CY 2022 2024 DOH Devolution Transition Plan

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The Devolution Transition Plan of the

Department of Health for CY 2022-2024
is still subject to the evaluation and
approval of the Department of Budget
and Management (DBM) within one
hundred twenty (120) days upon receipt
of the completed Devolution Transition

The concerned National Government

Agencies shall update their respective
DTPs upon approval of the 2022 GAA,
as may be necessary (Section 8 of
DBM-DILG JMC no. 2021-2).
◼1 ◼

Published by the Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau – Department of

Health, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila 1003, Philippines

The mention of specific companies or of certain products does not imply preferential
endorsement or recommendation by the Department. This report may be reproduced
in full or in part for non-profit purposes without prior permission, provided proper
attribution to the Department is made. Furnishing the Department a copy of the
reprinted or adapted version will be appreciated.

For comments or queries, kindly email [email protected].


Undersecretary Mario C. Villaverde, MD, MPH, MPM, CESO I

OIC-Director IV Frances Rose Elgo-Mamaril, MPH
Maria Socorro Santos, MD, MDE
Napoleon S. Espiritu II, MPP
Roland Philip C. Javier, RMT, MPH


Eileen Diane S. Cheng-Fernandez, RN, MPH

May Ann L. Liwanag
Lilia Rose A. Say-awen


The Department of Health (DOH) Devolution Transition Plan (DTP) 2022-2024 was
made possible through the support and collaborative effort of various DOH units and
the DOH Steering Committee and Technical Working Group on Full Devolution.

◼2 ◼

Background on the Supreme Court Ruling on the Mandanas-Garcia Cases 11

Expected Increase in NTA of LGUs 11

Fiscal Impact and Executive Order no. 138 12
DOH Devolution Transition Plan CY 2022-2024 13
1 – Strategic Directions / Shifts 13
2 – Assignment of Functions, Services, and Facilities to Each Level of
Government 18
3 – Service Delivery Standards 33
4 – NGA Capacity Development Strategy 45
5 – LGU Capacity Development Strategy 48
6 – Performance Monitoring and Assessment Framework 52
7 – Organizational Effectiveness Proposal (OEP) 55

◼3 ◼
List of Tables

Table 1. LGU Expenditure Assignment on Health

Table 2. Summary of CY 2022-2024 DOH Initial Devolution Transition Plan

Table 3A. Phasing of HFEP Gradual and Partial Devolution by National

Allocation Framework

Table 3B. Number of Provinces, Municipalities and Cities That will be Affected by
the Gradual and Partial Devolution of HFEP Based on the National
Allocation Framework

Table 4. Unbundling of HFEP Functions

Table 5. Basis for Retention and Re-devolution of the HRH Deployment


Table 6. Unbundling of HRH Deployment Functions

Table 7. Unbundling of Functions for Hiring of Disease Surveillance Officers

Table 8. Basis for Retention and Re-devolution of Public Health Commodities

Table 9. Proposed Timeline for Re-devolution of Public Health Commodities

Table 10. Summary of the Retained and Re-devolved Functions (as of

September 10, 2021)

Table 11. Assumptions in Estimating the Need for Health Facilities

Table 12. Unit Cost of Infrastructure and Equipment per Facility Type (exclusive
of Environmental and Resiliency Factors)

Table 13. Rubrics for Identifying Priority Positions in the DOH DTP Annex C-2

Table 14. Prioritization Ranks and Equivalent Implementation Period

Table 15. Capacity Building Initiatives for LGUs in the context of Full Devolution
of Health Services

List of Figures
Figure 1. Timeline in the Development of the DOH Devolution Transition Plan
Figure 2. Framework for the Fourmula One (F1) Plus for Health
Figure 3. DOH Strategy Map 2022 and the Focus of DOH Support to LGUs in the
Devolution Transition
Figure 4. National Allocation Framework

◼5 ◼
List of Annexes
Annex A. Matrix on the Unbundling of Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) of
the National Government Agencies to Different Levels of Government)
Annex B. Implementation Strategy and Phasing of Devolution Transition Activities
Annex C-1. Registry of Service Standards for the Delivery of Devolved Functions,
Services and Facilities
Annex C-2. Summary of Recommended Organizational Structure and Staffing
Complement for the LGUs
Annex D. Matrix on the Capacity Development Strategy for the National Government
Annex E. Matrix on the Capacity Development Strategy for the Local Government
Annex F. Matrix on the Monitoring and Performance Assessment of the LGUs in
Undertaking the Devolved Functions
Annex G-1. Organizational Effectiveness Proposal: Summary of Offices/Units to be
Abolished, Merged/Consolidated, Transferred, and/or Created
Annex G-2. Organizational Effectiveness Proposal: Summary of Positions to be
Transferred, Reclassified, Converted, Retitled, Abolished, and/or Created
Annex G-3. Organizational Effectiveness Proposal: Summary of Affected Personnel
for Deployment to Other Departments/Agencies/GOCCs, Who Opted to
Retire/Separate from the Service, and Apply to Vacant Positions in the
Annex G-4. Organizational Effectiveness Proposal: Summary of Modifications in
Resource Allocation

◼6 ◼
List of Acronyms
AO Administrative Order
BHS Barangay Health Station
CHD Centers for Health Development
CHO City Health Office
CNA Collective Negotiation Agreement

CSC Civil Service Commission

COC Combined Oral Contraceptive
ComDev Committee on Devolution
DAP Development Academy of the Philippines
DATRC Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers
DBCC Development Budget Coordination Committee

DBM Department of Budget and Management

DC Department Circular
DM Department Memorandum
DO Department Order
DOH Department of Health
DILG Department of Interior and Local Government

DPCB Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

DPRI Drug Price Reference index
DSO Disease Surveillance Officer
DTP Devolution Transition Plan
EB Epidemiology Bureau
EO Executive Order

ERIG Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin

ESU Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
FETP Field Epidemiology Training Program
FGD Focus Group Discussion
FHSIS Field Health Services Information System

GEF Growth Equity Fund
GIDA Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Area
GPPB Government Procurement Policy Board
HC Health Center

HCPN Health Care Provider Network

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HFEP Health Facilities Enhancement Program
HRH Human Resources for Health
HHRDB Health Human Resources and Development Bureau
HSDU Health Service Delivery Unit

HSSU Health System Support Unit

HUC Highly Urbanized City
ICD International Classification of Diseases
IHR International Health Regulations
IRA Internal Revenue Allotment
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations

JAO Joint Administrative Order

JC Joint Circular
JMC Joint Memorandum Circular
LCE Local Chief Executives
LCP Lung Center of the Philippines
LDI Learning and Development Interventions

LDNA Learning and Development Needs Assessment

LDMS Learning and Development Management System
LGA Local Government Academy
LGC Local Government Code
LGU Local Government Unit
LGU HSC Local Government Unit Health Scorecard
LIPH Local Investment Plan for Health
eLMIS Electronic Logistics Management Information System

MOV Means of Verification
MHO Municipal Health Office
MNP Micronutrient Powder
MTEP Medium-Term Expenditure Plan/Program

MUAC Mid-Upper Arm Circumference

NEP National Expenditure Program
NGA National Government Agency
NHWR National Health Workforce Registry
NHWSS National Health Workforce Support System
NKTI National Kidney and Transplant Institute

NNC National Nutrition Council

NOH National Objectives for Health
NNC National Nutrition Council
NRL National Reference Laboratory
NTA National Tax Allotment
OEP Organizational Effectiveness Proposal

P/A/Ps Programs / Activities / Projects

PCEC Purified Chick Embryo Cell (PCEC) vaccine
PCF Primary Care Facilities
PCMC Philippine Children’s Medical Center
PCPN Primary Care Provider Network
P/CWHS Province- and City-Wide Health Systems

PGS Performance Governance System

PHC Philippine Heart Center
PHIC Philippine Health Insurance Corporation or PhilHealth
PHFDP Philippine Health Facility Development Plan
PHO Provincial Health Office

PhilPEN Philippine Package of Essential NCD Interventions

PITAHC Philippine Institute for Traditional and Alternative Health Care

PNAC Philippine National AIDS Council
PNDF Philippine National Drug Formulary
PSA Philippine Statistics Authority
PSAC Pre-School Age Children

PVRV Purified Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine

RA Republic Act
RDT Rapid Diagnostic Test
RESU Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
RHU Rural Health Unit
SAC School Age Children

STI Sexually Transmitted Infection

UHC Universal Health Care
WHO World Health Organization
WISN Workload Indicators for Staffing Need
WRA Women of Reproductive Age

◼ 10 ◼
Background on the Supreme Court Ruling on the
Mandanas-Garcia Cases
The Supreme Court Ruling on the Mandanas-Garcia cases was based on the petition
filed in court by Governor Hermilando Mandanas of Batangas, Congressman Jose
Enrique Garcia of Bataan, and other Local Government Unit (LGU) officials. The
petitioners challenged the basis for the computation of the internal revenue allotment
(IRA) under Republic Act (RA) no. 7160 or the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991.
They claimed that such computation is unconstitutional and inconsistent with Section
6 Article X of the 1987 Constitution, which stipulates that LGUs should have a just
share in the national taxes. Under the LGC, only national internal revenue taxes are
used as the basis for the computation of the LGUs’ share. Petitioners averred that
national internal revenue taxes are more restrictive than national taxes, and that it
unduly deprives LGUs of their just share.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the petitioners. It opined that the basis for the just
share of LGUs must include all national taxes and not just national internal revenue
taxes. Therefore, the computations for IRA, now known as the National Tax Allotment
(NTA), ought to consider customs duties and other taxes. The final ruling, which was
final and executory, was issued on June 10, 2019 and shall have a prospective

Expected Increase in NTA of LGUs

The total shares of the LGUs from the national taxes is expected to increase beginning
CY 2022. Based on the computation of the Department of Finance1 (DOF) from the
collected national taxes of PhP 2.8 trillion in 2019, there will be an additional PhP
234.39 billion increase in the NTA of LGUs. This is equivalent to a 27.61 percent
increase and in economic terms, representing around 1.03 percent of the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP)2.

The substantial increase in the shares of the LGUs from the national taxes will
empower the LGUs to provide basic services and facilities to their constituents and aid
them in the effective discharge of other duties and functions that were devolved to
them by Section 17 of the LGC. This basically puts the LGUs in a more critical role in
achieving the country’s development and growth targets.

In the 2022 National Expenditure Program (NEP), the NTA of LGUs amounting to PhP
959.04 billion is automatically appropriated as the LGUs’ share in the national taxes.
Further, Section 85 of the its General Provisions waives the enforcement of the

As of March 7, 2021 computation of DOF
Source: DBM Budget Fora FY 2022

◼ 11 ◼
Personnel Services limitations under the LGC to enable LGUs to undertake the
following: (1) absorb the cost of hospital services transferred from provinces to newly
created cities; (2) pay the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) incentives of their
employees; (3) pay the retirement and terminal leave benefits of their employees,
including monetization of leave credits; (4) pay the minimum year-end bonus and cash
gifts for barangay officials; (5) pay the salaries and benefits of health/medical
personnel that may be hired to perform functions related to emergency situations; (6)
pay the special benefits that may be authorized to be granted to LGU personnel during
emergency situations; (7) pay the salary differentials of LGU-hired public health
workers to fully implement the provisions of RA no. 7305 or the “Magna Carta of Public
Health Workers”; and, (8) pay the salaries and other benefits of additional personnel
that may be hired by the LGUs to implement the devolved basic services and functions,
subject to the guidelines to be issued by the Department of Budget and Management
(DBM). Of the foregoing enumeration, items (5) to (8) are significant in the effective
implementation of devolved health functions or services at the local level.

Fiscal Impact and Executive Order no. 138

In order to mitigate the fiscal impact of the Supreme Court Ruling on the Mandanas-
Garcia cases, the DBM proposed to gradually and fully re-devolve functions and
services from National Government Agencies (NGAs) to LGUs in line with Section 17
of the LGC and other pertinent laws. This measure is embodied by EO no. 138 or the
“Full Devolution of Certain Functions of the Executive Branch to Local Governments,
Creation of a Committee on Devolution, and for Other Purposes" dated June 1, 2021
and its IRR dated July 2, 2021, as well as the JMC no. 2021-2 of the DBM and
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) or the “Guidelines on the
Preparation of the Devolution Transition Plans of the NGAs concerned in support of
Full Devolution under EO no. 138, s. 2021” dated August 12, 2021.

The re-devolution of functions and services of certain programs, activities, and projects
(P/A/Ps) of NGAs to LGUs may be done in phases within a three-year transition period,
which shall be undertaken not later than the end of CY 2024, pursuant to Section 4 of
EO no. 138.

Among the key features of EO no. 138 is the Growth Equity Fund (GEF) that shall be
proposed to Congress in the 2022 NEP by the Committee on Devolution (ComDev).
The GEF aims to address issues on marginalization, unequal development, high
poverty incidence, and disparities in the net fiscal capacities of LGUs. In the Special
Provision no. 3 of the Local Government Support Fund in the 2022 NEP, PhP 10 billion
is appropriated for the financial assistance to the identified poor, disadvantaged, and
lagging LGUs for the implementation of various infrastructure projects to gradually
enable the full and efficient implementation of functions and services devolved to the

◼ 12 ◼
local government. The release of funds shall be subject to the guidelines to be issued
by the Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC).

DOH Devolution Transition Plan CY 2022-2024

As required by Section 6 of the DBM-DILG JMC no. 2021-2, this narrative report on
the DOH Devolution Transition Plan for CY 2022-2024 contains seven elements,
supported by their respective Annexes.

1. Strategic Directions / Shifts

2. Assignment of Functions, Services, and Facilities to Each Level of
3. Service Delivery Standards
4. NGA Capacity Development Strategy
5. LGU Capacity Development Strategy
6. Performance Monitoring and Assessment Framework
7. Organizational Effectiveness Proposal

1 – Strategic Directions / Shifts

To ensure the smooth implementation of EO no. 138, all NGAs performing devolved
functions and services of LGUs per LGC were required to develop and implement their
respective Devolution Transition Plans. Such plans shall be submitted to the DBM for
evaluation and approval on or before September 30, 2021, which is 120 calendar days
from the effectivity date of the EO. The DBM shall evaluate and approve the NGA
DTPs within 120 calendar days upon receipt of the completed DTP along with the
required narrative and annexes. Figure 1 shows the timeline in the development of the
DOH Devolution Transition Plan.

Figure 1. Timeline in the Development of the DOH Devolution Transition Plan

◼ 13 ◼
The health system of the Philippines has been in a devolved setup since 1991. This is
pursuant to Section 17 of the LGC where several functions in the delivery of basic
services and goods, including primary health services, were devolved to the LGUs.
Re-devolution does not mean downloading of funds from an NGA to LGUs. It means
re-devolution of functions performed by NGAs to LGUs based on the LGC.

In general, the basis for the re-devolution of functions of selected DOH P/A/Ps
considers LGU income classification, National Allocation Framework, capacity of
LGUs, availability of services or commodities in the local market, and implementation
of the UHC Act and other pertinent laws. DOH hospitals and other national health
facilities, attached agencies and corporations of the DOH such as the National
Nutrition Council, Philippine National AIDS Council, PhilHealth, National Kidney and
Transplant Institute, Lung Center of the Philippines, Philippine Children's Medical
Center, Philippine Heart Center, and the Philippine Institute for Traditional and
Alternative Health Care will not be affected by the re-devolution of functions from
NGAs to LGUs.

Principles for the Retention of Functions with DOH

The general principles in the retention of some functions with DOH, including its
regional offices known as the Centers for Health Development (CHDs), are based on
EO no. 102 series 1999 or “Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the
Department of Health” and the UHC Act. These DOH policies specifically reiterate the
following principles:
● The DOH is the leader in health. The DOH formulates national policies, plans,
technical standards and guidelines on health and regulates health services and
● The DOH as an enabler and capacity builder. DOH provides capacity
building through training, human resources development, systems
development, and technical assistance.
● The DOH as an oversight mother agency. The DOH is also the oversight to
the corporate hospitals and attached agencies and corporations and
administrator of national and regional hospitals and medical centers and other
health facilities such as the Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers
(DATRCs) and blood centers.
● The DOH to finance population-based health services. The UHC Act also
mandates DOH to finance population-based3 health services in
complementation with the LGUs.

DOH AO no. 2020-0040 classifies health promotion as part of the population-based health services
where financing shall be coursed through the national government and support will be provided to
LGUs. While health promotion is not a re-devolved P/A/P of the DOH, LGUs are mandated to ensure
effective implementation of health promotion programs at the local level (especially in communities and
schools) through complementation of resources such as but not limited to human, technical, and
financial as provided for in the UHC Act (Sections 17 and 30).

◼ 14 ◼
Figure 2 illustrates the framework for the medium-term health agenda, which is known
as the Fourmula One (F1) Plus for Health. It reflects the DOH’s vision, mission, core
values, strategic goals, and pillars for the health sector. Referencing this framework
with the DOH Devolution Transition Plan, the DOH functions that will be re-devolved
to LGUs mainly fall under the Financing and Service Delivery pillars (highlighted in red
box for emphasis), which is consistent with the LGC; where LGUs are to assume full
responsibility and accountability in providing and financing for basic health services to
its constituents.

Figure 2. Framework for the Fourmula One (F1) Plus for Health

Likewise, Figure 3 shows the DOH Strategy Map, which will serve as the DOH’s
roadmap for attaining the goals of F1 Plus for Health. The DOH identified “focusing on
catalyzing the transformation of local health systems to Province- and City-wide Health
Systems (P/CWHS)” and “building the capacity of local health systems to deliver
individual-based and population-based health services” as the main drivers for
attaining the F1 Plus for Health goals. Our core strategic objectives to catalyze this
transformation are as follows: the development of policies and regulatory standards;
provision of capacity building and technical assistance; and, engagement with sectoral
and local stakeholders. The following support strategic objectives have been identified
as critical in the delivery of DOH’s core strategic objectives, namely: Human
Resources Management and Development; Infrastructure, Equipment, and

◼ 15 ◼
Information Technology Management; Procurement and Supply Chain Management;
Performance Management and Accountability; and, Budget Planning and Execution.

Figure 3. DOH Strategy Map 2022 and the Focus of DOH Support to LGUs in
the Devolution Transition

Applying the DOH Strategy Map to the roll-out of the Supreme Court Ruling on the
Mandanas-Garcia cases, capacity building and technical assistance (highlighted in red
for emphasis) will be the focus of DOH support to LGUs in the Devolution Transition.
Nevertheless, the DOH will continue to perform its retained inherent functions per its
mandate on policy and standards development, regulations, performance
management, and other governance functions (highlighted in green for emphasis).
Meanwhile, the management of human resources, infrastructure, equipping, and
information technology management are DOH’s support for equity or augmentation to
the LGUs. The procurement and supply chain management however, will continue to
be a shared function between the DOH and LGUs (highlighted in blue for emphasis).

◼ 16 ◼
Principles for Redevolving Functions to LGUs

The basis for re-devolving health functions to LGUs is the expenditure assignment of
health functions per level of government based on Section 17 of the LGC shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. LGU Expenditure Assignment on Health

Province Health services which include hospitals and other tertiary health

● Health services which include the implementation of
programs and projects on:
○ Primary Health Care,
○ Maternal and Child Care, and
○ Communicable and Non-communicable Disease
Control Services
● Access to secondary and tertiary health services;
● Purchase of medicines, medical supplies, and equipment
● Rehabilitation programs for victims of drug abuse;
● Nutrition services and family planning services
● Clinics, health centers, and other health facilities necessary
to carry out health services

City All the services and facilities of the municipality and province,
and in addition thereto, adequate communication and
transportation facilities

Barangay Health services which include the maintenance of barangay

health facilities

The increase in the NTA of LGUs will provide them more resources and empower
them to deliver basic health services. Re-devolving certain functions of DOH,
consistent with the LGC, will strengthen local autonomy and enable LGUs to attain
their fullest development as self-reliant communities. This re-devolution also aligns
with the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act to streamline health financing mechanisms.
Minimizing duplication and overlaps in financing mechanisms will increase the
efficiency in the allocation and utilization of health resources. Moreover, it will prepare
LGUs for the implementation of province- and city-wide health systems through
ownership and accountability in the implementation of public health programs.

◼ 17 ◼
Operational Definition

As a guide, the following terms have been operationally defined in the Initial Devolution
Transition Plan of the DOH:

● Retained with DOH refers to maintaining the inherent DOH-retained functions;

● Partially Devolved refers to functions that will still be shared between the
national and local government units. For instance, a commodity may be re-
devolved to LGUs but buffer stocks for augmentation to Geographically Isolated
and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) will be retained at the national level;
● Gradually Devolved refers to the scheme wherein the re-devolution of
functions will be done in phases from CY 2022 to 2024; and,
● Fully Devolved refers to re-devolution of the entire function or responsibility to
the LGUs.

2 – Assignment of Functions, Services, and

Facilities to Each Level of Government

To guide LGUs in the transitory period of re-devolution, the next section discusses the
unbundling of the appropriate functions, services, and facilities that will be transferred
and assigned to each specific level of government. Further, the implementation
strategy and phasing of devolution transition activities, which are subject to the
capacity and resources of the LGUs based on the assessment of the Department, will
also be highlighted.

The DTP Annex A will provide a matrix on the unbundling of P/A/Ps and detailed
assignment of functions and services to each level of government relative to the re-
devolved P/A/Ps. The DTP Annex B, on the other hand, will outline the detailed
phasing of activities and implementation strategy of the re-devolved P/A/Ps

Table 2 provides a summary of the concerned DOH P/A/Ps for re-devolution, the
expected LGU roles, and basis for re-devolution.

◼ 18 ◼
Table 2. Summary of CY 2022-2024 DOH Initial Devolution Transition Plan
DOH Budget DOH LGU Role Basis for Re-
Line Item Recommendation Devolution

Health Facilities Gradually and Procurement of National Allocation

Enhancement Partially Devolved Capital Outlay Framework in the
Program (HFEP) Philippine Health
Development Plan
(PHFDP) 2020-

Epidemiology and Fully Devolved by Hiring of RA no. 11332: At

Surveillance CY 20224 Disease least 1 trained
Surveillance DSO per
Officers (DSOs) Epidemiology and
Surveillance Unit

Human Gradually and Hiring of nurses Low possibility of

Resources for Partially Devolved and midwives market failure
Health (HRH) by CY 2023

Public Health Commodities

Family Health, Gradually and Procurement, With PhilHealth

Immunization, Partially Devolved warehousing, package, individual-
Nutrition, and storage, and based health
Responsible distribution of
services (best
Parenting commodities to
target recipients optimized by public
Prevention and Gradually and and private service
Control of Partially Devolved delivery) for
Communicable PhilHealth benefit
Diseases development and
financing, available
Prevention and Gradually and in the local market,
Control of Non- Partially Devolved
low cost, population-
Diseases based services
which LGU have the
capacity to

Note: DSOs are fully devolved to LGUs by CY 2022 but DSOs in DOH, RESUs, PDOHOs are retained.

◼ 19 ◼
Health Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP)

The Health Facilities Enhancement Program supports the implementation of the

Universal Health Care Act through the allocation of funds for the construction of health
infrastructure and procurement of medical equipment and transport vehicles. The main
basis for re-devolution of functions is the National Allocation Framework in the
Philippine Health Facility Development Plan 2020-2040. The parameters in the
developed allocation framework include poverty incidence, resources of local
government, presence of GIDA, and the current gap in health facilities to establish
their Health Care Provider Networks.

This framework intends to provide financial support that is equitable, considering both
capacity and gaps of the individual provinces, HUCs, and ICCs towards
implementation of province/city wide health systems.

Figure 4. National Allocation Framework

Table 3A. Phasing of HFEP Gradual and Partial Devolution

by Categories of the National Allocation Framework
National Allocation Framework Phasing of Gradual & Partial

Category 4 (High Capacity, Low Gap) Devolved beginning 2022

Category 3 (High Capacity, High Gap) Devolved beginning 2024

Category 2 (Low Capacity, Low Gap) Devolved beginning 2023

Category 1 Retained with DOH

◼ 20 ◼
Beginning CY 2022, HFEP will re-devolve the functions to Category 4 (high capacity,
low gap) provinces and cities. In 2023, functions will be re-devolved to Category 2 (low
capacity, low gap) provinces and cities. Beginning CY 2024, HFEP will devolve the
funding support and procurement of health infrastructure, equipment and medical
transport to those provinces and cities belonging to Category 3 (high capacity, high
gap). To view the complete list of provinces, cities, and municipalities and the
corresponding year of devolution, visit

Table 3B. Number of Provinces, Municipalities, and Cities That will be Affected
by the Gradual and Partial Devolution of HFEP Based on the National
Allocation Framework
National Province City Municipality Phasing of Gradual &
Allocation Partial Devolution

Category 4 14 11 327 Devolved beginning 2022

Category 3 10 21 139 Devolved beginning 2024

Category 2 32 - 727 Devolved beginning 2023

Category 1 25 2 295 Retained with DOH

Table 3B provides a summary of the number of provinces and cities that will be
affected by the gradual and partial devolution of HFEP functions based on their
capacities and gaps. Beginning CY 2022, 14 provinces and 11 cities will already
assume re-devolved HFEP functions. By CY 2023, an additional of 32 provinces will
also assume re-devolved functions to procure their own capital outlay; and, by CY
2024, an additional of 10 provinces and 21 cities will also assume the devolved
responsibility. The funding support for provinces and cities under Category 1 will still
be retained with DOH.

During these three phases, the HFEP-Management Office with the CHDs will conduct
a series of consultations with targeted LGUs through meetings, fora, and focus group
discussions (FGDs) beginning third quarter of 2021 until 2024 to level off their
expectation and strengthen its relationship and engagement. These venues will further
enable the DOH to identify the LGUs’ areas of concern or issues and discuss with
them their corresponding action plan of the Department and/or the respective LGUs.

HFEP will continue to fund projects for provinces, cities, and municipalities under
Category 1 as well as for DOH hospitals and other health facilities like Drug Abuse
Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (DATRCs), National Reference Laboratories
(NRLs), and Blood Centers. The national policy and health facility standard
development as well as the provision of technical assistance will be retained with DOH.
Likewise, the monitoring and evaluation of projects will still be retained by DOH but

◼ 21 ◼
provinces, cities, and municipalities also need to perform these functions for their
respective projects.

Relative to the funding support and procurement of infrastructure, medical equipment,

and motor vehicles for certain facility types, Table 4 summarizes the unbundling of
HFEP functions per level of government. The Barangay Health Stations (BHS), Rural
Health Units (RHU)5, existing polyclinics, and LGU Hospitals6 under Category 1 LGUs
will be assisted by the DOH. On the other hand, the infrastructure, medical equipment.
and motor vehicles for the health facilities in the rest of the LGUs will be funded by
their respective provinces, cities or municipalities in accordance with the LGU
expenditure assignment under the LGC. However, the DOH Hospitals and other DOH
health care facilities will still be retained under DOH. Polyclinics are not officially
defined in the National Health Facility Registry, and provide services similar to health
centers and rural health units. Thus, there will be no funding support for the
construction of new polyclinics.

Table 4. Unbundling of HFEP Functions

Functions DOH Province City Municipality

National policy and health facility ✔

standards, Technical assistance

Monitoring & Evaluation of projects ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Funding support and Procurement

of Infrastructure, equipment, and
motor vehicle for:

a) Barangay Health Stations ✔* ✔

b) Rural Health Units ✔* ✔ ✔

c) Polyclinics ✔** ✔

d) LGU Hospitals ✔* ✔ ✔ ✔

e) DOH Hospitals & Other ✔*

Health Facilities
*Beginning CY 2024, DOH will only provide funding support and procurement of infrastructure,
equipment and motor vehicle to provinces, cities, municipalities belonging to Category 1.
**Funding of polyclinics is limited to completion of already existing projects.

RHUs may pertain to City Health Office, Municipal Health Office, Rural Health Unit, Health Center,
District Health Center, Satellite Center
Municipal/District/Provincial Hospitals, including infirmaries, are classified as LGU Hospitals

◼ 22 ◼
Human Resources for Health (HRH) Deployment

Hiring of HRH is the responsibility of LGUs under a devolved setup. LGUs should
implement the standard staffing pattern based on the functions and recommended
ratio of HRH to its population. However, in the UHC Act, there is a provision for DOH
to provide assistance to low income LGUs and GIDAs by deploying and augmenting
the health workforce needs of local public health systems and to secure positions for
hiring of health professionals and health workforce under the National Health
Workforce Support System (NHWSS). In this case, certain aspects of the HRH
Deployment program, including the budget allocation for retained cadres will be
maintained by the DOH. Moreover, the hiring of other HRH cadres under the NHWSS,
management of pre-service scholarship for priority cadre of health professionals and
in-service scholarship programs, policy development, technical assistance, capacity
building of deployed HRH, and advocacy will still be retained with the DOH in
accordance to CHED-TESDA-DOH-PRC-DOST JAO no. 2021-0001 or the
“Guidelines for Expanding Health Professional and Health Worker Scholarships and
Return Service Agreements for UHC '' dated August 11, 2021 (Refer to Table 5).
Meanwhile, the health sector capacity management or training programs, technical
assistance, and capacity building of external stakeholders at the local level shall be
devolved to LGUs following the provisions of Section 187 of the LGC.

Table 5. Basis for Retention and Re-devolution of the HRH Deployment

Retained with DOH Devolved to LGUs by CY 2023

● Cadres: Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, ● Cadres: Nurses and

Dentists, Medical Technologists, Midwives in 1st to 4th income
Pharmacists, Nutritionist-Dietitians, class municipalities
Physical Therapists in GIDAs, target
areas for peace-building efforts, areas for ● Rationale: Low possibility of
poverty reduction, and with critical HRH market failure
● Pre-service Scholarship for Doctors &
● Policy Development, Technical
Assistance, Training, Advocacy

Beginning 2023, the hiring of specific cadres, such as nurses and midwives, in the 1 st
to 4th income class municipalities will be devolved to LGUs except in GIDAs, target
areas for peace-building efforts, priority areas for poverty reduction, and those with
critical health workers gap. These cadres will be subject to re-devolution given the low

Section 18 of the LGC states that LGUs shall have the power and authority to establish an
organization that shall be responsible for the efficient and effective implementation of their development
plans, program objectives, and priorities.

◼ 23 ◼
possibility of market failure (i.e. disequilibrium in supply and demand). Further, re-
devolving these cadres to the LGUs will promote health equity, make available
healthcare professionals at the local level, and provide accessibility of healthcare
services. The phased implementation of the re-devolved function to hire nurses and
midwives by CY 2023 will provide CHDs and LGUs ample time for their preparatory
and planning activities. Table 6 summarizes this unbundling of HRH Deployment
functions per level of government for CY 2022 onwards.

Table 6. Unbundling of HRH Deployment Functions

Functions DOH Province City Municipality

Hiring of Nurses ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
and Midwives (2022 only; (2023 (2023 (2023
(beginning CY Budget onwards) onwards) onwards)
2023) allocation
subject to GAA)

National policy and ✔ ✔

standards, (Training/
Technical capacity
Assistance, building to
Training/Capacity lower levels
Building, Advocacy of LGUs)

Pre-service ✔
scholarship for
medical and
Note: Retained cadres with DOH: Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Dentists, Medical Technologists, Pharmacists,
Nutritionist-Dietitians, Physical Therapists

For CY 2021-2022, the Health Human Resources and Development Bureau (HHRDB)
shall focus on conducting preparatory activities prior to the gradual devolution of
functions in the succeeding fiscal year. Phase I strategies and component activities
are heavy on establishing strong communications with internal and external
stakeholders; building up the administrative and technical capacities of LGUs in
identifying HRH needs and conducting human resource activities; and developing and
recalibrating existing guidelines and tools on HRH deployment under NHWSS.

Capacity building activities initiated during Phase I shall continue until CY 2024 and
may be extended as the need arises along the course of the implementation. In Phase
II or CY 2023, the DOH, through the CHDs, shall start conducting monitoring activities
to gauge LGU performance in terms of their compliance with HRH-related policies,
including the incremental creation of HRH positions based on standards provided in
Section 24.5 of the UHC IRR, and the provision of appropriate salaries and benefits to

◼ 24 ◼
hired HRH as mandated by other laws such as the Magna Carta of Public Health
Workers. The partial devolution of the same cadres and conduct of monitoring
activities shall be continuously implemented in CY 2024.

Epidemiology and Surveillance

The basis for hiring of Disease Surveillance Officers (DSOs), formerly known as the
Public Health Associates under the Epidemiology and Surveillance line item, is Rule
VII Section 2 of the 2020 IRR of RA no. 11332 or the “Mandatory Reporting of
Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act,” which provides:
● As a minimum requirement, each Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (ESU)
shall have at least one (1) DSO duly trained on applied/field epidemiology,
surveillance and response; and one (1) epidemiology assistant of an allied
health profession;
● Moreover, the human resource complement will support the implementation of
the population-based health services under Section 17 of the UHC Act to
ensure an accurate, sensitive and timely epidemiologic, surveillance systems;
● The budget requirements for the operations of ESUs shall be drawn from the
annual budget of their respective mother offices.
Since the budget to cover all DSOs nationwide was not approved in the 2022 NEP,
the devolution of DSOs to all LGUs will begin in 2022 but DOH will consistently retain
funding of DSOs under the DOH Central Office, CHDs, and Provincial DOH Offices.
DSOs deployed in the regions are to be funded by CHD-Regional Epidemiology and
Surveillance Units (RESUs). Table 7 shows the unbundling of functions per level of
government for the Hiring of DSOs.

Table 7. Unbundling of Functions for Hiring of Disease Surveillance Officers

Functions DOH Province City Municipality

Establishment of ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Hiring of Disease ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Surveillance Officers (2022 (2022 (2022 (2022
(beginning CY 2022) onwards)* onwards) onwards) onwards)

National policy and ✔ ✔

standards; Technical Epidemiology (Technical
Assistance to PESU/ Bureau & CHD- Assistance
Capacity Building; MESU)
and Advocacy
*Note: DSOs are fully devolved to LGUs by CY 2022 but DSOs in DOH, RESUs, and PDOHOs are

◼ 25 ◼
For Phase I of the implementation strategy, the Epidemiology Bureau (EB) with the
CHDs, aims to conduct baseline consultations with LGUs to level off their expectations
and inform them of the functions and services to be devolved. It will also resolve
concerns or issues on the LGU's assessment results and gap analysis through the
ESU Readiness/Preparedness Assessment and Monitoring Tool, which is scheduled
to be implemented by the third quarter of 2021 until 2022. Further, EB shall provide
capacity building and technical assistance to LGUs in undertaking devolved functions
on epidemiology, disease surveillance, and response (including contact tracing) by the
fourth quarter of 2021. This will enable the LGUs to provide appropriate and timely
epidemiologic response to disease outbreaks and health events of public health

For Phases II and III of the implementation strategy to be implemented in 2023 to

2024, there will be follow-through consultations and updating of the capacities of
LGUs. As part of its legal mandate, EB in coordination with the Regional Epidemiology
and Surveillance Unit (RESU), shall strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of
success indicators and provide continuous capacity development and technical
assistance to stakeholders even beyond the transition period of devolution.

Public Health Commodities

The main basis for retention and re-devolution of public health commodities are
summarized in Table 8. Retained with DOH means provision of funding support either
as financial grants or non-financial assistance. For in-kind commodities procured at
the DOH Central Office, the Department will be responsible for its logistics and supply
chain management; while, the implementation and distribution to its target population
will still be with the LGUs. Meanwhile, the re-devolved functions of LGUs must also
include, aside from procurement, the warehousing, storage, and distribution of
commodities to component LGUs and its target population. A price negotiation
mechanism shall be established to facilitate more efficient procurement of select DOH
retained commodities, particularly those that are high cost and/or are single source.
Financing for re-devolved functions, services, and facilities shall either be financed
through the NTA or PhilHealth (i.e.for those with benefit packages).

The commodities that will not be affected by the redevolution of functions and retained
by the DOH are those for procurement by the Health Emergency Management Bureau
as augmentation during disasters and outbreaks.

◼ 26 ◼
Table 8. Basis for Retention and Re-devolution of Public Health Commodities
Retained with DOH Re-devolved to LGUs
(Financed through NTA or PHIC)

● Internationally procured or with ● Services or commodities that are

limited local market readily available in the local market
● Commodities with economies of ● Services with existing PhilHealth
scale benefit packages
● Population-based services that need ● Population-based services which
to be consistently implemented LGUs have the capacity to
● Individual-based services but implement
without PhilHealth package in the

In terms of the proposed timeline, Table 9 summarizes the phasing of key activities of
the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau in the redevolution of public health
commodities. For this year, the DOH has conducted the mapping or assessment of
readiness of CHDs and LGUs in terms of local suppliers, supply chain and staff
competence or the training needs assessment. The results of the assessments shall
then dictate the capacity building activities that will be provided to concerned levels of
government to enable them to perform their functions properly.

By 2022, it is expected that the DOH Central Office will stop the procurement of re-
devolved individual-based commodities with existing PhilHealth financing, provided
there are local markets and supply chain readiness. DOH including its CHDs shall
continue to procure individual-based commodities without PhilHealth financing.
Absent local markets and supply chain readiness on either the CHD or LGU level,
such commodities shall remain with the DOH Central Office.

By 2023, the LGUs shall procure commodities for both individual- and population-
based health services for fully devolved functions. The DOH and CHDs shall procure
some devolved functions especially those with high cost or with economies of scale.
The CHDs shall continue its function to monitor and provide technical assistance to
the LGUs.

By 2024, LGUs are expected to procure individual- and population-health services for
fully devolved functions. DOH and CHDs will then continue monitoring and providing
technical assistance to LGUs.

◼ 27 ◼
Table 9. Proposed Timeline for Re-devolution of Public Health Commodities
2021 2022 2023 2024
● Mapping ● DOH Central ● LGU ● LGU
readiness: office to stop procurement procurement
local procurement of of individual of individual
suppliers, re-devolved and and
supply chain, individual-based population population
staff commodities health health
competence with PhilHealth services for services for
(TNA) financing, fully devolved fully
● Capacity provided there functions devolved
building are local markets functions
and supply chain
Key Activities

readiness ● DOH & CHD ● DOH and

● DOH & CHD to to procure CHD to
procure some monitor and
individual based devolved provide
commodities functions technical
without especially if assistance
PhilHealth high cost or
financing, with
provided there economies of
are local markets scale; CHD to
and supply chain monitor and
readiness; if provide
local market or technical
supply chain assistance
readiness is
lacking at the
CHD level, this
function will be
retained with the
DOH Central

◼ 28 ◼
2021 2022 2023 2024

- ● Integrated ● Safe ● National

Management of Motherhood Family
Childhood Illness Program Planning
● Nutrition ● National Program
(Phase 1) Filariasis ● Oral Health
● Food and Water- Elimination Program
Borne Diseases Program ● National
Prevention & ● Nutrition Aedes-borne
Control Program (Phase 2) Viral
Programs with Commodities to be Devolved

(Phase 1) ● Food and Diseases

● Lifestyle-Related Water-Borne Prevention &
Diseases Diseases Control
Prevention & Prevention & Program
Control Program Control ● National
- Cardiovascular Program Rabies
Diseases (Phase 2) Prevention &
● Lifestyle-Related ● Integrated Control
Diseases Helminth Program
Prevention & Control
Control Program Program
- Diabetes ● Lifestyle-
Mellitus Related
(Phase 1) Diseases
Prevention &
Program -
(Phase 2)
● Sexually
Infections and
● National
● Emerging and
Prevention &

◼ 29 ◼
The specific commodities per program to be transitioned as a re-devolved function of
the LGUs are listed below:

CY 2022
(With Philhealth benefit package, available in the local market, and low cost)
● Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Mellitus: Losartan, Amlodipine,
Simvastatin, Metformin, Gliclazide
● Food and Water-borne Diseases: Oral Rehydration Solutions, Zinc
● Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses: Amoxicillin drops and
● Nutrition: Ferrous sulfate + Folic acid (Micronutrient supplementation)

CY 2023
(For development of PhilHealth benefit package, but available in the local market and
relatively low cost)
● Diabetes Mellitus: Insulin and Insulin syringe
● Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis/ Integrated Helminth Control: Albendazole
(Mass Drug Administration and selective treatment)
● Filariasis: Mupirocin ointment, Ketoconazole cream
● Leprosy8: Vitamin B complex tablet, Prednisone tablet, Ascorbic Acid,
Betamethasone cream, Ferrous Salt + Folic Acid, Fusidate Sodium/Acid
ointment 2% 15g, Itraconazole capsule
● Sexually-Transmitted Infections: Penicillin G 1.2M units, Cefixime 400 mg
capsule, Azithromycin 500 mg tablet, Hepatitis C surface antigen rapid
diagnostic test, Hepatitis B surface antigen rapid diagnostic test
● Nutrition: Micronutrient powder, Mid-upper arm circumference tapes
● Safe Motherhood: Calcium carbonate tablet
● Food and Water-borne Diseases: Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin
● Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases: Doxycycline (Hyclate)

CY 2024
(For development of PhilHealth benefit package, but available in the local market and
relatively low cost)
● Dengue: Dengue Rapid Diagnostic Test (NS1) kits
● Family Planning: Combined Oral Contraceptive (COC) pills, Male condoms
● Oral Health: Oral Health Family Package, Fluoride, Glass Ionomer, Pit and
Fissure sealant kit, Composite restorative material
● Rabies Control: Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin (ERIG), Purified Vero Cell
Rabies Vaccine (PVRV), Purified Chick Embryo Cell (PCEC) vaccine

WHO-donated multidrug therapy and clofazimine for Leprosy will still be provided.

◼ 30 ◼
The DOH shall continue to provide assistance to LGUs through policy and standard
development, advocacy, capacity building activities, and monitoring of program
implementation (i.e. together with the LGUs). The provision of support for the
remaining public health commodities retained with the DOH until 2024 shall continue
until such time that they can be transitioned through expanded financing of PhilHealth,
expansion of local markets, and pooled procurement mechanisms, in accordance with
the UHC Act.
The commodities that will be continuously procured by DOH are those under the
following programs:
● Cancer Control Program: All medicines
● Mental Health Program: All medicines
● National Tuberculosis Program: All medicines
● Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases: Oseltamivir & propan-2-ol;
Propan-1-ol; Mecetronium ethylsulfate; and, other COVID-19 commodities
● National Aedes-borne Viral Diseases Prevention and Control Program:
Pyriproxifen 5gm/sachet; Deltamethrin 2% EW; Emulsion oil in H20 1L/bottle;
Insecticide Treated Screen; Bifenthrin; Indoor Residual Spray cans and Repair
Kits; Novaluron 10%; Metofluthrin 0.1% 1L/bottle; IgM/IgG Dengue Test
● National Malaria Control and Elimination Program: Long-Lasting Insecticide
Treated Nets; Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) kits; Indoor Residual Spraying;
retreatment insecticide; Etofenprox 10% EW; and, Anti-malarial drugs
● Oral Health Program: High speed handpiece bundled with burs; 2 holes type;
LED; multi-port water spray; Light cure unit; wired and wireless with light
intensity indicator; Portable Ultrasonic Scaler with Mini Water Tank; portable
with different scaler tips; and, water tank
● Management of Acute Malnutrition: Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food;
Ready to Use Therapeutic Food; F-75 Therapeutic Milk; F-100 Therapeutic
Milk; and, Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement Small Quantity
● Micronutrient Supplementation: Vitamin A 100,000 IU and 200,000 IU
● National Immunization Program: All vaccines and ancillaries, including
COVID-19 vaccines
● National HIV/ AIDS and STI Prevention & Control Program: All antivirals;
antifungals; Syphilis RDT kits; Hepatitis B viral load reagents and point-of-care
test; and, HIV RDT test kits.
● National Filariasis Elimination Program: Diethylcarbamazine Citrate;
Filariasis Test Strips; and, Disease-free Markers
● National Leprosy Control Program: Distribution of multi-drug therapy drugs
and Clofazimine sourced from donations of the World Health Organization
● Food and Water-borne Diseases Prevention & Control Program:
Diloxanide; and, Cholera RDT
● National Schistosomiasis Control and Elimination Program: Praziquantel;
and, Kato Katz kits

◼ 31 ◼
● National Family Planning Program: Intra-uterine Device; Progestin
Subdermal Implant (PSI); Progestin Only Pill; and, Depot-
Medroxyprogesterone acetate
● Water Safety and Sanitation: Drinking water disinfectant; water sampling
bottles; and, enzyme substrate test for 5th and 6th class GIDAs

Table 10 shows a summary of the P/A/Ps that will be retained by DOH, and those that
will be partially re-devolved or fully re-devolved to the LGUs under the DOH DTP.
These are only some examples of the key programs and activities of the Department
and not an exhaustive list. Furthermore, retention does not mean provision of the entire
service; instead, it means provision of financial grants and non-financial assistance in
support of program implementation, which still rests with the LGUs. Meanwhile, in
addition to what the LGUs are already funding, they will also finance those fully
devolved and partially devolved PAPs, if applicable.

Table 10. Summary of the Retained and Re-devolved Functions

Retained with DOH9 Partially Devolved Fully Devolved to

● Environmental & ● HRH Deployment ● Hypertension

Occupational Health ● Health Facilities ● Hypercholesterolemia
● National Immunization Enhancement ● Diabetes (beginning
● Tuberculosis Control Program CY 2023)
● Mental Health ● Disease Surveillance ● Leprosy10
● Cancer Officers ● Integrated
● HIV ● Family Health, Management of
● Schistosomiasis Nutrition & Childhood Illness
● Vector Control Responsible Parenting ● Soil-Transmitted
● Medical Assistance for ● Oral Health Helminthiasis
Indigent Patients ● Food & Water-borne ● Rabies Control
● Filariasis
● Dengue
● Emergency & Re-
emerging Infectious
● Sexually Transmitted
Note: These are some examples of key programs and not an exhaustive list.

All commodities listed here shall remain with the DOH until such time that they are included in the
expanded PhilHealth benefit package and are locally & readily available
WHO-donated multidrug therapy and clofazimine for Leprosy will still be provided.

◼ 32 ◼
3 – Service Delivery Standards
The formulation of health service delivery standards is among the inherent functions
of the DOH. Likewise, Sections 4 and 5 of EO no. 138 mandates that: (1) local
government shall primarily be responsible for all basic services and facilities fully
devolved to them in accordance with the standards for service delivery prescribed by
the national government; and, (2) that the national government DTPs shall include the
standards for the delivery of devolved services. Said service delivery standards are
the quantitative or qualitative description of the expected level of performance that
end-users expect in the delivery of the service, including its technical and non-
technical specifications to ensure uniformity and consistency of results.

EO no. 138 emphasized the objective of devolution is to ensure that the LGUs abide
by common standards set by the national government in the delivery of services.
Nevertheless, the underlying processes may be improved by the LGUs over time
depending on their capacities and innovativeness. The compilation of Service Delivery
Standards for re-devolved health functions can be accessed via

The DTP Annex C-1 provides the registry of service standards for the delivery of
devolved health functions and services. Meanwhile, the DTP Annex C-2 details the
recommended organization structure and staffing complement for LGU health offices.

Health Facilities Enhancement Program

The DOH annually issues guidelines for the implementation of HFEP projects. The
guidelines include information on the required standards and specifications for the
capital outlay investments such as infrastructure, equipment, and medical transport
vehicles, as well as details on the processes for compliance with regulatory
requirements, building design conforming to the latest edition of the National and Local
Building Codes, DOH Manual of Standards, and other pertinent laws and their IRR,
among others:

1. National Building Code of the Philippines (PD no. 1096);

2. Philippine Green Building Code, a Referral Code of PD no.1096;
3. Accessibility Law (BP 344);
4. National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP);
5. Latest Edition Plumbing Code of the Philippines (RA no. 1378);
6. New Philippine Electrical Engineering Law (RA no. 7920);
7. Philippine Mechanical Engineering Act of 1998 (RA no. 8495);
8. Fire Code of the Philippines (RA no. 9514);
9. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA no. 9003);

◼ 33 ◼
10. DOH Healthcare Waste Management Manual 4 th Edition Philippine Clean Air
Act of 1999 (RA no. 8749);
11. Philippine Clean Water Act (RA no. 9275);
12. Philippine Health Facility Development Plan (PHFDP) 2020-2040;
13. DOH Department Order (DO) no. 2018-0338 Guidelines on the Distribution of
Medical Transport Procured under HFEP to Respective Recipients;
14. DOH AO no. 2020-0051 Guidelines in the Allocation of Ambulance of the
Department of Health;
15. DOH Medium-Term Expenditure Program 2020-2023 for Universal Health
16. DOH AO no. 2020-0016 Minimum Health System Capacity Standards for
COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Strategies, and its amendments;
17. DOH AO no. 2012-0012 Rules and Regulations Governing the New
Classification of Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the Philippines, and its
18. DOH AO. no. 2016-0042 Guidelines in the Application for Department of Health
Permit to Construct;
19. DOH and DENR Joint Administrative Order (JAO) no. 2005-02 Policies and
Guidelines on Effective and Proper Handling, Collection, Transport, Treatment,
Storage, and Disposal of Health Care Wastes;
20. DOH Department Circular (DC) no. 2019-0059 Green Certification of
Government Healthcare Facility Projects (and Green and Safe Health Facilities
21. DOH DC no. 2020-0226 Technical Guidelines for Geriatric Ward Planning and
Design for Health Facility Setting;
22. Various DOH Manual of Standards for Different Hospital Management Service
23. Signage Systems Manual for Hospitals and Offices;
24. DBM-DOH Joint Circular (JC) no. 2013-1 Revised Standards on Organizational
Structure and Staffing Pattern of Government Hospitals, CY 2013 Edition;
25. Various Manuals on Technical Guidelines for Hospital Planning and Design;
26. Manual of Standards for Primary Care Facilities; and,
27. Local ordinances and regulations.

Devolved HFEP projects to LGUs must be aligned with the goals of the PHFDP to
close the gaps of specific health facilities. The LGC mandates all barangays to have
at least one BHS. The HFEP target ratio for primary care facilities (PCF), i.e. RHUs or
health centers (HC), is one PCF per 20,000 population. Moreover, to meet the health
needs of the population, the current supply of hospital beds must increase from 1.2 to
2.7 beds per 1,000 population by 2040. To ensure access to quality health care, the
following need for health facilities and equipment shall be determined through the
formula and assumptions in Table 11 as stipulated in the PHFDP. The available supply
of primary care facilities and hospital beds from the private sector should also be
considered by the LGUs.

◼ 34 ◼
Table 11. Assumptions in Estimating the Need for Health Facilities
(Source: PHFDP 2020-2040)
Facility Formula and Assumptions

BHS 1 BHS: 1 barangay based on the Local Government Code (1991)

Primary Care Number of PCF needed = (Percent of population without access

Facilities to RHU or HC within 30 minutes of travel) x population size /
(PCF) 20,00011

Inpatient: Number of beds = Number of inpatient days for a year / (365.25

Level 1 (L1), bed days per bed per year) x (percentage of occupancy).
Level 2 (L2) Assumed beds are available all year and that the bed occupancy
Level 3 (L3) rate is 80% (global acceptable benchmark).

Equipment Number of machines (that is X-ray, CT-scan, MRI) = Number of

uses in a year / (365.25 days of operation) x Number of uses per

Number of uses per day = Minutes of operation per day / Number

of minutes per session12

In addition to Table 11, AO no. 2020-0016 or the Minimum Health System Capacity
Standards for COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Strategies requires that all
provinces, highly urbanized cities, and independent component cities must have at
least one ambulance or medical transport mechanism available for patients within the
catchment area, and at least one vehicle to transport specimens to COVID-19 testing
laboratories. Moreover, cities are mandated by Section 17 of the LGC to provide
adequate transportation facilities.

Regarding procedural standards, the government entity that provides financing of the
capital outlay project shall be responsible and accountable for its implementation,
construction and maintenance. All procurements for infrastructure, equipment, and
medical transport vehicle projects using government funds shall be in accordance with
the provisions of RA no. 9184, or the “Government Procurement Reform Act” and its
revised IRR and other pertinent accounting and auditing laws, rules, and regulations.

Quantum GIS (QGIS) was used to obtain zonal statistics of the population per province/HUC with
access to an RHU/HC within 30 minutes. The data sources were the 2020 administrative shapefiles of
the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) and the 2020 population
estimate from the WorldPop program.

