Inglês: 3º Ano - Ensino Médio

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3º Ano – Ensino Médio


Capítulo I To do como auxiliar e textos.

Capítulo II Tempos verbais: Presente simples, Passado simples, Passado contínuo e
Capitulo III Preposições, números, artigos, verbos auxiliares e textos.
Capítulo IV Futuro simples.
Capítulo V Presente e Passado simples, comparativos, superlativos, verbo auxiliar To
do e textos.

Obs.: A cada termino de capítulo, resolver os exercícios propostos no caderno de



To do (como auxiliar)
O verbo to do é um verbo que funciona como auxiliar nas interrogativas e negativas do presente simples.
a) I work. / Eu trabalho.
I don’t work. / Eu não trabalho.
Do I work? / Eu trabalho?

b) I study French.
Do you study French?
I don’t study French.

Para a 3ª pessoa do singular, usa – se DOES e não DO.

Veja: He lives here.
Does he live he?
He doesn’t live here.
I do
You do
She does
You do

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

Anita usually gets up at 7:15 every morning. She takes a shower and gets dressed. She has breakfast at
about 7:35. She leaves home at the same time her father does – tem past eight. Her father drives to work, but Anita
catches the bus.
Anita walks to the bus stop. It takes her Five minutes. She waits for the bus. The buses come often – about
every ten minutes. Anita rides the bus for twenty minutes or so. When she gets off, she often walks in the park for a
quarter of an hour. Then it’s time to go to work. Anita works in a store.
Shower – banho. To wait – esperar.
Dressed – vestida. To get off – sair.
To catch – pegar. Store – loja.

Irregular Verbs (Verbos Irregulares)

Como vimos nas anteriores, verbos regulares recebem ED quando conjugados no passado. Agora
conheceremos os verbos irregulares que precisam ser memorizados.

Present Passado
To leave left
To put put
To drive drove
To eat ate
To drink drank
To see saw
To speak spoke
To read read
To cut cut
To write wrote
To think thought
To do did
To make made
To begin began
To break broke
To meet met
To play paid
To hurt hurt
To catch caught

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

Our Blue Planet
The Earth, the blue planet on which we live, is very special. It is the only planet in the solar system with a
temperature that permits water to exist. In all three forms – liquid, solid and gas; it alone has rain, Rivers and
oceans. In fact we should say ocean, because what geographers define as the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Artic and
Atlantic oceans constitute one body of water form which the continents emerge like islands.
This vast volume of liquid was the source of life on Earth and has been essential to its existence. It is an
immense source of food and potential source of important minerals and energy.

Which – o qual Body of water – massa de água
With – com Source – fonte
Alone – só Emerge like islands – emergem como ilhas
In fact – de fato The source of life – fonte da vida

Simple Past (Passado Simples)

Usamos Simple Past para falar de eventos passados de muitos tipos: ações terminadas, eventos repetidos,
Exemplo: Peter broke a window last night.
I spent all my Money at the store.
July slept only three hours.
Lembre – se: que no passado simples, o verbo é igual para todas as pessoas inclusive a 3ª do singular.

Past Continuous (Passado Contínuo)

Usamos Past Continuous para falar de eventos progressivos passados.
Exemplo: I was sleeping when you called me up. / Eu estava dormindo quando você me telefonou.
We were working. / Nós estávamos trabalhando.
Mary and July were eating.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

My name’s Julien Le Grand. Life in Australia is tough. The hours are long. It’s hot and there are flies
everywhere. The farm is very remote. It’s a bit lonely sometimes.
I’m doing a lot of horse – riding and in my spare time I’m learning to fly an air craft.
We go shopping by aero plane because Queensland is so big. It’s a hard life but it’s fun.

Aircraft – aeronave Lonely – solitário
Tough – difícil, árduo (a). Spare time – tempo livre
Flies – moscas

ATENÇÃO: Agora coloque em prática os seus conhecimentos. Siga para seu caderno de
atividades e responda os exercícios referentes ao Capítulo I – To do como auxiliar e textos.



Simple Present (Presente Simples)

Uso: Este tempo verbal expressa, ações habituais, verdades universais.
Ex: I always get on the bus at Park Avenue. (Ação habitual)
A week has seven days. (Verdade universal)
As expressões often, usually, sometimes, always, never, occasionally, on Mondays, twice a year, every
week, etc. frequentemente sugerem o uso do presente simples.
He usually goes to school with Mary.
I have French classes twice a week.
I sometimes go to restaurants.
My mother travels to Europe once a year.

