God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes' in The
God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes' in The
God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes' in The
Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 06 Issue 11, November 2016, Page 11-17
The present paper aims to draw a comparative analysis of Uzma Aslam Khan‟s The Geometry of God and
Mohammed Hanif‟sA case of Exploding Mangoes as Postmodern texts. The Geometry of God and The Case of
Exploding Mangoes are primarily set in the backdrop of 1980‟s regime of General Muhammad Zia-ul Haqin
Pakistan. Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohamed Hanif exhibit the postmodern elements in their selected texts,
deconstruct the totalitarian meta-narratives and raise the issue of pluralism by generating mini-narratives through the
postmodernist technique of pastiche and parody. This paper attempts to highlight the historical elements of 1980‟s
Pakistan, which are parodied by Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohammed Hanif in their novels The Geometry of God and
A Case of Exploding Mangoes. The grand-narratives and ideologies are parodied in a very ironic, playful manner by
Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohammed Hanif and the mini-narratives are generated to give voice to the subaltern group
of the society. Uzma Ahmed and Mohammed Hanif dismantle the binary oppositions of us and them and highlight
the voice of subaltern in contrast to the dominant groups of the society.
Postmodernism questions the traditional norms and cultures and presents the idea of multiple truth and
realities. Postmodern literature challenges the low and high culture through the use of Pastiche. Postmodern fiction
subverts the total itarian grand narratives and produce mini narratives hence bring multiple perspectives to truth and
reality. The postmodern writers use the instrument of parody and historiographic metafictions thus rewrite history
and give voice to the silenced and invisible subaltern groups of the society. The postmodern historiographic
metafiction opens up possibilities of multiple interpretation of the history for the readers and presents a self-
reflexive study of the texts and parodies the history to subvert the conventional thoughts and legitimize the parodied
object. Postmodernism deals with history as verification and fiction as veracity and in this way re-write the history
to present it through fiction.
Significance of the Study
The study is significant and unique in nature because it deconstructs the traditional meta-narratives of
History, Science, Religion, Philosophy and Patriarchy and generates mini-narratives to raise the voice of subaltern
classes of society thus provide multiple versions of truth and reality. The main contribution of this study to the field
on knowledge is that it dismantles the position of center in the binary oppositions and replaces the center with the
Research Questions
This paper will investigate the following research questions:
What is the extent to which Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohammed Hanif exhibit the postmodern elements in
their texts The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes?
How do Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohammed Hanif dismantle the grand-narratives in the novelsThe
Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes?
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Fahmida Manzoor, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482,
Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 06 Issue 11, November 2016, Page 11-17
How do The Geometry of Godand A Case of Exploding Mangoestrace Zia-ul-Haq regime through
Historiographic metafiction and deconstruct the binary oppositions?
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Fahmida Manzoor, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482,
Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 06 Issue 11, November 2016, Page 11-17
veracity and in this way re-write the history to the present through fiction. Philip Brian Harper in his book Framing
the Margins: The Social Logic of Postmodern Culture illustrates that the postmodern narrations are fragmented and
non-linear drenched with temporal distortions. Hebermas ,Lyotard and Jameson all believe in the fragmented
experience of man in the world. Fragmentation is taken politically subjective by the postmodern critics as Jameson
takes it as the expression of the logic of late-capitalism, for Lyotard fragmentation is a “progressive strategy of
demystification”.(Harper 3).Postmodern fiction uses the fragmentation and temporal distortion for black humor and
parody. The distortion in time and space is the striking characteristic of postmodern fiction as the writers use the tool
of analysis, prolepsis and multiple narrations in their works frequently.
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Fahmida Manzoor, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482,
Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 06 Issue 11, November 2016, Page 11-17
He had always consulted the book for guidance and always found the answers he was looking
for(…)Then Two years later, between fending off World leader‟s Pleas to not to hang Bhutto and
signing his death warrant ,Zia has opened the holy book and found this: And the Guilty behold the
fire and know that they are about to fall therein, and they find no way of escape thence.(Hanif 26).
