//Classification> Data Protections

Instruction: With reference to the above data type definitions, detail the procedural and cryptographic
protections afforded to each data type, including the conditions under which each data type
may be accessed by an entity other than the cloud consumer. Identify if the CSP treats cloud
consumer data differently when encrypted.

Identify how Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) material is used and accounted for, and who has
the ability to decrypt data, and in what circumstances this will occur. This may include
technical support, “break glass” scenarios, or lawful requests for data by governments. Data Deprovisioning and Disposal

Instruction: With reference to the above data type definitions, describe how the CSP destroys cloud
consumer data and metadata once a service or resource is no longer used. What validation
occurs to ensure all copies of cloud consumer data are deleted when a service is no longer in
use. Describe any data or metadata retention policies. Examples for consideration: Does the
CSP retain copies of cloud consumer data for 30 days after the cloud consumer flags it for
deletion? Can the cloud consumer delete data in the event of a data spill? What data is
retained, and for what timeframe, after a cloud consumer deletes their account? Supply Chain Risk Management 

Instruction: Detail the CSP’s practices relating to their supply chain risk management processes, such as
when procuring and outsourcing functions. The scope of the supply chain includes the design,
manufacture, delivery, deployment, validation, support and decommissioning of hardware,
software and related services that are used within a system. Vulnerability Management 

Instruction: Describe the CSP’s policies and processes for vulnerability disclosure reporting, vulnerability
management and transparency. Consider the perspectives of vendors, independent third
parties, internal staff, cloud consumers, and the general public. Incident Response

Instruction: Describe the CSP’s processes and procedures for Incident Response, where roles,
responsibilities, actions and visibility are described in more granular detail than organisation-
wide policies, and how the response plan is tested. Identify how the cloud consumer is notified
of relevant security incidents, and consumer specific functions or activities are required under
the Shared Responsibility model.

<Sensitivity//Classification> Secure Development Lifecycle 

Instruction: Describe the CSP’s processes that embed security throughout the service lifecycle (through
manual or automated), that contributes to defence in depth, secure by design, and operational
security outcomes. Include details on how the organisation defines security objectives and
uses threat modelling to define security objectives during different phases of the lifecycle. Support Model 

Instruction: Detail the model used for support of the cloud services, including support availability times by
region, and the location of support staff for Australian cloud consumers. For example, identify
the location of staff that provide level 1, 2, and 3 support in a “follow the sun” support model.
(also ensure these geographic locations are specified and included in section 3.2.3 of this


4.3. Administrative and Support Environments

Instruction: Using the ISM, provide an assessment of the environments used to administer and support the
cloud services. This includes the location of devices which can be used to directly or indirectly
access the production environment for service and platform administration purposes, and for
customer support. The topics listed in this section have been selected as generally being
common to CSP security across all services, but in the case that the assessed CSP implements
any of the topics differently across its services, this should be detailed in Section 5 of this

4.3.1. Administrative and Support System Overview

Instruction: Describe the scope of this system. Particularly whether the general corporate network is used
to administer or support the cloud services, and is therefore in scope, or whether dedicated
administrative and support environments are used, and the wider corporate network has been
excluded from the assessment scope. This may be aided by an architecture diagram or
reference to other diagrams in this document.

4.3.2. Assessment Overview Physical Security 
Instruction: Provide details of the physical security of the administrative and support offices. Segmentation and Segregation 

Instruction: Detail the security of the administrative and support segmentation and segregation, including
network zones. System Hardening

Instruction: Detail the system hardening (and, if applicable, enterprise mobility) for devices used to
administer or support the cloud platform and cloud services. Secure Administration 

Instruction: Describe the process used by privileged users of the CSP to access and administer the cloud
platform and cloud services. Identify the different levels of privileged access for different teams
and tasks, the methods of privileged access management such as just-in-time access, the
appropriate restriction of administrative privileges and separation of privileged users. Detail
the elements and relevant contextual information of secure administration, including security
controls used to detect unauthorised actions within the management systems used by the CSP.
This section should include supporting systems used by the cloud consumer to manage their
account and perform their role under the CSPs shared responsibility model.


4.3.3. Key Findings

Instruction: Capture any high-level strengths, weaknesses, and risks associated with the CSP’s
administration of the service platform, as well as recommendations for remediation or cloud
consumer implementation as appropriate. Controls should be grouped where there is a single
underlying risk behind them. This should include the security posture of any underlying
systems or processes. Where the CSP has no visibility into an underlying infrastructure or
process, this should be noted. Cloud Service Provider Implementation

Alternate Security Controls

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Alternate Control” in the control matrix for the administrative
and support environments. Controls may be grouped as appropriate where there is a single
underlying implementation factor. For each entry, provide a description of any identified
vulnerabilities where a specific ISM control requirement has not been met, and details of the
alternate control implemented by the CSP to otherwise meet the control objective.

