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Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development:

A Longitudinal Network Analysis of Interest Groups
and Legislation
John C. Scott

How are lobbying agendas formed? While individual interest matters, a social
process may also affect
why lobbyists choose legislation on which to lobby. In a crowded environment,
looking at what credible
others do may help lobbyists lower their search and information costs with regard
to an issue. Using
longitudinal network data on lobbyists’ legislative choices, I analyze the choices of
organizations using
an actor-based dynamic model of network change that conditions agenda changes
on the choices made
by other organizations. The results suggest both a “bandwagon” process in which
converge on “popular” bills and an influence process in which lobbying
organizations influence each
other when their lobbying agendas overlap. In support of the quantitative findings,
interviews with
lobbyists show that the policy domain is a social community that consists of
ongoing relationships,
trust, and information sharing.

KEY WORDS: lobbying, policy networks, retirement policy, policy agendas,

social network analysis
By what process do interest groups select the issues on which they lobby the
Congress? Any one policy area often has dozens or even hundreds of proposed
and equally as many interest groups and stakeholders. As interest group
are boundedly rational, they may have difficulty deciding on which piece of
legislation they should lobby. As a way around this problem, lobbyists may look to
other lobbyists in their policy area when selecting issues for monitoring and
In a crowded and competitive environment, looking at what others do may help
a lobbyist lower the cost of learning about issues.
Politics is inherently social, and agenda setting is in part a social process
in which interest group organizations influence each other in a complex and
dynamic environment. The broad research question of this paper is whether
relationships matter for interest group agendas. Specifically, do the choices of one
lobbying organization affect the choices of another organization? In addition,
when we view a policy domain as a network of actors who are choosing
we see a skewed distribution: A handful of bills attract a great deal of interest,
while the vast majority of bills receive little attention. How does this pattern come