AccessMod 5.0 implemented accessibility analyses by considering land cover, elevation, barriers (i.e.
inland waters), road networks, travel speeds and the GPS coordinates of the health facilities with the
scenarios: walking (5kph), cycling (15kph), motorized vehicle (40kph).
Assumed that machines are operational all days in a year, 24 hours a day. Assumed that existing
machines will be replaced once useful life is over. Assumed the following about the number of minutes
of use for each machine.

◼ 35 ◼
In the absence of applicable provisions of law, the issuances of the Government
Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) shall apply suppletorily.

The resource inputs needed to undertake HFEP projects are listed as follows:
● For infrastructure projects: Approved Schematic Plan, Permit to Construct,
Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design, Detailed Unit Price Analysis
● For equipping projects: Terms of Reference, Purchase Request, and an
established Technical Working Group
● For motor vehicle projects13: Terms of Reference

Table 12 illustrates the standard cost to deliver an HFEP project.

Table 12. Unit Cost of Infrastructure and Equipment per Facility Type14
(exclusive of Environmental and Resiliency Factors)
Health Facility Infrastructure Cost (PhP) Equipment Cost (PhP)

BHS* 1,750,000 473,000

RHU* 12,525,000 2,347,000

L1 Hospital Bed 4,038,222

Included as percentage of
L2 Hospital Bed 4,366,944 the infrastructure cost

L3 Hospital Bed 4,659,740

*Note: Based on the Manual of Standards for Primary Care Facilities: Health Stations
with 70 sq.m. model and Primary Care Facility (RHU+Birthing+TB DOTS Facility) with
501 sq.m. model

Human Resources for Health (HRH) Deployment

The DTP Annex C-1 for the HRH Deployment program contains the registry or
inventory of existing and new standards to be developed for the delivery of the
devolved functions. In the hiring of adequate nurses and midwives within the local
health system, the recommended standards include the ideal distribution ratios as
follows: 1 per 5,000 population (1:5,000) for midwives; and, 1 per 10,000 population
(1:10,000) for nurses. The available supply of human resources for health from the
private sector should also be considered by the LGUs as a potential part of the health

The requirements and procedures on the turnover of the medical transport vehicles procured by the
DOH to the respective recipients shall be in accordance with DOH Department Order no. 2018-0338:
Guidelines on the Distribution of Medical Transport Procured Under HFEP to the Respective Recipients
Source of Unit Cost per Facility Type were lifted from the DOH Medium-Term Expenditure Program
2020-2023 for UHC (Page 27, Table 6).

◼ 36 ◼
care provider network. In terms of the qualification standards, those set by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC) in RA no. 1080 or “An Act Declaring the Bar and Board
Examinations as Civil Service Examinations” for both positions will be followed for both
cadres. Moreover, the procedural standards concerning the administration and
management of HRH and the standard salaries and benefits due to both nurses and
midwives are discussed in detail in Annex C-1. Such specifications are in place to
ensure uniformity in the quality of the implementation of P/A/Ps or functions to be
devolved to local governments. Additional reference material includes the Omnibus
Rules on Appointment and Other Human Resource Actions issued by the CSC.

The hiring of HRH is guided by the following service delivery standards:

1. RA no. 1080 or the “Act Declaring the Bar and Board Examinations as Civil
Service Examinations” (Board Eligibility);
2. RA no. 11223 or the “Universal Health Care Act'' and its IRR (Provisions on
National Health Workforce Support System);
3. RA no. 7305 or the “Magna Carta of Public Health Workers”;
4. RA no. 11466 or the “Salary Standardization Law”;
5. Civil Service Commission (CSC) Omnibus Rules on Appointment and Other
Human Resource Actions;
6. DOH AO no. 2021-0007 Guidelines on the Integrated Learning and
Development Management System of the Department of Health;
7. DOH-PRC JAO no. 2020-01 Guidelines on the Certification of Primary Care
Workers for Universal Health Care; and,
8. CHED-TESDA-DOH-PRC-DOST JAO no. 2021-0001 or the “Guidelines for
Expanding Health Professional and Health Worker Scholarships and Return
Service Agreements for UHC”

Epidemiology and Surveillance

The following standards provide guidance in the hiring of DSOs per local ESU:
1. Republic Act (RA) no. 11332 or the “Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable
Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act” and its 2020
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR);
2. RA no. 11223 or the “Universal Health Care Act'' and its IRR; and,
3. Qualification Standards of Disease Surveillance Officers with Training on Basic
Epidemiology and Surveillance.

The standard cost indicated in DTP Annex C-1 is to cover the salaries and benefits
which is suggested to be equivalent to a Health Program Officer II with Salary Grade
15 based on the latest Salary Standardization Law. The cost of hiring for DSO should
include the salaries and benefits as well as the pre- and post-deployment expenses.

◼ 37 ◼
The minimum qualifications and competencies for this position should be a graduate
of a Bachelor’s degree, with at least one year of relevant experience, at least four
hours of relevant training, and with a career service professional second level
eligibility. Further, data and organizational management skills and training on basic
epidemiology and surveillance are required for a DSO. The quality of service that the
DSOs should deliver is described as timely, specific, and appropriate epidemiologic
response to diseases or health events of public health concern.

In terms of procedural standards, the LGUs shall adhere to the government human
resource hiring and selection process, as well as continuous provision of learning and
development interventions for the DSO. These standards are based on the “Mandatory
Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and other Health Events of Public Concern Act” and
its 2020 Revised IRR.

Public Health Commodities

The procurement, storage, distribution, and monitoring of various re-devolved public
health commodities will become an integrated responsibility of the LGUs. The
procedural standards for the devolved functions pertaining to public health
commodities involve the following processes: (1) selection of medicines based on
current evidence and guidelines; (2) procurement in accordance with RA no. 9184 and
its revised IRR; (3) storage and distribution of commodities; and, (4) proper disposal
or waste management. LGU should ensure that these commodities are distributed to
its target population or recipients. All public health commodities procured by the
government are free-of-charge to all identified beneficiaries.

A summary of the quality of service to be delivered to its beneficiaries relative to the

re-devolved public health commodities per program are listed below. All medicines
selected must only be those that are found in the Philippine National Drug Formulary
(PNDF) and shall not exceed the mandated ceiling price for government entities based
on the Drug Price Reference Index (DPRI).
● Medicines for Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Diabetes Mellitus under the
Lifestyle Related Disease Prevention and Control Program aims to provide
the complete yearly treatment pack per registered hypertensive or diabetic
patients enrolled or listed in the DOH registry.
● The commodities under the Rabies Prevention and Control Program are for
the management of animal bite patients (Category 2 & 3) or those with rabies
exposure. The dosing regimen and service shall be in accordance with the DOH
guidelines on management of rabies exposure and shall be administered by
trained doctors and nurses on animal bite management.
● The commodities for the management and treatment of patients with Food and
Water-borne Diseases shall be based on DOH guidelines and shall consider
morbidity indicators such as incidence, demographics, historical consumption,
and other applicable projections in forecasting needs.

◼ 38 ◼
● The management and treatment of sick children with acute respiratory infection
or pneumonia among children under 5 years shall be guided by the Integrated
Management of Childhood Illness booklet.
● Micronutrient supplementation of Micronutrient Powder (MNP) aims to
increase the micronutrient content of a child’s diet without changing their usual
dietary habits. Meanwhile, the procurement of Mid-Upper Arm Circumference
(MUAC) tapes are useful for health workers in the assessment of nutrition
status. On the other hand, micronutrient supplementation of Pregnant Women
and Children under 5 years old (Ferrous Sulfate + Folic Tablets) and Calcium
Carbonate under the National Safe Motherhood Program is intended for the
treatment and prevention of iron deficiency in pregnant and lactating mothers
due to poor diet or certain illnesses.
● The Integrated Helminth Control Program provides Albendazole 200 mg
tablets to children who are more than 1 year old but below 2 years old, and
Albendazole 400 mg tablets for children who are 2 to 18 years old for the
treatment of soil-transmitted helminthiasis.
● The National Filariasis Elimination Program aims to provide complete
treatment packs to patients with possible lymphatic filariasis infection.
● The National Leprosy Prevention and Control Program15 aims to provide
treatment medicines for leprosy patients based on protocol issued by the DOH.
● The Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Program, including Hepatitis to
provide treatment to patients with STI and testing for people-at-risk for Hepatitis
B and C infections;
● The Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases Program shall provide
essential commodities for the prevention and response to the public health
threats brought by emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and shall be
guided by the DOH guidelines on essential health services packages in
emergencies and disasters.
● The National Aedes-borne Viral Disease Prevention and Control Program
aims to cover the diagnosis of suspected dengue patients. The test will be done
among dengue suspect patients within 1-5 days of illness.
● The National Family Planning Program shall provide select family
commodities for the prevention of unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, and
maternal deaths.
● Lastly, the Oral Health Program aims to procure oral health commodities for
the prevention and control of oral diseases and conditions primarily in children,
adolescents, pregnant women, and elderly population.

The detailed list of service delivery standards that support the implementation of the
said public health programs for re-devolution to the LGUs are provided as follows:

Multi-drug therapy and clofazimine for Leprosy donated by the World Health Organization will be
retained with DOH

◼ 39 ◼
Family Health, Nutrition, and Responsible Parenting

1. Family Planning Clinical Standards Manual (FPCSM)

2. Family Planning Competency Based Training Manual (FPCBT) 1 and 2
3. Family Planning Strategic and Costed Implementation Plan 2018-2022
4. The Philippine Clinical Standards on Manual on Family Planning 2014 Edition
5. DOH Department Memorandum (DM) no. 2011-0303 or the Manual of
Procedures on Micronutrient Supplementation
6. DOH DM no. 2017-0055 or the Guidelines for Distribution and Utilization of
Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) in the Implementation of Philippine
Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (PIMAM) Program
7. DOH DM no. 2019-0034 or the Guidelines on the Distribution and Utilization of
Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) and Ready-to-Use Supplementary
Food for Exceptional Circumstances
8. DOH DM no. 2019-0304 or the Simplified Guidelines on the Distribution and
Utilization of Various Micronutrient Supplements and Ready-to-Use
Supplementary and Therapeutic Foods
9. DOH DM no. 2011-0303 or the Micronutrient Powder Supplementation for
Children 6-23 Months
10. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Chart Booklet June 2019 version
11. DOH AO no. 101, s. 2003 or the National Policy on Oral Health
12. DOH AO no. 2020-0040 or the Guidelines on the Classification of Individual-
based and Population-based Primary Care Service Packages
13. National Nutrition Council (NNC) Governing Board Resolution No. 1 Series of
2017 Approving and Adopting the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN)
14. NNC Guidelines on Dietary Supplementation in the First 1000 Days
15. NNC Guidelines on Early Childhood Care in the First 1000 Days (ECCD F1K)
Program in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic

Communicable Diseases

16. Manual of Procedures for Social Hygiene Clinics of the Philippines

17. DOH AO no. 2016-0043 or the Guidelines for the Nationwide Implementation
of Dengue Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)
18. DOH AO no. 2010-0009 or the Guidelines in the prevention of disabilities due
to Lymphatic Filariasis
19. DOH AO no. 6-As.1999 or the Treatment Protocol for Leprosy
20. DOH AO no. 2020-0027 Guidelines on the Implementation of Food and
Waterborne Diseases Prevention and Control Program
21. PD 856 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations to Govern the Processing
of Application for Locational Clearance of Markets as Amended
22. RA no. 10611 or An Act to Strengthen The Food Safety Regulatory System in
the Country to Protect Consumer Health and Facilitate Market Access of Local
Foods and Food Products, and for Other Purposes

◼ 40 ◼
23. DOH AO no. 2018-0013 or the Revised Guidelines on the Management of
Rabies Exposures
24. DOH AO. no. 2010-0023 or the Guidelines on Deworming Drug Administration
and the Management of Adverse Events Following Deworming (AEFD)

Non-communicable Diseases

25. DOH AO no. 2016-0014 or the Implementing Guidelines on the Organization of

Health Clubs for Patients with Hypertension and Diabetes in Health facilities
26. DOH AO no. 2012-0029 or the Implementing Guidelines on the
Institutionalization of the Philippine Package of Essential NCD Interventions
(PhilPEN) on the Integrated Management of Hypertension for Primary Health
Care Facilities
27. DOH AO no. 2011-0003 or the National Policy on Strengthening the Prevention
and Control of Chronic Lifestyle Related Non-Communicable Diseases
28. WHO 2010 Package of Essential Non-communicable (PEN) Interventions for
Primary Health Care in Low-Resource Settings

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement and Organizational

Structure of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Aside from the service delivery standards, DOH also provided in DTP Annex C-2 its
minimum recommendations for staffing complement for health facilities and health
offices as reference for LGUs in implementing the incremental creation of permanent
positions, as provided in the UHC Act. The LGUs are highly encouraged to adopt these
minimum recommendations to support the integration of local health systems into
Province-wide and City-wide Health Systems aligned with the UHC Act. Based on
varying capacities, needs, and innovativeness of LGUs, they may opt to adopt a
staffing complement above the minimum recommendations proposed in DTP Annex

Section 18 of the LGC mandates that the LGUs shall have the power and authority to
establish an organization that shall be responsible for the efficient and effective
implementation of their development plans, program objectives and priorities. Further,
Section 77 of the same law provides that the chief executive of every local government
unit shall be responsible for human resources and development and take all personnel
actions in accordance with the constitutional provisions on civil service, pertinent laws,
and rules and regulations thereon, including such policies, guidelines and standards
as the Civil Service Commission may establish. Thus, the implementation of all staffing
actions necessary to fulfill LGU mandates and to perform functions devolved to them
is within their power and authority.
The recommended organizational structures of LGU health facilities were guided by
AO no. 2021-0021 or the “Guidelines on Integration of the Local Health Systems into
Province-wide and City-wide Health Systems.” Their functions were based on the

◼ 41 ◼
health facility standards and core functions and services indicated in the DC no. 2020-
0176 or the “Circulation of the Manual of Standards for Primary Care Facilities”. The
staffing proposals were also guided by the DBM-CSC Government Rationalization
Program Organization and Staffing Standards and Guidelines.

The minimum recommendations for staffing complement of LGU health facilities apply
to the provincial, city, and municipal level, which are summarized as follows:
1. Provincial Health Office (PHO)
a. PHO staff and administrative unit
b. Health Service Delivery Division
c. Health Systems Support Division
2. City Health Office (CHO) in Highly Urbanized Cities / Independent Component
a. CHO staff and administrative unit
b. Health Service Delivery Division
c. Health Systems Support Division
d. Urban Health Centers
3. City / Municipal Health Office (MHO) in Component Cities / Municipalities
a. City/Municipal Health Office in Component Cities or Municipalities
(CHO/MHO as one and the same with Urban Health Center/Rural
Health Unit)
b. City/Municipal Health Office in Component Cities or Municipalities
(CHO/MHO has several Urban Health Centers/Rural Health Units and
hospital/s owned and managed by the component LGU)

The functions or tasks of the recommended positions detailed in DTP Annex C-2 were
matched using the Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes,
and Salary Grades (IOS) for the National Government to determine the appropriate
position title. The DOH also recommended generic over specialist positions for more
flexibility in the hiring of LGUs.
In the Manual of Standards for Primary Care Facilities, staffing standards for primary
care health facilities is based on the following health worker to population ratio, as
reflected in the National Objectives for Health (NOH) 2017-2022 pending the results
of the Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs (WISN) study:

● One (1) Urban Health Center/Rural Health Unit physician per 20,000
● One (1) public health nurse per 10,000 population;
● One (1) public health midwife per 5,000 population;
● One (1) public health dentist per 50,000 population; and,
● One (1) sanitation inspector per 20,000 population.

The enumerated ratios shall be implemented and monitored at urban health centers
or RHUs. These primary care facilities shall be led by a C/MHO who is responsible for

◼ 42 ◼
formulating and implementing the health programs in the whole city or municipality.
The C/MHO also supervises, coordinates, and monitors the operations of the Urban
Health Center/RHU (UHC/RHU). Under the C/MHO is the Rural Health Physician who
takes charge of a small medical team assigned in the RHU and renders preventive
and medical services in at least one (1) barangay.

As the lead in the Primary Care Provider Network (PCPN), urban health centers or
RHUs are expected to provide primary health care services to LGUs through its
functional units – the Health Service Delivery Unit (HSDU) and the Health System
Support Unit (HSSU). The HSDU is responsible for providing population and
individual-based health services and for coordinating/ navigating referrals to other
service providers within the Health Care Provider Network (HCPN). On the other hand,
HSSU is responsible for rendering administrative services such as management of
logistics, equipment, and facilities as well as management of health data and records
in the UHC/RHU.
Another subunit of the UHC/RHU is the Health Station, like the Barangay Health
Station. Health stations are responsible for augmenting UHC/RHU in the provision of
population-based health services and coordinating patient transport to the appropriate
referral facility, when necessary. The health station is recommended to have one (1)
nurse, one (1) midwife, one (1) BHW per 20 households, one (1) BNS per barangay,
administrative assistant, utility worker, and the emergency transport driver. The rural
health physician, dentist or dental hygienist, medical technologist or laboratory aide,
and sanitation inspector from the UHC/RHU shall rotate on scheduled visits to the
Health Stations.

The adoption of the minimum recommendations in DTP Annex C-2 is recommended

to be implemented in phases to allow LGUs more flexibility in planning for the gradual
preparation of budget and resource requirements. The recommended phases may be
guided by the “rubrics method” as shown in Table 13, whereas each position is rated
according to proposed prioritization of the Department (Table 14).

Table 13. Rubrics for Identifying Priority Positions in the DOH DTP Annex C-2
Priority Preferences / Elements Rates

I. Relevance to Universal Health Care

(mandated by UHC and other health laws)

A. Function of position is focused on leading, planning and 3

developing policies and strategies

B. Function of position is focused on implementation and service 2


C. Function of position is focused on administrative and support 1

◼ 43 ◼
Priority Preferences / Elements Rates

II. Policy Support

A. Creation of position is supported by legislative/national acts 3

and/or policies

B. Creation of position is supported by plans, policies, and/or 2

standards developed by national agencies

C. Creation of positions is based on IOS requirements 1

III. Ease of Recruitment

A. Position can be filled easily either because: 3

1. The number of positions required to meet the standards is
minimal, or
2. The production of professionals that is best-fit/suited for
the position is high

B. Filling of position may require time either because: 2

1. The number of positions required to meet the standards is
high, or
2. The production of professionals that is best-fit/suited for
the position is low

C. Position can be filled easily either because: 1

1. The position would not require professional or highly
technical expertise, or
2. The functions/services of the position may be outsourced

Table 14. Prioritization Ranks and Equivalent Implementation Period

Rating Implementation Period

I. Rating of 8 - 9 Year 1

II. Rating of 6 - 7 Year 2

III. Rating of 5 Year 3

IV. Rating of 4 Year 4

V. Rating of 1 - 3 Year 5

The rates per position per health system integration type shall then be ranked to
identify priorities for the 5-year implementation phases. The assessment has to be
undertaken by each province and city-wide health system in coordination with their
component LGUs, since the needs of each local health system may vary depending
on their actual capacity and needs. The rubrics could serve as an objective basis for
prioritization of local health systems and final decision for implementation shall be

◼ 44 ◼
based on the autonomy and authority of the concerned LGUs as provided under the

4 – NGA Capacity Development Strategy

For the Department to be able to perform effectively and efficiently their inherent and
steering functions, including monitoring and evaluation, the concerned national
programs of the DOH have identified various capacity development strategies and
interventions needed to strengthen their roles. DTP Annex D discussed this in detail.

Health Facilities Enhancement Program

In order to perform the steering functions, national monitoring and evaluation

functions, and provision of technical assistance to LGUs, some of the capacities
required at the Central Office are the following: policy research and evaluation;
development and updating of service delivery standards; systems thinking; strategic
communications; and, stakeholder management. Currently, the practices being done
by the HFEP Management Office include provision of training and competency
profiling. There are still gaps in policy evaluation and cascading of service delivery
standards at present. In order to address this, there are scheduled capacity
development activities on the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021 which comprise training on
monitoring, evaluation, and strategic communications; coaching; and, mentoring

Meanwhile, the capacities required by the CHDs include the following: training
management; monitoring and evaluation; risk management; and, stakeholder
management. The current systems in place at the regional level are the provision of
training, competency profiling, and monitoring and evaluation systems. However, there
are capacity gaps in database management and development of training designs at
their level. Thus, the strategy aims to improve database management, data analytics,
and capacity development designing during the third and fourth quarter of CY 2021.
There will also be coachings and mentorings that will be conducted.

Both activities at the DOH Central Office and CHDs will be done in coordination and
partnership with HHRDB, the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), other
agencies, and services providers.

Human Resources for Health (HRH)

The capacity development strategies of the DOH, as spearheaded by the HHRDB and
the Human Resource Development Units of CHDs, start with a baseline assessment
and gaps analysis of the current competencies. These gaps are addressed through
appropriate learning and development interventions (LDI) for each DOH personnel.

◼ 45 ◼
Priority competency gaps shall be translated into an Annual Learning and
Development Plan, which shall be the basis of attendance to LDIs of DOH Staff.

For the primary care facilities (service delivery units of the Rural Health Units or Health
Centers), the Primary Care Worker Assessment tool shall be used to assess the
needed competencies to deliver primary care services.

AO No. 2021-0007 dated January 12, 2021 governs the implementation of the
Learning and Development Management System. Achievement of the progress
indicators can be verified through the Learning and Development Plans and
consolidated training reports, including review and clearance of LDIs.

In the context of full devolution of health services, DOH also launched an online UHC
Implementers’ Course at with asynchronous and synchronous
sessions for the DOH Central Office and CHDs last April 2021 for twelve different
modules based on the UHC IRR and its various operational guidelines. The pilot
conduct of the modules are ongoing and will conclude by the end of 2021. These
modules will soon be available online to all health workers nationwide. Further, there
are two batches of DOH managers who were granted with scholarships for the Masters
in Public Management - Health Governance in 2021.

Epidemiology and Surveillance

For the DOH-Epidemiology Bureau, DOH-CHDs at the regional level, and Provincial
DOH Offices, the following capacities are required:
● Training of Trainers on International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision
(ICD-11); Smart Verbal Autopsy;
● Completion of Field Epidemiology Training Program;
● Training of Trainers on Case-based Surveillance (training modules, orientation,
core processes, web application and software, data management and report
generation, monitoring and evaluation);
● Training of Trainers on Event-based Surveillance and Response (training
modules, orientation, core processes, reporting forms, data management and
report generation, monitoring and evaluation); and,
● International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 Orientation; IHR Annex 2.

Current practices include provision of training, competency profiling, monitoring and

systems, and ensuring RESU functionality. Additional capacities required for regional
and provincial DOH counterparts include the following: training management;
monitoring and evaluation; database management; data analysis; and, statistical
report generation.

◼ 46 ◼
In terms of capacity gaps, the following are identified at the central, regional, and
provincial DOH offices for improvement:
● Systematic recording, reporting, analysis, interpretation, and comparison of
mortality and morbidity data;
● Accurate and reliable cause of deaths specifically for out-of-facility (community)
● Technical skills on epidemiology;
● Early detection and notification, registration, reporting, monitoring of status of
health events laboratory testing and confirmation, data management, analysis
and report generation, feedback, epidemic response, and monitoring and
evaluation; and,
● Training management, monitoring and evaluation, database management, data
analysis and statistical report generation.

In addition, there are also gaps in strategic communication and stakeholder

management identified at all levels. To address these gaps, various activities such as
attendance to LDIs, completion of training programs, technical assistance, monitoring
and evaluation, coaching, and mentoring on capacity gaps will be done by CY 2022 in
phases beginning at the DOH Central Office level to the provincial DOH offices. The
completion of training programs is expected to continue from CY 2022 onwards. These
activities will be facilitated by the various divisions in the EB namely: Applied
Epidemiology Health Management Division; Public Health Surveillance Division;
Surveys; Monitoring and Evaluation Division; the Field Health Services Information
System (FHSIS) Team; and, Regional and Provincial Coordinators.

Public Health Commodities

With the transition of certain functions to the LGUs relative to public health
commodities, DOH shall continue to be the lead agency to provide evidence-based
guidelines and standards. Also, it shall lead in the health promotion and monitoring
activities. To efficiently perform these, DOH shall strengthen its capacity in fulfilling its
retained functions by undertaking capacity development activities on forecasting,
quantifications, cold chain, and logistics management.
The DPCB Systems Integration - Capacity Building Unit shall take the lead in
coordinating with HHRDB and other concerned offices and agencies for the planning
and implementation of these capacity building targets.

Cross-cutting Capacity Development for DOH

Other capacity development strategies and interventions needed by the DOH in

strengthening its inherent functions are cross-cutting in nature. All re-devolved P/A/Ps
will also benefit from these topics in improving their steering and monitoring functions.
These training include but not limited to the following:

◼ 47 ◼
● Training on policy evaluation, standards integration, and health systems
● Training on strategic communication and stakeholder management;
● Training on database management and analytics;
● Training on capacity development design;
● Training on planning, monitoring, and evaluation;
● Training on technical assistance provision, negotiation, contract management,
program management;
● Training on Public Financial Management, Public Expenditure Management;
● Training on Impact Evaluation of Program Interventions; and,
● Training on Futures Thinking and Scenario Building.

5 – LGU Capacity Development Strategy

To ensure the timely and seamless handover of the functions to the LGUs, devolution
will be done in phases in the next three years beginning 2022. During this transitory
period, various activities will be done by the DOH that will enable LGUs to fully absorb
and manage the devolved functions and services by 2024.

Table 15 summarizes the capacity building initiatives of DOH for LGUs in the context
of full devolution of health services. The first column shows the different target
participants ranging from the PHO, CHO, MHO, Local Chief Executives (LCE), and
Local Health Board Members, Primary Care Team, Health System Managers, and
Hospital Managers. The second column shows the corresponding programs and
courses available for them while the third column shows the timeline of

Table 15. Capacity Building Initiatives for LGUs

in the context of Full Devolution of Health Services
Target Participants Programs/Courses Timeline

1. UHC ● Online UHC Implementers’ ● Ongoing

Implementers at Course ● Batch 4 (2020)-
the LGU level: ● Masters in Public Management ongoing
PHO/CHO/MHO - Health Systems Development ● Batch 5 - 2021

2. LCEs and other ● Online UHC Implementers’ ● 2022; coinciding

Local Health Course with Newly
Board Members ● Certificate Courses on Local Elected Officials
Health Systems Development Program of

◼ 48 ◼
Target Participants Programs/Courses Timeline

3. Health Service ● Online Primary Care Workers’ ● Uploaded in the

Delivery: Primary Orientation DOH Academy
Care Team platform16
(Doctors, Nurses, ● Integrated Primary Care
Midwives) Courses (Blended learning) ● For
● Primary Care Clinical Practice development in
Guidelines (Standards of Care) 2021
● Practice-based Family and
Community Medicine ● Ongoing
Residency Training Program

4. Health System ● Masters in Public Management ● Ongoing

Managers: - Health Systems Development ● Batch 5 - 2021
PHO/CHO/MHO ● Certificate Courses on Health
Staff Systems Management ● 2022
● Leadership Development for
Public Health Nurses ● Batch 3 and 4 in

5. Hospital Managers ● Masters in Public Management ● 2022

(including Post- - Hospital Administration
Residency ● Certificate Courses on Hospital
Deployment Management

The DTP Annex E outlines the different modes of technical assistance to be provided
by the various DOH units to the LGUs to support the strategies and activities indicated
under DTP Annex B. The highlights of the DTP Annex E on LGU capacity development
strategies for re-devolved P/A/Ps will be discussed in the next section.

Health Facilities Enhancement Program

With the gradual and partial devolution of HFEP projects, targeted LGUs that will
assume the re-devolved functions shall be provided with an orientation on the
"Guidelines for the Implementation of Projects Funded under HFEP" during the 3 rd to
4th quarter of the year, prior to the start of devolution based on the phasing of their
category in the National Allocation Framework accordingly. HFEP-MO shall conduct
this orientation every year from 2021 to 2024. Further, success indicator for this activity
includes the percentage of an LGU's accomplishment on implemented equipment


◼ 49 ◼
Human Resources for Health (HRH) Deployment

The Capacity Development Strategies for the LGUs relative to the hiring of HRH mainly
focus on three activities: (1) conduct of baseline assessment, gaps analysis, and
investment needs for HRH; (2) integration of P/CWHS HRH plan to Local Investment
Plan for Health (LIPH); and, (3) certification of primary care workers.

The national government through the various offices under the DOH Central Office
and the CHDs shall gradually cascade orientations and trainings, and enjoin
engagements of LGUs in the following: development of the National Health Workforce
Registry (NHWR); facility-based staffing requirement using Workload Indicators for
Staffing Need (WISN); competency-based Learning and Development Management
System; localization of the HRH Master Plan strategies and integration into the LIPH;
and, primary care certification. Respective success indicators are set for each

With the capacity development strategies, the LGUs shall be able to present verifiable
proofs or means of verification (MOV) to assess the success of each indicator. These
shall include the following: an updated system-generated HRH facility registry report;
updated facility-based report on HRH distribution and staffing pattern matrix; learning
and development plans developed based on Learning and Development Needs
Assessment (LDNAs); Executive Order or Province/City/Municipal resolution on
installing the Human Resource Management and Development System; and, updated
system-generated primary care worker list.

Epidemiology and Surveillance

For this devolved function, the Central Office and CHDs shall conduct the following
activities to capacitate local health offices, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities at
the provincial, city, municipal, and barangay level. The Epidemiology Bureau and
CHD-RESUs shall be responsible for the provision of technical assistance and
capacity development activities to LGUs.
● Orientation and/or Training of Trainers on Case-based Surveillance (training
modules, core processes, web application and software, data management and
report generation, monitoring and evaluation): to be conducted by 4 th quarter of
2021 and/or as needed;
● Orientation and/or Training of Trainers on Event-based Surveillance and
Response (training modules, core processes, reporting forms, data
management/report generation, monitoring and evaluation): to be conducted by
4th quarter of 2021 and/or as needed;
● Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP): to be conducted annually;
● Training on ICD-11: to be conducted by 2nd to 3rd quarter of 2022;
● Training on Smart Verbal Autopsy: to be conducted by 2nd to 3rd quarter of 2022;

◼ 50 ◼
● Implementation of the integration of the iClinicSys and FHSIS: to be conducted
by 2nd to 3rd quarter of 2022;
● Conduct of Training of Trainers in iClinicSys and FHSIS: to be conducted by
2nd to 3rd quarter of 2022;
● Re-orientation on the 2018 FHSIS Manual of Procedures: to be conducted by
1st quarter of 2022;
● Orientation and/or Training of Trainers on IHR 2005 and IHR Annex 2: to be
conducted by 3rd quarter of 2022 and/or as needed; and,
● Conduct of Burden of Disease Estimation (roll-out to be determined).

Public Health Commodities

During the third quarter of 2021, DPCB conducted several online consultations with
CHDs and LGUs in order to assess their procurement and supply chain readiness,
and staff competence. Further, mapping of local suppliers has been done through key
persons in the CHDs. Results of these preliminary activities aided the DPCB to plan
the capacity building activities that will be provided to concerned levels of government.

The DPCB shall develop its own training programs on quantification or forecasting of
public health commodities, particularly utilizing the LGU investment calculator and
following the National Allocation Framework. This training will be delivered primarily
through the DOH Academy, rolled out from the third quarter to fourth quarter of 2021
and continuously be made available thereafter.

Parallel to the transition of devolved commodities from the DOH to LGUs, procurement
and supply chain management reforms should be implemented to ensure
sustainability. These include the following: establishment of a pooled procurement
mechanism and framework contracting; issuance of standards for distribution
pathways and warehousing for commodities; and, procurement of electronic Logistics
Management Information System (eLMIS).

Moreover, the DPCB shall work together with PhilHealth in developing an explicit
expansion plan for service inclusions to the Comprehensive Outpatient Benefit
Package (COPB) as priority, and other relevant inpatient or special benefits, to go
hand in hand with the devolution, transitioning commodities, and other functions in
accordance with the UHC Act. Lastly, the DOH Central Office and CHDs shall continue
to monitor and provide technical assistance to LGUs not only for re-devolved functions
but for all health programs.

◼ 51 ◼
6 – Performance Monitoring and Assessment

One of the inherent functions of the DOH is monitoring and evaluation. To assess the
performance of the LGUs in the delivery of the devolved functions and services, DOH
units come up with their performance monitoring and assessment framework, which is
discussed in the succeeding sections.
The DTP Annex F provides detailed information on systems and mechanisms of the
Department, whether existing or new, in monitoring and evaluating the performance
of LGUs in the delivery of devolved functions.

Health Facilities Enhancement Program

For the devolved functions, targeted LGUs shall be monitored and evaluated once a
month based on these two performance indicators: (1) percentage of implemented
projects funded within the fiscal year; and, (2) percentage of completed projects
funded within the fiscal year. These indicators are useful for LGUs that DOH will still

For monitoring and evaluation purposes of HFEP projects re-devolved to the LGUs,
the following output indicators in the PHFDP should be monitored:
● BHS to barangay ratio;
● Number of provinces/cities with PCF accessible within 30 minutes for 80 percent
of the population out of the total number of provinces;
● Percent of PCF established out of the total number of gaps;
● Bed to population ratio;
● Number of provinces/cities with hospitals accessible within 1 hour;
● Percent of L1 hospital beds established;
● Percent of L2 hospital beds established; and,
● Percent of L3 hospital beds established.

In order to strengthen its monitoring and evaluation functions, one strategy of HFEP
includes enhancement of its existing monitoring and evaluation systems (Physical and
Financial Real-time Reporting System) to cover performance indicators for devolved
services. Further, it aims to advocate for the completion of the staffing complement or
fill the vacant positions in CHD field offices to strengthen direct coordination and
monitoring of LGUs.

◼ 52 ◼
Human Resources for Health (HRH) Deployment

The performance of LGUs on the devolved functions shall be monitored and evaluated
through the Monitoring and Performance Assessment on HRH planning, hiring of
adequate HRH or creation of positions, and Learning and Development Management
System (LDMS). Performance indicators for respective programs are set from baseline
existing data and mechanisms. The integration of the HRH plan into the Local
Investment Plan for Health (LIPH) and adequacy of HRH and positions shall be
monitored annually. Meanwhile, the training of staff on Learning Development
Management and creation of LGU competency-based Learning Development Plan for
HRH shall be monitored semi-annually.

Currently, there are existing performance evaluation systems or mechanisms being

used such as the Local Health Systems Maturity Level Monitoring Tool, Local
Government Unit Health Scorecard (LGU HSC), HRH Deployment Program
Assessment Tool, and other HRH distribution monitoring mechanisms, and Levels I to
III evaluations for the LDMS. As part of the NGA monitoring and performance
evaluation strategies, activities such as the establishment of baseline data
assessment, development of comprehensive assessment tools in data collection,
institutionalization of Monitoring and Performance Framework through an approved
policy, and designation of personnel or unit to conduct regular monitoring shall be

Epidemiology and Surveillance

For the devolved function of hiring DSOs, the performance indicator that will be
monitored is the percentage increase in the number of those who will be hired and
engaged, which will be done bi-annually. Other performance indicators relative to the
devolved functions in the existing integrated monitoring and evaluation systems of the
Epidemiology Bureau, which is for updating, are as follows:
● For the FHSIS, two indicators namely: (1) percentage increase in the number
of LGUs reporting through Electronic Medical Records reflected in FHSIS
monthly monitored monthly; and (2) percentage increase in the number of
LGUs with timely and complete data reports monitored either monthly or
quarterly. The Province, City, and Municipal ESUs shall also monitor this
● For the Case-based Surveillance, two indicators namely: (1) percentage
increase in the number of ESUs reporting through the Case-based Surveillance
Online Software; and (2) percentage increase in the number of ESUs with
timely and complete data reports. These will be monitored on a monthly basis.
The Province, City, Municipality, and Hospitals ESUs shall monitor this
● For the Event-based Surveillance and Response, three indicators namely: (1)
percentage increase in the number of ESUs capturing and reporting health

◼ 53 ◼
events; (2) percentage increase in the number of health events timely captured,
verified and reported to higher ESU and concerned stakeholders; and, (3)
percentage increase in the number of health events monitored and closed.
These indicators will be monitored monthly by EB and the CHDs.
● For the FETP, the provincial, city, and municipal ESUs will monitor the indicator
annually - percentage of province/city/municipalities with DSOs who have
completed basic and intermediate epidemiology courses.

These performance indicators are planned to be included in the enhancement of the

existing integrated monitoring and evaluation systems and integration of established
incentive schemes like the Seal of Good Governance. Moreover, the staffing
complement or vacant positions in the DOH Central Office and CHD-RESUs shall be
filled up in order to strengthen direct coordination and monitoring of all ESUs through
regular Program Implementation Reviews.

Public Health Commodities

For devolved functions under public health commodities, the matrix on monitoring and
performance assessment of the LGUs in undertaking the devolved functions provided
in DTP Annex F provides the existing performance evaluation mechanism of the DOH.
It contains the detailed information on the assessed services that will serve as the
baseline data for the LGUs in determining which services need improvements. The
performance indicators are as follows:
● Percent of Demand for Family Planning Served with Modern Methods or the
use of modern contraceptives among women of reproductive age (WRA);
● Proportion of infants 6-11 months and children 12-23 months old who
completed Micronutrient Powder supplementation, pregnant women given
complete Iron + Folic Acid, and those who completed doses of calcium
carbonate supplementation;
● Proportion of pneumonia cases among children 0-59 months old who received
treatment and were given Amoxicillin Drops or Suspension;
● Number of patients provided with treatment for STI, number of at-risk population
tested for Hepatitis B and C infections, and screened for HIV;
● Proportion of population who completed two (2) doses of deworming tablet
(disaggregated per age group: Pre-School Age Children (PSAC), School Age
Children (SAC), adolescent and WRA and pregnant women who completed one
dose of deworming tablet; and,
● Proportion of hypertensive patients provided with anti-hypertensive drugs and
diabetic patients provided with diabetes medications.

◼ 54 ◼
7 – Organizational Effectiveness Proposal (OEP)

Given that the public health sector is already in a devolved set-up since 1991, existing
permanent positions in the DOH will not be affected by the re-devolution efforts. These
personnel will still execute the inherent functions and services of the Department.
Nevertheless, the DOH shall propose to DBM a recommended organizational structure
and counterpart staffing complement for LGUs in light of the re-devolved services.
Hence, DTP Annexes G-1 to G-3 are not applicable since there will be no
modifications in the organizational structure, staffing complement, and number of
personnel of DOH relative to the re-devolution measure.

Modifications in the resource allocation of affected P/A/Ps for CY 2022 are reflected
in DTP Annex G-4. However, in terms of budget reduction due to re-devolution, DOH
wants to emphasize that re-devolution does not necessarily mean downloading of
funds from NGAs to LGUs but re-devolution of functions performed by NGAs to LGUs
based on the Local Government Code LGC. There is no significant decrease in the
total budget of the DOH due to devolution given that it is offset by increases in other
priority budget line items which are still retained with DOH. Among its budget priorities
for CY 2022 are those activities related to UHC Act implementation, COVID-19
Initiatives, health system resilience, assistance to LGUs for the full devolution,
implementation of other health-related laws, and those with urgent and compelling

◼ 55 ◼

◼ 56 ◼
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Matrix on the Unbundling of Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) of the National Government Agencies (NGAs)
to Different Levels of Government

Department of Health - Office of the Secretary

NOTE: Attached agencies and corporations of the Department of Health (NNC, PNAC, PhilHealth, NKTI, LCP, PCMC, PHC, PITAHC) will not be affected by the re-devolution of
functions from NGAs to LGUs.

Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

1. 0. Health Facilities Enhancement Gradual and Partially Devolved by 2022

Program (Infrastructure, Equipping,
Mobile Vehicles)
2022 Retained
1. 1 Operations of Health Facilities Enhancement x 82 Function not devolved to Ongoing operations of HFEP in the Central Office
Program, including monitoring – National LGU
1. 2 Infrastructure, medical equipment and x HFEP RA no. 11223 sec 17.6 – Although LGUs shall provide health and social welfare services, UHC
motor vehicle funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Projects per financing of population- Act mandates the DOH to provide support in financing capital
Hospitals, and completion projects only for LGU vary based health services, investments.
polyclinics in the province/cities included in year-by-year, support in financing capital
the Philippine Health Facility Development 2021 GAA investments RHU and BHS are heavily involved in the delivery of population based
Plan (PHFDP) Allocation framework listed levels are not health services which DOH shall be funding. Further, LGU Hospitals
below: applicable as need upgrading due to the pandemic.
● Category 2 basis
● Category 3
● Category 1

NG – National Government; P – Province; C – City; M – Municipality; B – Barangay. Please tick off/mark appropriate column(s). One per row only.
Page 1 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

1. 3 Infrastructure, medical equipment, and x HFEP EO no. 102 s. 1999 sec. 3 DOH shall maintain national health facilities and hospitals with
motor vehicle funding for DOH Hospitals Projects per (d) modern and advanced capabilities to support local services.
and other health facilities LGU vary
2021 GAA
levels are not
applicable as
2022 Devolved
1. 4 Infrastructure, medical equipment and x x x HFEP RA no. 7160 sec. 17 Municipalities belonging to the affected LGU may have the capacity
motor vehicle funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Projects per to provide health and social welfare services including the
Hospitals, and completion projects only for LGU vary maintenance of barangay health center and day-care center; access
polyclinics in the province/cities included in year-by-year, to secondary and tertiary health services; purchase of medicines,
the PHFDP Allocation framework listed 2021 GAA medical supplies and equipment needed to carry out the health
below: levels are not services.
● Category 4 applicable as
Assignment per level of Government
•LGU hospitals – Province/City/Municipality
•RHU – Municipal
•District Health Centers – City
•Polyclinic - City
•BHS – Municipal
1. 5 Monitoring of Health Facilities – Local level x x x No amount
2023 Retained
1. 6 Operations of Health Facilities Enhancement x 82 Function not devolved to Ongoing operations of HFEP in the Central Office
Program, Including monitoring – National LGU

Page 2 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

1. 7 Infrastructure, medical equipment and x HFEP RA no. 11223 sec. 17.6 – Although LGUs shall provide health and social welfare services, UHC
motor vehicle funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Projects per financing of population- Act mandates the DOH to provide support in financing capital
Hospitals, and completion projects only for LGU vary based health services, investments.
polyclinics in the province/cities included in year-by-year, support in financing capital
the PHFDP Allocation framework listed 2021 GAA investments RHU and BHS are heavily involved in the delivery of population based
below: levels are not health services which DOH shall be funding. Further, LGU Hospitals
● Category 3 applicable as need upgrading due to the pandemic.
● Category 1 basis

1. 8 Infrastructure, medical equipment, and x HFEP EO no. 102 s. 1999 DOH shall maintain national health facilities and hospitals with
motor vehicle funding for DOH Hospitals Projects per sec. 3 (d) modern and advanced capabilities to support local services.
and Other Health Facilities LGU vary
2021 GAA
levels are not
applicable as
2023 Devolved
1. 9 Infrastructure, medical equipment and x x x HFEP RA no. 7160 sec. 17 Municipalities belonging to the affected LGU may have the capacity
motor vehicle funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Projects per to provide health and social welfare services including the
Hospitals, and completion projects only for LGU vary maintenance of barangay health center and day-care center; access
polyclinics in the province/cities included in year-by-year, to secondary and tertiary health services; purchase of medicines,
the PHFDP Allocation framework listed 2021 GAA medical supplies and equipment needed to carry out the health
below: levels are not services.
● Category 2 applicable as
● Category 4 basis
Assignment per level of Government
•LGU hospitals – Province/City/Municipality
•RHU – Municipal/City
•District Health Centers – City
•Polyclinic - City
•BHS – Municipal

Page 3 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

1. 10 Monitoring of Health Facilities –Local level x x x No amount


2024 Retained
1. 11 Operations of Health Facilities Enhancement x 82 Function not devolved to Ongoing operations of HFEP in the Central Office
Program, including monitoring – National LGU

1. 12 Infrastructure, medical equipment and x HFEP RA no. 11223 sec 17.6 – Although LGUs shall provide health and social welfare services, UHC
motor vehicle funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Projects per financing of population- Act mandates the DOH to provide support in financing capital
Hospitals, and completion projects only for LGU vary based health services, investments.
polyclinics in the province/cities included in year-by-year, support in financing capital
the PHFDP Allocation framework listed 2021 GAA investments RHU and BHS are heavily involved in the delivery of population based
below: levels are not health services which DOH shall be funding. Further, LGU Hospitals
● Category 3 applicable as need upgrading due to the pandemic.
● Category 1 basis

1. 13 Infrastructure, medical equipment, and x HFEP EO no. 102 s. 1999 DOH shall maintain national health facilities and hospitals with
motor vehicle funding for DOH Hospitals Projects per sec. 3 (d) modern and advanced capabilities to support local services.
and Other Health Facilities LGU vary
2021 GAA
levels are not
applicable as

Page 4 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

2024 Devolved
1. 14 Infrastructure, medical equipment and x x x HFEP RA no. 7160 sec. 17 Municipalities belonging to the affected LGU may have the capacity
motor vehicle funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Projects per to provide health and social welfare services including the
Hospitals, and completion projects only for LGU vary maintenance of barangay health center and day-care center; access
polyclinics in the province/cities included in year-by-year, to secondary and tertiary health services; purchase of medicines,
the PHFDP Allocation framework listed 2021 GAA medical supplies and equipment needed to carry out the health
below: levels are not services.
● Category 3 applicable as
● Category 2 basis
● Category 4

Assignment per level of Government

•LGU hospitals – Province/City/Municipality
•RHU – Municipal/City
•District Health Centers – City
•Polyclinic - City
•BHS – Municipal
1. 15 Monitoring of Health Facilities –Local level x x x No amount

2. 0 Human Resources for Health Gradually and Partially Devolved by 2023


2022 Retained

2. 1 Hiring of Doctors under the Doctors to the x 16,582.92 EO no. 102 s. 1999 DOH shall ensure quality of training and health human resource
Barrios (DTTB) Program, Medical Pool (specific sec. 3 (k) development at all levels of the healthcare system
Placement and Utilization (MPPUP), Post amount per
Residency Deployment Program (PRDP) program/proj RA no. 11223 sec. 17 The DOH shall provide support for human resources for health
ect/activity capacity building, to complement local government resources for
2. 2 Hiring of Nurses under the Nurse x were not health
Deployment Project (NDP)

Page 5 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

2. 3 Hiring of Midwives under the Rural Health x specified in

Midwives Placement Program (RHMPP) the GAA) RA no. 11223 sec. 24 A national health workforce support system (NHWSS) shall be created
AO no. 2020-0038 to support local public health systems in addressing their human
2. 4 Hiring of Dentist under the Dentist x resource needs: Provided, That deployment to Geographically
Deployment Project (DDP) Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) shall be prioritized

2. 5 Hiring of Medical Technologist under the x To rationalize the need for decentralization in the formulation and
Medical Technologist Deployment Project RA no. 7160 sec. 3 implementation of policies and measures on local autonomy.

2. 6 Hiring of Pharmacist under the Pharmacist x AO no. 2020-0038

Deployment Project (PDP) Guidelines on the
Deployment of Human
2. 7 Hiring of Nutritionist-Dietitian under the x Resources for Health under
Nutritionist-Dietitian Deployment Project the National Health
(NDDP) Workforce Support System
2. 8 Hiring of Physical Therapist under the x
Physical Therapist Deployment Program

2. 9 Scholarship for medical and midwifery x 695.29 RA no. 11223 IRR sec. 25.5 Increase production of identified cadre of health professionals and
students under the DOH Pre-Service (specific health managers as determined by the National Health Human
Scholarship Program. amount per CHED-TESDA-DOH-PRC- Resource master Plan through the expansion and redirection of
program/proj DOST JAO no. 2021-0001 government-funded scholarship programs that would support the
ect/activity Guidelines for Expanding production of needed cadre of health care professionals, health care
were not Health Professional and workers, and health managers and improve local retention.
specified in Health Worker Scholarships
the GAA) and Return Service
Agreements for UHC

Page 6 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

2. 10 In-Service Scholars (DTTB Post Graduate x 114.96 EO no. 102 s. 1999 DOH shall ensure quality of training and health human resource
and Practice-Based Family and Community (specific sec. 3 (k) development at all levels of the healthcare system
Medicine Residency Training Program) amount per
program/proj RA no. 11223 sec. 17 The DOH shall provide support for human resources for health
ect/activity capacity building, to complement local government resources for
were not health
specified in
the GAA)

2. 11 Other Operations Expenses (HRH x 31.41 RA no. 11223 sec. 24 A national health workforce support system (NHWSS) shall be created
Deployment and PPSP Monitoring, (specific to support local public health systems in addressing their human
Enrollment of HRH to GSIS Group/Modified amount per AO no. 2020-0038 resource needs.
Personal Accident Insurance and conduct of program/proj Guidelines on the
HRH deployment consultative meetings) ect/activity Deployment of Human
were not Resources for Health under
specified in the National Health
the GAA) Workforce Support System

DOST JAO no. 2021-0001
Guidelines for Expanding
Health Professional and
Health Worker Scholarships
and Return Service
Agreements for UHC

2023-2024 Gradually and Partially Devolved

2. 12 Hiring of Nurses under the Nurse x x x Cost ℅ LGU RA no. 7160 sec. 77 RA no. 7160 sec. 77 - Responsibility for Human Resources and
Deployment Project (NDP) Development. - The chief executive of every local government unit
shall be responsible for human resources and development in his unit
2. 13 Hiring of Midwives under the Rural Health x x x Cost ℅ LGU RA no. 7160 sec. 77 and shall take all personnel actions in accordance with the
Midwives Placement Program (RHMPP) constitutional provisions on civil service, pertinent laws, and rules and

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

regulations thereon, including such policies, guidelines and standards

as the Civil Service Commission may establish.

General Strategy: Gradual and partial devolution of the Human
Resource for Health (HRH) Deployment line item

Specific Strategies:

1. Devolution of the hiring and recruitment of specific cadres (nurses

and midwives) to LGUs on the basis of equity, availability, and
accessibility, among other factors

2. Phased implementation allowing for planning and preparatory


3. Continuous supervision and monitoring of to-be devolved functions

towards achievement of HRH standards and other HRH-related UHC
commitments (e.g., incremental creation of positions at the local

Beginning CY 2023, the hiring of nurses and midwives in 1st to 4th

class municipalities will be devolved to LGUs except in GIDAs, target
areas for peace-building efforts, priority areas for poverty reduction
and those with critical health workers gap. These cadres will be
subject for devolution given the low possibility of market failure
(disequilibrium in supply and demand)

3. 0 Epidemiology and Surveillance None was RA no. 11332 Partially Devolved by 2022
approved in RA no. 11223
GAA RA no. 9271 It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect and promote
the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness
among them. It shall endeavor to protect the people from public

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

health threats through the efficient and effective disease surveillance

of notifiable diseases including emerging and reemerging infectious
diseases, diseases for elimination and eradication, epidemics, and
health events including chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear and
environmental agents of public health concern and provide an
effective response system in compliance with the 2005 International
Health Regulations (IHR) of the World Health Organization (WHO),
and its amendments.

The State recognizes epidemics and other public health emergencies

as threats to public health and national security, which can undermine
the social, economic, and political functions of the State.

The State also recognizes disease surveillance and response systems

of the DOH and its local counterparts as the first line of defense to
epidemics and health events of public health concern that pose risk
to public health and security.

In view therefor, the RA no. 11332, or the Mandatory Reporting of

Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act,
was enacted to primarily protect the State from diseases and health
events of public health concern through the implementation of
epidemiology and surveillance PPAs at all levels.

Moreover, RA no. 11223, or the Universal Health Care Act, stipulates

the generation of population-based disease surveillance.

Therefore, as surveillance information needs are heightened,

additional human resource requirements shall also be complemented
to establish and maintain disease surveillance systems. The Regional
Epidemiology and Surveillance Units (RESUs) (i.e., Centers for Health
Development and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao (BARMM) shall link the local government unit’s efforts with

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

national health measures that shall be supported by a timely and

reliable epidemiological and surveillance data.

3. 1 Hiring of Disease Surveillance Officers x None was RA no. 11332 and its IRR , As per RA 11223 and its IRR, the DOH shall endeavor to contract
(DSOs) approved in RA no. 11223 and its IRR province-wide and city-wide health systems for the delivery of
GAA population-based health services. The P/CWHS shall have an
accurate, sensitive, and timely epidemiologic surveillance systems as
one of its minimum components (Section 17).

