Art 2085-2141 Reviewer Self Made
Art 2085-2141 Reviewer Self Made
Art 2085-2141 Reviewer Self Made
2085. The following requisites are specially subjecting such security, property or
essential to the contracts of pledge and fruits thereof:
(1) That they be constituted to secure the
chattel mortgage
fulfillment of a principal obligation;
(2) That the pledgor or mortgagor be the REQUISITES TO A CONTRACT OF
absolute owner of the thing pledged or PLEDGE
(3) That the persons constituting the FULFILLMENT OF PRINCIPAL
pledge or mortgage have the free disposal OBLIGATION-
of their property, and in the absence thereof, Pledge and mortgage- accessory contract
that they be legally authorized for the purpose.
*it cannot exist without valid
Third persons who are not parties to the obligation. May guarantee a voidable,
principal obligation may secure the latter by unenforceable, or natural obligation
pledging or mortgaging their own property. 2. PLEDGOR OR MORTGAGOR IS
----------------------------------------------------- -constituted only by absolute owner of
Art. 2086. The provisions of Article 2052 are the thing pledge, otherwise void.
applicable to a pledge or mortgage. (n)
--------------------------------------------------- -future property- cannot be pledged or
Art. 2087. It is also of the essence of these mortgage
contracts that when the principal obligation *it is not necessary that the principal
becomes due, the things in which the pledge or debtor is always be the pledgor or
mortgage consists may be alienated for the mortgagor.
payment to the creditor. (1858)
> Contract by virtue of which the debtor FREE DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY OR
delivers to the creditor or to a third person a HAS LEGAL AUTHORITY-
movable, or document evidencing incorporeal -act of pledging or mortgaging- is an
rights, for the purpose of securing the act of strict ownership involving as it does
fulfillment of a principal obligation an alienation or transmission of the real
with the understanding that when the obligation rights property
is fulfilled, the thing delivered shall be returned
with all its fruits and accessions *pledgor or mortgagor must have the
capacity or at least authority or consent of
CHARACTERISTICS OF A CONTRACT the owner to pledge or mortgage the
OF PLEDGE property.
1. REAL CONTRACT- Kasi it is perfected by 4. THE THING PLEDGED OR
delivery (pledgor- debtor, pledgee- creditor) MORTGAGED MAY BE ALIENATED-
2. ACCESORY CONTRACT- no independent - is creditor ay Hindi agad agad na
existence on its own maging owner if at the time stipulated the
3. UNILATERAL CONTRACT- solely obligation ay hindi pa nafufulfill.
obligation on the part of creditor a return young *In addition: thing pledged- dapat delivered
thing subject upon fulfillment of the obligation to the creditor or third person by common
4. SUBSIDIARY CONTRACT-obligation does agreement. NO DELIVERY, NO
not arise until fulfillment of the principal PLEDGE.
obligation which is secured
movables immovable
> Pledge is an accessory contract
> Its cause is the principal obligation property is delivered delivery is not
to the pledgee, or by necessary
KINDS OF PLEDGE common consent to
1. Voluntary or conventional- created by third person
agreement of parties not valid against third
2. Legal- created by the operation of law person unless not valid against
Different species of that kind of contracts description of the third persons if not
which intended to secure the fulfillment of thing pledged and the registered.
principal and pre-existing obligation by date of the pledge
appear on public your failure to pay the loan is a pactum
instrument. commissorium, which is null and void by law.
Can sell the thing
pledge with the Simply put, your friend cannot automatically
consent of the Can sell the property appropriate to himself the mortgaged property
pledgee mortgaged even upon your failure to pay your obligation but he
without the consent has the option to foreclose the mortgage and
of the mortgagee even purchase the same in a foreclosure sale.
Nevertheless, since you are ready, willing and
able to pay your outstanding debt, we find it
unnecessary to foreclose the subject property.
FULFILLMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL 1. Sale of subject property- if the debtor
OBLIGATION fails to pay the creditor is entitled to
CONSTITUTED BY THE ABSOLUTE move for the sale of the thing pledged
OWNER with the formalities required by law.