Mohammed Hanif blends fact and fiction in such a way that the line between real and imaginative gets blurred. The
way Mohammed Hanif describes the fundamental beliefs of Zia-ul-Haq are very much true and a part of fact and
Mohammed Hanif further adds a touch of imagination in it thus mocks the very serious issue with the tool of black
The Geometry of God and A case of Exploding Mangoes are the epitome of postmodern
metafiction.Postmodern metafiction focuses the Self-reflexivity and self-consciousness and these characteristics are
very much present in both the novels under study.Patricia Waugh in her Metafiction: The theory and practice of self-
conscious fiction discussesthe issue of self-reflexivity as a dominant postmodern metafictional aspect.Both the
novels under study exhibit the self-reflexive nature of their narrators but in different ways. Mohammed Hanif „s
main narrator Ali Shigrithroughout the novel is very much self-reflexive and self-conscious .The Geometry of God
on the other hand presents multiple narrators such as Amal,Mawish and Noman and all these narrators are self-
reflexive in the very style of Patricia Waugh‟s post modernistic fictional way.
The Geometry of God andA case of Exploding Mangoes both the novels are set in the backdrop 1980‟s
religious Pakistan .Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohammed Hanifwrite about the religious fundamentalism during that
era in Pakistan in a playful manner and dismantle the grand –narratives. Postmoderns doesn‟t believe in one absolute
truth andbelieves in multiple truths hence deconstruct the religious, scientific and political grand-narratives. Lyotard
in his The Postmodern Condition: A Report on knowledge illustrates the issue of local mini-narratives by
dismantling the meta-narratives. The Geometry of God dismantles the grand-narratives in the same Lyotardian way
and generate mini-narratives such as Zahoor while talking to Junayd says ”The world is my Ka‟ba”(Khan 8) and in
the same very way his discussion with Amal about Mawish‟s blindness dismantles the religious grand narratives as
Amal says:
God shouldn‟t have given her eyes if she wasn‟t going to need them‟…Did God make a mistake?
Maybe. Or started something He no longer wished to continue‟. if He knew it was going to get
boaring,why did He start? Maybe He dint know. Or did know but still wanted to try.(Khan 27).
Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohammed Hanif both criticize the religious fundamentalism in an ironic way and
dismantle the grand-narratives. Uzma Aslam Khan‟s irony is directly on the stereotype fundamentalism through
different characters whereas Mohammed Hanif focuses one main character of Zia-ul-Haq and through him criticizes
the religious fundamentalism hence dismantles the grand-narratives. The main focus in Mohammed Hanif is Zia-ul-
Haq and through his actions the other characters are defined and criticized such as the way president General Zia –
Ul-Haqcraves for the pilgrimage of Mecca and at the same very time TM feels irritated of the pilgrimage and calls
„Haram‟ the black cubicle and says “The room was empty. There were no flashes of divine light, nothunder, the
walls of the room were black and without a single inscription (Hanif 157).A case of Exploding Mangoes also discuss
the homosexual relationship of Ali Shigri and Obaid thus dismantles the grand-narrative by generating a mini-
narrative and giving voice to the homosexual/ „other‟ class of society. Uzma Aslam Khan‟s The Geometry of God
subverts the feminist philosophy of the patriarchal chauvinism and presents a very strong and straightforward female
character Amal thus generates a local mini-narrative. The Geometry of God and A case of Exploding Mangoes both
dismantle the grand-narrative of Sigmund Frued‟s repression theory of Libidinal desires as both the novels draw
bold and blatant characters who are very much direct in their sexual desires and there is no such repression of the
Libidinal desires.AliShigri and Obaid‟s homosexual relation in A Case of Exploding Mangoes,Amal and Omer‟s
relation in The Geometry of God dismantle the Freudian grand-narrative of repression theory.
Historiographic metafictionaccentuates the author‟s imagination in narrating the history in tricky style by
mingling it with fiction thus blurs the line between fact and fiction. Historiographicmetafiction by the use of the
postmodern pastiche and parody re-produces history. It is the intertext of history which is mingled with the fiction of
the writer to re-produce history hence to subvert the cannons of history. Linda Hutcheon coined the word
Historiographicmetafictionin her HistoriographicMetafiction: Parody and the Inter texts of History and looks at the
past in the form of „facts‟ and „events‟. Events are the things which happened in the past and the same events of past
gets translated into facts of history. Facts of history are always recorded in the documents but according to
Postmodernism they do not present the ultimate truth.Those recorded facts could be right as well as wrong according
to Linda Hutcheon‟s lens of Hitoriographicmetafiction. The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes
exhibit the history of 1980‟s Pakistan with special focus on Zia-ul-Haq‟s regime and the main events during that
time period. Uzma Aslam Khan present different events of the past which relate to history thus become the facts of
history. She weaves the fictional characters beautifully and artistically in to Historical events and re-produces the
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Fahmida Manzoor, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482,
Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 06 Issue 11, November 2016, Page 11-17
history of 1980-1990‟s Pakistan. The Pakistan during General Zia–ul-Haq‟s regime was religiously fundamental
which is presented by UzmaASlam Khan through her fictional characters as Mawkish narrates:
He pointed out that Zia band the teaching of evolution but allowed the digging of fossils to continue…as if the two
are somehow un related .People are so touchy about the first and so in different to the second. The abstract is more
real than the conk reet?Is it big cause our religion is so abstract? Anyway, with religious parties now in civilian
gowments, their in flew ants has spread. They not only hate ideas but rocks-the same rocks they see no problem
buying and selling (Khan 156).
