Macaraeg 11stem1 Eapp Q1W1

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Nicole F. Macaraeg 09/24/21

Grade 11 - STEM 1 Maria Fe A. Ricamonte

Topic 1: Fundamentals of READING ACADEMIC TEXTS

Task 1
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. T
Topic 2: Fundamentals of reading academic texts

Task 2
The Role of Pediatricians to the Mental
Health of Children

. Primary care pediatricians have an essential role in detecting, diagnosing,

treating, and referring children with mental health issues. Some parents, however, are
hesitant to address their child's behavioral and emotional problems with their
physician. According to research on patient-physician communication, some features
of pediatrician interview style (asking questions about psychological concerns,
offering encouraging remarks, and listening carefully) enhance the disclosure of
sensitive information. We anticipated that when doctors employed these approaches,
disclosures of parent and child psychosocial issues would be more likely. According to
conservative estimates, 10% of children in the general population have mental health
problems that cause clinically significant impairment. Pediatricians play an essential
role in locating these children and assisting them in receiving care. Between 1987 and
1989, pediatric primary care doctors were the single greatest referral source (27
percent of >6000 referrals) to children's community mental health services in Monroe
County, New York.

. However, evidence shows that many children with mental illnesses are
examined by physicians but do not obtain a diagnosis, treatment, or referral. Several
studies comparing doctors to professional interviewers or standardized evaluations
revealed physician recognition rates as low as 17 percent. One factor for poor
recognition rates is parents' unwillingness to address behavioral or emotional
problems with their children. Hickson and colleagues discovered that less than one-
third of women visiting private physicians' clinics had addressed or intended to share
major psychosocial issues with the pediatrician, even when the problem was the
mother's single biggest concern about her child's health. Many women thought their
physician was inexperienced, uninterested, or too busy to handle psychological
issues; others feared the conversation would be humiliating. The hesitation of
parents to raise concerns is not confined to psychological difficulties. Adult studies,
on the other hand, demonstrate that some characteristics of a doctor's
communication style encourage patients to disclose sensitive psychological
information. Doctors learn more when they ask straightforward questions about
feelings and particular psychosocial concerns, show empathy and reassurance, and
listen attentively and sympathetically.
. Since its establishment as a recognized medical specialty, the discipline of
pediatrics has placed a high value on both the process of child development and the
social/environmental context in which it occurs. When the American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) was formed in 1930, the majority of children's acute health care
requirements were infectious. As vaccines, hygiene, and other public health initiatives
became more effective over the next 80 years, astute observers began to notice that
many noninfectious disease entities, such as developmental, behavioral, educational,
and family difficulties, were playing increasingly prominent roles in affecting child
health and well-being. The phrase "new morbidity" was used in 1975 to characterize
the noninfectious entities that looked to be the most frequent. This significant
conceptualization reflected a growing realization that significant societal changes (e.g.,
an increase in the number of single parents and families with two working parents)
were requiring pediatric health care providers to address complex issues that were
not strictly medical in nature. Although the effect of these "new" morbidities on
pediatrics, public health, and society in general is no longer in doubt, 3–5 doctors'
professional training and practice remain largely focused on the acute medical
requirements of individual children.

. A broad-based, multisector commitment in which the profession of pediatrics

plays a major role in creating, implementing, assessing, improving, and advocating for
a new generation of protective treatments might significantly advance the effective
reduction of toxic stress in young children. Pediatric doctors are particularly
equipped and well-positioned to help translate current breakthroughs in
developmental research into effective treatments for the home, clinic, and
community. Pediatricians bring numerous time-honored views to this difficult
endeavor, in addition to regular encounters with young children and an
understanding for the crucial role that families and communities play in determining
child well-being. These perspectives include a developmental approach to health, an
understanding of the benefits of prevention over remediation, and a recognition of
the critical importance of effective advocacy in promoting changes in well-established
systems that influence child health and development, even when those systems are
outside the traditional realm of pediatric practice. In this context, it is critical that new
and effective solutions that improve the ability of the medical home to minimize toxic
stress causes and ameliorate their effects on the lives of young children continue to
be developed.

Topic 2: locating main i deas, t op ic sentences
and suporting detail s

Task 1
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. F
10. F
Topic 2: locating main i deas, t op ic sentences
and suporting detail s

Task 2
With the enactment of the K-12 program, the basic education cycle is extended
to include two additional years at secondary level. Enrolment in senior high
school (SHS) which will comprise Grade 11 and 12, is expected to increase 2.0
million students in public schools and 0.7 million students in private schools in
school year 2017/18. This will have an effect on the availability of classrooms
for SHS program. This policy Note does an initial assessment of the K to 12
program’s effects on the supply of classrooms and teachers vis-à-vis the
project demand. It points to some windows of opportunities that may be
considered as possible solutions, such as allowing higher education institutions
to absorb the additional demand for places in SHSs.

Main idea in your own words: The implementation of K-12 program

Text 2. Filipino women are active as entrepreneurs. Data from the department
of Trade and Industry for 2009 show that the 54 percent of enterprises are
owned by women. This Policy Note discusses the challenges faced by women
entrepreneurs. To achieve inclusive growth in the Asia-Pacific region, it is
critical to increase the economic opportunities of women in the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. APEC members must take nation-
level and regional actions toward creating enabling environments for women
enterprises and empowering woman entrepreneurs. The significant number of
women entrepreneurs reflects the huge potential of women to make substantial
contributions to the national economy. For this to be realized, they need to be
supported appropriate and timey interventions toward growing and scaling up
their business.

Main idea in your own words: The challenges a woman holds in economic

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