Foundations of Computer Science C Edition (Aho, Ullman) (1994)

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✦ ✦
✦ Table of Contents
Preface ix

Chapter 1. Computer Science: The Mechanization of Abstraction 1

1.1. What This Book Is About 3
1.2. What This Chapter Is About 6
1.3. Data Models 6
1.4. The C Data Model 13
1.5. Algorithms and the Design of Programs 20
1.6. Some C Conventions Used Throughout the Book 22
1.7. Summary of Chapter 1 23
1.8. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 1 24

Chapter 2. Iteration, Induction, and Recursion 25

2.1. What This Chapter Is About 27
2.2. Iteration 27
2.3. Inductive Proofs 34
2.4. Complete Induction 44
2.5. Proving Properties of Programs 52
2.6. Recursive Definitions 59
2.7. Recursive Functions 69
2.8. Merge Sort: A Recursive Sorting Algorithm 75
2.9. Proving Properties of Recursive Programs 84
2.10. Summary of Chapter 2 87
2.11. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 2 88

Chapter 3. The Running Time of Programs 89

3.1. What This Chapter Is About 89
3.2. Choosing an Algorithm 90
3.3. Measuring Running Time 91
3.4. Big-Oh and Approximate Running Time 96
3.5. Simplifying Big-Oh Expressions 101
3.6. Analyzing the Running Time of a Program 109
3.7. A Recursive Rule for Bounding Running Time 116
3.8. Analyzing Programs with Function Calls 127
3.9. Analyzing Recursive Functions 132
3.10. Analysis of Merge Sort 136
3.11. Solving Recurrence Relations 144
3.12. Summary of Chapter 3 154
3.13. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 3 155

Chapter 4. Combinatorics and Probability 156

4.1. What This Chapter Is About 156
4.2. Counting Assignments 157
4.3. Counting Permutations 160
4.4. Ordered Selections 167

4.5. Unordered Selections 170

4.6. Orderings With Identical Items 178
4.7. Distribution of Objects to Bins 181
4.8. Combining Counting Rules 184
4.9. Introduction to Probability Theory 187
4.10. Conditional Probability 193
4.11. Probabilistic Reasoning 203
4.12. Expected Value Calculations 212
4.13. Some Programming Applications of Probability 215
4.14. Summary of Chapter 4 220
4.15. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 4 221

Chapter 5. The Tree Data Model 223

5.1. What This Chapter Is About 223
5.2. Basic Terminology 224
5.3. Data Structures for Trees 231
5.4. Recursions on Trees 239
5.5. Structural Induction 248
5.6. Binary Trees 253
5.7. Binary Search Trees 258
5.8. Efficiency of Binary Search Tree Operations 268
5.9. Priority Queues and Partially Ordered Trees 271
5.10. Heapsort: Sorting with Balanced POTs 280
5.11. Summary of Chapter 5 284
5.12. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 5 285

Chapter 6. The List Data Model 286

6.1. What This Chapter Is About 286
6.2. Basic Terminology 287
6.3. Operations on Lists 291
6.4. The Linked-List Data Structure 293
6.5. Array-Based Implementation of Lists 301
6.6. Stacks 306
6.7. Implementing Function Calls Using a Stack 312
6.8. Queues 318
6.9. Longest Common Subsequences 321
6.10. Representing Character Strings 327
6.11. Summary of Chapter 6 334
6.12. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 6 335

Chapter 7. The Set Data Model 337

7.1. What This Chapter Is About 337
7.2. Basic Definitions 338
7.3. Operations on Sets 342
7.4. List Implementation of Sets 351
7.5. Characteristic-Vector Implementation of Sets 357
7.6. Hashing 360
7.7. Relations and Functions 366
7.8. Implementing Functions as Data 373
7.9. Implementing Binary Relations 380

7.10. Some Special Properties of Binary Relations 386

7.11. Infinite Sets 396
7.12. Summary of Chapter 7 401
7.13. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 7 402

Chapter 8. The Relational Data Model 403

8.1. What This Chapter Is About 403
8.2. Relations 404
8.3. Keys 411
8.4. Primary Storage Structures for Relations 414
8.5. Secondary Index Structures 419
8.6. Navigation among Relations 423
8.7. An Algebra of Relations 428
8.8. Implementing Relational Algebra Operations 436
8.9. Algebraic Laws for Relations 440
8.10. Summary of Chapter 8 449
8.11. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 8 450

Chapter 9. The Graph Data Model 451

9.1. What This Chapter Is About 451
9.2. Basic Concepts 452
9.3. Implementation of Graphs 459
9.4. Connected Components of an Undirected Graph 466
9.5. Minimal Spanning Trees 478
9.6. Depth-First Search 484
9.7. Some Uses of Depth-First Search 495
9.8. Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Finding Shortest Paths 502
9.9. Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths 513
9.10. An Introduction to Graph Theory 521
9.11. Summary of Chapter 9 526
9.12. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 9 527

Chapter 10. Patterns, Automata, and Regular Expressions 529

10.1. What This Chapter Is About 530
10.2. State Machines and Automata 530
10.3. Deterministic and Nondeterministic Automata 536
10.4. From Nondeterminism to Determinism 547
10.5. Regular Expressions 556
10.6. The UNIX Extensions to Regular Expressions 564
10.7. Algebraic Laws for Regular Expressions 568
10.8. From Regular Expressions to Automata 571
10.9. From Automata to Regular Expressions 582
10.10. Summary of Chapter 10 588
10.11. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 10 589

Chapter 11. Recursive Description of Patterns 591

11.1. What This Chapter Is About 591
11.2. Context-Free Grammars 592
11.3. Languages from Grammars 599
11.4. Parse Trees 602

11.5. Ambiguity and the Design of Grammars 610

11.6. Constructing Parse Trees 617
11.7. A Table-Driven Parsing Algorithm 625
11.8. Grammars Versus Regular Expressions 634
11.9. Summary of Chapter 11 640
11.10. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 11 641

Chapter 12. Propositional Logic 642

12.1. What This Chapter Is About 642
12.2. What Is Propositional Logic? 643
12.3. Logical Expressions 645
12.4. Truth Tables 649
12.5. From Boolean Functions to Logical Expressions 655
12.6. Designing Logical Expressions by Karnaugh Maps 660
12.7. Tautologies 669
12.8. Some Algebraic Laws for Logical Expressions 674
12.9. Tautologies and Methods of Proof 682
12.10. Deduction 686
12.11. Proofs by Resolution 692
12.12. Summary of Chapter 12 697
12.13. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 12 698

Chapter 13. Using Logic to Design Computer Components 699

13.1. What This Chapter is About 699
13.2. Gates 700
13.3. Circuits 701
13.4. Logical Expressions and Circuits 705
13.5. Some Physical Constraints on Circuits 711
13.6. A Divide-and-Conquer Addition Circuit 716
13.7. Design of a Multiplexer 723
13.8. Memory Elements 730
13.9. Summary of Chapter 13 731
13.10. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 13 732

Chapter 14. Predicate Logic 733

14.1. What This Chapter Is About 733
14.2. Predicates 734
14.3. Logical Expressions 736
14.4. Quantifiers 739
14.5. Interpretations 745
14.6. Tautologies 751
14.7. Tautologies Involving Quantifiers 753
14.8. Proofs in Predicate Logic 759
14.9. Proofs from Rules and Facts 762
14.10. Truth and Provability 768
14.11. Summary of Chapter 14 774
14.12. Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 14 775

Index 776
This book was motivated by the desire we and others have had to further the evolu-
tion of the core course in computer science. Many departments across the country
have revised their curriculum in response to the introductory course in the science
of computing discussed in the “Denning Report,” (Denning, P. J., D. E. Comer, D.
Gries, M. C. Mulder, A. Tucker, J. Turner, and P. R. Young, “Computing as a Dis-
cipline,” Comm. ACM 32:1, pp. 9–23, January 1989.). That report draws attention
to three working methodologies or processes — theory, abstraction, and design —
as fundamental to all undergraduate programs in the discipline. More recently,
the Computing Curricula 1991 report of the joint ACM/IEEE-CS Curriculum Task
Force echoes the Denning Report in identifying key recurring concepts which are
fundamental to computing, especially: conceptual and formal models, efficiency,
and levels of abstraction. The themes of these two reports summarize what we have
tried to offer the student in this book.
This book developed from notes for a two-quarter course at Stanford — called
CS109: Introduction to Computer Science — that serves a number of goals. The
first goal is to give beginning computer science majors a solid foundation for fur-
ther study. However, computing is becoming increasingly important in a much
wider range of scientific and engineering disciplines. Therefore, a second goal is
to give those students who will not take advanced courses in computer science the
conceptual tools that the field provides. Finally, a more pervasive goal is to expose
all students not only to programming concepts but also to the intellectually rich
foundations of the field.
Our first version of this book was based on programming in Pascal and appeared
in 1992. Our choice of Pascal as the language for example programs was motivated
by that language’s use in the Computer Science Advanced Placement Test as well
as in a plurality of college introductions to programming. We were pleased to see
that since 1992 there has been a significant trend toward C as the introductory
programming language, and we accordingly developed a new version of the book
using C for programming examples. Our emphasis on abstraction and encapsulation
should provide a good foundation for subsequent courses covering object-oriented
technology using C++.
At the same time, we decided to make two significant improvements in the
content of the book. First, although it is useful to have a grounding in machine
architecture to motivate how running time is measured, we found that almost all
curricula separate architecture into a separate course, so the chapter on that subject
was not useful. Second, many introductory courses in the theory of computing
emphasize combinatorics and probability, so we decided to increase the coverage
and cluster the material into a chapter of its own.
Foundations of Computer Science covers subjects that are often found split
between a discrete mathematics course and a sophomore-level sequence in computer
science in data structures. It has been our intention to select the mathematical
foundations with an eye toward what the computer user really needs, rather than
what a mathematician might choose. We have tried to integrate effectively the
mathematical foundations with the computing. We thus hope to provide a better
feel for the soul of computer science than might be found in a programming course,


a discrete mathematics course, or a course in a computer science subspecialty. We

believe that, as time goes on, all scientists and engineers will take a foundational
course similar to the one offered at Stanford upon which this book is based. Such a
course in computer science should become as standard as similar courses in calculus
and physics.

Students taking courses based on this book have ranged from first-year undergrad-
uates to graduate students. We assume only that students have had a solid course
in programming. They should be familiar with the programming language ANSI
C to use this edition. In particular, we expect students to be comfortable with C
constructs such as recursive functions, structures, pointers, and operators involving
pointers and structures such as dot, ->, and &.

Suggested Outlines for Foundational Courses in CS

In terms of a traditional computer science curriculum, the book combines a first
course in data structures — that is, a “CS2” course — with a course in discrete
mathematics. We believe that the integration of these subjects is extremely desir-
able for two reasons:
1. It helps motivate the mathematics by relating it more closely to the computing.
2. Computing and mathematics can be mutually reinforcing. Some examples
are the way recursive programming and mathematical induction are related in
Chapter 2 and the way the free/bound variable distinction for logic is related
to the scope of variables in programming languages in Chapter 14. Suggestions
for instructive programming assignments are presented throughout the book.
There are a number of ways in which this book can be used.

A Two-Quarter or Two-Semester Course

The CS109A-B sequence at Stanford is typical of what might be done in two quar-
ters, although these courses are rather intensive, being 4-unit, 10-week courses each.
These two courses cover the entire book, the first seven chapters in CS109A and
Chapters 8 through 14 in CS109B.

A One-Semester “CS2” Type Course

It is possible to use the book for a one-semester course covering a set of topics similar
to what would appear in a “CS2” course. Naturally, there is too much material in
the book to cover in one semester, and so we recommend the following:
1. Recursive algorithms and programs in Sections 2.7 and 2.8.
2. Big-oh analysis and running time of programs: all of Chapter 3 except for
Section 3.11 on solving recurrence relations.
3. Trees in Sections 5.2 through 5.10.

4. Lists: all of Chapter 6. Some may wish to cover lists before trees, which
is a more traditional treatment. We regard trees as the more fundamental
notion, but there is little harm in switching the order. The only significant
dependency is that Chapter 6 talks about the “dictionary” abstract data type
(set with operations insert, delete, and lookup), which is introduced in Section
5.7 as a concept in connection with binary search trees.
5. Sets and relations. Data structures for sets and relations are emphasized in
Sections 7.2 through 7.9 and 8.2 through 8.6.
6. Graph algorithms are covered in Sections 9.2 through 9.9.

A One-Semester Discrete Mathematics Course

For a one-semester course emphasizing mathematical foundations, the instructor
could choose to cover:
1. Mathematical induction and recursive programs in Chapter 2.
2. Big-oh analysis, running time, and recurrence relations in Sections 3.4 through
3. Combinatorics in Sections 4.2 through 4.8.
4. Discrete probability in Sections 4.9 through 4.13.
5. Mathematical aspects of trees in Sections 5.2 through 5.6.
6. Mathematical aspects of sets in Sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.7, 7.10, and 7.11.
7. The algebra of relations in Sections 8.2, 8.7, and 8.9.
8. Graph algorithms and graph theory in Chapter 9.
9. Automata and regular expressions in Chapter 10.
10. Context-free grammars in Sections 11.2 through 11.4.
11. Propositional and predicate logic in Chapters 12 and 14, respectively.

Features of This Book

To help the student assimilate the material, we have added the following study aids:
1. Each chapter has an outline section at the beginning and a summary section
at the end highlighting the main points.
2. Marginal notes mark important concepts and definitions. However, items men-
tioned in section or subsection headlines are not repeated in the margin.
3. “Sidebars” are separated from the text by double lines. These short notes serve
several purposes:
✦ Some are elaborations on the text or make some fine points about program
or algorithm design.
✦ Others are for summary or emphasis of points made in the text nearby.
These include outlines of important kinds of proofs, such as the various
forms of proof by induction.
✦ A few are used to give examples of fallacious arguments, and we hope that
the separation from the text in this way will eliminate possible miscon-
struction of the point.

✦ A few give very brief introductions to major topics like undecidability or

the history of computers to which we wish we could devote a full section.
4. Most of the sections end with exercises. There are more than 1000 exercises
or parts spread among the sections. Of these roughly 30% are marked with a
single star, which indicates that they require more thought than the unstarred
exercises. Approximately another 10% of the exercises are doubly starred, and
these are the most challenging.
5. Chapters end with bibliographic notes. We have not attempted to be exhaus-
tive, but offer suggestions for more advanced texts on the subject of the chapter
and mention the relevant papers with the most historical significance.

About the Cover

It is a tradition for computer science texts to have a cover with a cartoon or drawing
symbolizing the content of the book. Here, we have drawn on the myth of the world
as the back of a turtle, but our world is populated with representatives of some of
the other, more advanced texts in computer science that this book is intended to
support. They are:
The teddy bear: R. Sethi, Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1989.
The baseball player: J. D. Ullman, Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base
Systems, Computer Science Press, New York, 1988.
The column: J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: a Quan-
titative Approach, Morgan-Kaufmann, San Mateo, Calif., 1990.
The dragon: A. V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J. D. Ullman, Compiler Design: Principles,
Techniques, and Tools, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1986.
The triceratops: J. L. Peterson and A. Silberschatz, Operating Systems Concepts,
second edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1985.

We are deeply indebted to a number of colleagues and students who have read this
material and given us many valuable suggestions for improving the presentation.
We owe a special debt of gratitude to Brian Kernighan, Don Knuth, Apostolos
Lerios, and Bob Martin who read the original Pascal manuscript in detail and
gave us many perceptive comments. We have received, and gratefully acknowledge,
reports of course testing of the notes for the Pascal edition of this book by Michael
Anderson, Margaret Johnson, Udi Manber, Joseph Naor, Prabhakar Ragde, Rocky
Ross, and Shuky Sagiv.
There are a number of other people who found errors in earlier editions, both
the original notes and the various printings of the Pascal edition. In this regard,
we would like to thank: Susan Aho, Michael Anderson, Aaron Edsinger, Lonnie
Eldridge, Todd Feldman, Steve Friedland, Christopher Fuselier, Mike Genstil, Paul
Grubb III, Barry Hayes, John Hwang, Hakan Jakobsson, Arthur Keller, Dean Kelley,
James Kuffner Jr., Steve Lindell, Richard Long, Mark MacDonald, Simone Mar-
tini, Hugh McGuire, Alan Morgan, Monnia Oropeza, Rodrigo Philander, Andrew
Quan, Stuart Reges, John Stone, Keith Swanson, Steve Swenson, Sanjai Tiwari,
Eric Traut, and Lynzi Ziegenhagen.

We acknowledge helpful advice from Geoff Clem, Jon Kettenring, and Brian
Kernighan during the preparation of the C edition of Foundations of Computer
Peter Ullman produced a number of the figures used in this book. We are grate-
ful to Dan Clayton, Anthony Dayao, Mat Howard, and Ron Underwood for help
with TEX fonts, and to Hester Glynn and Anne Smith for help with the manuscript

On-Line Access to Code, Errata, and Notes

You can obtain copies of the major programs in this book by anonymous ftp to host Login with user name anonymous and give your name and
host as a password. You may then execute
cd fcsc
where you will find programs from this book. We also plan to keep in this directory
information about errata and what course notes we can provide.

A. V. A.
Chatham, NJ

J. D. U.
Stanford, CA

July, 1994

Computer Science:
✦ ✦

The Mechanization
of Abstraction

Though it is a new field, computer science already touches virtually every aspect
of human endeavor. Its impact on society is seen in the proliferation of computers,
information systems, text editors, spreadsheets, and all of the wonderful application
programs that have been developed to make computers easier to use and people more
productive. An important part of the field deals with how to make programming
easier and software more reliable. But fundamentally, computer science is a science
Abstraction of abstraction — creating the right model for thinking about a problem and devising
the appropriate mechanizable techniques to solve it.
Every other science deals with the universe as it is. The physicist’s job, for
example, is to understand how the world works, not to invent a world in which
physical laws would be simpler or more pleasant to follow. Computer scientists,
on the other hand, must create abstractions of real-world problems that can be
understood by computer users and, at the same time, that can be represented and
manipulated inside a computer.
Sometimes the process of abstraction is simple. For example, we can model the
behavior of the electronic circuits used to build computers quite well by an abstrac-
tion called “propositional logic.” The modeling of circuits by logical expressions is
not exact; it simplifies, or abstracts away, many details — such as the time it takes
for electrons to flow through circuits and gates. Nevertheless, the propositional
logic model is good enough to help us design computer circuits well. We shall have
much more to say about propositional logic in Chapter 12.
Exam As another example, suppose we are faced with the problem of scheduling final
scheduling examinations for courses. That is, we must assign course exams to time slots so
that two courses may have their exams scheduled in the same time slot only if there
is no student taking both. At first, it may not be apparent how we should model
this problem. One approach is to draw a circle called a node for each course and
draw a line called an edge connecting two nodes if the corresponding courses have
a student in common. Figure 1.1 suggests a possible picture for five courses; the
picture is called a course-conflict graph.
Given the course-conflict graph, we can solve the exam-scheduling problem by
repeatedly finding and removing “maximal independent sets” from the graph. An


Eng Math


Econ Phy

Fig. 1.1. Course-conflict graph for five courses. An edge between two
courses indicates that at least one student is taking both courses.

independent set is a collection of nodes that have no connecting edges within the
Maximal collection. An independent set is maximal if no other node from the graph can be
independent added without including an edge between two nodes of the set. In terms of courses,
set a maximal independent set is any maximal set of courses with no common students.
In Fig. 1.1, {Econ, Eng, P hy} is one maximal independent set. The set of courses
corresponding to the selected maximal independent set is assigned to the first time
We remove from the graph the nodes in the first maximal independent set,
along with all incident edges, and then find a maximal independent set among the
remaining courses. One choice for the next maximal independent set is the singleton
set {CS}. The course in this maximal independent set is assigned to the second
time slot.
We repeat this process of finding and deleting maximal independent sets until
no more nodes remain in the course-conflict graph. At this point, all courses will
have been assigned to time slots. In our example, after two iterations, the only
remaining node in the course-conflict graph is Math, and this forms the final maxi-
mal independent set, which is assigned to the third time slot. The resulting exam
schedule is thus


1 Econ, Eng, Phy
2 CS
3 Math

This algorithm does not necessarily partition the courses among the smallest
possible number of time slots, but it is simple and does tend to produce a schedule
with close to the smallest number of time slots. It is also one that can be readily
programmed using the techniques presented in Chapter 9.
Notice that this approach abstracts away some details of the problem that may
be important. For example, it could cause one student to have five exams in five
consecutive time slots. We could create a model that included limits on how many
exams in a row one student could take, but then both the model and the solution

Abstraction: Not to Be Feared

The reader may cringe at the word “abstraction,” because we all have the intu-
ition that abstract things are hard to understand; for example, abstract algebra
(the study of groups, rings, and the like) is generally considered harder than the
algebra we learned in high school. However, abstraction in the sense we use it im-
plies simplification, the replacement of a complex and detailed real-world situation
by an understandable model within which we can solve a problem. That is, we
“abstract away” the details whose effect on the solution to a problem is minimal
or nonexistent, thereby creating a model that lets us deal with the essence of the

to the exam-scheduling problem would be more complicated.

Often, finding a good abstraction can be quite difficult because we are forced
to confront the fundamental limitations on the tasks computers can perform and
the speed with which computers can perform those tasks. In the early days of com-
puter science, some optimists believed that robots would soon have the prodigious
capability and versatility of the Star Wars robot C3PO. Since then we have learned
that in order to have “intelligent” behavior on the part of a computer (or robot),
we need to provide that computer with a model of the world that is essentially
as detailed as that possessed by humans, including not only facts (“Sally’s phone
number is 555-1234”), but principles and relationships (“If you drop something, it
usually falls downward”).
Knowledge We have made much progress on this problem of “knowledge representation.”
representation We have devised abstractions that can be used to help build programs that do
certain kinds of reasoning. One example of such an abstraction is the directed
graph, in which nodes represent entities (“the species cat” or “Fluffy”) and arrows
(called arcs) from one node to another represent relationships (“Fluffy is a cat,”
“cats are animals,” “Fluffy owns Fluffy’s milk saucer”); Figure 1.2 suggests such a
Another useful abstraction is formal logic, which allows us to manipulate facts
by applying rules of inference, such as “If X is a cat and Y is the mother of X, then
Y is a cat.” Nevertheless, progress on modeling, or abstracting, the real world or
significant pieces thereof remains a fundamental challenge of computer science, one
that is not likely to be solved completely in the near future.

✦ ✦

1.1 What This Book Is About

This book will introduce the reader, who is assumed to have a working knowledge of
the programming language ANSI C, to the principal ideas and concerns of computer
science. The book emphasizes three important problem-solving tools:
1. Data models, the abstractions used to describe problems. We have already men-
tioned two models: logic and graphs. We shall meet many others throughout
this book.





Fluffy milk

Fig. 1.2. A graph representing knowledge about Fluffy.

2. Data structures, the programming-language constructs used to represent data

models. For example, C provides built-in abstractions, such as structures and
pointers, that allow us to construct data structures to represent complex ab-
stractions such as graphs.
3. Algorithms, the techniques used to obtain solutions by manipulating data as
represented by the abstractions of a data model, by data structures, or by other

Data Models
We meet data models in two contexts. Data models such as the graphs discussed in
the introduction to this chapter are abstractions frequently used to help formulate
solutions to problems. We shall learn about several such data models in this book:
trees in Chapter 5, lists in Chapter 6, sets in Chapter 7, relations in Chapter 8,
graphs in Chapter 9, finite automata in Chapter 10, grammars in Chapter 11, and
logic in Chapters 12 and 14.
Data models are also associated with programming languages and computers.
For example, C has a data model that includes abstractions such as characters,
integers of several sizes, and floating-point numbers. Integers and floating-point
numbers in C are only approximations of integers and reals in mathematics because
of the limited precision of arithmetic available in computers. The C data model also
includes types such as structures, pointers, and functions, which we shall discuss in
more detail in Section 1.4.

Data Structures
When the data model of the language in which we are writing a program lacks a
built-in representation for the data model of the problem at hand, we must represent
the needed data model using the abstractions supported by the language. For this
purpose, we study data structures, which are methods for representing in the data
model of a programming language abstractions that are not an explicit part of

that language. Different programming languages may have strikingly different data
models. For example, unlike C, the language Lisp supports trees directly, and the
language Prolog has logic built into its data model.


An algorithm is a precise and unambiguous specification of a sequence of steps that

can be carried out mechanically. The notation in which an algorithm is expressed
can be any commonly understood language, but in computer science algorithms are
most often expressed formally as programs in a programming language, or in an
informal style as a sequence of programming language constructs intermingled with
English language statements. Most likely, you have already encountered several im-
portant algorithms while studying programming. For example, there are a number
of algorithms for sorting the elements of an array, that is, putting the elements in
smallest-first order. There are clever searching algorithms such as binary search,
which quickly finds a given element in a sorted array by repeatedly dividing in half
the portion of the array in which the element could appear.
These, and many other “tricks” for solving common problems, are among the
tools the computer scientist uses when designing programs. We shall study many
such techniques in this book, including the important methods for sorting and
searching. In addition, we shall learn what makes one algorithm better than another.
Frequently, the running time, or time taken by an algorithm measured as a function
of the size of its input, is one important aspect of the “quality” of the algorithm;
we discuss running time in Chapter 3.
Other aspects of algorithms are also important, particularly their simplicity.
Ideally, an algorithm should be easy to understand and easy to turn into a work-
ing program. Also, the resulting program should be understandable by a person
reading the code that implements the algorithm. Unfortunately, our desires for a
fast algorithm and a simple algorithm are often in conflict, and we must choose our
algorithm wisely.

Underlying Threads

As we progress through this book, we shall encounter a number of important uni-

fying principles. We alert the reader to two of these here:

1. Design algebras. In certain fields in which the underlying models have become
well understood, we can develop notations in which design trade-offs can be
expressed and evaluated. Through this understanding, we can develop a theory
of design with which well-engineered systems can be constructed. Propositional
logic, with the associated notation called Boolean algebra that we encounter in
Chapter 12, is a good example of this kind of design algebra. With it, we can
design efficient circuits for subsystems of the kind found in digital computers.
Other examples of algebras found in this book are the algebra of sets in Chapter
7, the algebra of relations in Chapter 8, and the algebra of regular expressions
in Chapter 10.

2. Recursion is such a useful technique for defining concepts and solving problems
that it deserves special mention. We discuss recursion in detail in Chapter 2
and use it throughout the rest of the book. Whenever we need to define an
object precisely or whenever we need to solve a problem, we should always ask,
“What does the recursive solution look like?” Frequently that solution has a
simplicity and efficiency that makes it the method of choice.

✦ ✦

1.2 What This Chapter Is About
The remainder of this chapter sets the stage for the study of computer science. The
primary concepts that will be covered are
✦ Data models (Section 1.3)
✦ The data model of the programming language C (Section 1.4)
✦ The principal steps in the software-creation process (Section 1.5)
We shall give examples of several different ways in which abstractions and mod-
els appear in computer systems. In particular, we mention the models found in
programming languages, in certain kinds of systems programs, such as operating
systems, and in the circuits from which computers are built. Since software is a
vital component of today’s computer systems, we need to understand the software-
creation process, the role played by models and algorithms, and the aspects of
software creation that computer science can address only in limited ways.
In Section 1.6 there are some conventional definitions that are used in C pro-
grams throughout this book.

✦ ✦

1.3 Data Models
Any mathematical concept can be termed a data model. In computer science, a
data model normally has two aspects:
1. The values that objects can assume. For example, many data models contain
objects that have integer values. This aspect of the data model is static; it tells
us what values objects may take. The static part of a programming language’s
Type system data model is often called the type system.
2. The operations on the data. For example, we normally apply operations such
as addition to integers. This aspect of the model is dynamic; it tells us the
ways in which we can change values and create new values.

Programming Language Data Models

Each programming language has its own data model, and these differ from one
another, often in quite substantial ways. The basic principle under which most
programming languages deal with data is that each program has access to “boxes,”
which we can think of as regions of storage. Each box has a type, such as int or
char. We may store in a box any value of the correct type for that box. We often
Data object refer to the values that can be stored in boxes as data objects.

We may also name boxes. In general, a name for a box is any expression that
denotes that box. Often, we think of the names of boxes as the variables of the
Name program, but that is not quite right. For example, if x is a variable local to a
recursive function F , then there may be many boxes named x, each associated with
a different call to F . Then the true name of such a box is a combination of x and
the particular call to F .
Most of the data types of C are familiar: integers, floating-point numbers,
characters, arrays, structures, and pointers. These are all static notions.
The operations permitted on data include the usual arithmetic operations on
integers and floating-point numbers, accessing operations for elements of arrays or
Dereferencing structures, and pointer dereferencing, that is, finding the element pointed to by a
pointer. These operations are part of the dynamics of the C data model.
In a programming course, we would see important data models that are not part
of C, such as lists, trees, and graphs. In mathematical terms, a list is a sequence of
The list data n elements, which we shall write as (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ), where a1 is the first element, a2
model the second, and so on. Operations on lists include inserting new elements, deleting
elements, and concatenating lists (that is, appending one list to the end of another).

✦ Example 1.1. In C, a list of integers can be represented by a data structure

called a linked list in which list elements are stored in cells. Lists and their cells can
be defined by a type declaration such as
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
int element;
struct LIST next;
This declaration defines a self-referential structure CELL with two fields. The first
is element, which holds the value of an element of the list and is of type int.
The second field of each CELL is next, which holds a pointer to a cell. Note
that the type LIST is really a pointer to a CELL. Thus, structures of type CELL can
be linked together by their next fields to form what we usually think of as a linked
list, as suggested in Fig. 1.3. The next field can be thought of as either a pointer
to the next cell or as representing the entire list that follows the cell in which it
appears. Similarly, the entire list can be represented by a pointer, of type LIST, to
the first cell on the list.

a1 • a2 • ··· an •

Fig. 1.3. A linked list representing the list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ).

Cells are represented by rectangles, the left part of which is the element, and
the right part of which holds a pointer, shown as an arrow to the next cell pointed
to. A dot in the box holding a pointer means that the pointer is NULL.1 Lists will
be covered in more detail in Chapter 6. ✦
1 NULL is a symbolic constant defined in the standard header file stdio.h to be equal to a value
that cannot be a pointer to anything. We shall use it to have this meaning throughout the

Data Models Versus Data Structures

Despite their similar names, a “list” and a “linked list” are very different concepts. A
list is a mathematical abstraction, or data model. A linked list is a data structure. In
particular, it is the data structure we normally use in C and many similar languages
to represent abstract lists in programs. There are other languages in which it is
not necessary to use a data structure to represent abstract lists. For example, the
list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) could be represented directly in the language Lisp and in the
language Prolog similarly, as [a1 , a2 , . . . , an ].

Data Models of System Software

Operating Data models are found not only in programming languages but also in operating
systems systems and applications programs. You are probably familiar with an operating
system such as UNIX or MS-DOS (perhaps with Microsoft Windows).2 The func-
tion of an operating system is to manage and schedule the resources of a computer.
The data model for an operating system like UNIX has concepts such as files, di-
rectories, and processes.

mnt usr bin ···

ann bob

a1 a2 a3 b1 b2

Fig. 1.4. A typical UNIX directory/file structure.

1. The data itself is stored in files, which in the UNIX system are strings of
Files characters.
Directories 2. Files are organized into directories, which are collections of files and/or other
directories. The directories and files form a tree with the files at the leaves.3
Figure 1.4 suggests the tree that might represent the directory structure of a
typical UNIX operating system. Directories are indicated by circles. The root
directory / contains directories called mnt, usr, bin, and so on. The directory
/usr contains directories ann and bob; directory ann contains three files: a1,
a2, and a3.
2 If you are unfamiliar with operating systems, you can skip the next paragraphs. However,
most readers have probably encountered an operating system, perhaps under another name.
For example, the Macintosh “system” is an operating system, although different terminology
is used. For example, a directory becomes a “folder” in Macintosh-ese.
3 However, “links” in directories may make it appear that a file or directory is part of several
different directories.

Processes 3. Processes are individual executions of programs. Processes take zero or more
streams as input and produce zero or more streams as output. In the UNIX
Pipes system, processes can be combined by pipes, where the output from one process
is fed as input into the next process. The resulting composition of processes
can be viewed as a single process with its own input and output.

✦ Example 1.2. Consider the UNIX command line

bc | word | speak
The symbol | indicates a pipe, an operation that makes the output of the process
on the left of this symbol be the input to the process on its right. The program
bc is a desk calculator that takes arithmetic expressions, such as 2 + 3, as input
and produces the answer 5 as output. The program word translates numbers into
words; speak translates words into phoneme sequences, which are then uttered over
a loudspeaker by a voice synthesizer. Connecting these three programs together
by pipes turns this UNIX command line into a single process that behaves like a
“talking” desk calculator. It takes as input arithmetic expressions and produces as
output the spoken answers. This example also suggests that a complex task may
be implemented more easily as the composition of several simpler functions. ✦

There are many other aspects to an operating system, such as how it manages
security of data and interaction with the user. However, even these few observations
should make it apparent that the data model of an operating system is rather
different from the data model of a programming language.
Another type of data model is found in text editors. Every text editor’s data
Text editors model incorporates a notion of text strings and editing operations on text. The
data model usually includes the notion of lines, which, like most files, are character
strings. However, unlike files, lines may have associated line numbers. Lines may
also be organized into larger units such as paragraphs, and operations on lines are
normally applicable anywhere within the line — not just at the front, like the most
common file operations. The typical editor supports a notion of a “current” line
(where the cursor is) and probably a current position within that line. Operations
performed by the editor include various modifications to lines, such as deletion or
insertion of characters within the line, deletion of lines, and creation of new lines.
It is also possible in typical editors to search for features, such as specific character
strings, among the lines of the file being edited.
In fact, if you examine any other familiar piece of software, such as a spread-
sheet or a video game, a pattern emerges. Each program that is designed to be
used by others has its own data model, within which the user must work. The
data models we meet are often radically different from one another, both in the
primitives they use to represent data and in the operations on that data that are
offered to the user. Yet each data model is implemented, via data structures and
the programs that use them, in some programming language.

The Data Model of Circuits

We shall also meet in this book a data model for computer circuits. This model,
called propositional logic, is most useful in the design of computers. Computers
are composed of elementary components called gates. Each gate has one or more

inputs and one output; the value of an input or output can be only 0 or 1. A
gate performs a simple function — such as AND, where the output is 1 if all the
inputs are 1 and the output is 0 if one or more of the inputs are 0. At one level
of abstraction, computer design is the process of deciding how to connect gates
to perform the basic operations of a computer. There are many other levels of
abstraction associated with computer design as well.
Figure 1.5 shows the usual symbol for an AND-gate, together with its truth table,
which indicates the output value of the gate for each pair of input values.4 We
discuss truth tables in Chapter 12 and gates and their interconnections in Chapter

x y z
AND z 0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Fig. 1.5. An AND-gate and its truth table.

✦ Example 1.3. To execute the C assignment statement a = b+c, a computer

performs the addition with an adder circuit. In the computer, all numbers are
represented in binary notation using the two digits 0 and 1 (called binary digits, or
Bit bits for short). The familiar algorithm for adding decimal numbers, where we add
the digits at the right end, generate a carry to the next place to the left, add that
carry and the digits at that place, generate a carry to the next place to the left,
and so on, works in binary as well.

x y

d c

Fig. 1.6. A one-bit adder: dz is the sum x + y + c.

One-bit adder Out of a few gates, we can build a one-bit adder circuit, as suggested in Fig.
1.6. Two input bits, x and y, and a carry-in bit c, are summed, resulting in a sum
bit z and a carry-out bit d. To be precise, d is 1 if two or more of c, x, and y are 1,
while z is 1 if an odd number (one or three) of c, x, and y are 1, as suggested by

4 Note that if we think of 1 as “true” and 0 as “false,” then the AND-gate performs the same
logical operation as the && operator of C.

x y c d z
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 1.7. Truth table for the one-bit adder.

The Ripple-Carry Addition Algorithm

We all have used the ripple-carry algorithm to add numbers in decimal. To add
456 + 829, for example, one performs the steps suggested below:
1 0
4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6
8 2 9 8 2 9 8 2 9
5 8 5 1 2 8 5
That is, at the first step, we add the rightmost digits, 6+9 = 15. We write down the
5 and carry the 1 to the second column. At the second step, we add the carry-in, 1,
and the two digits in the second place from the right, to get 1 + 5 + 2 = 8. We write
down the 8, and the carry is 0. In the third step, we add the carry-in, 0, and the
digits in the third place from the right, to get 0 + 4 + 8 = 12. We write down the
2, but since we are at the leftmost place, we do not carry the 1, but rather write it
down as the leftmost digit of the answer.
Binary ripple-carry addition works the same way. However, at each place, the
carry and the “digits” being added are all either 0 or 1. The one-bit adder thus
describes completely the addition table for a single place. That is, if all three bits
are 0, then the sum is 0, and so we write down 0 and carry 0. If one of the three is
1, the sum is 1; we write down 1 and carry 0. If two of the three are 1, the sum is
2, or 10 in binary; we write down 0 and carry 1. If all three are 1, then the sum is
3, or 11 in binary, and so we write down 1 and carry 1. For example, to add 101 to
111 using binary ripple-carry addition, the steps are
1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0

the table of Fig. 1.7. The carry-out bit followed by the sum bit — that is, dz —
forms a two-bit binary number, which is the total number of x, y, and c that are 1.
In this sense, the one-bit adder adds its inputs.
Many computers represent integers as 32-bit numbers. An adder circuit can

then be composed of 32 one-bit adders, as suggested in Fig. 1.8. This circuit is often
Ripple-carry called a ripple-carry adder, because the carry ripples from right to left, one bit at a
adder time. Note that the carry into the rightmost (low-order bit) one-bit adder is always
0. The sequence of bits x31 x30 · · · x0 represents the bits of the first number being
added, and y31 y30 · · · y0 is the second addend. The sum is dz31 z30 · · · z0 ; that is, the
leading bit is the carry-out of the leftmost one-bit adder, and the following bits of
the sum are the sum bits of the adders, from the left.

x31 x30 x0
y31 y30 y0

d ··· 0

z31 z30 z0

Fig. 1.8. A ripple-carry adder: dz31 z30 · · · z0 = x31 x30 · · · x0 + y31 y30 · · · y0 .

The circuit of Fig. 1.8 is really an algorithm in the data model of bits and the
primitive operations of gates. However, it is not a particularly good algorithm. The
reason is that until we compute the carry-out of the rightmost place, we cannot
compute z1 or the carry-out of the second place. Until we compute the carry-out of
the second place, we cannot compute z2 or the carry-out of the third place, and so
on. Thus, the time taken by the circuit is the length of the numbers being added —
32 in our case — multiplied by the time needed by a one-bit adder.
One might suspect that the need to “ripple” the carry through each of the one-
bit adders, in turn, is inherent in the definition of addition. Thus, it may come as
a surprise to the reader that computers have a much faster way of adding numbers.
We shall cover such an improved algorithm for addition when we discuss the design
of circuits in Chapter 13. ✦


1.3.1: Explain the difference between the static and dynamic aspects of a data
1.3.2: Describe the data model of your favorite video game. Distinguish between
static and dynamic aspects of the model. Hint : The static parts are not just the
parts of the game board that do not move. For example, in Pac Man, the static
part includes not only the map, but the “power pills,” “monsters,” and so on.
1.3.3: Describe the data model of your favorite text editor.
1.3.4: Describe the data model of a spreadsheet program.

✦ ✦

1.4 The C Data Model
In this section we shall highlight important parts of the data model used by the C
programming language. As an example of a C program, consider the program in
Fig. 1.10 that uses the variable num to count the number of characters in its input.

#include <stdio.h>
int num;
num = 0;
while (getchar() != EOF)
++num; /* add 1 to num */
printf("%d\n", num);

Fig. 1.10. C program to count number of input characters.

The first line tells the C preprocessor to include as part of the source the
standard input/output file stdio.h, which contains the definitions of the functions
getchar and printf, and the symbolic constant EOF, a value that represents the
end of a file.
A C program itself consists of a sequence of definitions, which can be either
function definitions or data definitions. One must be a definition of a function
called main. The first statement in the function body of the program in Fig. 1.10
declares the variable num to be of type int. (All variables in a C program must
be declared before their use.) The next statement initializes num to zero. The
following while statement reads input characters one at a time using the library
function getchar, incrementing num after each character read, until there are no
EOF more input characters. The end of file is signaled by the special value EOF on the
input. The printf statement prints the value of num as a decimal integer, followed
by a newline character.

The C Type System

We begin with the static part of the C data model, the type system, which describes
the values that data may have. We then discuss the dynamics of the C data model,
that is, the operations that may be performed on data.
In C, there is an infinite set of types, any of which could be the type associated
with a particular variable. These types, and the rules by which they are constructed,
form the type system of C. The type system contains basic types such as integers,
and a collection of type-formation rules with which we can construct progressively
more complex types from types we already know. The basic types of C are
1. Characters (char, signed char, unsigned char)
2. Integers (int, short int, long int, unsigned)
3. Floating-point numbers (float, double, long double)
4. Enumerations (enum)

Integers and floating-point numbers are considered to be arithmetic types.

The type-formation rules assume that we already have some types, which could
be basic types or other types that we have already constructed using these rules.
Here are some examples of the type formation rules in C:
1. Array types. We can form an array whose elements are type T with the decla-
T A[n]
This statement declares an array A of n elements, each of type T . In C, array
subscripts begin at 0, so the first element is A[0] and the last element is
A[n−1]. Arrays can be constructed from characters, arithmetic types, pointers,
structures, unions, or other arrays.
Members of a 2. Structure types. In C, a structure is a grouping of variables called members or
structure fields. Within a structure different members can have different types, but each
member must have elements of a single type. If T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn are types and
M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn are member names, then the declaration
struct S {
T1 M1 ;
T2 M2 ;
Tn Mn ;
defines a structure whose tag (i.e., the name of its type) is S and that has
n members. The ith member has the name Mi and a value of type Ti , for
i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Example 1.1 is an illustration of a structure. This structure
has tag CELL and two members. The first member has name element and has
integer type. The second has name next and its type is a pointer to a structure
of the same type.
The structure tag S is optional, but it provides a convenient shorthand for
referring to the type in later declarations. For example, the declaration
struct S myRecord;
defines the variable myRecord to be a structure of type S.
3. Union types. A union type allows a variable to have different types at different
times during the execution of a program. The declaration
union {
T1 M1 ;
T2 M2 ;
Tn Mn ;
} x;
defines a variable x that can hold a value of any of the types T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn .
The member names M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn help indicate which type the value of x
should be regarded as being. That is, x.Mi refers to the value of x treated as
a value of type Ti .

4. Pointer types. C is distinctive for its reliance on pointers. A variable of type

pointer contains the address of a region of storage. We can access the value of
another variable indirectly through a pointer. The declaration
T *p;
defines the variable p to be a pointer to a variable of type T . Thus p names a
box of type pointer to T and the value in box p is a pointer. We often draw the
value of p as an arrow, rather than as an object of type T itself, as shown in
Fig. 1.11. What really appears in the box named p is the address, or location,
at which an object of type T is stored in the computer.
Consider the declaration
int x, *p;
In C, the unary operator & is used to obtain the address of an object, so the
p = &x;
assigns the address of x to p; that is, it makes p point to x.
The unary operator * applied to p fetches the value of the box pointed to by
p, so the statement
y = *p;
assigns to y the contents of whatever box p points to. If y is a variable of type
int, then
p = &x;
y = *p;
is equivalent to the assignment
y = x;

Object of
p •
type T

Fig. 1.11. Variable p is of type pointer to T .

✦ Example 1.4. C has the typedef construct to create synonyms for type names.
The declaration
typedef int Distance;

typedef int type1[10];

typedef type1 *type2;
typedef struct {
int field1;
type2 field2;
} type3;
typedef type3 type4[5];

Fig. 1.12. Some C typedef declarations.

field1 3
field2 •

9 •

(a) (b) (c)

field1 3
field2 •

1 ···

2 ···

3 ···

field1 7
field2 •


Fig. 1.13. Visualization of type declarations in Fig. 1.12.


Types, Names, Variables, and Identifiers

A number of terms associated with data objects have different meanings but are
easy to confuse. First, a type describes a “shape” for data objects. In C, a new
name T may be defined for an existing type using the typedef construct
typedef <type descriptor> T
Type descriptor Here the type descriptor is an expression that tells us the shape of objects of the
type T .
A typedef declaration for T does not actually create any objects of that type.
An object of type T is created by a declaration of the form
T x;
Here, x is an identifier, or “variable name.” Possibly, x is static (not local to any
function), in which case the box for x is created when the program starts. If x is
not static, then it is local to some function F . When F is called, a box whose name
is “the x associated with this call to F ” is created. More precisely, the name of the
box is x, but only uses of the identifier x during the execution of this call to F refer
to this box.
As mentioned in the text, there can be many boxes each of whose name involves
the identifier x, since F may be recursive. There may even be other functions that
also have used identifier x to name one of their variables. Moreover, names are
more general than identifiers, since there are many kinds of expressions that could
be used to name boxes. For instance, we mentioned that *p could be the name of
an object pointed to by pointer p, and other names could be complex expressions
such as (*p).f[2] or p->f[2]. The last two expressions are equivalent and refer
to the array element number 2 of the field f of the structure pointed to by pointer

allows the name Distance to be used in place of the type int.

Consider the four typedef declarations in Fig. 1.12. In the conventional view
of data in C, an object of type type1 is an array with 10 slots, each holding an
integer, as suggested in Fig. 1.13(a). Likewise, objects of type type2 are pointers to
such arrays, as in Fig. 1.13(b). Structures, like those of type3, are visualized as in
Fig. 1.13(c), with a slot for each field; note that the name of the field (e.g., field1)
does not actually appear with the value of the field. Finally, objects of the array
type type4 would have five slots, each of which holds an object of type type3, a
structure we suggest in Fig. 1.13(d). ✦

Functions also have associated types, even though we do not associate boxes or
“values” with functions, as we do with program variables. For any list of types
T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn , we can define a function with n parameters consisting of those types,
in order. This list of types followed by the type of the value returned by the function
Return-value (the return-value) is the “type” of the function. If the function has no return value,
its type is void.
In general, we can build types by applying the type-construction rules arbi-
trarily, but there are a number of constraints. For example, we cannot construct an

“array of functions,” although we can construct an array of pointers to functions.

The complete set of rules for constructing types in C can be found in the ANSI

Operations in the C Data Model

The operations on data in the C data model can be divided into three categories:
1. Operations that create or destroy a data object.
2. Operations that access and modify parts of a data object.
3. Operations that combine the values of data objects to form a new value for a
data object.

Data Object Creation and Disposal

For data creation, C provides several rudimentary mechanisms. When a function is
called, boxes for each of its local arguments (parameters) are created; these serve
to hold the values of the arguments.
Another mechanism for data creation is through the use of the library routine
malloc(n), which returns a pointer to n consecutive character positions of unused
storage that can be used to store data by the caller of malloc. Data objects can
then be created in this storage region.
C has the analogous methods for destroying data objects. Local parameters of
a function call cease to exist when the function returns. The routine free releases
the storage created by malloc. In particular, the effect of calling free(p) is to
release the storage area pointed to by p. It is disastrous to use free to get rid of
an object that was not created by calling malloc.

Data Access and Modification

C has mechanisms for accessing the components of objects. It uses a[i] to access
the ith element of array a, x.m to access member m of a structure named x, and *p
to access the object pointed to by pointer p.
Modifying, or writing, values in C is done principally by the assignment oper-
ators, which allow us to change the value of an object.

✦ Example 1.5. If a is a variable of type type4 defined in Example 1.4, then

a[0].(*field2[3]) = 99;
assigns the value 99 to the fourth element of the array pointed to by field2 in the
structure that is the first element of the array a. ✦

Data Combination
C has a rich set of operators for manipulating and combining values. The principal
operators are
1. Arithmetic operators. C provides:

a) The customary binary arithmetic operators +, −, ∗, / on integers and

floating-point numbers. Integer division truncates (4/3 yields 1).
b) There are the unary + and − operators.
c) The modulus operator i % j produces the remainder when i is divided
by j.
d) The increment and decrement operators, ++ and --, applied to a single
integer variable add or subtract 1 from that variable, respectively. These
operators can appear before or after their operand, depending on whether
we wish the value of the expression to be computed before or after the
change in the variable’s value.
2. Logical operators. C does not have a Boolean type; it uses zero to represent
the logical value false, and nonzero to represent true.5 C uses:
a) && to represent AND. For example, the expression x && y returns 1 if both
operands are nonzero, 0 otherwise. However, y is not evaluated if x has
the value 0.
b) || represents OR. The expression x || y returns 1 if either x or y is
nonzero, and returns 0 otherwise. However, y is not evaluated if x is
c) The unary negation operator !x returns 0 if x is nonzero and returns 1 if
x = 0.
d) The conditional operator is a ternary (3-argument) operator represented
by a question mark and a colon. The expression x?y:z returns the value
of y if x is true (i.e., it is nonzero) and returns the value of z if x is false
(i.e., 0).
3. Comparison operators. The result of applying one of the six relational compar-
ison operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=) to integers or floating point numbers
is 0 if the relation is false and 1 otherwise.
4. Bitwise manipulation operators. C provides several useful bitwise logical op-
erators, which treat integers as if they were bits strings equal to their binary
representations. These include & for bitwise AND, | for bitwise inclusive-or, ^
for bitwise exclusive-or, << for left shift, >> for right shift, and a tilde for left
5. Assignment operators. C uses = as the assignment operator. In addition, C
allows expressions such as
x = x + y;
to be written in a shortened form
x += y;
Similar forms apply to the other binary arithmetic operators.

5 We shall use TRUE and FALSE as defined constants 1 and 0, respectively, to represent Boolean
values; see Section 1.6.

6. Coercion operators. Coercion is the process of converting a value of one type

into an equivalent value of another type. For example, if x is a floating-point
number and i is an integer, then x = i causes the integer value of i to be
converted to a floating-point number with the same value. Here, the coercion
operator is not shown explicitly, but the C compiler can deduce that conversion
from integer to float is necessary and inserts the required step.


1.4.1: Explain the difference between an identifier of a C program and a name (for
a “box” or data object).
1.4.2: Give an example of a C data object that has more than one name.
1.4.3: If you are familiar with another programming language besides C, describe
its type system and operations.

✦ ✦

1.5 Algorithms and the Design of Programs
The study of data models, their properties, and their appropriate use is one pillar of
computer science. A second, equally important pillar is the study of algorithms and
their associated data structures. We need to know the best ways to perform common
tasks, and we need to learn the principal techniques for designing good algorithms.
Further, we need to understand how the use of data structures and algorithms fits
into the process of creating useful programs. The themes of data models, algorithms,
data structures, and their implementation in programs are interdependent, and each
appears many times throughout the book. In this section, we shall mention some
generalities regarding the design and implementation of programs.

The Creation of Software

In a programming class, when you were given a programming problem, you probably
designed an algorithm to solve the problem, implemented the algorithm in some
language, compiled and ran the program on some sample data, and then submitted
the program to be graded.
In a commercial setting, programs are written under rather different circum-
stances. Algorithms, at least those simple enough and common enough to have
names, are usually small parts of a complete program. Programs, in turn, are usu-
ally components of a larger system, involving hardware as well as software. Both
the programs and the complete systems in which they are embedded are developed
by teams of programmers and engineers; there could be hundreds of people on such
a team.
Software The development of a software system typically spans several phases. Although
development these phases may superficially bear some resemblance to the steps involved in solving
process the classroom programming assignment, most of the effort in building a software
system to solve a given problem is not concerned with programming. Here is an
idealized scenario.

Problem definition and specification. The hardest, but most important, part of
the task of creating a software system is defining what the problem really is and
then specifying what is needed to solve it. Usually, problem definition begins by
analyzing the users’ requirements, but these requirements are often imprecise and
hard to write down. The system architect may have to consult with the future users
of the system and iterate the specification, until both the specifier and the users
are satisfied that the specification defines and solves the problem at hand. In the
Prototyping specification stage, it may be helpful to build a simple prototype or model of the
final system, to gain insight into its behavior and intended use. Data modeling is
also an important tool in the problem-definition phase.
Design. Once the specification is complete, a high-level design of the system is
created, with the major components identified. A document outlining the high-level
design is prepared, and performance requirements for the system may be included.
More detailed specifications of some of the major components may also be included
Software reuse during this phase. A cost-effective design often calls for the reuse or modification of
previously constructed components. Various software methodologies such as object-
oriented technology facilitate the reuse of components.
Implementation. Once the design is fixed, implementation of the components can
proceed. Many of the algorithms discussed in this book are useful in the implemen-
tation of new components. Once a component has been implemented, it is subject
to a series of tests to make sure that it behaves as specified.
Integration and system testing. When the components have been implemented and
individually tested, the entire system is assembled and tested.
Installation and field testing. Once the developer is satisfied that the system
will work to the customer’s satisfaction, the system is installed on the customer’s
premises and the final field testing takes place.
Maintenance. At this point, we might think that the bulk of the work has been
done. Maintenance remains, however, and in many situations maintenance can
account for more than half the cost of system development. Maintenance may
involve modifying components to eliminate unforeseen side-effects, to correct or
improve system performance, or to add features. Because maintenance is such an
important part of software systems design, it is important to write programs that
are correct, rugged, efficient, modifiable, and — whenever possible — portable from
one computer to another.
It is very important to catch errors as early as possible, preferably during the
problem-definition phase. At each successive phase, the cost of fixing a design error
or programming bug rises greatly. Independent reviews of requirements and designs
are beneficial in reducing downstream errors.

Programming Style
An individual programmer can ease the maintenance burden greatly by writing
programs that others can read and modify readily. Good programming style comes
only with practice, and we recommend that you begin at once to try writing pro-
grams that are easy for others to understand. There is no magic formula that will
guarantee readable programs, but there are several useful rules of thumb:

1. Modularize a program into coherent pieces.

2. Lay out a program so that its structure is clear.
3. Write intelligent comments to explain a program. Describe, clearly and pre-
cisely, the underlying data models, the data structures selected to represent
them, and the operation performed by each procedure. When describing a pro-
cedure, state the assumptions made about its inputs, and tell how the output
relates to the input.
4. Use meaningful names for procedures and variables.
Defined 5. Avoid explicit constants whenever possible. For example, do not use 7 for the
constants number of dwarfs. Rather, use a defined constant such as NumberOfDwarfs, so
that you can easily change all uses of this constant to 8, if you decide to add
another dwarf.
Global variables 6. Avoid the use of “global variables” — that is, variables defined for the program
as a whole — unless the data represented by that variable really is used by most
of the procedures of the program.
Test suite Another good programming practice is to maintain a test suite of inputs that
will try to exercise every line of code while you are developing a program. Whenever
new features are added to the program, the test suite can be run to make sure that
the new program has the same behavior as the old on previously working inputs.

✦ ✦

1.6 Some C Conventions Used Throughout the Book

There are several definitions and conventions that we shall find useful as we illustrate
concepts with C programs. Some of these are common conventions found in the
standard header file stdio.h, while others are defined specially for the purposes of
this book and must be included with any C program that uses them.
NULL 1. The identifier NULL is a value that may appear anywhere a pointer can appear,
but it is not a value that can ever point to anything. Thus, NULL in a field such
as next in the cells of Example 1.1 can be used to indicate the end of a list.
We shall see that NULL has a number of similar uses in other data structures.
NULL is properly defined in stdio.h.
2. The identifiers TRUE and FALSE are defined by
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
TRUE and FALSE Thus, TRUE can be used anywhere a condition with logical value true is wanted,
and FALSE can be used for a condition whose value is false.
BOOLEAN 3. The type BOOLEAN is defined as
typedef int BOOLEAN;
We use BOOLEAN whenever we want to stress the fact that we are interested in
the logical rather than the numeric value of an expression.

EOF 4. The identifier EOF is a value that is returned by file-reading functions such as
getchar() when there are no more bytes left to be read from the file. An
appropriate value for EOF is provided in stdio.h.
5. We shall define a macro that generates declarations of cells of the kind used in
Cell definition Example 1.1. An appropriate definition appears in Fig. 1.14. It declares cells
with two fields: an element field whose type is given by the parameter Type
and a next field to point to a cell with this structure. The macro provides
two external definitions: CellName is the name of structures of this type, and
ListName is a name for the type of pointers to these cells.

#define DefCell(EltType, CellType, ListType) \

typedef struct CellType *ListType; \
struct CellType { \
EltType element; \
ListType next; \

Fig. 1.14. A macro for defining list cells.

✦ Example 1.6. We can define cells of the type used in Example 1.1 by the macro
DefCell(int, CELL, LIST);
The macro then expands into
typedef struct CELL, LIST;
struct CELL {
int element;
LIST next;
As a consequence, we can use CELL as the type of integer cells, and we can use LIST
as the type of pointers to these cells. For example,
defines c to be a cell and L to be a pointer to a cell. Note that the representation
of a list of cells is normally a pointer to the first cell on the list, or NULL if the list
is empty. ✦

✦ ✦

1.7 Summary of Chapter 1
At this point you should be aware of the following concepts:
✦ How data models, data structures, and algorithms are used to solve problems

✦ The distinction between a list as a data model and a linked list as a data
✦ The presence of some kind of data model in every software system, be it a
programming language, an operating system, or an application program
✦ The key elements of the data model supported by the programming language
✦ The major steps in the development of a large software system

✦ ✦

1.8 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 1
Kernighan and Ritchie [1988] is the classic reference for the C programming lan-
guage. Roberts [1994] is a good introduction to programming using C.
Stroustrup [1991] has created an object-oriented extension of C called C++
that is now widely used for implementing systems. Sethi [1989] provides an intro-
duction to the data models of several major programming languages.
Brooks [1974] eloquently describes the technical and managerial difficulties in
developing large software systems. Kernighan and Plauger [1978] provide sound
advice for improving your programming style.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) [1990]. Programming Language C,
American National Standards Institute, New York.
Brooks, F. P. [1974]. The Mythical Man Month, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Kernighan, B. W., and P. J. Plauger [1978]. The Elements of Programming Style,
second edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Kernighan, B. W., and D. M. Ritchie [1988]. The C Programming Language, second
edition, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Roberts, E. S. [1994]. A C-Based Introduction to Computer Science, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Sethi, R. [1989]. Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Stroustrup, B. [1991]. The C++ Programming Language, second edition, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, Mass.

✦ ✦


The power of computers comes from their ability to execute the same task, or
different versions of the same task, repeatedly. In computing, the theme of iteration
is met in a number of guises. Many concepts in data models, such as lists, are forms
of repetition, as “A list either is empty or is one element followed by another, then
another, and so on.” Programs and algorithms use iteration to perform repetitive
jobs without requiring a large number of similar steps to be specified individually,
as “Do the next step 1000 times.” Programming languages use looping constructs,
like the while- and for-statements of C, to implement iterative algorithms.
Closely related to repetition is recursion, a technique in which a concept is
defined, directly or indirectly, in terms of itself. For example, we could have defined
a list by saying “A list either is empty or is an element followed by a list.” Recursion
is supported by many programming languages. In C, a function F can call itself,
either directly from within the body of F itself, or indirectly by calling some other
function, which calls another, and another, and so on, until finally some function
in the sequence calls F . Another important idea, induction, is closely related to
“recursion” and is used in many mathematical proofs.
Iteration, induction, and recursion are fundamental concepts that appear in
many forms in data models, data structures, and algorithms. The following list
gives some examples of uses of these concepts; each will be covered in some detail
in this book.

1. Iterative techniques. The simplest way to perform a sequence of operations

repeatedly is to use an iterative construct such as the for-statement of C.

2. Recursive programming. C and many other languages permit recursive func-

tions, which call themselves either directly or indirectly. Often, beginning pro-
grammers are more secure writing iterative programs than recursive ones, but
an important goal of this book is to accustom the reader to thinking and pro-
gramming recursively, when appropriate. Recursive programs can be simpler
to write, analyze, and understand.


Notation: The Summation and Product Symbols

AnP oversized Greek capital letter sigma is often used to denote a summation, as
in ni=1 i. This particular expression represents the sum of the integers from 1 to
n; that is, it stands for the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n. More generally, we can sum
any function f (i) of the summation index i. (Of course, the index could be some
symbol other than i.) The expression i=a f (i) stands for
f (a) + f (a + 1) + f (a + 2) + · · · + f (b)
For example, j=2 j 2 stands for the sum 4 + 9 + 16 + · · · + m2 . Here, the function
f is “squaring,” and we used index j instead of i. Pb
As a special case, if b < a, then there are no terms in the sum i=a f (i), and
the value of the expression, by convention, is taken to be 0. PIf b = a, then there is
exactly one term, that for i = a. Thus, the value of the sum i=a f (i) is just f (a).
Qb analogous notation for products uses an oversized capital pi. The expres-
sion i=a f (i) stands for the product f (a) × f (a + 1) × f (a + 2) × · · · × f (b); if
b < a, the product is taken to be 1.

3. Proofs by induction. An important technique for showing that a statement

is true is “proof by induction.” We shall cover inductive proofs extensively,
starting in Section 2.3. The following is the simplest form of an inductive
proof. We begin with a statement S(n) involving a variable n; we wish to
Basis prove that S(n) is true. We prove S(n) by first proving a basis, that is, the
statement S(n) for a particular value of n. For example, we could let n = 0 and
Inductive step prove the statement S(0). Second, we must prove an inductive step, in which
we prove that the statement S, for one value of its argument, follows from the
same statement S for the previous values of its argument; that is, S(n) implies
S(n + 1) for all n ≥ 0. For example, S(n) might be the familiar summation
X n
i = n(n + 1)/2 (2.1)

which says that the sum of the integers from 1 to n equals n(n+1)/2. The basis
could be S(1) — that is, Equation (2.1) with 1 in place of nP— which is just the
equality 1 = 1 × 2/2. The inductive step is to show that ni=1 i = n(n + 1)/2
implies that i=1 i = (n + 1)(n + 2)/2; the former is S(n), which is Equation
(2.1) itself, while the latter is S(n + 1), which is Equation (2.1) with n + 1
replacing n everywhere n appears. Section 2.3 will show us how to construct
proofs such as this.
4. Proofs of program correctness. In computer science, we often wish to prove,
formally or informally, that a statement S(n) about a program is true. The
statement S(n) might, for example, describe what is true on the nth iteration
of some loop or what is true for the nth recursive call to some function. Proofs
of this sort are generally inductive proofs.
5. Inductive definitions. Many important concepts of computer science, especially
those involving data models, are best defined by an induction in which we give

a basis rule defining the simplest example or examples of the concept, and an
inductive rule or rules, where we build larger instances of the concept from
smaller ones. For instance, we noted that a list can be defined by a basis rule
(an empty list is a list) together with an inductive rule (an element followed
by a list is also a list).
6. Analysis of running time. An important criterion for the “goodness” of an
algorithm is how long it takes to run on inputs of various sizes (its “running
time”). When the algorithm involves recursion, we use a formula called a
recurrence equation, which is an inductive definition that predicts how long the
algorithm takes to run on inputs of different sizes.
Each of these subjects, except the last, is introduced in this chapter; the running
time of a program is the topic of Chapter 3.

✦ ✦

2.1 What This Chapter Is About
In this chapter we meet the following major concepts.
✦ Iterative programming (Section 2.2)
✦ Inductive proofs (Sections 2.3 and 2.4)
✦ Inductive definitions (Section 2.6)
✦ Recursive programming (Sections 2.7 and 2.8)
✦ Proving the correctness of a program (Sections 2.5 and 2.9)
In addition, we spotlight, through examples of these concepts, several interesting
and important ideas from computer science. Among these are
✦ Sorting algorithms, including selection sort (Section 2.2) and merge sort (Sec-
tion 2.8)
✦ Parity checking and detection of errors in data (Section 2.3)
✦ Arithmetic expressions and their transformation using algebraic laws (Sections
2.4 and 2.6)
✦ Balanced parentheses (Section 2.6)

✦ ✦

2.2 Iteration
Each beginning programmer learns to use iteration, employing some kind of looping
construct such as the for- or while-statement of C. In this section, we present an
example of an iterative algorithm, called “selection sort.” In Section 2.5 we shall
prove by induction that this algorithm does indeed sort, and we shall analyze its
running time in Section 3.6. In Section 2.8, we shall show how recursion can help
us devise a more efficient sorting algorithm using a technique called “divide and

Common Themes: Self-Definition and Basis-Induction

As you study this chapter, you should be alert to two themes that run through the
various concepts. The first is self-definition, in which a concept is defined, or built,
in terms of itself. For example, we mentioned that a list can be defined as being
empty or as being an element followed by a list.
The second theme is basis-induction. Recursive functions usually have some
sort of test for a “basis” case where no recursive calls are made and an “inductive”
case where one or more recursive calls are made. Inductive proofs are well known
to consist of a basis and an inductive step, as do inductive definitions. This basis-
induction pairing is so important that these words are highlighted in the text to
introduce each occurrence of a basis case or an inductive step.
There is no paradox or circularity involved in properly used self-definition,
because the self-defined subparts are always “smaller” than the object being defined.
Further, after a finite number of steps to smaller parts, we arrive at the basis case,
at which the self-definition ends. For example, a list L is built from an element and
a list that is one element shorter than L. When we reach a list with zero elements,
we have the basis case of the definition of a list: “The empty list is a list.”
As another example, if a recursive function works, the arguments of the call
must, in some sense, be “smaller” than the arguments of the calling copy of the
function. Moreover, after some number of recursive calls, we must get to arguments
that are so “small” that the function does not make any more recursive calls.

To sort a list of n elements we need to permute the elements of the list so that they
appear in nondecreasing order.

✦ Example 2.1. Suppose we are given the list of integers (3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5).
We sort this list by permuting it into the sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9). Note that
sorting not only orders the values so that each is either less than or equal to the one
that follows, but it also preserves the number of occurrences of each value. Thus,
the sorted list has two 1’s, two 5’s, and one each of the numbers that appear once
in the original list. ✦

We can sort a list of elements of any type as long as the elements have a “less-
than” order defined on them, which we usually represent by the symbol <. For
example, if the values are real numbers or integers, then the symbol < stands for the
usual less-than relation on reals or integers, and if the values are character strings,
we would use the lexicographic order on strings. (See the box on “Lexicographic
Order.”) Sometimes when the elements are complex, such as structures, we might
use only a part of each element, such as one particular field, for the comparison.
The comparison a ≤ b means, as always, that either a < b or a and b are the
Sorted list same value. A list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) is said to be sorted if a1 ≤ a2 ≤ · · · ≤ an ; that
is, if the values are in nondecreasing order. Sorting is the operation of taking an
arbitrary list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) and producing a list (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) such that

Lexicographic Order
The usual way in which two character strings are compared is according to their
lexicographic order. Let c1 c2 · · · ck and d1 d2 · · · dm be two strings, where each of the
c’s and d’s represents a single character. The lengths of the strings, k and m, need
not be the same. We assume that there is a < ordering on characters; for example,
in C characters are small integers, so character constants and variables can be used
as integers in arithmetic expressions. Thus we can use the conventional < relation
on integers to tell which of two characters is “less than” the other. This ordering
includes the natural notion that lower-case letters appearing earlier in the alphabet
are “less than” lower-case letters appearing later in the alphabet, and the same
holds for upper-case letters.
We may then define the ordering on character strings called the lexicographic,
dictionary, or alphabetic ordering, as follows. We say c1 c2 · · · ck < d1 d2 · · · dm if
either of the following holds:
Proper prefix 1. The first string is a proper prefix of the second, which means that k < m and
for i = 1, 2, . . . , k we have ci = di . According to this rule, bat < batter. As
a special case of this rule, we could have k = 0, in which case the first string
has no characters in it. We shall use ǫ, the Greek letter epsilon, to denote the
Empty string empty string, the string with zero characters. When k = 0, rule (1) says that
ǫ < s for any nonempty string s.
2. For some value of i > 0, the first i − 1 characters of the two strings agree, but
the ith character of the first string is less than the ith character of the second
string. That is, cj = dj for j = 1, 2, . . . , i − 1, and ci < di . According to
this rule, ball < base, because the two words first differ at position 3, and at
that position ball has an l, which precedes the character s found in the third
position of base.

1. List (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) is sorted.

Permutation 2. List (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) is a permutation of the original list. That is, each value
appears in list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) exactly as many times as that value appears in
list (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ).
A sorting algorithm takes as input an arbitrary list and produces as output a sorted
list that is a permutation of the input.

✦ Example 2.2. Consider the list of words

base, ball, mound, bat, glove, batter
Given this input, and using lexicographic order, a sorting algorithm would produce
this output: ball, base, bat, batter, glove, mound. ✦

Selection Sort: An Iterative Sorting Algorithm

Suppose we have an array A of n integers that we wish to sort into nondecreasing

Convention Regarding Names and Values

We can think of a variable as a box with a name and a value. When we refer to a
variable, such as abc, we use the constant-width, or “computer” font for its name,
as we did in this sentence. When we refer to the value of the variable abc, we shall
use italics, as abc. To summarize, abc refers to the name of the box, and abc to its

order. We may do so by iterating a step in which a smallest element1 not yet part of
the sorted portion of the array is found and exchanged with the element in the first
position of the unsorted part of the array. In the first iteration, we find (“select”) a
smallest element among the values found in the full array A[0..n-1] and exchange
it with A[0].2 In the second iteration, we find a smallest element in A[1..n-1] and
exchange it with A[1]. We continue these iterations. At the start of the i + 1st
iteration, A[0..i-1] contains the i smallest elements in A sorted in nondecreasing
order, and the remaining elements of the array are in no particular order. A picture
of A just before the i + 1st iteration is shown in Fig. 2.1.

sorted unsorted
↑ ↑ ↑
0 i n−1

Fig. 2.1. Picture of array just before the i + 1st iteration of selection sort.

