Nets Terminal Requirement Specification 1.2.1
Nets Terminal Requirement Specification 1.2.1
Nets Terminal Requirement Specification 1.2.1
Lautrupbjerg 10
P.O. 500
DK – 2750 Ballerup
T +45 44 68 44 68
F +45 44 86 09 30
CVR-nr. 20016175
Security classification:
OPUS Template:
Format: pdf
Copyright Information
This document contains information proprietary to Nets Denmark A/S. The information, whether in
the form of e.g. text, schematics, tables, drawings or illustrations, must not, without the prior,
written consent of Nets Denmark A/S, be copied, reproduced or otherwise duplicated, disclosed
outside the recipient company or organization or used by the recipient for purposes other than
those explicitly agreed in writing with Nets Denmark A/S.
This limitation does not limit the recipient's right to duplicate and use information contained in the
document if such information is received from another source without restriction provided such
source is not in breach of an obligation of confidentiality towards Nets Denmark A/S.
Nets and the Nets-logo are registered trademarks of Nets Denmark A/S.
Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances shall Nets Denmark A/S be liable for any direct incidental, indirect, special
or consequential damages whatsoever (including but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or
relating to this document or the information contained in it, even if Nets Denmark A/S has been
advised, knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages.
Any disputes arising from information contained in this document or work relating hereto will be
settled in the Danish courts in accordance with Danish law.
Any new or updated type of Terminal must be verified by Nets Denmark A/S before being installed
at Merchant locations and being prepared for transmission of transactions to Nets Denmark A/S. All
verification of payment terminals are done on behalf of the card acquirers.
It is assumed that technical readers are familiar with the EMVCo and card scheme specifications,
and that all readers have a basic understanding of the chip card technology.
Target Group
This specification is for manufacturers intending to develop an Terminal or integrated payment
solution running on NETS infrastructure for accepting debit/credit cards, and/or prepaid cards,
and/or other cards.
Objectives/ Purpose
The purpose of this specification is to is to have an overall requirement specification for terminals
running in NETS infrastructure. The purpose of an overall specification is to have the different
payments solution approved for all acquirer and countries using NETS infrastructure.
The PSP specification such as OTRS, SDI, ISO etc. are still valid specifications and must be followed
by the payment solution developer.
Any conflicts from this specification compared to other specifications or variations from the
requirements written in this specifications can treated by NETS certification board, were a waiver
can be granted. The certification board treat waivers every Friday, and the waiver request must be
received latest the day before (Thursday) 12:00 O’clock.
ATM : Automated teller machine
CAT : Cardholder Activated Terminal (=UPT)
DCC : Dynamic Currency Conversion
DDA : Dynamic Data Authentication, EMV
DOL: Data Object List
ECR : Electronic Cash Register
EMV : Europay, MasterCard and Visa
ICC : Integrated Circuit Card (chip card)
ISO : International Organization for Standardization
MSC : Magnetic Stripe Card
PAN : Primary Account Number
PCI : Payment Card Industry (PCI SSC)
PCT : Processing Condition Table
PED : PIN Entry Device (PIN pad)
PIN : Personal Identification Number
POS : Point of Service
PKI : Public Key Index
UPT : Unattended Payment Terminal
POST: Post functionality is a way to make either a purchase or refund, when the cardholder is not
present anymore. Post functionality is intended to be used if either unexpected expends arises
(e.g. parking tickets) or to pay money back, if expends was lesser than expected.
Conditional: The requirement may be mandatory. E.g mandatory is the functionality is supported
Terminal types:
Online only 11 21 —
Offline only 13 23 —
Online only 14 24 34
Offline only 16 26 36
The solution must be EMVco compliant.
The solution must be compliant with card schemes used.
The solution must be compliant with PCI requirements
ISO 4217 currency code exponent must be used for payment transactions.
If the terminal change currency to another than already approved by NETS, the new currency exponent must be confirmed by Nets
A user manual for the solution must be provided. This manual shall contain sufficient information making the staff able to operate the
system concerning card payments and settlements. The user manual must either be in English or the merchant local language.