2. Prohibition against appropriation of
1. Future property cannot be the subject of the property- si creditory hindi niya
a pledge or mortgage pwedeng I appropriate yung sarili niya
2. A pledge or mortgage executed by one sa thing held as pledge or under
who is not the owner of the property mortgage, nor can he dispose of the
pledged or mortgaged is without legal same as owner
existence and registration cannot validate it REASON OF PROHIBITION: mas
3. Share in a co-ownership—shall be maliit yung amount ng loan kesa the real
limited to the portion which may be value ng thing pledged or mortgaged.
alienated by him in the division upon the
termination of the co-ownership PROHIBITION AGAINST PACTUM
The absolute owner- has legal and beneficial
ownership. In the earlier example, P is the legal 1. Stipulation authorizing automatic
owner and S is the beneficial owner. This being appropriation by creditor- yung
the case, neither of them can pledge the authomatic appropriation ng creditor eto
property. yung prohibited the art 2088 kapag di
> FREE DISPOSAL OF THE PROPERTY— nakapagbayad si debtor.
property must not be subject to any claim of a 2. Stipulation null and void-
third person - Thing pledge and mortgaged shall
> CAPACITY TO DISPOSE—pledgor or authomatically become the property
mortgagor has the capacity or authority to of the creditor kapag failure to pay
make a disposition of the property si debtor is known as pacto
comisorio forbidden ito ng law and
ART. 2088. The creditor cannot appropriate declared as null and void.
the things given by way pledge or mortgage *stipulation does not affect the
or dispose of them. Any stipulation to the principal contract of pledge and
contrary is null and void. mortgage itself remains valid ONLY
Example: I borrowed P100,000.00 from my
friend with an interest of ten percent payable in
11 months for P10,000.00 each month. My
friend also asked me to mortgage a lot to secure 3. Subsequent voluntary cession or sale of
the loan. It was also stipulated in our agreement property-
that if I fail to pay in any given month, the -prohibition does not include subsequent
ownership of my lot will automatically transfer voluntary act of the debtor making
to my friend. On the seventh month, I failed to cession of the property mortgage in
pay my loan because my son got sick, and I used payment of the debt.
the money to pay for the hospital bills. I tried to -voluntary sale of he said property as
pay P20,000.00 the following month but my payment for debt.
friend refused to receive the same. Instead, he
told me that the property is already considered
Art. 2089. A pledge or mortgage is indivisible,
sold to him upon my failure to pay on the
even though the debt may be divided among the
seventh month. Can I still recover my property?
successors in interest of the debtor or of the
I am willing to pay the remaining balance of my
loan as long as I can get my property back.
Therefore, the debtor’s heir who has paid a part
Yes. You can still get your property because the
of the debt cannot ask for the proportionate
stipulation in your contract for the automatic
extinguishment of the pledge or mortgage as
appropriation of the property to your friend upon
long as the debt is not completely satisfied.
Neither can the creditor’s heir who received his Kahit pure or conditional obligation pwedeng
share of the debt return the pledge or cancel isecured by a contract of pledge or mortgage,
the mortgage, to the prejudice of the other heirs same as guaranty which secure the conditional
who have not been paid. obligation.
From these provisions is expected the case in Art. 2092. A promise to constitute a pledge
which, there being several things given in or mortgage gives rise only to a personal action
mortgage or pledge, each one of them guarantees between the contracting parties, without
only a determinate portion of the credit. prejudice to the criminal responsibility
incurred by him who defrauds another, by
The debtor, in this case, shall have a offering in pledge or mortgage as
right to the extinguishment of the pledge or unencumbered, things which he knew were
mortgage as the portion of the debt for which subject to some burden, or by
each thing is specially answerable is satisfied. misrepresenting himself to be the owner of the
(1860) same. (1862)
Art. 2090. The indivisibility of a pledge or A promise to constitute a pledge or
mortgage is not affected by the fact that the mortgage only gives rise to a personal right
debtors are not solidarily liable. (n) >What exists only is the right of action to
> Rule applies even if the obligation is joint compel the fulfillment of the promise but
and not solidary there is no pledge or mortgage yet
> The divisibility of the principal obligation Under Revised Penal Code, estafa, pretending to
doesn't affect the indivisibility of the be the owner of any real property shall convey,
mortgage or pledge sell, encumber or mortgage the same.