In the i + 1st iteration, we find a smallest element in A[i..n-1] and exchange

it with A[i]. Thus, after the i + 1st iteration, A[0..i] contains the i + 1 smallest
elements sorted in nondecreasing order. After the (n − 1)st iteration, the entire
array is sorted.
A C function for selection sort is shown in Fig. 2.2. This function, whose name
is SelectionSort, takes an array A as the first argument. The second argument,
n, is the length of array A.
Lines (2) through (5) select a smallest element in the unsorted part of the array,
A[i..n-1]. We begin by setting the value of index small to i in line (2). The for-
loop of lines (3) through (5) consider all higher indexes j in turn, and small is set to
j if A[j] has a smaller value than any of the array elements in the range A[i..j-1].
As a result, we set the variable small to the index of the first occurrence of the
smallest element in A[i..n-1].
After choosing a value for the index small, we exchange the element in that
position with the element in A[i], in lines (6) to (8). If small = i, the exchange
is performed, but has no effect on the array. Notice that in order to swap two
elements, we need a temporary place to store one of them. Thus, we move the value

1 We say “a smallest element” rather than “the smallest element” because there may be several
occurrences of the smallest value. If so, we shall be happy with any of those occurrences.
2 To describe a range of elements within an array, we adopt a convention from the language
Pascal. If A is an array, then A[i..j] denotes those elements of A with indexes from i to j,

void SelectionSort(int A[], int n)

int i, j, small, temp;
(1) for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
/* set small to the index of the first occur- */
/* rence of the smallest element remaining */
(2) small = i;
(3) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;
/* when we reach here, small is the index of */
/* the first smallest element in A[i..n-1]; */
/* we now exchange A[small] with A[i] */
(6) temp = A[small];
(7) A[small] = A[i];
(8) A[i] = temp;

Fig. 2.2. Iterative selection sort.

in A[small] to temp at line (6), move the value in A[i] to A[small] at line (7),
and finally move the value originally in A[small] from temp to A[i] at line (8).

✦ Example 2.3. Let us study the behavior of SelectionSort on various inputs.

First, let us look at what happens when we run SelectionSort on an array with
no elements. When n = 0, the body of the for-loop of line (1) is not executed, so
SelectionSort does “nothing” gracefully.
Now let us consider the case in which the array has only one element. Again,
the body of the for-loop of line (1) is not executed. That response is satisfactory,
because an array consisting of a single element is always sorted. The cases in which
n is 0 or 1 are important boundary conditions, on which it is important to check
the performance of any algorithm or program.
Finally, let us run SelectionSort on a small array with four elements, where
A[0] through A[3] are
0 1 2 3
A 40 30 20 10

We begin the outer loop with i = 0, and at line (2) we set small to 0. Lines (3) to
(5) form an inner loop, in which j is set to 1, 2, and 3, in turn. With j = 1, the
test of line (4) succeeds, since A[1], which is 30, is less than A[small], which is A[0],
or 40. Thus, we set small to 1 at line (5). At the second iteration of lines (3) to
(5), with j = 2, the test of line (4) again succeeds, since A[2] < A[1], and so we set
small to 2 at line (5). At the last iteration of lines (3) to (5), with j = 3, the test
of line (4) succeeds, since A[3] < A[2], and we set small to 3 at line (5).
We now fall out of the inner loop to line (6). We set temp to 10, which is
A[small], then A[3] to A[0], or 40, at line (7), and A[0] to 10 at line (8). Now, the

Sorting on Keys
When we sort, we apply a comparison operation to the values being sorted. Often
the comparison is made only on specific parts of the values and the part used in the
comparison is called the key.
For example, a course roster might be an array A of C structures of the form
struct STUDENT {
int studentID;
char *name;
char grade;
} A[MAX];
We might want to sort by student ID, or name, or grade; each in turn would be
the key. For example, if we wish to sort structures by student ID, we would use the
A[j].studentID < A[small].studentID
at line (4) of SelectionSort. The type of array A and temporary temp used in the
swap would be struct STUDENT, rather than integer. Note that entire structures
are swapped, not just the key fields.
Since it is time-consuming to swap whole structures, a more efficient approach
is to use a second array of pointers to STUDENT structures and sort only the pointers
in the second array. The structures themselves remain stationary in the first array.
We leave this version of selection sort as an exercise.

first iteration of the outer loop is complete, and array A appears as

0 1 2 3
A 10 30 20 40

The second iteration of the outer loop, with i = 1, sets small to 1 at line (2).
The inner loop sets j to 2 initially, and since A[2] < A[1], line (5) sets small to 2.
With j = 3, the test of line (4) fails, since A[3] ≥ A[2]. Hence, small = 2 when we
reach line (6). Lines (6) to (8) swap A[1] with A[2], leaving the array
0 1 2 3
A 10 20 30 40

Although the array now happens to be sorted, we still iterate the outer loop once
more, with i = 2. We set small to 2 at line (2), and the inner loop is executed only
with j = 3. Since the test of line (4) fails, small remains 2, and at lines (6) through
(8), we “swap” A[2] with itself. The reader should check that the swapping has no
effect when small = i. ✦

Figure 2.3 shows how the function SelectionSort can be used in a complete
program to sort a sequence of n integers, provided that n ≤ 100. Line (1) reads and
stores n integers in an array A. If the number of inputs exceeds MAX, only the first
MAX integers are put into A. A message warning the user that the number of inputs
is too large would be useful here, but we omit it.

Line (3) calls SelectionSort to sort the array. Lines (4) and (5) print the
integers in sorted order.

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 100

int A[MAX];
void SelectionSort(int A[], int n);
int i, n;
/* read and store input in A */
(1) for (n = 0; n < MAX && scanf("%d", &A[n]) != EOF; n++)
(2) ;
(3) SelectionSort(A,n); /* sort A */
(4) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(5) printf("%d\n", A[i]); /* print A */
void SelectionSort(int A[], int n)
int i, j, small, temp;
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
small = i;
for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if (A[j] < A[small])
small = j;
temp = A[small];
A[small] = A[i];
A[i] = temp;

Fig. 2.3. A sorting program using selection sort.


2.2.1: Simulate the function SelectionSort on an array containing the elements

a) 6, 8, 14, 17, 23
b) 17, 23, 14, 6, 8
c) 23, 17, 14, 8, 6
How many comparisons and swaps of elements are made in each case?
2.2.2**: What are the minimum and maximum number of (a) comparisons and
(b) swaps that SelectionSort can make in sorting a sequence of n elements?

2.2.3: Write a C function that takes two linked lists of characters as arguments and
returns TRUE if the first string precedes the second in lexicographic order. Hint :
Implement the algorithm for comparing character strings that was described in
this section. Use recursion by having the function call itself on the tails of the
character strings when it finds that the first characters of both strings are the same.
Alternatively, one can develop an iterative algorithm to do the same.
2.2.4*: Modify your program from Exercise 2.2.3 to ignore the case of letters in
2.2.5: What does selection sort do if all elements are the same?
2.2.6: Modify Fig. 2.3 to perform selection sort when array elements are not inte-
gers, but rather structures of type struct STUDENT, as defined in the box “Sorting
on Keys.” Suppose that the key field is studentID.
2.2.7*: Further modify Fig. 2.3 so that it sorts elements of an arbitrary type T .
You may assume, however, that there is a function key that takes an element of type
T as argument and returns the key for that element, of some arbitrary type K. Also
assume that there is a function lt that takes two elements of type K as arguments
and returns TRUE if the first is “less than” the second, and FALSE otherwise.
2.2.8: Instead of using integer indexes into the array A, we could use pointers to
integers to indicate positions in the array. Rewrite the selection sort algorithm of
Fig. 2.3 using pointers.
2.2.9*: As mentioned in the box on “Sorting on Keys,” if the elements to be sorted
are large structures such as type STUDENT, it makes sense to leave them stationary
in an array and sort pointers to these structures, found in a second array. Write
this variation of selection sort.
2.2.10: Write an iterative program to print the distinct elements of an integer array.
2.2.11: Use the and notations described at the beginning of this chapter to
express the following.
a) The sum of the odd integers from 1 to 377
b) The sum of the squares of the even integers from 2 to n (assume that n is even)
c) The product of the powers of 2 from 8 to 2k
2.2.12: Show that when small = i, lines (6) through (8) of Fig. 2.2 (the swapping
steps) do not have any effect on array A.

✦ ✦

2.3 Inductive Proofs
Mathematical induction is a useful technique for proving that a statement S(n) is
true for all nonnegative integers n, or, more generally, for all integers at or above
some lower limit. For
P example, in the introduction to this chapter we suggested
that the statement ni=1 i = n(n + 1)/2 can be proved true for all n ≥ 1 by an
induction on n.
Now, let S(n) be some arbitrary statement about an integer n. In the simplest
form of an inductive proof of the statement S(n), we prove two facts:

Naming the Induction Parameter

It is often useful to explain an induction by giving the intuitive meaning of the
variable n in the statement S(n) that we are proving. If n has no special meaning,
as in Example 2.4, we simply say “The proof is by induction on n.” In other cases,
n may have a physical meaning, as in Example 2.6, where n is the number of bits
in the code words. There we can say, “The proof is by induction on the number of
bits in the code words.”

1. The basis case, which is frequently taken to be S(0). However, the basis can be
S(k) for any integer k, with the understanding that then the statement S(n)
is proved only for n ≥ k.
2. The inductive step, where we prove that for all n ≥ 0 [or for all n ≥ k, if the
basis is S(k)], S(n) implies S(n + 1). In this part of the proof, we assume
Inductive that the statement S(n) is true. S(n) is called the inductive hypothesis, and
hypothesis assuming it to be true, we must then prove that S(n + 1) is true.

S(n) ··· S(2) S(1) S(0)

Fig. 2.4. In an inductive proof, each instance of the statement S(n)

is proved using the statement for the next lower value of n.

Figure 2.4 illustrates an induction starting at 0. For each integer n, there is

a statement S(n) to prove. The proof for S(1) uses S(0), the proof for S(2) uses
S(1), and so on, as represented by the arrows. The way each statement depends on
the previous one is uniform. That is, by one proof of the inductive step, we prove
each of the steps implied by the arrows in Fig. 2.4.

✦ Example 2.4. As an example of mathematical induction, let us prove

STATEMENT S(n): 2i = 2n+1 − 1 for any n ≥ 0.

That is, the sum of the powers of 2, from the 0th power to the nth power, is 1 less
than the (n + 1)st power of 2.3 For example, 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 16 − 1. The proof
proceeds as follows.

BASIS. To prove the basis, we substitute 0 for n in the equation S(n). Then S(n)

3 S(n) can be proved without induction, using the formula for the sum of a geometric series.
However, it will serve as a simple example of the technique of mathematical induction.
Further, the proofs of the formulas for the sum of a geometric or arithmetic series that you
have probably seen in high school are rather informal, and strictly speaking, mathematical
induction should be used to prove those formulas.

2i = 21 − 1 (2.2)

There is only one term, for i = 0, in the summation on the left side of Equation
(2.2), so that the left side of (2.2) sums to 20 , or 1. The right side of Equation (2.2),
which is 21 − 1, or 2 − 1, also has value 1. Thus we have proved the basis of S(n);
that is, we have shown that this equality is true for n = 0.

INDUCTION. Now we must prove the inductive step. We assume that S(n) is true,
and we prove the same equality with n + 1 substituted for n. The equation to be
proved, S(n + 1), is
2i = 2n+2 − 1 (2.3)

To prove Equation (2.3), we begin by considering the sum on the left side,

This sum is almost the same as the sum on the left side of S(n), which is

except that (2.3) also has a term for i = n + 1, that is, the term 2n+1 .
Since we are allowed to assume that the inductive hypothesis S(n) is true in
our proof of Equation (2.3), we should contrive to use S(n) to advantage. We do so
by breaking the sum in (2.3) into two parts, one of which is the sum in S(n). That
is, we separate out the last term, where i = n + 1, and write
X n
2i = 2i + 2n+1 (2.4)
i=0 i=0
Now we can make use of S(n) by substituting its right side, 2n+1 − 1, for i=0 2i
in Equation (2.4):
2i = 2n+1 − 1 + 2n+1 (2.5)

When we simplify the right side of Equation (2.5), it becomes 2 × 2n+1 − 1, or

2n+2 − 1. Now we see that the summation on the left side of (2.5) is the same as
the left side of (2.3), and the right side of (2.5) is equal to the right side of (2.3).
We have thus proved the validity of Equation (2.3) by using the equality S(n); that
proof is the inductive step. The conclusion we draw is that S(n) holds for every
nonnegative value of n. ✦

Why Does Proof by Induction Work?

In an inductive proof, we first prove that S(0) is true. Next we show that if S(n)
is true, then S(n + 1) holds. But why can we then conclude that S(n) is true for
all n ≥ 0? We shall offer two “proofs.” A mathematician would point out that

Substituting for Variables

People are often confused when they have to substitute for a variable such as n in
S(n), an expression involving the same variable. For example, we substituted n + 1
for n in S(n) to get Equation (2.3). To make the substitution, we must first mark
every occurrence of n in S. One useful way to do so is to replace n by some new
variable — say m — that does not otherwise appear in S. For example, S(n) would
2i = 2m+1 − 1

We then literally substitute the desired expression, n + 1 in this case, for each
occurrence of m. That gives us
2i = 2(n+1)+1 − 1

When we simplify (n + 1) + 1 to n + 2, we have (2.3).

Note that we should put parentheses around the expression substituted, to
avoid accidentally changing the order of operations. For example, had we substi-
tuted n + 1 for m in the expression 2 × m, and not placed the parentheses around
n + 1, we would have gotten 2 × n + 1, rather than the correct expression 2 × (n + 1),
which equals 2 × n + 2.

each of our “proofs” that induction works requires an inductive proof itself, and
therefore is no proof at all. Technically, induction must be accepted as axiomatic.
Nevertheless, many people find the following intuition useful.
In what follows, we assume that the basis value is n = 0. That is, we know
that S(0) is true and that for all n greater than 0, if S(n) is true, then S(n + 1) is
true. Similar arguments work if the basis value is any other integer.
First “proof”: Iteration of the inductive step. Suppose we want to show that
S(a) is true for a particular nonnegative integer a. If a = 0, we just invoke the
truth of the basis, S(0). If a > 0, then we argue as follows. We know that S(0) is
true, from the basis. The statement “S(n) implies S(n + 1),” with 0 in place of n,
says “S(0) implies S(1).” Since we know that S(0) is true, we now know that S(1)
is true. Similarly, if we substitute 1 for n, we get “S(1) implies S(2),” and so we
also know that S(2) is true. Substituting 2 for n, we have “S(2) implies S(3),” so
that S(3) is true, and so on. No matter what the value of a is, we eventually get to
S(a), and we are done.
Second “proof”: Least counterexample. Suppose S(n) were not true for at least
one value of n. Let a be the least nonnegative integer for which S(a) is false. If
a = 0, then we contradict the basis, S(0), and so a must be greater than 0. But if
a > 0, and a is the least nonnegative integer for which S(a) is false, then S(a − 1)
must be true. Now, the inductive step, with n replaced by a−1, tells us that S(a−1)
implies S(a). Since S(a−1) is true, S(a) must be true, another contradiction. Since
we assumed there were nonnegative values of n for which S(n) is false and derived
a contradiction, S(n) must therefore be true for any n ≥ 0.

Error-Detecting Codes
We shall now begin an extended example of “error-detecting codes,” a concept that
is interesting in its own right and also leads to an interesting inductive proof. When
we transmit information over a data network, we code characters (letters, digits,
punctuation, and so on) into strings of bits, that is, 0’s and 1’s. For the moment let
us assume that characters are represented by seven bits. However, it is normal to
transmit more than seven bits per character, and an eighth bit can be used to help
detect some simple errors in transmission. That is, occasionally, one of the 0’s or 1’s
gets changed because of noise during transmission, and is received as the opposite
bit; a 0 entering the transmission line emerges as a 1, or vice versa. It is useful if
the communication system can tell when one of the eight bits has been changed, so
that it can signal for a retransmission.
To detect changes in a single bit, we must be sure that no two characters are
represented by sequences of bits that differ in only one position. For then, if that
position were changed, the result would be the code for the other character, and
we could not detect that an error had occurred. For example, if the code for one
character is the sequence of bits 01010101, and the code for another is 01000101,
then a change in the fourth position from the left turns the former into the latter.
One way to be sure that no characters have codes that differ in only one position
Parity bit is to precede the conventional 7-bit code for the character by a parity bit. If the
total number of 1’s in a group of bits is odd, the group is said to have odd parity. If
the number of 1’s in the group is even, then the group has even parity. The coding
scheme we select is to represent each character by an 8-bit code with even parity;
we could as well have chosen to use only the codes with odd parity. We force the
parity to be even by selecting the parity bit judiciously.

ASCII ✦ Example 2.5. The conventional ASCII (pronounced “ask-ee”; it stands for
“American Standard Code for Information Interchange”) 7-bit code for the charac-
ter A is 1000001. That sequence of seven bits already has an even number of 1’s,
and so we prefix it by 0 to get 01000001. The conventional code for C is 1000011,
which differs from the 7-bit code for A only in the sixth position. However, this
code has odd parity, and so we prefix a 1 to it, yielding the 8-bit code 11000011
with even parity. Note that after prefixing the parity bits to the codes for A and C,
we have 01000001 and 11000011, which differ in two positions, namely the first and
seventh, as seen in Fig. 2.5. ✦

A: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

C: 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Fig. 2.5. We can choose the initial parity bit so the 8-bit code always has even parity.

We can always pick a parity bit to attach to a 7-bit code so that the number of
1’s in the 8-bit code is even. We pick parity bit 0 if the 7-bit code for the character
at hand has even parity, and we pick parity bit 1 if the 7-bit code has odd parity.
In either case, the number of 1’s in the 8-bit code is even.

No two sequences of bits that each have even parity can differ in only one
position. For if two such bit sequences differ in exactly one position, then one has
exactly one more 1 than the other. Thus, one sequence must have odd parity and
the other even parity, contradicting our assumption that both have even parity. We
conclude that addition of a parity bit to make the number of 1’s even serves to
create an error-detecting code for characters.
The parity-bit scheme is quite “efficient,” in the sense that it allows us to
transmit many different characters. Note that there are 2n different sequences of n
bits, since we may choose either of two values (0 or 1) for the first position, either
of two values for the second position, and so on, a total of 2 × 2 × · · · × 2 (n factors)
possible strings. Thus, we might expect to be able to represent up to 28 = 256
characters with eight bits.
However, with the parity scheme, we can choose only seven of the bits; the
eighth is then forced upon us. We can thus represent up to 27 , or 128 characters,
and still detect single errors. That is not so bad; we can use 128/256, or half, of
the possible 8-bit codes as legal codes for characters, and still detect an error in one
Similarly, if we use sequences of n bits, choosing one of them to be the parity
bit, we can represent 2n−1 characters by taking sequences of n − 1 bits and prefixing
the suitable parity bit, whose value is determined by the other n − 1 bits. Since
there are 2n sequences of n bits, we can represent 2n−1 /2n , or half the possible
number of characters, and still detect an error in any one of the bits of a sequence.
Is it possible to detect errors and use more than half the possible sequences of
bits as legal codes? Our next example tells us we cannot. The inductive proof uses
a statement that is not true for 0, and for which we must choose a larger basis,
namely 1.

✦ Example 2.6. We shall prove the following by induction on n.

Error-detecting STATEMENT S(n): If C is any set of bit strings of length n that is error detecting
code (i.e., if there are no two strings that differ in exactly one position), then C
contains at most 2n−1 strings.
This statement is not true for n = 0. S(0) says that any error-detecting set of strings
of length 0 has at most 2−1 strings, that is, half a string. Technically, the set C
consisting of only the empty string (string with no positions) is an error-detecting
set of length 0, since there are no two strings in C that differ in only one position.
Set C has more than half a string; it has one string to be exact. Thus, S(0) is false.
However, for all n ≥ 1, S(n) is true, as we shall see.

BASIS. The basis is S(1); that is, any error-detecting set of strings of length one has
at most 21−1 = 20 = 1 string. There are only two bit strings of length one, the string
0 and the string 1. However, we cannot have both of them in an error-detecting
set, because they differ in exactly one position. Thus, every error-detecting set for
n = 1 must have at most one string.

INDUCTION. Let n ≥ 1, and assume that the inductive hypothesis — an error-

detecting set of strings of length n has at most 2n−1 strings — is true. We must

show, using this assumption, that any error-detecting set C of strings with length
n + 1 has at most 2n strings. Thus, divide C into two sets, C0 , the set of strings in
C that begin with 0, and C1 , the set of strings in C that begin with 1. For instance,
suppose n = 2 and C is the code with strings of length n + 1 = 3 constructed using
a parity bit. Then, as shown in Fig. 2.6, C consists of the strings 000, 101, 110, and
011; C0 consists of the strings 000 and 011, and C1 has the other two strings, 101
and 110.

0 00
D C0
0 11 0

1 01
D C1
1 10 1

Fig. 2.6. The set C is split into C0 , the strings beginning with 0, and C1 ,
the strings beginning with 1. D0 and D1 are formed by
deleting the leading 0’s and 1’s, respectively.

Consider the set D0 consisting of those strings in C0 with the leading 0 removed.
In our example above, D0 contains the strings 00 and 11. We claim that D0 cannot
have two strings differing in only one bit. The reason is that if there are two such
strings — say a1 a2 · · · an and b1 b2 · · · bn — then restoring their leading 0’s gives us
two strings in C0 , 0a1 a2 · · · an and 0b1 b2 · · · bn , and these strings would differ in only
one position as well. But strings in C0 are also in C, and we know that C does not
have two strings that differ in only one position. Thus, neither does D0 , and so D0
is an error detecting set.
Now we can apply the inductive hypothesis to conclude that D0 , being an
error-detecting set with strings of length n, has at most 2n−1 strings. Thus, C0 has
at most 2n−1 strings.
We can reason similarly about the set C1 . Let D1 be the set of strings in C1 ,
with their leading 1’s deleted. D1 is an error-detecting set with strings of length
n, and by the inductive hypothesis, D1 has at most 2n−1 strings. Thus, C1 has at
most 2n−1 strings. However, every string in C is in either C0 or C1 . Therefore, C
has at most 2n−1 + 2n−1 , or 2n strings.

We have proved that S(n) implies S(n + 1), and so we may conclude that S(n)
is true for all n ≥ 1. We exclude n = 0 from the claim, because the basis is n = 1,
not n = 0. We now see that the error-detecting sets constructed by parity check
are as large as possible, since they have exactly 2n−1 strings when strings of n bits
are used. ✦

How to Invent Inductive Proofs

There is no “crank to turn” that is guaranteed to give you an inductive proof of any
(true) statement S(n). Finding inductive proofs, like finding proofs of any kind, or
like writing programs that work, is a task with intellectual challenge, and we can
only offer a few words of advice. If you examine the inductive steps in Examples 2.4
and 2.6, you will notice that in each case we had to rework the statement S(n + 1)
that we were trying to prove so that it incorporated the inductive hypothesis, S(n),
plus something extra. In Example 2.4, we expressed the sum
1 + 2 + 4 + · · · + 2n + 2n+1
as the sum
1 + 2 + 4 + · · · + 2n
which the inductive hypothesis tells us something about, plus the extra term, 2n+1 .
In Example 2.6, we expressed the set C, with strings of length n + 1, in terms
of two sets of strings (which we called D0 and D1 ) of length n, so that we could
apply the inductive hypothesis to these sets and conclude that both of these sets
were of limited size.
Of course, working with the statement S(n + 1) so that we can apply the
inductive hypothesis is just a special case of the more universal problem-solving
adage “Use what is given.” The hard part always comes when we must deal with
the “extra” part of S(n+1) and complete the proof of S(n+1) from S(n). However,
the following is a universal rule:
✦ An inductive proof must at some point say “· · ·and by the inductive hypothesis
we know that· · · .” If it doesn’t, then it isn’t a inductive proof.

2.3.1: Show the following formulas by induction on n starting at n = 1.
a) i=1 i = n(n + 1)/2.
Pn 2
b) i=1 i = n(n + 1)(2n + 1)/6.
Pn 3 2 2
c) i=1 i = n (n + 1) /4.
d) i=1 1/i(i + 1) = n/(n + 1).

Triangular 2.3.2: Numbers of the form tn = n(n + 1)/2 are called triangular numbers,
Pn because
number marbles arranged in an equilateral triangle, n on a side, will total i=1 i marbles,
which we saw in Exercise 2.3.1(a) is tn marbles. For example, bowling pins are
P4 on a side and there are t4 = 4 × 5/2 = 10 pins. Show by
arranged in a triangle
induction on n that nj=1 tj = n(n + 1)(n + 2)/6.
2.3.3: Identify the parity of each of the following bit sequences as even or odd:
a) 01101
b) 111000111

c) 010101

2.3.4: Suppose we use three digits — say 0, 1, and 2 — to code symbols. A set
of strings C formed from 0’s, 1’s, and 2’s is error detecting if no two strings in C
differ in only one position. For example, {00, 11, 22} is an error-detecting set with
strings of length two, using the digits 0, 1, and 2. Show that for any n ≥ 1, an
error-detecting set of strings of length n using the digits 0, 1, and 2, cannot have
more than 3n−1 strings.

2.3.5*: Show that for any n ≥ 1, there is an error-detecting set of strings of length
n, using the digits 0, 1, and 2, that has 3n−1 strings.

2.3.6*: Show that if we use k symbols, for any k ≥ 2, then there is an error-
detecting set of strings of length n, using k different symbols as “digits,” with k n−1
strings, but no such set of strings with more than k n−1 strings.

2.3.7*: If n ≥ 1, the number of strings using the digits 0, 1, and 2, with no two
consecutive places holding the same digit, is 3 × 2n−1 . For example, there are 12
such strings of length three: 010, 012, 020, 021, 101, 102, 120, 121, 201, 202, 210,
and 212. Prove this claim by induction on the length of the strings. Is the formula
true for n = 0?

2.3.8*: Prove that the ripple-carry addition algorithm discussed in Section 1.3
produces the correct answer. Hint : Show by induction on i that after considering
the first i places from the right end, the sum of the tails of length i for the two
addends equals the number whose binary representation is the carry bit followed by
the i bits of answer generated so far.

2.3.9*: The formula for the sum of n terms of a geometric series a, ar, ar2 , . . . , arn−1
X (arn − a)
ari =
(r − 1)

Prove this formula by induction on n. Note that you must assume r 6= 1 for the
formula to hold. Where do you use that assumption in your proof?

2.3.10: The formula for the sum of an arithmetic series  with first term a and
increment b, that is, a, (a + b), (a + 2b), . . . , a + (n − 1)b , is
a + bi = n 2a + (n − 1)b /2

a) Prove this formula by induction on n.

b) Show how Exercise 2.3.1(a) is an example of this formula.

2.3.11: Give two informal proofs that induction starting at 1 “works,” although
the statement S(0) may be false.

2.3.12: Show by induction on the length of strings that the code consisting of the
odd-parity strings detects errors.

Arithmetic and Geometric Sums

There are two formulas from high-school algebra that we shall use frequently. They
each have interesting inductive proofs, which we ask the reader to provide in Exer-
cises 2.3.9 and 2.3.10.
Arithmetic An arithmetic series is a sequence of n numbers of the form
a, (a + b), (a + 2b), . . . , a + (n − 1)b
The first term is a, and each term is b larger than the one before. The sum of these
n numbers is n times the average of the first and last terms; that is:
a + bi = n 2a + (n − 1)b /2

For example, consider the sum of 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11. There are n = 5 terms, the
first is 3 and the last 11. Thus, the sum is 5 × (3 + 11)/2 = 5 × 7 = 35. You can
check that this sum is correct by adding the five integers.
Geometric A geometric series is a sequence of n numbers of the form
a, ar, ar2 , ar3 , . . . , arn−1
That is, the first term is a, and each successive term is r times the previous term.
The formula for the sum of n terms of a geometric series is
X (arn − a)
ari =
(r − 1)
Here, r can be greater or less than 1. If r = 1, the above formula does not work,
but all terms are a so the sum is obviously an.
As an example of a geometric series sum, consider 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16. Here,
n = 5, the first term a is 1, and the ratio r is 2. Thus, the sum is
(1 × 25 − 1)/(2 − 1) = (32 − 1)/1 = 31
as you may check. For another example, consider 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16. Again
n = 5 and a = 1, but r = 1/2. The sum is
1 × ( 21 )5 − 1 /( 21 − 1) = (−31/32)/(−1/2) = 1 16

Error-correcting 2.3.13**: If no two strings in a code differ in fewer than three positions, then we
code can actually correct a single error, by finding the unique string in the code that
differs from the received string in only one position. It turns out that there is a
code of 7-bit strings that corrects single errors and contains 16 strings. Find such a
code. Hint : Reasoning it out is probably best, but if you get stuck, write a program
that searches for such a code.
2.3.14*: Does the even parity code detect any “double errors,” that is, changes in
two different bits? Can it correct any single errors?

Template for Simple Inductions

Let us summarize Section 2.3 by giving a template into which the simple inductions
of that section fit. Section 2.4 will cover a more general template.
1. Specify the statement S(n) to be proved. Say you are going to prove S(n) by
induction on n, for all n ≥ i0 . Here, i0 is the constant of the basis; usually i0
is 0 or 1, but it could be any integer. Explain intuitively what n means, e.g.,
the length of codewords.
2. State the basis case, S(i0 ).
3. Prove the basis case. That is, explain why S(i0 ) is true.
4. Set up the inductive step by stating that you are assuming S(n) for some
n ≥ i0 , the “inductive hypothesis.” Express S(n + 1) by substituting n + 1 for
n in the statement S(n).
5. Prove S(n + 1), assuming the inductive hypothesis S(n).
6. Conclude that S(n) is true for all n ≥ i0 (but not necessarily for smaller n).

✦ ✦

2.4 Complete Induction

In the examples seen so far, we have proved that S(n + 1) is true using only S(n)
as an inductive hypothesis. However, since we prove our statement S for values of
its parameter starting at the basis value and proceeding upward, we are entitled to
use S(i) for all values of i, from the basis value up to n. This form of induction is
Strong and called complete (or sometimes perfect or strong) induction, while the simple form of
weak induction induction of Section 2.3, where we used only S(n) to prove S(n + 1) is sometimes
called weak induction.
Let us begin by considering how to perform a complete induction starting with
basis n = 0. We prove that S(n) is true for all n ≥ 0 in two steps:

1. We first prove the basis, S(0).

2. As an inductive hypothesis, we assume all of S(0), S(1), . . . , S(n) to be true.

From these statements we prove that S(n + 1) holds.

As for weak induction described in the previous section, we can also pick some
value a other than 0 as the basis. Then, for the basis we prove S(a), and in the
inductive step we are entitled to assume only S(a), S(a + 1), . . . , S(n). Note that
weak induction is a special case of complete induction in which we elect not to use
any of the previous statements except S(n) to prove S(n + 1).
Figure 2.7 suggests how complete induction works. Each instance of the state-
ment S(n) can (optionally) use any of the lower-indexed instances to its right in its

S(n) ··· S(2) S(1) S(0)

Fig. 2.7. Complete induction allows each instance to use one, some, or
all of the previous instances in its proof.

Inductions With More Than One Basis Case

When performing a complete induction, there are times when it is useful to have
more than one basis case. If we wish to prove a statement S(n) for all n ≥ i0 , then
we could treat not only i0 as a basis case, but also some number of consecutive
integers above i0 , say i0 , i0 + 1, i0 + 2, . . . , j0 . Then we must do the following two
1. Prove each of the basis cases, the statements S(i0 ), S(i0 + 1), . . . , S(j0 ).
2. As an inductive hypothesis, assume all of S(i0 ), S(i0 + 1), . . . , S(n) hold, for
some n ≥ j0 , and prove S(n + 1).

✦ Example 2.7. Our first example of a complete induction is a simple one that
uses multiple basis cases. As we shall see, it is only “complete” in a limited sense.
To prove S(n + 1) we do not use S(n) but we use S(n − 1) only. In more general
complete inductions to follow, we use S(n), S(n − 1), and many other instances of
the statement S.
Let us prove by induction on n the following statement for all n ≥ 0.4

STATEMENT S(n): There are integers a and b (positive, negative, or 0) such that
n = 2a + 3b.

BASIS. We shall take both 0 and 1 as basis cases.

i) For n = 0 we may pick a = 0 and b = 0. Surely 0 = 2 × 0 + 3 × 0.
ii) For n = 1, pick a = −1 and b = 1. Then 1 = 2 × (−1) + 3 × 1.

INDUCTION. Now, we may assume S(n) and prove S(n + 1), for any n ≥ 1. Note
that we may assume n is at least the largest of the consecutive values for which we
have proved the basis: n ≥ 1 here. Statement S(n + 1) says that n + 1 = 2a + 3b
for some integers a and b.
The inductive hypothesis says that all of S(0), S(1), . . . , S(n) are true. Note
that we begin the sequence at 0 because that was the lowest of the consecutive basis
cases. Since n ≥ 1 can be assumed, we know that n − 1 ≥ 0, and therefore, S(n − 1)
is true. This statement says that there are integers a and b such that n−1 = 2a+3b.
4 Actually, this statement is true for all n, positive or negative, but the case of negative n
requires a second induction which we leave as an exercise.

Since we need a in the statement S(n+1), let us restate S(n−1) to use different
names for the integers and say there are integers a′ and b′ such that
n − 1 = 2a′ + 3b′ (2.6)
If we add 2 to both sides of (2.6), we have n + 1 = 2(a′ + 1) + 3b′ . If we then let
a = a′ + 1 and b = b′ , we have the statement n + 1 = 2a + 3b for some integers a
and b. This statement is S(n + 1), so we have proved the induction. Notice that in
this proof, we did not use S(n), but we did use S(n − 1). ✦

Justifying Complete Induction

Like the ordinary or “weak” induction discussed in Section 2.3, complete induction
can be justified intuitively as a proof technique by a “least counterexample” argu-
ment. Let the basis cases be S(i0 ), S(i0 + 1), . . . , S(j0 ), and suppose we have shown
that for any n ≥ j0 , S(i0 ), S(i0 +1), . . . , S(n) together imply S(n+1). Now, suppose
S(n) were not true for at least one value of n ≥ i0 , and let b be the smallest integer
equal to or greater than i0 for which S(b) is false. Then b cannot be between i0 and
j0 , or the basis is contradicted. Further, b cannot be greater than j0 . If it were, all
of S(i0 ), S(i0 + 1), . . . , S(b − 1) would be true. But the inductive step would then
tell us that S(b) is true, yielding the contradiction.

Normal Forms for Arithmetic Expressions

We shall now explore an extended example concerning the transformation of arith-
metic expressions to equivalent forms. It offers an illustration of a complete induc-
tion that takes full advantage of the fact that the statement S to be proved may be
assumed for all arguments from n downward.
By way of motivation, a compiler for a programming language may take ad-
vantage of the algebraic properties of arithmetic operators to rearrange the order
in which the operands of an arithmetic expression are evaluated. The goal is of this
rearrangement is to find a way for the computer to evaluate the expression using
less time than the obvious evaluation order takes.
In this section we consider arithmetic expressions containing a single associative
and commutative operator, like +, and examine what rearrangements of operands
are possible. We shall prove that if we have any expression involving only the
operator +, then the value of the expression is equal to the value of any other
expression with + applied to the same operands, ordered and/or grouped in any
arbitrary way. For example,
a3 + (a4 + a1 ) + (a2 + a5 ) = a1 + a2 + a3 + (a4 + a5 )

We shall prove this claim by performing two separate inductions, the first of which
is a complete induction.

✦ Example 2.8. We shall prove by complete induction on n (the number of

operands in an expression) the statement

Associativity and Commutativity

Associative law Recall that the associative law for addition says that we can add three values either
by adding the first two and then adding the third to the result, or by adding the first
to the result of adding the second and third; the result will be the same. Formally,
(E1 + E2 ) + E3 = E1 + (E2 + E3 )
where E1 , E2 , and E3 are any arithmetic expressions. For instance,
(1 + 2) + 3 = 1 + (2 + 3)
Here, E1 = 1, E2 = 2, and E3 = 3. Also,
(xy) + (3z − 2) + (y + z) = xy + (3z − 2) + (y + z)
Here, E1 = xy, E2 = 3z − 2, and E3 = y + z.
Commutative Also recall that the commutative law for addition says that we can sum two
law expressions in either order. Formally,
E1 + E2 = E2 + E1
For example, 1 + 2 = 2 + 1, and xy + (3z − 2) = (3z − 2) + xy.

STATEMENT S(n): If E is an expression involving the operator + and n operands,

and a is one of those operands, then E can be transformed, by using the
associative and commutative laws, into an expression of the form a + F ,
where F is an expression involving all the operands of E except a, grouped
in some order using the operator +.
Statement S(n) only holds for n ≥ 2, since there must be at least one occurrence
of the operator + in E. Thus, we shall use n = 2 as our basis.

BASIS. Let n = 2. Then E can be only a + b or b + a, for some operand b other

than a. In the first case, we let F be the expression b, and we are done. In the
second case, we note that by the commutative law, b + a can be transformed into
a + b, and so we may again let F = b.

INDUCTION. Let E have n + 1 operands, and assume that S(i) is true for i =
2, 3, . . . , n. We need to prove the inductive step for n ≥ 2, so we may assume
that E has at least three operands and therefore at least two occurrences of +.
We can write E as E1 + E2 for some expressions E1 and E2 . Since E has exactly
n + 1 operands, and E1 and E2 must each have at least one of these operands, it
follows that neither E1 nor E2 can have more than n operands. Thus, the inductive
hypothesis applies to E1 and E2 , as long as they have more than one operand each
(because we started with n = 2 as the basis). There are four cases we must consider,
depending whether a is in E1 or E2 , and on whether it is or is not the only operand
in E1 or E2 .
a) E1 is a by itself. An example of this case occurs when E is a + (b + c); here E1
is a and E2 is b + c. In this case, E2 serves as F ; that is, E is already of the
form a + F .

b) E1 has more than one operand, and a is among them. For instance,

E = c + (d + a) + (b + e)

where E1 = c + (d + a) and E2 = b + e. Here, since E1 has no more than

n operands but at least two operands, we can apply the inductive hypothesis
to tell us that E1 can be transformed, using the commutative and associative
laws, into a+E3 . Thus, E can be transformed into (a+E3 )+E2 . We apply the
associative law and see that E can further be transformed into a + (E3 + E2 ).
Thus, we may choose F to be E3 + E2 , which proves the inductive step in
this case. For our example E above, we may suppose that E2 = c + (d + a)
is transformed by the inductive hypothesis
 into a + (c + d). Then E can be
regrouped into a + (c + d) + (b + e) .

c) E2 is a alone. For instance, E = (b+c)+a. In this case, we use the commutative

law to transform E into a + E1 , which is of the desired form if we let F be E1 .

d) E2 has more than one operand, including a. An example is E = b + (a + c).

Apply the commutative law to transform E into E2 + E1 . Then proceed as
in case (b). If E = b + (a + c), we transform E first into (a + c) + b. By the
inductive hypothesis, a + c can be put in the desired form; in fact, it is already
there. The associative law then transforms E into a + (c + b).

In all four cases, we have transformed E to the desired form. Thus, the inductive
step is proved, and we conclude that S(n) for all n ≥ 2. ✦

✦ Example 2.9. The inductive proof of Example 2.8 leads directly to an algo-
rithm that puts an expression into the desired form. As an example, consider the

E = x + (z + v) + (w + y)

and suppose that v is the operand we wish to “pull out,” that is, to play the role of
a in the transformation of Example 2.8. Initially, we have an example of case (b),
with E1 = x + (z + v), and E2 = w + y.
Next, we must work on the expression E1 and “pull out” v. E1 is an example of
case (d), and so we first apply the commutative law to transform it into (z + v) + x.
As an instance of case (b), we must work on the expression z + v, which is an
instance of case (c). We thus transform it by the commutative law into v + z.
Now E1 has been transformed into (v+z)+x, and a further use of the associative

law transforms it to v+(z+x). That, in turn, transforms E into v+(z+x) +(w+y).

By the associative law, E can be transformed into v + (z + x) + (w + y) . Thus,
E = v + F , where F is the expression (z + x) + (w + y). The entire sequence of
transformations is summarized in Fig. 2.8. ✦

Now, we can use the statement proved in Example 2.8 to prove our original
contention, that any two expressions involving the operator + and the same list
of distinct operands can be transformed one to the other by the associative and
commutative laws. This proof is by weak induction, as discussed in Section 2.3,
rather than complete induction.

x + (z + v) + (w + y)
(z + v) + x + (w + y)
(v + z) + x + (w + y)
v + (z + x) + (w + y)
v + (z + x) + (w + y)

Fig. 2.8. Using the commutative and associative laws, we can “pull out”
any operand, such as v.

✦ Example 2.10. Let us prove the following statement by induction on n, the

number of operands in an expression.

STATEMENT T (n): If E and F are expressions involving the operator + and the
same set of n distinct operands, then it is possible to transform E into F by
a sequence of applications of the associative and commutative laws.

BASIS. If n = 1, then the two expressions must both be a single operand a. Since
they are the same expression, surely E is “transformable” into F .

INDUCTION. Suppose T (n) is true, for some n ≥ 1. We shall now prove T (n + 1).
Let E and F be expressions involving the same set of n+1 operands, and let a be one
of these operands. Since n + 1 ≥ 2, S(n + 1) — the statement from Example 2.8 —
must hold. Thus, we can transform E into a + E1 for some expression E1 involving
the other n operands of E. Similarly, we can transform F into a + F1 , for some
expression F1 involving the same n operands as E1 . What is more important, in
this case, is that we can also perform the transformations in the opposite direction,
transforming a + F1 into F by use of the associative and commutative laws.
Now we invoke the inductive hypothesis T (n) on the expressions E1 and F1 .
Each has the same n operands, and so the inductive hypothesis applies. That tells
us we can transform E1 into F1 , and therefore we can transform a + E1 into a + F1 .
We may thus perform the transformations
E → · · · → a + E1 Using S(n + 1)
→ · · · → a + F1 Using T (n)
→ ··· → F Using S(n + 1) in reverse
to turn E into F . ✦

✦ Example 2.11. Let us transform E = (x+y)+(w+z) into F = (w+z)+y +x.
We begin by selecting an operand, say w, to “pull out.” If we check the cases in
Example 2.8, we see that for E we perform the sequence of transformations

(x + y) + (w + z) → (w + z) + (x + y) → w + z + (x + y) (2.7)
while for F we do
(w + z) + y + x → w + (z + y) + x → w + (z + y) + x (2.8)

We now have the subproblem of transforming z + (x + y) into (z + y) + x. We

shall do so by “pulling out” x. The sequences of transformations are
z + (x + y) → (x + y) + z → x + (y + z) (2.9)
(z + y) + x → x + (z + y) (2.10)
That, in turn, gives us a subproblem of transforming y + z into z + y. We do so
by an application of the commutative law. Strictly speaking, we use the technique
of Example 2.8 to “pull out” y for each, leaving y + z for each expression. Then
the basis case for Example 2.10 tells us that the expression z can be “transformed”
into itself.
We can now transform z + (x + y) into (z + y) + x by the steps of line (2.9),
then applying the commutative law to subexpression y + z, and finally using the
transformation of line (2.10), in reverse. We use these transformations
 as the middle
part of the transformation from (x + y) + (w + z) to (w + z) + y + x. First we
apply the transformations of line (2.7), and then the transformations just discussed
to change z + (x + y) into (z + y) + x, and finally the transformations of line (2.8)
in reverse. The entire sequence of transformations is summarized in Fig. 2.9. ✦

(x + y) + (w + z) Expression E
(w + z) + (x + y) Middle of (2.7)
w + z + (x + y) End of (2.7)
w + (x + y) + z  Middle of (2.9)
w + x + (y + z) End of (2.9)
w + x + (z + y) Commutative law
w + (z + y)+ x (2.10) in reverse
w + (z + y) + x Middle of (2.8) in reverse
(w + z) + y + x Expression F , end of (2.8) in reverse

Fig. 2.9. Transforming one expression into another using the commutative
and associative laws.

2.4.1: “Pull out” from the expression E = (u + v) + w + (x + y) + z each of
the operands in turn. That is, start from E in each of the six parts, and use the
techniques of Example 2.8 to transform E into an expression of the form u + E1 .
Then transform E1 into an expression of the form v + E2 , and so on.
2.4.2: Use the technique of Example 2.10 to transform
a) w + x + (y + z) into  (w + x) + y + z 
b) (v + w) + (x + y) + z into (y + w) + (v + z) + x
2.4.3*: Let E be an expression with operators +, −, ∗, and /; each operator is
Binary operator binary only; that is, it takes two operands. Show, using a complete induction on
the number of occurrences of operators in E, that if E has n operator occurrences,
then E has n + 1 operands.

A Template for All Inductions

The following organization of inductive proofs covers complete inductions with mul-
tiple basis cases. As a special case it includes the weak inductions of Section 2.3,
and it includes the common situation where there is only one basis case.
1. Specify the statement S(n) to be proved. Say that you are going to prove S(n)
by induction on n, for n ≥ i0 . Specify what i0 is; often it is 0 or 1, but i0 could
be any integer. Explain intuitively what n represents.
2. State the basis case(s). These will be all the integers from i0 up to some integer
j0 . Often j0 = i0 , but j0 could be larger.
3. Prove each of the basis cases S(i0 ), S(i0 + 1), . . . , S(j0 ).
4. Set up the inductive step by stating that you are assuming
S(i0 ), S(i0 + 1), . . . , S(n)
(the “inductive hypothesis”) and that you want to prove S(n + 1). State that
you are assuming n ≥ j0 ; that is, n is at least as great as the highest basis case.
Express S(n + 1) by substituting n + 1 for n in the statement S(n).
5. Prove S(n + 1) under the assumptions mentioned in (4). If the induction is
a weak, rather than complete, induction, then only S(n) will be used in the
proof, but you are free to use any or all of the statements of the inductive
6. Conclude that S(n) is true for all n ≥ i0 (but not necessarily for smaller n).

2.4.4: Give an example of a binary operator that is commutative but not associa-
2.4.5: Give an example of a binary operator that is associative but not commuta-
2.4.6*: Consider an expression E whose operators are all binary. The length of E
is the number of symbols in E, counting an operator or a left or right parenthesis as
one symbol, and also counting any operand such as 123 or abc as one symbol. Prove
that E must have an odd length. Hint: Prove the claim by complete induction on
the length of the expression E.
2.4.7: Show that every negative integer can be written in the form 2a + 3b for some
(not necessarily positive) integers a and b.
2.4.8*: Show that every integer (positive or negative) can be written in the form
5a + 7b for some (not necessarily positive) integers a and b.
2.4.9*: Is every proof by weak induction (as in Section 2.3) also a proof by complete
induction? Is every proof by complete induction also a proof by weak induction?
2.4.10*: We showed in this section how to justify complete induction by a least
counterexample argument. Show how complete induction can also be justified by
an iteration.

Truth in Advertising
There are many difficulties, both theoretical and practical, in proving programs
correct. An obvious question is “What does it mean for a program to be ‘correct’ ?”
As we mentioned in Chapter 1, most programs in practice are written to satisfy some
informal specification. The specification itself may be incomplete or inconsistent.
Even if there were a precise formal specification, we can show that no algorithm
exists to prove that an arbitrary program is equivalent to a given specification.
However, in spite of these difficulties, it is beneficial to state and prove asser-
tions about programs. The loop invariants of a program are often the most useful
short explanation one can give of how the program works. Further, the programmer
should have a loop invariant in mind while writing a piece of code. That is, there
must be a reason why a program works, and this reason often has to do with an
inductive hypothesis that holds each time the program goes around a loop or each
time it performs a recursive call. The programmer should be able to envision a
proof, even though it may be impractical to write out such a proof line by line.

✦ ✦

2.5 Proving Properties of Programs

In this section we shall delve into an area where inductive proofs are essential:
proving that a program does what it is claimed to do. We shall see a technique
for explaining what an iterative program does as it goes around a loop. If we
understand what the loops do, we generally understand what we need to know
about an iterative program. In Section 2.9, we shall consider what is needed to
prove properties of recursive programs.

Loop Invariants

The key to proving a property of a loop in a program is selecting a loop invariant,

Inductive or inductive assertion, which is a statement S that is true each time we enter a
assertion particular point in the loop. The statement S is then proved by induction on a
parameter that in some way measures the number of times we have gone around
the loop. For example, the parameter could be the number of times we have reached
the test of a while-loop, it could be the value of the loop index in a for-loop, or it
could be some expression involving the program variables that is known to increase
by 1 for each time around the loop.

✦ Example 2.12. As an example, let us consider the inner loop of SelectionSort

from Section 2.2. These lines, with the original numbering from Fig. 2.2, are
(2) small = i;
(3) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;

small = i

j = i+1


j < n? no


loop body
lines (4) and (5)

j = j+1

Fig. 2.10. Flowchart for the inner loop of SelectionSort.

Recall that the purpose of these lines is to make small equal to the index of an
element of A[i..n-1] with the smallest value. To see why that claim is true,
consider the flowchart for our loop shown in Fig. 2.10. This flowchart shows the
five steps necessary to execute the program:
1. First, we need to initialize small to i, as we do in line (2).
2. At the beginning of the for-loop of line (3), we need to initialize j to i + 1.
3. Then, we need to test whether j < n.
4. If so, we execute the body of the loop, which consists of lines (4) and (5).
5. At the end of the body, we need to increment j and go back to the test.
In Fig. 2.10 we see a point just before the test that is labeled by a loop-invariant
statement we have called S(k); we shall discover momentarily what this statement
must be. The first time we reach the test, j has the value i + 1 and small has the
value i. The second time we reach the test, j has the value i + 2, because j has been
incremented once. Because the body (lines 4 and 5) sets small to i + 1 if A[i + 1]
is less than A[i], we see that small is the index of whichever of A[i] and A[i + 1] is

5 In case of a tie, small will be i. In general, we shall pretend that no ties occur and talk about
“the smallest element” when we really mean “the first occurrence of the smallest element.”

Similarly, the third time we reach the test, the value of j is i + 3 and small
is the index of the smallest of A[i..i+2]. We shall thus try to prove the following
statement, which appears to be the general rule.

STATEMENT S(k): If we reach the test for j < n in the for-statement of line (3)
with k as the value of loop index j, then the value of small is the index of
the smallest of A[i..k-1].
Note that we are using the letter k to stand for one of the values that the variable
j assumes, as we go around the loop. That is less cumbersome than trying to use
j as the value of j, because we sometimes need to keep k fixed while the value of
j changes. Also notice that S(k) has the form “if we reach · · · ,” because for some
values of k we may never reach the loop test, as we broke out of the loop for a
smaller value of the loop index j. If k is one of those values, then S(k) is surely
true, because any statement of the form “if A then B” is true when A is false.

BASIS. The basis case is k = i + 1, where i is the value of the variable i at line
(3).6 Now j = i + 1 when we begin the loop. That is, we have just executed line
(2), which gives small the value i, and we have initialized j to i + 1 to begin the
loop. S(i + 1) says that small is the index of the smallest element in A[i..i],
which means that the value of small must be i. But we just observed that line (2)
causes small to have the value i. Technically, we must also show that j can never
have value i + 1 except the first time we reach the test. The reason, intuitively, is
that each time around the loop, we increment j, so it will never again be as low as
i + 1. (To be perfectly precise, we should give an inductive proof of the assumption
that j > i + 1 except the first time through the test.) Thus, the basis, S(i + 1), has
been shown to be true.

INDUCTION. Now let us assume as our inductive hypothesis that S(k) holds, for
some k ≥ i + 1, and prove S(k + 1). First, if k ≥ n, then we break out of the loop
when j has the value k, or earlier, and so we are sure never to reach the loop test
with the value of j equal to k + 1. In that case, S(k + 1) is surely true.
Thus, let us assume that k < n, so that we actually make the test with j equal
to k + 1. S(k) says that small indexes the smallest of A[i..k-1], and S(k + 1) says
that small indexes the smallest of A[i..k]. Consider what happens in the body of
the loop (lines 4 and 5) when j has the value k; there are two cases, depending on
whether the test of line (4) is true or not.
1. If A[k] is not smaller than the smallest of A[i..k-1], then the value of small
does not change. In that case, however, small also indexes the smallest of
A[i..k], since A[k] is not the smallest. Thus, the conclusion of S(k + 1) is
true in this case.
2. If A[k] is smaller than the smallest of A[i] through A[k − 1], then small is set
to k. Again, the conclusion of S(k + 1) now holds, because k is the index of
the smallest of A[i..k].

6 As far as the loop of lines (3) to (5) is concerned, i does not change. Thus, i + 1 is an
appropriate constant to use as the basis value.

Thus, in either case, small is the index of the smallest of A[i..k]. We go around
the for-loop by incrementing the variable j. Thus, just before the loop test, when
j has the value k + 1, the conclusion of S(k + 1) holds. We have now shown that
S(k) implies S(k + 1). We have completed the induction and conclude that S(k)
holds for all values k ≥ i + 1.

Next, we apply S(k) to make our claim about the inner loop of lines (3) through
(5). We exit the loop when the value of j reaches n. Since S(n) says that small
indexes the smallest of A[i..n-1], we have an important conclusion about the
working of the inner loop. We shall see how it is used in the next example. ✦

(1) for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {

(2) small = i;
(3) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;
(6) temp = A[small];
(7) A[small] = A[i];
(8) A[i] = temp;

Fig. 2.11. The body of the SelectionSort function.

✦ Example 2.13. Now, let us consider the entire SelectionSort function, the
heart of which we reproduce in Fig. 2.11. A flowchart for this code is shown in
Fig. 2.12, where “body” refers to lines (2) through (8) of Fig. 2.11. Our inductive
assertion, which we refer to as T (m), is again a statement about what must be true
just before the test for termination of the loop. Informally, when i has the value
m, we have selected m of the smallest elements and sorted them at the beginning
of the array. More precisely, we prove the following statement T (m) by induction
on m.

STATEMENT T (m): If we reach the loop test i < n − 1 of line (1) with the value
of variable i equal to m, then
a) A[0..m-1] are in sorted order; that is, A[0] ≤ A[1] ≤ · · · ≤ A[m − 1].
b) All of A[m..n-1] are at least as great as any of A[0..m-1].

BASIS. The basis case is m = 0. The basis is true for trivial reasons. If we look
at the statement T (0), part (a) says that A[0..-1] are sorted. But there are no
elements in the range A[0], . . . , A[−1], and so (a) must be true. Similarly, part (b)
of T (0) says that all of A[0..n-1] are at least as large as any of A[0..-1]. Since
there are no elements of the latter description, part (b) is also true.

i = 0

T (m)

i < n − 1? no


loop body
lines (2) — (8)

i = i+1

Fig. 2.12. Flow-chart for the entire selection sort function.

INDUCTION. For the inductive step, we assume that T (m) is true for some m ≥ 0,
and we show that T (m + 1) holds. As in Example 2.12, we are trying to prove a
statement of the form “if A then B,” and such a statement is true whenever A is
false. Thus, T (m + 1) is true if the assumption that we reach the for-loop test with
i equal to m + 1 is false. Thus, we may assume that we actually reach the test with
i having the value m + 1; that is, we may assume m < n − 1.
When i has the value m, the body of the loop finds a smallest element in
A[m..n-1] (as proved by the statement S(m) of Example 2.12). This element is
swapped with A[m] in lines (6) through (8). Part (b) of the inductive hypothesis,
T (m), tells us the element chosen must be at least as large as any of A[0..m-1].
Moreover, those elements were sorted, so now all of A[i..m] are sorted. That proves
part (a) of statement T (m + 1).
To prove part (b) of T (m+ 1), we see that A[m] was just selected to be as small
as any of A[m+1..n-1]. Part (a) of T (m) tells us that A[0..m-1] were already as
small as any of A[m+1..n-1]. Thus, after executing the body of lines (2) through
(8) and incrementing i, we know that all of A[m+1..n-1] are at least as large as
any of A[0..m]. Since now the value of i is m + 1, we have shown the truth of the
statement T (m + 1) and thus have proved the inductive step.

Now, let m = n − 1. We know that we exit the outer for-loop when i has the
value n − 1, so T (n − 1) will hold after we finish this loop. Part (a) of T (n − 1) says
that all of A[0..n-2] are sorted, and part (b) says that A[n − 1] is as large as any
of the other elements. Thus, after the program terminates the elements in A are in
nonincreasing order; that is, they are sorted. ✦

Loop Invariants for While-Loops

When we have a while-loop of the form
while (<condition>)
it usually makes sense to find the appropriate loop invariant for the point just
before the test of the condition. Generally, we try to prove the loop invariant holds
by induction on the number of times around the loop. Then, when the condition
becomes false, we can use the loop invariant, together with the falsehood of the
condition, to conclude something useful about what is true after the while-loop
However, unlike for-loops, there may not be a variable whose value counts the
number of times around the while-loop. Worse, while the for-loop is guaranteed to
iterate only up to the limit of the loop (for example, up to n − 1 for the inner loop
of the SelectionSort program), there is no reason to believe that the condition of
the while-loop will ever become false. Thus, part of the proof of correctness for a
While-loop while-loop is a proof that it eventually terminates. We usually prove termination
termination by identifying some expression E, involving the variables of the program, such that
1. The value of E decreases by at least 1 each time around the loop, and
2. The loop condition is false if E is as low as some specified constant, such as 0.

✦ Example 2.14. The factorial function, written n!, is defined as the product of
Factorial the integers 1 × 2 × · · · × n. For example, 1! = 1, 2! = 1 × 2 = 2, and
5! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 = 120
Figure 2.13 shows a simple program fragment to compute n! for integers n ≥ 1.

(1) scanf("%d", &n);

(2) i = 2;
(3) fact = 1;
(4) while (i <= n) {
(5) fact = fact*i;
(6) i++;
(7) printf("%d\n", fact);

Fig. 2.13. Factorial program fragment.

To begin, let us prove that the while-loop of lines (4) to (6) in Fig. 2.13 must
terminate. We shall choose E to be the expression n − i. Notice that each time
around the while-loop, i is increased by 1 at line (6) and n remains unchanged.
Therefore, E decreases by 1 each time around the loop. Moreover, when E is −1
or less, we have n − i ≤ −1, or i ≥ n + 1. Thus, when E becomes negative, the
loop condition i ≤ n will be false and the loop will terminate. We don’t know how
large E is initially, since we don’t know what value of n will be read. Whatever that
value is, however, E will eventually reach as low as −1, and the loop will terminate.

Now we must prove that the program of Fig. 2.13 does what it is intended to
do. The appropriate loop-invariant statement, which we prove by induction on the
value of the variable i, is

STATEMENT S(j): If we reach the loop test i ≤ n with the variable i having the
value j, then the value of the variable fact is (j − 1)!.

BASIS. The basis is S(2). We reach the test with i having value 2 only when we
enter the loop from the outside. Prior to the loop, lines (2) and (3) of Fig. 2.13 set
fact to 1 and i to 2. Since 1 = (2 − 1)!, the basis is proved.

INDUCTION. Assume S(j), and prove S(j + 1). If j > n, then we break out of the
while-loop when i has the value j or earlier, and thus we never reach the loop test
with i having the value j + 1. In that case, S(j + 1) is trivially true, because it is
of the form “If we reach · · · .”
Thus, assume j ≤ n, and consider what happens when we execute the body of
the while-loop with i having the value j. By the inductive hypothesis, before line
(5) is executed, fact has value (j − 1)!, and i has the value j. Thus, after line (5)
is executed, fact has the value j × (j − 1)!, which is j!.
At line (6), i is incremented by 1 and so attains the value j + 1. Thus, when we
reach the loop test with i having value j + 1, the value of fact is j!. The statement
S(j + 1) says that when i equals j + 1, fact equals ((j + 1) − 1)!, or j!. Thus, we
have proved statement S(j + 1), and completed the inductive step.
We already have shown that the while-loop will terminate. Evidently, it ter-
minates when i first attains a value greater than n. Since i is an integer and is
incremented by 1 each time around the loop, i must have the value n + 1 when the
loop terminates. Thus, when we reach line (7), statement S(n + 1) must hold. But
that statement says that fact has the value n!. Thus, the program prints n!, as we
wished to prove.

As a practical matter, we should point out that on any computer the factorial
program in Fig. 2.13 will print n! as an answer for very few values of n. The problem
is that the factorial function grows so rapidly that the size of the answer quickly
exceeds the maximum size of an integer on any real computer. ✦


2.5.1: What is an appropriate loop invariant for the following program fragment,
which sets sum equal to the sum of the integers from 1 to n?
sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
sum = sum + i;
Prove your loop invariant by induction on i, and use it to prove that the program
works as intended.
2.5.2: The following fragment computes the sum of the integers in array A[0..n-1]:

sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum = sum + A[i];
What is an appropriate loop invariant? Use it to show that the fragment works as
2.5.3*: Consider the following fragment:
scanf("%d", &n);
x = 2;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
x = x * x;
An appropriate loop invariant for the point just before the test for i ≤ n is that if
we reach that point with the value k for variable i, then x = 22 . Prove that this
invariant holds, by induction on k. What is the value of x after the loop terminates?

sum = 0;
scanf("%d", &x);
while (x >= 0) {
sum = sum + x;
scanf("%d", &x);

Fig. 2.14. Summing a list of integers terminated by a negative integer.

2.5.4*: The fragment in Fig. 2.14 reads integers until it finds a negative integer,
and then prints the accumulated sum. What is an appropriate loop invariant for
the point just before the loop test? Use the invariant to show that the fragment
performs as intended.
2.5.5: Find the largest value of n for which the program in Fig. 2.13 works on your
computer. What are the implications of fixed-length integers for proving programs
2.5.6: Show by induction on the number of times around the loop of Fig. 2.10 that
j > i + 1 after the first time around.

✦ ✦

2.6 Recursive Definitions
Inductive In a recursive, or inductive, definition, we define one or more classes of closely
definition related objects (or facts) in terms of the objects themselves. The definition must
not be meaningless, like “a widget is a widget of some color,” or paradoxical, like
“something is a glotz if and only if it is not a glotz.” Rather, a recursive definition
1. One or more basis rules, in which some simple objects are defined, and
2. One or more inductive rules, whereby larger objects are defined in terms of
smaller ones in the collection.

✦ Example 2.15. In the previous section we defined the factorial function by an

iterative algorithm: multiply 1 × 2 × · · · × n to get n!. However, we can also define
the value of n! recursively, as follows.

BASIS. 1! = 1.

INDUCTION. n! = n × (n − 1)!.

For example, the basis tells us that 1! = 1. We can use this fact in the inductive
step with n = 2 to find
2! = 2 × 1! = 2 × 1 = 2
With n = 3, 4, and 5, we get
3! = 3 × 2! = 3 × 2 = 6
4! = 4 × 3! = 4 × 6 = 24
5! = 5 × 4! = 5 × 24 = 120
and so on. Notice that, although it appears that the term “factorial” is defined in
terms of itself, in practice, we can get the value of n! for progressively higher values
of n in terms of the factorials for lower values of n only. Thus, we have a meaningful
definition of “factorial.”
Strictly speaking, we should prove that our recursive definition of n! gives the
same result as our original definition,
n! = 1 × 2 × · · · × n
To do so, we shall prove the following statement:

STATEMENT S(n): n!, as defined recursively above, equals 1 × 2 × · · · × n.

The proof will be by induction on n.

BASIS. S(1) clearly holds. The basis of the recursive definition tells us that 1! = 1,
and the product 1 × · · · × 1 (i.e., the product of the integers “from 1 to 1”) is
evidently 1 as well.

INDUCTION. Assume that S(n) holds; that is, n!, as given by the recursive defini-
tion, equals 1 × 2 × · · · × n. Then the recursive definition tells us that
(n + 1)! = (n + 1) × n!
If we use the commutative law for multiplication, we see that
(n + 1)! = n! × (n + 1) (2.11)
By the inductive hypothesis,
n! = 1 × 2 × · · · × n
Thus, we may substitute 1 × 2 × · · · × n for n! in Equation (2.11) to get
(n + 1)! = 1 × 2 × · · · × n × (n + 1)

which is the statement S(n + 1). We have thereby proved the inductive hypothesis
and shown that our recursive definition of n! is the same as our iterative definition.✦

nth use of 2nd use of 1st use of

inductive ··· inductive inductive
step step step

Fig. 2.15. In a recursive definition, we construct objects in rounds, where

the objects constructed in one round may depend on objects
constructed in all previous rounds.

Figure 2.15 suggests the general nature of a recursive definition. It is similar

in structure to a complete induction, in that there is an infinite sequence of cases,
each of which can depend on any or all of the previous cases. We start by applying
the basis rule or rules. On the next round, we apply the inductive rule or rules to
what we have already obtained, to construct new facts or objects. On the following
round, we again apply the inductive rules to what we have, obtaining new facts or
objects, and so on.
In Example 2.15, where we were defining the factorial, we discovered the value
of 1! by the basis case, 2! by one application of the inductive step, 3! by two appli-
cations, and so on. Here, the induction had the form of an “ordinary” induction,
where we used in each round only what we had discovered in the previous round.

✦ Example 2.16. In Section 2.2 we defined the notion of lexicographic order of

Lexicographic strings, and our definition was iterative in nature. Roughly, we test whether string
order c1 · · · cn precedes string d1 · · · dm by comparing corresponding symbols ci and di
from the left, until we either find an i for which ci 6= di or come to the end of one of
the strings. The following recursive definition defines those pairs of strings w and
x such that w precedes x in lexicographic order. Intuitively, the induction is on the
number of pairs of equal characters at the beginnings of the two strings involved.

BASIS. The basis covers those pairs of strings for which we can immediately resolve
the question of which comes first in lexicographic order. There are two parts of the
1. ǫ < w for any string w other than ǫ itself. Recall that ǫ is the empty string, or
the string with no characters.
2. If c < d, where c and d are characters, then for any strings w and x, we have
cw < dx.

INDUCTION. If w < x for strings w and x, then for any character c we have
cw < cx.

For instance, we can use the above definition to show that base < batter. By
rule (2) of the basis, with c = s, d = t, w = e, and x = ter, we have se < tter. If
we apply the recursive rule once, with c = a, w = se, and x = tter, we infer that
ase < atter. Finally, applying the recursive rule a second time with c = b, w =
ase, and x = atter, we find base < batter. That is, the basis and inductive steps
appear as follows:
se < tter
ase < atter
base < batter
We can also show that bat < batter as follows. Part (1) of the basis tells us
that ǫ < ter. If we apply the recursive rule three times — with c equal to t, a,
and b, in turn — we make the following sequence of inferences:
ǫ < ter
t < tter
at < atter
bat < batter
Now we should prove, by induction on the number of characters that two strings
have in common at their left ends, that one string precedes the other according to
the definition in Section 2.2 if and only if it precedes according to the recursive
definition just given. We leave these two inductive proofs as exercises. ✦

In Example 2.16, the groups of facts suggested by Fig. 2.15 are large. The basis
case gives us all facts w < x for which either w = ǫ or w and x begin with different
letters. One use of the inductive step gives us all w < x facts where w and x have
exactly one initial letter in common, the second use covers those cases where w and
x have exactly two initial letters in common, and so on.

Arithmetic expressions of all kinds are naturally defined recursively. For the basis
of the definition, we specify what the atomic operands can be. For example, in C,
atomic operands are either variables or constants. Then, the induction tells us what
operators may be applied, and to how many operands each is applied. For instance,
in C, the operator < can be applied to two operands, the operator symbol − can be
applied to one or two operands, and the function application operator, represented
by a pair of parenthesis with as many commas inside as necessary, can be applied
to one or more operands, as f (a1 , . . . , an ).

✦ Example 2.17. It is common to refer to the following set of expressions as

“arithmetic expressions.”

BASIS. The following types of atomic operands are arithmetic expressions:


1. Variables
2. Integers
3. Real numbers

INDUCTION. If E1 and E2 are arithmetic expressions, then the following are also
arithmetic expressions:
1. (E1 + E2 )
2. (E1 − E2 )
3. (E1 × E2 )
4. (E1 / E2 )
The operators +, −, ×, and / are said to be binary operators, because they take two
Infix operator arguments. They are also said to be infix operators, because they appear between
their two arguments.
Additionally, we allow a minus sign to imply negation (change of sign), as well
as subtraction. That possibility is reflected in the fifth and last recursive rule:
5. If E is an arithmetic expression, then so is (−E).

Unary, prefix An operator like − in rule (5), which takes only one operand, is said to be a unary
operator operator. It is also said to be a prefix operator, because it appears before its
Figure 2.16 illustrates some arithmetic expressions and explains why each is an
expression. Note that sometimes parentheses are not needed, and we can omit them.
In the final expression (vi) of Fig. 2.16, the outer parentheses and the parentheses
around −(x + 10) can be omitted, and we could write y × −(x + 10). However, the
remaining parentheses are essential, since y × −x + 10 is conventionally interpreted
as (y × −x) + 10, which is not an equivalent expression (try y = 1 and x = 0, for
instance).7 ✦

i) x Basis rule (1)

ii) 10 Basis rule (2)
iii) (x + 10)  Recursive rule (1) on (i) and (ii)
iv) −(x + 10) Recursive rule (5) on (iii)
v) y Basis rule (1)

vi) y × −(x + 10) Recursive rule (3) on (v) and (iv)

Fig. 2.16. Some sample arithmetic expressions.

7 Parentheses are redundant when they are implied by the conventional precedences of opera-
tors (unary minus highest, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction)
and by the convention of “left associativity,” which says that we group operators at the same
precedence level (e.g., a string of plusses and minuses) from the left. These conventions
should be familiar from C, as well as from ordinary arithmetic.

More Operator Terminology

A unary operator that appears after its argument, as does the factorial operator ! in
Postfix operator expressions like n!, is said to be a postfix operator. Operators that take more than
one operand can also be prefix or postfix operators, if they appear before or after all
their arguments, respectively. There are no examples in C or ordinary arithmetic of
operators of these types, although in Section 5.4 we shall discuss notations in which
all operators are prefix or postfix operators.
Ternary An operator that takes three arguments is a ternary operator. In C, ?: is
operator a ternary operator, as in the expression c?x:y meaning “if c then x else y.” In
general, if an operator takes k arguments, it is said to be k-ary.

