True False
True False
True False
(5) If the augmented matrix has a pivot in the last column, then Ax = b
is inconsistent
(8) If {u, v, w} is linearly dependent then {Au, Av, Aw} is also lin-
early dependent for every A
(13) If T (cu) = cT (u) for every real number c, then T is a linear trans-
(15) If T (u + cv) = T (u) + cT (v) for all u and v and every real number
c, then T is a linear transformation
(17) If T is one-to-one and {u, v, w} is linearly independent, then {T (u), T (v), T (w)}
is also linearly independent
Chapter 3: Determinants
(38) If det(A) = 1 and A has only integer entries, then A−1 has integer
(39) If det(A) = 1 and A and b have only integer entries, then the solu-
tion x to Ax = b has only integer entries
(44) R2 is a subspace of R3
1 0 1
(45) N ul = Span
0 0 0
(46) For a fixed b 6= 0, the set of solutions to Ax = b is a subspace of Rn
(55) Z is a subspace of R
(66) dim(P4 ) = 4
ˆ = x̂
(88) x̂
(91) W ∩ W ⊥ = {0}
(105) The product of two orthogonal matrices (it it’s defined) is orthogo-