Simple Past (Passado Simples)

Uso: Este tempo verbal expressa, ações passadas, encerradas.
Ex: Paul studied Portuguese in Portugal. (Ação passada)
Yesterday, I worked until 9 o’clock. (Ação encerrada)

As expressões yesterday, last year, in 1983, five years ago, the day before yesterday, etc, frequentemente
sugerem o uso do passado simples.
I went to University last year.
Julia traveled the day before yesterday.
Ayrton Senna died in 1994.
He left yesterday.

Past Continuous (Passado Contínuo)

Uso: Este tempo verbal expressa, ações passadas no momento em que ocorriam.
Ex: I was studying when the phone rang. / Eu estava estudando quando o telefone tocou.
Form: O passado contínuo é formado pelo passado do verbo to be + verbo + ing.
He was sleeping.
↓ ↓ ↓
Pronouns past of “be” verb
Ex: They were working.
The children were watching TV.
The woman was singing a beautiful song.
Peter was fixing a lamp.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

“My music class is really interesting. We are five students in the class. Our teachers are Mr. Hamilton and
Mrs. Dale. They are very nice people! We play the piano, sing and even dance during the class. Yesterday was a
special class. We started playing “Happy Day” on the piano. Suddenly, a girl of the group started singing. When I
realized, we were all singing very loud! We sang for about 10 minutes. When we stopped, we were smiling and
kissing each other! That was really nice class!”
To wake up – acordar
To clean – limpar
To sing – cantar
Suddenly – repentinamente
To realize – perceber, se dar conta de
To smile – sorrir
To Kiss - beijar

Nouns, Adjetive, Verb to be, Verb to have

Leo had a beautiful house.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Verb Article Adjective Noun

Nouns (Substantivos)
O inglês admite três gêneros: masculino, feminino e neutro, podendo ser plural ou singular.
Exemplos: Neutro: house – houses
Feminino: woman – women
Masculino: man - men

Adjctives (Adjetivos)
Adjetivo é uma palavra que dá uma determinada qualidade ao substantivo.
A beautiful house. / Uma bela casa.
↓ ↓
Adjetivo substantivo
An exciting story.
↓ ↓
Adj. Noun
A happy end.
↓ ↓
Adj. Noun
Note: Repare que o adjetivo costuma preceder o substantivo.

Verb to be (ser/estar)
Simple Present

I am Am i? I´m not (am not)

You are Are you? You ´re not (aren´t)
He Is he? He
She is Is she? She (is not) isn´t
It Is it? It
We Are we? We
You (plural) are Are you? You (plural) aren´t (are not)
They Are they? They

Simple Past

I was was i? I wasn´t (was not)

You were were you? You weren´t (were not)
He he? He
She was was she? She (was not) wasn´t
It it? It
We we? We
You (plural) were were you? You (plural) weren´t (were not)
They they? They

Verb to have (ter/possuir)

Simple Present

I have Do I have? I don´t have

You have Do you have? You don´t have
He he He

She has Does she have? She doesn´t have
It it It
We we We
You (plural) have Do you have? You don´t have
They they They

Simple Past

You you You
He he He
She had Did she have? She didn´t have
It it It
We we We
You you You
They they They

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

Melissa Smith was a very elegant lady. She was married to Jacob Smith, a very famous plastic urgeon.
They had two kids: Melina and Tim.
They were happy and rich. Melissa wore only expensive clothes and shoes. Jacob had a beautiful boat and a
sports car. Their children had the Best toys of the world. They traveled to many countries like Japan, Switzerland
and France.

ATENÇÃO: Agora coloque em prática os seus conhecimentos. Siga para seu caderno de
atividades e responda os exercícios referentes ao Capítulo II – Tempos verbais: Presente simples, Passado
simples, Passado contínuo e textos.