Balanced Parentheses
Strings of parentheses that can appear in expressions are called balanced parentheses.
For example, the pattern ((())) appears in expression (vi) of Fig. 2.16, and the
(a + b) × (c + d) − e

has the pattern (()(())). The empty string, ǫ, is also a string of balanced paren-
theses; it is the pattern of the expression x, for example. In general, what makes a
string of parentheses balanced is that it is possible to match each left parenthesis
with a right parenthesis that appears somewhere to its right. Thus, a common
definition of “balanced parenthesis strings” consists of two rules:
1. A balanced string has an equal number of left and right parentheses.
Profile 2. As we move from left to right along the string, the profile of the string never
becomes negative, where the profile is the running total of the number of left
parentheses seen minus the number of right parentheses seen.
Note that the profile must begin and end at 0. For example, Fig. 2.17(a) shows the
profile of (()(())), and Fig. 2.17(b) shows the profile of ()(())().
There are a number of recursive definitions for the notion of “balanced paren-
theses.” The following is a bit subtle, but we shall prove that it is equivalent to the
preceding, nonrecursive definition involving profiles.

BASIS. The empty string is a string of balanced parentheses.

INDUCTION. If x and y are strings of balanced parentheses, then (x)y is also a

string of balanced parentheses.

✦ Example 2.18. By the basis, ǫ is a balanced-parenthesis string. If we apply

the recursive rule, with x and y both equal to ǫ, then we infer that () is balanced.
Notice that when we substitute the empty string for a variable, such as x or y, that
variable “disappears.” Then we may apply the recursive rule with:

( ( ) ( ( ) ) )
(a) Profile of (()(())).

( ) ( ( ) ) ( )
(b) Profile of ()(())().

Fig. 2.17. Profiles of two strings of parentheses.

1. x = () and y = ǫ, to discover that (()) is balanced.

2. x = ǫ and y = (), to find that ()() is balanced.
3. x = y = () to infer that (())() is balanced.

As a final example, since we now know that (()) and ()() are balanced, we may
let these be x and y in the recursive rule, respectively, and show that ((()))()()
is balanced. ✦

We can show that the two definitions of “balanced” specify the same sets of
strings. To make things clearer, let us refer to strings that are balanced according to
the recursive definition simply as balanced and refer to those balanced according to
Profile-balanced the nonrecursive definition as profile-balanced. That is, the profile-balanced strings
are those whose profile ends at 0 and never goes negative. We need to show two

1. Every balanced string is profile-balanced.

2. Every profile-balanced string is balanced.

These are the aims of the inductive proofs in the next two examples.

✦ Example 2.19. First, let us prove part (1), that every balanced string is profile-
balanced. The proof is a complete induction that mirrors the induction by which
the class of balanced strings is defined. That is, we prove

STATEMENT S(n): If string w is defined to be balanced by n applications of the

recursive rule, then w is profile-balanced.

BASIS. The basis is n = 0. The only string that can be shown to be balanced
without any application of the recursive rule is ǫ, which is balanced according to
the basis rule. Evidently, the profile of the empty string ends at 0 and does not go
negative, so ǫ is profile-balanced.

INDUCTION. Assume that S(i) is true for i = 0, 1, . . . , n, and consider an instance

of S(n + 1), that is, a string w whose proof of balance requires n + 1 uses of the
recursive rule. Consider the last such use, in which we took two strings x and y,
already known to be balanced, and formed w as (x)y. We used the recursive rule
n + 1 times to form w, and one use was the last step, which helped form neither
x nor y. Thus, neither x nor y requires more than n uses of the recursive rule.
Therefore, the inductive hypothesis applies to both x and y, and we can conclude
that x and y are profile-balanced.

of x
1 of y

( x ) y

Fig. 2.18. Constructing the profile of w = (x)y.

The profile of w is as suggested in Fig. 2.18. It first goes up one level, in

response to the first left parenthesis. Then comes the profile of x, raised one level,
as indicated by the dashed line. We used the inductive hypothesis to conclude that
x is profile-balanced; therefore, its profile begins and ends at level 0 and never goes
negative. As the x portion of w’s profile is raised one level in Fig. 2.18, that portion
begins and ends at level 1 and never goes below level 1.
The explicitly shown right parenthesis between x and y lowers the profile of w
to 0. Then comes the profile of y. By the inductive hypothesis, y is profile-balanced.
Thus, the y portion of w’s profile does not go below 0, and it ends the profile of w
at 0.
We have now constructed the profile of w and see that it meets the condition
for a profile-balanced string. That is, it begins and ends at 0, and it never becomes
negative. Thus, we have proved that if a string is balanced, it is profile-balanced. ✦

Now we shall address the second direction of the equivalence between the two
definitions of “balanced parentheses.” We show in the next example that a profile-
balanced string is balanced.

✦ Example 2.20. We prove part (2), that “profile-balanced” implies “balanced,”

by complete induction on the length of the string of parentheses. The formal state-
ment is

Proofs About Recursive Definitions

Notice that Example 2.19 proves an assertion about a class of recursively defined
objects (the balanced strings of parentheses) by induction on the number of times
the recursive rule is used to establish that the object is in the defined class. That
is a very common way to deal with recursively defined concepts; in fact, it is one
of the reasons recursive definitions are useful. As another illustration, in Example
2.15, we showed a property of the recursively defined factorial values (that n! is the
product of the integers from 1 to n) by induction on n. But n is also 1 plus the
number of times we used the recursive rule in the definition of n!, so the proof could
also be considered an induction on the number of applications of the recursive rule.

STATEMENT S(n): If a string w of length n is profile-balanced, then it is balanced.

BASIS. If n = 0, then the string must be ǫ. We know that ǫ is balanced by the

basis rule of the recursive definition.

INDUCTION. Suppose that profile-balanced strings of length equal to or less than

n are balanced. We must prove S(n + 1), that profile-balanced strings of length
n + 1 are also balanced.8 Consider such a string w. Since w is profile-balanced, it
cannot start with a right parenthesis, or its profile would immediately go negative.
Thus, w begins with a left parenthesis.
Let us break w into two parts. The first part starts at the beginning of w and
ends where the profile of w first becomes 0. The second part is the remainder of
w. For example, the profile of Fig. 2.17(a) first becomes 0 at the end, so if w =
(()(())), then the first part is the entire string and the second part is ǫ. In Fig.
2.17(b), where w = ()(())(), the first part is (), and the second part is (())().
The first part can never end in a left parenthesis, because then the profile
would be negative at the position just before. Thus, the first part begins with a
left parenthesis and ends with a right parenthesis. We can therefore write w as
(x)y, where (x) is the first part and y is the second part. Both x and y are shorter
than w, so if we can show they are profile-balanced, then we can use the inductive
hypothesis to infer that they are balanced. Then we can use the recursive rule in
the definition of “balanced” to show that w = (x)y is balanced.
It is easy to see that y is profile-balanced. Figure 2.18 also illustrates the
relationship between the profiles of w, x, and y here. That is, the profile of y is
a tail of the profile of w, beginning and ending at height 0. Since w is profile-
balanced, we can conclude that y is also. Showing that x is profile-balanced is
almost the same. The profile of x is a part of the profile of w; it begins and ends
at level 1 in the profile of w, but we can lower it by one level to get the profile of
x. We know that the profile of w never reaches 0 during the extent of x, because
we picked (x) to be the shortest prefix of w that ends with the profile of w at level
0. Hence, the profile of x within w never reaches level 0, and the profile of x itself
never becomes negative.
We have now shown both x and y to be profile-balanced. Since they are each

8 Note that all profile-balanced strings happen to be of even length, so if n + 1 is odd, we are
not saying anything. However, we do not need the evenness of n for the proof.

shorter than w, the inductive hypothesis applies to them, and they are each bal-
anced. The recursive rule defining “balanced” says that if x and y are balanced,
then so is (x)y. But w = (x)y, and so w is balanced. We have now completed the
inductive step and shown statement S(n) to be true for all n ≥ 0. ✦


2.6.1*: Prove that the definitions of lexicographic order given in Example 2.16
and in Section 2.2 are the same. Hint : The proof consists of two parts, and each
is an inductive proof. For the first part, suppose that w < x according to the
definition in Example 2.16. Prove the following statement S(i) by induction on i:
“If it is necessary to apply the recursive rule i times to show that w < x, then w
precedes x according to the definition of ‘lexicographic order’ in Section 2.2.” The
basis is i = 0. The second part of the exercise is to show that if w precedes x in
lexicographic order according to the definition in Section 2.2, then w < x according
to the definition in Example 2.16. Now the induction is on the number of initial
positions that w and x have in common.
2.6.2: Draw the profiles of the following strings of parentheses:
a) (()(())
b) ()())(()
c) ((()())()())
d) (()(()(())))
Which are profile-balanced? For those that are profile-balanced, use the recursive
definition in Section 2.6 to show that they are balanced.
2.6.3*: Show that every string of balanced parentheses (according to the recursive
definition in Section 2.6) is the string of parentheses in some arithmetic expression
(see Example 2.17 for a definition of arithmetic expressions). Hint : Use a proof by
induction on the number of times the recursive rule of the definition of “balanced
parentheses” is used to construct the given string of balanced parentheses.
2.6.4: Tell whether each of the following C operators is prefix, postfix, or infix, and
whether they are unary, binary, or k-ary for some k > 2:
a) <
b) &
c) %
2.6.5: If you are familiar with the UNIX file system or a similar system, give a
recursive definition of the possible directory/file structures.
2.6.6*: A certain set S of integers is defined recursively by the following rules.

BASIS. 0 is in S.

INDUCTION. If i is in S, then i + 5 and i + 7 are in S.

a) What is the largest integer not in S?


b) Let j be your answer to part (a). Prove that all integers j + 1 and greater are
in S. Hint : Note the similarity to Exercise 2.4.8 (although here we are dealing
with only nonnegative integers).
2.6.7*: Define recursively the set of even-parity strings, by induction on the length
of the string. Hint : It helps to define two concepts simultaneously, both the even-
parity strings and the odd-parity strings.
2.6.8*: We can define sorted lists of integers as follows.

BASIS. A list consisting of a single integer is sorted.

INDUCTION. If L is a sorted list in which the last element is a, and if b ≥ a, then

L followed by b is a sorted list.

Prove that this recursive definition of “sorted list” is equivalent to our original,
nonrecursive definition, which is that the list consist of integers
a1 ≤ a2 ≤ · · · ≤ an
Remember, you need to prove two parts: (a) If a list is sorted by the recursive
definition, then it is sorted by the nonrecursive definition, and (b) if a list is sorted
by the nonrecursive definition, then it is sorted by the recursive definition. Part (a)
can use induction on the number of times the recursive rule is used, and (b) can
use induction on the length of the list.
2.6.9**: As suggested by Fig. 2.15, whenever we have a recursive definition, we
can classify the objects defined according to the “round” on which each is gener-
ated, that is, the number of times the inductive step is applied before we obtain
each object. In Examples 2.15 and 2.16, it was fairly easy to describe the results
generated on each round. Sometimes it is more challenging to do so. How do you
characterize the objects generated on the nth round for each of the following?
a) Arithmetic expressions like those described in Example 2.17. Hint : If you are
familiar with trees, which are the subject of Chapter 5, you might consider the
tree representation of expressions.
b) Balanced parenthesis strings. Note that the “number of applications used,”
as discussed in Example 2.19, is not the same as the round on which a string
is discovered. For example, (())() uses the inductive rule three times but is
discovered on round 2.

✦ ✦

2.7 Recursive Functions
A recursive function is one that is called from within its own body. Often, the call is
Direct and direct; for example, a function F has a call to F within itself. Sometimes, however,
indirect the call is indirect: some function F1 calls a function F2 directly, which calls F3
recursion directly, and so on, until some function Fk in the sequence calls F1 .
There is a common belief that it is easier to learn to program iteratively, or
to use nonrecursive function calls, than it is to learn to program recursively. While
we cannot argue conclusively against that point of view, we do believe that recur-
sive programming is easy once one has had the opportunity to practice the style.

More Truth in Advertising

A potential disadvantage of using recursion is that function calls on some machines
are time-consuming, so that a recursive program may take more time to run than an
iterative program for the same problem. However, on many modern machines func-
tion calls are quite efficient, and so this argument against using recursive programs
is becoming less important.
Even on machines with slow function-calling mechanisms, one can profile a
Profiling program to find how much time is spent on each part of the program. One can then
rewrite the parts of the program in which the bulk of its time is spent, replacing
recursion by iteration if necessary. That way, one gets the advantages of recursion
throughout most of the program, except for a small fraction of the code where speed
is most critical.

Recursive programs are often more succinct or easier to understand than their iter-
ative counterparts. More importantly, some problems are more easily attacked by
recursive programs than by iterative programs.9
Often, we can develop a recursive algorithm by mimicking a recursive definition
in the specification of a program we are trying to implement. A recursive function
that implements a recursive definition will have a basis part and an inductive part.
Frequently, the basis part checks for a simple kind of input that can be solved by
the basis of the definition, with no recursive call needed. The inductive part of the
function requires one or more recursive calls to itself and implements the inductive
part of the definition. Some examples should clarify these points.

✦ Example 2.21. Figure 2.19 gives a recursive function that computes n! given a
positive integer n. This function is a direct transcription of the recursive definition
of n! in Example 2.15. That is, line (1) of Fig. 2.19 distinguishes the basis case from
the inductive case. We assume that n ≥ 1, so the test of line (1) is really asking
whether n = 1. If so, we apply the basis rule, 1! = 1, at line (2). If n > 1, then we
apply the inductive rule, n! = n × (n − 1)!, at line (3).

int fact(int n)
(1) if (n <= 1)
(2) return 1; /* basis */
(3) return n*fact(n-1); /* induction */

Fig. 2.19. Recursive function to compute n! for n ≥ 1.

For instance, if we call fact(4), the result is a call to fact(3), which calls
9 Such problems often involve some kind of search. For instance, in Chapter 5 we shall see
some recursive algorithms for searching trees, algorithms that have no convenient iterative
analog (although there are equivalent iterative algorithms using stacks).

Defensive Programming
The program of Fig. 2.19 illustrates an important point about writing recursive
programs so that they do not run off into infinite sequences of calls. We tacitly
assumed that fact would never be called with an argument less than 1. Best, of
course, is to begin fact with a test that n ≥ 1, printing an error message and
returning some particular value such as 0 if it is not. However, even if we believe
very strongly that fact will never be called with n < 1, we shall be wise to include in
the basis case all these “error cases.” Then, the function fact called with erroneous
input will simply return the value 1, which is wrong, but not a disaster (in fact, 1
is even correct for n = 0, since 0! is conventionally defined to be 1).
However, suppose we were to ignore the error cases and write line (1) of Fig.
2.19 as
if (n == 1)
Then if we called fact(0), it would look like an instance of the inductive case, and
we would next call fact(-1), then fact(-2), and so on, terminating with failure
when the computer ran out of space to record the recursive calls.

fact(2), which calls fact(1). At that point, fact(1) applies the basis rule, be-
cause n ≤ 1, and returns the value 1 to fact(2). That call to fact completes
line (3), returning 2 to fact(3). In turn, fact(3) returns 6 to fact(4), which
completes line (3) by returning 24 as the answer. Figure 2.20 suggests the pattern
of calls and returns. ✦

Call ↓ ↑ Return 24
fact(4) fact(4)
Call ↓ ↑ Return 6
fact(3) fact(3)
Call ↓ ↑ Return 2
fact(2) fact(2)
Call ↓ ↑ Return 1

Fig. 2.20. Calls and returns resulting from call to fact(4).

We can picture a recursion much as we have pictured inductive proofs and

Size of definitions. In Fig. 2.21 we have assumed that there is a notion of the “size” of
arguments arguments for a recursive function. For example, for the function fact in Example
2.21 the value of the argument n itself is the appropriate size. We shall say more
about the matter of size in Section 2.9. However, let us note here that it is essential
for a recursion to make only calls involving arguments of smaller size. Also, we
must reach the basis case — that is, we must terminate the recursion — when we
reach some particular size, which in Fig. 2.21 is size 0.
In the case of the function fact, the calls are not as general as suggested by
Fig. 2.21. A call to fact(n) results in a direct call to fact(n-1), but fact(n) does

size size size size

n 2 1 0

Fig. 2.21. A recursive function calls itself with arguments of smaller size.

not call fact with any smaller argument directly.

✦ Example 2.22. We can turn the function SelectionSort of Fig. 2.2 into a
recursive function recSS, if we express the underlying algorithm as follows. Assume
the data to be sorted is in A[0..n-1].
1. Pick a smallest element from the tail of the array A, that is, from A[i..n-1].
2. Swap the element selected in step (1) with A[i].
3. Sort the remainder of the array, A[i+1..n-1].
We can express selection sort as the following recursive algorithm.

BASIS. If i = n − 1, then only the last element of the array remains to be sorted.
Since any one element is already sorted, we need not do anything.

INDUCTION. If i < n − 1, then find the smallest element in A[i..n-1], swap it

with A[i], and recursively sort A[i+1..n-1].

The entire algorithm is to perform the above recursion starting with i = 0.

If we see i as the parameter in the preceding induction, it is a case of backward
Backward induction, where we start with a high basis and by the inductive rule solve instances
induction with smaller values of the parameter in terms of instances with higher values. That
is a perfectly good style of induction, although we have not previously mentioned
its possibility. However, we can also see this induction as an ordinary, or “forward”
induction on a parameter k = n − i that represents the number of elements in the
tail of the array waiting to be sorted.
In Fig. 2.22, we see the program for recSS(A,i,n). The second parameter i is
the index of the first element in the unsorted tail of the array A. The third parameter
n is the total number of elements in the array A to be sorted. Presumably, n is less
than or equal to the maximum size of A. Thus, a call to recSS(A,0,n) will sort the
entire array A[0..n-1].
In terms of Fig. 2.21, s = n− i is the appropriate notion of “size” for arguments
of the function recSS. The basis is s = 1 — that is, sorting one element, in which
case no recursive calls occur. The inductive step tells us how to sort s elements by
picking the smallest and then sorting the remaining s − 1 elements.
At line (1) we test for the basis case, in which there is only one element re-
maining to be sorted (again, we are being defensive, so that if we somehow make a

void recSS(int A[], int i, int n)

int j, small, temp;
(1) if (i < n-1) {/* basis is when i = n-1, in which case */
/* the function returns without changing A */
/* induction follows */
(2) small = i;
(3) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;
(6) temp = A[small];
(7) A[small] = A[i];
(8) A[i] = temp;
(9) recSS(A, i+1, n);

Fig. 2.22. Recursive selection sort.

call with i ≥ n, we shall not go into an infinite sequence of calls). In the basis case,
we have nothing to do, so we just return.
The remainder of the function is the inductive case. Lines (2) through (8) are
copied directly from the iterative version of selection sort. Like that program, these
lines set small to the index of the array A[i..n-1] that holds a smallest element
and then swap this element with A[i]. Finally, line (9) is the recursive call, which
sorts the remainder of the array. ✦


2.7.1: We can define n2 recursively as follows.

BASIS. For n = 1, 12 = 1.

INDUCTION. If n2 = m, then (n + 1)2 = m + 2n + 1.

a) Write a recursive C function to implement this recursion.

b) Prove by induction on n that this definition correctly computes n2 .
2.7.2: Suppose that we are given array A[0..4], with elements 10, 13, 4, 7, 11, in
that order. What are the contents of the array A just before each recursive call to
recSS, according to the recursive function of Fig. 2.22?
2.7.3: Suppose we define cells for a linked list of integers, as discussed in Section 1.3,
using the macro DefCell(int, CELL, LIST) of Section 1.6. Recall, this macro
expands to be the following type definition:

One way of attacking a problem is to try to break it into subproblems and then
solve the subproblems and combine their solutions into a solution for the problem
as a whole. The term divide-and-conquer is used to describe this problem-solving
technique. If the subproblems are similar to the original, then we may be able to
use the same function to solve the subproblems recursively.
There are two requirements for this technique to work. The first is that the
subproblems must be simpler than the original problem. The second is that af-
ter a finite number of subdivisions, we must encounter a subproblem that can be
solved outright. If these criteria are not met, a recursive algorithm will continue
subdividing the problem forever, without finding a solution.
Note that the recursive function recSS in Fig. 2.22 satisfies both criteria. Each
time it is invoked, it is on a subarray that has one fewer element, and when it is
invoked on a subarray containing a single element, it returns without invoking itself
again. Similarly, the factorial program of Fig. 2.19 involves calls with a smaller
integer value at each call, and the recursion stops when the argument of the call
reaches 1. Section 2.8 discusses a more powerful use of the divide-and-conquer
technique, called “merge sort.” There, the size of the arrays being sorted diminishes
very rapidly, because merge sort works by dividing the size in half, rather than
subtracting 1, at each recursive call.

typedef struct CELL *LIST;

struct CELL {
int element;
LIST next;
Write a recursive function find that takes an argument of type LIST and returns
TRUE if some cell of the list contains the integer 1698 as its element and returns
FALSE if not.
2.7.4: Write a recursive function add that takes an argument of type LIST, as
defined in Exercise 2.7.3, and returns the sum of the elements on the list.
2.7.5: Write a version of recursive selection sort that takes as argument a list of
integers, using the cells mentioned in Exercise 2.7.3.
2.7.6: In Exercise 2.2.8 we suggested that one could generalize selection sort to use
arbitrary key and lt functions to compare elements. Rewrite the recursive selection
sort algorithm to incorporate this generality.
2.7.7*: Give a recursive algorithm that takes an integer i and produces the binary
representation of i as a sequence of 0’s and 1’s, low-order bit first.
GCD 2.7.8*: The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers i and j is the largest
integer that divides both i and j evenly. For example, gcd(24, 30) = 6, and
gcd(24, 35) = 1. Write a recursive function that takes two integers i and j, with
i > j, and returns gcd(i, j). Hint : You may use the following recursive definition of
gcd. It assumes that i > j.

BASIS. If j divides i evenly, then j is the GCD of i and j.

INDUCTION. If j does not divide i evenly, let k be the remainder when i is divided
by j. Then gcd(i, j) is the same as gcd(j, k).
2.7.9**: Prove that the recursive definition of GCD given in Exercise 2.7.8 gives
the same result as the nonrecursive definition (largest integer dividing both i and j
2.7.10: Often, a recursive definition can be turned into an algorithm fairly directly.
For example, consider the recursive definition of “less than” on strings given in
Example 2.16. Write a recursive function that tests whether the first of two given
strings is “less than” the other. Assume that strings are represented by linked lists
of characters.
2.7.11*: From the recursive definition of a sorted list given in Exercise 2.6.8, create
a recursive sorting algorithm. How does this algorithm compare with the recursive
selection sort of Example 2.22?

✦ ✦

2.8 Merge Sort: A Recursive Sorting Algorithm
We shall now consider a sorting algorithm, called merge sort, which is radically
different from selection sort. Merge sort is best described recursively, and it il-
Divide and lustrates a powerful use of the divide-and-conquer technique, in which we sort a
conquer list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) by “dividing” the problem into two similar problems of half the
size. In principle, we could begin by dividing the list into two arbitrarily chosen
equal-sized lists, but in the program we develop, we shall make one list out of the
odd-numbered elements, (a1 , a3 , a5 , . . .) and the other out of the even-numbered
elements, (a2 , a4 , a6 , . . .).10 We then sort each of the half-sized lists separately. To
complete the sorting of the original list of n elements, we merge the two sorted,
half-sized lists by an algorithm to be described in the next example.
In the next chapter, we shall see that the time required for merge sort grows
much more slowly, as a function of the length n of the list to be sorted, than does
the time required by selection sort. Thus, even if recursive calls take some extra
time, merge sort is greatly preferable to selection sort when n is large. In Chapter
3 we shall examine the relative performance of these two sorting algorithms.

To “merge” means to produce from two sorted lists a single sorted list containing
all the elements of the two given lists and no other elements. For example, given
the lists (1, 2, 7, 7, 9) and (2, 4, 7, 8), the merger of these lists is (1, 2, 2, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9).
Note that it does not make sense to talk about “merging” lists that are not already
One simple way to merge two lists is to examine them from the front. At
each step, we find the smaller of the two elements at the current fronts of the lists,
choose that element as the next element on the combined list, and remove the chosen
element from its list, exposing a new “first” element on that list. Ties can be broken

10 Remember that “odd-numbered” and “even-numbered” refer to the positions of the elements
on the list, and not to the values of these elements.

L1 L2 M
1, 2, 7, 7, 9 2, 4, 7, 8 empty
2, 7, 7, 9 2, 4, 7, 8 1
7, 7, 9 2, 4, 7, 8 1, 2
7, 7, 9 4, 7, 8 1, 2, 2
7, 7, 9 7, 8 1, 2, 2, 4
7, 9 7, 8 1, 2, 2, 4, 7
9 7, 8 1, 2, 2, 4, 7, 7
9 8 1, 2, 2, 4, 7, 7, 7
9 empty 1, 2, 2, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8
empty empty 1, 2, 2, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9

Fig. 2.23. Example of merging.

arbitrarily, although we shall take from the first list when the leading elements of
both lists are the same.

✦ Example 2.23. Consider merging the two lists

L1 = (1, 2, 7, 7, 9) and L2 = (2, 4, 7, 8)
The first elements of the lists are 1 and 2, respectively. Since 1 is smaller, we choose
it as the first element of the merged list M and remove 1 from L1 . The new L1 is
thus (2, 7, 7, 9). Now, both L1 and L2 have 2 as their first elements. We can pick
either. Suppose we adopt the policy that we always pick the element from L1 in
case of a tie. Then merged list M becomes (1, 2), list L1 becomes (7, 7, 9), and L2
remains (2, 4, 7, 8). The table in Fig. 2.23 shows the merging steps until lists L1
and L2 are both exhausted. ✦

We shall find it easier to design a recursive merging algorithm if we represent

lists in the linked form suggested in Section 1.3. Linked lists will be reviewed
in more detail in Chapter 6. In what follows, we shall assume that list elements
are integers. Thus, each element can be represented by a “cell,” or structure of
the type struct CELL, and the list by a type LIST, which is a pointer to a CELL.
These definitions are provided by the macro DefCell(int, CELL, LIST), which
we discussed in Section 1.6. This use of macro DefCell expands into:
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
int element;
LIST next;
The element field of each cell contains an integer, and the next field contains a
pointer to the next cell on the list. If the element at hand is the last on the list,
then the next field contains the value NULL, which represents a null pointer. A list
of integers is then represented by a pointer to the first cell on the list, that is, by
a variable of type LIST. An empty list is represented by a variable with the value

LIST merge(LIST list1, LIST list2)

(1) if (list1 == NULL) return list2;
(2) else if (list2 == NULL) return list1;
(3) else if (list1->element <= list2->element) {
/* Here, neither list is empty, and the first list
has the smaller first element. The answer is the
first element of the first list followed by the
merge of the remaining elements. */
(4) list1->next = merge(list1->next, list2);
(5) return list1;
else { /* list2 has smaller first element */
(6) list2->next = merge(list1, list2->next);
(7) return list2;

Fig. 2.24. Recursive merge.

NULL, in place of a pointer to the first element.

Figure 2.24 is a C implementation of a recursive merging algorithm. The func-
tion merge takes two lists as arguments and returns the merged list. That is, the
formal parameters list1 and list2 are pointers to the two given lists, and the re-
turn value is a pointer to the merged list. The recursive algorithm can be described
as follows.

BASIS. If either list is empty, then the other list is the desired result. This rule is
implemented by lines (1) and (2) of Fig. 2.24. Note that if both lists are empty,
then list2 will be returned. But that is correct, since the value of list2 is then
NULL and the merger of two empty lists is an empty list.

INDUCTION. If neither list is empty, then each has a first element. We can refer
to the two first elements as list1->element and list2->element, that is, the
element fields of the cells pointed to by list1 and list2, respectively. Fig 2.25
is a picture of the data structure. The list to be returned begins with the cell of
the smallest element. The remainder of the list is formed by merging all but that
For example, lines (4) and (5) handle the case in which the first element of list
1 is smallest. Line (4) is a recursive call to merge. The first argument of this call is
list1->next, that is, a pointer to the second element on the first list (or NULL if the
first list only has one element). Thus, the recursive call is passed the list consisting
of all but the first element of the first list. The second argument is the entire second
list. As a consequence, the recursive call to merge at line (4) will return a pointer
to the merged list of all the remaining elements and store a pointer to this merged
list in the next field of the first cell on list 1. At line (5), we return a pointer to
that cell, which is now the first cell on the merged list of all the elements.
Figure 2.25 illustrates the changes. Dotted arrows are present when merge is

return value • to merged list

list1 • • • ···
merged in
recursive call
list2 • • • ···

Fig. 2.25. Inductive step of merging algorithm.

called. Solid arrows are created by merge. Specifically, the return value of merge is
a pointer to the cell of the smallest element, and the next field of that element is
shown pointing to the list returned by the recursive call to merge at line (4).
Finally, lines (6) and (7) handle the case where the second list has the smallest
element. The behavior of the algorithm is exactly as in lines (4) and (5), but the
roles of the two lists are reversed.

✦ Example 2.24. Suppose we call merge on the lists (1, 2, 7, 7, 9) and (2, 4, 7, 8)
of Example 2.23. Figure 2.26 illustrates the sequence of calls made to merge, if we
read the first column downward. We omit the commas separating list elements, but
commas are used to separate the arguments of merge.

merge(12779, 2478) 122477789
merge(2779, 2478) 22477789
merge(779, 2478) 2477789
merge(779, 478) 477789
merge(779, 78) 77789
merge(79, 78) 7789
merge(9, 78) 789
merge(9, 8) 89
merge(9, NULL) 9

Fig. 2.26. Recursive calls to merge.

For instance, since the first element of list 1 is less than the first element of
list 2, line (4) of Fig. 2.24 is executed and we recursively merge all but the first
element of list 1. That is, the first argument is the tail of list 1, or (2, 7, 7, 9), and
the second argument is the full list 2, or (2, 4, 7, 8). Now the leading elements of
both lists are the same. Since the test of line (3) in Fig. 2.24 favors the first list,
we remove the 2 from list 1, and our next call to merge has first argument (7, 7, 9)
and second argument (2, 4, 7, 8).
The returned lists are indicated in the second column, read upward. Notice
that, unlike the iterative description of merging suggested by Fig. 2.23, the recursive

algorithm assembles the merged list from the rear, whereas the iterative algorithm
assembles it from the front. ✦

Splitting Lists
Another important task required for merge sort is splitting a list into two equal
parts, or into parts whose lengths differ by 1 if the original list is of odd length.
One way to do this job is to count the number of elements on the list, divide by
2, and break the list at the midpoint. Instead, we shall give a simple recursive
function split that “deals” the elements into two lists, one consisting of the first,
third, and fifth elements, and so on, and the other consisting of the elements at
the even positions. More precisely, the function split removes the even-numbered
elements from the list it is given as an argument and returns a new list consisting
of the even-numbered elements.
The C code for function split is shown in Fig. 2.27. Its argument is a list
of the type LIST that was defined in connection with the merge function. Note
that the local variable pSecondCell is defined to be of type LIST. We really use
pSecondCell as a pointer to the second cell on a list, rather than as a list itself;
but of course type LIST is, in fact, a pointer to a cell.
It is important to observe that split is a function with a side effect. It removes
the cells in the even positions from the list it is given as an argument, and it
assembles these cells into a new list, which becomes the return value of the function.

LIST split(LIST list)

LIST pSecondCell;

(1) if (list == NULL) return NULL;

(2) else if (list->next == NULL) return NULL;
else { /* there are at least two cells */
(3) pSecondCell = list->next;
(4) list->next = pSecondCell->next;
(5) pSecondCell->next = split(pSecondCell->next);
(6) return pSecondCell;

Fig. 2.27. Splitting a list into two equal pieces.

The splitting algorithm can be described inductively, as follows. It uses an

induction on the length of a list; that induction has a multiple basis case.

BASIS. If the list is of length 0 or 1, then we do nothing. That is, an empty list
is “split” into two empty lists, and a list of a single element is split by leaving
the element on the given list and returning an empty list of the even-numbered
elements, of which there are none. The basis is handled by lines (1) and (2) of Fig.
2.27. Line (1) handles the case where list is empty, and line (2) handles the case
where it is a single element. Notice that we are careful not to examine list->next
in line (2) unless we have previously determined, at line (1), that list is not NULL.

INDUCTION. The inductive step applies when there are at least two elements on
list. At line (3), we keep a pointer to the second cell of the list in the local variable
pSecondCell. Line (4) makes the next field of the first cell skip over the second
cell and point to the third cell (or become NULL if there are only two cells on the
list). At line (5), we call split recursively, on the list consisting of all but the first
two elements. The value returned by that call is a pointer to the fourth element (or
NULL if the list is shorter than four elements), and we place this pointer in the next
field of the second cell, to complete the linking of the even-numbered elements. A
pointer to the second cell is returned by split at line (6); that pointer gives us
access to the linked list of all the even-numbered elements of the original list.
The changes made by split are suggested in Fig. 2.28. Original pointers are
dotted, and new pointers are solid. We also indicate the number of the line that
creates each of the new pointers.


list • • • • •

(3) recursive call
to split
pSecondCell •

return value •

Fig. 2.28. Action of function split.

The Sorting Algorithm

The recursive sorting algorithm is shown in Fig. 2.29. The algorithm can be de-
scribed by the following basis and inductive step.

BASIS. If the list to be sorted is empty or of length 1, just return the list; it is
already sorted. The basis is taken care of by lines (1) and (2) of Fig. 2.29.

INDUCTION. If the list is of length at least 2, use the function split at line (3) to
remove the even-numbered elements from list and use them to form another list,
pointed to by local variable SecondList. Line (4) recursively sorts the half-sized
lists, and returns the merger of the two lists.

LIST MergeSort(LIST list)

LIST SecondList;

(1) if (list == NULL) return NULL;

(2) else if (list->next == NULL) return list;
else {
/* at least two elements on list */
(3) SecondList = split(list);
/* Note that as a side effect, half
the elements are removed from list */
(4) return merge(MergeSort(list), MergeSort(SecondList));

Fig. 2.29. The merge sort algorithm.

✦ Example 2.25. Let us use merge sort on the list of single-digit numbers
We again omit commas between digits for succinctness. First, the list is split into
two, by the call to split at line (3) of MergeSort. One of the resulting lists consists
of the odd positions, and the other the evens; that is, list = 72971 and SecondList
= 4872. At line (4), these lists are sorted, resulting in lists 12779 and 2478, and
then merged to produce the sorted list 122477789.
However, the sorting of the two half-sized lists does not occur by magic, but
rather by the methodical application of the recursive algorithm. Initially, MergeSort
splits the list on which it is called, if the list has length greater than 1. Figure 2.30(a)
shows the recursive splitting of the lists until each list is of length 1. Then the split
lists are merged, in pairs, going up the tree, until the entire list is sorted. This
process is suggested in Fig. 2.30(b). However, it is worth noting that the splits
and merges occur in a mixed order; not all splits are followed by all merges. For
example, the first half list, 72971, is completely split and merged before we begin
on the second half list, 4872. ✦

The Complete Program

Figure 2.31 contains the complete merge sort program. It is analogous to the
program in Fig. 2.3 that was based on selection sort. The function MakeList on
line (1) reads each integer from the input and puts it into a linked list by a simple
recursive algorithm, which we shall describe in detail in the next section. Line (2)
of the main program contains the call to MergeSort, which returns a sorted list to
PrintList. The function PrintList marches down the sorted list, printing each

2.8.1: Show the result of applying the function merge to the lists (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and
(2, 4, 6, 8, 10).


72971 4872

791 27 47 82

71 9 2 7 4 7 8 2

7 1
(a) Splitting.


12779 2478

179 27 47 28

17 9 2 7 4 7 8 2

7 1

(b) Merging.

Fig. 2.30. Recursive splitting and merging.

2.8.2: Suppose we start with the list (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Show the sequence of calls
to merge, split, and MergeSort that result.
Multiway merge 2.8.3*: A multiway merge sort divides a list into k pieces of equal (or approximately
sort equal) size, sorts them recursively, and then merges all k lists by comparing all their
respective first elements and taking the smallest. The merge sort described in this
section is for the case k = 2. Modify the program in Fig. 2.31 so that it becomes a
multiway merge sort for the case k = 3.
2.8.4*: Rewrite the merge sort program to use the functions lt and key, described
in Exercise 2.2.8, to compare elements of arbitrary type.
2.8.5: Relate each of the functions (a) merge (b) split (c) MakeList to Fig. 2.21.
What is the appropriate notion of size for each of these functions?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct CELL *LIST;

struct CELL {
int element;
LIST next;

LIST merge(LIST list1, LIST list2);

LIST split(LIST list);
LIST MergeSort(LIST list);
LIST MakeList();
void PrintList(LIST list);

LIST list;

(1) list = MakeList();

(2) PrintList(MergeSort(list));

LIST MakeList()
int x;
LIST pNewCell;

(3) if (scanf("%d", &x) == EOF) return NULL;

else {
(4) pNewCell = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
(5) pNewCell->next = MakeList();
(6) pNewCell->element = x;
(7) return pNewCell;

void PrintList(LIST list)

(8) while (list != NULL) {
(9) printf("%d\n", list->element);
(10) list = list->next;

Fig. 2.31(a). A sorting program using merge sort (start).


LIST MergeSort(LIST list)

LIST SecondList;

if (list == NULL) return NULL;

else if (list->next == NULL) return list;
else {
SecondList = split(list);
return merge(MergeSort(list), MergeSort(SecondList));

LIST merge(LIST list1, LIST list2)

if (list1 == NULL) return list2;
else if (list2 == NULL) return list1;
else if (list1->element <= list2->element) {
list1->next = merge(list1->next, list2);
return list1;
else {
list2->next = merge(list1, list2->next);
return list2;

LIST split(LIST list)

LIST pSecondCell;

if (list == NULL) return NULL;

else if (list->next == NULL) return NULL;
else {
pSecondCell = list->next;
list->next = pSecondCell->next;
pSecondCell->next = split(pSecondCell->next);
return pSecondCell;

Fig. 2.31(b). A sorting program using merge sort (conclusion).

✦ ✦

2.9 Proving Properties of Recursive Programs
If we want to prove a certain property of a recursive function, we generally need to
prove a statement about the effect of one call to that function. For example, that
effect might be a relationship between the arguments and the return value, such as
“the function, called with argument i, returns i!.” Frequently, we define a notion of
the “size” of the arguments of a function and perform a proof by induction on this

Size of size. Some of the many possible ways in which size of arguments could be defined
arguments are

1. The value of some argument. For instance, for the recursive factorial program
of Fig. 2.19, the appropriate size is the value of the argument n.

2. The length of a list pointed to by some argument. The recursive function split
of Fig. 2.27 is an example where the length of the list is the appropriate size.

3. Some function of the arguments. For instance, we mentioned that the recursive
selection sort of Fig. 2.22 performs an induction on the number of elements in
the array that remain to be sorted. In terms of the arguments n and i, this
function is n − i + 1. As another example, the appropriate size for the merge
function of Fig. 2.24 is the sum of the lengths of the lists pointed to by the two
arguments of the function.

Whatever notion of size we pick, it is essential that when a function is called

with arguments of size s, it makes only function calls with arguments of size s − 1 or
less. That requirement is so we can do an induction on the size to prove a property
of the program. Further, when the size falls to some fixed value — say 0 — the
function must make no recursive calls. This condition is so we can start off our
inductive proof with a basis case.

✦ Example 2.26. Consider the factorial program of Fig. 2.19 in Section 2.7. The
statement to prove by induction on i, for i ≥ 1, is

STATEMENT S(i): When called with the value i for the argument n, fact re-
turns i!.

BASIS. For i = 1, the test at line (1) of Fig. 2.19 causes the basis, line (2), to be
executed. That results in the return value 1, which is 1!.

INDUCTION. Assume S(i) to be true, that is, when called with some argument
i ≥ 1, fact returns i!. Now, consider what happens when fact is called with i + 1
as the value of variable n. If i ≥ 1, then i + 1 is at least 2, so the inductive case, line
(3), applies. The return value is thus n × f act(n − 1); or, since the variable n has
the value i + 1, the result (i + 1) × f act(i) is returned. By the inductive hypothesis,
fact(i) returns i!. Since (i + 1) × i! = (i + 1)!, we have proved the inductive step,
that fact, with argument i + 1, returns (i + 1)!. ✦

✦ Example 2.27. Now, let us examine the function MakeList, one of the auxiliary
routines in Fig. 2.31(a), in Section 2.8. This function creates a linked list to hold
the input elements and returns a pointer to this list. We shall prove the following
statement by induction on n ≥ 0, the number of elements in the input sequence.

STATEMENT S(n): If x1 , x2 , ..., xn is the sequence of input elements, Makelist

creates a linked list that contains x1 , x2 , ..., xn and returns a pointer to this

BASIS. The basis is n = 0, that is, when the input sequence is empty. The test
for EOF in line (3) of MakeList causes the return value to be set to NULL. Thus,
MakeList correctly returns an empty list.

INDUCTION. Suppose that S(n) is true for n ≥ 0, and consider what happens
when MakeList is called on an input sequence of n + 1 elements. Suppose we have
just read the first element x1 .
Line (4) of MakeList creates a pointer to a new cell c. Line (5) recursively calls
Makelist to create, by the inductive hypothesis, a pointer to a linked list for the
remaining n elements, x2 , x3 , . . . , xn . This pointer is put into the next field of c at
line (5). Line (6) puts x1 into the element field of c. Line (7) returns the pointer
created by line (4). This pointer points to a linked list for the n + 1 input elements,
x1 , x2 , . . . , xn .
We have proved the inductive step and conclude that MakeList works correctly
on all inputs. ✦

✦ Example 2.28. For our last example, let us prove the correctness of the merge-
sort program of Fig. 2.29, assuming that the functions split and merge perform
their respective tasks correctly. The induction will be on the length of the list
that MergeSort is given as an argument. The statement to be proved by complete
induction on n ≥ 0 is

STATEMENT S(n): If list is a list of length n when MergeSort is called, then

MergeSort returns a sorted list of the same elements.

BASIS. We take the basis to be both S(0) and S(1). When list is of length 0,
its value is NULL, and so the test of line (1) in Fig. 2.29 succeeds and the entire
function returns NULL. Likewise, if list is of length 1, the test of line (2) succeeds,
and the function returns list. Thus, MergeSort returns list when n is 0 or 1.
This observation proves statements S(0) and S(1), because a list of length 0 or 1 is
already sorted.

INDUCTION. Suppose n ≥ 1 and S(i) is true for all i = 0, 1, . . . , n. We must

prove S(n + 1). Thus, consider a list of length n + 1. Since n ≥ 1, this list is of
length at least 2, so we reach line (3) in Fig. 2.29. There, split divides the list
into two lists of length (n + 1)/2 if n + 1 is even, and of lengths (n/2) + 1 and n/2
if n + 1 is odd. Since n ≥ 1, none of these lists can be as long as n + 1. Thus,
the inductive hypothesis applies to them, and we can conclude that the half-sized
lists are correctly sorted by the recursive calls to MergeSort at line (4). Finally, the
two sorted lists are merged into one list, which becomes the return value. We have
assumed that merge works correctly, and so the resulting returned list is sorted. ✦

DefCell(int, CELL, LIST);

int sum(LIST L)
if (L == NULL) sum = 0;
else sum = L->element + sum(L->next);

int find0(LIST L)
if (L == NULL) find0 = FALSE;
else if (L->element == 0) find0 = TRUE;
else find0 = find0(L->next);

Fig. 2.32. Two recursive functions, sum and find0.

2.9.1: Prove that the function PrintList in Fig. 2.31(b) prints the elements on the
list that it is passed as an argument. What statement S(i) do you prove inductively?
What is the basis value for i?
2.9.2: The function sum in Fig. 2.32 computes the sum of the elements on its given
list (whose cells are of the usual type as defined by the macro DefCell of Section 1.6
and used in the merge-sort program of Section 2.8) by adding the first element to
the sum of the remaining elements; the latter sum is computed by a recursive call
on the remainder of the list. Prove that sum correctly computes the sum of the list
elements. What statement S(i) do you prove inductively? What is the basis value
for i?
2.9.3: The function find0 in Fig. 2.32 returns TRUE if at least one of the elements
on its list is 0, and returns FALSE otherwise. It returns FALSE if the list is empty,
returns TRUE if the first element is 0 and otherwise, makes a recursive call on the
remainder of the list, and returns whatever answer is produced for the remainder.
Prove that find0 correctly determines whether 0 is present on the list. What
statement S(i) do you prove inductively? What is the basis value for i?
2.9.4*: Prove that the functions (a) merge of Fig. 2.24 and (b) split of Fig. 2.27
perform as claimed in Section 2.8.
2.9.5: Give an intuitive “least counterexample” proof of why induction starting
from a basis including both 0 and 1 is valid.
2.9.6**: Prove the correctness of (your C implementation of) the recursive GCD
algorithm of Exercise 2.7.8.

✦ ✦

2.10 Summary of Chapter 2
Here are the important ideas we should take from Chapter 2.

✦ Inductive proofs, recursive definitions, and recursive programs are closely re-
lated ideas. Each depends on a basis and an inductive step to “work.”
✦ In “ordinary” or “weak” inductions, successive steps depend only on the pre-
vious step. We frequently need to perform a proof by complete induction, in
which each step depends on all the previous steps.
✦ There are several different ways to sort. Selection sort is a simple but slow
sorting algorithm, and merge sort is a faster but more complex algorithm.
✦ Induction is essential to prove that a program or program fragment works
✦ Divide-and-conquer is a useful technique for designing some good algorithms,
such as merge sort. It works by dividing the problem into independent subparts
and then combining the results.
✦ Expressions are defined in a natural, recursive way in terms of their operands
and operators. Operators can be classified by the number of arguments they
take: unary (one argument), binary (two arguments), and k-ary (k arguments).
Also, a binary operator appearing between its operands is infix, an operator
appearing before its operands is prefix, and one appearing after its operands is

✦ ✦

2.11 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 2
An excellent treatment of recursion is Roberts [1986]. For more on sorting algo-
rithms, the standard source is Knuth [1973]. Berlekamp [1968] tells about tech-
niques — of which the error detection scheme in Section 2.3 is the simplest — for
detecting and correcting errors in streams of bits.
Berlekamp, E. R. [1968]. Algebraic Coding Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Knuth, D. E. [1973]. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. III: Sorting and
Searching, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Roberts, E. [1986]. Thinking Recursively, Wiley, New York.

✦ ✦

The Running Time
of Programs

In Chapter 2, we saw two radically different algorithms for sorting: selection sort
and merge sort. There are, in fact, scores of algorithms for sorting. This situation
is typical: every problem that can be solved at all can be solved by more than one
How, then, should we choose an algorithm to solve a given problem? As a
general rule, we should always pick an algorithm that is easy to understand, im-
plement, and document. When performance is important, as it often is, we also
need to choose an algorithm that runs quickly and uses the available computing
resources efficiently. We are thus led to consider the often subtle matter of how we
can measure the running time of a program or an algorithm, and what steps we can
take to make a program run faster.

✦ ✦

3.1 What This Chapter Is About
In this chapter we shall cover the following topics:
✦ The important performance measures for programs
✦ Methods for evaluating program performance
✦ “Big-oh” notation
✦ Estimating the running time of programs using the big-oh notation
✦ Using recurrence relations to evaluate the running time of recursive programs
The big-oh notation introduced in Sections 3.4 and 3.5 simplifies the process of esti-
mating the running time of programs by allowing us to avoid dealing with constants
that are almost impossible to determine, such as the number of machine instructions
that will be generated by a typical C compiler for a given source program.
We introduce the techniques needed to estimate the running time of programs
in stages. In Sections 3.6 and 3.7 we present the methods used to analyze programs


with no function calls. Section 3.8 extends our capability to programs with calls to
nonrecursive functions. Then in Sections 3.9 and 3.10 we show how to deal with
recursive functions. Finally, Section 3.11 discusses solutions to recurrence relations,
which are inductive definitions of functions that arise when we analyze the running
time of recursive functions.

✦ ✦

3.2 Choosing an Algorithm

If you need to write a program that will be used once on small amounts of data
and then discarded, then you should select the easiest-to-implement algorithm you
know, get the program written and debugged, and move on to something else. How-
ever, when you need to write a program that is to be used and maintained by many
people over a long period of time, other issues arise. One is the understandability, or
Simplicity simplicity, of the underlying algorithm. Simple algorithms are desirable for several
reasons. Perhaps most important, a simple algorithm is easier to implement cor-
rectly than a complex one. The resulting program is also less likely to have subtle
bugs that get exposed when the program encounters an unexpected input after it
has been in use for a substantial period of time.
Clarity Programs should be written clearly and documented carefully so that they can
be maintained by others. If an algorithm is simple and understandable, it is easier
to describe. With good documentation, modifications to the original program can
readily be done by someone other than the original writer (who frequently will not
be available to do them), or even by the original writer if the program was done some
time earlier. There are numerous stories of programmers who wrote efficient and
clever algorithms, then left the company, only to have their algorithms ripped out
and replaced by something slower but more understandable by subsequent main-
tainers of the code.
Efficiency When a program is to be run repeatedly, its efficiency and that of its underlying
algorithm become important. Generally, we associate efficiency with the time it
takes a program to run, although there are other resources that a program sometimes
must conserve, such as
1. The amount of storage space taken by its variables.
2. The amount of traffic it generates on a network of computers.
3. The amount of data that must be moved to and from disks.
For large problems, however, it is the running time that determines whether a given
program can be used, and running time is the main topic of this chapter. We
shall, in fact, take the efficiency of a program to mean the amount of time it takes,
measured as a function of the size of its input.
Often, understandability and efficiency are conflicting aims. For example, the
reader who compares the selection sort program of Fig. 2.3 with the merge sort
program of Fig. 2.32 will surely agree that the latter is not only longer, but quite
a bit harder to understand. That would still be true even if we summarized the
explanation given in Sections 2.2 and 2.8 by placing well-thought-out comments in
the programs. As we shall learn, however, merge sort is much more efficient than
selection sort, as long as the number of elements to be sorted is a hundred or more.
Unfortunately, this situation is quite typical: algorithms that are efficient for large

amounts of data tend to be more complex to write and understand than are the
relatively inefficient algorithms.
The understandability, or simplicity, of an algorithm is somewhat subjective.
We can overcome lack of simplicity in an algorithm, to a certain extent, by explain-
ing the algorithm well in comments and program documentation. The documentor
should always consider the person who reads the code and its comments: Is a rea-
sonably intelligent person likely to understand what is being said, or are further
explanation, details, definitions, and examples needed?
On the other hand, program efficiency is an objective matter: a program takes
what time it takes, and there is no room for dispute. Unfortunately, we cannot run
the program on all possible inputs — which are typically infinite in number. Thus,
we are forced to make measures of the running time of a program that summarize
the program’s performance on all inputs, usually as a single expression such as “n2 .”
How we can do so is the subject matter of the balance of this chapter.

✦ ✦

3.3 Measuring Running Time

Once we have agreed that we can evaluate a program by measuring its running
time, we face the problem of determining what the running time actually is. The
two principal approaches to summarizing the running time are

1. Benchmarking
2. Analysis

We shall consider each in turn, but the primary emphasis of this chapter is on the
techniques for analyzing a program or an algorithm.


When comparing two or more programs designed to do the same set of tasks, it is
customary to develop a small collection of typical inputs that can serve as bench-
marks. That is, we agree to accept the benchmark inputs as representative of the
job mix; a program that performs well on the benchmark inputs is assumed to
perform well on all inputs.
For example, a benchmark to evaluate sorting programs might contain one
small set of numbers, such as the first 20 digits of π; one medium set, such as the
set of zip codes in Texas; and one large set, such as the set of phone numbers in the
Brooklyn telephone directory. We might also want to check that a program works
efficiently (and correctly) when given an empty set of elements to sort, a singleton
set, and a list that is already in sorted order. Interestingly, some sorting algorithms
perform poorly when given a list of elements that is already sorted.1

1 Neither selection sort nor merge sort is among these; they take approximately the same time
on a sorted list as they would on any other list of the same length.

The 90-10 Rule

In conjunction with benchmarking, it is often useful to determine where the program
under consideration is spending its time. This method of evaluating program per-
Profiling formance is called profiling and most programming environments have tools called
profilers that associate with each statement of a program a number that represents
the fraction of the total time taken executing that particular statement. A related
utility, called a statement counter, is a tool that determines for each statement of
a source program the number of times that statement is executed on a given set of
Many programs exhibit the property that most of their running time is spent in
a small fraction of the source code. There is an informal rule that states 90% of the
running time is spent in 10% of the code. While the exact percentage varies from
program to program, the “90-10 rule” says that most programs exhibit significant
Locality and locality in where the running time is spent. One of the easiest ways to speed up a
hot spots program is to profile it and then apply code improvements to its “hot spots,” which
are the portions of the program in which most of the time is spent. For example, we
mentioned in Chapter 2 that one might speed up a program by replacing a recursive
function with an equivalent iterative one. However, it makes sense to do so only if
the recursive function occurs in those parts of the program where most of the time
is being spent.
As an extreme case, even if we reduce to zero the time taken by the 90% of
the code in which only 10% of the time is spent, we will have reduced the overall
running time of the program by only 10%. On the other hand, cutting in half the
running time of the 10% of the program where 90% of the time is spent reduces the
overall running time by 45%.

Analysis of a Program
To analyze a program, we begin by grouping inputs according to size. What we
choose to call the size of an input can vary from program to program, as we discussed
in Section 2.9 in connection with proving properties of recursive programs. For a
sorting program, a good measure of the size is the number of elements to be sorted.
For a program that solves n linear equations in n unknowns, it is normal to take n to
be the size of the problem. Other programs might use the value of some particular
input, or the length of a list that is an input to the program, or the size of an array
that is an input, or some combination of quantities such as these.

Running Time
It is convenient to use a function T (n) to represent the number of units of time
taken by a program or an algorithm on any input of size n. We shall call T (n) the
running time of the program. For example, a program may have a running time
T (n) = cn, where c is some constant. Put another way, the running time of this
program is linearly proportional to the size of the input on which it is run. Such a
Linear-time program or algorithm is said to be linear time, or just linear.
algorithm We can think of the running time T (n) as the number of C statements executed
by the program or as the length of time taken to run the program on some standard
computer. Most of the time we shall leave the units of T (n) unspecified. In fact,

as we shall see in the next section, it makes sense to talk of the running time of a
program only as some (unknown) constant factor times T (n).
Quite often, the running time of a program depends on a particular input, not
just on the size of the input. In these cases, we define T (n) to be the worst-case
running time, that is, the maximum running time on any input among all inputs of
Worst and size n.
average-case Another common performance measure is Tavg (n), the average running time of
running time the program over all inputs of size n. The average running time is sometimes a more
realistic measure of what performance one will see in practice, but it is often much
harder to compute than the worst-case running time. The notion of an “average”
running time also implies that all inputs of size n are equally likely, which may or
may not be true in a given situation.

✦ Example 3.1. Let us estimate the running time of the SelectionSort fragment
shown in Fig. 3.1. The statements have the original line numbers from Fig. 2.2. The
purpose of the code is to set small to the index of the smallest of the elements found
in the portion of the array A from A[i] through A[n-1].

(2) small = i;
(3) for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;

Fig. 3.1. Inner loop of selection sort.

To begin, we need to develop a simple notion of time units. We shall examine

the issue in detail later, but for the moment, the following simple scheme is sufficient.
We shall count one time unit each time we execute an assignment statement. At
line (3), we count one unit for initializing j at the beginning of the for-loop, one unit
for testing whether j < n, and one unit for incrementing j, each time we go around
the loop. Finally, we charge one unit each time we perform the test of line (4).
First, let us consider the body of the inner loop, lines (4) and (5). The test of
line (4) is always executed, but the assignment at line (5) is executed only if the
test succeeds. Thus, the body takes either 1 or 2 time units, depending on the data
in array A. If we want to take the worst case, then we can assume that the body
takes 2 units. We go around the for-loop n − i − 1 times, and each time around we
execute the body (2 units), then increment j and test whether j < n (another 2
units). Thus, the number of time units spent going around the loop is 4(n − i − 1).
To this number, we must add 1 for initializing small at line (2), 1 for initializing j
at line (3), and 1 for the first test j < n at line (3), which is not associated with
the end of any iteration of the loop. Hence, the total time taken by the program
fragment in Fig. 3.1 is 4(n − i) − 1.
It is natural to regard the “size” m of the data on which Fig. 3.1 operates as
m = n − i, since that is the length of the array A[i..n-1] on which it operates.
Then the running time, which is 4(n − i) − 1, equals 4m − 1. Thus, the running
time T (m) for Fig. 3.1 is 4m − 1. ✦

Comparing Different Running Times

Suppose that for some problem we have the choice of using a linear-time program
A whose running time is TA (n) = 100n and a quadratic-time program B whose
running time is TB (n) = 2n2 . Let us suppose that both these running times are the
number of milliseconds taken on a particular computer on an input of size n.2 The
graphs of the running times are shown in Fig. 3.2.


TB = 2n2

T (n) 10,000

5,000 TA = 100n

0 20 40 60 80 100
Input size n

Fig. 3.2. Running times of a linear and a quadratic program.

From Fig. 3.2 we see that for inputs of size less than 50, program B is faster
than program A. When the input becomes larger than 50, program A becomes
faster, and from that point on, the larger the input, the bigger the advantage A has
over B. For inputs of size 100, A is twice as fast as B, and for inputs of size 1000,
A is 20 times as fast.
The functional form of a program’s running time ultimately determines how big
a problem we can solve with that program. As the speed of computers increases, we
get bigger improvements in the sizes of problems that we can solve with programs
whose running times grow slowly than with programs whose running times rise
Again, assuming that the running times of the programs shown in Fig. 3.2 are
in milliseconds, the table in Fig. 3.3 indicates how large a problem we can solve with
each program on the same computer in various amounts of time given in seconds.
For example, suppose we can afford 100 seconds of computer time. If computers
become 10 times as fast, then in 100 seconds we can handle problems of the size
that used to require 1000 seconds. With algorithm A, we can now solve problems 10
times as large, but with algorithm B we can only solve problems about 3 times as
large. Thus, as computers continue to get faster, we gain an even more significant
advantage by using algorithms and programs with lower growth rates.
2 This situation is not too dissimilar to the situation where algorithm A is merge sort and
algorithm B is selection sort. However, the running time of merge sort grows as n log n, as
we shall see in Section 3.10.

Never Mind Algorithm Efficiency; Just Wait a Few Years

Frequently, one hears the argument that there is no need to improve the running
time of algorithms or to select efficient algorithms, because computer speeds are
doubling every few years and it will not be long before any algorithm, however
inefficient, will take so little time that one will not care. People have made this claim
for many decades, yet there is no limit in sight to the demand for computational
resources. Thus, we generally reject the view that hardware improvements will
make the study of efficient algorithms superfluous.
There are situations, however, when we need not be overly concerned with
efficiency. For example, a school may, at the end of each term, transcribe grades
reported on electronically readable grade sheets to student transcripts, all of which
are stored in a computer. The time this operation takes is probably linear in the
number of grades reported, like the hypothetical algorithm A. If the school replaces
its computer by one 10 times as fast, it can do the job in one-tenth the time. It
is very unlikely, however, that the school will therefore enroll 10 times as many
students, or require each student to take 10 times as many classes. The computer
speedup will not affect the size of the input to the transcript program, because that
size is limited by other factors.
On the other hand, there are some problems that we are beginning to find
approachable with emerging computing resources, but whose “size” is too great to
handle with existing technology. Some of these problems are natural language un-
derstanding, computer vision (understanding of digitized pictures), and “intelligent”
interaction between computers and humans in all sorts of endeavors. Speedups, ei-
ther through improved algorithms or from machine improvements, will enhance our
ability to deal with these problems in the coming years. Moreover, when they be-
come “simple” problems, a new generation of challenges, which we can now only
barely imagine, will take their place on the frontier of what it is possible to do with


1 10 22
10 100 70
100 1000 223
1000 10000 707

Fig. 3.3. Problem size as a function of available time.


3.3.1: Consider the factorial program fragment in Fig. 2.13, and let the input size
be the value of n that is read. Counting one time unit for each assignment, read,
and write statement, and one unit each time the condition of the while-statement
is tested, compute the running time of the program.

3.3.2: For the program fragments of (a) Exercise 2.5.1 and (b) Fig. 2.14, give an
appropriate size for the input. Using the counting rules of Exercise 3.3.1, determine
the running times of the programs.
3.3.3: Suppose program A takes 2n /1000 units of time and program B takes 1000n2
units. For what values of n does program A take less time than program B?
3.3.4: For each of the programs of Exercise 3.3.3, how large a problem can be solved
in (a) 106 time units, (b) 109 time units, and (c) 1012 time units?
3.3.5: Repeat Exercises 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 if program A takes 1000n4 time units and
program B takes n10 time units.

✦ ✦

3.4 Big-Oh and Approximate Running Time
Suppose we have written a C program and have selected the particular input on
which we would like it to run. The running time of the program on this input still
depends on two factors:
1. The computer on which the program is run. Some computers execute instruc-
tions more rapidly than others; the ratio between the speeds of the fastest
supercomputers and the slowest personal computers is well over 1000 to 1.
2. The particular C compiler used to generate a program for the computer to
execute. Different programs can take different amounts of time to execute on
the same machine, even though the programs have the same effect.
As a result, we cannot look at a C program and its input and say, “This task
will take 3.21 seconds,” unless we know which machine and which compiler will
be used. Moreover, even if we know the program, the input, the machine, and
the compiler, it is usually far too complex a task to predict exactly the number of
machine instructions that will be executed.
For these reasons, we usually express the running time of a program using
“big-oh” notation, which is designed to let us hide constant factors such as
1. The average number of machine instructions a particular compiler generates.
2. The average number of machine instructions a particular machine executes per
For example, instead of saying, as we did in Example 3.1, that the SelectionSort
fragment we studied takes time 4m − 1 on an array of length m, we would say
that it takes O(m) time, which is read “big-oh of m” or just “oh of m,” and which
informally means “some constant times m.”
The notion of “some constant times m” not only allows us to ignore unknown
constants associated with the compiler and the machine, but also allows us to make
some simplifying assumptions. In Example 3.1, for instance, we assumed that all
assignment statements take the same amount of time, and that this amount of time
was also taken by the test for termination in the for-loop, the incrementation of j
around the loop, the initialization, and so on. Since none of these assumptions is
valid in practice, the constants 4 and −1 in the running-time formula T (m) = 4m−1
are at best approximations to the truth. It would be more appropriate to describe
T (m) as “some constant times m, plus or minus another constant” or even as “at

most proportional to m.” The notation O(m) enables us to make these statements
without getting involved in unknowable or meaningless constants.
On the other hand, representing the running time of the fragment as O(m) does
tell us something very important. It says that the time to execute the fragment
on progressively larger arrays grows linearly, like the hypothetical Program A of
Figs. 3.2 and 3.3 discussed at the end of Section 3.3. Thus, the algorithm embodied
by this fragment will be superior to competing algorithms whose running time grows
faster, such as the hypothetical Program B of that discussion.

Definition of Big-Oh

We shall now give a formal definition of the notion of one function being “big-oh”
of another. Let T (n) be a function, which typically is the running time of some
program, measured as a function of the input size n. As befits a function that
measures the running time of a program, we shall assume that

1. The argument n is restricted to be a nonnegative integer, and

2. The value T (n) is nonnegative for all arguments n.

Let f (n) be some function defined on the nonnegative integers n. We say that

“T (n) is O f (n) ”

if T (n) is at most a constant times f (n),

 except possibly for some small values of n.
Formally, we say that T (n) is O f (n) if there exists an integer n0 and a constant
c > 0 such that for all integers n ≥ n0 , we have T (n) ≤ cf (n).

Witnesses We call the pair n0 and c witnesses to the fact that T (n) is O f (n) . The
witnesses “testify” to the big-oh relationship of T (n) and f (n) in a form of proof
that we shall next demonstrate.

Proving Big-Oh Relationships

We can apply the definition of “big-oh” to prove that T (n) is O f (n) for particular
functions T and f . We do so by exhibiting a particular choice of witnesses n0 and
c and then proving that T (n) ≤ cf (n). The proof must assume only that n is a
nonnegative integer and that n is at least as large as our chosen n0 . Usually, the
proof involves algebra and manipulation of inequalities.

✦ Example 3.2. Suppose we have a program whose running time is T (0) = 1,

T (1) = 4, T (2) = 9, and in general T (n) = (n + 1)2 . We can say that T (n) is O(n2 ),
Quadratic or that T (n) is quadratic, because we can choose witnesses n0 = 1 and c = 4. We
running time then need to prove that (n + 1)2 ≤ 4n2 , provided n ≥ 1. In proof, expand (n + 1)2
as n2 + 2n + 1. As long as n ≥ 1, we know that n ≤ n2 and 1 ≤ n2 . Thus
n2 + 2n + 1 ≤ n2 + 2n2 + n2 = 4n2

Template for Big-Oh Proofs

Remember: all big-oh proofs follow essentially the same form. Only the algebraic
 varies. We need to do only two things to have a proof that T (n) is
O f (n) .
1. State the witnesses n0 and c. These witnesses must be specific constants, e.g.,
n0 = 47 and c = 12.5. Also, n0 must be a nonnegative integer, and c must be
a positive real number.
2. By appropriate algebraic manipulation, show that if n ≥ n0 then T (n) ≤ cf (n),
for the particular witnesses n0 and c chosen.

Alternatively, we could pick witnesses n0 = 3 and c = 2, because, as the reader may

check, (n + 1)2 ≤ 2n2 , for all n ≥ 3.
However, we cannot pick n0 = 0 with any c, because with n = 0, we would
have to show that (0 + 1)2 ≤ c02 , that is, that 1 is less than or equal to c times 0.
Since c × 0 = 0 no matter what c we pick, and 1 ≤ 0 is false, we are doomed if we
pick n0 = 0. That doesn’t matter, however, because in order to show that (n + 1)2
is O(n2 ), we had only to find one choice of witnesses n0 and c that works. ✦

It may seem odd that although (n + 1)2 is larger than n2 , we can still say that
(n + 1)2 is O(n2 ). In fact, we can also say that (n + 1)2 is big-oh of any fraction
of n2 , for example, O(n2 /100). To see why, choose witnesses n0 = 1 and c = 400.
Then if n ≥ 1, we know that
(n + 1)2 ≤ 400(n2 /100) = 4n2
by the same reasoning as was used in Example 3.2. The general principles underlying
these observations are that
1. Constant factors don’t matter. For any positive constant d and any function
T (n), T (n) is O dT (n) , regardless of whether d is a large number or a very
small fraction, as long as d > 0.  To see why, choose witnesses n0 = 0 and
c = 1/d.3 Then  T (n) ≤ c dT (n) , since cd = 1. Likewise,
 if we know that
T (n) is O f (n) , then we also know that T (n) is O df (n) for any d > 0, even a
very small d. The reason is that we know that T (n) ≤ c1 f (n) for some constant

c1 and all n ≥ n0 . If we choose c = c1 /d, we can see that T (n) ≤ c df (n) for
n ≥ n0 .
2. Low-order terms don’t matter. Suppose T (n) is a polynomial of the form
ak nk + ak−1 nk−1 + · · · + a2 n2 + a1 n + a0
where the leading coefficient, ak , is positive. Then we can throw away all terms
but the first (the term with the highest exponent, k) and, by rule (1), ignore
the constant ak , replacing it by 1. That is, we can conclude T (n) is O(nk ). In
proof, let n0 = 1, and let c be the sum of all the positive coefficients among
the ai ’s, 0 ≤ i ≤ k. If a coefficient aj is 0 or negative, then surely aj nj ≤ 0. If
3 Note that although we are required to choose constants as witnesses, not functions, there is
nothing wrong with choosing c = 1/d, because d itself is some constant.

Fallacious Arguments About Big-Oh

The definition of “big-oh” is tricky, in that it requires us, after examining T (n) and
f (n), to pick witnesses n0 and c once and for all, and then to show that T (n) ≤ cf (n)
for all n ≥ n0 . It is not permitted to pick c and/or n0 anew for each value of n.
For example, one occasionally sees the following fallacious “proof” that n2 is O(n).
“Pick n0 = 0, and for each n, pick c = n. Then n2 ≤ cn.” This argument is invalid,
because we are required to pick c once and for all, without knowing n.

aj is positive, then aj nj ≤ aj nk , for all j < k, as long as n ≥ 1. Thus, T (n) is

no greater than nk times the sum of the positive coefficients, or cnk .