As per RA 11332 and its IRR, The DOH - Central Office shall have
the following roles and functions:
1. Sets the overall strategic and operational direction for DSOs;
2. National technical oversight of DSOs;
3. Provision of technical supervision for DSOs at the national level;
4. Through the CHDs, provides technical capacity building to PHOs
in conducting burden of disease (BOD) estimates at the provincial
5. Facilitates the preparation of national BOD estimates and
facilitates its presentation to the Secretary of Health and to the
DOH Executive Committee members;
6. Maintains a national information system/database of various
health indicators; and
7. Analyzes regional and provincial key performance indicators of
health programs implementation.

Meanwhile, the DOH-CHDs shall have the following roles and

1. Regional technical oversight of DSOs;
2. Maintains a database of DSOs per LGU level;
3. Provides technical capacity building to PHOs in conducting BOD
estimates in the respective governance level;
4. Monitors which LGUs are appropriating for and implementing the
hiring of DSOs according to the standard criteria set by the DOH;

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

5. Provides LGUs the needed capacity development on epidemiology

and surveillance;
6. Advices the Regional Development Councils (RDC) the gaps and
strengths of LGUs under its jurisdiction;

Lastly, the PDOHOs shall have the following roles and functions:
1. Support the PHO in the achieving its deliverables pertaining to
epidemiology and surveillance;
2. Coordinate with the DOH Regional Office; and
3. Ensure that targets are met by the PHO pertaining to
epidemiology and surveillance.
x None was RA no. 11332, RA no. The basis for re-devolution is Rule VII Section 2 of the 2020 IRR of
approved in 11223 RA no. 11332, which provides:
GAA ● As a minimum requirement, each Epidemiology and
Surveillance Unit (ESU) shall have at least one (1) DSO duly
trained on applied/field epidemiology, surveillance and
response; and one (1) epidemiology assistant of an allied
health profession;
● Moreover, the human resource complement will support the
implementation of the population-based health services
under Section 17 of the UHC Act to ensure an accurate,
sensitive and timely epidemiologic, surveillance systems;
● The budget requirements for the operations of ESUs shall be
drawn from the annual budget of their respective mother

The Provincial Local Government Units (LGU), through the

PHO, shall have the following roles and functions:
1. Consolidates data submission of C/MHOs and validates the
completeness and accuracy of data in its jurisdiction;
2. Analyzes and prepares data visualizations at the provincial level;

Page 11 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

3. Facilitates the preparation of provincial burden of disease (BOD)

estimates and prepares reports for submission to the DOH
Regional Offices;
4. Recommends timely data analytical results to the Provincial Chief
Executives and Provincial Health Board;
5. Maintains a provincial database of various health indicators; and
6. Coordinates with DOH Regional Offices (CHDs) for the timely,
efficient, and effective implementation of epidemiology and
surveillance under its jurisdiction.
x None was RA 11332, RA 11223 The City LGUs, through the City Health Offices (CHO), shall
approved in have the following roles and functions:
GAA 1. Prepares and consolidates submission of disease and health
events surveillance reports by the barangays under its
2. Coordinates with the PHO and PDOHO pertaining to epidemiology
and surveillance;
3. Submits consolidated epidemiological and surveillance reports to
PHO, copy furnished the PDOHO;
4. Provides technical support and capacity building to nearby
municipalities requesting for technical support which the
PHO/PDOHO may not provide; and
5. Recommends timely data analytical results to the City Health
Executives and City Health Board.
x None was RA 11332, RA 11223 The Municipal LGUs, through the Municipal Health Offices
approved in (MHO), shall have the following roles and functions:
GAA 1. Prepares and consolidates submission of disease and health
events surveillance reports by the barangays under its
2. Coordinates with the PHO and PDOHO pertaining to epidemiology
and surveillance;
3. Cleans data and submits consolidated epidemiological and
surveillance reports to PHO, copy furnished the PDOHO; and
4. Recommends timely data analytical results to the Municipal
Health Executives and Municipal Health Board.
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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

4. 0 Public Health Commodities N/A The procurement, storage, distribution, and monitoring of supplies of
the re-devolved public health commodities shall include both regular
and emergency supplies.

This shall not affect the commodities procured by HEMB as

augmentation during disasters and outbreaks.

Functions/ services to be retained with the DOH from 2022-2024

must meet the following criteria:
1. Services/commodities with economies of scale;
2. Services/commodities internationally procured (no local
3. Services without PHIC benefit package in the interim; and
4. Population-based services that must be consistently

Likewise, those that will be re-devolved to LGUs (financed either

through IRA/NTA or PHIC) are those
1. Services/commodities that are readily available/with local
2. Services with existing PHIC benefit package, including those
that are to be developed; and
3. Population-based services that the LGUs can implement.
4. 0 PPA # 1 (Health Service Delivery) EO no. 102 s. 1999 DOH is mandated to provide assistance to LGUs to effectively
Procurement of Commodities implement PPAs that will promote the health and well-being of every
(General) Filipino, prevent and control diseases among populations at risks,
protect individuals, families and communities exposed to hazards and
Note: Specific commodities are detailed risks that could affect their health, and treat, manage and rehabilitate
below. individuals affected by disease and disability;
DOH shall develop sub-national centers and facilities for health
promotion, disease control and prevention, standards, regulations
and technical assistance

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Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

RA no. 7160 sec. 17 LGUs shall provide health services which include the implementation
of programs and projects on primary health care, maternal and child
care, and communicable and non-communicable disease control

2022 -2024 Retained

4. 1 Cancer Control Program
Procurement of Cancer Commodities x 747 Cancer: RA no. 11215 Cancer – Pursuant to Rule V Sec. 20 of the IRR of RA no. 11215
1. Trastuzumab 150 mg Lyophilized sec. 20 which states “...there is hereby established a Cancer Assistance
Powder Fund to support the cancer medicine and treatment assistance
2. Trastuzumab 600 mg/ 5ml program. The DOH shall manage the Fund in accordance with
existing budgeting, accounting and auditing rules and regulations…,”
(120mg/ml), 5ml Vial
the management of the CAF shall remain with the DOH.
3. Bicalutamide 50 mg
4. Bleomycin (as Sulfate) 15 mg Vial Cancer medicines are costly and only several drugs are covered by
5. Capecitabine 500 mg Tablet the Z benefit package. In order to maintain economies of scale, the
6. Carboplatin 150 mg vial list of cancer medicines herein provided shall be retained with the
7. Carboplatin 450 mg vial DOH until such time that these are included in the expanded
8. Cisplatin 1 mg/mL, 10 mL vial Philhealth benefit package.
9. Cyclophosphamide 500 mg powder
10. Cytarabine 100 mg/mL 1 mL vial
11. Cytarabine 100 mg/mL 5 mL vial
12. Dacarbazine 200 mg vial
13. Dactinomycin (Actinomycin D) 500
mcg powder vial
14. Docetaxel 20 mg/mL, 1 mL vial
15. Docetaxel 40 mg/mL, 2 mL vial
16. Doxorubicin 10 mg vial
17. Doxorubicin 50 mg vial
18. Epirubicin 50 mg vial

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As of September 30, 2021
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Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

19. Etoposide 20 mg/mL, 5 mL

20. Fluorouracil 50 mg/mL, 10 mL vial
21. Gemcitabine 200 mg vial
22. Gemcitabine 1 g vial
23. Goserelin 3.6 mg depot solution
Pre-filled syringe (PFS)
24. Hydroxyurea 500 mg capsule
25. Idarubicin 5 mg vial
26. Ifosfamide 1 g vial
27. Imatinib Mesilate 100 mg tablet
28. Irinotecan 40 mg/2 mL vial
concentrate vial
29. Asparaginase 10,000 IU vial
30. Letrozole 2.5 mg Tablet
31. Leuproreline Acetate 3.75 mg vial
32. Mercaptopurine 50 mg tablet
33. Methotrexate 2.5 mg tablet
34. Methotrexate 25 mg/mL, 2 mL vial
35. Oxaliplatin 5 mg/mL concentration
solution, 10 mL Vial
36. Paclitaxel 6 mg/mL, 16.7 mL Vial
37. Paclitaxel 6 mg/mL, 25 mL Vial
38. Rituximab 10 mg/mL, 10 mL Vial
39. Rituximab 10 mg/mL, 50 mL Vial
40. Tamoxifen 20 mg tablet
41. Vinblastine Sulfate 1 mg/mL, 10 mL

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

42. Vincristine (as Sulfate) 1 mg/mL, 1

mL Vial
43. Vincristine (as sulfate) 1 mg/mL, 2
mL Vial
44. Diphenhydramine (as
Hydrochloride) 50 mg/mL, 1 mL
45. Filgrastim (G-CSF) 300 mcg/0.5 mL
Pre-filled syringe (PFS)
46. Calcium Folinate (Leucovorin
Calcium) 50 mg vial
47. Mesna 100 mg/mL, 4 mL Amp
48. Metoclopramide 5 mg/mL, 2 mL
49. Ondansetron (as Hydrochloride) 2
mg/mL, 2 mL ampule
50. Ondansetron (as Hydrochloride) 2
mg/mL, 4 mL ampule
51. Ranitidine (as Hydrochloride) 25
mg/mL, 2 mL ampule/vial
52. Diazepam 5mg/mL, 2 mL amp
53. Fentanyl Citrate 50 mcg/mL, 2 mL
54. Haloperidol 5 mg/mL, 1 mL amp
55. Hyoscine (as N-butyl bromide) 20
mg/mL. 1 mL amp
56. Morphine (as Sulfate) 10 mg tablet
57. Morphine (as Sulfate) 30 mg tablet

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Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

58. Morphine (as Sulfate) 10 mg/mL, 1

mL Ampule
59. Omeprazole 40 mg powder vial +
10 mL solvent Ampule
60. Imatinib 400 mg tablet
61. Cisplatin 1 mg/mL, 50 mL vial

4. 2 Mental Health Program (until such

time these have been included in the
Philhealth package)
Procurement of Mental Health x 165 Mental Health: RA no. Mental Health - RA 11036 or “Mental Health Act” states that DOH
Commodities 11036 shall fund the establishment and assist in the operation of
1. Carbamazepine 200 mg Tablet community- based mental health care facilities in the provinces, cities
2. Lithium Carbonate 450 mg MR and municipalities wherein mental health services encompasses
Tablet wellness promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Also,
3. Divalproex Sodium 250 mg tablet DOH in coordination with Philhealth has to ensure the inclusion of
ER outpatient and inpatient benefit packages for priority mental health
4. Valproic Acid 250 mg/5 ml Syrup conditions.
5. Divalproex Sodium 500 mg tablet
6. Biperiden Hydrochloride 2 mg AO no. 2021-0012 AO 2021-0012 “Implementing Guidelines on the Medicine
Tablet Access Program for Mental Health (MAP-MH)” states that DOH
7. Chlorpromazine 200 mg Tablet shall finance the procurement of essential medicines for MNS
8. Clozapine 100 mg Tablet disorders until such time that it will be included in Philhealth’s
9. Fluphenazine Decanoate 25 mg/mL, primary care service package.
1 mL Ampule
10. Diphenhydramine 50 mg/mL, 1 mL
11. Haloperidol 5 mg Tablet
12. Haloperidol 5 mg/mL, 1 mL
13. Olanzapine 10 mg Tablet

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Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

14. Olanzapine 10 mg Oro-Dispersible

Tablet (ODT)
15. Quetiapine 200 mg Tablet
16. Risperidone 2 mg Tablet
17. Risperidone 2 mg Oro-dispersible
Tablet (ODT)
18. Escitalopram 10 mg Tablet
19. Fluoxetine 20 mg Capsule
20. Sertraline 50 mg Tablet
21. Lamotrigine 100 mg Tablet
22. Donepezil 10 mg Tablet
23. Fluphentixol 20 mg/ml
24. Paliperidone Palmitate 150
mg/1.5ml, ampule
25. Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride 50
mg capsule
4. 3 National Tuberculosis Control Program
Procurement of TB Drugs & supplies x 737 RA no. 10767 sec. 7. (b) Bedaquiline (PhP 24,720.00), Delamanid (PhP 100,693.03), and
(First line anti TB Drugs for adults & Provide reliable supply of Cartridge - Based Nucleic Acid Amplification test (PhP 50,500.00) are
Children, Second Line anti-TB Drugs, TB drugs to patients for free expensive medicines and devices with limited local supplier(s) in the
Preventive Therapy, PPD Reagents and by ensuring that local country, making it difficult for LGUs to procure them. Additionally, per
Genexpert cartridges for the detection of TB health centers, through RA no. 10767 sec. 7.(a), DOH shall provide free laboratory services
cases) coordination with LGUs through the DOH-retained hospitals. These commodities shall be
concerned, have sufficient retained with the DOH until such time they are made locally available
1. Rifampicin + Isoniazid 150/75mg supply of medicines for the and included in the PHIC benefit package.
2. Rifampicin + Isoniazid + communities they serve;
Pyrazinamide + Ethambutol Rifampicin + Isoniazid preventive treatment for adults and the
RA. no. 10767 sec. 7. (a) pediatric population shall likewise be continuously provided by the
3. Rifampicin suspension 200mg/5mL
Provide free laboratory DOH until such time these are included in the PHIC benefit package.
4. Isoniazid syrup 200mg/5mL, and services through the DOH
Isoniazid 300mg tablet retained hospitals Lastly, according to the PHIC website (as of 31 July 2021), there are
5. Pyrazinamide suspension only 1,493 accredited facilities as TB-DOTS providers nationwide. As
250mg/5mL TB is a highly contagious disease, ensuring continuous treatment of

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Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

6. Ethambutol 400mg those with TB and preventing multidrug resistant TB benefits the
7. Rifampicin + Isoniazid 150/75mg entire population.
for TB Preventive Treatment for
For these reasons, TB commodities shall be retained with the DOH
until such time the number of accredited facilities are sufficient to
8. Rifampicin suspension 200mg/5mL provide these services at every LGU.
- TB Preventive Treatment for pedia
9. Bedaquiline 100mg
10. Delamanid 50mg
11. Cartridge - Based Nucleic Acid
Amplification test

4. 4 Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious

Disease Program
Procurement and distribution of x 10 AO no. 2017-0007 The following commodities are not included in any PHIC benefit
Oseltamivir(as phosphate) 75 mg/capsule, packages, hence these shall be retained until such time these are
Propan-2-ol, Propan-1ol, Mecetronium included in future benefit packages.
Note: Oseltamivir - PhP 24.00 per capsule; Propan-2-ol, propan-1-
ol, mecetronium ethylsulfate - PhP 1,750.00 per bottle
4. 5 National Aedes-borne Viral Diseases
Prevention and Control Program
Procurement of Pyriproxifen 5gm/sachet; x 100 AO no.2013-0028 Vector control (population-based services) for aedes-borne viral
Deltamethrin 2% EW; emulsion oil in H20 diseases need to be consistently implemented to prevent outbreaks.
1L/bottle; Insecticide Treated Screen (ITS); Additionally, pyriproxifen, insecticide treated screen, bifenthrin and
Bifenthrin; IRS spray cans and Repair Kits; IgM/IgG dengue rapid test kits are expensive commodities (>PhP
Novaluron 10%; Metofluthrin 0.1% 100.00 per unit) and have no local suppliers, which would make it
1L/bottle; IgM/IgG Dengue Test difficult for LGUs to procure them. Deltamethrin, novaluron and
metofluthrin are also expensive commodities costing around PhP
5,500.00/bottle, PhP 8,925.00, and PhP 10,500.00/bottle,
respectively, with limited local suppliers.

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Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

For these reasons, these commodities shall be retained with the DOH
until such time they are readily available locally and the LGUs have
enough capacity to implement them consistently.
4. 6 National Malaria Control and
Elimination Program
Procurement and distribution of Long- x 294 RA no. 4812 Malaria is a disease for elimination. In order to eliminate this
Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN), disease, all population-based services such as vector control must
Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) kits, Indoor be consistently implemented. Likewise, the DOH and the Global
Residual Spraying (IRS), retreatment Fund are cost-sharing commodities such as malaria RDT, Long
insecticide; Etofenprox 10% EW, Anti-malarial Lasting Insecticide treated Nets, Insecticides (IRS), and
drugs Retreatment insecticides. Hence, these population-based services
shall remain with the DOH until such time that Malaria is eliminated.

Anti-malarial drugs also have limited local suppliers, which limits the
capacity of the LGUs in procuring these. For this reason, these shall
also remain with DOH until such time the local market has
4. 7 Oral Health Program
Procurement and distribution of: x 50 Oral Health: RA no. These commodities are currently not included in the Philhealth
1. High speed handpiece bundled with 11223; RA no. 1148; RA outpatient benefit package, and will be retained with the DOH until
burs, 2 holes type, LED, multi-port no. 3814 as amended by such time they are included in the package.
water spray RA no. 5211, RA no. 9484
2. Light cure unit, wired & wireless
with light intensity indicator
3. Portable Ultrasonic Scaler with Mini
Water Tank, portable with different
scaler tips and water tank
4. 8 Management of Acute Malnutrition
Procurement and distribution of Therapeutic x 192 Nutrition: RA nos. 10354, Commodities for the management of acute malnutrition are
and Supplementary foods: Ready to Use 11148, 11023, 11223, 8976 currently not included in the Philhealth outpatient benefit package,
Supplementary Food (RUSF), Ready to Use and are all only internationally procured, hence these shall be
Therapeutic Food (RUTF), F-75 Therapeutic retained with the DOH until such time these are included in the
Milk, F-100 Therapeutic Milk, Lipid Based expanded PHIC benefit package and are locally available.

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

Nutrient Supplement Small Quantity (LNS

4. 9 Micronutrient Supplementation
4. 9.a Procurement and distribution of Vitamin A x 1.77 RA no. 11148 Vitamin A high dose supplements are not included in the PHIC
100,000 IU (6-11 mos) EO no. 102 outpatient benefit package and have limited local market. These
will be retained with the DOH until such time these are included in
the expanded PHIC benefit package and are locally available.
4. 9.b Procurement and distribution of Vitamin A x 46.29
200,000 IU (12-59 mos)
4. 10 National Immunization Program
4. 10.a Procurement of Vaccines for Children (BCG, x 4,345 RA no. 10152 sec. 7 Continuous provision of routine vaccines are important to maintain
Pentavalent, Hepa, Measles, MMR, herd immunity from infectious diseases that are highly contagious
Pneumonia, etc.) and ancillaries and have been either eliminated or eradicated (e.g. polio). Most
vaccines are internationally procured because of the limited supply of
vaccines globally. This also restricts the capacity of the LGUs in
procuring these essential commodities. Furthermore, not all of these
vaccines are included in the Philhealth outpatient benefit package.
Hence, routine vaccines shall be retained with the DOH.
4 10.b Procurement of Vaccines for Senior Citizens x 1,138 Healthy and Productive Healthy and Productive Aging (Senior Citizens): RA no. 9994
(Influenza & Pneumococcal) and ancillaries Aging (Senior Citizens): RA sec. 4 (f) states that “the DOH shall administer free
no. 9994 vaccination against the influenza virus and pneumococcal
disease for indigent senior citizen patients,” hence this function
will be retained with DOH.
4 10.c Procurement of ancillary Commodities x 250 Vaccine paraphernalia and the vaccines are bundled commodities to
(Syringes, safety collector boxes) be procured at the Central Office.
4. 11 National HIV/ AIDS & STI Prevention
and Control Program
Drugs for HIV (antiretroviral therapy), x 743 RA no. 11166, Rule 7, sec. Under RA no. 11166 - Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act, the DOH
opportunistic infections, and Hepatitis and 33 and 34 shall establish a program to provide free and accessible
laboratory supplies antiretroviral therapy (ART) and medication for
Procurement and distribution of: opportunistic infections to all PLHIV including necessary health
1. Abacavir 300mg tablet and nutrition services related to the person’s HIV condition.

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As of September 30, 2021
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Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

2. Efavirenz 200mg tablet and 600mg

tablet Further, not all antiretroviral drugs are available locally and require
3. Dolutegravir 50mg tablet facilitation of international procurement and application of
4. Nevirapine 10mg/mL oral accelerated Certificate of Product Registration (CPR).
5. Lamivudine 10mg/mL oral solution; These commodities shall be retained with the DOH until all
and 150mg tablet medicines are included in the PHIC outpatient benefit package and
6. Tenofovir 300mg tablet the local market has expanded.
7. Zidovudine 10mg/mL oral
8. Lamivudine 150mg + Zidovudine
300mg tablet
9. Lamivudine 300mg + Tenofovir
300mg tablet
10. Lamivudine 300mg + Tenofovir
300mg + Efavirenz 600mg tablet
11. Lamivudine 300mg + Tenofovir
300mg + Dolutegravir 50mg tablet
12. Lopinavir 200mg + ritonavir 50mg
13. Lopinavir 40mg + ritonavir 10mg
oral pellets contained in capsule
14. Fluconazole 200mg capsule
15. Sofosbuvir 400mg tablet
16. Daclatasvir 60mg tablet
17. Syphilis rapid test kit
18. Hepatitis B viral load reagents
19. HIV viral load point of care test
20. HIV RDT-1 (for screening)
21. HIV RDT-2 (For rHIVda
22. HIV RDT-3 (For rHIVda re-

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As of September 30, 2021
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Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

4. 12 COVID-19
PPEs (set of 6), Laboratory Network x 4,939 RA no. 11525 otherwise Still to be retained at DOH Central Office due to scarcity of supplies,
Commodities for Testing, COVID-19 known as the “COVID-19 but initiatives in procuring at the local level are encouraged if
Vaccines, Ancillaries, and Logistics Vaccination Program Act of commodities are available. DOH will only provide augmentation.

DC no. 2021-0009:
Department of Health’s
Strategic Plan for COVID-
19 Vaccination (2021-2023)
and National Strategic
Policy Framework for
COVID-19 Vaccine
Deployment and
4. 13 National Filariasis Elimination
Procurement and distribution of x 30 AO no. 24s 1998: The Filariasis is a disease for elimination. In order to eliminate this
Diethylcarbamazine Citrate, Filariasis Test National Filariasis Control disease, all population-based services such as vector control and
Strips, Disease-free Markers Program: Strategy Shift mass drug administration of populations in endemic areas must be
from Filariasis Control to consistently implemented. Hence, these population-based services
the Elimination of Filariasis shall remain with the DOH until such time that Filariasis is
AO no. 2013-0030: Revised
Guidelines in the Filariasis test strips also have limited local suppliers, which limits the
Monitoring and capacity of the LGUs in procuring these. For this reason, these shall
Epidemiological also remain with DOH until such time the local market has
Assessment of Mass Drug expanded and included in the PHIC outpatient benefit package.
Administration on
Lymphatic Filariasis Lastly, disease-free markers are only used by the DOH in
determining disease-free provinces and areas, and shall likewise
remain with the DOH.

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Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

Note: For 2021 Budget Allocation: Diethylcarbamazine Citrate (PhP

5,357,295), Filariasis Test Strips (PhP 26,568,000)

No Budget allocation for Disease-free Markers in the 2021 GAA.

4. 14 National Leprosy Control Program

Distribution of Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT) x 0.00 RA no. 4073 These commodities are not available locally, and are only donated by
Drugs and clofazimine WHO. These shall remain with the DOH until such time the local
market has expanded and included in the PHIC benefit package.
4. 15 Food and Waterborne Diseases
Prevention and Control Program
Procurement and distribution of Diloxanide x 0.00 PD no. 856: Sanitation Both commodities are not locally available, and shall remain with the
and Cholera RDT (See Note Code DOH until such time the local market has expanded and included in
in Column the PHIC outpatient benefit package.
5) RA no. 10611: Food Safety
Act Note: Under 2021 GAA, DPCB did not procure this commodity, hence
no allocation in budget.
AO no. 2020-0027: FWBD
Program Implementation

DM no. 2020-0391:
Implementation Guidelines
for Cholera Rapid
Diagnostic Test (RDT) to
Support Early Case
Detection, Surveillance and
Outbreak Response

DC no. 2019-0233:
Adoption of the National
Food and Waterborne

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Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
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Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

Disease Prevention and

Control Program Clinical
Practice Guidelines on
Acute Infectious Diarrhea
Reference Manual

4. 16 Schistosomiasis Control and

Elimination Program
Procurement of Praziquantel 600mg tablets, x 26 AO no. 2007-0015 Schistosomiasis is a disease for elimination. In order to eliminate
Kato Katz kits AO no. 2009-0013 this disease, all population-based services such as vector control
DM no. 2016-0212 and mass drug administration of populations in endemic areas must
DC no. 2013-0436 be consistently implemented. Hence, these population-based
services shall remain with the DOH until such time that
Schistosomiasis is eliminated.

Kato-Katz kits, the gold standard in diagnosis of schistosomiasis,

also do not have local suppliers, which limits the capacity of the
LGUs in procuring these. For this reason, this shall also remain with
DOH until such time the local market has expanded and included in
the PHIC benefit package.
4. 17 National Family Planning Program
4. 17.a Procurement and distribution of x 1.46 EO no. 102 s. 1999 RPRH/Adolescent Health: RA no. 10354 Section 10 states
IntraUterine Device (IUD) sec. 2 (b) DOH shall procure, distribute to LGUs and monitor the usage
of family planning supplies for the whole country. The DOH shall
4. 17.b Procurement and distribution of Progestin x 325 RPRH/Family Planning/Safe coordinate with all appropriate local government bodies to plan and
Subdermal implant (PSI) Motherhood/Adolescent implement this procurement and distribution program...Provided,
Health: RA no. 10354, EO That LGUs may implement its own procurement, distribution
no. 12 s. 2017 and monitoring program consistent with the overall provisions of
4 17.c Procurement and distribution of Progestin x 200 this Act and the guidelines of the DOH.
Only Pill (POP
4. 17.d Procurement and distribution of Depot- x 57.83 Currently, only procedures for IUD insertion and PSI are included in
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) the PHIC outpatient benefit and does not include provision of the
commodities. POP and DMPA are also not included in the package.

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Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

Hence, these commodities shall be retained with the DOH until they
are included in the primary care package.

Note: Procurement of Combined Oral Contraceptives and

Male Condoms (Only until 2023 as buffer. For devolution
beginning CY 2024)

4. 18 Environmental Health
4. 18.a Procurement of Drinking Water x 1 PD no. 856 - Code on These commodities are population-based services that need to be
Disinfectant (Water Purification Tablets) Sanitation of the Philippines consistently implemented to ensure water safety and prevent
4. 18.b Procurement of Water Sampling Bottles x 0.178 (Safe Drinking Water outbreaks. These are procured as a set which costs around PhP
Supply) 600.00 for every water troclosene sodium tablet, PhP 140.00 for each
4. 18.c Procurement of Chemical Reagents x 0.702 sampling bottle, and PhP 349.00 for each enzyme substrate test
AO no. 2017-0010 – reagent.
Philippine National
Standards for Drinking To ensure equity, augmentation for these services in 5th and 6th
Water (PNSDW) class municipalities shall remain with the DOH.

RA no. 11223 - Universal

Health Care Act
(Population based

2022 Devolved
4. 19 Lifestyle Related Disease Prevention
and Control Program
4. 19.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 91 CVD: RA nos. 9211; CVD and DM: DOH through the NCD, Maintenance Medicine Access
monitoring of supplies Losartan 10351;10643 Program shall provide free maintenance medicines for patients
diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia.
4 19.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 26 AO no. 2016-0014 These medicines shall be distributed to access sites (CHOs, RHUs)
monitoring of Amlodipine

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Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

4 19.c Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 13 Implementing Guidelines nationwide (as per DOH AO nos: 2011-0013; 2012-0029; 2016-0014
monitoring of Simvastatin on the Organization of
Health Clubs for Patients The transfer of responsibility and accountability to the LGUs in the
with Hypertension and procurement of non-communicable maintenance medicine in 2022
Diabetes in the Facilities; shall align with the implementation of UHC wherein the focus would
be primary care hence availability and accessibility is important for
AO 2012-0029 chronic diseases that require maintenance or lifetime medications.
Implementing Guidelines These commodities are locally available and LGUs have the capacity
on the Institutionalization to procure on their own, no externalities.
of Philippine Package of
Essential NCD Interventions Note: Beginning CY 2022, these commodities will be devolved to LGUs
(PhilPEN) on the Integrated
Management of Provincial Governments may provide augmentation to component
Hypertension and Diabetes cities/ municipalities when there are gaps identified.
for Primary Health Care
Facilities; CHO/MHO/RHU to ensure that there is an available registry/ list of
patients with hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia.
AO no. 2011-0003 National Coordinate with their LGUs for funding support and processing of
Policy on Strengthening the procurement.
Prevention and Control of
Chronic Lifestyle Related
Non Communicable
4 19.d Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 8 Diabetes Mellitus (DM): RA no. 8191, Sec. VII. The National Diabetes Prevention and Control
monitoring of Gliclazide RA no. 8191 “National Plan shall provide for the evaluation of measures employed, including
Diabetic Act of 1996” drug and diet therapies, in the control of diabetes mellitus
4 19.e Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 34
monitoring of Metformin AO nos. 2016-0014;2012- Note: Beginning CY 2022, Metformin and Gliclazide will be devolved
0029; to LGUs, and in 2023 all Diabetic commodities (including insulin) will
2011-0003; be devolved to LGUs

Provincial Governments may provide augmentation to component

cities/ municipalities when there are gaps identified.

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

CHO/MHO/RHU to ensure that there is an available registry/ list of

patients with hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia.
Coordinate with their LGUs for funding support and processing of

Starting 2023 – all Diabetic Drugs including Insulin and insulin

syringes will be devolved to LGUs in alignment with the
implementation of UHC wherein the focus would be primary care
hence availability and accessibility is important for chronic diseases
that require maintenance or lifetime medications.
4. 20 Food and Waterborne Diseases
Prevention and Control Program
4. 20.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 3 PD no. 856: Sanitation To empower LGUs in procuring health commodities as priorities
monitoring of Oral Rehydration Salts Code especially in the implementation of the UHC and to encourage LGUs
(ORS) RA no. 10611: Food Safety in practicing prevention and control health practice for FWBD.
4. 20.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x Zinc Drops: Act
monitoring of Zinc Syrup and Drops 0.500 Available in the local market.
AO no. 2020-0027: FWBD
Zinc Syrup: Program Implementation
0.499 Guidelines

4. 21 Integrated Management of Childhood

Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.00 RA no. 11123 Universal Health Care Act Sec. 6 Service Coverage Immediate
monitoring of Amoxicillin Drops and (See Note RA no. 11148 Eligibility to Services - Every Filipino is granted immediate eligibility
Suspension in Column and access to preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and
5) palliative care for medical, dental, mental and emergency health

RA no. 11148 Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act Rule 8

Program Components sec. 1 The program shall include services and
interventions provided at the different life stages based on the

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Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

Nurturing Care Framework. LGUs, NGAs, CSOs concerned, and other

stakeholders shall work together to ensure the delivery of these
services and interventions.

Starting 2022, the procurement of such commodities will be devolved

to the LGUs. The cost of devolved services (based on procured prices
at the central office) are as follows (Note: amount may vary at the
LGU level):
2022 - PhP 655,587.00 for UHC-Integration Sites
2023 – PhP 1,764,255.60 for all LGUs
2024 – PhP 1,998,501.59 for all LGUs

Note: Under 2021 GAA, DPCB did not procure this, hence no
allocation in budget.
4. 22 Micronutrient Supplementation
Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 120 RA no. 11148 Nutrition: EO no. 102 states that DOH shall be the direct service
monitoring of Ferrous Sulfate + Folic EO no. 102 provider for specific programs that affect large segments of the
Tablets for Pregnant Women and children population, such as tuberculosis, malaria, schistosomiasis, HIV-AIDS
under 5 years old and other emerging infections, and micronutrient deficiencies.
The RA no. 11148 specifies that nutrition interventions including
micronutrient supplementation will be provided for adolescents,
pregnant and lactating and children.
Furthermore, this commodity is included in the Philhealth benefit
package for ANC, and is readily available in the local market.

2023 Devolved
4. 23 Lifestyle Related Disease Prevention
and Control Program
Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x Biphasic Diabetes Mellitus (DM): RA In 2022, NG to procure insulin vials and syringes. To ensure that
monitoring of Diabetic Drugs (Insulin, Isophane no. 8191 “National Diabetic LGUs will be ready for its procurement by 2023 since this will entail
Insulin Syringes) Human Act of 1996” logistic concerns like cold storage and proper waste disposal.
Insulin 100

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

IU/ml, 70/30 AO nos. 2016-0014; 2012- Provincial Governments may provide augmentation to component
(SC): 0029; 2011-0003 cities/ municipalities when there are gaps identified.
CHO/MHO/RHU to ensure that there is an available registry/ list of
Isophane patients with hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia.
Human Coordinate with their LGUs for funding support and processing of
Insulin 100 procurement.
2 Provincial Hospitals may procure insulin vials and syringes as well.

Regular Devolution starting CY 2023 of Metformin 500mg, Gliclazide 30mg,

Insulin 100 Regular insulin vials, NPH/ Isophane vials, Biphasic/ 70/30 insulin
IU/ml, (SC, vials, insulin syringes .

4. 24 Integrated Helminth Control Program/
Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis
Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.00 AO no. 2010-0023 Vital part of the Program’s current strategy for Deworming Mass
monitoring of Albendazole 400mg Drug Administration being the recommended drug for Soil-
tablets Transmitted Helminthiasis per AO no. 2010-0023 Re: Guidelines on
Deworming Drug Administration and the Management of Adverse
Events Following Deworming (AEFD). There should be readily
available stocks at the primary level prior to the conduct of the
deworming activities to address current challenges in the logistics.
No Budget allocation for 2021, we also get donation from WHO

Available in the local market

2022- PhP 18,997,000.00

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

2023- PhP 19,947,000.00

4. 25 National Filariasis Elimination
4. 25.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.00 AO no. 2010-0009 Readily available in the local market, hence, the cost of devolved
monitoring of Mupirocin Ointment (See Note function to procure these commodities at the LGU level are reflected
4. 25.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x in Column based on centrally procured prices but amount may vary at LGU level
monitoring of Ketoconazole Cream 5)
2022: Mupirocin Ointment and Ketoconazole Cream (PhP
2023: Mupirocin Ointment and Ketoconazole Cream (PhP
2024:,Mupirocin Ointment and Ketoconazole Cream (PhP

Note: Under 2021 GAA, DPCB did not procure this, hence no
allocation in budget.
4. 26 National Leprosy Control Program
4. 26.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 1.39 RA no. 4073 To empower LGUs in procuring health commodities as priorities
monitoring of Itraconazole Capsule especially in the implementation of the UHC and to encourage LGUs
100mg in practicing prevention and control health practice for Leprosy
4. 26.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 2.9
monitoring of Vitamin B Complex Tablet Readily available in the local market, hence the leprosy commodities
4, 26.c Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.043 will be fully devolved to the LGUs.
monitoring of Prednisone Tablet 10mg
4. 26.d Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 2.93 Available in the local market
monitoring of Ascorbic Acid 500mg tab
4. 26.e Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 1.82 *Note: Under 2021 GAA, DPCB did not procure this commodity, hence
monitoring of Betamethasone (as no allocation in budget.
4. 26.f Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.00
monitoring of Ferrous Salt+ Folic Acid (See Note
Tablet in Column

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

4. 26.g Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 1.50

monitoring of Fusidate sodium/Fusidic
Acid Cream 15g
4. 27 Sexually Transmitted Infections
4. 27.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 1.03 RA no. 11223, Rule 5, sec. Services for sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, and other
monitoring of Penicillin G. 1.2M units 19 (19.13-19.15) infectious diseases have long been integrated in the city/
4. 27.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 3.56 municipality health care system. This is promulgated in the Local
monitoring of Cefixime 400mg capsule LGC of the Philippines, Book Government Code and further reinforced in RA 11223 - Universal
1, Title 1, Chapter 2, (For Health Care Act. In that, health services which include the
4. 27.c Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.46 municipality) Sec 17 b.2.iii implementation of programs and projects on primary health care
monitoring of Azithromycin 500mg and (For cities) Sec 17 b.4 inclusive of communicable and non-communicable disease control
tablet services as well as purchase of medicines, medical supplies, and
equipment needed to carry out these services are under the
4 27.d Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 7.50 responsibilities of the city/ municipality through its city/ municipal
monitoring of Hepatitis B surface health office.
antigen rapid diagnostic tests
4. 27.e Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 1.00 Further, these commodities are readily available in the local
monitoring of Hepatitis C surface market. The cost of devolved services based on centrally procured
antigen rapid diagnostic tests prices is reflected.

To note, the said commodities may be procured at the Provincial

Health Offices however there are no current data available on the
procurement of drugs for STI and TB preventive therapy and
Hepatitis RDTs at the provincial level

Starting 2023, the procurement of such commodities will be fully

devolved to the LGU.
4. 28 Micronutrient Supplementation
4. 28.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 20 RA no. 11148 Starting CY 2023, these will be devolved to LGUs at all levels.
monitoring of Micronutrient Powder EO no. 102
4. 28.b Procurement, storage, distribution and x x x 10 These commodities can be procured by the LGUs locally
monitoring of MUAC tapes
4. 29 National Safe Motherhood Program

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.00 RPRH/Family Planning/Safe Locally available, and relatively low cost.
monitoring of Calcium Carbonate (See Note Motherhood/Adolescent
in Column Health: RA no. 10354, EO *Note: Under 2021 GAA, DPCB did not procure this commodity, hence
5) no. 12 s. 2017 no allocation in budget.
RA no. 11148
EO no. 102
4. 30 Food and Waterborne Diseases
Prevention and Control Program
4. 30.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 999 PD no. 856: Sanitation To empower LGUs in procuring health commodities as priorities
monitoring of Azithromycin Code especially in the implementation of the UHC and to encourage LGUs
RA no. 10611: Food Safety in practicing prevention and control health practice for FWBD.
4. 30.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 3.42 Act
monitoring of Ciprofloxacin AO no. 20220-0027: FWBD Available in the local market
Program Implementation

4. 31 Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious

Diseases Program
Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 2.70 AO No. 2017-0007 Commodities have local markets and are relatively low cost.
monitoring of Doxycycline Starting CY 2023, this will be devolved to LGUs to be used for
(Hyclate)100mg/capsule preparedness and in response to emerging and re-emerging
infectious diseases cases and outbreaks.

2024 Devolved
4. 32 National Aedes-borne Viral Disease
Prevention and Control Program
Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 47 AO no. 2016-0043 The transfer of responsibility and accountability to the LGUs on the
monitoring of Dengue RDT(NS1) procurement of the specific commodity and implementation of UHC

To provide readily available Dengue RDT kits at the RHUs and other
point of care for the initial screening and early diagnosis of suspected
dengue cases per AO 2016-0043 Re: Guidelines for the Nationwide

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

Implementation of Dengue Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT). The cost of

devolved services are based on centrally procured prices (may vary
at the LGU level).

Available in the local market

4. 33 National Rabies Prevention and
Control Program
(Procurement of Equine Rabies x x x 509 RA no. 9482 "Anti Rabies To enable LGUs in procuring health commodities as priorities
Immunoglobulin (ERIG); Anti-rabies Vaccine Act of 2007 especially in the implementation of the UHC and to encourage LGUs
for Humans-PVRV/PCEC) in practicing prevention and control health practice for rabies, and
necessary for elimination of human rabies cases in the country.

Available in the local market

4. 34 National Family Planning Program
4. 34.a Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 450 EO no. 102 s. 1999 The procurement of COCs and male condoms will be fully devolved
monitoring of Combined Oral Section 2 (b) starting CY 2024 and such will be provided for all levels of the LGUs
Contraceptives, (Province, City, Municipality and Barangays).
RPRH/Family Planning/Safe
4. 34.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 7.89 Motherhood/Adolescent These commodities are locally available and LGUs have the capacity
monitoring of Male condoms Health: RA no. 10354, EO to procure on their own, no externalities.
no. 12 s. 2017
4. 35 Oral Health Program
4. 35.a Procurement, storage, and monitoring of x x x 44.75 Oral Health: RA no. 11223; RA no. 11223 UHC Act sec. 6 Service Coverage Immediate
Oral Health Care Package RA no. 1148; RA no. 3814 Eligibility to Services wherein 6.1 states that every Filipino is
4. 35.b Procurement, storage, distribution, and x x x 0.00 as amended by RA no. granted immediate eligibility and access to preventive, promotive,
monitoring of Fluoride 5211, RA no. 9484 curative, rehabilitative and palliative care for medical, dental, mental
4. 35.c Procurement, storage, and monitoring of x x x 0.00 and emergency health services, Comprehensive Outpatients
Glass Ionomer Benefits and Sec. 6.3.b. for diagnostics, laboratory, dental and other
4. 35.d Procurement, storage, and monitoring of x x x 7.63 medical services;
Pit and Fissure Sealant Kit, Etchant
and sealant (light cure) DOH AO no. 2020-0040 Guidelines on the Classification of
Individual-based and Population-based Primary Care Service

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

4. 35.e Procurement, storage, and monitoring of x x x 0.00 Package on individual based intervention, oral and dental services
Composite Restorative Material as component of Individual-Based Health Service Package

RA no. 11148 Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act Rule

8 Program Components sec. 1 states that the program shall
include services and interventions provided at the different life stages
based on the Nurturing Care Framework. LGUs, NGAs, CSOs
concerned, and other stakeholders shall work together to ensure the
delivery of these services and interventions.

Sec. 2 states general services and interventions to be rendered in

the first one thousand (1,000) days period of a child, pregnant and
lactating women including adolescent females and adolescent
mothers, and women of reproductive age, giving high priority to high
risk groups and those belonging to the vulnerable population are the
following: j. Provision of oral health services including oral health

RA no. 3814 sec. 2 as amended by RA no. 5211 An Act Creating

the Bureau of Dental Health Services is in-charge with the
protection of the dental health of the people of the Philippines and
the maintenance of an adequate standard of dental health services
and the improvement of such standards.

DOH AO no. 101, s. 2003 National Policy on Oral Health

The National Policy on Oral Health shall be pursued to guarantee the
attainment of an improved oral health through a Comprehensive Oral
Health Care Program, with priority on the promotion of oral health
and adequate prevention and control of oral diseases and conditions,
thereby ensuring protection of the rights of every individual with oral
health needs.

DOH AO no. 2007-0007 Guidelines In The Implementation Of

Oral Health Program For Public Health Services provides the

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As of September 30, 2021
Assignment per Level of ation in
Decentralization Principle and
Function /Service/Facility/ Government1 FY 2021
Legal Basis Other Remarks to Delineate the PPAs to be Assigned to
Program/Project/Activity [2] GAA
[4] Each Level of LGU
[1] (in PhP M)
NG P C M B [3]

guidelines for the implementation of the national oral health program

for public health services. This will also be the basis for planning and
implementing various oral health programs and
projects in the country, and for effective and efficient supervision and
coordination with the total public health services of the Department
of Health and all government and non-government agencies.

*Transition will be based on the readiness of the Local Government

Units to implement Oral Health programs and services.
*Procurement of Oral Health commodities in 2021 GAA are not the
consumable oral health commodities being procured for the provision
of oral health services, while waiting for the delivery of 2019 and
2020 procurement. Instead, the program procured devices (not
capital outlay) that are equally important for the use in the provision
of oral health services.

DPCB: The procurement of Oral Health commodities by the DOH will

be gradually transitioned. We will consider first assessment of the
maturity levels of LGUs. In line with this, DOH shall set standards and
guidelines on the minimum essential oral health services and the
corresponding commodities at the level of local government health

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Implementation Strategy and Phasing of Devolution Transition Activities

Department of Health - Office of the Secretary

NOTE: Attached agencies and corporations of the Department of Health (NNC, PNAC, PhilHealth, NKTI, LCP, PCMC, PHC, PITAHC) will not be affected by the re-devolution of
functions from NGAs to LGUs.

Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
PHASE I (FY 2021- 2022)
Infrastructure, medical Strategy # 1 Q3-Q4 2021, 2022 Targeted LGUs Outcome Health Facilities No. of target
equipment and motor vehicle included in the 1. Strengthened Enhancement Program- provinces/cities/
funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Consultations with the targeted Category 4 of relationship and trust Management Office municipalities/
LGUs are built between the barangays which
Hospitals, and completion PHFDP Allocation
NGA and the LGUs participated in the
projects only for polyclinics in To level-off with the LGUs and inform Framework consultation
the province/cities included in them of the PPAs to be discontinued, Outputs meetings/fora/FGDs
the PHFDP Allocation and resolve concerns/issues 1. Identified areas of
framework listed below: concern or issues
● Category 4 Activities raised by the LGUs and
1. Conduct of consultation the corresponding
meetings/fora/FGDs with the action plan of the
LGUs agency and the LGU
concerned to address
the same
Strategy # 2 Q3-Q4 2021, 2022 Targeted LGUs Outcome Health Facilities No. or percent of target
included in the 1. Strengthened Enhancement Program- LGUs capacitated
Provision of capacity building/ Category 4 of relationship and trust Management Office
technical assistance to the LGUs PHFDP Allocation between the NGA and No. of LGUs with MOAs
Framework the LGUs with NGA for the
To build the capacity of the LGUs to provision of technical
undertake the devolved functions assistance for specific

Page 37 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
2. Increased capacity of skills and systems
Activities LGUs to take on the development
1. Conduct of devolved functions
trainings/seminars/workshops with No. of LGUs adopting
the targeted LGUs with poverty Outputs NGA recommended
incidence 1. Orient the LGUs re systems and structures
HFEP’s Standards on
infrastructure, medical
equipment and motor
vehicle implementation
2. Orient the LGUs re
HFEP reporting system

1. Increased LGUs
capacity on implementing
and reporting of HFEP’s
Devolved functions
PHASE II (FY 2023)
Infrastructure, medical Strategy # 1 Q3-Q4, 2023 Targeted LGUs Outcome Health Facilities No. of target
equipment and motor vehicle included in the 1. Strengthened Enhancement Program- provinces/cities/
funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Consultations with the targeted Category 4 & 2 relationship and trust Management Office municipalities/
LGUs with poverty incidence of PHFDP are built between the barangays which
Hospitals, and completion
Allocation NGA and the LGUs participated in the
projects only for polyclinics in Framework consultation
the province/cities included in Outputs meetings/fora/FGDs
To level-off with the LGUs and inform
the PHFDP Allocation them of the PPAs to be discontinued, 2. Identified areas of
framework listed below: and resolve concerns/issues concern or issues raised
● Category 2 by the LGUs and the
● Category 4 Activities corresponding action
1. Conduct of consultation plan of the agency and
meetings/fora/FGDs with the LGUs the LGU concerned to
address the same

Page 38 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
Strategy # 2 Q3-Q4, 2023 Targeted LGUs Outcome No. or percent of target
included in the 1. Strengthened LGUs capacitated
Provision of capacity building/ Category 4 & 2 relationship and trust
technical assistance to the LGUs of PHFDP between the NGA and No. of LGUs with MOAs
Allocation the LGUs with NGA for the
To build the capacity of the LGUs to Framework 2. Increased capacity of provision of technical
undertake the devolved functions LGUs to take on the assistance for specific
devolved functions skills and systems
Activities development
1. Conduct of trainings/ seminars/ Outputs
workshops with the targeted LGUs 1. Orient the LGUs re No. of LGUs adopting
with poverty incidence HFEP’s Standards on NGA recommended
infrastructure, medical systems and structures
equipment and motor
vehicle implementation
2. Orient the LGUs re
HFEP reporting system

1. Increased LGUs
capacity on implementing
and reporting of HFEP’s
Devolved functions
Infrastructure, medical Strategy # 1 Q3-Q4, 2024 Targeted LGUs Outcome Health Facilities No. of target
equipment and motor vehicle included in the 1. Strengthened Enhancement Program- provinces/cities/
funding for BHS, RHU, LGU Consultations with the targeted Category 4, 3 & relationship and trust Management Office municipalities/
Hospitals, and completion LGUs with poverty incidence 2 of PHFDP are built between the barangays which
projects only for polyclinics in Allocation NGA and the LGUs participated in the
the province/cities included in To level-off with the LGUs and inform Framework consultation
the PHFDP Allocation them of the PPAs to be discontinued, Outputs meetings/fora/FGDs
framework listed below: and resolve concerns/issues 2. Identified areas of
● Category 3 concern or issues raised
● Category 2 Activities by the LGUs and the
● Category 4 1. Conduct of consultation corresponding action
meetings/fora/FGDs with the LGUs
Page 39 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
plan of the agency and
the LGU concerned to
address the same

Strategy # 2 Q3-Q4, 2024 Targeted LGUs Outcome No. or percent of target

included in the 1. Strengthened LGUs capacitated
Provision of capacity building/ Category 4, 3 & relationship and trust
technical assistance to the LGUs 2 of PHFDP between the NGA and No. of LGUs with MOAs
Allocation the LGUs with NGA for the
To build the capacity of the LGUs to Framework 2. Increased capacity of provision of technical
undertake the devolved functions LGUs to take on the assistance for specific
devolved functions skills and systems
Activities Outputs
1. Conduct of 1. Orient the LGUs re No. of LGUs adopting
trainings/seminars/workshops with HFEP’s Standards on NGA recommended
the targeted LGUs with poverty infrastructure, medical systems and structures
incidence equipment and motor
vehicle implementation
2. Orient the LGUs re
HFEP reporting system

1. Increased LGUs
capacity on implementing
and reporting of HFEP’s
Devolved functions

Page 40 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Facility/ Strategies and Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Program/Project/ Activities Government Unit (LGU) Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Activity [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
PHASE I (FY 2021- 2022)
Human Resources for Strategy # 1 Outcome HHRDB; CHDs No. of target provinces and
Health Deployment - Advocacy and 1. Strengthened cities participated in the
Nurses and Midwives Consultative Meetings relationship and trust advocacy and consultation
with LGUs between DOH and the meetings/fora.
Leveling-off expectations LGUs.
with the LGUs and 2. Strengthened Client satisfaction rating
information on specific commitment and obtained
HRH deployment programs accountability among
and projects to be LGUs on their role in
discontinued in lieu of HRH management and
Mandanas-Garcia Supreme Q4, 2021 P/C/M development to
Court Ruling implications achieve Universal
and gain commitment from Health Care goals.
LGUs on their role in HRH
management and Outputs
development. 1. Identified areas of
concern or issues
Activities raised by the LGUs
1. Orientation meeting and the corresponding
with Centers for Health action plan of DOH
and Development and LGUs to address
Directors and HRH the same.
2. Conduct of advocacy
and consultative
meetings/fora with the
Strategy # 2 Outcome: HHRDB; CHDs Percentage of LGUs that
Provision of technical Q4, 2021 P/C/M 1. Increased capability of participated in the
assistance to LGUs in LGUs in determining orientation.
determining priority areas HRH needs and Percentage of LGUs that
and HRH needs priority areas of utilized the tools in

Page 41 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Facility/ Strategies and Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Program/Project/ Activities Government Unit (LGU) Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Activity [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
deployment based on determining HRH needs
Activities standards and existing and priority areas.
1. Dissemination of tools guidelines.
and standards in Percentage of HRH
determining HRH needs Output: registered in the National
and priority areas of 1. Evaluation tools and Health Workforce Registry
deployment of HRH. standards
2. Orientation to CHDs disseminated to and
and LGUs on how to use utilized by LGUs.
the tools. 2. LGUs have registered
all HRH within their
jurisdiction under the
National Health
Workforce Registry
Strategy # 3 Q4 2021 onwards P/C/M Outcome: HHRDB; PAD; CHDs Percentage of LGUs with
Capacity building to LGUs 1. Increased capability of HRH plans integrated in
on Human Resource LGUs in HRH planning their LIPH.
Management and and integration of HRH
Development plans to respective Percentage of LGUs that
LIPH and development participated in capability
Activities plans; Increased building activities HRH
1. Capacity-building capability of LGUs in management and
activities to LGUs on HRH HRH management and development;
Planning, management development.
and development. No. of LGUs meeting the
Output: target LHS Maturity Level
1. HRHMP strategies Criteria for Health
integrated in LIPH of Workforce

Strategy # 4 Q4 2021 P/C/M Output: HHRDB; CHDs No. of LGUs that received
To develop and Guidelines on eligibility and provided feedback on
disseminate guidelines on criteria for HRH the guidelines.
eligibility criteria of LGUs

Page 42 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Facility/ Strategies and Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Program/Project/ Activities Government Unit (LGU) Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Activity [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
for augmentation of HRH augmentation
from DOH disseminated to LGUs