Prepositions (Preposições)
At – para indicar nome e número de rua.
Ex: At 300, Irving Street. (- para indicar horas).
Ex: See you at 7 o’clock! / Te vejo ás 7!
By – para indicar meios de transporte.
Ex: I go to school by car. / Eu vou para escola de carro.
Between – entre (duas coisas)
Ex: My daughter is the girl between the teacher and the director of the school. / Minha filha é a garota
entre a professora e o diretor da escola.
Behind – atrás
Ex: The calendar is behind the door. / O calendário está atrás da porta.
In – dentro
Ex: The keys are in the car. / As chaves estão dentro do carro.
In - também é usado para indicar cidades, lugares, países, etc.
Ex: He lives in Washington.
In front of – em frente de
Ex: The car is in front of bakery. / O carro está em frente da padaria.
On – sobre, em cima
Ex: Your coat is on the bed. / O seu casaco está em cima da cama.
Under – sob, embaixo
Ex: The dog is under the chair. / O cachorro está embaixo da cadeira.

Numbers (Números)
Existem duas classificações: cardinais e ordinais.
Os numerais cardinais são os números naturais.
Exemplo: 17 – seventeen;
6 – six;
1 – one;
200 – two hundred, etc.
Os numerais ordinais são os números ordenados.

Note que há mudanças nos números terminados em 1, 2, 3.


Articles (Artigos)
Em inglês os artigos podem ser definidos ou indefinidos.
The: é o artigo definido, usado tanto na forma plural como na singular, masculino, feminino ou neutro.
Veja os exemplos:
The woman is angry. / A mulher está brava.
The dog is sleeping . / O cachorro está dormindo.
The clothes are wet. / as roupas estão molhadas.
A / an: são os artigos indefinidos que podem ser usados nas formas masculina, feminina e neutra.
Veja os exemplos:
There is a bee in your hair. / Há uma abelha nos seus cabelos.
I saw an elephant. / Eu vi um elefante.
Note que an é usado quando vem seguido por palavra que se inicia com som de vogal: an Apple, an
elephant, etc.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

Patrícia Ribeiro is a recepcionist. She works at a very large company in São Paulo. She doesn’t like her job.
She wants to be a top model. She wants to be rich and famous. She has a boyfriend, Paul.

They work at the same company. Paul is American, and Patricia is Brasilian. Paul doesn’t speak Portuguese
but Patricia speaks English very well.
Large – grande, largo (a)
Top model – modelo famosa
To speak – falar
Wardrobe – guarda – roupas
To read – ler
To rain – chover

Auxiliary Verbs, Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs

Auxiliar Verbs (Verbos Auxiliares)
Com exceção do verbo to be e dos modais, todos os verbos necessitam de um verbo auxiliar para formar
frases interrogativas e negativas.
Observe os exemplos:
Affirmative: I study German.
Question: Do you study German?
Negative: I don’t study German.
Os verbos auxiliares são: do, will, did e have. Vejamos suas características:
Auxiliares de presente, ou seja, devem ser usados em situações que expressem presente.
Ex: Marina works in a hospital.
Does Marina, work in a hospital?
Marina doesn’t work in a hospital.
Do é usado com os pronomes: I, you, we, they.
Does é usado com a 3ª pessoa do singular, ou seja: he, she ou it.
Aff: We like to travel on the weekends.
Int: Do we like to travel on the weekends?
Neg: We don’t like to travel on the weekends.
Note: Don’t = Do not
Doesn’t = Does not

Auxiliar de futuro, ou seja, é usado em situações que expressão tempo futuro.
Ex: We will stay in a hotel.
Will we stay in a hotel?
We won’t stay in a hotel.
A forma will é a mesma para todas as pessoas, inclusive a 3ª.
Will Daphny come to São Paulo?
Daphny won’t come to São Paulo.
Note: Won’t = Will not


Auxiliar de passado, ou seja, é usado em situações que expressem tempo passado.
Ex: We bought a new house.

Pasto f “Buy”
Did you buy a new house?
We didn’t buy a new house.
Observe que ao utilizarmos did, o verbo que antes estava no passado volta a forma presente. Veja:
I left at 8 o’clock.

Past of “leave”

Did you leave at 8 o’clock?

I didn’t leave at 8 o’clock.


I didn’t left... (errado)
Auxiliar usado para formar o “Present Perfect” (presente perfeito), que é uma estrutura verbal que expressa
situações iniciadas no passado, mas que ainda tem efeito no presente, ainda não acabou.
I have been sick. / Eu tenho estado doente.
Esta frase indica que eu fiquei doente no passado e que ainda não me recuperei, ou seja, é uma situação que
se estende até o presente.

O Present Perfect é formado pelo auxiliar have / has +

particípio passado do verbo a ser usado.

