Entomopathogenic Fungi and Insect Behaviour

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BioControl (2010) 55:89–102

DOI 10.1007/s10526-009-9238-5

Entomopathogenic fungi and insect behaviour:

from unsuspecting hosts to targeted vectors
Jason Baverstock • Helen E. Roy • Judith K. Pell

Received: 20 July 2009 / Accepted: 5 October 2009 / Published online: 29 October 2009
Ó International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC) 2009

Abstract The behavioural response of an insect to Keywords Entomopathogenic fungi 

a fungal pathogen will have a direct effect on the Attraction  Avoidance  Transmission 
efficacy of the fungus as a biological control agent. In Vectoring  Autodissemination
this paper we describe two processes that have a
significant effect on the interactions between insects
and entomopathogenic fungi: (a) the ability of target Introduction
insects to detect and avoid fungal pathogens and (b)
the transmission of fungal pathogens between host A co-evolutionary arms race occurs between insects
insects. The behavioural interactions between insects and their pathogens. Whereas selection on the
and entomopathogenic fungi are described for a pathogen is for greater exploitation of the host,
variety of fungal pathogens ranging from commer- selection on the host is for greater exclusion of the
cially available bio-pesticides to non-formulated pathogen (Bush et al. 2001; Roy et al. 2006). The
naturally occurring pathogens. The artificial manip- evolution of this behaviour and a description of some
ulation of insect behaviour using dissemination of the diverse interactions that occur between arthro-
devices to contaminate insects with entomopatho- pods and fungi have recently been described in a
genic fungi is then described. The implications of review by Roy et al. (2006). Whilst these interactions
insect behaviour on the use of fungal pathogens as are of great interest to evolutionary biologists,
biological control agents are discussed. understanding the fundamental behavioural processes
that occur between insects and pathogens is also
essential for insect pathologists who wish to exploit
fungal entomopathogens as biological control agents.
Handling Editor: Eric Wajnberg. Several species of entomopathogenic fungi are cur-
rently available as formulated bio-pesticides, includ-
J. Baverstock (&)  J. K. Pell ing; VertalecÒ (Lecanicillium longisporum ((Petch)
Department of Plant and Invertebrate Ecology, Zare & Gams Zimmerman)) (Ascomycota: Hypocre-
Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire
AL5 2JQ, UK ales), BotaniGardÒ (Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo)
e-mail: [email protected] Vuillemin) (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) and Green
MuscleÒ (Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum
H. E. Roy (Metsch.)) (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) (Milner
Biological Records Centre, NERC Centre for Ecology &
Hydrology, Crowmarsh Gifford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, 1997; Shah and Pell 2003). In addition, non-formu-
UK lated species of entomopathogenic fungi such as

90 J. Baverstock et al.

Pandora neoaphidis (Remaudière & Hennebert) attention from insect pathologists. Although various
Humber (Zygomycota: Entomophthorales) are also species of termites are susceptible to both B. bassiana
being assessed for inclusion as part of integrated pest and M. anisopliae, the use of these fungal pathogens
management schemes. The overall success of using as biological control agents is technically challenging
entomopathogenic fungi as biological control agents due to the lifestyle and behaviour of termites (Staples
is affected by numerous abiotic and biotic factors, and Milner 2000). Direct application of entomopath-
including the behavioural response of the target ogenic fungi to control subterranean pests such as
insects towards the entomopathogen. This paper termites is difficult due to the logistics in applying
describes pre- and post-contact responses of insects conidia into colonies (Chouvenc et al. 2008). In
to entomopathogenic fungi that are under develop- addition to this, it has been demonstrated that termites
ment as biological control agents. Transmission and show a variety of behavioural responses towards
vectoring of entomopathogenic fungi to uninfected conspecifics infected with fungal pathogens to reduce
hosts is then described along with the use of transmission of the pathogen between uninfected and
dissemination devices designed to attract and con- infected individuals (Chouvenc et al. 2008; Rath
taminate insects with fungi. 2000). For infection to occur, direct contact between
the termite and the pathogen is required. However,
termites such as Coptotermes lacteus (Froggatt)
Response of insects to entomopathogenic fungi displayed an avoidance response to M. anisopliae
by only making short tunnels into substrates contain-
Insects and entomopathogenic fungi are under oppos- ing the pathogen, which they then seal off preventing
ing selection pressures. Insects gain a selective further contact with the fungus (Staples and Milner
advantage from detecting and avoiding fungal patho- 2000). Furthermore, this response appeared to be
gens while successful infection of an insect by an dependent on the virulence of the isolate, with a less
entomopathogen requires contact to be made between pronounced response being observed when an isolate
the host and the pathogen. The behaviour of insects of low virulence was applied (Staples and Milner
can influence whether contact is made, with changes 2000). It may be possible to reduce the repellence of
in activity increasing or decreasing the likelihood of entomopathogenic fungi to termites through the use
infection (Cory and Hoover 2006). An insect may of baits. When incorporated into a cellulose bait
gain a selective advantage if it is able to detect the (cellulose powder mixed with the conidial suspen-
risk of attack from entomopathogenic fungi and sion), M. anisopliae was not repellent to the termites
respond via behavioural avoidance or through post- Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) and Coptotermes
contact responses such as grooming (Chouvenc et al. formosanus (Shiraki) at inoculum levels of 1.5 9
2008). This response may reduce the efficiency of 108 and 3 9 108 conidia respectively (Wang and
the fungus as a biological control agent. In contrast, Powell 2004). The development of a palatable
fungal pathogens could gain an advantage by attract- formulation with an appropriate pathogen concentra-
ing or remaining invisible to host insects. tion may therefore be the key to increasing the
efficiency of the control agent (Wang and Powell
Avoidance of entomopathogenic fungi 2004). However, an increase in application efficiency
may not be enough to control termites. Indeed, post-
The ability of insects to detect and respond to contact responses of termites to conspecifics contam-
entomopathogenic fungi within the order Hypocre- inated with fungal pathogens may reduce the control
ales has been widely assessed, with reports of potential. Myles (2002) found that uninfected
avoidance of fungi by species within the Coleoptera, R. flavipes displayed a combination of alarm behaviour,
Isoptera, Hemiptera and Orthoptera (Chouvenc et al. aggregation and defensive reactions towards individ-
2008; Meyling and Pell 2006; Myles 2002; Rath uals that were contaminated with M. anisopliae. This
2000; Staples and Milner 2000; Thompson and behaviour persisted for approximately 24 minutes
Brandenburg 2005; Villani et al. 1994). Termites after which it was replaced by grooming, biting,
are a global pest and their behavioural response to defecation and burial of the infected termite (Myles
entomopathogenic fungi has received considerable 2002). Grooming can be an efficient mechanism for

