Pledge [S.172]
Definition- “the bailment of goods as security for payment
of a debt or performance of a promise is called pledge”.
Ex: when the debtor takes the loan from the creditor and
keeps the goods as security, then that is called Pledge.
It is a special kind of Bailment. So, all essentials of bailment
to apply.
1. Two Parties- Pawnor and Pawnee
2. Delivery of goods
3. For some purpose i.e security of loan or performance of
4. Upon a Contract
5. To be returned, when loan paid off.
Here, also will be two parties like in the bailment.
1.“Pawnor”- The bailor in case of a pledge is called as pawnor
or pledger.
It means the person who delivers the goods as security for
payment of a debt or performance of a promise is called the
2. “Pawnee”- The bailee in case of a pledge is called as
pawnee or pledgee. It means the person to whom the goods
are delivered as security for payment of a debt or
performance of a promise is called the pawnee.
Examples and Case Law
1. Right to get back goods- The pawnor has a right to get back
his goods pledged on the performance of the promise or
repayment of loan and interest, if any.
2. Preservation and maintenance of goods- The pawnor has a
right to see that the pawnee like bailee, preserves the goods
pledged and properly maintains them.
3. Right increase in goods- The pawnor has the right to
recover from pawnee any increase in goods pledged.
4. Right of Redemption- It is said that “once a pledge, always a
pledge”. The debtor has right to redeem the pledge anytime.
There is no time limit. Loan time expired. Thereafter also, the
Pawnor has a right to redeem the pledge. This is right of
Redemption of Pawnor and cannot be taken away by contract.
The only limitation of time- i.e goods not sold by pawnee after
giving reasonable notice. If goods sold then right of
redemption is no more.
He must pay expenses which have arisen from his default.
The Theory of Redemption is not applicable in Bailment.
Duties of Pawnor