1.5.0 - Keyloading
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [Dankort]
Country [DK] Term. Type [All]
The procedures for security evaluation and audit of key loading as defined by Nets shall be fulfilled according to the requirements described
in "Declaration for key loading".
Physical approval of UPT must be approved by the domestic authorities e.g. Denmark (Nets DK), Sweden (PNC-SAC), Norway (BSK) etc.
Physical approval of the PIN PAD shield must be obtained by NETS DK for all new terminal devices.
Physical approval of the PIN PAD shield must be obtained by BSK for all new terminal devices.
1.7.0 - Antiskimming
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26,
34, 35, 36]
An unattended solution may be subject to additional requirements regarding the PIN shield, in order to prevent skimming.
In case, NETS suspects an acceptance or interoperability problem, affecting the device or connectivity to NETS, a new certification can be
An unattended terminal must be designed and secured to prevent skimming.
Device Masterkey shall be exchanged if suspicion of unauthorised intrusion or other security leak.
Terminal vendor shall develop business procedures securing:
NETS only accept solutions, that are able to support chip technology, for certification. Solutions that only support magstripe technology, are
not allowed.
For a terminal supporting contact and contactless reading of a Dankort, the terminal must be able to manage and comply with the specific
handling of 'Application selection' stated in the 'Terminal parameter' section of the Dankort card scheme requirements.
NOTE: It is recommended to manage 2 separate AID list, 1 for contact and 1 for contactless. All changes to the terminal
parameter/configuration must be verified and approved, by NETS.
The solution shall at least be able to use the local language for display and receipt texts.
The solution shall follow the message requirements, provided by the frontend.
No cardholder display message shall be displayed less than 1 second, e.g. "Wait" shall be displayed for at least 1 second, even if the event
lasts less than 1 second.
Error messages shall be displayed for at least 6 seconds or until the merchant has performed the appropriate action.
If the cardholder display cannot display 2 lines of 20 characters, the display texts shall be edited in cooperation with Nets.
2.6.0 - Language
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
If languages other than the merchant's local language are supported, English shall be supported as well.
If more than one card is needed to perform a transaction, e.g. a payment card and a loyalty card, the display shall inform the cardholder of
the required sequence, if of any importance.
In case of transaction failure after cardholder's accept, the result of the transaction shall be displayed, followed by a message informing the
cardholder on how to get assistance.
If the terminal supports more than one language for the text on the cardholder display, the cardholder may be able to select the actual
language manually.
In accordance with EMV version 4.2, ref 20, the language used on the merchant display shall always be the merchant's local language.
The cardholder may be able to select the local language, both before the transaction is initiated and/or during the transaction flow.
When a transaction is completed and the terminal returns to idle state (ready to service a new cardholder), the cardholders display shall
automatically select the merchant's local language as the default language.
If a cardholder has selected a language but no transaction has been initiated (i.e. no card inserted), the terminal shall after a pre-defined
time-out value automatically shift back to the default language, i.e. the merchant's local language.
The solution shall support forced offline in case of no connection to the host.
The solution may contain a stop list, in case of offline procedure.
The solution may support voice authorisation functionality, in case of offline procedure.
The terminal operator declines or approves the signature of the cardholder after a receipt has been printed. In this case, if the signature is
declined, the terminal operator must perform a reversal, since the transaction has been completed by the terminal.
In case of an error situation, a mechanism shall be built-in to ensure that the final transaction result is distributed to all relevant entities.
The solution may support cash back, according to current rules and regulations.
Cashback shall not be enabled for DCC transactions.
The solution shall present the total amount including surcharges and fees prior to cardholder final acceptance.
A transaction log shall contain:
Date, time, PAN (e.g truncated), amount, transaction result and reference No.,
The transaction log must be saved for at least 18 month. In case of printed logs, the printing technology and paper used (impact, laser,
thermal etc.) shall assure 100% readability after proper storage.
The transaction storage shall be protected by a password or merchant key card.
The solution may support original authorisation.
The solution may support extended authorisation.
The solution may support supplementary authorisation.
3.14.0 - Capture
Req. Type Optional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The solution may support capture.
