Unit II Contract of Bailment
Unit II Contract of Bailment
Unit II Contract of Bailment
(Part: II)
Unit II:
Contract of Bailment
3. Parties The person who delivers the The person who delivers
goods is known as the the goods is known as
Bailor while the person to Pawnor while the person
whom the goods are to whom the goods are
delivered is known as delivered is known as
Bailee. Pawnee.
Basis for Comparison Bailment Pledge
4. Consideration May or may not be present. Always present.
5. Right to sell the goods The party whom goods are The party whom goods
being delivered has no right are being delivered as
to sell the goods. security has the right to
sell the goods if the party
who delivers the goods
fails to pay the debt.
6. Use of Goods The party whom goods are The party whom goods
being delivered can use the are being delivered has no
goods only, for the right to use the goods.
specified purpose.
The consideration is an
The consideration is the price undertaking to return the goods
5. Consideration
in terms of money. after the accomplishment of
the purpose.
Benefit of
Benefit of
• Bailment may broadly be classified into
two categories, namely,
a) Gratuitous bailment,
b) Non-gratuitous bailment
Gratuitous Bailment:
A Bailment with no considerations is called a gratuitous
bailment. In this kind of bailment neither the bailor, nor
the bailee is entitled to any remuneration or reward. Such
a bailment may be for the exclusive benefit of either
party, i.e., the bailor or the bailee, discussed as below.
Bailment for the exclusive benefit of the bailor: In this case the
bailor delivers the goods for the exclusive benefits and the bailee
does not derive any benefit out of it.
For example: “A” leaves his pets with “B”, his neighbour to be
looked after during A’s physical absence. In this case, A alone is
being benefited by the bailment. Or, if you park your car in your
neighbour’s premises to be taken care in your absence, you as a
bailor derive the exclusive benefit from the bailment.
Bailment for the exclusive benefit of the bailee: This is the case
where a bailor delivers the goods to the bailee for the exclusive
benefits of the bailee and does not gain anything from the contract
For example: you lend your book to a friend of yours for a week
without any charge or favour. In this case the recipient of the book as
a bailee, is the sole beneficiary of this transaction of bailment.
Non-Gratuitous Bailment:
Bailor is a party or person on who agree to deliver his goods to the bailee for
some purpose for some period of time on a condition that the bailee shall
ultimately return the goods to the bailor.
For example: If A delivers his car to B for a week, here A is bailor and the car may
be delivered gratuitously or non- gratuitously.
The Rights of Bailor:
1. Enforcement of a bailee’s duties: Bailor can enforce the duties of bailee as his
own right by suit in the following circumstances.
To demand compensation, in case of damage of goods.
To demand damage in case of an unauthorized use of goods or breach of the terms, and
unauthorized mixing of goods with other goods.
To return goods in the prescribed time.
To demand natural increment or profit in goods.
2. Right to avoid or terminate the contract: The bailor has a right to
terminate the contract at any time in the following circumstances:
If the objectives of the contract cannot be fulfilled.
If the contract has an illegal object.
If the bailee breaches the terms of contract.
If the bailment is gratuitous.
3. Restoration of goods lent gratuitously: Where goods are lent
gratuitously the bailor can demand their return at any time.
4. Right to receive compensation from wrongdoer.
Finder of lost goods is the person who finds and keeps the
lost goods of another person in his own possession; the law
implies that there is a contract of bailment between the
owner and finder of the lost goods.
By the law the finder is treated as the bailee who had
agreed to keep the goods of bailor (the person whose good
is lost) safely and promised to return back to the owner.
Rights and Duties of Finder of Lost