Arch: Jul/Aug 2010

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The document provides information about various building industry organizations and their publications. It also includes a testing matrix of glazing and aluminum contractors.

The document mentions organizations like AAAMSA, SAGI, SAGGA, EPSASA, TPMA, and SAFIERA that are involved in the fenestration, glazing and insulation industries in South Africa.

The matrix on page 68 lists aluminum contractors and the products and services they provide including shopfronts, doors, windows, curtain wall systems and more. It provides contact information for contractors in various regions of South Africa.

July/Aug 2010

Featured on cover: Contents

Tel. 012 719 8881 3 From the Desk . . . Software
Fax. 086 73 8446 25 In the Pipeline
Email. [email protected] Cover Story 5 Opening Doors Young Designers
28 Encouraging Innovation and
Practice Profile Dynamic Debate
6 No Arbitrary Matter
Architects and Designers
Trends in Office & Commercial 31 You Decide, a Bookshelf or a Chair?
Developments 34 Interbuild
11 Who Built My Warehouse?
Walls & Doors
Hiding Out 41 Flying Carpets
17 Dust Off Plans? 45 Getting it Covered
47 News & Views
Doors & Windows
21 Out Of The Box 60 AAAMSA Matrixes

Architect & Specificator is the official journal of the following organisations:

SASEMA, SA Shower Enclosures Manufacturers
AAAMSA, The Association of Architectural SAGGA, the SA Glass & Glazing Association
Aluminium Manufacturers of SA incorporates:
EPSASA, the Expanded Polystyrene Association
of Southern Africa
SABISA, the SA Building Interior Systems Association
TPMA, the Thermal Panel Manufacturers’
ASDA, the Aluminium Stockists’ & Distributors’ Association Association
AAAMSA Fenestration
SASA, the Skylight Association of Southern Africa
SAGI, South African Glass Institute

TIASA, the Thermal Insulation Association of Southern Africa SAFIERA - South African Fenestration & Insulation
Energy Rating Association

Promech Publishing AAAMSA, PO Box 7861, 1685 Halfway House,

P O Box 373, Pinegowrie, 2123 E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (011) 781-1401 Fax: (011) 781-1403 Tel: (011) 805-5002, Fax: (011) 805-5033, Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Views expressed in articles and advertisements are not necessarily the
Editor: Susan Custers view of AAAMSA members or the publisher.
Contributor: Brigitte Billings
Advertising: Di Bluck Articles or extracts thereof may be reproduced, provided prior permission
DTP: Zinobia Docrat and Sean Bacher is obtained from the publisher and full acknowledgement is given.
Printer: Typo Colour Specialists
Architect & Specificator is an alternate monthly magazine. 9100 copies are distributed to individuals and companies
involved in the building industry

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 

 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010
From the Desk
Building Regulation XA – Energy Usage is currently out for
public comment and so is SANS 10400 – XA. These two
publications should be read in tandem and will, once
published, assist in government reaching its goal to reduce
energy usage.

his all plays out against a backdrop of en-
ergy generation capacity which will reduce
from its current 42 000 MW to 10 000
MW by 2030.
Those figures were published by the Department Hans A Schefferlie, executive director
of Mineral and Energy as early as 2003 and were
reconfirmed in November 2009 by Eskom.
Of course it is not as bleak as it seems. We are at
least building one power station having a generat-
this kind of energy generating capacity. In view
ing capacity of 4500 MW while undoubtedly the
of the above we are pleased to endorse Building
de-commissioning of power stations as envisaged
Regulation XA as it will reduce the energy usage
will be extended.
in the building industry by some 3000 MW per
Notwithstanding, assuming a four percent growth annum when fully implemented.
rate, our country may well require some 80000
So roll out SANS 204 – Energy Efficiency in Build-
MW generating capacity by 2030.
ings. This standard was published in October
There are currently no other viable / economical 2008 and has been, in the main, ignored by the
building industry ever since. One could argue
options available to provide this kind of energy that 4500 MW that could have been saved since
the publication was in fact not saved. Hence the
Government interventions through the National
Building Regulations to ensure future buildings
are done in line with SANS 204.
Assistance available
To assist the building professional our Association
has established an independently run laboratory
(SANAS approved) to provide reliable information
regarding the thermal performance of fenestration
systems and wall and roof assemblies.
This laboratory has been operational for some
time and has shown test results which are not
necessarily in line with thermal performance of
products claimed by their individual marketing /
manufactures brochures.
Our association together with the Central Energy Fund
Meeting demand (CEF) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial
Put in another way our country requires the comple- Research (CSIR) will establish the South African
tion of 15 power stations having a capacity of Regional Energy Efficiency Centre (SAREEC) for
4500 MW each to meet this demand during the research and testing building envelope materials
next 20 – 30 years. and systems and practically demonstrate green
building technologies.
Of course the required environmental impact studies
will reveal the amount of CO2 that will be released We believe that this initiative will reap great results
by these proposed 15 coal fixed power stations. for the academic, professional and industrial fields
of the building industry and create greater living
An option would be to build some 35 nuclear (Koeberg comfort to all.
type) power stations to meet our country’s energy
generating capacity. There are currently no other Hans A Schefferlie
viable / economical options available to provide Executive Director

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 

 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Opening Doors
“When people specify an aluminium door, chitectural IT stalwart, Autospec, in a partnership
we’d like Primador to be the name they ask that will give architects and designers the ability
for,” smiles Delmè Thomas during a conver- to team doors and windows with their choice of
sation with “Architect & Specificator”. specialized performance glass. Sister company,
GSA, has added its substantial database of prod-
ucts into the mix.
The exuberant managing director of Primador has
great plans for the company, which he laughingly “Specifiers will be able to choose a product and
describes as “smaller than the competition”, while then glaze it with a Smart Glass performance
listing a string of achievements that clearly make product, stipulating properties such as thermal
it a strong market contender. “We’re working hard values, light transmission or acoustic properties.
towards market leadership,” he admits. This information is saved into the specifications
prior to submission of a tender,” he tells us.
Is the first aluminium window and door manufacturer This will come as a welcome innovation for current
to have tested its windows in the CSIR’s hotbox fans of the range, who have already used Primador
products in high profile projects such as the five
star Kapama resort in Hoedspruit. Forays into
Strong range the African continent have yielded considerable
A level 6 BEE accredited company, Primador is exposure in Mozambique, Zambia, Angola and
the first aluminium window and door manufacturer Ghana, with a 3 500 unit installation pending in
to have tested its windows in the CSIR’s hotbox. East Africa.
Rigorous trials included wind deflection, water
penetration and calculation of thermal efficiency.
Good coverage
“We came through with a good u-rating, and look- Boasting a national footprint, Primador has four
ing forward to lowering our score even further in factories throughout the country: in Durban, Port
due coarse” Delmè says with pride. “Our top hung Elizabeth, Cape Town and the flagship in Babalegi,
window and Elite patio door also achieved an A3- near Hammanskraal. Products include a compre-
rating through AAAMSA and we’ve maintained hensive range of patio doors, windows, sliding
strong ties with this association.” folding doors, single and double front doors, shop
fronts and framed shower doors. Windows and door
The company has also forged strong ties with ar- ranges have both standard and elite options, which
include top and sidelights.
“We are also in the process of imple-
menting training programmes on
installation of our products,” adds
Delmè. “This will have the two-fold
advantage of promoting our range,
while meeting a need for skilled in-
stallers in the industry.” The course
is aligned with merCETA installation
qualifications, with plans for ac-
creditation and a training academy
in the pipeline.
It’s clear that Primador is opening
doors to a wealth of new opportuni-
ties and Delmè acknowledges that
his team thrives on this. “We’re an
energetic young company with the
enthusiasm to tackle innovative
projects. We want to play a proactive
role in changing the way people build
homes in South Africa.”
Delmè Thomas, Primador, Tel. 012 719
Primador products have been used in high-profile projects such as the five star Kapama 8881, Fax. 086 73 8446, Email. dthomas@
resort in Hoedspruit, Website.

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 


No Arbitrary
The stereotypical notion of female-inspired design being
flowery and frivolous has no place in the portfolio of Tania
Glavas; this woman is all about strong style and bold state- Tania Glavas

ore than just an architect, Tania is There is a growing demand for qualified profes-
a registered NHBRC builder with sionals to facilitate the process in South Africa,”
a solid understanding of the perils she continues.
of the construction industry. “I’ve Arbitration process
designed and built many of my own houses,” she “Although you can choose anyone over 18 and
tells “Architect & Specificator”, admitting that it’s of sound mind to be an arbitrator in a matter, it’s
a good way to learn the ropes. “I also completed recommended to go through the Association of Ar-
the Arbitration ‘Certificate’ course last year and am bitrators SA. They’ll assign an accredited arbitrator
now busy with the practice
‘Fellowship’ course with the
Association of Arbitrators SA
for the purpose of taking on
disputes between clients and

Examples of ‘David & Goliath’ claims

in the industry are rife

Dispute resolution
She explains that there is a
move in the industry towards
favouring contracts that stipu-
late disputes be settled by
arbitration rather than through
litigation. “It makes a lot of
sense because disagreements
can be resolved quicker and
with less expense than going
through the courts. An award
can be made in just a few
months and is final, binding
and enforced by the court.
“The practice is commonplace
in the UK, where it has be-
come the dispute resolution
mechanism of choice. Locally
it has become mandated as the
means by which all sectional
title disputes are resolved,”
Tania explains.
“Construction can be prone
to misunderstandings and
dissatisfaction. Arbitration
is an effective way of set-
tling matters, hopefully to
the satisfaction of all parties. Tania’s design style is strong and bold (House Bow)

 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010


on their board to the case based on that person’s

experience in the relevant industry. Decisions are
binding, however, in very rare cases a party may
appeal to the Association for the re-election of a
new arbitrator if it has been shown that the first
arbitrator’s award was biased.
According to the Law of Arbitration, arbitration must
be conducted by an individual with no interest or
relationship with either party who is able to act
impartially and diligently in handling the dispute.
Fellowship with the Association comes after a
four module course incorporating both theory and
practice. Candidates include specialists in a range
of professions from architecture, accounting, and
even lawyers themselves need to go through a
preapproval process for admission to the course.

There is a move in the industry towards A building should fit sensitively into its surroundings
favouring contracts that stipulate
disputes be settled by arbitration rather
than through litigation

David & Goliath

“There are too many instances in which one of
the parties is at a distinct disadvantage,” Tania
adds. “It’s often a case of a large company taking
advantage of a smaller party who is not able to
litigate fully for financial reasons or some similar
restraint. These people need representation too,
regardless of their stature in the industry.”
Examples of ‘David & Goliath’ claims in the industry
are rife, with small contractors often at the mercy
of big developers, or homeowners left to contend
with builders who don’t deliver on contractual
agreements. Here Tania has a particular interest
since most of her projects are rebuilds and renova- A building should reflect the owner’s character (House Craven)
tions in the residential market.
Small disputes need attention just as much as the
big ones do.” she wraps up.
Tania Glavas, Tania Glavas Architects, Tel. 083 653 7702,
Fax. 086 679 5133, email. [email protected], web-

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 

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 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Call for entries
Archiprix International invites all universities and
colleges teaching architecture, urban design and
landscape architecture to select their best gradu-
ation project and to ask the designer(s) to submit
the selected project for participation.
Designers who have graduated since 1 July 2008
are eligible to participate and projects can be sub-
mitted until 1 September 2010. All projects will be
presented in an exhibition, on the website, and in
a book containing a DVD and all the designers will
be invited to the workshops which will be held in
May/June 2011 in Cambridge USA. Participation
is free of charge.
After four successful editions, Archiprix International
2011 will be hosted and co-organised by the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology and the School
of Architecture and Planning.
Archiprix has invited MIT and the Platform for Per-
manent Modernity to engage in a discussion about
architectural practice in its totality.
Is there a future for a critical global architecture
project, now that our eyes have become tired of
countless global icons, with every monument glitzier
than every previous one?
Is ‘critical regionalism’ the alternative to the prolif-
eration of global icons?
Or has regional difference already been eroded to the
point where resuscitating it is a matter of nostalgia?
And if so, how should one deal with the rising global
mutiny against globalisation?
Is the post-icon age one characterised by a new
muteness? Archiprix and MIT will create an ex-
periment aimed at the possibility of a statement
on what constitutes ‘critical’ in architecture on an
international scale.
The best projects will receive the Hunter Douglas
[email protected]

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 

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10 Architect & Specificator

Jul/Aug 2010Carbon Footprint, High Quality General Building Cement.
The Low

Who Built my I have a friend who is an interior decora-

tor. She tells me that there are two types
of clients she likes to work with – those

Warehouse? who know a lot about decorating and can

add real value to her efforts, and those
who know nothing and leave her alone to
do ‘her thing’. The worst clients are those
who know a little and spend their lives

ur business in developing warehouse interfering, thereby messing up all the
designs is no different. Our worst facili- good ideas.
ties are those where we have a client
or an architect with some (dangerous)
knowledge which inevitably leads to design by com-
mittee, where one spends one’s life compromising
and trying to appease people who do not understand
the consequences of their interference.
Prima donas
For example, partially informed architects can be a
major problem. While ‘arty’ Prima Dona architects
can substantially add to the aesthetics of the facility,
an architect who starts to dictate how the facility is
going to operate is going to end up compromising
the design. Clearly any well-designed warehouse
needs to be wrapped around the operational pro-
cesses and thus must be driven by the logistics
consultant – not the architect.

Martin Bailey, ILS

Similarly there is real danger in letting the quantity

surveyor manage the project. While he is vital in
controlling the finances, when he starts to dictate
design policy you can end up with a facility that is
built around the wrong priorities. All professionals
therefore need to be managed and controlled to
ensure the facility design focuses on the opera-
tional needs.

There is real danger in letting the

quantity surveyor manage the project

How does one do this? How do you create a pro-

cess that will allow you to focus the resources on
creating a facility that primarily meets operational
needs and optimises efficiencies, rather than creat-
ing a pretty facility which is of no use to anybody?
Below I provide some guidelines to building the
best possible warehouse.
Warehouse guidelines
Make sure the facilities are wrapped around the
optimum process. When it comes to any deci-
sions the actual process must take priority. You
need a strong logistician to control and manage
the processes.

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 11

12 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Storage is all about volume, not footprint. Use as set up an intelligent risk strategy, commensurate
much height as possible within the optimum tech- with the product stored and the strategic nature of
nology range chosen. This usually implies facilities the business. Then make sure this strategy can be
between 13 and 15m high (for pallet storage). implemented though intelligent facility designs.
The most critical components of a warehouse are Technology can be a great help in improving
the floor and the roof. Don’t compromise on the throughput, accuracy and efficiency. Take care
quality of these components. There is great new to use the most appropriate technology for your
floor technology available – use it. business operations.
Best on the market Cheap shacks
Don’t forget the life of the building is typically four Where possible, use materials that will look good in
times longer than the kit in the facility – a design 20 years time. Too many facilities resemble cheap
should therefore incorporate as much flexibility shacks, simply because not enough time is spent
as possibility for future changes. This typically choosing the best materials for construction.
involves the use of large spans (over 24m) and
high roof clearances. Too many facilities resemble cheap shacks
Docks and doors facilitate materials flow – so
don’t compromise in this area. Buy the
best docks and doors available on the
market and make sure they are auto-
mated where possible. This improves
operations and reduces damage. Also
make sure docks are at the right height
(regardless of the building costs) and
that you have a sufficient number of
doors for receiving and dispatch.
Proper flow
Most facilities are designed primarily for
distribution – not storage. Accordingly,
make sure there is room for proper
flow. For example, sufficient space
must be provided for staging, returns,
cross docking, packing, checking and
all related processes.
Trucks get bigger and bigger – allow
sufficient space to turn, stage, park,
dock, load and manoeuvre vehicles.
This may involve big run-outs (over
40m!), proper access ways and good
quality infrastructures.
Pleasant places In most facilities, picking is the most critical process.
Don’t forget all the services – such as security, For that reason, ensure that picking processes drive
charging, washing, re-packing, cleaning, main- the designs (not the storage processes). Spend
taining, etc. These services are vital to efficient time and resources in areas where you use the
operations. most personnel as well as in areas that control
your ability to service customers effectively.
People work in warehouses – so make them pleas-
ant places by controlling colour, temperature, Conclusion
ventilation, lighting, noise, safety and all related If you want to ensure you end up with a facility that
ergonomic issues. is well designed and supports your business needs,
you need to carefully consider the processes. To do
Risk strategy this you must design from the basis of a thorough
If you operate in a controlled industry, for example understanding of the optimum operational needs.
pharmaceuticals or foodstuffs, make certain you You consequently need to create a design team that
comply with all the related legislation, standards has a primary focus on the processes. This is best
and HACCP conditions. These rules may radically managed by the logistician and his team.
alter the way you do business and operate your
Martin Bailey, Industrial Logistic Systems, Email: mar-
[email protected]
Warehouses are risky places. They can easily burn
down and disasters are fairly common. You must

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 13

14 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010
Lights, Camera, Architecture!
Two women converse in a glass box that glows
with light and hovers above the Los Angeles’
skyline. This is just one scene depicted in
Julius Shulman’s film, ‘Visual Acoustics,’
which traces his path though photography
and architecture while also reviewing the
man’s love affair with Modernism.
This is just one of many films that will be
screened at the Architect Africa Film Festival
2010, where architecture from around the
world is brought to life in the cinema. The
film ‘My Playground’ is one such film that
takes us to Denmark, Japan, China and the
USA, leaping over buildings and stairways as
we follow free-runners through their favourite
city spaces.
The Film Festival is also about engaging discus-
sion and debate. And to that end, some of the
films to be screened will feature topical and
pertinent issues within the built environment
professions and media. A number of films will
look at climate change, sustainability and the
marginalised within society.
Local content is a crucial part of the Film
Festival, and two films that explore the issues
around urban regeneration will be screened,
specifically focussing on the lead-up to the
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa.
‘When the Mountain meets its Shadow’ is a
German production that follows the stories of
three workers who live in an informal settlement
earmarked for demolition in Cape Town. ‘The
Battle for Johannesburg’ looks at the informal
settlements within the abandoned or hijacked
buildings in Johannesburg’s inner city.
As part of the Architects’ Collective’s edu-
cational initiatives, an exhibition of student
photographs will be displayed in the cinema
foyers, and several evenings will be dedicated
to screening student film productions from the
Moving Spaces Competition.
Architect Africa Film Festival 2010 will be
showing in Cape Town at the Nu Metro V&A
Waterfront from 10-16 September. In Port
Elizabeth at the Nu Metro Boardwalk from
10-12 September, in Durban at the Nu Metro
Pavillion from 17-23 September. Architect
Africa will also show in Bloemfontein at the
Nu Metro Loch Logan on 17-19 September
and finally in Johannesburg at the Nu Metro
Hyde Park from 24-30 September.
Architects’ Collective, Karen Eicker, Tel: (011) 646
9200, Email: [email protected]

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 15

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16 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Life after 2012 may be very different to what we’ve grown accustomed. However, it will probably be a lot easier to find parking at
the mall

Dust Off the Plans?

