SB GridGenC en Generator Concepts For Renewables
SB GridGenC en Generator Concepts For Renewables
SB GridGenC en Generator Concepts For Renewables
Berlin, 2017-04-04
Table of content
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Overview of content ................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Classification of generators ..................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Introduction and classification of wind turbine generators.................................................... 7
2 AC generators ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Introduction to AC generators ................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Directly grid connected synchronous generator (E).............................................................. 10
2.2.1 Utilization for renewable generation............................................................................. 11
2.2.2 Operating Principle ........................................................................................................ 12
2.2.3 Rotor construction ......................................................................................................... 14
2.2.4 Excitation systems ......................................................................................................... 15
2.2.5 Equivalent circuit and power calculation ...................................................................... 17
2.2.6 Example active and reactive power calculation ............................................................ 18
2.3 Induction generator (fixed speed) (E) ................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 Basic construction and magnetization .......................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Equivalent circuit ........................................................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Torque speed curve ....................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Induction generator with variable rotor resistance (variable speed) (E) .............................. 23
2.4.1 Limited variable speed induction generator ................................................................. 24
2.4.2 Torque speed curve ....................................................................................................... 25
2.5 Doubly Fed Induction Generator (variable speed) (E)........................................................... 26
2.5.1 General concept ............................................................................................................ 27
2.5.2 Different operating modes ............................................................................................ 28
2.5.3 Measurement and control ............................................................................................. 30
2.5.4 Equivalent circuit and magnetization ............................................................................ 31
2.5.5 Rotor frequency ............................................................................................................. 32
2.5.6 Active power flow .......................................................................................................... 34
2.5.7 Reactive power capability.............................................................................................. 35
2.5.8 Characteristic parameters ............................................................................................. 36
2.5.9 Power tracking curve ..................................................................................................... 37
2.6 Generator with Fully Rated Converter (variable speed) (E) .................................................. 38
2.6.1 Application to wind turbines ......................................................................................... 38
• explain AC power generation concepts for grid connected fixed and variable speed generators,
• describe wind turbine concepts, market shares, advantages and disadvantages and
• present PV systems (DC generators, main components, single phase and three phase
Generators for renewable generation are classified here (see figure) as either AC or DC generator
systems. They are sub-classified as follows:
AC generators
• Fixed speed
o directly grid connected synchronous generator
o induction generator
• Variable speed
o induction generator with variable rotor resistance
o Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)
o generator with Fully Rated Converter (FRC)
DC generators
• photovoltaic systems
The directly grid connected synchronous generator is typically used in conventional large-scale power
plants. It is an AC fixed speed generator system because it is directly coupled to the grid and thus its
speed is a function of the grid frequency. The synchronous generator is used with renewable energy
technologies such as Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), biomass/biogas and hydro power.
Biomass/biogas systems are usually used with Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units to generate
electrical power as well as thermal power.
The induction generator is used for power generation from wind and belongs to the fixed speed AC
generators. Its speed can change slightly due to the natural difference between rotor and stator
frequency (so called slip) at certain operating points but, compared to the speed range of the variable
speed AC generators, this is negligible.
In the variable speed generator systems, the wound-rotor induction generator with variable rotor
resistance is an extension of the previously mentioned fixed speed induction generator. In this concept,
additional resistors are connected to the rotor in order to enhance the speed variability within a limited
range. The two other variable speed concepts (the Doubly Fed Induction Generator and the generator
with Fully Rated Converter) are more efficient with respect to speed variability. These are the most
commonly used generator concepts for power generation from wind. These systems employ power
electronics and corresponding control capabilities; hence their speed can be controlled to extract the
maximum available power from the wind.
Photovoltaics come under the category of power generation from DC generators. The DC power from
the solar array is converted into AC active power through the use of inverters which can be controlled
to supply desired levels of active and reactive power. Fuel cells also fall under the category of DC
generator systems. The method of DC power generation from photovoltaics and fuel cells is different
but the control to convert DC to AC is almost the same. Fuel cells are not covered in this course.
Generally, wind turbine generators can be categorized in four main types, another classification
distinguishes fixed speed, limited variable speed and variable speed wind turbines.
