Article 1561 - 1581 Explanations
Article 1561 - 1581 Explanations
Article 1561 - 1581 Explanations
(1) The defect must be important or (2) The same rule is applicable to a
serious; hindi mo magagamit sa gusto defect which is not obvious but of which
the seller tells the buyer, or which the 1. Implied warranty of merchantability
buyer knows or should have known
Where goods are bought by description,
(3) As a general rule, there is no implied the seller impliedly warrants that the
warranty against hidden defects in the goods are of merchantable quality.
sale of second-hand goods. Exception is
Merchantability fitness to its purpose for
when the seller has been shown to have
normal usage according with any
made misinterpretation or acted in bad
statements or promises made on the
packaging or label - Not a warranty to
(4) The seller may bind himself against quality.
patent or obvious defects (manifest
(b) Causes of unmerchantability - Goods
upon casual inspection) if the intent to
may be unmerchantable not because of
do so is clearly evident.
any defect in their physical condition but
Article 1562 because of some other circumstances.
their infringement of trademarks of
Implied warranties of quality. Quality
others renders them unsalable. Other
of goods, state or condition. Dapat may
goods than food may be
warranty sa quality. Honest dealing ni
unmerchantable because the use of
them is dangerous or injurious in ways
1. implied warranty of fitness not to be expected from the goods of the
There is no implied warranty as to the
quality or fitness for any particular (c) Saleability in a particular market.
purpose of goods under a contract of Dapat general market, dahil ayun ang
sale. winawarrant nila.
Responsibility of vendor for hidden caveat emptor – let the buyer beware.
defects. the buyer purchases at his own risk in
the absence of an express warranty in
(1) Effect of ignorance of vendor. — The
the contract.
ignorance of the vendor does not relieve
him from liability to the vendee for any Article 1567
hidden faults or defects in the thing sold.
Accion Redhibitoria – an action to
In other words, good faith cannot be
withdraw from the contract with right to
availed of as a defense by the vendor.
(2) Exception. — The parties, however,
Accion Quanti Minoris or Accion
may provide otherwise in their contract
quanti estimatoria – an action to
provided the vendor acted in good faith,
demand proportionate reduction of the
that is, he was unaware of the existence
price with right to damages.
of the hidden fault or defect. By
stipulation. Article 1568
(3) Where vendee aware of the defect. (1) Vendor aware of hidden defects. —
— If the vendee is aware of the defect in If the vendor was aware of the hidden
defects in consequence of which the
thing sold was lost, he shall bear the
Represents the damage suffered by the
loss because he acted in bad faith. In
vendee and is at the same time the
such case, the vendee has the right to
amount with which the vendor enriched
himself at the expense of the vendee.
(a) the price paid;
Article 1570
(b) the expenses of the contract; and
while in the preceeding articles apply to
(c) damages. judicial sales, still no liability for
damages will be assessed against the
(2) Vendor not aware of hidden defects.
judgment debtor in view of the
— If the vendor was not aware of them,
compulsory nature of sales. Since
he shall be obliged only to return:
involuntary ang sales, walang
(a) the price paid; pananagutan sa damages si judgment
(b) interest thereon; and
Article 1571
(c) expenses of the contract if paid by
the vendee. He is not made liable for Actions arising from the provisions of
damages because he is not guilty of bad the preceding ten articles shall be
faith. barred after six months, from the
delivery of the thing sold.
Article 1569
Prescription of actions in cases of
If the thing sold had no hidden defects,
implied/express warranty.
its loss through a fortuitous event or
through the fault of the vendee is, of (1) The action for rescission of the
course, to be borne by the vendee. contract or reduction of the purchase
price outside this period the action is
However, the vendor is obliged to return
barred. prescribes six months from the
the price paid less the value of the thing
date of delivery of the thing sold
at the time of its loss in case where
hidden defects existed.
(2) With respect to an express warranty, The points considered in the preceding
in accordance with the general rule on article apply also to sale of two or more
rescission of contract, the prescriptive things where only one or more of them
period which is four (4) years, shall but not all have hidden defects.
apply unless another period is specified
in the express warranty.
Article 1672
Article 1674
When two or more animals have been
sold at the same time and the This article is a limitation to the
redhibitory defect is in one, or some of provisions of Article 1570. It is based on
them but not in all, the general rule is the assumption that the defects must
that the redhibition will not affect the have been clearly known to the buyer.
others without it. It is immaterial whether
Sale of animals as condemned
the price has been fixed for a lump sum
precludes all idea of warranty against
for all the animals or for a separate price
hidden defects. (Art. 1561.) Such
for each.
animals are bought not because of their
Excpt: The exception is when it can be quality or capacity for work. Walang
shown by the vendee that he would not warranty ang sale na ito dahil hindi sila
have purchased the sound ones without binibili for their quality or capacity to
those which are defective. Such work.
intention need not be established by the
Article 1675
vendee but shall be presumed when a
team, yoke, pair or set is bought unless The sale of animals suffering from
the vendor proves the contrary. Pwede contagious diseases shall be void.
rescind the entire sale
and not merely subject to rescission or
Article 1673 reduction of the price.
This article contemplates a sale that has If the animal sold is suffering from any
been perfected and consummated. disease at the time of the sale, the
vendor is liable should it die of said
Article 1676
disease within three days from the date
To be considered redhibitory, the defect of the sale (not date of delivery).
must not only be hidden. It must be of
If the death occurs after three days or
such a nature that expert knowledge is
the defect is patent or visible, he is not
not sufficient to discover it
However, if the veterinarian failed to
discover it through his ignorance, or
failed to disclose it to the vendee
through bad faith, he shall be liable for
Article 1679
damages. The responsibility is his and
not the vendor’s. If the vendee avails himself of the
remedies granted by Article 1567, the
Article 1677
vendee must return the animal in the
The redhibitory action based on the condition in which it was sold and
faults of animals shall be barred unless delivered.
brought within forty days from the date
In case of injury due to his negligence,
of their delivery to the vendee.
the vendee shall be responsible pero
The only considered redhibitory defects hindi iyon magiging obstacle para hindi
in the sale of animals are only those matuloy ang pagrerescind sa sale.
determined by law or by local customs.
the buyer may not ask for rescission
If the defect is patent or obvious is no where he has created new
warranty against. Kahit na may defect encumbrances upon the thing sold.
yung animal na iyon, wala siyang
Article 1580
warranty kasi patent or obvious naman
‘yon. The vendee has the same right to bring
at his option, either a redhibitory action
Article 1678
or an action quanti minoris. The action
must be brought within forty days from
the date of the delivery of the animals to
the vendee.
Article 1581