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To address these questions, I use longitudinal data on interest groups from a
single public policy domain and their legislative choices. To capture the social
interdependence of the process, I study the evolution of a network consisting of
organizations choosing (or not choosing) legislation. I analyze these selections
a stochastic actor-based dynamic model of network change that conditions changes
in legislative choices on the choices of other organizations (Snijders, Van de Bunt,
Steglich, 2010). The results suggest both a “bandwagon” process in which
choose bills that are already popular and a social influence process in which
choices by a lobbying organization are likely influenced by another organization
when the two organizations have overlapping agendas.
While the quantitative data provide some confirmation for these effects, exactly
how are legislative choices being influenced? The social capital literature suggests
that lobbyists working in a crowded and dynamic policy domain may use their
relationships with other lobbyists in order to learn about and assess legislative
proposals. The social capital that inheres in such relations facilitates both the
of one lobbyist to share his or her informed judgment and the willingness of
the other lobbyist to lend credence to such information. Policy agendas develop not
so much through elite consensus or through aggregation of independent choices but
rather through social processes based on trust among lobbyists who work in
communities. An additional question of this paper, then, is whether the conditions
exist for a process in which lobbyists are influencing each other: Do lobbyists
know and trust each other, and do they share information with each other?
The discussion in this paper begins with a review of prior work on lobbying and
agenda setting, and I focus on social processes in the development of a lobbying
agenda. Social processes suggest the importance of social capital, and I argue that
interest groups provide information to each other to confirm the salience of one
over another. Two processes are of particular interest. In the bandwagon
lobbyists will select bills to add to their agenda when they learn that other lobbyists
are selecting that bill. The influence mechanism suggests that a lobbyist will
choose a
bill that another lobbyist has chosen because they have other choices in common. I
then give a broad overview of the policy domain of U.S. retirement policy, which
the setting for this research and which is an apt site for exploring these influence
ideas. Retirement policy is a single policy domain at the federal level, and I apply
dynamic network model over two congressional periods—the 106th Congress of
1999 through 2000 and the 107th Congress of 2001 through 2002. The Data and
Methods section discusses in detail the lobbying and legislative data sources as
as the dynamic network model. In the Analysis section, I first provide the
interview data from individual lobbyists in the retirement policy domain in order
to establish the existence of a social environment that makes the bandwagon and
influence mechanisms possible. I next provide quantitative evidence for these
mechanisms in agenda development by looking at how the network of interest
groups and bills changes over time. The actor-oriented dynamic model estimates
impact of different effects—including bandwagon and influence mechanisms—on
observed changes in network ties. I conclude the paper with a brief discussion on
implications of these results for understanding policymaking.
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 609
Interest Groups and Agenda Development
This study examines whether and how interest groups influence each other in the
process of developing their lobbying agendas. To be clear at the outset, this paper
concerned with the lobbying agenda, which is distinct both from the agenda of
members of Congress or other policymakers and from the public agenda or issues
that are salient with the broad public (Baumgartner, Berry, Hojnacki, Kimball, &
Leech, 2009; Kimball et al., 2012). These different agendas are connected to each
other, but I do not study those connections. Lobbying agendas both reflect the
congressional agenda (what bills are “moving”) and indicate issues that lobbyists
would like on the congressional agenda (what bills they would like to see passed or
Despite the plethora of studies on lobbying, there are few conclusions about the
nature and processes of influence (Baumgartner et al., 2009). Appropriately, much
the work on interest group influence uses a political or policy outcome such as roll
call voting as the dependent variable, but such studies have not produced
on how interest group activities influence such outcomes (Smith, 1995). However,
legislators are influenced by interest groups at all, they are least likely to be
when votes are cast (Baumgartner & Leech, 1998). Instead, most scholars in
both political science and political sociology “assume that agenda setting is the
where advocacy organizations will have their greatest influence” as they use
methods to bring greater attention, raise awareness, and create urgency around
preferred issues (Andrews & Edwards, 2004, p. 492). As the lobbying agenda
lobbyists’ preferences and opportunities, the study of the lobbying agenda’s
contributes to the broader question of political influence.
According to Kingdon (1995, p. 5), an agenda is “the list of subjects or problems
to which governmental officials, and people outside of government closely
with those officials, are paying some serious attention at any given time.”
Agenda setting is a process in which certain public problems are identified,
and defined, and specific solutions or alternatives are generated, considered,
and attached to these problems. Given the limited attention span and
capacity of actors, the list of problems and solutions on any particular
agenda is usually very short (Baumgartner & Jones, 1993; Kingdon, 1995). The
issue, then, is in influencing the development of the policymaking agenda, i.e.,
getting one’s issue on the agenda if it is not on it already. If certain issues are not
on the political agenda, groups interested in them have little chance to exert
in the policymaking process. Moreover, groups will have little chance of
defending their interests if they do not even know what is on the policy agenda.
we know little about the mechanisms for the hidden development of lobbying
At least 30 years ago, scholars noted the expansion of interest groups in
DC, and the broad issue scope of these groups (Heinz, Laumann, Nelson, &
Salisbury, 1993). Policy domains generally comprise a variety of issues and vary in
complexity and coherence. A policy space with a diversity of interests that seek out
issue niches will appear to be fragmented, but a policy space dominated by a few
610 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
interests will force attention to a more restricted set of issues, thereby increasing
chances for policy coherence (May, Sapotichne, & Workman, 2006). “The
of the issue space for a given policy area is not as important for policy coherence
is the degree to which attention is focused on a smaller set of issues” (May et al.,
2006, p. 383, citing Baumgartner & Jones, 1993). Heinz et al. (1993) noted that
interest groups face a great deal of uncertainty despite a highly structured
environment. They theorized that the sources of uncertainty include not
just the number of groups but also the increasing number of proposals vying for
attention, the difficulty in defining preferences, and the lack of a central set of
mediators that can broker deals. Heinz et al. (1993) concluded that many groups
devote substantial resources just to monitoring events and other interest groups; in
effect, the uncertainty inherent in the policymaking process makes groups
on information. But Heinz et al. (1993) did not explore the micro-level processes
of information gathering and influence as lobbyists attempt to develop and
refine their lobbying agendas. Baumgartner and Leech (2001) noted the skewed
distribution of issues listed in lobbyist disclosure reports: A small handful of issues
were listed by a large number of lobbyists—what they termed a “bandwagon”
effect—while most issues received very little attention and were “niche” issues.
these results were descriptive in nature. How, then, do lobbyists develop their
lobbying agendas? Why do a small number of issues become the focus of most
lobbyists? I explore development of the lobbying agenda as a function of social
Political activity is inherently social, whether because of the need for alliances or
because policy change can affect a wide range of interests (Baumgartner et al.,
Alliances or coalitions are an obvious example of social processes in lobbying. For
example, organizations with broad agendas may need coalitions to help advance
their views, and such organizations may have a wide range of ties to potential
partners that they draw on in developing coalitions (Hula, 1999). Narrowly focused
groups use their resources best by working alone, as opposed to groups with a
view that perhaps need expertise or legitimacy from coalition partners to be
(Hojnacki, 1997). This argument is consonant with Browne’s (1990) issue niche
connects to the policy space discussion above because the assumption is that
few actors will be active in these niche areas. Holyoke (2009) focused on
competition in the interest group environment, in which the set of policy
leads to conflict or cooperation among participants. Holyoke developed an elegant
model of coalition formation amid competition in which lobbyists bargain over a
coalition-based compromise position that will maximize their net benefits. In this
model, lobbyists respond to different audiences (clients, legislators) who provide
incentives for taking particular positions, and Holyoke found that lobbyists resolve
conflicts among their clients by making trade-offs among available resources and
positions of their differing audiences.
But social processes abound even outside of alliances. The policy domain
requires a social orientation, which has been recognized by policy and political
scientists for decades. Hugh Heclo (1978) made a key early contribution by noting
the rise of issue networks, which are loose associations of policy professionals
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 611
around an issue or set of issues. The critical characteristics of these issue networks