The terminal shall, for a pre-authorisation transaction, transfer account type information from the authorisation to the capture. This can be
done as part of the business specific information in the pre-authorisation.
3.16.0 - Reversal
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The solution may support authorisation reversal. Mandatory, if original authorisation or purchase is supported. Message reason code for
technical reversal and manual reversal must be supported.
Cancellation may be supported.
The cancellation shall never be cardholder initiated.
Attended terminals intended for installation in Sweden shall support the cancellation functionality.
The terminal shall only enable a cancellation if the original business call was a successful purchase transaction.
The time-out value for the period in which it will be possible to initiate a cancellation may be configurable.
Note: For NETS FIsolutions there is no time-out value as longs as the originnial transaction can be found in the terminal system, a
cancellation can be performed.
The terminal shall prompt the merchant for a confirmation before completing the cancellation transaction.
A successful cancellation will delete any corresponding financial advice stored in the data store, and must generate a reversal advice, if the
original transaction was online approved.
Note: for contacless transactions the requirements can be different. E.g. Visa paywave does not allow cancellation of an offline approved
transaction. Please verify the requirements stated from each card scheme.
The terminal shall handle a purchase transaction and a corresponding cancellation as a voided transaction in the total report.
The solution must support cash.
Cash transactions performed with a Dankort, must be with chip and PIN.
The solution shall support entry of cardholder specific data such as passport id etc. on the receipt.
The solution may support account type selection. Mandatory in Sweden.
3.28.0 - VAT
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [All]
Country [SE] Term. Type [All]
Entry and reporting of VAT information may be required in some regions. Mandatory in Sweden, if not printed on cash register receipt.
Payment condition code may be supported in certain regions.
Post registration may be supported. May be supported for both purchase and refund.
3.31.0 - Prepaid
Req. Type Optional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The solution may support prepaid. Card issuer's terms and conditions shall be followed.
Balance enquiry may be supported.
A pre-authorisaton shall only be utilised in terminals belonging to the same chain of shops as the terminal creating the pre-authorisation.
Cashback shall not be allowed for pre-authorisation transactions.
The solution shall manage the maintenance of pre-authorisation stored at the merchant system. When a capture/reversal/supplementary
has been performed, the pre-authorisation used as input shall, except for terminals supporting post registration, be deleted.
The solution must ensure that the correct pre-authorisation is used for the capture/reversal/supplementary.
The terminal shall not support currency conversion if the conversion rate is expired.
Note: the service provider may provide tables many days into the future at banking holidays.
DCC shal only be an option for the following business calls:
Original/extended authorisation
The setup of the DCC tables should ensure that DCC is not offered for national cards.
Note: the tables are probably provided by the conversion service provider.
The rate (amount, currency code and conversion rate) information to the cardholder may either be available in a pre-receipt, or on the
terminal display combined with a leaflet.
Since the PAN controls whether DCC is an option or not, the DCC decision shall be taken after the card has been inserted/swiped in the
terminal and before the cardholder accepts any amounts.
A pre-receipt shall show the amount in both the merchant's local currency and the cardholder's billing currency, together with information
about the exchange rate, including mark-up. In case of pre-authorisations the solution must state clearly that it is an estimated rate, and the
actual rate is at the time when the capture if performed.
The cardholder decides whether the transaction shall be a DCC-transaction or normal transaction
For a supplementary authorisation the currency shall be the same as used during the original/extended authorisation.
For a capture, cancellation or reversal authorisation the currency to be used shall be the same as in the original transaction.
For refund transactions, the merchant decides the currency to use. No pre-receipt shall be generated and presented to the cardholder.
The customer shall be able to choose between the options and DCC shall not be selected, if the cardholder cancels or confirms without
further activity.
the display on the terminal shall show:
If the original purchase transaction was a DCC transaction, the refund shall be initiated as a DCC transaction too, i.e. the DCC transaction
information shall be filled in for the refund transaction too.
If the cancel key is activated before cardholder approval, the transaction shall be declined.
3.51.0 - Gratuity
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The solution must present the total amount including gratuity for cardholder acceptance. If the cardholder is not present when the total
amount is captured, a limit of 15% (of the transaction amount) or a maximum of EUR 150 must be implemented.
