Ordinary, Singular, Regular, Irregular Points

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 Analytic function: A function f is said to be analytic at a

point a if it is differentiable at a.

For a second order ordinary differential

equation a2(x)y"+a1(x)y'+a0(x)y=0

 If a1/a2 and a0/a2 remain finite (i.e analytic or

differentiable) at x=x0, then x0 is called an ordinary point.

 If P(x) and Q(x) diverges (i.e. approaches to ∞) as x→x0,

then x0 is called a singular point.

 If either a1/a2 or a0/a2 diverges as x→x0 but (x-x0) a1/a2

and (x-x0)2a0/a2 remain finite as x→x0, then x=x0 is called
a regular singular point (or nonessential singularity).

 Any singular point that is not regular is called irregular

singular points.

Example 1: 2  x  2  xy  3xy   x  2  y  0


This equation can be written as

y 

 x  2 y  0
2  x  2 x 2  x  2 x
2 2

3 y y
y    0
2  x  2 2  x  2 x
2 2
3 y 3y
x=1 is an ordinary point of this equation as lim = and
2 1  2
x 1 2

y y
lim = .
2 1  2  .1 2
x 1 2

Singular point for this equation are those points for which the
denominators of y’’, y’ and y become 0, here the singular points are at
(x -2)2 = 0 and x=0 that is x= 0,2.

To check whether these points are regular singular or irregular singular,

First we check for x0= 0, i.e. as x approaches to x0=0

3 y 3xy y y
lim (x-0) = (analytic) and lixm0 (x-0)2 = (analytic)
2  x  2 2  x  2 x 8
x 0 2 2

This means x0=0 is regular singular point.

Next we check for x0= 2, i.e. as x approaches to x0=2

3 y 3 y 3xy
lim (x-2) = lim    (singular) and
x 2
2  x  2
2 x 2
 x  2  0

y y y
lim (x-2)2 = lim  (analytic) so x0=2 is irregular singular
2  x  2  x x 2 2 x 4
x 2 2


Example 2: y  y  0

First we find the singular points of this equation. Singular point for this
equation are those points for which the denominators of y’’, y’ and y
become 0.
The only singular point here is x=0. Now to check whether this singular
point is regular or irregular, lim (x-0)  lim1  1 is analytic at x0 = 0 (and
x 0 x x0
for all x), x0 =0 is a regular singular point.
Example 2: y   0
x  1

1 1
x=0 is an ordinary point here because lim   1 .
x0 (0+1) 1

The singular point for this equation is:

(x + 1)2=0 ⇒x=-1.

Now to check whether x=-1 is regular singular or irregular we see

1 1 1
lim (x+1) 2
 lim    remains singular so the point x0 = -1 is an
x 1 (x+1) x 1 (x+1) 0
irregular singular point.

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