were, first, their fluidity of large numbers of actors who had varying levels of
commitment to others and, second, their social nature: “Network members
each other’s sense of issues as their interests, rather than (as standard political or
economic models would have it) interests defining positions on issues” (p. 102).
issue network “ties together what would otherwise be the contradictory tendencies
of, on the one hand, more widespread organizational participation in public policy
and, on the other, more narrow technocratic specialization in complex modern
policies” (p. 103). Heinz et al. (1993) found that the work context of representation
was a primary source of connections in the lobbying community and that time
working inWashington was positively associated with knowing more political
Kingdon’s (1995) policy entrepreneurs engaged in continuing interaction as they
reviewed and shaped each other’s proposed solutions. Baumgartner et al. (2009)
note a similar process:
People inside and outside of government are constantly monitoring their
peers to see which new studies are being received with credibility, which
key actors are showing interest in which proposals, and which legislative
vehicles may be taking shape. Theywant to be associated with initiatives that
have a chance of passage, not to waste their time working on proposals (even
ones they like) that are likely to go nowhere. (p. 252)
The result of this process of monitoring others’ positions and activities amidst
uncertainty is that policy activity reflects a social cascade in which initial “chaos”
changes over time into an ordered state (Baumgartner et al., 2009), somewhat
similar to the policy agenda coherence noted above. Initially, lobbyists might
have a wide variety of possible legislative proposals from which to choose, but
over time and under certain conditions they focus on a much smaller set of
But these studies do not provide an underlying process that explains the types
of interactions that we see, let alone lobbying agenda development. One possible
process is similar to the theory of legislative subsidy as developed by Hall and
Deardorff (2006). In this theory, a lobbyist is motivated to supply high-quality
to a member of Congress not as an exchange but as a subsidy to the legislator’s
constrained time and cognitive budget. The legislator then uses these
information subsidies to exploit the policy process in order to pursue legislative
objectives that he or she shares with the lobbyist. We might apply this idea to the
development of the lobbying agenda: In a complex environment characterized by
differential knowledge, lobbyists with better information, more experience, or deep
expertise may provide information subsidies to other lobbyists in the process of
agenda development.
This subsidy or information sharing idea suggests a social capital perspective in
which connected lobbyists accumulate resources that are specific to their
(Coleman, 1988). As social capital inheres in relations and is not possessed by
individuals, it enables the willingness both to give and to receive information that
612 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
not otherwise available. For social capital to work, trust or reciprocity must be
present (Glanville & Bienenstock, 2009).
To be sure, organizational resources or policy preferences matter. “Groups that
seek influence must have the kind of costly resources that enable them to know, to
attain, to frame, and to deliver the sort of political and policy information (and
interpretations) that are relevant to the goals of those legislators who have the
to make decisions that affect policy” (Leyden, 1995, p. 443). However, resources
include social relations within the policy domain because such relations lower
costs and enhance credibility and influence (Uzzi, 1997).
Relationships and networks matter for politics and policymaking in a number of
ways, and the number of network-based political and policy studies is growing
(Heaney & McClurg, 2009; Robbins, 2010). For example, network analysis has
used to explain legislative bill cosponsorship (Cho & Fowler, 2010), party
across competing interest groups (Grossman & Dominguez, 2009), political
participation (McClurg, 2003), and social movement cooperation across coalition
boundaries (Heaney & Rojas, 2008). Network analysis may be particularly relevant
addressing interactions between interest groups. “Networks reflect the patterns and
histories of interaction among actors, thus suggesting their degree of familiarity
one another’s habits and preferences, reliability, and character. Thus, the strength
weakness of ties in networks, as well as the patterns in which they are
make all the difference in overcoming barriers to collaborative activity” (Heaney &
McClurg, 2009, pp. 729–30, citing Gould, 1993). The next section discusses
network-based mechanisms of agenda development.
Bandwagon and Influence Mechanisms
Dür (2008) distinguishes three broad approaches to measuring interest group
influence: process tracing, assessing attributed influence, and gauging the degree
preference attainment.With regard to preference attainment, “the outcomes of
processes are compared with the ideal points of actors . . . the idea is that the
distance between an outcome and the ideal point of an actor reflects the influence
this actor” (Dür, 2008, p. 566). For example, Mahoney (2007) ascertained the
of a sample of advocates over a sample of issues and assessed whether or not
an outcome associated with each issue reflected those preferences.
Applying the approach of preference attainment to this study, I look at whether
organizations change their agenda choices in response to the choices of other
This focus is somewhat different from the alliance literature discussed above in
agreement on what are the important issues is not the same as developing
actions around those issues. Opponents can influence each other as to what is
important even if they disagree on the merits, and groups on the same side of an
issue influence each other even when they have different levels of interest or
ideas about tactics. I focus on two processes, “bandwagon” and “influence.”
These processes have been explored in other areas, such as the adoption of deviant
behavior by adolescents (see, e.g., Steglich, Snijders, & Pearson, 2010).
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 613
Before describing these processes in more detail, I should state two foundational
assumptions. First, processes like bandwagon and influence can only occur in a
environment. That is, these effects can only occur if people know each other and
communicate with each other. Second, social processes can only have an effect if
provide some benefit to the lobbyists directly involved. Even if one person hears
about legislative developments from others working in the policy domain, why
should that person update his or her preferences as a result of the information?
Information is only useful if it is credible, and credibility is based on the perceived
trustworthiness of the source. Bandwagon and influence mechanisms only work in
policy domains when most actors know each other and have a history of interaction
and when actors can expect their interactions with others to continue into the future
and that the others will take their interests into consideration because the others
expect interactions to continue into the future (Hardin, 2002).
An issue that attracts interest or activity might become a focal point because
such interest or activity signals the issue’s importance and legitimacy (Berardo &
Scholz, 2010). “The social nature of lobbying, with its sensitivity to context, can
therefore be characterized by mimicry, cue-taking, and bandwagon effects”
(Baumgartner & Leech, 1998, p. 140). An organization new to a policy domain
know the basics of an issue and where it stands on the issue, but it may not know
about the merits and/or likelihood of a specific legislative proposal. Choices by
other organizations may send signals about such legislative proposals. There may
even be an underlying process of deference as new organizations look to
with more expertise or experience in the policy domain (Baumgartner et al.,
2009). Network scholars outside the policy and political science disciplines have
theorized as to the development of highly skewed distributions within networks
—distributions that resemble the skewed lobbyist-issue distribution noted by
Baumgartner and Leech (2001). Such scale-free or power law distributions arise
because of two key forces: network growth and preferential attachment (Barabási,
2003). As new actors join a network, they do not randomly attach themselves to
incumbent actors but are more likely to attach themselves to those incumbent
that have the most ties with other actors. In other words, if a new actor has a choice
between actors A and B, and A has twice as many ties as B, the new actor is much
more likely to choose A over B. These conditions should hold in a policy domain
with fluid participation by lobbyists and newly proposed legislation introduced
time. My first hypothesis states that an organization is more likely to lobby on a
of legislation as the number of other organizations lobbying on that legislation
As noted above, policy domains are social in nature in that organizations look to
each other when orienting themselves to common issues. Homophily, a process of
614 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
attachments based on social similarity (MacPherson & Smith-Lovin, 1987), might
also affect agenda choices. But unlike other homophily studies that use similarity
terms of individual attributes, I use similarity in terms of choices. Again, two
on different sides of an issue may nonetheless agree on which bills are
important. Organizations that have the same issues in common may make the same
choices in the future. If a lobbying organization has a number of common issues
another actor, their ongoing relationship is likely to be stronger. The second
states that an organization is more likely to choose a piece of legislation that
another organization chooses as the number of their joint choices on other
This paper tests these arguments by looking at longitudinal data on network
relations and legislative agendas using a dynamic model of network change in the
federal retirement policy domain. The paper also provides qualitative evidence as
the social or relational foundation of these processes. This project uses the policy
domain as the research site, with organizations as the unit of analysis. This is an