1. Develop guidelines on
eligibility criteria of LGUs
to receive HRH
augmentation from
2. Disseminate guidelines
to LGUs
PHASE II (FY 2023)
Human Resources for Strategy # 1 2023 P/C/M Outcome: HHRDB/CHDs Percentage of 1st to 4th
Health Deployment - Partial devolution of Maintained or increased class municipalities that
Nurses and Midwives HRH deployment line HRH to population ratios were able to recruit and
item (based on NOH targets hire ADDITIONAL nurses
and accomplishments) and midwives complying
Activities with set conditions (i.e.
1. Implementation of Output: salary standardization, full
further devolution of hiring HRH no longer employed Magna Carta benefits for
and recruitment of specific under the HRH public health workers)
cadre (nurses and Deployment Program are
midwives) to LGUs subject hired by the LGUs
to certain conditions (i.e.
presence of positions and
items and salary

Strategy # 2 2023 onwards P/C/M Outcome: HHRDB; CHDs Percent of LGUs with
Monitoring of LGU Improved compliance in increased permanent
compliance related to the achievement of HRH plantilla positions for
HRH. standards. nurses and midwives; and

Page 43 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Facility/ Strategies and Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Program/Project/ Activities Government Unit (LGU) Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Activity [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Activities percent of increase in HRH
1. Monitoring of plantilla positions, if
incremental creation of possible
nurse and midwife
position. No. and percentage of LGU
2. Monitoring of LGU that achieved the HRH
performance in the standards.
achievement of HRH
Strategy # 1 2024 P/C/M Outcomes: HHRDB; CHDs Percentage of 1st to 4th
Human Resources for Partial devolution of HRH Maintained or increased class municipalities that
Health Deployment - deployment line item HRH to po(based on NOH were able to hire and
Nurses and Midwives targets and recruit ADDITIONAL
Activities accomplishments) nurses, midwives and other
1. Implementation of cadres of HRH, complying
further devolution of hiring with set conditions (i.e.
and recruitment of specific salary standardization, full
cadre (nurses and Magna Carta benefits for
midwives) to LGUs subject public health workers,)
to certain conditions (i.e.
presence of positions and
items and salary

Page 44 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
PHASE I (FY 2021- 2022)
Component # 1 Strategy # 1 Outcome Epidemiology Bureau No. of target
Hiring of Disease Surveillance Baseline Consultations with the Q3, 2021 Strengthened relationship municipalities/
Officers (DSO) to be devolved LGUs Q1 and Q3, 2022 and trust are built between barangays which
to all LGUs by CY 2022; With the NGA and the LGUs participated in the
DSOs retained at DOH central, To level-off with the LGUs and inform consultation
regional, and provincial them of the PPAs to be discontinued, Outputs meetings/fora/FGDs
offices; Capacitating LGUs for and resolve concerns/issues
the Transition in 2023-2024 1. Identified areas of Client satisfaction rating
Activities concern or issues on obtained
1. Conduct of consultation meetings/ Q3, 2021 P/C/M/B epidemiology and
fora/FGDs with the LGUs Q1 and Q3, 2022 surveillance raised by
the LGUs and the
2. Annual assessment and gaps Q3, 2021 corresponding action
analysis of the Epidemiology and Q3, 2022 plan of the agency and
Surveillance Units within its the LGU concerned to
jurisdiction address the same
2. Assessment results and
gaps analysis of the
Epidemiology and
Surveillance Units within
its jurisdiction
Strategy # 2 Outcome Epidemiology Bureau Number or percent of
Provision of capacity building/ Q4, 2021 target LGUs capacitated
technical assistance to the LGUs Q2 and Q4, 2022 P/C/M/B 1. Strengthened on basic epidemiology
relationship and trust and surveillance
To build the capacity of the LGUs to between the NGA and
undertake the devolved functions on the LGUs No. of P/C/M/B with
epidemiology and surveillance 2. Increased capacity of established and
LGUs to take on the functional ESU
Activities devolved functions vis-
a-vis disease No. of P/C/M/B with
Q2 and Q4, 2022 appropriate number of

Page 45 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
1. Conduct of trainings/ seminars/ surveillance and DSO based on set criteria
workshops with the LGUs on basic response by the DOH
epidemiology and surveillance
Q2 and Q4, 2022 Outputs No. of LGUs with MOAs
2. Conduct of trainings on contact with NGA for the
tracing 1. No. of P/C/M/B provision of technical
provided with capacity assistance for specific
development on basic skills and systems
epidemiology and development
No. of LGUs adopting
2. No. of P/C/M/B NGA recommended
provided with capacity systems and structures
on contact tracing

3. No. of P/C/M/B with

appropriate and timely
epidemiologic response
provided to a disease
outbreak and health
events of public health
PHASE II (FY 2023)
Component # 1 Strategy # 1 Outcome No. of target provinces/
cities/ municipalities/
Hiring of Disease Surveillance Phase II (Follow-through) Q1-Q2, 2023 P/C/M/B Strengthened relationship Epidemiology Bureau barangays which
Officers (DSO) to be devolved Consultations with the LGUs and trust are shared participated in the
to all LGUs; With DSOs between the NGA and the consultation meetings/
retained at DOH central, To provide follow-through consultations LGUs fora/FGDs
regional, and provincial offices with the LGUs on the status of PPAs
discontinued by the NG in 2022 and Outputs Client satisfaction rating
status of concerns/issues resolution obtained
1. Identified areas of
Activities concern or issues on
epidemiology and

Page 46 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
1. Conduct of follow-through surveillance raised by
consultation meetings/fora/FGDs the LGUs and the
with the LGUs Q1, 2023 corresponding action
plan of the agency and
2. Annual assessment and continuous the LGU concerned to
gaps analysis of the Epidemiology address the same
and Surveillance Units within its Q2, 2023
jurisdiction 2. Assessment results and
gaps analysis of the
Epidemiology and
Surveillance Units within
its jurisdiction
Strategy # 2 Outcome Number or percent of
target LGUs capacitated
Updating the capacities of the Q3-Q4, 2023 P/C/M/B 1. Strengthened Epidemiology Bureau on basic and advanced
LGUs vis-a-vis epidemiology and relationship and trust epidemiology and
surveillance between the NGA and surveillance
the LGUs
To update the capacity of the LGUs to No. of P/C/M/B with
undertake the devolved functions on 2. Increased capacity of established and
epidemiology and surveillance LGUs to take on the functional ESU
devolved functions vis-
Activities a-vis disease No . of P/C/M/B with
surveillance and appropriate number of
1. Conduct of trainings/ seminars/ Q3, 2023 response DSO based on set criteria
workshops with the LGUs on basic by the DOH
and advanced epidemiology and Outputs
surveillance No. of LGUs with MOAs
1. No. of P/C/M/B with NGA for the
2. Conduct of updated trainings on Q4, 2023 provided with capacity provision of technical
contact tracing development on basic assistance for specific
and advanced skills and systems
epidemiology and development
2. No. of P/C/M/B No. of LGUs
provided with updated implementing NGA
Page 47 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
capacity on contact recommended systems
tracing and structures
3. No. of P/C/M/B with
appropriate and timely
epidemiologic response
provided to a disease
outbreak and health
events of public health
Component # 1 Strategy # 1 Outcome No. of target
Hiring of Disease Surveillance Phase III (Sustained) Q1-Q2, 2024 Strengthened relationship municipalities/
Officers (DSO) to be devolved Consultations with the LGUs P/C/M/B and trust are sustained Epidemiology Bureau barangays which
to all LGUs; With DSOs between the NGA and the participated in the
retained at DOH central, To provide sustained consultations with LGUs consultation
regional, and provincial offices the LGUs on the status of PPAs meetings/fora/FGDs
discontinued by the NG in 2022 and Outputs
status of concerns/issues resolution Client satisfaction rating
1. Identified areas of obtained
Activities concern or issues on
epidemiology and
1. Conduct of sustained consultation Q1, 2024 surveillance raised by
meetings/fora/FGDs with the LGUs the LGUs and the
corresponding action
2. Annual assessment and continuous Q2, 2024 plan of the agency and
gaps analysis of the Epidemiology the LGU concerned to
and Surveillance Units within its address the same
2. Assessment results and
gaps analysis of the
Epidemiology and
Surveillance Units within
its jurisdiction

Page 48 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Level of Local
Function/Service/Facility/ Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Strategies and Activities Timeline/Schedule Government
Program/Project/Activity Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
[2] [3] Unit (LGU)
[1] [5] [6] [7]
Strategy # 2 Outcome Number or percent of
P/C/M/B 1. Strengthened Epidemiology Bureau target LGUs capacitated
Sustenance of the capacities of Q3-Q4, 2024 relationship and trust on basic and advanced
the LGUs vis-a-vis epidemiology between the NGA and epidemiology and
and surveillance in compliance the LGUs are sustained surveillance
with the International Health
Regulations and its amendments 2. Sustained capacity of No. of P/C/M/B with
LGUs to take on the established and
To sustain the capacity of the LGUs to devolved functions vis- functional ESU
undertake the devolved functions on a-vis disease
epidemiology and surveillance in surveillance and No. of P/C/M/B with
compliance with the International response appropriate number of
Health Regulations and its amendments DSO based on set criteria
Outputs by the DOH
Activities 1. No. of P/C/M/B
1. Conduct of provided with capacity No. of LGUs with MOAs
trainings/seminars/workshops with development on basic with NGA for the
the LGUs on basic and advanced Q3, 2024 and advanced provision of technical
epidemiology and surveillance epidemiology and assistance for specific
surveillance skills and systems
2. Conduct of updated trainings on 2. No. of P/C/M/B development
contact tracing Q3, 2024 provided with updated
capacity on contact No. of LGUs
3. Conduct of capacity development to tracing implementing NGA
LGUs on pandemic preparedness Q4, 2024 3. No. of P/C/M/B recommended systems
and response provided with capacity and structures
development on
4. Conduct of coaching to generate pandemic preparedness
timely solutions based on the Q4, 2024 and response
existing gaps identified on 4. No. of P/C/M/B with
epidemiology and surveillance and appropriate and timely
to sustain measures in compliance epidemiologic response
to International Health Regulations provided to a disease
and its amendments outbreak and health
events of public health
Page 49 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Function/Service/ Strategies and Activities Timeline/ Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Facility/ [2] Schedule Government Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Program/Project/ [3] Unit (LGU) [5] [6] [7]
Activity [4]


PHASE I to III (FY 2021- 2024)

All public health Consultation with CHDs and LGUs Q3 2021 P/C/M Consultation conducted DPCB No. of consultations done
commodities of the DPCB DTP improved based on
recommendations of

Mapping of Local Suppliers per Q3 2021 P/C/M Mapped out local suppliers DPCB % of Regions mapped out
commodity and training needs per per commodity per region, CHDs for local supplier and
region and consultation on LGUs consulted for training needs
training needs done assessment

Capacity building of CHDs and LGUs Q3-Q4 2021, P/C/M Training of CHDs and DPCB % of CHDs trained
based on the survey done continuously until LGUs conducted HHRDB % of Provincial LGU trained
2024 CHDs % of Municipal LGU trained
LGUs % of City LGU trained

Monitoring & evaluation and providing Q4 2021, then N/A M&E conducted DPCB No. of CHDs monitored
feedback to CHDs annually thereafter PIR conducted CHDs

Page 50 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Function/Service/ Strategies and Activities Timeline/ Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Facility/ [2] Schedule Government Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Program/Project/ [3] Unit (LGU) [5] [6] [7]
Activity [4]


Procurement, supply chain, [Planning and Quantification] Q4 2021, P/C/M Development of tools and DPCB Q4 2021: Release of NAF
and management reforms Development of a National Allocation implementation other supporting and LGU calculator by DPCB
Framework (NA and LGU calculator thereafter issuances materials (for
NAF and LGU calculator) 2022 - 2024:
% LGUs using LGU
Use of the tools calculator
% LGUs (calculator user
Improved quantification and/or NAF targeted) with
and supply planning of stockouts and expirations
commodities above predetermined target

[Procurement] Establishment of a Q1 2022, N/A Administrative order DPCB Q1 2022: Release of

mechanism for pooled procurement implementation (function) PD issuance(s) and
and framework contracting thereafter Department Order HPDPB complementary units/SOPs
(personnel) SCMS for pooled procurement
Standard Operating
Procedures (processes) 2022 - 2024:
% LGUs (participant to
pooled procurement) with
stockouts and expirations
above predetermined target

% LGUs experiencing bid


Page 51 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Function/Service/ Strategies and Activities Timeline/ Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Facility/ [2] Schedule Government Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Program/Project/ [3] Unit (LGU) [5] [6] [7]
Activity [4]


[Distribution and Inventory Q1 2022, P/C/M Administrative order DPCB Q1 2022: Release of
Management] Optimization of implementation (function) HPDPB issuance(s) on warehousing
distribution pathways and warehousing thereafter Standard Operating operations and standards
standards for commodities Procedures (processes) and distribution pathways

2023: 100% of provinces

and cities have access to at
least one (1) warehouse
compliant with warehouse
operations manual

2022 - 2024:
% warehouses compliant to
warehouse operations
manual (should be 100%
by 2024)

2022 - 2024:
% LGUs with stockouts and
expirations above
predetermined target

[Distribution and Inventory Q1 2022, P/C/M eLMIS DPCB Q1 2022: Procurement of

Management] Procurement of eLMIS implementation Standard Operating PD eLMIS
and integration across the PSCM for thereafter Procedures (processes) SCMS
end-to-end inventory visibility

Page 52 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021
Function/Service/ Strategies and Activities Timeline/ Level of Local Expected Responsible Success Indicator for
Facility/ [2] Schedule Government Output/Outcome Organization/Unit Target LGUs
Program/Project/ [3] Unit (LGU) [5] [6] [7]
Activity [4]


2022 - 2024 % LGUs

penetrated by integrated
eLMIS (end-to-end to
facilities); should be 100%
by 2024

[Governance and Capacity] Conduct of Q4 2021, P/C/M Training of national (CO DPCB Trainings by DPCB and
necessary capacity building for implementation and CHDS) and local SCMS SCMS:
commodities quantification, thereafter (P/C/M) HHRDB % of CHDs trained
forecasting, and supply planning % of Provincial LGU trained
% of Municipal LGU trained
% of City LGU trained

[Governance and Capacity] Q1 2022, P/C/M Administrative order DPCB Q1 2022: Release of
Standardization of personnel and implementation (staffing pattern) SCMS issuance(s) on LGU staffing
capacities at the local level for thereafter HHRDB patterns by HHRDB and
procurement, supply chain, and Hiring of relevant SCMS
management personnel
2022 - 2024: % LGUs
(provinces, municipalities,
cities) compliant to staffing
pattern; should be 100% by

Page 53 of 53
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Registry of Service Standards for the Delivery of Devolved Functions, Services and Facilities

Department of Health - Office of the Secretary

NOTE: Attached agencies and corporations of the Department of Health (NNC,PNAC, PhilHealth, NKTI, LCP, PCMC, PHC, PITAHC) will not be affected by the re-
devolution of functions from NGAs to LGUs.

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Implementa- Targeted Patients/ Implementation -BHS to All procurements for Terms of Based on Administrative Administrative N/A PHFDP 2020-
tion of LGUs with Implementing of equipment barangay ratio; infrastructure, equipment, and Reference PHFDP 2020- Order issued Order issued 2040
Equipment poverty Offices projects to close medical transport vehicle (TOR), 2040 annually by the annually by the
Projects incidence the gaps stated -Number of projects shall be in accordance Purchase Health Facilities Health Facilities AO issued
in the Philippine provinces/cities with the pertinent provisions of Request BHS: PhP Enhancement Enhancement annually by the Annual
Health Facility with PCF RA no. 9184, otherwise known (PR), 473,000 Program- Program- HFEP-
ref. Annex A Development accessible as the “Government Establish- Management Management Management
Plan and within 30 Procurement Reform Act” and ment of RHU: PhP Office Office Office
minutes for 80 its Implementing Rules and Technical 2,347,000
percent of the Regulations, and other Working
population out pertinent accounting and Group
of the total auditing laws, rules and (TWG)
number of regulations. The pertinent
provinces; provisions of RA no. 9184 and
the Government Procurement
-Percent of Policy Board (GPPB)
PCF issuances shall apply
established out suppletorily in the absence of
of the total

Page 1 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
number of applicable provisions in this
gaps; Order.

-Bed to

-Number of
with hospitals
within 1 hour;

-Percent of L1
hospital beds

-Percent of L2
hospital beds

-Percent of L3
hospital beds
Implementation Targeted Patients/Impl Implementation -BHS to All procurements for Approved Based on Administrative Administrative N/A
of LGUs ementing of infrastructure barangay ratio; infrastructure, equipment, and Schematic PHFDP 2020- Order issued Order issued PHFDP 2020-
Infrastructure included in Offices projects to close medical transport vehicle Plan, Permit 2040 annually by the annually by the 2040
Projects the PHFDP the gaps stated -Number of projects shall be in accordance to Construct Health Facilities Health Facilities
in the Philippine provinces/cities with the pertinent provisions of (PTC),

Page 2 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Allocation Health Facility with PCF RA no. 9184, otherwise known Detailed BHS: Enhancement Enhancement Annual
Framework Development accessible as the “Government Architectural P1,750,000 Program- Program- Adminis
Plan and within 30 Procurement Reform Act” and and RHU: Management Management trative Order
ref. Annex A minutes for 80 its Implementing Rules and Engineering P12,525,000 Office Office issued annually
percent of the Regulations, and other Design by the HFEP-
population out pertinent accounting and (DAED), L1 Hospital Management
of the total auditing laws, rules and Detailed Unit Bed: Office
number of regulations. The pertinent Price P 4,308,222
provinces; provisions of RA no. 9184 and Analysis
the Government Procurement (DUPA) L2 Bed:
-Percent of Policy Board (GPPB) P4,366,944
PCF issuances shall apply
established out suppletorily in the absence of L3 Bed:
of the total applicable provisions in this 4,659,740
number of Order.

-Bed to

-Number of
with hospitals
within 1 hour;

-Percent of L1
hospital beds

Page 3 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
-Percent of L2
hospital beds

-Percent of L3
hospital beds
Procurement of Targeted Patients/Impl Implementation All provinces, All procurements for TOR, The Administrative Administrative N/A PHFDP 2020-
Medical LGUs ementing of equipment highly infrastructure, equipment, and requirements Order issued Order issued 2040
Transport included in Offices projects to close urbanized medical transport vehicle and annually by the annually by the
Vehicles the PHFDP the gaps stated cities, and projects shall be in accordance procedures Health Facilities Health Facilities Administrative Annual
Allocation in the Philippine independent with the pertinent provisions of on the Enhancement Enhancement Order issued
Framework Health Facility component RA no. 9184, otherwise known turnover of Program- Program- annually by the
Development cities must as the “Government the medical Management Management HFEP-
ref. Annex A Plan and have at least Procurement Reform Act” and transport Office Office Management
one ambulance its Implementing Rules and vehicle to the Office
or medical Regulations, and other respective
transport pertinent accounting and recipients DOH Department
mechanism auditing laws, rules and shall be in Order No. 2018-
available for regulations. The pertinent accordance 0338: Guidelines
patients within provisions of RA no. 9184 and with DOH on the Distribution
the catchment the GPPB issuances shall Department of Medical
area and at apply suppletorily in the Order No. Transport
least one absence of applicable 2018-0338: Procured Under
vehicle to provisions in this Order. Guidelines on HFEP to the
transport the Respective
specimens to Distribution of Recipients.
COVID-19 Medical
testing Transport DOH AO 2020-
laboratories. Procured 0051 Guidelines

Page 4 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Under HFEP in the allocation of
to the ambulance of the
Respective Department of
Recipients Health
and DOH AO
Guidelines in
the allocation
of ambulance
of the
Department of


For CY 2023

Hiring of Nurses Provincial or Barangay/ Hire nurses to No. of nurses Recruitment, Hiring, Approved Salary and Bachelor of RA 1080 N/A NHWSS
City/ Municipal Municipality/ achieve hired by LGUs; Compensation, Orientation positions, Magna Carta Science in (Registered
Health Office City 1:10,000 nurse No. of LGUs position Benefits of Nursing Nurse)
population to population that achieved description / Nurse (SG 15) RA 1080
ratio and the HRH terms of
additional standards for reference,
nurses for nurses for contract,
GIDA/IP primary care qualification
barangays and facilities. standards,
target barangays orientation,
for peace- deployment
building efforts. and

Page 5 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Hiring of Provincial or Barangay/ Hire Midwife to No. of Recruitment, Hiring, Approved Salary and Completion of RA 1080 N/A NHWSS
Midwives City/ Municipal Municipality/C achieve 1:5,000 midwives hired Compensation, Orientation positions, Magna Carta Midwifery Course (Registered
Health Office ity population nurse to by LGUs; No. position Benefits of RA 1080 Midwife)
population ratio of LGUs that description / Midwives (SG
and additional achieved the terms of 11)
nurses for HRH standards reference,
GIDA/IP for midwives for contract,
barangays and primary care qualification
target barangays facilities. standards,
for peace- orientation,
building efforts. deployment

For CY 2024

Hiring of Nurses Provincial or Barangay/ Hire nurses to No. of nurses Recruitment, Hiring, Approved Salary and Bachelor of RA 1080 N/A NHWSS
City/ Municipal Municipality achieve hired by LGUs; Compensation, Orientation positions, Magna Carta Science in (Registered
Health Office population 1:10,000 nurse No. of LGUs position Benefits of Nursing Nurse)
to population that achieved description / Nurse (SG 15) RA 1080
ratio and the HRH terms of
additional standards for reference,
nurses for nurses for contract,
GIDA/IP primary care qualification
barangays and facilities. standards,
target barangays orientation,
for peace- deployment
building efforts. and

Page 6 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]

Hiring of Provincial or Barangay/Mu Hire Midwife to No. of Recruitment, Hiring, Approved Salary and Completion of RA 1080 N/A NHWSS
Midwives City/Municipal nicipality achieve 1:5,000 midwives hired Compensation, Orientation positions, Magna Carta Midwifery Course (Registered
Health Office population nurse to by LGUs; No. position Benefits of RA 1080 Midwife)
population ratio of LGUs that description / Midwives (SG
and additional achieved the terms of 11)
nurses for HRH standards reference,
GIDA/IP for midwives for contract,
barangays and primary care qualification
target barangays facilities. standards,
for peace- orientation,
building efforts. deployment

Page 7 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Hiring of Disease Provincial/ Population Epidemiologic Number and Government human resource Provision of DSOs for Qualification Trained on data N/A N/A RA no. 11332 and Annually;
Surveillance City/ under its response is percentage of hiring and selection process; human P/C/MESUs = standards of and organizational its 2020 Revised every 15th
Officers (DSO) Municipal jurisdictional delivered that is epidemiologic Continuous provision of resource as Health disease management IRR day of
Epidemiology level specific, timely, problem, learning and development disease Program surveillance skills; January
and and appropriate i.e., disease intervention surveillance Officer II, SG- officers Trained on basic
Surveillance to the and health officers 15) (education, epidemiology and
Unit epidemiologic event of public training, skills, surveillance
(P/C/MESU) problem, i.e., health concern, MONTHLY: etc.)
and disease and provided with (PhP 35,097 Education:
Barangay health event of specific, basic salary + Bachelor’s
Health public health appropriate, 20% premium degree;
Emergency concern and timely + 3% PHIC) = Training: 4 hrs of
and Response epidemiologic PhP 43,169.31 relevant training
Team response
(BHERT) Eligibility : Career
second level


Family Health Subgroup
Family Planning
Procurement of P/C/MHO, Women of Oral Prevention of Selection of medicines Storage Based on the Oral MDs, RNs, Free of Family FPCSM
Oral RHUs, BHS, Reproductive Contraceptives: unintended based on current evidence area/warehouse previous Contraceptive Midwife, charge to Planning Clinical 2014
Contraceptives primary care Age (WRA) Provide 15 pregnancy and guidelines procurement of Pills WRA who Standards edition;
and Male providers Age 15-49 cycles per WRA/ Delivery DOH Central Program have Manual (FPCSM); FPCBT
Condoms year Philippine National Vehicle Office through Coordinator/ desire to Family version
Formulary (PNF) Philippine P/C/MHO, limit or Planning 2020;

Page 8 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Male Condoms: Prevention of -all medicines selected must Pharma Combined Oral Certified Primary space the Competency FP
Provide 12 pcs/ unsafe only be those that are found in Consumption Procurement Contraceptives Care Provider by number of Based Strategic
WRA/ month abortion the PNF and inventory Inc. (PPPI): Pills the DOH,RHU children Training Manual and CIP
-includes types of medicines forms or 8% of the a. tablet dispensing Officer and/ or (FPCBT) 2018
Averted and dosage forms information Approved b. 30 microgram with 1 and 2; Family
maternal system Budget for the Ethinyl unmet Planning
deaths Drug Price Reference Index Contract Estradiol + need on Strategic and
(DPRI) (PPPI) 150 modern Costed
To achieve -is the mandated ceiling price microgram FP Implementation
Zero Unmet for government bidding and Levonorgestre Plan 2018-2022
Need procurement set by the DOH In 2022 the l
for all government entities Supply Chain c. 28 tablets per
Increase in procuring medicines. Winning Management cycle
Modern bid prices of essential Services of the
Contraceptiv medicines shall therefore not DOH CO Male Condoms
e Prevalence exceed the DPRI. allocated PhP natural latex
Rate 486,307,000 rubber, assorted
Forecasting “How much of the for regular flavors (3 flavors),
commodity is needed?” warehousing, straight and
hauling, parallel sided with
Target: quantity and brokerage and reservoir tip,
corresponding cost for the other services lubricated,with
expected consumption of a pertaining to width: at least
target population on a given Supply Chain 53mm+/-2mm,
time period Management length : at least
Service for all 180mm
Basis/considerations: regular
Morbidity, demographics, commodities Shelf Life
historical consumption, being procured Must be fresh
assumptions, intended plans, commercial stock
historical/projected with a total shelf

Page 9 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
performance, and/or future by the DOH life of Sixty (60)
demand CO. months from the
date of
Supply Planning Breakdown is manufacture but
“How should the commodity as follows: not less than
move to the facility?” 250M for Fifty-five (55)
warehousing; months from the
Target: total amount of 180M for date of delivery.
commodities and costs Hauling; 40M
required to maintain optimal for Brokerage;
supply in the pipeline to ensure 16.307M for
efficient procurement and other operating
delivery expense

Basis/considerations: stock See Annex A

level range (minimum, for the cost of
maximum), lead times and devolved
delivery frequency, arrival commodities
dates, forecasted consumption, based on
current and ordered stocks, centrally
shipment costs, etc. procured
“What is the full requirement Note: amount
given the forecasting and may vary at
supply planning?” the LGU level

Target: Uninterrupted supply to

target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of
quantities, costs, and delivery

Page 10 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
scheduling of desired

Forecasted volume and supply
Continuous, iterative process
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances

● Procurement of Public
Health Commodities (RA
● Storage and Distribution of
● Proper Disposal/Waste
Micronutrient Supplementation
Procurement of P/C/MHO, Children Micronutrient To increase the Selection of medicines Warehouse/ Based on the Micronutrient Program The N/A DOH DM no. October
Micronutrient RHUs, BHS, under 5 years Powder: micronutrient based on current evidence storage area/ previous Powder Coordinator/ service 2011-0303 15, 2011
Powder primary care old provide 90 content of a and guidelines consumption procurement of Vit A (400ug RE) P/C/MHO, will be
providers sachets per child’s diet and inventory DOH Central Vit. C (30mg) Vit. Certified Primary free of MOP on
child every six without Philippine National forms or Office through D (5ug) Vit. E Care Provider by charge. Micronutrient
months changing their Formulary (PNF) information Philippine (5mg a-TE) Vit. the DOH,RHU Supplementa- 2016
usual dietary -all medicines selected must system Pharma B1 (0.5 mg) Vit. dispensing Officer tion
habits. only be those that are found in Procurement B2 (0.5 mg) Vit.
the PNF Inc. (PPPI): B6 (0.5mg) Vit. NNC Governing
-includes types of medicines 8% of the B12 (0.9 ug) Folic Board Resolution
and dosage forms Approved Acid (150 ug) No. 1 Series of
Budget for the Niacin (6 mg) Iron 2017 “Approving

Page 11 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Drug Price Reference Index Contract (10 mg) Zinc (4.1 and Adopting the
(DPRI) (PPPI) mg) Copper (0.56 Philippine Plan of
-is the mandated ceiling price mg) Iodine Action for
for government bidding and In 2022 the (90 ug) Selenium Nutrition (PPAN)
procurement set by the DOH Supply Chain (17.0 ug) 2017-2022
for all government entities Management Note: Powder
procuring medicines. Winning Services of the mixture should be NNC Guidelines
bid prices of essential DOH CO colorless and on Dietary
medicines shall therefore not allocated PhP tasteless. (subject Supplementation
exceed the DPRI. 486,307,000 for taste test) In the First 1000
for regular Days
Forecasting “How much of the warehousing, Shelf Life
commodity is needed?” hauling, Must be fresh NNC Guidelines
brokerage and commercial stock on Early
Target: quantity and other services with a total shelf Childhood Care in
corresponding cost for the pertaining to life of Twenty-four the First 1000
expected consumption of a Supply Chain (24) months from Days (ECCD
target population on a given Management the date of F1K) Program in
time period Service for all manufacture but the Context of
regular not less than Covid-19
Basis/considerations: commodities Eighteen (18) Pandemic
Morbidity, demographics, being procured months from the
historical consumption, by the DOH date of delivery
assumptions, intended plans, CO.
performance, and/or future Breakdown is
demand as follows:
Procurement of P/C/MHO, For children For the use of For measuring Warehouse/ 250M for Mid-Upper Arm Program The N/A
MUAC tapes RHUs, BHS, and for adults health worker for Mid Upper Supply Planning storage area/ warehousing; Circumference Coordinator/ service is
primary care the assessment Circumference “How should the commodity consumption 180M for Tape P/C/MHO, free of
providers of Mid Upper (MUAC) move to the facility?” and inventory Hauling; 40M Certified Primary charge

Page 12 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Circumference forms or for Brokerage; for CHILDREN Care Provider by
(MUAC) Target: total amount of information 16.307M- other -cut - off point at the DOH,RHU
commodities and costs system operating 11.5 cm dispensing Officer
required to maintain optimal Delivery expense -range up to 26.5
supply in the pipeline to ensure Vehicle cm
efficient procurement and See Annex A -with 1 mm
delivery for the cost of precision with
devolved thicker line at
Basis/considerations: stock 21.0 cm
level range (minimum, -Accuracy: + 1
maximum), lead times and based on mm of the
delivery frequency, arrival centrally maximum
dates, forecasted consumption, procured measurement
current and ordered stocks, prices
shipment costs, etc. Color-coded
as follows:
Quantification Red (Pantone
“What is the full requirement Note: amount code 1795 C) up
given the forecasting and may vary at to 0-11.5 cm,
supply planning?” the LGU level Yellow (Pantone
code 107 C) 11.5
Target: Uninterrupted supply to cm - 12.5 cm,
target recipients through Green (Pantone
comprehensive estimation of code 369 C) from
quantities, costs, and delivery 12.5 cm.
scheduling of desired
commodities for ADULT
range up to 50
Basis/considerations: cm.
Forecasted volume and supply Graduated with 1
plan; mm precision

Page 13 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Continuous, iterative process Accuracy: + 1 mm
of updating and analysis of the maximum
Driven by individual context measurement (50
and circumstances cm)

● Procurement of Public
Health Commodities (RA Material:
9184) Non-tear stretch-
● Storage and resistant plastic/
● Distribution of plasticized
commodities paper/synthetic
● Proper Disposal/waste paper (Supplier
management must specify
which of these
materials is
thickness 0.3 mm

Print: Permanent,
resistant to
solvents; easily
in low light
working situations
range 10-40
degree Celsius.
Supplied with:
Text and pictorial

Page 14 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
user instructions
Provide one (1)
sample with
instructions to use
is subject for
approval before
production and
Safe P/C/MHO, Pregnant Ferrous Sulfate Provision of Warehouse/ Ferrous Sulfate Program The N/A DOH DM No. October
Motherhood RHUs, BHS, Women + Folic Acid micronutrient storage area/ + Folic Acid Coordinator/ service is 2011-0303 15, 2011
Procurement of primary care Tablets to be supplements to consumption tablet (equiv. to P/C/MHO, free of
Micronutrient providers given at 90 tabs and inventory 60 mg elemental Certified Primary charge MOP on
treat or prevent
Supplements for per postpartum forms or iron) + 400 mcg Care Provider by Micronutrient 2016
women; vitamin information Folic acid), Oral the DOH,RHU Supplementation
Pregnant deficiency in system dispensing Officer
Women and pregnant and
Iron and Folic Delivery Calcium
Children under 5
Acid at 1 tablet lactating Vehicle Carbonate
years old 500 mg Elemental
mothers due to
(Ferrous Sulfate per week for 6 Calcium
poor diet,
+ Folic Tablets) months given to
WRA and Shelf Life: Must
Calcium adolescents illnesses or be fresh
Carbonate during commercial stock
pregnancy; with a total shelf
life of 24 months
To treat or from the date of
prevent iron- manufacture but

Page 15 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
deficiency not less than 18
anemia in low months from the
birth weight date of delivery
children 6-11
months of age,
children 1-5
years of age;

To increase the
content of a
child's diet
changing their
usual dietary

Prevention of
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
Procurement of P/C/MHO, Sick Children Amoxicillin Provision of Selection of medicines Storage Based on the Amoxicillin Program The N/A Integrated June 2019
Commodities for RHUs, BHS, Drops: complete based on current evidence area/warehouse previous Drops Coordinator/ service is Management of
Sick Child primary care 1 bottle per child treatment and guidelines procurement of 100 mg/mL P/C/MHO, of free of Childhood Illness
(Amoxicillin providers) pack to Delivery DOH Central granules/powder Certified Primary charge Chart Booklet
Drops and Amoxicillin manage Philippine National Office through for drops Care Provider by June 2019
suspension) Suspension: acute Formulary (PNF) Philippine (suspension), the DOH,RHU version
1 bottle per child respiratory Pharma 15 mL (as dispensing Officer
infection/ Procurement trihydrate)

Page 16 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
pneumonia -all medicines selected must Consumption Inc. (PPPI): Shelf Life:
among only be those that are found in and inventory 8% of the Must be fresh
children the PNF forms or Approved commercial stock
under 5 years -includes types of medicines information Budget for the with a total shelf
and dosage forms system Contract life of Eighteen
(PPPI) (18) months from
Drug Price Reference Index the date of
(DPRI) manufacture but
-is the mandated ceiling price In 2022 the not less than
for government bidding and Supply Chain Sixteen (16)
procurement set by the DOH Management months from the
for all government entities Services of the date of delivery
procuring medicines. Winning DOH CO
bid prices of essential allocated Amoxicillin
medicines shall therefore not 486,307,000.0 Suspension
exceed the DPRI. 0 for regular 250 mg/5mL,
warehousing, granules/powder
Forecasting “How much of the hauling, for suspension,
commodity is needed?” brokerage and 60 mL
other services bottle (as
Target: quantity and pertaining to trihydrate)
corresponding cost for the Supply Chain
expected consumption of a Management Shelf Life
target population on a given Service for all Must be fresh
time period regular commercial stock
commodities with a total shelf
Basis/considerations: being procured life of Thirty-six
Morbidity, demographics, by the DOH (36) months from
historical consumption, CO. the date of
assumptions, intended plans, manufacture but
historical/projected not less than

Page 17 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
performance, and/or future Breakdown is Thirty-four (34)
demand as follows: months from the
250M for date of delivery
Supply Planning warehousing;
“How should the commodity 180M for
move to the facility?” Hauling; 40M
for Brokerage;
Target: total amount of 16.307M for
commodities and costs other operating
required to maintain optimal expense
supply in the pipeline to ensure
efficient procurement and See Annex A
delivery for the cost of
Basis/considerations: stock
level range (minimum,
maximum), lead times and based on
delivery frequency, arrival centrally
dates, forecasted consumption, procured
current and ordered stocks, prices
shipment costs, etc.

“What is the full requirement Note: amount
given the forecasting and may vary at
supply planning?” the LGU level
Target: Uninterrupted supply to
target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of
quantities, costs, and delivery

Page 18 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
scheduling of desired

Forecasted volume and supply
Continuous, iterative process
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances

● Procurement of Public
Health Commodities
(RA 9184)
● Storage and
Distribution of
● Proper Disposal/waste
Oral Health
Procurement of P/C/MHO, Children, Provision of Oral Prevention and ● Selection of public health Storage Based on the Oral Health Program The N/A DOH AO 2020- September
Oral Health RHUs, BHS, Adolescents, care packages control of oral commodities based on area/warehouse previous Family Package Coordinator/ service is 0040 Guidelines 11, 2021
Commodities primary care Pregnant to patients diseases and current evidence and procurement of P/C/MHO, free of on the
providers Woman and condition guidelines Delivery DOH Central Two (2) Certified Primary charge
Classification of
-Oral Health Older person Office through Toothpastes (1 Care Provider by
Vehicle Individual-based
Family Package 60 ys old and Forecasting “How much of the Philippine 500mL in pet the DOH,RHU
-Fluoride above commodity is needed?” Pharma bottle and 1 tube); dispensing Officer and Population-
-Glass ionomer Procurement 3 pcs Adult based Primary
-Pit and Fissure Target: quantity and Inc. (PPPI): Toothbrush with Care Service
sealant kit corresponding cost for the Consumption 8% of the cap; 3 pcs Kiddie Package
-Composite expected consumption of a and inventory Approved Toothbrush with

Page 19 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
restorative target population on a given forms or Budget for the cap, individually
material time period information Contract packed in blister; DOH AO NO 101,
-Essential Health system (PPPI) 2 pcs. Germicidal s. 2003 National
Care Package-1 Basis/considerations: bar soap
Policy on Oral
Morbidity, demographics, In 2022 the
historical consumption, Health
Supply Chain Essential Health
assumptions, intended plans, Management Care Package-1
historical/projected Services of the
performance, and/or future DOH CO One (1) 500mL in
demand allocated pet bottle
486,307,000.0 Toothpastes in
Supply Planning 0 for regular pet bottle;8 pcs
“How should the commodity warehousing, Kiddie
move to the facility?” hauling, Toothbrush with
brokerage and cap, individually
Target: total amount of other services packed in blister;
commodities and costs pertaining to 4 pcs. Germicidal
required to maintain optimal Supply Chain bar soap
supply in the pipeline to ensure Management
efficient procurement and Service for all Composite
delivery regular Restorative
commodities Material
Basis/considerations: stock being procured
level range (minimum, by the DOH
maximum), lead times and CO. 1. Universal
delivery frequency, arrival Composite
dates, forecasted consumption, Restorative
Breakdown is
current and ordered stocks, Material
as follows:
shipment costs, etc. 2. Universal Light
250M for
Cured Bonding
Quantification Agent
180M for

Page 20 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
“What is the full requirement Hauling; 40M 3. One (1) pc
given the forecasting and for Brokerage; reusable mixing
supply planning?” 16.307M for well / 100 pcs
other operating disposable mixing
Target: Uninterrupted supply to expense wells
target recipients through 4. One (1) pc
comprehensive estimation of See Annex A reusable
quantities, costs, and delivery for the cost of applicator handle
scheduling of desired devolved with one hundred
commodities (100) pcs fiber tip
applicators or
Basis/considerations: based on One Hundred
Forecasted volume and supply centrally (100) pcs
plan; procured disposable micro
Continuous, iterative process prices brushes
of updating and analysis 5. One (1) pc
Driven by individual context Note: amount instructional guide
and circumstances may vary at
the LGU level Flouride Varnish
● Procurement of Public 5% (NaF) Single
Health Commodities (RA Dose
9184) 1.Sodium
● Storage and Distribution Fluoride
of commodities 2. Contains
● Proper Disposal/waste Xylitol,
management bioavailable
Phosphate and
3. With mixing

Page 21 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
patch sticker and

Glass Ionomer
for Atraumatic
1. Glass Ionomer
powder, 10-15
2. Glass Ionomer
Liquid, 6-10
3.Cocoa butter,
10 grams/tube
mixing pad (60-
100 Leaves)
5.Plastic scoop
6.Plastic spatula

Pits and Fissure

Sealant Kit
Each kit should
include the
following items:
1. Two (2) pieces
of 1.2ml to 1.5ml
syringe of light
cured sealant

Page 22 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
equivalent to
2.4ml to 3ml
sealant (expiry
date indicated)
3. Forty (40)
pieces of curve
needle sealant
dispensing tips
(25 gauge)
4. Etchant - bottle
or syringe-type

Infectious Diseases
National HIV/STI Prevention Program
National HIV/STI P/C/MHO, Patients with Provide No. of patients ● Selection of medicines Procurement Based on the Penicillin G. Program Manual of 04/14/
Prevention RHUs, BHS, HIV and/or treatment to with STI with based on current evidence plan previous Benzathine 1.2M Coordinator/ Procedures for 2021
Program primary care STI patients with STI resolved signs and guidelines procurement of units P/C/MHO, Social Hygiene
providers and symptoms Storage area/ DOH Central Azithromycin Certified Primary Clinics of the
Procurement People at risk Provide testing Philippine National warehouse Office through 500mg tablet Care Provider by N/A N/A Philippines
and distribution for Hepatitis to people at risk No. of at-risk Formulary (PNF) Philippine Cefixime 400mg the DOH,RHU
of drugs for STI B and C for Hepatitis B population -all medicines selected must Consumables Pharma capsule dispensing Officer Link to reference:
and Hepatitis infections and C infections screened for only be those that are found in (diluent, Procurement Hepatitis C
test kits Hepatitis B and the PNF syringe, Inc. (PPPI): Rapid s
Provide testing C infections -includes types of medicines alcohol swab, 8% of the Diagnostic Test
(Penicillin G. People at risk to people at risk and dosage forms lancet, cotton) Approved a.) Test Principle:
Benzathine 1.2M of HIV for HIV No of at risk Budget for the Immunochromato
units, infection population Drug Price Reference Index Delivery Contract graphic test (ICT);
Azithromycin screened for (DPRI) vehicle (PPPI) b.)
500mg tablet, HIV -is the mandated ceiling price Specificity/Sensiti
Cefixime 400mg for government bidding and Consumption In 2022 the vity more than or
capsule, procurement set by the DOH and inventory Supply Chain equal 99% Multi-

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Hepatitis C and for all government entities forms or Management device type;
Hepatitis B procuring medicines. Winning information Services of the c.) Result time
surface antigen bid prices of essential system DOH CO must be less than
rapid diagnostic medicines shall therefore not allocated or equal 30
tests) exceed the DPRI. 486,307,000.0 minutes
0 for regular
Forecasting “How much of the warehousing, Hepatitis B
commodity is needed?” hauling, Rapid
brokerage and Diagnostic Test
Target: quantity and other services a.) Test Principle:
corresponding cost for the pertaining to Immunochromato
expected consumption of a Supply Chain graphic test (ICT);
target population on a given Management b.)
time period Service for all Specificity/Sensiti
regular vity more than or
Basis/considerations: commodities equal 99%
Morbidity, demographics, being procured Multidevice type;
historical consumption, by the DOH c.) Result time
assumptions, intended plans, CO. must be less than
historical/projected or equal 30
performance, and/or future Breakdown is minutes
demand as follows:
250M for
Supply Planning warehousing;
“How should the commodity 180M for
move to the facility?” Hauling; 40M
for Brokerage;
Target: total amount of 16.307M for
commodities and costs other operating
required to maintain optimal expense
supply in the pipeline to ensure

Page 24 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
efficient procurement and See Annex A
delivery for the cost of
Basis/considerations: stock
level range (minimum,
maximum), lead times and based on
delivery frequency, arrival centrally
dates, forecasted consumption, procured
current and ordered stocks, prices
shipment costs, etc.
Note: amount
Quantification may vary at
“What is the full requirement the LGU level
given the forecasting and
supply planning?”

Target: Uninterrupted supply to

target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of
quantities, costs, and delivery
scheduling of desired

Forecasted volume and supply
Continuous, iterative process
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances

Page 25 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
● Procurement of Public
Health Commodities (RA
● Storage and Distribution
of commodities
● Proper Disposal/waste

Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases Program

Procurement of P/C/MHO, Suspected Provision of Prevention, ● Selection of medicines Warehouse Based on the Doxycycline (as Program The N/A Administrative May 29,
Doxycycline RHUs, BHS, patients with drugs to EREID detection and based on current evidence previous Hyclate) 100 mg Coordinator/ service is Order No. 2017- 2017
primary care emerging patients response to and guidelines procurement of capsule P/C/MHO, free of 0007
providers and re- DOH Central Certified Primary charge
the public
emerging Philippine National Office through Shelf Life: Must Care Provider by Guidelines in the
infectious health threats Formulary (PNF) Philippine be fresh the DOH,RHU Provision of the
diseases brought by -all medicines selected must Pharma commercial stock dispensing Officer Essential Health
emerging and only be those that are found in Procurement with a total shelf Service Packages
re-emerging the PNF Inc. (PPPI): life of 24 months in Emergencies
infectious -includes types of medicines 8% of the from the date of and Disasters
diseases. and dosage forms Approved manufacture but
Budget for the
not less than 18
Drug Price Reference Index Contract
(DPRI) (PPPI) months from the
-is the mandated ceiling price date of delivery
for government bidding and In 2022 the
procurement set by the DOH Supply Chain
for all government entities Management
procuring medicines. Winning Services of the
bid prices of essential DOH CO
medicines shall therefore not allocated
exceed the DPRI. 486,307,000.0

Page 26 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
0 for regular
Forecasting “How much of the warehousing,
commodity is needed?” hauling,
brokerage and
Target: quantity and other services
corresponding cost for the pertaining to
expected consumption of a Supply Chain
target population on a given Management
time period Service for all
Basis/considerations: commodities
Morbidity, demographics, being procured
historical consumption, by the DOH
assumptions, intended plans, CO.
performance, and/or future Breakdown is
demand as follows:
250M for
Supply Planning warehousing;
“How should the commodity 180M- Hauling;
move to the facility?” 40M for
Target: total amount of 16.307M for
commodities and costs other operating
required to maintain optimal expense
supply in the pipeline to ensure
efficient procurement and See Annex A
delivery for the cost of
Basis/considerations: stock
level range (minimum,

Page 27 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
maximum), lead times and based on
delivery frequency, arrival centrally
dates, forecasted consumption, procured
current and ordered stocks,
shipment costs, etc.

Quantification Note: amount

“What is the full requirement may vary at
given the forecasting and the LGU level
supply planning?”