I have worked hard. / Eu tenho trabalhado

↓ ↓
Auxiliary past participle of “work”
Doutor Andrews tem estado muito ocupado.
Doctor Andrews has been very busy.
↓ ↓
Auxiliary past participle of be
Lembre – se: Has é usado apenas com a 3ª pessoa do singular (he, she, and it).
Aff: I have caught a bot recently.
Int: Have you caught a bot recently?
Neg: I haven’t caught a bot recently.
Note: Haven’t = have not
Hasn’t = has not

Regular Verbs (Verbos Regulares)

São os verbos que recebem a partícula ED quando conjugados no passado e no particípio. Exemplo:
Present Past Participe
work worked worked
learn learned learned
travel traveled traveled

Irregular Verbs (Verbos Irregulares)

São os verbos que tem forma irregular quando conjugados no passado e no particípio. Exemplo:
Present Past Past Tradução
Drink drank drunk Beber
Leave left left Deixar
Buy bought bought Comprar
See saw seen Ver
Think thought thought Pensar
Pay paid paid Pagar
Cut cut cut Cortar
Put put put Pôr
Eat ate eaten Comer
catch caught caught Pegar/tomar

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

“Oswald is in England now. He has been there for two years. He is studying English there. He is an
English teacher in France. He has already visited many beautiful places in England. He lives in a large house in
He will visit different places next month. He will stay in Oxford for more than 3 years. He is thinking about
living in England for ever.”

Revision: Simple Present, Simple Past

Simple Present (Presente Simples)
Vamos relembrar o Presente Simples com os seguintes exemplos:
John has there sisters.
We work from Monday to Saturday.
They travel to Hawaii once a year.

Simple Past (Passado Simples)

Judy and Robert bought a car last month.
I went to New York last vacation.
The program finished at 10 o’clock.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)
Elizabeth and Carl Duprat got married in 1991. Since then, they have lived a hard but exciting life. They
don’t have much Money, so they have to be very careful with their Money. Liz works in a bank. She’s an
accountant. She works from 9 to 4:30 pm, goes to university in the evenings. She’s studying Management and
Business. Carl works in a bookstore. He’s the manager. The bookstore is very small, so he doesn’t have a very
good salary. He’s saving Money because he wants to have his own business. He wants to have a restaurant because
he cooks very well. He’s tired of selling books. Elizabeth also wants to change job. Since the twins were born, she
has thought about having a part – time job. It’s really difficult to be a housewife, an accountant and a good mother
at the same time!
Bookstore – livraria To be tired of – estar cansado de algo
To save – poupar, salvar To be born – nascer
Management – gerenciamento Own – próprio
To sell – vender Housewife – dona de casa
Twins – gêmeos To change – mudar
To make - fazer

Plural Nouns (Plural dos Substantivos)

Relembremos o plural dos substantivos e a sua formação.
a) A maioria dos substantivos recebem S quando plural:
Ex: books, tables, chairs, pens, desks.
b) Os substantivos terminados em CH, S, SH, SS, X, Z, formam o plural juntando ES.
Ex: glasses, brushes, boxes, addresses.
c) Os terminados em O precedido de consoante formam o plural juntando ES.
Ex: mangoes, heroes, potatoes.
d) Os terminados em Y precedidos de consoantes perdem o Y e recebem IES.
Ex: stories (story), ladies (lady)
e) Os terminados em F e FE trocam o F ou Fe por VES:
Ex: loaves (loaf), knives (knife)
f) Os substantivos abaixo têm plural irregular:

Plural Singular
man men
woman women
foot feet
tooth teeth

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

People in the United States often shop from catalogs. There are special catalogs for almost every need –
including clothing furniture, health and beauty products and things for the kitchen. People also order about 40% of
their music from music club catalogs.
Customers say that music stores are too noisy.
To park – estacionar Dirty – sujo (a)

Health – saúde Almost – quase

Beauty – beleza Store – loja
Noisy – barulhento (a) Need – necessidade
Furniture – mobília Including – incluindo

ATENÇÃO: Agora coloque em prática os seus conhecimentos. Siga para seu caderno de
atividades e responda os exercícios referentes ao Capítulo III – Preposições, números, artigos, verbos auxiliares
e textos.