Addition of gratuity shall only be an option for purchase and captures, and shall not be possible, if the transaction is key entered.
Irrespective of the methods used for tips/gratuity, the final amount accepted by the cardholder - either by PIN or signature - shall include
any surcharge and gratuity added. No amount shall be added after the cardholder's acceptance.
The terminal shall terminate the entry of tips, if the cardholder declines to add tips.
Surcharge shall only be added to the amount covering goods and services. Surcharge shall not be added to the tips amount specified by
the cardholder.
To avoid that a cardholder accidentally enters the PIN while the numeric keyboard is in Clear-Text mode, the transaction sequence for
merchant and cardholder shall be clearly separated.
When the transaction result is available for PIN and No CVM transactions, the terminal shall first display the result to the cardholder, and
(after the terminal is handed over) then display the result to the merchant.
When the preliminary transaction result is available for signature transactions (before the cardholder signs the receipt, the terminal shall be
handed over to the merchant, and the final part of the transaction processing/flow shall be controlled by the merchant.
The solution must be able to either print or display the following data:
If the solution supports cardholder selection, the cardholder should be presented with matching applications to choose from.
If not, the solution shall choose the application with the highest priority.
If an AID supported by the ICC matches an AID selection record, then the AID shall be included in the candidate list.
If a failure is detected in any of the components/parts, the terminals shall end normal operation and, if possible, display the relevant error-
3.63.0 - Cardreader
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
If the terminal has a motorised or locking card reader, a mechanism to return the card shall exist, e.g. in the case of a power failure.
This mechanism could be a button for the cardholder to activate or could be implemented in a way that cards are automatically ejected
when the terminal looses power.
3.64.0 - PIN
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
A PIN pad shall support entry of a four (4) to twelve (12) digits PIN.
If the amount is entered on the same key pad as the PIN, the amount shall be validated before PIN entry is allowed.
The cardholder display shall always react on a cardholder action, e.g. when the cardholder presses the Cancel button.
If the transaction is aborted due to incorrect handling (e.g. the card has been withdrawn from the card reader before completion of the
transaction), chip technology keeps priority and fallback to magnetic stripe shall not be initiated.
Note: Fallback is not allowed for unattended solutions using NETS FI infrastructure.
Fallback is not allowed from a non-debit/credit application, like a loyalty application, to the debit/credit application on the magnetic stripe.
For EMV cards where the ICC is not readable, the fallback shall be the magnetic stripe, if allowed. If the magnetic stripe is also not
readable, a key entered transaction may be initiated if allowed.
Note: Fallback is not allowed for unattended solutions using NETS FI infrastructure.
The terminal shall attempt to retry reading the ICC 3 times prior to initialising a fallback transaction, e.g. by requiring the cardholder to
insert/reinsert the card 3 times.
When separate readers are utilized, the merchant shall confirm that the card is inserted correctly and that initiation of fallback is accepted.
In order to fullfil certain card schemes' operating regulations, the terminal shall be able to accept a signature as CVM, if the terminal is
3.71.0 - Refund
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [21, 22, 23]
The solution shall, if purchase or capture is supported, support refund or cancellation, as well.
It shall only be possible to perform refund, if there is an existing purchase/capture.
The refund transaction shall be protected by a "lock" function to ensure that only authorised clerks will be able to initiate refund
3.74.0 - Report
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
A batch report shall be generated and the batch report shall include the necessary data for the merchant to perform an appropriate
balancing between the batch reports and the settlement statements generated by the acquirer.
Entries in the log shall be retained for a minimum of 18 months.
All transaction results shall be stored in the log, irrespective of the result.
It shall be possible to readily make a plaintext print-out or a copy of the log.
Access to the log shall be protected in such a way that only authorised persons can see and/or print the log data.
The self-checkout lane shall have a designated attendant readily for support and surveillance.
Magnetic stripe transactions above DKK 500 must be treated as face-to-face transactions, including signature validation and normal card
security checks.
If the semi-attended solution supports fallback, the fallback procedure must be verified and handled by the attendant.
The solution must contain a log, showing the attendant actions, and only authorised personnel must have access to the functions.