✦ Example 3.3. As an example of rule (1) (“constants don’t matter”), we can

see that 2n3 is O(.001n3 ). Let n0 = 0 and c = 2/.001 = 2000. Then clearly
2n3 ≤ 2000(.001n3) = 2n3 , for all n ≥ 0.
As an example of rule (2) (“low order terms don’t matter”), consider the poly-
T (n) = 3n5 + 10n4 − 4n3 + n + 1
The highest-order term is n5 , and we claim that T (n) is O(n5 ). To check the
claim, let n0 = 1 and let c be the sum of the positive coefficients. The terms with
positive coefficients are those with exponents 5, 4, 1, and 0, whose coefficients are,
respectively, 3, 10, 1, and 1. Thus, we let c = 15. We claim that for n ≥ 1,
3n5 + 10n4 − 4n3 + n + 1 ≤ 3n5 + 10n5 + n5 + n5 = 15n5 (3.1)
We can check that inequality (3.1) holds by matching the positive terms; that is,
3n5 ≤ 3n5 , 10n4 ≤ 10n5 , n ≤ n5 , and 1 ≤ n5 . Also, the negative term on the left
side of (3.1) can be ignored, since −4n3 ≤ 0. Thus, the left side of (3.1), which is
T (n), is less than or equal to the right side, which is 15n5 , or cn5 . We can conclude
that T (n) is O(n5 ).
In fact, the principle that low-order terms can be deleted applies not only
to polynomials, but to any sum of expressions. That is, if the ratio h(n)/g(n)
approaches 0 as n approaches infinity, then h(n) “grows more slowly” than g(n), or
Growth rate “has a lower
 growth rate” than g(n), and we may neglect h(n). That is, g(n) + h(n)
is O g(n) .
For example, let T (n) = 2n + n3 . It is known that every polynomial, such as
n , grows more slowly than every exponential, such as 2n . Since n3 /2n approaches

0 as n increases, we can throw away the lower-order term and conclude that T (n)
is O(2n ).
To prove formally that 2n + n3 is O(2n ), let n0 = 10 and c = 2. We must show
that for n ≥ 10, we have
2 n + n3 ≤ 2 × 2 n
If we subtract 2n from both sides, we see it is sufficient to show that for n ≥ 10, it
is the case that n3 ≤ 2n .
For n = 10 we have 210 = 1024 and 103 = 1000, and so n3 ≤ 2n for n = 10.
Each time we add 1 to n, 2n doubles, while n3 is multiplied by a quantity (n+1)3 /n3

that is less than 2 when n ≥ 10. Thus, as n increases beyond 10, n3 becomes
progressively less than 2n . We conclude that n3 ≤ 2n for n ≥ 10, and thus that
2n + n3 is O(2n ). ✦

Proofs That a Big-Oh Relationship Does Not Hold

If a big-oh relationship holds between two functions, then we can prove it by finding
witnesses. However, what if some function T (n) is not big-oh of some other function
f (n)? Can we ever hope to be sure that there is not such a big-oh relationship?
The answer
 is that quite frequently we can prove a particular function T (n) is not
O f (n) . The method of proof is to assume that witnesses n0 and c exist, and
derive a contradiction. The following is an example of such a proof.

✦ Example 3.4. In the box on “Fallacious Arguments About Big-Oh,” we claimed

that n2 is not O(n). We can show this claim as follows. Suppose it were. Then
there would be witnesses n0 and c such that n2 ≤ cn for all n ≥ n0 . But if we pick
n1 equal to the larger of 2c and n0 , then the inequality
(n1 )2 ≤ cn1 (3.2)
must hold (because n1 ≥ n0 and n ≤ cn allegedly holds for all n ≥ n0 ).
If we divide both sides of (3.2) by n1 , we have n1 ≤ c. However, we also chose
n1 to be at least 2c. Since witness c must be positive, n1 cannot be both less than
c and greater than 2c. Thus, witnesses n0 and c that would show n2 to be O(n) do
not exist, and we conclude that n2 is not O(n). ✦

3.4.1: Consider the four functions
f1 : n2
f2 : n3
f3 : n2 if n is odd, and n3 if n is even
f4 : n2 if n is prime, and n3 if n is composite

For each i and j equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, determine whether fi (n) is O fj (n) . Either
give values n0 and c that prove the big-oh relationship, or assume that there are
such values
 n0 and c, and then derive a contradiction to prove that fi (n) is not
O fj (n) . Hint : Remember that all primes except 2 are odd. Also remember that
there are an infinite number of primes and an infinite number of composite numbers
3.4.2: Following are some big-oh relationships. For each, give witnesses n0 and c
that can be used to prove the relationship. Choose your witnesses to be minimal,
in the sense that n0 − 1 and c are not witnesses, and if d < c, then n0 and d are
not witnesses.
a) n2 is O(.001n3 )
b) 25n4 − 19n3 + 13n2 − 106n + 77 is O(n4 )
c) 2n+10 is O(2n )
d) n10 is O(3n )√
e)* log2 n is O( n)

Template for Proofs That a Big-Oh Relationship Is False

The following is an outline of typical proofs that a function T (n) is not O f (n) .
Example 3.4 illustrates such a proof.
1. Start by supposing that there were witnesses n0 and c such that for all n ≥ n0 ,
we have f (n) ≤ cg(n). Here, n0 and c are symbols standing for unknown
2. Define a particular integer n1 , expressed in terms of n0 and c (for example,
n1 = max(n0 , 2c) was chosen in Example 3.4). This n1 will be the value of n
for which we show T (n1 ) ≤ cf (n1 ) is false.
3. Show that for the chosen n1 we have n1 ≥ n0 . This part can be very easy, since
we may choose n1 to be at least n0 in step (2).
4. Claim that because n1 ≥ n0 , we must have T (n1 ) ≤ cf (n1 ).
5. Derive a contradiction by showing that for the chosen n1 we have T (n1 ) >
cf (n1 ). Choosing n1 in terms of c can make this part easy, as it was in Exam-
ple 3.4.

3.4.3*: Prove that if f (n) ≤ g(n) for all n, then f (n) + g(n) is O g(n) .
3.4.4**: Suppose that f (n) is O g(n) and g(n) is O f (n) . What can you say
about f (n) and g(n)? Is it necessarily true that f (n) = g(n)? Does the limit
f (n)/g(n) as n goes to infinity necessarily exist?

✦ ✦

3.5 Simplifying Big-Oh Expressions
As we saw in the previous section, it is possible to simplify big-oh expressions by
dropping constant factors and low-order terms. We shall see how important it is to
make such simplifications when we analyze programs. It is common for the running
time of a program to be attributable to many different statements or program
fragments, but it is also normal for a few of these pieces to account for the bulk
of the running time (by the “90-10” rule). By dropping low-order terms, and by
combining equal or approximately equal terms, we can often greatly simplify the
expressions for running time.

The Transitive Law for Big-Oh Expressions

To begin, we shall take up a useful rule for thinking about big-oh expressions. A
relationship like ≤ is said to be transitive, because it obeys the law “if A ≤ B and
B ≤ C, then A ≤ C.” For example, since 3 ≤ 5 and 5 ≤ 10, we can be sure that
3 ≤ 10.
The relationship “is big-oh
 of” is another example
 of a transitive relationship.

That is, if f (n) is O g(n) and g(n) is O h(n)  , it follows that f (n) is O h(n) .
To see why, first suppose that f (n) is O g(n) . Then there are witnesses
 n1 and c1
such that f (n) ≤ c1 g(n) for all n ≥ n1 . Similarly, if g(n) is O h(n) , then there are
witnesses n2 and c2 such that g(n) ≤ c2 h(n) for all n ≥ n2 .

Polynomial and Exponential Big-Oh Expressions

The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent found among its terms. For
example, the degree of the polynomial T (n) mentioned in Examples 3.3 and 3.5 is
5, because 3n5 is its highest-order term. From the two principles we have enunci-
ated (constant factors don’t matter, and low-order terms don’t matter), plus the
transitive law for big-oh expressions, we know the following:
1. If p(n) and q(n) are polynomials and the degree
 of q(n) is as high as or higher
than the degree of p(n), then p(n) is O q(n) .

2. If the degree of q(n) is lower than the degree of p(n), then p(n) is not O q(n) .
Exponential 3. Exponentials are expressions of the form an for a > 1. Every exponential grows
faster than every polynomial. That is, we can show for any polynomial p(n)
that p(n) is O(an ). For example, n5 is O (1.01)n .

4. Conversely, no exponential an , for a > 1, is O p(n) for any polynomial p(n).

Let n0 be the larger of n1 and n2 , and let c = c1 c2 . We claim that n0 and

c are witnesses to the fact that f (n) is O h(n) . For suppose n ≥ n0 . Since
n0 = max(n1 , n2 ), we know that n ≥ n1 and n ≥ n2 . Therefore, f (n) ≤ c1 g(n) and
g(n) ≤ c2 h(n).
Now substitute c2 h(n) for g(n) in the inequality f (n) ≤ c1 g(n), to prove
f (n) ≤ c1 c2 h(n). This inequality shows f (n) is O h(n) .

✦ Example 3.5. We know from Example 3.3 that

T (n) = 3n5 + 10n4 − 4n3 + n + 1
is O(n5 ). We also know from the rule that “constant factors don’t matter” that n5
is O(.01n5 ). By the transitive law for big-oh, we know that T (n) is O(.01n5 ). ✦

Describing the Running Time of a Program

We defined the running time T (n) of a program to be the maximum number of time
units taken on any input of size n. We also said that determining a precise formula
for T (n) is a difficult, if not impossible, task. Frequently, we can simplify matters
considerably by using a big-oh expression O(f (n)) as an upper bound on T (n).
For example, an upper bound on the running time T (n) of SelectionSort is
an2 , for some constant a and any n ≥ 1; we shall demonstrate this fact in Section 3.6.
Then we can say the running time of SelectionSort is O(n2 ). That statement is
intuitively the most useful one to make, because n2 is a very simple function, and
stronger statements about other simple functions, like “T (n) is O(n),” are false.
However, because of the nature of big-oh notation, we can also state that the
running time T (n) is O(.01n2 ), or O(7n2 −4n+26), or in fact big-oh of any quadratic
polynomial. The reason is that n2 is big-oh of any quadratic, and so the transitive
law plus the fact that T (n) is O(n2 ) tells us T (n) is big-oh of any quadratic.
Worse, n2 is big-oh of any polynomial of degree 3 or higher, or of any exponen-
tial. Thus, by transitivity again, T (n) is O(n3 ), O(2n + n4 ), and so on. However,

we shall explain why O(n2 ) is the preferred way to express the running time of

First, we generally want the “tightest” big-oh upper bound we can prove. That is, if
T (n) is O(n2 ), we want to say so, rather than make the technically true but weaker
statement that T (n) is O(n3 ). On the other hand, this way lies madness, because
if we like O(n2 ) as an expression of running time, we should like O(0.5n2 ) even
better, because it is “tighter,” and we should like O(.01n2 ) still more, and so on.
However, since constant factors don’t matter in big-oh expressions, there is really
no point in trying to make the estimate of running time “tighter” by shrinking the
constant factor. Thus, whenever possible, we try to use a big-oh expression that
has a constant factor 1.
Figure 3.4 lists some of the more common running times for programs and their
informal names. Note in particular that O(1) is an idiomatic shorthand for “some
constant,” and we shall use O(1) repeatedly for this purpose.


O(1) constant
O(log n) logarithmic
O(n) linear
O(n log n) n log n
O(n2 ) quadratic
O(n3 ) cubic
O(2n ) exponential

Fig. 3.4. Informal names for some common big-oh running times.

Tight bound More precisely, we shall say that f (n) is a tight big-oh bound on T (n) if

1. T (n) is O f (n) , and
2. If T (n) is O g(n) , then it is also true that f (n) is O g(n) . Informally, we
cannot find a function g(n) that grows at least as fast as T (n) but grows slower
than f (n).

✦ Example 3.6. Let T (n) = 2n2 + 3n and f (n) = n2 . We claim that f (n) is
a tight bound on T (n). To see why, suppose T (n) is O g(n) . Then there are
constants c and n0 such that for all n ≥ n0 , we have T (n) = 2n2 + 3n ≤ cg(n).
Then g(n) ≥ (2/c)n2 for n ≥n0 . Since f (n) is n2 , we have f (n) ≤ (c/2)g(n) for
n ≥ n0 . Thus, f (n) is O g(n) .
On the other hand, f (n) = n3 is not a tight big-oh
 bound on T (n). Now we
can pick g(n) = n2 . We have seen that T (n) is O g(n) , but we cannot show that
f (n) is O g(n) , since n3 is not O(n2 ). Thus, n3 is not a tight big-oh bound on
T (n). ✦

The other goal in our choice of a big-oh bound is simplicity in the expression of the
function. Unlike tightness, simplicity can sometimes be a matter of taste. However,
Simple function we shall generally regard a function f (n) as simple if
1. It is a single term and
2. The coefficient of that term is 1.

✦ Example 3.7. The function n2 is simple; 2n2 is not simple because the coeffi-
cient is not 1, and n2 + n is not simple because there are two terms. ✦

Tightness and There are some situations, however, where the tightness of a big-oh upper
simplicity may bound and simplicity of the bound are conflicting goals. The following is an example
conflict where the simple bound doesn’t tell the whole story. Fortunately, such cases are
rare in practice.

int PowersOfTwo(int n)
int i;
(1) i = 0;
(2) while (n%2 == 0) {
(3) n = n/2;
(4) i++;
(5) return i;

Fig. 3.5. Counting factors of 2 in a positive integer n.

✦ Example 3.8. Consider the function PowersOfTwo in Fig. 3.5, which takes a
positive argument n and counts the number times 2 divides n. That is, the test of
line (2) asks whether n is even and, if so, removes a factor of 2 at line (3) of the
loop body. Also in the loop, we increment i, which counts the number of factors
we have removed from the original value of n.
Let the size of the input be the value of n itself. The body of the while-loop
consists of two C assignment statements, lines (3) and (4), and so we can say that
the time to execute the body once is O(1), that is, some constant amount of time,
independent of n. If the loop is executed m times, then the total time spent going
around the loop will be O(m), or some amount of time that is proportional to m.
To this quantity we must add O(1), or some constant, for the single executions of
lines (1) and (5), plus the first test of the while-condition, which is technically not
part of any loop iteration. Thus, the time spent by the program is O(m) + O(1).
Following our rule that low-order terms can be neglected, the time is O(m), unless
m = 0, in which case it is O(1). Put another way, the time spent on input n is
proportional to 1 plus the number of times 2 divides n.

Using Big-Oh Notation in Mathematical Expressions

Strictly speaking, the only mathematically correct way to use a big-oh expression
is after the word “is,” as in “2n2 is O(n3 ).” However, in Example 3.8, and for
the remainder of the chapter, we shall take a liberty and use big-oh expressions
as operands of addition and other arithmetic operators, as in O(n) + O(n2 ). We
should interpret a big-oh expression used this way as meaning “some function that
is big-oh of.” For example, O(n) + O(n2 ) means “the sum of some linear function
and some quadratic function.” Also, O(n) + T (n) should be interpreted as the sum
of some linear function and the particular function T (n).

How many times does 2 divide n? For every odd n, the answer is 0, so the
function PowersOfTwo takes time O(1) on every odd n. However, when n is a power
of 2 — that is, when n = 2k for some k — 2 divides n exactly k times. When n = 2k ,
we may take logarithms to base 2 of both sides and conclude that log2 n = k. That
is, m is at most logarithmic in n, or m = O(log n).4

f (n)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 3.6. The function f (n) = m(n) + 1, where m(n) is the number of times 2 divides n.

We may thus say that the running time of PowersOfTwo is O(log n). This
bound meets our definition of simplicity. However, there is another, more precise
way of stating an upper bound on the running time of PowersOfTwo, which is to
say that it is big-oh of the function f (n) = m(n) + 1, where m(n) is the number
of times 2 divides n. This function is hardly simple, as Fig. 3.6 shows. It oscillates
wildly but never goes above 1 + log2 n.  
Since the running time of PowersOfTwo is O f (n) , but log n is not O f (n) ,
we claim that log n is not a tight bound on the running time. On the other hand,
f (n) is a tight bound, but it is not simple. ✦

The Summation Rule

Suppose a program consists of two parts, one of which takes O(n2 ) time and the
other of which takes O(n3 ) time. We can “add” these two big-oh bounds to get the
running time of the entire program. In many cases, such as this one, it is possible
to “add” big-oh expressions by making use of the following summation rule:

4 Note that when we speak of logarithms within a big-oh expression, there is no need to specify
the base. The reason is that if a and b are bases, then loga n = (logb n)(loga b). Since loga b is
a constant, we see that loga n and logb n differ by only a constant factor. Thus, the functions
logx n to different bases x are big-oh of each other, and we can, by the transitive law, replace
within a big-oh expression any loga n by logb n where b is a base different from a.

Logarithms in Running Times

R ayou think of logarithms as something having to do with integral calculus (loge a =
1 x
dx), you may be surprised to find them appearing in analyses of algorithms.
Computer scientists generally think of “log n” as meaning log2 n, rather than loge n
or log10 n. Notice that log2 n is the number of times we have to divide n by 2 to get
down to 1, or alternatively, the number of 2’s we must multiply together to reach
n. You may easily check that n = 2k is the same as saying log2 n = k; just take
logarithms to the base 2 of both sides.
The function PowersOfTwo divides n by 2 as many times as it can, And when n
is a power of 2, then the number of times n can be divided by 2 is log2 n. Logarithms
arise quite frequently in the analysis of divide-and-conquer algorithms (e.g., merge
sort) that divide their input into two equal, or nearly equal, parts at each stage. If
we start with an input of size n, then the number of stages at which we can divide
the input in half until pieces are of size 1 is log2 n, or, if n is not a power of 2, then
the smallest integer greater than log2 n.

Suppose T1 (n) is known to be O f1 (n) , while T2 (n) is known to be O f2 (n).
Further, suppose that f2 grows no faster than f1 ; that
 is, f2 (n) is O f1 (n) .
Then we can conclude that T1 (n) + T2 (n) is O f1 (n) .
In proof, we know that there are constants n1 , n2 , n3 , c1 , c2 , and c3 such that
1. If n ≥ n1 , then T1 (n) ≤ c1 f1 (n).
2. If n ≥ n2 , then T2 (n) ≤ c2 f2 (n).
3. If n ≥ n3 , then f2 (n) ≤ c3 f1 (n).
Let n0 be the largest of n1 , n2 , and n3 , so that (1), (2), and (3) hold when n ≥ n0 .
Thus, for n ≥ n0 , we have
T1 (n) + T2 (n) ≤ c1 f1 (n) + c2 f2 (n)
If we use (3) to provide an upper bound on f2 (n), we can get rid of f2 (n) altogether
and conclude that
T1 (n) + T2 (n) ≤ c1 f1 (n) + c2 c3 f1 (n)
Therefore, for all n ≥ n0 we have
T1 (n) + T2 (n) ≤ cf1 (n)
if we define c to be c1 + c2 c3 . This statement is exactly what we need to conclude
that T1 (n) + T2 (n) is O f1 (n) .

✦ Example 3.9. Consider the program fragment in Fig. 3.7. This program makes
A an n × n identity matrix. Lines (2) through (4) place 0 in every cell of the n × n
array, and then lines (5) and (6) place 1’s in all the diagonal positions from A[0][0]
to A[n-1][n-1]. The result is an identity matrix A with the property that
A×M = M×A = M

(1) scanf("%d",&n);
(2) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(3) for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
(4) A[i][j] = 0;
(5) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(6) A[i][i] = 1;

Fig. 3.7. Program fragment to make A an identity matrix.

for any n × n matrix M.

Line (1), which reads n, takes O(1) time, that is, some constant amount of
time, independent of the value n. The assignment statement in line (6) also takes
O(1) time, and we go around the loop of lines (5) and (6) exactly n times, for a
total of O(n) time spent in that loop. Similarly, the assignment of line (4) takes
O(1) time. We go around the loop of lines (3) and (4) n times, for a total of O(n)
time. We go around the outer loop, lines (2) to (4), n times, taking O(n) time per
iteration, for a total of O(n2 ) time.
Thus, the time taken by the program in Fig. 3.7 is O(1) + O(n2 ) + O(n), for
the statement (1), the loop of lines (2) to (4), and the loop of lines (5) and (6),
respectively. More formally, if
T1 (n) is the time taken by line (1),
T2 (n) is the time taken by lines (2) to (4), and
T3 (n) is the time taken by lines (5) and (6),
T1 (n) is O(1),
T2 (n) is O(n2 ), and
T3 (n) is O(n).
We thus need an upper bound on T1 (n) + T2 (n) + T3 (n) to derive the running time
of the entire program.
Since the constant 1 is certainly O(n2 ), we can apply the rule for sums to
conclude that T1 (n) + T2 (n) is O(n2 ). Then, since n is O(n2 ), we can apply the
rule of sums to (T1 (n) + T2 (n)) and T3 (n), to conclude that T1 (n) + T2 (n) + T3 (n)
is O(n2 ). That is, the entire program fragment of Fig. 3.7 has running time O(n2 ).
Informally, it spends almost all its time in the loop of lines (2) through (4), as we
might expect, simply from the fact that, for large n, the area of the matrix, n2 , is
much larger than its diagonal, which consists of n cells. ✦

Example 3.9 is just an application of the rule that low order terms don’t matter,
since we threw away the terms 1 and n, which are lower-degree polynomials than
n2 . However, the rule of sums allows us to do more than just throw away low-order
terms. If we have any constant number of terms that are, to within big-oh, the
same, such as a sequence of 10 assignment statements, each of which takes O(1)
time, then we can “add” ten O(1)’s to get O(1). Less formally, the sum of 10
constants is still a constant. To see why, note that 1 is O(1), so that any of the ten
O(1)’s, can be “added” to any other to get O(1) as a result. We keep combining
terms until only one O(1) is left.

However, we must be careful not to confuse “a constant number” of some term

like O(1) with a number of these terms that varies with the input size. For example,
we might be tempted to observe that it takes O(1) time to go once around the loop
of lines (5) and (6) of Fig. 3.7. The number of times we go around the loop is n,
so that the running time for lines (5) and (6) together is O(1) + O(1) + O(1) + · · ·
(n times). The rule for sums tells us that the sum of two O(1)’s is O(1), and by
induction we can show that the sum of any constant number of O(1)’s is O(1).
However, in this program, n is not a constant; it varies with the input size. Thus,
no one sequence of applications of the sum rule tells us that n O(1)’s has any value
in particular. Of course, if we think about the matter, we know that the sum of n
c’s, where c is some constant, is cn, a function that is O(n), and that is the true
running time of lines (5) and (6).

Incommensurate Functions
It would be nice if any two functions
 f (n) and g(n)
 could be compared by big-oh;
that is, either f (n) is O g(n) , or g(n) is O f (n) (or both, since as we observed,
there are functions such as 2n2 and n2 + 3n that are each big-oh of the other).
Unfortunately, there are pairs of incommensurate functions, neither of which is
big-oh of the other.

✦ Example 3.10. Consider the function f (n) that is n for odd n and n2 for even
n. That is, f (1) = 1, f (2) = 4, f (3) = 3, f (4) = 16, f (5) = 5, and so on. Similarly,

let g(n) be n2 for odd n and let g(n) be n for even n. Then f (n) cannot be O g(n) ,
because of the even n’s. For as we observed in Section 3.4, n2 is definitely not O(n).
Similarly, g(n) cannot be O f (n) , because of the odd n’s, where the values of g
outrace the corresponding values of f . ✦


3.5.1: Prove the following:

a) na is O(nb ) if a ≤ b.
b) na is not O(nb ) if a > b.
c) an is O(bn ) if 1 < a ≤ b.
d) an is not O(bn ) if 1 < b < a.
e) na is O(bn ) for any a, and for any b > 1.
f) an is not O(nb ) for any b, and for any a > 1.
g) (log n)a is O(nb ) forany a, and for any b > 0.
h) na is not O (log n)b for any b, and for any a > 0.
3.5.2: Show that f (n) + g(n) is O max f (n), g(n) .

3.5.3: Suppose that T (n) is O f (n) and g(n)  is a function whose value is never
negative. Prove that g(n)T (n) is O g(n)f (n) .
3.5.4: Suppose that S(n) is O f (n) and T (n) is O g(n) . Assume that none of
these functions is negative for any n. Prove that S(n)T (n) is O f (n)g(n) .
3.5.5: Suppose that f (n) is O g(n) . Show that max f (n), g(n) is O g(n) .

3.5.6*: Show that if f1 (n) and f2 (n) are both tight bounds on some function T (n),
then f1 (n) and f2 (n) are each big-oh of the other.

3.5.7*: Show that log2 n is not O f (n) , where f (n) is the function from Fig. 3.6.

3.5.8: In the program of Fig. 3.7, we created an identity matrix by first putting
0’s everywhere and then putting 1’s along the diagonal. It might seem that a faster
way to do the job is to replace line (4) by a test that asks if i = j, putting 1 in
A[i][j] if so and 0 if not. We can then eliminate lines (5) and (6).

a) Write this program.

b)* Consider the programs of Fig. 3.7 and your answer to (a). Making simplifying
assumptions like those of Example 3.1, compute the number of time units taken
by each of the programs. Which is faster? Run the two programs on various-
sized arrays and plot their running times.

✦ ✦

3.6 Analyzing the Running Time of a Program

Armed with the concept of big-oh and the rules from Sections 3.4 and 3.5 for
manipulating big-oh expressions, we shall now learn how to derive big-oh upper
bounds on the running times of typical programs. Whenever possible, we shall look
for simple and tight big-oh bounds. In this section and the next, we shall consider
only programs without function calls (other than library functions such as printf),
leaving the matter of function calls to Sections 3.8 and beyond.
We do not expect to be able to analyze arbitrary programs, since questions
about running time are as hard as any in mathematics. On the other hand, we can
discover the running time of most programs encountered in practice, once we learn
some simple rules.

The Running Time of Simple Statements

We ask the reader to accept the principle that certain simple operations on data
can be done in O(1) time, that is, in time that is independent of the size of the
input. These primitive operations in C consist of

1. Arithmetic operations (e.g. + or %).

2. Logical operations (e.g., &&).

3. Comparison operations (e.g., <=).

4. Structure accessing operations (e.g. array-indexing like A[i], or pointer fol-

lowing with the -> operator).

5. Simple assignment such as copying a value into a variable.

6. Calls to library functions (e.g., scanf, printf).


The justification for this principle requires a detailed study of the machine
instructions (primitive steps) of a typical computer. Let us simply observe that
each of the described operations can be done with some small number of machine
instructions; often only one or two instructions are needed.
As a consequence, several kinds of statements in C can be executed in O(1)
time, that is, in some constant amount of time independent of input. These simple
Simple statements include
1. Assignment statements that do not involve function calls in their expressions.

2. Read statements.

3. Write statements that do not require function calls to evaluate arguments.

4. The jump statements break, continue, goto, and return expression, where
expression does not contain a function call.

In (1) through (3), the statements each consist of some finite number of primi-
tive operations, each of which we take on faith to require O(1) time. The summation
rule then tells us that the entire statements take O(1) time. Of course, the constants
hidden in the big-oh are larger for statements than for single primitive operations,
but as we already know, we cannot associate concrete constants with running time
of C statements anyway.

✦ Example 3.11. We observed in Example 3.9 that the read statement of line
(1) of Fig. 3.7 and the assignments of lines (4) and (6) each take O(1) time. For
another illustration, consider the fragment of the selection-sort program shown in
Fig. 3.8. The assignments of lines (2), (5), (6), (7), and (8) each take O(1) time. ✦

(1) for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {

(2) small = i;
(3) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;
(6) temp = A[small];
(7) A[small] = A[i];
(8) A[i] = temp;

Fig. 3.8. Selection-sort fragment.

Blocks of simple Frequently, we find a block of simple statements that are executed consecu-
statements tively. If the running time of each of these statements is O(1), then the entire block
takes O(1) time, by the summation rule. That is, any constant number of O(1)’s
sums to O(1).

✦ Example 3.12. Lines (6) through (8) of Fig. 3.8 form a block, since they are
always executed consecutively. Since each takes O(1) time, the block of lines (6) to
(8) takes O(1) time.
Note that we should not include line (5) in the block, since it is part of the
if-statement on line (4). That is, sometimes lines (6) to (8) are executed without
executing line (5). ✦

The Running Time of Simple For-Loops

In C, many for-loops are formed by initializing an index variable to some value and
incrementing that variable by 1 each time around the loop. The for-loop ends when
the index reaches some limit. For instance, the for-loop of line (1) of Fig. 3.8 uses
index variable i. It increments i by 1 each time around the loop, and the iterations
stop when i reaches n − 1.
There are more complex for-loops in C that behave more like while-statements;
these loops iterate an unpredictable number of times. We shall take up this sort
of loop later in the section. However, for the moment, focus on the simple form of
for-loop, where the difference between the final and initial values, divided by the
amount by which the index variable is incremented tells us how many times we go
around the loop. That count is exact, unless there are ways to exit the loop via a
jump statement; it is an upper bound on the number of iterations  in any case. For
instance, the for-loop of line (1) of Fig. 3.8 iterates (n − 1) − 0 /1 = n − 1 times,
since 0 is the initial value of i, n − 1 is the highest value reached by i (i.e., when i
reaches n − 1, the loop stops and no iteration occurs with i = n − 1), and 1 is added
to i at each iteration of the loop.
To bound the running time of the for-loop, we must obtain an upper bound
on the amount of time spent in one iteration of the loop body. Note that the time
for an iteration includes the time to increment the loop index (e.g., the increment
statement i++ in line (1) of Fig. 3.8), which is O(1), and the time to compare the
loop index with the upper limit (e.g., the test statement i<n-1 in line (1) of Fig.
3.8), which is also O(1). In all but the exceptional case where the loop body is
empty, these O(1)’s can be dropped by the summation rule.
In the simplest case, where the time spent in the loop body is the same for each
iteration, we can multiply the big-oh upper bound for the body by the number of
times around the loop. Strictly speaking, we must then add O(1) time to initialize
the loop index and O(1) time for the first comparison of the loop index with the
limit, because we test one more time than we go around the loop. However, unless
it is possible to execute the loop zero times, the time to initialize the loop and test
the limit once is a low-order term that can be dropped by the summation rule.

✦ Example 3.13. Consider the for-loop of lines (3) and (4) in Fig. 3.7, which is
(3) for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
(4) A[i][j] = 0;
We know that line (4) takes O(1) time. Clearly, we go around the loop n times, as
we can determine by subtracting the lower limit from the upper limit found on line
(3) and then adding 1. Since the body, line (4), takes O(1) time, we can neglect the
time to increment j and the time to compare j with n, both of which are also O(1).
Thus, the running time of lines (3) and (4) is the product of n and O(1), which is

Similarly, we can bound the running time of the outer loop consisting of lines
(2) through (4), which is
(2) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(3) for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
(4) A[i][j] = 0;
We have already established that the loop of lines (3) and (4) takes O(n) time.
Thus, we can neglect the O(1) time to increment i and to test whether i < n in
each iteration, concluding that each iteration of the outer loop takes O(n) time.
The initialization i = 0 of the outer loop and the (n + 1)st test of the condition
i < n likewise take O(1) time and can be neglected. Finally, we observe that we go
around the outer loop n times, taking O(n) time for each iteration, giving a total
O(n2 ) running time. ✦

✦ Example 3.14. Now, let us consider the for-loop of lines (3) to (5) of Fig. 3.8.
Here, the body is an if-statement, a construct we shall learn how to analyze next.
It is not hard to deduce that line (4) takes O(1) time to perform the test and line
(5), if we execute it, takes O(1) time because it is an assignment with no function
calls. Thus, we take O(1) time to execute the body of the for-loop, regardless of
whether line (5) is executed. The incrementation and test in the loop add O(1)
time, so that the total time for one iteration of the loop is just O(1).
Now we must calculate the number of times we go around the loop. The number
of iterations is not related to n, the size of the input. Rather, the formula
 “last value
minus initial value divided by the increment” gives us n − (i + 1) /1, or n − i − 1,
as the number of times around the loop. Strictly speaking, that formula holds only
if i < n. Fortunately, we can observe from line (1) of Fig. 3.8 that we do not enter
the loop body of lines (2) through (8) unless i ≤ n−2. Thus, not only is n−i−1 the
number of iterations, but we also know that this number cannot be 0. We conclude
that the time spent in the loop is (n − i − 1) × O(1), or O(n − i − 1).5 We do not
have to add in O(1) for initializing j, since we have established that n − i − 1 cannot
be 0. If we had not observed that n − i − 1 was positive, then we would have to
write the upper bound on the running time as O max(1, n − i − 1) . ✦

The Running Time of Selection Statements

An if-else selection statement has the form
if (<condition>)
1. The condition is an expression to be evaluated,

5 Technically, we have not discussed a big-oh operator applied to a function of more than one
variable. In this case, we can regard O(n − i − 1) as saying “at most some constant times
n − i − 1.” That is, we can consider n − i − 1 as a surrogate for a single variable.

2. The if-part is a statement that is executed only if the condition is true (the
value of the expression is not zero), and
3. The else-part is a statement that is executed if the condition is false (evaluates
to 0). The else followed by the <else-part> is optional.
A condition, no matter how complex, requires the computer to perform only a
constant number of primitive operations, as long as there are no function calls
within the condition. Thus, the evaluation of the condition will take O(1) time.
Suppose that there are no function calls in the condition, and that the if- and
else-parts have big-oh upper bounds f (n) and g(n), respectively. Let us also suppose
that f (n) and g(n) are not both 0; that is, while the else-part may be missing, the
if-part is something other than an empty block. We leave as an exercise the question
of determining what happens
 if both parts are missing
 or are empty blocks.
If f (n) is O g(n) , then we can take O g(n) to be an upper bound on the
running time of the selection statement. The reason is that
1. We can neglect the O(1) for the condition,
2. If the else-part is executed, g(n) is known to be a bound on the running time,
3. If the if-part
 is executed instead
 of the else-part, the running time will be
O g(n) because f (n) is O g(n) .

Similarly, if g(n)is O f (n) , we can bound the running time of the selection state-
ment by O f (n) . Note that when the else-part is missing, as it often is, g(n) is 0,
which is surely O f (n) .
The problem case is when neither f nor g is big-oh of the other. We know
that either the if-part or the else-part, but not both, will be executed, and so a safe
upper bound on the running time is the larger of f (n) and g(n). Which is larger
can depend on n, as we saw in Example  3.10. Thus, we must write the running

time of the selection statement as O max f (n), g(n) .

✦ Example 3.15. As we observed in Example 3.12, the selection statement of

lines (4) and (5) of Fig. 3.8 has an if-part, line (5), which takes O(1) time, and a
missingelse-part, which takes 0 time. Thus, f (n) is 1 and g(n) is 0. As g(n) is
O f (n) , we get O(1) as an upper bound on running time for lines (4) and (5).
Note that the O(1) time to perform the test A[j] < A[small] at line (4) can be
neglected. ✦

✦ Example 3.16. For a more complicated example, consider the fragment of

code in Fig. 3.9, which performs the (relatively pointless) task of either zeroing the
matrix A or setting its diagonal to 1’s. As we learned in Example 3.13, the running
time of lines (2) through (4) is O(n2 ), while the running time of lines (5) and (6)
is O(n). Thus, f (n) is n2 here, and g(n) is n. Since n is O(n2 ), we can neglect the
time of the else-part and take O(n2 ) as a bound on the running time of the entire
fragment of Fig. 3.9. That is to say, we have no idea if or when the condition of line
(1) will be true, but the only safe upper bound results from assuming the worst:
that the condition is true and the if-part is executed. ✦

(1) if (A[1][1] == 0)
(2) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(3) for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
(4) A[i][j] = 0;
(5) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(6) A[i][i] = 1;

Fig. 3.9. Example of an if-else selection statement.

The Running Time of Blocks

We already mentioned that a sequence of assignments, reads, and writes, each of
which takes O(1) time, together takes O(1) time. More generally, we must be able to
Compound combine sequences of statements, some of which are compound statements, that is,
statement selection statements or loops. Such a sequence of simple and compound statements
is called a block. The running time of a block is calculated by taking the sum of the
big-oh upper bounds for each of the (possibly compound) statements in the block.
With luck, we can use the summation rule to eliminate all but one of the terms in
the sum.

✦ Example 3.17. In the selection sort fragment of Fig. 3.8, we can view the body
of the outer loop, that is, lines (2) through (8), as a block. This block consists of
five statements:
1. The assignment of line (2)
2. The loop of lines (3), (4), and (5)
3. The assignment of line (6)
4. The assignment of line (7)
5. The assignment of line (8)
Note that the selection statement of lines (4) and (5), and the assignment of line (5),
are not visible at the level of this block; they are hidden within a larger statement,
the for-loop of lines (3) to (5).
We know that the four assignment statements take O(1) time each. In Example
3.14 we learned that the running time of the second statement of the block — that
is, lines (3) through (5) — is O(n − i − 1). Thus, the running time of the block is
O(1) + O(n − i − 1) + O(1) + O(1) + O(1)
Since 1 is O(n − i − 1) (recall we also deduced that i never gets higher than n − 2),
we can eliminate all the O(1)’s by the summation rule. Thus, the entire block takes
O(n − i − 1) time.
For another example, consider the program fragment of Fig. 3.7 again. It can
be considered a single block consisting of three statements:
1. The read statement of line (1)
2. The loop of lines (2) through (4)
3. The loop of lines (5) and (6)

We know that line (1) takes O(1) time. From Example 3.13, lines (2) through (4)
take O(n2 ) time; lines (5) and (6) take O(n) time. The block itself takes
O(1) + O(n2 ) + O(n)
time. By the summation rule, we can eliminate O(1) and O(n) in favor of O(n2 ).
We conclude that the fragment of Fig. 3.7 takes O(n2 ) time. ✦

The Running Time of Complex Loops

In C, there are while-, do-while-, and some for-loops that do not offer an explicit
count of the number of times we go around the loop. For these loops, part of the
analysis is an argument that provides an upper bound on the number of iterations
of the loop. These proofs typically follow the pattern we learned in Section 2.5.
That is, we prove some statement by induction on the number of times around the
loop, and the statement implies that the loop condition must become false after the
number of iterations reaches a certain limit.
We must also establish a bound on the time to perform one iteration of the
loop. Thus, we examine the body and obtain a bound on its execution. To that, we
must add O(1) time to test the condition after the execution of the loop body, but
unless the loop body is missing, we can neglect this O(1) term. We get a bound
on the running time of the loop by multiplying an upper bound on the number of
iterations by our upper bound on the time for one iteration. Technically, if the loop
is a for- or while-loop rather than a do-while-loop, we must include the time needed
to test the condition the first time, before entering the body. However, that O(1)
term can normally be neglected.

✦ Example 3.18. Consider the program fragment shown in Fig. 3.10. The pro-
gram searches an array A[0..n-1] for the location of an element x that is believed
to be in the array.

(1) i = 0;
(2) while(x != A[i])
(3) i++;

Fig. 3.10. Program fragment for linear search.

The two assignment statements (1) and (3) in Fig. 3.10 have a running time of
O(1). The while-loop of lines (2) and (3) may be executed as many as n times, but
no more, because we assume one of the array elements is x. Since the loop body,
line (3), requires time O(1), the running time of the while-loop is O(n). From the
summation rule, the running time of the entire program fragment is O(n), because
that is the maximum of the time for the assignment of line (1) and the time for the
while-loop. In Chapter 6, we shall see how this O(n) program can be replaced by
an O(log n) program using binary search. ✦

3.6.1: In a for-loop headed

for (i = a; i <= b; i++)

how many times do we go around the loop, as a function of a and b? What about
a for-loop headed
for (i = a; i <= b; i--)
What about A for-loop headed
for(i = a; i <= b; i = i+c)

3.6.2: Give a big-oh upper bound on the running time of the trivial selection
if ( C ) { }
where C is a condition that does not involve any function calls.
3.6.3: Repeat Exercise 3.6.2 for the trivial while-loop
while ( C ) { }

3.6.4*: Give a rule for the running time of a C switch-statement.

3.6.5: Give a rule for the running time of a selection statement in which we can
tell which branch is taken, such as
if (1==2) 
something O f (n) ;
something O g(n) ;

3.6.6: Give a rule for the running time of a degenerate while-loop, in which the
condition is known to be false right from the start, such as
while (1 != 1) 
something O f (n) ;

✦ ✦

3.7 A Recursive Rule for Bounding Running Time
In the previous section, we informally described a number of rules for defining the
running time of certain program constructs in terms of the running times of their
parts. For instance, we said that the time of a for-loop is essentially the time
taken by the body multiplied by the number of iterations. Hidden among these
rules was the notion that programs are built using inductive rules by which com-
pound statements (loops, selections, and other statements that have substatements
as constituent parts) are constructed from a basis consisting of simple statements
such as assignment, read, write, and jump statements. The inductive rules covered
loop formation, selection statements, and blocks, which are sequences of compound
We shall state some syntactic rules for building statements of C as a recursive
definition. These rules correspond to the grammatical rules for defining C that
often appear in a text on C. We shall see in Chapter 11 that grammars can serve as
a succinct recursive notation for specifying the syntax of programming languages.

More Defensive Programming

If you think that the array A in Example 3.18 will always have the element x just
because we believe it does, there’s a bridge we’d like to sell you. Notice that if x
fails to appear in the array, the loop of Fig. 3.10 will eventually err by trying to
access an element of the array that is beyond the array’s upper limit.
Fortunately, there is a simple way to avoid this error without spending a lot
of extra time in each iteration of the loop. We allow an extra (n + 1)st cell at the
end of the array, and before starting the loop, we place x there. Then we really can
be sure that x will appear somewhere in the array. When the loop ends, we test to
see whether i = n. If so, then x wasn’t really in the array, and we fell through the
Sentinel array to the copy of x we had placed as a sentinel. If i < n, then i does indicate
a position where x appears. An example program with this protection feature is
A[n] = x;
i = 0;
while (x != A[i])
if (i == n) /* do something appropriate to the case
that x is not in the array */
else /* do something appropriate to the case
that x is found at position i */

BASIS. The following are simple statements in C:

1. Expressions, including assignment statements and read and write statements;
the latter are calls to functions such as printf and scanf.
2. Jump statements, including goto’s, break’s, continue’s, and return’s.
3. The null statement.
Note that in C, simple statements end in a semicolon, which we take to be part of
the statement.

INDUCTION. The following rules let us construct statements from smaller state-
1. While-statement. If S is a statement and C is a condition (an expression with
an arithmetic value), then
while ( C ) S
is a statement. The body S is executed as long as C is true (has a nonzero
2. Do-while-statement. If S is a statement and C is a condition, then
do S while ( C ) ;
is a statement. The do-while is similar to the while-statement except that the
body S is executed at least once.

3. For-statement. If S is a statement and E1 , E2 , and E3 are expressions, then

for ( E1 ; E2 ; E3 ) S
is a statement. The first expression E1 is evaluated once and specifies the ini-
tialization for the loop body S. The second expression E2 is the test for loop
termination, which is evaluated before each iteration. If its value is nonzero,
the body is executed; otherwise, the for-loop is terminated. The third ex-
pression E3 is evaluated after each iteration and specifies the reinitialization
(incrementation) for the next iteration of the loop. For instance, a common
for-loop is
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) S
where S is iterated n times with i having the values 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. Here, i = 0
is the initialization, i < n is the termination test, and i++ is the reinitialization.
4. Selection statement. If S1 and S2 are statements and C is a condition, then
if ( C ) S1 else S2
is a statement, and
if ( C ) S1
is also a statement. In the first case, if C is true (nonzero), then S1 is executed;
otherwise, S2 is executed. In the second case, S1 is executed only if C is true.
5. Block. If S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn are statements, then
{S1 S2 · · · Sn }
is a statement.
We have omitted from this list the switch-statement, which has a complex form but
can be thought of as nested selection statements for analysis of running time.

Using this recursive definition of statements, it is possible to parse a program

by identifying its constituent parts. That is, we begin with the simple statements
and group them into progressively larger compound statements.

✦ Example 3.19. Consider the selection-sort program fragment shown in Fig.

3.11. For the basis, each of the assignments, lines (2), (5), (6), (7), and (8), is
a statement by itself. Then lines (4) and (5) are grouped into a selection state-
ment. Next lines (3) through (5) are grouped into a for-statement. Then lines (2)
through (8) are grouped into a block. Finally, the entire program fragment is a
for-statement. ✦

A Tree Representation of a Program’s Structure

We can represent the structure of programs by a tree such as that shown in Fig.
3.12. Leaves (the circles) are simple statements and other nodes represent compound
statements.6 Nodes are labeled by the kind of construct they represent and by the

6 Trees are discussed in detail in Chapter 5.


(1) for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {

(2) small = i;
(3) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;
(6) temp = A[small];
(7) A[small] = A[i];
(8) A[i] = temp;

Fig. 3.11. Selection sort fragment.

line or lines of the program that form the simple or compound statement represented
by the node. From each node N that represents a compound statement we find
Structure tree lines downward to its “children” nodes. The children of node N represent the
substatements forming the compound statement that N represents. Such a tree is
called the structure tree for a program.



(2) (6) (7) (8)



Fig. 3.12. Tree showing grouping of statements.

✦ Example 3.20. Figure 3.12 is the structure tree for the program fragment
of Fig. 3.11. Each of the circles is a leaf representing one of the five assignment
statements of Fig. 3.11. We have omitted from Fig. 3.12 an indication that these
five statements are assignment statements.
At the top (the “root”) of the tree is a node representing the entire fragment

of lines (1) through (8); it is a for-statement. The body of the for-loop is a block
consisting of lines (2) through (8).7 This block is represented by a node just below
the root. That block node has five children, representing the five statements of the
block. Four of them are assignment statements, lines (2), (6), (7), and (8). The
fifth is the for-loop of lines (3) through (5).
The node for this for-loop has a child representing its body, the if-statement of
lines (4) and (5). The latter node has a child representing its constituent statement,
the assignment of line (5). ✦

Climbing the Structure Tree to Determine Running Time

Just as program structures are built recursively, we can define big-oh upper bounds
on the running time of programs, using an analogous recursive method. As in
Section 3.6, we presume that there are no function calls within the expressions that
form assignment statements, print statements, conditions in selections, conditions
in while-, for-, or do-while- loops, or the initialization or reinitialization of a for-loop.
The only exception is a call to a read- or write-function such as printf.

BASIS. The bound for a simple statement — that is, for an assignment, a read, a
write, or a jump — is O(1).

INDUCTION. For the five compound constructs we have discussed, the rules for
computing their running time are as follows.

1. While-statement. Let O f (n) be the upper bound on the running time of the
body of the while-statement; f (n) was discovered by the recursive application
of these rules. Let g(n) be an upper boundon the number of times we may
go around the loop. Then O 1 + f (n) + 1 g(n) is an upper bound on the

running time of the while-loop. That is, O f (n) + 1 is an upper bound on the
running time of the body plus the test after the body. The additional 1 at the
beginning of the formula accounts for the first test, before entering the loop.
In the common case where f (n) and g(n) are at least 1 (or we can define them
to be 1 if their value would otherwise
 be 0), we can write the running time
of the while-loop as O f (n)g(n) . This common formula for running time is
suggested by Fig. 3.13(a).

2. Do-while-statement. If O f (n) is an upper bound on the body of the loop and
 is an upper

 on the number of times we can go around the loop, then
O f (n)+1 g(n) is an upper bound on the running time of the do-while-loop.
The “+1” represents the time to compute and test the condition at the end
of each iteration of the loop. Note that for a do-while-loop, g(n) is always at
least 1. In the common case that f (n) ≥ 1 for all n, the running time of the
do-while-loop is O f (n)g(n) . Figure 3.13(b) suggests the way that running
time is computed for the common case of a do-while-loop.

7 A more detailed structure tree would have children representing the expressions for the
initialization, termination test, and reinitialization of the for-loop.

Test O(1)

O g(n)f (n)
At most
g(n) times 
Body O f (n)

(a) While-statement.

Body O f (n)
At most 
g(n) times O g(n)f (n)
Test O(1)

(b) Do-while-statement.

Initialize O(1)

Test O(1) 
O g(n)f (n)

g(n) times
Body O f (n)

Reinitialize O(1)

(c) For-statement.

Fig. 3.13. Computing the running time of loop statements without function calls.

3. For-statement. If O f (n) is an upper bound on the running time of the body,
and g(n) is an upper bound on the number of times
 around the loop, then

upper bound on the time of a for-statement is O 1 + f (n) + 1 g(n) . The
factor f (n) + 1 represents the cost of going around once, including the body,
the test, and the reinitialization. The “1+” at the beginning represents the
first initialization and the possibility that the first test is negative, resulting in
zero iterations of the loop. In the common case that f (n) and g(n) are both
at least 1, or can be redefined to be at least 1, then the running time of the
for-statement is O f (n)g(n) , as is illustrated by Fig. 3.13(c).
4. Selection statement. If O f1 (n) and O f2 (n) are upper bounds on the run-
ning time of the if-part and the else-part, respectively (f2 (n) is 0 if the else-part
is missing),
 then an upper bound on the running time of the selection statement

is O 1 + max f1 (n), f2 (n) . The “1+” represents the test; in the common
case, where at least one of f1 (n) and f2 (n) are positive for all n, the “1+”
can be omitted. Further, if one of f1 (n) and f2 (n) is big-oh of the other,
this expression may be simplified to whichever is the larger, as was stated in
Exercise 3.5.5. Figure 3.14 suggests the computation of running time for an


O max(f1 (n), f2 (n)


If Else O larger of f1 (n) and f2 (n)
Part Part

O f1 (n) O f2 (n)

Fig. 3.14. Computing the running time of an if-statement without function calls.

5. Block. If O f1 (n) , O f2 (n) , . . . , O fk (n) are our upper bounds
 on the state-
ments within the block, then O f1 (n) + f2 (n) + · · · + fk (n) is an upper bound
on the running time of the block. If possible, use the summation rule to simplify
this expression. The rule is illustrated in Fig. 3.15.

We apply these rules traveling up the structure tree that represents the con-
struction of compound statements from smaller statements. Alternatively, we can
see the application of these rules as beginning with the simple statements covered
by the basis and then proceeding to progressively larger compound statements, ap-
plying whichever of the five inductive rules is appropriate at each step. However
we view the process of computing the upper bound on running time, we analyze

O f1 (n)

O f1 (n) + f2 (n) + · · · + fk (n)

O f2 (n)

O largest fi (n)

O fk (n)

Fig. 3.15. Computing the running time of a block without function calls.

a compound statement only after we have analyzed all the statements that are its
constituent parts.

✦ Example 3.21. Let us revisit our selection sort program of Fig. 3.11, whose
structure tree is in Fig. 3.12. To begin, we know that each of the assignment
statements at the leaves in Fig. 3.12 takes O(1) time. Proceeding up the tree, we
next come to the if-statement of lines (4) and (5). We recall from Example 3.15
that this compound statement takes O(1) time.
Next as we travel up the tree (or proceed from smaller statements to their
surrounding larger statements), we must analyze the for-loop of lines (3) to (5). We
did so in Example 3.14, where we discovered that the time was O(n − i − 1). Here,
we have chosen to express the running time as a function of the two variables n and
i. That choice presents us with some computational difficulties, and as we shall see,
we could have chosen the looser upper bound of O(n). Working with O(n − i − 1)
as our bound, we must now observe from line (1) of Fig. 3.11 that i can never get
as large as n − 1. Thus, n − i − 1 is strictly greater than 0 and dominates O(1).
Consequently, we need not add to O(n − i − 1) an O(1) term for initializing the
index j of the for-loop.
Now we come to the block of lines (2) through (8). As discussed in Example
3.17, the running time of this block is the sum of four O(1)’s corresponding to the
four assignment statements, plus the term O(n − i − 1) for the compound statement
of lines (3) to (5). By the rule for sums, plus our observation that i < n, we drop
the O(1)’s, leaving O(n − i − 1) as the running time of the block.
Finally, we must consider the for-loop of lines (1) through (8). This loop was
not analyzed in Section 3.6, but we can apply inductive rule (3). That rule needs
an upper bound on the running time of the body, which is the block of lines (2)
through (8). We just determined the bound O(n − i − 1) for this block, presenting
us with a situation we have not previously seen. While i is constant within the
block, i is the index of the outer for-loop, and therefore varies within the loop.
Thus, the bound O(n − i − 1) makes no sense if we think of it as the running time
of all iterations of the loop. Fortunately, we can see from line (1) that i is never

below 0, and so O(n − 1) is an upper bound on O(n − i − 1). Moreover, by our rule
that low-order terms don’t matter, we can simplify O(n − 1) to O(n).
Next, we need to determine the number of times we go around the loop. Since
i ranges from 0 to n − 2, evidently we go around n − 1 times. When we multiply
n − 1 by O(n), we get O(n2 − n). Throwing away low-order terms again, we see
that O(n2 ) is an upper bound on the running time of the whole selection sort
program. That is to say, selection sort has a quadratic upper bound on its running
time. The quadratic upper bound is the tightest possible, since we can show that if
the elements are initially in reverse of sorted order, then selection sort does make
n(n − 1)/2 comparison steps. ✦

As we shall see, we can derive n log n upper and lower bounds for the running
time of merge sort. In practice, merge sort is more efficient than selection sort for
all but some small values of n. The reason merge sort is sometimes slower than
selection sort is because the O(n log n) upper bound hides a larger constant than
the O(n2 ) bound for selection sort. The true situation is a pair of crossing curves,
as shown in Fig. 3.2 of Section 3.3.

More Precise Upper Bounds for Loop Running Times

We have suggested that to evaluate the running time of a loop we need to find a
uniform bound that applies to each of the iterations of the loop. However, a more
careful analysis of a loop would treat each iteration separately. We could instead
sum the upper bounds for each iteration. Technically, we must include the time to
increment the index (if the loop is a for-loop) and to test the loop condition in the
rare situation when the time for these operations makes a difference. Generally, the
more careful analysis doesn’t change the answer, although there are some unusual
loops in which most iterations take very little time, but one or a few take a lot
of time. Then the sum of the times for each iteration might be significantly less
than the product of the number of iterations times the maximum time taken by any

✦ Example 3.22. We shall perform this more precise analysis on the outer loop
of selection sort. Despite this extra effort, we still get a quadratic upper bound.
As Example 3.21 demonstrated, the running time of the iteration of the outer loop
with the value i for the index variable i is O(n − i − 1). Thus an upper bound on
thePtime taken by all
n−2  iterations, as i ranges from its initial value 0 up to n − 2, is
O i=0 (n − i − 1) . The terms in this sum form an arithmetic progression, so we
can use the formula “average of the first and last terms times the number of terms.”
That formula tells us that
(n − i − 1) = n(n − 1)/2 = 0.5n2 − 0.5n

Neglecting low-order terms and constant factors, we see that O(0.5n2 − 0.5n) is the
same as O(n2 ). We again conclude that selection sort has a quadratic upper bound
on its running time. ✦



0 n−2
Value of i

Fig. 3.16. Simple and precise estimates of loop running time.

The difference between the simple analysis in Example 3.21 and the more de-
tailed analysis in Example 3.22 is illustrated by Fig. 3.16. In Example 3.21, we
took the maximum time of any iteration as the time for each iteration, thus getting
the area of the rectangle as our bound on the running time of the outer for-loop in
Fig. 3.11. In Example 3.22, we bounded the running time of each iteration by the
diagonal line, since the time for each iteration decreases linearly with i. Thus, we
obtained the area of the triangle as our estimate of the running time. However, it is
well known that the area of the triangle is half the area of the rectangle. Since the
factor of 2 gets lost with the other constant factors that are hidden by the big-oh
notation anyway, the two upper bounds on the running time are really the same.

3.7.1: Figure 3.17 contains a C program to find the average of the elements of an
array A[0..n-1] and to print the index of the element that is closest to average (a
tie is broken in favor of the element appearing first). We assume that n ≥ 1 and do
not include the necessary check for an empty array. Build a structure tree showing
how the statements are grouped into progressively more complex statements, and
give a simple and tight big-oh upper bound on the running time for each of the
statements in the tree. What is the running time of the entire program?
3.7.2: The fragment in Fig. 3.18 transforms an n by n matrix A. Show the structure
tree for the fragment. Give a big-oh upper bound on the running time of each
compound statement
a) Making the bound for the two inner loops a function of n and i.
b) Making the bound for all loops be a function of n only.
For the whole program, is there a big-oh difference between your answers to parts
(a) and (b)?

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100
int A[MAX];

int closest, i, n;
float avg, sum;

(1) for (n = 0; n < MAX && scanf("%d", &A[n]) != EOF; n++)

(2) ;
(3) sum = 0;
(4) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(5) sum += A[i];
(6) avg = sum/n;
(7) closest = 0;
(8) i = 1;
(9) while (i < n) {
/* squaring elements in the test below eliminates
the need to distinguish positive and negative
differences */
(10) if ((A[i]-avg)*(A[i]-avg) <
(11) closest = i;
(12) i++;
(13) printf("%d\n",closest);

Fig. 3.17. Program for Exercise 3.7.1.

(1) for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)

(2) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(3) for (k = i; k < n; k++)
(4) A[j][k] = A[j][k] - A[i][k]*A[j][i]/A[i][i];

Fig. 3.18. Program for Exercise 3.7.2.

3.7.3*: Figure 3.19 contains a program fragment that applies the powers-of-2 op-
eration discussed in Example 3.8 to the integers i from 1 to n. Show the structure
tree for the fragment. Give a big-oh upper bound on the running time of each
compound statement
a) Making the bound for the while-loop a function of (the factors of) i.
b) Making the bound for the while-loop a function of n only.
For the whole program, is there a big-oh difference between your answers to parts
(a) and (b)?

(1) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

(2) m = 0;
(3) j = i;
(4) while (j%2 == 0) {
(5) j = j/2;
(6) m++;

Fig. 3.19. Program for Exercise 3.7.3.

3.7.4: In Fig. 3.20 is a function that determines whether the argument n is a prime.
Note that
√ if n is not a prime, then it is divisible evenly by some integer i between
2 and n. Show the structure tree for the function. Give a big-oh upper bound
on the running time of each compound statement, as a function of n. What is the
running time of the function as a whole?

int prime(int n)
int i;

(1) i = 2;
(2) while (i*i <= n)
(3) if (n%i == 0)
(4) return FALSE;
(5) i++;
(6) return TRUE;

Fig. 3.20. Program for Exercise 3.7.4.

✦ ✦

3.8 Analyzing Programs with Function Calls
We now show how to analyze the running time of a program or program fragment
that contains function calls. To begin, if all functions are nonrecursive, we can
determine the running time of the functions making up the program one at a time,
starting with those functions that do not call any other function. Then we evaluate
the running times of the functions that call only functions whose running times we
have already determined. We proceed in this fashion until we have evaluated the
running time for all functions.
There are some complexities introduced by the fact that for different functions
there may be different natural measures of the size of the input. In general, the
input to a function is the list of the arguments of that function. If function F calls
function G, we must relate the size measure for the arguments of G to the measure
of size that is used for F . It is hard to give useful generalities, but some examples in

this section and the next will help us see how the process of bounding the running
time for functions works in simple cases.
Suppose we have determined
 that a good upper bound on the running time
of a function F is O h(n) , where n is a measure of the size of the arguments of
F . Then when a call to F is made from within a simple statement (e.g., in an
assignment), we add O h(n) to the cost of that statement.

#include <stdio.h>
int bar(int x, int n);
int foo(int x, int n);

int a, n;

(1) scanf("%d", &n);

(2) a = foo(0,n);
(3) printf("%d\n", bar(a,n));

int bar(int x, int n)

int i;

(4) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)

(5) x += i;
(6) return x;

int foo(int x, int n)

int i;

(7) for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)

(8) x += bar(i,n);
(9) return x;

Fig. 3.21. Program illustrating nonrecursive function calls.

When a function call with upper bound O h(n) appears in a condition of a
while-, do-while-, or if-statement, or in the initialization, test, or reinitialization of
a for-statement, the time of that function call is accounted for as follows:
1. If the function call is in the condition of a while- or do-while-loop, or in the
condition or reinitialization of a for-loop, add h(n) to the bound on the time
for each iteration. Then proceed as in Section 3.7 to obtain the running time
of the loop.

Program Analysis in a Nutshell

Here are the major points that you should take from Sections 3.7 and 3.8.
✦ The running time of a sequence of statements is the sum of the running times of
the statements. Often, one of the statements dominates the others by having
a running time that is at least as big as any. By the summation rule the
big-oh running time of the sequence is just the running time of the dominant
✦ The running time of a loop is computed by taking the running time of the body,
plus any control steps (e.g., reinitializing the index of a for-loop and comparing
it to the limit). Multiply this running time by an upper bound on the number
of times the loop can be iterated. Then, add anything that is done just once,
such as the initialization or the first test for termination, if the loop might be
iterated zero times.
✦ The running time of a selection statement (if-else, e.g.) is the time to decide
which branch to take plus the larger of the running times of the branches.

2. If the function call is in the initialization of a for-loop, add O h(n) to the cost
of the loop.

3. If the function call is in the condition of an if-statement, add h(n) to the cost
of the statement.

✦ Example 3.23. Let us analyze the (meaningless) program of Fig. 3.21. First,
let us note that it is not a recursive program. The function main calls both functions
foo and bar, and foo calls bar, but that is all. The diagram of Fig. 3.22, called a
Calling graph calling graph, indicates how functions call one another. Since there are no cycles,
there is no recursion, and we can analyze the functions by starting with “group 0,”
those that do not call other functions (bar in this case), then working on “group 1,”
those that call only functions in group 0 (foo in this case), and then on “group 2,”
those that call only functions in groups 0 and 1 (main in this case). At this point,
we are done, since all functions are in groups. In general, we would have to consider
a larger number of groups, but as long as there are no cycles, we can eventually
place each function in a group.
The order in which we analyze the running time of the functions is also the
order in which we should examine them in order to gain an understanding of what
the program does. Thus, let us first consider what the function bar does. The
for-loop of lines (4) and (5) adds P each of the integers P 1 through n to x. As a
result, bar(x, n) is equal to x + ni=1 i. The summation ni=1 i is another example
of summing an arithmetic progression, which we can calculate by adding the first
Pn last terms, multiplying by the number of terms, and dividing by 2. That is,
i=1 i = (1 + n)n/2. Thus, bar(x, n) = x + n(n + 1)/2.
Now, consider function foo, which adds to its argument x the sum




Fig. 3.22. Calling graph for Fig. 3.21.

Proofs and Program Understanding

The reader may notice that in our examination of the program in Fig. 3.21, we were
able to understand what the program does, but we did not prove anything formally
as we did in Chapter 2. However, there are many simple inductive proofs lurking
just below the surface. For example, we need to prove by induction on the number
of times around the loop of lines (4) and (5) that the value of x, just before we
begin the iteration with value i for i, is the initial value of x plus j=1 j. Note
that if i = 1, then this sum consists of 0 terms and therefore has the value 0.

bar(i, n)

From our understanding Pnof bar we know that bar(i, n) = i + n(n + 1)/2. Thus foo
adds to x the quantity i=1 (i+n(n+1)/2). We have another arithmetic progression
to sum, and this one requires more algebraic manipulation. However, the reader
may check that the quantity foo adds to its argument x is (n3 + 2n2 + n)/2.
Finally, let us consider the function main. We read n at line (1). At line (2) we
apply foo to 0 and n. By our understanding of foo, the value of foo(0,n) at line (2)
will be 0 plus (n3 + 2n2 + n)/2. At line (3), we print the value of bar(foo(0,n),n),
which, by our understanding of bar is the sum of n(n + 1)/2 and the current value
of foo(a,n). Thus, the value printed is (n3 + 3n2 + 2n)/2.
Now let us analyze the running time of the program in Fig. 3.21, working from
bar to foo and then to main, as we did in Example 3.23. In this case, we shall take
the value n to be the size of the input to all three functions. That is, even though
we generally want to consider the “size” of all the arguments to a function, in this
case the running time of the functions depends only on n.
To analyze bar, we note that line (5) takes O(1) time. The for-loop of lines
(4) and (5) iterates n times, and so the time for lines (4) and (5) is O(n). Line (6)
takes O(1) time, and so the time for the block of lines (4) to (6) is O(n).
Now we proceed to foo. The assignment in line (8) takes O(1) plus the time of
a call to bar(i,n). That call, we already know, takes O(n) time, and so the time
for line (8) is O(n). The for-loop of lines (7) and (8) iterates n times, and so we

multiply the O(n) for the body by n to get O(n2 ) as the running time of a call to
Finally, we may analyze main. Line (1) takes O(1) time. The call to foo at
line (2) takes O(n2 ) time, as we just deduced. The print-statement of line (3) takes
O(1) plus the time for a call to bar. The latter takes O(n) time, and so line (3) as
a whole takes O(1) + O(n) time. The total time for the block of lines (1) through
(3) is therefore O(1) + O(n2 ) + O(1) + O(n). By the rule for sums, we can eliminate
all but the second term, concluding that the function main takes O(n2 ) time. That
is, the call to foo at line (2) is the dominant cost. ✦


3.8.1: Show the claim in Example 3.23, that

Pn 3 2
i=1 (i + n(n + 1)/2) = (n + 2n + n)/2

3.8.2: Suppose that prime(n) is a function call that takes time O( n). Consider
a function whose body is
if ( prime(n) )

Give a simple and tight big-oh upper bound on the running time of this function,
as a function of n, on the assumption that
a) A takes O(n) time and B takes O(1) time
b) A and B both take O(1) time
3.8.3: Consider a function whose body is
sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= f(n); i++)
sum += i;

where f (n) is a function call. Give a simple and tight big-oh upper bound on the
running time of this function, as a function of n, on the assumption that
a) The running time of f (n) is O(n), and the value of f (n) is n!
b) The running time of f (n) is O(n), and the value of f (n) is n
c) The running time of f (n) is O(n2 ), and the value of f (n) is n
d) The running time of f (n) is O(1), and the value of f (n) is 0
3.8.4: Draw the calling graph for the functions in the merge sort program from
Section 2.8. Is the program recursive?
3.8.5*: Suppose that line (7) in the function foo of Fig. 3.21 were replaced by
for (i = 1; i <= bar(n,n); i++)
What would the running time of main be then?

✦ ✦

3.9 Analyzing Recursive Functions
Determining the running time of a function that calls itself recursively requires more
work than analyzing nonrecursive functions. The analysis for a recursive function
requires that we associate with each function F in a program an unknown running
time TF (n). This unknown function represents F ’s running time as a function of
n, the size of F ’s arguments. We then establish an inductive definition, called a
Recurrence recurrence relation for TF (n), that relates TF (n) to functions of the form TG (k) for
relation the other functions G in the program and their associated argument sizes k. If F
is directly recursive, then one or more of the G’s will be the same as F .
The value of TF (n) is normally established by an induction on the argument
size n. Thus, it is necessary to pick a notion of argument size that guarantees
functions are called with progressively smaller arguments as the recursion proceeds.
The requirement is the same as what we encountered in Section 2.9, when we tried
to prove statements about recursive programs. That should be no surprise, because
a statement about the running time of a program is just one example of something
that we might try to prove about a program.
Once we have a suitable notion of argument size, we can consider two cases:
1. The argument size is sufficiently small that no recursive calls will be made by
F . This case corresponds to the basis in an inductive definition of TF (n).
2. For larger argument sizes, one or more recursive calls may occur. Note that
whatever recursive calls F makes, whether to itself or to some other function G,
will be made with smaller arguments. This case corresponds to the inductive
step in the definition of TF (n).
The recurrence relation defining TF (n) is derived by examining the code for
function F and doing the following:
a) For each call to a function G or use of a function G in an expression (note
that G may be F ), use TG (k) as the running time of the call, where k is the
appropriate measure of the size of the arguments in the call.
b) Evaluate the running time of the body of function F , using the same techniques
as in previous sections, but leaving terms like TG (k) as unknown functions,
rather than concrete functions such as n2 . These terms cannot generally be
combined with concrete functions using simplification tricks such as the sum-
mation rule. We must analyze F twice — once on the assumption that F ’s
argument size n is sufficiently small that no recursive function calls are made,
and once assuming that n is not that small. As a result, we obtain two expres-
sions for the running time of F — one (the basis expression) serving as the basis
Basis and of the recurrence relation for TF (n), and the other (the induction expression)
induction serving as the inductive part.
c) In the resulting basis and induction
 expressions for the running time of F ,
replace big-oh terms like O f (n) by a specific constant times the function
involved — for example, cf (n).
d) If a is a basis value for the input size, set TF (a) equal to the basis expression
resulting from step (c) on the assumption that there are no recursive calls.
Also, set TF (n) equal to the induction expression from (c) for the case where
n is not a basis value.

int fact(int n)
(1) if (n <= 1)
(2) return 1; /* basis */
(3) return n*fact(n-1); /* induction */

Fig. 3.23. Program to compute n!.

The running time of the entire function is determined by solving this recurrence
relation. In Section 3.11, we shall give general techniques for solving recurrences of
the kind that arise in the analysis of common recursive functions. For the moment,
we solve these recurrences by ad hoc means.

✦ Example 3.24. Let us reconsider the recursive program from Section 2.7 to
compute the factorial function; the code is shown in Fig. 3.23. Since there is only
one function, fact, involved, we shall use T (n) for the unknown running time
of this function. We shall use n, the value of the argument, as the size of the
argument. Clearly, recursive calls made by fact when the argument is n have a
smaller argument, n − 1 to be precise.
For the basis of the inductive definition of T (n) we shall take n = 1, since no
recursive call is made by fact when its argument is 1. With n = 1, the condition
of line (1) is true, and so the call to fact executes lines (1) and (2). Each takes
O(1) time, and so the running time of fact in the basis case is O(1). That is, T (1)
is O(1).
Now, consider what happens when n > 1. The condition of line (1) is false,
and so we execute only lines (1) and (3). Line (1) takes O(1) time, and line (3)
takes O(1) for the multiplication and assignment, plus T (n − 1) for the recursive
call to fact. That is, for n > 1, the running time of fact is O(1) + T (n − 1). We
can thus define T (n) by the following recurrence relation:

BASIS. T (1) = O(1).

INDUCTION. T (n) = O(1) + T (n − 1), for n > 1.

We now invent constant symbols to stand for those constants hidden within
the various big-oh expressions, as was suggested by rule (c) above. In this case, we
can replace the O(1) in the basis by some constant a, and the O(1) in the induction
by some constant b. These changes give us the following recurrence relation:

BASIS. T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. T (n) = b + T (n − 1), for n > 1.

Now we must solve this recurrence for T (n). We can calculate the first few
values easily. T (1) = a by the basis. Thus, by the inductive rule, we have

T (2) = b + T (1) = a + b
Continuing to use the inductive rule, we get
T (3) = b + T (2) = b + (a + b) = a + 2b
T (4) = b + T (3) = b + (a + 2b) = a + 3b
By this point, it should be no surprise if we guess that T (n) = a + (n − 1)b, for all
n ≥ 1. Indeed, computing some sample values, then guessing a solution, and finally
proving our guess correct by an inductive proof is a common method of dealing with
Repeated In this case, however, we can derive the solution directly by a method known
substitution as repeated substitution. First, let us make a substitution of variables, m for n, in
the recursive equation, which now becomes
T (m) = b + T (m − 1), for m > 1 (3.3)
Now, we can substitute n, n − 1, n − 2, . . . , 2 for m in equation (3.3) to get the
sequence of equations
1) T (n) = b + T (n − 1)
2) T (n − 1) = b + T (n − 2)
3) T (n − 2) = b + T (n − 3)
n − 1) T (2) = b + T (1)
Next, we can use line (2) above to substitute for T (n − 1) in (1), to get the equation

T (n) = b + b + T (n − 2) = 2b + T (n − 2)
Now, we use line (3) to substitute for T (n − 2) in the above to get

T (n) = 2b + b + T (n − 3) = 3b + T (n − 3)
We proceed in this manner, each time replacing T (n − i) by b + T (n − i − 1), until
we get down to T (1). At that point, we have the equation
T (n) = (n − 1)b + T (1)
We can then use the basis to replace T (1) by a, and conclude that T (n) = a+(n−1)b.
To make this analysis more formal, we need to prove by induction our intuitive
observations about what happens when we repeatedly substitute for T (n − i). Thus
we shall prove the following by induction on i:

STATEMENT S(i): If 1 ≤ i < n, then T (n) = ib + T (n − i).

