Moloko Plus Issue 6 Eng
Moloko Plus Issue 6 Eng
Moloko Plus Issue 6 Eng
moloko+ magazine
moloko+ magazine
Can you name the artists who had the most profound influence
on you?
I have been under the influence of all artists between Piero Della
Francesca and Marcel Duchamp. However, internet has helped to
know hundreds, thousands of artists. The techniques, disciplines,
tendencies… have been fusing. As a result of this, there are new
artists, new tendencies.
I think… we are living a special moment. But, look out! A high per-
centage is too ephemeral.
moloko+ magazine
“I’ve never wanted to take photographs. rooms of bedrooms. Everybody does that:
Because it’s difficult to begin doing some- think out some projects and then implement
thing where you think you’re not the best. them. But I can’t call this such a pompous
I’ve been photo editor for three years, so word as “projects”. It’s just foofaraw. There
I’ve seen many photos of different pho- are thousands people like me and it would
tographers and learned that there may be be too self-conceited of me to take it seri-
pictures of wonderful harmony or something ously. It’s very pleasant when people like
done by amazing eyeless creatures with my photos. But if I ever start taking photos
cameras. Sometimes I would find a camera with a serious look on my face I’m sure that
in my hands, but I was always trying to get I won’t like them. I didn’t like to take photo-
rid of it. And my shots were really shitty. graphs of people until I began to treat them
One day our art director bought two identi- as objects. It means that I don’t change
cal cameras and I got one of them. The first something, but I just shoot a person where I
four photos I’ve made were the photos of see him or just round the corner. Also I don’t
my flat. I was in the hall and thought that like to dress them up. I either want to take a
there was such a beautiful light and it was picture of the person or I feel aversion right
just a typical Soviet kind of flat but some- away and there’s nothing I can do. I don’t
how very nice despite all those floor lamps spend more then 10 seconds on taking a
and polished furniture. And so it began like picture. If I see a person in front of me it
that.I don’t think that I shoot something seems to me that I am doing something
special. I just like the tangible things and very stupid if I take a picture. And at once
nice horizontal and empty pictures. I take I feel like walking away so I just press the
out my camera when I see the flowers, button and blush.
green lawns, paper cups with coffee, empty
“Being a photographer you become curious Since you asked all the artists if they have
Juliane Eirich was born and raised in Munich, Germany. She
by profession. This curiosity is what inspires been to Russia: I have been to Russia two
studied photography at the “Academy for Photodesign Munich” me and makes me enthusiastic about pho- times. It was on a pupils exchange because
(Fachakademie für Fotodesign, München) from 2000 to 2003. tography. I decided to learn Russian voluntarily in high
The main subject of my work is physical school. I went there two times, once with 14
After graduating she went to New York City and Honolulu to work places. I am showing the peculiarity and and once with 16. I really liked it so I would
and pursue her own projects. Due to a scholarship she spent one beauty of places that usually would not get love to go back now, since I did not take
much attention. My work deals with the photos at that time.”
year in Seoul, South Korea in 2007.
relationships between people and places,
and the rendering of real and artificial-like
environments in everyday life. I want the
viewers to sometimes rethink their way of
perception. My goal is to take pictures that
are story telling to pass on my curiosity to
the viewers.
“The other Series is new work that I was working on here in Korea. It is called “Me-Il Sajin”
which is Korean for “Everyday Photo”. Every day, since I arrived in Korea I was shooting one
photo for this picture diary. I am sending you six out of these 365 shots.”
“Black or white? Positive or negative? Can wave of reactions that can be extremely po-
we answer these questions unambiguously lar due to the fact, that everything is judged
at the spot? In our daily lives we are often relative to the individual, space and time.
forced to take sides. An example of a paradoxical system men-
This inevitably creates tensions that ac- tioned above is the personal Weltanschau-
cumulate with time. However, an analysis ung. Each Weltanschauung is unique not
one’s own thoughts results in a conclusion, only among individuals, but also between
that completely opposite concepts or at- seconds. By learning something new about
titudes can coexist in the very same brain, the world, the inner world or the attitude
hence be a part of the same personality. towards a certain concept can reverse in
Does this fact pose a paradox? The ques- an instant, either resolving smaller contra-
tion itself is again a demand to take sides. dictions, or adding new ones. Hence, The
Such nested paradoxes have fascinated Good can become The Evil in a jiffy and,
humankind since a long time. People that perhaps, transform into Good the next sec-
could afford taking the time have document- ond.
ed those (i.e. Zen Kōans). The mathemati- The photographs from the series “Via Re-
cian Kurt Gödel has freed us from the tor- version Kit” crystallize my personal relative
ture of the infinite – as a consequence of his Weltanschauung through photographic
Incompleteness Theorem one can always inversions into a form and are dedicated to
find a higher system in which the contra- The Good here and now and with grateful
dictions of the original system wouldn’t be thanks to the model and to my friends.”
The path of hedonism is a dream among
modern people. The maximization of de-
light and enjoyment is however an utopistic
maxim that cannot work in a dynamic soci-
ety. Each step towards hedonism causes a
moloko+ magazine
I’ve been designing toys for about 4 years and I still have a lot to learn, this
means that there are more toy designs to come. I enjoy making each toy, prepar-
ing that toy for someone who has found Flying Star Toys and feels in tune with
the spirit and soul of the little one that has captured their heart. Each toy requires
precision and mindfulness to achieve their sculpted shape and tailored finish. A
toy being made simply for money doesn’t garner such devotedness I have dis-
covered, so at present I have a notion, perhaps old fashioned, that I’m making a
little treasure for someone’s soul.
Falling from the clouds or rolling down a cheek, running down your window pane or glisten-
ing on a leaf is where to look for Rain Berries. Rain Berries is a name coined to contain all
forms of water drops. Dew drops are Rain Berries. Tears are Rain Berries. Rain drops are
Rain Berries. Have you ever traced the path of a rain drop on a window glass? Have you
marvelled at the tiny dew drops covering the grass in the early morning? Perhaps you’ve
collected the tears that have run down the cheek of someone you love. You might not have
known it, but you were in the presence of Rain Berries.”
moloko+ magazine