Semi-attended terminals must be online-only for magstripe transactions.
All self-checkout terminals and UPT in terminals in general within a site/retailer outlet must be separately identified. Thes requires these
terminals to be set up on a unique merchant number.
The cardholder dialog shall be according to the dialog defined for UPT, except when the transaction is 'face-to-face'.
An expired card must be sent online for validation, if online connectivity is possible.
3.87.0 - Original_aut
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The terminal shall ensure that an original_authorisation always is followed by either a capture or a authorisation reversal.
For the co-branded Visa/Dankort, the solution shall handle the card as a Dankort in Denmark.
Note: Border trade may be handled different. Please contact NETS- Denmark for specific information.
If the solution accepts Dankort, the terminal shall be capable of setting the terminal parameters specific for the handling of Dankort.
Solutions supporting No CVM only shall have an individual acceptance from the acquirers and Nets Denmark A/S.
The solution may support Issuer Envelope Data for all types of transactions.
For solutions using the NETS FI infrastructure, the solution must forward following data: 6J (Terminal supplier), 6K (Terminal type) and 6R
(Payment terminal type).
The texts specifying the account types shall be "Bankkonto" (code = 20) and "Kortkredit" (code = 30).
3.93.0 - Cashback
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [NO] Term. Type [All]
It shall be possible to enable and disable the cashback functionality.
The terminal shall, when reading a magnetic stripe, read track 2.
3.95.0 - Dead-lock
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The solution shall be able to resolve dead-lock situations, e.g. by implementing overall time-out mechanisms.
NOTE: If a failure is detected in any of the components/parts, the terminal shall end normal operation and, if possible, display the relevant
3.96.0 - ICC
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [BAX]
Country [NO] Term. Type [All]
The terminal shall, if a BAX application is mutual supported, always select this application, even if there are other applications on the card.
3.97.0 - Time-out
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The usual time-out value for waiting for at host-response shall be a time-out value of 30 seconds.
The terminal shall, when a reversal advice is generated, immediately send it to the host.
The terminal shall, if the authorisation request response is successful, retrieve the balance available. The terminal shall, if a soft error and
no balance is returned, use the amount from the authorisation request as the balance / amount available.
3.100.0 - Reconciliation
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
A reconciliation shall be intitiated at least once a day.
There is, in the regional Norwegian market, a need for at consolidated reconciliation for all of the terminals at a merchant's site.
An attended terminal shall have an operator function to request the generation and reporting of a consolidated reconciliation.
An unattended terminal may have an automated feature to request the generation and reporting of a consolidated reconciliation.
The terminal shall use the reconciliation indicator from the reconciliation request response when requesting the (most recent) report.
For offline transactions, the terminal shall have a limit of 100.000 DKK, when the dankort is used.
The terminal shall not lose data due to power failure
Nets has established two identical platforms. Each platform has its own set of communication lines to the external networks. In normal
situations the solution shall consider an equal load on both platforms.
The solution must be able to initiate a connection to the second platform, if a request for connect fails while trying to connect to the first
Fallback rate from ICC to magstripe in production must not exceed the limit provided from VISA every year.
Processing time for a transaction must not exceed 10 seconds after cardholder has approved - regardless of technology and online
activities. For terminals using mobile connection the transaction time limit is 13 seconds.
Terminal numbers on the same merchant must be unique.
It shall be verified, that the magstripe is read correctly by performing check of LRC.
An advice transfer shall be initiated at least once a day.
5 Physical HW requirements
5.1.0 - Keytops
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
When the terminal is placed as intended, the keytops on the PIN entry device shall point in direction of the cardholder's eyes.
The top of the PIN entry device visible from the outside of the terminal should prevent that a tapping device could be fixed or just "clicked"
to the top.
to make sure that unauthorised access to the PIN entry device from the interior of the terminal will be detected, the screws or nuts by which
the PIN entry device is fixed shall e.g. be sealed.
When the terminal is installed in the environment where it is going to be used, the position of the terminal shall guarantee a high level of
comfort for the cardholder, including the possibility to get close to the terminal.