BASIS. The basis is i = 1. S(1) says that T (n) = b + T (n − 1). This is the inductive
part of the definition of T (n) and therefore known to be true.

INDUCTION. If i ≥ n − 1, there is nothing to prove. The reason is that statement

S(i + 1) begins, “If 1 ≤ i + 1 < n · · · ,” and when the condition of an if-statement
is false, the statement is true regardless of what follows the “then.” In this case,
where i ≥ n − 1, the condition i + 1 < n must be false, so S(i + 1) is true.

The hard part is when i ≤ n−2. In that case, S(i) says that T (n) = ib+T (n−i).
Since i ≤ n − 2, the argument of T (n − i) is at least 2. Thus we can apply the
inductive rule for T — that is, (3.3) with n − i in place of m — to get the equation
T (n − i) = b + T (n − i − 1). When we substitute b + T (n − i − 1) for T (n − i) in
the equation T (n) = ib + T (n − i), we obtain T (n) = ib + b + T (n − i − 1) , or
regrouping terms,

T (n) = (i + 1)b + T n − (i + 1)
This equation is the statement S(i + 1), and we have now proved the induction step.

We have now shown that T (n) = a + (n − 1)b. However, a and b are unknown
constants. Thus, there is no point in presenting the solution this way. Rather,
we can express T (n) as a polynomial in n, namely, bn + (a − b), and then replace
terms by big-oh expressions, giving O(n) + O(1). Using the summation rule, we
can eliminate O(1), which tells us that T (n) is O(n). That makes sense; it says
that to compute n!, we make on the order of n calls to fact (the actual number is
exactly n), each of which requires O(1) time, excluding the time spent performing
the recursive call to fact. ✦


3.9.1: Set up a recurrence relation for the running time of the function sum men-
tioned in Exercise 2.9.2, as a function of the length of the list that is input to the
program. Replace big-oh’s by (unknown) constants, and try to solve your recur-
rence. What is the running time of sum?
3.9.2: Repeat Exercise 3.9.1 for the function find0 from Exercise 2.9.3. What is a
suitable size measure?
3.9.3*: Repeat Exercise 3.9.1 for the recursive selection sort program in Fig. 2.22
of Section 2.7. What is a suitable size measure?
Fibonacci 3.9.4**: Repeat Exercise 3.9.1 for the function of Fig. 3.24, which computes the
numbers Fibonacci numbers. (The first two are 1, and each succeeding number is the sum of
the previous two. The first seven Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.) Note
that the value of n is the appropriate size of an argument and that you need both
1 and 2 as basis cases.

int fibonacci(int n)
if (n <= 2)
return 1;
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);

Fig. 3.24. C function computing the Fibonacci numbers.


3.9.5*: Write a recursive program to compute gcd(i, j), the greatest common di-
visor of two integers i and j, as outlined in Exercise 2.7.8. Show that the running
time of the program is O(log i). Hint : Show that after two calls we invoke gcd(m, n)
where m ≤ i/2.

✦ ✦

3.10 Analysis of Merge Sort
We shall now analyze the merge sort algorithm that we presented in Section 2.8.
First, we show that the merge and split functions each take O(n) time on lists of
length n, and then we use these bounds to show that the MergeSort function takes
O(n log n) time on lists of length n.

Analysis of the Merge Function

We begin with the analysis of the recursive function merge, whose code we repeat
as Fig. 3.25. The appropriate notion of size n for the argument of merge is the sum
of the lengths of the lists list1 and list2. Thus, we let T (n) be the time taken by
merge when the sum of the lengths of its argument lists is n. We shall take n = 1
to be the basis case, and so we must analyze Fig. 3.25 on the assumption that one
of list1 and list2 is empty and the other has only one element. There are two
1. If the test of line (1) — that is, list1 equals NULL — succeeds, then we return
list2, which takes O(1) time. Lines (2) through (7) are not executed. Thus,
the entire function call takes O(1) time to test the selection of line (1) and O(1)
time to perform the assignment on line (1), a total of O(1) time.
2. If the test of line (1) fails, then list1 is not empty. Since we assume that the
sum of the lengths of the lists is only 1, list2 must therefore be empty. Thus,
the test on line (2) — namely, list2 equals NULL — must succeed. We then take
O(1) time to perform the test of line (1), O(1) to perform the test of line (2),
and O(1) to return list1 on line (2). Lines (3) through (7) are not executed.
Again, we take only O(1) time.
We conclude that in the basis case merge takes O(1) time.
Now let us consider the inductive case, where the sum of the list lengths is
greater than 1. Of course, even if the sum of the lengths is 2 or more, one of the
lists could still be empty. Thus, any of the four cases represented by the nested
selection statements could be taken. The structure tree for the program of Fig. 3.25
is shown in Fig. 3.26. We can analyze the program by working from the bottom,
up the structure tree.
The innermost selection begins with the “if” on line (3), where we test which
list has the smaller first element and then either execute lines (4) and (5) or execute
lines (6) and (7). The condition of line (3) takes O(1) time to evaluate. Line (5)
takes O(1) time to evaluate, and line (4) takes O(1) time plus T (n − 1) time for
the recursive call to merge. Note that n − 1 is the argument size for the recursive
call, since we have eliminated exactly one element from one of the lists and left the
other list as it was. Thus, the block of lines (4) and (5) takes O(1) + T (n − 1) time.
The analysis for the else-part in lines (6) and (7) is exactly the same: line
(7) takes O(1) time and line (6) takes O(1) + T (n − 1) time. Thus, when we take

LIST merge(LIST list1, LIST list2)

(1) if (list1 == NULL) return list2;
(2) else if (list2 == NULL) return list1;
(3) else if (list1->element <= list2->element) {
(4) list1->next = merge(list1->next, list2);
(5) return list1;
else { /* list2 has smaller first element */
(6) list2->next = merge(list1, list2->next);
(7) return list2;

Fig. 3.25. The function merge.


retn if
(1) (2)–(7)

retn if
(2) (3)–(7)

block block
(4)–(5) (6)–(7)

retn retn retn retn

(4) (5) (6) (7)

Fig. 3.26. Structure of merge.

the maximum of the running times of the if- and else-parts, we find these times to
be the same. The O(1) for the test of the condition can be neglected, and so we
conclude that the running time of the innermost selection is O(1) + T (n − 1).
Now we proceed to the selection beginning on line (2), where we test whether
list2 equals NULL. The time for testing the condition is O(1), and the time for
the if-part, which is the return on line (2), is also O(1). However, the else-part
is the selection statement of lines (3) through (7), which we just determined takes
O(1) + T (n − 1) time. Thus, the time for the selection of lines (2) through (7) is

O(1) + max O(1), O(1) + T (n − 1)
The second term of the maximum dominates the first and also dominates the O(1)
contributed by the test of the condition. Thus, the time for the if-statement begin-
ning at line (2) is also O(1) + T (n − 1).
Finally, we perform the same analysis for the outermost if-statement. Essen-
tially, the dominant time is the else-part, which consists of lines (2) through (7).

A Common Form of Recursion

Many of the simplest recursive functions, such as fact and merge, perform some
operation that takes O(1) time and then make a recursive call to themselves on an
argument one size smaller. Assuming the basis case takes O(1) time, we see that
such a function always leads to a recurrence relation T (n) = O(1) + T (n − 1). The
solution for T (n) is O(n), or linear in the size of the argument. In Section 3.11 we
shall see some generalizations of this principle.

That is, the time for the cases in which there is a recursive call, lines (4) and (5)
or lines (6) and (7), dominates the time for the cases in which there is no recursive
call, represented by lines (1) and (2), and also dominates the time for all three tests
on lines (1), (2), and (3). Thus, the time for the function merge, when n > 1, is
bounded above by O(1) + T (n − 1). We therefore have the following recurrence
relation for defining T (n):

BASIS. T (1) = O(1).

INDUCTION. T (n) = O(1) + T (n − 1), for n > 1.

These equations are exactly the same as those derived for the function fact
in Example 3.24. Thus, the solution is the same and we can conclude that T (n)
is O(n). That result makes intuitive sense, since merge works by eliminating an
element from one of the lists, taking O(1) time to do so, and then calling itself
recursively on the remaining lists. It follows that the number of recursive calls will
be no greater than the sum of the lengths of the lists. Since each call takes O(1)
time, exclusive of the time taken by its recursive call, we expect the time for merge
to be O(n).

LIST split(LIST list)

LIST pSecondCell;

(1) if (list == NULL) return NULL;

(2) else if (list->next == NULL) return NULL;
else { /* there are at least two cells */
(3) pSecondCell = list->next;
(4) list->next = pSecondCell->next;
(5) pSecondCell->next = split(pSecondCell->next);
(6) return pSecondCell;

Fig. 3.27. The function split.


Analysis of the Split Function

Now let us consider the split function, which we reproduce as Fig. 3.27. The
analysis is quite similar to that for merge. We let the size n of the argument be
the length of the list, and we here use T (n) for the time taken by split on a list of
length n.
For the basis, we take both n = 0 and n = 1. If n = 0 — that is, list is empty
— the test of line (1) succeeds and we return NULL on line (1). Lines (2) through (6)
are not executed, and we therefore take O(1) time. If n = 1, that is, list is a single
element, the test of line (1) fails, but the test of line (2) succeeds. We therefore
return NULL on line (2) and do not execute lines (3) through (6). Again, only O(1)
time is needed for the two tests and one return statement.
For the induction, n > 1, there is a three-way selection branch, similar to the
four-way branch we encountered in merge. To save time in analysis, we may observe
— as we eventually concluded for merge — that we take O(1) time to do one or
both of the selection tests of lines (1) and (2). Also, in the cases in which one of
these two tests is true, where we return on line (1) or (2), the additional time is only
O(1). The dominant time is the case in which both tests fail, that is, in which the
list is of length at least 2; in this case we execute the statements of lines (3) through
(6). All but the recursive call in line (5) contributes O(1) time. The recursive call
takes T (n − 2) time, since the argument list is the original value of list, missing
its first two elements (to see why, refer to the material in Section 2.8, especially the
diagram of Fig. 2.28). Thus, in the inductive case, T (n) is O(1) + T (n − 2).
We may set up the following recurrence relation:

BASIS. T (0) = O(1) and T (1) = O(1).

INDUCTION. T (n) = O(1) + T (n − 2), for n > 1.

As in Example 3.24, we must next invent constants to represent the constants

of proportionality hidden by the O(1)’s. We shall let a and b be the constants
represented by O(1) in the basis for the values of T (0) and T (1), respectively, and
we shall use c for the constant represented by O(1) in the inductive step. Thus, we
may rewrite the recursive definition as

BASIS. T (0) = a and T (1) = b.

INDUCTION. T (n) = c + T (n − 2) for n ≥ 2.

Let us evaluate the first few values of T (n). Evidently T (0) = a and T (1) = b
by the basis. We may use the inductive step to deduce
T (2) = c + T (0) = a+c
T (3) = c + T (1) = b+c
T (4) = c + T (2) = c + (a + c) = a + 2c
T (5) = c + T (3) = c + (b + c) = b + 2c
T (6) = c + T (4) = c + (a + 2c) = a + 3c

The calculation of T (n) is really two separate calculations, one for odd n and the
other for even n. For even n, we get T (n) = a + cn/2. That makes sense, since with
an even-length list, we eliminate two elements, taking time c to do so, and after n/2
recursive calls, we are left with an empty list, on which we make no more recursive
calls and take a time.
On an odd-length list, we again eliminate two elements, taking time c to do so.
After (n − 1)/2 calls, we are down to a list of length 1, for which time b is required.
Thus, the time for odd-length lists will be b + c(n − 1)/2.
The inductive proofs of these observations closely parallel the proof in Example
3.24. That is, we prove the following:

STATEMENT S(i): If 1 ≤ i ≤ n/2, then T (n) = ic + T (n − 2i).

In the proof, we use the inductive rule in the definition of T (n), which we can
rewrite with argument m as
T (m) = c + T (m − 2), for m ≥ 2 (3.4)
We may then prove S(i) by induction as follows:

BASIS. The basis, i = 1, is (3.4) with n in place of m.

INDUCTION. Because S(i) has an if-then form, S(i + 1) is always true if i ≥ n/2.
Thus, the inductive step — that S(i) implies S(i+1) — requires no proof if i ≥ n/2.
The hard case occurs when 1 ≤ i < n/2. In this situation, suppose that the
inductive hypothesis S(i) is true; T (n) = ic + T (n − 2i). We substitute n − 2i for
m in (3.4), giving us
T (n − 2i) = c + T (n − 2i − 2)
If we substitute for T (n − 2i) in S(i), we get

T (n) = ic + c + T (n − 2i − 2)
If we then group terms, we get

T (n) = (i + 1)c + T n − 2(i + 1)
which is the statement S(i + 1). We have thus proved the inductive step, and we
conclude T (n) = ic + T (n − 2i).
Now if n is even, let i = n/2. Then S(n/2) says that T (n) = cn/2 + T (0),
which is a + cn/2. If n is odd, let i = (n − 1)/2. S((n − 1)/2) tells us that T (n) is
c(n − 1)/2 + T (1)
which equals b + c(n − 1)/2 since T (1) = b.
Finally, we must convert to big-oh notation the constants a, b, and c, which
represent compiler- and machine-specific quantities. Both the polynomials a + cn/2
and b + c(n − 1)/2 have high-order terms proportional to n. Thus, the question
whether n is odd or even is actually irrelevant; the running time of split is O(n)
in either case. Again, that is the intuitively correct answer, since on a list of length
n, split makes about n/2 recursive calls, each taking O(1) time.

LIST MergeSort(LIST list)

LIST SecondList;

(1) if (list == NULL) return NULL;

(2) else if (list->next == NULL) return list;
else {
/* at least two elements on list */
(3) SecondList = split(list);
(4) return merge(MergeSort(list), MergeSort(SecondList));

Fig. 3.28. The merge sort algorithm.

The Function MergeSort

Finally, we come to the function MergeSort, which is reproduced in Fig. 3.28. The
appropriate measure n of argument size is again the length of the list to be sorted.
Here, we shall use T (n) as the running time of MergeSort on a list of length n.
We take n = 1 as the basis case and n > 1 as the inductive case, where recursive
calls are made. If we examine MergeSort, we observe that, unless we call MergeSort
from another function with an argument that is an empty list, then there is no way
to get a call with an empty list as argument. The reason is that we execute line (4)
only when list has at least two elements, in which case the lists that result from
a split will have at least one element each. Thus, we can ignore the case n = 0 and
start our induction at n = 1.

BASIS. If list consists of a single element, then we execute lines (1) and (2), but
none of the other code. Thus, in the basis case, T (1) is O(1).

INDUCTION. In the inductive case, the tests of lines (1) and (2) both fail, and so
we execute the block of lines (3) and (4). To make things simpler, let us assume
that n is a power of 2. The reason it helps to make this assumption is that when
n is even, the split of the list is into two pieces of length exactly n/2. Moreover,
if n is a power of 2, then n/2 is also a power of 2, and the divisions by 2 are all
into equal-sized pieces until we get down to pieces of 1 element each, at which time
the recursion ends. The time spent by MergeSort when n > 1 is the sum of the
following terms:
1. O(1) for the two tests
2. O(1) + O(n) for the assignment and call to split on line (3)
3. T (n/2) for the first recursive call to MergeSort on line (4)
4. T (n/2) for the second recursive call to MergeSort on line (4)
5. O(n) for the call to merge on line (4)
6. O(1) for the return on line (4).

Inductions that Skip Some Values

The reader should not be concerned by the new kind of induction that is involved
in the analysis of MergeSort, where we skip over all but the powers of 2 in our
proof. In general, if i1 , i2 , . . . is a sequence of integers about which we want to prove
a statement S, we can show S(i1 ) as a basis and then show for the induction that
S(ij ) implies S(ij+1 ), for all j. That is an ordinary induction if we think of it as
an induction on j. More precisely, define the statement S ′ by S ′ (j) = S(ij ). Then
we prove S ′ (j) by induction on j. For the case at hand, i1 = 1, i2 = 2, i3 = 4, and
in general, ij = 2j−1 .
Incidentally, note that T (n), the running time of MergeSort, surely does not
decrease as n increases. Thus, showing that T (n) is O(n log n) for n equal to a
power of 2 also shows that T (n) is O(n log n) for all n.

If we add these terms, and drop the O(1)’s in favor of the larger O(n)’s that come
from the calls to split and merge, we get the bound 2T (n/2) + O(n) for the time
spent by MergeSort in the inductive case. We thus have the recurrence relation:

BASIS. T (1) = O(1).

INDUCTION. T (n) = 2T (n/2) + O(n), where n is a power of 2 and greater than 1.

Our next step is to replace the big-oh expressions by functions with concrete
constants. We shall replace the O(1) in the basis by constant a, and the O(n) in
the inductive step by bn, for some constant b. Our recurrence relation thus becomes

BASIS. T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. T (n) = 2T (n/2) + bn, where n is a power of 2 and greater than 1.

This recurrence is rather more complicated than the ones studied so far, but
we can apply the same techniques. First, let us explore the values of T (n) for some
small n’s. The basis tells us that T (1) = a. Then the inductive step says
T (2) = 2T (1) + 2b = 2a + 2b
T (4) = 2T (2) + 4b = 2(2a + 2b) + 4b = 4a + 8b
T (8) = 2T (4) + 8b = 2(4a + 8b) + 8b = 8a + 24b
T (16) = 2T (8) + 16b = 2(8a + 24b) + 16b = 16a + 64b
It may not be easy to see what is going on. Evidently, the coefficient of a keeps
pace with the value of n; that is, T (n) is n times a plus some number of b’s. But
the coefficient of b grows faster than any multiple of n. The relationship between n
and the coefficient of b is summarized as follows:
Value of n 2 4 8 16
Coefficient of b 2 8 24 64
Ratio 1 2 3 4

The ratio is the coefficient of b divided by the value of n. Thus, it appears that
the coefficient of b is n times another factor that grows by 1 each time n doubles.
In particular, we can see that this ratio is log2 n, because log2 2 = 1, log2 4 = 2,
log2 8 = 3, and log2 16 = 4. It is thus reasonable to conjecture that the solution to
our recurrence relation is T (n) = an + bn log2 n, at least for n a power of 2. We
shall see that this formula is correct.
To get a solution to the recurrence, let us follow the same strategy as for
previous examples. We write the inductive rule with argument m, as
T (m) = 2T (m/2) + bm, for m a power of 2 and m > 1 (3.5)
We then start with T (n) and use (3.5) to replace T (n) by an expression involv-
ing smaller values of the argument; in this case, the replacing expression involves
T (n/2). That is, we begin with
T (n) = 2T (n/2) + bn (3.6)
Next, we use (3.5), with n/2 in place of m, to get a replacement for T (n/2) in
(3.6). That is, (3.5) says that T (n/2) = 2T (n/4) + bn/2, and we can replace (3.6)

T (n) = 2 2T (n/4) + bn/2 + bn = 4T (n/4) + 2bn
Then, we can replace T (n/4) by 2T (n/8) + bn/4; the justification is (3.5) with n/4
in place of m. That gives us

T (n) = 4 2T (n/8) + bn/4 + 2bn = 8T (n/8) + 3bn
The statement that we shall prove by induction on i is

STATEMENT S(i): If 1 ≤ i ≤ log2 n, then T (n) = 2i T (n/2i ) + ibn.

BASIS. For i = 1, the statement S(1) says that T (n) = 2T (n/2) + bn. This equality
is the inductive rule in the definition of T (n), the running time of merge and sort,
so we know that the basis holds.

INDUCTION. As in similar inductions where the inductive hypothesis is of the if-

then form, the inductive step holds whenever i is outside the assumed range; here,
i ≥ log2 n is the simple case, where S(i + 1) is seen to hold.
For the hard part, suppose that i < log2 n. Also, assume the inductive hy-
pothesis S(i); that is, T (n) = 2i T (n/2i ) + ibn. Substitute n/2i for m in (3.5) to
T (n/2i ) = 2T (n/2i+1) + bn/2i (3.7)
Substitute the right side of (3.7) for T (n/2i ) in S(i) to get

T (n) = 2i 2T (n/2i+1 ) + bn/2i + ibn
= 2i+1 T (n/2i+1 ) + bn + ibn
= 2i+1 T (n/2i+1 ) + (i + 1)bn
The last equality is the statement S(i + 1), and so we have proved the inductive

We conclude that the equality S(i) — that is, T (n) = 2i T (n/2i ) + ibn — holds
for any i between 1 and log2 n. Now consider the formula S(log2 n), that is,
T (n) = 2log2 n T (n/2log2 n ) + (log2 n)bn
We know that 2log2 n = n (recall that the definition of log2 n is the power to which
we must raise 2 to equal n). Also, n/2log2 n = 1. Thus, S(log2 n) can be written
T (n) = nT (1) + bn log2 n
We also know that T (1) = a, by the basis of the definition of T . Thus,
T (n) = an + bn log2 n
After this analysis, we must replace the constants a and b by big-oh expressions.
That is, T (n) is O(n) + O(n log n).8 Since n grows more slowly than n log n, we
may neglect the O(n) term and say that T (n) is O(n log n). That is, merge sort
is an O(n log n)-time algorithm. Remember that selection sort was shown to take
O(n2 ) time. Although strictly speaking, O(n2 ) is only an upper bound, it is in fact
the tightest simple bound for selection sort. Thus, we can be sure that, as n gets
large, merge sort will always run faster than selection sort. In practice, merge sort
is faster than selection sort for n’s larger than a few dozen.

3.10.1: Draw structure trees for the functions
a) split
b) MergeSort
Indicate the running time for each node of the trees.
3.10.2*: Define a function k-mergesort that splits a list into k pieces, sorts each
piece, and then merges the result.
a) What is the running time of k-mergesort as a function of k and n?
b)**What value of k gives the fastest algorithm (as a function of n)? This problem
requires that you estimate the running times sufficiently precisely that you can
distinguish constant factors. Since you cannot be that precise in practice, for
the reasons we discussed at the beginning of the chapter, you really need to
examine how the running time from (a) varies with k and get an approximate

✦ ✦

3.11 Solving Recurrence Relations
There are many techniques for solving recurrence relations. In this section, we shall
discuss two such approaches. The first, which we have already seen, is repeatedly
substituting the inductive rule into itself until we get a relationship between T (n)
and T (1) or — if 1 is not the basis — between T (n) and T (i) for some i that is
covered by the basis. The second method we introduce is guessing a solution and
checking its correctness by substituting into the basis and the inductive rules.

8 Remember that inside a big-oh expression, we do not have to specify the base of a logarithm,
because logarithms to all bases are the same, to within a constant factor.

In the previous two sections, we have solved exactly for T (n). However, since
T (n) is really a big-oh upper bound on the exact running time, it is sufficient to find
a tight upper bound on T (n). Thus, especially for the “guess-and-check” approach,
we require only that the solution be an upper bound on the true solution to the

Solving Recurrences by Repeated Substitution

Probably the simplest form of recurrence that we encounter in practice is that of
Example 3.24:

BASIS. T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. T (n) = T (n − 1) + b, for n > 1.

We can generalize this form slightly if we allow the addition of some function g(n)
in place of the constant b in the induction. We can write this form as

BASIS. T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. T (n) = T (n − 1) + g(n), for n > 1.

This form arises whenever we have a recursive function that takes time g(n) and
then calls itself with an argument one smaller than the argument with which the
current function call was made. Examples are the factorial function of Example
3.24, the function merge of Section 3.10, and the recursive selection sort of Section
2.7. In the first two of these functions, g(n) is a constant, and in the third it is linear
in n. The function split of Section 3.10 is almost of this form; it calls itself with
an argument that is smaller by 2. We shall see that this difference is unimportant.
Let us solve this recurrence by repeated substitution. As in Example 3.24, we
first write the inductive rule with the argument m, as
T (m) = T (m − 1) + g(m)
and then proceed to substitute for T repeatedly in the right side of the original
inductive rule. Doing this, we get the sequence of expressions
T (n) = T (n − 1) + g(n)
= T (n − 2) + g(n − 1) + g(n)
= T (n − 3) + g(n − 2) + g(n − 1) + g(n)
= T (n − i) + g(n − i + 1) + g(n − i + 2) + · · · + g(n − 1) + g(n)
Using the technique in Example 3.24, we can prove by induction on i, for i =
1, 2, . . . , n − 1, that
T (n) = T (n − i) + g(n − j)

We want to pick a value for i so that T (n − i) is covered by the basis; thus, we

pick i = n − 1. Since T (1) = a, we have T (n) = a + j=0 g(n − j). Put another
way, T (n) is the constant a plus the sum of all the values of g from 2 to n, or
a + g(2) + g(3) + · · · + g(n). Unless all the g(j)’s are 0, the a term will not matter
when we convert this expression to a big-oh expression, and so we generally just
need the sum of the g(j)’s.

✦ Example 3.25. Consider the recursive selection sort function of Fig. 2.22, the
body of which we reproduce as Fig. 3.29. If we let T (m) be the running time of the
function SelectionSort when given an array of m elements to sort (that is, when
the value of its argument i is n − m), we can develop a recurrence relation for T (m)
as follows. First, the basis case is m = 1. Here, only line (1) is executed, taking
O(1) time.

(1) if (i < n-1) {

(2) small = i;
(3) for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
(4) if (A[j] < A[small])
(5) small = j;
(6) temp = A[small];
(7) A[small] = A[i];
(8) A[i] = temp;
(9) recSS(A, i+1, n);

Fig. 3.29. Recursive selection sort.

For the inductive case, m > 1, we execute the test of line (1) and the assign-
ments of lines (2), (6), (7), and (8), all of which take O(1) time. The for-loop of
lines (3) to (5) takes O(n − i) time, or O(m) time, as we discussed in connection
with the iterative selection sort program in Example 3.17. To review why, note
that the body, lines (4) and (5), takes O(1) time, and we go m − 1 times around
the loop. Thus, the time of the for-loop dominates lines (1) through (8), and we
can write T (m), the time of the entire function, as T (m − 1) + O(m). The second
term, O(m), covers lines (1) through (8), and the T (m − 1) term is the time for
line (9), the recursive call. If we replace the hidden constant factors in the big-oh
expressions by concrete constants, we get the recurrence relation

BASIS. T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. T (m) = T (m − 1) + bm, for m > 1.

This recurrence is of the form we studied, with g(m) = bm. That is, the
solution is

T (m) = a+ b(m − j)

= a + 2b + 3b + · · · + mb
= a + b(m − 1)(m + 2)/2
Thus, T (m) is O(m2 ). Since we are interested in the running time of function
SelectionSort on the entire array of length n, that is, when called with i = 1, we
need the expression for T (n) and find that it is O(n2 ). Thus, the recursive version
of selection sort is quadratic, just like the iterative version. ✦

Another common form of recurrence generalizes the recurrence we derived for

MergeSort in the previous section:

BASIS. T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. T (n) = 2T (n/2) + g(n), for n a power of 2 and greater than 1.

This is the recurrence for a recursive algorithm that solves a problem of size n
by subdividing it into two subproblems, each of size n/2. Here g(n) is the amount
of time taken to create the subproblems and combine the solutions. For example,
MergeSort divides a problem of size n into two problems of size n/2. The function
g(n) is bn for some constant b, since the time taken by MergeSort exclusive of
recursive calls to itself is O(n), principally for the split and merge algorithms.
To solve this recurrence, we substitute for T on the right side. Here we assume
that n = 2k for some k. The recursive equation can be written with m as its
argument: T (m) = 2T (m/2) + g(m). If we substitute n/2i for m, we get
T (n/2i ) = 2T (n/2i+1) + g(n/2i ) (3.8)
If we start with the inductive rule and proceed to substitute for T using (3.8) with
progressively greater values of i, we find

T (n) = 2T (n/2) + g(n)

= 2 2T (n/22) + g(n/2) + g(n)
= 22 T (n/22 ) + 2g(n/2) + g(n)

= 22 2T (n/23) + g(n/22 ) + 2g(n/2) + g(n)
= 23 T (n/23 ) + 22 g(n/22 ) + 2g(n/2) + g(n)
= 2i T (n/2i) + 2j g(n/2j )

If n = 2k , we know that T (n/2k ) = T (1) = a. Thus, when i = k, that is, when

i = log2 n, we obtain the solution
(log2 n)−1
T (n) = an + 2j g(n/2j ) (3.9)

to our recurrence.
Intuitively, the first term of (3.9) represents the contribution of the basis value
a. That is, there are n calls to the recursive function with an argument of size
1. The summation is the contribution of the recursion, and it represents the work
performed by all the calls with argument size greater than 1.
Figure 3.30 suggests the accumulation of time during the execution of Merge-
Sort. It represents the time to sort eight elements. The first row represents the
work on the outermost call, involving all eight elements; the second row represents
the work of the two calls with four elements each; and the third row is the four
calls with two elements each. Finally, the bottom row represents the eight calls
to MergeSort with a list of length one. In general, if there are n elements in the
original unsorted list, there will be log2 n levels at which bn work is done by calls
to MergeSort that result in other calls. The accumulated time of all these calls is
thus bn log2 n. There will be one level at which calls are made that do not result in
further calls, and an is the total time spent by these calls. Note that the first log2 n
levels represent the terms of the summation in (3.9) and the lowest level represents
the term an.





Fig. 3.30. Time spent by the calls to mergesort.

✦ Example 3.26. In the case of MergeSort, the function g(n) is bn for some
constant b. The solution (3.9) with these parameters is therefore
(log2 n)−1
T (n) = an + 2j bn/2j
(log2 n)−1
= an + bn 1
= an + bn log n
The last equality comes from the fact there are log2 n terms in the sum and each
term is 1. Thus, when g(n) is linear, the solution to (3.9) is O(n log n). ✦

Solving Recurrences by Guessing a Solution

Another useful approach to solving recurrences is to guess a solution f (n) and then
use the recurrence to show that T (n) ≤ f (n). That may not give the exact value
of T (n), but if it gives a tight upper bound, we are satisfied. Often we guess only
the functional form of f (n), leaving some parameters unspecified; for example, we
may guess that f (n) = anb , for some a and b. The values of the parameters will be
forced, as we try to prove T (n) ≤ f (n) for all n.

Although we may consider it bizarre to imagine that we can guess solutions

accurately, we can frequently deduce the high-order term by looking at the values
of T (n) for a few small values of n. We then throw in some lower-order terms as
well, and see whether their coefficients turn out to be nonzero.9

✦ Example 3.27. Let us again examine the MergeSort recurrence relation from
the previous section, which we wrote as

BASIS. T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. T (n) = 2T (n/2) + bn, for n a power of 2 and greater than 1.

We are going to guess that an upper bound to T (n) is f (n) = cn log2 n + d for
some constants c and d. Recall that this form is not exactly right; in the previous
example we derived the solution and saw that it had an O(n log n) term with an
O(n) term, rather than with a constant term. However, this guess turns out to be
good enough to prove an O(n log n) upper bound on T (n).
We shall use complete induction on n to prove the following, for some constants
c and d:

STATEMENT S(n): If n is a power of 2 and n ≥ 1, then T (n) ≤ f (n), where f (n)

is the function cn log2 n + d.

BASIS. When n = 1, T (1) ≤ f (1) provided a ≤ d. The reason is that the cn log2 n
term of f (n) is 0 when n = 1, so that f (1) = d, and it is given that T (1) = a.

INDUCTION. Let us assume S(i) for all i < n, and prove S(n) for some n > 1.10
If n is not a power of 2, there is nothing to prove, since the if-portion of the if-then
statement S(n) is not true. Thus, consider the hard case, in which n is a power of
2. We may assume S(n/2), that is,
T (n/2) ≤ (cn/2) log2 (n/2) + d
because it is part of the inductive hypothesis. For the inductive step, we need to
show that
T (n) ≤ f (n) = cn log2 n + d
When n ≥ 2, the inductive part of the definition of T (n) tells us that
T (n) ≤ 2T (n/2) + bn
Using the inductive hypothesis to bound T (n/2), we have
T (n) ≤ 2[c(n/2) log2 (n/2) + d] + bn

9 If it is any comfort, the theory of differential equations, which in many ways resembles the
theory of recurrence equations, also relies on known solutions to equations of a few common
forms and then educated guessing to solve other equations.
10 In most complete inductions we assume S(i) for i up to n and prove S(n + 1). In this case it
is notationally simpler to prove S(n) from S(i), for i < n, which amounts to the same thing.

Manipulating Inequalities
In Example 3.27 we derive one inequality, T (n) ≤ cn log2 n + d, from another,
T (n) ≤ cn log2 n + (b − c)n + 2d
Our method was to find an “excess” and requiring it to be at most 0. The general
principle is that if we have an inequality A ≤ B + E, and if we want to show that
A ≤ B, then it is sufficient to show that E ≤ 0. In Example 3.27, A is T (n), B is
cn log2 n + d, and E, the excess, is (b − c)n + d.

Since log2 (n/2) = log2 n − log2 2 = log2 n − 1, we may simplify this expression to
T (n) ≤ cn log2 n + (b − c)n + 2d (3.10)
We now show that T (n) ≤ cn log2 n + d, provided that the excess over cn log2 n + d
on the right side of (3.10) is at most 0; that is, (b − c)n + d ≤ 0. Since n > 1, this
inequality is true when d ≥ 0 and b − c ≤ −d.
We now have three constraints for f (n) = cn log n + d to be an upper bound
on T (n):
1. The constraint a ≤ d comes from the basis.
2. d ≥ 0 comes from the induction, but since we know that a > 0, this inequality
is superseded by (1).
3. b − c ≤ −d, or c ≥ b + d, also comes from the induction.
These constraints are obviously satisfied if we let d = a and c = a + b. We have
now shown by induction on n that for all n ≥ 1 and a power of 2,
T (n) ≤ (a + b)n log2 n + a
This argument shows that T (n) is O(n log n), that is, that T (n) does not grow
any faster than n log n. However, the bound (a + b)n log2 n + a that we obtained is
slightly larger than the exact answer that we obtained in Example 3.26, which was
bn log2 n + an. At least we were successful in obtaining a bound. Had we taken the
simpler guess of f (n) = cn log2 n, we would have failed, because there is no value of
c that can make f (1) ≥ a. The reason is that c × 1 × log2 1 = 0, so that f (1) = 0.
If a > 0, we evidently cannot make f (1) ≥ a. ✦

✦ Example 3.28. Now let us consider a recurrence relation that we shall en-
counter later in the book:

BASIS. G(1) = 3.

INDUCTION. G(n) = (2n/2 + 1)G(n/2), for n > 1.

This recurrence has actual numbers, like 3, instead of symbolic constants like a. In
Chapter 13, we shall use recurrences such as this to count the number of gates in
a circuit, and gates can be counted exactly, without needing the big-oh notation to

Summary of Solutions
In the table below, we list the solutions to some of the most common recurrence
relations, including some we have not covered in this section. In each case, we
assume that the basis equation is T (1) = a and that k ≥ 0.


T (n) = T (n − 1) + bn O(nk+1 )
T (n) = cT (n − 1) + bnk , for c > 1 O(cn )
T (n) = cT (n/d) + bnk , for c > dk O(nlogd c )
T (n) = cT (n/d) + bnk , for c < dk O(nk )
T (n) = cT (n/d) + bnk , for c = dk O(nk log n)

All the above also hold if bnk is replaced by any kth-degree polynomial.

hide unknowable constant factors.

If we think about a solution by repeated substitution, we might see that we are
going to make log2 n − 1 substitutions before G(n) is expressed in terms of G(1).
As we make the substitutions, we generate factors
(2n/2 + 1)(2n/4 + 1)(2n/8 + 1) · · · (21 + 1)
If we neglect the “+1” term in each factor, we have approximately the product
2n/2 2n/4 2n/8 · · · 21 , which is
or 2n−1 if we sum the geometric series in the exponent. That is half of 2n , and so
we might guess that 2n is a term in the solution G(n). However, if we guess that
f (n) = c2n is an upper bound on G(n), we shall fail, as the reader may check. That
is, we get two inequalities involving c that have no solution.
We shall thus guess the next simplest form, f (n) = c2n + d, and here we shall
be successful. That is, we can prove the following statement by complete induction
on n for some constants c and d:

STATEMENT S(n): If n is a power of 2 and n ≥ 1, then G(n) ≤ c2n + d.

BASIS. If n = 1, then we must show that G(1) ≤ c21 + d, that is, that 3 ≤ 2c + d.
This inequality becomes one of the constraints on c and d.

INDUCTION. As in Example 3.27, the only hard part occurs when n is a power of
2 and we want to prove S(n) from S(n/2). The equation in this case is
G(n/2) ≤ c2n/2 + d
We must prove S(n), which is G(n) ≤ c2n +d. We start with the inductive definition
of G,
G(n) = (2n/2 + 1)G(n/2)

and then substitute our upper bound for G(n/2), converting this expression to
G(n) ≤ (2n/2 + 1)(c2n/2 + d)
Simplifying, we get
G(n) ≤ c2n + (c + d)2n/2 + d
That will give the desired upper bound, c2n + d, on G(n), provided that the excess
on the right, (c + d)2n/2 , is no more than 0. It is thus sufficient that c + d ≤ 0.
We need to select c and d to satisfy the two inequalities
1. 2c + d ≥ 3, from the basis, and
2. c + d ≤ 0, from the induction.
For example, these inequalities are satisfied if c = 3 and d = −3. Then we know
that G(n) ≤ 3(2n − 1). Thus, G(n) grows exponentially with n. It happens that
this function is the exact solution, that is, that G(n) = 3(2n − 1), as the reader may
prove by induction on n. ✦


3.11.1: Let T (n) be defined by the recurrence

T (n) = T (n − 1) + g(n), for n > 1
Prove by induction on i that if 1 ≤ i < n, then
T (n) = T (n − i) + g(n − j)

3.11.2: Suppose we have a recurrence of the form

T (1) = a
T (n) = T (n − 1) + g(n), for n > 1
Give tight big-oh upper bounds on the solution if g(n) is
a) n2
b) n2 + 3n
c) n3/2
d) n log n
e) 2n
3.11.3: Suppose we have a recurrence of the form
T (1) = a
T (n) = T (n/2) + g(n), for n a power of 2 and n > 1
Give tight big-oh upper bounds on the solution if g(n) is
a) n2
b) 2n
c) 10
d) n log n
e) 2n

3.11.4*: Guess each of the following as the solution to the recurrence

T (1) = a
T (n) = 2T (n/2) + bn, for n a power of 2 and n > 1
a) cn log2 n + dn + e
b) cn + d
c) cn2
What constraints on the unknown constants c, d, and e are implied? For which of
these forms does there exist an upper bound on T (n)?
3.11.5: Show that if we guess G(n) ≤ c2n for the recurrence of Example 3.28, we
fail to find a solution.
3.11.6*: Show that if
T (1) = a
T (n) = T (n − 1) + nk , for n > 1
then T (n) is O(nk+1 ). You may assume k ≥ 0. Also, show that this is the tightest
simple big-oh upper bound, that is, that T (n) is not O(nm ) if m < k + 1. Hint :
Expand T (n) in terms of T (n − i), for i = 1, 2, . . . , to get the upper bound. For
the lower bound, show that T (n) is at least cnk+1 for some particular c > 0.
3.11.7**: Show that if
T (1) = a
T (n) = cT (n − 1) + p(n), for n > 1
where p(n) is any polynomial in n and c > 1, then T (n) is O(cn ). Also, show that
this is the tightest simple big-oh upper bound, that is, that T (n) is not O(dn ) if
d < c.
3.11.8**: Consider the recurrence
T (1) = a
T (n) = cT (n/d) + bnk , for n a power of d
Iteratively expand T (n) in terms of T (n/di ) for i = 1, 2, . . . . Show that
a) If c > dk , then T (n) is O(nlogd c )
b) If c = dk , then T (n) is O(nk log n)
c) If c < dk , then T (n) is O(nk )
3.11.9: Solve the following recurrences, each of which has T (1) = a:
a) T (n) = 3T (n/2) + n2 , for n a power of 2 and n > 1
b) T (n) = 10T (n/3) + n2 , for n a power of 3 and n > 1
c) T (n) = 16T (n/4) + n2 , for n a power of 4 and n > 1
You may use the solutions of Exercise 3.11.8.
3.11.10: Solve the recurrence
T (1) = 1
T (n) = 3n T (n/2), for n a power of 2 and n > 1

3.11.11: The Fibonacci recurrence is F (0) = F (1) = 1, and


F (n) = F (n − 1) + F (n − 2), for n > 1

The values F (0), F (1), F (2), . . . form the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, in which
each number after the first two √ is the sum of the two previous numbers. (See
Golden ratio Exercise 3.9.4.) Let r = (1 + 5)/2. This constant r is called the golden ratio
and its value is about 1.62. Show that F (n) is O(rn ). Hint : For the induction, it
helps to guess that F (n) ≤ arn for some n, and attempt to prove that inequality
by induction on n. The basis must incorporate the two values n = 0 and n = 1. In
the inductive step, it helps to notice that r satisfies the equation r2 = r + 1.

✦ ✦

3.12 Summary of Chapter 3

Here are the important concepts covered in Chapter 3.

✦ Many factors go into the selection of an algorithm for a program, but simplicity,
ease of implementation, and efficiency often dominate.

✦ Big-oh expressions provide a convenient notation for upper bounds on the run-
ning times of programs.

✦ There are recursive rules for evaluating the running time of the various com-
pound statements of C, such as for-loops and conditions, in terms of the running
times of their constituent parts.

✦ We can evaluate the running time of a function by drawing a structure tree

that represents the nesting structure of statements and evaluating the running
time of the various pieces in a bottom-up order.

✦ Recurrence relations are a natural way to model the running time of recursive

✦ We can solve recurrence relations either by iterated substitution or by guessing

a solution and checking our guess is correct.

Divide and conquer is an important algorithm-design technique in which a problem

is partitioned into subproblems, the solutions to which can be combined to provide
a solution to the whole problem. A few rules of thumb can be used to evaluate the
running time of the resulting algorithm: A function that takes time O(1) and then
calls itself on a subproblem of size n− 1 takes time O(n). Examples are the factorial
function and the merge function.

✦ More generally, a function that takes time O(nk ) and then calls itself on a
subproblem of size n − 1 takes time O(nk+1 ).

✦ If a function calls itself twice but the recursion goes on for log2 n levels (as in
merge sort), then the total running time is O(n log n) times the work done at
each call, plus O(n) times the work done at the basis. In the case of merge
sort, the work at each call, including basis calls, is O(1), so the total running
time is O(n log n) + O(n), or just O(n log n).

✦ If a function calls itself twice and the recursion goes on for n levels (as in the
Fibonacci program of Exercise 3.9.4), then the running time is exponential in

✦ ✦

3.13 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 3
The study of the running time of programs and the computational complexity of
problems was pioneered by Hartmanis and Stearns [1964]. Knuth [1968] was the
book that established the study of the running time of algorithms as an essential
ingredient in computer science.
Since that time, a rich theory for the difficulty of problems has been developed.
Many of the key ideas are found in Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman [1974, 1983].
In this chapter, we have concentrated on upper bounds for the running times of
programs. Knuth [1976] describes analogous notations for lower bounds and exact
bounds on running times.
For more discussion of divide and conquer as an algorithm-design technique,
see Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman [1974] or Borodin and Munro [1975]. Additional
information on techniques for solving recurrence relations can be found in Graham,
Knuth, and Patashnik [1989].
Aho, A. V., J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman [1974]. The Design and Analysis of
Computer Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Aho, A. V., J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman [1983]. Data Structures and Algo-
rithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Borodin, A. B., and I. Munro [1975]. The Computational Complexity of Algebraic
and Numeric Problems, American Elsevier, New York.
Graham, R. L., D. E. Knuth, and O. Patashnik [1989]. Concrete Mathematics: a
Foundation for Computer Science, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Knuth, D. E. [1968]. The Art of Computer Programming Vol. I: Fundamental
Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Knuth, D. E. [1976]. “Big omicron, big omega, and big theta,” ACM SIGACT
News 8:2, pp. 18–23.

✦ ✦


In computer science we frequently need to count things and measure the likelihood
of events. The science of counting is captured by a branch of mathematics called
combinatorics. The concepts that surround attempts to measure the likelihood of
events are embodied in a field called probability theory. This chapter introduces the
rudiments of these two fields. We shall learn how to answer questions such as how
many execution paths are there in a program, or what is the likelihood of occurrence
of a given path?

✦ ✦

4.1 What This Chapter Is About

We shall study combinatorics, or “counting,” by presenting a sequence of increas-

ingly more complex situations, each of which is represented by a simple paradigm
problem. For each problem, we derive a formula that lets us determine the number
of possible outcomes. The problems we study are:
✦ Counting assignments (Section 4.2). The paradigm problem is how many ways
can we paint a row of n houses, each in any of k colors.
✦ Counting permutations (Section 4.3). The paradigm problem here is to deter-
mine the number of different orderings for n distinct items.
✦ Counting ordered selections (Section 4.4), that is, the number of ways to pick
k things out of n and arrange the k things in order. The paradigm problem
is counting the number of ways different horses can win, place, and show in a
horse race.
✦ Counting the combinations of m things out of n (Section 4.5), that is, the
selection of m from n distinct objects, without regard to the order of the
selected objects. The paradigm problem is counting the number of possible
poker hands.


✦ Counting permutations with some identical items (Section 4.6). The paradigm
problem is counting the number of anagrams of a word that may have some
letters appearing more than once.
✦ Counting the number of ways objects, some of which may be identical, can be
distributed among bins (Section 4.7). The paradigm problem is counting the
number of ways of distributing fruits to children.
In the second half of this chapter we discuss probability theory, covering the follow-
ing topics:
✦ Basic concepts: probability spaces, experiments, events, probabilities of events.
✦ Conditional probabilities and independence of events. These concepts help
us think about how observation of the outcome of one experiment, e.g., the
drawing of a card, influences the probability of future events.
✦ Probabilistic reasoning and ways that we can estimate probabilities of com-
binations of events from limited data about the probabilities and conditional
probabilities of events.
We also discuss some applications of probability theory to computing, including
systems for making likely inferences from data and a class of useful algorithms that
work “with high probability” but are not guaranteed to work all the time.

✦ ✦

4.2 Counting Assignments
One of the simplest but most important counting problems deals with a list of items,
to each of which we must assign one of a fixed set of values. We need to determine
how many different assignments of values to items are possible.

✦ Example 4.1. A typical example is suggested by Fig. 4.1, where we have four
houses in a row, and we may paint each in one of three colors: red, green, or blue.
Here, the houses are the “items” mentioned above, and the colors are the “values.”
Figure 4.1 shows one possible assignment of colors, in which the first house is painted
red, the second and fourth blue, and the third green.

Red Blue Green Blue

Fig. 4.1. One assignment of colors to houses.

To answer the question, “How many different assignments are there?” we first
need to define what we mean by an “assignment.” In this case, an assignment is a
list of four values, in which each value is chosen from one of the three colors red,
green, or blue. We shall represent these colors by the letters R, G, and B. Two
such lists are different if and only if they differ in at least one position.

In the example of houses and colors, we can choose any of three colors for the
first house. Whatever color we choose for the first house, there are three colors in
which to paint the second house. There are thus nine different ways to paint the first
two houses, corresponding to the nine different pairs of letters, each letter chosen
from R, G, and B. Similarly, for each of the nine assignments of colors to the first
two houses, we may select a color for the third house in three possible ways. Thus,
there are 9 × 3 = 27 ways to paint the first three houses. Finally, each of these 27
assignments can be extended to the fourth house in 3 different ways, giving a total
of 27 × 3 = 81 assignments of colors to the houses. ✦

The Rule for Counting Assignments

We can extend the above example. In the general setting, we have a list of n
“items,” such as the houses in Example 4.1. There is also a set of k “values,” such
as the colors in Example 4.1, any one of which can be assigned to an item. An
Assignment assignment is a list of n values (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ). Each of v1 , v2 , . . . , vn is chosen to
be one of the k values. This assignment assigns the value vi to the ith item, for
i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
There are k n different assignments when there are n items and each item is to
be assigned one of k values. For instance, in Example 4.1 we had n = 4 items, the
houses, and k = 3 values, the colors. We calculated that there were 81 different
assignments. Note that 34 = 81. We can prove the general rule by an induction
on n.

STATEMENT S(n): The number of ways to assign any one of k values to each of
n items is k n .

BASIS. The basis is n = 1. If there is one item, we can choose any of the k values
for it. Thus there are k different assignments. Since k 1 = k, the basis is proved.

INDUCTION. Suppose the statement S(n) is true, and consider S(n + 1), the
statement that there are k n+1 ways to assign one of k values to each of n + 1 items.
We may break any such assignment into a choice of value for the first item and, for
each choice of first value, an assignment of values to the remaining n items. There
are k choices of value for the first item. For each such choice, by the inductive
hypothesis there are k n assignments of values to the remaining n items. The total
number of assignments is thus k × k n , or k n+1 . We have thus proved S(n + 1) and
completed the induction.

Figure 4.2 suggests this selection of first value and the associated choices of
assignment for the remaining items in the case that n + 1 = 4 and k = 3, using
as a concrete example the four houses and three colors of Example 4.1. There, we
assume by the inductive hypothesis that there are 27 assignments of three colors to
three houses.

First house Other three houses

Red 27

Green 27

Blue 27

Fig. 4.2. The number of ways to paint 4 houses using 3 colors.

Counting Bit Strings

In computer systems, we frequently encounter strings of 0’s and 1’s, and these
strings often are used as the names of objects. For example, we may purchase a
computer with “64 megabytes of main memory.” Each of the bytes has a name,
Bit and that name is a sequence of 26 bits, each of which is either a 0 or 1. The string
of 0’s and 1’s representing the name is called a bit string.
Why 26 bits for a 64-megabyte memory? The answer lies in an assignment-
counting problem. When we count the number of bit strings of length n, we may
think of the “items” as the positions of the string, each of which may hold a 0 or a
1. The “values” are thus 0 and 1. Since there are two values, we have k = 2, and
the number of assignments of 2 values to each of n items is 2n .
If n = 26 — that is, we consider bit strings of length 26 — there are 226 possible
strings. The exact value of 226 is 67,108,864. In computer parlance, this number is
thought of as “64 million,” although obviously the true number is about 5% higher.
The box about powers of 2 tells us a little about the subject and tries to explain
the general rules involved in naming the powers of 2.


4.2.1: In how many ways can we paint

a) Three houses, each in any of four colors
b) Five houses, each in any of five colors
c) Two houses, each in any of ten colors
4.2.2: Suppose a computer password consists of eight to ten letters and/or digits.
How many different possible passwords are there? Remember that an upper-case
letter is different from a lower-case one.
4.2.3*: Consider the function f in Fig. 4.3. How many different values can f return?

int f(int x)
int n;

n = 1;
if (x%2 == 0) n *= 2;
if (x%3 == 0) n *= 3;
if (x%5 == 0) n *= 5;
if (x%7 == 0) n *= 7;
if (x%11 == 0) n *= 11;
if (x%13 == 0) n *= 13;
if (x%17 == 0) n *= 17;
if (x%19 == 0) n *= 19;
return n;

Fig. 4.3. Function f.

4.2.4: In the game of “Hollywood squares,” X’s and O’s may be placed in any of the
nine squares of a tic-tac-toe board (a 3×3 matrix) in any combination (i.e., unlike
ordinary tic-tac-toe, it is not necessary that X’s and O’s be placed alternately, so,
for example, all the squares could wind up with X’s). Squares may also be blank,
i.e., not containing either an X or and O. How many different boards are there?
4.2.5: How many different strings of length n can be formed from the ten digits?
A digit may appear any number of times in the string or not at all.
4.2.6: How many different strings of length n can be formed from the 26 lower-case
letters? A letter may appear any number of times or not at all.
4.2.7: Convert the following into K’s, M’s, G’s, T’s, or P’s, according to the rules
of the box in Section 4.2: (a) 213 (b) 217 (c) 224 (d) 238 (e) 245 (f) 259 .
4.2.8*: Convert the following powers of 10 into approximate powers of 2: (a) 1012
(b) 1018 (c) 1099 .

✦ ✦

4.3 Counting Permutations
In this section we shall address another fundamental counting problem: Given n
distinct objects, in how many different ways can we order those objects in a line?
Such an ordering is called a permutation of the objects. We shall let Π(n) stand for
the number of permutations of n objects.
As one example of where counting permutations is significant in computer
science, suppose we are given n objects, a1 , a2 , . . . , an , to sort. If we know nothing
about the objects, it is possible that any order will be the correct sorted order, and
thus the number of possible outcomes of the sort will be equal to Π(n), the number
of permutations of n objects. We shall soon see that this observation helps us
argue that general-purpose sorting algorithms require time proportional to n log n,
and therefore that algorithms like merge sort, which we saw in Section 3.10 takes

K’s and M’s and Powers of 2

A useful trick for converting powers of 2 into decimal is to notice that 210 , or 1024,
is very close to one thousand. Thus 230 is (210 )3 , or about 10003, that is, a billion.
Then, 232 = 4 × 230 , or about four billion. In fact, computer scientists often accept
the fiction that 210 is exactly 1000 and speak of 210 as “1K”; the K stands for “kilo.”
We convert 215 , for example, into “32K,” because
215 = 25 × 210 = 32 × “1000”
But 220 , which is exactly 1,048,576, we call “1M,” or “one million,” rather than
“1000K” or “1024K.” For powers of 2 between 20 and 29, we factor out 220 . Thus,
226 is 26 × 220 or 64 “million.” That is why 226 bytes is referred to as 64 million
bytes or 64 “megabytes.”
Below is a table that gives the terms for various powers of 10 and their rough
equivalents in powers of 2.


Kilo K 103 or 210
Mega M 106 or 220
Giga G 109 or 230
Tera T 1012 or 240
Peta P 1015 or 250

This table suggests that for powers of 2 beyond 29 we factor out 230 , 240 , or 2
raised to whatever multiple-of-10 power we can. The remaining powers of 2 name
the number of giga-, tera-, or peta- of whatever unit we are measuring. For example,
243 bytes is 8 terabytes.

O(n log n) time, are to within a constant factor as fast as can be.
There are many other applications of the counting rule for permutations. For
example, it figures heavily in more complex counting questions like combinations
and probabilities, as we shall see in later sections.

✦ Example 4.2. To develop some intuition, let us enumerate the permutations of

small numbers of objects. First, it should be clear that Π(1) = 1. That is, if there
is only one object A, there is only one order: A.
Now suppose there are two objects, A and B. We may select one of the two
objects to be first and then the remaining object is second. Thus there are two
orders: AB and BA. Therefore, Π(2) = 2 × 1 = 2.
Next, let there be three objects: A, B, and C. We may select any of the three
to be first. Consider the case in which we select A to be first. Then the remaining
two objects, B and C, can be arranged in either of the two orders for two objects to
complete the permutation. We thus see that there are two orders that begin with
A, namely ABC and ACB.
Similarly, if we start with B, there are two ways to complete the order, corre-

sponding to the two ways in which we may order the remaining objects A and C.
We thus have orders BAC and BCA. Finally, if we start with C first, we can order
the remaining objects A and B in the two possible ways, giving us orders CAB and
CBA. These six orders,
are all the possible orders of three elements. That is, Π(3) = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6.
Next, consider how many permutations there are for 4 objects: A, B, C, and
D. If we pick A first, we may follow A by the objects B, C, and D in any of their
6 orders. Similarly, if we pick B first, we can order the remaining A, C, and D in
any of their 6 ways. The general pattern should now be clear. We can pick any
of the four elements first, and for each such selection, we can order the remaining
three elements in any of the Π(3) = 6 possible ways. It is important to note that
the number of permutations of the three objects does not depend on which three
elements they are. We conclude that the number of permutations of 4 objects is 4
times the number of permutations of 3 objects. ✦

More generally,
Π(n + 1) = (n + 1)Π(n) for any n ≥ 1 (4.1)
That is, to count the permutations of n + 1 objects we may pick any of the n + 1
objects to be first. We are then left with n remaining objects, and these can be
permuted in Π(n) ways, as suggested in Fig. 4.4. For our example where n + 1 = 4,
we have Π(4) = 4 × Π(3) = 4 × 6 = 24.

First object n remaining objects

Object 1 orders

Object 2 orders

. .
. .
. .

Object n + 1 orders

Fig. 4.4. The permutations of n + 1 objects.


The Formula for Permutations

Equation (4.1) is the inductive step in the definition of the factorial function intro-
duced in Section 2.5. Thus it should not be a surprise that Π(n) equals n!. We can
prove this equivalence by a simple induction.

STATEMENT S(n): Π(n) = n! for all n ≥ 1.

BASIS. For n = 1, S(1) says that there is 1 permutation of 1 object. We observed

this simple point in Example 4.2.

INDUCTION. Suppose Π(n) = n!. Then S(n + 1), which we must prove, says that
Π(n + 1) = (n + 1)!. We start with Equation (4.1), which says that
Π(n + 1) = (n + 1) × Π(n)
By the inductive hypothesis, Π(n) = n!. Thus, Π(n + 1) = (n + 1)n!. Since
n! = n × (n − 1) × · · · × 1
it must be that (n + 1) × n! = (n + 1) × n × (n − 1) × · · · × 1. But the latter product
is (n + 1)!, which proves S(n + 1).

✦ Example 4.3. As a result of the formula Π(n) = n!, we conclude that the
number of permutations of 4 objects is 4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24, as we saw above.
As another example, the number of permutations of 7 objects is 7! = 5040. ✦

How Long Does it Take to Sort?

One of the interesting uses of the formula for counting permutations is in a proof
that sorting algorithms must take at least time proportional to n log n to sort n
elements, unless they make use of some special properties of the elements. For
example, as we note in the box on special-case sorting algorithms, we can do better
than proportional to n log n if we write a sorting algorithm that works only for small
However, if a sorting algorithm works on any kind of data, as long as it can
be compared by some “less than” notion, then the only way the algorithm can
decide on the proper order is to consider the outcome of a test for whether one
of two elements is less than the other. A sorting algorithm is called a general-
General purpose sorting algorithm if its only operation upon the elements to be sorted is a
purpose sorting comparison between two of them to determine their relative order. For instance,
algorithm selection sort and merge sort of Chapter 2 each make their decisions that way. Even
though we wrote them for integer data, we could have written them more generally
by replacing comparisons like
if (A[j] < A[small])
on line (4) of Fig. 2.2 by a test that calls a Boolean-valued function such as
if (lessThan(A[j], A[small]))

Suppose we are given n distinct elements to sort. The answer — that is, the
correct sorted order — can be any of the n! permutations of these elements. If our
algorithm for sorting arbitrary types of elements is to work correctly, it must be
able to distinguish all n! different possible answers.
Consider the first comparison of elements that the algorithm makes, say
For each of the n! possible sorted orders, either X is less than Y or it is not. Thus,
the n! possible orders are divided into two groups, those for which the answer to
the first test is “yes” and those for which it is “no.”
One of these groups must have at least n!/2 members. For if both groups have
fewer than n!/2 members, then the total number of orders is less than n!/2 + n!/2,
or less than n! orders. But this upper limit on orders contradicts the fact that we
started with exactly n! orders.
Now consider the second test, on the assumption that the outcome of the
comparison between X and Y was such that the larger of the two groups of possible
orders remains (take either outcome if the groups are the same size). That is, at
least n!/2 orders remain, among which the algorithm must distinguish. The second
comparison likewise has two possible outcomes, and at least half the remaining
orders will be consistent with one of these outcomes. Thus, we can find a group of
at least n!/4 orders consistent with the first two tests.
We can repeat this argument until the algorithm has determined the correct
sorted order. At each step, by focusing on the outcome with the larger population
of consistent possible orders, we are left with at least half as many possible orders as
at the previous step. Thus, we can find a sequence of tests and outcomes such that
after the ith test, there are at least n!/2i orders consistent with all these outcomes.
Since we cannot finish sorting until every sequence of tests and outcomes is
consistent with at most one sorted order, the number of tests t made before we
finish must satisfy the equation
n!/2t ≤ 1 (4.2)
If we take logarithms base 2 of both sides of Equation (4.2) we have log2 n! − t ≤ 0,
t ≥ log2 (n!)
We shall see that log2 (n!) is about n log2 n. But first, let us consider an example of
the process of splitting the possible orders.

✦ Example 4.3. Let us consider how the selection sort algorithm of Fig. 2.2
makes its decisions when given three elements (a, b, c) to sort. The first comparison
is between a and b, as suggested at the top of Fig. 4.5, where we show in the box
that all 6 possible orders are consistent before we make any tests. After the test,
the orders abc, acb, and cab are consistent with the “yes” outcome (i.e., a < b),
while the orders bac, bca, and cba are consistent with the opposite outcome, where
b > a. We again show in a box the consistent orders in each case.
In the algorithm of Fig. 2.2, the index of the smaller becomes the value small.
Thus, we next compare c with the smaller of a and b. Note that which test is made
next depends on the outcome of previous tests.

After making the second decision, the smallest of the three is moved into the
first position of the array, and a third comparison is made to determine which of
the remaining elements is the larger. That comparison is the last comparison made
by the algorithm when three elements are to be sorted. As we see at the bottom
of Fig. 4.5, sometimes that decision is determined. For example, if we have already
found a < b and c < a, then c is the smallest and the last comparison of a and b
must find a smaller.

abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba

a < b?

abc, acb, cab bac, bca, cba

a < c? b < c?

abc, acb cab bac, bca cba

b < c? a < b? a < c? a < b?

abc acb cab bac bca cba

Fig. 4.5. Decision tree for selection sorting of 3 elements.

In this example, all paths involve 3 decisions, and at the end there is at most
one consistent order, which is the correct sorted order. The two paths with no
consistent order never occur. Equation (4.2) tells us that the number of tests t
must be at least log2 3!, which is log2 6. Since 6 is between 22 and 23 , we know that
log2 6 will be between 2 and 3. Thus, at least some sequences of outcomes in any
algorithm that sorts three elements must make 3 tests. Since selection sort makes
only 3 tests for 3 elements, it is at least as good as any other sorting algorithm for 3
elements in the worst case. Of course, as the number of elements becomes large, we
know that selection sort is not as good as can be done, since it is an O(n2 ) sorting
algorithm and there are better algorithms such as merge sort. ✦

We must now estimate how large log2 n! is. Since n! is the product of all the
integers from 1 to n, it is surely larger than the product of only the n2 + 1 integers
from n/2 through n. This product is in turn at least as large as n/2  multiplied by
itself n/2 times, or (n/2)n/2 . Thus, log2 n! is at least log2 (n/2)n/2 . But the latter
is n2 (log2 n − log2 2), which is
(log2 n − 1)
For large n, this formula is approximately (n log2 n)/2.
A more careful analysis will tell us that the factor of 1/2 does not have to be
there. That is, log2 n! is very close to n log2 n rather than to half that expression.

A Linear-Time Special-Purpose Sorting Algorithm

If we restrict the inputs on which a sorting algorithm will work, it can in one step
divide the possible orders into more than 2 parts and thus work in less than time
proportional to n log n. Here is a simple example that works if the input is n distinct
integers, each chosen in the range 0 to 2n − 1.
(1) for (i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)
(2) count[i] = 0;
(3) for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
(4) count[a[i]]++;
(5) for (i = 0; i < 2*n; i++)
(6) if (count[i] > 0)
(7) printf("%d\n", i);
We assume the input is in an array a of length n. In lines (1) and (2) we
initialize an array count of length 2n to 0. Then in lines (3) and (4) we add 1
to the count for x if x is the value of a[i], the ith input element. Finally, in
the last three lines we print each of the integers i such that count[i] is positive.
Thus we print those elements appearing one or more times in the input and, on the
assumption the inputs are distinct, it prints all the input elements, sorted smallest
We can analyze the running time of this algorithm easily. Lines (1) and (2)
are a loop that iterates 2n times and has a body taking O(1) time. Thus, it takes
O(n) time. The same applies to the loop of lines (3) and (4), but it iterates n times
rather than 2n times; it too takes O(n) time. Finally, the body of the loop of lines
(5) through (7) takes O(1) time and it is iterated 2n times. Thus, all three loops
take O(n) time, and the entire sorting algorithm likewise takes O(n) time. Note
that if given an input for which the algorithm is not tailored, such as integers in a
range larger than 0 through 2n − 1, the program above fails to sort correctly.

We have shown only that any general-purpose sorting algorithm must have
some input for which it makes about n log2 n comparisons or more. Thus any
general-purpose sorting algorithm must take at least time proportional to n log n
in the worst case. In fact, it can be shown that the same applies to the “average”
input. That is, the average over all inputs of the time taken by a general-purpose
sorting algorithm must be at least proportional to n log n. Thus, merge sort is about
as good as we can do, since it has this big-oh running time for all inputs.


4.3.1: Suppose we have selected 9 players for a baseball team.

a) How many possible batting orders are there?
b) If the pitcher has to bat last, how many possible batting orders are there?
4.3.2: How many comparisons does the selection sort algorithm of Fig. 2.2 make
if there are 4 elements? Is this number the best possible? Show the top 3 levels of
the decision tree in the style of Fig. 4.5.

4.3.3: How many comparisons does the merge sort algorithm of Section 2.8 make
if there are 4 elements? Is this number the best possible? Show the top 3 levels of
the decision tree in the style of Fig. 4.5.
4.3.4*: Are there more assignments of n values to n items or permutations of n + 1
items? Note: The answer may not be the same for all n.
4.3.5*: Are there more assignments of n/2 values to n items than there are per-
mutations of n items?
4.3.6**: Show how to sort n integers in the range 0 to n2 − 1 in O(n) time.

✦ ✦

4.4 Ordered Selections
Sometimes we wish to select only some of the items in a set and give them an order.
Let us generalize the function Π(n) that counted permutations in the previous
section to a two-argument function Π(n, m), which we define to be the number of
ways we can select m items from n in such a way that order matters for the selected
items, but there is no order for the unselected items. Thus, Π(n) = Π(n, n).

✦ Example 4.5. A horse race awards prizes to the first three finishers; the first
horse is said to “win,” the second to “place,” and the third to “show.” Suppose
there are 10 horses in a race. How many different awards for win, place, and show
are there?
Clearly, any of the 10 horses can be the winner. Given which horse is the
winner, any of the 9 remaining horses can place. Thus, there are 10 × 9 = 90
choices for horses in first and second positions. For any of these 90 selections of
win and place, there are 8 remaining horses. Any of these can finish third. Thus,
there are 90 × 8 = 720 selections of win, place, and show. Figure 4.6 suggests all
these possible selections, concentrating on the case where 3 is selected first and 1 is
selected second. ✦

The General Rule for Selections Without Replacement

Let us now deduce the formula for Π(n, m). Following Example 4.5, we know that
there are n choices for the first selection. Whatever selection is first made, there
will be n − 1 remaining items to choose from. Thus, the second choice can be made
in n − 1 different ways, and the first two choices occur in n(n − 1) ways. Similarly,
for the third choice we are left with n − 2 unselected items, so the third choice
can be made in n − 2 different ways. Hence the first three choices can occur in
n(n − 1)(n − 2) distinct ways.
We proceed in this way until m choices have been made. Each choice is made
from one fewer item than the choice before. The conclusion is that we may select
m items from n without replacement but with order significant in
Π(n, m) = n(n − 1)(n − 2) · · · (n − m + 1) (4.3)
different ways. That is, expression (4.3) is the product of the m integers starting
and n and counting down.
Another way to write (4.3) is as n!/(n − m)!. That is,

1 . All but 1

. All but 2
2 . 2
. 1 4

3 .
. .
2 . 10
. All but 2, 3

. .
. 4 . All but 3, 4
. .
. .
10 . All but 3, 10
10 . All but 10

Fig. 4.6. Ordered selection of three things out of 10.

n! n(n − 1) · · · (n − m + 1)(n − m)(n − m − 1) · · · (1)

(n − m)! (n − m)(n − m − 1) · · · (1)
The denominator is the product of the integers from 1 to n−m. The numerator
is the product of the integers from 1 to n. Since the last n − m factors in the
numerator and denominator above are the same, (n − m)(n − m − 1) · · · (1), they
cancel and the result is that
= n(n − 1) · · · (n − m + 1)
(n − m)!
This formula is the same as that in (4.3), which shows that Π(n, m) = n!/(n − m)!.

✦ Example 4.6. Consider the case from Example 4.5, where n = 10 and m =
3. We observed that Π(10, 3) = 10 × 9 × 8 = 720. The formula (4.3) says that
Π(10, 3) = 10!/7!, or

Selections With and Without Replacement

The problem considered in Example 4.5 differs only slightly from the assignment
problem considered in Section 4.2. In terms of houses and colors, we could almost
see the selection of the first three finishing horses as an assignment of one of ten
horses (the “colors”) to each of three finishing positions (the “houses”). The only
difference is that, while we are free to paint several houses the same color, it makes
no sense to say that one horse finished both first and third, for example. Thus, while
the number of ways to color three houses in any of ten colors is 103 or 10 × 10 × 10,
the number of ways to select the first three finishers out of 10 is 10 × 9 × 8.
We sometimes refer to the kind of selection we did in Section 4.2 as selection
Selection with with replacement. That is, when we select a color, say red, for a house, we “replace”
replacement red into the pool of possible colors. We are then free to select red again for one or
more additional houses.
On the other hand, the sort of selection we discussed in Example 4.5 is called
Selection selection without replacement. Here, if the horse Sea Biscuit is selected to be the
without winner, then Sea Biscuit is not replaced in the pool of horses that can place or
replacement show. Similarly, if Secretariat is selected for second place, he is not eligible to be
the third-place horse also.

