Simplified Hourly Interview Guide v10 PDF
Simplified Hourly Interview Guide v10 PDF
Simplified Hourly Interview Guide v10 PDF
“Hi! My name is _________, I am the manager of this store. P Share with me a time when you didn’t get along with your
Please have a seat. Thank you for coming for the interview! coworkers. Why didn’t you get along?
May I offer you something to drink?”
R How did you resolve the issue?
“I will be asking you some questions and please be as specific
as possible. Also, I will be taking notes.”
O What was the outcome?
Is the availability on your application is correct? O How did it affect your life?
Say: Thank you for answering all my questions! Do you have Personal Presentation Acceptable Not Acceptable
any questions for me? Interest Level Yes No
Open to Learning Yes No
Talk Straight – Say: Panda has very high standards and this Communication Skills Yes No
can be challenging. We care about our people. I want you to Listening Skills Yes No
be happy with your choice and know that this is the best ………………………………………………………………….…….
place for you. Overall Decision to Hire Yes No
Inspire – Say: Our Mission is “Deliver exceptional Asian
Reference Check
dining experiences by building an organization where people
Company Name:
are inspired to better their lives.”
Employment Start / End Date:
• I really enjoy working at Panda because …
Candidate’s Job Title:
• What inspires me in Panda is …
Reason for Leaving:
Eligible for re-hire? Why?
Close – Say: Thank you for coming today, if you are selected
Other comment:
for the next step, you will hear from us within ….…… days.
Also, Panda participates in E-
E-Verify, which means we verify
social security numbers and work authorization of all new
Updated 05/25/10
User’s Manual - Hourly Associate Interview Guide
1. Prepare for the interview
• Review the candidate’s resume & application. Notice blanks, gaps & patterns in work experience, and any issues you have questions.
• Do NOT write anything or mark on the application, use a separate paper or sticky notes if needed.
• Review the Interview Guide and modify P-R-O questions as needed based upon the candidate’s experience.