The position of the terminal in relationship with the cardholder's working position shall also ensure that no transaction data can be
disclosed, e.g. by shoulder surfing.
All systems and equipment shall comply with the requirements for PIN management and security as defined in ref. 13: "ISO 9564-1",
Banking - Personal Identification Number management and security.
Penetration of the PIN pad shall cause the automatic and immediate erasure of all PINs, cryptographic keys and all useful residue of PINs
and keys contained within the device.
Transmission of the plaintext PIN from the PIN pad keyboard to the processor where it will be enciphered shall take place within the
physical boundaries of the PIN pad.
All internal circuits and connections within the PIN pad shall be highly physically protected and thereby prevent tapping.
The PIN pad shall resist state-of-the-art attacks, such as static and differential power analysis (SPA/DPA), Bellcore attacks and Timing
The PIN shall be enciphered within the secure cryptographic device immediately after the ENTER key has been pressed.
The software shall be designed in such a way that its intended functions cannot be misused or circumvented from the outside world.
The PIN pad shall not be operational until the PIN pad ID and related keys have been loaded.
Note: Different keys for production and test enviroment must be used.
Critical functions only allowed to be initiated by the terminal supplier shall be protected by a "technician lock" function.
Implementation of the "Technician lock" function is manufacturer specific and may be based on a physical lock, password/PIN and/or
special cards.
The "Technician lock" function shall be managed by the terminal supplier and the "technician lock" function shall allow only the terminal
supplier's authorised personnel to initiate the protected functions.
If the "key" to the "technician lock" is common for terminals installed at several Merchants, only the terminal supplier shall be able to
produce "copies" of the "key".
Access to the inside of an unattended device must be administratively limited.
6 Receipts - print
6.1.0 - Total Report
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
Generally the solution shall be able to generate a total report. This report shall include the data necessary for the merchant to perform an
appropriate balancing between the solution and the settlement statements generated by the acquirers.
Each transaction initiated shall belong to a batch No. The batch No. must be unique for the merchant within one year.
The cardholder shall be able to get a receipt when that cardholder has accepted the transaction, irrespectively of the result.
The reference number on the receipt must be the same that NETS forwards to the banks.
If the PIN has been online validated with magstripe technology, a receipt shall be printed for either all PIN entries - or only the last entry.
When a transaction is signature based, two receipts shall be printed. One to be signed by the cardholder and kept by the merchant, and
one to be handed over to the cardholder.
If two receipts are printed, it must be clearly stated, whether it is cardholder copy or merchant copy.
6.7.0 - Cancellation
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
The terminal shall generate a cancellation receipt when the cancellation transaction is successful. The cancellation receipt shall contain all
of the content of the original receipt.
The terminal shall not generate any receipt, if the cancellation of the transaction fails.
The cardholder's choice of account type shall be printed on the receipt.
The receipt shall contain the cash back amount.
Acquirer name/No. must be printed on the receipt.
6.12.0 - Prepaid
Req. Type Conditional Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
Account balance and expiry date for prepaid card must be printed on receipt.
When there is a failure in the printer, the solution shall not be able to perform additional transactions, unless an error message is displayed,
and the cardholder has been informed/accepted to continue without printing of a receipt.
6.14.0 - Receipt
Req. Type Mandatory Card Scheme [All]
Country [All] Term. Type [All]
It shall be clearly stated on the receipt, which transaction type was performed e.g. cancellation, reversal, refund etc.
It shall be clearly stated with a text "Authorisation only" on a pre-authorisation receipt.
For an unattended terminal, the cardholder shall, prior to starting a transaction, be informed if no receipt can be printed.
For an unattended terminal, the cardholder shall be able to select wether or not a receipts is to be printed.
Approved Example.
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
Declined Example.
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
Approved Example:
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
Basic CHIP & DCC
Pre-receipt Example:
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
CURRENCY. Mandatory
approved example:
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
AT 2008-06-06: Mandatory
MARK UP ON Mandatory
FINAL. Mandatory
IN ‘USD’ Mandatory
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
........................ Mandatory
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory
........................ Mandatory
........................ Mandatory
Lautrupbjerg 10 Mandatory