Simples Future (Futuro Simples)

Como já vimos nas aulas anteriores, para formarmos o futuro simples de um verbo nós necessitamos do
auxiliar de futuro Will. Observe:
I play basketball. (simple present)
I will play basketball. (simples future)
Ingrid will travel tomorrow.
We will buy a new car in the end of the year.
Note: I will = I’ll
He will = He’ll
We Will = we’ll
Para formar a interrogativa do futuro simples basta trocar a ordem do pronome ou nome com will.
Aff: Lucy will visit her relatives.
Int: Will Lucy visit her relatives?
Para formar a negativa, acrescenta – se not.
Aff: The weather will change next weekend.
Int: Will the weather change next weekend?
Neg: The weather will not (won’t) change next weekend.
Veja mais exemplos de Future Simple.
Aff: Our family will be very rich.
Int: Will our family be very rich?
Neg: Our family won’t be very rich.
Aff: Lisa will work in the Holiday.
Int: Will Lisa work in the Holiday?
Neg: Lisa won’t work in the Holiday.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)
Bonnie Raitt is an American Singer, song writer and guitarist. Her music blends rock with country and the
blues. The blues is a kind of folk music that is often sad. It is usually about love and the problems of life. Bonnie
Raitt’s strong voice is perfect for singing country and the blues.
Strong – forte Voice – voz
To blind – misturar Country music – música regional, caipira.
Song writer- compositor (a) Sad – triste
Singer – cantor (a) Employees – funcionários

Future Continuous (Futuro Contínuo)

Antes de conhecermos o futuro contínuo, vamos relembrar o presente contínuo?
I am studying. / Eu estou estudando.
He’s working. / Ele está trabalhando.
Lembre – se que a terminação ING em verbos corresponde às terminações ANDO, ENDO, INDO da
Língua Portuguesa.
O Futuro Contínuo é formado da seguinte maneira:
I will be studying.
↓ ↓
Future simple of “be” + verb + ing.
Veja mais exemplos:
John will be working.
My boss will be waiting for me at 8 o’clock.
The girls will be cleaning the house when you arrive.
Interrogative form
Will John be working?
Will your boss be waiting for you at 8 o’clock?
Will the girls be cleaning the house?

Negative form
John won’t be working.
My boss won’t be waiting for me.
The girls won’t be cleaning the house.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

Why I Became an Astronaut
I have always been interested in astronomy. When I was growing up in New York City, I used to go to the
planetarium and learn all I could about stars and planets. I dreamed that I might travel to space one Day, but that
was the 1950’s and satellites hadn’t been launched into space, much less people.
I went to high school and college. I studied a lot of Mathematics and Physics and at the age of 25 I got a
job at NASA. My job was to study radiation from heavenly bodies. It was really exciting. We were studying
radiation human beings had never before and we made a lot f exciting new discoveries.

At the age of 33 I became an astronaut.
Rute Siqueira in Magic Reading. Book four
Growing p – crescendo
Launched – lançado
Physics – física
Heavenly bodies – corpos celestes
College – faculdade
Human beings – pessoas
NASA – sigla da National Aeronautics and Space Administration

ATENÇÃO: Agora coloque em prática os seus conhecimentos. Siga para seu caderno de
atividades e responda os exercícios referentes ao Capítulo IV – Futuro simples e textos.



Comparatives, Superlatives (Comparativos e Superlativos).

Comparatives (Comparativos)

Comparação dos adjetivos

Observe: Rio de Janeiro é menor que São Paulo.
Rio de Janeiro is smaller (pequeno) than São Paulo.
a) Quando temos um adjetivo de até duas sílabas, como SMALL (pequeno), adicionamos a partícula
ER e a palavra THAN (que) para fazermos a comparação de superioridade.
A Honda is faster than a kawasaki. / Uma Honda é mais rápida que uma Kawasaki.
Julia Roberts is taller than Mariah Carey. / Julia Roberts é mais alta que Mariah Carie.

b) Quando temos um adjetivo de mais de duas sílabas, como charming, intelligent, espensive
acrescentamos MORE antes do adjetivo THAN depois do adjetivo.
Geroge Clooney is more charming than Brad Pitt. / Geroge Clooney é mais charmoso que Brad Pitt.
My sister is more intelligent than me. / Minha irmã é mais inteligente que eu.

c) Para formar o comparativo de inferioridade, usa – se a locução less – than.

This coat is less expensive than the other. / Este casaco é menos caro que o outro.
Pamela is less irritating than her sister. / Pamela é menos irritante que sua irmã.

d) Para formar o comparativo de igualdade, usa – se as (adjetivo) as.