Uzma Aslam Khan re-writes the history by using the tool of postmodern irony. She criticizes the duality of
government policies through which government banned one and try to get benefit of the other which according to
Nana Zahoor are not very much different. Uzma Aslam Khan criticizes the misuse of religion through which the
power structures transmit certain false ideologies in the minds of people through hegemony hence marginalize them
for the maintenance of their power. Uzma Aslam Khan uses the postmodern instrument of irony and playfulness for
rewriting history whereas Mohamed Hanif uses the postmodern tool of parody and pastiche both, for re-writing the
history of General Zia-ul-Haq‟s regime. Pastiche and parody are very much obvious in Mohammed Hanif‟s work as
he takes up different events of the history and interlace them with his parodied fictional character thus re-writes
history .MohammedHanif uses the postmodern tool of pastiche and pastes different important historical events in his
fictional work A case of Exploding Mangoes thus smudges the boundary between History and fiction. The mention
of characters with real names such as General Zia-ul-Haq, General Akhtar, General Aslam Beg,US Ambassador
ArnoldRaphael, Director of CIA operations Charles Cogen, Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and US Political
Activist Joanne Herring show the pastiche of history into fiction thus blurs the line of history and fiction. The
readers get confuse between history and fiction at times while reading Mohammed Hanif‟sA Case of Exploding
Mangoes .The histeriographicmetafictionchanges the fiction into history and history becomes very much a part of
Mohammed Hanif parodies different „events‟ and „characters‟ of history in his A Case of Exploding
Mangoes. The very character of General Zia-Ul-Haq is parodied in a very blatant manner. Mohammed Hanif
highlights the Islamic fundamentalism and duality of Zia-Ul-Haq in a very ironic way by describing his stare to the
body of the foreign correspondent Joanne Herring as the first lady states:
It seemed that it wasn‟t Ms Herring interviewing him, but General Zia interrogating her
Breasts…General Zia‟s eyes normally crossed ,the right one looking in one direction while the left
one wandered away to take in something else, were for once focused in the same direction on the
same objects.(Hanif 93).
The character of General Zia is parodied in a very incongruous way as the way he treats Joanne Herring brings him
in conflict with his own religious policies in the state where he banned the bareheaded newscasters on television but
on the other hand he seeks sexual pleasure in the presence of Joanne Herring.
The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes illustrate the main events and influences of the
history of 1980‟sPakistan through personal fictional narrations. The Afghan war of 1980‟s with Soviet Union and
Pakistan and American aids to Taliban and Mujahdeen is exhibited in both the novels The Geometry of God and A
Case of an Exploding Mangoes. Uzm Aslam Khan touches the „events‟ of political history indirectly and mainly
focuses her fictional characters who get affected by the political and religious ideologies of the country. Uzma
Aslam Khan narrates the issue of Afghan war of 1980‟s mostly through the fugitive character Petrov. The character
of Petrov is parodied by Uzma Aslam Khan to exhibit the main historical events of the 1980‟s Pakistan such as
Noamn talks about Petrov:
Every day he tells the same story. The CIA dump more dollars on the Islamic Jihad than it did the
Contras .Bloody MoojJIhadis have and stingers than prayer beads and Reagan compares them to
his founding fathers!DO you know how many reds are quitting?(Khan 64).
Uzma Aslam Khan exhibits the main political and historical events of the 1980‟s Pakistan of Zia-Ul-Haq‟s
regime.She through the fictional character of Petrov highlights the main historical event of Afghan Soviet war which
was mainly aided by America as is mentioned in Petrov‟sdialogues to Noman and she also mentions the role of
Mujahedeen which is supported by the Government of United States. On the other hand Mohammed Hanif deals the
historical event of Afghan Soviet war in a very direct way. He exhibits the events where the Americans celebrate a
„Kabul –Texas‟party at US ambassador‟s place and the part of Texas was ignored and only Kabul was the theme of
both the food and dress. All US gentry attended the party with pure Afghani turban and shalwar –qameez and some
ladies attended with burqa. Mohammed Hanif draws the events of history in such a direct detailed manner that it
becomes difficult for the readers to differentiate between real and imaginative. A Case of Exploding Mangoes
highlights the US policies in a very direct manner mainly through the character of Us ambassador Arnold Rapheal
such as the issue of the teachers of the University of Minnesota who wrote new books about Islam and send them to
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Fahmida Manzoor, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482,
Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 06 Issue 11, November 2016, Page 11-17
Afghanistan. Usama Bin Laden a very controversial character of history is also discussed by Mohammed Hanif as
UBL is one of the guest in Kabul-Texas party at the place of US ambassador Arnold Raphael.
