What Is The Sound Produced by A ?
What Is The Sound Produced by A ?
What Is The Sound Produced by A ?
English 2
a. kleng-kleng c. wheeeng-wheeeng
b. meeeooow-meoow d. tweeet-tweeet
8. Which of the following is the medial vowel sound of met, get, set?
a. /i/ b. /e/ c. /a/ d. /o/
13. What are the letters found in Filipino alphabet that are not present in the English alphabet?
a. n and m b. ñ and ng c. g and h d. x and y
Arnold owns a small farm. He plants vegetables on the farm. He visits the
farm everyday too take care of his plants. As he walks, he saws that there are many insects that are
eating his plants. Gary helps Arnold spray the plants to kill the insects. After a few days, there are
III. Name each picture. Write the letter that begins their name.
( glass , glasses )
( tomato, tomatoes)
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