Entomopathogenic fungi and insect behaviour 91

removing conidia from the cuticle and preventing released from the bracket fungus Fomitopsis pinicola
infection in termites; Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) (Polyporales: Fomitopsidaceae) (Fäldt et al. 1999)
were able to ingest 90% of M. anisopliae conidia whilst the Deathwatch beetle, Xestobium rufovillosum
deposited on their body surface within three hours (De Geer), was attracted to volatiles released from
(Shimizu and Yamaji 2003). Control of termites with wood decaying fungi (Belmain et al. 2002). Hyme-
entomopathogenic fungi therefore remains challeng- nopteran parasitoids have also been reported respond-
ing. Chouvenc et al. (2008) found that M. anisopliae ing to volatiles released from fungi. The Pteromalid
was unable to control R. flavipes even when 6.25% of Roptrocerus xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) and the
the population was infected with the fungus. It was Braconid Spathius pallidus (Ashmead) were attracted
concluded that successfully controlling a field pop- to the odour of bark of loblolly pine colonized by
ulation where less than 1% of the termites were blue stain fungus, a fungal associate of the parasit-
inoculated with entomopathogenic fungi would be oid’s Coleopteran hosts (Sullivan and Berisford
difficult. 2004). However, the majority of studies to date
By exploiting the repellency of a pathogen, as indicate that insects are either not able to detect
opposed to its infectivity, it may still be possible to entomopathogenic fungi, or can detect the fungus but
utilise entomopathogenic fungi to control termites do not perceive it as being a threat and exhibit no
and other economically important pests. Sun et al. avoidance behaviour. The Colorado potato beetle,
(2008) found that organic mulches supplemented Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) is a serious pest of
with M. anisopliae significantly repelled foraging potatoes and has developed resistance to many
C. formosanus and reduced mulch consumption by up insecticides. Although L. decemlineata is susceptible
to 71%. A second example is that of Japanese beetle to B. bassiana and can be contaminated with the
larvae, Popillia japonica (Newman), which avoided fungus when pre-pupae and adults move across soil
soil containing M. anisopliae for up to 20 days after and make contact with conidia deposited on either the
applications (Villani et al. 1994). The tawny mole substrate or on infected beetle cadavers (Long et al.
cricket Scapteriscus vicinus (Scudder) and the South- 2000), B. bassiana cadavers had no effect on
ern mole cricket Scapteriscus borellii (Giglio-Tos) orientation by the beetle nor was there avoidance of
both avoid making contact with B. bassiana (Thomp- areas containing B. bassiana-sporulating cadavers
son and Brandenburg 2005). Surface tunnelling, (Klinger et al. 2006). Mortality of the Western flower
vertical tunnels descending into the soil and tunnel- thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergrande), on
ling along the perimeter were reduced in containers chrysanthemums was similar when B. bassiana was
treated with B. bassiana strain DB-2 compared to applied on its own or combined with an attractant,
untreated containers (Thompson and Brandenburg indicating that the fungus did not affect plant
2005). However, this was not observed when the soil colonisation by thrips (Ludwig and Oetting 2002).
was treated with B. bassiana strain 10–22, suggesting A final example is that of the aphid-specific fungal
that strain selection should be taken into account pathogen P. neoaphidis which had no effect on the
when assessing the repellency of entomopathogenic colonisation of bean plants by the pea aphid,
fungi towards insects (Thompson and Brandenburg Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), in cage experiments
2005). Scapteriscus vicinus has also been shown to (Baverstock et al. 2005a). This resulted in transmis-
avoid making contact with M. anisopliae (Villani sion of conidia during plant colonisation and, to a
et al. 2002). lesser extent, during in situ feeding. However, the
ability of an insect to detect entomopathogenic fungi
Non-avoidance of entomopathogenic fungi may not only be dependent on the species and isolate
of the fungus, but also on the substrate on which the
Although there is evidence of insects being attracted fungus is deposited. Meyling and Pell (2006) found
to fungi, this is predominantly to non-entomopatho- that whilst the generalist aphid predator Anthocoris
genic fungi. Female wood living beetles Malthodes nemorum (L.) avoided leaf surfaces contaminated
fuscus (Waltl), Anaspis marginicollis (Lindberg) and with B. bassiana and rapidly withdrew from contact
Anaspis rufilabris (Gyllenhall) and the moth Epinotia with B. bassiana-sporulating cadavers, its behaviour
tedella (Clerck) were all attracted to volatiles on soil was not altered by the presence of the fungus.