Control Description Description of Alternate Control


Security Controls Not Implemented due to Business Decision

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Not Implemented” in the control matrix for the administrative
and support environments, where the CSP has decided to retain this implementation due to
business decision. Controls may be grouped as appropriate where there is a single underlying
implementation factor. For each entry, provide a description of the misalignment with the ISM
control objective, and a rationale for remaining unaligned with the control objective. This can
also detail any factors relating to the environment which may partially mitigate this risk.

Control Description Operational Requirements Rationale and

Number(s) Mitigating Factors

Security Controls Requiring Remediation

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Not Implemented” or “Ineffective” in the control matrix for the
administrative and support environments, where the CSP is seeking to remediate this risk
following the security assessment. Controls may be grouped as appropriate where there is a
single underlying implementation factor. For each entry, provide a description of the
misalignment with the ISM control objective, a recommended remediation by the security
assessor or planned implementation by the CSP, as well as an expected date for remediation.


Control Description Recommended Remediation Expected

Number(s) Remediation Date

4.4. CSP’s Cloud Production Environment

Instruction: Using the ISM, provide an assessment of the common security controls used to support the
cloud services. This includes common hardware infrastructure, elements of the control
plane(s) and other common elements supporting the platforming including jump boxes or
privileged access systems.

4.4.1. Overview Network Security 
Instruction: Detail the network topology and security of the Cloud Production Environment network,
focusing on network segmentation, separation, and access control features. The topology
description should include the links to telecommunications/internet providers, and any
dedicated links that are available to cloud consumers. Decommissioning Hardware 

Instruction: Detail the CSP’s practices for decommissioning, sanitising, and disposing of production ICT
equipment and media. Detail how the CSP mitigates the risk of cloud consumer information
being leaked in the event of hardware failures, such as a drive failure. Security Operations and Monitoring

Instruction: Detail the CSP’s security operations and monitoring practices including event logging and
analysis, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing. Cryptography and Key Management 

Instruction: Identify the use and management of cryptographic keys and associated hardware and software.
It includes their generation, registration, distribution, installation, usage, physical and logical
protection, storage, access, recovery, and destruction. Document procedures used to identify
appropriate standards when implementing cryptographic solutions. Identify the use cases for
cryptography, such as identifying ISM requirements that need to be met for protecting data at
rest, data in transit, or for hashing functions. Identify if the CSP has developed their own
cryptographic implementations or is leveraging existing third party libraries. Identify if the
cryptographic libraries have been assessed by a standards body (e.g. Common Criteria / FIPS /
‘ISO/IEC 19790:2012’) and if they are configured to use ASD Approved Cryptographic Protocols
(AACPs) using ASD Approved Cryptographic Algorithms (AACAs). Identify when and how the
CSP deprecates and decommissions standards no longer fit for purpose. Identify if the CSP uses
Hardware Security Modules for key storage.

<Sensitivity//Classification> Data Transfers

Instruction: Detail the procedures used to move data, including source code, binary files, and sensitive
documentation into or out of the cloud infrastructure, including any content filtering, malware
analysis or data integrity checks that are performed. Identity and Access Management 

Instruction: Describe the Identity and Access Management models that are available to use by the CSP.
Identify any special rules and vendor guidance related to root accounts (first account), Break
Glass accounts, Multi-Factor Authentication, etc. Describe the shared responsibility model for
any Role Based Access Control, Attribute Based Access Control, governance, and approval
models (such as a multi-user approval process for high risk activities). Describe service and API
authentication and authorisation processes.

Attaching vendor reference architecture and vendor produced security best practice
documentation provided at the time of assessment may shorten the time it takes to capture
this information. Security Automation

Instruction: Describe the processes used to automate security activities. For example, the CSP may
automate functions relating to Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
integration, password rotation, vulnerability scanning, or code analysis. Continuity and Availability

Instruction: Detail the methods used to ensure service continuity and availability requirements, such as
data replication across availability zones and service level Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
protections including responsive automated scaling to mitigate the risk of a distributed denial
of service attack.

4.4.2. Key Findings

Instruction: Capture any high-level strengths, weaknesses, and risks associated with the CSP’s
administration, as well as recommendations for remediation or cloud consumer
implementation as appropriate. Controls should be grouped where there is a single underlying
risk behind them. This should include the security posture of any underlying systems or
processes. Where the CSP has no visibility into an underlying infrastructure or process, this
should be noted.