Target: Uninterrupted supply to

target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of
quantities, costs, and delivery
scheduling of desired

Forecasted volume and supply
Continuous, iterative process
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances

 Procurement of Public
Health Commodities
 Storage and
Distribution of

Page 28 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
 Proper Disposal/waste

National Aedes-borne Viral Disease Prevention and Control Program

Provision of P/C/MHO, Suspected 1 kit per 1 No. of possible ● Selection of public health Storage area/ Based on the Dengue RDT Program Suspecte N/A AO 2016-0043 December
support thru RHUs, BHS, Dengue patient suspected commodities based on warehouse previous Kits Coordinator/ d dengue Re: Guidelines for 21, 2016
augmentation of primary care Patients (For 1-5 days of dengue current evidence and procurement of RDT kit for the P/C/MHO, patient the Nationwide
Dengue NS1 providers suspected patients tested guidelines Delivery DOH Central qualitative Certified Primary Implementation of
RDT Dengue illness) for Dengue Office through detection of the Care Provider by Dengue Rapid
NS1 RDT Forecasting “How much of the Philippine dengue non- the DOH,RHU Diagnostic Test
commodity is needed?” Pharma structural protein dispensing Officer (RDT)
Consumptio Procurement 1(NS1)
Target: quantity and n and Inc. (PPPI):
corresponding cost for the inventory 8% of the Method used:
expected consumption of a forms or Approved Immuno-
target population on a given information Budget for the chromatography
time period system Contract
(PPPI) Shelf Life: Must
Basis/considerations: be fresh
Morbidity, demographics, In 2022 the commercial stock
historical consumption, Supply Chain with a total shelf
assumptions, intended plans, Management life of 24 months
historical/projected Services of the from the date of
performance, and/or future DOH CO manufacture but
demand allocated not less than 18
486,307,000.0 months from the
Supply Planning 0 for regular date of delivery
“How should the commodity warehousing,
move to the facility?” hauling,
brokerage and

Page 29 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Target: total amount of other services
commodities and costs pertaining to
required to maintain optimal Supply Chain
supply in the pipeline to ensure Management
efficient procurement and Service for all
delivery regular
Basis/considerations: stock being procured
level range (minimum, by the DOH
maximum), lead times and CO.
delivery frequency, arrival
dates, forecasted consumption, Breakdown is
current and ordered stocks, as follows:
shipment costs, etc. 250M for
Quantification 180M for
“What is the full requirement Hauling; 40M
given the forecasting and for Brokerage;
supply planning?” 16.307M- other
Target: Uninterrupted supply to expense
target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of See Annex A
quantities, costs, and delivery for the cost of
scheduling of desired devolved
Basis/considerations: based on
Forecasted volume and supply centrally

Page 30 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Continuous, iterative process procured
of updating and analysis prices
Driven by individual context
and circumstances Note: amount
may vary at
● Procurement of Public the LGU level
Health Commodities
(RA 9184)
● Storage and Distribution
of commodities
● Proper Disposal/waste
National Food and Water Borne Diseases
Procurement of P/C/MHO, For patients Provision of Management ● Selection of medicines Storage Based on the Oral Program The N/A PD 856:
commodities for RHUs, BHS, with FWBD drugs to FWBD and treatment based on current area/warehouse previous Rehydration Coordinator/ service is Sanitation Code
Food and primary care Patients of FWBD evidence and guidelines procurement of Salts P/C/MHO, of free of RA 10611: Food
Waterborne providers Delivery DOH Central Certified Primary charge Safety Act
Disease (Oral Philippine National Office through Composition of Care Provider by AO No. 2020-
Rehydration Formulary (PNF) Philippine reduced the DOH,RHU 0027: FWBD
Salts (ORS) -all medicines selected must Pharma osmolarity ORS dispensing Officer Program
only be those that are found Consumption Procurement per liter of water: Implementation
in the PNF and inventory Inc. (PPPI), the Sodium Chloride Guidelines
-includes types of medicines forms or fee for logistics – 2.6g; Trisodium
and dosage forms information management Citrate Dihydrate
system services is 8% – 2.9g Potassium
Drug Price Reference Index of the Chloride – 1.5g;
(DPRI) Approved Glucose
-is the mandated ceiling price Budget for the Anhydrous –
for government bidding and Contract 13.5g; Total
procurement set by the DOH (PPPI) Weight per

Page 31 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
for all government entities sachet/packet –
procuring medicines. Winning In 2022 the 20.5g; Reduced
bid prices of essential Supply Chain osmolarity ORS
medicines shall therefore not Management Equivalent in
exceed the DPRI. Services of the mmol/L: Sodium –
DOH CO 75; Chloride – 65;
Forecasting “How much of the allocated PhP Potassium – 20;
commodity is needed?” 486,307,000.0 Citrate – 10;
0 for regular Glucose
Target: quantity and warehousing, Anhydrous – 75;
corresponding cost for the hauling, Total Osmolarity
expected consumption of a brokerage and – 245. N.B.
target population on a given other services -Reconstitute with
time period pertaining to clean potable
Supply Chain water.
Basis/considerations: Management -Unused
Morbidity, demographics, Service for all reconstituted
historical consumption, regular solution shall be
assumptions, intended plans, commodities discarded after 24
historical/projected being procured hours
performance, and/or future by the DOH
Procurement of P/C/MHO, FWBD Provision of Management demand Storage CO. Zinc Drops Program The N/A
commodities for RHUs, BHS, patients drugs to FWBD and treatment area/warehouse Coordinator/ service is
Food and primary care Patients of FWBD Supply Planning Breakdown is drops;solution, P/C/MHO, of free of
Waterborne providers “How should the commodity Delivery as follows: (equiv. to 10 mg Certified Primary charge
Disease (Zinc move to the facility?” 250M for elemental Care Provider by
Syrup ,Zinc warehousing; zinc/mL) drops, the DOH,RHU
Drops) Target: total amount of 180M for 15mL (as sulfate dispensing Officer
commodities and costs Consumption Hauling; 40M monohydrate)
required to maintain optimal and inventory for Brokerage;
supply in the pipeline to forms or Zinc Syrup

Page 32 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
ensure efficient procurement information 16.307M for syrup;solution,
and delivery system other operating (equiv. to 20mg
expense elemental
Basis/considerations: stock zinc/5mL) syrup,
level range (minimum, See Annex A 60 mL (as sulfate
maximum), lead times and for the cost of monohydrate)
delivery frequency, arrival devolved
dates, forecasted commodities Shelf Life: Must
consumption, current and based on be fresh
ordered stocks, shipment centrally commercial stock
costs, etc. procured with a total shelf
prices life of 24 months
Quantification from the date of
“What is the full requirement Note: amount manufacture but
given the forecasting and may vary at not less than 18
supply planning?” the LGU level months from the
date of delivery
Target: Uninterrupted supply
Procurement P/C/MHO, FWBD Provision of Management to target recipients through Storage Azithromycin Program The N/A PD 856:
and distribution RHUs, BHS, patients drugs to FWBD and treatment comprehensive estimation of area/warehouse 500mg tablet Coordinator/ service is Sanitation Code
of Azithromycin primary care Patients of FWBD quantities, costs, and delivery Shelf Life: P/C/MHO, of free of RA 10611: Food
providers scheduling of desired Delivery Must be fresh Certified Primary charge Safety Act
commodities commercial stock Care Provider by AO No. 2020-
Basis/considerations: with a total shelf the DOH,RHU 0027: FWBD
Forecasted volume and supply life of 24 months dispensing Officer Program
plan; Consumption from the date of Implementation
Continuous, iterative process and inventory manufacture but Guidelines
of updating and analysis forms or not less than 18
Driven by individual information months from the
system date of delivery

Page 33 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Procurement P/C/MHO, FWBD Provision of Provision of ● Procurement of Public Storage Ciprofloxacin Program The N/A PD 856:
and distribution RHUs, BHS, patients drugs to FWBD complete Health Commodities (RA area/warehouse (As Coordinator/ service is Sanitation Code
of Ciprofloxacin primary care Patients treatment pack 9184) Hydrochloride) P/C/MHO, of free of RA 10611: Food
providers for the ● Storage and Distribution Delivery 500mg Tablet, Certified Primary charge Safety Act
Management of commodities Oral Care Provider by AO No. 2020-
and treatment ● Proper Disposal/waste the DOH,RHU 0027: FWBD
of FWBD management Shelf Life: Must dispensing Officer Program
Consumption be fresh Implementation
and inventory commercial stock Guidelines
forms or with a total shelf
information life of 24 months
system from the date of
manufacture but
not less than 18
months from the
date of delivery

Page 34 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis
Integrated P/C/MHO, - PSAC: 1-4 - Albendazole Provision of ● Selection of medicines Storage Based on the Albendazole 400 Program The N/A AO No. 2010- July 13,
Helminth Control RHUs, BHS, y/o 200 mg or 1/2 Albendazole based on current evidence area/warehouse previous mg tablet, Oral Coordinator/ service is 0023 Re: 2010
Program primary care - SAC: 5-29 tablet for 400 mg tablets and guidelines procurement of P/C/MHO, free of Guidelines on
providers y/o children who are to individuals Delivery Certified Primary charge Deworming Drug
DOH Central
- WRA: 19-49 more than 1 but under the Philippine National Care Provider by Administration
Vehicle Office through Shelf Life: Must
y/o below 2 target Formulary (PNF) the DOH,RHU and the
Procurement - Pregnant years old. population -all medicines selected must Philippine be fresh dispensing Officer Management of
and distribution - Women - Albendazole only be those that are found in Consumption Pharma commercial stock Adverse Events
of Albendazole - Vulnerable 400mg or 1 the PNF and inventory Procurement with a total shelf Following
Groups tablet for -includes types of medicines forms or life of 24 months Deworming
Inc. (PPPI), the
children who are and dosage forms information from the date of (AEFD)
system fee for logistics manufacture but
2 to 18 years old
management not less than 18
Drug Price Reference Index
(DPRI) services is 8% months from the
-is the mandated ceiling price of the date of delivery
for government bidding and Approved
procurement set by the DOH Budget for the
for all government entities Contract
procuring medicines. Winning (PPPI): 8% of
bid prices of essential
the Approved
medicines shall therefore not
exceed the DPRI. Budget for the
Forecasting “How much of the (PPPI)
commodity is needed?”
In 2022 the
Target: quantity and
Supply Chain
corresponding cost for the
expected consumption of a Management
Services of the

Page 35 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
target population on a given DOH CO
time period allocated
0 for regular
Morbidity, demographics,
historical consumption, warehousing,
assumptions, intended plans, hauling,
historical/projected brokerage and
performance, and/or future other services
demand pertaining to
Supply Chain
Supply Planning
“How should the commodity
move to the facility?” Service for all
Target: total amount of commodities
commodities and costs being procured
required to maintain optimal by the DOH
supply in the pipeline to ensure CO.
efficient procurement and
Breakdown is
Basis/considerations: stock as follows:
level range (minimum, 250M for
maximum), lead times and warehousing;
delivery frequency, arrival 180M- Hauling;
dates, forecasted consumption,
current and ordered stocks,
shipment costs, etc. Brokerage;
16.307M- other
Quantification operating

Page 36 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
“What is the full requirement expense;
given the forecasting and 16.307M- other
supply planning?” operating
Target: Uninterrupted supply to
target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of See Annex A
quantities, costs, and delivery for the cost of
scheduling of desired devolved
commodities commodities
based on
Basis/considerations: centrally
Forecasted volume and supply
Continuous, iterative process prices
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances
Note: amount
● Procurement of Public may vary at
Health Commodities the LGU level
● Storage and
● Distribution of
● Proper Disposal/waste

National Filariasis Elimination Program

Procurement of P/C/MHO, Filariasis Provision of Provision of ● Selection of medicines Storage Based on the Mupirocin Program The N/A AO No. 2010- 04/13/10
Filariasis drug RHUs, BHS, Patient drugs to complete based on current evidence area/warehouse previous Ointment 2%, 15g Coordinator/ service is 0009: Guidelines
treatment pack and guidelines procurement of tube P/C/MHO, in the prevention

Page 37 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
(Mupirocin and primary care Filariasis to patient with DOH Central Ketoconazole Certified Primary free of of disabilities due
Ketoconazole) providers Patients possible Philippine National Delivery Office through Cream 2%, 15g Care Provider by charge to Lymphatic
filariasis Formulary (PNF) Vehicle Philippine tube, aluminum the DOH,RHU Filariasis
infection -all medicines selected must Pharma collapsible tube dispensing Officer
only be those that are found in Procurement cream
the PNF Inc. (PPPI):
-includes types of medicines 8% of the
and dosage forms Consumption Approved
and inventory Budget for the Shelf Life
Drug Price Reference Index forms or Contract Must be fresh
(DPRI) information (PPPI) commercial stock
-is the mandated ceiling price system with a total shelf
for government bidding and In 2022 the life of 24 months
procurement set by the DOH Supply Chain from the date of
for all government entities Management manufacture but
procuring medicines. Winning Services of the not less than 18
bid prices of essential DOH CO months from the
medicines shall therefore not allocated date of delivery
exceed the DPRI. 486,307,000.0
0 for regular
Forecasting “How much of the hauling,
commodity is needed?” brokerage and
other services
Target: quantity and pertaining to
corresponding cost for the Supply Chain
expected consumption of a Management
target population on a given Service for all
time period regular
being procured

Page 38 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Basis/considerations: by the DOH
Morbidity, demographics, CO.
historical consumption,
assumptions, intended plans, Breakdown is
historical/projected as follows:
performance, and/or future 250M for
demand warehousing;
180M for
Supply Planning Hauling; 40M
“How should the commodity for Brokerage;
move to the facility?” 16.307M for
other operating
Target: total amount of expense
commodities and costs
required to maintain optimal See Annex A
supply in the pipeline to ensure for the cost of
efficient procurement and devolved
Basis/considerations: stock based on
level range (minimum, centrally
maximum), lead times and procured
delivery frequency, arrival prices
dates, forecasted consumption,
current and ordered stocks, Note: amount
shipment costs, etc. may vary at
the LGU level
“What is the full requirement
given the forecasting and
supply planning?”

Page 39 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]

Target: Uninterrupted supply to

target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of
quantities, costs, and delivery
scheduling of desired

Forecasted volume and supply
Continuous, iterative process
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances

● Procurement of public
health commodities
● Storage and
● Distribution of
● Proper Disposal/waste

Page 40 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
National Leprosy Control Program
Procurement of P/C/MHO, Consulted Provision of Treated ● Selection of medicines Storage area/ Based on the Vitamin B Program The N/A AO No. 6- 02/12/99
Leprosy drugs: RHUs, BHS, Leprosy drugs to Leprosy Leprosy based on current evidence warehouse previous Complex Coordinator/ service is As.1999:
Vitamin B primary care Patients in Patients patients and guidelines procurement of P/C/MHO, free of Treatment
Complex Tablet, providers the RHUs DOH Central 100 mg B1 + 5 Certified Primary charge Protocol for
Prednisone Philippine National Office through mg B6 + 50 Care Provider by Leprosy
Tablet, Ascorbic Formulary (PNF) Philippine microgram B12 the DOH,RHU
Acid, -all medicines selected must Pharma per tablet, Oral dispensing Officer
Betamethasone, only be those that are found in Procurement
Ferrous Salt+ the PNF Inc. (PPPI): Prednisone
Folic Acid -includes types of medicines Consump- 8% of the
Tablet, Fusidate and dosage forms tion and Approved 10mg tablet, Oral
sodium/Fusidic inventory Budget for the Ascorbic Acid
Acid, Drug Price Reference Index forms or Contract
Itraconazole (DPRI) information (PPPI) 50mg tablet, Oral
Capsule -is the mandated ceiling price system
for government bidding and In 2022 the Betamethasone
procurement set by the DOH Supply Chain 0.1%, 5g tube
for all government entities Management (as valerate)
procuring medicines. Winning Services of the cream, Topical
bid prices of essential DOH CO
medicines shall therefore not allocated Ferrous Salt+
exceed the DPRI. 486,307,000.0 Folic Acid Table
0 for regular tablet (equiv. to
Forecasting “How much of the warehousing, 60 mg elemental
commodity is needed?” hauling, iron) + 400 mcg
brokerage and Folic acid), Oral
Target: quantity and other services
corresponding cost for the pertaining to Fusidate Sodium
expected consumption of a Supply Chain OINTMENT 15g,
Management 2% tube, Topical

Page 41 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
target population on a given Service for all
time period regular Itraconazole
commodities 100mg capsule,
Basis/considerations: being procured Oral
Morbidity, demographics, by the DOH
historical consumption, CO. Shelf Life: Must
assumptions, intended plans, Breakdown is be fresh
historical/projected as follows: commercial stock
performance, and/or future 250M for with a total shelf
demand warehousing; life of 24 months
180M for from the date of
Supply Planning Hauling; 40M manufacture but
“How should the commodity for Brokerage; not less than 18
move to the facility?” 16.307M- other months from the
operating date of delivery
Target: total amount of expense
commodities and costs
required to maintain optimal See Annex A
supply in the pipeline to ensure for the cost of
efficient procurement and devolved
delivery commodities
based on
Basis/considerations: stock centrally
level range (minimum, procured
maximum), lead times and prices
delivery frequency, arrival
dates, forecasted consumption, Note: amount
current and ordered stocks, may vary at
shipment costs, etc. the LGU level


Page 42 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
“What is the full requirement
given the forecasting and
supply planning?”

Target: Uninterrupted supply to

target recipients through
comprehensive estimation of
quantities, costs, and delivery
scheduling of desired

Forecasted volume and supply
Continuous, iterative process
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances

● Procurement of Public
Health Commodities (RA
● Storage and Distribution
of commodities
● Proper Disposal/waste

Page 43 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
(Procurement of Animal Bite Animal Bite PVRV/PCEC- Management ● Selection of medicines Cold Storage Based on the (PVRV) Trained Doctors The N/A AO 2018-0013 For
Equine Rabies Treatment Patients 6 doses ID for of animal bite based on current area previous Preparation: and Nurses on service is entitled “Revised Amendme
Immunoglobulin Centers (Category 2 & all Category 2 patients or evidence and guidelines procurement of 0.5ml/vial Bite Management of free of Guidelines on the nt
(ERIG); Anti- (trained 3) and 3 cases rabies Delivery Vehicle DOH Central Dose/Route of charge Management of
rabies Vaccine Doctors and (WHO pre- exposures The vaccine is WHO Office through Administration: Rabies
for Humans- Nurses) qualified) prequalified Vaccine ref Philippine Exposures”
PVRV/PCEC) 8 doses ID for For vaccines that are non- Pharma ID - 0.1 ml
all Category 2 prequalified, the vaccine shall Consumption Procurement
and 3 cases be registered and approved by and inventory Inc. (PPPI), the IM - 0.5 ml
(Non-WHO pre- the FDA forms or fee for logistics
qualified) information management (PCEC)
Drug Price Reference Index system services is 8% Preparation:
ERIG-1 Vial for (DPRI) of the 1ml/vial
each Category 3 -is the mandated ceiling price Approved Dose/Route of
cases for government bidding and Budget for the Administration:
procurement set by the DOH Contract
for all government entities (PPPI) ID - 0.1 ml
procuring medicines. Winning
bid prices of essential IM - 1.0 ml
medicines shall therefore not In 2022 the
exceed the DPRI. Supply Chain ERIG: 200IU/ml
Management at 5ml/vial
Forecasting “How much of the Services of the Dose: 40 IU/kg
commodity is needed?” DOH CO *Skin testing is
PVRV/PCEC-Based on the allocated highly
Category 2 & 3 Animal Bite 486,307,000.0 recommended
Cases 0 for regular ***The total
ERIG-Based on the Category warehousing, computed RIG
3 bite cases hauling, shall be infiltrated
brokerage and

Page 44 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Supply Planning other services around and into
“How should the commodity pertaining to the wound as
move to the facility?” Supply Chain much as
Target: total amount of Management anatomically
commodities and costs Service for all feasible, even if
required to maintain optimal regular the lesion has
supply in the pipeline to ensure commodities healed
efficient procurement and being procured
delivery by the DOH Shelf Life
CO. Upon delivery the
Basis/considerations: stock following shall be
level range (minimum, Breakdown is complied with:
maximum), lead times and as follows: 1. Must be fresh
delivery frequency, arrival 250M for commercial stock
dates, forecasted consumption, warehousing; with a total shelf
current and ordered stocks, 180M for life of twenty four
shipment costs, etc. Hauling; 40M (24) months from
for Brokerage; the date of
Quantification 16.307M for manufacture but
“What is the full requirement other operating not less than
given the forecasting and expense eighteen (18)
supply planning?” months from the
See Annex A date of delivery.
Target: Uninterrupted supply to for the cost of
target recipients through devolved
comprehensive estimation of commodities
quantities, costs, and delivery based on
scheduling of desired centrally
commodities procured

Page 45 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Forecasted volume and supply Note: amount
plan; may vary at
Continuous, iterative process the LGU level
of updating and analysis
Driven by individual context
and circumstances

● Procurement of Public
Health Commodities (RA
● Storage and Distribution
of commodities
● Proper Disposal/waste

Non Communicable Diseases

Procurement, P/C/MHO, Hypertensive/ Provide 1 Complete ● Selection of medicines Storage Based on the Losartan Program The WHO PEN AOs 2016-0014 May 23,
storage, RHUs, BHS, patients treatment pack yearly based on current evidence area/warehouse previous 50MG as Coordinator/ service Implementing 2016
distribution, and primary care enrolled/listed per patient per treatment pack and guidelines procurement of Potassium Salt P/C/MHO, will be Guidelines on the
monitoring of providers in the DOH month x 12 per registered Delivery DOH Central Tablet Certified Primary free of Organization of (updating
commodities for HPN registry months patient Philippine National Office through Amlodipine Care Provider by charge. Health Clubs for of status
Hypertension/ Formulary (PNF) Philippine 5MG (as the DOH,RHU Patients with as needed
Hyperlipidemia -all medicines selected must Pharma Besilate/Camsylat dispensing Officer Hypertension and or upon
only be those that are found in Consumption Procurement e), Tablet Diabetes in recommen
the PNF and inventory Inc. (PPPI), the Health facilities dation)
forms or

Page 46 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
(Losartan, -includes types of medicines information fee for logistics Simvastatin
Amlodipine, and dosage forms system management 20MG Tablet AO No. 2012-
Simvastatin) services is 8% 0029
Drug Price Reference Index of the Shelf Life Implementing
(DPRI) Approved Must be fresh Guidelines on the Dec. 04,
-is the mandated ceiling price Budget for the commercial stock Institutionalization 2012
for government bidding and Contract with a total shelf of the Philippine
procurement set by the DOH (PPPI) life of 24 months Package of
for all government entities from the date of Essential NCD
procuring medicines. Winning manufacture but Interventions
bid prices of essential In 2022 the not less than 18 (PhilPEN) on the
medicines shall therefore not Supply Chain months from the Integrated
exceed the DPRI. Management date of delivery Management of
Services of the Hypertension for
Forecasting “How much of the DOH CO Primary Health
Procurement of P/C/MHO, Diabetic Metformin and Complete commodity is needed?” Storage allocated Metformin Program The WHO PEN Care Facilities
commodities for RHUs, BHS, patients Gliclazide: yearly area/warehous 486,307,000.0 500MG (as Coordinator/ service is Guidelines
Diabetes Mellitus primary care enrolled/listed Provide 1 treatment pack Target: quantity and 0 for regular hydrochloride) P/C/MHO, of free of AO No. 2011-
(Gliclazide, providers in the DOH treatment packs per registered corresponding cost for the e warehousing, Tablet Certified Primary charge 0003
Metformin) DM registry x patient month patient expected consumption of a hauling, Gliclazide Care Provider by The National
x 12 months target population on a given Delivery brokerage and 30MG MR Tablet the DOH,RHU policy on
time period Vehicle other services dispensing Officer Strengthening the
pertaining to Shelf Life Must Prevention and
Basis/considerations: Supply Chain be fresh Control of Chronic April 14,
Morbidity, demographics, Consumptio Management commercial stock Lifestyle Related 2011
historical consumption, n and Service for all with a total shelf Non-
assumptions, intended plans, inventory regular life of 24 months Communicable
historical/projected forms or commodities from the date of Diseases
performance, and/or future information being procured manufacture but
demand system not less than 18
months from the

Page 47 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Supply Planning by the DOH date of delivery
“How should the commodity CO.
move to the facility?”
Breakdown is
Target: total amount of as follows:
commodities and costs 250M for
required to maintain optimal warehousing;
supply in the pipeline to ensure 180M for
efficient procurement and Hauling; 40M
delivery for Brokerage;
16.307M- other
Basis/considerations: stock operating
Procurement of P/C/MHO, Diabetic Insulin: Complete level range (minimum, Storage expense Regular Insulin Program The WHO PEN AOs 2016-0014 May 23,
Diabetic Drugs RHUs, BHS, patients 1 vial x DM yearly maximum), lead times and area/warehous Route of Coordinator/ service is Guidelines Implementing 2016
(Insulin, Insulin primary care enrolled/listed patient needing treatment pack delivery frequency, arrival e Administration: P/C/MHO, of free of Guidelines on the
Syringes) providers in the DOH insulin x 6 per registered dates, forecasted consumption, Subcutaneous Certified Primary charge Organization of (updating
HPN & DM months patient current and ordered stocks, See Annex A (SC) Care Provider by Health Clubs for of status
shipment costs, etc.
registry for the cost of 100 IU/ml,10 mL the DOH,RHU Patients with as needed
(1vials for 2 Vehicle (recombinant dispensing Officer Hypertension and or upon
months per Quantification commodities DNA human) Diabetes in recommen
patient) “What is the full requirement Vaccine ref based on Health facilities dation)
given the forecasting and centrally Isophane Insulin AO No. 2012-
supply planning?” Consumptio procured Route of 0029
n and prices Administration: Implementing
Target: Uninterrupted supply to inventory Subcutaneous Guidelines on the Dec. 04,
target recipients through forms or Note: amount (SC) Institutionalization 2012
comprehensive estimation of may vary at 100 IU/ML, 10 ML of the Philippine
quantities, costs, and delivery the LGU level (recombinant Package of
scheduling of desired
DNA) Essential NCD
commodities Interventions
Biphasic Insulin (PhilPEN) on the

Page 48 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
Basis/considerations: Route of Integrated
Forecasted volume and supply Administration: Management of
plan; Subcutaneous Hypertension for
Continuous, iterative process (SC) Primary Health
of updating and analysis 70% isophane Care Facilities
Driven by individual context suspension +
and circumstances 30% soluble AO No. 2011-
insulin 100 IU/mL, 0003
● Procurement of Public 10ML The National
Health Commodities (RA (recombinant policy on
9184) DNA) Strengthening the
● Storage and Distribution Prevention and
of commodities Control of Chronic
● Proper Disposal/waste Insulin Syringe Lifestyle Related
management Needle length: Non-
8mm Communicable April 14,
Needle size: 30G Diseases 2011
Capacity: 1ml
Fixed Needle
Needle should be
stainless steel

Shelf Life
Upon delivery the
following shall be
complied with:
1. Must be fresh
commercial stock
with a total shelf
life of twenty four

Page 49 of 50
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Local Service Delivery Standards

Government [4]
Project/ Beneficiary/ Fee to Title of
Level and Standard Technical Qualification/ Updating
Activity and User Avail Other References
Office/Unit Specifications Quality of Resource Cost Specifications Competency of Status
Correspondin [3] Procedural Standards Service Standards [5]
to Use the of Service Service Inputs to Deliver of Input Service [6]
g Service* [4.3] (if any) [4.9]
Standard [4.1] [4.2] [4.4] the Service [4.6] Provider
[1] [4.8]
[2] [4.5] [4.7]
(24) months from
the date of
manufacture but
not less than
eighteen (18)
months from the
date of delivery.
* Service pertains to the tangible or non-tangible byproduct of the performance of government functions delivered to the people, which involves transaction between the user/beneficiary and the service provider.

Page 50 of 50
Minimum Recommendations
for Staffing Complement of
Public Health Facilities and
Health Offices in
Local Government Units




Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs

The Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and
Health Offices in Local Government Units is a result of series of reviews and discussion and
is referenced on existing laws and policies relevant to the implementation of health services
and programs. The preparation of this document is a collaborative effort of the DOH Steering
Committee and Technical Working Group on Full Devolution.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs

I. Introduction …….. 6-7

II. Considerations in Developing the Recommended Organizational …….. 8-9

Structure and Staffing Complement for Health Facilities in LGUs

III. Recommendations of the DOH Technical Working Group (TWG) …….. 10

on Devolution Transition Plan (DTP)

A. Recommended Organizational Structure and Core Functions …….. 10

and Services of each unit
(Based on Administrative Order on Organizing Local Health
Systems issued by Bureau of Local Health Systems

1. Provincial Health Office …….. 11-14

2. City Health Office in Highly Urbanized Cities / …….. 14-19

Independent Component Cities

3. City / Municipal Health Office in Component Cities / …….. 20-23


B. Health Facility Staffing Standards …….. 24-25

(Based on administrative policies and relevant manual of
standards issued by Health Facilities Development Bureau

C. Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement with …….. 26

Core Job Descriptions of Positions in LGU Health Facilities
(As proposed by the TWG on Devolution in consultation with
technical offices)

1. Provincial Health Office …….. 27

a. PHO staff and administrative unit …….. 28-33

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
b. Health Service Delivery Division …….. 34-57

c. Health Systems Support Division …….. 58-78

2. City Health Office in Highly Urbanized Cities / …….. 79-80

Independent Component Cities

a. CHO staff and administrative unit …….. 81-85

b. Health Service Delivery Division …….. 86-109

c. Health Systems Support Division …….. 110-128

d. Urban Health Centers …….. 129-150

3. City / Municipal Health Office in Component Cities / …….. 151


a. City/Municipal Health Office in Component …….. 152-175

Cities or Municipalities (CHO/MHO as one
and the same with Urban Health
Center/Rural Health Unit)

b. City/Municipal Health Office in Component …….. 176-203

Cities or Municipalities (CHO/MHO has
several Urban Health Centers/Rural Health
Units and hospital/s owned and managed by
the component LGU)

IV. Phases of Implementation …….. 205-206

Annex A. Sample assessment for identifying priority positions for staffing …….. 207-236
complement of public health facilities and health offices in LGUs

References …….. 237-240

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs

AS-PAD Personnel Administration Division of the Administrative Services

AO Administrative Order
BLHSD Bureau of Local Health Systems Development
CHO City Health Office; City Health Officer
CSC Civil Service Commission
DTP Devolution Transition Plan
EO Executive Order
HCPN Health Care Provider Network
HFDB Health Facilities Development Bureau
HHRDB Health Human Resource Development Bureau
HSDD Health Service Delivery Division
HSSD Health System Support Division
HSDU Health Service Delivery Unit
HSSU Health System Support Unit
HUC Highly Urbanized Cities
ICC Independent Component Cities
IOS Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes, and Salary Grades
LGU Local Government Unit
LIPH Local Investment Plan for Health
MHO Municipal Health Office; Municipal Health Officer
P/CWHS Province-wide and City-wide Health Systems
PHO Provincial Health Office; Provincial Health Officer
PPA Programs, Projects, and Activities
RA Republic Act
RHU Rural Health Unit
UHC Urban Health Center

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
I. Introduction

Pursuant to the Republic Act (RA) No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 1,
through the Executive Order (EO) No. 138 series of 20212, all departments, agencies,
and instrumentalities of the Executive Branch, including the Department of Health
(DOH), are mandated to implement full devolution of certain functions to Local
Governments. This aims to (i) develop capabilities of local governments to deliver basic
social services and critical facilities to their constituents, increase productivity and
employment, and promote local economic growth; and (ii) ensure accountability,
competence, professionalism and transparency of local leaders through the
development of institutional systems that uphold good governance and strengthen their
capabilities for managing public resources.

In compliance with these, the DOH developed a Devolution Transition Plan (DTP)
wherein identified programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) will be devolved to the
Local Government Units (LGUs) following a certain timeline. The LGUs shall then be
responsible in ensuring availability of funds and resources for the sustainability of the
devolved PPAs. This includes provision of adequate health infrastructure along with
appropriate staffing complement.

The DTP is anchored on the existing mandates of LGUs provided under the Local
Government Code of 1991. Specifically, it states under Section 18 that LGUs shall have
the power and authority to establish an organization that shall be responsible for the
efficient and effective implementation of their development plans, program objectives
and priorities. Further, Section 77 of the same law provides that the chief executive of
every local government unit shall be responsible for human resources and development
in his unit and shall take all personnel actions in accordance with the Constitutional
provisions on civil service, pertinent laws, and rules and regulations thereon, including
such policies, guidelines and standards as the Civil Service Commission may establish.
Thus, the implementation of all staffing actions necessary to fulfill LGU mandates and
to perform functions devolved to them is within their power and authority.

Local Government Code of 1991

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
This document intends to provide DOH’s guidance to LGUs on the minimum
recommended staffing complement for LGU health facilities and health offices.
This can be used as reference as LGUs implement incremental creation of permanent
positions as provided in the RA No. 11223 or the Universal Health Care Act. The LGUs
are highly encouraged to adopt these minimum recommendations to support the
integration of local health systems into Province-wide and City-wide Health Systems
aligned with the UHC Act.

II. Considerations in Developing the Recommended Organizational Structure and

Staffing Complement for Health Facilities in LGUs

The Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities

and Health Offices in Local Government Units (Annex C2 of the DOH DTP) is a
collaborative effort of the DOH Technical Working Group (TWG) in DTP. Main
contributors in this document are the Bureau of Local Health Systems Development
(BLHSD), the Health Facilities Development Bureau (HFDB), and the Health Human
Resource Development Bureau (HHRDB).

Led by the BLHSD, the recommended organizational structures of LGU health

facilities were developed through Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-0021
“Guidelines on Integration of the Local Health Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)”3. In these organizational structures,
components/units were given specific functions to facilitate the integration of local
health systems into Province-wide and City-wide Health Systems. The HFDB then
presided over the analysis of these functions to develop health facility standards and
core functions and services indicated in the Department Circular No. 2020-0176
“Circulation of the Manual of Standards for Primary Care Facilities”4.

Executive Order (EO) No. 138 series of 2021
DOH-AO-No_2020-0021.Pdf, n.d.“Guidelines on Integration of the Local Health Systems into Province-wide
and City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)”
Department Circular No. 2020-0176 Manual for Primary Care Facilities

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Using the health facility standards and core functions and services, bureaus and offices
in the DOH Central Offices were requested to propose their recommended standard for
staffing complement in LGU health facilities in accordance with the functions and
services they plan to devolve. Submitted proposals were consolidated and analyzed by
the HHRDB to come up with the minimum recommendations for staffing
complement of public health facilities and health offices in LGUs, as indicated in
this document.

Other considerations include:

1. HHRDB shall provide observations and/or comments for HRH-related
positions, in particular.

2. Technical offices/ experts shall provide comments on their respective areas of

3. Recommend to seek guidance from the Personnel Administration Division of
the Administrative Services (AS-PAD), especially for non-health positions.
4. Evaluation of staffing proposals shall be guided by the DBM-CSC Government
Rationalization Program Organization and Staffing Standards and Guidelines,
to wit:
a. Identification of functions (core and non-core) that could be effectively
outsourced/contracted out; provided that accountability mechanisms are
in place.
b. Use of the following guides in the Staffing of an Organization:
i. Reduce functions/programs into activities/tasks to identify
staffing requirements.
ii. Determine skills/competencies required to perform the
iii. Match activities/tasks with positions in the Index of
Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS) 5 for the National Government to
determine the appropriate position title.

LOCAL-BUDGET-CIRCULAR-NO-137.Pdf, n.d., Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups,
Classes, and Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
iv. Apart from the unit head, allow a higher level of position of the
same type or senior level positions and provide at least one
entrance level position.
v. Observe an optimal ratio between technical and administrative
positions. Limit the provision of assistants, as much as
c. Alignment with the IOS for the National Government in all staffing
modifications involving reclassification, conversion, and creation of
d. Recommended Organizational Structure and Core Functions and
Services of each unit preference should be given to generic over
specialist positions, for flexibility.
e. Determine the number of positions required based on workload.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
III. Recommendations from DOH TWG on DTP

Figure 1. Recommended Organizational Structure of Province-wide Health Systems 6

Inputs from Bureau of Local Health Systems Development

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Table 1. Provincial Health Office and Corresponding Functions of Each Units

Unit Functions

I. Management This Committee shall assist the Provincial Health Officer II, and shall advise the PHO II regarding the
Committee overall management of the local health system, with the integration of public health and hospital service
delivery operations. This shall be composed of the Division Chiefs of the Health Service Delivery
Division and Health Systems Support Division, and Medical Center Chiefs or Chief of Hospitals under
the direct supervision of PHO II.

II. Administrative Unit This Unit shall render administrative and logistics assistance to the other units within the PHO. Its
functions shall include coordination with other offices within the Provincial Government and its
component local government units; internal logistics and property management; and facility, equipment
and motor vehicle maintenance, among others.

III. Health Service This Division shall be headed by the Provincial Health Officer I and shall manage the coordination of
Delivery Division health service delivery operations of PCPNs, hospitals and other health facilities, and oversee the overall
integration of the health systems and implementation of public health programs, including referral
system, health promotion, epidemiology and surveillance, and disaster risk reduction and management
for health. (DOH-AO-No_2020-0021.Pdf, n.d.)

a. Health Promotion Unit This Unit shall be responsible for the implementation of health promotion-related programs, projects
and activities, and shall facilitate coordination among partners, such as but not limited to local

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

government and hospital Health Promotion and Education Officers (HEPOs) and Barangay Health
Workers as barangay level health promotion officers.

b. Epidemiology and This Unit shall be responsible for the conduct of epidemiologic investigations for communicable and
Surveillance Unit non-communicable disease of concern, case investigations, patient interviews, review of medical
records, contact tracing, collection, storage and transport of samples and specimens, risk assessments,
laboratory investigation, population surveys and environmental investigation. It shall also be responsible
for the data management, analysis and mandatory reporting of notifiable diseases and health events of
public health concern.

c. Disaster Risk This Unit is responsible for the timely, effective and efficient preparedness and response to public health
Reduction and emergencies and disasters. It shall also establish and maintain an emergency operation center with an
Management Unit early warning system, communication mechanism and technology, and equipment; and organize and
mobilize health emergency response teams that are equipped with adequate and appropriate tools and

d. Public Health Program This Unit shall be responsible for the overall implementation of public health programs, local health
Management Unit policies, plans and standards, including the coordination of the delivery of public health services.

IV. Health Systems This Division shall be headed by an Officer of the same level as the Assistant Provincial Health Officer
Support Division and shall manage the health financing, planning and budgeting, health information system, procurement

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

and supply chain for health products and services, local health regulation, health human resource
development, and performance monitoring, among others. (DOH-AO-No_2020-0021.Pdf, n.d.)

a. Planning Unit This Unit shall be responsible for the formulation of the provincial health goals, objectives and overall
plans, including the local investment plan for health (LIPH), and other investment and budget plans for
health. It shall also manage the health planning process of the Provincial Health Office.

b. Health Information This Unit shall be responsible for the information and communication technology development,
Systems Unit management and interoperability.

c. Supply Chain This Unit shall be responsible for facilitating demand planning and forecasting, inventory management,
Management Unit formulation of transportation and warehousing strategies, and monitoring of proper storage and disposal
of medicines, health commodities and other health products.

d. HRH Management This Unit shall be responsible for the development of strategies on HRH generation, recruitment,
and Development Unit retraining and retention, including HRH sharing and performance assessment mechanisms within the
province. It shall also be responsible for the formulation of the HRH plan, conduct of learning
development needs assessments and interventions, and career development and management system. It
shall also be in charge of the provision of psychosocial and other necessary support for the HRH.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

e. Quality and This Unit shall ensure that provided health services and operations of the health systems meet the
Performance minimum quality standards set by the DOH, PhilHealth and other stakeholders, and satisfy the needs
Monitoring Unit and expectations of the clients. It shall also ensure that performance standards are consistent across
health facilities and services within the province. They shall implement the Continuous Quality
Improvement strategy in their mandate and this shall be cascaded to the health facilities and divisions

III. Hospital Services Note: This follows the Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for Government
Hospitals CY 2013 Edition 7

a. Provincial Hospital This is the departmentalized hospital, headed by the Medical Center Chief, that shall provide clinical
(As level 2) care and management on the prevalent diseases in the locality, as well as particular forms of treatment,
surgical procedures and intensive care. It shall have the same clinical services provided in L1 Hospital,
as well as specialty clinical care. It shall also provide appropriate administrative and ancillary services
(clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy), and give total nursing and intensive skilled care. (AO 2019-
0060; AO 2012-0012)

b. District Hospital (As This is the non-departmentalized hospital, headed by the Chief of Hospital, that shall provide clinical
level 1) care and management of the prevalent diseases in the locality with clinical services that include general

Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for Government Hospitals CY 2013 Edition

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery and anesthesia. It shall provide appropriate
administrative and ancillary services (clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy) and shall give nursing
care for patients who require intermediate, moderate and partial categories of supervised care for 24
hours or longer.(AO 2019-0060; AO 2012-0012)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Figure 2. Recommended Organizational Structure for City-wide Health Systems particularly in Highly Urbanized Cities /
Independent Component Cities 8

Inputs from Bureau of Local Health Systems Development

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Table 2. City Health Office in Highly Urbanized Cities / Independent Component Cities and Corresponding Functions of Each Units

Unit Functions

I. Management This Committee shall assist the City Health Officer II, and shall advise the CHO II regarding the overall
Committee management of the local health system, with the integration of public health and hospital service delivery
operations. This shall be composed of the Division Chiefs of the Health Service Delivery Division and
Health Systems Support Division, and Medical Center Chiefs or Chief of Hospitals under the direct
supervision of City Health Officer II.

II. Administrative Unit This Unit shall render administrative and logistics assistance to the other units within the CHO. Its
functions shall include coordination with other offices within the City Government; internal logistics and
property management; and facility, equipment and motor vehicle maintenance, among others.

III. Health Service This Division shall be headed by the City Health Officer I and shall manage the health service delivery
Delivery Division operations of PCPNs, hospitals and other health facilities, and oversee the overall integration of the health
systems and implementation of public health programs, including referral system, health promotion,
epidemiology and surveillance, and disaster risk reduction and management for health. (DOH-AO-
No_2020-0021.Pdf, n.d.)

a. Health Promotion This Unit shall be responsible for the implementation of health promotion-related programs, projects and
Unit activities, and facilitates coordination among partners, such as but not limited to local government and
hospital Health Promotion and Education officers (HEPOs) and Barangay Health Workers as barangay
level health promotion officers.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

b. Epidemiology and This Unit shall be responsible for the conduct of epidemiologic investigations, case investigations, patient
Surveillance Unit interviews, review of medical records, contact tracing, collection, storage and transport of samples and
specimens, risk assessments, laboratory investigation, population surveys and environmental
investigation. It shall also be responsible for the data management, analysis and mandatory reporting of
notifiable diseases and health events of public health concern.

c. Disaster Risk This Unit shall be responsible for the timely, effective and efficient preparedness and response to public
Reduction and health emergencies and disasters. It shall also establish and maintain an emergency operation center with
Management Unit an early warning system, communication mechanism and technology, and equipment; and organize and
mobilize health emergency response teams that are equipped with adequate and appropriate tools and

d. Public Health This Unit shall be responsible for the overall implementation of public health programs, local health
Program policies, plans and standards, including the coordination of the delivery of public health services.
Management Unit

IV. Health Systems This Division shall be headed by an Officer of the same level as the Assistant City Health Officer and
Support Division shall manage the health financing (planning and budgeting), health information system, procurement and
supply chain for health products and services, local health regulation, health human resource
development, and performance monitoring, among others. (DOH-AO-No_2020-0021.Pdf, n.d.)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

a. Planning Unit This Unit shall be responsible for the formulation of the city health goals and overall plans, including the
local investment plan for health (LIPH), and other investment and budget plans for health. It shall also
manage the health planning process of the City Health Office.

b. Health Information This Unit shall be responsible for the information and communication technology development,
Systems Unit management and interoperability of information systems and infrastructure, and health information

c. Supply Chain This Unit shall be responsible for facilitating demand planning and forecasting, inventory management,
Management Unit formulation of transportation and warehousing strategies, and monitoring of proper storage and disposal
of medicines, health commodities and other health products.

d. HRH Management This Unit shall be responsible for the development of strategies on HRH generation, recruitment,
and Development retraining and retention, including HRH sharing and performance assessment mechanisms within the city.
Unit It shall also be responsible for the formulation of the HRH plan, conduct of learning development needs
assessments and interventions and career development and management system, as well as the provision
of psychosocial and other necessary support for the HRH.

e. Quality and This Unit shall ensure that provided health services and operations of the health systems meet the
Performance minimum quality standards set by the DOH, PhilHealth and other stakeholders, and satisfy the needs and
Monitoring Unit expectations of the clients. It shall also ensure that performance standards are consistent across health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

facilities and services within the city. They shall implement the Continuous Quality Improvement strategy
in their mandate and this shall be cascaded to the health facilities and units concerned.

V. Urban Health This facility shall serve as the first contact of primary care services in the city delivering health promotion,
Center disease prevention, health maintenance, counselling, patient education, diagnosis and management &
treatment of acute and chronic illnesses and referrals. It shall ensure a follow-through course of treatment
of a person as whole and shall provide both population and individual-based health services. It shall
provide leadership in patient navigation and coordination in a network and follows the standards set by
the DOH. (AO 2019-0060)

a. Health Service This Unit shall primarily be responsible in providing population-based and individual-based health
Delivery Unit services of the UHC. The HSDU shall also navigate and coordinate referrals to other service providers
within the Health Care Provider Network. (DC 2020-0176)

b. Health Systems This Unit shall primarily be responsible for rendering administrative services such as management of
Support Unit logistics, equipment, facilities, and technologies including the management of health data and records in
the UHC/ UHU. The HSSU shall also coordinate with and submit reports to the City Health Office or
respective Health Care Provider Network. (DC 2020-0176)

c. Barangay Health This facility shall provide primary care services at the barangay level and shall be focused on preventive
Station and promotive population-based health services. It shall also assist in patient navigation as a satellite

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

health facility of the Urban Health Centers and shall follow the standards set by the DOH. (AO 2019-

d. Hospital Services Note: This follows the Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for Government Hospitals CY
2013 Edition 9

a. City Hospital (As level 2): This is the departmentalized hospital, headed by the Medical Center Chief, that shall
provide clinical care and management on the prevalent diseases in the locality, as well as particular forms
of treatment, surgical procedures and intensive care. It shall have the same clinical services provided in
L1 Hospital, as well as specialty clinical care. It shall also provide appropriate administrative and ancillary
services (clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy), and give total nursing and intensive skilled care. (AO
2019-0060; AO 2012-0012)
(As level 1): This is the non-departmentalized hospital, headed by the Chief of Hospital, that shall
provide clinical care and management on the prevalent diseases in the locality with clinical services that
include general medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery and anesthesia. It shall
provide appropriate administrative and ancillary services (clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy) and
shall give nursing care for patients who require intermediate, moderate and partial categories of
supervised care for 24 hours or longer. (AO 2019-0060; AO 2012-0012)

Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for Government Hospitals CY 2013 Edition

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

(As infirmary): A health facility that shall provide emergency treatment and care to the sick and
injured, as well as clinical care and management to mothers and newborn babies. It provides basic, non-
complex, inpatient, diagnostic, and treatment services usually by general practitioners. The need for
infirmaries is decided according to the local context (AO 2019-0060; AO 2012-0012)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Figure 3. Recommended Organizational Structure for Municipalities / Component Cities (Scenario 1) 10

Inputs from Bureau of Local Health Systems Development

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Figure 4. Recommended Organizational Structure for Municipalities / Component Cities (Scenario 2) 11

Inputs from Bureau of Local Health Systems Development

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Table 3. City / Municipal Health Office in Component Cities / Municipalities and Corresponding Functions of Each Units

Unit Functions

I. Rural Health Unit/ This facility shall serve as the first contact of primary care services in the municipality or city delivering
Urban Health health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance, counselling, patient education, diagnosis and
Center management & treatment of acute and chronic illness and referrals. It shall ensure a follow-through course
of treatment of a person as a whole and shall provide both population and individual-based health services.
It shall provide leadership in patient navigation and coordination in a network and follows the standards
set by the DOH. (AO 2019-0060)
In areas wherein the Rural Health Unit/Urban Health Center is one and the same with the Municipal/ City
Health Office, the facility shall be headed by the Municipal/ City Health Officer. In LGUs wherein there
are several RHUs/ UHCs, the Municipal/ City Health Office shall be headed by the Municipal/ City Health
Officer while the RHUs/ UHCs are headed by the Rural Health Physicians or any equivalent positions.

a. HSDU This Unit shall primarily be responsible in providing population-based and individual-based health
services of the RHU/UHU. The HSDU shall also navigate and coordinate referrals to other service
providers within the Health Care Provider network. (DC 2020-0176)

b. HSSU This Unit shall primarily be responsible for rendering administrative services such as management of
logistics, equipment, and facilities as well as management of health data and records in the UHC/UHU.
The HSSU shall also coordinate with and submit reports to the Provincial Health office or respective
Health Care Provider Network. (DC 2020-0176)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Unit Functions

c. Barangay Health This facility shall provide primary care services at the barangay level and shall be focused on preventive
Station and promotive population-based health services. It shall also assist in patient navigation as a satellite
health facility of the RHUs/UHUs and shall follow the standards set by the DOH. (AO 2019-0060)

II. Hospital Services Note: This follows the Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for Government Hospitals CY
2013 Edition 12

A. Municipal/ City (As level 1): This is the non-departmentalized hospital, headed by the Chief of Hospital, that shall
Hospital provide clinical care and management of the prevalent diseases in the locality with clinical services that
include general medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery and anesthesia. It shall
provide appropriate administrative and ancillary services (clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy) and
shall give nursing care for patients who require intermediate, moderate and partial category of supervised
care for 24 hours or longer. (AO 2019-0060; AO 20212-0012)
(As infirmary): A health facility that shall provide emergency treatment and care to the sick and injured,
as well as clinical care and management to mothers and newborn babies. It shall provide basic, non-
complex, inpatient, diagnostic, and treatment services usually by general practitioners. The need for
infirmaries is decided according to the local context (AO 2019-0060; AO 2012-0012)

Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for Government Hospitals CY 2013 Edition

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
B. Health Facility Staffing Standards

The minimum recommendations for staffing complement of LGU health facilities were
developed based on standards and core functions and services of health facilities as
indicated in the Department Circular No. 2020-0176 “Circulation of the Manual of
Standards for Primary Care Facilities”.

In the Manual of Standards for Primary Care Facilities, staffing standards for primary
care health facilities is based on the following health worker to population ratio, as
reflected in the National Objectives for Health (NOH) 2017-2022 pending the results
of the Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs (WISN) study:

One (1) Urban Health Center/Rural Health Unit physician per 20,000 population
One (1) public health nurse per 10,000 population
One (1) public health midwife per 5,000 population
One (1) public health dentist per 50,000 population
One (1) sanitation inspector per 20,000 population

The enumerated ratios shall be implemented and monitored at urban health centers or
rural health units. These primary care facilities shall be led by a City or Municipal
Health Officer (C/MHO) who is responsible for formulating and implementing the
health programs in the whole city or municipality. The C/MHO also supervises,
coordinates, and monitors the operations of the UHC/RHU. Under the C/MHO is the
Rural Health Physician who takes charge of a small medical team assigned in the RHU
and renders preventive and medical services in at least one (1) barangay.

As the lead in the Primary Care Provider Network (PCPN), urban health centers or rural
health units are expected to provide primary health care services to LGUs through its
functional units – the Health Service Delivery Unit (HSDU) and the Health System
Support Unit (HSSU). The HSDU is responsible for providing population and
individual-based health services and for coordinating/ navigating referrals to other
service providers within the Health Care Provider Network (HCPN). On the other hand,
HSSU is responsible for rendering administrative services such as management of

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
logistics, equipment, and facilities as well as management of health data and records in
the UHC/RHU.

Another sub-unit of the UHC/RHU is the Health Station, such as a Barangay Health
Station. Health stations are responsible for augmenting UHC/RHU in the provision of
population-based health services and coordinating patient transport to the appropriate
referral facility, when necessary. The health station shall be composed of one (1) nurse,
one (1) midwife, one (1) BHW per 20 households, one (1) BNS per barangay,
administrative assistant, utility worker, and the emergency transport driver. The rural
health physician, dentist or dental hygienist, medical technologist or laboratory aide,
and sanitation inspector from the UHC/RHU shall rotate on scheduled visits to the
Health Stations.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
C. Minimum Recommendations for
Staffing Complement with Core Job
Descriptions of Positions in LGU Health

Provincial Health Office

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
1. Provincial Health Office (PHO staff and administrative unit)

Figure 5. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the Office of the Provincial
Health Officer and its Administrative Unit

Organizational Position Title13 SG Minimum Qualifications14 Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit and Competencies15,16 No. of Basis
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Office of the Provincial Health 26 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Responsible for the technical Inputs based on IOS
Provincial Health Officer II Degree OR Certificate in integration and supervision 2021 and DOH AO
Office Leadership and of the Province-wide and No. 2020-0021.
Management from the CSC City-wide Health Systems “Guidelines on
(P/CWHS). Integration of the
Experience: Five (5) years Local Health
of supervisory/ management ■ Oversees the operations of Systems into
experience two technical divisions, Province-wide and
namely: Health Service City-wide Health
Training: 120 hours of Delivery Division (HSDD) Systems
supervisory/management and Health Systems Support (P/CWHS)”
learning and development Division (HSSD).
intervention undertaken
within the last five (5) yrs ■ Leads the technical
secretariat of the Health
Eligibility: Career Service Board in close coordination
Professional/ Second Level with the Management
eligibility Support Unit (MSU).

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title13 SG Minimum Qualifications14 Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit and Competencies15,16 No. of Basis
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Leadership Competencies:

1. Building Collaborative
and Inclusive

2. Leading Change

3. Managing Performance
and Coaching for

4. Thinking Creatively
and Strategically

Technical Competencies:

1. Developing Personal
and Organizational

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title13 SG Minimum Qualifications14 Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit and Competencies15,16 No. of Basis
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

2. Implementing Health
Policies and

3. Management Acumen

4. Performance
Management Standards

5. Political Savvy

6. Risk Management

7. Workforce Planning

Office of the Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from

Provincial Health Assistant III two-year studies in college - Acts as the secretary of Personnel
Office or High School Graduate the PHO II Administration
with relevant vocational/ Division of the
trade course ■ Specific function: Administrative
- May depend on the LGU’s Service
Experience: One (1) year of preference but should still
relevant experience be in accordance with

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title13 SG Minimum Qualifications14 Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit and Competencies15,16 No. of Basis
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

policies and guidelines of

Training: Four (4) hours of the CSC
relevant training

Eligibility: Relevant MC 11
s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Office of the Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver of the PHO II Inputs from
Provincial Health Aide school graduate Personnel
Office Administration
(Driver/ Mechanic) Experience: none required Division of the
Training: none required Service

Eligibility: Driver License

(MC 11, s. 96 - Cat. II)

Administrative Administrative 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Head of the Administrative Inputs based on

Unit Officer V Degree relevant to the job Unit DOH AO No. 2020-

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title13 SG Minimum Qualifications14 Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit and Competencies15,16 No. of Basis
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Experience: Two (2) years

Provincial Health of relevant experience
Training: Eight (8) hours of
relevant training

Eligibility: Career Service

(Professional)/ Second
Level Eligibility

Administrative Administrative 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on

Unit Officer IV Degree relevant to the job - Manages administrative DOH AO No. 2020-
activities/works. 0021
under the Experience: One (1) year of
Provincial Health relevant experience ■ Specific function:
Office - May depend on the LGU’s
Training: Four (4) hours of preference but should still
relevant training be in accordance with
policies and guidelines of
Eligibility: Career Service the CSC
(Professional)/ Second
Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title13 SG Minimum Qualifications14 Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit and Competencies15,16 No. of Basis
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Administrative Administrative 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on

Unit Officer II Degree relevant to the job - Manages administrative DOH AO No. 2020-
activities/works. 0021
under the Experience: none required
Provincial Health ■ Specific function:
Office Training: none required - May depend on the LGU’s
preference but should still
Eligibility: Career Service be in accordance with
(Professional)/ Second policies and guidelines of
Level Eligibility the CSC

Administrative Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on

Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college - Manages administrative DOH AO No. 2020-
or High School Graduate activities/works. 0021
under the with relevant vocational/
Provincial Health trade course ■ Specific function:
Office - May depend on the LGU’s
Experience: One (1) year of preference but should still
relevant experience be in accordance with
policies and guidelines of
Training: Four (4) hours of the CSC
relevant training

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title13 SG Minimum Qualifications14 Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit and Competencies15,16 No. of Basis
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Relevant MC 11
s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
2. Provincial Health Office (Health Service Delivery Division)

Figure 6. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the Health Service
Delivery Division under the Provincial Health Office

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health Service Provincial Health 25 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Head of the HSDD Pursuant to DOH AO
Delivery Division Officer I Degree OR Certificate in 2020-0021
Leadership and ■ Assists the PHO II for the
under the Management from the CSC technical integration and
Provincial Health supervision of the P/CWHS.
Office Experience: Four (4) years
of supervisory/
management experience

Training: 40 hours of
learning and development
intervention undertaken
within the last five (5)

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

Professional/Second Level


1. Building
Collaborative and

2. Leading Change

3. Managing
Performance and
Coaching for

4. Thinking Creatively
and Strategically

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Developing
Personal and

2. Implementing
Health Policies and

3. Management

4. Performance

5. Political Savvy

6. Risk Management

7. Workforce

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health Service Supervising 22 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Assistant Division Chief to Inputs based on IOS
Delivery Division Health Program degree the PHO I 2021.
under the Experience: Three (3)
Provincial Health years of relevant
Office experience

Training: 16 hours of
relevant training

Eligibility: Career Service

(Professional)/ Second
Level Eligibility

Health Promo Health Education 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Leads the implementation of Inputs from Health
Unit and Promotion degree health promotion-related Promotion Bureau
Officer III projects, programs, and (HPB) pursuant to DOH
under the Health Experience: 2 years of activities at the provincial Administrative Order
Service Delivery relevant experience level. No. 2020-0042
Division whereas,
Training: 8 hrs of relevant ■ Coordinates with partners
training such as, but not limited to

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the LGU and Hospital HEPOs The Health Promotion

Provincial Health Eligibility: Career Service and Barangay Health Unit in Provincial
Office (Professional) Second Workers (BHWs) as Health Offices shall
Level Eligibility barangay-level HEPOs. lead the implementation
of health promotion-
Leadership related projects,
Competencies: N/A programs, and activities
and exercise
Technical Competencies: coordination with
partners such as but not
1. Advocating Public limited to LGU and
Health Hospital HEPOs and
2. Building Barangay Health
Relationship with Workers (BHWs).