appropriate level of analysis, as the policy domain is a subsystem whose
members are identified by a criterion of mutual relevance or common orientation
(Laumann & Knoke, 1987). The following section provides background on
retirement policy and the time period under study.
The Retirement Policy Domain
The research field for this project is federal retirement policy over the time
period 1999–2002, which covers two presidential administrations and major tax
that changed many aspects of retirement policy. Lobbying in this area covers issues
related to Social Security, federal pensions, private-sector pensions, and related
employee benefits topics. Much of the activity relates to tax and labor laws that
regulate private-sector retirement plans. Pension assets in private pension plans
seen tremendous growth since 1985, with total assets rising from $2.2 trillion (in
dollars) to $5.7 trillion by 2006 (U.S. Department of Labor, 2008).
The nature of retirement policy has opened the domain to a variety of groups.
Between 1999 and 2002, the time period of this study, a cumulative 284
indicated that they lobbied on retirement issues at least once, either on their own
behalf or on behalf of other organizations. During any one period, however, the
figure is much lower, ranging from 120 organizations in the first half of 1999 to a
high of 165 by the second half of 2002. For the 106th Congress (1999–2000), 190
organizations participated in retirement policy, and a total of 238 organizations
participated during the 107th Congress (2001–02). Across all four years, 57
or 20 percent were long-term players, i.e., they lobbied in all eight time
periods for which I collected data, while organizations that lobbied only one or two
years made up approximately 35 percent of the sample. The implication of these
numbers is that new groups moved into the retirement policy domain in greater
numbers, creating a crowded and fluid policy environment.
Why did this influx occur? Long-term trends and short-term events contributed
to heightened interest in retirement policy issues. The American population is
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 615
and while an aging population puts pressure on public programs such as Social
Security and Medicare, it also affects private-sector retirement plans. This
trend, combined with the decline of the unionized workforce, has enabled
corporate sponsors of pensions to switch from defined-benefit plans, in which the
risk of funding and investments is borne by employers, to defined-contribution
plans, in which workers are primarily responsible for contributions and
These long-term trends became more pronounced in the early 2000s as the
recession of 2001 put great pressure on employers to fund their remaining
pension plans. Budget politics have also put private retirement plans under
pressure as Congress periodically adjusts the tax incentives in order to raise
Finally, the Congress also passed major tax legislation in 2001, which provided
opportunities for retirement-related policy change. After 2000, a Republican
and executive branch were receptive to employer and financial interests in
expanding tax incentives and corporate flexibility with regard to retirement policy.
In summary, various trends and events created both more opportunities for
retirement policy and a more crowded and fluid policy domain.
Data and Methods
Data and Population of Interest
The population of interest in this project is the set of all organizations that
lobbied in the federal retirement policy domain over 1999–2002. This was an
period in retirement policy and spanned the Clinton and George W. Bush
administrations. The population of lobbyists is derived from publicly available
reports required by the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) that were filed by
lobbying organizations on a semiannual basis with the U.S. Congress1 over four
years for a total of eight time periods. These reports indicate the issues and bills on
which organizations lobbied, policy domains in which the organizations were
lobbying expenses/income, and basic organizational information.
The data source has limitations. The LDA does not cover all possible interest
group activity or even all face-to-face lobbying. Lobbying for registration purposes
only includes informal contacts between lobbyists and policymakers (Furlong,
and as such does not cover activities such as public relations campaigns. LDA
expenditure minimums may exclude groups using volunteers or that are active only
for a short time or on a single issue (Baumgartner & Leech, 2000). These are valid
critiques of the sample selection, but the LDA nonetheless is an appropriate source
for this study. As a practical matter, it would be difficult to expand upon the
of the LDA’s longitudinal data by trying to survey over time all who work on
retirement policy issues, and a cursory inspection of the LDA report data indicates
that all major groups are represented (business, labor, public interest, financial
services, etc.). Moreover, as discussed below, the LDA reports provide detailed
organizational and legislative data, and I have a complete sample of lobbyists,
is important for social network analysis. As noted by Baumgartner and Leech
other methods of data collection in this area have their own limitations and sources
616 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
of bias, and these are the best available data for this study. Another concern is the
of analysis, as this paper focuses on those lobbying organizations that register, as
opposed to their clients or the pairing of client and lobbyist. Theoretically, I am
interested in those organizations that directly lobby policymakers on specific issues
in this domain over time. Clients that hire lobbyists are not always present in
Washington, so the social processes discussed above would not apply to them. As a
practical matter, I tried different kinds of networks, such as client-based networks,
an exploratory analysis, but the model did not converge.
Lobbyist–Bill Bipartite Networks. This is a social network analysis of the
of lobbying agendas. The networks are bipartite or two-mode networks, one mode
consisting of lobbying organizations and the other mode being legislative bills.
When an organization indicates that it is lobbying on a particular bill, a directional
goes from the organization to the bill. Figure 1 illustrates these bipartite relations
the second half of 2000, with blue squares representing bills and red circles
lobbying organizations, and a line going from an organization to a bill
indicates that the organization listed that bill on its LDA report.
Outcomes and Explanatory Effects
The outcome measure is the set of lobbyist-bill bipartite networks, described in the
paragraph above, observed over time. Because working with large networks uses a
Figure 1. Bipartite Network of Lobbyist–Bill Ties in Retirement Policy, Second
Half of 2000
(Main Component Only).
Source: Author’s compilation of lobbyist registration reports and other publicly
available data.
Note: Legislative bills are blue squares, and lobbying organizations are red circles.
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 617
lot of computational effort and because all bills that did not pass “die” at the end of
a Congress, the analysis is broken into two parts. I use four networks for the 106th
Congress (1999–2000): the first and second halves of 1999 and the first and second
halves of 2000. In this time period there were 190 lobbying organizations and 311
legislative bills. The four networks for the 107th Congress (2001–02) consisted of
organizations and 285 legislative bills.
The dependent network measure only includes the specific legislation (e.g.,
“H.R. 3028”) listed by lobbyists on their LDA reports, not general descriptions of
issues (e.g., “savings”). This focus on specific legislation raises a couple of issues.
Data from the LDA reports are self-reported and raise the issue of whether specific
legislation is accurately reported. This paper does not address these concerns,
which would require a different study, but I argue that the data in this study are
appropriate. I collected all listings of issues, no matter how vague or specific, and
inputted them into the dataset. For each 6-month time period in this study (eight
periods in all), I created a subdataset containing only the specific legislative bills,
as identified by the use of, for example, “H.R.” for House Resolution or “S.” for
Senate bill, followed by the identification number. From 1999 through 2002, the
lobbying organizations listed a cumulative 7,522 issues or bills,2 and 80 percent
were identifiable legislation. Interestingly, the percentage of specific bill mentions
as a proportion of all issue mentions showed a gradual increase within each
For example, in the 106th Congress, the percentage of specific bill listings
began at 81 percent in early 1999 and finished at 84 percent by the end of 2000. At
the start of the 107th Congress, 69 percent of issues were identifiable pieces of
legislation, and by the end the percentage had risen to 81 percent. This makes
sense, because the choices for listing legislation in the LDA reports are more
limited at the beginning of a Congress than at the end because legislation is
over time.
Even if it was possible to use both identifiable bills and nonbill issue descriptions,
I was interested in seeing how concrete agendas developed over time. Specific
legislation seemed a better indicator of actionable agenda formation than
descriptions of nonbill issues. This is not to say that a reference that does not
identify a specific bill is vague, as some descriptions are very specific. However,
even within fairly narrow subissues there are different approaches that are possible,
and these approaches are captured by concrete legislation. Therefore, I focus on
identifiable bills.
Explanatory Network Effects. The main explanatory network effects that test the
bandwagon and influence hypotheses are illustrated in Figure 2. The key network
parameter for the bandwagon hypothesis is the popularity (in-degree)3 effect
of a bill. The popularity or in-degree effect is simply the number of lobbying
organizations that selected a particular bill. If a bill has a lot of ties coming
from lobbying organizations, its popularity or in-degree measure will be high,
and the effect predicts that an organization will select a bill on the basis of its
current popularity with other organizations. The following equation represent
this effect:

The popularity or in-degree effect for a lobbying organization (i) is defined by the
sum of the in-degrees of the bills (j) to which a lobbying organization i may be tied
from other lobbying organizations (h) (Ripley, Snijders, & Preciado, 2012). Figure
illustrates this effect, with the dotted line representing the predicted choice of the
lobbying organization.
The key network parameter for the influence hypothesis is the 4-cycle effect. The
4-cycle effect looks at the effect of similar choices made by any two organizations.
organization A is lobbying on bills X and Y and if organization B is lobbying on
the 4-cycle effect predicts that organization B will then select bill Y for lobbying
because A and B have both selected X. The equation below shows this effect:

In the two-mode network of organizations (i) and bills (j), the 4-cycle effect counts
and controls for the number of 4-path structures that consist of each pair of
(i1 and i2) completely connected to each pair of bills (j1 and j2) (Ripley et al.,
2012). Figure 2b illustrates this effect, with the dotted line representing the
choice of the lobbying organization.
I am also able to incorporate an effect for how, if at all, changes in the coalition
network affect changes in the legislative bill network. As discussed above,
and coalitions are visible social processes within policy domains, and being
to others in a coalition likely influences lobbying agendas. I gathered the
coalition data from several sources by researching various websites related to
policy, witness lists at congressional hearings, press releases produced by the
coalitions themselves, and qualitative information from my interviews with
lobbyists, as well as going to organizational and coalition websites, including

