An Analysis On William Ernest Henley's Invictus: Jalan Ikan Tongkol No 22 Kertosari Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
An Analysis On William Ernest Henley's Invictus: Jalan Ikan Tongkol No 22 Kertosari Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
An Analysis On William Ernest Henley's Invictus: Jalan Ikan Tongkol No 22 Kertosari Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Volume 02, Number 01, May 2018 Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi Jalan Ikan Tongkol No 22 Kertosari Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Ayu Malinda
English Educational Departement, PGRI Universitay of Banyuwangi
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concrete poem because of its facial order to form an image
that represents a certain purpose.
Therefore, poetry is also a revelation of the poet's
flowing feelings which is poured in the form of beautiful words
and there are concrete words that can be captured by the
senses that allow the appearance of images. In writing Poetry
need too majas to convey the feelings, hopes, moods, and
passions of his life so that poets avoid the limitations of
denotative words meaningfully straightforward. The last, need
a rhythm to related the sound and is also associated with
repetition of sounds, words, phrases, and sentences to make a
beautifully of poetry.
2. Inner Structure of Poetry
The inner poetry’s structure are themes, feeling, tone and
H.j Waluyo (2003:106) states that theme is the subject-
matter proposed by the poet through his poetry. From the
opinion it can be seen that the theme is the idea of the poet in
his poems. The central idea of the matter or mind is so strongly
urged in the poet’s soul that it becomes the main foundation
of his pronunciation. The theme is the central idea implicit in
the entire contents of the poem. The feeling expressed are
depiction of the inner atmosphere. Themes can be divide into
diverse, e.g. Godhead (religious), love, solidarity, patriotism,
struggle, failure of life nature, justice, social criticism,
democracy, and so on.
The poet has a certain attitude towards reader. The
poet’s attitude to the reader is called the tone of poetry. H.J.
Waluyo stated that the tone is the poet’s attitude towards
readers (2003). Referring to that opinion that tone in the poem
is made by the poet to give rise to a certain atmosphere. The
atmosphere of poetry is felt by the reader as a result of the
poet’s tone. H.J. Waluyo (2003) reveals that there is a cynical
poem, protest, patronize, rebel, playful, serious, patriotic,
compassionate, fearful, gripping, casual, ignorant, pessimistic,
humorous, mocking, charismatic, philosophical, Solemn, and so
on. Referring to that opinion, from the compassionate tone
created by the poet in his poetry can create an air of
compassion for the reader as he reads the poet’s work, and so
on. In addition, through the tone, the reader can know the
submission of the poet is either impressed patronizing, advising,
mocking, relaxing, etc. or being straightforward just to tell
something to the reader.
Poetry is the literature that best represents expression
the poet’s feelings. Therefore, the poet is creating a poem has
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different feelings. Feelings of the poet (feeling) is the inner feel
of the poet who expressed with full appreciation and the right
dose so expected poetry created poet was alive, touching
emotion, and thrilling. Feelings are participated expressed and
should be appreciated by the reader. The tone and feeling of
the poet will more captured if the poem is read aloud inn
reclamation. Herman J. Waluyo (2003:40) states that the feeling
that animates poetry can be a feeling of joy, sadness, tears,
alienation, offense, heartbreak, arrogance, grief, jealousy,
loneliness, fear and regret
A massage is an impression that the reader sees after
reading a poem. The message, order, or advice to be
conveyed by the poet can be examined after the theme,
taste, and tone of the poem are understood (Herman J.
Waluyo, 2003). Referring to that opinion, the message in poetry
cannot be separated from the theme and contents of poetry
proposed by the poet. In addition, the mandate is an
impression captured by the reader after reading poetry. After
reading the poem,
The reader will be able to deduce the peom’s message.
The poem’s passage also relates to the reader’s perspective
on something.
Form the discussion can be said theme is the main idea
of the poems to make foundation of pronunciation to know
the background of the poems and covey with the tone to led
the certain atmosphere. The poet used the feeling to make the
poetry more memorable life and the reader can take the
mandate clearly.
3. Invictus
Invictus, meaning “unconquerable” or “undefeated” in Latin
consist of four stanzas and sixteen lines, the rhyme scheme is abab-
cdcd-efef-ghgh it is a poem by William Ernest Henley. The poem
was written while Henley was in the hospital being treated for
tuberculosis of the bone, also known as Pott’s disease. As he healed
in the infirmary, Henley began to write poems, including “Invictus,”
which concludes with the oft-referenced lines “I am the master of
my fate” I am the captain of my soul.” Henley’s poems often
engage themes on inner strength and perserverance. The poem is
written in 1875 and published in 1888. The poem was originally
untitled, but in 1900 Arthur Quiller Couch included the poem along
with the title “ Invictus” in his book The oxford Book of English Verse.
In order to completely understand the meaning of this poem, it is
important to know the life of William Ernest Henley. As young boy,
Henley developed tuberculosis. Of the bone. At the age of 25, the
tuberculosis spread to his foot. Physicians decided that in order to
safe Henley’s life, the must amputate his leg below the knee. While
in the hospital bed, Henley wrote the poem Invictus.
