Q1 - WEEK - 2 - Grade 10 - 3

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11 Department of Education-Region III


City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Quarter 1: Week 2
Learning Activity

Name of Learner: Quarter 1: Week 2

Section: _ Date: _

Create drawings following the details of exposure sheets- Character Emotions

Background Information:
The learners must understand and develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies
required for Animation NC II specialization course. The goal of the Information and
Communication Technology curriculum is to develop the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of
the students to live, learn, and work effectively in this modern society. Exposing students on
experiences related to technology encourages them to enjoy and value it.
The Animation NC II specialization course under Technical-Vocational-Livelihood
Information and Communication Technology consists of the skills that a person must acquire
in the production of traditional and digital cleaning at both the production and post-production
In this lesson, as a learner of the specialization course in Animation NC II, you will
learn the requirements for creating clean-up drawing. The learner must be familiar with the
basic emotions and know the relevance of the course to strengthen his/her skills to create a
character with emotion to be a good animator.

Learning Competency: TLE_ICTAN12CI-IIa-j-1

At the end of this module, learners are expected to:

1. Describe the different types of cartoon emotions
2. Construct a character using the given puzzle with animation; and
3. Appreciate the importance of giving emotion to a character.

Introduction on giving emotions to a character that is part of exposure sheets

Giving emotion to a character is part of workflow in the production of

animation. Giving emotion to a character can give life to the character and it helps to
attract its Viewer. Emotion is a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s
circumstances, mood, or relationship with others. Showing the different emotion to
illustration to students will help them to analyze about different types of emotion.
Types of basic emotions according to Robert Plutchik’s Theory

Fear – feeling of being afraid, frightened, scared.

Anger – feeling angry. A stronger word for anger is rage.

Sadness – feeling sad. Other words are happiness, gladness.

Joy – feeling happy. Other words are happiness, gladness

Disgust – feeling something is wrong or nasty

Surprise – being unprepared for something

Trust – a positive emotion; admiration is stronger; acceptance is weaker

Anticipation – in the sense of looking forward positively, to which is going to

Happen. Expectation is more neutral.

Activity 1
Directions: On a short bond paper, draw each puzzle piece below and cut it according to its
shape. Assemble the pieces to create an image and paste it on a short bond paper. Answer
the guide questions that follows and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
Guide Questions:

1. Did you use your own ability to do the activity?

2. What characteristics/qualities do you think have helped you finished the activity?
3. Do you think you will be able to create the same image in an animation software?
4. How can you enhance your skills based on the given activity?
5. If given a chance, what would you like to add to your work to better showcase your

Points Indicators
30 points The learner draws each puzzle piece, cut it according to its shape, and
assemble the puzzle completely to create an image and paste it to a bond
paper and the completed artwork is very neat.
25 points The learner draws each puzzle piece, cut it according to its shape, and
assemble the puzzle completely to create an image and paste it to a bond
and the completed artwork is less neat.
20 points The learner draws each puzzle piece, cut it according to its shape, but unable
to assemble the puzzle completely to create an image.
15 points The learner draws less than sixteen puzzle pieces.
10 points The learner draws less than ten puzzle pieces.

Activity 2
Directions: On a short bond paper draw your original character with emotion and make it as a
puzzle like the sample illustration below.

Points Indicators
10 Points Able to create a puzzle and original character with emotion
8 Points Unable to create a puzzle but created an original character with emotion
6 Points Unable to create a puzzle but created an original character with no emotion
4 Points Unable to finish the given task.
 What I’ve learned:

 How will this lesson help me?

References for learners

www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emotions, and www.mustangbols.com/animation

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Sto. Cristo National High School

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