HOPE2nd Long Test Reviewer
HOPE2nd Long Test Reviewer
HOPE2nd Long Test Reviewer
How important is dancing?
o Dancing means expressing oneself
o Dancing can develop a sense of unity because dancers provide unison in action.
o Dancing can be a mental or physical relaxation.
o Dancing is a form of exercise.
Ballroom Dance
o Ballroom dance is a type of dance or partner dance, which is enjoyed socially and competitively
because of the entertainment aspect.
Classification of Ballroom Dance:
o Social Dance
o Competitive Dance
o Exhibition Ballroom
Types of Ballroom Dancing
o It is one of the oldest and smoothest ballroom dance styles. It is characterized by “rise and
fall” movements in progressive, long, flowing continuous turns. Waltz shows the dancers
smoothly gliding on the floor.
Cha Cha
o It is a dance style that expresses the passion and energy of the dancers through flirtatious
gestures. The Cha-cha is one of the liveliest dance steps in ballroom.
Baisc Figures in Cha Cha Cha
o Basic Cha cha – It includes rock step and cha cha cha
o New York – It is described as 4th position.
o Underarm turn - done by one person crossing legs sideward followed by a quick
turn under the holding hands of partner.
o Hand to Hand – It is called as double hand
o Spot turn - done by crossing your legs sideward followed by a quick turn
First Aid
o First aid is the care given immediately to an injured or ill person.
Objectives of First Aid
o To alleviate suffering
o To prevent added/further injury or danger
o To prolong life
Common Injuries
Procedure to minimize the risk of injuries in dance:
o Warm up
o Stretching
o Begin slowly
o Vary your workout
o Listen to your body
o Fuel your body
o Rest (cool down)