Fixed speed wind turbines
Fixed speed wind turbines are electrically simple devices consisting of an aerodynamic stall controlled
turbine driving a squirrel-cage induction generator. Turbine and generator are connected via a gearbox
and a shaft. Fixed speed wind turbines do not employ power electronic devices and are typically small-
to medium-sized. Fixed speed wind turbines are no longer used in new systems because variable speed
wind turbines offer higher energy efficiency, better controllability, can fulfill flexible operating modes
and provide extra services to the power system. The fixed speed wind turbine has a type 1 generator.
Speed may vary by 2-4% from no load to full load; capacitors are needed to provide the magnetizing
current for the production of the magnetic flux of the generator.
Limited variable speed wind turbines
Limited variable speed wind turbines with variable rotor resistance are referred to as type 2 generators.
They are like fixed speed wind turbines but with a wound rotor induction generator and adjustable
Wind turbine classification (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-
Variable speed:
• induction generator with variable rotor resistance
• Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)
• generator with Fully Rated Converter (FRC)
In the following pages, each AC generator will be explained in detail with respect to its electrical
properties and behavior as well as its application in power systems. The systematic approach of
classifying wind turbine generators from type 1 to type 4 is widely used. One distinction of those types
is, for example, the ability to provide reactive power control.
The two older types of wind turbine generators provide no reactive power control (no Q-control):
• Induction generators (wind power, type 1)
• Induction generators with variable rotor resistance (wind power, type 2)
All other types are equipped with reactive power control (Q-control):
• Synchronous generator
• Doubly fed induction generator (wind power, type 3)
• Generator with fully rated converter (wind power, type 4)
• PV-modules with fully rated converter
Reactive power control means that a generator can deliver inductive reactive power, which equals the
consumption of capacitive reactive power. Similarly, it can consume inductive reactive power, which
equals the delivery of capacitive reactive power. Reactive power is needed to control the voltage in the
With all three technologies, the generator is converting the mechanical power provided by the steam
or hydro turbine, or the gas engine into electrical power which is fed into the electrical power system.
The turbine and generator are coupled via a shaft and the generator is directly grid connected.
Principle arrangement of turbine, generator and power system (Source: Department of Electrical
Power Systems, University Duisburg-Essen)
where n is the speed in rev/min, f is the frequency in Hertz and p is the number of field pole pairs.
If the number of pole pairs increases, the speed of the generator and thus the connected turbine or
motor decreases. For instance, assuming a generator has six pole pairs (and thus 12 poles) we get the
following results:
Assuming a different grid frequency of 60 Hz, such as in North America, the generator speed will be
higher for a given number of pole pairs than in Europe, e.g. if p = 1,
Rotor and stator of the synchronous generator (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems,
University Duisburg-Essen)
Assuming the electrical output of the generator is 1 MW and the generator is perfectly efficient, then
the mechanical power input to the generator is also 1 MW. Considering now a low speed turbine with
5 pole pairs (meaning it rotates at 600 rev/min) and a constant mechanical power, the previous
equation can be used to calculate the necessary torque
With the same constraints, a high-speed turbine with one pole pair will require the following torque
From this example, it becomes clear that the lower the turbine speed, the higher the torque, and vice
versa. In the first approximation, the relationship between torque and speed is linear and has
consequences for the construction. Higher speed, and thus lower torque, leads to lower weight and
smaller generator size. Conversely, lower speed, and thus higher torque, leads to greater weight (more
pole pairs) and larger generator size (larger rotor and stator diameter).
In the near future, there will be a trend towards synchronous generators with magnetization provided
by permanent magnets for small-scale applications.
In this case an electrical excitation system is unnecessary. Since the generator is permanently
magnetized, there is no access to the excitation system and therefore no capability to control the
terminal voltage or to dampen the power system oscillations. As a consequence, the permanent
magnet generator is widely used for small-scale applications (e.g. small wind turbines or small hydro
turbines) in combination with converters equipped with power electronics. These converters are
connected between generator and power system and can control the electrical output properties in
order to achieve flexible grid integration.
Block diagram excitation system (Data source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University
After some mathematical transformation, the active power of the synchronous generator can be
expressed by the following equation
From the last two equations, it becomes clear that the steady-state active and reactive power of the
synchronous generator depend on the internal voltage Up and the load angle δ. The synchronous
reactance Xd is constant under steady-state conditions. Its value will be given by the manufacturer. The
terminal or grid voltage U is usually provided by the power system and can only be changed slightly
within its limits by the reactive power capability of the synchronous generator. If the mechanical power
input increases, i.e. the load angle (the phase shift between Up and U) increases, the electrical power
output also increases, reaching a maximum at δ = 90°.