Historiographic Metafiction dismantles the realm of history and brings a new perspective of history
mingled with fiction thus brings multiple voices .The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes both trace
the grand historical event of General Zia-Ul-Haq‟s death.Uzma Aslam Khan indirectly touches the issue of General
Zia-ul-Haq‟s death and highlight the questions left unsolved by the death of General Zia-Ul-Haq as Noman says:
President General Zia dies in a plane crash.the country holds its breath.When it cautiously exhales
again,its with the assurance that nothing will change as long as there‟s evil to fight,both at home
and out in the big world.The War in Afghanistan ends exactly …the way all wars in Afghanistan
ever ended:without a political settlement(Hanif 100).
Uzma Aslam Khan as a postmodern writer uses the tool of historiographicmetafition and highlights the issues of
different historical „events‟ which are recorded in the documents as facts thus presents another perspective of the
history .The postmodernism holds that there is no one objective truths and believe in multiple truths and multiple
realities .Uzma Aslam Khan deals with the grand event of president General Zia-ul-haq‟s death in a very light
manner whereas Mohammed Hanif uses the postmodern tool of parody and come up ironically with different
conspiracy theories of President General Zia-Ul-Haq‟s death .A Case of Exploding Mangoesmocks joyfully the
conspiracy theories and blames six human and non-human characters for President General Zia-Ul-Haq‟s death
including Ali Shigri a junior trainee air force officer ,Zainab a poor blind lady under sentence of death, A Street
cleaner(General Secretary of Cleaning Staff),a huge army of tapeworms, a snake and a crow. The
historiographicmetafiction dismantles the totalitarianism of history and blends it with fiction hence gives highlight
the oppressed „other‟ class of the society by providing multiples perspectives to history. The Geometry of God and
A Case of Exploding Mangoes dismantle the grand-narratives of centre and re-write history thus bring the „other‟
class of the society in the centre. Uzma Aslam Khan in her The Geometry of God provides a great space to the
narration of blind Mawish who falls under the category of the „other‟ subaltern class of the society. Most of the
Historical events are shown through the narration of Mawish thus in this way Uzma Aslam Khan provides a great
space to the subaltern class of the society and through personal story of Mawish highlight the issue of History. Uzma
Aslam Khan draws fictional characters and relates them to history through the postmodern historiographic technique
of narration whereas Mohammed Hanifuses the tool of Historiography very directly and in a straightforward bold
manner and highlights the events of the history. Postmodern technique of Historiography is used by writers to re-
write history and to bring multiple voices of history .Mohammed Hanif uses the same very technique in his A Case
of Exploding Mangoes and raises the voice of the subaltern class such as the issue of blind lady Zainb who is
sentenced to death in the case of adultery and fornication. Mohammed Hanif raises the voice of marginalized
subaltern Zainab who is in fact raped by a gang of four men but because of the power structure in the society suffers
the pangs of an undone sin which‟ she did not really commit. Mohammed Hanif in a very playful manner makes fun
of the way Islamic decisions are made by General Zia-ul-Haq with the help of Saudi Arbian Religious scholar on
one hand and on the other hand he brings the issue of a subalterns thus gives a new perspective to history. The
voices of the subalterns which were silenced in the History get highlighted by Mohammed Hanif through the use of
postmodern device of hitoriographicmetafiction. A Case of Exploding Mangoes highlights the different voices of the
subaltern „other‟ class of the society which comes in conflict with the power structure of the society. The case of the
secretary General of the Sweepers is another subaltern voice which is exhibited and narrated by Mohammed Hanif
through the instrument of HistoriographicMetafiction. The secretary General gets imprisoned in the black dungeon
of the fort for several years because he was considered a threat to President General Zia-Ul-Haq‟s life thus suffered
the pangs for so many years. The portrayal of the guard who abuses the veiled President General Zia-ul-Haq on the
bicycle in front of his very eyes is another perspective of subaltern history presented by Mohammed Hanif. A Case
of Exploding Mangoes discusses the power structures in 1980‟s Pakistan of President General Zia-Ul-Haq hence
highlight the suppressed ‟other‟ class of the society too through Htecheon lens of Historiographicmetafiction. The
portrayal of the homosexual relationship of Ali Shigri and Obaid is another example of the gendered subaltern
through which the history of the power structure of Zia‟s Pakistan is is highlighted by Mohammed Hanif. Uzma
