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3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the methodology that was used to collect data for the study. It covers

the research design, target population, data collection procedure and data analysis methods.

3.2 Research Design

A research design reflects the process that involves the overall assumptions of the research,

the method of data collection, and analysis. It is the roadmap for carrying out a research study

(Peter, 2007).

This study will adopt the descriptive survey design which is defined as a process of collecting

data in order to answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects in a study. This

approach is essential to the study in collecting data on behavior, attitudes, values and

characteristics (Mugenda, 2008).

3.3 Target Population

Kombo (2011) define a population as objects, items or a group of individuals where samples

are taken to be measured. The researcher’s target population were Kiambu county executive


The researcher also had a target population of Kiambu county residents both young and old

drawn from all the sub counties.

The researcher undertook Questionnaires, Interviewees, review of secondary data and


3.4 Data collection tools and procedure

This study analysed both primary and secondary data to investigate and establish the

impeachment of Kenyan Governors with much emphasis on Kiambu county. The study used

time series data collected yearly from 2013-2020.

The primary data was collected by use of semi-structured questionnaires and an interview

schedule that will be filled by the respondents.

Secondary data involved the collection and analysis of published material and information

from sources like Kenya National Bureau of statistics, Parliament of Kenya and County

assembly website. Data is collected on an annual basis. Only relevant data that would meet

the objectives of the study were sought

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