Note: Dotted lines indicate the predicated tie from organization to bill.
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 619
archived websites from the Internet Archives ( I was able
to identify 16 coalitions that operated between 1999 and 2002, although not all
coalitions operated continuously. The coalition data were converted into
network data in which the lobbying organizations are tied to each other if they
one or more coalitions in common. The coalition data allowed me to include a
coalition degree effect, which is the effect of the number of an actor’s coalition ties
that actor’s adding a tie to legislation in the legislative network. In the modeling
literature (Ripley et al., 2012, p. 133), this coalition activity effect is represented by
following equation:

In the above equation, w is the tie in the coalition network and xij is the outgoing
tie from lobbying organization i to bill j.
Explanatory Organizational Effects. Agenda choices may be associated with
attributes such as time and resources. I controlled for the organization’s total
time (in 6-month reporting periods) spent on retirement policy, which is based on
the number of reports for retirement policy from 1998 through 2004. I use this
extended time period for the time variable in order to assess the effects of long-
actors on policy. As the reports are filed semiannually, organizations spent about
to 4 years on average on retirement policy out of a maximum of 7 years, but the
standard deviations shown in Table 1 for both periods indicate a sizable minority

(about 20 percent) of organizations are consistent long-term players in retirement

policy. I also controlled for the size of an organization’s lobbying staff as a proxy
resources. The staff figure comes from the lobbying reports, where an organization
lists the individual lobbyists working on retirement policy issues. Other
variables were considered, such as interests, but these variables were dropped
during the model selection process, as discussed below.
Explanatory Legislative Variables. Not all proposed legislation is created equal,
scholars have made a point of distinguishing one proposal from another (see,
e.g., Mayhew, 1991). Legislation associated with a powerful sponsor or that has
many cosponsors may attract interest group attention. In addition, lobbyists
often speculate on which bills will move through Congress, as relatively few might
make it out of committee. Therefore, for legislative bills I control for (i) the
of cosponsors for that bill; (ii) whether the bill sponsor is a member of the
of jurisdiction for that bill; and (iii) the bill’s ultimate progress. For the last,
I use an ordinal scale with six categories: 1 (not reported out of committee), 2
(reported out of committee), 3 (approved by one chamber), 4 (reported out of
committee in the second chamber), 5 (approved by the second chamber), 6 (passed
into law). As Table 1 shows below, cosponsorship and bill progress are skewed, as
few bills have lots of sponsors or are enacted into law. About half of the bills were
sponsored by members of committees of jurisdiction in both the 106th and the
107th Congress.
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for these network, organizational, and
legislative attributes.
Longitudinal Network Modeling
As noted in the previous section, policy domains are dynamic in nature,
with organizations entering and leaving in every period and new legislation being
introduced continuously. Within this flux, lobbyist–legislation relationships form,
deepen, and dissolve, with implications for the overall structure of relations
(Heaney & Rojas, 2004; Powell, White, Koput, & Owen-Smith, 2005). “Choices
made early on may strongly affect subsequent opportunities, but path dependence
can be offset by a constant flow of new arrivals and departures” (Powell et al.,
2005, p. 1136). Thus, the structure of the interest group–legislation network
changes over time.
To model changes in the organization–legislative bill network, I use a stochastic
actor-oriented model that represents network dynamics on the basis of
observed panel network data and evaluates these data through statistical inference4
(Snijders et al., 2010). In this model, each actor in the network maximizes a utility
function that represents the costs and rewards for an actor to be in a specific state
(e.g., choosing, dropping, never choosing, or keeping a piece of legislation on their
agenda) at one moment in time given the network structure, the changes made by
other actors, and random influences. In general, the choice of action for an actor at
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 621
time t is based on the endogenous and explanatory effects. If an action can be
described as a function of one or more substantive utility arguments, the model
assumes that the actor is able to determine the immediate effects of currently
actions. Therefore, each decision about an actor’s network ties is associated
with a change in utility. The choice of action can also be based on utility
arguments that are not explicitly modeled in the utility function and for which
measurement or specification errors exist; that is, the random utility model
assumes that the actor would choose the action that would maximize utility
with a random error term. When the expected change in utility is approximately
the same for all actions, the actor’s choice will be more or less determined
by pure chance. However, if compared to other actions one action is associated
with a relatively large increase of expected utility, the probability of choosing this
specific action is also relatively large.
In order to test the hypotheses, I estimate the different network structural effects
on the probability of network change, controlling for organizational and
effects using the following function:
where k, l, and m are the number of parameters β to be estimated, s are the
effects (i.e., in-degree popularity, 4-cycle, and coalition degree), e represents
the effects associated with the attributes of an organization, d represents the
effects associated with the attributes of legislation, and ε is a stochastic error term.
The model requires that the network structural effects include an “out-degree” or
density effect as intercept, which is the number of outgoing ties from an
and that this effect controls for the density of the network. A negative
out-degree coefficient indicates that choosing legislative bills for lobbying is
As noted above, organizations move in and out of the policy domain, and
legislators introduce legislation throughout a Congress. The dynamic model can
control for such organizations and for bills that are not available or that do not exist
at a particular observation point. In this way, I can distinguish bills that have been
introduced but not chosen from bills that have not yet been introduced.
In general, the model simulates what happens between observations using
the random utility model. The organizational actions that make the network
develop are the core of the simulation procedure. The SIENA software program
estimates the model based on a maximum likelihood estimator using the
method of moments, implemented as a continuous-time Markov chain Monte
Carlo simulation. The model (i) calculates likely starting values for the parameters,
(ii) simulates the choice process according to the starting values, (iii) compares the
resultant simulated network with the observed networks, and (iv) adjusts values to
reduce differences between the observed and the simulated data. The model then
uses a number of simulations to determine the frequency distributions of
which then are used to calculate standard errors for the final parameter
622 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
Model Selection. Modeling network dynamics presents some challenges,
in this case, where I had a lot of background data on the lobbying organizations
and the bills. However, incorporating too many effects can cause a failure in
and not all possible effects and variables add value to the model. Ripley
et al. (2012) recommend a basic forward-selection process that chooses effects
on theory and research question, testing for goodness of fit and statistical
and then assessing the model for time heterogeneity. In this paper, the key
effects of interest were the 4-cycle and the in-degree/bill popularity effects, so
these were automatically included, although both exhibited excellent goodness-
scores. I then added different effects to the model and tested each for goodness
of fit according to the score-type tests (Ripley et al., 2012; Schweinberger, 2012).
After a basic model was determined, I then tested the model for time heterogeneity.
The basic model assumes that the effects do not vary over time, which is often not
the case. When time heterogeneity is indicated, time dummy variables can be
to control for variance over time (Lospinoso, Schweinberger, Snijders, & Ripley,
2011). A number of the effects in this model indicated time heterogeneity, and time
dummies were added only for time periods for which heterogeneity was indicated
by the test.
Results and Discussion
Descriptive Results
The lobbyist–legislative bill network has a particular pattern. As shown in
Table 1, the average bill is selected by about four or five lobbyists, but the core–
periphery structure shown in Figure 1 suggests a skewed distribution of ties for
both lobbying organizations and firms. Figure 3 shows the smoothed kernel
density distribution of ties for lobbying organizations and legislation proposals,
respectively, over each 6-month time period of this study. The distributions all
a “fat tail” such that a small number of organizations and bills have a lot of ties.
Most organizations focus on a small subset of bills, but a small group of lobbyists
are actively pursuing and/or monitoring a larger set of bills. Not shown in the
figures is that fact that many organizations initially do not make a selection, as
many bills have not been introduced, but over time new selections are made, as
shown in Table 2 (discussed below). Yet the skewed pattern of legislative choices
shown in Figure 3 persists.
Table 1 also shows substantial overlap in agenda choices. In terms of the 4-cycle
pattern, there were, on average, about 80 such relationships per organization over
whole 106th Congress and 69 for the 107th Congress. The presence of these 4-
relationships is driven by a small number of organizations and bills that are
the lion’s share of the network ties.
In sum, we see a distinct pattern of relationships between lobbyists and bills,
but what causes this pattern? The answer comes in two parts. The next section uses
qualitative evidence to show that this policy domain is a social environment