According to those in the know, building your own nuclear bunker is easy. This is encourag-
ing news since doomsday prophets are adamant that the human race won’t see 2013

pinions are divided on the type of catas- have the foresight to build a bunker. With food and
trophe we can expect, and considering shelter in scant supply, it’s likely there’ll be a mad
that sources vary from Mayan prophets rush to avail themselves of your stash.
to cyberspace ‘webbots’, this is hardly For this reason, experts advise that bunkers be
surprising. Some predict that the earth will collide constructed some distance from primary homes,
with a black hole, while others anticipate a polar and that they be built in secrecy. Others advise
shift caused by a massive solar flare. Consequences building beneath your own home, which would
range from earthquakes and tidal waves to horrific present its own set of construction challenges if
weather changes and, perhaps most disturbingly, you want to avoid having your home collapse into
global disruption of cellphone signal. the excavations.
It would be painfully ironic to survive a run-in with Get specifying
black hole, only to be crushed by a collapsing bunker Recommended materials seem rudimentary. Bricks
and concrete (about 2 tonnes should do it) for walls,
With this in mind, the “Architect & Specificator” floor and roof can be given additional waterproof-
team decided that it might be useful to find out ing by using plastic sheeting or polyethylene. Or
how to build a bunker and what materials we’d you could play it super-safe and use both. Added
need to specify. Oddly enough, many of the items protection from radiation in the form of sandbags
that offer protection from a global catastrophe is advised, although this would require extra sup-
appear to be readily available at local hardware port props. It would be painfully ironic to survive
shops and in our back gardens. a run-in with black hole, only to be crushed by a
The biggest hurdle to overcome is the fact the collapsing bunker.
ideal bunker should be built underground. Experts ‘Experts’ advise that the roof be constructed
believe that this will provide protection from both from sturdy beams, insulated with straw and
man-made and natural disasters. However, not covered with at least four feet of packed dirt
much is said about how occupants would survive as a radiation shield. Others advise six, or even
a flood, so it’s probably a good idea to hedge your ten feet, which could have quite an impact on
bets and head for the high ground. the construction schedule, particularly since, in
Secret squirrels all probability, you’ll be digging with a spoon,
Another problem is the issue of hiding earthmoving much quiter you know! The floor, too, should be
activities from curious neighbours. Aside from the insulated with straw beneath a layer of plywood.
actual calamity scheduled for December 2012, the Again, waterproofing is vital, and in addition to
second biggest threat will be from those who didn’t that handy plastic sheeting, wall, floor and roof

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 17

18 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

joints should be sealed with silicone.

Alternatively, buy an old fuel tank drop it in
a hole, cover it with sand and include a stair
and a door, bolted from the inside. Don’t forget
to accessorise.
A breath of fresh air
Ventilation will be a primary concern, as the
best bunker in the world will be useless without
air. Discretely positioned air vents, fitted with
micron dust extractors should provide a ready
supply of safe oxygen, while preventing raid-
ers from pumping toxic fumes into your hidey
hole. No doubt Tom Cruise has incorporated
such a system into his reportedly $10 million
hide-out facility.
On the subject of toxic fumes, plumbing is
another area of concern. One source suggests
the use of a large pit covered with a lid and fly
screen, in the event that flies are high on your
list of troubles. Where the offending matter will
depart to from here is not explained, although
a composting system might have the added Building materials are fairly basic, and secrecy is paramount
advantage of providing a means of starting a
small vegetable garden at some stage.

protection outside of the bunker. Pass time below

ground by making a variety of ‘killing devices’
Need some survival tips? Try a handy guide to such as rabbit sticks, spears, bows and arrows,
life after 2012. These books offer advice on how or slings. Or pack a gun.
to put a survival kit together, basic medical care,
sourcing water, working with fire, edible plants, It’s also a good idea to draw up a list of people
dangerous animals, communication methods and you could bear to live with for 20 years. When
much more. Alternatively, watch a few episodes considering candidates try to include individuals
of Bear Grylls eating bugs. Without sushi or with useful skills for a global rebuild at some point.
martinis you may not want to survive. Bear in mind that you may need to repopulate the
planet with these individuals.

Many of the items that offer protection from a global

catastrophe appear to be readily available at local
Packing the pantry
Another priority is the storage of food. For obvious hardware shops
reasons, this needs to have the longest possible
shelf-life and must be stored in bulk. Since space Beyond 2012
is at a premium, it might be a good idea to fashion While it may seem extreme to go to these lengths
furnishings from tins or sturdy packaging. A bed to survive an event that might not happen, there’s
created using tins of pilchards as a base with a no harm in playing it safe. If 2013 dawns without
mattress on top will not only provide a good night’s catastrophe, unused bunkers make great storage
sleep, but also give a long-lasting supply of protein facilities, or even paintball venues, if planned cor-
and Omega-3 fatty acids vital for maintaining rectly. Fortunately it’s predicted that Africa will be
strength when fighting off mutant hordes. the least affected area on the globe, so the odds
Although the prospect of a lifetime of rehydrated are in our favour either way.
meals may make survival less than appealing, the The following sites offer useful tips on surviving on
internet hosts numerous sites dedicated to offering planet Earth after the annihilation of our current
fun recipes for post-Apocalyptic life. Apparently, it social system. You’ll also be able to enrol for a
is entirely possible to produce Mac n Cheese, apple cheap Masters degree or meet the partner of your
crumble, or a delicious bolognaise using nothing dreams for an online chat:
but a naked flame and a ration pack.
Tooling up ker-to-survive-2012.
Once you’ve made it through the disaster alive, you erenceguide.htm.
may need some sort of implement for hunting or html.

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 19

Everything you NEED
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Visit us at GlassExpo stand 7E12

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20 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Out of the Box

Tackling social issues through the medium of construction is not an easy task, but Pino Plumari at Sassi is
a man who likes a challenge.

uring a conversation with The offices are airy and open-plan, making op-
“Architect & Specifica- timum use of natural light to minimise energy
tor” he introduces us to consumption. Sunlight brightens the building by
a building method that day while just three lights illuminate the entire
addresses a string of society’s ills. building at night.
While prefabricated housing is not
a new concept, the company has While just three lights illuminate the
honed a system to make construc-
tion virtually foolproof.
entire building at night
“Our structures are designed and “The building system comprises a steel structure
manufactured on our premises to bolted together and clad with insulated material.
the highest standards,” Pino tells By incorporating glass walls into the design, we can
us. “Every item is tested here prior make best use of natural lighting,” Pino continues.
to being shipped to site. In this While glass facades have long been incorporated
way we can be certain that the into buildings such as showrooms, the practice is
Pino Plumari
builders will be able to duplicate becoming increasingly prevalent in other applica-
the process later on.” tions such as restaurants and office blocks.
Butterfly buildings “Our buildings can be easily adapted for a variety
Housed in one of its own buildings bearing the of purposes,” he adds. “For instance, a structure
company’s signature ‘butterfly’ roof, the Sassi which may have accommodated an office can
team is not afraid to practice what it preaches. quickly be altered to house a restaurant.”

Sassi’s offices are housed in a building of their own design, bearing a characteristic butterfly roof and glass facade

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 21


Building are designed to take maximum advantage of light and space

The inclusion of large expanses of glass requires Flexibility

some creative thinking in terms of incorporating “We pack every single item necessary for the build-
shelving and storage space however Pino assures ing,” he adds. This includes not only the structure
us that this can be accomplished with careful of the building, but also the interior finishes, which
planning. can be tailored to the client’s specifications. Exterior
finishes can also vary and Pino shows examples
Easy construction
of buildings clad in natural stone, allowing the
Planning at all levels is part of the success of
steel structure to blend beautifully into rustic
the system and it’s how Sassi’s buildings can be
constructed by relatively unskilled labour using
rudimentary equipment. “We’ve had warehouses “The buildings are very flexible,” he says. “We can
erected in remote areas using basic equipment,” provide a basic building which can then be added
Pino says, telling us of a multi-volume structure to at a later date, simply by bolting on additional
that was built without the assistance of cranes. sections. Configurations vary depending on spe-
cific requirements.” He shows us an example of a
A multi-volume structure that was built without the structure that is being designed to include a garage
assistance of cranes either below or alongside the primary structure.
“Everything is labelled and easily identifiable,” he Right values
goes on. “We also provide a comprehensive manual “We pay a lot of attention to the integrity of the
explaining every step of the process. The file also building envelope,” he says. “R-values can be cal-
includes all the relevant supporting documentation, culated according to the location of the building and
such as engineering certification.” By simplifying the materials used. Ideally, we’d use double-glazing
the process, construction times can be kept to a in our designs but the cost is prohibitive. We can
minimum, keeping associated costs down. achieve acceptable results using laminated glass,
Once Pino’s team is satisfied that the structure is but obviously this isn’t the best scenario.”
ready for erection, the entire building can be packed The simplicity of the system has drawn attention
into 20 foot containers for shipment. Careful atten- from builders looking for a solution to the pitfalls of
tion is paid to the packaging of glass components construction in Africa. It has also proven attractive
to ensure safe transport, however additional pieces to developers. “We’ve done work for a number of
are included to allow for breakages. residential developments,” Pino explains. “They’ve

22 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010


Flexibility allows a choice of almost any cladding to suit the style and surroundings

been drawn by the ability to quickly construct units

We can achieve acceptable results using laminated
to the highest possible spec.”
glass, but obviously this isn’t the best scenario
Even with semi-skilled workers, it is possible to
build homes with straight walls, level floors, and conventional buildings and are energy efficient and
doors and windows that fit the prescribed aper- aesthetically pleasing. In the past three years we
tures. Selling off-plan can be as simple as letting have turned our attention and expertise in develop-
the buyer choose a design, having the components ing an affordable structure providing a space and
shipped to site in a container and erecting the cost effective home at all levels.” Sounds like the
house in a few weeks. perfect package.
“Our product makes it possible to construct buildings Pino Plumari, Sassi, Tel. 011. 795 1950, Fax. 011 794
quickly, accurately and cost-effectively,” concludes 4684, Email. [email protected], Website.
Pino. “These structures can last far longer than

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 23

24 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

In the Pipeline
Members of the construction industry will probably recog- no longer lose leads in their own ‘black holes’,”
nise Databuild as an IT tool for staying in the loop in terms Graham grins as Desiree adds: “Sales people are
of current projects. Recently, however, developers at the notorious for making notes on scraps of paper,
company have turned their attention to other ways of mak- which literally fall through the cracks. We help
ing optimum use of the information they’ve amassed. them get organised.”

The third advantage comes in the form of improved
Databuild tracks projects in the building control from a managerial perspective. “Manage-
industry and uses the information either ment can see where deals are being closed, or not,
for statistical purposes or as a means of as the case may be. This allows them to assist
providing leads to relevant members of the staff members who are having problems, since
industry,” Graham West, Project Manager in charge they have the ability to spot problem areas and
of development at Databuild, tells address them,” he explains.
“Architect & Specificator”.
Providing opportunities Architects call us the necessary evil
“Essentially, we provide construc- because it’s a useful way of ensuring
tion professionals with informa- that they get the best possible products
tion on marketing opportunities,”
adds Desiree Erridge, National
Sales Manager at the company. Forward planning
“By being aware of current proj- Increased flow of information brings the fourth
ects, they can determine who may benefit, namely the opportunity to plan and fore-
need what; it’s a foot in the door cast. “Management will be in a better position to
for suppliers. Architects call us determine what sales they can expect, of which
the necessary evil because it’s a products, to whom and when,” Graham goes on.
useful way of ensuring that they This allows planning of production, which is an
get the best possible products area that is sorely neglected in the construction
at the most competitive prices,” industry.
she laughs.
“The ability to forward plan cashflow and ad-
Databuild’s latest addition comes dress upcoming problems is one of the biggest
in the form of a web-based advantages of using a product of this nature,”
Graham West
Customer Relationship Manage- says Graham. “When we talk to sales managers
ment (CRM) product that puts about forecasting their response is generally one
construction professionals firmly of distress because management wants answers.
in control of their marketing pro- While it’s not an exact science this tool gives a
cess. “We’ve become increasingly better idea of what to expect.”
aware that there’s a gap in the
market for a product that helps Desiree agrees, saying, “The general opinion is that
builders manage sales,” Graham the sales team does their own thing and then springs
continues. it on the rest of the company. In some cases, this
can be disastrous, especially if the product they’re
Five stars selling isn’t available. I have a client who once had
“Our CRM option offers five to buy in product from his competition to meet the
key benefits to the user. Firstly, demand. He’s never forgotten the lesson.”
there’s data consolidation,” he Intelligent planning
tells us. “Sales teams are often
diverse in their working styles Ultimately, the entire system is geared towards
and the process can become optimising information, which Graham tells us is the
fragmented. Our system takes fifth advantage to users. “It’s about intelligence,”
information from various sources, he says. “Companies can use this as a performance
such as Outlook or even notes, monitor to determine closing rates.”
Desiree Erridge and combines this into a usable “They can ask questions about how they sell, what
format in one system. activities work and what don’t,” Desiree interjects.
“This leads to improved performance from the “They can look at what may be causing them to
sales team, which is the second advantage. Staff drop sales. If a company is losing business due to
price or poor track record, management is able

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 25

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26 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010


to address these problems. If contracts are regu-

larly lost to a competitor, they have the ability to
analyse what that company is doing to see how
they’re getting it right.”
Graham adds that the system also gives companies
a chance to implement post-project marketing
activities. “Once a project is completed, there’s
the opportunity to publicise the results, bringing
attention to the success of their input.” There is the
additional advantage of being easily configured to
suit a company’s specific needs, as well as being
able to integrate into existing processes.
Built for builders
The underlying strength of the product, however, is
that it is tailored for the construction field. While
construction projects typically amount to millions
of Rands’ worth of materials, labour and expertise,
the planning aspect of the industry seems to be
fairly neglected. “Marketing in this industry seems
to be a ‘hit and miss affair’,” says Desiree. “Many
companies have no idea why they’re not winning
contracts. Often their production forecasting is
based on a rough estimate of previous years’

Sales people are notorious for making

notes on scraps of paper, which literally
fall through the cracks

“Construction has stumbled along for years, acci-

dentally doing well using thumb-sucking forecasting
methods,” she says in her characteristic hard-hit-
ting style. “The industry is typified by peaks and
valleys and it’s the reason so many businesses
flounder during the hard times. When the phone
stops ringing and you don’t know why, what next?
Planning is as important for big companies as it is
for smaller ones. What do you do with a warehouse
full of the wrong stock?”
Encouraging acceptance
Not everyone has accepted CRM with open arms,
though. “CRM has a bit of a bad name so we’ve
really done our homework in terms of ensuring
optimum buy-in,” Graham says. “We’ve looked at
why other products have failed and how to over-
come these issues. We have a better understanding
of user-adoption and how to avoid the ‘garbage
in garbage out’ scenario that dooms a product to
failure from the outset.
“Our aim is to bring structure to an unstructured
arena, allowing analysis in an area that typically
doesn’t make good use of information. We an-
ticipate this being of benefit to the industry as a
whole,” he closes.
Desiree Erridge, Databuild, Tel. 011 , Fax. 011 807 8546,
email. [email protected], website. www.databuild.

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 27


Encouraging Innovation
and Dynamic Debate
Architect Terence Shacklady, a partner at Empowered Spaces, was one of the influential contributors in the
creation of the brief for the Saint-Gobain DesignHub Respond/Renew/Revitalise Competition. During a visit
to South America, Terence became aware of the fact that international students seemed to engage more in such
‘pioneering debates,’ compared to local students.

t’s not their increased access to information on a landmark building in South Africa, respond to
or technology that creates this, because we and or help solve some of these challenges.
have all of that here,” he claims. He asserts
that, “the way in which they think overseas Issues
is vastly different, we seem to possess a ‘small- “Anyone can make something look pretty, it’s the
town mentality’ over here.” concept that gives it merit,” states Terence. He
claims that with so many issues at hand, globally
Also be rewarded for their ability to technically resolve and locally, there are plenty of issues to begin of-
the scheme fering solutions for.
Terence does agree that students’ are beginning “Look at the issues we have locally, xenophobia,
to emerge from their shells and are starting to the health crisis and the lack of education, these
come up with some really great ideas. are driving factors and should provide the motiva-
The main question Terence wanted to ask students tion for the proposals”.
was how they could see an architectural intervention While Terence encourages great architectural

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Sika Sarnafil
28 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

concepts, he expresses that students should be architects in South Africa to get involved and
able to technically justify their intervention. While partake in mentorships – he believes that this is
the conceptual merit would form a substantial a great eye-opener, allowing them to get involved
portion of the assessment, students would also with and challenge the students’ ideas. What Ter-
be rewarded for their ability to technically resolve ence found when visiting South America was that,
the scheme. the Universities overseas are seen as ‘facilities for
new concepts’, whereas in South Africa, they are
Polarised industry
viewed as a ‘nursery for emerging concepts.’
According to Terence, the architectural industry
appears polarised to specific faculties, such as
Anyone can throw in a curveball and completely
Commercial Architects, involved in the efficient
practical resolution of buildings. Design Architects, reshape an idea
focused primarily on a conceptual framework and
lastly, the Academics, engaging in the tertiary “There is an amazing opportunity to discover
education of students. and test new ideas…. You don’t need to be a
professional to come up with a dynamic concept,
His perception is that these faculties appear
anyone can throw in a curveball and completely
‘disengaged’ with one another, leading to lost
reshape an idea, adding value to a project – you
opportunities. The objective of the competition
have to be receptive to it... closing it off is naive”,
is not only to engage students in these various
claims Terence.
faculties but to offer a forum for the industry to
engage as a whole. Terence’s advice for the students taking part in the
competition is that, “it relies heavily on concept.” He
With the perception of most University projects’ as
mentions that students should consider local issues
being too academic, the Saint-Gobain DesignHub
and offer a solution to it through architecture.
competition aims to provide the practical experience
that student’s need to grow accustomed to. With so many ‘drivers’ to choose from in South
Africa, Terence suggests that, if students possess
When asked why Terence believed the competition
a particular interest in an apparent issue that they
should be directed towards Fourth Year University
believe is relevant, they should take the opportunity
students only, he explained that, “Fifth Year students
to discover how architecture can be, or be a part
already have an existing competition to partake in
of, the solution.
and such a competition would provide the Fourth
Year students with the ideal preparation for their “There are lots of challenges out there. The whole
thesis”. He believes that this competition will idea about viewing a challenge as an opportunity
take students through the process of moving from or an inspiration is what is important here,” states
the concept to the actual practical application in Terence. He goes on to say that, “any submission will
their thesis. be made stronger by possessing good drivers.”
Terence also wanted to encourage the professional

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 29

Recreational & Retail: High Spec P r o d u c t s


30 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Vol 11.5 | July/August 2010 043

You Decide, a Bookshelf

or a Chair?
PG Bison has announced its judging panel for the 2010
1.sixoneeight competition for students of architecture and
interior design and its recent endorsement by the IID. (SA
Institute of the Interior Design Professions.) This makes it
the first competition of its kind to achieve this significant
design industry seal of approval.
Kim Fairbaim

he company has secured the services of
- Brian Steinhobel, Derek Patrick, Greg
Gamble, Phill Mashabane, Kim Fairbairn,
Pat Henry, Nthabi Taukobong, Naomi
Larkin and Andrea Kleinloog as judges on this
year’s panel,” says Jason Wells, brand manager
of PG Bison.
Aims to recognise excellence in the fields of interior
design and architecture
Greg Gamble
“Andrea is a newcomer to the judging team who
won the PG Bison Interior Design Student of the
Year award in 2005. While not a judge, Prof Des
Laubscher of the Greenside Design Center will
facilitate and convene the judging panel.”
The competition
PG Bison has collaborated with the Joburg Art
Fair with the intention of the competition being
extended to first and second year students.
This new sub-competition will be launched for
students in October 2010 and it will require en-
trants to submit a design for a bookshelf and/or
a table, which will be utilised at the Joburg Art
Fair. These will be made from PG Bison products
and will be built for the 2011 Fair, which takes
place in April.
The PG Bison 1.618 Competition aims to recognise
and celebrate excellence in the fields of interior
design and architecture and is backed by the Dereck Patrick
Institute of Interior Design in South
Africa. The competition has a long The Brief
history and winners receive national
and international promotion. @home needs a design for its concept “Store of the Future,” a
look and feel for the next three to five years for this up market
retail space. Your entry needs to answer the following:
How to enter:
- How do you use your design to excite and engage the customer
Download an entr y form from: and how does your design take the customer on a journey?
Email: [email protected], Cell: 073 - How do you entice the customer, through design, to shop when
257 8178 home-ware is considered a luxury and not a necessity?