3. Health Promotion
and Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

4. Planning,
Organizing, and

5. Policy

6. Project/Program
Planning and

7. Technical

Health Promo Health Education 14 Education: Bachelor’s 2 ■ General function: Inputs from Health
Unit and Promotion Degree - Manages health education Promotion Bureau
Officer II and promotion activities. (HPB)
under the Health Experience: 1 year of
Service Delivery relevant experience ■ Specific function:
Division - May depend on the
Training: 4 hrs of relevant LGU’s preference but
training should still be in

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the accordance with policies

Provincial Health Eligibility: Career Service and guidelines of the CSC
Office (Professional) Second
Level Eligibility

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Effective
Presentation Skills

3. Health Promotion
and Health

4. Implementing
Health Policies and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

5. Information

6. Media and Public


7. Program/Project
Planning and

Health Promo Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Provides administrative Inputs from Health
Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college support to the Health Promo Promotion Bureau
or High School Graduate Unit (HPB)
under the Health with relevant vocational/
Service Delivery trade course
Experience: One (1) year
under the of relevant experience
Provincial Health
Office Training: Four (4) hours
of relevant training

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

(Provincial) Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ The Surveillance Inputs from

Epidemiology Program Officer degree relevant to the job Coordinator coordinates all Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance surveillance and response (EB)
Unit (Surveillance Experience: Two (2) years activities within the PESU.
Coordinator) of relevant experience
under the Health ■ Their primary role is
Service Delivery Training: 8 hours of monitoring and capacity
Division relevant training development of ESUs and
other Disease Reporting
under the Eligibility: Career Service Units (DRUs) within the
Provincial Health (Professional) Service LGUs.
Office Second Level Eligibility
■ A significant amount of their
Leadership time is spent following up on
Competencies: N/A systemic issues identified by
Disease Surveillance
Officers (DSO) through

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies: DRU reporting activities and

providing both on-the-job
1. Achieving High and structured training and
Standards capacity development to
2. Building ESUs and DRUs.
Relationship with
Stakeholders ■ The Surveillance
Coordinator also coordinates
3. Computer Skills with concerned national and
subnational laboratories for
4. Data Recording and
confirmation of etiology
when available.
5. Effective
Presentation Skills

6. Providing Support
and Services

7. Research Analysis

8. Technical Writing

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

(Provincial) Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ The PESU Disease Inputs from
Epidemiology Officer II degree Surveillance Officer for Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance HIV/STI/Viral Hepatitis is (EB)
Unit (Disease Experience: 1 year of expected to perform the
Surveillance relevant experience following functions:
under the Health Officer for
Service Delivery HIV/STI/Viral Training: 4 hrs of relevant - Encodes, processes, and
Division Hepatitis) training analyzes HIV, hepatitis B
& C, syphilis, gonorrhea
under the Eligibility: Career Service and other STI surveillance
Provincial Health (Professional) Second data in the One HIV,
Office Level Eligibility AIDS and STI
Information System

- Assists the RESU in the

conduct of orientation on
the use and maintenance
of the electronic
information system,
OHASIS, to newly
designated DOH HIV

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Primary Care and

treatment facilities,
certified rHIVda
confirmatory laboratories
(CrCL), & new disease
surveillance unit staff

- Collects and follows-up

Viral Hepatitis case
reports from disease
surveillance units, HIV &
STI laboratories,
treatment hubs and social
hygiene clinics

- Assists in monitoring HIV

& STI programs at the
national, regional, and
local levels;

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

- Assists in providing
support to national,
regional, and local

- Assists in disseminating
strategic information
through presentations and
information materials;

- Consolidates
surveillance reports and
data submission to RESU;

■ Ensures data integrity and

security at all times.

(Provincial) Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Acts as the FHSIS Officer. Inputs from
Epidemiology Officer II degree Epidemiology Bureau

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

and Surveillance (statistician) Experience: 1 year of ■ Primarily responsible for the

Unit relevant experience validation, analysis and
reporting of FHSIS data at
under the Health Training: 4 hrs of relevant the provincial level. This
Service Delivery training includes monthly, quarterly
Division and annual report preparation
Eligibility: Career Service and preparation of ad-hoc
under the (Professional) Second reports and presentations
Provincial Health Level Eligibility needed at the provincial
Office level.

■ They are also responsible for

disseminating amendments
in FHSIS indicators.

■ As a Statistician, the position

also assists DSOs in
statistical analysis of data
and in developing statistical
analysis competency within
the PESU

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

(Provincial) Data Encoder II 8 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Responsible for encoding of Inputs from
Epidemiology 2 years studies in college data into PIDSR, ESR, Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance or High School Graduate FHSIS and other program- (EB)
Unit with relevant specific data systems.
vocational/trade course Follows up on missing data
under the Health with the support of DSOs
Service Delivery Experience: 1 year of and FHSIS coordinators.
Division relevant experience

under the Training: 4 hrs of relevant

Provincial Health training
Eligibility: Career Service
(Subprofessional) Data
Encoder (MC 11 s. 96 - Cat
I) First Level Eligibility

(Provincial) Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Responsible for all Inputs from

Epidemiology Assistant III two-year studies in college administrative activities Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance or High School Graduate within the PESU, including (EB)
Unit logistical arrangements,

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

with relevant vocational/ maintenance of supplies for

under the Health trade course investigations, preparation of
Service Delivery documents and publishing of
Division Experience: One (1) year reports.
of relevant experience
under the ■ The Admin Assistant may
Provincial Health Training: Four (4) hours provide data encoding
Office of relevant training support where necessary.

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Disaster Risk Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Cluster Focal Staff Inputs from Health
Reduction and Program Officer degree Emergency
Management Unit Management Bureau
Experience: 2 years of (HEMB)
under the Health relevant experience
Service Delivery
Division Training: 8 hrs of relevant

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the
Provincial Health Eligibility: Career Service
Office (Professional) Second
Level Eligibility

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Building
Relationship with

3. Data Recording and


4. Diversity

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

5. Health Promotion
and Health

6. Planning,
Organizing and

7. Program/Project
Planning and

Disaster Risk Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 2 ■ General function: Inputs from Health
Reduction and Officer II degree - Manages disaster risk Emergency
Management Unit reduction activities. Management Bureau
Experience: 1 year of (HEMB)
under the Health relevant experience ■ Specific function:
Service Delivery - May depend on the
Division Training: 4 hrs of relevant LGU’s preference but
training should still be in
accordance with policies
and guidelines of the CSC

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Eligibility: Career Service

Provincial Health (Professional) Second
Office Level Eligibility

Disaster Risk Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ DRRM-H Operation Center Inputs from Health
Reduction and Officer I degree Staff Emergency
Management Unit Management Bureau
Experience: None required (HEMB)
under the Health
Service Delivery Training: None required
Eligibility: Career Service
under the (Professional) Second
Provincial Health Level Eligibility
(Competencies will depend
on the roles and

Competencies: N/A

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:


8. Data Recording and


9. Health Promotion
and Health

10. Providing Support

and Services

11. Technical

12. Training Program



Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

13. Effective
Presentation Skills

14. Data Recording and


15. Health Promotion

and Health

16. Technical

(Admin Unit)

17. Effective
Presentation Skills

18. Data Recording and


Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

19. Health Promotion

and Health

20. Implementing
Health Rules and

21. Project/Program
Planning and

22. Technical

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Disaster Risk Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Provides administrative Inputs from Health
Reduction and Assistant III two-year studies in college support to the Disaster Risk Emergency
Management Unit or High School Graduate Reduction and Management Management Bureau
with relevant vocational/ Unit (HEMB)
under the Health trade course
Service Delivery
Division Experience: One (1) year
of relevant experience
under the
Provincial Health Training: Four (4) hours
Office of relevant training

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Public Health Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Program Mgt Program Officer degree - Manages public health 2021
Unit program activities.
Experience: 2 years of
relevant experience ■ Specific function:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health - May depend on the

Service Delivery Training: 8 hrs of relevant LGU’s preference but
Division training should still be in
accordance with policies
under the Eligibility: Career Service and guidelines of the CSC
Provincial Health (Professional) Second
Office Level Eligibility

Public Health Dentist II 17 Education: Doctor of 1 per 50k ■ Manages the dental unit of Inputs were adopted
Program Mgt Dental Medicine or Dental population the PHO pursuant to RA No. from the discussions
Unit Surgery 1891 “An Act Strengthening during the DTP TWG
Health and Dental Services meeting pursuant to RA
under the Health Experience: 3 years of in the Rural Areas” whereas, No. 1891.
Service Delivery relevant experience
Division There shall be in each The minimum
Training: 16 hrs of province a Provincial recommended ratio is
under the relevant training Health Officer, and in each based on DOH DC No.
Provincial Health congressional district, a 2020-0176 “Circulation
Office Eligibility: RA 1080 dental unit composed of a of the Manual of
Public Health Dentist and a Standards for Primary
dental helper who is a high Care Facilities” and the
school graduate with National Objectives for

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

experience and knowledge Health 2017-2022.

of medicine or allied

Public Health Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 3 ■ Develops, updates, and Inputs from Disease
Program Mgt Officer II degree facilitates repealing of Prevention and Control
Unit localized plans, policies, Bureau (DPCB)
Experience: 1 year of processes, and procedures on
under the Health relevant experience health programs Inputs particular to
Service Delivery translating/adapting national nutrition programs and
Division Training: 4 hrs of relevant issuances, using latest and advocacy activities
training strong scientific evidence, were adopted from
under the and consulting stakeholders. comments of the NNC
Provincial Health Eligibility: Career Service during the DTP TWG
Office (Professional) Second ■ Measures input, process, meeting.
Level Eligibility output, outcome, and impact
of infectious disease plans,
activities, and programs
through scientific inquiry
and statistical analysis.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

■ Communicates information
to stakeholders to support
policy and planning
development or updating.

■ Assess, implement, monitor,

and/or evaluate nutrition
programs; and facilitate
nutrition promotion/
advocacy activities.

Public Health Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Program Mgt Officer I degree - Manages public health 2021
Unit program activities.
Experience: None required
under the Health ■ Specific function:
Service Delivery Training: None required - May depend on the
Division LGU’s preference but
Eligibility: Career Service should still be in
under the (Professional) Second accordance with policies
Provincial Health Level Eligibility and guidelines of the CSC

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title17 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy Basis
Unit Qualifications18 and No. of
Competencies19,20 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Public Health Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Manages the financing and Inputs from Disease
Program Mgt Assistant III two-year studies in college procurement of devolved Prevention and Control
Unit or High School Graduate commodities and supplies; Bureau (DPCB)
with relevant vocational/
under the Health trade course ■ Performs other relevant
Service Delivery administrative concerns.
Division Experience: One (1) year
of relevant experience
under the
Provincial Health Training: Four (4) hours
Office of relevant training

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
3. Provincial Health Office (Health Systems Support Division)

Figure 7. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the Health System
Support Division under the Provincial Health Office

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health System Chief Health 24 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Acts as Division Chief of Inputs based on IOS
Support Division Program Officer Degree OR Certificate in HSSD 2021.
Leadership and
under the Management from the CSC
Provincial Health
Office Experience: Four (4) years

Training: 40 hours of
learning and development
intervention undertaken
within the last five (5)

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

Professional/Second Level


1. Building
Collaboration &

2. Leading Change

3. Managing
Performance &
Coaching for

4. Thinking Critically
& Strategically

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Building
Relationships with

2. Decision Quality

3. Managing Conflict

4. Policy

5. Project/Program
Planning and

6. Technical

Health System Supervising 22 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Acts as Assistant Division Inputs based on IOS
Support Division Health Program degree Chief of HSSD 2021.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Experience: Three (3)
Provincial Health years of relevant
Office experience

Training: 16 hours of
relevant training

Eligibility: Career Service

Second Level Eligibility

Planning Unit / Planning officer 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Quality and III degree relevant to the job - Manages planning and 2021.
Performance performance monitoring
Monitoring Unit Experience: 2 years of activities.
relevant experience
under the Health ■ Specific function:
System Support Training: 8 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
Division training LGU’s preference but
should still be in
accordance with

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Eligibility: Career Service policies and guidelines

Provincial Health (Professional) Second of the CSC
Office Level Eligibility

Planning Unit / Planning officer 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Quality and II degree relevant to the job - Manages planning and 2021.
Performance performance monitoring
Monitoring Unit Experience: 1 year of activities.
relevant experience
under the Health ■ Specific function:
System Support Training: 4 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
Division training LGU’s preference but
should still be in
under the Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
Provincial Health (Professional) Second policies and guidelines
Office Level Eligibility of the CSC

Planning Unit / Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Quality and Officer II degree - Manages planning and 2021.
Performance performance monitoring
Monitoring Unit Experience: 1 year of activities.
relevant experience

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health ■ Specific function:

System Support Training: 4 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
Division training LGU’s preference but
should still be in
under the Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
Provincial Health (Professional) Second policies and guidelines
Office Level Eligibility of the CSC

Planning Unit / Planning Officer I 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Quality and degree relevant to the job - Manages planning and 2021.
Performance performance monitoring
Monitoring Unit Experience: none required activities.

under the Health Training: none required ■ Specific function:

System Support - May depend on the
Division Eligibility: Career Service LGU’s preference but
(Professional) Second should still be in
under the Level Eligibility accordance with
Provincial Health policies and guidelines
Office of the CSC

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Planning Unit / Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Quality and Officer I degree - Manages planning and 2021.
Performance performance monitoring
Monitoring Unit Experience: None required activities.

under the Health Training: None required ■ Specific function:

System Support - May depend on the
Division Eligibility: Career Service LGU’s preference but
(Professional) Second should still be in
under the Level Eligibility accordance with
Provincial Health policies and guidelines
Office of the CSC

Planning Unit / Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Quality and Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative 2021.
Performance or High School Graduate support to the Planning
Monitoring Unit with relevant vocational/ Unit / Quality and
trade course Performance
under the Health Monitoring Unit
System Support Experience: One (1) year
Division of relevant experience ■ Specific function:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Training: Four (4) hours - May depend on the

Provincial Health of relevant training LGU’s preference but
Office should still be in
Eligibility: Relevant MC accordance with
11 s. 1996, Career Service policies and guidelines
(Sub-professional)/ of the CSC
First Level Eligibility

Health Information 19 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Develops/updates and Inputs from

Information Systems Analyst degree relevant to the job maintains localized system Knowledge
Systems Unit (ISA) III implementation guidelines Management and
Experience: Two (2) years and toolkits on health Information
under the Health of relevant experience information systems, Technology Service
System Support telemedicine, and other (KMITS)
Division Training: 8 hours of eHealth-related solutions
relevant training and innovations in
under the accordance with national
Provincial Health Eligibility: Career Service policies and approved LHS
Office (Professional) Service HIM & ICT Development
Second Level Eligibility Plan.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies: ■ Leads the conduct of

tooling and retooling
7. Achieving High training.

8. Computer Skills ■ Provides technical

assistance to all
9. Data Recording and implementers within their
Reporting area of jurisdiction.

10. Information,
■ Performs other tasks as
Security, Risk
may be assigned by the
Management and

11. People

12. Research Analysis

13. Statistical Research

for Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health Information 16 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs were adopted

Information Systems Analyst degree relevant to the job - Manages health from discussions
Systems Unit (ISA) II information systems. during the DTP TWG
Experience: One (1) year meeting.
under the Health of relevant experience ■ Specific function:
System Support - May depend on the
Division Training: 4 hours of LGU’s preference but
relevant training should still be in
under the accordance with
Provincial Health Eligibility: Career Service policies and guidelines
Office (Professional) Service of the CSC
Second Level Eligibility

Health Information 12 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs were adopted

Information Systems Analyst degree relevant to the job - Manages health from discussions
Systems Unit (ISA) I information systems. during the DTP TWG
Experience: none required meeting.
under the Health ■ Specific function:
System Support Training: none required - May depend on the
Division LGU’s preference but
should still be in
accordance with

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Eligibility: Career Service policies and guidelines

Provincial Health (Professional) Service of the CSC
Office Second Level Eligibility

Health Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel

Information Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative Administration
Systems Unit or High School Graduate support to the Health Division of the
with relevant vocational/ Information Systems Administrative
under the Health trade course Unit Service
System Support
Division Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function:
of relevant experience - May depend on the
under the LGU’s preference but
Provincial Health Training: Four (4) hours should still be in
Office of relevant training accordance with
policies and guidelines
Eligibility: Relevant MC of the CSC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Supply Chain Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Management Unit Program Officer degree - Manages activities 2021.
related to the supply
under the Health Experience: 2 years of chain.
System Support relevant experience
Division ■ Specific function:
Training: 8 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
under the training LGU’s preference but
Provincial Health should still be in
Office Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
(Professional) Second policies and guidelines
Level Eligibility of the CSC

Supply Chain Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Can be a PRC-registered Inputs were adopted
Management Unit Officer II degree pharmacist. from comments of the
under the Health (Pharmacist) Experience: 1 year of ■ General functions: Division during the
System Support relevant experience - Assess, implement, DTP TWG meeting
Division monitor, and/or evaluate pursuant to RA No.
Training: 4 hrs of relevant activities related to 10918 or the
training supply chain Philippine Pharmacy
management. Act.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Eligibility: Career Service

Provincial Health (Professional) Second ■ Specific functions
Office Level Eligibility particular to pharmacists:

- Provide technical
assistance and support
in the implementation of
the different DOH
Programs and Policies
related to
pharmaceutical access
and management

- Provide technical
assistance and support
to the different health
facilities within the
province in terms of
Pharmaceutical Supply
Chain Management

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

- Oversee the service

delivery network within
the province

- Supervise and manage

the pharmacy
dispensary and
medicines/ health
supply warehouse in the

- Monitor the inventory

and utilization of
medicines in the

- Provide assistance and

support in the
monitoring of the prices
of drugs and medical
including the
compliance of health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

establishments to
prescribed prices of the

- Serve as a member of
the Pharmacy and
Therapeutics Committee
(PTC) in the PHO

- Oversee the
management of Botika
ng Bayan pursuant to
RA No. 9502 or the
“Universally Accessible
Cheaper and Quality
Medicines Act of

Supply Chain Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Management Unit Officer I degree 2021.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Experience: None required - Manages activities

System Support related to the supply
Division Training: None required chain.

under the Eligibility: Career Service ■ Specific function:

Provincial Health (Professional) Second - May depend on the
Office Level Eligibility LGU’s preference but
should still be in
accordance with
policies and guidelines
of the CSC

Supply Chain Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Management Unit assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative 2021.
or High School Graduate support to the Supply
under the Health with relevant vocational/ Chain Management
System Support trade course Unit.
Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function:
under the of relevant experience - May depend on the
Provincial Health LGU’s preference but
Office should still be in

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Training: Four (4) hours accordance with

of relevant training policies and guidelines
of the CSC
Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

HRH Human Resource 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health
Management and Management Degree Human Resource
Development The Human Resource Development Bureau
Officer III
Unit Experience: Two (2) years Management Officers are (HHRDB)
of relevant experience expected to
under the Health - Conduct Baseline
System Support Training: Eight (8) hours Assessment, Gaps
Division of relevant training Analysis and
Investment Needs for
under the Eligibility: Career Service HRH
Provincial Health (Professional)/
Office Second Level Eligibility - Develop P/CWHS HRH
plan, integrated into the

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies Local Investment Plan

for Health (LIPH)
1. Effective
Presentation Skills - Conduct HRH
Management and
2. Implementing Development System
Health Policies and and HRH Performance
Regulations Assessment System (to
3. Influencing and support CSC PRIME-
Negotiating HRM per MC No. 3, s.
4. Learning and
Development - Manage learning and
development needs of
5. Human Resource HRH
Acquisition and
Development - Manage certification of
Primary Care Health
6. People Workers.

■ Specific function:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

7. Performance - May depend on the

Management LGU’s preference but
Standards should still be in
accordance with
8. Political Savvy policies and guidelines
9. Policy of the CSC

10. Risk Management

11. Technical Writing

12. Workforce

HRH Human Resource 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health
Management and Management Degree Human Resource
Development The Human Resource Development Bureau
Officer II
Unit Experience: One (1) year Management Officers are (HHRDB)
of relevant experience expected to

- Conduct Baseline
Assessment, Gaps

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Training: Four (4) hours Analysis and

System Support of relevant training Investment Needs for
Division HRH
Eligibility: Career Service
under the (Professional)/ - Develop P/CWHS HRH
Provincial Health Second Level Eligibility plan, integrated into the
Office Local Investment Plan
for Health (LIPH)
Technical Competencies

1. Effective - Conduct HRH

Presentation Skills Management and
Development System
2. Implementing and HRH Performance
Health Policies and Assessment System (to
Regulations support CSC PRIME-
HRM per MC No. 3, s.
3. Influencing and 2012)
- Manage learning and
4. Learning and development needs of
Development HRH

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

5. Manpower - Manage certification of

Acquisition and Primary Care Health
Development Workers.

6. Performance
Management ■ Specific function:
Standards - May depend on the
LGU’s preference but
7. Political Savvy should still be in
8. Policy accordance with
Development policies and guidelines
of the CSC
9. Risk Management

10. Technical Writing

11. Workforce

HRH Human Resource 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health
Management and Management degree Human Resource
Development Officer I Development Bureau
Unit Experience: none required (HHRDB)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

The Human Resource

under the Health Training: none required Management Officers are
System Support expected to
Division Eligibility: (Professional)/
Second Level Eligibility - Conduct Baseline
under the Assessment, Gaps
Provincial Health Analysis and
Office Investment Needs for

- Develop P/CWHS HRH

plan, integrated into the
Local Investment Plan
for Health (LIPH)

- Conduct HRH
Management and
Development System
and HRH Performance
Assessment System (to
support CSC PRIME-

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

HRM per MC No. 3, s.


- Manage learning and

development needs of

- Manage certification of
Primary Care Health

■ Specific function:
- May depend on the
LGU’s preference but
should still be in
accordance with
policies and guidelines
of the CSC

HRH Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health

Management and Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative Human Resource
or High School Graduate support to the HRH

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title21 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications22 and No. of Basis
Competencies23,24 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Development with relevant vocational/ Management and Development Bureau

Unit trade course Development Unit (HHRDB)

under the Health Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function:

System Support of relevant experience - May depend on the
Division LGU’s preference but
Training: Four (4) hours should still be in
under the of relevant training accordance with
Provincial Health policies and guidelines
Office Eligibility: Relevant MC of the CSC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
C. Minimum Recommendations for
Staffing Complement with Core Job
Descriptions of Positions in LGU Health

City Health Office in HUCs/ICCs

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
4. City Health Office in HUCs/ICCs (CHO staff and administrative unit)

Figure 8. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the City Health Office (in HUCs/ICCs)
and its Administrative Unit

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title25 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications26 and No. of Basis
Competencies27,28 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Office of the City City Health 26 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Responsible for the Based on IOS 2021
Health Officer in Officer II Degree OR Certificate in technical integration and and DOH AO No.
HUCs/ICCs Leadership and supervision of the 2020-0021.
Management from the CSC Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems
Experience: Five (5) years (P/CWHS).
supervisory/management ■ Oversees the operations of
experience two technical divisions
namely: Health Service
Training: 120 hours of Delivery Division (HSDD)
supervisory/management and Health Systems
learning and development Support Division (HSSD).
intervention undertaken
within the last five (5) ■ Leads the technical
years secretariat of the Health
Board in close
coordination with the

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title25 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications26 and No. of Basis
Competencies27,28 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service Management Support Unit

Professional/Second Level (MSU).

Office of the City Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Health Officer in Assistant III two-year studies in college - Acts as the secretary of Administration
HUCs/ICCs or High School Graduate the CHO III Division of the
with relevant vocational/ Administrative
trade course ■ Specific function: Service
- May depend on the
Experience: One (1) year LGU’s preference but
of relevant experience should still be in
accordance with
Training: Four (4) hours policies and guidelines
of relevant training of the CSC

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title25 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications26 and No. of Basis
Competencies27,28 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Office of the City Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver of the CHO III Inputs from Personnel
Health Officer in Aide IV school Graduate Administration
HUCs/ICCs Division of the
(Driver/ Mechanic) Experience: none required Administrative
Training: none required

Eligibility: Driver License

(MC 11, s. 96 - Cat. II)

Administrative Administrative 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Based on DOH AO

Unit Officer V Degree relevant to the job - Manages No. 2020-0021
under the City Experience: Two (2) years activities/works.
Health Office in of relevant experience
HUCs/ICCs ■ Specific function:
Training: Eight (8) hours - May depend on the
of relevant training LGU’s preference but
should still be in
Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
(Professional)/ Second policies and guidelines
Level Eligibility of the CSC

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title25 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications26 and No. of Basis
Competencies27,28 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Administrative Administrative 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Based on DOH AO

Unit Officer IV Degree relevant to the job - Manages No. 2020-0021
under the City Experience: One (1) year activities/works.
Health Office in of relevant experience
HUCs/ICCs ■ Specific function:
Training: Four (4) hours - May depend on the
of relevant training LGU’s preference but
should still be in
Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
(Professional)/ Second policies and guidelines
Level Eligibility of the CSC

Administrative Administrative 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Based on DOH AO

Unit Officer II Degree relevant to the job - Manages No. 2020-0021
under the City Experience: none required activities/works.
Health Office in
HUCs/ICCs Training: none required ■ Specific function:
- May depend on the
Eligibility: Career Service LGU’s preference but
should still be in

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title25 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications26 and No. of Basis
Competencies27,28 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

(Professional)/ Second accordance with

Level Eligibility policies and guidelines
of the CSC

Administrative Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Based on DOH AO

Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college - Manages No. 2020-0021
or High School Graduate administrative
under the City with relevant vocational/ activities/works.
Health Office in trade course
HUCs/ICCs ■ Specific function:
Experience: One (1) year - May depend on the
of relevant experience LGU’s preference but
should still be in
Training: Four (4) hours accordance with
of relevant training policies and guidelines
of the CSC
Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
5. City Health Office in HUCs/ICCs (Health Service Delivery Division)

Figure 9. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the Health Service
Delivery Division under the City Health Office (in HUCs/ICCs)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health Service City Health 25 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Head of the HSDD Pursuant to DOH AO
Delivery Division Officer II Degree OR Certificate in 2020-0021 and RA
Leadership and ■ Assists the CHO III for the No. 7160
under the City Management from the CSC technical integration and
Health Office in supervision of the
HUCs/ICCs Experience: Five (5) years P/CWHS.
supervisory/management ■ Supervise the HRH and
experience oversee HRH management
and development.
Training: 120 hours of
supervisory/management ■ Performs legislated
learning and development functions pursuant to RA
intervention undertaken No. 7160 or the Local
within the last five (5) Government Code

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

Professional/Second Level


1. Building
Collaborative and

2. Leading Change

3. Managing
Performance and
Coaching for

4. Thinking Creatively
and Strategically

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Developing
Personal and

2. Implementing
Health Policies and

3. Management

4. Performance

5. Political Savvy

6. Risk Management

7. Workforce

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health Service Supervising 22 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Assistant Division Chief to Inputs based on IOS
Delivery Division Health Program degree the CHO II 2021.
under the City Experience: Three (3)
Health Office in years of relevant
HUCs/ICCs experience

Training: 16 hours of
relevant training

Eligibility: Career Service

(Professional)/ Second
Level Eligibility

Health Promo Health Education 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Leads the implementation Inputs from Health
Unit and Promotion degree of health promotion-related Promotion Bureau
Officer III projects, programs, and (HPB) pursuant to
under the Health Experience: 2 years of activities at the provincial DOH Administrative
Service Delivery relevant experience level. Order No. 2020-0042
Division whereas,
Training: 8 hrs of relevant ■ Coordinates with partners
training such as, but not limited to

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City LGU and Hospital HEPOs The Health

Health Office in Eligibility: Career Service and Barangay Health Promotion Unit in
HUCs/ICCs (Professional) Second Workers (BHWs) as Provincial Health
Level Eligibility barangay-level HEPOs. Offices shall lead the
implementation of
Leadership health promotion-
Competencies: N/A related projects,
programs, and
Technical Competencies: activities and exercise
coordination with
1. Advocating Public partners such as but
Health not limited to LGU
2. Building and Hospital HEPOs
Relationship with and Barangay Health
Stakeholders Workers (BHWs).

3. Health Promotion
and Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

4. Planning,
Organizing, and

5. Policy

6. Project/Program
Planning and

7. Technical

Health Promo Health Education 14 Education: Bachelor’s 2 ■ General function: Inputs from Health
Unit and Promotion Degree - Manages health Promotion Bureau
Officer II education and (HPB)
under the Health Experience: 1 year of promotion activities.
Service Delivery relevant experience
Division ■ Specific function:
Training: 4 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
training LGU’s preference but

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City should still be in

Health Office in Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
HUCs/ICCs (Professional) Second policies and guidelines
Level Eligibility of the CSC

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Effective
Presentation Skills

3. Health Promotion
and Health

4. Implementing
Health Policies and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

5. Information

6. Media and Public


7. Program/Project
Planning and

Health Promo Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Provides administrative Inputs from Health
Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college support to the Health Promotion Bureau
or High School Graduate Promo Unit (HPB)
under the Health with relevant vocational/
Service Delivery trade course
Experience: One (1) year
under the City of relevant experience
Health Office in
HUCs/ICCs Training: Four (4) hours
of relevant training

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

(City) Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ The Surveillance Inputs from

Epidemiology Program Officer degree Coordinator coordinates all Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance surveillance and response (EB)
Unit Experience: 2 years of activities within the CESU.
relevant experience
under the Health ■ Their primary role is
Service Delivery Training: 8 hrs of relevant monitoring and capacity
Division training development of ESUs and
other Disease Reporting
under the City Eligibility: Career Service Units (DRUs) within the
Health Office in (Professional) Second LGUs.
HUCs/ICCs Level Eligibility
■ A significant amount of
their time is spent
following up on systemic
issues identified by
Disease Surveillance

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Officers (DSO) through

DRU reporting activities
and providing both on-the-
job and structured training
and capacity development
to ESUs and DRUs.

■ The Surveillance
Coordinator also
coordinates with concerned
national and subnational
laboratories for
confirmation of etiology
when available.

(City) Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ The CESU Disease Inputs from
Epidemiology Officer II degree Surveillance Officer is Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance expected to perform the (EB)
Unit (Disease Experience: 1 year of following functions:
Surveillance relevant experience
Officer) - Assist the RESU in the
conduct of orientation

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Training: 4 hrs of relevant on the use and

Service Delivery training maintenance of the
Division electronic information
Eligibility: Career Service system
under the City (Professional) Second
Health Office in Level Eligibility - Collects and follows-up
HUCs/ICCs reports from disease
surveillance units,
laboratories, treatment
hubs and social hygiene

- Assists in monitoring
programs at the
national, regional, and
local levels;

- Assists in providing
support to national,
regional, and local

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

- Assists in disseminating
strategic information
through presentations
and information

- Consolidated
surveillance reports and
data submission to

- Ensures data integrity

and security at all times.

(City) Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Acts as the FHSIS Inputs from
Epidemiology Officer II degree Officer. Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance (EB)
Unit (statistician) Experience: 1 year of ■ Primarily responsible for
relevant experience the validation, analysis
and reporting of FHSIS
data at the provincial

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Training: 4 hrs of relevant level. This includes

Service Delivery training monthly, quarterly and
Division annual report preparation
Eligibility: Career Service and preparation of ad-hoc
under the City (Professional) Second reports and presentations
Health Office in Level Eligibility needed at the provincial
HUCs/ICCs level.

■ They are also responsible

for disseminating
amendments in FHSIS

■ As a Statistician, the
position also assists
DSOs in statistical
analysis of data and in
developing statistical
analysis competency
within the PESU

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

(City) Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Responsible for all Inputs from

Epidemiology Assistant III two-year studies in college administrative activities Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance or High School Graduate within the CESU, (EB)
Unit with relevant vocational/ including logistical
trade course arrangements, maintenance
under the Health of supplies for
Service Delivery Experience: One (1) year investigations, preparation
Division of relevant experience of documents and
publishing of reports.
under the City Training: Four (4) hours
Health Office in of relevant training ■ The Admin Assistant may
HUCs/ICCs provide data encoding
Eligibility: Relevant MC support where necessary.
11 s. 1996
Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Competencies: N/A

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Achieving High

2. Computer Skills

3. Data Recording and


4. Providing Support
and Services

5. Records

(City) Data Encoder 8 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Responsible for encoding Inputs from
Epidemiology 2 years studies in college of data into PIDSR, ESR, Epidemiology Bureau
and Surveillance or High School Graduate FHSIS and other program- (EB)
Unit with relevant specific data systems.
vocational/trade course Follows up on missing data
with the support of DSOs
and FHSIS coordinators.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Experience: 1 year of

Service Delivery relevant experience
Training: 4 hrs of relevant
under the City training
Health Office in
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: Career Service
(Sub-professional) Data
Encoder (MC 11 s. 96 - Cat
I) First Level Eligibility

Disaster Risk Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Cluster Focal Staff Inputs from Health
Reduction and Program Officer degree Emergency
Management Unit Management Bureau
Experience: 2 years of (HEMB)
under the Health relevant experience
Service Delivery
Division Training: 8 hrs of relevant
under the City
Health Office in

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

(Professional) Second
Level Eligibility

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Building
Relationship with

3. Data Recording and


4. Diversity

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

5. Health Promotion
and Health

6. Planning,
Organizing and

7. Program/Project
Planning and

Disaster Risk Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 2 ■ General function: Inputs from Health
Reduction and Officer II degree - Manages disaster risk Emergency
Management Unit reduction activities. Management Bureau
Experience: 1 year of (HEMB)
under the Health relevant experience ■ Specific function:
Service Delivery - May depend on the
Division Training: 4 hrs of relevant LGU’s preference but
training should still be in
accordance with

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City Eligibility: Career Service policies and guidelines

Health Office in (Professional) Second of the CSC
HUCs/ICCs Level Eligibility

Disaster Risk Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ DRRM-H Operation Inputs from Health
Reduction and Officer I degree Center Staff Emergency
Management Unit Management Bureau
Experience: None required (HEMB)
under the Health
Service Delivery Training: None required
Eligibility: Career Service
under the City (Professional) Second
Health Office in Level Eligibility
(Competencies will depend
on the roles and

Competencies: N/A

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:


1. Data Recording and


2. Health Promotion
and Health

3. Providing Support
and Services

4. Technical

5. Training Program


Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

1. Effective
Presentation Skills

2. Data Recording and


3. Health Promotion
and Health

4. Technical

(Admin Unit)

1. Effective
Presentation Skills

2. Data Recording and


Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

3. Health Promotion
and Health

4. Implementing
Health Rules and

5. Project/Program
Planning and

6. Technical

Disaster Risk Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Provides administrative Inputs from Health
Reduction and Assistant III two-year studies in college support to the Disaster Emergency
Management Unit or High School Graduate Risk Reduction and Management Bureau
with relevant vocational/ Management Unit (HEMB)
under the Health trade course
Service Delivery

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Experience: One (1) year

under the City of relevant experience
Health Office in
HUCs/ICCs Training: Four (4) hours
of relevant training

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Public Health Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Based on IOS 2021
Program Mgt Program Officer degree - Manages public health
Unit program activities.
Experience: 2 years of
under the Health relevant experience ■ Specific function:
Service Delivery - May depend on the
Division Training: 8 hrs of relevant LGU’s preference but
training should still be in
under the City accordance with
Health Office in policies and guidelines
HUCs/ICCs of the CSC

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

(Professional) Second
Level Eligibility

Public Health Dentist II 17 Education: Doctor of 1 per 50k ■ Manages the dental unit of Inputs were adopted
Program Mgt Dental Medicine or Dental population the PHO pursuant to RA from the discussions
Unit Surgery No. 1891 “An Act during the DTP TWG
Strengthening Health and meeting pursuant to
under the Health Experience: 3 years of Dental Services in the RA No. 1891.
Service Delivery relevant experience Rural Areas” whereas,
Division The minimum
Training: 16 hrs of There shall be in each recommended ratio is
under the City relevant training province a Provincial based on DOH DC
Health Office in Health Officer, and in No. 2020-0176
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: RA 1080 each congressional “Circulation of the
district, a dental unit Manual of Standards
composed of a Public for Primary Care
Health Dentist and a Facilities” and the
dental helper who is a National Objectives
high school graduate for Health 2017-2022.
with experience and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

knowledge of medicine or
allied science.

Public Health Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 3 ■ Develops, updates, and Inputs from Disease
Program Mgt Officer II degree facilitates repealing of Prevention and
Unit localized plans, policies, Control Bureau
Experience: 1 year of processes, and procedures (DPCB)
under the Health relevant experience on health programs
Service Delivery translating/adapting Inputs particular to
Division Training: 4 hrs of relevant national issuances, using nutrition programs
training latest and strong scientific and advocacy
under the City evidence, and consulting activities were
Health Office in Eligibility: Career Service stakeholders. adopted from
HUCs/ICCs (Professional) Second comments of the NNC
Level Eligibility ■ Measures input, process, during the DTP TWG
output, outcome, and meeting.
Leadership impact of infectious
Competencies: N/A disease plans, activities,
and programs through
Technical Competencies: scientific inquiry and
statistical analysis.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

1. Advocating Public ■ Communicates information

Health to stakeholders to support
policy and planning
2. Case Management development or updating.
3. Managing Conflict
■ Assess, implement,
4. Managing Work monitor, and/or evaluate
nutrition programs; and
5. Media and Public
facilitate nutrition
promotion/ advocacy
6. Project/Program activities.
Planning and

7. Technical Consulting

Public Health Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 2 ■ Assists in developing, Inputs from Disease
Program Mgt Officer I degree updating, and facilitating Prevention and
Unit repealing localized plans, Control Bureau
Experience: None required policies, processes, and (DPCB)
procedures on health
Training: None required programs

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health translating/adapting

Service Delivery Eligibility: Career Service national issuances
Division (Professional) Second
Level Eligibility ■ Communicates information
under the City to stakeholders to support
Health Office in Technical Competencies: policy and planning
HUCs/ICCs development or updating
1. Effective Presentation

2. Data Recording and


3. Health Promotion and

Health Education

4. Implementing Health
Rules and Regulations

5. Project/Program
Planning and

6. Technical Consulting

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title29 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications30 and No. of Basis
Competencies31,32 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Public Health Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Manages the financing and Inputs from Disease
Program Mgt Assistant III two-year studies in college procurement of devolved Prevention and
Unit or High School Graduate commodities and supplies; Control Bureau
with relevant vocational/ (DPCB)
under the Health trade course ■ Performs other relevant
Service Delivery administrative concerns.
Division Experience: One (1) year
of relevant experience
under the City
Health Office in Training: Four (4) hours
HUCs/ICCs of relevant training

Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
6. City Health Office in HUCs/ICCs (Health Systems Support Division)

Figure 10. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the Health System
Support Division under the City Health Office (in HUCs/ICCs)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health Systems Chief Health 24 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Acts as Division Chief of Inputs based on IOS
Support Division Program Officer Degree OR Certificate in HSSD 2021.
Leadership and
under the City Management from the CSC
Health Office in
HUCs/ICCs Experience: Four (4) years

Training: 40 hours of
learning and development
intervention undertaken
within the last five (5)

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

Professional/Second Level

Health Systems Supervising 22 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Acts as Assistant Division Inputs based on IOS
Support Division Health Program degree Chief of HSSD 2021.
under the City Experience: Three (3)
Health Office in years of relevant
HUCs/ICCs experience

Training: 16 hours of
relevant training

Eligibility: Career Service

Second Level Eligibility

Planning Unit and Planning Officer 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Performance III degree relevant to the job - Manages planning and 2021.
Monitoring Unit performance monitoring

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Experience: 2 years of

Systems Support relevant experience ■ Specific function:
Division - May depend on the
Training: 8 hrs of relevant LGU’s preference but
under the City training should still be in
Health Office in accordance with
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: Career Service policies and guidelines
(Professional) Second of the CSC
Level Eligibility

Planning Unit and Planning Officer 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Performance II degree relevant to the job - Manages planning and 2021.
Monitoring Unit performance monitoring
Experience: 1 year of activities.
under the Health relevant experience
Systems Support ■ Specific function:
Division Training: 4 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
training LGU’s preference but
under the City should still be in
Health Office in Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
HUCs/ICCs (Professional) Second policies and guidelines
Level Eligibility of the CSC

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Planning Unit and Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Performance Officer II degree - Manages planning and 2021.
Monitoring Unit performance monitoring
Experience: 1 year of activities.
under the Health relevant experience
Systems Support ■ Specific function:
Division Training: 4 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
training LGU’s preference but
under the City should still be in
Health Office in Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
HUCs/ICCs (Professional) Second policies and guidelines
Level Eligibility of the CSC

Planning Unit and Planning Officer I 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Performance degree relevant to the job - Manages planning and 2021.
Monitoring Unit performance monitoring
Experience: none required activities.
under the Health
Systems Support Training: none required ■ Specific function:
Division - May depend on the
LGU’s preference but
should still be in

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City Eligibility: Career Service accordance with

Health Office in (Professional) Second policies and guidelines
HUCs/ICCs Level Eligibility of the CSC

Planning Unit and Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Performance Officer I degree - Manages planning and 2021.
Monitoring Unit performance monitoring
Experience: None required activities.
under the Health
Systems Support Training: None required ■ Specific function:
Division - May depend on the
Eligibility: Career Service LGU’s preference but
under the City (Professional) Second should still be in
Health Office in Level Eligibility accordance with
HUCs/ICCs policies and guidelines
of the CSC

Planning Unit and Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Performance Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative 2021.
Monitoring Unit or High School Graduate support to the Planning
with relevant vocational/ Unit / Quality and
trade course

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Performance

Systems Support Experience: One (1) year Monitoring Unit
Division of relevant experience
■ Specific function:
under the City Training: Four (4) hours - May depend on the
Health Office in of relevant training LGU’s preference but
HUCs/ICCs should still be in
Eligibility: Relevant MC accordance with
11 s. 1996, Career Service policies and guidelines
(Sub-professional)/ of the CSC
First Level Eligibility

Health Information 19 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Develop/update and Inputs from

Information Systems Analyst degree relevant to the job maintain localized system Knowledge
Systems Unit III implementation guidelines Management and
Experience: Two (2) years and toolkits on health Information
under the Health of relevant experience information systems, Technology Service
Systems Support telemedicine, and other (KMITS)
Division Training: 8 hours of eHealth-related solutions
relevant training and innovations in
accordance with national
policies and approved LHS

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City Eligibility: Career Service HIM & ICT Development
Health Office in (Professional) Service Plan.
HUCs/ICCs Second Level Eligibility
■ Lead the conduct of tooling
Technical Competencies: and retooling training.

1. Achieving High ■ Provide technical

Standards assistance to all
2. Computer Skills implementers within their
area of jurisdiction.
3. Data Recording and
Reporting ■ Perform other tasks as may
be assigned by the ITO III.
4. Information,
Security, Risk
Management and

5. People

6. Research Analysis

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

7. Statistical Research
for Health

Health Information 16 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs were adopted

Information Systems Analyst degree relevant to the job - Manages health from discussions
Systems Unit II information systems. during the DTP TWG
Experience: One (1) year meeting.
under the Health of relevant experience ■ Specific function:
Systems Support - May depend on the
Division Training: 4 hours of LGU’s preference but
relevant training should still be in
under the City accordance with
Health Office in Eligibility: Career Service policies and guidelines
HUCs/ICCs (Professional) Service of the CSC
Second Level Eligibility

Health Information 12 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs were adopted

Information Systems Analyst I degree relevant to the job - Manages health from discussions
Systems Unit information systems. during the DTP TWG
Experience: none required meeting.
■ Specific function:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Training: none required - May depend on the

Systems Support LGU’s preference but
Division Eligibility: Career Service should still be in
(Professional) Service accordance with
under the City Second Level Eligibility policies and guidelines
Health Office in of the CSC

Health Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel

Information Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative Administration
Systems Unit or High School Graduate support to the Health Division of the
with relevant vocational/ Information Systems Administrative
under the Health trade course Unit Service
Systems Support
Division Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function:
of relevant experience - May depend on the
under the City LGU’s preference but
Health Office in Training: Four (4) hours should still be in
HUCs/ICCs of relevant training accordance with
policies and guidelines
Eligibility: Relevant MC of the CSC
11 s. 1996, Career Service

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

First Level Eligibility

Supply Chain Senior Health 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Management Unit Program Officer degree - Manages activities 2021.
related to the supply
under the Health Experience: 2 years of chain.
Systems Support relevant experience
Division ■ Specific function:
Training: 8 hrs of relevant - May depend on the
under the City training LGU’s preference but
Health Office in should still be in
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
(Professional) Second policies and guidelines
Level Eligibility of the CSC

Supply Chain Health Program 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ● Can be a PRC-registered Inputs were adopted
Management Unit Officer II degree pharmacist. from comments of the
under the Health (Pharmacist) Experience: 1 year of ● General functions: Division during the
Systems Support relevant experience - Assess, implement, DTP TWG meeting
Division monitor, and/or evaluate pursuant to RA No.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Training: 4 hrs of relevant activities related to 10918 or the

under the City training supply chain Philippine Pharmacy
Health Office in management. Act.
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: Career Service
(Professional) Second ● Specific functions
Level Eligibility particular to pharmacists:

- Provide technical
assistance and support
in the implementation of
the different DOH
Programs and Policies
related to
pharmaceutical access
and management

- Provide technical
assistance and support
to the different health
facilities within the
province in terms of
Pharmaceutical Supply

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Chain Management

- Oversee the service

delivery network within
the province

- Supervise and manage

the pharmacy
dispensary and
medicines/ health
supply warehouse in the

- Monitor the inventory

and utilization of
medicines in the

- Provide assistance and

support in the
monitoring of the prices
of drugs and medical

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

including the
compliance of health
establishments to
prescribed prices of the

- Serve as a member of
the Pharmacy and
Therapeutics Committee
(PTC) in the CHO

- Oversee the
management of Botika
ng Bayan pursuant to
RA No. 9502 or the
“Universally Accessible
Cheaper and Quality
Medicines Act of

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Supply Chain Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Management Unit Officer I degree - Manages activities 2021.
related to the supply
under the Health Experience: None required chain.
Systems Support
Division Training: None required ■ Specific function:
- May depend on the
under the City Eligibility: Career Service LGU’s preference but
Health Office in (Professional) Second should still be in
HUCs/ICCs Level Eligibility accordance with
policies and guidelines
of the CSC

Supply Chain Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs based on IOS
Management Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative 2021.
or High School Graduate support to the Supply
under the Health with relevant vocational/ Chain Management
Systems Support trade course Unit.
Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function:
of relevant experience - May depend on the
LGU’s preference but

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City Training: Four (4) hours should still be in

Health Office in of relevant training accordance with
HUCs/ICCs policies and guidelines
Eligibility: Relevant MC of the CSC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

HRH Human Resource 18 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health
Management and Management Degree Human Resource
Development The Human Resource Development Bureau
Officer III
Unit Experience: Two (2) years Management Officers are (HHRDB)
of relevant experience expected to
under the Health - Conduct Baseline
Systems Support Training: Eight (8) hours Assessment, Gaps
Division of relevant training Analysis and
Investment Needs for
under the City Eligibility: Career Service HRH
Health Office in (Professional)/
HUCs/ICCs Second Level Eligibility - Develop P/CWHS HRH
plan, integrated into the

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies Local Investment Plan

for Health (LIPH)
1. Effective
Presentation Skills - Conduct HRH
Management and
2. Implementing Development System
Health Policies and and HRH Performance
Regulations Assessment System (to
3. Influencing and support CSC PRIME-
Negotiating HRM per MC No. 3, s.
4. Learning and
Development - Manage learning and
development needs of
5. Human Resource HRH
Acquisition and
Development - Manage certification of
Primary Care Health
6. People Workers.

■ Specific function:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

7. Performance - May depend on the

Management LGU’s preference but
Standards should still be in
accordance with
8. Political Savvy policies and guidelines
9. Policy of the CSC

10. Risk Management

11. Technical Writing

12. Workforce

HRH Human Resource 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health
Management and Management Degree Human Resource
Development The Human Resource Development Bureau
Officer II
Unit Experience: One (1) year Management Officers are (HHRDB)
of relevant experience expected to

- Conduct Baseline
Assessment, Gaps

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Health Training: Four (4) hours Analysis and

Systems Support of relevant training Investment Needs for
Division HRH
Eligibility: Career Service
under the City (Professional)/ - Develop P/CWHS HRH
Health Office in Second Level Eligibility plan, integrated into the
HUCs/ICCs Local Investment Plan
for Health (LIPH)
Technical Competencies

1. Effective - Conduct HRH

Presentation Skills Management and
Development System
2. Implementing and HRH Performance
Health Policies and Assessment System (to
Regulations support CSC PRIME-
HRM per MC No. 3, s.
3. Influencing and 2012)
- Manage learning and
4. Learning and development needs of
Development HRH

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

5. Manpower - Manage certification of

Acquisition and Primary Care Health
Development Workers.

6. Performance
Management ■ Specific function:
Standards - May depend on the
LGU’s preference but
7. Political Savvy should still be in
8. Policy accordance with
Development policies and guidelines
of the CSC
9. Risk Management

10. Technical Writing

11. Workforce

HRH Human Resource 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health
Management and Management degree Human Resource
Development Officer I Development Bureau
Unit Experience: none required (HHRDB)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

The Human Resource

under the Health Training: none required Management Officers are
Systems Support expected to
Division Eligibility: (Professional)/
Second Level Eligibility - Conduct Baseline
under the City Assessment, Gaps
Health Office in Analysis and
HUCs/ICCs Investment Needs for

- Develop P/CWHS HRH

plan, integrated into the
Local Investment Plan
for Health (LIPH)

- Conduct HRH
Management and
Development System
and HRH Performance
Assessment System (to
support CSC PRIME-

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

HRM per MC No. 3, s.


- Manage learning and

development needs of

- Manage certification of
Primary Care Health

■ Specific function:
- May depend on the
LGU’s preference but
should still be in
accordance with
policies and guidelines
of the CSC

HRH Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Health

Management and Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative Human Resource
or High School Graduate support to the HRH

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title33 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications34 and No. of Basis
Competencies35,36 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Development with relevant vocational/ Management and Development Bureau

Unit trade course Development Unit (HHRDB)

under the Health Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function:

Systems Support of relevant experience - May depend on the
Division LGU’s preference but
Training: Four (4) hours should still be in
under the City of relevant training accordance with
Health Office in policies and guidelines
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: Relevant MC of the CSC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
7. City Health Office in HUCs/ICCs (Urban Health Centers)

Figure 11. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the Urban Health Centers under the City
Health Office (in HUCs/ICCs)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Urban Health City Health 24 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Head of the Urban Health Inputs based on IOS
Center Officer I Degree OR Certificate in Center 2021.
Leadership and
under the City Management from the ■ Implements standards and
Health Office in CSC programs set by DOH.
HUCs/ICCs ■ Formulates and
Experience: Four (4) years implements health
of supervisory/ programs in the whole city.
management experience
■ Supervises, coordinates,
Training: 40 hours of and monitors the
supervisory/management operations of the UHC.
learning and development
intervention undertaken
within the last five (5)

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

Professional/Second Level


1. Building
Collaborative and
Inclusive Working

2. Managing
Performance and
Coaching for

3. Thinking
Strategically and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Building
Relationship with

3. Case Management

4. Computer Literacy

5. Conflict Resolution

6. Developing
Personal and

7. Government and
Policies and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

8. Implementing
Health Policies and

9. Project/Program
Planning and

10. Research and


11. Resilience

12. Respecting and

Caring for Patients

13. Risk Management

14. Technical

Health Service Medical Officer 23 Education: Doctor of 1 ■ Head of the Health Service Inputs based on IOS
Delivery Unit IV Medicine Delivery Unit 2021.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Urban Experience: 1 year of

Health Center relevant experience

under the City Training: 4 hrs of relevant

Health Office in training
Eligibility: RA 1080

Health Service Medical Officer 21 Education: Doctor of 1 per 20K ■ Assists the HSDU head The minimum
Delivery Unit III Medicine population recommended ratio is
■ Provides first contact of based on DOH DC
under the Urban Experience:none required primary care service on: No. 2020-0176
Health Center - Health promotion “Circulation of the
Training: none required Manual of Standards
under the City - Disease prevention for Primary Care
Health Office in Eligibility: RA 1080 Facilities” and the
- Health maintenance
HUCs/ICCs National Objectives
- Counselling for Health 2017-2022.