A cake is as delicious as a pie. / Um bolo é tão delicioso quanto uma torta.
Chemistry is as difficult as math. / Química é tão difícil quanto matemática.

e) Existem também formas irregulares. São elas:
Good – better than
Far – further than
Bad – worse than

Superlatives (Superlativos)
a) Para formar o superlativo de adjetivos certos, como nice, adjunta – se a partícula EST. Veja:
O lugar mais legal. / The nicest place.
A lição mais fácil. / The easiest lesson.
O garoto mais alto. / The tallest boy.

b) Para formar o superlativo de adjetivos com mais de duas sílabas, colocamos a locução the most
antes do adjetivo. Veja:
Alice é a garota mais bonita da escola.
Alice is the most beautiful (adjective) girl of school.
Daslu is the most expensive (adjective) store o São Paulo.
“Se houver amanhã” é o livro mais excitante que eu li.
“If tomorrow comes” is the most exciting (adjective) book I’ve read.
Note que o artigo the é obrigatório antes da palavra most.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

Home Remedies
When people have a cold, a fever or the flu, they usually go to the doctor for help or they get some
medicine from the drugstore. But many people also use home remedies for common illnesses.
Lots of people drink hot chicken soup when they have a cold. They find it clears the head and the nose.
Some people rub oil on the chest for a cold. Other people drink a mixture of red pepper, hot water, sugar, lemon
juice, and milk or vinegar. Here are some simple home remedies.
Insomnia: drinks a large glass of warn Milk.
Indigestion: drink some water with a teaspoon of baking soda in it.
Coughs: drink warm liquids or take some honey.
Burns: put the burn under cold water or put a cold handkerchief on it. But don’t put ice on the burn.
Cold – resfriado Home remedies – remédios caseiros
Flu – gripe Burns – queimaduras; queimados
Fever – febre Handkerchief – lenço
Illnesses – enfermidade, doenças Honey – mel
Rub – esfrega, massageia Coughs – tosse
Juice – suco Warm - morno

Present and Past Simple, Comparatives, Superlatives, Auxiliar Verb: to do
Present and Past Simple (Presente e Passado Simples)

Present Past
I travel traveled
You travel traveled
He traveled
She travels traveled
It traveled
We traveled
You travel traveled
They traveled

Comparatives (Comparativos)
Para formar o comparativo de superioridade usa – se than para adjetivos de até duas sílabas e more _____
than para os adjetivos de mais de duas sílabas.
Veja os exemplos:
beauty nicer
intelligent cooler
exciting falter
more sensible than smarter than
boring bigger
interesting thinner

Há também os casos irregulares.

Good better
Bad worse than
Far futher

Superlatives (Superlativos)
Para formar o superlativo, usa – se the + a terminação est em adjetivos de até duas sílabas, e the most
_____ com adjetivos com mais de duas sílabas.
The easiest, coolest, nicest, smallest.
The most beautiful, intelligent, expensive, dangerous.
Irregulares: the worst (o pior); the Best (o melhor)
Comparativo de inferioridade
Para formá – lo usamos less _______ than com todos os adjetivos.
Jenipher is less interesting than her sister. / Jenipher é menos interessante que sua irmã.

Auxiliar verb: to do (to do: como auxiliar)

To do é um verbo auxiliar de presente, usado em frases negativas e afirmativas que expressam tempo
Exemplo: Eu trabalho todo dia.
Afirmativo: I work every day.
Negativo: I don’t work every day.

Interrogativo: Do I work every day?
Na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) o auxiliar é does. Veja:
Exemplo: Henry mora em São Paulo.
Afirmativo: Henry lives in São Paulo.
Negativo: Henry doesn’t live in São Paulo.
Interrogativo: Does Henry live in São Paulo?
Observe que quando o auxiliar does é usado nas negativas e interrogativas o verbo volta para sua forma
infinitiva. (ou seja, perde o S)
Ex: Nancy plays the guitar.
Does Nancy play the guitar?

Nancy doesn’t play the guitar.

Forma infinitiva
Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)
They lived in peace
North American Indians lived in the “New World” a long time before the Europeans arrived there.
Many centuries before Columbs, Indians hunted, fished and planted corn in America. They killed the buffalo for
food. They fished for salmon in the Rivers of Canada and they farmed the land in Arizona. Before the white man
arrived, the Indians lived in peace. They were the masters of the North America continent.
Amadeu Marques in Basic English
Hunted – caçavam Corn – milho
Fished – pescavam Farmed the land – plantavam
Killed – matavam Masters – donos

Present, Past and Future Continunous, Future Simple

Present Continuous (Presente Contínuo)
Forma: I am + work ING.
↓ ↓
Past of “be” verb

Presente do verbo to be + verbo + ING.

