Innovation Templates
Innovation Templates
Innovation Templates
Department of Education
1. All documents containing proposals for innovation projects must adhere to the
following standard format:
2. Ensure all in-text citations and lists of references are made by APA 7th edition
B. General Information
D. Project Description
I. Goal
II. Outcome
III. Objectives
IV. Inputs
V. Expected Outputs
VI. Logical Framework
E. Methodology
I. Method
II. Project Beneficiaries
III. Impact Estimation
IV. Work and Budget Plan
V. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
VI. Exit Plan
F. References
I. Proponent/s
(Write the name/s of the proponent/s, positions, and brief description of roles
and responsibilities in the Innovation Project)
Lead (Name)
Proponent: (Position)
(Brief Description of Roles and Responsibilities in the Innovation Project)
Co-Proponent*: (Name)
(Brief Description of Roles and Responsibilities in the Innovation Project)
Co-Proponent*: (Name)
(Brief Description of Roles and Responsibilities in the Innovation Project)
*If needed.
V. Scope of Implementation:
(Specify the Scope: Regional/Division/School)
VIII. Background
(Please provide the circumstances or situation that led to the proposal for the
innovation project.)
IX. Rationale
(Indicate data-driven reasons why the innovation is necessary [refer to sources
of innovation], and what needs to be addressed or innovated)
X. Project Description
(Provide information for the following)
A. Goal:
B. Outcome:
C. Objectives:
D. Inputs:
E. Expected Outputs:
XI. Methodology
B. Target Beneficiary
C. Impact Estimation
F. Exit Plan
(Exit strategy should clarify how your project will be brought to a close while
sustaining its benefits)
Plan Component/Method Action Steps Timeline
Declaration of Anti-plagiarism
2. I/We hereby attest to the originality of this innovation project proposal and
have cited properly all the references used. I/We further commit that all
deliverables and the final innovation project emanating from the proposal shall
be of original content. I/We shall use appropriate citations in referencing other
works from various sources.
Signature over Proponent’s Name
Date: ________________
Signature over Proponent’s Name
Date: ________________
Signature over Proponent’s Name
Date: ________________
2. I/We declare that I/we do not have a personal conflict of interest that may arise
from my application and submission of my/our innovation proposal. I/We
understand that my/our innovation proposal may be returned to me/us if
found out that there is a conflict of interest during the initial screening.
3. Further, in case of any form of conflict of interest (possible or actual) which may
inadvertently emerge during the conduct of my/our innovation, I/we will duly
report it to the innovation committee for immediate action.
Signature over Proponent’s Name
Date: ________________
Signature over Proponent’s Name
Date: ________________
Signature over Proponent’s Name
Date: ________________
I. Cover Page
IX. Sustainability
X. Appendices
A. Approved innovation Proposal
B. Certificate of Utilization
C. Certificate of Adoption, if adopted by another school/office
D. Data Analysis Report/Actual Computation of Raw Data
E. Pictorials
F. Minutes of the Meetings, if there are
G. Attendance logs, if necessary
H. Other significant / relevant supporting documents
Head of Office
This is to certify that the innovation project submitted and approved by this office,
Title of innovation:
Head of Office
This is to certify that the outcome and impact of the innovation entitled________
________________________________________________________, introduced and
implemented by ______________________________________________was validated by the
Innovation Committee based on the End Project Impact and Outcome Evaluation
criteria prescribed in the Region’s Implementation Guidelines on Innovation
Recommending Approval:
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division Superintendent