92 J. Baverstock et al.

In contrast, Ormond (2007) found that the seven-spot Contrary to this there are examples of parasitoids
ladybird Coccinella septempunctata (L.) detected and being able to detect hosts infected with entomopath-
avoided B. bassiana on leaves and in soil. ogenic fungi. Encarsia formosa (Gahan) is used as a
Whilst an inability to avoid entomopathogenic control agent against the greenhouse whitefly Tria-
fungi is beneficial for control of a pest, it may be leurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) to protect several
detrimental towards other natural enemies of the pest. glasshouse crops including vegetables and ornamen-
For entomopathogenic fungi to be effective control tals. Fransen and van Lenteren (1993) assessed the
agents, repellence by the fungus and/or a minimal interaction between E. formosa and the entomopath-
loss of the other guild members to infection is ogenic fungus Aschersonia aleyrodis (Webber)
required (Lord 2001). In some cases this threat may (Ascomycota: Hypocreales). Although the parasitoid
come indirectly via the target pest. For example, the adopted an oviposition posture on hosts showing
hosts of hymenopteran parasitoids face a greater risk signs of infection, these were rejected after probing,
of infection by entomopathogenic fungi than the indicating that the parasitoid could detect the pres-
parasitoid itself. Parasitoids would therefore gain a ence of the fungus. Further studies revealed that if
selective advantage through detecting and avoiding fungal infection occurred within three days of para-
hosts that are contaminated with fungus (Baverstock sitisation, there was a significant reduction in the
et al. 2005b; Powell et al. 1986). The ability of number of parasitised hosts. However, if parasitisa-
parasitoids to detect and avoid hosts infected with tion occurred 4, 7 or 10 days after parasitisation,
entomopathogenic fungi from both the Hypocreales there was no effect on the number of parasitised
and Entomophthorales has been assessed (Baverstock hosts. This suggested that E. formosa and A. aleyrodis
et al. 2005b; Fransen and van Lenteren 1993; Lord could be used together to control T. vaporariorum.
2001). Larval saw-toothed grain beetles Oryzaephilus Unlike parasitoids which suffer a direct fitness cost
surinamensis (L.) are attacked by the ectoparasitoid from ovipositing in hosts infected with entomopath-
Cephalonomia tarsalis (Ashmead) and are also ogenic fungi, competition with fungal pathogens for
susceptible to infection by B. bassiana (Lord 2001). prey items is not always detrimental to predators. The
However, C. tarsalis larvae are also susceptible to seven-spot ladybird C. septempunctata and P. neoa-
B. bassiana and died within one day of oviposition on phidis are both commonly occurring natural enemies
host larvae infected with the fungal pathogen (Lord of aphids in temperate regions. Although both of
2001). Despite this, C. tarsalis was unable to detect these species compete for aphids, the coccinellid does
the presence of B. bassiana and entered grain samples not avoid foraging on plants where the fungus is
containing the fungus where it subsequently ovipos- present (Baverstock 2004). This is unsurprising given
ited on B. bassiana-infected larvae (Lord 2001). A that C. septempunctata is not susceptible to infection
second example is the interaction between the aphid by the fungus. Indeed, C. septempunctata is an
parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday) and P. neoaphidis. asymmetric intraguild predator of P. neoaphidis,
Baverstock et al. (2005b) found that A. ervi would predating living aphids infected with the fungus as
enter aphid colonies containing P. neoaphidis and well as dead sporulating cadavers (Pell et al. 1997;
forage on plants contaminated with the fungus. On Roy and Pell 2000; Roy et al. 1998, 2001). However,
making contact with fungus-infected aphids the some species of entomopathogenic fungi can have a
parasitoid would attempt to oviposit. Indeed, it was direct negative effect on a predator if infected hosts
only once the aphid had succumbed to infection and are less suitable as prey, and it is surprising that
was sporulating that the parasitoid appeared to detect avoidance of sub-optimal prey items has not been
the presence of the fungus and did not attempt to observed. Simelane et al. (2008) found that adult
oviposit (Baverstock et al. 2005b). The apparent and larval C. septempunctata readily predated aphids
inability of A. ervi to detect and respond to infected with Neozygites fresenii (Nowakowski)
P. neoaphidis-infected hosts may be due to spatial (Entomophthorales: Neozygitaceae), this is despite
and temporal separation reducing the encounter rate the fungus having significant negative effects on the
between the two natural enemies and, therefore, the development of the coccinellid, even without direct
selection pressure for avoidance behaviour to evolve infection. When consuming aphids infected with
(Baverstock et al. 2005b). N. fresenii, the development time of the coccinellid