1. Single thing-
Art. 2093. In addition to the requisites
-any portion of the property pledged or
prescribed in Article 2085, it is necessary, in
mortgage is answerable for the whole
order to constitute the contract of pledge, that
obligation as soon as it falls due.
the thing pledged be placed in the possession
2. several things of the creditor, or of a third person by
common agreement. (1863)
-several things are pledge or mortgage all of
them are liable for the entire debt, kahit part lang PLEDGE- real contact that requires delivery for
yung unpaid its perfection, give rise to personal action bet
contracting parties
EXEPTION: kapag yung na pledge is guarantees
determinate protion of the credit. 1. VALIDITY OF PLEDGE-
-unless movable given as security by the
2. Debtor’s her/creditor’s heir way of pledge be delivered to and
-debtor heir na nagbayad ng part ng placed in the possession od the creditor
debtor cannot ask for the proportionate or third person designated by common
extinction of the pledge or mortgage. agreement
-creditor’s heir who received his share -creditor acquires no right to the
ng debt hindi niya pwedeng icancel ito property because pledge is merely a lien
hanggat hindi completely satisfied. and possession is indispensable to the
right of a lien
Kapag na exposed yung thing pledged sa loss or - One essential requisites of pledge is
impairment through negligence or willful act ni that the object must be placed in the
pledgee pwede itong ipa deposit ni pledgor sa possession of the creditor, or of third
3rd person at kapag na misuse ito ni pledgee din person BY COMMON
ng walang authority ni pledgor. AGREEMENT.
Art. 2107. If there are reasonable grounds to WHEN THING PLEDGE IS
fear the destruction or impairment of the RETURNED
thing pledged, without the fault of the pledgee,
the pledgor may demand the return of the
thing, upon offering another thing in pledge,
PRESUMPTION WHERE THE THING Art. 2112. The creditor to whom the credit
PLEDGED IN POSSESSION OF has not been satisfied in due time, may
PLEDGOR/OWNER proceed before a Notary Public to the sale of
the thing pledged. This sale shall be made at a
-give rise to PRIMA FACIE, public auction, and with notification to the
presumption that the thing has been debtor and the owner of the thing pledged in
returned and therefore the thing pledged a proper case, stating the amount for which
is extinguished. the public sale is to be held. If at the first
-presumption is auction the thing is not sold, a second one
REBUTTED(mababalewala) kapag with the same formalities shall be held; and if
yung irereturn mmo is for merely at the second auction there is no sale either,
substitution of the thing pledged, or the creditor may appropriate the thing
kapag yung thing is stolen and given by pledged. In this case he shall be obliged to
the thief to the pledgor or owner. give an acquittance for his entire claim.
-Kapag nahanap yung thing pledged sa
debtor or owner, ONLY ACCESSORY > The thing pledged may be alienated for the
OBLIGATION or pledge is presumed payment to the creditor when the principal
remitted hinfi yung principal obligation obligation becomes due
Possession of the Thing by the Debtor or a Third
Person 1. The debt is due and unpaid
There is presumption of remission when the 2. The sale must be at a public auction
thing pledged was found in the possession of the 3. There must be notice to the pledgor and
debtor or a third person who owns the thing after owner, stating the amount due
its delivery to the creditor. It is essential in a 4. The sale must be made with the intervention
pledge that the thing be delivered to the creditor, of a notary public
or to a third person by common agreement.
Only the accessory obligation of pledge is
presumed remitted as the principal obligation
remains in effect. The debtor shall hence > Serves as an exception to the prohibition on
continue to be indebted but he does not have to pactum commissaries
return the thing pledged. > The pledgee may appropriate the thing
pledged if after the first and second auctions, the
Such remission is presumed until an evidence thing is not sold
proves: > If the creditor appropriates the thing, it shall
be considered as full payment of his entire claim
the thing pledged was possessed —he is thus obliged to an acquittance for the
through theft. same. The debtor is not entitled for the excess
the thing has been sent for other in case the value of the thing pledged is more
causes, such as repair, inspection than the principal obligation.
or safekeeping.
