Score: Preliminary Examination 1 Semester SY 2021-2022 English Enhancement (ENG100)
Score: Preliminary Examination 1 Semester SY 2021-2022 English Enhancement (ENG100)
Score: Preliminary Examination 1 Semester SY 2021-2022 English Enhancement (ENG100)
2. Write 400-word reflection paper about the article. Demonstrate your skills in extracting meaning and the use of
basic grammatical structures. Be guided by the rubric. (40 points) Format: Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spacing, letter
Reflection Paper
3. Access the topics which are related to your course in the OPAC and retrieve the author/s, title, and call number. The first one is done for
you. (10 points) MSEUF OPACE:
Topic Author Title Call No.
4. Government Santos, Enoe Eco Velasco Government Accounting and 657.835 S59
5. Police Cordner, Gary W. Police Administration 363.2068 C812 2019
4. Save your file as Section Code, Last Name First Name Initials, ENG100PRELIM
Example: B412, DrizDP, ENG100PRELIM
Level of
Sentence, Structure, (8-10 points) (6-7 points) (3-5 points) (0-2 points)
Grammar, Mechanics All sentences are well Most sentences are well Most sentences are Sentences sound
and Spelling constructed and have varied constructed and have varied well awkward, are
structure and length. The author structure and length. constructed, but they distractingly
makes very few The author have a
errors in grammar, mechanics, makes a few errors in grammar, similar structure and/or repetitive, or are
and/or spelling. mechanic, and/or spelling, but length. difficult to
these mistakes do not interfere The author makes understand. The
with understanding. several errors in author
grammar, mechanics, makes numerous
and/or spelling that errors
interfere with in grammar,
understanding. mechanics,
and/or spelling
that interfere with