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 31


32 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 33

Floor Plan Hall 7, MTN EXPO

Centre, NASREC

Klingspor DP Garg Triton open Fort Knox Academy Brush
7G14 7G14a 7G12 sides 7G10 7G6
7 Ingco
C 3 Tools
Commun 7G27
tiy Paints Topline
7E12 Eureka 7E13 X
7.00E+17 3 Dist.
7E15 Chem
The Screw Hardex confirmed & signed
Man 7E011 3 Allied
E 3
August 9 10 Reserved, subject to final
Fastener Shenka
Avlock Vormann
World Industries 7 '7E09
7D02 E01 '7E02 3

SYSTEMS Restaurant '7D26
FHR 7D14 Architect
3 & Spec.
11 9 10

DIY Media
7C12 11 19
Glass Expo Exhibitors
McCoy`s Glass 7B08 SAGGA/
Confirmed & signed exhibitors
7C22 Reserved, subject to final
4 contract

Cancelled, but re-considering

9 10
3 4
WORLD Hamilton
WINDOW 5 7C15 Brands
SA SLIDING DOOR 7B14 4 Profile
5 '7E12 C & C SAFETY GLASS 6 7B20
We Fix it SALES
6 6 7B16
7B06 4

3 10 10 9 10
4 6 10 6 HALL 6
3 Guardian PFG



3 7B03a 6 5 Glass 7B11 6 AFRICA

7B05 7B07 7B15
Glass 3
Hub 3
DORMA 5 5 6 7A14 5
7A02 4
7A10 7A18
10 10 9 10
3 A
4 4 10 8 5


7A07 Alro 7D03

ENTRANCE © Specialised Exhibitions (Pty) Ltd



34 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010


Let’s talk glass
The South African glass industry will be in the Always at the forefront of technology, Abratool is young,
spotlight at Glass Expo Africa 2010, to be held energetic, innovative and ready to service its partners. The
at the MTN Expo Centre, Nasrec from 8 to 11 company follows uncomplicated, truthful fundamentals,
September. The original idea to have a glass punting efficiency and reliability.
expo in South Africa was born by Steve McCoy, It prides itself on its years of experience, specialising in
the managing director of McCoy’s Glass, the flat glass equipment, tools, consumables and technical
third largest glass company in South Africa and support.
presented to its current organisers, Specialised
Visit Abratool at the GlassExpo, stand number: 7C12
Abratool, Zelda Honeyball, Tel: (011) 764 1516, Fax: (011) 764 1516,
Glass Expo Africa forms part of the greater “The Star Email: [email protected],
Interbuild Africa 2010” trade exhibition and this means
that exhibitors at Glass Expo Africa have the opportunity
to demonstrate their latest trends, products and services
alongside Plumbdrain Africa, Sani’ter, Frigair Confer- Bohle Glass Equipment (Pty) Ltd.
ence and Expo, Hardex and Woodpro Africa exhibitors,
and so be part of the largest and most comprehensive The Bohle Group
trade exhibition on the continent. is Europe’s leading
According to the executive officer of AAAMSA, Hans manufacturer and
Schefferlie, the AAAMSA Group incorporating SAGGA distributor of glaz-
supports Glass Expo Africa 2010, as this trade show ing tools, UV bonding equipment, machinery and accessories
offers the glass and aluminium industries an opportu- for glass processing and glass finishing. This family owned
nity to showcase the latest products available to both business, founded in 1923, is now represented by over 300
local and international customers. “In addition, Glass employees at 13 different locations worldwide.
Expo Africa 2010 is ideally timed to coincide with Bohle Glass Equipment (Pty) Ltd is the South African subsid-
the publication of the National Building Regulation iary of Bohle AG. Germany and is the leading distributor of
Part XA - Energy Usage in Buildings, and glass and glass cutters and equipment to the Southern African glazing
fenestration manufacturers will introduce products market. Located in Strijdom Park Johannesburg, Bohle Glass
that will satisfy the requirements in respect of overall Equipment (Pty) Ltd supplies products ranging from UV
energy usage in buildings as legislated in the National Bonding Equipment, Vacuum Lifting machinery and Suction
Building Regulation.” Lifters ,Glass Processing Machinery, Glaziers’ Consumables,
To enhance the interaction between exhibitors and Glass Processing Tools and Equipment, `Frameless Glass
visitors at this year’s expo, the organisers, Specialised Door Systems and allows Bohle to offer everything to the
Exhibitions, will be running a business matchmaking glass and glazing professional.
programme, as well as an African visitor promotion Bohle identifies itself as a knowledge and innovations com-
campaign. It is believed that these initiatives will in- pany. Its strength lies in the 87 years of knowledge and
crease the return on investment for both buyers and experience as a manufacturer and distributor of professional
sellers as the business matchmaking programme will glass processing equipment. From the internationally well
give delegates the opportunity to engage with one known green wooden handle DIAMANTOR glass cutter to
another on an exclusive basis, enabling exhibitors to brands such as SILBERSCHNITT and VERIBOR, all of which
meet their target markets and assisting visitors to find are synonymous with this innovation
exactly what they are looking for.
Bohle Glass Equipment will be exhibiting the highly successful
Parallel to the exhibition, the glass industry in conjunction Vetrocraft Straightline Edger and Woods Powr-Grip Vacuum
with AAAMSA and SAGGA will be hosting a conference lifting devices along with other glass processing equipment
titled: Let’s Talk Glass in Sustainable Buildings, focus- at this year’s GlassExpo at InterBuild. The highlight of the
ing on energy efficiency on 9 September 2010. The exhibition this year however will be the presentation of Ursula
conference, which takes place at the expo, will boast Feulbach, a German Lady Master Glazier from Bohle AG.
acclaimed speakers from the international and local Ursula Feulbach is the first Lady Master Glazier ever to visit
architectural arena, as well as international and local South Africa and she will be conducting continuous thick glass
experts talking about green, glass, energy efficiency and cutting techniques and UV bonding demonstrations during
legislation. Architects attending will earn CPD points. the exhibition. Ursula is employed as a Master Glazier by
For more information about the conference, please e- Bohle AG. and has been with the company since February
mail Robyn Milligan at [email protected] 2003. She has conducted seminars in professional glass
Specialised Exhibitions, Roz Nash, Tel: (011) 835 1565, E-mail: cutting and UV Bonding Technology in countries including
[email protected] Spain, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Sweden,
Japan and France.

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 35

36 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Another first for this year’s GlassExpo will be the introduc- tion to finger-mark and staining problems so prevalent with
tion of the Bohle Sedimentor Water Purification system sandblasted glass. ClearShield can renew and restore glass
for glass processing machinery. This technology will be in a safe and non-invasive way without damage to building
showcased in a working model at the Bohle stand. elements or the surroundings.
The full colour Bohle catalogue will be available at the Visit CearShield SA at the GlassExpo, stand number:
exhibition as well as online at Other 7D22
exciting promotional offers will be taking place during ClearShield SA , Chris Woodcock, Tel: 0861 114 309, Fax: (044) 877
the exhibition. 0720 E-mail: [email protected],
Visit the Bohle exhibit at stand 7B07/7B05, Hall 7, Nasrec
from 8-11 September 2010.
Bohle Glass Equipment (Pty) Ltd, Tel: (011) 792-6430 / 2, Fax:
(011) 793-5634, Email: [email protected], Website: Guardian Glass

Visit Guardian Glass at the GlassExpo, stand number:

C & C Safety Glass
Bronwynne Barker, Tel: (011)826 6019, Fax: (011) 826 4320. Email:
[email protected]
C & C Safety Glass started manufacturing toughened safety
glass in August 2002 in a small factory in Alrode with
very limited equipment. Now, the company occupies a
factory of 5 000m, filled with the newest and best glass Hulamin Building Systems
processing equipment available.
The company specialises in the manufacture of flat and HBS offers developers, specifiers
curved toughened safety glass. In 2007 it added the and fabricators so much more than
manufacture of insulated sealed glass units, and in 2008 any other distributor of aluminium
commissioned a CNC laminated lass cutter to support the profiles. It has more backup, prod-
SIG line and supply laminated glass cut to size. ucts, inventory support practices
Visit C & C Safety Glass at the GlassExpo, stand number: and technical support than any
7B16 other distributor.
C & C Safety Glass, Chris Esterhuyse, Tel: (011) 864 1341, Fax: Hulamin (Pty) Limited supplies a wide range of superior flat
(011) 864 1063, Email: [email protected], www.candcsafetyglass. building and painted products for the manufacture of roofs, gutters, fascias, panels, components, cladding, ceilings and
many more. It also produces a range of finished products
that include aluminium foil containers and fabricated building
Clean Cut Glass and Mirror products. The company uses a seamless approach between
the market and manufacturing teams to develop, manufacture
and supply a wide range of high quality aluminium products
Clean Cut Glass and Mirror was formed in 1997, with into selected global and domestic markets.
the aim of providing a high quality service to its industry, HBS sells a unique range of branded products, most of which
paying specific attention to customer demands. will be featured at the show. These products include:
Visit Clean Cut Glass & Mirror at the GlassExpo, stand NuKlip which is the only branded shop-front system in
number: 7A07 South Africa. Its versatility means that only 137 sections
Clean Cut Glass and Mirror, Mike Roller, Tel: (011) 872 0974, are needed to fabricate shop fronts, doors, windows and
Fax: (011) 873 1462, Email: [email protected], www. flush glazing applications. This translates to less inventory to do so much more.
HulaBond is the biggest selling aluminium composite panel
in South Africa. Moreover, it is the only aluminium composite
panel available off the shelf.
ClearShield SA (Pty) Ltd
HuluSign is the company’s new range of aluminium com-
posite signage panels.
With the ClearShield procedure, contaminated glass can
be renewed and stains removed so that crystal-clear glass Technal, Europe’s biggest selling fenestration system is avail-
reappears. After treatment with ClearShield, this new able in South Africa from HBS Architectural Solutions.
surface is ‘non-stick’ and ‘easy to clean’. ClearShield can Coastal is a range of horizontal and vertical sliders being
treat new or existing glass, interior or exterior. launched to the Cape market in October of this year.
For sandblasted glass, ClearShield is the long-awaited solu- Also featured on the stand is HBS’ unique estimating soft-

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 37

38 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

ware, TechDesign and NuKlip Quick Quote which is the glass cutting, processing and manufacturing technology.
best in class, giving customers more confidence to specify Visit McCoy’s Glass Wholesalers at the GlassExpo, stand
these products. number: 7B08
During the first half of 2010, overall demand for Hulamin’s McCoy, SteveMcCoy, Tel: (011) 864 1313, Fax: (011) 908 9510, Email:
products continued to improve, despite the economic down- [email protected],
turn, with improvements particularly in sales of can-end
stock, brazing sheet and heat treated plate. The company
reported that it sold 94 000 tonnes of aluminium during The PG Group
this half, an increase of 32% over the equivalent period
last year.
Whether the customer is a small end user or a large multi
national company, Hulamin’s task is to meet the customers’
needs with their product range and professional service,
together with quick decision making and resulting action,
all of this is combined with its ability to deliver high quality PG is the name for glass in Southern Africa. Established in
and well-engineered products with short lead times. Cape Town in 1897 as a glass merchant, the company grew
to become a significant worldwide player with interests in
Visit HBS at the GlassExpo, stand no 7D14.
17 countries.
HBS, Anita Collins, Tel: (011) 626 3330 Fax: (086) 652 2917, Email:
[email protected], When it unbundled in 1999, the PG Group became a private
company (part of the international PGSI Group) controlled
by the Lubner family, with a significant shareholding in the
Jensing Group – World Of Windows hands of management. The Group now employs almost 3
000 people and generates revenues of close on R2 billion
a year.
See the Jensing Group at the GlassExpo, stand number:
7C02 The PG Group is the most diversified player in the South
Natalie Dodkins, Tel: (021) 551-3235, Fax: (021) 552 5305, Email:
African glass market. Its divisions operate in manufacturing,
[email protected] distribution and retail in the automotive and architectural
glass market.
The company has streamlined its systems and upgraded its
facilities to ensure that it is well positioned to offer the best
Lisec Software services and products available.
They say that with glass, you can give expression to the most
Originally a glass processing business establishment, Lisec expansive imagination. Choose from an impressive palette
has expanded over a period of decades into the world´s of colours, patterns, tints and coatings to articulate your
largest manufacturer of high-tech production lines for the individuality. Design transparent, transclucent or opaque
insulating glass industry. More than 40 years of Lisec´s facades. Create original furniture, work surfaces and parti-
experience in the field of flat glass, engineering and insulat- tions. Or use self-cleaning glass to keep a building looking
ing glass production together with intensive research and good. These reasons are why the PG Group strives to cater
development, as well as a global consulting and service to every one of its customer’s needs when manufacturing
network stand for High Tech, Know How and Quality Made flat glass.
in Austria.
The Group’s flat glass manufacturing operations produce 170
Visit Lisec Software at the GlassExpo, stand number: 000 tonnes of glass per annum. Its high-performance build-
7C10 ing glass allows architects to push the limits by designing
Lisec Software, Afam Ike, Tel: (011) 478-2313, Fax: (011)4310973, safe, attractive, comfortable and energy-efficient buildings.
[email protected] The Groups glass has been used by many award-winning
architects and interior designers to create buildings that
combine form and function.
McCoy’s Glass Wholesalers
As a Proudly South African business, the PG Group is
committed to investing in South Africa and investing in its
From humble beginnings over 10 years ago, McCoy’s people. All companies in the group participate actively in
Glass Wholesalers started as a small independent glass social responsibility programmes. It has also taken the lead in
company, operating from the back seat of the owner Steve furthering black economic empowerment in the glass indus-
McCoy’s car. try and its operations comply with the highest international
safety, quality and environmental standards.
Today McCoy’s Glass Wholesalers has grown into the third
largest glass company in South Africa and remains truly The GlassExpo offers a unique opportunity to showcase the
independent. McCoy’s has in fact taken the lead in many full extent of primary, secondary and value-added products
ways, setting new levels of service in the South African available, which include technologies not offered anywhere
glass Industry by investing in world class glass software, else on the African continent.

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 39


Visit the PG Group at the GlassExpo, stand number: 7A10 number: 7B14
The PG Group, Bernice Bailey, Tel: (011) 417 5800, Fax: (011) 417 Renè Turck & Associates, Sean Turck, Tel: (011) 571-7400, Fax: (011)
5895, Email: [email protected], 397 2915, Email: [email protected],

Pro Crane Services

Simpicity Import and Export
Pro Crane knows what is important to its customers, namely
Visit Simpicity Import and Export at the GlassExpo, stand
high quality innovative products that provide high speed and
number: 7B03
optimum flexibility. In addition, customers are supported Simpicity Import and Export, Willie Wentzel, Tel: (023) 614 2988,
with know-how and comprehensive services that will give (086) 512 0735, Email: [email protected]
them the competitive edge.
Visit Pro Crane Services at the GlassExpo, stand number:
We Fix It
Pro Crane Services, Rob WilliamsTel: (011) 827-7977, Fax: (011)
827-7987, Email: [email protected], Visit We Fix It at the GlassExpo, stand number: 7B02
We Fix It. Julie Molyneux, Tel: (011) 397 6796, Fax: (011) 552 8579,
Rene Turck & Associates Email: [email protected]

Renè Turck & Associates, innovative glass merchants, pro- Wispeco Aluminium
cessors and manufacturers, is a dynamic, family-owned and
operated company built on a legacy of integrity, trust and
ethics. The company specialises in customised and advanced Visit Wispeco Aluminium at the GlassExpo, stand number:
glass products, including double-glazed and bullet resistant 7E12
glass, walk-on glass and skylights. Wispeco Aluminium, Melissa Terblanche, Tel: (011) 389 0053, Fax:
Visit Renè Turck & Associates at the GlassExpo, stand (011) 908 9280, Email: [email protected]

40 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010


Flying In many instances, carpets are considered a luxury in

commercial applications. The high levels of
wear-and-tear make them impractical in terms of

Carpets maintenance and durability.

ome companies, like Nexus, the commer- UV- and bleach-resistant. Easy installation is
cial division of Belgotex Floorcoverings, further enhanced by the fact that repairs can be
have responded to this issue by producing simply achieved by replacing worn or damaged
increasingly hardy products that are proving tiles when necessary.
themselves in the challenging applications typical
“Ease of maintenance is a big selling point,” Greg
of the commercial sector. Greg Barry, National Sales
affirms. “Simple installation is another advantage.
Manager for Nexus, tells “Architect & Specificator”
The tiles can be installed in a variety of patterns,
about some new offerings that offer both style and
including tessellated, brick-bond or random, which
allows individual tiles to be replaced as necessary
without the help of an expert installer.”
Ease of maintenance is a big selling point
The tiles are available in a variety of designs and
patterns to disguise soiling in heavy duty applica-
Commercial applications tions. Made from the company’s high-performance
“We’ve designed Base Line, Time Zone and Time Solution Dyed Nylon for X-Treme Conditions (SDX),
Square specifically for commercial office applica- which has already proven itself in the market for
tions,” he says. “We’ve had a great response to the a decade, the lines look set to hold their ground
range in terms of durability and colour options.” against conventional materials.
Not only do these carpet tiles offer soundproofing “The dyeing process we use injects colour directly
qualities, but they are also completely stainproof, into the nylon polymer while it’s still molten, so the
colour becomes permanent,” he
says. “This ensures consistency
of colour throughout dye lots,
which is an important consid-
eration for installations covering
large areas.”
High traffic
Designed specifically for high
traffic areas subjected to heavy
soiling and wear, the ranges are
guaranteed to last fifteen years
without fibre degradation. With
testing grounds like OR Tambo
International Airport, Coca-Cola
Ellis Park stadium, the IDC in
Sandton and Old Mutual, MTN
and ABSA Head Offices, the
ranges have certainly been put
through their paces.
Although the Nexus’ wide
range of colours and patterns
cater for most requirements,
their Custom-X department
offers bespoke solutions for
individual needs, such as when
corporate identities call for

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 41

42 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

specific styles. gotex Floorcoverings has stepped

Nexus’ innovative Zig Zag range provides ad- up to the plate with its strong
ditional creative freedom in the form of formal, commitment to environmental
uniform patterns or striking geometric contrasts. awareness. The company adheres
These carpet tiles, made from Stainproof Miracle to the ISO 14001 Environmental
Fibre, create an optical illusion of a 3D pattern, Management System, and has
adding an interesting dimension to conventional adopted a strong environmen-
floor coverings. tal policy dictating ecologically
sustainable operations, with all
Great growth products bearing the Environ-
Demand for these ranges was facilitated by a R60 mental Choice logo. Recycling
million upgrade in November 2006. New Needle- and employee education about
punch equipment, twisting machines, heatset environmental issues are also on
machinery and tile cutting equipment primed all the agenda, while the products
divisions of the company for expansion. themselves past muster too, with
three of Belgotex Floorcoverings’
While many may not think of Africa as underlays passing stringent tests
a continent that needs to manufacture for VOC emissions.
grass, Greg assures us that its From offering the broadest ranges
applications are vas of technologically advanced floor-
ing products, to ensuring that the
“There’s a growing demand for high quality synthetic processes used to create them are
floor coverings,” Greg tells us. In addition to the environmentally sustainable, it
local market, the company is seeing increasing seems that Belgotex Floorcover-
international calls for its higher end products, ings has things covered.
and exports currently account for 12 to 15% of
Nexus (the commercial division of
annual turnover. Belgotex Floorcoverings), Tel. (033)
Greenfields 897-7500, Email. [email protected]
There has also been a R5 million investment in
tufting machinery for synthetic grasses. This points
to another growing sector that has caught Belgotex
Floorcoverings’ attention as carpets head for the
great outdoors. The company’s Greenfield Sports
Turf Systems division manufactures artificial grass
for a range of sports surfaces, including hockey
fields, soccer pitches, golf greens, tennis courts
and DuraTurf for landscaped gardens.
“The upgrade has put us in a position to extrude
our own turf, which has allowed us to extend our
range considerably,” says Greg about Belgotex
Floorcoverings’ DuraTurf range. “We see growth
in this area every month. It’s ideal for townhouse
developments, for example, which require a low-
maintenance solution for landscaping,” he adds.
“The product is guaranteed for outdoor use and
has a lifespan of up to seven years. This is far
better than ordinary lawn.”
While many may not think of Africa as a continent
that needs to manufacture grass, Greg assures us
that its applications are vast. “It’s particularly ef-
fective in arid regions where water is scarce,” he
explains. “It’s also useful for beautifying rooftops,
balconies and display areas.” Although horticul-
turalists might need more convincing, scores of
homeowners are drawn by the fact that garden
maintenance can be reduced to a simple sweep
with a broom.
Green commitment
Taking the green concept beyond the pitch, Bel-

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 43

The ultimate test of any technology is how Yale digital door locks are available from select retail
seamlessly it fits into everyday life. outlets and Yale Security Point stores. For more information
or to find the nearest store please call 0800 201 505
Yale’s range of digital locks has been created to do exactly
that. Every aspect of its function has been thought out
and designed with lifestyle in mind. The RF key is both For additional product information log onto
convenient and highly secure, whilst the keypad offers or buy online at
a backup solution should you forget your RF key or
accidentally lock the door.

