Bacterial Community Composition and Diversity in An Ancestral Ant Fungus Symbiosis
Bacterial Community Composition and Diversity in An Ancestral Ant Fungus Symbiosis
Bacterial Community Composition and Diversity in An Ancestral Ant Fungus Symbiosis
doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiv073
Advance Access Publication Date: 25 June 2015
Research Article
Fungus-farming ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Attini) exhibit some of the most complex microbial symbioses because
both macroscopic partners (ants and fungus) are associated with a rich community of microorganisms. The ant and fungal
microbiomes are thought to serve important beneficial nutritional and defensive roles in these symbioses. While most
recent research has investigated the bacterial communities in the higher attines (e.g. the leaf-cutter ant genera Atta and
Acromyrmex), which are often associated with antibiotic-producing Actinobacteria, very little is known about the microbial
communities in basal lineages, labeled as ‘lower attines’, which retain the ancestral traits of smaller and more simple
societies. In this study, we used 16S amplicon pyrosequencing to characterize bacterial communities of the lower attine ant
Mycocepurus smithii among seven sampling sites in central Panama. We discovered that ant and fungus garden-associated
microbiota were distinct from surrounding soil, but unlike the situation in the derived fungus-gardening ants, which show
distinct ant and fungal microbiomes, microbial community structure of the ants and their fungi were similar. Another
surprising finding was that the abundance of actinomycete bacteria was low and instead, these symbioses were
characterized by an abundance of Lactobacillus and Pantoea bacteria. Furthermore, our data indicate that Lactobacillus strains
are acquired from the environment rather than acquired vertically.
2 FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2015, Vol. 91, No. 7
2008), and may play major roles in defense against pathogens (Kellner et al. 2013). In our study population in central Panama,
and parasites (Oliver et al. 2003; Hedges et al. 2008; Brownlie and we found a total of 11 ant clones and 9 fungus clone lineages in
Johnson 2009; Kaltenpoth 2009; Mattoso, Moreira and Samuels 52 colonies. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that ant colonies
2012). regularly exchange fungal cultivars or domesticate novel fungi
Microbiota of social insects (ants, termites, some bees and from free-living populations into symbiosis (Kellner et al. 2013).
some wasps) are of special interest because group living can in- Here we use 16S rRNA sequencing to characterize the bac-
crease the risk of disease spread, and social insects are thought terial communities associated with ants and fungus gardens of
to have evolved different techniques and associations with the lower attine ant M. smithii. We compare the ant- and fungus-
mutualistic bacteria to help with disease control (Koch and associated microbiota to bacterial communities from the sur-
Schmid-Hempel 2011; Konrad et al. 2012; Martinson, Moy and rounding soil, and explore the hypothesis that bacterial commu-
Moran 2012; Tragust et al. 2013a,b; Brütsch and Chapuisat 2014). nities are influenced by sample location rather than by either
Fungus-farming ants (tribe Attini) have become model systems ant or fungal genotype. This work provides the first quantita-
for studying microbial mutualisms, partly due to their impor- tive, culture-independent analyses of alpha- and beta-diversity
at the MRBI Biofilm Institute in Lubbock, Texas, using mission), we rather expect a strong influence of ant and fungus
bacterial tag-encoded FLX 454-pyrosequencing (bTEFAP) of genotypes on the bacterial community composition. Inclusion
16S amplicons from bacteria following previously described of soil samples in the analyses addresses the possibility that
standard protocols (Ishak et al. 2011b). 16S amplicons were specific bacterial lineages are contaminants derived from soil
amplified with primers Gray28F5 GAGTTTGATCNTGGCTCAG sources rather than an ant-engineered symbiont community.
and Gray519R 5 GTNTTACNGGGCKGCTG, spanning the V1–V3
hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA gene. For ant samples, Sequence-based analyses
DNA was extracted from the entire insect; therefore, bacterial The Cd-hit output containing 7708 clusters was further pro-
communities represent both intestinal and surface bacteria. cessed in the mothur pipeline (Schloss et al. 2009) to gener-
Although we realize that integumental bacteria are likely ate an alignment using the SILVA database (Quast et al. 2013)
distinct from those found in the intestine, the small body size as template. The alignment was then filtered (soft filter =
of these ants (abdominal length <0.4 mm) and the field location 5%), and poorly aligned sequences were removed (screen.seqs,
prevented us from dissecting out guts under sterile conditions. >250 bp). The final alignment contained 7521 unique sequences.