Entomopathogenic fungi and insect behaviour 93

was significantly longer, mortality between second pathogen (Hajek and St. Leger 1994). Transmission
and fourth instars was significantly greater, body size can occur horizontally (within a generation) and
was significantly smaller and egg production signif- vertically (between generations) within a species,
icantly lower compared to conspecifics fed a diet of between species and from a local scale on a single
uninfected aphids (Simelane et al. 2008). Similar plant to a landscape scale. Movement of entomo-
results were found by Roy et al. (2008) who showed pathogenic fungi by host and non-host invertebrates
that the fecundity of the harlequin ladybird, Harmo- to susceptible hosts is one of the most important
nia axyridis (Pallas), was reduced dramatically when mechanisms for transmitting to new habitats (Fuxa
it was infected with B. bassiana at doses of 105–109 and Tanada 1987; Roy et al. 2001).
conidia ml-1, although only a low number of
harlequin ladybirds succumbed to the fungal disease. Within species transmission
Whilst the reproductive success of the two-spot
ladybird, Adalia bipunctata (L.), was also reduced Horizontal transmission between individuals of the
when inoculated with a dose of 109 conidia ml-1, same species (autodissemination) can occur through
mortality was also high (Roy et al. 2008). direct contact between contaminated and uncontam-
Although there is a large body of research which inated individuals or indirectly via conidia that have
indicates that insects are either not attracted to been deposited on the substrate (Quesada-Moraga
entomopathogenic fungi or are not able to detect et al. 2008; Roy and Pell 2000; Vega et al. 2000).
their presence, there are exceptions. Dromph and Whilst it is relatively simple to quantify fungal
Vestergaard (2002) assessed the susceptibility of transmission, the determination of the underlying
three species of collembolans (Folsomia fimet aria mechanisms is more challenging. For example,
(L.), Hypogastrura assimilis (Krausbauer) and Pro- although it was observed in the 1980’s that collem-
isotoma minuta (Tullberg)) to three species of bolans are able to transmit B. bassiana, M. anisopliae
entomopathogenic fungi, B. bassiana, Beauveria and Paecilomyces farinosus (Holm ex Gray) A. H. S.
brongniartii (Saccardo) Petch (Ascomycota: Hypo- Brown & G. Sm. (Ascomycota: Eurotiomycetes), it
creales) and M. anisopliae. Folsomia fimet aria was was not until 2001 that the mechanisms that facilitate
shown to be susceptible to both B. brongniartii and this dispersal were described (Dromph 2001; Visser
M. anisopliae when fed them on inoculated sphag- et al. 1987; Zimmermann and Bode 1983). Dromph
num, however, it was attracted to these fungal (2001) found that F. fimet aria, H. assimilis and
pathogens in a choice arena. In a pair-wise compar- P. minuta were able to transmit viable conidia of
ison test, the order of attractiveness was found to be B. bassiana, B. brongniartii and M. anisopliae on
similar for all three species of collembolan, with B. either their cuticle or within their gut. Transmission
brongniartii being the most attractive pathogen and of the three species of entomopathogenic fungi by each
B. bassiana the least attractive. Further to this, a of the species of collembolan was similar. However,
positive relationship was found between the concen- whilst ingestion had no affect on the viability of
tration of all three fungi and the attractiveness to B. bassiana or B. brongniartii, the viability of
collembolans. M. anisopliae was reduced from 98.8% in the undi-
gested control to 24.3% and 54% following ingestion
by F. fimet aria and P. minuta respectively.
Transmission of entomopathogenic fungi Direct transmission between contaminated and
between insects uninfected individuals is less variable and more
efficient than indirect transmission via conidia that
Transmission is a key parameter that determines the have been deposited on the substrate, and can lead to
rate of spread of entomopathogenic fungi within host high mortality rates even when the number of
populations and, therefore, the pathogens potential contaminated individuals is low (DeKesel 1995).
for use as a microbial control agent (Steinkraus Kreutz et al. (2004) found that a lethal dose of
2006). Transmission is the dispersal of infective B. bassiana could be transmitted from a single contact
propagules from an infected host to a new host and is between treated male and untreated female adult
the most ‘‘perilous’’ part of the lifecycle of a fungal spruce bark beetles, Ips typographus (L.), resulting in