The lock also boasts an alarm, which sounds if anyone tries

to tamper or force the device. The consequence of this
intelligence in design is sleek, elegant and highly secure
product. Proof that true style is a result of sophistication.

44 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010


Getting it Covered
Those who remember Tile Africa On top
a decade ago will have noticed “Top Carpets has 70 branches countrywide, and is
a preferred supplier to numerous insurance agen-
the change in image during the
cies, which makes it a very interesting partnership.
course of the past five years.
Importantly, it will increase our national footprint
Utilitarian ‘warehouse’ type out-
overnight,” he tells us. Top Carpets will now be
lets have made way for stylish able to provide a more comprehensive range of
showrooms designed to inspire surface coverings to clients, and both companies
creative use of tile products. foresee a very happy future together.
This ties in with the group’s move towards upping
the ante in terms of service standards and Craig is

happy to explain the steps being taken to improve
hen “Architect & Specifica- the overall Tile Africa experience. “Tile Africa is
tor” speaks to contracts made up of three entities,” he explains. “Johnson
manager, Craig Irvine, he Tiles, which is 60 years old this year, with its UK
Craig Irvine has much to say about the counterpart hitting 100 next year, is an established
company’s current activities, which are manifold. supplier within the industry.
Craig is particularly enthusiastic about the strategic “TAL Adhesives is probably the most recognised
partnership between Top Carpets and Tile Africa, of the three, with a 30-year reputation for going
which will see mini Tile Africa showrooms being to great lengths to find every possible product for
incorporated into Top Carpet branches around any application. Product development is its forte
the country. and the company is known for staying ahead of
People seldom design a building with one theme from the pack. Tile Africa is the baby sister in a family
beginning to end of three,” he smiles.

Showrooms are designed to provide inspiration

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 45


side of the business,”

he tells us. “We’re
particularly proficient
when a project is large
enough to require a
national footprint,”
he tells us.
“Each showroom
has a warehouse at-
tached, so if, for ex-
ample, we’re doing a
supply and fit for Pick
n Pay, the showroom
closest to the branch
we’re fitting will be
able to handle that
installation. It makes
it easier in terms of
product delivery.”
Showrooms are also
equipped with board-
rooms so that clients
can arrange meetings
with architects, de-
signers and the Tile
Tile Africa’s ‘Connexions’ publication not only provides ideas, but also advice on how to implement Africa team to work
them on projects that are
more complex. This
Fitting together is useful not only for larger domestic projects,
“When Norcross took over the group a few years but also for the more extensive contract work the
ago, the group was given a new corporate identity company specialises in.
which tied into the concept of the Chinese tan-
gram, which is a puzzle that can be manipulated Positive experience
to create a wide variety of different elements. We The team also believes that creating a positive
realised that this is much like the creative process experience is fundamental to the long-term suc-
of developing a design,” he explains. cess of the company. “Tiles are not a fast-moving
product; people renovate every eight to fifteen
Tiles are not a fast-moving product; people renovate years,” Craig explains.
every eight to fifteen years “Our aim is to make their experience so pleas-
ant they’ll keep coming back. We realise that we
“It’s like putting together the pieces of a puzzle. can’t accomplish this by supplying the cheapest
Whether the client is designing a home or an office, products. There’s no comparison between a cheap
we build around their needs, providing ‘pieces’ in import and one of our locally produced tiles. They
the form of inspiration, concepts and materials.” The comply with and exceed international standards
group’s in-house publication, Connexions, coupled as well as local ones.
with the retail showrooms, provides the inspiration “When correctly applied using the right adhesives
in the form of accessible design concepts complete in the appropriate conditions, our tiles have a 20
with tips on how these can be applied. year guarantee. This is an important consideration,
“People seldom design a building with one theme particularly in commercial developments. A cracked
from beginning to end,” says Craig. “Usually they’ll tile in an upmarket mall means big money in terms
take various aspects and adapt them to suit their of downtime and maintenance costs.”
needs. Also, they’ll often have a few personal The tile business is clearly more complex than
pieces that need to be incorporated into the design it might seem and Craig agrees. “There’s a lot
in a harmonious way. In Connexions, we give the more to this business than simply supplying tiles.
guidelines and the client fills in the details.” We like to think we address all the pieces of the
Contract work puzzle,” he smiles.
While the showrooms may appear to have a focus on Craig Irvine, Tile Africa, Tel. 011 206 9848, Fax. 011
the domestic market, Craig assures us that there’s 206 9822, email. [email protected], website. www.
a sound commercial leaning too. “There’s a strong
synergy between the retail arm and the contract

46 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

News & Views
Elegance to where it is fitted “Laminate flooring is extremely durable and can handle
Floors Direct has a brand new laminate flooring offer, the most stains, spills and dirt, making it the ideal flooring
Kronotex Route des vins or Wine Route range that has a option for entertainment areas,” says Jose Dos Passos,
classical, yet sophisticated look. managing director at Floors Direct.
Jose Dos Passos, Floors Direct, Tel: (011) 462 1889, Email: jose@
What makes this laminate unique is the print that replicates,
the wording on vintage wine bottles and barrels. Ideal for
domestic and commercial use, the product is particularly
suited for the kitchen, dining room, pub, wine cellar, small
restaurant or boutique cafe. The vintage feel lends elegance
to any area where it is fitted.
The range consists of a dark colour, Route des vins Fonce
or Wine Route Dark and a lighter colour, Route des vins Save money with raised floors
Clair or Wine Route Clear and has a grading of AC4 class Raised flooring specialists, Bergvik, believes that more and
32. The grading means it is extremely durable and is highly more companies are realising the benefits of raised flooring,
resistance to surface abrasion, making it suitable for general especially in places such as data centres, telecommunica-
traffic areas in a commercial environment. tions and electrical rooms.
The main benefit the floors offer is that of cost
savings, and this is achieved by a decreased
amount of energy used when cooling these
According to Peter Brandstrom, Bergvik CEO,
“The old mindset was to build a floor the
cheapest way possible. The new mindset is to
build a floor that helps your customer reduce
its costs, increase its revenue streams while
improving its asset turnover.”
By using the airflow stratification that Bergvik’s
Triad panel offers, together with its modular
Iso Floor structure, the customer will obtain
energy cost savings by being able to raise the
CRAC set temperature by 3-5 degrees.
Other cost savings come from being able to put
the CRAC units, fire suppressant cylinders and
batteries directly on top of the floor (meaning
no external boxes are required), grounding is
required in only two places (instead of multi-
point grounding) and no bridging is necessary
as their pedestals are movable and not set.
Bergvik, located in Cape Town, can provide
materials with very short lead times since
they keep a large inventory in South Africa.
They only make use of accredited installers
(in-house and subcontractors) and provide a
5-year warranty.
Bergvik Flooring , Anders Lindberg or Marina Sny-
man, Tel: (021) 905 1912, Email: anders.lindberg@, [email protected], www.

Film studio goes green

Chand Environmental Consultants has been
brought on board to assist the Cape Town Film

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 47

News & Views
of resources such as energy and water, and
reducing waste generation.
The EMS will ensure that environmental issues
are addressed and managed on a daily basis.
To assist in the efficiency of this task, Cape
Town Film Studios will be using environmental
software called EOS (Environmental Operating
System), developed by Chand, MEGA, and
Intelligent Artefacts,” says Sadia Chand, MD
of Chand Environmental Consultants.
“With the global move towards sound envi-
ronmental management and sustainability,
coupled with the rise of the “ecorazzi” in the
Cape Town Film Studios is the first custom built Hollywood complex of its kind film industry, it seems fitting that the Cape
on the African continent Town Film Studios will not only offer state of
the art technology, but do so in an environ-
mentally conscious manner,” says Nico Dekker, CEO of
Studios (CTFS) in ensuring the long term sustainability of Cape Town Film Studios.
their facility. Tel: (021) 762-3050, Fax: (021) 762-3240, Email: info@chand.
The studios, currently being built outside Cape Town, are,
implementing an Environmental Management System
(EMS) which will be aligned with ISO 14000 standards.
Cape Town Film Studios is the first custom built Hollywood
complex of its kind on the African continent. Blending in well
“The EMS is aimed at minimising the environmental impact The first phase of Midrand Estate’s retirement village,
during the operational phase by promoting the efficient use Retire@Midstream, was completed on 30 June 2010.

48 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

News & Views
“More than 500 000 Country
Meadow face bricks were
chosen for the development
of the retirement village as
the bricks are low mainte-
nance and thus, ideal for the
retirement village. All existing
walkways and inland roads
at the retirement village are
paved using Corobrik Ced-
erberg pavers,” says Allin
Dangers, Corobrik Director
of Sales - inland.
Derick Britz of Studious Ar-
chitects, responsible for the
design of the retirement village
says that all 105 units of the
first phase were built using
Corobrik’s face bricks.
“In total, we have used roughly
580 000 face bricks and 500
000 pavers for the residential
area alone. This is made up
of bachelor units as well as
three-bedroom units. For the
main building which includes
both community facilities and The inimitable colours of Corobrik’s Country Meadow face bricks and Cederberg Pavers used for
medical facilities, 250 000 Retire@Midstream have been commended by both the developer and architect for being attrac-
pavers and 300 000 face tive, durable and maintenance free
bricks were used.
The total area of the project that is currently using Corobrik carefully selected and balanced to cater to business and
is 30 000 m². There is a further extension anticipated, customer needs.
however this is only on conceptual design for the moment,”
says Derick. Explains Aidan Brennan, Senior Manager: Projects division
at Radiant: “Standard Bank wanted a lighting solution that
Corobrik , Allin Dangers, Tel: (011) 871 8600 would fit with, and enhance the ambiance of its interior
design and visual branding, but it also needed to ensure
a practical and effective working environment for staff
and customers. In terms of ambience and mood, the bank
wanted lighting that would evoke a sense of privacy and
confidentiality in certain areas, but provide sufficient light
to engender a perception of security, openness and trust in
the banking hall and other function-specific zones.”
The proposed solution also needed to fit within the identi-
Lighting the way fied budget, make use of technology that would ensure low
In 2007, Standard Bank took the decision to implement a lifecycle costs and ease of maintenance, and be energy ef-
phased revamp and update of its national branch outlets, ficient as per the requirements of the bank’s environmental
which now total more than 700 nationally. Its key goals sustainability policy.
were to ensure every branch conformed to minimum service,
process and appearance standards. “Radiant was able to meet all these requirements with its
proposed solution,” says Aiden. “The lights are low volt-
Lighting was a crucial part of the interior design solution age, low glare, energy efficient recessed ceiling fittings
and so Radiant proposed an exclusive selection of fittings with a metal rim that offers clean crisp lines. Importantly,
that met the bank’s stringent requirements. refurbishment has taken place at Standard Bank’s vari-
ous branches in South Africa over the last three years and
Says Valerie Poyurs, Director of Marketing at Radiant,
Radiant has continued to meet the expectations of the
“While multiple transaction channels exist (including
financial service provider.”
ATMs, Internet and telephone banking), bricks and mortar
branches remain crucial to promoting the brand, marketing Radiant, Tel: (011) 386 0000,
products and building customer relationships. The design
and décor elements of branch outlets thus need to be

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 49

News & Views
Fire doors to be exported
Fire and security door manufacturer, Bitcon Industries, has
secured three major new export orders.
Bob Vollmer, director of Bitcon, says the company is sup-
plying large volumes of its Rubidor hinged fire doors and
frames for contracts recently secured in Mauritius and
Rubidor fire doors were, in the first instance, supplied for
the upgrading of the Dr A.G. Jeetoo Hospital in Port Louis.
Work started last year on the upgrading of the 550-bed
facility to international standards and is expected to be
finished before the end of this year. Bitcon’s lead-lined
doors, which provide protection from X-ray equipment for
hospital personnel, also formed part of this major order.

Bitcon Industries is supplying fire doors and frames for a new Sun
Resorts hotel, Long Beach, on the east coast of Mauritius

In a second order from Mauritius, Bitcon’s Rubidor fire

doors and frames were supplied to General Construction
of Mauritius, the main contractor for the building of Sun
Resorts’ new five-star Long Beach resort on the east coast
of the island. The resort, scheduled to open at the end
of 2010, features an urban style piazza with restaurants,
shops and bars.
Bitcon is also supplying Rubidor fire doors and frames for
a Lusaka expansion project of Standard Chartered Bank.
In addition to these three new contracts, Bitcon is also
involved in fire door exports to Mozambique and Swaziland
as well as Botswana, the latter through various contracts
secured by Mercurio Trade, another member of the Vitrex
Bitcon Industries, Bob Vollmer, Tel: ( 011) 826 6057, www.bitcon.

50 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

News & Views

Centurion Mall, has been named the first runner-up at the Energy Cybernetics - Energy Barometer Awards

Every kilowatt counts

Pretoria’s Centurion Mall, owned by Fountainhead Property
Trust and Attfund and managed by Broll Property Manage-
ment, has been named the first runner-up at the Energy Don’t get burned
Cybernetics - Energy Barometer Awards, in the shopping Make sure you have the right fire extinguisher
centre category. to kill the fire.
This award validates the effectiveness of energy-efficiency Changes in Fire extinguisher manufacturing
initiatives in the retail sector such as the one established standards SANS 1910 mean that manu-
and put into effect at Centurion Mall. facturers now have to meet international
Identifying and recognising buildings that have low energy
consumption in relation to the size of the building, the award The SABS will only approve extinguishers
results were determined through an analysis and audit of that meet the new regulations and the label
the various entrants’ utility bills over a one-year period, as appearing on the extinguisher will show the
well as results of a specifically designed survey. minimum size of fire extinguisher required
for type A, B or C type fires.
Prior to the mall’s participation in the award process,
Centurion Mall undertook a “green” initiative, which saw This means that building owners, factories,
management and owners re-evaluate and redefine the and businesses will be affected, and good
mall’s carbon footprint. advice should be taken as to the size of the
extuinguisher needed to kill the blaze.
“The process involved analysing all operational levels and
areas within the mall,” says Chris le Roux, Operations Fire equipment supplier, SafeQuip, a subsid-
Manager at Centurion Mall. “The majority of lights were iary of Rorvic, can be contacted for advice
replaced with energy saving lights and a Building Monitor- on what size extinguisher is needed and
ing System was installed for all the air conditioning units. also supplies fire hose reels, fire cabinets
Timers were also installed in various areas to manage the and safety notices from its three national
hours that the lights are working and all the geysers in branches.
the bathrooms were turned off. Power factor correction
Tel: 08600 Fire,
was also installed.”
Broll Property Group, Johann Fourie, Tel: (012) 663 1702

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 51

News & Views
New power generation company for Western
With interruptions in the supply of electricity a constant
threat to the business and domestic scene, the launch of
a new power generating company can only be welcomed
in the Western Cape.
Engine Applications Western Cape, a new branch of the
30-year-old Gauteng-based supplier of standby power to
industrial, commercial, residential as well as fleet opera-
tions, is headed by Gordons Bay resident, Gerald Spaans,
who has been involved in the power generation industry
for decades as MD of Spa Industrial in Benoni.