Art. 2113. At the public auction, the pledgor
the thing is not owned by the
or owner may bid. He shall, moreover, have
third person who possesses it.
a better right if he should offer the same
Art. 2111. A statement in writing by the terms as the highest bidder.
pledgee that he renounces or
abandons the pledge is sufficient to The pledgee may also bid, but his offer shall
extinguish the pledge. For this purpose, not be valid if he is the only bidder. (n)
neither the acceptance by the pledgor or owner,
nor the return of the thing pledged is Art. 2114. All bids at the public auction shall
necessary, the pledgee becoming a offer to pay the purchase price at once. If any
depositary. (n) other bid is accepted, the pledgee is deemed to
have been received the purchase price, as far as
*The renunciation or abandonment must the pledgor or owner is concerned. (n)
be in writing to constitute an extinguishment of
Right of the pledgor and pledgee to bid at
*The renunciation is not conditioned upon public sale
the acceptance by the pledgor or owner nor upon
the return of the thing pledged 1. preference given to pledgor
-if debt not paid and public sale takes
*Under this article, the thing pledged place, both pledgor and pledgee may
remains in the possession of the pledgee. bid.
Hence the renunciation must be in writing. -pledgor must offer the same terms as
the highest bidder, for after all the thing
belongs to him.
NOTE: - To avoid fraud, the pledgee is not Art. 2117. Any third person who has any right
allowed to acquire the thing pledged if he is the in or to the thing pledged may satisfy the
only bidder principal obligation as soon as the latter
becomes due and demandable. (n)
2. bids must be for cash
-all bids, including pledgor must be in GENERAL RULE “hindi dapat mag
cash accept si creditor ng payment galing sa third
person, but under this article:
Art. 2115. The sale of the thing pledged shall
extinguish the principal obligation, whether > A third person who has a right in or to the
or not the proceeds of the sale are equal to the thing pledged may pay the debt as soon as it
amount of the principal obligation, interest becomes due and demandable and the
and expenses in a proper case. If the price of creditor cannot refuse to accept the payment
the sale is more than said amount, the debtor Art. 2118. If a credit which has been pledged
shall not be entitled to the excess, unless it is becomes due before it is redeemed, the
otherwise agreed. If the price of the sale is pledgee may collect and receive the amount
less, neither shall the creditor be entitled to due. He shall apply the same to the payment
recover the deficiency, notwithstanding of his claim, and deliver the surplus, should
any stipulation to the contrary. (n) there be any, to the pledgor. (n)
1. If the price of the sale is more than the > Pledgee is given the right to collect and
amount due the creditor, the debtor is not receive the amount due on the credit pledged
entitled to the excess unless the contrary is
provided > But in reference to the previous article, having
2. If the price of sale is less, neither is the the duty to take good care with the diligence of a
creditor entitled to recover the deficiency. A good father to a family the thing pledged, he has
CONTRARY STIPULATION IS VOID. the duty to collect if danger would endanger the
a. The reason is to compel the creditor to hold recovery of the credit
an honest public sale Art. 2119. If two or more things are pledged,
b. Creditor should realize the loans only as the pledgee may choose which he will cause to
much as he is likely to realize at a public sale. be sold, unless there is a stipulation to the
RIGHT OF DEBTOR TO EXCESS contrary. He may demand the sale of only as
many of the things as are necessary for the
General rule: “debtor is not entitles to payment of the debt. (n)
recover the excess unless there is an
agreement to the contrary.”
-Limited lang yung ibebenta niya by the
-rather unfair since the obligation is fully stipulation.
> After sufficient property has been sold to
-the rule would amount to pacto comisorio satisfy the obligation plus interests and
which is prohibited. expenses, no more shall be sold.
UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE LAW, Art. 2120. If a third party secures an obligation
mortgagor is entitled to recover the excess of the by pledging his own movable property under the
proceeds of the sale in foreclosure proceedings. provisions of Article 2085, he shall have the
RIGHT OF CREDITOR TO RECOVER same rights as a guarantor under Articles 2066
DEFICIENCY to 2070, and Articles 2077 to 2081. He is not
prejudiced by any waiver of defense by the
-creditor is not entitled to recover deficiency in principal obligor. (n)
all cases.
-yung third person na hindi kasali sa principal
-by electing to sell the thing pledged instead of
obligation ay pwedeng mag secure by pledging
suing on the principal obligation, the creditor
his own property.
waives any other remedy and must abide by the
result of the sale.