characterized by trust-based information flows. The analysis then provides the

results of the quantitative modeling for bandwagon and influence mechanisms that
likely generate the skewed pattern of ties between bills and lobbyists.
Qualitative Evidence of the Social Enviroment of Lobbying
Before we can test the hypotheses, we should determine if any social mechanism
is possible. Lobbyists get information from different sources, but the point of
this paper is that lobbyists are looking to each other as credible and trustworthy
information sources. For the interlobbyist bandwagon and influence mechanisms
to exist, actors in a policy domain must know each other, must interact with each
other, must share information with each other, and must give credibility to the
information gained from other lobbyists. But does this interaction and sharing
actually occur?
I collected qualitative interview data from 25 individual retirement policy
Each lobbyist had several years or more of experience in retirement policy,
such that they would be able to indicate the presence of social processes in the
The statistical data indicated a core group of about 20 percent of organizations
that worked consistently on retirement policy, and this fact was found in the
data, too. Individual lobbyists in retirement policy not only knew each other
but had a clear sense of a close-knit core group of organizations. I mentioned to
lobbyist that I counted over 300 organizations working on retirement issues in
years; he said, “Of the 300, it’s probably the 30 to 50 organizations and lobbyists
do this week in and week out. This is sort of the community on retirement.”
lobbyist who held positions in the legislative and executive branches characterized
the size of the pension community as small: “Now there are more associations who
are interested, but having said that, like everything else in the world, there are only
a few who do all the work. Twenty percent of people do 80 percent of the work.”
such a close-knit environment, a lot of information is flowing in both directions
Table 2. Changes in Lobbying Organizations’ Ties to Bills, 1999–2000 and 2001–

