Incident-Response-and-Recovery and Cloud Security
Incident-Response-and-Recovery and Cloud Security
Incident-Response-and-Recovery and Cloud Security
Technical seminar
Creating an incident response Knowing your network is You can't prevent all cyber
plan is the first step to protect essential to be able to identify attacks, but you can prepare
yourself against cyber attacks. and respond quickly to an for them. Conduct regular
There is often no time to think attack. Keep inventory on all training so that employees
during an attack, so having a your assets, their criticality, know how to react if a breach
plan in place can help you and the applications they rely occurs and identify potential
react quicker and more on, so that you can prioritize gaps in awareness as you go.
effectively. which systems require
attention first.
Common Types of Cyber Attacks
In this section, we'll explore the various types of cyber attacks that organizations might face. We'll discuss
the different techniques that attackers use to compromise systems and networks, and the motivations
behind their actions.
Phishing Malware
Phishing scams are one of the most common Malware is an umbrella term for various
types of cyber attacks. Attackers trick users types of malicious software designed to
into giving up sensitive information such as infiltrate a system and cause harm.
passwords, credit card details, or other Ransomware, for example, encrypts files
confidential data by disguising themselves as making them inaccessible, demanding a
a trustworthy entity. ransom to restore them.
1 Artificial Intelligence
3 Quantum Computing
Quantum computing has the potential to
disrupt cloud security by rendering
some encryption methods useless.
Countermeasures are already being
developed to address this potential
Cloud security is essential for any business that uses cloud computing.
Threats to cloud security include data breaches, insider threats, and unauthorized access.
Key security measures to adopt when using the cloud include encryption, access control,
multi-factor authentication, and monitoring for suspicious activity.
Companies are investing in cloud security to protect their data and reputations. Future
trends in cloud security, such as AI, blockchain technology, and quantum computing,
provide opportunities for improvement and innovation.
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