Please note: in this course, the German standard symbol for voltage U is used instead of the
internationally common V.
Taking the equation for the reactive power and using again the given parameters the following result
can be calculated
The phasor diagram visualizes the relationship between internal voltage, terminal voltage and the
corresponding stator current. It shows the phase shift of 45° between the terminal voltage and the
Furthermore, it is possible to calculate the stator current using the current equation
Note: In a consumer oriented reference system the generated active power and the capacitive reactive
power become negative, while the consumed active power and inductive reactive power are positive.
Example phasor diagram of the synchronous generator (Source: Department of Electrical Power
Systems, University Duisburg-Essen)
Construction of the induction machine (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University
Where U1 is the voltage at the primary terminal of the fictitious transformer, nT the turn ratio between
the rotor winding and the stator winding, and 𝜔𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝 = 2𝜋𝑓𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑝 is the slip angular electrical frequency.
After some mathematical transformation, the equivalent of figure (a) is obtained in figure (b) which
describes the circuit of the induction machine with a shorted rotor. In this equivalent circuit the rotor
quantities are referred to the stator side. The slip-dependent resistance is conveniently separated into
a fixed resistance R`r and a variable resistance
which represent the rotor resistance and mechanical power respectively. This shows that the
mechanical power delivered depends upon the slip (rotor resistance).
The slip becomes negative when the rotor speed is greater than synchronous speed and corresponds
to generator action.
Here the 2-pole pair rotor is rotating with a speed n of 1560 rev/min.
Torque speed curve of induction machine (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University
2.4 Induction generator with variable rotor resistance (variable speed) (E)
Learning objectives: After the following pages, you should be able to
• describe the main features of an induction generator with variable rotor resistance,
• name advantages of the induction generator with variable rotor resistance (in comparison to
the simple induction generator) and
• draw and interpret the torque speed curve of an induction generator with variable rotor
Adding external resistance into the rotor circuit has been shown to allow a small increase in the speed
range over which the induction machine can operate but at the cost of reduced efficiency due to the
losses in the external rotor resistance. The beneficial features of an increased operating speed range
can be retained (and expanded) if, rather than dissipating the energy into external resistors, it is fed
back into the power system using a power electronic converter.
Wind turbine with wound rotor induction generator with adjustable external rotor resistance (Source:
Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-Essen)
These equations show that the pull-out torque is independent of the rotor resistance R`r. Considering
a weak power system where the grid impedance is higher than in a strong power system, stator
reactance becomes larger because both grid impedance and stator reactance Xs are connected in series
and thus when Xs increases the pull-out torque is reduced. Figure (a) shows the steady state stability
of the generator. This will be most apparent in a weak system where the system reactance is greatest.
Also, the pull-out torque will be reduced if the system voltage U is reduced for any reason, but the slip
at which the pull-out torque occurs is not affected. This effect is visualized in Figure b.
In contrast, the first equation shows that the slip at which the maximum torque occurs is determined
by the rotor resistance R`r; so, increasing the rotor resistance increases the maximum slip. This effect
is shown in Figure c. Not only does increased rotor resistance make the system connection more
compliant but it also increases the speed at which the pull-out torque occurs.
There are three different operating modes for the DFIG as follows.
Sub-synchronous speed mode (s > 0 and 𝜔𝑟 < 𝜔𝑠 )
• Typically, this situation takes place during slow wind speeds.
• The rotor power will be supplied by the DC bus capacitor via the MSC which tends to decrease
the DC bus voltage.
• The LSC increases this DC voltage and tends to keep it constant.
• As a result, power is absorbed from the grid via the LSC and is delivered to the rotor via the
• Thus, the LSC operates as a rectifier and the MSC operates as an inverter (see the figure for
power direction)
• The power will also be delivered to the grid by the stator Ps
Different operation modes and control of the DFIG (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems,
University Duisburg-Essen)
The wind turbine control level has a slower dynamic response than the local DFIG control; it controls
the pitch angle of the turbine blades and thus the speed of the generator and reference active power
to the DFIG control level.
As described previously, the DFIG control level is divided into two parts:
• Machine Side Converter Control: this is responsible for the active and reactive power control
of the machine.