Engine Applications’ new Western Cape manager, Gerald Spaans,

says electrical power back-up systems are now vital

“Businesses need and depend on electrical power every

day, which makes back-up systems a necessity, not a
luxury,” says Gerald. “Consider what losses in production
could mean to a manufacturer in these difficult economic
times, or what hospitals would do without life support
systems, or the chaos in department stores, hotels, and
casinos during power grid interruptions.”
Engine Applications has an extensive product range that
covers mobile and fixed diesel generators, static or rotary
uninterruptible power supplies, switchboard and metering
systems for generator sets, standby battery banks, diesel
driven pump sets, and remote monitoring systems and
building management systems.
Engine Applications Western Cape, Gerald Spaans, Tel: (082) 414
5965, Email: [email protected]

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issues of “Architect & Specificator”

52 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

News & Views
Easy living in downtown Jozi
Iconic old corporate head quarters in downtown Johan-
nesburg are being transformed into trendy new apartments
designed for easy living and are breathing new life into the
old central business district.
The old Stuttaford’s head office on the corner of Rissik
and Pritchard Streets in the Jozi CBD is currently being
transformed into 133 apartments aimed at professionals
wanting sophisticated yet affordable city lifestyles.
The R65 million development, which will also feature a first
of kind concept McDonalds’ eatery on its ground floor and
other retail tenants, is the latest offering from development
partners International Housing Solutions (IHS).
The completed units - available for occupation early next
year - will be rented out from R2 500 for a small studio
up to R4 500 for a large 2 bed-roomed apartment. Larger
studios and 1 bed-roomed apartments will also be available
Overall performance of the studio was 15% better than specified
for R3 200 and R3 500 respectively.
The project follows hot on the heels of the development of
400 new rental apartments in the old Greatermans build- Concrete and music
ing, also with equity funding from IHS. When Durban’s new KZN Music House was being built,
Development partners are the Plit brothers, Wayne and it needed materials that insulated well, were able to be
Renney, managing directors and founders of AFHCO speedily installed, looked elegant and were economic.
Holdings. These criteria were the reasons for the selection of Echo
Prestress flooring panels.
International Housing Solutions, Tel: (011) 215-8300, Email: in-
[email protected], The recording studio is essentially a simple brick-built cell

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 53

News & Views
supporting a roof of 150mm. 250mm deep concrete panels were used which
create the necessary “dead” sound, while a “floating” fibreglass-filled sandwich
of ceiling and interior walls provided additional sound insulation.
Using the hollow-core panels for the studio areas avoided propping and shut-
tering of wet concrete, highlighting the economy and labour-saving features
of the system, as a result, the project was completed six weeks ahead of
Eric Quevauvilliers of the main contractor, Pratique, says hollow-core floor con-
crete slabs are known to provide a high level of acoustical insulation to airborne
sound transmission. “In this way they are similar to solid concrete slabs in the
transmission of impact noise and airborne sound which, when it reaches the
floor, vibrates it, and is then radiated through the floor material.”
Airborne sound transmission loss is most greatly affected by the weight of the
material. For this reason, a hollow-core, precast concrete floor system did not
require any additional treatment to achieve good sound insulation.
Acoustics engineer Steve Moss reported that overall performance of the studio
was 15% better than specified.
Echo Erestres, Tel: (011) 598-8800/8899

Automated building software

The WSP Group’s latest IT development is a digital building software tool
that accurately depicts building data to improve building management and
response operations.
The Archaio software was developed, in an emerging software market known
as Comprehensive Interior Reconnaissance. It is designed to deliver true scale
building data accessed and visualised in 2-D and 3-D building models.
The software works by automating existing building data, such as blueprints and
CAD drawings into digital formats, integrating components such as structural,
electrical, water, fire alarm and motion detection systems.
This provides instant access to 3D building visualisations, blueprints and build-
ing documents that are accurate owing to the software’s scaling device.
The resulting system enables first responders, such as police, fire, special
operations and other emergency responders, to plan efficiently and respond
more effectively. It also enables building managers and owners to dynamically
manage all aspects of a structure to save time and money.
WSP Group Africa, Mathieu du Plooy, Tel: (011) 361 1300,

Thatchers lift the roof

The annual Thatching Association of South Africa (TASA) congress, held this
year at Pringle Bay in the Cape, was attended by delegates from the four
corners of the country, the occasion saw the award of Arch Wood Protection’s
‘Tanalised’ floating trophies in the this year’s model building competition which
has become a regular, much loved feature of the gathering.

54 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

News & Views
This year the accolades went to David Hoffman of
Hoffman’s Thatching Specialists in the ‘Best Pole
Structure’ category and to John Smith of Biggarsburg
Thatchers for the ‘Most Aesthetic Structure’.
Moreover, having co-sponsored the occasion for the last
four years and on the firm premise that the thatchers
sector is an important segment of the timber industry
as a whole, Arch this year opted to be the congress’
sole sponsor.

Winner Best Pole Structure: David Hoffman of Hoff-


Says Arch Marketing Manager Gerard Busse, “TASA

leads the way in improving standards in the thatching
industry. The TASA congress is a great way to celebrate
the role of thatchers in the timber industry at large,
so we saw the event as an excellent opportunity to
further align ourselves with this important sector.”
Arch Wood Protection SA , Gerard Busse, Tel: (039) 315
8406, Email: [email protected], www.tanalised.

Substantial renovation
When Saldanha Steel undertook a substantial renovation
project, Sika was contracted to supply the construc-
tion products for the repairs and refurbishment of the
internal floor and wall areas.
The combined value of the project amounted to ap-
proximately R6 million and BKS/ Mittal, the on-site
engineers, called on Sika to provide products and
training for the contractors, Potgieter Boudienste,
Phutuma Projects and Lattie Potgieter.
Saldanha Steel, part of Mittal Steel South Africa, is
largely export-focused and distinguished from other
industrial plants by its ‘green’ attitude. Globally, the
plant is the only steel mill to have successfully joined the
Midrex/Corex process into an uninterrupted chain.
The floors, which had an existing screed, and other
substrates had to be cleaned, sanded and water jetted
and then resurfaced in a very short amount of time

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 55

56 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010
News & Views
due to the limited shut
down period allocated
by the plant. The repairs,
relining and renovations
completed during the
course of this project in-
cluded three surface areas
on which Sika products
were applied.
The internal floor and wall
areas of the Midrex/Corex
clarifiers were first prepped
for resurfacing by vigorous
cleaning of the existing
substrates. Allowing for a
shorter application time,
5 500 square-metres of
Sikagard-63N was used
following the application
of Sikagard-720 EpoCem
Sika South Africa, Paul
Adams, Tel: (031) 792 6500,
Products being applied inside clarifiers

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 57

News & Views Subscription

Please fax us if you wish to subscribe to “Architect & Specifi-

An energetic guest experience cator” at R375,00 (incl postage and VAT) per year; R875,00
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide and its new destination per year for Africa/Overseas. We will post you an invoice on
sensation brand, Aloft Hotels, has announced the signing receipt of your fax.
of Aloft London ExCeL. Scheduled to open in advance of
the London Olympics in 2012, this 252 room hotel will be PROMECH PUBLISHING Fax No: (011) 781-1403
located at ExCeL London, the international exhibition and
convention centre in the Docklands area of the city. From:......................................................................................
The Aloft London ExCeL is being developed by ExCeL
London’s parent company, Abu Dhabi National Exhibi- (insert your name)
tions Company (ADNEC). Aloft London ExCeL will mark
the brand’s UK debut. Title: ......................................................................................

Aloft guest rooms, designed by Rockwell Group, feature Company: ..............................................................................

the brand’s signature ceilings of nearly three metres high,
oversized windows and an ultra-comfortable bed, as well Address: ...............................................................................
as roomy walk-in showers.
Each Aloft room is equipped with complimentary wireless ...............................................................................................
Internet access and a one-stop connectivity solution for
multiple-electronic gadgetry, all linked to a 42” flat-panel, ...................................................................Code: ..................
HD ready television, making it a combination high-tech
office and entertainment centre in one. Telephone: ( ) ....................................................................
In addition, the hotel will boast re:fuelSM by Aloft, a one-
Fax: ( ) ................................................................................
stop, 24-hour grab & go food and beverage area. The re:
chargeSM fitness centre and splash pool will give travellers
options to de-stress and re-energise.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Willie Williams, Tel: (012)
429.9999, E-mail: [email protected], www.sheraton-
Index to Advertisers
Aaamsa 2
Afrisam 10
Alu Projects 52
Belgotex 12
Bohle 40
Den Braven 15
Duraset 50
Eco-Insulation 48
Epsasa Inside Back Cover
Furnlock 53
Hulamin 38
Imperial Bank 4
Johnson Tiles 42
Kwikot Outside Back Cover, 16
L & D Enterprises 30
Lafarge 26
Nampak 8
PG Bison 32, 33
PG Group 36
Primador Outside Front Cover
Rimex 58
SA Sliding Door 55
Safequip 54
Sika 29
Sonae Novobord Inside Front Cover
TAL 18
Tile Africa 14
Tshwane Glass 56
Wispeco 20, 24
Yale 44

58 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Insulation -
The invisible
energy saver

By adding just 1% to your total building cost, you can

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The result:
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Contact our members for products and services that meet the
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For a comprehensive list of Insulation Contractors, Distributors,

Manufacturers, Suppliers &Architect
Specialists please visit:
& Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 59
AAAMSA - Associate Members
Please refer to the AAAMSA Registered AAAMSA Contractors Matrix for Manufacturers and Specialist Contractors
D Purdue & Sons (Pty) Ltd (011) 453-0838 Distributor Aluminium Hardware Sales Bowen & Sons* (051) 432-1800 Supplier
Hinges & Hardware* (011) 748-2660 Distributor Anso Aluminium* - Bloemfontein (051) 432-5437 Supplier
AGI Aluminium Coatings (011) 472-7432 Finisher Hulamin Building Solutions* - Bloemfontein (051) 432-8151 Supplier
Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings SA (Pty) Ltd (011) 861-0500 Finisher Sheerline* 079 496 0283 Supplier
Cascolor Aluminium Finishing (011) 626-2772 Finisher NORTH WEST
Diri Aluminium (012) 666-9022 Finisher Kesan Glass & Aluminium (014) 554-8127 Installer
Polynam (011) 618-1055 Finisher Plotz and Muller Traders (018) 297-0808 Installer
Wispeco* (011) 389-0000 Finisher KWAZULU NATAL
A100 Aluminium Wood & Steel Prod. Wholesa (011) 708-6750 Installer Hinges & Hardware* (033) 386-1422 Distributor
Delarey Welding (011) 673-6603 Installer AKZO Nobel (Interpon Powder Supplier) (031) 451-3269 Finisher
Fineline Mirror Doors (011) 477-5408 Supplier Cascolor Aluminium Powder Coating (031) 705-4018 Finisher
abe Construction Chemicals (011) 917-2520 Supplier Shaka Windows (031) 564-9020 Installer
AGI Aluminium (Pty) Ltd (011) 724-6000 Supplier A100 Aluminium Wood & Steel Products Wholesalers (031) 561-7185 Installer
Alustock* (011) 626-1300 Supplier abe Construction Chemicals (031) 913-5400 Supplier
Alustock - Pretoria* (012) 333-0361 Supplier DM Plastics* (031) 705-1446 Supplier
Architectural Hardware* (011) 622-7246 Supplier Hulamin Building Solutions* (031) 564-7350 Supplier
C H C Polymerworld (011) 876-6707 Supplier Hulamin Building Solutions* - Richards Bay (035) 797-4450 Supplier
Conways & Co* (011) 796-0900 Supplier Pelican Systems* (031) 563-7307 Supplier
Conways & Co* (012) 803-7989 Supplier Savignac (Pty) Ltd (031) 569-1125 Supplier
Conways & Co* (011) 454-0300 Supplier S E Controls Africa (031) 467-2738 Supplier
Dorma Door Controls (011) 510-1500 Supplier Silicone & Technical Products (031) 700-2201 Supplier
FenTech Fenestration Technologies* (011) 614-7554 Supplier Sheerline* (031) 533-8201 Supplier
Fineline Mirror Doors (011) 477-5408 Supplier Wispeco* (031) 579-8300 Supplier
Grace Haven Industries (Pty) Ltd* (011) 608-2800 Supplier Xline Aluminium Solutions (031) 579-4750 Supplier
Henderson Sliding Door Gear (011) 663-6600 Supplier OTHER
Hillaldam Coburn Systems* (011) 626-1001 Supplier Aluminium City* - Namibia (00264) 61 26-4364 Supplier
Hulamin Building Solutions* - Johannesburg (011) 626-3347 Supplier AGI Solutions* - Botswana (00267) 397-2111 Supplier
Hulamin Building Solutions* - Head Office (011) 626-3330 Supplier Wispeco* - Botswana (00267) 71 62-6082 Supplier
Hulamin Extrusions (011) 206-0200 Supplier Wispeco* Namibia (00264) 61 27-5500 Supplier
M Bunyard & Associates (011) 706-3336 Supplier MPUMALANGA
Procureco (Pty) Ltd * (011) 316-1322 Supplier Alucad Design CC (013) 752-4464 Manufacturer
Raven Window & Door Seals (011) 442-7799 Supplier Alustock* - Nelspruit (013) 755-4218 Supplier
SA Weatherstrip & Textiles* 083 490 6616 Supplier Hulamin Building Systems * Nelspruit (013) 758-2266 Supplier
Savignac (Pty) Ltd (011) 615-6304 Supplier RM Renovators & Aluminium * Nelspruit (013) 755-4008 Supplier
S E Controls Africa 082 451 7001 Supplier MOKOPANE
Silicone & Technical Products (011) 452-5164 Supplier Glass & Aluminium 2000 (015) 491-4156 Installer
Sheerline* - Head Office (011) 873-0880 Supplier
Sheerline* - Pretoria (012) 661-0415 Supplier
Sheerline* - Vereeniging (016) 455-2511 Supplier
SASA - Skylight Association of Southern Africa
Tremco Limited (011) 254-5583 Supplier GAUTENG
Upat SA (Pty) Ltd - Fischer Fixings* (011) 624-6700 Supplier Burger Emoyeni Skylights (Pty) Ltd (011) 792-7742 Manuf/Installer
Wispeco* (011) 389-0000 Supplier Centurion Glass & Aluminium (012) 666-8000 Manuf/Installer
Xline Aluminium Solutions (011) 873-3255 Supplier Edelweiss Glas & Aluminium (012) 804-3795 Manuf/Installer
WESTERN CAPE L & D Enterprises (Pty) Ltd (011) 618-1512 Manuf/Installer
Alunite CC (021) 551-3433 Associate Rene Turck & Associates (011) 571-7400 Manuf/Installer
Cover Frameless Glass (Cape) (Pty) Ltd (021) 949-2197 Associate Skybright Skylights (010) 222-0497 Manuf/Installer
EASA Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd (021) 946-1563 Associate Trialco (Pty) Ltd (011) 615-5130 Manuf/Installer
D Purdue & Sons (Pty) Ltd (021) 592-1347 Distributor KWAZULU NATAL
Hinges & Hardware* (021) 905-0005 Distributor AGS Aluminium Glass Specialist (32) 551-4382 Manuf/Installer
AKZO Nobel (Interpon Powder Supplier) (021) 511-1981 Finisher Durban Aluminium Windows (031) 563-9601 Manuf/Installer
Cascolor Aluminium Finishing (021) 534-2255 Finisher Hilro CC (0333) 45-4527 Manuf/Installer
Pezulu Finishing (Pty) Ltd (021) 551-1070 Finisher Skybright Skylight (010) 222-0497 Manuf/Installer
Raycolor Powder Coaters CC (021) 386-6707 Finisher EASTERN CAPE
Wispeco* (021) 528-1100 Finisher Aluminium Systems (041) 451-2130 Manuf/Installer
Armour Glass CC (021) 761-5128 Installer Atlantic Glass and Aluminium (041) 453-4872 Manuf/Installer
Swartland Boards CC t/a Glass & Aluminium (021) 555-0661 Installer Bacalum Manufacturers (043) 722-6776 Manuf/Installer
abe Construction Chemicals (Pty) Ltd (021) 505-2800 Supplier Dundonald Skylights (041) 4871088 Manuf/Installer
Alberg Aluminium CC* (021) 905-0705 Supplier Palmer Alum t/a Alutech (041) 451-5039 Manuf/Installer
Almex Aluminium Distributors CC (021) 905-5770 Supplier R V Smith (043) 743-3407 Manuf/Installer
Conways & Co* (021) 528-1100 Supplier Rodgers Aluminium (044) 533-3663 Manuf/Installer
Hulamin Building Solutions* (021) 380-6100 Supplier Skybright Skylights (010) 222-0497 Manuf/Installer
Hulamin Extrusions (021) 534-5531 Supplier WESTERN CAPE
Ligget Extrusions (Pty) Ltd (021) 704-3962 Supplier Cloud 9 Skylights & Patio Systems (021) 552-5655 Manuf/Installer
Sheerline* - Cape Town (021) 704-1802 Supplier Glazing Vision (021) 510-3295 Manuf/Installer
Sheerline* - Montague Gardens (021) 552-4754 Supplier Lifestyle Conservatories (021) 709-0901 Manuf/Installer
Sheerline* - Somerset West (021) 845-4180 Supplier The Glass Alui Co (021) 8544731 Manuf/Installer
Silicone & Technical Products (021) 534-9055 Supplier MPUMALANGA
Stalcor* (021) 507-9600 Supplier Mpumalanga Aluglass CC (013) 752-7985 Manuf/Installer
Thaba Aluminium Installations CC t/a Extrusio (021) 982-6233 Supplier
Winklik* (021) 385-1705 Supplier
Wispeco* (021) 528-1100 Supplier SASEMA - South African Shower Enclosure
Xline Aluminium Solutions (021) 703-0366 Supplier Manufacturers Association
Argonaut Aluminium & Glass (044) 533-2112 Installer Neptune Shower Enclosures (011) 021-9010 Associate
AGI East London (041) 487-1509 Supplier AGI Aluminium - Alrode (011) 908-1500 Manufacturer
Almex Aluminium* (043) 736-6334 Supplier Aluglass Bautech (011) 451-8400 Manufacturer
Argonaut Aluminium & Glass (044) 533-1723 Supplier Aluview (011) 975-6188 Manufacturer
Conways & Co* (041) 404-1900 Supplier F G Showertime (011) 473-6700 Manufacturer
Hulamin Building Solutions - East London (043) 702-3900 Supplier Primador (012) 791-8881 Manufacturer
Hulamin Building Solutions - George (044) 874-0460 Supplier EASTERN CAPE
Hulamin Building Solutions* - Port Elizabeth (041) 403-1400 Supplier National Glass Distributors (041) 364-0161 Manufacturer
Sheerline* - George (044) 874-0408 Supplier WESTERN CAPE
Sheerline* Port Elizabeth (041) 451-1863 Supplier Aluglass Showerflex (021) 683-9094 Manufacturer
Wispeco* (041) 487-1509 Supplier Shower Comfort (021) 982-3399 Manufacturer
Xline Aluminium Solutions (041) 451-1186 Supplier Showerline Shower Doors (021) 797-3695 Manufacturer
~ Companies indicated * thus are members of the Aluminium Stockists & Distributors Association
~ Applicant members are not included as product testing has not been finalized