- Patient education

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

- Diagnosis and

- Treatment of acute and

chronic illnesses

- Referrals

■ Ensures follow-through
course of treatment of a
person as a whole

■ Provides population-and
individual-based health

■ Leads in patient navigation

and coordination in a

Health Service Nurse II 16 Education: Bachelor of 1 per 10K ■ Assists the HSDU head SG was based on
Delivery Unit Science in Nursing population DBM BC No. 2021-2
■ Supervises the “Modification of
implementation of public

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Urban Experience: 1 year of health programs and Nurse Positions”
Health Center relevant experience delivery of primary care
services The minimum
under the City Training: 4 hrs of relevant recommended ratio is
Health Office in training based on DOH DC
HUCs/ICCs No. 2020-0176
Eligibility: RA 1080 “Circulation of the
Manual of Standards
for Primary Care
Facilities” and the
National Objectives
for Health 2017-2022.

Health Service Midwife III 13 Education: Completion of 1 per 5K ■ Assists the Nurse II The minimum
Delivery Unit the Midwifery Course population recommended ratio is
■ Facilitates implementation based on DOH DC
under the Urban Experience: 2 years of of public health programs No. 2020-0176
Health Center relevant experience and delivery of primary “Circulation of the
care services Manual of Standards
under the City Training: 8 hrs of relevant for Primary Care
Health Office in training Facilities” and the
HUCs/ICCs National Objectives

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: RA 1080 for Health 2017-2022.

Health Service Sanitation 13 Education: Completion of 1 per 20k ■ Manages sanitation The minimum
Delivery Unit Inspector IV two years studies in population activities in the Urban recommended ratio is
college Health Center based on DOH DC
under the Urban No. 2020-0176
Health Center Experience: 3 years of ■ Rotate on scheduled visits “Circulation of the
relevant experience to the Health Stations Manual of Standards
under the City for Primary Care
Health Office in Training: 16 hrs of Facilities”.
HUCs/ICCs relevant training

Eligibility: Career Service

(Sub-Professional) First
Level Eligibility

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

1. Advocating Public

2. Implementing
Health Policies and

3. Technical

4. Provide Support
and Services

Health Service Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Manages the ESU Pursuant to RA No.
Delivery Unit Officer I degree activities within the 11332 or “Mandatory
jurisdiction of the Urban Reporting of
under the Urban (surveillance) Experience: none required Health Center Notifiable Diseases
Health Center and Health Events of
Training: none required ■ Implements applied/field Public Health
under the City epidemiology, Concern Act”
Health Office in surveillance, and
HUCs/ICCs response

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

(Professional) Second
Level Eligibility

Health Service Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Functions related to

Delivery Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative epidemiology and
or High School Graduate support to the HSDU surveillance are based
under the Urban with relevant vocational/ - Assists in surveillance on RA No. 11332 or
Health Center trade course and epidemiology “Mandatory
activities Reporting of
under the City Experience: One (1) year Notifiable Diseases
Health Office in of relevant experience ■ Specific function: and Health Events of
HUCs/ICCs - May depend on the Public Health
Training: Four (4) hours LGU’s preference but Concern Act”
of relevant training should still be in
accordance with
Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
11 s. 1996, Career Service of the CSC
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health System Supervising 22 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Head of the Health System Inputs based on IOS
Support Unit Health Program degree Support Unit 2021.
under the Urban Experience: Three (3)
Health Center years of relevant
under the City
Health Office in Training: 16 hours of
HUCs/ICCs relevant training

Eligibility: Career Service

Second Level Eligibility

Health System Information 16 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs were adopted
Support Unit System Analyst II degree relevant to the job - Manages health from discussions
information systems in during the DTP TWG
under the Urban Experience: One (1) year the UHC. meeting.
Health Center of relevant experience
■ Specific function:
Training: 4 hours of - May depend on the
relevant training LGU’s preference but

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City should still be in

Health Office in Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
HUCs/ICCs (Professional) Service policies and guidelines
Second Level Eligibility of the CSC

Health System Administrative 14 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Officer III degree relevant to the job - Manages administrative Administration
activities / works in the Division of the
under the Urban Experience: One (1) year HSSU Administrative
Health Center of relevant experience Service
■ Specific function:
under the City Training: 4 hours of - May depend on the
Health Office in relevant training LGU’s preference but
HUCs/ICCs should still be in
Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
(Professional) Service policies and guidelines
Second Level Eligibility of the CSC

Health System Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Inputs were adopted
Support Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college from comments of the
or High School Graduate Pharmaceutical

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Urban (pharmacy with relevant vocational/ - Provides administrative Division during the
Health Center assistant) trade course support to the HSSU DTP TWG meeting
pursuant to RA No.
under the City Experience: One (1) year 10918 or the
Health Office in of relevant experience ■ Specific function: Philippine Pharmacy
HUCs/ICCs Act.
Training: Four (4) hours - May depend on the
of relevant training LGU’s preference but DOH DC No. 2020-
should still be in 0176 “Circulation of
Eligibility: Relevant MC accordance with the Manual of
11 s. 1996, Career Service policies and guidelines Standards for Primary
(Sub-professional)/ of the CSC Care Facilities” and
First Level Eligibility the National
- Manages the Botika ng
Objectives for Health
Bayan (if existing)
Leadership 2017-2022 indicates
pursuant to RA No.
Competencies: N/A facility requirements
9502 or “Universally
for pharmacists.
Accessible Cheaper and
Technical Competencies:
Quality Medicines Act
1. Achieving High of 2008”.
- Assess, implement,
monitor, and/or evaluate

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

2. Computer Skills activities related to

supply chain
3. Data Recording management
and Reporting

4. Providing Support
and Services

5. Records

Health System Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver for the UHC Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Aide IV School Graduate Administration
(driver) Division of the
under the Urban Experience: None Administrative
Health Center required Service

under the City Training: None required

Health Office in
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: Driver’s
License (MC 11, s. 96-Cat.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Managing Work

2. Driving and

Health System Administrative 3 Education: Must be able 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Aide III to read and write/ - Manages utility works Administration
Elementary School and provides Division of the
under the Urban (utility worker) Graduate administrative support Administrative
Health Center Service
Experience: None ■ Specific function:
under the City required - May depend on the
Health Office in LGU’s preference but
HUCs/ICCs Training: None required should still be in
accordance with

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines

11 S. 1996/ Career Service of the CSC
(Sub-professional) First
Level Eligibility

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Managing Work

2. Providing Support
and Services

Barangay Health Nurse I 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Heads the Barangay Health SG was based on
Station degree in Nursing Station DBM BC No. 2021-2
“Modification of
under the Urban Experience: None Nurse Positions”.
Health Center required
Inputs based on DOH
Training: None required DC No. 2020-0176

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the City “Circulation of the

Health Office in Eligibility: RA 1080 Manual of Standards
HUCs/ICCs for Primary Care
Leadership Facilities” and the
Competencies: N/A National Objectives
for Health 2017-2022.
Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Providing Support
and Services

3. Research and

4. Respecting and
Caring for Patients

Barangay Health Midwife II 11 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Facilitates implementation Inputs based on DOH
Station Midwifery Course of public health programs DC No. 2020-0176
and delivery of primary “Circulation of the

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Urban Experience: 1 year of care services Manual of Standards

Health Center relevant experience for Primary Care
Facilities” and the
under the City Training: 4 hrs of relevant National Objectives
Health Office in training for Health 2017-2022.
Eligibility: RA 1080

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Computer Literacy

3. Project/Program
Planning and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

4. Providing Support
and Services

Barangay Health Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Station Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides Administration
or High School Graduate administrative support Division of the
under the Urban with relevant vocational/ to the BHS Administrative
Health Center trade course Service
■ Specific function:
under the City Experience: One (1) year - May depend on the
Health Office in of relevant experience LGU’s preference but
HUCs/ICCs should still be in
Training: Four (4) hours accordance with
of relevant training policies and guidelines
of the CSC
Eligibility: Relevant MC
11 s. 1996, Career Service
First Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Achieving High

2. Computer Skills

3. Data Recording
and Reporting

4. Providing Support
and Services

5. Records

Barangay Health Administrative 3 Education: Must be able 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Station Aide III to read and write/ - Manages utility works Administration
Elementary School and provides Division of the
(utility worker) Graduate administrative support

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Urban Administrative

Health Center Experience: None ■ Specific function: Service
required - May depend on the
under the City LGU’s preference but
Health Office in Training: None required should still be in
HUCs/ICCs accordance with
Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
11 S. 1996/ Career Service of the CSC
(Sub-professional) First
Level Eligibility

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Managing Work

2. Providing Support
and Services

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Barangay Health Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver for the BHS Inputs from Personnel
Station Aide IV School Graduate Administration
(driver) Division of the
under the Urban Experience: None Administrative
Health Center required Service

under the City Training: None required

Health Office in
HUCs/ICCs Eligibility: Driver’s
License (MC 11, s. 96-Cat.

Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

3. Managing Work

4. Driving and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Barangay Health Barangay Health 4 Barangay Health Aide 1 per 20 ■ General function: It is recommended to
Station Aide household - Facilitates propose an IOS-
Education: High School implementation of available job position
under the Urban or Graduate public health programs with the roles and
Health Center and delivery of primary responsibilities.
Experience: none required care services
under the City Barangay Health Aide
Health Office in Training: none required ■ Specific function: (SG 4) may be
HUCs/ICCs - May depend on the considered if the
Eligibility: None required LGU’s preference but intention is to hire
(MC 11, s. 96-Cat III) should still be in eligible BHWs
accordance with formally.
Barangay Health n/a Barangay Health Worker policies and guidelines
Worker of the CSC Note:
Education: High School/ An organizational
(volunteer with Vocational Course structure denotes
honorarium) Graduate accountability and it
cannot be imposed on
Experience: none required volunteers since their
engagement is
Training: 8 hrs of relevant volatile.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: None required

based on CSC BHW


Barangay Health Barangay n/a Education: High School/ 1 ■ Facilitate implementation It is recommended to
Station Nutrition Scholar Vocational Course of nutrition programs and propose an IOS-
Graduate nutrition promotion/ available job position
under the Urban (volunteer with advocacy activities. with the roles and
Health Center honorarium) Experience: None responsibilities.
under the City Note:
Health Office in Training: 8 hrs of relevant An organizational
HUCs/ICCs training structure denotes
accountability and it
Eligibility: None required cannot be imposed on
volunteers since their
engagement is

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title37 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications38 and No. of Basis
Competencies39,40 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Leadership volatile.
Competencies: N/A

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Project/Program
Planning and

3. Respecting and
Caring for Patients

4. Building
Relationship with

5. Records

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
C. Minimum Recommendations for
Staffing Complement with Core Job
Descriptions of Positions in LGU Health

City / Municipal Health Office

in Component Cities / Municipalities
as one and the same with Urban Health Center /
Rural Health Unit

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
8. City/Municipal Health Office in Component Cities/Municipalities (CHO/MHO as one and the same with Urban Health
Center/Rural Health Unit)

Figure 12. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the City/Municipal Health Office in
Component Cities/Municipalities (CHO/MHO as one and the same with Urban Health Center/Rural Health Unit)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

City Health City Health 24 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Head of the City Health Inputs based on IOS
Office (same as Officer I Degree OR Certificate in Office (same as Urban 2021.
Urban Health Leadership and Health Center) or
Center) or Management from the Municipal Health Office
CSC (same as Rural Health
or Rural Health Unit)
Physician Experience: Four (4)
Municipal Health years of supervisory/ ■ Implements standards and
Office (same as management experience programs set by DOH.
Rural Health ■ Formulates and
Unit) Training: 40 hours of implements health
supervisory/management programs in the whole city.
in Component learning and development
Cities/Municipalit intervention undertaken ■ Supervises, coordinates,
ies within the last five (5) and monitors the
years operations of the UHC.

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

Professional/Second Level


1. Building
Collaborative and
Inclusive Working

2. Managing
Performance and
Coaching for

3. Thinking
Strategically and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Building
Relationship with

3. Case Management

4. Computer Literacy

5. Conflict Resolution

6. Developing
Personal and

7. Government and
Policies and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

8. Implementing
Health Policies and

9. Project/Program
Planning and

10. Research and


11. Resilience

12. Respecting and

Caring for Patients

13. Risk Management

14. Technical

Health Service Medical Officer 23 Education: Doctor of 1 ■ Head of the Health Service Inputs based on IOS
Delivery Unit IV Medicine Delivery Unit 2021.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Experience: 1 year of

relevant experience
City Health
Office (same as Training: 4 hrs of relevant
Urban Health training
Eligibility: RA 1080

Municipal Health
Office (same as
Rural Health

in Component

Health Service Medical Officer 21 Education: Doctor of 1 per 20K ■ Assists the HSDU head The minimum
Delivery Unit III Medicine population recommended ratio is
■ Provides first contact of based on DOH DC
under the Experience:none required primary care service on: No. 2020-0176

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

- Health promotion “Circulation of the

City Health Training: none required Manual of Standards
Office (same as - Disease prevention for Primary Care
Urban Health Eligibility: RA 1080 - Health maintenance Facilities” and the
Center) National Objectives
- Counselling for Health 2017-2022.
- Patient education
Municipal Health - Diagnosis and
Office (same as management
Rural Health
Unit) - Treatment of acute and
chronic illnesses
in Component
- Referrals
ies ■ Ensures follow-through
course of treatment of a
person as a whole

■ Provides population-and
individual-based health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

■ Leads in patient navigation

and coordination in a

Health Service Nurse II 16 Education: Bachelor of 1 per 10K ■ Assists the HSDU head SG was based on
Delivery Unit Science in Nursing population DBM BC No. 2021-2
■ Supervises the “Modification of
under the Experience: 1 year of implementation of public Nurse Positions”
relevant experience health programs and
City Health delivery of primary care The minimum
Office (same as Training: 4 hrs of relevant services recommended ratio is
Urban Health training based on DOH DC
Center) No. 2020-0176
Eligibility: RA 1080 “Circulation of the
or Manual of Standards
for Primary Care
Municipal Health Facilities” and the
Office (same as National Objectives
Rural Health for Health 2017-2022.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

in Component

Health Service Midwife III 13 Education: Completion of 1 per 5K ■ Assists the Nurse II The minimum
Delivery Unit the Midwifery Course population recommended ratio is
■ Facilitates implementation based on DOH DC
under the Experience: 2 years of of public health programs No. 2020-0176
relevant experience and delivery of primary “Circulation of the
City Health care services Manual of Standards
Office (same as Training: 8 hrs of relevant for Primary Care
Urban Health training Facilities” and the
Center) National Objectives
Eligibility: RA 1080 for Health 2017-2022.

Municipal Health
Office (same as
Rural Health

in Component

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


Health Service Sanitation 13 Education: Completion of 1 per 20k ■ Manages sanitation The minimum
Delivery Unit Inspector IV two years studies in population activities in the City Health recommended ratio is
college Office (same as Urban based on DOH DC
under the Health Center) or No. 2020-0176
Experience: 3 years of Municipal Health Office “Circulation of the
City Health relevant experience (same as Rural Health Manual of Standards
Office (same as Unit) for Primary Care
Urban Health Training: 16 hrs of Facilities”.
Center) relevant training ■ Rotate on scheduled visits
to the Health Stations
or Eligibility: Career Service
(Sub-Professional) First
Municipal Health Level Eligibility
Office (same as
Rural Health Leadership
Unit) Competencies: N/A

in Component Technical Competencies:


Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

ies 1. Advocating Public


2. Implementing
Health Policies and

3. Technical

4. Provide Support
and Services

Health Service Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Manages the ESU Pursuant to RA No.
Delivery Unit Officer I degree activities within the 11332 or “Mandatory
jurisdiction of the City Reporting of
under the (surveillance) Experience: None Health Office (same as Notifiable Diseases
required Urban Health Center) or and Health Events of
City Health Municipal Health Office Public Health
Office (same as Training: None required (same as Rural Health Concern Act”
Urban Health Unit)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service ■ Implements applied/field

or (Professional) Second epidemiology,
Level Eligibility surveillance, and
Municipal Health response
Office (same as
Rural Health

in Component

Health Service Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Functions related to

Delivery Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative epidemiology and
or High School Graduate support to the HSDU surveillance are based
under the with relevant vocational/ - Assists in surveillance on RA No. 11332 or
trade course and epidemiology “Mandatory
City Health activities Reporting of
Office (same as Experience: One (1) year Notifiable Diseases
Urban Health of relevant experience ■ Specific function: and Health Events of
Center) - May depend on the Public Health
LGU’s preference but Concern Act”

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

or Training: Four (4) hours should still be in

of relevant training accordance with
Municipal Health policies and guidelines
Office (same as Eligibility: Relevant MC of the CSC
Rural Health 11 s. 1996, Career Service
Unit) (Sub-professional)/
First Level Eligibility
in Component

Health System Supervising 22 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Head of the Health System Inputs based on IOS
Support Unit Health Program degree Support Unit 2021.
under the Experience: Three (3)
years of relevant
City Health experience
Office (same as
Urban Health Training: 16 hours of
Center) relevant training

or Eligibility: Career Service

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Municipal Health Second Level Eligibility
Office (same as
Rural Health

in Component

Health System Information 16 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs were adopted
Support Unit System Analyst II degree relevant to the job - Manages health from discussions
information systems in during the DTP TWG
under the Experience: One (1) year the UHC. meeting.
of relevant experience
City Health ■ Specific function:
Office (same as Training: 4 hours of - May depend on the
Urban Health relevant training LGU’s preference but
Center) should still be in
Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
or (Professional) Service policies and guidelines
Second Level Eligibility of the CSC

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Municipal Health
Office (same as
Rural Health

in Component

Health System Administrative 14 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Officer III degree relevant to the job - Manages administrative Administration
activities / works in the Division of the
under the Experience: One (1) year HSSU Administrative
of relevant experience Service
City Health ■ Specific function:
Office (same as Training: 4 hours of - May depend on the
Urban Health relevant training LGU’s preference but
Center) should still be in
Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
or (Professional) Service policies and guidelines
Second Level Eligibility of the CSC
Municipal Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Office (same as
Rural Health

in Component

Health System Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Inputs were adopted
Support Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college from comments of the
or High School Graduate - Provides administrative Pharmaceutical
under the (pharmacy with relevant vocational/ support to the HSSU Division during the
assistant) trade course DTP TWG meeting
City Health pursuant to RA No.
Office (same as Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function: 10918 or the
Urban Health of relevant experience Philippine Pharmacy
- May depend on the
Center) Act.
LGU’s preference but
Training: Four (4) hours
should still be in
or of relevant training
accordance with
policies and guidelines
Municipal Health Eligibility: Relevant MC
of the CSC
Office (same as 11 s. 1996, Career Service

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Rural Health (Sub-professional)/ - Manages the Botika ng

Unit) First Level Eligibility Bayan (if existing)
pursuant to RA No.
in Component Leadership 9502 or “Universally
Cities/Municipalit Competencies: N/A Accessible Cheaper and
ies Quality Medicines Act
Technical Competencies: of 2008”.

1. Achieving High - Assess, implement,

Standards monitor, and/or evaluate
activities related to
2. Computer Skills supply chain
3. Data Recording management
and Reporting

4. Providing Support
and Services

5. Records

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health System Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver for the CHO/MHO Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Aide IV School Graduate Administration
(driver) Division of the
under the Experience: None Administrative
required Service
City Health
Office (same as Training: None required
Urban Health
Center) Eligibility: Driver’s
License (MC 11, s. 96-Cat.
or II)

Municipal Health Leadership

Office (same as Competencies: N/A
Rural Health
Unit) Technical Competencies:

in Component 5. Managing Work

Cities/Municipalit 6. Driving and
ies Transportation

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Health System Administrative 3 Education: Must be able 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Aide III to read and write/ - Manages utility works Administration
Elementary School and provides Division of the
under the (utility worker) Graduate administrative support Administrative
City Health Experience: None ■ Specific function:
Office (same as required - May depend on the
Urban Health LGU’s preference but
Center) Training: None required should still be in
accordance with
or Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
11 S. 1996/ Career Service of the CSC
Municipal Health (Sub-professional) First
Office (same as Level Eligibility
Rural Health
Unit) Leadership
Competencies: N/A
in Component
Cities/Municipalit Technical Competencies:
1. Managing Work

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

2. Providing Support
and Services

Barangay Health Nurse I 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Heads the Barangay Health SG was based on
Station degree in Nursing Station DBM BC No. 2021-2
“Modification of
under the Experience: None Nurse Positions”.
City Health Inputs based on DOH
Office (same as Training: None required DC No. 2020-0176
Urban Health “Circulation of the
Center) Eligibility: RA 1080 Manual of Standards
for Primary Care
or Leadership Facilities” and the
Competencies: N/A National Objectives
Municipal Health for Health 2017-2022.
Office (same as Technical Competencies:
Rural Health
Unit) 1. Advocating Public
in Component

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Cities/Municipalit 2. Providing Support

ies and Services

3. Research and

4. Respecting and
Caring for Patients

Barangay Health Midwife II 11 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Facilitates implementation Inputs based on DOH
Station Midwifery Course of public health programs DC No. 2020-0176
and delivery of primary “Circulation of the
under the Experience: 1 year of care services Manual of Standards
relevant experience for Primary Care
City Health Facilities” and the
Office (same as Training: 4 hrs of relevant National Objectives
Urban Health training for Health 2017-2022.
Eligibility: RA 1080
Municipal Health Competencies: N/A

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Office (same as
Rural Health Technical Competencies:
1. Advocating Public
in Component Health
Cities/Municipalit 2. Computer Literacy
3. Project/Program
Planning and

4. Providing Support
and Services

Barangay Health Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Station Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides Administration
or High School Graduate administrative support Division of the
under the with relevant vocational/ to the BHS Administrative
trade course Service
City Health ■ Specific function:
Office (same as Experience: One (1) year - May depend on the
Urban Health of relevant experience LGU’s preference but

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Center) should still be in

Training: Four (4) hours accordance with
or of relevant training policies and guidelines
of the CSC
Municipal Health Eligibility: Relevant MC
Office (same as 11 s. 1996, Career Service
Rural Health (Sub-professional)/
Unit) First Level Eligibility

in Component Leadership
Cities/Municipalit Competencies: N/A
Technical Competencies:

1. Achieving High

2. Computer Skills

3. Data Recording
and Reporting

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

4. Providing Support
and Services

5. Records

Barangay Health Administrative 3 Education: Must be able 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Station Aide III to read and write/ - Manages utility works Administration
Elementary School and provides Division of the
under the (utility worker) Graduate administrative support Administrative
City Health Experience: None ■ Specific function:
Office (same as required - May depend on the
Urban Health LGU’s preference but
Center) Training: None required should still be in
accordance with
or Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
11 S. 1996/ Career Service of the CSC
Municipal Health (Sub-professional) First
Office (same as Level Eligibility
Rural Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

in Component Competencies: N/A
ies Technical Competencies:

1. Managing Work

2. Providing Support
and Services

Barangay Health Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver for the BHS Inputs from Personnel
Station Aide IV School Graduate Administration
(driver) Division of the
under the Experience: None Administrative
required Service
City Health
Office (same as Training: None required
Urban Health
Center) Eligibility: Driver’s
License (MC 11, s. 96-Cat.
or II)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Municipal Health Leadership

Office (same as Competencies: N/A
Rural Health
Unit) Technical Competencies:

in Component 1. Managing Work

Cities/Municipalit 2. Driving and
ies Transportation

Barangay Health Barangay Health 4 Barangay Health Aide 1 per 20 ■ General function: It is recommended to
Station Aide household - Facilitates propose an IOS-
Education: High School implementation of available job position
under the or Graduate public health programs with the roles and
and delivery of primary responsibilities.
City Health Experience: none required care services
Office (same as Barangay Health Aide
Urban Health Training: none required ■ Specific function: (SG 4) may be
Center) - May depend on the considered if the
Eligibility: None required LGU’s preference but intention is to hire
or (MC 11, s. 96-Cat III) should still be in eligible BHWs

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Barangay Health n/a Barangay Health Worker accordance with formally.

Municipal Health Worker policies and guidelines
Office (same as Education: High School/ of the CSC Note:
Rural Health (volunteer with Vocational Course An organizational
Unit) honorarium) Graduate structure denotes
accountability and it
in Component Experience: none required cannot be imposed on
Cities/Municipalit volunteers since their
ies Training: 8 hrs of relevant engagement is
training volatile.

Eligibility: None required

based on CSC BHW


Barangay Health Barangay n/a Education: High School/ 1 ■ Facilitate implementation It is recommended to
Station Nutrition Scholar Vocational Course of nutrition programs and propose an IOS-
Graduate available job position

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the (volunteer with nutrition promotion/ with the roles and
honorarium) Experience: None advocacy activities. responsibilities.
City Health required
Office (same as Note:
Urban Health Training: 8 hrs of relevant An organizational
Center) training structure denotes
accountability and it
or Eligibility: None required cannot be imposed on
volunteers since their
Municipal Health Leadership engagement is
Office (same as Competencies: N/A volatile.
Rural Health
Unit) Technical Competencies:

in Component 1. Advocating Public

Cities/Municipalit Health
ies 2. Project/Program
Planning and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title41 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications42 and No. of Basis
Competencies43,44 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

3. Respecting and
Caring for Patients

4. Building
Relationship with

5. Records

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
9. City/Municipal Health Office in Component Cities/Municipalities (CHO/MHO has several Urban Health Centers/Rural Health Units
and hospital/s owned and managed by the component LGU)

Figure 13. Organizational Chart Indicating Minimum Staffing Recommendations for the Office of the City/Municipal Health
Officer in Component Cities/Municipalities (CHO/MHO has several Urban Health Centers/Rural Health Units and
hospital/s owned and managed by the component LGU)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Office of the City City Health 25 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Head of the Office of the Municipal Health
Health Officer Officer II Degree OR Certificate in City Health Officer or Officer is not listed in
Leadership and Office of the Municipal the 2021 IOS hence,
or or Management from the Health Office we recommend
CSC Medical Officer V
Office of the Medical Officer V ■ Responsible for (SG 25).
Municipal Health Experience: Five (5) years formulating and
Officer of implementing the health
supervisory/management programs in the whole city
in Component experience or municipality.
ies Training: 120 hours of ■ Supervises, coordinates,
supervisory/management and monitors the
CHO/MHO has learning and development operations of the
several Urban intervention undertaken UHC/RHU pursuant to DC
Health Centers/ within the last five (5) 2020-0176
Rural Health years

2021 Department of Budget and Management Index Of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
1997 Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual
2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health Positions in LGU
Civil Service Commission MC No. 5, s. 2016 Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Units and
hospital/s owned Eligibility: Career Service
and managed by Professional/Second Level
the component eligibility

1. Building
Collaborative and

2. Leading Change

3. Managing
Performance and
Coaching for

4. Thinking
Creatively and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Developing
Personal and

2. Implementing
Health Policies and

3. Management

4. Performance

5. Political Savvy

6. Risk Management

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

7. Workforce

Office of the City Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Health Officer Assistant III two-year studies in college - Acts as the secretary of Administration
or High School Graduate the CHO II or MO V Division of the
or with relevant vocational/ Administrative
trade course ■ Specific function: Service
Office of the - May depend on the
Municipal Health Experience: One (1) year LGU’s preference but
Officer of relevant experience should still be in
accordance with
in Component Training: Four (4) hours policies and guidelines
Cities/Municipalit of relevant training of the CSC
Eligibility: Relevant MC
CHO/MHO has 11 s. 1996, Career Service
several Urban (Sub-professional)/
Health Centers/ First Level Eligibility
Rural Health
Units and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

hospital/s owned
and managed by
the component

Office of the City Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver of the CHO II or Inputs from Personnel
Health Officer Aide IV school Graduate MO V Administration
Division of the
or Experience: none required Administrative
Office of the Training: none required
Municipal Health
Officer Eligibility: Driver License
(MC 11, s. 96 - Cat. II)
in Component

several Urban
Health Centers/
Rural Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Units and
hospital/s owned
and managed by
the component

Urban Health City Health 24 Education: Master’s 1 ■ Head of the Urban Health Inputs based on IOS
Center (under the Officer I Degree OR Certificate in Center or Rural Health 2021.
City Health Leadership and Unit
Office) or Management from the
CSC ■ Implements standards and
or programs set by DOH.
Rural Health
Physician Experience: Four (4) ■ Formulates and
Rural Health Unit years of supervisory/ implements health
(under the management experience programs in the whole city.
Municipal Health
Office) Training: 40 hours of ■ Supervises, coordinates,
supervisory/management and monitors the
in Component learning and development operations of the UHC or
Cities/Municipalit intervention undertaken RHU.
ies within the last five (5)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Eligibility: Career Service

Professional/Second Level


1. Building
Collaborative and
Inclusive Working

2. Managing
Performance and
Coaching for

3. Thinking
Strategically and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:

1. Advocating Public

2. Building
Relationship with

3. Case Management

4. Computer Literacy

5. Conflict Resolution

6. Developing
Personal and

7. Government and
Policies and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

8. Implementing
Health Policies and

9. Project/Program
Planning and

10. Research and


11. Resilience

12. Respecting and

Caring for Patients

13. Risk Management

14. Technical

Health Service Medical Officer 23 Education: Doctor of 1 ■ Head of the Health Service Inputs based on IOS
Delivery Unit IV Medicine Delivery Unit 2021.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

under the Experience: 1 year of

relevant experience
Urban Health
Center (under the Training: 4 hrs of relevant
City Health training
Eligibility: RA 1080

Rural Health Unit

(under the
Municipal Health

in Component

Health Service Medical Officer 21 Education: Doctor of 1 per 20K ■ Assists the HSDU head The minimum
Delivery Unit III Medicine population recommended ratio is
■ Provides first contact of based on DOH DC
under the Experience:none required primary care service on: No. 2020-0176

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

- Health promotion “Circulation of the

Urban Health Training: none required Manual of Standards
Center (under the - Disease prevention for Primary Care
City Health Eligibility: RA 1080 - Health maintenance Facilities” and the
Office) National Objectives
- Counselling for Health 2017-2022.
- Patient education
Rural Health Unit - Diagnosis and
(under the management
Municipal Health
Office) - Treatment of acute and
chronic illnesses
in Component
- Referrals
ies ■ Ensures follow-through
course of treatment of a
person as a whole

■ Provides population-and
individual-based health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

■ Leads in patient navigation

and coordination in a

Health Service Nurse II 16 Education: Bachelor of 1 per 10K ■ Assists the HSDU head SG was based on
Delivery Unit Science in Nursing population DBM BC No. 2021-2
■ Supervises the “Modification of
under the Experience: 1 year of implementation of public Nurse Positions”
relevant experience health programs and
Urban Health delivery of primary care The minimum
Center (under the Training: 4 hrs of relevant services recommended ratio is
City Health training based on DOH DC
Office) No. 2020-0176
Eligibility: RA 1080 “Circulation of the
or Manual of Standards
for Primary Care
Rural Health Unit Facilities” and the
(under the National Objectives
Municipal Health for Health 2017-2022.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

in Component

Health Service Midwife III 13 Education: Completion of 1 per 5K ■ Assists the Nurse II The minimum
Delivery Unit the Midwifery Course population recommended ratio is
■ Facilitates implementation based on DOH DC
under the Experience: 2 years of of public health programs No. 2020-0176
relevant experience and delivery of primary “Circulation of the
Urban Health care services Manual of Standards
Center (under the Training: 8 hrs of relevant for Primary Care
City Health training Facilities” and the
Office) National Objectives
Eligibility: RA 1080 for Health 2017-2022.

Rural Health Unit

(under the
Municipal Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

in Component

Health Service Sanitation 13 Education: Completion of 1 per 20k ■ Manages sanitation The minimum
Delivery Unit Inspector IV two years studies in population activities in the Urban recommended ratio is
college Health Center or Rural based on DOH DC
under the Health Unit No. 2020-0176
Experience: 3 years of “Circulation of the
Urban Health relevant experience ■ Rotate on scheduled visits Manual of Standards
Center (under the to the Health Stations for Primary Care
City Health Training: 16 hrs of Facilities”.
Office) relevant training

or Eligibility: Career Service

(Sub-Professional) First
Rural Health Unit Level Eligibility
(under the
Municipal Health Leadership
Office) Competencies: N/A

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

in Component Technical Competencies:

ies 1. Advocating Public

2. Implementing
Health Policies and

3. Technical

4. Provide Support
and Services

Health Service Health Program 11 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Manages the ESU Pursuant to RA No.
Delivery Unit Officer I degree activities within the 11332 or “Mandatory
jurisdiction of the Urban Reporting of
under the (surveillance Experience: 1 year of Health Center or Rural Notifiable Diseases
officer) relevant experience Health Unit and Health Events of
Urban Health Public Health
Center (under the Training: 4 hrs of relevant ■ Implements applied/field Concern Act”
training epidemiology,

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

City Health surveillance, and

Office) Eligibility: Career Service response
(Professional) Second
or Level Eligibility

Rural Health Unit

(under the
Municipal Health

in Component

Health Service Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Functions related to

Delivery Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides administrative epidemiology and
or High School Graduate support to the HSDU surveillance are based
under the with relevant vocational/ - Assists in surveillance on RA No. 11332 or
trade course and epidemiology “Mandatory
Urban Health activities Reporting of
Center (under the Experience: One (1) year Notifiable Diseases
of relevant experience ■ Specific function: and Health Events of

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

City Health - May depend on the Public Health

Office) Training: Four (4) hours LGU’s preference but Concern Act”
of relevant training should still be in
or accordance with
Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
Rural Health Unit 11 s. 1996, Career Service of the CSC
(under the (Sub-professional)/
Municipal Health First Level Eligibility

in Component

Health System Supervising 22 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Head of the Health System Inputs based on IOS
Support Unit Health Program degree Support Unit 2021.
under the Experience: Three (3)
years of relevant
Urban Health experience
Center (under the

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

City Health Training: 16 hours of

Office) relevant training

or Eligibility: Career Service

Rural Health Unit Second Level Eligibility
(under the
Municipal Health

in Component

Health System Information 16 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General function: Inputs were adopted
Support Unit System Analyst II degree relevant to the job - Manages health from discussions
information systems in during the DTP TWG
under the Experience: One (1) year the UHC or RHU. meeting.
of relevant experience
Urban Health ■ Specific function:
Center (under the Training: 4 hours of - May depend on the
relevant training LGU’s preference but

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

City Health should still be in

Office) Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
(Professional) Service policies and guidelines
or Second Level Eligibility of the CSC

Rural Health Unit

(under the
Municipal Health

in Component

Health System Administrative 14 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ General functions: Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Officer III degree relevant to the job - Manages administrative Administration
activities / works in the Division of the
under the Experience: One (1) year HSSU Administrative
of relevant experience Service
Urban Health ■ Specific function:
Center (under the Training: 4 hours of - May depend on the
relevant training LGU’s preference but

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

City Health should still be in

Office) Eligibility: Career Service accordance with
(Professional) Service policies and guidelines
or Second Level Eligibility of the CSC

Rural Health Unit

(under the
Municipal Health

in Component

Health System Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General functions: Inputs were adopted
Support Unit Assistant III two-year studies in college from comments of the
or High School Graduate - Provides administrative Pharmaceutical
under the (pharmacy with relevant vocational/ support to the HSSU Division during the
assistant) trade course DTP TWG meeting
Urban Health pursuant to RA No.
Center (under the Experience: One (1) year ■ Specific function: 10918 or the
of relevant experience

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

City Health - May depend on the Philippine Pharmacy

Office) Training: Four (4) hours LGU’s preference but Act.
of relevant training should still be in
or accordance with
Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
Rural Health Unit 11 s. 1996, Career Service of the CSC
(under the (Sub-professional)/
Municipal Health First Level Eligibility - Manages the Botika ng
Office) Bayan (if existing)
pursuant to RA No.
in Component Competencies: N/A 9502 or “Universally
Cities/Municipalit Accessible Cheaper and
ies Quality Medicines Act
Technical Competencies:
of 2008”.
1. Achieving High
Standards - Assess, implement,
monitor, and/or evaluate
2. Computer Skills activities related to
supply chain
3. Data Recording management
and Reporting

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

4. Providing Support
and Services

5. Records

Health System Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver for the UHC Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Aide IV School Graduate Administration
(driver) Division of the
under the Experience: None Administrative
required Service
Urban Health
Center (under the Training: None required
City Health
Office) Eligibility: Driver’s
License (MC 11, s. 96-Cat.
or II)

Rural Health Unit Leadership

(under the Competencies: N/A
Municipal Health

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Technical Competencies:
in Component
Cities/Municipalit 7. Managing Work
ies 8. Driving and

Health System Administrative 3 Education: Must be able 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Support Unit Aide III to read and write/ - Manages utility works Administration
Elementary School and provides Division of the
under the (utility worker) Graduate administrative support Administrative
Urban Health Experience: None ■ Specific function:
Center (under the required - May depend on the
City Health LGU’s preference but
Office) Training: None required should still be in
accordance with
or Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
11 S. 1996/ Career Service of the CSC
Rural Health Unit (Sub-professional) First
(under the Level Eligibility

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Municipal Health
Office) Leadership
Competencies: N/A
in Component
Cities/Municipalit Technical Competencies:
1. Managing Work

2. Providing Support
and Services

Barangay Health Nurse I 15 Education: Bachelor’s 1 ■ Heads the Barangay Health SG was based on
Station degree in Nursing Station DBM BC No. 2021-2
“Modification of
under the Experience: None Nurse Positions”.
Urban Health Inputs based on DOH
Center (under the Training: None required DC No. 2020-0176
City Health “Circulation of the
Office) Eligibility: RA 1080 Manual of Standards
for Primary Care
or Facilities” and the

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Leadership National Objectives

Rural Health Unit Competencies: N/A for Health 2017-2022.
(under the
Municipal Health Technical Competencies:
1. Advocating Public
in Component Health
Cities/Municipalit 2. Providing Support
ies and Services

3. Research and

4. Respecting and
Caring for Patients

Barangay Health Midwife II 11 Education: Completion of 1 ■ Facilitates implementation Inputs based on DOH
Station Midwifery Course of public health programs DC No. 2020-0176
and delivery of primary “Circulation of the
under the Experience: 1 year of care services Manual of Standards
relevant experience for Primary Care
Facilities” and the

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Urban Health Training: 4 hrs of relevant National Objectives

Center (under the training for Health 2017-2022.
City Health
Office) Eligibility: RA 1080

or Leadership
Competencies: N/A
Rural Health Unit
(under the Technical Competencies:
Municipal Health
Office) 1. Advocating Public
in Component 2. Computer Literacy
ies 3. Project/Program
Planning and

4. Providing Support
and Services

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Barangay Health Administrative 9 Education: Completion of 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Station Assistant III two-year studies in college - Provides Administration
or High School Graduate administrative support Division of the
under the with relevant vocational/ to the BHS Administrative
trade course Service
Urban Health ■ Specific function:
Center (under the Experience: One (1) year - May depend on the
City Health of relevant experience LGU’s preference but
Office) should still be in
Training: Four (4) hours accordance with
or of relevant training policies and guidelines
of the CSC
Rural Health Unit Eligibility: Relevant MC
(under the 11 s. 1996, Career Service
Municipal Health (Sub-professional)/
Office) First Level Eligibility

in Component Leadership
Cities/Municipalit Competencies: N/A
Technical Competencies:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

1. Achieving High

2. Computer Skills

3. Data Recording
and Reporting

4. Providing Support
and Services

5. Records

Barangay Health Administrative 3 Education: Must be able 1 ■ General function: Inputs from Personnel
Station Aide III to read and write/ - Manages utility works Administration
Elementary School and provides Division of the
under the (utility worker) Graduate administrative support Administrative
Urban Health Experience: None ■ Specific function:
Center (under the required - May depend on the
City Health LGU’s preference but
Office) Training: None required should still be in

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

accordance with
or Eligibility: Relevant MC policies and guidelines
11 S. 1996/ Career Service of the CSC
Rural Health Unit (Sub-professional) First
(under the Level Eligibility
Municipal Health
Office) Leadership
Competencies: N/A
in Component
Cities/Municipalit Technical Competencies:
1. Managing Work

2. Providing Support
and Services

Barangay Health Administrative 4 Education: Elementary 1 ■ Driver for the BHS Inputs from Personnel
Station Aide IV School Graduate Administration
(driver) Division of the
under the Experience: None Administrative
required Service

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Urban Health Training: None required

Center (under the
City Health Eligibility: Driver’s
Office) License (MC 11, s. 96-Cat.
Rural Health Unit Competencies: N/A
(under the
Municipal Health Technical Competencies:
1. Managing Work
in Component 2. Driving and
Cities/Municipalit Transportation
ies Proficiency

Barangay Health Barangay Health 4 Barangay Health Aide 1 per 20 ■ General function: It is recommended to
Station Aide household - Facilitates propose an IOS-
Education: High School implementation of available job position
under the or Graduate public health programs with the roles and

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Urban Health Experience: none required and delivery of primary

Center (under the care services Barangay Health Aide
City Health Training: none required (SG 4) may be
Office) ■ Specific function: considered if the
Eligibility: None required - May depend on the intention is to hire
or (MC 11, s. 96-Cat III) LGU’s preference but eligible BHWs
should still be in formally.
Rural Health Unit Barangay Health n/a Barangay Health Worker accordance with
(under the Worker policies and guidelines Note:
Municipal Health Education: High School/ of the CSC An organizational
Office) (volunteer with Vocational Course structure denotes
honorarium) Graduate accountability and it
in Component cannot be imposed on
Cities/Municipalit Experience: none required volunteers since their
ies engagement is
Training: 8 hrs of relevant volatile.

Eligibility: None required

based on CSC BHW


Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Barangay Health Barangay n/a Education: High School/ 1 ■ Facilitate implementation It is recommended to
Station Nutrition Scholar Vocational Course of nutrition programs and propose an IOS-
Graduate nutrition promotion/ available job position
under the (volunteer with advocacy activities. with the roles and
honorarium) Experience: None responsibilities.
Urban Health required
Center (under the Note:
City Health Training: 8 hrs of relevant An organizational
Office) training structure denotes
accountability and it
or Eligibility: None required cannot be imposed on
volunteers since their
Rural Health Unit Leadership engagement is
(under the Competencies: N/A volatile.
Municipal Health
Office) Technical Competencies:

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Organizational Position Title45 SG Minimum Minimum Description Remarks / Policy
Unit Qualifications46 and No. of Basis
Competencies47,48 Positions
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

in Component 1. Advocating Public

Cities/Municipalit Health
2. Project/Program
Planning and

3. Respecting and
Caring for Patients

4. Building
Relationship with

5. Records

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
[1] Refers to an appropriate office, committee or work group in the LGU, whether existing or proposed, with defined authority and accountability that will assume or
perform the devolved function/service, which may include mandated organizational structures or offices, as well as local special bodies and other support groups in
which the LGU stakeholders participate (e.g., disaster management teams)
[2] and Indicates the position and corresponding salary grade, consistent with the latest Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades
[3] issued or to be issued by the DBM
[4] States the eligibilities (e.g., years of work experience, educational attainment, certification/licensure) required to qualify for the position, as well as the relevant
knowledge and skills or technical/functional competencies of the incumbent in order to perform the assigned functions
[5] Indicates the number of positions needed to perform the job
[6] Indicates the functions and/or importance of the organizational unit, and whether there is already an existing unit or position in the LGU, as well as the functions and/or
importance of the position and the corresponding period wherein the services of said position is considered necessary, i.e., short term (FYs 2021-2022) and medium
term (FYs 2023-2025)
● This contains information on the recommended organizational structures and critical/minimum staffing complement which the DOH offices concerned deem appropriate
for the LGUs to enable them to undertake the devolved functions effectively and efficiently in a phased manner, e.g., in the short term (FYs 2021-2022) and the medium
term (FYs 2023-2024).
● This includes sets of functions from simple to complex that are identified through inputs from operations units and regional offices which have been assisting the LGUs in
these devolved activities will be very useful for this exercise.
● Positions to be proposed should take into account activities which can be performed by the existing mandatory positions in the LGU and creation of new positions shall be
guided by the DBM Circular 137 s. 2021 on the Index of Occupations and Position Classification for LGUs..
● LGUs are encouraged to benchmark with organizational structure and best practices models of other LGUs that have been effective in performing their mandates, especially
on devolved functions.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
IV. Phases of Implementation

The adoption of the Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public

Health Facilities and Health Offices in Local Government Units (Annex C2 of the DOH
DTP) is recommended to be implemented in phases considering the incremental
creation of permanent positions as provided in the RA No. 11223 or the Universal
Health Care Act. This shall allow LGUs and other National Government Agencies
(NGA) involved the flexibility in planning for the gradual preparation of budget and
resource requirements.

The recommended phases may be guided by “rubrics method” whereas each position
is rated according to proposed prioritization of the Department (Table 4). The rates per
position per health system integration type shall then be ranked to identify priorities for
the 5-year implementation phases. The assessment has to be undertaken by the PCWHS
in coordination with their component LGUs, since the needs of each local health system
may vary depending on their actual capacity and needs. The rubrics could serve as an
objective basis for prioritization of local health systems and final decision for
implementation shall be based on the autonomy and authority of the concerned LGUs
as provided under LGC of 1991 49. Sample rubrics assessments are provided in Annex
A for guidance of LGUs.

Table 4. Rubrics for Identifying priority positions in the Annex C2 of the DOH DTP

Priority Preferences / Elements Rates

I. Relevance to Universal Health Care

(mandated by UHC and other health laws)

A. Function of position is focused on leading, 3

planning and developing policies and strategies

B. Function of position is focused on 2

implementation and service delivery

C. Function of position is focused on 1

administrative and support

Note: Per EO 138 s. 2021, all functions previously identified under Local Government Code of
1991 shall be fully devolved no later than end of year 2024.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Priority Preferences / Elements Rates

II. Policy Support

A. Creation of position is supported by 3

legislative/national acts and/or policies

B. Creation of position is supported by plans, 2

policies, and/or standards developed by
national agencies

C. Creation of positions is based on IOS 1


III. Ease of Recruitment

A. Position can be filled easily either because: 3

1. The number of positions required to
meet the standards is minimal, or
2. The production of professionals that is
best-fit/suited for the position is high

B. Filling of position may require time either 2

1. The number of positions required to
meet the standards is high, or
2. The production of professionals that is
best-fit/suited for the position is low

C. Position can be filled easily either because: 1

1. The position would not require
professional or highly technical
expertise, or
2. The functions/services of the position
may be outsourced

Table 5. Prioritization Ranks and Equivalent Implementation Period

Rating Implementation Period

I. Rating of 8 - 9 Year 1

II. Rating of 6 - 7 Year 2

III. Rating of 5 Year 3

IV. Rating of 4 Year 4

V. Rating of 1 - 3 Year 5

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Annex A. Sample assessment for identifying priority positions for staffing complement of public health facilities and health
offices in LGUs

Provincial Health Office

Sample rating per position

Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Office of the Office of the Provincial Health 26 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government
Provincial Health Provincial Health Officer II Code of 1991 whereas The
Officer Officer II appointment of a health officer shall
be mandatory for provincial, city,
and municipal governments.

Office of the Office of the Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Provincial Health Provincial Health Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer Officer II Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the Office of the Administrative 4 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Provincial Health Provincial Health Aide 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer Officer II (Driver/ Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Mechanic) Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Office of the Administrative Administrative 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order

Provincial Health unit Officer V No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Officer Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Office of the Administrative Administrative 15 3 1 1 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Provincial Health unit Officer IV 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the Administrative Administrative 11 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Provincial Health unit Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the Administrative Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Provincial Health unit Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service Office of the Provincial Health 25 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government
Delivery Division Provincial Health Officer I Code of 1991 whereas The
Officer I appointment of a health officer shall
be mandatory for provincial, city,
and municipal governments.

Based on DOH Administrative Order

No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service Office of the Supervising Health 22 3 1 3 7 Year 2 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Provincial Health Program Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer I Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Health Promo Unit Health Education 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division and Promotion No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Officer III Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service Health Promo Unit Health Education 14 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division and Promotion 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer II Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Health Promo Unit Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service (Provincial) Senior Health 18 3 2 2 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division Epidemiology and Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Surveillance Unit (Surveillance Integration of the Local Health
Coordinator) Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service (Provincial) Health Program 15 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Epidemiology and Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Surveillance Unit (Disease Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Surveillance Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Officer for

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service (Provincial) Health Program 15 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Epidemiology and Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Surveillance Unit (statistician) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service (Provincial) Data Encoder II 8 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Epidemiology and 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Surveillance Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service (Provincial) Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Epidemiology and Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Surveillance Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Disaster Risk Senior Health 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division Reduction and Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Management Unit Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service Disaster Risk Health Program 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Reduction and Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Management Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service Disaster Risk Health Program 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Reduction and Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Management Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Disaster Risk Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Reduction and Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Management Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Public Health Senior Health 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service Public Health Dentist II 17 3 3 1 7 Year 2 Based on RA No. 1891. An Act
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Strengthening Health and Dental
Services in the Rural Areas.

Health Service Public Health Health Program 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service Public Health Health Program 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Public Health Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Office of the Chief Chief Health 24 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government
Support Division Program Officer Program Officer Code of 1991 whereas The
appointment of a health officer shall
be mandatory for provincial, city,
and municipal governments.

Health System Office of the Chief Supervising Health 22 3 1 3 7 Year 2 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Program Officer Program Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Planning officer 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division Quality and III No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Performance Integration of the Local Health
Monitoring Unit

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Systems into Province-wide and

City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health System Planning Unit / Planning officer II 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Health Program 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Planning Officer I 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Health Program 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health System Planning Unit / Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Health Information Information 19 3 2 2 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division Systems Unit Systems Analyst No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
(ISA) III Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health System Health Information Information 16 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Systems Unit Systems Analyst 137. Index of Occupational Services,
(ISA) II Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Health Information Information 12 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Systems Unit Systems Analyst 137. Index of Occupational Services,
(ISA) I Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Health Information Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Systems Unit Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health System Supply Chain Senior Health 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division Management Unit Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health System Supply Chain Health Program 15 2 3 2 7 Year 2 Based on RA No. 10918. Philippine
Support Division Management Unit Officer II Pharmacy Act.

Health System Supply Chain Health Program 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Management Unit Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Supply Chain Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Management Unit assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System HRH Management Human Resource 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division and Development Management No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Unit Officer III Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and
City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health System HRH Management Human Resource 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division and Development Management 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit Officer II Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System HRH Management Human Resource 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division and Development Management 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit Officer I Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System HRH Management Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division and Development Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Provincial Health Office
Sample phasing per year

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

○ Provincial Health Officer ○ Dentist II ○ Administrative Officer ○ Health Education and ○ Administrative Assistant
II IV Promotion Officer II III
○ Health Program Officer
○ Provincial Health Officer II (Pharmacist) ○ Health Program Officer ○ Health Program Officer ○ Administrative Aide
I II (Disease Surveillance II (Driver/ Mechanic)
○ Information Systems Officer for HIV / STI /
○ Chief Health Program Analyst (ISA) III Viral Hepatitis) ○ Health Program Officer I ○ Administrative Officer II
○ Senior Health Program ○ Health Program Officer ○ Human Resource ○ Data Encoder II
○ Senior Health Program Officer (Surveillance II (statistician) Management Officer II
Officer Coordinator)
○ Information Systems ○ Human Resource
○ Health Education and ○ Supervising Health Analyst (ISA) II Management Officer I
Promotion Officer III Program Officer
○ Information Systems ○ Planning Officer II
○ Planning officer III Analyst (ISA) I ○ Planning officer I
○ Human Resource
Management Officer III

○ Administrative Officer V

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
City Health Office in Highly Urbanized Cities / Independent Component Cities
Sample rating per position

Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Office of the City Office of the City City Health Officer 26 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government Code
Health Officer Health Officer II II of 1991 whereas The appointment of a
health officer shall be mandatory for
provincial, city, and municipal

Office of the City Office of the City Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Health Officer Health Officer II Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the City Office of the City Administrative Aide 4 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Health Officer Health Officer II (Driver/ Mechanic) 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the City Administrative unit Administrative 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Health Officer Officer V No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Office of the City Administrative unit Administrative 15 3 1 1 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Health Officer Officer IV 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the City Administrative unit Administrative 11 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Health Officer Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the City Administrative unit Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Health Officer Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Office of the City City Health Officer I 25 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government Code
Delivery Division Health Officer I of 1991 whereas The appointment of a
health officer shall be mandatory for
provincial, city, and municipal

Health Service Office of the City Supervising Health 22 3 1 3 7 Year 2 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Health Officer I Program Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service Health Promo Unit Health Education 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division and Promotion No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Officer III Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service Health Promo Unit Health Education 14 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division and Promotion 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Officer II Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Health Promo Unit Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service (City) Epidemiology Senior Health 18 3 2 2 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division and Surveillance Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Unit (Surveillance Integration of the Local Health
Coordinator) Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service (City) Epidemiology Health Program 15 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division and Surveillance Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit (Disease Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Surveillance Officer Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
for HIV/STI/Viral

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service (City) Epidemiology Health Program 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division and Surveillance Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit (statistician) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service (City) Epidemiology Data Encoder II 8 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division and Surveillance 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service (City) Epidemiology Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division and Surveillance Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Disaster Risk Senior Health 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division Reduction and Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Management Unit Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service Disaster Risk Health Program 15 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Reduction and Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Management Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health Service Disaster Risk Health Program 11 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Reduction and Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Management Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Disaster Risk Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Reduction and Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Management Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Public Health Senior Health 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health Service Public Health Dentist II 17 3 3 1 7 Year 2 Based on RA No. 1891. An Act
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Strengthening Health and Dental
Services in the Rural Areas.