94 J. Baverstock et al.

a 75% mortality rate when there was a 1:20 ratio of hypothesised that the difference in transmission
treated and untreated beetles. This mortality rate between the two species of fungi may have been due
increased to 90% when the ratio was 1:1 (Kreutz et al. to a greater concentration of B. bassiana being applied
2004). Direct transmission of B. bassiana and to the male moths, the infective secondary conidia
M. anisopliae between termite workers (C. formosanus) were then dislodged and contaminated uninfected
and other colony members occurred readily whilst P. xylostella. However, subsequent secondary trans-
conidia of Laboulbenia slackensis (Cepede and mission amongst larvae was less for B. bassiana than
Picard) (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales), which form for Z. radicans (Furlong and Pell 2001).
adherent thread-like structures, enabled direct trans-
mission between contaminated and uninfected salt Effect of insect movement on transmission
marsh beetles, Pogonus chalceus (Marsham) (Carabi- of entomopathogenic fungi
dae) (DeKesel 1995; Jones et al. 1996). Direct
transmission from males to females during copulation A positive relationship between insect movement and
is widespread and has been reported for both asco- transmission of entomopathogenic fungi has been
mycetous and entomophthoralean fungi (Furlong and observed in a number of systems. Aphids release
Pell 2001; Quesada-Moraga et al. 2008; Kaaya and alarm pheromone (E-b-farnesene) when threatened
Okech 1990; Toledo et al. 2007). Potentially, direct with attack or during predation. This induces an
transmission between males and females could be escape response in surrounding conspecifics in which
exploited for biological control through releasing they unplug their stylets and move to another part of
males inoculated with an entomopathogenic fungus the plant. Roy et al. (1999) demonstrated the effects
into wild populations (Toledo et al. 2007). Male tsetse of P. neoaphidis infection on the alarm response
flies (Glossinidae) were able to transmit B. bassiana of infected pea aphids, A. pisum. Infected aphids
and M. anisopliae to females, successfully infecting produced alarm pheromone but ceased responding to
65% and 55% of females, respectively (Kaaya and it. Therefore, infected aphids would continue to elicit
Okech 1990). Transmission of B. bassiana to the a response in neighbouring aphids, which could
Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew), occurred enhance transmission. Indeed, Roditakis et al. (2000)
during mating and, to a lesser extent, through contact found that the number of peach potato aphids, Myzus
during courtship (Toledo et al. 2007). The efficiency persicae (Sulzer), which became infected with a
of transmission during copulation varies depending on Lecanicillium spp. (=Verticillium lecanii (Zimmer-
whether it is the male or the female that is contam- mann) Viégas) that had been deposited on the leaf
inated. Male-to-female transmission of M. anisopliae surface was increased when alarm pheromone was
within populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly, released. However, the authors did not believe that
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), was greatest when the addition of alarm pheromone would be a practical
males were inoculated with the fungus (Quesada- pest control option and explored different methods to
Moraga et al. 2008). However, the efficiency of increase aphid movement. An alternative was to use a
horizontal transmission could be reduced if females sub-lethal dose of the chloronicotinyl insecticide,
preferentially selected uninfected males over those imidacloprid. This insecticide inhibited aphid settling
contaminated with entomopathogenic fungi. and increased searching behaviour and, therefore, the
The efficiency of direct transmission between probability of the insect making contact with conidia
males and females can also be dependent on the on the leaf surface was enhanced (Roditakis et al.
species and/or dose of entomopathogenic fungi. The 2000). The use of imidacloprid to alter behaviour and
transmission of B. bassiana from inoculated male increase fungal infection has been assessed in other
diamond-back moths, Plutella xylostella (L.), to male insect orders. Imidacloprid reduced larval mobility of
and females was greater than the transmission of the root weevil, Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.), and has
Zoophthora radicans (Brefeld) Batko (Zygomycetes: been associated with a decrease in conidial avoidance
Entomophthorales) (Furlong and Pell 2001). Simi- and increased infection with B. bassiana and M.
larly, transmission of B. bassiana from inoculated anisopliae whereas in the termite, R. flavipes, imida-
males to foraging larvae was greater than transmission cloprid was found to affect hygiene function (e.g.
of Z. radicans (Furlong and Pell 2001). It was grooming) resulting in increased infection with

Entomopathogenic fungi and insect behaviour 95

B. bassiana (Boucias et al. 1996; Roditakis et al. 2000; (Baverstock et al. 2008). In addition to this, foraging
Quintela and McCoy 1998). In addition to increasing by caterpillars of the peacock butterfly, Inachis io
contact between insects and entomopathogenic fungi, (L.), also enhanced transmission of P. neoaphidis to
sub-lethal doses of insecticides may provide immedi- M. carnosum (Baverstock et al. 2008). However, it
ate protection through affecting the behaviour of the was speculated that enhanced transmission in the
pest, which ultimately succumbs to infection by the presence of an herbivore is dependent on the degree
slower acting fungus. For example, Shah et al. (2007) of herbivory, with low levels of herbivory increasing
found that sub-lethal doses of imidacloprid or a second transmission through the disturbance of aphids
insecticide, fipronil, prevented feeding by black vine whereas high levels of herbivory would reduce
weevils, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (F.), which were transmission due to the displacement of aphids.
subsequently killed by M. anisopliae. Transmission of entomopathogenic fungi to hosts
Insect behaviour, such as foraging or predator is also affected by abiotic conditions and the substrate
avoidance, may also affect transmission of entomo- on which they are deposited. Growth and topography
pathogenic fungi. Transmission of P. neoaphidis to of the host plant influenced the susceptibility of the
A. pisum is approximately double during plant mustard beetle, Phaedon cochleariae (F.), to
colonisation and subsequent feeding than through in M. anisopliae that has been sprayed on the plant
situ feeding alone (Baverstock et al. 2005a). In (Inyang et al. 1998). At higher temperatures, leaf
addition to this, transmission of P. neoaphidis to A. expansion diluted the inoculum density of the path-
pisum colonising bean plants is also enhanced in the ogen resulting in decreased mustard beetle mortality.
presence of foraging predators and parasitoids. Roy In addition to this, host plant species affected
et al. (1998) found that C. septempunctata increased transmission, with the number of larvae that acquired
transmission of P. neoaphidis despite the coccinellid conidia on oilseed rape being greater than those on
predating sporulating fungal cadavers. Foraging by Chinese cabbage or turnip. Shanley and Hajek (2008)
the hymenopteran parasitoid A. ervi has also been found that rainfall increased the transmission of
shown to increase transmission of P. neoaphidis to M. anisopliae through aiding dispersal from fungal
A. pisum, however, the increased reproductive suc- bands onto bark where it could infect the Asian
cess of the fungus was correlated with a decrease in longhorn beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Motsc-
the reproductive success of the parasitoid (Baverstock hulsky) whilst, in contrast, Pell et al. (1998) showed
et al. 2009). The enhanced transmission of entomo- that heavy rainfall was capable of knocking
pathogenic fungi in the presence of foraging arthro- P. neoaphidis-sporulating cadavers from leaves onto
pods is not limited to interactions that occur within soil where they were subsequently destroyed.
crops and has been observed in populations of non-
pest aphids found on plants in field margins. The Vectoring of entomopathogenic fungi
nettle aphid, Microlophium carnosum (Buckton), and
the aphid predator A. nemorum (L.) were able to Vectoring of fungal conidia occurs when the fungus
distribute B. bassiana from the soil to nettle leaves is transported by a third party that is either not
(Meyling et al. 2006) whilst foraging C. septempunc- susceptible to the fungus or is not the target prey
tata increased the transmission of P. neoaphidis in species. Vectoring of conidia from either the sub-
populations of Uroleucon jacea (L.) infesting knap- strate or from an infected host has been reported for a
weed and M. carnosum infesting nettles (Ekesi et al. variety of insect-entomopathogenic fungi associa-
2005). Insects that co-occur with aphids and entomo- tions. Collembolans interact with entomopathogenic
pathogenic fungi but are not within the same guild fungi in soil and, although they have been reported as
have also been reported as enhancing fungal trans- consuming pathogens, they also enhanced the dis-
mission. Transmission of P. neoaphidis to M. carno- persal of the fungi by transporting conidia that had
sum was enhanced to a similar level in the presence become attached to their cuticles or in their guts
of the parasitoid Aphidius microlophii (Pennacchio & (Broza et al. 2001; Dromph 2001). Three species
Tremblay), which is an enemy of the aphid, and the of collembolans (F. fimet aria, H. assimilis and
non-enemy parasitoid Aphidius colemani (Viereck), P. minuta) were all able to vector a sufficient quantity
which feeds on the honeydew produced by the aphid of B. bassiana, B. brongniartii or M. anisopliae from