Aslam Khan‟s focus on the subaltern historiography is not as much grand and direct as is the case with Mohammed
Hanif. Mohammed Hanif records different voices of the different subaltern groups of society thus re-writes history
while in Uzma Aslam Khan only one such subaltern voice in the character of Mawish is recorded. Most of
Postmodern fiction is fragmented and have distorting elements. The Geometry of God is an example of non-linear
multiple narrations as it presents different narrators such as Mawish, Noman and Amal who give different
perspectives of the same very events. The narration till Amal‟s wedding is linear but then gets a turn and travels
back into time through prolepsis. A Case of Exploding Mangoesrecords different perspectives, exhibits different
classes of people in the novel and records their voices. Ali Shigri is the main narrator of the story but apart from him
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Fahmida Manzoor, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences, ISSN 2249-9482,
Impact Factor: 6.301, Volume 06 Issue 11, November 2016, Page 11-17
readers peep into the minds of other characters too such as the inner mind of President General Zia-Ul-Haq is very
much open to the readers so are the other characters reveled to the readers through the postmodern narration
The data of the present paper which iscomprise of the lines from Uzma Aslam Khan‟s The Geometry of God and
Mohammed Hanif‟sA Case of Exploding Mangoesis analyzed by applying „Qualitative Content Analysis‟ technique
and following findings are drawn from the analysis of data .
Uzma Aslam Khan‟s The Geometry of God and Mohammed Hanif‟sA case of Exploding Mangoes render
different aspects of Postmodern fiction such as Pastiche, Parody, Irony, black Humor, playfulness,
Historiographicmetafiction, temporal distortions and non-linear multiple narrations thus exhibit that there is
no one ultimate reality but multiple truths. The comparative analysis of both the works under study show
that Mohammed Hanif‟s narration is more self reflexive and he is direct in his use of parody and black
humor whereas Uzma Aslam Khan‟s parody is mild and her black humor is a little less pungent.
The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes dismantle the grand-narratives and generate
local mini-narratives thus subvert the authority of all conventional institutes such as religion, science and
philosophy. The generation of mini-narration in contrast to the grand narratives again determines the
postmodern concept of multiple truth and realities.
Uzma Aslam Khan and Mohammed Hanif trace 1980‟s Pakistan of President General Zia-ul-Haq‟sregime
in The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes .They use the postmodern instrument of
Historiographicmetafiction thus re-write the history. They Highlight the subalternpast by writing about the
„other‟ group of society thus deconstruct the binary oppositions. Mohammed Hanif‟sA Case of Exploding
Mangoes highlights many subaltern fictional characters through Historiographichmetafiction whereas
Uzma Aslam Khan uses only one such fictional character of the blind Mawish.
The Study shows that The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes exhibit postmodern
elements and present multiple perspectives of the truth. Mohammed Hanif and Uzma Aslam Khan both use different
tools of Postmodern narration hence deconstruct the notion of one absolute truth and reality. The Geometry of God
and A Case of Exploding Mangoes subvert many grand-narratives such as religion, science, philosophy, politics
hence generate local mini-narratives and present many perspectives of the „reality‟ to the readers. The study shows
the use of historiographicmetafiction in both the novels The Geomatrey of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes
through which Uzma Aslam khan and Mohammed Hanif Parodied history, interwoven it beautifully with the fiction
characters through the art of black humor and pastiche thus re-write history of the 1980‟s Pakistan of President Zia-
Ul- Haq‟s regime. The Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes vary in their tone of
hitoriographicmetafiction as Mohammed Hanif directly presents the „events‟ of history and focuses more on history
and less on character because he presents real character with real names and parodies them whereas Uzma Aslam
Khan focuses the characters more and through her characters lead the readers towards the realm of history. The
Geometry of God and A Case of Exploding Mangoes exhibit the postmodern elements in a very playful tone and
render multiple truths by focusing on multiple perspectives.
Directions for Future Research
A study can be taken on both the novels through the lens of feminism as both these novels raise the voice of
subjugated female such as Zainab in A Case of Exploding Mangoes and Mavish in The Geometry of God.
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