Health Service Public Health Health Program 15 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Public Health Health Program 11 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Occupational Groups, Classes, and

Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health Service Public Health Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Division Program Mgt Unit Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Office of the Chief Chief Health 24 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government Code
Support Division Program Officer Program Officer of 1991 whereas The appointment of a
health officer shall be mandatory for
provincial, city, and municipal

Health System Office of the Chief Supervising Health 22 3 1 3 7 Year 2 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Program Officer Program Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Planning officer III 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division Quality and No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Performance Integration of the Local Health
Monitoring Unit Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health System Planning Unit / Planning officer II 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and 137. Index of Occupational Services,

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and

Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Health Program 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and Officer II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Planning Officer I 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Health Program 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Planning Unit / Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Quality and Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Performance Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Monitoring Unit Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Health Information Information Systems 19 2 2 2 6 Year 2 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division Systems Unit Analyst (ISA) III No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Health System Health Information Information Systems 16 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Systems Unit Analyst (ISA) II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Health Information Information Systems 12 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Systems Unit Analyst (ISA) I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Health Information Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Systems Unit Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Supply Chain Senior Health 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division Management Unit Program Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health System Supply Chain Health Program 15 2 3 2 7 Year 2 Based on RA No. 10918. Philippine
Support Division Management Unit Officer II Pharmacy Act.

Health System Supply Chain Health Program 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Management Unit Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Occupational Groups, Classes, and

Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System Supply Chain Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division Management Unit assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System HRH Management Human Resource 18 3 2 3 8 Year 1 Based on DOH Administrative Order
Support Division and Development Management Officer No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on
Unit III Integration of the Local Health
Systems into Province-wide and City-
wide Health Systems (P/CWHS)

Health System HRH Management Human Resource 15 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division and Development Management Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit II Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System HRH Management Human Resource 11 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division and Development Management Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit I Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Health System HRH Management Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Division and Development Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Unit Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Urban Health Center Office of the City City Health Officer I 24 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government Code
Health Officer I of 1991 whereas The appointment of a
health officer shall be mandatory for
provincial, city, and municipal

Urban Health Center Health Service Medical Officer IV 23 2 2 1 5 Year 3 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Urban Health Center Health Service Medical Officer III 21 2 2 1 5 Year 3 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Urban Health Center Health Service Nurse II 16 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Urban Health Center Health Service Midwife III 13 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Urban Health Center Health Service Sanitation Inspector 13 2 2 2 6 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit IV No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Urban Health Center Health Service Health Program 11 2 2 2 6 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit Officer I No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
(surveillance) for Primary Care Facilities.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Urban Health Center Health Service Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Unit Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Urban Health Center Health System Supervising Health 22 2 1 3 6 Year 2 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit Program Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Urban Health Center Health System Information System 16 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit Analyst II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative 14 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit Officer III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative 9 2 3 1 6 Year 2 Based on RA No. 10918. Philippine
Support Unit Assistant III Pharmacy Act.
(pharmacy assistant)

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative Aide 4 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit IV 137. Index of Occupational Services,
(driver) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative Aide 3 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
(utility worker) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Nurse I 15 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Midwife II 11 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Station Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Administrative Aide 3 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Station III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
(utility worker) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Administrative Aide 4 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Station IV 137. Index of Occupational Services,
(driver) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Barangay Health 4 1 2 1 4 Year 4 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station Aide No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
for Primary Care Facilities.

Barangay Health n/a

(volunteer with

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Barangay Nutrition n/a 1 2 1 4 Year 4 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station Scholar No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
(volunteer with for Primary Care Facilities.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
City Health Office in Highly Urbanized Cities / Independent Component Cities
Sample phasing per year

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

○ City Health Officer II ○ Administrative Assistant ○ Administrative Officer ○ Administrative Aide IV ○ Administrative Aide
III (pharmacy assistant) IV (driver) (Driver/ Mechanic)
○ City Health Officer I
○ Dentist II ○ Health Education and ○ Barangay Health Aide or ○ Administrative Aide III
○ Chief Health Program Promotion Officer II Barangay Health Worker (utility worker)
Officer ○ Health Program Officer I (volunteer with
(surveillance) ○ Health Program Officer I honorarium) ○ Administrative Assistant
○ Senior Health Program III
Officer ○ Health Program Officer ○ Health Program Officer ○ Barangay Nutrition
II (Pharmacist) II Scholar (volunteer with ○ Administrative Officer II
○ Health Education and
Promotion Officer III ○ Information Systems ○ Health Program Officer honorarium) ○ Administrative Officer
Analyst (ISA) III II (Disease Surveillance ○ Health Program Officer I III
○ Human Resource Officer for HIV / STI /
Management Officer III ○ Midwife II Viral Hepatitis) ○ Health Program Officer ○ Data Encoder II

○ Planning officer III ○ Midwife III II

○ Information Systems
○ Administrative Officer V ○ Nurse I Analyst (ISA) I ○ Health Program Officer
II (statistician)
○ Nurse II ○ Information Systems
Analyst (ISA) II ○ Human Resource
○ Sanitation Inspector IV Management Officer I
○ Medical Officer III
○ Senior Health Program ○ Human Resource
Officer (Surveillance

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Coordinator) ○ Medical Officer IV Management Officer II

○ Supervising Health ○ Planning Officer I

Program Officer
○ Planning officer II

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
City / Municipal Health Office in Component Cities / Municipalities
Sample rating per position

Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Office of the City Office of the City City Health Officer 25 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government Code
Health Officer Health Officer II II of 1991 whereas The appointment of a
health officer shall be mandatory for
or or or provincial, city, and municipal
Office of the Office of the Medical Officer V
Municipal Health Medical Officer V
Only if CHO/MHO
has several Urban
Health Units and
hospital/s owned
and managed by the
component LGU

Office of the City Office of the City Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Health Officer Health Officer II Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
or or Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Office of the Office of the

Municipal Health Medical Officer V
Only if CHO/MHO
has several Urban
Health Units and
hospital/s owned
and managed by the
component LGU

Office of the City Office of the City Administrative Aide 4 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Health Officer Health Officer II IV 137. Index of Occupational Services,
Occupational Groups, Classes, and
or or Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Office of the Office of the

Municipal Health Medical Officer V
Only if CHO/MHO
has several Urban
Health Units and
hospital/s owned
and managed by the

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

component LGU

Urban Health Center Office of the City City Health Officer I 24 3 3 3 9 Year 1 Based on the Local Government Code
Health Officer I of 1991 whereas The appointment of a
or or health officer shall be mandatory for
or provincial, city, and municipal
Rural Health Unit Rural Health governments.
Office of the Rural Physician
Health Physician

Urban Health Center Health Service Medical Officer IV 23 2 2 1 5 Year 3 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health Service Medical Officer III 21 2 2 1 5 Year 3 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health Service Nurse II 16 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health Service Midwife III 13 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health Service Sanitation Inspector 13 2 2 2 6 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Delivery Unit IV No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health Service Health Program 11 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Unit Officer I 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or (surveillance officer) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health Service Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Delivery Unit Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health System Supervising Health 22 2 1 3 6 Year 2 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit Program Officer 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health System Information System 16 2 1 2 5 Year 3 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit Analyst II 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative 14 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit Officer III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative 9 2 3 1 6 Year 2 Based on RA No. 10918. Philippine
Support Unit Assistant III Pharmacy Act.
or (pharmacy assistant)

Rural Health Unit

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative Aide 4 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit IV 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or (driver) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Health System Administrative Aide 3 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Support Unit III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or (utility worker) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Nurse I 15 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Midwife II 11 2 2 3 7 Year 2 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Administrative 9 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Station Assistant III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Administrative Aide 3 1 1 1 3 Year 5 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Station III 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or (utility worker) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Administrative Aide 4 2 1 1 4 Year 4 Based on Local Budget Circular No.
Station IV 137. Index of Occupational Services,
or (driver) Occupational Groups, Classes, and
Salary Grades (IOS 2021)
Rural Health Unit

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Barangay Health 4 1 2 1 4 Year 4 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station Aide No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or for Primary Care Facilities.
Rural Health Unit n/a
Barangay Health
(volunteer with

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Division Unit Position SG Priority Preferences / Elements Phase Remarks

Relevance to Policy Ease of Total

Universal Support Recruitment Rating
Health Care

Urban Health Center Barangay Health Barangay Nutrition n/a 1 2 1 4 Year 4 Based on DOH Department Circular
Station Scholar No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards
or (volunteer with for Primary Care Facilities.
Rural Health Unit

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
City / Municipal Health Office in Component Cities / Municipalities
Sample phasing per year

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

○ City Health Officer II or ○ Administrative Assistant ○ Health Program Officer I ○ Administrative Aide IV ○ Administrative Aide III
Medical Officer V III (pharmacy assistant) (surveillance officer) (driver) (utility worker)

○ City Health Officer I or ○ Midwife II ○ Information System ○ Barangay Health Aide or ○ Administrative Aide IV
Rural Health Physician Analyst II Barangay Health Worker
○ Midwife III (volunteer with ○ Administrative Assistant
○ Medical Officer III honorarium) III
○ Nurse I
○ Medical Officer IV ○ Barangay Nutrition ○ Administrative Officer
○ Nurse II III
Scholar (volunteer with
○ Sanitation Inspector IV honorarium)

○ Supervising Health
Program Officer

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs

CSC MC No. 1 s. 1997. Civil Service Commission Qualification Standards Manual.

(n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

CSC MC No. 5 s. 2016. Revised Qualification Standards for Division Chief and

executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17,

2021, from


DOH 2017 Competency Model and Competency-Based Job Description Manual for Health

Positions in LGU. (n.d.). Department of Health.

DOH Administrative Order No. 2012-0012 Rules and Regulations Governing the New

Classification of Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the Philippines. (n.d.).

Department of Health.


DOH Administrative Order No. 2019-0060. Guidelines on the Implementation of the

National Health FacilityRegistry. (n.d.). Department of Health.


Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0021. Guidelines on Integration of the Local Health

Systems into Province-wide and City-wide Health Systems (P/CWHS). (n.d.).

Retrieved September 14, 2021, from


DOH Department Circular No. 2020-0176. Manual of Standards for Primary Care

Facilities. (n.d.). Depatment of Health.



Implementing Rules and Regulations of EO No. 138 s. 2021. Full Devolution of Certain

Functions of the Executive Branch to Local Governments, Creation of a Committee

on Devolution, and for other purposes (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2021, from




IRR of RA No. 9502. Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008.

(n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from


Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
Local Budget Circular No. 137. Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups,

Classes, and Salary Grades (IOS 2021). (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2021, from


Manual RSSGH - 3 levels. Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards for

Government Hospitals CY 2013 Edition. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from



Official Gazette of the Philippines. (1991). Local Government Code of the

Philippines. Retrieved from Official Gazette:



Official Gazette of the Philippines. (2019, March). Republic Act No. 11223 Universal

Health Care Act. Retrieved from Official Gazette of the Philippines:


RA No. 10918. Philippine Pharmacy Act. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
RA No. 1891. An Act Strengthening Health and Dental Services in the Rural Areas.

(n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

Minimum Recommendations for Staffing Complement of Public Health Facilities and Health Offices in LGUs
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021


Matrix on the Capacity Development Strategy for the National Government Agencies (NGAs)

Department of Health - Office of the Secretary

NOTE: Attached agencies and corporations of the Department of Health (NNC, PNAC, PhilHealth, NKTI, LCP, PCMC, PHC, PITAHC) will not be affected by the Re-
devolution of functions from NGAs to LGUs.

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
Health Facility Enhancement Program
Health Facility Policy research Trainings, Policy evaluation, Trainings (ie. M&E, Q3-Q4, 2021 Percent of personnel HR, DAP, other
Enhancement and evaluation, competency cascading of strategic concerned agencies and service
Program MO Central development of profiling service delivery communication) capacitated providers
Office service delivery standards coaching and (measurement tool:
standards, mentoring improvement rate -
systems thinking, pre-test vs. post test)
communication, No. of M&E system in
stakeholder policy
management implementation
developed/ enhanced
HFEP Regional Training Trainings, Database Trainings (i.e., Q3-Q4, 2021 Percent of personnel HR, DAP, other
Office/s management, competency management, database concerned agencies and service
monitoring and profiling, M&E designing of management, data capacitated standards
evaluation, risk systems trainings analytics, capacity (measurement tool:
management, development improvement rate -
stakeholder designing) pre-test vs. post test)
management coaching and

Page 1 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
Human Resources for Health
Health Human 1. Building 1. Competency 1. Policy Learning and Year-round 100% of all internal HHRDB in coordination
Resource Relationships Assessment Development development staff provided with with other agencies
Development Bureau with through LDNA (Technical interventions appropriate learning and service providers
(HHRDB) Stakeholders tool Competency) (formal/non-formal, and development
2. Data Recording 2. Learning and 2. People informal) interventions (LDIs)
and Reporting development Management
3. Effective interventions (Technical DOH is currently
Communication provided based Competency), capitalizing on 100% of LDIs are
Skills on gaps 3. Organizational providing/engaging responsive to priority
4. Effective identified Awareness and in LDIs via e- competency gaps of
Interpersonal 3. Monitoring of Commitment Learning platforms DOH personnel
Relations application and (Organizational
5. Effective improvement of Competency)
Presentation competencies 4. Program /
Skills using the WAP Project Planning
6. Government & tool and
Departmental Management
Policies and (Technical
Procedures Competency)
7. Learning and 5. Effective
Development Interpersonal
8. Organizational Skills
Awareness and (Organizational
Commitment Competency)

Page 2 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
9. People
10. Policy
m Planning &
12. Risk
13. Technical
Centers for Health 1. Building 1. Administer 1. Building Year-round 100% of all internal HRDUs in coordination
Development - Relationship LDNA to all Relationship staff provided with with other agencies
Human Resource with CHD staff and with appropriate learning and service providers
Development Unit Stakeholders consolidate the Stakeholders and development
(HRDU) 2. Data Recording CHD LD Plan 2. Data Recording interventions (LDIs) HRDU in coordination
and Reporting through their and Reporting with HHRDB
3. Developing respective 3. Developing
Personal and HRDU; Personal and
Organizational 2. Implement the Organizational
Capability appropriate Capability
4. Diversity LDIs in 4. Diversity
Management accordance Management
5. Employee with the CHD 5. Employee
Relations and LD Plan, using Relations and
Events modalities and Events

Page 3 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
6. Learning and methods that 6. Learning and
Development are applicable Development
7. Providing in the 7. Providing
Support and respective Support and
Services regions and Services
8. Training localities; 8. Training
Program 3. Maintain a Program
Administration database of all Administration
9. Monitoring and LDIs being 9. Monitoring and
Evaluating Skills attended and Evaluating
implemented at Skills
the CHD and
submit monthly
reports to the
4. Facilitate CPD
accreditation of
all LDIs
initiated and/or
implemented at
the CHD, in
with the DOH

Page 4 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
Epidemiology and Surveillance - Hiring of Disease Surveillance Officers (DSO)
Department of Health - 1. Training of Trainings, Systematic Training Q3-Q4, 2022 Percent of personnel DOH - Epidemiology
Epidemiology Bureau, trainers on competency recording, concerned Bureau -
Regional Offices ICD-11 profiling, M&E reporting, capacitated Applied Epidemiology
(CHDs), and systems analysis, (measurement tool: Health management
Provincial Offices interpretation and improvement rate – Division (AEHMD)
comparison of pre-test vs. post-
mortality and test)
morbidity data

2. Training of Trainings, Accurate and Training Q3-Q4, 2022 Percent of personnel DOH - Epidemiology
Trainers on competency reliable cause of (CHD) concerned Bureau - AEHMD
Smart Verbal profiling, M&E deaths specifically capacitated
Autopsy systems for out of facility (measurement tool:
(SmartVA) (community) improvement rate –
deaths pre-test vs. post-

3. Completion of Regional Technical skills on Complete the 2022 onwards Percent of RESU DOH - Epidemiology
Field Epidemiology epidemiology training program personnel that have Bureau - AEHMD
Epidemiology and completed FETP
Training Surveillance
Program Units
(FETP) Functionality

4. Training of Trainings, Detection, Training, Q3-Q4, 2022 Percent of concerned DOH - Epidemiology
trainers on competency Registration, Technical CHD personnel Bureau -
Case-based profiling, M&E Reporting, Assistance, capacitated
Surveillance systems Laboratory

Page 5 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
training Testing and Monitoring and (measurement tool: Public Health
modules: Confirmation, Evaluation improvement rate – Surveillance Division
a. Case-based Data pre-test vs. post- (PHSD)
Surveillance Management, test)
Orientation Analysis and
b. Case-based Report % of personnel (local
Surveillance Generation, level) trained after
Core Processes Feedback, completion of the
c. Case-based Epidemic training
Surveillance Response and
Web Monitoring and
Application Evaluation
and Software
d. Case-based
and Report
e. Case-based
Monitoring and

5. Training of Trainings, Early detection, Training, Q3-Q4, 2022 Percent of concerned DOH - Epidemiology
trainers on competency notification, and Technical CHD/RESU personnel Bureau -
Event-based profiling, M&E monitoring of Assistance, capacitated PHSD
Surveillance systems status of health Monitoring and (measurement tool:
and Response events; Evaluation improvement rate -
pre-test vs post-test;

Page 6 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
(ESR) training Data monitoring and
modules: Management, evaluation tool)
a. ESR Analysis and
Orientation Report Percent of personnel
b. ESR Core Generation; (local level) trained
Processes Epidemic after completion of
c. ESR Reporting Response; the training
Forms Monitoring and
d. ESR Data Evaluation of
Management/ systems
e. International
(IHR) (2005)
f. IHR Annex 2
g. ESR Monitoring
and Evaluation
DOH - Training Trainings, Evaluation of Trainings Q1-Q2, 2022 Percent of concerned DOH - Epidemiology
Central Office only management, competency FHSIS functions (M&E, strategic personnel Bureau -
monitoring and profiling at all levels, communication), capacitated Surveys, Monitoring,
evaluation, cascading of coaching, and (measurement tool: and Evaluation
strategic service delivery mentoring improvement rate - Division (SMED) -
communication, standards pretest vs post test) FHSIS Team
data analysis, and

Page 7 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
statistical report
DOH - Training Trainings, Database Trainings (i.e., Q2-Q3, 2022 Percent of concerned DOH - Epidemiology
Regional Offices only management, competency management, database personnel Bureau -
monitoring and profiling, M&E data analysis, and management, data capacitated SMED -
evaluation, systems statistical report analytics, capacity (measurement tool: FHSIS Team
database generation development improvement rate - &
management, designing), pretest vs post test) FHSIS Regional
data analysis, and Coaching and Coordinators
statistical report mentoring
DOH - Training Trainings, Database Trainings (i.e., Q2-Q3, 2022 Percent of concerned FHSIS Regional and
Provincial DOH Offices management, competency management, database personnel Provincial
only monitoring and profiling, M&E data analysis, and management, data capacitated Coordinators
evaluation, systems statistical report analytics, capacity (measurement tool:
database generation development improvement rate -
management, designing), pretest vs post test)
data analysis, and Coaching and
statistical report mentoring

Page 8 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
Disease Prevention and Control Bureau
DPCB Central Office Quantification/ Trainings, Logistics Trainings Q3-Q4 2021, Percent of personnel HHRDB, DPCB, GPPB
and CHDs; Forecasting of competency Management (forecasting, cold continuous training concerned and other agencies
Procurement, Supply commodities, profiling, M&E chain of new staff capacitated and service providers
Chain & Logistics planning, logistics systems management, (measurement tool:
Tracking Team & inventory logistics can do actual
management, management, computation on the
Training inventory tracking) needs of the
management, Coaching & programs)
monitoring and mentoring
evaluation, risk
Cross-Cutting Capacity Development for DOH
DOH-Central Office, Evidence- based Trainings, Policy evaluation, Trainings (i.e., Q3-Q4, 2022, Percent of personnel HHRDB, and other
CHDs, PDOHOs policy and service competency cascading of M&E, strategic continuous concerned agencies and service
delivery standards profiling, coaching service delivery communication, capacity capacitated providers
development, Trainings, standards, Coaching and development for (measurement tool:
stakeholder competency integration of mentoring, all technical staff improvement rate –
management, profiling, M&E service delivery strategic and pre-test vs. post-
research, strategic systems health systems test)
and health thinking)
systems thinking No. of M&E system
on policy

Page 9 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
Training Database Trainings (i.e., Q3-Q4, 2022, Percent of personnel HHRDB, and other
management, management, database continuous concerned agencies and service
monitoring and Integration of management, data capacity capacitated providers
evaluation, service delivery, analytics, capacity development for (measurement tool:
information/ data advocacy and development all technical staff improvement rate –
management, risk stakeholder designing, pre-test vs. post-
management, management Coaching and test)
stakeholder mentoring,
management, stakeholder
strategic and management,
health systems planning, strategic
thinking and health
systems thinking,)
Training on Public Financial Trainings Q3-Q4, 2022, Percent of personnel HHRDB, and other
technical Management; continuous concerned agencies and service
assistance Impact Evaluation capacity capacitated providers
provision, of Program and development for (measurement tool:
negotiation, Interventions; all technical staff improvement rate –
contract Futures Thinking pre-test vs. post-
management, test)
Training on Public
Public Expenditure
Training on
Impact Evaluation
of Program

Page 10 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Target Period of
Current Capacity Implementation Progress
Capacities Practices, Development for Capacity Indicators and Responsible
Office/Unit Capacity Gaps
Required Systems, or Actions/ Development Measurement Organization
[1] [4]
[2] Structures Activities Actions/ Tools [8]
[3] [5] Activities [7]
Training on
Futures Thinking
and Scenario

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021


Matrix on the Capacity Development Strategy for the Local Government Units (LGUs)

Department of Health – Office of the Secretary

NOTE: Attached agencies and corporations of the Department of Health (NNC, PNAC, PhilHealth, NKTI, LCP, PCMC, PHC, PITAHC) will not be affected by the Re-
devolution of functions from NGAs to LGUs.

Technical Assistance Plan for the Devolution of Functions/Services

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
Health Facilities Enhancement Program
For 2022 Devolved Functions
Implementation of Medical Targeted LGUs included in Orientation of LGUs on the Q3-Q4 2021 Health Facilities Percentage of LGUs
Equipment, Infrastructure the Category 4 of PHFDP Guidelines for the Enhancement accomplishment on
and Motor Vehicle Projects Allocation Framework Implementation of Projects Program - implemented equipment &
Funded Under the HFEP Management infrastructure projects
For 2023 Devolved Functions
Implementation of Medical Targeted LGUs included in Orientation of LGUs on the Q3-Q4 2022 Health Facilities Percentage of LGUs
Equipment, Infrastructure the Category 4 & 2 of Guidelines for the Enhancement accomplishment on
and Motor Vehicle Projects PHFDP Allocation Implementation of Projects Program - implemented equipment &
Framework Funded Under the HFEP Management infrastructure projects
For 2024 Devolved Functions
Implementation of Medical Targeted LGUs included in Orientation of LGUs on the Q3-Q4 2023 Health Facilities Percentage of LGUs
Equipment, Infrastructure the Category 4, 3 & 2 of Guidelines for the Enhancement accomplishment on
and Motor Vehicle Projects PHFDP Allocation Implementation of Projects Program - implemented equipment &
Framework Funded Under the HFEP Management infrastructure projects

Page 12 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
Human Resources for Health Deployment
Baseline Assessment, Gaps Province, Municipal, City, Orientation to LGUs in registering 2022 HHRDB, KMITS Percentage of HRH in LGUs
Analysis and Investment Barangay their HRH to the NHWR registered into the

Percentage of LGUs with

100% of HRH registered into

Means of Verification (MOV):

Updated system-generated
HRH facility registry report
Province, Municipal, City Orientation and engagement of 2021-2023 HHRDB, HFDB, Percentage of LGUs that have
LGUs in the development of CHD conducted facility-based
facility-based Staffing staffing requirement
Requirement (using WISN) assessment using the WISN

MOV: Updated facility-based

report on HRH distribution
and staffing pattern matrix
Province, Municipal, City, Orientation to LGUs on 2021 HHRDB, CHD Percentage of LGUs who
Barangay Competency-based Learning and participated in the orientation
Development Management
System Percentage of LGUs with LD
Plan of the Health Office
based on the results of the

MOV: LD Plans developed

based on LDNAs

Page 13 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
Province-wide and City-wide Province, Municipal, City Orientation/training for LGUs on 2022 HHRDB, CHD Percentage of priority LGUs
Health System HRH plan, localizing HRH Master Plan provided with technical
integrated in the Local strategies and integrating them to assistance in localizing the
Investment Plan for Health their LIPH NHRHMP and integrating it
(LIPH) into the LIPH

Percent of LGUs with HRHMP

strategies/ interventions (e.g.
creation of plantilla positions
for HRH) integrated in their

MOVs (as provided in LHS


1. LIPH, signed by P/CWHS,

which integrates PPAs for
HRH, aligned with the HRH
Master Plan, such as but not
limited to:
● Plan for filling -up of
vacant plantilla positions
for health personnel
(including timelines and
recruitment strategies)
● Mechanism on sharing of
health workforce within
the healthcare provider
network (MOA or service
contracts with healthcare
providers within the

Page 14 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
● Incremental creation of
plantilla positions for
health personnel
(including funds for
creation of such
● Learning and
development plan/
interventions for health
personnel as part of the
overall HR development
plan of the LGU
(including investment

2. P/M/C ordinances on the

creation of plantilla positions
for HRH based on gaps/needs
identified gaps/needs
HRH Management and Province, Municipal, City Training on setting up and 2021 onwards HHRDB, CHD Percentage of LGUs that
Development System managing the HRHMD System participated in capability
within the P/CWHS building activities on HRH
management and

Percentage of LGUs who have

installed harmonized
competency-based HRH
management and
development system, and
HRH performance

Page 15 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
assessment system

MOV: Executive Order or

P/CHB resolution on installing
the HRMD system
Certified Primary Care Health Province, Municipal, City Orientation on Primary Care 2021 onwards HHRDB-CHDs Percentage of LGUs provided
Workers Certification with orientation on primary
care certification

Percentage of LGUs with at

least 1 certified primary care

MOV: Updated system-

generated PCW list
Epidemiology and Surveillance - Hiring of Disease Surveillance Officers (DSO)
Field Epidemiology P/C/M/B Completion of FETP Annually RESU-CHDs, EB Percent of P/C/M/B Local
Training Program (FETP) Local Health Office/ for TA as Health Office/ Hospitals/
Hospitals/Healthcare needed by Healthcare facilities with
facilities RESU-CHDs personnel who completed
International P/C/M/B Training on ICD-11 Q2-Q3, 2022 RESU-CHDs, EB Percent of P/C/M/B Local
Classification of Diseases Local Health Office/ for TA as Health Office/ Hospitals/
11th Revision (ICD-11) Hospitals/Healthcare needed by Healthcare facilities with
facilities RESU-CHDs personnel trained on ICD-
Smart Verbal Autopsy P/C/M/B Training on Smart VA Q2-Q3, 2022 RESU-CHDs, EB Percent of P/C/M/B Local
(SmartVA) Local Health Office for TA as Health Office with personnel
needed by trained on Smart VA

Page 16 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
Percent decrease in ill
defined causes of deaths for
community deaths
Field Health Services P/C/M/B Orientation of LGUs and local Q1, 2022 Epidemiology Percent increase in the
Information System Local Health Office health centers in the Bureau - number of LGUs utilizing
(FHSIS) implementation of the Surveys, iClinicSys and oFHSIS in
integration of the iClinicSys and Monitoring, and encoding FHSIS data
FHSIS Evaluation
Conduct of training of trainers in Q2-Q3, 2022 Percent increase in the
iClinicSys and oFHSIS DOH - number of LGUs with
Epidemiology functional information
Bureau - system for FHSIS
Monitoring, and
Reorientation on the 2018 FHSIS Evaluation Percent increase in the
Manual of Procedures Q1-Q2, 2022 Division number of LGUs with timely
and complete data reports
Bureau -
Monitoring, and
Philippine Integrated P/C/M/B Orientation and/or Training of Q4, 2021 DOH - Percent increase in the
Disease Surveillance and Local Health Office trainers on Case-based (and/or as Epidemiology number of LGUs reporting
Response (PIDSR) - Surveillance training modules: needed) Bureau - Public thru the Case-based
Case-based Surveillance a. Case-based Surveillance Health Surveillance online software
Orientation Surveillance
b. Case-based Surveillance Division Percent increase in the
Core Processes number of LGUs who

Page 17 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
c. Case-based Surveillance generated and submitted
Web Application and surveillance reports to
Software higher ESU level based on
d. Case-based Surveillance the MOP
Data Management and
Report Generation
e. Case-based Surveillance
Monitoring and Evaluation
Philippine Integrated Orientation and/or Training of Q4, 2021 DOH - Percent increase in the
Disease Surveillance and P/C/M/B trainers on Event-based (and/or as Epidemiology number of ESUs capturing
Response (PIDSR) - Local Health Office Surveillance and Response (ESR) needed) Bureau - Public and reporting health events
Event-based Surveillance training modules: Health
and Response a. ESR Orientation Surveillance Percent increase in the
b. ESR Core Processes Division number of health events
c. ESR Reporting Forms IHR timely captured, verified,
d. ESR Data Management/ (Q3 2022 or as and reported to higher ESU
Report Generation needed) and concerned stakeholders
e. International Health
Regulations (IHR) (2005) Percent increase in the
Orientation number of health events
f. IHR Annex 2 monitored and closed.
g. ESR Monitoring and

Burden of Disease (BOD) P/C/M/B Conduct of burden of disease Roll-out to be DOH - Percent of ESUs conducting
Local Health Office estimation determined Epidemiology BOD estimates at the local
Bureau, CHDs, level

Page 18 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
Public Health Commodities
Procurement, Storage, Provincial 1. Consultations on available Q3 2021 DOH (PS, SCMS, No. of consultations done
Distribution and Monitoring of City resources, local suppliers, DPCB, CHDs)
public health commodities Municipality and assessment of training

2. Development of training Q3-Q4 2021 Training package developed


3. Coordination with other DOH Q2-Q4 2021

offices or NGAs concerned

4. Pilot testing of training Q3-Q4 2021 Pilot testing of training

materials module done

5. Conduct of capacity building Q3-Q4 2021, Capacity building activities

activities on procurement continuous on quantification done
(c/o PS), training (DPCB)
quantification/forecasting/ through the Note: the other components
LGU investment calculator DOH Academy are under PS and SCMS/PD
and national allocation
framework, SC management
(c/o SMCS)

6. PSCM reforms at the Q4 2021, Q4 2021: Release of NAF

national level implementation and LGU calculator by DPCB
a. [Planning and thereafter
Quantification] 2022 - 2024:
Development of a National Percent of LGUs using LGU
Allocation Framework (NA calculator
and LGU calculator tool

Page 19 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
b. [Procurement] Q1 2022, Percent of LGUs (calculator
Establishment of a implementation user and/or NAF targeted)
mechanism for pooled thereafter with stockouts and
procurement and expirations above
framework contracting predetermined target
c. [Distribution and Q1 2022, threshold
Inventory Management] implementation
Optimization of thereafter Q1 2022: Release of
distribution pathways and issuance(s) and
warehousing standards for complementary units/SOPs
commodities for pooled procurement
d. [Distribution and Q1 2022,
Inventory Management] implementation 2022 - 2024:
Procurement of eLMIS and thereafter Percent of LGUs (participant
integration across the to pooled procurement) with
PSCM for end-to-end stockouts and expirations
inventory visibility above predetermined target
e. [Governance and Q4 2021, threshold
Capacity] Conduct of implementation
necessary capacity thereafter Percent of LGUs
building for commodities experiencing bid failures
quantification, forecasting,
and supply planning Q1 2022: Release of
f. [Governance and Q1 2022, issuance(s) on warehousing
Capacity] Standardization implementation operations and standards
of personnel and thereafter and distribution pathways
capacities at the local level by SCMS
for procurement, supply
chain, and management 2023: 100% of provinces
and cities have access to at
least one (1) warehouse

Page 20 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
7. Coordination with PHIC for Q2-Q4 2021 compliant with warehouse
the development of a until 2024 operations manual
comprehensive outpatient
benefit package 2022 - 2024:
Percent of warehouses
8. Monitoring & evaluation and Q4 2021, compliant to warehouse
consultations with CHDs and annually operations manual (should
LGUs thereafter be 100% by 2024)

2022 - 2024:
Percent of LGUs with
stockouts and expirations
above predetermined target

Q1 2022: Procurement of

2022 - 2024 Percent of

LGUs penetrated by
integrated eLMIS (end-to-
end to facilities); should be
100% by 2024

Trainings by DPCB and

Percent of CHDs trained
Percent of Provincial LGU
Percent of Municipal LGU

Page 21 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Level and Office of Responsible
Facility/ Schedule/ Success Indicator for
Target Local Mode of Technical Assistance Agency/Office
Program/Project/ Timeline Target LGUs
Government Unit (LGU) [3] /Unit
Activity [4] [6]
[2] [5]
Percent of City LGU trained

Q1 2022: Release of
issuance(s) on LGU staffing
patterns by HHRDB and

2022 - 2024: Percent of

LGUs (provinces,
municipalities, cities)
compliant to staffing
pattern; should be 100% by

Page 22 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021


Matrix on Monitoring and Performance Assessment of the LGUs in Undertaking the Devolved Functions

Department of Health – Office of the Secretary

NOTE: Attached agencies and corporations of the Department of Health (NNC, PNAC, PhilHealth, NKTI, LCP, PCMC, PHC, PITAHC) will
not be affected by the re-devolution of functions from NGAs to LGUs.

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Health Facilities Enhancement Program
2022 Devolved Functions
Health Facilities Percentage of No. of funded Monthly P/C/M/ Physical and Financial DOH-Health Enhance existing M&E
Enhancement implemented projects projects/ LGU Real-time Reporting Facilities system (Physical &
Program funded within the fiscal facilities within System Enhancement Financial Real-time
year in the LGU's the fiscal year Program- Reporting System) to
included in the Category 4 Management cover performance
of PHFDP Allocation Office indicators for
Framework devolved services

Percentage of Complete the staffing

completed projects complement or fill the
funded within the fiscal vacant positions in
year in the LGU’s CHD
included in the Category 4
field offices to
of PHFDP Allocation
strengthen direct
coordination with
No. of Barangay No. of Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
Health Stations (BHS) Barangays LGU KMITS National KMITS

Page 23 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Constructed / BHS to Health Facility National and monitoring of
Barangay Ratio Registry (NHFR) Health Facility LGUs
(NHFR) Close coordination
No. of provinces/cities/ No. of PCF Yearly P/C/M/ DOH Geospatial DOH HFDB, with DOH HFDB,
with PCF within 30 LGU Analysis KMITS KMITS, HFSRB
minutes National
Health Facility
Percent of PCF No. of PCF Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
established out of the LGU KMITS National KMITS
total number of gaps Health Facility National
Registry (NHFR) Health Facility
Bed to population Current bed to Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
Ratio population ratio LGU HFEP, KMITS National KMITS
Health Facility National
Registry (NHFR) Health Facility
No. of Provinces/cities No. of Hospitals Yearly P/C/M/ DOH Geospatial DOH HFDB,
with hospitals LGU Analysis KMITS
accessible within 1 National
hour Health Facility

Page 24 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Percent of L1 Hospital No. of L1 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
Percent of L2 Hospital No. of L2 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
Percent of L3 Hospital No. of L3 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
2023 Devolved Functions
Health Facilities Percentage of No. of funded Monthly P/C/M/ Physical and Financial DOH-Health Enhance existing M&E
Enhancement implemented projects projects/ LGU Real-time Reporting Facilities system (Physical &
Program funded within the facilities within System Enhancement Financial Real-time
fiscal year in the LGU’s the fiscal year Program- Reporting System) to
included in the Management cover performance
Category 4 & 2 of Office indicators for
PHFDP Allocation devolved services
Complete the staffing
Percentage of complement or fill the
completed projects vacant positions in
funded within the CHD
fiscal year in the LGU’s field offices to
included in the strengthen
Category 4 & 2 of direct coordination
PHFDP Allocation with and monitoring
Framework of LGUs
No. of Barangay No. of Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
Health Stations (BHS) Barangays LGU KMITS National KMITS

Page 25 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Constructed / BHS to Health Facility National Close coordination
Barangay Ratio Registry (NHFR) Health Facility with DOH HFDB,
No. of provinces/cities/ No. of PCF Yearly P/C/M/ DOH Geospatial DOH HFDB,
with PCF within 30 LGU Analysis KMITS
minutes National
Health Facility
Percent of PCF No. of PCF Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
established out of the LGU KMITS National KMITS
total number of gaps Health Facility National
Registry (NHFR) Health Facility
Bed to population Current bed to Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
Ratio population ratio LGU HFEP, KMITS National KMITS
Health Facility National
Registry (NHFR) Health Facility
No. of Provinces/cities No. of Hospitals Yearly P/C/M/ DOH Geospatial DOH HFDB,
with hospitals LGU Analysis KMITS
accessible within 1 National
hour Health Facility

Page 26 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Percent of L1 Hospital No. of L1 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
Percent of L2 Hospital No. of L2 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
Percent of L3 Hospital No. of L3 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
2024 Devolved Functions
Health Facilities Percentage of No. of funded Monthly P/C/M/ Physical and Financial DOH-Health Enhance existing M&E
Enhancement implemented projects projects/ LGU Real-time Reporting Facilities system (Physical &
Program funded within the facilities within System Enhancement Financial Real-time
fiscal year in the LGU’s the fiscal year Program- Reporting System) to
included in the Management cover performance
Category 4, 3 & 2 of Office indicators for
PHFDP Allocation devolved services
Complete the staffing
Percentage of complement or fill the
completed projects vacant positions in
funded within the CHD
fiscal year in the LGU’s field offices to
included in the strengthen direct
Category 4, 3 & 2 of coordination with
PHFDP Allocation and monitoring of
Framework LGUs

Page 27 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
No. of Barangay No. of Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB, Close coordination
Health Stations (BHS) Barangays LGU KMITS National KMITS with DOH HFDB,
Constructed / BHS to Health Facility National KMITS, HFSRB
Barangay Ratio Registry (NHFR) Health Facility
No. of provinces/cities/ No. of PCF Yearly P/C/M/ DOH Geospatial DOH HFDB,
with PCF within 30 LGU Analysis KMITS
minutes National
Health Facility
Percent of PCF No. of PCF Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
established out of the LGU KMITS National KMITS
total number of gaps Health Facility National
Registry (NHFR) Health Facility
Bed to population Current bed to Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB data, DOH HFDB,
Ratio population ratio LGU HFEP, KMITS National KMITS
Health Facility National
Registry (NHFR) Health Facility
No. of Provinces/cities No. of Hospitals Yearly P/C/M/ DOH Geospatial DOH HFDB,
with hospitals LGU Analysis KMITS
accessible within 1 National
hour Health Facility

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Percent of L1 Hospital No. of L1 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
Percent of L2 Hospital No. of L2 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
Percent of L3 Hospital No. of L3 Yearly P/C/M/ DOH HFDB, DOH DOH HFDB,
Beds established Hospital Beds LGU HFSRB, NHFR data DOH HFSRB,
Human Resource Management & Development
HRH Planning HRH Plan integrated Result of LHS ML Annual P/C/M 1. Local Health 1. HHRDB 1. Establishment of
into LIPH, reflecting, baseline HRMD Office Systems Maturity 2. BLHSD baseline data
among others, assessment on Level Monitoring 3. CHD assessment
incremental creation of HWF Tool 2. Development of
plantilla positions, comprehensive
supported by facility- assessment tool in
based staffing data collection
requirement studies 3. Institutionalization
Hiring of adequate HRH 1. HRH to population FHSIS /iClinicsys Annual P/C/M 1. HRH Deployment 1. HHRDB of Monitoring and
/ creation of positions ratio based on LGU data on HRH; CSC HRMD Office Program 2. HFSRB Performance
scorecard/staffing Inventory of Assessment Tool 3. BLHSD Framework and
standards in Government 2. National Health 4. KMITS guidelines through
Primary Care Human Resource; Facility Registry 5. CHDs a policy instrument
Facilities LGU Health and Monitoring 6. For other 4. Designation of
2. No. of LGU Scorecard Tools in Licensing NGA - DILG personnel/unit to
(primary care and Health Facilities and CSC conduct regular

Page 29 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
hospital) staff vs 3. FHSIS monitoring (e.g.
required staffing 4. LGU Scorecard HRMD office,
based on standards 5. CSC Inventory of Learning and
Hiring of adequate Human Resource development
HRH / creation of officers, etc)
positions Hiring of
adequate HRH /
creation of
3. No. of created
positions through
Local Resolution/
4. Inventory of the
Filled and Unfilled
positions vs.
Authorized Plantilla
Learning and 1. No. of Trained Competency- Semi annual P/C/M 1. Level 1 to Level III HRDUs/HRMOs
Development staff/personnel on based Learning HRMD Office evaluation
Management System L&D Management and development
2. LGU Competency- plan
based LD Plan
developed for HRH
Epidemiology and Surveillance - Hiring of Disease Surveillance Officers (DSO)
Actual number of Percent increase in the No. of DSOs hired Bi-annual P/C/M Epidemiology Bureau DOH - Enhance existing M&E
DSOs hired and number of DSOs hired and engaged Integrated M&E Epidemiology system to cover
engaged in the

Page 30 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
current and previous and engaged within the within the Bureau & performance indicators
semester last semester previous semester Regional Offices for devolved services
Field Health Services Percent increase in the No. of LGUs Monthly P/C/M/B Performance DOH - Integrate M&E system/
Information System number of LGUs reporting FHSIS Governance System Epidemiology performance indicators
(FHSIS) reporting thru EMRs through EMRs (PGS) 2016 Bureau & in established incentive
reflected in oFHSIS reflected in FHSIS Regional Offices schemes (e.g., SGLG)
Enhance existing M&E
No. of LGUs system to cover
Percent increase in the
submitting timely performance indicators
number of LGUs with and complete Monthly/ P/C/M/B Performance for reporting
timely and complete data reports to Quarterly Governance System mechanisms through
data reports FHSIS through (PGS) 2016 EMRs
Philippine Integrated Percent increase in the No. of ESUs Monthly P/C/M Epidemiology Bureau DOH - Review the results of
Disease Surveillance number of ESUs reporting to Case- (P/C/M/HESU) Integrated M&E Epidemiology M&E conducted and
and Response reporting through the based (ongoing revision) Bureau & identify actions to be
(PIDSR) - Case- Case-based Surveillance Surveillance Regional Offices undertaken
based Surveillance Online Software a. Enhance existing
M&E system/s to
Percent increase in the No. of ESUs Monthly P/C/M cover performance
number of ESUs with reporting EDCS (P/C/M/HESU) indicators for
timely and complete with timely and devolved services
data reports complete data b. Complete the
reports staffing complement
or fill the vacant
positions in DOH-EB
and RESUs to
strengthen direct
coordination and

Page 31 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
monitoring in all
Philippine Integrated Percent increase in the No. of ESUs Monthly P/C/M Epidemiology Bureau DOH - Program
Disease Surveillance number of ESUs capturing and (P/C/M/HESU) Integrated M&E Epidemiology Implementation Review
and Response capturing and reporting reporting health (ongoing revision) Bureau &
(PIDSR) - Event- health events events Regional Office
based Surveillance
and Response Percent increase in the No. of health Monthly P/C/M
number of health events events timely (P/C/M/HESU)
timely captured, captured, verified,
verified, and reported to and reported to
higher ESU and higher ESU and
concerned stakeholders concerned
ercent increase in the No. of health Quarterly P/C/M
number of health events events monitored (P/C/M/HESU)
monitored and closed and closed
Field Epidemiology Percent of P/C/M with No. of P/C/M with Annually P/C/M FETP Monitoring Tool to DOH -
Training Program DSOs who completed DSOs who be developed Epidemiology
(FETP) basic and intermediate completed basic Bureau
epi courses & intermediate
epi courses
Public Health Commodities
Component # 1 Family Health Subgroup
Procurement of Percent of Demand for 2019 FHSIS Annually P/M/C Field Health Services Epidemiology Integrate M&E
Modern Contraceptives Family Planning (FP) Information System Bureau/ system/ performance
(FHSIS) Disease indicators in

Page 32 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Served with Modern 61%1 Prevention established incentive
Methods and Control schemes (e.g., SGLG,
Bureau LGU HSC)
Procurement of Proportion of infants 2019 FHSIS: Annually P/M/C FHSIS Epidemiology Integrate M&E
micronutrient 6-11 months and 36.36% 6-11 Bureau system/ performance
supplements children 12-23 months months old; indicators in
old who completed 26.96% 12-23 established incentive
Micronutrient Powder months schemes (e.g., SGLG)

Proportion of pregnant 57.75%

women given complete pregnant
Iron + Folic Acid women given
complete Iron +
Folic Acid

Proportion of pregnant 17.25%

women who completed pregnant
doses of calcium women who
carbonate completed doses
supplementation of calcium

Computed using 2019 FHSIS Current Users Ending data divided by the Estimated Total Demand for Modern FP (12,576,700 women)

Page 33 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
Procurement of Proportion of FHSIS 2019: Annually P/M/C FHSIS Epidemiology Integrate M&E
Amoxicillin Drops and pneumonia cases 95.98% of Bureau system/ performance
Suspension among children 0-59 pneumonia indicators in
months old who cases among established incentive
received treatment children 0-59 schemes (e.g., SGLG)
months old who
Component #2 Infections Diseases
Procurement of drugs Increase the no. of No. of patients Quarterly C/M Laboratory and Blood Epidemiology Continuously enhance
for STI and Hepatitis patients provided with with STI Bank Surveillance Bureau and integrate existing
test kits treatment for STI provided with (LaBBS), STI Etiologic M&E system to the
treatment Surveillance System implementing units to
(Penicillin G. (SESS), HIV/AIDS & cover performance
Benzathine 1.2M units, Increase the no. of at- No. of at-risk ART Registry of the indicators for the
Azithromycin 500mg risk population tested population Philippines (HARP) devolved procurement
tablet, Cefixime 400mg for Hepatitis B and C screened for
capsule, Hepatitis C infections Hepatitis B and C
and Hepatitis B surface infections
antigen rapid
diagnostic tests) Increase the no. of at- No. of at-risk
risk population population
Procurement and screened for HIV tested for HIV
distribution of HIV
RDT-1 Screening test
Procurement of Proportion of 2020 FHSIS: Annually P/C FHSIS Epidemiology Continuously enhance
Albendazole population who PSAC - Bureau and integrate existing
completed 2 doses of SAC- M&E system to the
deworming tablet WRA - implementing units to

Page 34 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Performance Responsible NGA Monitoring
Function/Service/ Frequency nt Unit
Performance Evaluation Organization and Performance
Facility/Program/ Baseline of (LGU)
Indicator System/Mechanism / Unit in the Evaluation
Project/ Activity [3] Monitoring Level and
[2] and Updating NGA Strategy
[1] [4] Office/Unit
Status [7] [8]
(disaggregated per cover performance
age group: PSAC, SAC, indicators for the
adolescent and WRA) devolved procurement

Proportion of pregnant 2020 FHSIS

women who completed Pregnant
one dose of Women
deworming tablet
Component #3 Non-Communicable Diseases
Procurement and Proportion of PMIS 2021 1st Quarterly P/M/C Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutica Integrate M&E
Provision of hypertensive patients Quarter Management l Division (PD) system/performance
commodities for Non- provided with anti- 93.5% of Information System indicators in
Communicable hypertensive drugs hypertensive (PMIS) established incentive
diseases patients schemes (eg SGLG)
provided with
Proportion of diabetic drugs
patients provided with
diabetes medications 52.5% of
diabetic patients
provided with

Page 35 of 38
DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Organizational Effectiveness Proposal

Department Of Health - Office of the Secretary

Summary of Offices/Units to be Abolished, Merged/Consolidated, Transferred, and/or Created

❖ None will be affected since the existing permanent positions in DOH will still execute the retained functions and services

❖ The DOH will propose to DBM a recommended organizational structure and counterpart staffing complement for LGUs in light of the re-devolved functions


Organizational Effectiveness Proposal

Department Of Health - Office of the Secretary

Summary of Positions to be Transferred, Reclassified, Converted, Retitled, Abolished, and/or Created

❖ None will be affected since the existing permanent positions in DOH will still execute the retained functions and services

❖ The DOH will propose to DBM a recommended organizational structure and counterpart staffing complement for LGUs in light of the re-devolved functions

Organizational Effectiveness Proposal

Department Of Health - Office of the Secretary

Summary of Affected Personnel for Deployment to Other Departments/Agencies/GOCCs, Who Opted to Retire/Separate from the Service, and Apply
to Vacant Positions in the LGUs

A. None will be affected since the existing permanent positions in DOH will still execute the retained functions and services
B. The DOH will propose to DBM a recommended organizational structure and counterpart staffing complement for LGUs in light of the re-devolved functions


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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

Organizational Effectiveness Proposal

Department Of Health - Office of the Secretary

NOTE: Attached agencies and corporations of the Department of Health (NNC,PNAC, PhilHealth, NKTI, LCP, PCMC, PHC, PITAHC) will not
be affected by the re-devolution of functions from NGAs to LGUs.

Summary of Modifications in Resource Allocation

FY 2021 GAA FY 2022 NEP
Budget (Amount or
Program/Project/Activity Allotment Class Remarks
(in thousand Percentage
Php) Increase/Decrease)
Health Facility Enhancement Personnel Services - -
Program Maintenance and Other 82,000 85,000
Operating Expenses
Capital Outlay 7,757,298 19,478,440
Human Resource for Health Personnel Services 15,741,266 16,283,728
Deployment Program Maintenance and Other 841,654 721,516
Operating Expenses
Capital Outlay - -
Epidemiology & Surveillance Personnel Services 15,154 15,592
Maintenance and Other 143,477 97,477
Operating Expenses
Capital Outlay - -
Prevention and Control of Personnel Services - -
Communicable Diseases Maintenance and Other 8,220,953 8,151,900
Operating Expenses
Capital Outlay - -
Non Communicable Diseases Personnel Services - -
Maintenance and Other 1,182,443 1,377,445 Note: 2021 GAA budget is inclusive of funding
Operating Expenses for National Integrated Cancer Control
Program, including Cancer Medicines for
Children and Cancer Assistance Fund since
these 2 line items will be lodged under
Prevention and Control of Non Communicable

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DOH DTP Annexes
As of September 30, 2021

FY 2021 GAA FY 2022 NEP

Budget (Amount or
Program/Project/Activity Allotment Class Remarks
(in thousand Percentage
Php) Increase/Decrease)
Capital Outlay - -
Family Health, Immunization, Personnel Services -
Nutrition and Responsible Maintenance and Other 12,305,012 10,775,016 Note: 2021 GAA budget is inclusive of funding
Parenting Operating Expenses for Complementary Feeding since these line
item will be lodged under Family Health,
Immunization, Nutrition and Responsible
Capital Outlay - -

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