- Law grants him same rights as guarantor, and
TAKE NOTE: The creditor may sue on cannot prejudiced by any waiver of defense by
principal obligation instead of electing to sell the principal debtor.
the thing pledged, para marecover yung
deficiency from debtor. Art. 2121. Pledges created by operation of law,
such as those referred to in Articles 546, 1731,
and 1994, are governed by the foregoing articles
Art. 2116. After the public auction, the on the possession, care and sale of the thing as
pledgee shall promptly advise the pledgor or well as on the termination of the pledge.
owner of the result thereof. (n) However, after payment of the debt and
expenses, the remainder of the price of the sale
-Para ma protectionan ni debtor yung shall be delivered to the obligor. (n)
rights niya where he has reasonable grounds to
believe that the sale was not an honest one and Art. 2122. A thing under a pledge by operation
to take steps.
of law may be sold only after demand of the
amount for which the thing is retained. The the laws, imposed upon immovables.
public auction shall take place within one month
after such demand. If, without just grounds, the Nevertheless, movables may be the object of a
creditor does not cause the public sale to be held chattel mortgage. (1874a)
within such period, the debtor may require the
return of the thing. (n)
Article 546 of the Civil Code states: MORTGAGE
> Contract whereby the debtor secures to the
ART. 546. Necessary expenses shall be creditor the fulfillment of a principal
refunded to every possessor; but only obligation, specially substituting to such
the possessor in good faith may retain security immovable property or real rights over
the thing until he has been reimbursed immovable property which obligation shall be
therefor. satisfied with the proceeds of sale of said
property or rights in case the said obligation is
Useful expenses shall be refunded only not complied with at the time stipulated
to the possessor in good faith with the
same right of retention, the person who > Real, accessory, unilateral and subsidiary
has defeated him in the possession contract. Because it creates obligation only on
having the option of refunding the the part of the creditor who must free the
amount of the expenses or of paying the property from the encumbrance eonce obligation
increase in value which the thing may is fulfilled.
have acquired by reason thereof. KINDS OF MORTGAGE
Art. 1731. He who has executed work upon a 1. Voluntary- agreed between parties or
movable has a right to retain it by way of pledge constituted by the will of the owner of
until he is paid. (1600) the property.
2. Legal- required by law to be executed in
Art. 1914. The agent may retain in pledge the favor of certain persons.
things which are the object of the agency until 3. Equitable- lacks the proper formalities
the principal effects the reimbursement and pays of a mortgaged shows intention of the
the indemnity set forth in the two preceding parties to make the property as a
articles. (1730) security for a debt.
Art. 1707. The laborer's wages shall be a lien on
the goods manufactured or the work done. POSSESSION OF PROPERTY MORTGAGED
Art. 1994. The depositary may retain the thing > As a general rule, it is retained by the
in pledge until the full payment of what may be mortgagor
due him by reason of the deposit. (1780) > The mortgaged property is only subjected to a
-in conventional pledge, debtor is not lien by the mortgagee but ownership is retained
entitle to excess unless otherwise agreed upon by the mortgagor
-legal pledge, no definite period for the
payment of the principal obligation. Pledgee SUBJECT MATTER OF MORTGAGE
must make demand for the payment of the > Immovables and alienable real rights over
amount due to him. immovables
-if no demand, he cant exercise right of -Real rights over real property(REAL
sale in public auction PROPERTY)
-pledgee must proceed with the sale -Mortgage on real right(REAL PROPERTY)
within 1 month after demand otherwise debtor
may require him to return the thing retained. TAKE NOTE: PLEDGE AND CHATTERL
Art. 2123. With regard to pawnshops
and other establishments, which are engaged Art. 2125. In addition to the requisites stated in
in making loans secured by pledges, the special Article 2085, it is indispensable, in order that
laws and regulations concerning them shall be a mortgage may be validly constituted, that
observed, and subsidiarily, the provisions of the document in which it appears be recorded in
his Title. (1873a) the Registry of Property. If the instrument is
not recorded, the mortgage is nevertheless
Art. 2124. Only the following property may be between the parties.
the object of a contract of mortgage:
The persons in whose favor the law establishes a
(1) Immovables; mortgage have no other right than to demand the
execution and the recording of the
(2) Alienable real rights in accordance with document in which the mortgage is
formalized. (1875a) 4. Greater care and diligence required
of mortgagee-bank
-when purchaser/mortgagee is a bank or
ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF A financing institution which is required
MORTGAGE to observe a higher standard of
1. To secure the fulfillment of a principal diligence, its business being impressed
obligation with public interest.