Table 1. Core microbiota of M. smithii worker ants, fungus gardens, nest wall soil and outside soil shown as the percentage of bacterial read abun-
dance. Only genera found in more than 1% abundance are shown. (For a complete list of bacterial genera, see Table S2, Supporting Information.)
chamber walls: 121 810; worker: 26 511, garden: 65 802, garden samples (complete taxonomical listing in Table S1, Supporting
fragments: 55 794). Outside and chamber wall soils contained Information).
the highest proportions of unclassified sequences (soil: 29.76%, Rarefaction analyses (at 97% identity threshold) indicated
chamber wall soil: 18.83%), whereas gardens and ant work- that most of the samples were adequately sampled (Fig. S1,
ers had the lowest proportions (gardens: 4.98%, worker ants: Supporting Information). Across all samples, nest wall soil con-
4.65%). tained the highest number of bacteria genera (534 bacteria gen-
The most common bacteria orders found were Lactobacil- era), followed by fungus gardens (419), outside soil (281) and ant
lales (ants: 56%; gardens: 26%), Enterobacteriales (ants: 6%; gar- workers (123). Table 1 contains the most common bacteria gen-
dens: 30%), Actinomycetales (ants: 10%; gardens: 15%), Xan- era (the core microbiota) found in the four sample types.
thomonadales (ants: 7%; gardens: 6%), Clostridiales (ants: 8%;
gardens: 6%), Rhizobiales (ants: 2%; garden: 5%) and Burkholde- Comparison of ants and fungus gardens vs their
riales (ants: 3%; gardens: 2%). Some of these orders were also surroundings
represented at significant proportions in the two soil types, e.g.
Rhizobiales (nest walls: 11%; soil: 16%), Xanthomonadales (nest Soil types (outside soil and nest walls) had a significantly higher
walls: 2%; soil: 2%), Actinomycetales (nest walls: 24%; not found average richness of OTUs (Kruskal–Wallis test: H (3, N = 35) =
in soil). The two soil types contained their own core microbiota, 18.35, P = 0.004) and Shannon’s diversity (Kruskal–Wallis test:
e.g. Nitrosomonadales (nest walls: 9%; soil:12%), Acidobacteri- H (3, N = 35) = 19.52, P = 0.002) than fungus gardens and
ales (nest walls: 7%; soils: 12%) and Solirubrobacteriales (nest workers. On average, soil samples (202.7 OTUs) contained four
walls: 5%; soils:16%), which were not found in ants or garden times the number of OTUs of workers (52.1 OTUs) and gardens
Kellner et al. 5
Figure 2. Dendrogram of bacterial communities of fungus garden fragments (UPGMA: unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) using weighted UniFrac
(above) and OTU-based Bray–Curtis distances (below). The scale bar represents percentage of information. Clustering the fragments into five groups at 60% information
(indicated with the horizontal dashed line) yielded the highest number of significant indicator values (27 significant indicators, P < 0.05, in five or less clusters). The
drawing depicts the relative positions of fungus garden fragments (depicted by polygons) as they were collected in the field.
Kellner et al. 7
Pantoea and Klebsiella are thought to serve as symbiotic nitrogen- symbionts from their environment rather than through vertical
fixing agents in gardens of Atta cephalotes (Pinto-Tomás et al. transmission between honeybee generations (McFrederick et al.
2009), and they might play a similar role in gardens of M. smithii. 2012, 2013). The same is probably true for M. smithii, because
One of the hallmark features of the attine symbiosis that ap- Lactobacillus strains associated with M. smithii do not form a
pears to be relatively rare in the M. smithii symbiosis are mu- host-specific clade (McFrederick et al. 2013). Likewise, Lactobacilli
tualistic Actinobacteria (actinomycetes), which are thought to might serve an important role as defensive agents in M. smithii,
serve important defensive roles [Pseudonocardia: (Currie et al. as it has been shown in fungus-growing termites (Long et al.
1999; Oh et al. 2009); Streptomyces: (Haeder et al. 2009; Barke et al. 2010; Mathew et al. 2012), where they suppress the growth of the
2010; Seipke et al. 2011)]. Actinobacteria are well known from parasitic Trichoderma fungus and thus protect the termites’ fun-
other insect systems, including wasps (Madden et al. 2013), bee gus combs (Termitomyces). As a result, it is possible that the usage
wolves (Kaltenpoth et al. 2010; Kroiss et al. 2010) and bark beetles of insect feces and other sources of Lactobacilli not only serve as
(Dendroctonus frontalis—Streptomyces; Cardoza, Klepzig and Raffa substrate or fertilizer for the fungus gardens, but the application
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