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C. Research Methodology
1. Design of the Research
In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative
method. The researcher would try to analyze the data and
make a description about the Structure of Invictus. According to
Gay (2000), qualitative methods involve the collection and analysis
of primarily non numeral data obtained from observation, interviews,
tape recording, and document. By applying this research method,
the researcher would try to describe and interpret the current
problem based on the accurate data. This research deals with the
poem of William Ernest Henley.
2. Data Collection Method
Evidence helps provide answers to the research questions.
To get these answers, the researcher engage in the step of
collecting or gathering data. Collecting data means identifying and
selecting individuals for a study, obtaining their permission to study
them, and gathering information by asking people question or
observing their behaviors (Fraenkel 2005)
Therefore, the researcher used the documentation such as
the process of classifying and annotating texts, photographs, like
arranged the collection and documentation of photographs as the
object in data collection method.
In doing this research, there are some steps used by the
researcher in collecting the data. First, the researcher read the
poem Invictus of William Ernest Henley. Second the researcher
analyzed the structure of poetry used in the poem. Third, the data
were arrangement based on the types of structure
3. Data Analysis Method
the researcher used objective approach. Objective
approach is an equation to be optimized given certain constraints
and with variables that need to be minimized or maximized using
nonlinear programming techniques. The objective approach to
interpretation means the court interprets the words or conduct
according to what it would lead a reasonable person to believe.
The objective approach is distinct from the subjective approach in
that it does not consider the actual or 'inner' desires and opinions of
the party, but simply what it outwardly manifests. In this case the
researcher can be use the objective approach to Analysis the
Structur of Invictus
4. Research Finding
The physical structures of Invictus are inter-related each
other. The connection of structures and invictus is to build a great
poem. The research’s results of physical structures in Invictus are
In Invictus the poet used poetic words in the first stanza
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to
pole and last stanza It matters not how strait the gate
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The word night in the first stanza is the word to describe
how the dibble of the dark night that he felt. The word in the
next line black as the pit is the words to support the first line to
make the readers imagine his felt about everything in the black
as a symbol of hopeless and depressed
In the last stanza the poet wrote it matter not how strait
the gate. It conveyed no matter how really hard to survived,
but he will walk on and words the gate is the symbol of the
hard way to get better life after it.
Imagery in this poem is strong very much. There are two
kinds of imagery which can be found in the poem. They are
tactile and visual images. These images are formed by the
diction which is used by the poet. The poet invited the readers
to feel, see and hear what the poet felt. The tactile images can
be viewed from the quotes
Concrete word
The concrete words which are used by the poet in his
poetry aim to make the readers reflect on the poet’s means
and make the poetry is more alive. It can be seen in the used
of the concrete word in the poem. The poet used words “not
cried aloud” and “me unafraid.”
Figurative Language
the poet used two figurative languages, they
are personification and parallelism. Personification is a
figurative language that gave the characteristic of human to
the noun while parallelism is a figurative language that
repeated the words in the same lines in one stanza.
The poet used it to create the concentration and the
strength language with rhyme, then he gave the rhythm with
the repeating sound with the regularly sentences to create
regularly phase and beauty.
Physical Quote
Diction the first stanza The word night in the first
Out of the night that covers me, stanza is the word to
Black as the pit from pole to pole describe how the dibble
of the dark night that he
black as the pit is the
words to support the first
line to make the readers
imagine his felt about
everything in the black as
a symbol of hopeless and
last stanza it matters not how strait
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It matters not how strait the gate the gate. It conveyed
no matter how really hard
to survived, but he will
walk on
the gate is the symbol of
the hard way to get
better life after it
Imagery Beyond this place of wrath and tears From the quotations the
Looms but the Horror of the shade, poet looked into the
And yet the menace of the years future about the anger
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid and the pain that he felt
in his life, particularly in
the places such as the
hospital. The words horror
of the shade described
that the hospital became
the hellish place
Out of the night that covers me, The visual images
Black as the Pit from pole to pole, the sentence Out of the
I thank whatever gods may be night that covers me
For my unconquerable soul described that the poet
wants the reader to
imagine that the poet in
the night and the dark
was covers everything in
a black. He cannot be
seen everything that can
be symbolized as
hopeless and depression
in his soul which is lost
Concrete not cried aloud” and “me unafraid. by the using it, the poet
word wants to show that the
words have the real
meaning not figurative.