• Line Side Converter Control: the main purpose of this is to keep the DC link voltage constant
and to employ the reactive power control.
Two additional control signals are used for the triggering of the protection system of the wind turbine:
• AC Crowbar control
• DC Chopper control
This means that this magnetization current is part of the rotor circuit and will be provided by the MSC.
Thus, the power factor at the stator terminal is independent of the magnetization of the rotor. (In a
classical induction generator with or without external rotor resistance the magnetization of the rotor
was provided via induction from the stator.) So, power factor correction with an additional
compensation device is not necessary. The power factor at the stator of the DFIG can be varied by
controlling the stator currents by, in turn, controlling the rotor currents.
Equivalent circuit of the DFIG (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-
Now we adapt this equation to the DFIG concept, where the rotor frequency fRotor can be adjusted
independently by the MSC.
For the sub-synchronous operation mode where the slip is positive (s > 0 and ωr < ωs) the following
equation is valid
For the super-synchronous operation mode where the slip is negative (s < 0 and ωr < ωs) the following
equation is valid
Assuming again two pole pairs and a rotor rotational speed of 1650 rev/min, the required rotor
frequency is 5 Hz for a 50 Hz stator frequency.
These results show that the electrical frequency in the rotor has to be the slip frequency and has to be
adapted automatically according to the speed of the turbine and thus the wind speed. This task is
performed by the MSC control by using the online rotor speed and rotor position measurement. This
makes the generator speed variable because the mechanical frequency of the rotor is decoupled from
the stator and thus the grid frequency. The magnetic field in the rotor which is inducing a voltage in
the stator is a superposition of the mechanical speed of the shaft and the electrical frequency inside
the three-phase wound rotor winding.
Wind Turbine with DFIG (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-Essen)
Using the last expression in the equation for the rotor power we get
Assuming that the losses in the converter are negligible, the power at the LSC is equal to the rotor
From these equations, it can be seen that the active power flow direction in the stator is always from
the generator to the power system. In contrast the active power flow in the rotor circuit is bi-directional
because it is dependent on slip.
In real applications, the rotor resistance and the stator resistance as well as the losses in the two
converters, MSC and LSC, have to be considered and the manufacturers are optimizing the losses of
the different parameters in order to increase the efficiency of the generator converter system.
If the speed range of the DFIG is assumed to be ±30% of the slip around the synchronous speed, the
power that will flow via the rotor through the power converters will also be 30% of the stator power.
Active power flow in the DFIG (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-
Assuming that the turbine does not supply any reactive power, that there are no losses in the
converters and machine, and that the slip is 30%, the rotor power equation becomes
This much power will flow in the rotor circuit (MSC and LSC).
For the 6 MW machine
The rotor power can be calculated as follows
Again, this power will flow in the rotor circuit (MSC and LSC).
Characteristic parameters of the DFIG (Data source: Department of Electrical Power Systems,
University Duisburg-Essen)
Power tracking curve of the DFIG (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University
Concepts for wind turbine with fully rated converter (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems,
University Duisburg-Essen)
Control overview of wind turbines with generators equipped with Fully Rated Converter systems
(Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-Essen)
Modern wind turbines have to withstand short-circuits in the connected power system as this is
requested in many grid codes worldwide. They have to remain connected to the power system for a
short time without opening any circuit breaker. This is why modern wind turbines are equipped with
certain protection devices in order to protect the electrical components (the generator and especially
the sensitive power converters) against high transient currents during short-circuits in the grid. There
are two main protection functions for the wind turbine protection:
• DC Chopper Protection
• AC Crowbar Protection
DC Chopper Protection: as shown in the upper part of the figure, a DC-link braking resistor, also known
as a DC-link chopper, is provided in the DC-link bus to dissipate excess energy in the DC-link during a
grid fault. The arrangement consists of a resistor and an electronic switch, usually an IGBT. Several units
of DC-link braking resistors can be arranged in parallel to increase energy dissipation capacity. The
amount of power burned in the resistor is controlled by an electronic switch device (IGBT). The DC-link
braking resistor can be dimensioned to fully handle the entire energy dissipation during fault.
Alternately, the resistor can be designed to only handle partial power. Obviously, to be able to ride
through a severe fault, the latter option must be combined with other measures, for instance injecting
active power to the grid.