<Sensitivity//Classification> Cloud Service Provider Implementation

Alternate Security Controls

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Alternate Control” in the control matrix for the service.
Controls may be grouped as appropriate where there is a single underlying implementation
factor. For each entry, provide a description of any identified vulnerabilities where a specific
ISM control requirement has not been met, and details of the alternate control implemented
by the CSP to otherwise meet the control objective.

Control Description Description of Alternate Control


Security Controls Not Implemented due to Business Decision

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Not Implemented” in the control matrix for the service, where
the CSP has decided to retain this implementation due to business decision. Controls may be
grouped as appropriate where there is a single underlying implementation factor. For each
entry, provide a description of the misalignment with the ISM control objective, and a rationale
for remaining unaligned with the control objective. This can also detail any factors relating to
the environment which may partially mitigate this risk.

Control Description Operational Requirements Rationale and

Number(s) Mitigating Factors

Security Controls Requiring Remediation

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Not Implemented” or “Ineffective” in the control matrix for the
Cloud Production Environment, where the CSP is seeking to remediate this risk following the
security assessment. Controls may be grouped as appropriate where there is a single
underlying implementation factor. For each entry, provide a description of the misalignment
with the ISM control objective, a recommended remediation by the security assessor or
planned implementation by the CSP, as well as an expected date for remediation.

Control Description Recommended Remediation Expected

Number(s) Remediation Date


5. Assessment of Cloud Services

5.1. <Cloud Service 1> Assessment and Consumer Guidance
Instruction: This section should be repeated for each cloud service in scope of this assessment. Using the
ISM, provide an assessment of the security of the cloud service. The scope of this assessment
must include any internal and external interfaces to both the Cloud Consumer and other
services to ensure protection of data in transit and data at rest. Further details at the control
level should be covered within the control matrix.

5.1.1. Cloud Service Overview Description
Instruction: Provide a brief overview of the purpose and functionality of the cloud service, including
reference to applicable ISM guidelines or sections. Cloud Security Shared Responsibility Model

Instruction: Define which entity is responsible for each security layer of this service. The below table should
be used as a guide, though may be adapted to the layers described in the Cloud Service
Provider’s own model if needed. Regardless, backups and incident response should be
explicitly mentioned. A yes/no response can be provided, or additional text if appropriate.

Provider Name> <CSP Name> Cloud Consumer
Layer If applicable
Incident Response Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.

Backups Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.

Data Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.

I de
ntity & Access Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.

Application Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.

P la
Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.
Virtualisation Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.

Physical Hosts Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.


Physical Networking Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.

P hy
Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item.
sical Datacentre Cloud Service Architecture Diagram
Instruction: Provide a diagram showing as a minimum:
- The service authorisation boundary
- The segmentation and segregation boundaries
- The logical high-level components of the service
- External systems including management and connection to cloud consumer systems or
- The internal and external interfaces between these components

Components and Dependencies

Instruction: List and describe each component of the above service architecture diagram. This section
should detail any dependencies on systems or services. Where the dependency is outside the
identified service region, their geographic location should also be specified and included in
section 3.2.3 of this document. For example, the device region may be hosted in one data
centre but rely on a mail server or service-specific control plane in another location.

Inbound and Outbound Interfaces

Instruction: List and describe any internal and external interfaces provided by the CSP including:
- Application Programming Interfaces (APIs),
- Network services (by port and protocol),
- Health monitoring and service telemetry,
- Security monitoring,
- Backup services,
- Administration and support services.
For each interface, detail the cryptographic data in transit protections, including whether these
are ASD Approved Cryptographic Protocols (AACPs) using ASD Approved Cryptographic
Algorithms (AACAs).
Describe isolation mechanisms that limit access to the service or its management interfaces.

<Sensitivity//Classification> Protection of Data at Rest

Instruction: For each data type, detail the cryptographic data at rest protections, including whether these
are ASD Approved Cryptographic Algorithms (AACAs). Where possible, refer to the Data Types
as defined in section Data Backup and Restore

Instruction: Detail any dedicated backups that are performed of cloud consumer data, including whether
this is inherent in the use of the service, or whether this relies on configuration by the cloud
consumer. Data Portability

Instruction: Describe the ability of the cloud consumer to move data out of the service, either for backup,
service migration, or service decommissioning purposes. Tenancy Segmentation and Segregation

Instruction: Describe the methods used to segregate different boundaries (such as different cloud
consumer tenancies), and at what layer these separation controls are applied. Address
separation of network traffic, data storage, computer memory and computer processing. For
example, whether the tenancies are segregated by physical hardware, hypervisors,
containerisation, or application level segregation.