The concrete word that
the poet used to make his
poetry is easier to
understand. The
additional of the
concrete words are to
make the reader to
imagine more vividly
what is mean in his poetry
Figurative Out of the night that covers me The poet makes word the
Language night as something which
is life and it can cover the
poet. It told the readers
that in the night, the dark
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was cover him and make
everything in a black. The
night is a symbol of
hopeless and depression
of losing a soul and
cannot see the future
I am the master of my fate and I am That was used the
the captain of my soul parallelism in repeating
the word I am to
emphasized the meaning
of the words. The words
have meaning that he is
the one who know about
herself and he decides
what he wants to do
covers me, pole to pole, may be, In Invictus the poet used
soul; circumstance, cried aloud, the rhyme, rhythm and
chance, but unbowed; tears, poetic meter. The rhyme
shade, years, unafraid scheme is abab-cdcd-
efef-ghgh. It can be seen
from the first stanza
the gate, the scroll, my fate, and my The poet used it to create
soul the concentration and
I am the master of my fate the strength language
I am the captain of my soul with rhyme, then he gave
the rhythm with the
repeating sound with the
regularly sentences to
create regularly phase
and beauty
Typography the poet used
typography for writing
every line in Invictus. The
typography can be seen
by using the punctuation
(drop and comma). By
using of punctuation, it
can make the poetry look
beautiful and also make
stressed in reading, so the
readers can read the
poem easily and always
interested to read it
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D. Discussion
Based on the data analysis, the poet found two structures in
Invictus. In making the poetry, the poet used the structure of poetry in
the way they express their feeling or to make the poetry more interesting
and alive. The structure is divided into two sections that are physical
structure and inner structure.
The physical structure, the first found is the dictions. The
researcher found the diction in the first and the last stanza. In the first
stanza, the word night is the word to describe how the dibble of the dark
night that he felt. The words in the next line black as the pit is the words
to support the first line to make the readers imagine his felt about
everything in the black as a symbol of hopeless and depressed. In the
last stanza, the words the gate is the symbol of the hard way to get
better life after he passed the trial.
The second is the imagery, it was divided in tactile and visual
images in the poem were added all of type of imagery that has
purposed to make the readers easier to imagine how the poet felt at the
time. Ffurthermore, the concrete word, the poet using it too and it found
in some lines of the stanza to made the readers knew the poet means
clearly. The figurative language added too in this poem in some lines, it is
purposed to beautify the poem. In verification the poet used the rhyme,
rhythm and poetic meter to emphasize the meaning of the poem. It can
beseen in the last stanzas that the poem was using the repeating words
to make the emphasized there. The last is typography; the poet made
the poem by his felt not used the rules and certain system. That can be
called the conversional typography.
The inner structure only divided in the four sections. They are
theme, tone, feeling and mandate. The poet was using it in the poetry to
make the readers get the point of the poetry and get the message or
moral value that explains in the poetry. The theme fight to survive is taken
of the real in his life so the poetry became more alive. The tone was used
to make the certain situation to support the theme. The atmosphere that
make the situation felt seriously. From the tone of poetry which made a
mercy, serious, and anger situation the readers can imagine the feeling
of the poet. The last is the mandate, the poetry can be lesson to the
readers make the readers not felt meaningless after read the poetry and
they can take some moral value to increase some knowledge from the
poetry. The only purposed is how the readers enjoyed the poetry and
they can felt the message or some explanations that the poet want to
tell by the poet or the poem.
Out of the night that covers me describes the troubles of his early
life. He is covered pole to pole with something terrible. Luckily, his soul is
unhindered. In the fell clutch of circumstance continues the story. He has
high spirits, regardless of what has happened. He was bruise, but he is
not ashamed. The third stanza states that even though he may not know
what is to come, he is unafraid and ready
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for life. The last stanza states that even though his future may be
established to the disease, he will continue on and control his own fate
and soul with whatever time he has.
E. Conclusion
To make a great poem, the poet need some structure. The
structure of poetry is consisting of two structures, namely; physical
structure and inner structure. The physical structure consists of six sections,
they are diction, imagery, concrete word, figurative language, version
and typography. While, the inner structure is divide on four proportion
they are theme, tone, feeling and mandat.
In the end, the researcher expects that this study would be a
valuable asset of reference for generations to come who conduct
more advanced study in studying literature especially in the structure of
F. Acknowledgement
First of all, the researcher would like to thank to Almighty God
Allah S.W.T, for his everlasting blessings. Peace and blessing are upon her
beloved prophet, Muhammad S.A.W and all of his family.
Secondly, I would like to express my greatest appreciation and
sincere gratitude to those who have supported for their invaluable
guidance and correction in the course of the undertaking and writing of
this thesis:
1. Drs. H. Teguh Sumarno, MM. as The Rektor of PGRI University
of Banyuwangi
2. Abdul Munir, M.Pd. the dean of Faculty of Language and Art at
Unversity of PGRI Banyuwangi
3. Wulan Wangi, M.Pd. the head of English Education
Department of Faculty of Language and Art at University of
PGRI Banyuwangi
4. Wulan Wangi, M.Pd. as the first consultant and Yuli Sugianto,
M.Pd. as the second consultant for their invaluable guidance
and constructive suggestions for the completion of this writing.
5. My mother and my friends for their support and sacrifice.
Any shortcoming, lack of information and mistakes in the thesis
both in terms of techniques and contents are responsibility of the writer.
G. Reference
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