2. The mortgagor should be the absolute owner GR: the purchaser or mortgagee of a
of thing mortgaged land is not required to look further
3. The mortgagor should have free disposal of than what appears on the face of the
the thing Torrens Certificate of Title doed not
4. When the principal obligation becomes due, apply.
the thing mortgaged may be alienated to secure
payment -Dapat may careful examination muna
5. For a mortgage to be validly constituted and to verify its genuineness, to determine
to prejudice third persons, the mortgage should real owner thereof as well as a physical
be recorded with the Registry of Property and on the spot investigation of the land
itself offered as security.
FAITH > Actual knowledge on the part of the buyer
1. Reliance in good faith on certificate of > Actual knowledge=registration
title of mortgagor-
Si mortgagee may right to rely in good PROCEDURE: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN
TITLE of the mortgagor. MORTGAGE?
-kapag walang title, no obligation for
further investigation 1. Execute the document of mortgage
-pero kahit hindi si Mortgagor ang 2. Go to a notary public, who will notarize the
totoong owner kung si mortgagee is in document.
good faith naman in nonetheless entitled 3. Pay the documentary stamp tax within the
to protection. first five days of the succeeding month. The doc
stamp tax is a percentage of the value of the
2. Title in name of mortgagor, not of property mortgaged.
rightful owner- 4. Go to the Office of the Register of Deeds
-already succeeded in obtaining a and pay the registration fees. Before you pay
Torrens title over the property in his the registration fees, the government will require
name that after obtaining the said title you to update payment of realty taxes on the
he succeeds in mortgaging the property. After payment of the registration
property to another who relies on fees, the mortgage will be annotated on the title.
what appears on the said title.
-the innocent purchaser (mortgagee) for
value protected by law is one who Art. 2126. The mortgage directly and
purchase a titled land by virtue a deed immediately subjects the property upon
executed by the registered owner. which it is imposed, whoever the possessor
(purchaser siya ng registered owner) may be, to the fulfillment of the obligation for
whose security it was constituted. (1876)
3. Duty of mortgagee to look beyond
certificate of title- EFFECTS OF MORTGAGE
-GR: where there is nothing on the
certificate of title to indicate any cloud 1. Creates a real right
or vice in the ownership of the property a. If the mortgagor sells the encumbered
or any encumbrance therein, the property, the property remains subject to the
purchaser is not required to explore fulfillment of the principal obligation secured by
further than what the Torrens Title upon it
its face indicates in quest for any hidden
b. The mortgagee has a right to rely in good
defect or inchoate right that may
faith on what appears on the certificate of title of
subsequently defeat his right thereto
the mortgagor of the property given as security
-exeptions kapag may knowledge si
and in the absence of anything to excite
suspicion, he is under no obligation to look
beyond the certificate
c. Until the action for expropriation has RIGHT OF CREDITOR AGAINST
been completed, ownership over the property TRANSFEREE OF MORTGAGED
remains with the registered owner PROPERTY
d. Banking institution must exercise due > The fact that the mortgagor has transferred
diligence before entering contract of mortgage the mortgaged property to a third person
doesn’t relieve him from his obligation to pay
e. If a person is the first mortgagee over a the debt to the mortgage creditor in the absence
property which was sold in an auction by the of Novation
second mortgagee, the only right left to him is to
collect his mortgage credit from the purchaser > The creditor may only demand from any
thereof possessor the payment only of the part of the
during the sale conducted credit secured by said property
f. In a suit to nullify a certificate of title, the >pwedeng kunin ni creditor yung payment sa
mortgagee is an indispensable party third person tas si third percon mag proceed
against debtor.
2. Creates merely an encumbrance
-kapag hindi si debtor ang nasa title, may right Art. 2130. A stipulation forbidding the
to dispose. owner from alienating the immovable
-Law considers void any stipulation forbidding mortgaged shall be void. (n)
the owner from alienating the mortgaged STIPULATION FORBIDDING ALIENATION
Art. 2127. The mortgage extends to the >Such stipulation would be contrary to public
natural accessions, to the improvements, good inasmuch as the transmission of property
growing fruits, and the rents or income not should not be unduly impeded
yet received when the obligation becomes due,
and to the amount of the indemnity granted or
owing to the proprietor from the insurers of the CAN MORTGAGEE PROHIBIT
property mortgaged, or in virtue ENCUMBERANCES WITHOUT PRIOR
of expropriation for public use, with the CONSENT?
declarations, amplifications and limitations > Yes, regulation is not the same as prohibition
established by law, whether the estate remains > The mortgagee may even add a standard. This
in the possession of the mortgagor, or it is for good measure on the part of the mortgagee
passes into the hands of a third person. which is allowed by law.