96 J. Baverstock et al.

soil to cause mortality in the mealworm, Tenebrio at a local scale. However, long distance transmission
molitor (L.) (Dromph 2003). The ability to vector of fungal pathogens within infected alate insects also
fungi was primarily dependent on body size, with occurs. Aphids are able to disperse up to 1,600 km
larger insects being able to vector more conidia through a combination of active hovering and passive
(Dromph 2003). Vectoring of entomopathogenic flight on wind currents (Robert 1987). Various
fungi could also be exploited to control pest insects. species of entomopathogenic fungi have been iden-
For example, when artificially contaminated with tified in migratory alate aphids trapped from the air
L. longisporum, the common black ant, Lasius niger (Chen and Feng 2004a; Feng et al. 2007; Huang, et al.
(L.), was able to vector conidia of the fungus to 2008). Zhang et al. (2007) found that the dispersal
colonies of the rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantag- ability of alate M. persicae that were inoculated with
inea (Passerini), resulting in mortality of 68.3%, Conidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) (Zygomycota:
30.8% and 3.7% of aphids when assessed under Entomophthorales) was not different to uninfected
laboratory, semi-field and field conditions, respec- aphids and, following dispersal, infected aphids were
tively (Bird et al. 2004). However, L. niger workers able to reproduce and transmit the pathogen to their
were also observed removing L. longisporum- progeny. Several other species of aphid have been
infected aphid cadavers, a process that would remove recorded as transmitting entomopathogenic fungi
an inoculum source which may otherwise have when migrating as alates, including S. avenae,
infected aphids within the colony. Lasius niger also Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and Schizaphis graminum
vectors L. longisporum to the black-bean aphid, Aphis (Rondani) (Feng et al. 2004). In a field study by Chen
fabae (Scopoli) (Flower 2002). The coccinellid and Feng (2002), 760 alate M. persicae were trapped
Hippodamia convergens (Guerin) was able to vector and observed for fungal infection. Of these, 87.6%
conidia of Isaria (Paecilomyces) fumosoroseus died due to mycosis, 94.4% of which succumbed to
(Wize) Brown & Smith (Ascomycota: Eurotiomyce- infection by Entomophthorales with the remaining
tes) to uninfected Russian wheat aphids, Diuraphis being infected with the Hypocrealean B. bassiana. Of
noxia (Kurdjumov), if it became contaminated when those infected with Entomophthorales over two-thirds
sprayed directly with the fungus, through predating were infected with P. neoaphidis. This study was
aphids that had been sprayed with the fungus or repeated at a larger scale, trapping 7,139 migratory
through foraging on plants that contained sporulating alates from nine species of aphids, from which eight
D. noxia cadavers (Pell and Vandenberg 2002). A species of fungal pathogens were identified (Feng
second coccinellid, C. septempunctata, was also et al. 2004). Using a computer-monitored flight mill
reported as being able to vector entomopathogenic system, S. avenae that had been inoculated with
fungi. Both adult and larvae that were artificially P. neoaphidis were able to fly for several hours before
contaminated with P. neoaphidis vectored the fungus initiating colonies, reproducing and transmitting the
directly to colonies of uninfected pea aphids, fungus to their progeny (Chen and Feng 2004b; Feng
A. pisum, and indirectly through the deposition of et al. 2004). Further studies have revealed that whilst
infective conidia on the leaf surface (Roy et al. 2001). the number of aphids trapped does not vary consis-
Further studies have revealed that C. septempunctata tently with temperature or humidity, there is a
vectors P. neoaphidis from non-crop plants that are positive relationship between humidity and mortality
commonly found in field margins such as nettle, due to fungal infection, and this is most apparent with
knapweed or bird’s-foot trefoil to A. pisum feeding on insects infected with Entomophthorales (Chen et al.
bean plants, resulting in an aphid mortality rate of up 2008). It is not just entomopathogenic fungi that are
to 13% (Ekesi et al. 2005). However, vectoring dispersed within aphids, alates that are parasitised by
efficiency is affected by prey species and although either Aphidius gifuensis (Ashmead) or Diaeretiella
C. septempunctata was able to vector P. neoaphidis rapae (McIntosh) have also been recorded (Feng
to populations of A. pisum, it was unable to vector the et al. 2007). Whilst co-infection between two species
fungus to the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) (Roy of entomopathogenic fungi within migratory alates is
et al. 2001). rare, low numbers of alates have been recorded as
The examples described illustrate that transmis- being co-infected with P. neoaphidis and either
sion and vectoring of entomopathogenic fungi occurs Zoophthora anhuiensis (Li) Humber (Zygomycetes:

Entomopathogenic fungi and insect behaviour 97

Entomophthorales), Conidiobolus spp. or N. fresenii always necessary. Shimazu (2004) found that young
(Chen and Feng 2004a, 2006). adult pine sawyers, Monochamus alternatus (Hope),
could be inoculated with a lethal dose of B. bassiana
through walking on a non-woven fabric strip that had
Assisted autodissemination been contaminated with the fungus at a concentration
of 3.5 9 108 conidia cm-2.
Assisted-autodissemination utilises artificial devices The efficiency of attracting insects to inoculation
to inoculate insects with entomopathogenic fungi. devices can be increased by utilising pheromones.
The insects that are inoculated can either be the pest The brown winged green bug, Plautia crossota stali
species or non-target insects that act as vectors of the (Scott), is a pest in fruit orchards in Japan but is
pathogen. Assisted auto-dissemination works by susceptible to B. bassiana (Tsutsumi et al. 2003).
attracting an insect into an inoculation device where Through incorporating aggregation pheromone into
it becomes contaminated with the infective conidia woven sheets that were contaminated with B. bassi-
before returning to the crop and disseminating the ana and attached to trees, both males and females
pathogen to pest insects (Vega et al. 2000; Vickers became infected with the fungus and average mor-
et al. 2004). Assisted-autodissemination has been tality rates of 70–75% were achieved (Tsutsumi et al.
widely assessed for a number of insect and fungal 2003). Alternatively, pheromones can be incorpo-
species and has several advantages over the mass rated into food baits to increase their efficiency at
application of entomopathogenic fungi, the benefits attracting pest insects. Renn et al. (1999) combined
include: (1) it is highly efficient, especially when sex pheromone with bait containing sugar solution to
incorporating a target specific pheromone, (2) it can attract house flies, Musca domestica (L.) into inoc-
be species specific, (3) dissemination devices are ulation devices where they could become inoculated
simple to construct and maintain, (4) it is cost with M. anisopliae. These inoculation devices were
effective as the ratio of fungal inoculum to hosts is efficient, with fly mortality rates of between 95.2%
low and, (5) contaminated insects will return to their and 100%. In addition to this, when flies entered in
habitats, therefore dispersing the pathogen (Vega pairs, a greater quantity of conidia was acquired by
et al. 2000; Yasuda 1999). Although these inoculation each individual compared to insects entering alone,
devices could contain insecticides which would kill indicating that mutual interference occurred between
the individual that enters, entomopathogenic fungi is the insects (Renn et al. 1999).
self-replicating and, once vectored, can be transmit- Care needs to be taken when using simple devices
ted throughout entire colonies of the pest species where the fungal pathogen and pheromone are
(Grace and Zoberi 1992). The following examples incorporated onto the same substrate to ensure that
illustrate the developmental procedure and principles the pheromone does not inhibit the infectivity of the
of assisted-autodissemination. pathogen. Smith et al. (1999) found that B. bassiana
Dusky sap beetles, Carpophilus lugubris (Murray), and an aggregation pheromone could be incorporated
contaminated with B. bassiana conidia from an auto- into fat pellets and used to contaminate the larger
inoculator were able to cause high levels of mortality grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn). How-
in populations of unexposed beetles in laboratory ever, the pheromone caused either a slight decrease in
bioassays (Vega et al. 1995). Field experiments using the viability of the B. bassiana conidia or a delay in
traps containing coloured tracer dye then showed that the germination of the pathogen. Using complex traps
C. lugubris was able to vector the coloured dye to allows pheromones and fungal entomopathogens to
apple orchards and fields of corn (Vega et al. 1995). be stored in separate containers and, therefore, the
Finally, field trials using auto-inoculation devices chemicals do not interfere with the pathogenicity of
containing B. bassiana showed that C. lugubris that the entomopathogenic fungi. For example, aggrega-
are moving into overwintering sites such as tree holes tion pheromones have been used to lure adult spruce
could be contaminated with the fungus which may bark beetles, Ips typographus (L.), into inoculation
then spread throughout the overwintering population devices where they were contaminated with
(Dowd and Vega 2003). Although this example B. bassiana resulting in a significant reduction in
utilised a complex inoculation device, this is not the number of bore holes and maternal galleries