AC Crowbar Protection: for DFIG-based wind turbines a rotor crowbar is designed to bypass the rotor-
side converter, i.e. to short-circuit the rotor, in order to avoid overcurrent on the MSC as well as
overvoltage on the DC-link capacitor. The crowbar can consist of thyristors with an external resistance
insertion. As shown in the lower part of the figure, the crowbar can be constructed by placing two pairs
of anti-parallel thyristors between the phases or by using a combination of a diode bridge and a single
thyristor. Typically, the crowbar resistance value is 1 to 10 times the rotor resistances; however, the size
is actually dependent on machine parameters. A higher crowbar resistance value is preferred to quickly
dampen rotor transient current. On the other hand, a resistance value that is too high may lead to the
risk of overvoltage on the converter. Therefore, the value of the resistance must be designed as a
compromise between these two factors. The crowbar action can be triggered either by DC-link
overvoltage or by MSC overcurrent.
During the activation of the AC crowbar the DFIG acts as a common induction machine without control
capability by the MSC. In this case the generator receives its magnetization via the stator from the grid.
Many grid codes require capacitive reactive current during grid faults to support the grid voltage. This
is not possible during the activation of the AC crowbar.
There are some drawbacks to the variable speed wind turbine technologies:
• operation is much more complex than the fixed speed wind turbines
• very costly compared to fixed speed wind turbines
• multiple point of failures (though rare) due to the power electronics and other sensitive
• efficiency losses in the power electronic converters
Type 1 to 4 wind turbines (Data source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-
Of the four wind turbine types introduced, the preferred technology changed in the ten years from
1995 to 2005. A detailed investigation of the market penetration and development of the different
wind turbine types is shown in the figure. It shows the results of the investigation which is based on
data provided by BMT Consults. The graph reflects the global market penetration of the four wind
turbine Types 1, 2, 3 and 4 from the top 22 wind turbine market suppliers from 1995 to 2005. [1]
During the years 1995-1997 the fixed speed wind turbine concept (Type 1) was the predominant wind
turbine technology, due to its simplicity and robustness. However, from 1997 the DFIG wind turbine
(Type 3) gained an increasing market share, while the demand for Types 1 and 2 continuously
decreased. (There is no updated data on this topic available.)
In 2013, according to experts, the doubly-fed induction generator was the most used generator
concept. However, the variable speed wind turbine generator with full scale frequency converter (Type
4) was expected to take the lead in the future. [2] Type 1 and 2 do not play a role on the market
Besides the previously discussed four types, a fifth type appeared on the market but without
significant market share. That type is a directly coupled synchronous machine that keeps a constant
rotation of the generator due to the variable-speed gearbox.
Global market share of wind turbine technologies (Data source: Hansen/Hansen 2007)
3.2 Photovoltaics
Learning objectives: After the following pages, you should be able to
• name the components of a PV system and explain their functions from the power generation
• distinguish between grid-connected and off-grid PV system,
• describe the systematic buildup of a PV array,
• interpret the I(U) and P(U) curves of PV systems and
• explain the principles of maximum power point tracking.
Grid-connected system:
Grid-connected PV systems are power systems that are connected to the electricity grid. The grid has
influence over the operation of such systems. It is not necessary to use batteries as excess electricity
can be fed into the grid. Residential grid-connected photovoltaic systems with a capacity less than 10
kilowatts meet the load of most consumers and additional electricity generation is fed into the grid. A
PV cells and array (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University Duisburg-Essen)
MPP is the Maximum Power Point at which the photovoltaic system delivers the maximum power
for a particular irradiance and temperature. The voltage at MPP, Vmpp and the current at MPP, Impp can
be obtained from this. Short circuit measurement at zero voltage can give the short circuit current, Isc.
The open circuit measurement with a disconnected load can provide the open circuit voltage, Voc .
These measurements are shown in the figure.
The I(V) and P(V) curves for different irradiations at standard temperature of 25° Celsius are shown.
These curves are drawn for the complete system (not for an individual module).
Only Perturb and Observe (P &O) is described here as it is simple and explains the basics of MPPT quite
There are three main areas in the MPPT curve (depending on the position of I and U) as marked in the
• 𝑑𝑈
> 0 which shows that the operating point of the system is on the left side of the curve. In
this condition, additional voltage is added to the DC output value (DC voltage is incremented),
so that the operating point moves towards the optimal MPP defined by the condition 𝑑𝑈 = 0.