60 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

SAGGA - South African Glass & Glazing Association
AGI Glass - Johannesburg (011) 621-2700 Distributor Donico Interior Systems 082 880 6003 Glazier
AGI Glass - Pretoria (012) 661-0415 Distributor Edelweiss Glas & Aluminium (012) 804-3795 Glazier
AGI Glass - Springs (011) 817-1228 Distributor Edgars Glass (Pty) Ltd (012) 806-6858 Glazier
AGI Glass - Vereeniging (016) 455-2511 Distributor Elite Glass & Aluminium (011) 953-4363 Glazier
AGI Glass - West Rand (011) 762-1783 Distributor El-Shaddai General Dealer & Glass 076 942 0442 Glazier
Aluglass Bautech (011) 451-8400 Distributor Elwierda Glass & Aluminium (012) 654-3454 Glazier
Glass Corporation (011) 864-4170 Distributor Executive Frames CC (012) 250-1606 Glazier
GSA - Johannesburg (011) 392-4430 Distributor Expo Glass & Aluminium Trust (011) 973-2721 Glazier
GSA - Pretoria (012) 653-6701 Distributor Express Aluminium (011) 420-2664 Glazier
GSA - Roodepoort (011) 474-7070 Distributor Factoria Glass & Mirror CC (011) 664-6814 Glazier
GSA - Springs (011) 817-1350 Distributor Fair Deal Wooden Windows (012) 993-0550 Glazier
GSA - Vereeniging (016) 421-3910 Distributor Fernando Aluminium 072 259 7219 Glazier
Guardian Africa Corp. (Pty) Ltd (011) 828-0208 Distributor FM Glass 082 543 8870 Glazier
McCoy's Glass Wholesalers (011) 864-1313 Distributor Fordsburg Glass Works (011) 834-7399 Glazier
2 Piece and Aluminium Glass (011) 935-8173 Glazier G3 Aluminium & Glass (011) 794-6844 Glazier
Abcus Windows and Doors (012) 803-8791 Glazier Gauteng Glass & Aluminium (011) 493-4123 Glazier
Active Blue Trading '89 (011) 462-4210 Glazier Glaco Industries CC (011) 873-8278 Glazier
Active Glass Services (011) 477-6490 Glazier Glasfit (011) 607-3000 Glazier
Aerts Aluminium (011) 672-5270 Glazier Glasfit Blackheath (011) 476-7478 Glazier
Affordable Glass & Aluminium (011) 857-1276 Glazier Glasfit Booysens (011) 493-4340 Glazier
AFFSL Glass & Windscreen Centre (011) 953-2384 Glazier Glasfit Centurion (012) 663-7843 Glazier
African Olive Trading 138 (011) 974-4999 Glazier Glasfit Krugersdorp (011) 953-4120 Glazier
AG Aluminium & Glass Products (011) 827-0806 Glazier Glasfit Pretoria Central (012) 322-0090 Glazier
AG Glass (011) 472-9238 Glazier Glasfit Pretoria North (012) 546-0121 Glazier
AGE Aluminium CC (011) 908-9501 Glazier Glasfit Pretoria West (012) 327-1882 Glazier
Albert van Rensburg Glass 082 895 7759 Glazier Glasfit Roodepoort / NRC Glass (011) 760-1550 Glazier
Alberton Aluminium Installations (011) 869-5624 Glazier Glasfit Silverton (012) 804-9500 Glazier
Alberton Glass Works (011) 864-2201 Glazier Glass & All 4 U 082 670 2793 Glazier
Alpa Aluminium (011) 976-2804 Glazier Glass & Aluminium Doctor (016) 422-4547 Glazier
Alu 4 U 082 891 1444 Glazier Glass & Aluminium Zone CC (011) 766-2727 Glazier
Alu All Glass & Aluminium (012) 653-8876 Glazier Glass & Brass Repairs (011) 452-4054 Glazier
Alu Glass 2000 (018) 462-8786 Glazier Glass & Mirror Services (011) 917-8779 Glazier
Alu Pro Aluminium 079 498 5842 Glazier Glass Bugs (011) 394-4512 Glazier
Alu Pro Designs 083 727 1558 Glazier Glass Clinic (011) 894-4550 Glazier
Alu Spectrum (011) 622-6588 Glazier Glass Design (Pty) Ltd (011) 708-4868 Glazier
Alufast CC (011) 472-6169 Glazier Glass Fella's CC (011) 792-5529 Glazier
Aluline CC (011) 626-1772 Glazier Glass Globe 084 804 5858 Glazier
Alumac (011) 615-0340 Glazier Glass Planet (012) 803-1187 Glazier
Aluminium Enterprises (012) 542-1057 Glazier Glass Plus (011) 782-4265 Glazier
Aluminium Junction CC (011) 965-1234 Glazier Glass Tempering t/a Clear Glass (011) 970-1550 Glazier
Aluminium Shopfitters (011) 822-8233 Glazier Glass Works for Africa (011) 823-5080 Glazier
Aluminium Solution Services (011) 022-2445 Glazier Glassfill (011) 316-5644 Glazier
Aluminium Windows & Shopfronts (011) 814-1577 Glazier Glassworld (012) 326-4279 Glazier
Alumutech 072 288 9597 Glazier Gorr's Glass and Aluminium CC (012) 653-4577 Glazier
Alu-Vaal (016) 932-4174 Glazier GP Safety Glass (011) 334-1080 Glazier
Aluwood (012) 333-2919 Glazier GRL Glass and Aluminium CC 078 456 9730 Glazier
Ameen's Glasswork (016) 362-2449 Glazier Hartbees Glas & Aluminium (012) 253-2826 Glazier
Anthony's Glass Works (011) 760-2511 Glazier HD Glass & Aluminium CC (011) 693-2561 Glazier
Apache Glass and Maintenance (012) 335-2319 Glazier Henque Glass and Aluminium (012) 548-2112 Glazier
Arch Aluminium Manufacturers (011) 892-1640 Glazier Hillside Glass & Aluminium (012) 386-1961 Glazier
Artisan Project Management CC (011) 465-4196 Glazier Hi-Tech Glass t/a Hellenic Glass (011) 845-3182 Glazier
Attack Glass Works (011) 907-1250 Glazier Honeydew Glass & Mirror 078 277 4416 Glazier
B & H Glass and Aluminium (012) 664-8568 Glazier Hudson Glazing & Showerdoors (011) 974-1094 Glazier
B G & J Steel Windows (Pty) Ltd (011) 955-4493 Glazier IHT Installations (Pty) Ltd 083 675 1975 Glazier
Bates Fraser Suppliers 083 962 7256 Glazier I & J Installations (011) 869-4393 Glazier
Bea's Glass Works (012) 565-4373 Glazier Icon Glass & Aluminium (011) 472-0740 Glazier
BJ Glaswerke / Roodeberg Projekte (012) 332-1753 Glazier Ideal Glass and Mirror CC (011) 787-8993 Glazier
Bokamoso Aluminium Projects (011) 892-1110 Glazier Ideal Trading 49 CC t/a Glass & Mirror Specia (011) 453-2547 Glazier
Bonanza Projects (Pty) Ltd (011) 493-7628 Glazier Impala Glass CC t/a P G Glass (016) 341-6623 Glazier
Boss Glass - Silverton (012) 804-1090 Glazier Inso Aluminium Johannesburg CC (011) 864-5301 Glazier
Braam Glass/Nozipho Braam Glass (011) 624-1100 Glazier Inso Aluminium MK (Pty) Ltd (011) 704-4443 Glazier
Bracken Aluminium & Glass (011) 827-0693 Glazier Instant Glass (011) 614-5228 Glazier
Brad's Glass & Aluminium (011) 474-0919 Glazier Intello Glass Solutions (012) 665-4647 Glazier
Breedt Aluminium Doors and Windows (011) 869-6500 Glazier J D Wooden Touch CC (011) 827-9315 Glazier
Breytenbach Glass (011) 764-4718 Glazier J E Breet Glass CC (011) 948-8716 Glazier
Buchmor Glass Tech CC 084 512 9610 Glazier J H Glass (011) 948-8716 Glazier
Bucks Brother G Trading 6 082 305 8210 Glazier J I Windows (012) 377-0865 Glazier
Builders Timber Market (011) 462-1796 Glazier J J Glassworks (016) 362-1797 Glazier
C G S Shopfitters 082 888 0808 Glazier J N S Aluminium (011) 432-4537 Glazier
C Thru U Glass & Mirror (011) 618-0688 Glazier J P Glass & Aluminium (012) 803-9395 Glazier
CAM Glass & Aluminium CC (012) 321-3324 Glazier J R Shopfitters (011) 822-3103 Glazier
Carlies Traders (012) 804-5512 Glazier Jay-C Systems (011) 845-2910 Glazier
Castle Ultra Trading 306 t/a Home Décor Group (012) 561-2991 Glazier Jaycee Glass & Aluminium (012) 800-1168 Glazier
CDC Glass Studio CC (012) 653-6117 Glazier Jeppe Glass t/a Associated Glass & Alum (011) 493-9611 Glazier
CenPret Glass & Aluminium CC (012) 653-1202 Glazier Jozy Aluminium & Glass Works (011) 938-7913 Glazier
Chelek Marketing 087 809 0951 Glazier JPN Glass and Aluminium CC 082 843 6600 Glazier
Christie Mojakie Property Dev. CC (011) 988-4575 Glazier Jupen Projects t/a Sunderlang Glass & Hardware (012) 666-8359 Glazier
City Glass (016) 590-2744 Glazier Just MNT Aluminium 076 923 4298 Glazier
Clearview Glass (011) 472-4888 Glazier Kemway Sliding Doors (011) 975-6019 Glazier
Cornwall View Hardware t/a Winmore Hardwa (012) 997-0884 Glazier Kensington Mirror & Glass CC (011) 622-3434 Glazier
Cubitrax Aluminum & Glass (Pty) Ltd (011) 794-8750 Glazier K N Glass CC (011) 393-6879 Glazier
Dawie's Glass & Aluminium Works (011) 814-4295 Glazier K's Glass (011) 976-4909 Glazier
DDK Aluminium & Glass CC (011) 849-9900 Glazier Kgodimo Workmenship & Projects CC (011) 986-6967 Glazier
Don K Glass 073 314 5050 Glazier KGT Mnisi Trading CC (011) 865-1142 Glazier

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 61

SAGGA - South African Glass & Glazing Association (Continue)
K N Glass CC (011) 393-6879 Glazier Schietfontein Glass & Aluminium (012) 504-1497 Glazier
K's Glass (011) 976-4909 Glazier Shower & Aluminium Creations (012) 379-5989 Glazier
Kgodimo Workmenship & Projects CC (011) 986-6967 Glazier SJ Glass CC (011) 791-5444 Glazier
KGT Mnisi Trading CC (011) 865-1142 Glazier Southern Glass (011) 435-9944 Glazier
Kgwedi's Glass Works CC (011) 403-4057 Glazier Southway Aluminium & Glass 084 232 4625 Glazier
KLS Building Construction 072 451 5338 Glazier Span Verspreiders t/a Fair Deal Wooden Wind (012) 653-8538 Glazier
Lala Lapa Investments CC (012) 244-1444 Glazier Springs Windscreens & Glass (011) 812-2631 Glazier
Leading Edge Glass Worx (011) 954-6964 Glazier Steel Studio International (011) 450-4666 Glazier
Lekoe Glassware CC Fax: 086 594 0271 Glazier Stiaan's Glass & Building Contractors CC (011) 391-3926 Glazier
Lenasia Glass Doors CC (011) 854-1435 Glazier Stirling Glass & Aluminium (Pty) Ltd (011) 392-5582 Glazier
Manaba Construction and Services 073 804 5764 Glazier Stone Glass (011) 665-3174 Glazier
Marvus Aluminium CC (012) 323-2545 Glazier Super Aluminium & Glass Products CC (011) 474-3233 Glazier
Mathabela Glass & Aluminium Projects CC (011) 882-5632 Glazier Techtonic Aluminium Systems (011) 452-8560 Glazier
Matsoge Glass Works CC (011) 935-5481 Glazier Tharimart Aluminium Windows (011) 493-6836 Glazier
Midrand Glass & Aluminium (011) 468-1104 Glazier The Aluminium Workshop (012) 333-2777 Glazier
Midway Glass (011) 315-2378 Glazier The Door Connection CC (011) 420-1262 Glazier
Mirror Robe (011) 493-6326 Glazier TLC Aluminium & Glass (011) 673-3919 Glazier
Miwa Glass (011) 805-8848 Glazier TMG Designs (011) 794-6430 Glazier
MJB Glass (011) 462-5992 Glazier Tru-Line Aluminium (011) 433-0331 Glazier
Modern Glass CC (011) 334-6288 Glazier Tshwane Rite Glass (012) 700-0769 Glazier
Moferefere Construction Fax: 0866 301141 Glazier TSK Glass and Aluminium 072 099 7069 Glazier
Mofolo Glassworks & Maintenance Services (011) 982-6849 Glazier TRS Glass & Aluminium CC (011) 852-1045 Glazier
Mr. Door (011) 672-4324 Glazier Tsonga Glass & Glazing (011) 476-6286 Glazier
MSQ Construction CC (011) 909-2357 Glazier Tyric Glass and Mirror Installations 083 408 3355 Glazier
Msweli Glass and Building Construction CC (011) 410-3414 Glazier U Co. Glass & Hardware (012) 252-4923 Glazier
Mushiane TZ Construction 079 304 8180 Glazier U'LLC Glass t/a Alderwood Trading 152 082 883 2385 Glazier
Newclare Glass & Mirror (011) 477-2646 Glazier Unity Glass (011) 822-5343 Glazier
New Heights Glass & Aluminium 083 657 5656 Glazier Varia Glass & Paint (013) 932-2948 Glazier
Newlands Glass & Mirror 083 433 4343 Glazier Velakude Glass 082 419 0491 Glazier
North West Glass (012) 541-6200 Glazier Vereeniging Glass (016) 455-3848 Glazier
Nteyi's Glass Works 078 761 4595 Glazier Vertigo Glass & Aluminium (011) 874-0607 Glazier
Ntsikabusisa Trading & Projects (011) 433-4435 Glazier Vicast Aluminium (Pty) Ltd (011) 023-6273 Glazier
Nu-Glass Applications t/a Glass Applications (011) 474-1691 Glazier Visual Reflections (011) 454-1044 Glazier
Paramount Glass Trust (011) 907-2762 Glazier Weltevreden Glass Works (011) 476-3338 Glazier
PG Glass - Alberton (011) 869-8544 Glazier Wendy Glass & Alu Trust (011) 973-4348 Glazier
PG Glass - Benoni (011) 421-3136 Glazier Whipco Glass & Aluminium (012) 804-4915 Glazier
PG Glass - Blackheath (011) 476-6991 Glazier Whitehouse Projects (Pty) Ltd (011) 894-4321 Glazier
PG Glass - Boksburg (011) 823-1241 Glazier Williams Glass CC t/a Glasfit (011) 845-3340 Glazier
PG Glass - Bronkhorstspruit (013) 932-2229 Glazier X-EL Corporate Imaging CC (011) 412-4986 Glazier
PG Glass - Bruma (011) 615-4125 Glazier ZAF Aluminium CC (011) 623-1549 Glazier
PG Glass - Centurion (012) 663-4437 Glazier Zaid Ally Trading CC (011) 493-6125 Glazier
PG Glass - Edenvale (011) 452-2657 Glazier Zip Construction (011) 646-9058 Glazier
PG Glass - Fourways (011) 467-4083 Glazier AGI Glass Manufacturing (011) 607-4500 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Head Office (011) 392-4433 Glazier Advanced Armour Glass (011) 383-0900 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Heidelberg (016) 341-6623 Glazier AGI Glass - Denver (011) 621-2700 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Jhb City (011) 823-3400 Glazier C & C Safety Glass (011) 864-1341 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Kempton Park (011) 394-1473 Glazier FGW Safety Glass (011) 474-0737 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Krugersdorp (011) 273-1038 Glazier Furman Glass Co. (1964) (011) 473-6700 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Lenasia (011) 854-4791 Glazier Furmguard (011) 473-6700 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Menlyn (012) 361-3796 Glazier Glass South Africa (Pty) Ltd (011) 844-4600 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Midrand (011) 805-0954 Glazier Major Glass & Aluminium (011) 763-8603 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Pretoria City (012) 338-0770 Glazier McCoy's Glass Wholesalers (011) 864-1313 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Pretoria North (012) 565-6867 Glazier National Glass Distribution (011) 615-9772 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Randburg (011) 886-4416 Glazier Northern Hardware & Glass - Midrand (011) 314-0365 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Roodepoort (011) 675-5600 Glazier Northern Hardware & Glass - Pretoria (012) 333-0440 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Sandton City (011) 884-5111 Glazier PFG Building Glass (Pty) Ltd (011) 360-1000 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Silverlakes (011) 809-4281 Glazier Rene Turck & Associates (011) 571-7400 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Silverton (012) 804-8125 Glazier Resistoglas (011) 493-6663 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Soweto (011) 938-2188 Glazier SA Bullet Resistant Glass (011) 493-8249 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Springs (011) 811-6648 Glazier Clean Cut Glass & Mirror (011) 872-0974 Processor
PG Glass - Woodmead (011) 656-0772 Glazier Fineline Mirror Doors (011) 477-5408 Supp/Manf.
Pillays Glass & Aluminium (011) 854-4932 Glazier Glacier Door Systems/Glide Aluminium (011) 613-8120 Supp/Manf.
PLT Glass Traders (011) 708-7185 Glazier Bohle Glass Equipment (011) 792-6430 Supplier
Pronk Aluminium CC (012) 333-0872 Glazier Redcap Industries CC (012) 998-6351 Supplier
Proud Glass Works CC (011) 412-4730 Glazier
Pure & Magic Aluminium (011) 743-1548 Glazier FREESTATE
Queen Victoria Glass & Pawn (012) 327-0065 Glazier AGI Glass - Bloemfontein (051) 432-4652 Distributor
R & H Glass (011) 975-4558 Glazier GSA - Bloemfontein (051) 448-4451 Distributor
RCH Glass & Aluminium 082 789 8168 Glazier GSA - Welkom (057) 396-2828 Distributor
Renjo Glass & Signs 082 440 4947 Glazier Denvos Glass CC (016) 971-2315 Glazier
REV Aluminium 0860 REV GRP Glazier Freestate Glass Holdings t/a BP Glass (051) 448-3105 Glazier
Revcon Glass & Aluminium 082 651 6401 Glazier Glasfit Bethlehem (058) 303-5069 Glazier
Riaphela General Services CC (012) 321-0643 Glazier Glasfit Bloemfontein (051) 447-1829 Glazier
Ricci Aluminium (Pty) Ltd (012) 567-0885 Glazier Glasfit Virginia (057) 212-2671 Glazier
RL Woodworks CC (012) 668-1658 Glazier Glasfit Welkom (057) 353-2543 Glazier
Roodepoort Glass Works (011) 763-3765 Glazier Linrood Glassworks CC (051) 432-4328 Glazier
Royal Glass CC (011) 394-3738 Glazier Mecca Glass t/a Glasfit Kroonstad (056) 212-1057 Glazier
Ryder Glass & Aluminium t/a Glass 24 083 448 5311 Glazier PG Glass Bethlehem (058) 303-4775 Glazier
SA Glass Works (011) 795-2676 Glazier PG Glass Bloemfontein (051) 447-4862 Glazier
Sassi Metal Innovation (011) 795-1950 Glazier PG Glass Welkom (057) 355-2501 Glazier
SBP Glass & Aluminium (011) 493-2436 Glazier Temple Glass and Aluminium 082 560 2889 Glazier