98 J. Baverstock et al.

(Kreutz et al. 2004). Sex pheromones are widely used vector from becoming infected with the pathogen.
as lures in autoinoculation devices and are usually Kapongo et al. (2008b) found that significantly more
designed to contaminate males with the fungus, bumble bees died when using a high concentration
which they then pass on to females during mating. (2 9 1011 g-1) of B. bassiana compared to medium
Male sweet potato weevils, Cylas formicarius (F.) are and low doses of the fungus (6.24 9 1010 and
attracted to devices containing synthetic sex phero- 9 9 109 g-1 conidia respectively). Dose, therefore,
mone where they become contaminated with B. needs to be optimised to maximise infection whilst
bassiana (Yasuda 1999). Of those insects assessed, minimising the mortality of the vector.
57.9% of males were contaminated with the fungus
whilst 31.6% of females were also found to be
contaminated. It was suggested that the females Summary
became contaminated through mating with contam-
inated males. The potential of using either artificial The interactions between fungal entomopathogens
sex pheromones or those released from females to and their hosts are being unravelled through eloquent
lure adult male diamond back moths, P. xylostella, research. The importance of subtle behavioural
into devices where they were contaminated with interactions in determining the success or failure of
Z. radicans has been assessed (Furlong et al. 1995; entomopathogenic fungi as biological control agents
Pell et al. 1993). Whereas males only entered devices cannot be underplayed. Insect pathologists can no
containing virgin female moths between dusk and longer assess simple bi-trophic interactions between
dawn (when sex pheromone is naturally released), pathogens and their prey within the laboratory to
males entered devices containing synthetic phero- determine the impact of entomopathogenic fungi as
mone throughout the day. Males spent a mean of 88 s biological control agents. Behavioural responses of
within devices before leaving, in which time they target and non-target arthropods to entomopathogenic
were contaminated with a lethal dose of Z. radicans fungi needs to be assessed at the population scale and
which they could transmit to conspecifics. Proof for under natural biotic and abiotic conditions to fully
this concept of transmission was obtained in a determine the impact of entomopathogens on both the
subsequent study where adult P. xylostella were target prey and the communities in which they occur.
inoculated with Z. radicans and released into field To increase the efficacy of biocontrol programmes
cages containing plants infested with P. xylostella incorporating entomopathogenic fungi, future
larvae (Vickers et al. 2004). After six days 79% of research focusing on multitrophic interactions (Cory
the larvae were found to be infected with Z. radicans. and Ericsson 2009), including above and below
Autoinoculation devices are not restricted to ground signalling, is required along with the devel-
inoculating the target prey and can be used to attract opment of technologies to enhance the efficacy of
and contaminate non-host vectors of entomopatho- pathogen transmission through the manipulation of
genic fungi. For example, bees are able to vector host behaviour.
pathogens to control both plant and insect pests
(Kapongo et al. 2008a; Al-mazra’awi et al. 2006; Acknowledgments Jason Baverstock and Judtih K Pell are
supported by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Carreck et al. 2007). Bumble bees, Bombus impatiens
Affairs of the United Kingdom (Defra). Rothamsted Research
(Cresson), were able to vector B. bassiana to sweet is an Institute of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
pepper plants in glasshouses where they induced Research Council of the United Kingdom. The Centre for
infection in populations of the tarnished plant bug, Ecology & Hydrology is an institute of the Natural
Environment Research Council of the United Kingdom.
Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) and the
western flower thrip F. occidentalis (Al-mazra’awi
et al. 2006). Carreck et al. (2007) demonstrated that
honeybees, Apis mellifera (L.), could be used to References
vector M. anisopliae into field populations of the
Al-mazra’awi MS, Shipp L, Broadbent B, Kevan P (2006)
pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus (F.). However, care Biological control of Lygus lineolaris (Hemiptera: Miri-
needs to be taken when utilising beneficial insects as dae) and Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera:
vectors of entomopathogenic fungi to prevent the Thripidae) by Bombus impatiens (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Entomopathogenic fungi and insect behaviour 99

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(Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Environ Entomol 37:755– Author Biographies
Thompson SR, Brandenburg RL (2005) Tunnelling responses
of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) to the Jason Baverstock works in Dr Judith K. Pell’s group in the
entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana. Environ Department for Plant and Invertebrate Ecology at Rothamsted
Entomol 34:140–147 Research. The group’s research focuses on the ecology of
Toledo J, Campos SE, Flores S, Liedo P, Barrera JF, Villasenor entomopathogenic fungi, to elucidate their role in population
A, Montoya P (2007) Horizontal transmission of Beau- regulation and community structure and to inform biological
veria bassiana in Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: control strategies. Specifically: intraguild interactions; the

102 J. Baverstock et al.

relationships between guild diversity, habitat diversity and The focus of her research is insect community interactions with
ecosystem function; pathogen-induced host behavioural particular emphasis on the effects of environmental change.
Judith K. Pell is the head of the group in the Department for
Helen E. Roy leads zoological research in the Biological Plant and Invertebrate Ecology at Rothamsted Research.
Records Centre at the NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.


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