HOPE2nd Long Test Reviewer

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Optimizing Physical Education

1st Quarter: 2nd Long Test Reviewer


o Physical fitness through dancing
o Philippine Folk Dances
o Modern & Contemporary Dance
o Ballroom Dancing

Dance as Physical Activity

Eight Locomotor Skills
In any dance, the following locomotor skills can be easily used in performing steps and moving
patterns. Practice and master these skills.
o Walk - series of steps taken in any direction
o Run - faster phase of walk with short body suspension
o Jump - spring on one or both feet, landing on both feet
o Hop - spring on one foot, landing on the same foot
o Skip – performing a step and a hop with the same foot
o Gallop – stepping one foot and cutting the other, forward or sideward
o Slip or slide - move the foot without lifting the floor
o Leap - spring on one foot and landing on the other foot (similar to a luksong tinik)

o Dance is an art that involves movement through rhythm and is oftentimes accompanied by
o It refers to creative movements and derived from man’s activities either by mimicking or by
creative choreography. This is usually set to music and pattern of beats.

Classification of Dances
o Ballroom Dance – Partner and competitive dance performed socially
o Social Dance – Dance for socializing with other people
o Festival Dance – Dance suitable for special occasions and festivities
o Ceremonial or Religious Dance – Performed for religious ceremonies
o Occupational Dance – Dance that shows work and labor
o War Dance – Dance for battle and war engagement
o Interpretative or Creative Dance – A movement interpreting or symbolizing something
o Contemporary dance – Expressive combined elements of dances.

Folk Dance
o Is a form of dance developed by a group of people that reflects the traditional life of the people
of a certain country, region or community.

o Ballet is a formal form of dance which came not from the United States but from Russia and
France. The term ballet is related to the Italian word balleto, a variation of the word ballo,
meaning "dance." It can also be attributed to the Latin ballere which means "to dance Russia
and France pioneered ballet "dance as public entertainment, and it spread throughout
o Ballet's art expressions rely on its precise and highly formalized set of steps and gestures.
With light, graceful, and fluid movements, ballet dancers perform en pointe (on toe) on the
dancing area. The en pointe dance style became popular during the early 19th century, and it
was reserved only for women during that time. Women dancers wore an all-white dress and
white, black, or pink pointed shoes. They also wore leotard, tights, and a bell-like wrap skirt.
This classical style of ballet, however, leaves little room for creative expression because of its
rigid and premeditated style of movements.

Modern Dance
o The rigid and premeditated style of ballet made some dancers of the 19th century to rebel
and experiment on a new style that is more loose and flexible. The result of this
experimentation was the birth of modern dance in the late 19th century. It eventually
flourished in the early 20th century. Compared to ballet, modern dance is more free and
relaxed as it focuses more on the dancer's own interpretations of the music rather than on
structured steps as in ballet.

Dance Elements in Modern Dance
o Body – If dance is an art form, then the body is the instrument used by the artist.
o Action – Is the movement that the body performs.
o Space – It refers to the area where the dancer performs.
o Time – Is when movements are done in a performance.
o Energy – It refers to force of an action that brings character to the movement.

Contemporary Dance
o Contemporary dance integrated the techniques and styles from social dance, ballet, and
modern dance.
o Contemporary dance, just like modern dance, is emotionally-driven. Thus, it is typical for
contemporary dancers to experiment in their dance steps based on how they feel and
according to the message that they want to convey. Contemporary dance, however, is also
characterized by flowing movements mixed with quick and exaggerated steps. The
choreography is also normally edgy in its story telling.

How important is dancing?
o Dancing means expressing oneself
o Dancing can develop a sense of unity because dancers provide unison in action.
o Dancing can be a mental or physical relaxation.
o Dancing is a form of exercise.

Ballroom Dance
o Ballroom dance is a type of dance or partner dance, which is enjoyed socially and competitively
because of the entertainment aspect.

Classification of Ballroom Dance:
o Social Dance
o Competitive Dance
o Exhibition Ballroom

Types of Ballroom Dancing

o It is one of the oldest and smoothest ballroom dance styles. It is characterized by “rise and
fall” movements in progressive, long, flowing continuous turns. Waltz shows the dancers
smoothly gliding on the floor.

Cha Cha
o It is a dance style that expresses the passion and energy of the dancers through flirtatious
gestures. The Cha-cha is one of the liveliest dance steps in ballroom.

Baisc Figures in Cha Cha Cha
o Basic Cha cha – It includes rock step and cha cha cha
o New York – It is described as 4th position.
o Underarm turn - done by one person crossing legs sideward followed by a quick
turn under the holding hands of partner.
o Hand to Hand – It is called as double hand
o Spot turn - done by crossing your legs sideward followed by a quick turn

First Aid
o First aid is the care given immediately to an injured or ill person.

Objectives of First Aid
o To alleviate suffering
o To prevent added/further injury or danger
o To prolong life

Common Injuries

Procedure to minimize the risk of injuries in dance:
o Warm up
o Stretching
o Begin slowly
o Vary your workout
o Listen to your body
o Fuel your body
o Rest (cool down)

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