62 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

SAGGA - South African Glass & Glazing Association (Continue)
AGI Glass - Durban (031) 571-9000 Distributor Simply Aluminium and Glass (031) 539-7562 Glazier
AGI Glass - Newcastle (034) 375-6285 Distributor Showerhaus (031) 312-9095 Glazier
AGI Glass - Pietermaritzburg (033) 386-3565 Distributor Silver Solutions t/a Ikwezi Contractors & Maintenance (031) 463-2356 Glazier
AGI Glass - Richards Bay (035) 789-9904 Distributor SMA Glass CC (031) 507-3556 Glazier
Glass Edge Technology (Pty) Ltd (031) 579-4508 Distributor Speedy Glass Works (031) 464-5950 Glazier
GSA - Durban (031) 700-1230 Distributor Terry's Win-Door Centre CC (031) 468-5181 Glazier
GSA - Empangeni (035) 787-1004 Distributor Thekwini Glass and Aluminium (031) 902-8445 Glazier
GSA - Newcastle (034) 312-5771 Distributor Umgeni Glass & Aluminium (031) 309-7656 Glazier
GSA - Pietermaritzburg (033) 346-1881 Distributor Waterfall Glass & Aluminium (031) 763-3338 Glazier
Hitech Safety Glass (031) 579-4580 Distributor Window Scene (039) 685-5532 Glazier
McCoy's Glass Solutions KZN (031) 569-6639 Distributor AGI Glass - Durban (031) 579-9000 Manufacturer
Aluminium & Glass Master (039) 317-2210 Glazier Glass South Africa - Durban (031) 700-1230 Manufacturer
Aluminium Accessories (031) 579-2391 Glazier Glass South Africa - Toughened (031) 700-1404 Manufacturer
Aluminium Installations (031) 569-1371 Glazier Hitech Safety Glass (031) 579-4580 Manufacturer
Amanzimtoti Glass & Aluminium (031) 903-3586 Glazier McCoy's Glass Wholesalers (031) 569-6503 Manufacturer
Argyle Glazing Services CC (031) 312-7009 Glazier PFG Building Glass (Pty) Ltd (031) 700-5158 Manufacturer
Atlantic Glass Works & Aluminium (031) 579-5201 Glazier WESTERN CAPE
Blue Print Aluminium (031) 563-6030 Glazier AGI Glass - Cape Town (021) 510-2060 Distributor
C & V Aluminium & Glass (032) 533-2847 Glazier AGI Glass - Wijnland (021) 905-2191 Distributor
Central Glass (039) 317-3825 Glazier Glass Warehouse (021) 982-3739 Distributor
Challenge Glass and Mirror (031) 404-1490 Glazier GSA - Bellville (021) 949-9977 Distributor
Clearview Aluminium (032) 944-6152 Glazier GSA - Somerset West (021) 853-0202 Distributor
Costa Glass Works (031) 702-8823 Glazier GSA (Pty) Ltd (021) 555-4150 Distributor
Creative Steel Design (031) 462-6555 Glazier National Glass Distribution (086) 117-7751 Distributor
C-Thru Glass & Aluminium (039) 978-1315 Glazier PFG Building Glass (021) 535-2205 Distributor
Cutrite Glass Works (Pty) Ltd (031) 465-1321 Glazier AGM Aluminium Glass Manufacture (021) 905-6181 Glazier
D & A Aluminium Windows & Doors (031) 579-1777 Glazier All Glass (021) 434-5365 Glazier
Design Mirror & Glassworks (031) 569-2547 Glazier All Glass Bellville (021) 949-1961 Glazier
Dolphin Coast Aluminium (032) 947-0054 Glazier All Glass Motorglass (021) 797-1816 Glazier
Double Vision Aluminium Manufacturers (039) 682-4434 Glazier All Glass Parow (021) 930-8220 Glazier
Euroshower & Sanitary Ware (031) 569-6555 Glazier All Glass Sea Point (021) 434-5365 Glazier
Euro-Tech Glass (031) 569-1260 Glazier All Glass Wynberg (021) 797-7244 Glazier
Express Glass (031) 401-0126 Glazier Armour Glass CC (021) 761-5128 Glazier
G G Glass CC (039) 682-1170 Glazier Blue Dot Aluminium CC (044) 382-0049 Glazier
G3 Glass & Aluminium (031) 579-4489 Glazier Brians Auto Glass Centre (021) 448-7730 Glazier
Glasfit Ladysmith (036) 631-1168 Glazier Coastal Windows & Doors - Knysna (044) 382-6538 Glazier
Glasfit Newcastle (034) 312-9927 Glazier Cohesion Interiors (021) 551-5423 Glazier
Glasfit Pietermaritzburg (033) 345-5258 Glazier Emergency Glass Repairs (Pty) Ltd (021) 930-2266 Glazier
Glasfit Richardsbay (035) 789-1103 Glazier Glasfit - Bellville (021) 946-1931 Glazier
Glasfit Scottburgh (039) 976-0223 Glazier Glasfit - Brackenfell (021) 982-0480 Glazier
Glasfit South Coast (039) 682-3151 Glazier Glasfit- Parow East (021) 939-0100 Glazier
Glasfit Stamford Hill (031) 303-2940 Glazier Glasfit -Western Cape (021) 552-1234 Glazier
Glass & Mirror Centre (031) 332-1842 Glazier Glass Master (023) 626-4445 Glazier
Glass Edge Technology (Pty) Ltd (031) 579-4508 Glazier Glassmen - Cape Town (021) 462-3642 Glazier
Glass Unlimited 073 510 1389 Glazier Glassmen - Gansbaai (028) 384-3666 Glazier
Glassinc (031) 701-5282 Glazier Glassmen - Hermanus (028) 312-3870 Glazier
Glazing Vision (021) 510-3295 Glazier Glassmen - Hout Bay (021) 790-4532 Glazier
Hebron Aluminium and Automation (031) 500-5226 Glazier Glassmen - Parow (021) 933-2056 Glazier
Highlands Glass & Hardware (039) 682-2129 Glazier Glassmen - Retreat (021) 701-5821 Glazier
Image Glass & Aluminium 084 701 3780 Glazier Glassmen - Strand (021) 853-3311 Glazier
Iphupho Projects CC (031) 307-2164 Glazier Glassmen - Sunningdale (021) 554-2895 Glazier
JR's Glass & Airconditioners (032) 946-1058 Glazier Glassmen - West Coast (021) 552-4862 Glazier
K G Glass & Aluminium (039) 312-0116 Glazier Glassmen Group (021) 933-2056 Glazier
Kruger Glass t/a PG Glass Vryheid (034) 981-4332 Glazier Glazing Vision (Pty) Ltd (021) 510-3295 Glazier
Len Powell Glazing (031) 564-8143 Glazier Mantovani Frameless Glass & Shower Doors (021) 945-4489 Glazier
Max Glass (031) 208-2003 Glazier Novray Glass (021) 706-6106 Glazier
Magnum Profile Industries (031) 401-4531 Glazier PG Glass - Bellville (021) 946-1323 Glazier
Margate Glass & Aluminium (039) 317-4237 Glazier PG Glass - Greenpoint (021) 419-0645 Glazier
Motown Glass & Aluminium 073 135 2236 Glazier PG Glass - N1 Motorcity (021) 595-3442 Glazier
Mr Glass & Aluminium (039) 978-2410 Glazier PG Glass - Plumstead (021) 762-5031 Glazier
National Glass & Hardware (039) 317-1096 Glazier PG Glass - Stellenbosch (021) 887-6699 Glazier
Newcastle Glass & Aluminium CC (034) 312-6660 Glazier PG Glass - Strand (021) 853-0200 Glazier
Order & Save (035) 751-1436 Glazier PG Glass - Tableview (021) 556-5966 Glazier
PG Glass - Ballito (032) 946-0600 Glazier PG Glass - Tygervalley (021) 919-3524 Glazier
PG Glass - Durban City (031) 305-9900 Glazier PG Glass - Worcester (023) 347-6660 Glazier
PG Glass - Newcastle (034) 315-4633 Glazier Riverside Park Trading 72 (021) 854-4731 Glazier
PG Glass - North Coast (032) 946-0600 Glazier Stikland Glass & Fibreglass (021) 946-3556 Glazier
PG Glass - Pietermaritzburg (033) 394-6847 Glazier Tedkaye Aluminium and Glass (021) 932-0660 Glazier
PG Glass - Pinetown (031) 701-1922 Glazier Valley Glass & Mirror (021) 783-2589 Glazier
PG Glass - Pongola (034) 413-1847 Glazier West Cape Glass (021) 532-3056 Glazier

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 63

SAGGA - South African Glass & Glazing Association (Continue)
AGI Africa Glass (041) 487-0055 Distributor GSA Pietersburg (015) 297-1023 Distributor
AGI Africa Glass - East London (043) 743-3010 Distributor GSA Tzaneen (015) 307-1945 Distributor
AGI Africa Glass - George (044) 871-4321 Distributor Northern Hardware & Glass - L Trichardt (015) 516-1310 Distributor
GSA - East London (043) 722-4835 Distributor Northern Hardware & Glass - Pietersburg (015) 293-2204 Distributor
GSA - George (044) 803-8700 Distributor Ennie Rams Business Projects 082 412 9288 Glazier
GSA - Port Elizabeth (041) 582-1224 Distributor Espe Glas & Aluminium 082 960 2465 Glazier
National Glass Distribution (041) 364-0161 Distributor Glass King Aluminium & Hardware (015) 297-1172 Glazier
Fast Glass 2 (043) 740-1212 Glazier Glass Planet Lowveld (015) 793-2000 Glazier
Glasfit - Cradock (048) 881-4673 Glazier Glassman - Warmbad (014) 736-5477 Glazier
Glasfit - East London (043) 742-0991 Glazier Inso Aluminium Limpopo (015) 297-3223 Glazier
Glasfit - George (044) 874-4230 Glazier JL Glass CC (015) 781-5988 Glazier
Glasfit - Knysna (044) 382-7272 Glazier Marvene Painters and Glazers (014) 762-1603 Glazier
Glasfit - Mosselbay (044) 695-2776 Glazier Motetete Glass Glazing CC (015) 483-2515 Glazier
Glasfit - Oudtshoorn (044) 272-0179 Glazier Mphophi General Construction (015) 592-0100 Glazier
Glasfit - Port Alfred (046) 624-3641 Glazier N M Oosthuizen Glass 073 207 2643 Glazier
Glasfit - Umtata (047) 532-6341 Glazier Northern Aluminium Shopfitters 071 670 1053 Glazier
Glassworx (043) 727-1108 Glazier PG Glass - Louis Trichardt (015) 516-2568 Glazier
Kassie Glass (041) 453-0161 Glazier PG Glass - Polokwane Auto (015) 292-1172 Glazier
PG Glass - Cradock (048) 881-5244 Glazier Quality Glas & Aluminium (015) 293-2679 Glazier
PG Glass - East London (043) 743-0303 Glazier Raymond's Glass CC (015) 516-2474 Glazier
PG Glass - George (044) 874-2860 Glazier SAA Glass & Aluminium (015) 297-1371 Glazier
PG Glass - Grahamstown (046) 622-2950 Glazier Yellow Glass Aluminum & Numberplates Cen (015) 297-8978 Glazier
PG Glass - Knysna (044) 382-5881 Glazier Northern Hardware & Glass - Porgietersrus (015) 491-5806 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Plettenberg Bay (044) 533-5808 Glazier PVB Laminated Safety Glass (015) 491-5806 Manufacturer
PG Glass - Port Alfred (046) 624-3110 Glazier
PG Glass - Port Elizabeth (041) 365-1998 Glazier
PG Glass - Sedgefield (044) 382-5881 Glazier SABISA -South African Building Interior Systems Association
Purple Pansy 100 CC t/a PG Glass - KWTown (043) 643-3281 Glazier GAUTENG
Timber City / P G Glass (044) 279-2826 Glazier ACU Ceilings & Partitions (011) 673-7064 Contractor
Windmill Aluminium Products CC 083 410 1140 Glazier Ambient Contracting Services (011) 663-9000 Contractor
MPUMALANGA Azdec Projects cc (012) 804-4653 Contractor
AGI Glass - Nelspruit (013) 752-6949 Distributor Centurion Ceilings & Partitions (011) 673-2052 Contractor
GSA - Middelburg (013) 246-2129 Distributor Combined Ceilings & Partitions (011) 615-7153 Contractor
GSA - Nelspruit (013) 753-2912 Distributor Dracon (011) 786-2800 Contractor
Northern Hardware & Glass - Groblersdal (013) 262-4115 Distributor Fast Track Shopfitters (011) 452-0868 Contractor
Alucad Design (013) 752-4464 Glazier HST International cc (012) 460-8005 Contractor
Apex Glass CC (013) 656-3667 Glazier Hunter Douglas SA (011) 793-3641 Contractor
Bethal Glas & Aluminium (017) 647-3581 Glazier Jay-C Systems (011) 845-2910 Contractor
Crest Glass CC (013) 751-3584 Glazier Patriarch Projects (011) 263-9301 Contractor
Ermelo Door Centre CC (017) 819-1512 Glazier Star Contractors (Pty) Ltd (0861) STARGROUP Contractor
Fair Deal Wooden Windows Nelspruit (013) 752-4522 Glazier CAPCO (011) 822-8142 Supplier
Glasfit - Middelburg (013) 243-1496 Glazier Everite Building Products (011) 439-4400 Supplier
Glass Clinic Mpumalanga (013) 256-9038 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum (011) 389-4500 Supplier
Inso Aluminium Lowveld (013) 752-2889 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - East Rand (011) 826-1701 Supplier
Lowveld Aluminium & Glass CC (013) 752-8555 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - Johannesburg (011) 402-4747 Supplier
Master Glass 082 825 9421 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - Pretoria (012) 325-2408 Supplier
Mopanie Glass & Aluminium/East of Eden (013) 751-2464 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - Roodekop (011) 865-2390 Supplier
Nu-Mid Glassworks CC (013) 282-6078 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - Troyeville (011) 402-4747 Supplier
PG Glass - Groblersdal (013) 262-3822 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - Wynberg (011) 444-8020 Supplier
PG Glass - Middelburg (013) 282-7408 Glazier Masonite Africa Limited (011) 453-3260 Supplier
PG Glass - Nelspruit (013) 753-2710 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Call Centre (086) 027-2829 Supplier
PG Glass - Standerton (017) 712-1209 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - East Rand (011) 626-3355 Supplier
PG Glass - Witbank (013) 656-2011 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Head Office (011) 345-5565 Supplier
Sable Glass & Aluminium (013) 752-2255 Glazier Saint Gobain Gyproc - Krugersdorp (011) 953-1124 Supplier
Sebenzisanani Deure en Vensters 083 268 8063 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Pretoria (012) 653-5376 Supplier
Willie Basson 082 497 6488 Glazier WESTERN CAPE
National Glass Distribution (013) 758-1666 Manufacturer Hunter Douglas SA (021) 552-2100 Contractor
OTHER Lafarge Gypsum - Cape Town (021) 510-3670 Supplier
PG Glass - Francistown (00267) 241-6476 Glazier Masonite Africa Limited (021) 556-2250 Supplier
PG Glass - Namibia (00264) 61 287-5000 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Cape Town (021) 511-9328 Supplier
VASP Investments (Pty) Ltd (00267) 393-8452 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Kaymor (021) 957-5480 Supplier
AGI Glass - Namibia (00264) 6 121-4861 Distributor KWAZULU NATAL
GSA - Swazuland (00268) 518-7134 Distributor AGS Aluminium Glass Specialist (032) 551-4382 Contractor
GSA - Walvisbay (00264) 6 420-4102 Distributor Fast-Track Shopfitters (Pty) Ltd (031) 577-9632 Contractor
NORTH WEST Hampson Interiors (Pty) Ltd (031) 569-5024 Contractor
AGI Glass - Rustenburg (014) 592-0130 Distributor Hulafab - Durban 086 460 460 Contractor
AGI - Klerksdorp (018) 469-3331 Distributor Hulafab - Pietermaritzburg (033) 346-0460 Contractor
GSA - Rustenburg (014) 597-3813 Distributor Hunter Douglas SA (031) 263-1449 Contractor
Aluminium Corporation 082 305 6020 Glazier Shospec (Pty) Ltd (033) 386-0100 Contractor
Aluminium 4 You Windows & Doors 072 641 9424 Glazier CAPCO (031) 569-6090 Supplier
Bates Fraser Supplies (012) 719-9822 Glazier Ifuba Products (031) 533-6400 Supplier
Bosveld Glas & Buildings Bk (014) 763-2513 Glazier Masonite Africa Limited (031) 534-1700 Supplier
Dam Glas & Aluminium 083 242 0225 Glazier Pelican Systems - Head Office (031) 563-7307 Supplier
Fair Deal Wooden Windows: Bela Bela (014) 736-4137 Glazier Pelican Systems - Pietermaritzburg (033) 345-3701 Supplier
Glasfit - Bela-Bela (014) 736-5070 Glazier Pelican Systems - Zululand (033) 345-3701 Supplier
Glasfit - Brits (012) 252-7442 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Durban (031) 569-7200 Supplier
Glasfit Mafikeng (012) 252-7442 Glazier EASTERN CAPE
Inso Aluminium Klerksdorp (018) 469-3676 Glazier Adel Group (Pty) Ltd (041) 363-4396 Contractor
Inso Aluminium Rustenburg (014) 596-6662 Glazier Hunter Douglas SA (041) 373-3867 Contractor
J & R Aluminium and Glass (012) 252-2715 Glazier RV Smith cc (041) 453-2568 Contractor
J V M Aluminium & Glass (018) 293-3711 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum (041) 484-6308 Supplier
Kesan Glass & Aluminium (014) 554-8127 Glazier Masonite Africa Limited 083 251 6711 Supplier
PG Glass - Klerksdorp (018) 462-2179 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Port Elizabeth (031) 453-3367 Supplier
PG Glass - Mafikeng (018) 384-3290 Glazier FREESTATE
PG Glass - Potchefstroom (018) 293-0532 Glazier Hunter Douglas SA (051) 430-7799 Contractor
PG Glass - Wolmaransstad (018) 596-1025 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - Bloemfontein (051) 447-1024 Supplier
Vaal Glass (018) 788-5025 Glazier Saint-Gobain Gyproc - Bloemfontein (051) 434-1493 Supplier
GSA - Kimberley (053) 833-2634 Distributor Alucad Design CC (013) 752-4464 Contractor
GSA - Kuruman (053) 712-1195 Distributor R M Renovators & Aluminium (013) 755-4008 Contractor
Glasfit Hartswater (053) 474-2161 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum - Nelspruit (013) 752-2129 Supplier
Glasfit Kuruman (053) 712-2227 Glazier POLOKWANE
National Auto Glass Kimberley (053) 833-7376 Glazier Lafarge Gypsum (015) 293-2985 Supplier

64 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

Thermal Insulation Association of Southern Africa EPSASA - Expanded Polystyrene Association of Southern Africa
Fabco Trading (Pty) Ltd (012) 800-3606 Contractor Automa Multistyrene (011) 974-3524 Converter
Insul-Coustic Contracting (011) 314-3930 Contractor Isowall (012) 804-3564 Converter
KAEFER Thermal Contracting Services (011) 974-8123 Contractor Sagex - East Rand (011) 360-8333 Converter
SGB Cape (011) 842-4000 Contractor Sagex - West Rand (011) 762-5381 Converter
Stoltz Isotherm Installers (012) 663-4833 Contractor Technopol (SA) (011) 363-2780 Converter
Southey Contracting (011) 579-4600 Contractor ABP Buildling Products (011) 455-2519 Specialist
Vedder & Moffat (011) 835-2127 Contractor Automa Building Products (011) 450-2139 Supplier
Alucushion Thermal Insulations (Pty) Ltd (011) 462-9122 Distributor BASF (011) 254-2400 Supplier
D & D Roof Insulations (012) 800-3606 Distributor Courtney Products (011) 463-4801 Supplier
Datel Consulting t/a Datlink Insulation (0861) Datlink Distributor EASTERN CAPE
Global Innovative Building Systems (011) 903-7080 Distributor Sagex - East London (043) 745-0222 Converter
Insulation Convertors & Distributors (011) 824-6060 Distributor Sagex (041) 461-1508 Converter
Insulation Warehouse (Pty) Ltd (012) 804-5454 Distributor KWAZULU NATAL
Eco Climate Comfort (011) 793-2222 Installer Isolite Durban (031) 465-0305 Converter
Africa Thermal Insulations (Pty) Ltd (011) 462-9122 Manufacturer Sagex (031) 705-6273 Converter
Bhamuza Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd (011) 908-9040 Manufacturer Courtney Products (031) 561-3340 Supplier
Brits Nonwoven (Pty) Ltd - Isotherm (011) 979-1192 Manufacturer Kurtz Systems Africa (032) 538-1200 Supplier
Isofoam SA (012) 653-8204 Manufacturer WESTERN CAPE
Nampak L & C P (Call Centre 0860 527 725) (011) 249-5224 Manufacturer Automa Styromould Cape (021) 931-6181 Converter
Polybond (012) 804-5903 Manufacturer Isolite Cape Town (021) 951-6100 Converter
Sealed Air Africa (011) 923-4600 Manufacturer Isolite Montaque Gardens (021) 551-6350 Converter
Acer Projects (011) 622-2922 Specialist Sagex (021) 951-1167 Converter
Alf Peyper (011) 824-6060 Specialist Styromould (021) 931-6181 Converter
Sasol Technology (Pty) Ltd (011) 344-0159 Specialist OTHER
Fangriaan Energy Spectrum (011) 432-5757 Supplier Global Polymer Industries (Pty) Ltd (00264) 6 730-3191 Converter