This section should also detail the hardening of these separation methods and should identify
if any known but unmitigated vulnerabilities exist in the implemented design. Cloud Service Security Visibility

Instruction: Describe the CSP’s ability of the cloud consumer to log, audit, monitor and analyse activities
relating to cloud consumer data and services. Describe available methods to download
detailed time-synchronised logs and obtain real-time alerts generated by the service. Of
particular interest are cloud consumer's service accounts used to access and administer the
service and alerts generated by the cloud service used (e.g. operating system, web server and
application logs). Identify sources of threat modelling data provided by the CSP, and related
cloud consumer mitigations the CSP makes available to the Cloud Consumer at the service
level. Security Intelligence

Instruction: Describe the automated activities and actions taken by the CSP to identify, prevent, and report
on cloud consumer or CSP vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. Identify what automated
security alert functions are available to identify configurations that do not align with CSP
security best practices.

<Sensitivity//Classification> Service-specific Security

Instruction: Detail any service specific technology areas which are not covered by the above sections of this
document, or where the service differs from the assessed Cloud Production Environment
baseline. For example, it is common for a relational database service to provide its own
authentication model to ensure compatibility with legacy clients using an implementation
different from that identified in the common services IAM description outlined in section

5.1.2. Summary of Control Findings

Instruction: Detail the scope and implementation of ISM controls assessed for this service.

5.1.3. Key Assessment Findings

Instruction: Capture any high-level strengths, weaknesses, and risks associated with the service, as well as
recommendations for remediation or cloud consumer implementation as appropriate. Controls
should be grouped where there is a single underlying risk behind them. This should include the
security posture of any underlying systems or processes. Where the CSP has no visibility into
an underlying infrastructure or process, this should be noted. Cloud Service Provider Implementation

Alternate Security Controls

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Alternate Control” in the control matrix for the service.
Controls may be grouped as appropriate where there is a single underlying implementation
factor. For each entry, provide a description of any identified vulnerabilities where a specific
ISM control requirement has not been met, and details of the alternate control implemented
by the CSP to otherwise meet the control objective.

Control Description Description of Alternate Control



Security Controls Not Implemented due to Business Decision

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Not Implemented” in the control matrix for the service, where
the CSP has decided to retain this implementation due to business decision. Controls may be
grouped as appropriate where there is a single underlying implementation factor. For each
entry, provide a description of the misalignment with the ISM control objective, and a rationale
for remaining unaligned with the control objective. This can also detail any factors relating to
the environment which may partially mitigate this risk.

Control Description Operational Requirements Rationale and

Number(s) Mitigating Factors

Security Controls Requiring Remediation

Instruction: Detail any controls assessed as “Not Implemented” or “Ineffective” in the control matrix for the
production Cloud Production Environment, where the CSP is seeking to remediate this risk
following the security assessment. Controls may be grouped as appropriate where there is a
single underlying implementation factor. For each entry, provide a description of the
misalignment with the ISM control objective, a recommended remediation by the security
assessor or planned implementation by the CSP, as well as an expected date for remediation.

Control Description Recommended Remediation Expected

Number(s) Remediation Date Cloud Consumer Responsibilities & Implementation Guidance

Required security not offered by service

Instruction: Detail any controls where the “Cloud Consumer Implementation Responsibility” is assessed as
“Not Offered”, such that the ISM would require a setting such as MFA, crypto, or
regionalisation to be configured by the cloud consumer, but the CSP does not offer this feature
for the service.

Control Description Recommended Mitigation


Cloud Consumer Implementation Recommendations


Instruction: Detail any controls where the “Cloud Consumer Implementation Responsibility” is assessed as
“Configurable”, such that the ISM would require a setting such as MFA, crypto, data
replication, or regionalisation to be configured by the cloud consumer.

Control Description/Action Required


Attached Documents
Attachment A: Cloud Security Controls Matrix
Instruction: Details on the Cloud Security Controls Matrix (CSCM) location. The Cloud Security Controls
Matrix (CSCM) provides a listing of all the ISM controls the CSP implements as well as the
controls that are the cloud consumer’s responsibility, and any shared responsibilities.

Please check with the Cloud Service Provider for any addendums to this report. Please be aware the addendum
contents have not been independently verified by an IRAP Assessor. These addendums are provided by the CSP to
maintain the accuracy and validity of their reports between independent assessments. Cloud Consumers need to
consider this lack of independent verification when reviewing the addendums.


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