10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
The factors from 1 through 7 appear in both numerator and denominator and thus
cancel. The result is the product of the integers from 8 through 10, or 10 × 9 × 8,
as we saw in Example 4.5. ✦


4.4.1: How many ways are there to form a sequence of m letters out of the 26
letters, if no letter is allowed to appear more than once, for (a) m = 3 (b) m = 5.
4.4.2: In a class of 200 students, we wish to elect a President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer. In how many ways can these four officers be selected?
4.4.3: Compute the following quotients of factorials: (a) 100!/97! (b) 200!/195!.
Mastermind 4.4.4: The game of Mastermind requires players to select a “code” consisting of a
sequence of four pegs, each of which may be of any of six colors: red, green, blue,
yellow, white, and black.
a) How may different codes are there?
b*) How may different codes are there that have two or more pegs of the same
color? Hint : This quantity is the difference between the answer to (a) and
another easily computed quantity.
c) How many codes are there that have no red peg?
d*) How many codes are there that have no red peg but have at least two pegs of
the same color?

Quotients of Factorials
Note that in general, a!/b! is the product of the integers between b + 1 and a, as
long as b < a. It is much easier to calculate the quotient of factorials as
a × (a − 1) × · · · × (b + 1)
than to compute each factorial and divide, especially if b is not much less than a.

4.4.5*: Prove by induction on n that for any m between 1 and n, Π(n, m) =

n!/(n − m)!.
4.4.6*: Prove by induction on a − b that a!/b! = a(a − 1)(a − 2) · · · (a − b + 1).

✦ ✦

4.5 Unordered Selections
There are many situations in which we wish to count the ways to select a set of
items, but the order in which the selections are made does not matter. In terms of
the horse race example of the previous section, we may wish to know which horses
were the first three to finish, but we do not care about the order in which these
three finished. Put another way, we wish to know how many ways we can select
three horses out of n to be the top three finishers.

✦ Example 4.7. Let us again assume n = 10. We know from Example 4.5 that
there are 720 ways to select three horses, say A, B, and C, to be the win, place, and
show horses, respectively. However, now we do not care about the order of finish
of these three horses, only that A, B, and C were the first three finishers in some
order. Thus, we shall get the answer “A, B, and C are the three best horses” in
six different ways, corresponding to the ways that these three horses can be ordered
among the top three. We know there are exactly six ways, because the number of
ways to order 3 items is Π(3) = 3! = 6. However, if there is any doubt, the six ways
are seen in Fig. 4.7.

Win Place Show


Fig. 4.7. Six orders in which a set of three horses may finish.

What is true for the set of horses A, B, and C is true of any set of three horses.
Each set of three horses will appear exactly 6 times, in all of their possible orders,
when we count the ordered selections of three horses out of 10. Thus, if we wish

to count only the sets of three horses that may be the three top finishers, we must
divide Π(10, 3) by 6. Thus, there are 720/6 = 120 different sets of three horses out
of 10. ✦

✦ Example 4.8. Let us count the number of poker hands. In poker, each player
is dealt five cards from a 52-card deck. We do not care in what order the five cards
are dealt, just what five cards we have. To count the number of sets of five cards
we may be dealt, we could start by calculating Π(52, 5), which is the number of
ordered selections of five objects out of 52. This number is 52!/(52 − 5)!, which is
52!/47!, or 52 × 51 × 50 × 49 × 48 = 311,875,200.
However, just as the three fastest horses in Example 4.7 appear in 3! = 6
different orders, any set of five cards to appear in Π(5) = 5! = 120 different orders.
Thus, to count the number of poker hands without regard to order of selection,
we must take the number of ordered selections and divide by 120. The result is
311,875,200/120 = 2,598,960 different hands. ✦

Counting Combinations
Let us now generalize Examples 4.7 and 4.8 to get a formula for the number of ways
to select m items out of n without regard to order of selection. This function is
usually written m and spoken “n choose m” or “combinations of m things out of
Combinations of n.” To compute m , we start with Π(n, m) = n!/(n − m)!, the number of ordered
m things out of selections of m things out of n. We then group these ordered selections according
n to the set of m items selected. Since these m items can be ordered in Π(m) = m!
different ways, the groups will each have m! members. We must divide the number
of ordered selections by m! to get the number of unordered selections. That is,
n Π(n, m) n!
= = (4.4)
m Π(m) (n − m)! × m!

✦ Example 4.9. Let

 us repeat Example 4.8, using formula (4.4) with n = 52 and
m = 5. We have 5 = 52!/(47! × 5!). If we cancel the 47! with the last 47 factors
of 52! and expand 5!, we can write
52 52 × 51 × 50 × 49 × 48
5 5×4×3×2×1

Simplifying, we get 52

5 = 26 × 17 × 10 × 49 × 12 = 2,598,960. ✦

A Recursive Definition of n Choose m

If we think recursively about the number of ways
 to select m items out of n, we can
develop a recursive algorithm to compute m .


BASIS. 0 = 1 for any n ≥ 1. That is, there is only one way to pick zero things
out of n: pick nothing. Also, nn = 1; that is, the only way to pick n things out of
n is to pick them all.

n n−1 n−1
INDUCTION. If 0 < m < n, then m = m + m−1 . That is, if we wish to pick
m things out of n, we can either
i)  and then pick m things from the remaining n − 1
Not pick the first element,
elements. The term n−1 m counts this number of possibilities.
ii) Pick the first element and then select m − 1 things from among the remaining
n − 1 elements. The term m−1 counts these possibilities.

Incidently, while the idea of the induction should be clear — we proceed from
the simplest cases of picking all or none to more complicated cases where we pick
some but not all — we have to be careful to state what quantity the induction
is “on.” One way to look at this induction is that it is a complete induction on
the product of n and the minimum of m and n − m. Then the basis case occurs
when this product is 0 and the induction is for larger values of the product. We
have to check for the induction that n × min(m, n − m) is always greater than
(n − 1) × min(n, n − m − 1) and (n − 1) × min(m − 1, n − m) when 0 < m < n. This
check is left as an exercise.
Pascal’s triangle This recursion is often displayed by Pascal’s triangle, illustrated in Fig. 4.8,
where the borders are all 1’s (for the basis) and each interior entry is the sum of
the two numbers above it to the northeast and northwest (for the induction). Then
m can be read from the (m + 1)st entry of the (n + 1)st row.

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

Fig. 4.8. The first rows of Pascal’s triangle.

✦ Example 4.10. Consider the case where n = 4 and m = 2. We find the value
of 42 in the 3rd entry of the 5th row of Fig. 4.8. This entry is 6, and it is easy to

check that 42 = 4!/(2! × 2!) = 24/(2 × 2) = 6. ✦


The two ways we have to compute m — by formula (4.4) or by the above
recursion — each compute the same value, naturally. We can argue so by appeal to
physical reasoning. Both methods compute the number of ways to select m items
out of n in an unordered fashion, so they must produce the same value. However,
we can also prove the equality of the two approaches by an induction on n. We
leave this proof as an exercise.


Running Time of Algorithms to Compute m

As we saw in Example 4.9, when we use formula (4.4) to compute m we can cancel

(n − m)! in the denominator against the last n − m factors in n! to express m as
n n × (n − 1) × · · · × (n − m + 1)
= (4.5)
m m × (m − 1) × · · · × 1
If m is small compared to n, we can evaluate the above formula much faster than
we can evaluate (4.4). In principle, the fragment of C code in Fig. 4.9 does the job.

(1) c = 1;
(2) for (i = n; i > n-m; i--)
(3) c *= i;
(4) for (i = 2; i <= m; i++)
(5) c /= i;

Fig. 4.9. Code to compute n


Line (1) initializes c to 1; c will become the result, m . Lines (2) and (3)
multiply c by each of the integers between n − m + 1 and n. Then, lines (4) and (5)
divide c by each of the integers between 2 and m. Thus, Fig. 4.9 implements the
formula of Equation (4.5).
For the running time of Fig. 4.9, we have only to observe that the two loops,
lines (2) – (3) and lines (4) – (5), each iterate m times and have a body that takes
O(1) time. Thus, the running time is O(m).
In the case that m is close to n but n−m is small, we can interchange the role of
m and n−m. That is, we can cancel factors of n! and m!, getting n(n−1) · · · (m+1)
and divide that by (n − m)!. This approach gives us an alternative to (4.5), which
n n × (n − 1) × · · · × (m + 1)
= (4.6)
m (n − m) × (n − m − 1) × · · · × 1
Likewise, there is a code fragment similar to Fig. 4.9 that implements formula  (4.6)
and takes time O(n − m). Since both n − m and m must be n or less for m to be
defined, we know that either way, O(n) is a bound on the running time. Moreover,
when m is either close to 0 or close to n, then the running time of the better of the
two approaches is much less than O(n).
However, Fig. 4.9 is flawed in an important way. It starts by computing the
product of a number of integers and then divides by an equal number of integers.
Since ordinary computer arithmetic can only deal with integers of a limited size
(often, about two billion is as large as an integer can get), we run the risk of
computing an intermediate result after line (3) of Fig. 4.9 that overflows the limit

on integer size. That may be the case even though the value of m is small enough
to be represented in the computer.
A more desirable approach is to alternate multiplications and divisions. Start
by multiplying by n, then divide by m. Multiply by n − 1; then divide by m − 1,
and so on. The problem with this approach is that we have no reason to believe
the result will be an integer at each stage. For instance, in Example 4.9 we would
begin by multiplying by 52 and dividing by 5. The result is already not an integer.


Formulas for m Must Yield Integers
It may not be obvious why the quotients of many factors in Equations (4.4), (4.5),
or (4.6) must always turn out to be an integer. The only simple argument is to
appeal to physical reasoning. The formulas all compute the number of ways to
choose m things out of n, and this number must be some integer.
It is much harder to argue this fact from properties of integers, without appeal-
ing to the physical meaning of the formulas. It can in fact be shown by a careful
analysis of the number of factors of each prime in numerator and denominator. As
a sample, look at the expression in Example 4.9. There is a 5 in the denominator,
and there are 5 factors in the numerator. Since these factors are consecutive, we
know one of them must be divisible by 5; it happens to be the middle factor, 50.
Thus, the 5 in the denominator surely cancels.

Thus, we need to convert to floating-point numbers before doing any calculation.

We leave this modification as an exercise.

Now, let us consider the recursive algorithm to compute m . We can imple-
ment it by the simple recursive function of Fig. 4.10.

/* compute n choose m for 0 <= m <= n */

int choose(int n, int m)
int n, m;

(1) if (m < 0 || m > n) {/* error conditions */

(2) printf("invalid input\n");
(3) return 0;
(4) else if (m == 0 || m == n) /* basis case */
(5) return 1;
else /* induction */
(6) return (choose(n-1, m-1) + choose(n-1, m));

Fig. 4.10. Recursive function to compute n

The function of Fig. 4.10 is not efficient; it creates an exponential explosion in

the number of calls to choose. The reason is that when called with n as its first
argument, it usually makes two recursive calls at line (6) with first argument n − 1.
Thus, we might expect the number of calls made to double when n increases by 1.
Unfortunately, the exact number of recursive calls made is harder to count. The
reason is that the basis case on lines (4) and (5) can apply not only when n = 1,
but for higher n, provided m has the value 0 or n.
We can prove a simple, but slightly pessimistic upper bound as follows. Let
T (n) be the running time of Fig. 4.10 with first argument n. We can prove that
T (n) is O(2n ) simply. Let a be the total running time of lines (1) through (5), plus

that part of line (6) that is involved in the calls and return, but not the time of the
recursive calls themselves. Then we can prove by induction on n:

STATEMENT S(n): If choose is called with first argument n and some second
argument m between 0 and n, then the running time T (n) of the call is at
most a(2n − 1).

BASIS. n = 1. Then it must be that either m = 0 or m = 1 = n. Thus, the basis

case on lines (4) and (5) applies and we make no recursive calls. The time for lines
(1) through (5) is included in a. Since S(1) says that T (1) is at most a(21 − 1) = a,
we have proved the basis.

INDUCTION. Assume S(n); that is, T (n) ≤ a(2n − 1). To prove S(n + 1), suppose
we call choose with first argument n + 1. Then Fig. 4.10 takes time a plus the time
of the two recursive calls on line (6). By the inductive hypothesis, each call takes
at most time a(2n − 1). Thus, the total time consumed is at most
a + 2a(2n − 1) = a(1 + 2n+1 − 2) = a(2n+1 − 1)

This calculation proves S(n + 1) and proves the induction.

We have thus proved that T (n) ≤ a(2n − 1). Dropping the constant factor and
the low-order terms, we see that T (n) is O(2n ).
Curiously, while in our analyses of Chapter 3 we easily proved a smooth and
tight upper bound on running time, the O(2n ) bound on T (n) is smooth √ but not
tight. The proper smooth, tight upper bound is slightly less: O(2n / n). A proof
of this fact is quite difficult, but we leave as an exercise the easier
 fact that the
running time of Fig. 4.10 is proportional to the value it returns: m . An important
observation is that the recursive algorithm of Fig. 4.10 is much less efficient that the
linear algorithm of Fig. 4.9. This example is one where recursion hurts considerably.


The Shape of the Function m


For a fixed value of n, the function of m that is m has a number of interesting
properties. For a large value of n, its form is the bell-shaped curve suggested
Bell curve in Fig. 4.11. We immediately notice that this function is symmetric around the
n n
midpoint n/2; this is easy to check using formula (4.4) that states m = n−m .
The maximum height at the center, that is, n/2 , is approximately 2 / πn/2.
For example, if n = 10, this formula gives 258.37, while 10

5 = 252.

The “thick part” of the curve extends for approximately n on either side of
the midpoint. For  example, if n = 10, 000, then for m between 4900 and 5100 the
value of 10,000
m is close to the maximum. For m outside this range, the value of

m falls off very rapidly.


2n / πn/2

0 n/2 n

Fig. 4.11. The function n
for fixed n.

Binomial Coefficients

The function m , in addition to its use in counting, gives us the binomial co-
efficients. These numbers are found when we expand a two-term polynomial (a
Binomial binomial) raised to a power, such as (x + y)n .
When we expand (x + y)n , we get 2n terms, each of which is xm y n−m for some
m between 0 and n. That is, from each of the factors x + y we may choose either
x or y to contribute as a factor in a particular term. The coefficient of xm y n−m in
the expansion is the number of terms that are composed of m choices of x and the
remaining n − m choices of y.

✦ Example 4.11. Consider the case n = 4, that is, the product

(x + y)(x + y)(x + y)(x + y)
There are 16 terms, of which only one is x4 y 0 (or just x4 ). This term is the one
we get if we select x from each of the four factors. On the other hand, there are
four terms x3 y, corresponding to the fact that we can select y from any of the four
factors and x from the remaining three factors. Symmetrically, we know that there
is one term y 4 and four terms xy 3 .
How many terms x2 y 2 are there? We get such a term if we select x from two
of the four factors and y from the remaining two. Thus, we must count the number
of ways to select two of the factors outof four. Since the order in which we select
the two doesn’t matter, this count is 42 = 4!/(2! × 2!) = 24/4 = 6. Thus, there are
six terms x2 y 2 . The complete expansion is
(x + y)4 = x4 + 4x3 y + 6x2 y 2 + 4xy 3 + y 4
Notice that the coefficients of the terms on the right side of the equality, (1, 4, 6, 4, 1),
are exactly a row of Pascal’s triangle in Fig. 4.8. That is no coincidence, as we shall
see. ✦

We can generalize the idea that we used to calculate the coefficient of x2 y2
in Example 4.11. The coefficient of xm y n−m in the expansion of (x + y)n is m .
The reason is that we get a term xm y n−m whenever we select m of the n factors to

provide an x and the remainderof the factors to provide y. The number of ways to
choose m factors out of n is m .
There is another interesting consequence of the relationship between binomial
coefficients and the function m . We just observed that
X n m n−m
(x + y)n = x y

Let x = y = 1. Then (x + y)n = 2n . All powers of x and y are 1, so the above

equation becomes
X n
2n =
Put another way, the sum ofall the binomial coefficients for a fixed n is 2n . In
n n
particular, each coefficient m is less than 2 . The implication of Fig. 4.11 is that
for m around n/2, m is quite close to 2 . Since the area under the curve of
Fig. 4.11 is 2n , we see why only a few values near the middle can be large.

7 8 10 12
4.5.1: Compute the following values: (a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 7 (d) 11 .
4.5.2: In how many ways can we choose a set of 5 different letters out of the 26
possible lower-case letters?
4.5.3: What is the coefficient of
a) x3 y 4 in the expansion (x + y)7
b) x5 y 3 in the expansion of (x + y)8
4.5.4*: At Real Security, Inc., computer passwords are required to have four digits
(of 10 possible) and six letters (of 52 possible). Letters and digits may repeat. How
many different possible passwords are there? Hint : Start by counting the number
of ways to select the four positions holding digits.
4.5.5*: How many sequences of 5 letters are there in which exactly two are vowels?
4.5.6: Rewrite the fragment of Fig. 4.9 to take advantage of the case when n − m
is small compared with n.
4.5.7: Rewrite the fragment of Fig. 4.9 to convert to floating-point numbers and
alternately multiply and divide.
n n
4.5.8: Prove that if 0 ≤ m ≤ n, then m = n−m

a) By appealing to the meaning of the function m
b) By using Equation 4.4

4.5.9*: Prove by induction on n that the recursive definition of m correctly defines
m to be equal to n!/ (n − m)! × m! .
4.5.10**: Show by induction on n that the running time of the recursive function
choose(n,m) of Fig. 4.10 is at most c m for some constant c.
4.5.11*: Show that n × min(m, n − m) is always greater than

(n − 1) × min(n, n − m − 1)
and (n − 1) × min(m − 1, n − m) when 0 < m < n.

✦ ✦

4.6 Orderings With Identical Items
In this section, we shall examine a class of selection problems in which some of the
items are indistinguishable from one another, but the order of appearance of the
items matters when items can be distinguished. The next section will address a
similar class of problems where we do not care about order, and some items are

Anagrams ✦ Example 4.12. Anagram puzzles give us a list of letters, which we are asked
to rearrange to form a word. We can solve such problems mechanically if we have
a dictionary of legal words and we can generate all the possible orderings of the
letters. Chapter 10 considers efficient ways to check whether a given sequence of
letters is in the dictionary. But now, considering combinatorial problems, we might
start by asking how many different potential words we must check for presence in
the dictionary.
For some anagrams, the count is easy. Suppose we are given the letters abenst.
There are six letters, which may be ordered in Π(6) = 6! = 720 ways. One of these
720 ways is absent, the “solution” to the puzzle.
However, anagrams often contain duplicate letters. Consider the puzzle eilltt.
There are not 720 different sequences of these letters. For example, interchanging
the positions in which the two t’s appear does not make the word different.
Suppose we “tagged” the t’s and l’s so we could distinguish between them, say
t1 , t2 , l1 , and l2 . Then we would have 720 orders of tagged letters. However, pair
of orders that differ only in the position of the tagged l’s, such as l1 it2 t1 l2 e and
l2 it2 t1 l1 e, are not really different. Since all 720 orders group into pairs differing
only in the subscript on the l’s, we can account for the fact that the l’s are really
identical if we divide the number of strings of letters by 2. We conclude that the
number of different anagrams in which the t’s are tagged but the l’s are not is
Similarly, we may pair the strings with only t’s tagged if they differ only in the
subscript of the t’s. For example, lit1 t2 le and lit2 t1 le are paired. Thus, if we
divide by 2 again, we have the number of different anagram strings with the tags
removed from both t’s and l’s. This number is 360/2 = 180. We conclude that
there are 180 different anagrams of eilltt. ✦

We may generalize the idea of Example 4.12 to a situation where there are
n items, and these items are divided into k groups. Members of each group are
indistinguishable, but members of different groups are distinguishable. We may let
mi be the number of items in the ith group, for i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

✦ Example 4.13. Reconsider the anagram problem eilltt from Example 4.12.
Here, there are six items, so n = 6. The number of groups k is 4, since there are

4 different letters. Two of the groups have one member (e and i), while the other
two groups have two members. We may thus take i1 = i2 = 1 and i3 = i4 = 2. ✦

If we tag the items so members of a group are distinguishable, then there are
n! different orders. However, if there are i1 members of the first group, these tagged
items may appear in i1 ! different orders. Thus, when we remove the tags from the
items in group 1, we cluster the orders into sets of size i1 ! that become identical.
We must thus divide the number of orders by i1 ! to account for the removal of tags
from group 1.
Similarly, removing the tags from each group in turn forces us to divide the
number of distinguishable orders by i2 !, by i3 !, and so on. For those ij ’s that are 1,
this division is by 1! = 1 and thus has no effect. However, we must divide by the
factorial of the size of each group of more than one item. That is what happened in
Example 4.12. There were two groups with more than one member, each of size 2,
and we divided by 2! twice. We can state and prove the general rule by induction
on k.

STATEMENT S(k): If there are n items divided into k groups of sizes i1 , i2 , . . . , ik

respectively, items within a group are not distinguishable, but items in differ-
ent groups are distinguishable, then the number of different distinguishable
orders of the n items is
Qk (4.7)
j=1 ij !

BASIS. If k = 1, then there is one group of indistinguishable items, which gives us

only one distinguishable order no matter how large n is. If k = 1 then i1 must be
n, and formula (4.7) reduces to n!/n!, or 1. Thus, S(1) holds.

INDUCTION. Suppose S(k) is true, and consider a situation with k + 1 groups. Let
the last group have m = ik+1 members. These items will appear in m positions,
and we can choose these positions in m different ways. Once we have chosen the
m positions, it does not matter which items in the last group we place in these
positions, since they are indistinguishable.
Having chosen the positions for the last group, we have n − m positions left to
fill with the remaining k groups. The inductive hypothesis applies and tellsQus that
each selection of positions for the last group can be coupled with (n − m)!/ j=1 ij !
distinguishable orders in which to place the remaining groups in the remaining
positions. This formula is just (4.7) with n − m replacing n since there are only
n − m items remaining to be placed. The total number of ways to order the k + 1
groups is thus

m (n − m)!
Qk (4.8)
j=1 ij !

Let us replace m in (4.8) by its equivalent in factorials: n!/ (n − m)!m! . We
then have

n! (n − m)!
(n − m)!m! kj=1 ij !

We may cancel (n − m)! from numerator and denominator in (4.8). Also, remember
that m is ik+1 , the number of members in the (k + 1)st group. We thus discover
that the number of orders is
j=1 ij !

This formula is exactly what is given by S(k + 1).

✦ Example 4.14. An explorer has rations for two weeks, consisting of 4 cans of
Tuna, 7 cans of Spam, and 3 cans of Beanie Weenies. If he opens one can each day,
in how many orders can he consume the rations? Here, there are 14 items divided
into groups of 4, 7, and 3 identical items. In terms of Equation (4.7), n = 14, k = 3,
i1 = 4, i2 = 7, and i3 = 3. The number of orders is thus
Let us begin by canceling the 7! in the denominator with the last 7 factors in
14! of the numerator. That gives us
14 × 13 × 12 × 11 × 10 × 9 × 8
Continuing to cancel factors in the numerator and denominator, we find the resulting
product is 120,120. That is, there are over a hundred thousand ways in which to
consume the rations. None sounds very appetizing. ✦


4.6.1: Count the number of anagrams of the following words: (a) error (b) street
(c) allele (d) Mississippi.
4.6.2: In how many ways can we arrange in a line
a) Three apples, four pears, and five bananas
b) Two apples, six pears, three bananas, and two plums
4.6.3*: In how many ways can we place a white king, a black king, two white
knights, and a black rook on the chessboard?
4.6.4*: One hundred people participate in a lottery. One will win the grand prize
of $1000, and five more will win consolation prizes of a $50 savings bond. How
many different possible outcomes of the lottery are there?
4.6.5: Write a simple formula for the number of orders in which we may place 2n
objects that occur in n pairs of two identical objects each.

✦ ✦

4.7 Distribution of Objects to Bins
Our next class of counting problems involve the selection of a bin in which to place
each of several objects. The objects may or may not be identical, but the bins are
distinguishable. We must count the number of ways in which the bins can be filled.

✦ Example 4.15. Kathy, Peter, and Susan are three children. We have four
apples to distribute among them, without cutting apples into parts. In how many
different ways may the children receive apples?
There are sufficiently few ways that we can enumerate them. Kathy may receive
anything from 0 to 4 apples, and whatever remains can be divided between Peter
and Susan in only a few ways. If we let (i, j, k) represent the situation in which
Kathy receives i apples, Peter receives j, and Susan receives k, the 15 possibilities
are as shown in Fig. 4.12. Each row corresponds to the number of apples given to

(0,0,4) (0,1,3) (0,2,2) (0,3,1) (0,4,0)

(1,0,3) (1,1,2) (1,2,1) (1,3,0)
(2,0,2) (2,1,1) (2,2,0)
(3,0,1) (3,1,0)

Fig. 4.12. Four apples can be distributed to three children in 15 ways.

There is a trick to counting the number of ways to distribute identical objects

to bins. Suppose we have four letter A’s representing apples. Let us also use two *’s
which will represent partitions between the apples belonging to different children.
We order the A’s and *’s as we like and interpret all A’s before the first * as being
apples belonging to Kathy. Those A’s between the two *’s belong to Peter, and the
A’s after the second * are apples belonging to Susan. For instance, AA*A*A represents
the distribution (2,1,1), where Kathy gets two apples and the other two children
get one each. Sequence AAA*A* represents the situation (3,1,0), where Kathy gets
three, Peter gets one, and Susan gets none.
Thus, each distribution of apples to bins is associated with a unique string of 4
A’s and 2 *’s. How many such strings are there? Think of the six positions forming
such a string. Any four of those positions may be selected to hold the A’s; the
two will hold the *’s. The number of ways to select 4 items out of 6 is 64 , as we
learned in Section 4.5. Since 64 = 15, we again conclude that there are 15 ways to

distribute four apples to three children. ✦

The General Rule for Distribution to Bins

We can generalize the problem of Example 4.15 as follows. Suppose we are given
n bins; these correspond to the three children in the example. Suppose also we are
given m identical objects to place arbitrarily into the bins. How many distributions
into bins are there.
We may again think of strings of A’s and *’s. The A’s now represent the objects,
and the *’s represent boundaries between the bins. If there are n objects, we use n

A’s, and if there are m bins, we need m − 1 *’s to serve as boundaries between the
portions for the various bins. Thus, strings are of length n + m − 1.
We may choose any  n of these positions to hold A’s, and the rest will hold *’s.
There are thus n+m−1 n strings of A’s and *’s, so there are this many distributions
of objects to bins. In Example  4.15 we had n = 4 and m = 3, and we concluded
that there were n+m−1

n = 4 distributions.

Chuck-a-Luck ✦ Example 4.16. In the game of Chuck-a-Luck we throw three dice, each with
six sides numbered 1 through 6. Players bet a dollar on a number. If the number
does not come up, the dollar is lost. If the number comes up one or more times,
the player wins as many dollars as there are occurrences of the number.
We would like to count the “outcomes,” but there may initially be some ques-
tion about what an “outcome” is. If we were to color the dice different colors so
we could tell them apart, we could see this counting problem as that of Section 4.2,
where we assign one of six numbers to each of three dice. We know there are
63 = 216 ways to make this assignment.
However, the dice ordinarily aren’t distinguishable, and the order in which the
numbers come up doesn’t matter; it is only the occurrences of each number that
determines which players get paid and how much. For instance, we might observe
that 1 comes up on two dice and 6 comes up on the third. The 6 might have
appeared on the first, second, or third die, but it doesn’t matter which.
Thus, we can see the problem as one of distribution of identical objects to bins.
The “bins” are the numbers 1 through 6, and the “objects” are the three dice. A
die is “distributed” to the bin
 corresponding to the number thrown on that die.
Thus, there are 6+3−1
3 = 8
3 = 56 different outcomes in Chuck-a-Luck. ✦

Distributing Distinguishable Objects

We can extend the previous formula to allow for distribution into m bins of a
collection of n objects that fall into k different classes. Objects within a class
are indistinguishable from each other, but are distinguishable from those of other
classes. Let us use symbol ai to represent members of the ith class. We may thus
form strings consisting of
1. For each class i, as many ai ’s as there are members of that class.
2. m − 1 *’s to represent the boundaries between the m bins.
The length of these strings is thus n + m − 1. Note that the *’s form a (k + 1)st
class, with m members.
We learned how to count the number of such strings in Section 4.6. There are
(n + m − 1)!
(m − 1)! j=1 ij !
strings, where ij is the number of members of the jth class.

✦ Example 4.17. Suppose we have three apples, two pears, and a banana to
distribute to Kathy, Peter, and Susan. Then m = 3, the number of “bins,” which
is the number of children. There are k = 3 groups, with i1 = 3, i2 = 2, and i3 = 1.
Since there are 6 objects in all, n = 6, and the strings in question are of length

Comparison of Counting Problems

In this and the previous five sections we have considered six different counting
problems. Each can be thought of as assigning objects to certain positions. For
example, the assignment problem of Section 4.2 may be thought of as one where
we are given n positions (corresponding to the houses) and and infinite supply of
objects of k different types (the colors). We can classify these problems along three
1. Do they place all the given objects?
2. Is the order in which objects are assigned important?
3. Are all the objects distinct, or are some indistinguishable?
Here is a table indicating the differences between the problems mentioned in each
of these sections.


4.2 Painting houses N Y N
4.3 Sorting Y Y N
4.4 Horse race N Y N
4.5 Poker hands N N Y
4.6 Anagrams Y Y Y
4.7 Apples to children Y N Y

The problems of Sections 4.2 and 4.4 are not differentiated in the table above.
The distinction is one of replacement, as discussed in the box on “Selections With
and Without Replacement” in Section 4.4. That is, in Section 4.2 we had an infinite
supply of each “color” and could select a color many times. In Section 4.4, a “horse”
selected is not available for later selections.

n + m − 1 = 8. The strings consist of three A’s standing for apples, two P’s standing
for pears, one B standing for the banana, and two *’s, the boundaries between the
shares of the children. The formula for the number of distributions is thus
(n + m − 1)! 8!
= = 1680
(m − 1)!i1 !i2 !i3 ! 2!3!2!1!
ways in which these fruits may be distributed to Kathy, Peter, and Susan. ✦


4.7.1: In how many ways can we distribute

a) Six apples to four children
b) Four apples to six children
c) Six apples and three pears to five children
d) Two apples, five pears, and six bananas to three children
4.7.2: How many outcomes are there if we throw

(a) Four indistinguishable dice

b) Five indistinguishable dice
4.7.3*: How many ways can we distribute seven apples to three children so that
each child gets at least one apple?
4.7.4*: Suppose we start at the lower-left corner of a chessboard and move to the
upper-right corner, making moves that are each either one square up or one square
right. In how many ways can we make the journey?
4.7.5*: Generalize Exercise 4.7.4. If we have a rectangle of n squares by m squares,
and we move only one square up or one square right, in how many ways can we
move from lower-left to upper-right?

✦ ✦

4.8 Combining Counting Rules

The subject of combinatorics offers myriad challenges, and few are as simple as
those discussed so far in this chapter. However, the rules learned so far are valuable
building blocks that may be combined in various ways to count more complex
structures. In this section, we shall learn three useful “tricks” for counting:
1. Express a count as a sequence of choices.
2. Express a count as a difference of counts.
3. Express a count as a sum of counts for subcases.

Breaking a Count Into a Sequence of Choices

One useful approach to be taken, when faced with the problem of counting some
class of arrangements is to describe the things to be counted in terms of a series of
choices, each of which refines the description of a particular member of the class.
In this section we present a series of examples intended to suggest some of the

✦ Example 4.18. Let us count the number of poker hands that are one-pair
hands. A hand with one pair consists of two cards of one rank and three cards
of ranks1 that are different and also distinct from the rank of the pair. We can
describe all one-pair hands by the following steps.
1. Select the rank of the pair.
2. Select the three ranks for the other three cards from the remaining 12 ranks.
3. Select the suits for the two cards of the pair.
4. Select the suits for each of the other three cards.

1 The 13 ranks are Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 through 2.


If we multiply all these numbers together, we shall have the number of one-pair
hands. Note that the order in which the cards appear in the hand is not important,
as we discussed in Example 4.8, and we have made no attempt to specify the order.
Now, let us take each of these factors in turn. We can select the rank of the pair
in 13 different ways. Whichever rank we select for the pair, we have 12 ranks left.
We must select 3 of these for the remaining cards of the hand. This is a selection
in which order is unimportant, as discussed in Section 4.5. We may perform this
selection in 12
3 = 220 ways.
Now, we must select the suits for the pair. There are four suits, and we must
select two of them. Again we have an unordered selection, which we may do in

2 = 6 ways. Finally, we must select a suit for each of the three remaining cards.
Each has 4 choices of suit, so we have an assignment like those of Section 4.2. We
may make this assignment in 43 = 64 ways.
The total number of one-pair hands is thus 13 × 220 × 6 × 64 = 1, 098, 240.
This number is over 40% of the total number of 2,598,960 poker hands. ✦

Computing a Count as a Difference of Counts

Another useful technique is to express what we want to count as the difference
between some more general class C of arrangements and those in C that do not
meet the condition for the thing we want to count.

✦ Example 4.19. There are a number of other poker hands — two pairs, three
of a kind, four of a kind, and full house — that can be counted in a manner similar
to Example 4.18. However, there are other hands that require a different approach.
First, let us consider a straight-flush, which is five cards of consecutive rank (a
straight) of the same suit (a flush). First, each straight begins with one of the nine
ranks 2 through 10 as the lowest card. That is, the straights are 2-3-4-5-6, 3-4-5-6-7,
and so on, up to 10-Jack-Queen-King-Ace. Once the ranks are determined, the
straight-flush can be completely specified by giving the suit. Thus, we can count
the straight-flushes by
1. Select the lowest rank in the straight (9 choices).
2. Select the suit (4 choices).
Thus, there are 9 × 4 = 36 straight-flushes.
Now, let us count the straights, that is, those hands whose ranks are consec-
utive but that are not straight-flushes. We shall first count all those hands with
consecutive ranks, regardless of whether the suits are the same, and then subtract
the 36 straight-flushes. To count hands with consecutive ranks, we can
1. Select the low rank (9 choices).
2. Assign a suit to each of the five ranks (45 = 1024 choices, as in Section 4.2).
The number of straights and straight-flushes is thus 9 × 1024 = 9216. When we
subtract the straight-flushes, we are left with 9216 − 36 = 9180 hands that are
classified as straights.
Next, let us count the number of flushes. Again, we shall first include the
straight-flushes and then subtract 36. We can define a flush by

1. Select the suit (4 choices).


2. Select the five ranks out of thirteen ranks in any of 5 = 1287 ways, as in
Section 4.5.
We conclude that the number of flushes is 4 × 1287 − 36 = 5112. ✦

Expressing a Count as a Sum of Subcases

Our third “trick” is to be methodical when faced with a problem that is too hard
to solve directly. We break the problem of counting a class C into two or more
separate problems, where each member of class C is covered by exactly one of the

✦ Example 4.20. Suppose we toss a sequence of 10 coins. In how many sequences

will 8 or more of the coins be heads? If we wanted to know how many sequences
had exactly 8 heads, we could answer the problem by the method of Section 4.5.
That is, there are 10 coins, and we wish to select 8 of them to be heads. We can do
so in 10
8 = 45 ways.
To solve the problem of counting sequences of 8 or more heads, we break it
into the three subproblems of counting sequences with exactly 8 heads, exactly 9
heads, and exactly10 heads. We already did the first. The number of sequences
with 9 heads is 10 10
9 = 10, and there is 10 = 1 sequence with all 10 heads. Thus,
the number of sequences with 8 or more heads is 45 + 10 + 1 = 56. ✦

✦ Example 4.21. Let us reconsider the problem of counting the outcomes in

Chuck-a-Luck, which we solved in Example 4.16. Another approach is to divide
the problem into three subproblems, depending on whether the number of different
numbers showing is 3, 2, or 1.
a) We can count the number of outcomes with three different numbers using the
technique of Section 4.5. That is,we must select 3 out of the 6 possible numbers
on a die, and we can do so in 63 = 20 different ways.
b) Next, we must count the number of outcomes with two of one number and one
of another. There are 6 choices for the number that appears twice, and no
matter which number we choose to appear twice, there are 5 choices for the
number that appears once. There are thus 6 × 5 = 30 outcomes with two of
one number and one of another.
c) One number on all three dice can occur in 6 different ways, one for each of the
numbers on a die.
Thus, the number of possible outcomes is 20 + 30 + 6 = 56, as we also deduced in
Example 4.16. ✦


4.8.1*: Count the number of poker hands of the following types:


a) Two pairs
b) Three of a kind
c) Full house
d) Four of a kind
Be careful when counting one type of hand not to include hands that are better.
For example, in (a), make sure that the two pairs are different (so you don’t really
have four of a kind) and the fifth card is different from the pairs (so you don’t have
a full house).
Blackjack 4.8.2*: A blackjack consists of two cards, one of which is an Ace and the other of
which is a 10-point card, either a 10, Jack, Queen, or King.
a) How many different blackjacks are there in a 52-card deck?
b) In the game blackjack, one card is dealt down and the other is dealt up. Thus,
in a sense order of the two cards matters. In this case, how many different
blackjacks are there?
Pinochle deck c) In a pinochle deck there are eight cards of each rank 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King,
Ace (two indistinguishable cards of each suit) and no other cards. How many
blackjacks are there, assuming order is unimportant?
4.8.3: How many poker hands are “nothing” (i.e., not one-pair or better)? You may
use the results of Examples 4.18 and 4.19 as well as the answer to Exercise 4.8.1.
4.8.4: If we toss 12 coins in sequence, how many have
a) At least 9 heads
b) At most 4 heads
c) Between 5 and 7 heads
d) Fewer than 2 or more than 10 heads
4.8.5*: How many outcomes in Chuck-a-Luck have at least one 1?
4.8.6*: How many anagrams of the word little are there in which the two t’s are
not adjacent?
Bridge 4.8.7**: A bridge hand consists of 13 of the 52 cards. We often classify hands by
“distribution,” that is, the way cards are grouped into suits. For example, a hand
of 4-3-3-3 distribution has four of one suit and three of each of the other suits. A
hand with 5-4-3-1 distribution has one suit of five cards, one of four, one of three,
and one of one card. Count the number of hands with the following distributions:
(a) 4-3-3-3 (b) 5-4-3-1 (c) 4-4-3-2 (d) 9-2-2-0.

✦ ✦

4.9 Introduction to Probability Theory
Probability theory, along with its general importance, has many uses in computer
science. One important application is the estimation of the running time of pro-
grams in the case of average or typical inputs. This evaluation is important for
those algorithms whose worst-case running time is very much larger than the aver-
age running time. We shall see examples of such evaluations shortly.
Another use of probability is in designing algorithms for making decisions in
the presence of uncertainty. For example, we can use probability theory to design

algorithms for making the best possible medical diagnosis from available information
or algorithms for allocating resources on the basis of expected future needs.

Probability Spaces
When we speak of a probability space, we mean a finite set of points, each of which
Experiment, represents one possible outcome of an experiment. Each point x has associated with
outcome it a nonnegative real number called the probability of x, such that the sum of the
probabilities of all the points is 1. One also speaks of probability spaces that have
infinite numbers of points, although there is little application for these in computer
science, and we shall not deal with them here.
Commonly, the points of a probability space have equal probability. Unless we
state otherwise, you may assume that the probabilities of the various points in a
probability space are equal. Thus, if there are n points in the probability space the
probability of each point is 1/n.

✦ Example 4.22. In Fig. 4.13 is a probability space with six points. The points
are each identified with one of the numbers from 1 to 6, and we may think of this
space as representing the outcomes of the “experiment” of throwing a single fair
die. That is, one of the six numbers will appear on top of the die, and each number
is equally likely to appear, that is, 1/6th of the time. ✦

1 2 3
• • •

• • •
4 5 6

Fig. 4.13. A probability space with six points.

Event Any subset of the points in a probability space is called an event. The probability
of an event E, denoted PROB(E), is the sum of the probabilities of the points in
E. If the points are all equally likely, then we can compute the probability of E by
dividing the number of points in E by the number of points in the total probability

Probability Calculations
Often, the calculation of the probability of an event involves combinatorics. We
must count the number of points in the event as well as the number of points in
the entire probability space. When points are equally likely, the ratio of these two
counts is the probability of the event. We shall give a series of examples to illustrate
the calculation of probabilities in this fashion.

Infinite Probability Spaces

In certain circumstances, we can imagine that a probability space has an infinite
number of points. The probability of any given point may be infinitesimal, and we
can only associate finite probabilities with some collections of points. For a simple
example, here is a probability space, the square, whose points are all the points of
the plane within the square.


We may suppose that any point in the square is equally likely to be chosen.
The “experiment” may be thought of as throwing a dart at the square in such a
way that the dart is equally likely to wind up anywhere within the square, but not
outside it. Although any point has only infinitesimal probability of being hit, the
probability of a region of the square is the ratio of the area of the region to the area
of the entire square. Thus, we can compute the probability of certain events.
For example, we show within the probability space an event E consisting of an
ellipse contained within the square. Let us suppose the area of the ellipse is 29%
of the area of the square. Then PROB(E) is 0.29. That is, if the dart is thrown at
random at the square, 29% of the time the dart will land within the ellipse.

✦ Example 4.23. Figure 4.14 shows the probability space representing the throw
of two dice. That is, the experiment is the tossing of two dice, in order, and observing
the numbers on their upper faces. Assuming the dice are fair, there are 36 equally
likely points, or outcomes of the experiment, so each point has probability 1/36.
Each point corresponds to the assignment of one of six values to each die. For
example, (2, 3) represents the outcome where 2 appears on the first die and 3 on
the second. Pair (3, 2) represents 3 on the first die and 2 on the second.
The outlined region represents the event “craps,” that is, a total 7 or 11 on the
two dice. There are eight points in this event, six where the total is 7 and two where
the total is 11. The probability of throwing craps is thus 8/36, or about 22%. ✦

✦ Example 4.24. Let us calculate the probability that a poker hand is a one-
pair hand. We learned in Example 4.8 that there are 2,598,960 different poker
hands. Consider the experiment of dealing a poker hand fairly, that is, with all
hands equally likely. Thus, the probability space for this experiment has 2,598,960

(1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)

• • • • • •

(2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)

• • • • • •

(3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)

• • • • • •

(4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6)

• • • • • •

(5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)

• • • • • •

(6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6)

• • • • • •

Fig. 4.14. The event “craps” in the probability space for the toss of two dice.

points. We also learned in Example 4.18 that 1,098,240 of these points represent
hands classified as one pair. Assuming all hands are equally likely to be dealt, the
probability of the event “one pair” is 1,098,240/2,598,960, or about 42%. ✦

✦ Example 4.25. In the game of Keno, twenty of the numbers from 1 to 80 are
selected at random. Before the selection, players may guess some numbers; we shall
Keno concentrate on the “5-spot game,” where players guess five numbers. A player who
guesses correctly three, four, or five of the twenty selected numbers is rewarded;
the amount of the payoff increases with the number of correct guesses. We shall
calculate the probability that a player guesses exactly three numbers correctly in a
5-spot game. The probabilities of guessing four or five correctly are left as exercises.
To begin, the appropriate probability space has one point for each possible
selection of twenty numbers from 1 to 80. The number of such selections is
80 80!
20 20!60!

When are Outcomes Random?

We have assumed in our examples that certain experiments have “random” out-
comes; that is, all possible outcomes are equally likely. In some cases the justifi-
cation for this assumptions comes from physics. For instance, when throwing fair
(unweighted) dice, we assume that it is not physically possible to control the toss
in such a way that one face is more likely than others to appear on top. That is a
valid assumption in practice. Similarly, we assume that a fairly shuffled deck will
not bias the outcome, and any card is equally likely to be found in any position in
the deck.
In other cases, we find that what we imagine is random is actually not random
at all, but is the result of a process that is predictable in principle but unpredictable
in practice. For example, the numbers in a Keno game may be generated by a com-
puter executing a particular algorithm, and yet without access to secret information
used by the computer, it is impossible to predict the outcome.
All computer-generated “random” sequences of outcomes are the result of a
Random special kind of algorithm called a random number generator. Designing one of these
number algorithms requires knowledge of some specialized mathematics and is beyond the
generator scope of this book. However, we can offer an example of a random number generator
that works fairly well in practice, called a linear congruential generator.
We specify constants a ≥ 2, b ≥ 1, x0 ≥ 0, and a modulus m > max(a, b, x0 ).
We can generate a sequence of numbers x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . using the formula
xn+1 = (axn + b) mod m
For suitable choices of a, b, m, and x0 , the resulting sequence of numbers will appear
quite random, even though they are constructed from the “seed” x0 by a specific
Sequences generated by a random number generator have many uses. For in-
stance, we can select numbers in a Keno game by taking numbers from the sequence
described above, dividing each by 80, taking the remainder, and adding 1 to get a
“random” number from 1 to 80. We keep doing so, throwing away repeated num-
bers, until twenty numbers are selected. The game will be perceived as fair, as long
as no one knows the generation algorithm and the seed.

a number so huge that we are fortunate we do not have to write it down.

Now we must count the number of selections of twenty numbers out of eighty
that include three of the five numbers chosen by the player and seventeen numbers
from theseventy-five that the player has not chosen. We can choose three of the
five in 53 = 10 ways, and we can choose seventeen from the remaining seventy-five
in 75 75!

17 = 17!58! ways.
The ratio of the number of outcomes where the player picks three out of five
to the total number of selections is thus
10 17!58!
If we multiply top and bottom by 80! , the above becomes

75! 20!60!
10( )( )
17!58! 80!
Now, we find in the numerator and denominator pairs of factorials that are close
and can almost be canceled. For instance, 75! in the numerator and 80! in the
denominator can be replaced by the product of the five numbers from 80 down to
76 in the denominator. The resulting simplification is
10 × 60 × 59 × 20 × 19 × 18
80 × 79 × 78 × 77 × 76
Now we have a computation that involves manageable numbers. The result is
about 0.084. That is, about 8.4% of the time the player guesses three out of five
correctly. ✦

Fundamental Relationships
Let us close this section by observing several important properties of probabilities.
First, if p is the probability of any event, then
That is, any event consists of 0 or more points, so its probability cannot be negative.
Also, no event can consist of more points than are in the entire probability space,
so its probability cannot exceed 1.
Complement Second, let E be an event in a probability space P . Then the complement event
event Ē for E is the set of points of P that are not in event E. We may observe that
PROB(E) + PROB(Ē) =1
or put another way, PROB(Ē) = 1 − PROB(E). The reason is that every point in P
is either in E or in Ē, but not both.


4.9.1: Using the probability space for the toss of two fair dice shown in Fig. 4.14,
give the probabilities of the following events:
a) A six is thrown (i.e., the sum of the dice is 6)
b) A ten is thrown
c) The sum of the dice is odd
d) The sum of the dice is between 5 and 9
4.9.2*: Calculate the probabilities of the following events. The probability space
is the deal of two cards in order from an ordinary 52-card deck.
a) At least one card is an Ace
b) The cards are of the same rank
c) The cards are of the same suit
d) The cards are of the same rank and suit
e) The cards are the same either in rank or in suit
f) The first card is of a higher rank than the second card
4.9.3*: A dart is thrown at a one foot square on the wall, with equal likelihood of
entering the square at any point. What is the probability that the dart is thrown

a) Within three inches of the center?

b) Within three inches of the border?
Note that for this exercise, the probability space is an infinite one-foot square, with
all points within it equally likely.
4.9.4: Calculate the probability of the player in a 5-spot game of Keno guessing
a) Four out of five
b) All five
4.9.5: Write a C program to implement a linear congruential random number
generator. Plot a histogram of the frequencies of the least significant digits of the
first 100 numbers generated. What property should this histogram have?

✦ ✦

4.10 Conditional Probability
In this section we shall develop a number of formulas and strategies for think-
ing about relationships among the probabilities of several events. One important
development is a notion of independent experiments, where the outcome of one ex-
periment does not affect the outcome of others. We shall also use our techniques to
calculate probabilities in some complicated situations.
These developments depend upon a notion of “conditional probability.” Infor-
mally, if we conduct an experiment and we find that an event E has occurred, it
may or may not be the case that the point representing the outcome is also in some
other event F . Figure 4.15 suggests this situation. The conditional probability of
F given E is the probability that F has also occurred.

Fig. 4.15. The conditional probability of F given E is the probability that the
outcome is in A divided by the probability that the outcome is in A or B.

Formally, if E and F are two events in a probability space, we say the condi-
tional probability of F given E, denoted PROB(F/E), is the sum of the probabilities
of the points that are in both E and F divided by the sum of the probabilities of
the points in E. In Fig. 4.15, region A is those points that are in both E and F ,
and B is those points that are in E but not F . If all points are equally likely, then

PROB(F/E) is the number of points in A divided by the sum of the numbers of

points in A and B.

✦ Example 4.26. Let us consider the probability space of Fig. 4.14, which repre-
sents the toss of two dice. Let the event E be the six points in which the first die
comes out 1, and let the event F be the six points in which the second die comes
out 1. The situation is shown in Fig. 4.16. There is one point in both E and F ,
namely the point (1, 1). There are five points in E that are not in F . Thus, the
conditional probability PROB(F/E) is 1/6. That is, the chance that the second die
is 1, given that the first die is 1, is 1/6.
We may notice that this conditional probability is exactly the same as the
probability of F itself. That is, since F has 6 out of the 36 points in the space,
PROB(F ) = 6/36 = 1/6. Intuitively, the probability of throwing 1 on the second
die is not affected by the fact that 1 has been thrown on the first die. We shall
soon define the notion of “independent experiments,” such as the throwing of dice
in sequence, where the outcome of one experiment does not influence the outcome
of the others. In these cases, if E and F are events representing outcomes of the
two experiments, we expect that PROB(F/E) = PROB(F ). We have just seen an
example of this phenomenon. ✦

✦ Example 4.27. Suppose our experiment is the deal of two cards, in order,
from the usual 52-card deck. The number of points in this experiment of selection
without replacement (as in Section 4.4) is 52 × 51 = 2652. We shall assume that
the deal is fair, so each point has the same probability.
Let the event E be that the first card is an Ace, and let event F be that the
second card is an Ace. Then the number of points in E is 4 × 51 = 204. That is, the
first card must be one of the four Aces, and the second card can be any of 51 cards,
excluding the Ace that was chosen first. Thus, PROB(E) = 204/2652 = 1/13. That
result matches our intuition. All 13 ranks being equally likely, we expect that one
time in 13 an Ace will appear first.
Similarly, the number of points in event F is 51 × 4 = 204. We can choose
any of the 4 Aces for the second card and any of the remaining 51 cards for the
first card. The fact that the first card is theoretically dealt first is irrelevant. There
are thus 204 outcomes in which an Ace appears in the second position. Therefore,
PROB(F ) = 1/13 just as for E. Again, this result meets our intuition that one time
in 13 an Ace will be dealt as the second card.
Now, let us compute PROB(F/E). Of the 204 points in E, there are 12 that
have an Ace in the second position and therefore are also in F . That is, all points
in E have an Ace in the first position. We may select this Ace in 4 different ways,
corresponding to the 4 suits. For each selection, we have 3 different choices of
Ace for the second position. Thus, the number of choices of two Aces with order
considered is 4 × 3 according to the technique of Section 4.4.
Therefore, the conditional probability PROB(F/E) is 12/204, or 1/17. We no-
tice that the conditional probability of F given E is not the same as the probability
of F in this example. That also makes intuitive sense. The probability of getting an
Ace in the second position goes down when we know there is an Ace in the first po-
sition. For then, there are only 3 Aces remaining out of 51 cards, and 3/51 = 1/17.

(1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)

• • • • • •

(2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)

• • • • • •

(3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)

• • • • • •

(4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6)

• • • • • •

(5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)

• • • • • •

(6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6)
• • • • • •

Fig. 4.16. Events representing 1 on the first or second dice.

In comparison, if we know nothing about the first card, there are 4 Aces out of 52
that we may receive as the second card. ✦

Independent Experiments
As we suggested in Examples 4.23, 4.26, and 4.27, we sometimes form a probability
space representing the outcomes of two or more experiments. In the simplest cases,
Joint the points in this joint probability space are lists of outcomes, one for each of
probability the experiments. Figure 4.16 is an example of a probability space that is joint
space between two experiments. In other situations, where there is a connection between
the outcomes of the experiments, the joint space may have some points missing.
Example 4.27 discussed such a case, where the joint space represented the deal of
two cards and the pairs of outcomes in which the two cards are identical are not
There is an intuitive notion of the outcome of one experiment X being “inde-
pendent” of previous experiments in the sequence, meaning that the probabilities
of the various outcomes of X do not depend on the outcomes of the previous ex-
periments. Thus, in Example 4.26 we argued that the roll of the second die is
independent of the roll of the first die, while in Example 4.27 we saw that the

second card dealt was not independent of the first, since the first card was then
In defining independence, we shall focus on two experiments. However, since
either experiment may itself be the sequence of several experiments, we effectively
cover the case of many experiments. We must begin with a probability space that
represents the outcome of two successive experiments, X1 and X2 .

✦ Example 4.28. Figure 4.14 illustrates a joint probability space in which ex-
periment X1 is the throw of the first die and X2 is the throw of the second die.
Here, every pair of outcomes is represented by one point, and the points have equal
probability, 1/36.
In Example 4.27 we discussed a space of 2652 points representing the selection
of two cards in order. This space consists of all pairs (C, D) in which C and D are
cards, and C 6= D. Again, each of these points has the same probability, 1/2652. ✦

In the probability space representing the outcomes of X1 followed by X2 , there

are events that represent the outcome of one of the experiments. That is, if a is a
possible outcome of experiment X1 , then there is an event consisting of all those
points in which the outcome of the first experiment is a. Let us call this event Ea .
Similarly, if b is a possible outcome of X2 , then there is an event Fb consisting of
all those points in which the outcome of the second experiment is b.

✦ Example 4.29. In Fig. 4.16, E is E1 , the event of all points for which the
outcome of the first experiment is 1. Likewise, F is the event F1 , whose points are
those where the outcome of the second experiment is 1. More generally, each row
corresponds to one of the six possible outcomes of the first experiment, and each
column corresponds to one of the six possible outcomes of the second experiment. ✦

Independence Formally, we say that experiment X2 is independent of experiment X1 if for all

outcomes a for X1 and all outcomes b for X2 , PROB(Fb /Ea ) = PROB(Fb ). That is,
no matter what the outcome of experiment X1 , the conditional probability of each
outcome of X2 is the same as it is in the whole probability space.

✦ Example 4.30. Returning to the probability space of Fig. 4.16 representing

the toss of two dice, let a and b each be any of the numbers from 1 to 6. Let Ea
be the event that the first die is a and Fb be the event that the second die is b. We
note that the probability of each of these events is 1/6; they are each one row or
column. For any a and b, PROB(Fb /Ea ) is also 1/6. We argued this fact for the case
a = b = 1 in Example 4.26, but the same argument applies to any two outcomes a
and b, because their events have exactly one point in common. Thus, the tosses of
the two dice are independent.
On the other hand, in the card-based Example 4.27, we do not get indepen-
dence. Here, the experiment X1 is the selection of the first card, and the experiment
X2 is the selection of the second card from the remaining deck. Consider an event
like FA♠ — that is, the second card is the Ace of Spades. It is easy to count that

the probability of this event, PROB(FA♠ ), is 1/52.

Now, consider an event like E3♣ , the first card is the Three of Clubs. The
number of points in both E3♣ and FA♠ is 1, namely the point (3♣, A♠). The total
number of points in E3♣ is 51, namely those points of the form (3♣, C) where C is
any card but the Three of Clubs. Thus, the conditional probability PROB(FA♠ /E3♣ )
is 1/51, not 1/52 as it would have to be if the two experiments were independent.
For a more extreme example, consider the event EA♠ in which the first card is
the Ace of Spades. Since EA♠ and FA♠ have no point in common, PROB(FA♠ /EA♠ )
is 0 instead of 1/52. ✦

A Distributive Law for Probabilities

Sometimes it is easier to calculate the probability of an event if we first divide the
Region probability space into regions2 that partition the space. That is, every point is in
exactly one region. Typically, the probability space represents the outcome of a
sequence of experiments, and the regions, which are themselves events, correspond
to the possible outcomes of one of these experiments.
Suppose we wish to calculate the probability of event E in a space of n points
that is divided into k regions, R1 , R2 , . . . , Rk . For simplicity, we shall assume that
all points have equal probability, although the conclusion we draw holds as well if
the points have differing probabilities. Let event E consist of m points. Let region
Ri have ri points, for i = 1, 2, .P
. . , k. Finally, let the
Pk number of points of E that lie
in region Ri be ei . Note that i=1 ri = n, and i=1 ei = m. The reason in each
case is that points are each in one and only one region.
We know PROB(E) = m/n, because m/n is the fraction of points in E. If we
replace m by the sum of the ei ’s we get
X ei

Next, introduce factor ri in both the numerator and denominator in each term of
the sum above. The result is
X ei ri
PROB(E) = ( )( )
r n
i=1 i

Now, notice that ri /n = PROB(Ri ); that is, ri /n is the fraction of the entire space
in region Ri . Also, ei /ri is PROB(E/Ri ), the conditional probability of event E
given event Ri . Put another way, ei /ri is the fraction of the points in region Ri
that are in E. The result is the following formula for the probability of an event E.
PROB(E) = PROB(E/Ri )PROB(Ri ) (4.10)

Informally, the probability of E is the sum over all regions of the probability of
being in that region times the probability of E within that region.

2 A “region” is synonymous with an “event,” that is, a subset of a probability space. However,
we shall use the term region to emphasize the fact that the space is being partitioned into
events that completely cover the space and do not overlap.

✦ Example 4.31. The diagram in Fig. 4.17 suggests how Equation (4.10) is to
be applied. There we see a probability space that has been divided vertically into
three regions, R1 , R2 , and R3 . There is an event E, which we doubly outline. We
let a through f be the numbers of points in the six sets shown.


c e

R1 R2 R3

Fig. 4.17. A probability space divided into regions.

Let n = a + b + c + d + e + f . Then PROB(R1 ) = (a + b)/n, PROB(R2 ) =

(c + d)/n, and PROB(R3 ) = (e + f )/n. Next, the conditional probabilities of E
in the three regions are PROB(E/R1 ) = a/(a + b), PROB(E/R2 ) = c/(c + d), and
PROB(E/R3 ) = e/(e + f ). Now, to evaluate formula (4.10), we have

PROB(E) = PROB(E/R1 )PROB(R1 ) + PROB(E/R2 )PROB(R2 )+


This formula, in terms of the parameters a through f , is

a a+b c c+d e e+f
PROB(E) =( )( ) + ( )( ) + ( )( )
a+b n c+d n e+f n
a c e
= + +
n n n
Notice that the same result can be obtained by simply comparing the numbers of
points in the three areas labeled a, c, and e with the size of the entire space. This
fraction, (a + c + e)/n, is exactly what the formula above gives for the probability
of E. That observation illustrates Equation (4.10). ✦

✦ Example 4.32. Let us use Equation (4.10) to compute the probability of the
event E that two cards dealt in order are both Aces. The probability space is the
2652 points discussed in Example 4.27. We shall divide this space into two regions:
R1 : Those points in which the first card is an Ace. There are 4 × 51 = 204 such
points, since we may pick the first card to be an Ace in 4 ways, and there are
then 51 choices of second card.
R2 : The remaining 2448 points.

Equation (4.10) in this case becomes

Clearly PROB(E/R2 ), the conditional probability of E given R2 , is 0. There is
no way to get two Aces if the first card is not an Ace. We must thus compute
PROB(E/R1 )PROB(R1 ), and this value is PROB(E). Now PROB(R1 ) = 204/2652 =
1/13. In other words, the chance of getting an Ace as the first card is 1/13. Since
there are thirteen ranks, that probability makes sense.
Now, we need to compute PROB(E/R1 ). If the first card is an Ace, then there
remain 3 Aces out of 51 cards. Thus, PROB(E/R1 ) = 3/51 = 1/17. We conclude
that PROB(E) = (1/17)(1/13) = 1/221. ✦

✦ Example 4.33. Let us apply Equation (4.10) to the problem of computing the
probability of the event E that at least one 1 appears in the toss of three dice, as in
the game Chuck-a-Luck described in Example 4.16. First, we must understand that
the notion of an “outcome” described in that example does not match the notion
of a point in a probability space. In Example 4.16 we established that there were
56 different “outcomes,” which were defined to be the numbers of occurrences of 1
through 6 on the faces of the dice. For instance, “a 4, a 5, and a 6” is one possible
outcome; “two 3’s and a 4” is another. However, not all outcomes in this sense have
the same probability. In particular, outcomes with three different numbers showing
have twice the probability of outcomes with two of one number and six times the
probability of an outcome where all three dice show the same number.
While we could use the probability space whose points are “outcomes ” in
the sense of Example 4.16, it is more more natural to consider the order in which
the dice are rolled and thus develop a probability space whose points have equal
probability. There are 63 = 216 different outcomes corresponding to the roll of
three dice, in order, and each of these outcomes has probability 1/216.
We could calculate the probability of at least one 1 in a direct manner, without
using Equation (4.10). First, calculate the number of rolls in which no 1 appears.
We can assign to each of the three dice any of the numbers from 2 to 6. There are
thus 53 = 125 points in the space that have no 1, and 216 − 125 = 91 points that
do have a 1. Therefore, PROB(E) = 91/216, or about 42%.
The approach above is short but requires that we use several “tricks.” An-
other way to calculate the probability “by force” is to divide the space into three
regions, corresponding to the cases in which there are one, two, or three different
numbers showing. Let Ri be the region of points with i different numbers. We
can calculate the probabilities of the various regions as follows. For R3 there are
only six points, one for each of the numbers 1 through 6 that may appear on all
three dice. For R1 there are 6 × 5 × 4 = 120 ways to select three different numbers
out of six, according to the rule of Section 4.4. Thus, R2 must have the remain-
ing 216 − 6 − 120 = 90 points.3 The probabilities of the regions are PROB(R1 ) =
6/216 = 1/36, PROB(R2 ) = 90/216 = 5/12, and PROB(R3 ) = 120/216 = 5/9.
Next, we can calculate the conditional probabilities. If there are three numbers
out of the possible six showing, the probability is 1/2 that one of them is 1. If two

3 We can compute this number directly by multiplying 6 ways that we can choose the number

to appear twice, times 5 ways we can pick the number on the remaining dice, times 31 = 3
ways we can pick the die that has the unique number. Note that 6 × 5 × 3 = 90.

numbers are showing, the probability is 1/3 that 1 appears at least once. If only
one number shows, there is a 1/6 chance that it is 1. Thus, PROB(E/R1 ) = 1/6,
PROB(E/R2 ) = 1/3, and PROB(E/R3 ) = 1/2. We can put all these probabilities
together to evaluate (4.10). The result is
PROB(E) = (1/6)(1/36) + (1/3)(5/12) + (1/2)(5/9)
= 1/216 + 5/36 + 5/18 = 91/216
This fraction agrees with the direct calculation, of course. If we see the “trick” of
the direct calculation, that approach is considerably easier. However, breaking the
problem into regions is frequently a more reliable way to guarantee success. ✦

A Product Rule for Independent Experiments

A common type of probability problem asks for the probability of a sequence of

outcomes to a sequence of independent experiments. In that case, Equation (4.10)
has an especially simple form, and it tells us that the probability of a sequence of
outcomes is the product of the probabilities of each outcome by itself.
First, whenever we divide the probability space into k regions of equal size, we
know that PROB(Ri ) = 1/k for all i. Thus (4.10) reduces to
X 1
PROB(E) = PROB(E/Ri ) (4.11)

A useful way to look at (4.11) is that the probability of E is the average over all
regions of the probability of E given we are in that region.
Now, consider a probability space that represents the outcomes of two inde-
pendent experiments X1 and X2 . We may divide this space into k regions, each the
set of points for which the outcome of X1 has a particular value. Then each of the
regions has the same probability, 1/k.
Suppose we want to calculate the probability of the event E in which X1 has
the outcome a and X2 has the outcome b. We may use formula (4.11). If Ri is not
the region corresponding to outcome a for X1 , then PROB(E/Ri ) = 0. Thus, all
but the term for the region of a drops out of (4.11). If Ra is that region, we get
PROB(E) = PROB(E/Ra ) (4.12)
What is PROB(E/Ra )? It is the probability that X1 has outcome a and X2 has
outcome b, given that X1 has outcome a. Since we are given that X1 has outcome
a, PROB(E/Ra ) is just the probability that X2 has outcome b given that X1 has
outcome a. Since X1 and X2 are independent, PROB(E/Ra ) is just the probability
that X2 has outcome b. If there are m possible outcomes for X2 , then PROB(E/Ra )
is 1/m. Then (4.12) becomes
1 1
PROB(E) = ( )( )
k m
We may generalize the above reasoning to any number of experiments. To do
so, we let experiment X1 be a sequence of experiments and show by induction on
the total number of independent experiments that the probability of all having a
particular sequence of outcomes is the product of the probabilities of each outcome.

Using Independence to Simplify Calculations

There are many opportunities to simplify probability calculations if we know that
experiments are independent. The product rule is one such example. Another is that
whenever event E is the set of points with a particular outcome from experiment
X1 , and F is the set of points with a particular outcome of another, independent
experiment X2 , then PROB(E/F ) = PROB(E).
In principle, telling whether two experiments are independent is a complex
task involving examination of the probability space representing pairs of outcomes
of each experiment. However, often we can appeal to the physics of the situation
to conclude that experiments are independent without doing this calculation. For
example, when we throw dice in sequence, there is no physical reason why the
outcome of one would influence the other, so they must be independent experiments.
Contrast the situation of dice with the deal of several cards from a deck. Since cards
dealt are unavailable to be dealt at a future step, we do not expect successive cards
to be independent of each other. We in fact observed this lack of independence in
Example 4.29.

✦ Example 4.34. The probability that the last four digits of a phone number
are 1234 is 0.0001. The selection of each digit is an experiment with ten possible
outcomes: 0 through 9. Moreover, each selection is independent of the other se-
lections, since we are performing a “selection with replacement” as in Section 4.2.
The probability that the first digit is 1 is 1/10. Similarly, the probability that the
second digit is 2 is 1/10, and likewise for the other two digits. The probability of
the event that the four digits are 1234 in order is (1/10)4 = 0.0001. ✦


4.10.1: Using the space of Fig. 4.14, give the conditional probabilities of the fol-
lowing pairs of events.
a) The second die is even, given that the first die is odd
b) The first die is even, given that the second die is at least 3
c) The sum of the dice is at least 7, given that the first die is 4
d) The second die is 3, given that the sum of the dice is 8
4.10.2: Divide the Chuck-a-Luck (see Example 4.16) probability space into three
regions, as in Example 4.33. Use this division and Equation 4.10 to compute the
probability that
a) There are at least two 1’s showing
b) All three dice are 1
c) There is exactly one 1 showing
4.10.3: Show that in Chuck-a-Luck, the probability of any event in which all three
dice have different values is twice the probability of any event where one number
appears exactly twice and six times the probability of any event in which all three
dice show the same number.

4.10.4*: Show by induction on n that if there are n experiments, each of which

is independent of those that go before, then the probability of any sequence of
outcomes is the product of the probabilities of each outcome in its own experiment.

4.10.5*: Show that if PROB(F/E) = PROB(F ), then PROB(E/F ) = PROB(E).

Thus, show that if experiment X1 is independent of experiment X2 , then X2 is
independent of X1 .

4.10.6*: Consider the set of sequences of seven letters chosen from W and L. We may
think of these sequences as representing the outcomes of a match of seven games,
where W means the first team wins the game and L means the second team wins the
game. The match is won by the first team to win four games (thus, some games
may never get played, but we need to include their hypothetical outcomes in the
points in order that we have a probability space of equally likely points).

a) What is the probability that a team will win the match, given that it has won
the first game?

b) What is the probability that a team will win the match, given that it has won
the first two games?

c) What is the probability that a team will win the match, given that it has won
two out of the first three games?

4.10.7**: There are three prisoners, A, B, and C. They are told one and only one
is to be shot and that the guard knows who. A asks the guard to tell him the name
of one of the other prisoners who will not be shot. The guard answers that B will
not be shot.
A reasons that either he or C will be shot, so the probability that A will be
shot is 1/2. On the other hand, reasons A, no matter who is to be shot, the guard
knows somebody besides A who will not be shot, so he always has an answer to
A’s question. Therefore, the asking and answering of the question provides no
information about whether or not A is to be shot, so the probability that A will be
shot is still 1/3, as it was before the question was asked.
What is the true probability that A will be shot after the sequence of events
described above? Hint : You need to construct an appropriate probability space,
one that represents not only the experiment in which a prisoner is chosen to be shot
but also the possibility that the guard has a choice of whether to answer “B” or
“C,” and the experiment in which he chooses one if so.

4.10.8*: Suppose that E is an event in a space that is partitioned into k regions

R1 , R2 , . . . , Rk . Show that
PROB(Rj /E) = Pk
i=1 PROB(Ri )PROB(E/Ri )

Bayes’ Rule This formula is called Bayes’ Rule. It gives a value for the probability of Rj given
that E has been observed. For Example 4.31, calculate PROB(R1 /E), PROB(R2 /E),
and PROB(R3 /E) using Bayes’ rule.