Insulpro (011) 835-2127 Supplier
Nampak L & C P (011) 249-5497 Supplier
TMS Group Industrial Services (016) 986-2210 Supplier/Cont
AGI Manufacturing (011) 724-6000
KAEFER Thermal Contracting Services (031) 480-1881 Contractor
Everite Building Products (011) 439-4400
Alucushion Thermal Insulations (Pty) Ltd (031) 208-0240 Distributor
D & D Roof Insulations (039) 976-0065 Distributor
Glasfit (011) 607-3000
Datel Consulting t/a Datlink Insulation (0861) Datlink Distributor
Global Specialised Systems (Pty) Ltd (031) 468-1234 Distributor
Glass Corporation (011) 864-4170
Brits Nonwoven (Pty) Ltd - Isotherm (031) 713-2397 Manufacturer
Frame Industrials (Pty) Ltd (031) 710-7700 Manufacturer
Glass South Africa (GSA) (011) 392-4427
Nampak L & C P (Call Centre 0860 527 725) (031) 903-3657 Manufacturer
Spunchem International (Pty) Ltd (031) 538-8700 Manufacturer
Hulamin Building Systems (011) 626-3330
Thermguard (Pty) Ltd (033) 346-0111 Manufacturer
Isofoam SA (031) 700-3525 Supplier
Hightech Safety Glass SA (Pty) Ltd (031) 579-4580
Alucushion Thermal Insulations (Pty) Ltd (041) 484-4590 Distributor
Hunter Douglas (011) 793-3641
Alucushion Thermal Insulations (Pty) Ltd (041) 484-4590 Distributor
IC Insulation t/a Eco-Insulation (041) 581-0863 Installer
Lafarge Gypsum (011) 389-4500
Rhino Plastics (041) 451-3197 Supplier
Masonite Africa (011) 453-3260
Africa Thermal Insulations (Pty) Ltd (021) 951-5796 Distributor
Alucushion Thermal Insulations (Pty) Ltd (021) 556-8006 Distributor
McCoy's Glass Wholesalers (011) 864-1313
D & D Roof Insulations (021) 559-8006 Distributor
Datel Consulting t/a Datlink Insulation (0861) Datlink Distributor
National Glass Distribution (041) 364-0161
Brits Nonwoven (Pty) Ltd - Isotherm (021) 577-1490 Manufacturer
Isofoam SA (Pty) Ltd (021) 983-1140 Manufacturer
Pelican Systems (031) 563-7307
Nampak L & C P (Call Centre 0860 527 725) (021) 979-3520 Supplier
Rhino Plastics (021) 932-6601 Supplier
PFG Building Glass (011) 360-1204
Sustainable Fibre Solutions (Pty) Ltd (021) 700-2315 Supplier
PG Glass (011) 928-2500
Iseco (Pty) Ltd (013) 755-2400 Contractor
Nova Plant Services (IIG Group) (017) 631-3038 Contractor
Primador (012) 719-8881
Sasol Technology (Pty) Ltd (017) 619-2413 Specialist
Saint Gobain - Gyproc (011) 345-5565
Fabco Trading (Pty) Ltd (051) 432-6997 Contractor

TPMA - Thermal Panel Manufacturers Association Silicone & Technical Products (021) 534-9055

West Cape Safety Glass (021) 531-7429
Thermowall (011) 391-1501 Associate
CBI Engineering (012) 811-0711 Manf/Contractor
Wispeco (011) 389-0000
Club Refrigeration (IPM) (012) 541-0977 Manf/Contractor
Dalucon Refrigeration Products (012) 661-8480 Manf/Contractor
Insulated Structures (011) 462-2130 Manf/Contractor SAGI - South African Glass Institute
IPS Projects (087) 941-2395 Manf/Contractor K Bulcock [email protected]
Isobodies (012) 541-3035 Manf/Contractor C Johnston [email protected]
Isowall (012) 804-3564 Manf/Contractor T Kennelly [email protected]
Precool (012) 327-1291 Manf/Contractor J MacKenzie [email protected]
WESTERN CAPE M Pote [email protected]
Cool Maintenance (021-9451070 Manf/Contractor E Sievert [email protected]
EASTERN CAPE N Wright [email protected]
Cool Maintenance (041) 461-2766 Manf/Contractor
Precool 083 449 8380 Manf/Contractor Arup Façade Engineering [email protected]
Rapid Panel Structures CC (033) 394-5023 Manf/Contractor Ness Consulting [email protected]
Rudnev, A division of Southey Holdings (Pty) Ltd (031) 709-1888 Manufacturer Pure Consulting (Pty) Ltd [email protected]
POLOKWANE WSP Group - Mr A Hakin [email protected]
Shivers CC (015) 295-5659 Manf/Contractor WSP Group - Mr T Linder [email protected]

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 65

T = TESTED MANUFACTURER Vertical Horizontal Side Hung Top Hung Vertical Patio Curtain Special
X = Surpassed by higher test Sliders Sliders (Proj) (Proj.) Pivot Doors Wall Products
* Flush glazed products A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4

AGI Aluminium (011) 617-9100 T X T T X T X X T T T T X X T T T X X T X X T X T T
Aluglass Bautech* (011) 451-8400 X X T
Aluminio (Pty) Ltd (011) 955-5005 X T X T
Alumnispec (011) 615-0491 X X T
Aluminium SA (011) 262-2040 T T
Alu Pro Glass & Aluminium (011) 838-5555 X T
Alu Projects (012) 644-1369 X T X T X T X X X T
Alutech Aluminium (011) 805-7984 X T X T
AMA Aluminium (011) 786-2686 X X T X T
Burger Emoyeni Skylights (011) 792-7742 X X T T
Centurion Glass & Alum* (012) 666-8000 X X T X T X X T X X T
Da Costa Interiors (011) 827-0708 X X T
Diri Aluminium* (012) 666-9022 X T T T X T T X T T X T T T X T T T X T T X T T X T T
DST Glass Enterprises CC (011) 315-0598 T T
Edelweiss Glas & Aluminium* (012) 804-3795 X X X X T X T T X T X T X T X X X T X X X T X X X X T
Glass Rite (012) 804-9522 X T
Govenders Aluminium & Glass (011) 334-2621 X X X T X X X T
Grinaker-LTA Building Inland (011) 578-6200 X X T X X X T X X X T X X X T X X X T X X T T T X X X X T
G W Glass & Aluminium (011) 918-2927 X T X T
Hennops Glass & Aluminium (012) 653-3004 X T
Hunter Douglas (011) 793-3641 X X X T
Image Glass & Aluminium (011) 914-1363/5 X X T X X T X X T
Industria Glass & Aluminium t/a Tshwane Glass (012) 804-5044 X T X X X X T X T T X T X T X T X X T X T X X X X T
Insite (011) 794-7724 X X T X X T
Inso Aluminium - Pretoria (011) 316-4416 X T
L & D Enterprises* (011) 618-1512 X T X T
Lamda Projects CC 071 124 5966 X X T
Matsoge Glass Works (011) 935-5481 X T
Mushiane TZ Construction 079 304 8180 X T X T
Origin Aluminium (Johannesburg) (011) 827-3211 X T X X T X T X X X T X T X X X T X X X X T

Pan African Shopfitters (011) 825-1234 X X T X X T

Parker Doors (011) 622-0670 T T
Preplan* (011) 908-2765 X T X X T X T T X T T T T T T T X T
Primador (012) 719-8881 X X X T X X T T X T X T X X X T
Primador Gauteng Distribution Centre (012) 657-0221 X X X T X X T T X T X T X X X T
RCH Glass & Aluminium 082 789 8168 X T
RDA Aluminium Doors & Windows (011) 908-4281 T X T T
Rene Turck & Associates (011) 571-7400 X X T X T T X T X X X T
REV Aluminium Products (Pty) Ltd (086) 073-8477 X X X X T
Sell-Mar Installations (011) 835-1762 X X T X X X T X X X T
Ted Kaye Aluminium & Glass (011) 626-1528 T T
Trend Aluminium & Glass (011) 453-9503 X T

Trialco (Pty) Ltd (011) 615-5130 X T T X X T

World Of Windows (011) 613-2036 X X X T X T T T X T T T X T X T X T T X X X T T X X X T
Addo Glass & Aluminium (041) 457-3294 X T X T

AGI Aluminium (041) 487-0055 T X T T X T X X T T T T X X T T T X X T X X T X T T

All Aluminium (Alcon) (044) 874-4248 X T

Alu-Frames (041) 722-6697 X T T

Alugro George (044) 873-6547 X T X T

Aluko Aluminium Products CC (041) 365-0155 X T

Aluminium AllWays (041) 461-2745 X X T X X T X X T

Aluminium House (043) 721-3215 X T X T

Aluminium Innovations (041) 360-3638 X T

Aluminium Systems (041) 451-2130 X T T

Alu-Sash (041) 373-0831 X T T X X T X T T X T X T

Atlantic Glass and Aluminium (041) 407-1300 X T T T X T T T X X T X X T T

Bacalum Manufacturers (043) 722-6776 X T X X T X T T X X T X X X T X X X T

Brandon's t/a Mister Windows (043) 726-9907 X T X T

Coastal Multiglass (041) 484-2622 T T T

Copet CC t/a Multi Aluminium (043) 642-4335 X X T X X T X T

CWD Aluminium (044) 382-7846 X T X T

Duro Pressings (041) 486-1480 X T

Eagle door 086 117 7751 X T T X T X X T

Glasfit Port Elizabeth (041) 581-8122 X T

Note: To ensure quality end products Specifiers using this Matrix are encouraged to invite only tenderers who have relevant AAAMSA Test Performance Certificates for the required products

66 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

T = TESTED MANUFACTURER Vertical Horizontal Side Hung Top Hung Vertical Patio Curtain Special
X = Surpassed by higher test Sliders Sliders (Proj) (Proj.) Pivot Doors Wall Products
* Flush glazed products A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4


Glasfit Queenstown (045) 839-4134 X T

Glass & Aluminium Centre (044) 695-1142/3 X T X T X T

Glass Co (043) 722-8519 X T X T X X X T

Hunter Douglas (041) 373-3867 X T T

Ilingo CC (041) 922-6155 X T

Inso Aluminium - Port Alfred (046) 624-4262 X T

Inso Aluminium - Border (043) 743-0303 X T T X T T T X X X T X T T T X X X T

Jowil Aluminium Trust (044) 453-2733 X T T

Kraft Aluminium (043) 742-2604 X T X T X X T

Mattaniah Aluminium & Glass (042) 293-1335 X T X T

National Auto Glass (043) 643-4268 X T

National Glass Distribution (041) 364-0161 X T T X T

Origin Aluminium (Port Elizabeth) (Pty) Ltd (041) 451-1702 X T X X T X T X X X T X T X X X T X X X X T

Palmer Alum t/a Alutech (041) 451-5039 X T X X T T X T T X T X X T X X T

P G Glass - East London (043) 743-0303 X T X T

Primador (041) 585-7617 X X X T X X T T X T X T

Qualuminium (044) 695-2296 X X X T X X X T X X X T X X X T

Queen Glass t/a P G Glass (045) 838-3683 T X T

Richards & Barlow t/a Durowin (041) 486-2453 X X X T

Rodgers Aluminium (044) 533-3663 X T

R V Smith (0437) 43-3407 X T

A1 Aluminium & Glass (021) 851-0427 X T X X T

AGI Aluminium (021) 505-1660 T X T T X T X X T T T T X X T T T X X T X X T X T T

Aldiy (021) 709-0901 X X T X X T
Aluminium Build (021) 949-6520 X T
Aluminium Klik Frames (021) 871-1789 X T
Aluminium Window Industries (021) 556-2168 X X T
Alunite (Montague Gardens) (021) 555-3546 X T
Aluplan Architectural Aluminium (021) 701-2002 X X T X X T
Alusolutions (021) 982-7661 X X T
Anglo Window Services (021) 982-8477 X X T
Artistic Aluminium (021) 691-3080 X X T
Boland Aluminium t/a Alutech (021) 981-1550 X X T X X T X X T
CT Aluminium CC (021) 975-6541 X X T X X T
Dix Aluminium & Glass (021) 797-1111 X X T X X T X X T
DMG Aluminium (021) 704-0012 X X T X X X T
Excluminium (Pty) Ltd (021) 982-5931 X X T T
Eurostyle Windows & Doors (021) 552-8095 X X T
G & E Glass & Aluminium (021) 903-5173 X X T T
G W Glass & Aluminium (021) 905-0349 X T
Geustyn & Horak Aluminium (021) 905-2460 X T X X T X T X T X X T T X X T
Hunter Douglas (021) 552-2100 X T T

Inso Aluminium Western Cape (021) 982-8898 X X T X X T X X T

Limelight Fenestration (Pty) Ltd (021) 933-5559 X X T T

Matthews Aluminium (021) 905-4792 X T X T X T

Mazor Aluminium (021) 556-1555 X X X T X X T

MG Innovations (021) 905-7160 X X T X X T

Multi Homes Aluminium (021) 981-9273 X T X T X T

Origin Aluminium (Cape Town) (021) 556-6664 X T X X T X T X X X T X T X X X T X X X X T

Primador (021) 931-4077 X X X T X X T T X T X T X X X T

Prime Glass & Aluminium (021) 931-1141 X X T

Sage Aluminium (021) 692-2604 X X T X X X T

Salient Aluminium Systems (Pty) Ltd (021) 905-1287 T T X T X X T

Status Aluminium (021) 854-4563 X T X X T X X T X X T

Skillfull 180 (021) 905-2170 X X T T X X T T X T T T X T T T X X T T X X X T

Sterling Waterford Developments (021) 555-1105 X X X T

Trendsetters Glass & Aluminium (021) 691-1918 X X X T

Winlite Aluminium Windows & Doors (021) 386-6707 X T X T X X X T X T T T X X X T

Wintong Aluminium SA 082 748 5956 X X X T X X T

World Of Windows (021) 551-3235 X X X T X T T T X T T T X T X T X T T X X X T T X X X T

Alutech (Namibia) CC (00264) 61-374580 X T

Alutech Holdings t/a Surelite Aluminium (00267) 316-7883 X T

Fortune Aluminium CC (00264)61 245080 X T X T

R Allers Alum - Namibia (0064) 61-261455 X X X T X X X T X X X T X X X T

Note: To ensure quality end products Specifiers using this Matrix are encouraged to invite only tenderers who have relevant AAAMSA Test Performance Certificates for the required products

Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010 67

T = TESTED MANUFACTURER Vertical Horizontal Side Hung Top Hung Vertical Patio Curtain Special
X = Surpassed by higher test Sliders Sliders (Proj) (Proj.) Pivot Doors Wall Products
* Flush glazed products A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4

Advance Glass Works (Pty) Ltd (031) 465-8861 X X T X X T

AGI Aluminium (031) 571-9000 T X T T X T X X T T T T X X T T T X X T X X T X T T

Alumaster CC (031) 562-1074 X T

Aluminium Boyz CC 083 362 4391 X T X T

Aluminium Dynamics (031) 563-2278 X X X T X X X T

Aluminium Fabricators (031) 705-1847 X T X T

Aluminium Glass Maintenance (035) 789-3611 X X T X X T

Aluminium & Glass Specialist CC (032) 551-4382 X X T X X T X X T

Alusolutions Glass & Aluminium (031) 401-2324 X T X T X T

Alustar (031) 579-3785 X X T T X X T T

City Glass & Aluminium (031) 579-4580 X X T X T X T X X X X T X X X X T

Clear Cut Glass & Aluminium CC 082 576 4706 X X T X X T

Coastal Glass & Aluminium (032) 946-2722 T T

Coastline Aluminium & Glass CC (032) 947-1103 X T X T

Durban Aluminium Windows (031) 563-9601 X X T X T X T T

Exotic Glass t/a Aluminium & Glass Centre (031) 569-2732 X X X T X X X T

Façade Solutions (031) 569-5024 X T T X T T T X X X X T

Freedom Glass & Aluminium (031) 500-4417 X X T

Glasfit Stanger (031) 551-1574 T T

Glass & Aluminium Craft (031) 914-4635 X T X T

Hampson Interiors (031) 569-5024 X T T X T T T X X X X T

Hibiscus Aluminium t/a Alutech Aluminium (039) 682-3398 X X T X X T

Hilro (0333) 45-4527 X X T

Hitech Glass (031) 579-4580 X X T X T X T X X X X T X X X X T

Howick Mirror and Glass / Pegma 77 (033) 330-6380 X X T

Hunter Douglas (031) 263-1449 X T T

Inso Aluminium - KZN (031) 702-2066 X X X T X T X T X X X X T

International Glass & Aluminium (031) 700-3347 X X T T X X T X X X X T
J N Glass & Aluminium (032) 552-5542 X X X T X X X X T
K S R Glass & Aluminium 083 777 8164 X T X T X T

Kwikfit Glass & Aluminium (033) 394-3846 X X T X X T

Louren Aluminium (031) 902-7747 X T

Magnum Profile Industries (031) 401-4531 X T X T

Millenium Aluminium & Glass (031) 577-6956 X X X T X X X T

Mobile Glass (033) 345-3782 X X T X X T

Natal Shopfitters (031) 702-3521 X T

Origin Aluminium (Durban) (031) 569-6071 X T X X T X T X X X T X T X X X T X X X X T

Phasiwe Aluminium & Glass (032) 944-1678 X X T X X T

Primador (031) 705-6940 X X X T X X T T X T X T X X X T

Pro Aluminium & Glass 911 (031) 701-2001 X X T X X T

Richards & Barlow (031) 902-2323 X T T T X T T X X X T

Seawood Home Centre (032) 947-0121 X X T

Sue Mel Glass & Aluminium (039) 974-2985 X X X X T X X X X T

Sunsai Aluminium & Glass (032) 533-1861 X X T

Terry's Win-Door Centre (031) 468-5181 X T X T X T

Top Marks Aluminium Windows & Doors 082 771 1695 X T X T

T P Glass & Aluminium (031) 463-1674 X X T X X T

TSI Glass & Aluminium CC (031) 577-5777 X X T X X T

Wandsbeck Glass & Aluminium (031) 709-1161 X T X T

World Of Windows (031) 579-3442 X X X T X T T T X T T T X T X T X T T X X X T T X X X T

Geustyn & Horak Aluminium* (051) 432-5104 X T X X T X T X T X X T T X X T
Hunter Douglas (051) 430-7799 X X X T
Origin Aluminium (Bloemfontein) (051) 432-9107 X T X X T X T X X X T X T X X X T X X X X T

Aluzone Aluminium CC (012) 250-2460 T T
Quality Glass & Aluminium (015) 293-2679 X T X T

SAA Glass & Aluminium (015) 297-1371 T

Glasfit Phalaborwa (015) 781-1063 T
Alucad Design CC (013) 752-4464 T T
Alusmart Glass & Aluminium (013) 752-5999 X T X T

Mpumalanga Aluglass (013) 752-7985 X T X T X T

R M Renovators & Aluminium (013) 755-4008 T

Note: To ensure quality end products Specifiers using this Matrix are encouraged to invite only tenderers who have relevant AAAMSA Test Performance Certificates for the required products

68 Architect & Specificator Jul/Aug 2010

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