a For the 107th Congress, I calculated an alternative index for the middle time
period based on the fact that
this time period was experiencing a period of growth. The value of the alternative
index was 0.562.
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 625
through the policy domain, as noted by a lawyer who represented a group of
organizations who have their own lobbyists:
It’s not just from me to them but from them to me as well when I have those
conversations. But I am probably talking to nonclient lobbyists every day
about something. I am probably on the horn with someone at one of the
[trade associations] that I don’t represent or somebody at one of the financial
institutions that I don’t represent almost every day because there’s some
significant nexus of interests and we’re trying to coordinate, trying to get on
the same page, trying to share information, trying to plan, so those relationships
are important.
As many lobbyists pointed out, however, sharing information has risks and
repercussions. A lobbyist noted that the close-knit nature of the pension
made it difficult to mischaracterize another’s position because information flowed
easily and quickly:
It really shows how small we are . . . I send reporters down the line and, or
the reporter talks to me, I can easily tell who they talked to before they talked
to me even though they don’t name them, then I tell them, “You talked to so
and so.”
Close-knit communities facilitate trust among the actors, which in turn facilitates
repeated interaction and information sharing. A corporate lobbyist noted, “When
you’ve developed a relationship and you know the person, you are willing to
As another explained:
And [trust] can come up in innumerable ways in terms of somebody in your
respective membership or someone on Capitol Hill shared some information
with you on the one hand, you have to make a judgment call between
sharing the information because it would be helpful for the other person to
know; not sharing the information because maybe the person who shared
the information specifically does not want it to be shared with this other
group who is your ally for whatever reason that relates to their own relationship
or their own distrust that it remain confidential or whatever it
might be.
As a result, fine-grained information or tacit knowledge moves easily within such
communities because the credibility of the information is a function of the
that transmits the information. Thus the quality and usefulness of the information
that is being shared is higher.
Now, there’s information like the bill was introduced three days ago, which
you can find out on Thomas.5 Versus “my boss is going to introduce this bill
in ten days and it is going to have these elements,” and that’s nowhere to be
626 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
found in the public domain. But it’s not interpretative, it’s more general, but
it’s still valuable because it’s not out in the public domain. So, things that are
purely informational can be valuable.
An attorney who represents business interests remarked that when he is
asked to review draft legislative proposals by pro-labor congressional staffers,
the usual worries about his input being mischaracterized as an endorsement may
be alleviated by trust-based relations, which create tacit expectations: “There are
some staffers, some offices where you wouldn’t have to ever think about that. It
would just be understood.” He also puts it this way about information sharing
And you know it’s a lot of what we do is sort of informational exchange. I
often feel that I am a broker. Like I am gathering information from various
sources and disseminating it out to various sources. It’s a big part of what I
do. And when you feel that you’ve clicked with someone, whether you’re
relatively early in that relationship or you’ve got a very significant relationship,
it’s easier to pick up the phone, it’s easier to shoot the email than if
you don’t feel that connection with someone because you are less worried
about putting somebody out, you’re less worried about somebody taking it
out of context, you’re less worried about confidentiality, all the things that
facilitate trust and information flow are easier when there’s that sense of
These relations and information flows are not restricted to those on one side of an
issue or the other. A long-time lobbyist who works for a corporate trade
noted that embedded relationships gave her unique access to views and information
from policymakers: “We were having a meeting with other [pro-business] pension
types downtown, and people would be worried about this or that or the other thing
on, wondering where labor is, or wondering where AARP is, or wondering where
pro-labor Democratic staffer] is, and I just would go and pick up the phone and
In general, policy domains can contain a subset of actors who form a close-knit
group and who develop processes for fine-grained information transfer. That is,
information flows easily, and it is more proprietary and tacit in nature than what
would be exchanged in arm’s-length relations. “Social relations make information
credible and interpretable, imbuing it with qualities and value beyond what is at
hand” (Uzzi, 1996, p. 678). Having established the social conditions that make the
bandwagon and influence hypotheses possible, the next section provides
evidence for the hypotheses.
Dynamic Modeling of Lobbyist–Bill Networks
Table 2 describes the changes in the lobbyist–bill network over the observed
time periods. Looking at the first column of results, No Bill (0 → 0), the vast
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 627
majority of observations consists of nonties; that is, a lobbying organization has
not chosen a bill. The second column, labeled New Bill (0 → 1), indicates newly
created ties when an organization adds a bill to its agenda. The third column, Drop
Bill (1 → 0), gives the number of times an organization drops a bill from its
agenda. The fourth column, Keep Bill (1 → 1), indicates when an organization
keeps lobbying on a bill from one time period to the next. In summary, lobbying
organizations’ choices changed quite a bit. For example, between the first and
second halves of 1999, 243 new ties to legislation were created, while 143 ties
dropped by lobbying organizations. However, the number of unchanged legislative
choices increased over time.
A key assumption of the dynamic model is that observations are made of a
gradually changing network. Because the data collection is based on time periods
fixed length for lobbyist reporting, the 6-month time periods do not match the
rates of change in the networks. In order to see if the data collection points are not
far apart, Table 2 shows the Jaccard index, which is a function of the number of
present at both observation points as well as the number of ties added and dropped
between the two observation points. In general, Jaccard values should be above 0.3
(Snijders et al., 2010), and for each Congress the values meet this criterion, except
the middle time period in the 107th Congress. However, Snijders et al. (2010) note
that when the network is in a period of growth and the second network has many
more ties than in the prior network, one “may look instead at the proportion,
the ties present at a given observation, of ties that have remained in existence at the
next observation” (p. 49). Such a period of growth in the middle of each Congress
present in Table 1, as 704 new ties were added from the end of 2001 to the
of 2002, which is significantly higher than other time periods. Most likely, this
growth spurt reflects, at least in part, the continuing introduction of legislation over
the course of the first year of a Congress as well as information gathering by
lobbying organizations on newly introduced legislation. Using the alternative index
calculation proposed by Snijders et al. (2010), the value is 0.562 from the end of
to the beginning of 2002.
Table 3 provides the results of the longitudinal modeling of the lobbyist–bill
network. The first two columns of results are for the 106th Congress, which was in
session from 1999 through 2000. The first three rows of results are the rate
that provide the estimated changes per organization from one period to the
next, and these indicate an average rate of nearly three tie changes between the
observation points. As Ripley et al. (2012, p. 92) note, the rate parameter “refers to
unobserved changes, and that some opportunities for change lead to the decision
‘no change,’ and moreover some of these changes may cancel (make a new choice
and then withdraw it again), so the average observed number of differences per
actor will be smaller than this estimated number of unobserved changes.” The next
row of results is the out-degree (density) parameter that is required in any model
and serves as a control for the network density (Ripley et al., 2012). As noted
previously, the fact that the coefficient is negative (−3.509) indicates that selecting
additional legislation (as represented by a tie going “out” from an organization)
is costly, such that organizations will select additional legislation only if there
628 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
are benefits to doing so. A density coefficient of −3.509 translates into a baseline
conditional probability of choosing a legislative bill on which to lobby of 0.029
(equal to 1/(1 + e−(−3.509))). The remainder of the parameters test whether our
of interest capture these benefits.
The focus of this paper is on social processes that are represented by the network
effects of 4-cycles for the influence hypothesis, in which similar organizations
make similar choices, and in-degree popularity for the bandwagon hypothesis.
There is a significant effect (0.029) for 4-cycles or influence, as choices made by
others will affect the choices of a particular lobbying organization. This increases
the chance of lobbying on a bill because of this 4-cycle effect from 0.027 to 0.028
(1/(1 + e−(−3.509 + 0.029)). There are, on average, 80 4-cycles per lobbying
organization, so,
on average, the 4-cycle effect results in a 23 percent increase (1/(1 + e−(−3.509 +
(0.029 × 80)))
in choosing legislation. One time dummy was added for the change in observations
between the end of 1999 and the first half of 2000, and the coefficient (−0.29) is
significantly negative and offsets the original effect for that period.
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 629
The in-degree parameter evaluates the effect of a bill’s popularity on the choice
of lobbying organizations to select it, which tests the bandwagon hypothesis. This,
too, has a significantly positive effect (0.029), such that each increase in a bill’s
existing ties will result in a 3 percent increase in the chance that an organization
select that bill. So if 20 organizations have selected a particular bill, the chance that
another organization will select that bill increases to 6 percent. But this increase is
not linear: If 100 other organizations select that bill, the chance of selection goes to
62 percent. That is, an organization’s propensity to choose a bill gradually
as more organizations add that bill to their agendas. Thus, we can see how the
“bandwagon” effect or “social cascade” that Baumgartner et al. (2009) mention
occur—some tipping point is reached when lobbyists flock to a bill. The time
dummies are not significant.
The other network effect of interest is the effect of changes in the coalition
network on bill selection. However, the coalition activity–bill activity effect is not
significant except for the time period from the first half of 2000 to the second half
2000, the effect for which is significantly negative (−0.245), suggesting that an
increase in one’s coalition ties in that period has a negative effect on selecting bills.
Belonging to a number of coalitions may limit the legislative agenda of member
organizations, as coalitions may narrowly target their efforts and resources after
deliberation by coalition members.
In terms of significant effects for organizational controls, total time in the
policy domain is significantly associated with adding legislation to one’s
agenda (0.145). If an organization is active over all time periods, the probability of
selecting new legislation increases from 3 to 8 percent. Being a long-term player in
the policy domain may evidence an ability or interest in covering more issues as
are introduced over the span of a Congress. Someone who has spent time on
policy knows who are the relevant policymakers and likely has good information
about developments, so such lobbyists are best positioned to update their
agendas as legislation is proposed. Long-term participants may also be acting as
information clearinghouses to which others can refer.
For legislative controls, the number of cosponsors on a bill (0.002) and whether
a bill’s sponsor is a member of the relevant committee of jurisdiction (0.272 for the
initial coefficient and 0.504 for a time dummy) are significant and positive, but the
effect is slight for both. Actual bill progress is not significant except for the
term for the middle time period (second half of 1999 to first half of 2000), which
negative (−0.227). I do not have a single explanation for why bill progress would
a negative effect in one time period, but that could happen for different reasons:
example, when a bill moved forward, provisions related to retirement policy could
have been altered or stripped out altogether.
The results for the 107th Congress are similar to those of the 106th. The rate
parameters for the next Congress are similar to the prior time period, although the
rate parameters increase from one time period to the next. The out-degree (density)
parameter remains negative (−3.804).
We see similar results of significance, direction, and magnitude for the structural
effects of 4-cycles (0.041 for the initial coefficient and 0.087 for one time
630 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
dummy). As the average number of 4-cycles per organization is 69, the probability
of selecting legislation for the average organization rises to 27 percent. The
in-degree popularity (0.039) is again small, but the effect increases as more
choose a bill, as we saw in the results for the prior Congress. For
example, if 100 organizations have selected a bill, the probability for any
selecting that bill is 52 percent. Again, organizations look to choices of
others when they already share similar preferences, and bandwagon and influence
effects appear to be present. Only one other effect is significant for our control
measures. The number of staff is associated with a significantly positive effect on
choosing legislation (0.173), which shows a 3 percent probability of selecting
rising to 4 percent at the average number of staff of three people per organization.
The 107th Congress had a Republican majority in both houses as well as
a Republican White House, so larger organizations (at least in terms of staff) like
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce may be more active with their legislative agenda
in this time period.
The purpose of this paper was to focus on interest groups’ relations with other
groups and the outcomes, if any, associated with such relationships. Given a
network of lobbying organizations and legislative proposals, I argued in this paper
that an organization’s lobbying choices are, in part, conditional on the choices of
other lobbying organizations. The longitudinal model of network change was used
to explain the agenda choices of lobbying organizations over several time periods
and, hence, the evolution of the agenda itself. The results provided support for
both the influence hypothesis in the form of the 4-cycle effect and for the
hypotheses in the form of the in-degree effect. The qualitative evidence of
networked relations among lobbyists provides an understanding of the results.
While information and influence can come from different sources, lobbyists in a
policy domain, particularly long-term players, tend to know each other, share
information, and exchange interpretations about developments. This flow of
evokes the information subsidy idea borrowed from Hall and Deardorff
(2006). In such an environment, lobbyists learn about the choices of other lobbyists
and likely condition their choices as a result. In short, networks imbued with
repeated interaction and with transfers of fine-grained knowledge affect policy
agenda development.
These findings fit with other work on interest groups like Holyoke’s (2011)
competition model and the “hollow-core” structure of influence of Heinz et al.
(1993). If interest groups are on opposing sides on an issue, they nonetheless can
influence each other on what is the issue on which to disagree. In the Heinz et al.
(1993) study, which had a more macro-level focus, the authors found not a central
coordinating set of actors but a network organized as a sphere around a hollow
There, the structure of representation was paired with a high degree of uncertainty
the policymaking process as private interests increasingly developed representation
Scott: Social Processes in Lobbyist Agenda Development 631
in Washington over the late 1970s and early 1980s. My results suggest that policy
actors deal with this uncertain and unmediated environment by looking to others in
the policy domain, particularly those who provide reliable information about policy
These results speak directly to ideas of policy change and stability as discussed by
Baumgartner et al. (2009). As these authors noted, policy often is stable, but when
change occurs, the magnitude of change is much more significant than a mere
marginal adjustment in policy. For significant change to occur, context matters in
the social nature ofWashington lobbying ensures that policy actors will look to
other before investing resources into particular proposals. When actions are
on others, a social cascade can occur that punctuates a period of stability with a
significant policy shift (Baumgartner et al., 2009, pp. 251–53). The results in this
confirm this process: lobbyists’ choices for their agendas are conditional on the
of others. By this we can understand a policy domain as social and dynamic space.
Are these results limited to a particular policy domain? Lowi’s (1964) argument
about types of policies having specific implications for political behavior may be
useful. The retirement policy domain may encourage embedded relations in that
technical complexity of pension tax law puts a premium on expertise and provides
a benefit to long-term players who invest in the details of policy. Thus, these
may be limited to similar domains with a regulatory or technical emphasis, such as
health care or intellectual property, and may not extend to more particularistic/
distributive areas such as budget politics. Moreover, size and composition of the
policy domain may matter (Olson, 1965; Ostrom, 1991). More research, then, is
However, I expect to see quantitative and qualitative evidence of these social
processes across a range of policy domains and even across levels of government
at least two reasons. First, politics and policy work are specialized according to
experience and expertise, such thatwe should see institutionally created
within which are dense ties but between which are only weak connections. Such
communities reduce the distance between actors, with the result that actors tend to
know and interact with each other. Second, actors face complex and information-
environments with limited resources. Social relationships augment one’s resources
and leverage one’s knowledge and expertise into effective advocacy. The real
we feel frompositive social interactions in work situations also reinforces the
benefits of these social processes (Homans, 1950). For these reasons, policy
likely develop neither through elite consensus nor through aggregation of
choices but rather through social processes like bandwagon and influence that
are supported by trust-based relations in close-knit communities. Such close-knit
communitiesmay not be the elite-driven models of policymaking, but they do
a different kind of elite hierarchy, one consisting of expertise and experience.
John C. Scott is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Research Scientist at the UNC
Institute on Aging. His current interests include network modeling of lobbyist
agendas, aging workers and self-employment, determining how people make
632 Policy Studies Journal, 41:4
financial decisions at the older ages, and understanding how disease might spread
through networks of sexual activity.

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