✦ ✦

4.11 Probabilistic Reasoning
An important application of probability in computing is in the design of systems
that predict events. An example is a medical diagnosis system. Ideally, the process
of diagnosis consists of performing tests or observing symptoms until the outcome of
the tests and presence or absence of certain symptoms is sufficient for the physician
to determine what disease the patient has. In practice, however, diagnoses are
rarely certain. Rather, a diagnosis is the most likely disease, or a disease whose
conditional probability, given the outcomes of the experiments that are the tests
and observations of symptoms, is highest.
Let us consider an overly simple example that has the flavor of diagnosis using
probability. Suppose it is known that when a patient has a headache, the probability
that he has the flu is 50%. That is,
PROB(Flu/Headache) = 0.5
In the above, we interpret Flu as the name of an event that can be interpreted as
“the patient has the flu.” Similarly, Headache is the name of the event that the
patient complains of a headache.
Suppose we also know that when the patient’s temperature is measured at 102
(Fahrenheit) or above, the probability is 60% that he has the flu. If we allow Fever
to be the name of the event that the patient’s temperature is at least 102, then we
can write this observation as
PROB(Flu/Fever) = 0.6
Now, consider the following diagnosis situation. A patient comes to the doctor
complaining of a headache. The doctor takes his temperature and finds it is 102.
What is the probability that the patient has the flu?
The situation is suggested by Fig. 4.18. There we see the three events Flu,
Headache, and Fever, which together divide the space into 8 regions, which we
indicate by letters a through h. For example, c is the event that the patient has a
headache and flu, but not a fever.
The given information about probabilities puts some constraints on the sizes
of the events in Fig. 4.18. Let us use the letters a through h as standing not only
for the regions indicated in Fig. 4.18 but as the probabilities of those events. Then
the condition that PROB(Flu/Headache) = 0.5 says that the sum of regions c + f
is half the total size of the headache event, or put another way:
c+f = d+g (4.13)
Similarly, the fact that PROB(Flu/Fever) = 0.6 says that e + f is 3/5 of the total
size of the Fever event, or:
e + f = 23 (g + h) (4.14)
Now, let us interpret the question: what is the probability of flu, given both a
fever and a headache? The fact that there is both fever and headache says that we
are either in region f or region g. In region f the diagnosis of flu is correct, and in
g it is not. Thus, the probability of flu is f /(f + g).
What is the value of f /(f + g)? The answer may be surprising. We have
absolutely no information about the probability of flu; it could be 0 or 1 or anything
in between. Here are two examples of how the points of the probability space of
Fig. 4.18 could actually be distributed.

Flu Headache

b d

e g


Fig. 4.18. The events Flu, Headache, and Fever.

✦ Example 4.35. Suppose that in Fig. 4.18 the probabilities associated with the
various events are: d = f = 0.3, a = h = 0.2, and the four other regions have
probability 0. Note that these values satisfy the constraining equations (4.13) and
(4.14). In this example, f /(f + g) = 1; that is, a patient with both a headache and
fever is certain to have the flu. Then the probability space of Fig. 4.18 actually
looks like that of Fig. 4.19. There we see that whenever a patient has both a fever
and headache, he has the flu, and conversely, whenever he has the flu, he has both
fever and headache.4 ✦

✦ Example 4.36. Another example is given by the probabilities c = g = 0.2,

a = e = 0.3, with other probabilities 0. Again, Equations (4.13) and (4.14) are
satisfied. Now, however, f /(f + g) = 0. That is, if you have both a fever and
headache, then you are certain not to have the flu, a rather doubtful statement, but
one that is not ruled out by Equations (4.13) and (4.14). The situation is shown in
Fig. 4.20. ✦

4 Although there are other examples where b 6= 0 — that is, one can have the flu and yet have
neither fever nor headache — yet f /(f + g) = 1.


f d

h Flu


Fig. 4.19. Example of space where Fever and Headache guarantee Flu.


Flu c

e g


Fig. 4.20. Example of space where Fever and Headache guarantee no Flu.

Probability of the OR of Two Events

If we cannot tell anything about what happens when a patient has both fever and
headache in the previous scenario, we might wonder whether there is anything we
can say. In simpler situations there is indeed some limit to how probabilities behave
when events are combined. Perhaps the most straightforward situation occurs when
Disjunction we combine two events with disjunction or logical-OR.

✦ Example 4.37. Referring again to the situation of Fig. 4.18, suppose we are
told that at any time, 2% of the population has a fever and 3% of the population
has a headache. That is, the size of the event Fever is 0.02, and the size of the event
Headache is 0.03. What fraction of the population has either a fever or a headache,
or both?
The answer is that between 3% and 5% of the population has at least one. To
see why, let us do some calculation in terms of the eight regions defined in Fig. 4.18.

If Fever has probability 0.02, that says

e + h + f + g = 0.02 (4.15)
If Headache has probability 0.03, then
c + d + f + g = 0.03 (4.16)
We are asked what is the size of the regions that are in either Fever or Headache or
both; that is, how large is e + h + f + g + c + d?
If we add (4.15) and (4.16), we get e + h + 2(f + g) + c + d = 0.05, or put
another way,
e + h + f + g + c + d = 0.05 − (f + g) (4.17)
Since the probability of Fever-or-Headache is the left side of (4.17), it is also the
right side, or 0.05 − (f + g).
At the minimum, f + g is 0, so the probability of Fever-or-Headache can be as
high as 0.05, but no higher. That is, it is possible that fever and headache never
occur together. Then the regions f and g are empty, e + h = 0.02, and c + d = 0.03.
In this case, the probability of Fever-or-Headache is the sum of the probability of
Fever and the Probability of Headache.
What is the maximum value f + g could have? Surely f + g is no bigger than
the entire Fever event and no bigger than the entire Headache event. Since Fever
is smaller, we see that f + g ≤ 0.02. Thus, the smallest the probability of Fever-or-
Headache could be is 0−05−0.02, or 0.03. This result happens to be the probability
of Headache, the larger of the two events. That is no coincidence. Another way to
look at it is that the smallest size Fever-or-Headache could have occurs when the
smaller of the two events is wholly contained within the larger. In this example,
that occurs when e + h = 0, and Fever is contained within Headache. In that
case, you cannot have a fever unless you also have a headache, so the probability of
Fever-or-Headache is the same as the probability of Headache alone, or 0.03. ✦

We can generalize our explorations of Example 4.37 to any two events. The
Rule for sums rule for sums is as follows. If E and F are any two events, and G is the event that
either E or F or both occurs, then

max PROB(E), PROB(F ) ≤ PROB(G) ≤ PROB(E) + PROB(F ) (4.18)
That is, the probability of E-or-F is between the larger of the probabilities of E
and F and the sum of those probabilities.
The same idea holds within any other event H. That is, all the probabilities
in (4.18) may be made conditional on event H, giving us the more general rule

max PROB(E/H), PROB(F/H) ≤ PROB(G/H)
≤ PROB(E/H) + PROB(F/H) (4.19)

✦ Example 4.38. Suppose, in the scenario of Fig. 4.18 we are told that 70% of all
people with the flu have a fever, and 80% of all people with the flu have a headache.
Then in (4.19), Flu is the event H, E is the event Fever, F is Headache, and G is
Headache-or-Fever. We are told that PROB(E/H) = PROB(Fever/Flu) = 0.7, and
PROB(F/H) = PROB(Headache/Flu) = 0.8.

Rule (4.19) says that PROB(G/H) is at least the larger of 0.7 and 0.8. That is,
if you have the flu, then the probability that you have a fever or headache or both
is at least 0.8. Rule (4.19) also says that PROB(G/H) is at most

or 0.7 + 0.8 = 1.5. However, that upper bound is not useful. We know that no event
can have probability greater than 1, so 1 is a better upper bound on PROB(G/H). ✦

Probability of the AND of Events

Suppose we are again told that the probability of Fever is 0.02 and the probability
of Headache is 0.03. What is the probability of Fever-and-Headache, that is, the
probability that a person has both fever and headache? As for the OR of two events,
we cannot tell exactly, but sometimes we can put some limits on the probability of
Conjunction the conjunction (logical AND) of two events.
In terms of Fig. 4.18, we are asking how big f + g can be. We already observed
in connection with the OR of events that f + g is largest when the smaller of the
two events, Fever in this case, is wholly contained within the other. Then, all the
probability of Fever is concentrated in f + g, and we have f + g = 0.02. That is, the
probability of Fever-and-Headache is at most 0.02, the probability of Fever alone.
In general, the probability of the AND of two events cannot exceed the probability
of the smaller.
How small can f + g be? Evidently there is nothing that prevents Fever and
Headache from being disjoint, so f + g could be 0. That is, there may be no one
who has both a fever and headache.
Yet the above idea does not generalize completely. Suppose that instead of the
tiny probabilities 0.02 and 0.03 for the events Fever and Headache, we found that
60% had a fever and 70% had a headache. Is it possible that no one has both a fever
and a headache? If f + g = 0 in this situation, then e + h = 0.6, and c + d = 0.7.
Then e + h + c + d = 1.3, which is impossible. That is, we would have in Fig. 4.18
an event, e + h + c + d, with a probability greater than 1.
Evidently, the size of the AND of two events cannot be smaller than the sum of
the probabilities of the events minus 1. If not, then the OR of the same two events
has a probability greater than 1. This observation is summarized in the rule for
Rule for products. If E and F are two events, and G is the event that both of E and F
products occur, then

PROB(E) + PROB(F ) − 1 ≤ PROB(G) ≤ min PROB(E), PROB(F )

As with the rule for sums, the same idea applies to probabilities that are
conditional upon some other event H. That is,
PROB(E/H) + PROB(F/H) − 1 ≤ PROB(G/H)
≤ min PROB(E/H), PROB(F/H) (4.20)

✦ Example 4.38. Again referring to Fig. 4.18, suppose that 70% of those with
the flu have a fever and 80% have a headache. How many have both a fever and
a headache? According to (4.20) with H the event Flu, the probability of both a
fever and headache, given that the person has the flu, is at least 0.7 + 0.8 − 1 = 0.5
and at most min(0.7, 0.8) = 0.7. ✦

Summary of Rules Involving Several Events

The following summarizes rules of this section and rules about independent events
from the last section. Suppose E and F are events with probabilities p and q,
respectively. Then
✦ The probability of event E-or-F (i.e., at least one of E and F ) is at least
max(p, q) and at most p + q (or 1 if p + q > 1).
✦ The probability of event E-and-F (i.e., both E and F ) is at most min(p, q) and
at least p + q − 1 (or 0 if p + q < 1).
✦ If E and F are independent events, then the probability of E-and-F is pq.
✦ If E and F are independent events, then the probability of E-or-F is p + q − pq.
The latter rule requires some thought. The probability of E-or-F is p + q minus the
fraction of the space that is in both events, since the latter space is counted twice
when we add the probabilities of E and F . The points in both E and F are exactly
the event E-and-F , whose probability is pq. Thus,
PROB(E-or-F ) = PROB(E) + PROB(F ) − PROB(E-and-F ) = p + q − pq
The diagram below illustrates the relationships between these various events.


= pq

prob. = p

prob. = q

prob. = p + q − pq

Some Ways to Deal With Relationships Among Events

Compound In applications that require us to compute the probability of compound events
event (events that are the AND or OR of several other events), often we do not need to
know exact probabilities. Rather, we need to determine what is the most likely
situation or a situation that has high probability (i.e., probability close to 1). Thus,
the range of probabilities that a compound event may not present a great problem,

as long as we can deduce that the probability of the event is “high.”

For instance, in the medical diagnosis problem introduced in Example 4.35, we
may never be able to deduce with probability 1 that the patient has the flu. But
as long as the combination of observed symptoms and symptoms not present in the
patient together allow us to conclude that the probability he has the flu is very
high, then it may make good sense to treat the patient for flu.
However, we observed in Example 4.35 that we could say essentially nothing
about the probability that a patient with both a headache and fever has the flu,
even though we know that each symptom by itself strongly suggests the flu. A real
reasoning system needs more information or more rules from which it can estimate
probabilities. As a simple example, we might be given explicitly the probability
PROB(Flu/Headache-and-Fever). That would settle the question immediately.
However, if there are n events E1 , E2 , . . . , En that in some combination might
let us conclude another event F , then we need to give explicitly 2n − 1 different
probabilities. These are the conditional probabilities of F given each set of one or
more of E1 , E2 , . . . , En .

✦ Example 4.40. For the case n = 2, such as Example 4.35, we need only
give three conditional probabilities. Thus we might assert, as we did previously,
that PROB(Flu/Fever) = 0.6 and PROB(Flu/Headache) = 0.5. Then, we might add
information such as PROB(Flu/Fever-and-Headache) = 0.9. ✦

To avoid having to specify an exponential number of conditional probabilities,

there are many types of restrictions that have been used to help us deduce or
Implication of estimate probabilities. A simple one is a statement that one event implies another;
events that is, the first event is a subset of the second event. Often, such information tells
us something useful.

✦ Example 4.41. Suppose we state that whenever one has the flu, one is sure to
have a headache. In terms of Fig. 4.18, we are saying that regions b and e are empty.
Suppose also that whenever one has the flu, one also has a fever. Then region c
of Fig. 4.18 is also empty. Figure 4.22 suggests the simplification to Fig. 4.18 that
results from these two assumptions.
Under the conditions that b, c, and e are all 0, and again assuming that
PROB(Flu/Headache) = 0.5 and PROB(Flu/Fever) = 0.6, we can rewrite Equations
(4.13) and (4.14) as
f =d+g
f = 23 (g + h)
Since d and h are both at least 0, the first equation says f ≥ g and the second says
f ≥ 3g/2.
Now, let us see what we know about the probability of flu, given both fever and
headache, that is, PROB(Flu/Fever-and-Headache). This conditional probability
in either Fig. 4.18 or Fig. 4.22 is f /(f + g). Since f ≥ 3g/2, we conclude that
f /(f + g) ≥ 0.6. That is, the probability is at least 0.6 that a patient with headache
and fever has the flu. ✦

f d

Fig. 4.22. Here, Flu implies both Headache and Fever.

We can generalize Example 4.41 to apply to any three events, two of which are
implied by the third. Suppose E, F , and G are events, and
PROB(E/G) = PROB(F/G) = 1

That is, whenever G occurs, E and F are certain to occur as well. Suppose further
that PROB(G/E) = p and PROB(G/F ) = q. Then
PROB(G/E-and-F ) ≥ max(p, q) (4.21)

The reason Equation (4.21) holds can be seen from Fig. 4.22, if we interpret Flu
as G, Fever as E, and Headache as F . Then p = f /(f + g + h) and q = f /(f + g + d).
Since d and h are at least 0, it follows that p ≤ f /(f + g) and q ≤ f /(f + g). But
f /(f + g) is PROB(G/E-and-F ). Thus, this conditional probability is equal to or
greater than the larger of p and q.


4.11.1: Generalize the rule of sums and the rule of products to more than two
events. That is, if E1 , E2 , . . . , En are events with probabilities p1 , p2 , . . . , pn , re-

a) What can we say about the probability that at least one of the n events occur?
b) What can we say about the probability that all n events occur?

4.11.2*: If PROB(F/E) = p, what, if anything, can we say about

a) PROB(F/Ē)
b) PROB(F̄ /E)
c) PROB(F̄ /Ē)

Recall that Ē is the complement event for E and F̄ is the complement event for F .

Other Applications of Probabilistic Reasoning

We have seen in this section a tiny illustration of an important application of prob-
abilistic reasoning: medical diagnosis. Here are some of the other areas in which
similar ideas appear in computer solutions.
✦ Systems diagnosis. A device fails, exhibiting some incorrect behavior. For
example, a computer’s screen is blank but the disk is running. What has
caused the problem?
✦ Corporate planning. Given probabilities of economic conditions, such as a rise
in inflation, a decrease in supply of a certain commodity, and so on, what
strategies have the greatest probability of success?
✦ Intelligent appliances. State-of-the-art appliances of many sorts use probabilis-
Fuzzy logic tic reasoning (often referred to as “fuzzy logic”) to make decisions for the user.
For example, a washing machine can spin and weigh its load and predict the
most likely kind of fabric (e.g., wash-and-wear or woolens), adjusting the cycle

4.11.3: An intelligent building control tries to predict whether it will be a “cold”

night, which we shall take to mean that the nighttime low is at least 20 degrees
colder than the daytime high. It knows that when the sunlight falling on its sensor
is high just before sunset, there is a 60% probability of a cold night (because there
is apparently no cloud cover, allowing heat to radiate more easily from the earth).
It also knows that if the change in temperature the hour after sunset is at least 5
degrees, then the probability is 70% of a cold night. Refer to these three events as
Cold, High, and Dropping, respectively. Let us suppose also that PROB(High) =
0.4 and PROB(Dropping) = 0.3.
a) Give upper and lower limits on PROB(High-and-Dropping).

b) Give upper and lower limits on PROB(High-or-Dropping).

c) Suppose we are also told that whenever it is going to be cold at night, the
sunlight sensor reads high, and the temperature drops at least 4 degrees after
sunset, i.e., PROB(High/Cold) and PROB(Dropping/Cold) are both 1. Give
upper and lower limits on PROB(Cold/High-and-Dropping).
d**)Under the same assumption as part (c), give upper and lower limits on

Note that this problem requires reasoning not covered in the section.
4.11.4*: In many situations, such as Example 4.35, two or more events mutually
reinforce a conclusion. That is, we expect intuitively that whatever

may be, being told that the patient has a fever as well as a headache increases
Reinforcing the probability of flu. Say that event E reinforces event F in the conclusion G
events if PROB(G/E-and-F ) ≥ PROB(G/F ). Show that if events E and F each reinforce
the other in the conclusion G, then Equation (4.21) holds. That is, the conditional

probability of G given E and F is at least the larger of the conditional probability

of G given E and the conditional probability of G given F .

✦ ✦

4.12 Expected Value Calculations
Commonly, the possible outcomes of an experiment have associated values. In this
section, we shall use simple gambling games as examples, where money is won or lost
depending on the outcome of the experiment. In the next section, we shall discuss
more complex examples from computer science, where we compute the expected
running time of certain algorithms.
Payoff function Suppose we have a probability space and a payoff function f on the points of
that space. The expected value of f is the sum over all points x of f (x)PROB(x).
We denote this value by EV(f ). When all points are equally likely, we can compute
the expected value EV(f ) by
1. Summing f (x) for all x in the space and then
2. Dividing by the number of points in the space.
Mean value The expected value is sometimes called the mean value and it can be thought of as
a “center of gravity.”

✦ Example 4.42. Suppose the space is the six points representing the outcomes
of the throw of a fair die. These points are naturally thought of as integers 1
through 6. Let the payoff function be the identity function; that is, f (i) = i for
i = 1, 2, . . . , 6. Then the expected value of f is

EV(f ) = f (1) + f (2) + f (3) + f (4) + f (5) + f (6) /6
= (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6)/6 = 21/6 = 3.5
That is, the expected value of the number on a die is 3.5.
As another example, let g be the payoff function g(i) = i2 . Then, for the same
experiment — the throw of one die — the expected value of g is
EV(g) = (12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + 62 )/6
= (1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36)/6 = 91/6 = 15.17
Informally, the expected value for the square of the number thrown on a die is
15.17 ✦

✦ Example 4.43. Let us reconsider the game of Chuck-a-Luck, first introduced

in Example 4.16. The payoff rules for this game are as follows. A player bets one
dollar on a number. If that number comes up one or more times, then the player
receives as many dollars as his number appears. If the number does not come up
at all, then the player loses his dollar.
The probability space for Chuck-a-Luck is the 216 points consisting of the
triples of numbers between 1 and 6. These points represent the outcome of the toss
of three dice. Let us suppose that the player bets on number 1. It should be clear
that the expected value of the player’s winnings or losings does not depend on the
number bet on, as long as the dice are fair.

The payoff function f for this game is:

0. g(i, j, k) = −1 if none of i, j, or k is 1. That is, the player loses a dollar if there
are no 1’s.
1. g(i, j, k) = 1 if exactly one of i, j, or k is 1.
2. g(i, j, k) = 2 if exactly two of i, j, or k are 1.
3. g(i, j, k) = 3 if all three of i, j, or k are 1.
Our problem then is to average g over the 216 points. Since enumeration of all
these points is tedious, we are better off trying to count the number of points with
each of the four different outcomes.
First, let us count the number of triples with no 1’s. There are five numbers
to chose from in each position, so we have an assignment problem as in Section 4.2.
There are thus 53 = 125 points with no 1’s. These 125 points contribute −125 to
the sum of the payoffs, by rule (0) above.
Next, let us count the number of triples with exactly one 1. The 1 can appear
in any of the three places. For each place that holds the 1, there are choices of five
numbers for each of the other two places. Thus, the number of points with exactly
one 1 is 3 × 5 × 5 = 75. These points contribute +75 to the payoff by rule (1).
The number of points with all three 1’s is clearly one, so this possibility con-
tributes +3 to the payoff. The remaining 216 − 125 − 75 − 1 = 15 points must have
two 1’s, so these 15 points contribute +30 to the payoff by rule (2).
Finally, we can compute the expected value of the game by adding the payoffs
from each of the four types of points and dividing by the total number of points.
Thus calculation is
EV(f ) = (−125 + 75 + 30 + 3)/216 = −17/216 = −0.079
That is, on the average, the player loses almost 8 cents for every dollar wagered.
This result may be surprising, since the game superficially looks like an even bet.
This point is discussed in the exercises. ✦

As Example 4.43 suggests, it is sometimes easier to group the points according

to the value of their payoff function. In general, suppose we have a probability
space with a payoff function f , and f has a finite number of different values that it
produces. For instance, in Example 4.43 f produced only the values −1, 1, 2, and
3. For each value v produced by f , let Ev be the event consisting of the points x
such that f (x) = v. That is, Ev is the set of points on which f produces value v.
EV(f ) = v PROB(Ev ) (4.22)

In the common case where the points have equal probability, let nv be the
number of points in event Ev and let n be the total number of points in the space.
Then PROB(Ev ) is nv /n, and we may write
EV(f ) = vnv /n

✦ Example 4.44. In Example 4.25, we introduced the game of Keno, and com-
puted the probability of guessing three out of 5 correct. Now let us compute the
expected value of the payoff in the 5-spot game of Keno. Recall that in the 5-spot
game, the player guesses five numbers from 1 to 80. When the game is played,
twenty numbers from 1 to 80 are selected. The player wins if three or more of those
twenty numbers are among the five he selected.
However, the payoff depends on how many of the player’s five numbers are
correct. Typically, for a $1 bet, the player receives $2 if he guesses three out of five
(i.e., the player has a net gain of $1). If he guesses four out of five, he receives $15,
and for guessing all five, he is rewarded with $300. If he guesses fewer than three
correctly, the player receives nothing, and loses his $1.
In Example 4.25, we calculated the probability of guessing three out of five to be
0.08394 (to four significant places). We can similarly calculate that the probability
of guessing four out of five is 0.01209, and the probability of guessing all five is
0.0006449. Then, the probability of guessing fewer than three is 1 minus these
three fractions, or 0.90333. The payoffs for fewer than three, for three, four, and
five are −1, +1, +14, and +299, respectively. Thus, we may apply formula (4.22)
to get the expected payoff of the 5-spot game of Keno. It is
0.90333 × −1 + 0.08394 × 1 + 0.01209 × 14 + 0.0006449 × 299 = −0.4573
Thus, the player loses almost 46 cents of every dollar he bets in this game. ✦

4.12.1: Show that if we throw three dice, the expected number of 1’s that will
appear is 1/2.
4.12.2*: Since we win when there is a 1 and lose when there is not, why does
not the fact in Exercise 4.12.1 imply that Chuck-a-Luck is an even game (i.e., the
expected payoff by betting on 1, or any other number, is 0)?
4.12.3: Suppose that in a 4-spot game of Keno, where the player guesses four
numbers, the payout is as follows: for guessing two, $1 (i.e., the player gets his
dollar back); for guessing three, $4; for guessing all four, $50. What is the expected
value of the payout?
4.12.4: Suppose in a 6-spot game of Keno, the payouts are as follows: for guessing
three, $1; for four, $4; for five, $25; for guessing all six, $1000. What is the expected
value of the payout?
4.12.5: Suppose we play a Chuck-a-Luck type of game with six dice. The player
pays $1 to play, bets on a number, and throws the dice. He is rewarded with $1 for
every time his selected number appears. For instance, if it appears once, the net
Fair game payout is 0; if it appears twice, the net payout is +1, and so on. Is this a fair game
(i.e., is the expected value of the payout 0)?
4.12.6*: Based on the style of payout suggested by Exercise 4.12.5, we could modify
the payout of the standard 3-dice form of Chuck-a-Luck so that the player pays some
amount to play. He is then rewarded with $1 for every time his number appears.
What is the proper amount the player should pay in order that this be a fair game?

✦ ✦

4.13 Some Programming Applications of Probability
In this section, we shall consider two types of uses for probability calculations in
computer science. The first is an analysis of the expected running time of an
algorithm. The second is a new type of algorithm, often called a “Monte Carlo”
algorithm, because it takes a risk of being incorrect. As we shall see, by adjusting
parameters, it is possible to make Monte-Carlo algorithms correct with as high
a probability as we like, except that we cannot reach probability 1, or absolute

A Probabilistic Analysis
Let us consider the following simple problem. Suppose we have an array of n
integers, and we ask whether an integer x is an entry of the array A[0..n-1]. The
algorithm in Fig.4.23 does as well as any. Note that it returns a type which we
called BOOLEAN, defined to be a synonym for int in Section 1.6. Also in that section
were defined the constants TRUE and FALSE, which stand for 1 and 0, respectively.

BOOLEAN find(int x, int A[], int n)

int i;

(1) for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

(2) if(A[i] == x)
(3) return TRUE;
(4) return FALSE;

Fig. 4.23. Finding an element x in an array A of size n.

The loop of lines (1) – (3) examines each entry of the array, and if x is found
there, immediately terminates the loop with TRUE as our answer. If x is never found,
we reach line (4) and return FALSE. Let the time taken by the body of the loop
and the loop incrementation and test be c. Let d be the time of line (4) and the
initialization of the loop. Then if x is not found, the running time of the function
of Fig. 4.23 is cn + d, which is O(n).
However, suppose x is found; what is the running time of Fig. 4.23 then?
Clearly, the earlier x is found, the less time it takes. If x were somehow guaranteed
to be in A[0], the time would be O(1), since the loop would iterate only once. But
if x were always at or near the end, the time would be O(n).
Surely the worst case is when we find x at the last step, so O(n) is a smooth
and tight upper bound on the worst case. However, is it possible that the average
case is much better than O(n)? In order to address this question, we need to define
a probability space whose points represent the possible places in which x can be
found. The simplest assumption is that x is equally likely to be placed in any of
the n entries of array A. If so, then our space has n points, one representing each
of the integers from 0 to n − 1, which are the bounds of the index of array A.
Our question then becomes: in this probability space, what is the expected
value of the running time of the function of Fig. 4.23? Consider a point i in the

space; i can be anything from 0 to n − 1. If x is in A[i], then the loop will iterate
i + 1 times. An upper bound on the running time is thus ci + d. This bound is off
slightly in the constant d, since line (4) is never executed. However, the difference
does not matter, since d will disappear when we translate to a big-oh expression
We must thus find the expected value of the function f (i) = ci + d on this
probability space. We sum ci + d where i ranges from 0 to n − 1, and then divide
by n, the number of points. That is,
EV(f ) = ci + d /n = cn(n − 1)/2 + dn /n = c(n − 1)/2 + d

For large n, this expression is about cn/2. Thus, O(n) is the smooth and tight
upper bound on this expected value. That is, the expected value is, to within a
constant factor of about 2, the same as the worst case. This result makes intuitive
sense. If x is equally likely to be anywhere in the array, it will “typically” be half
way down the array, and we therefore do about half the work that would be done
if x were not in the array at all, or if it were at the last element.

Algorithms That Use Probability

Deterministic The algorithm of Fig. 4.23 was deterministic, in the sense that it always does the
algorithm same thing on the same data. Only the analysis of the expected running time
uses probability calculations. Almost every algorithm we meet is deterministic.
However, there are some problems that are better solved with an algorithm that is
not deterministic, but uses a selection from a probability space in some essential
way. Making such a selection from an imagined probability space is not hard; we
use a random number generator as discussed in the box in Section 4.9.
Monte-Carlo One common type of probabilistic algorithm, called a Monte-Carlo algorithm,
algorithm makes a random selection at each iteration. Based on this selection, it will either
say “true,” in which case that is guaranteed to be the correct answer, or it will say
“I don’t know,” in which case the correct answer could be either “true” or “false.”
The possibilities are suggested by the probability space in Fig.4.24.
The probability that the algorithm will say “true” given that the answer is true
is a/(a + b). That is, this probability is the conditional probability of event a in
Fig. 4.24 given a or b. As long as this probability p is greater than 0, we can iterate
as many times as we like, and get rapidly decreasing probability of a failure. By
“failure,” we mean that the correct answer is “true,” but on no iteration does the
algorithm tell us so.
Since each iteration is an independent experiment, if the correct answer is
“true” and we iterate n times, the probability that the algorithm will never say
true is (1 − p)n . As long as 1 − p is strictly less than 1, we know that (1 − p)n will
decrease rapidly as n increases. For example, if p = 1/2, then 1 − p is also 1/2.
The quantity (0.5)n is about 1/1000 for n = 10 (see the box in Section 4.2); it is
1/1000000 for n = 20, and so on, decreasing by a factor of about 1000 every time n
increases by 10.
The Monte-Carlo algorithm, then, is to run the experiment n times. If the
answer to any experiment is “true,” then the algorithm answers “true.” If all
answers are “false,” then the algorithm answers “false.” Thus,
1. If the correct answer is “false,” the algorithm will surely answer “false.”

Algorithm says “I don’t
says “true” know,” but
answer is
b c

Answer is “false”; algorithm says “I don’t know”

Fig. 4.24. Possible outcomes of one iteration of a Monte-Carlo algorithm.

2. If the correct answer is “true,” then the algorithm answers “false” with proba-
bility (1 − p)n , which we assume is very small because n is chosen large enough
to make it small. The algorithm answers “true” with probability 1 − (1 − p)n ,
which is presumably very close to 1.
Thus, there are no failures when the correct answer is “false” and very few failures
when the correct answer is “true.”

✦ Example 4.45. Here is an example of a problem that can be solved more

efficiently using a Monte-Carlo algorithm. The XYZ computer company orders
boxes of chips that are supposed to be tested at the factory to make sure they are
all good. However, XYZ believes that some boxes have been leaving the factory
untested, in which case the probability that any given chip is bad is 1/10. A simple
approach solution would be for XYZ itself to test all the chips it receives, but this
process is expensive and time-consuming. If there are n chips in a box, the test of
a box takes O(n) time.
A better approach is to use a Monte-Carlo algorithm. Select from each box k
chips at random to be tested. If a chip is bad, answer “true” — the box had not
been tested at the factory or else the bad chip would have been discovered. If the
chip is good, answer “I don’t know,” and go on to the next chip. If all k chips that
we test are good, declare the entire box to be good.
In terms of Fig. 4.24, region c represents the case that the chips are chosen
from a good box; region b is the case that the box is untested, but the chip happens
to be good; region a is the case that the box is untested, and the chip is bad. Our
assumption that 1/10 of the chips are bad if the box is untested says that the area
of the circle, a, is one-tenth of the area of the ellipse enclosing regions a and b.
Let us compute the probability of failure — all k chips are good, but the box
is untested. The probability of saying “I don’t know” after testing one chip is
1 − 10 = 0.9. Since the events of testing each chip are independent, the probability
that we shall say “I don’t know” to each of k chips is (0.9)k . Suppose we pick

k = 131. Then the probability of failure, (0.9)131 , is almost exactly 0.000001, or

one in a million. That is, if the box is good, we shall never find a bad chip in it, so
we surely say the box is good. If the box is untested, then with probability 0.999999
we find a bad chip among the 131 we test and say the box needs full testing. With
probability 0.000001, the box is untested, but we say it is a good box and do not
test the remaining chips in the box.
The running time of this algorithm is O(1). That is, the time to test at most
131 chips is a constant, independent of n, the number of chips in the box. Thus,
compared with the more obvious algorithm of testing all the chips, the cost has
gone down from O(n) to O(1) per box, at the cost of making an error once in every
million untested boxes.
Moreover, we can make the probability of error as small as we like, by changing
the number of chips we test before concluding we have a good box. For example,
if we double the number of tested chips, to 262, then we square the probability
of failure, which then becomes one in a trillion, or 10−12 . Also, we could save a
constant factor in time at the cost of a higher failure rate. For instance, if we halved
the number of chips tested, to 66 per box, we would have a failure rate of about
one in a thousand untested boxes. ✦


4.13.1: Which of 377, 383, 391 is prime?

4.13.2: Suppose that we used the function of Fig. 4.23 to search for element x,
but the probability of finding x in entry i is proportional to n − i. That is, we can
imagine a probability space with n(n + 1)/2 points, n of which represent situations
where x is in A[0], n − 1 points represent situations where x is in A[1], and so on,
down to one point that represents the possibility that x is in A[n-1]. What is the
expected running time of the algorithm for this probability space?
4.13.3: In 1993, the National Basketball Association held a lottery in which the
11 teams that did not make the playoffs participated. At stake was the first choice
in the player draft. The team with the worst record was given 11 tickets in the
lottery, the next-worst team got 10, and so on, until the 11th-worst team was given
one ticket. A ticket was picked at random and the first-place draft was awarded to
the holder of that ticket. What is the expected value of the function f (t) that is
the finishing place (from the bottom) of the holder of the selected ticket t?
4.13.4**: The lottery described in Exercise 4.13.3 continued. The winning team
had all their tickets removed, and another ticket was picked for second place in
the draft. That winner’s remaining tickets were removed, and a third ticket was
selected for third place in the draft. What are the expected values of the finishing
positions of the teams that got second and third places in the draft?
4.13.5*: Suppose that we are given an array of size n, either sorted or filled at ran-
dom with integers. We wish to construct a Monte-Carlo algorithm that will either
say “true” if it finds the array unsorted or will say “I don’t know.” By repeating the
test k times, we’d like to know there is no more than a 2−k probability of failure.
Suggest such an algorithm. Hint : Make sure that your tests are independent. As
an example of tests that are not independent, we might test whether A[0]<A[1]
and that A[1]<A[2]. These tests are independent. However, if we then tested that

Testing Whether an Integer is a Prime

While Example 4.45 is not really a program, it still exhibits a useful algorithmic
principle, and is in fact a realistic portrayal of a technique for measuring the relia-
bility of manufactured goods. There are some interesting computer algorithms that
use the Monte-Carlo idea as well.
Perhaps first among these is the problem of testing whether a number is a
prime. That question is not an idle one of number theory. It turns out that many
of the central ideas of computer security involve knowing that a very large number
Cryptography is a prime. Roughly, when we encrypt information using n-digit primes, decrypting
without knowing the secret key appears to involve guessing from among almost all of
the 10n possibilities. By making n sufficiently large, we can ensure that “breaking”
the code requires either tremendous luck or more computer time than is available.
Thus, we would like a way to test whether a very large number is a prime, and to
do so in time that is much less than the value of that prime; ideally we’d like it to take
time proportional to the number of digits (i.e., proportional to the logarithm of the
number). It seems that the problem of detecting composite numbers (nonprimes)
is not hard. For example, every even number except 2 is composite, so it looks
like half the problem is solved already. Similarly, those divisible by 3 have a sum
of digits that is divisible by 3, so we can write a recursive algorithm to test for
divisibility by 3 that is only a tiny bit slower than linear in the number of digits.
However, the problem is still tricky for many numbers. For example, one of 377,
383, and 391 is prime. Which?
There is a Monte-Carlo algorithm that tests for composite numbers. On each
iteration, it has at least probability 1/2 of saying “true” if the number is compos-
ite, and never says “true” if the number is prime. The following is not the exact
algorithm, but it works except for a small fraction of the composite numbers. The
complete algorithm is beyond the scope of this book.
Fermat’s The algorithm is based on Fermat’s theorem, which states that if p is a prime,
theorem and a is any integer between 1 and p − 1, then ap−1 leaves a remainder of 1 when
divided by p. Moreover, it happens, except for that small number of “bad” compos-
ite numbers, that if a is chosen at random between 1 and p − 1, then the probability
is at least 1/2 that ap−1 will have a remainder other than 1 when divided by p. For
example, let p = 7. Then 16 , 26 , . . . , 66 are respectively 1, 64, 729, 4096, 15625, and
46656. Their remainders when divided by 7 are all 1. However, if p = 6, a compos-
ite number, we have 15 , 25 , . . . , 55 equal to 1, 32, 243, 1024, and 3125, respectively,
whose remainders when divided by 6 are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Only 20% are 1.
Thus, the “algorithm” for testing whether a number p is a prime is to select
k integers from 1 to p − 1, independently and at random. If for any selected a we
find the remainder of ap−1 /p to be other than 1, we say p is composite; otherwise,
we say it is prime. If it weren’t for the “bad” composites, we could say that the
probability of failure is at most 2−k , since composites meet the test for a given
a with probability at least 1/2. If we make k something like 40, we have only a
one in a trillion chance of accepting a composite as prime. To handle the “bad”
composites, a more complex test is needed, however. This test is still polynomial
in the number of digits in p, as is the simple test given above.

A[0]<A[2], the test would not be independent, since knowing the first two hold we
can be sure the third holds.

4.13.6**: Suppose we are given an array of size n filled with integers in the range
1 to n. These integers were either selected to be different, or they were selected at
random and independently, so we can expect some equalities among √ entries in the
array. Give a Monte-Carlo algorithm that has running time O( n) and has at most
a probability of 10−6 of saying the array was filled with distinct integers when in
fact it was filled at random.

✦ ✦

4.14 Summary of Chapter 4

The reader should remember the following formulas and paradigm problems for

✦ The number of assignments of k values to n objects is k n . The paradigm

problem is painting n houses, each in any of k colors.

✦ We can arrange n distinct items in n! different ways.

✦ We can select k items out of n and arrange the k selected items in any order in
n!/(n − k)! different ways. The paradigm problem is choosing the win, place,
and show horses (k = 3) in a race with n horses.

✦ The number ofways to select m objects out of n, without order, is m , or
n!/ m!(n − m)! . The paradigm problem is dealing poker hands, where n = 52
and m = 5.

✦ If we want to order n items, some of which are identical, the number of ways to
do so is computed as follows. Start with n!. Then, if one value appears k > 1
times among the n items, divide by k!. Perform this division for each value
that appears more than once. The paradigm problem is counting anagrams of
a word of length n, where we must divide n! by k! for each letter that appears
k times in the word and k > 1.

If we want to distribute n identical objects into m bins, we can do so in n+m−1

✦ n
ways. The paradigm problem is distributing apples to children.

✦ If as above, some of the objects are not identical, we count the number of ways
to distribute them to bins as follows. Start with (n + m − 1)!/(m − 1)!. Then,
if there is a group of k identical objects, and k > 1, divide by k!. Perform the
division for each value that appears more than once. The paradigm problem is
distributing fruits of various kinds to children.

In addition, the reader should remember the following points about probability.

✦ A probability space consists of points, each of which is the outcome of an

experiment. Each point x has associated with it a nonnegative number called
the probability of x. The sum of the probabilities of the points in a probability
space is 1.

✦ An event is a subset of the points in a probability space. The probability of an

event is the sum of the probabilities of the points in the event. The probability
of any event lies between 0 and 1.
✦ If all points are equally likely, the conditional probability of event F given event
E is the fraction of the points in event E that are also in event F .
✦ Event E is independent of event F if the conditional probability of E given
F is the same as the probability of E. If E is independent of F , then F is
independent of E.
✦ The rule of sums says that the probability that one of two events E and F
occurs is at least the larger of their probabilities and no greater than the sum
of their probabilities (or no greater than 1 if the sum is above 1).
✦ The rule of products says that the probability that the outcome of an experi-
ment is both in event E and in event F is no greater than the smaller of their
probabilities and at least the sum of their probabilities minus 1 (or at least 0
if the latter is negative).
Finally, there are a number of applications to computer science of principles we
learned in this chapter.
✦ Any sorting algorithm that works on arbitrary types of data that can be com-
pared by “less than” requires time at least proportional to n log n to sort n
✦ The number of bit strings of length n is 2n .
✦ Random number generators are programs that produce sequences of numbers
that appear to be the result of independent experiments, although of course
they are completely determined by the program.
✦ Systems for probabilistic reasoning need a way to express the probabilities
of compound events that are formed from the occurrence of several events.
The rules of sums and products sometimes help. We also learned some other
simplifying assumptions that let us put bounds on the probability of compound
✦ Monte-Carlo algorithms use random numbers to produce either a desired result
(“true”) or no result at all. By repeating the algorithm a constant number of
times, we can solve the problem at hand by concluding the answer is (“false”)
if none of the repetitions produces the answer “true.” By selecting the number
of repetitions, we can adjust the probability of incorrectly concluding “false”
to be as low as we like, but not 0.

✦ ✦

4.15 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 4
A venerable and excellent introduction to combinatorics is Liu [1968]. Graham,
Knuth, and Patashnik [1989] is a deeper discussion of the subject. Feller [1968] is
the classic book on probability theory and its applications.
The Monte-Carlo algorithm for testing whether a number is a prime is from
Rabin [1976]. A discussion of this algorithm and other interesting issues involving

computer security and algorithms that use randomness in an important way can be
found in Dewdeney [1993]. A more advanced discussion of these topics is presented
in Papadimitriou [1994].
Dewdeney, A. K. [1993]. The Turing Omnibus, Computer Science Press, New York.
Feller, W. [1968]. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications,
Third Edition, Wiley, New York.
Graham, R. L., D. E. Knuth, and O. Patashnik [1989]. Concrete Mathematics: A
Foundation for Computer Science, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Liu, C.-L. [1968]. An Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, McGraw-Hill,
New York.
Papadimitriou, C. H. [1994]. Computational Complexity, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
Rabin, M. O. [1976]. “Probabilistic algorithms,” in Algorithms and Complexity:
New Directions and Recent Trends (J. F. Traub, ed.), pp. 21–39, Academic Press,
New York.

✦ ✦

The Tree
Data Model

There are many situations in which information has a hierarchical or nested struc-
ture like that found in family trees or organization charts. The abstraction that
models hierarchical structure is called a tree and this data model is among the most
fundamental in computer science. It is the model that underlies several program-
ming languages, including Lisp.
Trees of various types appear in many of the chapters of this book. For in-
stance, in Section 1.3 we saw how directories and files in some computer systems
are organized into a tree structure. In Section 2.8 we used trees to show how lists
are split recursively and then recombined in the merge sort algorithm. In Section
3.7 we used trees to illustrate how simple statements in a program can be combined
to form progressively more complex statements.

✦ ✦

5.1 What This Chapter Is About

The following themes form the major topics of this chapter:

✦ The terms and concepts related to trees (Section 5.2).
✦ The basic data structures used to represent trees in programs (Section 5.3).
✦ Recursive algorithms that operate on the nodes of a tree (Section 5.4).
✦ A method for making inductive proofs about trees, called structural induction,
where we proceed from small trees to progressively larger ones (Section 5.5).
✦ The binary tree, which is a variant of a tree in which nodes have two “slots”
for children (Section 5.6).
✦ The binary search tree, a data structure for maintaining a set of elements from
which insertions and deletions are made (Sections 5.7 and 5.8).


✦ The priority queue, which is a set to which elements can be added, but from
which only the maximum element can be deleted at any one time. An efficient
data structure, called a partially ordered tree, is introduced for implementing
priority queues, and an O(n log n) algorithm, called heapsort, for sorting n
elements is derived using a balanced partially ordered tree data structure, called
a heap (Sections 5.9 and 5.10).

✦ ✦

5.2 Basic Terminology
Nodes and Trees are sets of points, called nodes, and lines, called edges. An edge connects two
edges distinct nodes. To be a tree, a collection of nodes and edges must satisfy certain
properties; Fig. 5.1 is an example of a tree.
Root 1. In a tree, one node is distinguished and called the root. The root of a tree is
generally drawn at the top. In Fig. 5.1, the root is n1 .
2. Every node c other than the root is connected by an edge to some one other
Parent and node p called the parent of c. We also call c a child of p. We draw the parent
child of a node above that node. For example, in Fig. 5.1, n1 is the parent of n2 , n3 ,
and n4 , while n2 is the parent of n5 and n6 . Said another way, n2 , n3 , and n4
are children of n1 , while n5 and n6 are children of n2 .
All nodes are 3. A tree is connected in the sense that if we start at any node n other than the
connected to root, move to the parent of n, to the parent of the parent of n, and so on, we
the root eventually reach the root of the tree. For instance, starting at n7 , we move to
its parent, n4 , and from there to n4 ’s parent, which is the root, n1 .


n2 n3 n4

n5 n6 n7

Fig. 5.1. Tree with seven nodes.

An Equivalent Recursive Definition of Trees

It is also possible to define trees recursively with an inductive definition that con-
structs larger trees out of smaller ones.

BASIS. A single node n is a tree. We say that n is the root of this one-node tree.

INDUCTION. Let r be a new node and let T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk be one or more trees with
roots c1 , c2 , . . . , ck , respectively. We require that no node appear more than once in
the Ti ’s; and of course r, being a “new” node, cannot appear in any of these trees.
We form a new tree T from r and T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk as follows:
a) Make r the root of tree T .

b) Add an edge from r to each of c1 , c2 , . . . , ck , thereby making each of these

nodes a child of the root r. Another way to view this step is that we have
made r the parent of each of the roots of the trees T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk .

✦ Example 5.1. We can use this recursive definition to construct the tree in Fig.
5.1. This construction also verifies that the structure in Fig. 5.1 is a tree. The nodes
n5 and n6 are each trees themselves by the basis rule, which says that a single node
can be considered a tree. Then we can apply the inductive rule to create a new
tree with n2 as the root r, and the tree T1 , consisting of n5 alone, and the tree T2 ,
consisting of n6 alone, as children of this new root. The nodes c1 and c2 are n5 and
n6 , respectively, since these are the roots of the trees T1 and T2 . As a result, we
can conclude that the structure


n5 n6
is a tree; its root is n2 .
Similarly, n7 alone is a tree by the basis, and by the inductive rule, the structure


is a tree; its root is n4 .
Node n3 by itself is a tree. Finally, if we take the node n1 as r, and n2 , n3 , and
n4 as the roots of the three trees just mentioned, we create the structure in Fig.
5.1, verifying that it indeed is a tree. ✦

Paths, Ancestors, and Descendants

The parent-child relationship can be extended naturally to ancestors and descen-
dants. Informally, the ancestors of a node are found by following the unique path
from the node to its parent, to its parent’s parent, and so on. Strictly speaking,
a node is also its own ancestor. The descendant relationship is the inverse of the
ancestor relationship, just as the parent and child relationships are inverses of each
other. That is, node d is a descendant of node a if and only if a is an ancestor of d.
More formally, suppose m1 , m2 , . . . , mk is a sequence of nodes in a tree such
that m1 is the parent of m2 , which is the parent of m3 , and so on, down to mk−1 ,
which is the parent of mk . Then m1 , m2 , . . . , mk is called a path from m1 to mk in
Path length the tree. The length of the path is k − 1, one less than the number of nodes on the
path. Note that a path may consist of a single node (if k = 1), in which case the
length of the path is 0.

✦ Example 5.2. In Fig. 5.1, n1 , n2 , n6 is a path of length 2 from the root n1 to

the node n6 ; n1 is a path of length zero from n1 to itself. ✦

If m1 , m2 , . . . , mk is a path in a tree, node m1 is called an ancestor of mk and

node mk a descendant of m1 . If the path is of length 1 or more, then m1 is called a
Proper ancestor proper ancestor of mk and mk a proper descendant of m1 . Again, remember that
and descendant the case of a path of length 0 is possible, in which case the path lets us conclude
that m1 is an ancestor of itself and a descendant of itself, although not a proper
ancestor or descendant. The root is an ancestor of every node in a tree and every
node is a descendant of the root.

✦ Example 5.3. In Fig. 5.1, all seven nodes are descendants of n1 , and n1 is an
ancestor of all nodes. Also, all nodes but n1 itself are proper descendants of n1 ,
and n1 is a proper ancestor of all nodes in the tree but itself. The ancestors of n5
are n5 , n2 , and n1 . The descendants of n4 are n4 and n7 . ✦

Sibling Nodes that have the same parent are sometimes called siblings. For example,
in Fig. 5.1, nodes n2 , n3 , and n4 are siblings, and n5 and n6 are siblings.

In a tree T , a node n, together with all of its proper descendants, if any, is called
a subtree of T . Node n is the root of this subtree. Notice that a subtree satisfies
the three conditions for being a tree: it has a root, all other nodes in the subtree
have a unique parent in the subtree, and by following parents from any node in the
subtree, we eventually reach the root of the subtree.

✦ Example 5.4. Referring again to Fig. 5.1, node n3 by itself is a subtree, since
n3 has no descendants other than itself. As another example, nodes n2 , n5 , and n6
form a subtree, with root n2 , since these nodes are exactly the descendants of n2 .
However, the two nodes n2 and n6 by themselves do not form a subtree without
node n5 . Finally, the entire tree of Fig. 5.1 is a subtree of itself, with root n1 . ✦

Leaves and Interior Nodes

A leaf is a node of a tree that has no children. An interior node is a node that
has one or more children. Thus, every node of a tree is either a leaf or an interior
node, but not both. The root of a tree is normally an interior node, but if the tree
consists of only one node, then that node is both the root and a leaf.

✦ Example 5.5. In Fig. 5.1, the leaves are n5 , n6 , n3 , and n7 . The nodes n1 , n2 ,
and n4 are interior. ✦

Height and Depth

In a tree, the height of a node n is the length of a longest path from n to a leaf.
Level The height of the tree is the height of the root. The depth, or level, of a node n is
the length of the path from the root to n.

✦ Example 5.6. In Fig. 5.1, node n1 has height 2, n2 has height 1, and leaf n3
has height 0. In fact, any leaf has height 0. The tree in Fig. 5.1 has height 2. The
depth of n1 is 0, the depth of n2 is 1, and the depth of n5 is 2. ✦

Ordered Trees
Optionally, we can assign a left-to-right order to the children of any node. For
example, the order of the children of n1 in Fig. 5.1 is n2 leftmost, then n3 , then n4 .
This left-to-right ordering can be extended to order all the nodes in a tree. If m
and n are siblings and m is to the left of n, then all of m’s descendants are to the
left of all of n’s descendants.

✦ Example 5.7. In Fig. 5.1, the nodes of the subtree rooted at n2 — that is, n2 ,
n5 , and n6 — are all to the left of the nodes of the subtrees rooted at n3 and n4 .
Thus, n2 , n5 , and n6 are all to the left of n3 , n4 , and n7 . ✦

In a tree, take any two nodes x and y neither of which is an ancestor of the
other. As a consequence of the definition of “to the left,” one of x and y will be
to the left of the other. To tell which, follow the paths from x and y toward the
root. At some point, perhaps at the root, perhaps lower, the paths will meet at
some node z as suggested by Fig. 5.2. The paths from x and y reach z from two
different nodes m and n, respectively; it is possible that m = x and/or n = y, but
it must be that m 6= n, or else the paths would have converged somewhere below z.

m n

x y

Fig. 5.2. Node x is to the left of node y.

Suppose m is to the left of n. Then since x is in the subtree rooted at m and

y is in the subtree rooted at n, it follows that x is to the left of y. Similarly, if m
were to the right of n, then x would be to the right of y.

✦ Example 5.8. Since no leaf can be an ancestor of another leaf, it follows that
all leaves can be ordered “from the left.” For instance, the order of the leaves in
Fig. 5.1 is n5 , n6 , n3 , n7 . ✦

Labeled Trees
A labeled tree is a tree in which a label or value is associated with each node of the
tree. We can think of the label as the information associated with a given node.
The label can be something as simple, such as a single integer, or complex, such as
the text of an entire document. We can change the label of a node, but we cannot
change the name of a node.
If the name of a node is not important, we can represent a node by its label.
However, the label does not always provide a unique name for a node, since several
nodes may have the same label. Thus, many times we shall draw a node with both
its label and its name. The following paragraphs illustrate the concept of a labeled
tree and offer some samples.

Expression Trees — An Important Class of Trees

Arithmetic expressions are representable by labeled trees, and it is often quite help-
ful to visualize expressions as trees. In fact, expression trees, as they are sometimes
called, specify the association of an expression’s operands and its operators in a
uniform way, regardless of whether the association is required by the placement of
parentheses in the expression or by the precedence and associativity rules for the
operators involved.
Let us recall the discussion of expressions in Section 2.6, especially Example
2.17, where we gave a recursive definition of expressions involving the usual arith-
metic operators. By analogy with the recursive definition of expressions, we can
recursively define the corresponding labeled tree. The general idea is that each
time we form a larger expression by applying an operator to smaller expressions,
we create a new node, labeled by that operator. The new node becomes the root of
the tree for the large expression, and its children are the roots of the trees for the
smaller expressions.
For instance, we can define the labeled trees for arithmetic expressions with
the binary operators +, −, ×, and /, and the unary operator −, as follows.

BASIS. A single atomic operand (e.g., a variable, an integer, or a real, as in Section

2.6) is an expression, and its tree is a single node, labeled by that operand.

+ −

T1 T2 T1

(a) (E1 + E2 ) (b) (−E1 )

Fig. 5.3. Expression trees for (E1 + E2 ) and (−E1 ).


INDUCTION. If E1 and E2 are expressions represented by trees T1 and T2 , re-

spectively, then the expression (E1 + E2 ) is represented by the tree of Fig. 5.3(a),
whose root is labeled +. This root has two children, which are the roots of T1 and
T2 , respectively, in that order. Similarly, the expressions (E1 − E2 ), (E1 × E2 ),
and (E1 /E2 ) have expression trees with roots labeled −, ×, and /, respectively,
and subtrees T1 and T2 . Finally, we may apply the unary minus operator to one
expression, E1 . We introduce a root labeled −, and its one child is the root of T1 ;
the tree for (−E1 ) is shown in Fig. 5.3(b).

✦ Example 5.9. In Example 2.17 we discussed the recursive construction of a

sequence of six expressions from the basis and inductive rules. These expressions,
listed in Fig. 2.16, were

i) x iv) −(x + 10)
ii) 10 v) y

iii) (x + 10) vi) y × −(x + 10)

Expressions (i), (ii), and (v) are single operands, and so the basis rule tells us that
the trees of Fig. 5.4(a), (b), and (e), respectively, represent these expressions. Note
that each of these trees consists of a single node to which we have given a name —
n1 , n2 , and n5 , respectively — and a label, which is the operand in the circle.

x n1 10 n2 + n3

x n1 10 n2

(a) For x. (b) For 10. (c) For (x + 10).

− n4 y n5 × n6

+ n3 y n5 − n4

x n1 10 n2 + n3

x n1 10 n2

(d) For (−(x + 10)). (e) For y. (f) For (y × (−(x + 10))).

Fig. 5.4. Construction of expression trees.

Expression (iii) is formed by applying the operator + to the operands x and

10, and so we see in Fig. 5.4(c) the tree for this expression, with root labeled +,
and the roots of the trees in Fig. 5.4(a) and (b) as its children. Expression (iv) is

formed by applying unary − to expression (iii), so that the tree for −(x + 10) ,
 root labeled −
shown in Fig. 5.4(d), has

above the tree for (x + 10). Finally, the
tree for the expression y × −(x + 10) , shown in Fig. 5.4(f), has a root labeled
×, whose children are the roots of the trees of Fig. 5.4(e) and (d), in that order. ✦

2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12

13 14


Fig. 5.5. Tree for Exercise 5.2.1.


5.2.1: In Fig. 5.5 we see a tree. Tell what is described by each of the following
a) The root of the tree
b) The leaves of the tree
c) The interior nodes of the tree
d) The siblings of node 6
e) The subtree with root 5
f) The ancestors of node 10
g) The descendants of node 10
h) The nodes to the left of node 10
i) The nodes to the right of node 10
j) The longest path in the tree
k) The height of node 3
l) The depth of node 13
m) The height of the tree
5.2.2: Can a leaf in a tree ever have any (a) descendants? (b) proper descendants?
5.2.3: Prove that in a tree no leaf can be an ancestor of another leaf.

5.2.4*: Prove that the two definitions of trees in this section are equivalent. Hint :
To show that a tree according the nonrecursive definition is a tree according the
recursive definition, use induction on the number of nodes in the tree. In the
opposite direction, use induction on the number of rounds used in the recursive
5.2.5: Suppose we have a graph consisting of four nodes, r, a, b, and c. Node r is
an isolated node and has no edges connecting it. The remaining three nodes form
a cycle; that is, we have an edge connecting a and b, an edge connecting b and c,
and an edge connecting c and a. Why is this graph not a tree?
5.2.6: In many kinds of trees, there is a significant distinction between the interior
nodes and the leaves (or rather the labels of these two kinds of nodes). For example,
in an expression tree, the interior nodes represent operators, and the leaves represent
atomic operands. Give the distinction between interior nodes and leaves for each of
the following kinds of trees:
a) Trees representing directory structures, as in Section 1.3
b) Trees representing the splitting and merging of lists for merge sort, as in Section
c) Trees representing the structure of a function, as in Section 3.7
5.2.7: Give expression trees for the following expressions. Note that, as is cus-
tomary with expressions, we have omitted redundant parentheses. You must first
restore the proper pairs of parentheses, using the customary rules for precedence
and associativity of operators.
a) (x + 1) × (x − y + 4)
b) 1+2+3+4+5+6
c) 9×8+7×6+5
5.2.8: Show that if x and y are two distinct nodes in an ordered tree, then exactly
one of the following conditions must hold:
a) x is a proper ancestor of y
b) x is a proper descendant of y
c) x is to the left of y
d) x is to the right of y

✦ ✦

5.3 Data Structures for Trees
Many data structures can be used to represent trees. Which one we should use
depends on the particular operations we want to perform. As a simple example, if
all we ever want to do is to locate the parents of nodes, then we can represent each
node by a structure consisting of a label plus a pointer to the structure representing
the parent of that node.
As a general rule, the nodes of a tree can be represented by structures in which
the fields link the nodes together in a manner similar to the way in which the nodes
are connected in the abstract tree; the tree itself can be represented by a pointer to
the root’s structure. Thus, when we talk about representing trees, we are primarily
interested in how the nodes are represented.

One distinction in representations concerns where the structures for the nodes
“live” in the memory of the computer. In C, we can create the space for struc-
tures for nodes by using the function malloc from the standard library stdlib.h,
in which case nodes “float” in memory and are accessible only through pointers.
Alternatively, we can create an array of structures and use elements of the array to
represent nodes. Again nodes can be linked according to their position in the tree,
but it is also possible to visit nodes by walking down the array. We can thus access
nodes without following a path through the tree. The disadvantage of an array-
based representation is that we cannot create more nodes than there are elements
in the array. In what follows, we shall assume that nodes are created by malloc,
although in situations where there is a limit on how large trees can grow, an array
of structures of the same type is a viable, and possibly preferred, alternative.

Array-of-Pointers Representation of Trees

One of the simplest ways of representing a tree is to use for each node a structure
consisting of a field or fields for the label of the node, followed by an array of pointers
to the children of that node. Such a structure is suggested by Fig. 5.6. The constant
bf is the size of the array of pointers. It represents the maximum number of children
Branching a node can have, a quantity known as the branching factor. The ith component of
factor the array at a node contains a pointer to the ith child of that node. A missing child
can be represented by a NULL pointer.

p0 p1 ··· pbf −1

Fig. 5.6. Node represented by an array of pointers.

In C this data structure can be represented by the type declaration

typedef struct NODE *pNODE;
struct NODE {
int info;
pNODE children[BF];
Here, the field info represents the information that constitutes the label of a node
and BF is the constant defined to be the branching factor. We shall see many
variants of this declaration throughout this chapter.
In this and most other data structures for trees, we represent a tree by a pointer
to the root node. Thus, pNODE also serves as the type of a tree. We could, in fact,
use the type TREE in place of pNODE, and we shall adopt that convention when we
talk about binary trees starting in Section 5.6. However, for the moment, we shall
use the name pNODE for the type “pointer to node,” since in some data structures,
pointers to nodes are used for other purposes besides representing trees.
The array-of-pointers representation allows us to access the ith child of any
node in O(1) time. This representation, however, is very wasteful of space when
only a few nodes in the tree have many children. In this case, most of the pointers
in the arrays will be NULL.

Try to Remember Trie

The term “trie” comes from the middle of the word “retrieval.” It was originally
intended to be pronounced “tree.” Fortunately, common parlance has switched to
the distinguishing pronunciation “try.”

✦ Example 5.10. A tree can be used to represent a collection of words in a way

that makes it quite efficient to check whether a given sequence of characters is a
Trie valid word. In this type of tree, called a trie, each node except the root has an
associated letter. The string of characters represented by a node n is the sequence
of letters along the path from the root to n. Given a set of words, the trie consists
of nodes for exactly those strings of characters that are prefixes of some word in
the set. The label of a node consists of the letter represented by the node and
also a Boolean telling whether or not the string from the root to that node forms a
complete word; we shall use for the Boolean the integer 1 if so and 0 if not.1
For instance, suppose our “dictionary” consists of the four words he, hers, his,
she. A trie for these words is shown in Fig. 5.7. To determine whether the word he
is in the set, we start at the root n1 , move to the child n2 labeled h, and then from
that node move to its child n4 labeled e. Since these nodes all exist in the tree, and
n4 has 1 as part of its label, we conclude that he is in the set.

0 n1

h 0 n2 s 0 n3

e 1 n4 i 0 n5 h 0 n6

r 0 n7 s 1 n8 e 1 n9

s 1 n10

Fig. 5.7. Trie for words he, hers, his, and she.

As another example, suppose we want to determine whether him is in the set.

We follow the path from the root to n2 to n5 , which represents the prefix hi; but
at n5 we find no child corresponding to the letter m. We conclude that him is not
in the set. Finally, if we search for the word her, we find our way from the root to
node n7 . That node exists but does not have a 1. We therefore conclude that her
is not in the set, although it is a proper prefix of a word, hers, in the set.
Nodes in a trie have a branching factor equal to the number of different char-
acters in the alphabet from which the words are formed. For example, if we do not
1 In the previous section we acted as if the label was a single value. However, values can be
of any type, and labels can be structures consisting of two or more fields. In this case, the
label has one field that is a letter and a second that is an integer that is either 0 or 1.

distinguish between upper- and lower-case, and words contain no special characters
such as apostrophes, then we can take the branching factor to be 26. The type of
a node, including the two label fields, can be defined as in Fig. 5.8. In the array
children, we assume that the letter a is represented by index 0, the letter b by
index 1, and so on.

typedef struct NODE *pNODE;

struct NODE {
char letter;
int isWord;
pNODE children[BF];

Fig. 5.8. Definition of an alphabetic trie.

The abstract trie of Fig. 5.7 can be represented by the data structure of Fig.
5.9. We represent nodes by showing the first two fields, letter and isWord, along
with those elements of the array children that have non-NULL pointers. In the
children array, for each non-NULL element, the letter indexing the array is shown
in the entry above the pointer to the child, but that letter is not actually present
in the structure. Note that the letter field of the root is irrelevant. ✦

··· h ··· s ···

h 0 s 0
··· e ··· i ··· ··· h ···

e 1 i 0 h 0
··· r ··· ··· s ··· ··· e ···

r 0 s 1 e 1
··· s ··· ··· ···

s 1

Fig. 5.9. Data structure for the trie of Fig. 5.7.


Leftmost-Child–Right-Sibling Representation of Trees

Using arrays of pointers for nodes is not necessarily space-efficient, because in typical
cases, the great majority of pointers will be NULL. That is certainly the case in Fig.
5.9, where no node has more than two non-NULL pointers. In fact, if we think about
it, we see that the number of pointers in any trie based on a 26-letter alphabet will
have 26 times as many spaces for pointers as there are nodes. Since no node can
have two parents and the root has no parent at all, it follows that among N nodes
there are only N − 1 non-NULL pointers; that is, less than one out of 26 pointers is
One way to overcome the space inefficiency of the array-of-pointers represen-
tation of a tree is to use linked lists to represent the children of nodes. The space
occupied by a linked list for a node is proportional to the number of children of that
node. There is, however, a time penalty with this representation; accessing the ith
child takes O(i) time, because we must traverse a list of length i − 1 to get to the
ith node. In comparison, we can get to the ith child in O(1) time, independent of
i, using an array of pointers to the children.
In the representation of trees called leftmost-child–right-sibling, we put into
each node a pointer only to its leftmost child; a node does not have pointers to any
of its other children. To find the second and subsequent children of a node n, we
create a linked list of those children, with each child c pointing to the child of n
Right sibling immediately to the right of c. That node is called the right sibling of c.

✦ Example 5.11. In Fig. 5.1, n3 is the right sibling of n2 , n4 is the right sibling
of n3 , and n4 has no right sibling. We would find the children of n1 by following
its leftmost-child pointer to n2 , then the right-sibling pointer to n3 , and then the
right-sibling pointer of n3 to n4 . There, we would find a NULL right-sibling pointer
and know that n1 has no more children.
Figure 5.10 contains a sketch of the leftmost-child–right-sibling representation
for the tree in Fig. 5.1. The downward arrows are the leftmost-child links; the
sideways arrows are the right-sibling links. ✦


n2 n3 n4

n5 n6 n7

Fig. 5.10. Leftmost-child–right-sibling representation for the tree in Fig. 5.1.

In a leftmost-child–right-sibling representation of a tree, nodes can be defined

as follows:

typedef struct NODE *pNODE;

struct NODE {
int info;
pNODE leftmostChild, rightSibling;

The field info holds the label associated with the node and it can have any
type. The fields leftmostChild and rightSibling point to the leftmost child
and right sibling of the node in question. Note that while leftmostChild gives
information about the node itself, the field rightSibling at a node is really part
of the linked list of children of that node’s parent.

✦ Example 5.12. Let us represent the trie of Fig. 5.7 in the leftmost-child–right-
sibling form. First, the type of nodes is
typedef struct NODE *pNODE;
struct NODE {
char letter;
int isWord;
pNODE leftmostChild, rightSibling;
The first two fields represent information, according to the scheme described in
Example 5.10. The trie of Fig. 5.7 is represented by the data structure shown
in Fig. 5.11. Notice that each leaf has a NULL leftmost-child pointer, and each
rightmost child has a NULL right-sibling pointer.

h 0 s 0

e 1 i 0 h 0

r 0 s 1 e 1

s 1

Fig. 5.11. Leftmost-child–right-sibling representation for the trie of Fig. 5.7.


As an example of how one uses the leftmost-child–right-sibling representation,

we see in Fig. 5.12 a function seek(let, n) that takes a letter let and a pointer
to a node n as arguments. It returns a pointer to the child of n that has let in its
letter field, and it returns NULL if there is no such node. In the while loop of Fig.
5.12, each child of n is examined in turn. We reach line (6) if either let is found or
we have examined all the children and thus have fallen out of the loop. In either
case, c holds the correct value, a pointer to the child holding let if there is one, and
NULL if not.
Notice that seek takes time proportional to the number of children that must
be examined until we find the child we are looking for, and if we never find it, then
the time is proportional to the number of children of node n. In comparison, using
the array-of-pointers representation of trees, seek could simply return the value of
the array element for letter let, taking O(1) time. ✦

pNODE seek(char let, pNODE n)

(1) c = n->leftmostChild;
(2) while (c != NULL)
(3) if (c->letter == let)
(4) break;
(5) c = c->rightSibling;
(6) return c;

Fig. 5.12. Finding the child for a desired letter.

Parent Pointers
Sometimes, it is useful to include in the structure for each node a pointer to the
parent. The root has a NULL parent pointer. For example, the structure of Example
5.12 could become
typdef struct NODE *pNODE;
struct NODE {
char letter;
int isWord;
pNODE leftmostChild, rightSibling, parent;
With this structure, it becomes possible to determine what word a given node
represents. We repeatedly follow parent pointers until we come to the root, which
we can identify because it alone has the value of parent equal to NULL. The letter
fields encountered along the way spell the word, backward.


5.3.1: For each node in the tree of Fig. 5.5, indicate the leftmost child and right

Comparison of Tree Representations

We summarize the relative merits of the array-of-pointers (trie) and the leftmost-
child–right-sibling representations for trees:
✦ The array-of-pointers representation offers faster access to children, requiring
O(1) time to reach any child, no matter how many children there are.
✦ The leftmost-child–right-sibling representation uses less space. For instance,
in our running example of the trie of Fig. 5.7, each node contains 26 pointers
in the array representation and two pointers in the leftmost-child–right-sibling
✦ The leftmost-child–right-sibling representation does not require that there be
a limit on the branching factor of nodes. We can represent trees with any
branching factor, without changing the data structure. However, if we use the
array-of-pointers representation, once we choose the size of the array, we cannot
represent a tree with a larger branching factor.

5.3.2: Represent the tree of Fig. 5.5

a) As a trie with branching factor 3
b) By leftmost-child and right-sibling pointers
How many bytes of memory are required by each representation?
5.3.3: Consider the following set of singular personal pronouns in English: I, my,
mine, me, you, your, yours, he, his, him, she, her, hers. Augment the trie of Fig.
5.7 to include all thirteen of these words.
5.3.4: Suppose that a complete dictionary of English contains 2,000,000 words and
that the number of prefixes of words — that is, strings of letters that can be extended
at the end by zero or more additional letters to form a word — is 10,000,000.
a) How many nodes would a trie for this dictionary have?
b) Suppose that we use the structure in Example 5.10 to represent nodes. Let
pointers require four bytes, and suppose that the information fields letter
and isWord each take one byte. How many bytes would the trie require?
c) Of the space calculated in part (b), how much is taken up by NULL pointers?
5.3.5: Suppose we represent the dictionary described in Exercise 5.3.4 by using the
structure of Example 5.12 (a leftmost-child–right-sibling representation). Under
the same assumptions about space required by pointers and information fields as in
Exercise 5.3.4(b), how much space does the tree for the dictionary require? What
portion of that space is NULL pointers?
Lowest common 5.3.6: In a tree, a node c is the lowest common ancestor of nodes x and y if c is an
ancestor ancestor of both x and y, and no proper descendant of c is an ancestor of x and y.
Write a program that will find the lowest common ancestor of any pair of nodes in
a given tree. What is a good data structure for trees in such a program?