The MPPT algorithm described above tracks the MPP under changing environmental conditions.
The speed and accuracy of the algorithm depends on the step size and the additional incremental
voltage (gain) of the algorithm.
The P&O method is not very efficient as the MPPT moves around the MPP optimum location or has to
have a tolerance band around the MPP. This movement around the MPP or the tolerance band around
the MPP increases the losses in the system because the MPP is not always reached and so the DC power
output from the PV modules not always maximized. To solve this problem, the Incremental
Conductance (IncCond) method can be used in parallel or alone.
Only bipolar modulation is explained here. In the case of bipolar modulation, the switches are switched
The main features of this converter are:
• Leg A S1 and Leg B S4 (green line) as well as Leg A S2 and Leg B S3 (red line) are switched
synchronously in the diagonal with high frequency and the same sinusoidal reference. AC
voltage can be generated.
• An LCL filter is used to eliminate the high frequency harmonics which are superimposed on the
fundamental frequency components due to the IGBT switching.
The combination of inductance in series, capacitor in parallel and again inductance in series (so called
LCL filter) works as a low pass filter. It blocks the frequencies above a threshold value (cut-off frequency)
while allowing the frequencies below cut-off frequency. The dynamics of the filter have a significant
impact on the working of the inverter; hence the design of the filter is an important issue in the
modeling of grid connected inverters.
For residential PV generation, single-phase PV systems are of interest because small-scale PV
installations can normally be connected by a single-phase inverter to the low voltage network (typically
less than 5 kW) while larger PV installations are connected via a three-phase inverter to the power
system in order to avoid unbalanced generation conditions.
Single / three-phase PV inverter topology (Data source: Department of Electrical Power Systems,
University Duisburg-Essen)
The figure shows the simple equivalent circuit (a) and phasor diagram (b) for the control of the PV
inverter. X represents the coupling inductance between the grid voltage and the inverter AC output
where 𝑃ref_inv is the reference value of the active power that can be transferred from the inverter to
the grid and 𝑄ref_inv is the reference value for the reactive power.
Controlling the magnitude of the inverter voltage controls the reactive power of the inverter.
Controlling the phase angle of the inverter voltage controls the active power. So, both active and
reactive power can be controlled with respect to the grid.
General and control overview of the three-phase PV inverter (Source: Department of Electrical Power
Systems, University Duisburg-Essen)
String configuration: string Configuration allows MPP tracking at string level which yields maximum
power output. It covers wide power ranges. Unlike the central inverter configuration, it does not have
a single point of failure, thus has higher reliability. Each string can be monitored individually and if a
fault arises it can easily be found and cleared. A string configuration is easier to transport because it is
lighter and smaller than a central inverter configuration. String configuration offers more advantages
than the central configuration which is why the market share of string inverters is increasing compared
to central PV inverters.
Where I is the current that flows in the line and Z is the impedance of the line.
In case of no PV feed-in Ppv = 0, hence power flow is in the direction from medium voltage to the load
and Vpcc is lower than Vgrid because of voltage drop along the line as shown by the green line in the
figure. As soon as the PV feeds in the power and Ppv > Pload, the power flow reverses and power flows
towards the medium voltage substation which results in voltage rise at the PCC given by
This shows that voltage at PCC can increase because of PV feed-in (yellow line) and power flow direction
can reverse. This results in a situation in which the voltage rise at the PCC may violate the voltage
deviation limit imposed by the system operators. In such a case, the reactive power capability of the
inverter can be used to lower the voltage during high irradiation times by providing inductive reactive
power, and can support the voltage during low irradiation times by providing the capacitive reactive
power. Also, limiting the generated active power can reduce the voltage increase but has the drawback
of low efficiency.
In the case that voltage regulation using reactive power capability of the inverter is required, the active
power capability of the inverter decreases (for same apparent power) for supplying the reactive power
as shown in Figure b.
This implies that the size of the inverter must be increased for the same amount of active power if the
reactive power capability is required from it. In this case, the apparent power rating of the inverter
Where QPV is the reactive power (inductive or capacitive) required from the inverter.
Effect of PV on low power voltage system (Source: Department of Electrical Power Systems, University
RENAC field trip to a 2 MW two axis tracking PV farm in Germany (Source: RENAC)