EXTENT OF MORTGAGE Art. 2131. The form, extent and
> A REM constituted on an immovable property consequences of a mortgage, both as to its
is not limited to the property itself but also constitution, modification and extinguishment,
extends to all its accessions, improvements, and as to other matters not included in this
growing fruits, and rents Chapter, shall be governed by the
> To exclude them, it is necessary that there be provisions of the Mortgage Law and of the
an express stipulation to that effect Land Registration Law. (1880a)
Art. 2128. The mortgage credit may be Foreclosure- remedy available to the mortgagee
alienated or assigned to a third person, in whole by which he subjects the mortgaged property to
or in part, with the formalities required by law. the satisfaction of the obligation to secure the
(1878) mortgage.
Art. 2132. By the contract of antichresis the -require ng law na yung contract
creditor acquires the right to receive the fruits of must be in form in order that it may be
an immovable of his debtor, with the obligation VALID and to not only affect the third
to apply them to the payment of the interest, if person.
owing, and thereafter to the principal of his -Kahit void yung antichresis yung
credit. (1881) principal obligation VALID parin.
-intended to forestall the use of
-is an accessory contract because it secures the
antichresis for purpose of usury
performance of principal obligation.
-formal contract, because must be in specified Art. 2135. The creditor, unless there is a
form to be valid stipulation to the contrary, is obliged to pay the
taxes and charges upon the estate.
-requires delivery by the debtor of the real
property given as security in order that the He is also bound to bear the expenses necessary
creditor may receive the fruits. for its preservation and repair.
The sums spent for the purposes stated in this
1. Antichresis – real property, Pledge- article shall be deducted from the fruits. (1882)
personal property
2. Antichresis- consensual contract, OBLIGATION OF ANTICHRETIC
perfected by mere consent, PLEDGE- CREDITOR
real contract, perfected by the delivery -creditor acquires the right to enjoy the fruits of
of the thing pledged. property delivered to him. Obligations:
NOTE: Both similar in that debtor loses 1. payment all taxes and charged upon the
control of the subject matter. state- creditor is obliged unless there is a
stipulation to the contrary, to pay taxes and
ANTICHRESIS AND REAL MORTGAGED charges upon the estate.
NOTE: if creditor does not pay taxes, he is by -Antichretic creditor is under obligation to
law required to pay indemnity for damages to apply the fruits of the property in satisfaction,
the debtor. first whatever interest on the debt is due,
second, to the payment of the principal.
2.Application of fruits of the estate.- to apply
fruits after receiving them to the interest if -Fruits must appraised on the basis of their
owing thereafter to the principal. actual market value at the time of the
NOTE: sum spent by the creditor in the
fulfillment of the obligations shall be charged -if value exceed amount of interest allowed by
against the fruits of the property. by Usury Law, the excess shall be applied to
the principal.
Art. 2136. The debtor cannot reacquire the NOTE: rate of interest on loan on of money,
enjoyment of the immovable without first goods, or credit is no longer subject to any
having totally paid what he owes the creditor. ceiling prescribed under Usury Law.
But the latter, in order to exempt himself from Art. 2139. The last paragraph of Article
the obligations imposed upon him by the 2085, and Articles 2089 to 2091 are applicable
preceding article, may always compel the to this contract. (1886a)
debtor to enter again upon the enjoyment ANTICHRESIS
of the property, except when there is a
stipulation to the contrary. (1883)
> The creditor acquires the right to receive the
-yung property na nadeliver is security for fruits of an immovable of his debtor, with the
payment of the obligation of te debtor in obligation to apply them o the payment of the
antichresis. interest, if owing, and thereafter to the principal
-debtor cannot demand its return until debt is of his credit
totally paid.
-if si creditor ayaw niya magbayad ng taxes and
incure the expenses necessary for preservation
and repair of the property, he may compel the DEFAULT RULES TO BE FOLLOWED
debtor to reacquire the enjoyment of the (TAKE NOTE SO THAT YOU WILL KNOW
same except when there us a contrary WHEN TO OPT OUT OF THE RULES)