I am studying
You are studying
She is studying
You are studying

Past Continuous (Passado Contínuo)
Forma: I was + sleep ING.
↓ ↓
Past of “be” verb
Passado do verbo to be + verbo + ING.
I was leaving
You were leaving
She was leaving
You are leaving

Future Continuous (Futuro Contínuo)

Forma: I will be + wait ING.
↓ ↓
Future of “be” verbo

Futuro do verbo to be + verbo + ING.

It will be walking
You (PL.)

Future Simple (Futuro Simples)

Forma: will + verb
I will finish the yask on Friday.
Dave will go to school tomorrow.
Will é o auxiliar de futuro usado para todas as pessoas, inclusive a 3ª pessoa do singular.
Will not = won’t
We won’t stay home tonight.
Erika won’t come with us.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão de Texto)

Have You Ever Had a UFO Experience?
I had.
It was a night in August. The Sky was Nice and clear. I were calmly driving home when a saw an oval
object with an orange radiation going up and down in front of me. I observed the luminous body for one or two
minutes and saw it vanish with spectacular speed.

I’m sure it was na unidentified object from outer space. It has been the most impressive experience I have
had in life.
Saw – vi Vanish – desaparecer
Up - para cima Speed - velocidade
Down – para baixo

Pronoums, Articles Prepositions

Pronoums (Pronomes)

Pessoais Possessivos Tradução

I My Meus, minhas
You Your Teu, tua
He His Dele
She her Dela
It Its Dele / dela
We our Nossos, nossas
You your Teus, tuas
They their Deles, delas
Exemplo: My name is Gloria.
His parents are in China.
Their house is dirty.

Articles (Artigos)

Singular Plural Tradução

a / na um, uma
the the o, a, os, as

The flowers are beautiful.

The dog is sick.
A car is parking here.
There’s an apple on the refrigerator.
Note que an é usado quando palavra subseqüente tem como inicial um som de vogal.
Ex: an egg, elephant, orange, etc.

Prepositions (Preposições)
As principais são:
At – work, home, school.
- 345, Lendon Street
- 7 o’clock
On - sobre, em cima.
The phone is on the desk.
The agenda is on the shelf.
In – dentro, em.
I live in Brazil.

There’s a beer in the refrigerator.

In front of – em frente de
The teather is in front of the club.
She was waiting in front of the mall.
Under – sob, em baixo
Your pen is under the sofa.
The cats were sleeping under my bed.

Reading Comprehension (Compreensão do texto)

Never Ask a Zebra about Stripes
I asked the zebra.
Are you black with white stripes?
Or white with Black stripes?
And the zebra asked me.
Are you good with bad habits?
Or are you bad with good habits?
Are you noisy with quiet times?
Or are you quiet with noisy times?
Are you happy with some sad days?
Or are sad with happy days?
Are you neat with some slovenly ways?
Or are you slovenly with some neat days?
And on and on and on.
And on and on he went.
I’ll never ask a zebra
About stripes
By Shel Silverstein in a Light in the Atic.

To ask – perguntar, interrogar. Sad – triste.
Stripes – listras. Neat – limpo, asseado.
Noisy – barulhento. Slovenly – desleixado, sujo, mal feito (trabalho)
Quiet – quieto.

ATENÇÃO: Agora coloque em prática os seus conhecimentos. Siga para seu caderno de
atividades e responda os exercícios referentes ao Capítulo V – Presente e passado simples, comparativos,
superlativos, verbo auxiliar to Do e textos.


TORRES, Nelson, Gramática Pratica da Língua Inglesa o Inglês Descomplicado, Editora Moderna, 3º
volume Ensino Médio 10ª Edição, 2007.
AUN, Eliana, MORAES, Maria Clara P de, SANSANOVICZ Neuza Bilia, Inglês para o Ensino Médio,
Editora Moderna volume único, 1ª Edição, 2003.
Pereira, Carlos Augusto. Inglês para Concursos: Gramática. Elsevier Brazil, 2007. 256p
Livro - Longman Gramática Escolar Da Língua Inglesa


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