✦ ✦

5.4 Recursions on Trees
The usefulness of trees is highlighted by the number of recursive operations on trees
that can be written naturally and cleanly. Figure 5.13 suggests the general form of a
recursive function F (n) that takes a node n of a tree as argument. F first performs
some steps (perhaps none), which we represent by action A0 . Then F calls itself
on the first child, c1 , of n. During this recursive call, F will “explore” the subtree
rooted at c1 , doing whatever it is F does to a tree. When that call returns to the
call at node n, some other action — say A1 — is performed. Then F is called on
the second child of n, resulting in exploration of the second subtree, and so on, with
actions at n alternating with calls to F on the children of n.

c1 c2 ··· ck

(a) General form of a tree.

F (n)
action A0 ;
F (c1 );
action A1 ;
F (c2 );
action A2 ;
F (ck );
action Ak ;
(b) General form of recursive function F (n) on a tree.

Fig. 5.13. A recursive function on a tree.

Preorder ✦ Example 5.13. A simple recursion on a tree produces what is known as the
preorder listing of the node labels of the tree. Here, action A0 prints the label of the
node, and the other actions do nothing other than some “bookkeeping” operations
that enable us to visit each child of a given node. The effect is to print the labels
as we would first meet them if we started at the root and circumnavigated the
tree, visiting all the nodes in a counterclockwise tour. Note that we print the
label of a node only the first time we visit that node. The circumnavigation is
suggested by the arrow in Fig. 5.14, and the order in which the nodes are visited is
+a + ∗ − b − c − ∗d ∗ +. The preorder listing is the sequence of node labels +a ∗ −bcd.
Let us suppose that we use a leftmost-child–right-sibling representation of nodes
in an expression tree, with labels consisting of a single character. The label of an
interior node is the arithmetic operator at that node, and the label of a leaf is

a ∗

− d

b c

Fig. 5.14. An expression tree and its circumnavigation.

a letter standing for an operand. Nodes and pointers to nodes can be defined as
typedef struct NODE *pNODE;
struct NODE {
char nodeLabel;
pNODE leftmostChild, rightSibling;
The function preorder is shown in Fig. 5.15. In the explanation that follows, it is
convenient to think of pointers to nodes as if they were the nodes themselves.

void preorder(pNODE n)
pNODE c; /* a child of node n */
(1) printf("%c\n", n->nodeLabel);
(2) c = n->leftmostChild;
(3) while (c != NULL) {
(4) preorder(c);
(5) c = c->rightSibling;

Fig. 5.15. Preorder traversal function.

Action “A0 ” consists of the following parts of the program in Fig. 5.15:
1. Printing the label of node n, at line (1),
2. Initializing c to be the leftmost child of n, at line (2), and
3. Performing the first test for c != NULL, at line (3).
Line (2) initializes a loop in which c becomes each child of n, in turn. Note that if
n is a leaf, then c is assigned the value NULL at line (2).
We go around the while-loop of lines (3) to (5) until we run out of children
of n. For each child, we call the function preorder recursively on that child, at
line (4), and then advance to the next child, at line (5). Each of the actions Ai ,

for i ≥ 1, consists of line (5), which moves c through the children of n, and the
test at line (3) to see whether we have exhausted the children. These actions are
for bookkeeping only; in comparison, line (1) in action A0 does the significant step,
printing the label.
The sequence of events for calling preorder on the root of the tree in Fig. 5.14
is summarized in Fig. 5.16. The character at the left of each line is the label of the
node n at which the call of preorder(n) is currently being executed. Because no
two nodes have the same label, it is convenient here to use the label of a node as
its name. Notice that the characters printed are +a ∗ −bcd, in that order, which is
the same as the order of circumnavigation. ✦

call preorder(+)
(+) print +
(+) call preorder(a)
(a) print a
(+) call preorder(∗)
(∗) print ∗
(∗) call preorder(−)
(−) print −
(−) call preorder(b)
(b) print b
(−) call preorder(c)
(c) print c
(∗) call preorder(d)
(d) print d

Fig. 5.16. Action of recursive function preorder on tree of Fig. 5.14.

✦ Example 5.14. Another common way to order the nodes of the tree, called
Postorder postorder, corresponds to circumnavigating the tree as in Fig. 5.14 but listing a
node the last time it is visited, rather than the first. For instance, in Fig. 5.14, the
postorder listing is abc − d ∗ +.
To produce a postorder listing of the nodes, the last action does the printing,
and so a node’s label is printed after the postorder listing function is called on all
of its children, in order from the left. The other actions initialize the loop through
the children or move to the next child. Note that if a node is a leaf, all we do is list
the label; there are no recursive calls.
If we use the representation of Example 5.13 for nodes, we can create postorder
listings by the recursive function postorder of Fig. 5.17. The action of this function
when called on the root of the tree in Fig. 5.14 is shown in Fig. 5.18. The same
convention regarding node names is used here as in Fig. 5.16. ✦

✦ Example 5.15. Our next example requires us to perform significant actions

among all of the recursive calls on subtrees. Suppose we are given an expression
tree with integers as operands, and with binary operators, and we wish to produce

void postorder(pNODE n)
pNODE c; /* a child of node n */
(1) c = n->leftmostChild;
(2) while (c != NULL) {
(3) postorder(c);
(4) c = c->rightSibling;
(5) printf("%c\n", n->nodeLabel);

Fig. 5.17. Recursive postorder function.

call postorder(+)
(+) call postorder(a)
(a) print a
(+) call postorder(∗)
(∗) call postorder(−)
(−) call postorder(b)
(b) print b
(−) call postorder(c)
(c) print c
(−) print −
(∗) call postorder(d)
(d) print d
(∗) print ∗
(+) print +

Fig. 5.18. Action of recursive function postorder on tree of Fig. 5.14.

the numerical value of the expression represented by the tree. We can do so by

executing the following recursive algorithm on the expression tree.

Evaluating an BASIS. For a leaf we produce the integer value of the node as the value of the tree.
expression tree
INDUCTION. Suppose we wish to compute the value of the expression formed by
the subtree rooted at some node n. We evaluate the subexpressions for the two
subtrees rooted at the children of n; these are the values of the operands for the
operator at n. We then apply the operator labeling n to the values of these two
subtrees, and we have the value of the entire subtree rooted at n.

We define a pointer to a node and a node as follows:


Prefix and Postfix Expressions

When we list the labels of an expression tree in preorder, we get the prefix ex-
pression equivalent to the given expression. Similarly, the list of the labels of an
expression tree in postorder yields the equivalent postfix expression. Expressions in
the ordinary notation, where binary operators appear between their operands, are
Infix expression called infix expressions. For instance, the expression tree of Fig. 5.14 has the infix
expression a + (b − c) ∗ d. As we saw in Examples 5.13 and 5.14, the equivalent
prefix expression is +a ∗ −bcd, and the equivalent postfix expression is abc − d ∗ +.
An interesting fact about prefix and postfix notations is that, as long as each
operator has a unique number of arguments (e.g., we cannot use the same symbol
for binary and unary minus), then no parentheses are ever needed, yet we can still
unambiguously group operators with their operands.
We can construct an infix expression from a prefix expression as follows. In
the prefix expression, we find an operator that is followed by the required number
of operands, with no embedded operators. In the prefix expression +a ∗ −bcd, for
example, the subexpression −bc is such a string, since the minus sign, like all oper-
ators in our running example, takes two operands. We replace this subexpression
by a new symbol, say x = −bc, and repeat the process of identifying an operator
followed by its operands. In our example, we now work with +a ∗ xd. At this point
we identify the subexpression y = ∗xd and reduce the remaining string to +ay.
Now the remaining string is just an instance of an operator and its operands, and
so we convert it to the infix expression a + y.
We may now reconstruct the remainder of the infix expression by retracing
these steps. We observe that the subexpression y = ∗xd in infix is x ∗ d, and so we
may substitute for y in a + y to get a + (x ∗ d). Note that in general, parentheses
are needed in infix expressions, although in this case, we can omit them because
of the convention that ∗ takes precedence over + when grouping operands. Then
 x = −bc the infix expression b − c, and so our final expression is
we substitute for
a + (b − c) ∗ d , which is the same as that represented by the tree of Fig. 5.14.
For a postfix expression, we can use a similar algorithm. The only difference is
that we look for an operator preceded by the requisite number of operands in order
to decompose a postfix expression.

typedef struct NODE *pNODE;

struct NODE {
char op;
int value;
pNODE leftmostChild, rightSibling;
The field op will hold either the character for an arithmetic operator, or the char-
acter i, which stands for “integer” and identifies a node as a leaf. If the node is a
leaf, then the value field holds the integer represented; value is not used at interior
This notation allows operators with any number of arguments, although we
shall write code on the simplifying assumption that all operators are binary. The
code appears in Fig. 5.19.

int eval(pNODE n)
int val1, val2; /* values of first and second subtrees */
(1) if (n->op) == ’i’) /* n points to a leaf */
(2) return n->value;
else {/* n points to an interior node */
(3) val1 = eval(n->leftmostChild);
(4) val2 = eval(n->leftmostChild->rightSibling);
(5) switch (n->op) {
(6) case ’+’: return val1 + val2;
(7) case ’-’: return val1 - val2;
(8) case ’*’: return val1 * val2;
(9) case ’/’: return val1 / val2;

Fig. 5.19. Evaluating an arithmetic expression.

If the node n is a leaf, then the test of line (1) succeeds and we return the
integer label of that leaf at line (2). If the node is not a leaf, then we evaluate its
left operand at line (3) and its right operand at line (4), storing the results in val1
and val2, respectively. Note in connection with line (4) that the second child of a
node n is the right sibling of the leftmost child of the node n. Lines (5) through (9)
form a switch statement, in which we decide what the operator at n is and apply
the appropriate operation to the values of the left and right operands.

5 ∗

− 2

10 3

Fig. 5.20. An expression tree with integer operands.

For instance, consider the expression tree of Fig. 5.20. We see in Fig. 5.21
the sequence of calls and returns that are made at each node during the evaluation
of this expression. As before, we have taken advantage of the fact that labels are
unique and have named nodes by their labels. ✦

✦ Example 5.16. Sometimes we need to determine the height of each node in a

tree. The height of a node can be defined recursively by the following function:

call eval(+)
(+) call eval(5)
(5) return 5
(+) call eval(∗)
(∗) call eval(−)
(−) call eval(10)
(10) return 10
(−) call eval(3)
(3) return 3
(−) return 7
(∗) call eval(2)
(2) return 2
(∗) return 14
(+) return 19

Fig. 5.21. Actions of function eval at each node on tree of Fig. 5.20.

Computing the BASIS. The height of a leaf is 0.

height of a tree
INDUCTION. The height of an interior node is 1 greater than the largest of the
heights of its children.

We can translate this definition into a recursive program that computes the height
of each node into a field height:

BASIS. At a leaf, set the height to 0.

INDUCTION. At an interior node, recursively compute the heights of the children,

find the maximum, add 1, and store the result into the height field.

This program is shown in Fig. 5.22. We assume that nodes are structures of
the form
typedef struct NODE *pNODE;
struct NODE {
int height;
pNODE leftmostChild, rightSibling;
The function computeHt takes a pointer to a node as argument and computes the
height of that node in the field height. If we call this function on the root of a
tree, it will compute the heights of all the nodes of that tree.
At line (1) we initialize the height of n to 0. If n is a leaf, we are done, because
the test of line (3) will fail immediately, and so the height of any leaf is computed
to be 0. Line (2) sets c to be (a pointer to) the leftmost child of n. As we go around
the loop of lines (3) through (7), c becomes each child of n in turn. We recursively
compute the height of c at line (4). As we proceed, the value in n->height will
be 1 greater than the height of the highest child seen so far, but 0 if we have not
seen any children. Thus, lines (5) and (6) allow us to increase the height of n if we

Still More Defensive Programming

Several aspects of the program in Fig. 5.19 exhibit a careless programming style that
we would avoid were it not our aim to illustrate some points concisely. Specifically,
we are following pointers without checking first whether they are NULL. Thus, in
line (1), n could be NULL. We really should begin the program by saying
if (n != NULL) /* then do lines (1) to (9) */
else /* print an error message */
Even if n is not NULL, in line (3) we might find that its leftmostChild field is
NULL, and so we should check whether n->leftmostChild is NULL, and if so, print
an error message and not call eval. Similarly, even if the leftmost child of n exists,
that node might not have a right sibling, and so before line (4) we need to check
n->leftmostChild->rightSibling != NULL
It is also tempting to rely on the assumption that the information contained
in the nodes of the tree is correct. For example, if a node is an interior node, it
is labeled by a binary operator, and we have assumed it has two children and the
pointers followed in lines (3) and (4) cannot possibly be NULL. However, it may be
possible that the operator label is incorrect. To handle this situation properly, we
should add a default case to the switch statement to detect unanticipated operator
As a general rule, relying on the assumption that inputs to programs will always
be correct is simplistic at best; in reality, “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.”
A program, if it is used more than once, is bound to see data that is not of the
form the programmer envisioned. One cannot be too careful in practice – blindly
following NULL pointers or assuming that input data is always correct are common
programming errors.

void computeHt(pNODE n)
pNODE c;
(1) n->height = 0;
(2) c = n->leftmostChild;
(3) while (c != NULL) {
(4) computeHt(c);
(5) if (c->height >= n->height)
(6) n->height = 1+c->height;
(7) c = c->rightSibling;

Fig. 5.22. Procedure to compute the height of all the nodes of a tree.

find a new child that is higher than any previous child. Also, for the first child, the

test of line (5) will surely be satisfied, and we set n->height to 1 more than the
height of the first child. When we fall out of the loop because we have seen all the
children, n->height has been set to 1 more than the maximum height of any of n’s
children. ✦


5.4.1: Write a recursive program to count the number of nodes in a tree that is
represented by leftmost-child and right-sibling pointers.
5.4.2: Write a recursive program to find the maximum label of the nodes of a tree.
Assume that the tree has integer labels, and that it is represented by leftmost-child
and right-sibling pointers.
5.4.3: Modify the program in Fig. 5.19 to handle trees containing unary minus
5.4.4*: Write a recursive program that computes for a tree, represented by leftmost-
child and right-sibling pointers, the number of left-right pairs, that is, pairs of nodes
n and m such that n is to the left of node m. For example, in Fig. 5.20, node 5 is to
the left of the nodes labeled ∗, −, 10, 3, and 2; node 10 is to the left of nodes 3 and
2; and node − is to the left of node 2. Thus, the answer for this tree is eight pairs.
Hint : Let your recursive function return two pieces of information when called on
a node n: the number of left-right pairs in the subtree rooted at n, and also the
number of nodes in the subtree rooted at n.
5.4.5: List the nodes of the tree in Fig. 5.5 (see the Exercises for Section 5.2) in
(a) preorder and (b) postorder.
5.4.6: For each of the expressions
i) (x + y) ∗ (x + z)

ii) (x − y) ∗ z + (y − w) ∗ x

iii) (a ∗ x + b) ∗ x + c ∗ x + d ∗ x + e ∗ x + f
do the following:
a) Construct the expression tree.
b) Find the equivalent prefix expression.
c) Find the equivalent postfix expression.
5.4.7: Convert the expression ab + c ∗ de − /f + from postfix to (a) infix and (b)
5.4.8: Write a function that “circumnavigates” a tree, printing the name of a node
each time it is passed.
5.4.9: What are the actions A0 , A1 , and so forth, for the postorder function in Fig.
5.17? (“Actions” are as indicated in Fig. 5.13.)

✦ ✦

5.5 Structural Induction

In Chapters 2 and 3 we saw a number of inductive proofs of properties of integers.

We would assume that some statement is true about n, or about all integers less
than or equal to n, and use this inductive hypothesis to prove the same statement
is true about n + 1. A similar but not identical form of proof, called “structural
induction,” is useful for proving properties about trees. Structural induction is
analogous to recursive algorithms on trees, and this form of induction is generally
the easiest to use when we wish to prove something about trees.
Suppose we want to prove that a statement S(T ) is true for all trees T . For
a basis, we show that S(T ) is true when T consists of a single node. For the
induction, we suppose that T is a tree with root r and children c1 , c2 , . . . , ck , for
some k ≥ 1. Let T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk be the subtrees of T whose roots are c1 , c2 , . . . , ck ,
respectively, as suggested by Fig. 5.23. Then the inductive step is to assume that
S(T1 ), S(T2 ), . . . , S(Tk ) are all true and prove S(T ). If we do so, then we can
conclude that S(T ) is true for all trees T . This form of argument is called structural
induction. Notice that a structural induction does not make reference to the exact
number of nodes in a tree, except to distinguish the basis (one node) from the
inductive step (more than one node).

c1 c2 ··· ck

T1 T2 Tk

Fig. 5.23. A tree and its subtrees.

(1) if (n->op) == ’i’) /* n points to a leaf */

(2) return n->value;
else {/* n points to an interior node */
(3) val1 = eval(n->leftmostChild);
(4) val2 = eval(n->leftmostChild->rightSibling);
(5) switch (n->op) {
(6) case ’+’: return val1 + val2;
(7) case ’-’: return val1 - val2;
(8) case ’*’: return val1 * val2;
(9) case ’/’: return val1 / val2;

Fig. 5.24. The body of the function eval(n) from Fig. 5.19.

✦ Example 5.17. A structural induction is generally needed to prove the cor-

rectness of a recursive program that acts on trees. As an example, let us reconsider
the function eval of Fig. 5.19, the body of which we reproduce as Fig. 5.24. This
function is applied to a tree T by being given a pointer to the root of T as the value
of its argument n. It then computes the value of the expression represented by T .
We shall prove by structural induction the following statement:

STATEMENT S(T ): The value returned by eval when called on the root of T
equals the value of the arithmetic expression represented by T .

BASIS. For the basis, T consists of a single node. That is, the argument n is a
(pointer to a) leaf. Since the op field has the value ’i’ when the node represents
an operand, the test of line (1) in Fig. 5.24 succeeds, and the value of that operand
is returned at line (2).

INDUCTION. Suppose the node n is not a (pointer to a) leaf. The inductive

hypothesis is that S(T ′ ) is true for each tree T ′ rooted at one of the children of n.
We must use this reasoning to prove S(T ) for the tree T rooted at n.
Since our operators are assumed to be binary, n has two subtrees. By the
inductive hypothesis, the values of val1 and val2 computed at lines (3) and (4)
respectively, are the values of the left and right subtrees. Figure 5.25 suggests these
two subtrees; val1 holds the value of T1 and val2 holds the value of T2 .

+ n

T1 T2

Fig. 5.25. The call eval(n) returns the sum of the values of T1 and T2 .

If we examine the switch statement of lines (5) through (9), we see that what-
ever operator appears at the root n is applied to the two values val1 and val2. For
example, if the root holds +, as in Fig. 5.25, then at line (5) the value returned is
val1 + val2, as it should be for an expression that is the sum of the expressions of
trees T1 and T2 . We have now completed the inductive step.

We conclude that S(T ) holds for all expression trees T , and, therefore, the
function eval correctly evaluates trees that represent expressions. ✦

✦ Example 5.18. Now let us consider the function computeHt of Fig. 5.22, the
body of which we reproduce as Fig. 5.26. This function takes as argument a (pointer
to a) node n and computes the height of n. We shall prove the following statement
by structural induction:

(1) n->height = 0;
(2) c = n->leftmostChild;
(3) while (c != NULL) {
(4) computeHt(c);
(5) if (c->height >= n->height)
(6) n->height = 1+c->height;
(7) c = c->rightSibling;

Fig. 5.26. The body of the function computeHt(n) from Fig. 5.22.

STATEMENT S(T ): When computeHt is called on a pointer to the root of tree

T , the correct height of each node in T is stored in the height field of that

BASIS. If the tree T is a single node n, then at line (2) of Fig. 5.26, c will be given
the value NULL, since n has no children. Thus, the test of line (3) fails immediately,
and the body of the while-loop is never executed. Since line (1) sets n->height to
0, which is the correct value for a leaf, we conclude that S(T ) holds when T has a
single node.

INDUCTION. Now suppose n is the root of a tree T that is not a single node. Then
n has at least one child. We may assume by the inductive hypothesis that when
computeHt(c) is called at line (4), the correct height is installed in the height field
of each node in the subtree rooted at c, including c itself. We need to show that
the while-loop of lines (3) through (7) correctly sets n->height to 1 more than
the maximum of the heights of the children of n. To do so, we need to perform
another induction, which is nested “inside” the structural induction, just as one loop
might be nested within another loop in a program. This induction is an “ordinary”
induction, not a structural induction, and its statement is

STATEMENT S ′ (i): After the loop of lines (3) to (7) has been executed i times,
the value of n->height is 1 more than the largest of the heights of the first
i children of n.

BASIS. The basis is i = 1. Since n->height is set to 0 outside the loop — at line
(1) — and surely no height can be less than 0, the test of line (5) will be satisfied.
Line (6) sets n->height to 1 more than the height of its first child.

INDUCTION. Assume that S ′ (i) is true. That is, after i iterations of the loop,
n->height is 1 larger than the largest height among the first i children. If there is
an (i + 1)st child, then the test of line (3) will succeed and we execute the body an
(i + 1)st time. The test of line (5) compares the new height with the largest of the
previous heights. If the new height, c->height, is less than 1 plus the largest of
the first i heights, no change to n->height will be made. That is correct, since the
maximum height of the first i + 1 children is the same as the maximum height of the
first i children. However, if the new height is greater than the previous maximum,

A Template for Structural Induction

The following is an outline for building correct structural inductions.
1. Specify the statement S(T ) to be proved, where T is a tree.
2. Prove the basis, that S(T ) is true whenever T is a tree with a single node.
3. Set up the inductive step by letting T be a tree with root r and k ≥ 1 subtrees,
T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk . State that you assume the inductive hypothesis: that S(Ti ) is
true for each of the subtrees Ti , i = 1, 2, . . . , k.
4. Prove that S(T ) is true under the assumptions mentioned in (3).

then the test of line (5) will succeed, and n->height is set to 1 more than the height
of the (i + 1)st child, which is correct.

We can now return to the structural induction. When the test of line (3) fails,
we have considered all the children of n. The inner induction, S ′ (i), tells us that
when i is the total number of children, n->height is 1 more than the largest height
of any child of n. That is the correct height for n. The inductive hypothesis S
applied to each of the children of n tells us that the correct height has been stored
in each of their height fields. Since we just saw that n’s height has also been
correctly computed, we conclude that all the nodes in T have been assigned their
correct height.

We have now completed the inductive step of the structural induction, and we
conclude that computeHt correctly computes the height of each node of every tree
on which it is called. ✦

Why Structural Induction Works

The explanation for why structural induction is a valid proof method is similar to
the reason ordinary inductions work: if the conclusion were false, there would be
a smallest counterexample, and that counterexample would violate either the basis
or the induction. That is, suppose there is a statement S(T ) for which we have
proved the basis and the structural induction step, yet there are one or more trees
for which S is false. Let T0 be a tree such that S(T0 ) is false, but let T0 have as few
nodes as any tree for which S is false.
There are two cases. First, suppose that T0 consists of a single node. Then
S(T0 ) is true by the basis, and so this case cannot occur.
The only other possibility is that T0 has more than one node — say, m nodes —
and therefore T0 consists of a root r with one or more children. Let the trees rooted
at these children be T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk . We claim that none of T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk can have
more than m − 1 nodes. For if one — say Ti — did have m or more nodes, then T0 ,
which consists of Ti and the root node r, possibly along with other subtrees, would
have at least m + 1 nodes. That contradicts our assumption that T0 has exactly m
Now since each of the subtrees T1 , T2 , . . . , Tk has m − 1 or fewer nodes, we
know that these trees cannot violate S, because we chose T0 to be as small as any

A Relationship between Structural and Ordinary Induction

There is a sense in which structural induction really offers nothing new. Suppose we
have a statement S(T ) about trees that we want to prove by structural induction.
We could instead prove
STATEMENT S ′ (i): For all trees T of i nodes, S(T ) is true.
S ′ (i) has the form of an ordinary induction on the integer i, with basis i = 1. It can
be proved by complete induction, where we assume S ′ (j) for all j ≤ i, and prove
S ′ (i + 1). This proof, however, would look exactly like the proof of S(T ), if we let
T stand for an arbitrary tree of i + 1 nodes.

tree making S false. Thus, we know that S(T1 ), S(T2 ), . . . , S(Tk ) are all true. The
inductive step, which we assume proved, tells us that S(T0 ) is also true. Again we
contradict the assumption that T0 violates S.
We have considered the two possible cases, a tree of one node or a tree with
more than one node, and have found that in either case, T0 cannot be a violation
of S. Therefore, S has no violations, and S(T ) must be true for all trees T .


5.5.1: Prove by structural induction that

a) The preorder traversal function of Fig. 5.15 prints the labels of the tree in
b) The postorder function in Fig. 5.17 lists the labels in postorder.
5.5.2*: Suppose that a trie with branching factor b is represented by nodes in the
format of Fig. 5.6. Prove by structural induction that if a tree T has n nodes, then
there are 1 + (b − 1)n NULL pointers among its nodes. How many non-NULL pointers
are there?
Degree of a 5.5.3*: The degree of a node is the number of children that node has.2 Prove by
node structural induction that in any tree T , the number of nodes is 1 more than the
sum of the degrees of the nodes.
5.5.4*: Prove by structural induction that in any tree T , the number of leaves is 1
more than the number of nodes that have right siblings.
5.5.5*: Prove by structural induction that in any tree T represented by the leftmost-
child–right-sibling data structure, the number of NULL pointers is 1 more than the
number of nodes.
5.5.6*: At the beginning of Section 5.2 we gave recursive and nonrecursive defini-
tions of trees. Use a structural induction to show that every tree in the recursive
sense is a tree in the nonrecursive sense.

2 The branching factor and the degree are related concepts, but not the same. The branching
factor is the maximum degree of any node in the tree.

A Fallacious Form of Tree Induction

It often is tempting to perform inductions on the number of nodes of the tree, where
we assume a statement for n-node trees and prove it for (n + 1)-node trees. This
proof will be fallacious if we are not very careful.
When doing inductions on integers in Chapter 2, we suggested the proper
methodology, in which we try to prove statement S(n + 1) by using S(n); call this
approach “leaning back.” Sometimes one might be tempted to view this process as
starting with S(n) and proving S(n + 1); call this approach “pushing out.” In the
integer case, these are essentially the same idea. However, with trees, we cannot
start by assuming the statement for an n-node tree, add a node somewhere, and
claim that the result is proved for all (n + 1)-node trees.
For example, consider the claim S(n): “all n-node trees have a path of length
Danger: n − 1.” It is surely true for the basis, n = 1. In a false “induction,” we might argue:
erroneous “Assume an n-node tree T has a path of length n − 1, say to node v. Add a child
argument u to v. We now have an (n + 1)-node tree with a path of length n, proving the
inductive step.”
This argument is, of course, fallacious because it does not prove the result for
all (n + 1)-node trees, just some selected trees. A correct proof does not “push out”
from n to n + 1 nodes, because we do not thus reach all possible trees. Rather,
we must “lean back” by starting with an arbitrary (n + 1)-node tree and carefully
selecting a node to remove to get an n-node tree.

5.5.7**: Show the converse of Exercise 5.5.6: every tree in the nonrecursive sense
is a tree in the recursive sense.

✦ ✦

5.6 Binary Trees
This section presents another kind of tree, called a binary tree, which is different
from the “ordinary” tree introduced in Section 5.2. In a binary tree, a node can
Left and right have at most two children, and rather than counting children from the left, there
children are two “slots,” one for a left child and the other for a right child. Either or both
slots may be empty.

n1 n1

n2 n2

Fig. 5.27. The two binary trees with two nodes.

✦ Example 5.19. Figure 5.27 shows two binary trees. Each has node n1 as root.
The first has n2 as the left child of the root and no right child. The second has no
left child, and has n2 as the right child of the root. In both trees, n2 has neither a
left nor a right child. These are the only binary trees with two nodes. ✦

We shall define binary trees recursively, as follows.

BASIS. The empty tree is a binary tree.

INDUCTION. If r is a node, and T1 and T2 are binary trees, then there is a binary
tree with root r, left subtree T1 , and right subtree T2 , as suggested in Fig. 5.28.
That is, the root of T1 is the left child of r, unless T1 is the empty tree, in which
case r has no left child. Similarly, the root of T2 is the right child of r, unless T2 is
empty, in which case r has no right child.

T1 T2

Fig. 5.28. Recursive construction of a binary tree.

Binary Tree Terminology

The notions of paths, ancestors, and descendants introduced in Section 5.2 also ap-
ply to binary trees. That is, left and right children are both regarded as “children.”
A path is still a sequence of nodes m1 , m2 , . . . , mk such that mi+1 is a (left or right)
child of mi , for i = 1, 2, . . . , k − 1. This path is said to be from m1 to mk . The case
k = 1 is permitted, where the path is just a single node.
The two children of a node, if they exist, are siblings. A leaf is a node with
neither a left nor a right child; equivalently, a leaf is a node whose left and right
subtrees are both empty. An interior node is a node that is not a leaf.
Path length, height, and depth are defined exactly as for ordinary trees. The
length of a path in a binary tree is 1 less than the number of nodes; that is, the
length is the number of parent-child steps along the path. The height of a node n is
the length of the longest path from n to a descendant leaf. The height of a binary
tree is the height of its root. The depth of a node n is the length of the path from
the root to n.

✦ Example 5.20. Figure 5.29 shows the five shapes that a binary tree of three
nodes can have. In each binary tree in Fig. 5.29, n3 is a descendant of n1 , and there
is a path from n1 to n3 . Node n3 is a leaf in each tree, while n2 is a leaf in the
middle tree and an interior node in the other four trees.
The height of n3 is 0 in each tree, while the height of n1 is 2 in all but the
middle tree, where the height of n1 is 1. The height of each tree is the same as the
height of n1 in that tree. Node n3 is of depth 2 in all but the middle tree, where it
is of depth 1. ✦

The Difference Between (Ordinary) Trees and Binary Trees

It is important to understand that while binary trees require us to distinguish
whether a child is either a left child or a right child, ordinary trees require no such
distinction. That is, binary trees are not just trees all of whose nodes have two or
fewer children. Not only are the two trees in Fig. 5.27 different from each other,
but they have no relation to the ordinary tree consisting of a root and a single child
of the root:


There is another technical difference. While trees are defined to have at least one
Empty tree node, it is convenient to include the empty tree, the tree with no nodes, among the
binary trees.

n1 n1 n1 n1 n1

n2 n2 n2 n3 n2 n2

n3 n3 n3 n3

Fig. 5.29. The five binary trees with three nodes.

Data Structures for Binary Trees

There is one natural way to represent binary trees. Nodes are represented by records
with two fields, leftChild and rightChild, pointing to the left and right children
of the node, respectively. A NULL pointer in either of these fields indicates that the
corresponding left or right subtree is missing — that is, that there is no left or right
child, respectively.
A binary tree can be represented by a pointer to its root. The empty binary tree
is represented naturally by NULL. Thus, the following type declarations represent
binary trees:
typedef struct NODE *TREE;
struct NODE {
TREE leftChild, rightChild;
Here, we call the type “pointer to node” by the name TREE, since the most common
use for this type will be to represent trees and subtrees. We can interpret the
leftChild and rightChild fields either as pointers to the children or as the left
and right subtrees themselves.
Optionally, we can add to the structure for NODE a label field or fields, and/or

we can add a pointer to the parent. Note that the type of the parent pointer is
*NODE, or equivalently TREE.

Recursions on Binary Trees

There are many natural algorithms on binary trees that can be described recursively.
The scheme for recursions is more limited than was the scheme of Fig. 5.13 for
ordinary trees, since actions can only occur either before the left subtree is explored,
between the exploration of the subtrees, or after both have been explored. The
scheme for recursions on binary trees is suggested by Fig. 5.30.

action A0 ;
recursive call on left subtree;
action A1 ;
recursive call on right subtree;
action A2 ;

Fig. 5.30. Template of a recursive algorithm on a binary tree.

✦ Example 5.21. Expression trees with binary operators can be represented by

binary trees. These binary trees are special, because nodes have either two children
or none. (Binary trees in general can have nodes with one child.) For instance, the
expression tree of Fig. 5.14, reproduced here as Fig. 5.31, can be thought of as a
binary tree.

a ∗

− d

b c

Fig. 5.31. The expression a + (b − c) ∗ d represented by a binary tree.

Suppose we use the type

typedef struct NODE *TREE;
struct NODE {
char nodeLabel;
TREE leftChild, rightChild;

void preorder(TREE t)
(1) if (t != NULL) {
(2) printf("%c\n", t->nodeLabel);
(3) preorder(t->leftChild);
(4) preorder(t->rightChild);

Fig. 5.32. Preorder listing of binary trees.

for nodes and trees. Then Fig. 5.32 shows a recursive function that lists the labels
of the nodes of a binary tree T in preorder.
The behavior of this function is similar to that of the function of the same name
in Fig. 5.15 that was designed to work on ordinary trees. The significant difference
is that when the function of Fig. 5.32 comes to a leaf, it calls itself on the (missing)
left and right children. These calls return immediately, because when t is NULL,
none of the body of the function except the test of line (1) is executed. We could
save the extra calls if we replaced lines (3) and (4) of Fig. 5.32 by
(3) if (t->leftChild != NULL) preorder(t->leftChild);
(4) if (t->rightChild != NULL) preorder(t->rightChild);
However, that would not protect us against a call to preorder from another func-
tion, with NULL as the argument. Thus, we would have to leave the test of line (1)
in place for safety. ✦


5.6.1: Write a function that prints an inorder listing of the (labels of the) nodes
of a binary tree. Assume that the nodes are represented by records with left-child
and right-child pointers, as described in this section.
5.6.2: Write a function that takes a binary expression tree and prints a fully paren-
thesized version of the represented expression. Assume the same data structure as
in Exercise 5.6.1.
5.6.3*: Repeat Exercise 5.6.2 but print only the needed parentheses, assuming the
usual precedence and associativity of arithmetic operators.
5.6.4: Write a function that produces the height of a binary tree.
Full binary tree 5.6.5: Define a node of a binary tree to be a full if it has both a left and a right
child. Prove by structural induction that the number of full nodes in a binary tree
is 1 fewer than the number of leaves.
5.6.6: Suppose we represent a binary tree by the left-child, right-child record type.
Prove by structural induction that the number of NULL pointers is 1 greater than
the number of nodes.

Inorder Traversals
In addition to preorder and postorder listings of binary trees, there is another
ordering of nodes that makes sense for binary trees only. An inorder listing of
the nodes of a binary tree is formed by listing each node after exploring the left
subtree, but before exploring the right subtree (i.e., in the position for action A1
of Fig. 5.30). For example, on the tree of Fig. 5.31, the inorder listing would be
a + b − c ∗ d.
A preorder traversal of a binary tree that represents an expression produces
the prefix form of that expression, and a postorder traversal of the same tree pro-
duces the postfix form of the expression. The inorder traversal almost produces the
ordinary, or infix, form of an expression, but the parentheses are missing. That is,
the tree of Fig. 5.31 represents the expression a + (b − c) ∗ d, which is not the same
as the inorder listing, a + b − c ∗ d, but only because the necessary parentheses are
missing from the latter.
To be sure that needed parentheses are present, we could parenthesize all op-
erators. In this modified inorder traversal, action A0 , the step performed before
exploring the left subtree, checks whether the label of the node is an operator and,
if so, prints ’(’, a left parenthesis. Similarly, action A2 , performed after exploring
both subtrees, prints a right parenthesis, ’)’, if the
 label is an operator. The result,

applied to the binary tree of Fig. 5.31, would be a + (b − c) ∗ d , which has the
needed pair of parentheses around b − c, along with two pairs of parentheses that
are redundant.

5.6.7**: Trees can be used to represent recursive calls. Each node represents a
recursive call of some function F , and its children represent the calls made by F .

In this exercise, we shall consider the recursion for m given in Section 4.5, based
= n−1 n−1
on the recursion m m + m−1 . Each call can be represented by a binary

tree. If a node corresponds to the computation of m , and the basis cases (m = 0
and m = n) do not apply, then the left child represents n−1

m and the left child

represents m−1 . If the node represents a basis case, then it has neither left nor
right child.
a) Prove
 by structuraln induction that a binary tree with root corresponding to
m has exactly 2 m − 1 nodes.

b) Use
 (a) to show that the running time of the recursive algorithm for m is
O m . Note that this running time is therefore also O(2 ), but the latter is
a smooth-but-not-tight bound.

✦ ✦

5.7 Binary Search Trees

A common activity found in a variety of computer programs is the maintenance of

a set of values from which we wish to

Structural Inductions on Binary Trees

A structural induction can be applied to a binary tree as well as to an ordinary
tree. There is, in fact, a somewhat simpler scheme to use, in which the basis is an
empty tree. Here is a summary of the technique.
1. Specify the statement S(T ) to be proved, where T is a binary tree.
2. Prove the basis, that S(T ) is true if T is the empty tree.
3. Set up the inductive step by letting T be a tree with root r and subtrees TL and
TR . State that you assume the inductive hypothesis: that S(TL ) and S(TR )
are true.
4. Prove that S(T ) is true under the assumptions mentioned in (3).

1. Insert elements into the set,

2. Delete elements from the set, and
3. Look up an element to see whether it is currently in the set.
One example is a dictionary of English words, where from time to time we insert a
new word, such as fax, delete a word that has fallen into disuse, such as aegilops,
or look up a string of letters to see whether it is a word (as part of a spelling-checker
program, for instance).
Dictionary Because this example is so familiar, a set upon which we can execute the
operations insert, delete, and lookup, as defined above, is called a dictionary, no
matter what the set is used for. As another example of a dictionary, a professor
might keep a roll of the students in a class. Occasionally, a student will be added
to the class (an insert), or will drop the class (a delete), or it will be necessary to
tell whether a certain student is registered for the class (a lookup).
One good way to implement a dictionary is with a binary search tree, which
is a kind of labeled binary tree. We assume that the labels of nodes are chosen
from a set with a “less than” order, which we shall write as <. Examples include
the reals or integers with the usual less than order; or character strings, with the
lexicographic or alphabetic order represented by <.
A binary search tree (BST) is a labeled binary tree in which the following
property holds at every node x in the tree: all nodes in the left subtree of x have
Binary search labels less than the label of x, and all nodes in the right subtree have labels greater
tree property than the label of x. This property is called the binary search tree property.

✦ Example 5.22. Figure 5.33 shows a binary search tree for the set
{Hairy, Bashful, Grumpy, Sleepy, Sleazy, Happy}
where the < order is lexicographic. Note that the names in the left subtree of the
root are all lexicographically less than Hairy, while those in the right subtree are
all lexicographically greater. This property holds at every node of the tree. ✦


Bashful Sleepy

Grumpy Sleazy


Fig. 5.33. Binary search tree with six nodes labeled by strings.

Implementation of a Dictionary as a Binary Search Tree

We can represent a binary search tree as any labeled binary tree. For example, we
might define the type NODE by
typedef struct NODE *TREE;
struct NODE {
ETYPE element;
TREE leftChild, rightChild;
A binary search tree is represented by a pointer to the root node of the binary search
tree. The type of an element, ETYPE, should be set appropriately. Throughout the
programs of this section, we shall assume ETYPE is int so that comparisons between
elements can be done simply using the arithmetic comparison operators <, == and
>. In the examples involving lexicographic comparisons, we assume the comparisons
in the programs will be done by the appropriate comparison functions lt, eq, and
gt as discussed in Section 2.2.

Looking Up an Element in a Binary Search Tree

Suppose we want to look for an element x that may be in a dictionary represented
by a binary search tree T . If we compare x with the element at the root of T , we
can take advantage of the BST property to locate x quickly or determine that x is
not present. If x is at the root, we are done. Otherwise, if x is less than the element
at the root, x could be found only in the left subtree (by the BST property); and if
x is greater, then it could be only in the right subtree (again, because of the BST
property). That is, we can express the lookup operation by the following recursive

BASIS. If the tree T is empty, then x is not present. If T is not empty, and x
appears at the root, then x is present.

Abstract Data Types

A collection of operations, such as insert, delete, and lookup, that may be performed
on a set of objects or a certain kind is sometimes called an abstract data type or
ADT. The concept is also variously called a class, or a module. We shall study
several abstract data types in Chapter 7, and in this chapter, we shall see one more,
the priority queue.
An ADT can have more than one abstract implementation. For example, we
shall see in this section that the binary search tree is a good way to implement
the dictionary ADT. Lists are another plausible, though usually less efficient, way
to implement the dictionary ADT. Section 7.6 covers hashing, another good imple-
mentation of the dictionary.
Each abstract implementation can, in turn, be implemented concretely by sev-
eral different data structures. As an example, we shall use the left-child–right-child
implementation of binary trees as a data structure implementing a binary search
tree. This data structure, along with the appropriate functions for insert, delete,
and lookup, becomes an implementation of the dictionary ADT.
An important reason for using ADT’s in programs is that the data underlying
the ADT is accessible only through the operations of the ADT, such as insert.
This restriction is a form of defensive programming, protecting against accidental
alteration of data by functions that manipulate the data in unexpected ways. A
second important reason for using ADT’s is that they allow us to redesign the data
structures and functions implementing their operations, perhaps to improve the
efficiency of operations, without having to worry about introducing errors into the
rest of the program. There can be no new errors if the only interface to the ADT
is through correctly rewritten functions for its operations.

INDUCTION. If T is not empty but x is not at the root, let y be the element at the
root of T . If x < y look up x only in the left subtree of the root, and if x > y look
up x only in the right subtree of y. The BST property guarantees that x cannot be
in the subtree we do not search.

✦ Example 5.23. Suppose we want to look up Grumpy in the binary search tree
of Fig. 5.33. We compare Grumpy with Hairy at the root and find that Grumpy
precedes Hairy in lexicographic order. We thus call lookup on the left subtree.
The root of the left subtree is Bashful, and we compare this label with Grumpy,
finding that the former precedes the latter. We thus call lookup recursively on the
right subtree of Bashful. Now we find Grumpy at the root of this subtree and return
TRUE. These steps would be carried out by a function modeled after Fig. 5.34 that
dealt with lexicographic comparisons. ✦
More concretely, the recursive function lookup(x,T) in Fig. 5.34 implements
this algorithm, using the left-child–right-child data structure. Note that lookup
returns a value of type BOOLEAN, which is a defined type synonymous with int, but
with the intent that only defined values TRUE and FALSE, defined to be 1 and 0,
respectively, will be used. Type BOOLEAN was introduced in Section 1.6. Also, note
that lookup is written only for types that can be compared by =, <, and so on. It
would require rewriting for data like the character strings used in Example 5.23.

At line (1), lookup determines whether T is empty. If not, then at line (3)
lookup determines whether x is stored at the current node. If x is not there, then
lookup recursively searches the left subtree or right subtree depending on whether
x is less than or greater than the element stored at the current node.


(1) if (T == NULL)
(2) return FALSE;
(3) else if (x == T->element)
(4) return TRUE;
(5) else if (x < T->element)
(6) return lookup(x, T->leftChild);
else /* x must be > T->element */
(7) return lookup(x, T->rightChild);

Fig. 5.34. Function lookup(x,T) returns TRUE if x is in T , FALSE otherwise.

Inserting an Element into a Binary Search Tree

Adding a new element x to a binary search tree T is straightforward. The following
recursive algorithm sketches the idea:

BASIS. If T is an empty tree, replace T by a tree consisting of a single node and

place x at that node. If T is not empty and its root has element x, then x is already
in the dictionary, and we do nothing.

INDUCTION. If T is not empty and does not have x at its root, then insert x into
the left subtree if x is less than the element at the root, or insert x into the right
subtree if x is greater than the element at the root.

The function insert(x,T) shown in Fig. 5.35 implements this algorithm for
the left-child–right-child data structure. When we find that the value of T is NULL
at line (1), we create a new node, which becomes the tree T . This tree is created
by lines (2) through (5) and returned at line (10).
If x is not found at the root of T , then, at lines (6) through (9), insert is
called on the left or right subtree, whichever is appropriate. The subtree, modified
by the insertion, becomes the new value of the left or right subtree of the root of T
at lines (7) or (9), respectively. Line (10) returns the augmented tree.
Notice that if x is at the root of T , then none of the tests of lines (1), (6),
and (8) succeed. In this case, insert returns T without doing anything, which is
correct, since x is already in the tree.

✦ Example 5.24. Let us continue with Example 5.23, understanding that techni-
cally, the comparison of character strings requires slightly different code from that
of Fig. 5.35, in which arithmetic comparisons like < are replaced by calls to suit-
ably defined functions like lt. Figure 5.36 shows the binary search tree of Fig. 5.33

TREE insert(ETYPE x, TREE T)

(1) if (T == NULL) {
(2) T = (TREE) malloc(sizeof(struct NODE));
(3) T->element = x;
(4) T->leftChild = NULL;
(5) T->rightChild = NULL;
(6) else if (x < T->element)
(7) T->leftChild = insert(x, T->leftChild);
(8) else if (x > T->element)
(9) T->rightChild = insert(x, T->rightChild);
(10) return T;

Fig. 5.35. Function insert(x,T) adds x to T .

after we insert Filthy. We begin by calling insert at the root, and we find that
Filthy < Hairy. Thus, we call insert on the left child, at line (7) of Fig. 5.35.
The result is that we find Filthy > Bashful, and so we call insert on the right
child, at line (9). That takes us to Grumpy, which follows Filthy in lexicographic
order, and we call insert on the left child of Grumpy.
The pointer to the left child of Grumpy is NULL, so at line (1) we discover that
we must create a new node. This one-node tree is returned to the call of insert at
the node for Grumpy, and the tree is installed as the value of the left child of Grumpy
at line (7). The modified tree with Grumpy and Filthy is returned to the call of
insert at the node labeled Bashful, and this modified tree becomes the right child
of Bashful. Then, continuing up the tree, the new tree rooted at Bashful becomes
the left child of the root of the entire tree. The final tree is shown in Fig. 5.36. ✦


Bashful Sleepy

Grumpy Sleazy

Filthy Happy

Fig. 5.36. Binary search tree after inserting Filthy.


Deleting an Element from a Binary Search Tree

Deleting an element x from a binary search tree is a little more complicated than
lookup or insert. To begin, we may locate the node containing x; if there is no such
node, we are done, since x is not in the tree to begin with. If x is at a leaf, we can
simply delete the leaf. If x is at an interior node n, however, we cannot delete that
node, because to do so would disconnect the tree.
We must rearrange the tree in some way so that the BST property is maintained
and yet x is no longer present. There are two cases. First, if n has only one child,
we can replace n by that child, and the BST property will be maintained.

x n y n

<x >x <y >y

Fig. 5.37. To delete x, remove the node containing y, the smallest element in the
right subtree, and then replace the label x by y at node n.

Second, suppose n has both children present. One strategy is to find the node
m with label y, the smallest element in the right subtree of n, and replace x by y
in node n, as suggested by Fig. 5.37. We can then remove node m from the right
The BST property continues to hold. The reason is that x is greater than
everything in the left subtree of n, and so y, being greater than x (because y is
in the right subtree of n), is also greater than everything in the left subtree of n.
Thus, as far as the left subtree of n is concerned, y is a suitable element at n. As
far as the right subtree of n is concerned, y is also suitable as the root, because y
was chosen to be the smallest element in the right subtree.

ETYPE deletemin(TREE *pT)

ETYPE min;

(1) if ((*pT)->leftChild == NULL) {

(2) min = (*pT)->element;
(3) (*pT) = (*pT)->rightChild;
(4) return min;
(5) return deletemin(&((*pT)->leftChild));

Fig. 5.38. Function deletemin(pT) removes and returns the smallest element from T .

It is convenient to define a function deletemin(pT), shown in Fig. 5.38, to

remove the node containing the smallest element from a nonempty binary search
tree and to return the value of that smallest element. We pass to the function an
argument that is the address of the pointer to the tree T. All references to T in the
function are done indirectly through this pointer.
This style of tree manipulation, where we pass the function an argument that
is a pointer to a place where a pointer to a node (i.e., a tree) is found, is called call
Call by by reference. It is essential in Fig. 5.38 because at line (3), where we have found
reference a pointer to a node m whose left child is NULL, we wish to replace this pointer by
another pointer — the pointer in the rightChild field of m. If the argument of
deletemin were a pointer to a node, then the change would take place locally to the
call to deletemin, and there would not actually be a change to the pointers in the
tree itself. Incidentally, we could use the call-by-reference style to implement insert
as well. In that case, we could modify the tree directly and not have to return a
revised tree as we did in Fig. 5.35. We leave such a revised insert function as an
Now, let us see how Fig. 5.38 works. We locate the smallest element by following
left children until we find a node whose left child is NULL at line (1) of Fig. 5.38.
The element y at this node m must be the smallest in the subtree. To see why,
first observe that y is smaller than the element at any ancestor of m in the subtree,
because we have followed only left children. The only other nodes in the subtree
are either in the right subtree of m, in which case their elements are surely larger
than y by the BST property, or in the right subtree of one of m’s ancestors. But
elements in the right subtrees are greater than the element at some ancestor of m,
and therefore greater than y, as suggested by Fig. 5.39.
Having found the smallest element in the subtree, we record this value at line
(2), and at line (3) we replace the node of the smallest element by its right subtree.
Note that when we delete the smallest element from the subtree, we always have
the easy case of deletion, because there is no left subtree.
The only remaining point regarding deletemin is that when the test of line (1)
fails, meaning that we are not yet at the smallest element, we proceed to the left
child. That step is accomplished by the recursive call at line (5).
The function delete(x,pT) is shown in Fig. 5.40. If pT points to an empty tree
T , there is nothing to do, and the test of line (1) makes sure that nothing is done.
Otherwise, the tests of lines (2) and (4) handle the cases where x is not at the root,
and we are directed to the left or right subtree, as appropriate. If we reach line (6),
then x must be at the root of T , and we must replace the root node. Line (6) tests
for the possibility that the left child is NULL, in which case we simply replace T by
its right subtree at line (7). Similarly, if at line (8) we find that the right child is
NULL then at line (9) we replace T by its left subtree. Note that if both children of
the root are NULL, then we replace T by NULL at line (7).
The remaining case, where neither child is NULL, is handled at line (10). We
call deletemin, which returns the smallest element, y, of the right subtree and also
deletes y from that subtree. The assignment of line (10) replaces x by y at the root
of T .

✦ Example 5.25. Figure 5.41 shows what would happen if we used a function
similar to delete (but able to compare character strings) to remove Hairy from the




< > zk


< > zk−1



> z1


Fig. 5.39. All the other elements in the right subtree are greater than y.

void delete(ETYPE x, TREE *pT)

(1) if ((*pT) != NULL)
(2) if (x < (*pT)->element)
(3) delete(x, &((*pT)->leftChild));
(4) else if (x > (*pT)->element)
(5) delete(x, &((*pT)->rightChild));
else /* here, x is at the root of (*pT) */
(6) if ((*pT)->leftChild == NULL)
(7) (*pT) = (*pT)->rightChild;
(8) else if ((*pT)->rightChild == NULL)
(9) (*pT) = (*pT)->leftChild;
else /* here, neither child is NULL */
(10) (*pT)->element =

Fig. 5.40. Function delete(x,pT) removes the element x from T .

binary search tree of Fig. 5.36. Since Hairy is at a node with two children, delete
calls the function deletemin, which removes and returns the smallest element,
Happy, from the right subtree of the root. Happy then becomes the label of the root
of the tree, the node at which Hairy was stored. ✦


Bashful Sleepy

Grumpy Sleazy


Fig. 5.41. Binary search tree after deleting Hairy.


5.7.1: Suppose that we use a leftmost-child–right-sibling implementation for binary

search trees. Rewrite the functions that implement the dictionary operations insert,
delete, and lookup to work for this data structure.
5.7.2: Show what happens to the binary search tree of Fig. 5.33 if we insert the
following dwarfs in order: Doc, Dopey, Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Sue. Then show
what happens when we delete in order: Doc, Sleazy, and Hairy.
5.7.3: Rewrite the functions lookup, insert, and delete to use lexicographic
comparisons on strings instead of arithmetic comparisons on integers.
5.7.4*: Rewrite the function insert so that the tree argument is passed by refer-
5.7.5*: We wrote delete in the “call by reference” style. However, it is also
possible to write it in a style like that of our insert function, where it takes a
tree as argument (rather than a pointer to a tree) and returns the tree missing the
deleted element. Write this version of the dictionary operation delete. Note: It is
not really possible to have deletemin return a revised tree, since it must also return
the minimum element. We could rewrite deletemin to return a structure with both
the new tree and the minimum element, but that approach is not recommended.
5.7.6: Instead of handling the deletion of a node with two children by finding the
least element in the right subtree, we could also find the greatest element in the left
subtree and use that to replace the deleted element. Rewrite the functions delete
and deletemin from Figs. 5.38 and 5.40 to incorporate this modification.
5.7.7*: Another way to handle delete when we need to remove the element at a
node n that has parent p, (nonempty) left child l, and (nonempty) right child r is to
find the node m holding the least element in the right subtree of n. Then, make r
a left or right child of p, whichever n was, and make l the left child of m (note that

m cannot previously have had a left child). Show why this set of changes preserves
the BST property. Would you prefer this strategy to the one described in Section
5.7? Hint : For both methods, consider their effect on the lengths of paths. As we
shall see in the next section, short paths make the operations run fast.
5.7.8*: In this exercise, refer to the binary search tree represented in Fig. 5.39.
Show by induction on i that if 1 ≤ i ≤ k, then y < zi . Then, show that y is the
least element in the tree rooted at zk .
5.7.9: Write a complete C program to implement a dictionary that stores integers.
Accept commands of the form x i, where x is one of the letters i (insert), d (delete),
and l (lookup). Integer i is the argument of the command, the integer to be inserted,
deleted, or searched for.

✦ ✦

5.8 Efficiency of Binary Search Tree Operations
The binary search tree provides a reasonably fast implementation of a dictionary.
First, notice that each of the operations insert, delete, and lookup makes a number
of recursive calls equal to the length of the path followed (but this path must include
the route to the smallest element of the right subtree, in case deletemin is called).
Also, a simple analysis of the functions lookup, insert, delete, and deletemin
tells us that each operation takes O(1) time, plus the time for one recursive call.
Moreover, since this recursive call is always made at a child of the current node,
the height of the node in each successive call decreases by at least 1.
Thus, if T (h) is the time taken by any of these functions when called with
a pointer to a node of height h, we have the following recurrence relation upper-
bounding T (h):

BASIS. T (0) = O(1). That is, when called on a leaf, the call either terminates
without further calls or makes a recursive call with a NULL argument and then
returns without further calls. All of this work takes O(1) time.

INDUCTION. T (h) ≤ T (h − 1) + O(1) for h ≥ 1. That is, the time taken by a call
on any interior node is O(1) plus the time for a recursive call, which is on a node
of height at most h − 1. If we make the reasonable assumption that T (h) increases
with increasing h, then the time for the recursive call is no greater than T (h − 1).

The solution to the recurrence for T (h) is O(h), as discussed in Section 3.9.
Thus, the running time of each dictionary operation on a binary search tree of n
nodes is at most proportional to the height of the tree. But what is the height of a
typical binary search tree of n nodes?

The Worst Case

In the worst case, all the nodes in the binary tree will be arranged in a single path,
like the tree of Fig. 5.42. That tree would result, for example, from taking a list of
k elements in sorted order and inserting them one at a time into an initially empty
tree. There are also trees in which the single path does not consist of right children





Fig. 5.42. A degenerate binary tree.

only but is a mixture of right and left children, with the path taking a turn either
left or right at each interior node.
The height of a k-node tree like Fig. 5.42 is clearly k − 1. We thus expect
that lookup, insert, and delete will take O(k) time on a dictionary of k elements, if
the representation of that dictionary happens to be one of these unfortunate trees.
Intuitively, if we need to look for element x, on the average we shall find it halfway
down the path, requiring us to look at k/2 nodes. If we fail to find x, we shall
likewise have to search down the tree until we come to the place where x would be
found, which will also be halfway down, on the average. Since each of the operations
lookup, insert, and delete requires searching for the element involved, we know that
these operations each take O(k) time on the average, given one of the bad trees of
the form of Fig. 5.42.

The Best Case

However, a binary tree need not grow long and thin like Fig. 5.42; it could be short
and bushy like Fig. 5.43. A tree like the latter, where every interior node down to
some level has both children present and the next level has all the leaves, is called
Complete tree a full or complete tree.


n2 n3

n4 n5 n6 n7

Fig. 5.43. Full binary tree with seven nodes.

A complete binary tree of height h has 2h+1 − 1 nodes. We can prove this claim
by induction on the height h.

BASIS. If h = 0, the tree consists of a single node. Since 20+1 − 1 = 1, the basis
case holds.

INDUCTION. Suppose that a complete binary tree of height h has 2h+1 − 1 nodes,
and consider a complete binary tree of height h + 1. This tree consists of one node
at the root and left and right subtrees that are complete binary trees of height h.
For example, the height-2 complete binary tree of Fig. 5.43 consists of the root, n1 ;
a left subtree containing n2 , n4 , and n5 , which is a complete binary tree of height
1; and a right subtree consisting of the remaining three nodes, which is another
complete binary tree of height 1. Now the number of nodes in two complete binary
trees of height h is 2(2h − 1), by the inductive hypothesis. When we add the root
node, we find that a complete binary tree of height h+ 1 has 2(2h − 1)+ 1 = 2h+1 − 1
nodes, which proves the inductive step.

Now we can invert this relationship and say that a complete binary tree of
k = 2h+1 − 1 nodes has height h. Equivalently, k + 1 = 2h+1 . If we take logarithms,
then log2 (k + 1) = h + 1, or approximately, h is O(log k). Since the running time of
lookup, insert, and delete is proportional to the height of the tree, we can conclude
that on a complete binary tree, these operations take time that is logarithmic in the
number of nodes. That performance is much better than the linear time taken for
pessimal trees like Fig. 5.42. As the dictionary size becomes large, the running time
of the dictionary operations grows much more slowly than the number of elements
in the set.

The Typical Case

Is Fig. 5.42 or Fig. 5.43 the more common case? Actually, neither is common
in practice, but the complete tree of Fig. 5.43 offers efficiency of the dictionary
operations that is closer to what the typical case provides. That is, lookup, insert,
and delete take logarithmic time, on the average.
A proof that the typical binary tree offers logarithmic time for the dictionary
operations is difficult. The essential point of the proof is that the expected value of
the length of a path from the root of such a tree to a random node is O(log n). A
recurrence equation for this expected value is given in the exercises.
However, we can see intuitively why that should be the correct running time,
as follows. The root of a binary tree divides the nodes, other than itself, into two
subtrees. In the most even division, a k-node tree will have two subtrees of about
k/2 nodes each. That case occurs if the root element happens to be exactly in the
middle of the sorted list of elements. In the worst division, the root element is first
or last among the elements of the dictionary and the division is into one subtree
that is empty and another subtree of k − 1 nodes.
On the average, we could expect the root element to be halfway between the
middle and the extremes in the sorted list; and we might expect that, on the average,
about k/4 nodes go into the smaller subtree and 3k/4 nodes into the larger. Let
us assume that as we move down the tree we always move to the root of the larger
subtree at each recursive call and that similar assumptions apply to the distribution
of elements at each level. At the first level, the larger subtree will be divided in the
1:3 ratio, leaving a largest subtree of (3/4)(3k/4), or 9k/16, nodes at the second
level. Thus, at the dth-level, we would expect the largest subtree to have about
(3/4)d k nodes.
When d becomes sufficiently large, the quantity (3/4)d k will be close to 1, and
we can expect that, at this level, the largest subtree will consist of a single leaf.

Thus, we ask, For what value of d is (3/4)d k ≤ 1? If we take logarithms to the base
2, we get
d log2 (3/4) + log2 k ≤ log2 1 (5.1)
Now log2 1 = 0, and the quantity log2 (3/4) is a negative constant, about −0.4.
Thus we can rewrite (5.1) as log2 k ≤ 0.4d, or d ≥ (log2 k)/0.4 = 2.5 log2 k.
Put another way, at a depth of about two and a half times the logarithm to the
base 2 of the number of nodes, we expect to find only leaves (or to have found the
leaves at higher levels). This argument justifies, but does not prove, the statement
that the typical binary search tree will have a height that is proportional to the
logarithm of the number of nodes in the tree.

5.8.1: If tree T has height h and branching factor b, what are the largest and
smallest numbers of nodes that T can have?
5.8.2**: Perform an experiment in which we choose one of the n! orders for n
different values and insert the values in this order into an initially empty binary
search tree. Let P (n) be the expected value of the depth of the node at which a
particular value v among the n values is found after this experiment.
a) Show that, for n ≥ 2,
2 X
P (n) = 1 + kP (k)

b) Prove that P (n) is O(log n).

✦ ✦

5.9 Priority Queues and Partially Ordered Trees
So far, we have seen only one abstract data type, the dictionary, and one imple-
mentation for it, the binary search tree. In this section we shall study another
abstract data type and one of its most efficient implementations. This ADT, called
a priority queue, is a set of elements each of which has an associated priority. For
example, the elements could be records and the priority could be the value of one
field of the record. The two operations associated with the priority queue ADT are
the following:
1. Inserting an element into the set (insert).
2. Finding and deleting from the set an element of highest priority (this combined
operation is called deletemax). The deleted element is returned by this function.

✦ Example 5.26. A time-shared operating system accepts requests for service

from various sources, and these jobs may not all have the same priority. For example,
at highest priority may be the system processes; these would include the “daemons”
that watch for incoming data, such as the signal generated by a keystroke at a
terminal or the arrival of a packet of bits over a local area network. Then may
come user processes, the commands issued by ordinary users. Below these we may

have certain background jobs such as backup of data to tape or long calculations
that the user has designated to run with a low priority.
Jobs can be represented by records consisting of an integer ID for the job and
an integer for the job’s priority. That is, we might use the structure
struct ETYPE {
int jobID;
int priority;

for elements of a priority queue. When a new job is initiated, it gets an ID and a
priority. We then execute the insert operation for this element on the priority queue
of jobs waiting for service. When a processor becomes available, the system goes
to the priority queue and executes the deletemax operation. The element returned
by this operation is a waiting job of highest priority, and that is the one executed
next. ✦

✦ Example 5.27. We can implement a sorting algorithm using the priority queue
ADT. Suppose we are given the sequence of integers a1 , a2 , . . . , an to sort. We
insert each into a priority queue, using the element’s value as its priority. If we
then execute deletemax n times, the integers will be selected highest first, or in the
reverse of their sorted (lowest-first) order. We shall discuss this algorithm in more
detail in the next section; it is known as heapsort. ✦

Partially Ordered Trees

An efficient way to implement a priority queue is by a partially ordered tree (POT),

which is a labeled binary tree with the following properties:

1. The labels of the nodes are elements with a “priority”; that priority may be
the value of an element or the value of some component of an element.

2. The element stored at a node has at least as large a priority as the elements
stored at the children of that node.

POT property Property 2 implies that the element at the root of any subtree is always a largest
element of that subtree. We call property 2 the partially ordered tree property, or
POT property.

✦ Example 5.28. Figure 5.44 shows a partially ordered tree with 10 elements.
Here, as elsewhere in this section, we shall represent elements by their priorities, as
if the element and the priority were the same thing. Note that equal elements can
appear on different levels in the tree. To see that the POT property is satisfied at
the root, note that 18, the element there, is no less than the elements 18 and 16
found at its children. Similarly, we can check that the POT property holds at every
interior node. Thus, Fig. 5.44 is a partially ordered tree. ✦


18 16

9 7 1 9

3 7 5

Fig. 5.44. Partially ordered tree with 10 nodes.

Partially ordered trees provide a useful abstract implementation for priority

queues. Briefly, to execute deletemax we find the node at the root, which must be
the maximum, and replace it by the rightmost node on the bottom level. However,
when we do so, the POT property may be violated, and so we must restore that
property by “bubbling down” the element newly placed at the root until it finds a
suitable level where it is smaller than its parent but at least as large as any of its
children. To execute insert, we can add a new leaf at the bottom level, as far left
as possible, or at the left end of a new level if the bottom level is full. Again there
may be a violation of the POT property, and if so, we “bubble up” the new element
until it finds its rightful place.

Balanced POTs and Heaps

We say that a partially ordered tree is balanced if all possible nodes exist at all levels
except the bottommost, and the leaves at the bottommost level are as far to the
left as possible. This condition implies that if the tree has n nodes, then no path
to a node from the root is longer than log2 n. The tree in Fig. 5.44 is a balanced
Balanced POTs can be implemented using an array data structure called a
heap, which provides a fast, compact implementation of the priority queue ADT. A
heap is simply an array A with a special interpretation for the element indices. We
start with the root in A[1]; A[0] is not used. Following the root, the levels appear
in order. Within a level, the nodes are ordered from left to right.
Thus, the left child of the root is in A[2], and the right child of the root is in
A[3]. In general, the left child of the node in A[i] is in A[2i] and the right child is in
A[2i + 1], if these children exist in the partially ordered tree. The balanced nature
of the tree allows this representation. The POT property of the elements implies
that if A[i] has two children, then A[i] is at least as large as A[2i] and A[2i + 1],
and if A[i] has one child, then A[i] is at least as large as A[2i].

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
18 18 16 9 7 1 9 3 7 5

Fig. 5.45. Heap for Fig. 5.44.


Layers of Implementation
It is useful to compare our two ADT’s, the dictionary and the priority queue, and
to notice that, in each case, we have given one abstract implementation and one
data structure for that implementation. There are other abstract implementations
for each, and other data structures for each abstract implementation. We promised
to discuss other abstract implementations for the dictionary, such as the hash table,
and in the exercises of Section 5.9 we suggest that the binary search tree may be
a suitable abstract implementation for the priority queue. The table below sum-
marizes what we already know about abstract implementations and data structures
for the dictionary and the priority queue.


dictionary binary search left-child–right-child
tree structure
priority balanced partially heap
queue ordered tree

✦ Example 5.29. The heap for the balanced partially ordered tree in Fig. 5.44
is shown in Fig. 5.45. For instance, A[4] holds the value 9; this array element
represents the left child of the left child of the root in Fig. 5.44. The children of
this node are found in A[8] and A[9]. Their elements, 3 and 7, are each no greater
than 9, as is required by the POT property. Array element A[5], which corresponds
to the right child of the left child of the root, has a left child in A[10]. It would
have a right child in A[11], but the partially ordered tree has only 10 elements at
the moment, and so A[11] is not part of the heap. ✦

While we have shown tree nodes and array elements as if they were the prior-
ities themselves, in principle an entire record appears at the node or in the array.
As we shall see, we shall have to do much swapping of elements between children
and parents in a partially ordered tree or its heap representation. Thus, it is con-
siderably more efficient if the array elements themselves are pointers to the records
representing the objects in the priority queue and these records are stored in an-
other array “outside” the heap. Then we can simply swap pointers, leaving the
records in place.

Performing Priority Queue Operations on a Heap

Throughout this section and the next, we shall represent a heap by a global array
A[1..MAX] of integers. We assume that elements are integers and are equal to their
priorities. When elements are records, we can store pointers to the records in the
array and determine the priority of an element from a field in its record.
Suppose that we have a heap of n−1 elements satisfying the POT property, and
we add an nth element in A[n]. The POT property continues to hold everywhere,
except perhaps between A[n] and its parent. Thus, if A[n] is larger than A[n/2], the
element at the parent, we must swap these elements. Now there may be a violation
of the POT property between A[n/2] and its parent. If so, we recursively “bubble

up” the new element until it either reaches a position where the parent has a larger
element or reaches the root.
Bubbling up The C function bubbleUp to perform this operation is shown in Fig. 5.46. It
makes use of a function swap(A,i,j) that exchanges the elements in A[i] and A[j];
this function is also defined in Fig. 5.46. The operation of bubbleUp is simple.
Given argument i indicating the node that, with its parent, possibly violates the
POT property, we test whether i = 1 (that is, whether we are already at the root,
so that no POT violation can occur), and if not, whether the element A[i] is greater
than the element at its parent. If so, we swap A[i] with its parent and recursively
call bubbleUp at the parent.

void swap(int A[], int i, int j)

int temp;

temp = A[i];
A[i] = A[j];
A[j] = temp;

void bubbleUp(int A[], int i)

if (i > 1 && A[i] > A[i/2]) {
swap(A, i, i/2);
bubbleUp(A, i/2);

Fig. 5.46. The function swap exchanges array elements, and the function bubbleUp
pushes a new element of a heap into its rightful place.

✦ Example 5.30. Suppose we start with the heap of Fig. 5.45 and we add an
eleventh element, with priority 13. This element goes in A[11], giving us the array
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
18 18 16 9 7 1 9 3 7 5 13

We now call bubbleUp(A,11), which compares A[11] with A[5] and finds that
we must swap these elements because A[11] is larger. That is, A[5] and A[11] violate
the POT property. Thus, the array becomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
18 18 16 9 13 1 9 3 7 5 7

Now we call bubbleUp(A,5). This results in comparison of A[2] and A[5]. Since
A[2] is larger, there is no POT violation, and bubbleUp(A,5) does nothing. We
have now restored the POT property to the array. ✦

Implementation We now show how to implement the priority queue operation insert. Let n be
of insert the current number of elements in the priority queue, and assume A[1..n] already
satisfies the POT property. We increment n and then store the element to be
inserted into the new A[n]. Finally, we call bubbleUp(A,n). The code for insert is
shown in Fig. 5.47. The argument x is the element to be inserted, and the argument
pn is a pointer to the current size of the priority queue. Note that n must be passed
by reference — that is, by a pointer to n — so that when n is incremented the
change has an affect that is not local only to insert. A check that n < M AX is

void insert(int A[], int x, int *pn)

A[*pn] = x;
bubbleUp(A, *pn);

Fig. 5.47. Priority queue operation insert implemented on a heap.

To implement the priority queue operation deletemax, we need another opera-

tion on heaps or partially ordered trees, this time to bubble down an element at the
root that may violate the POT property. Suppose that A[i] is a potential violator
of the POT property, in that it may be smaller than one or both of its children,
A[2i] and A[2i + 1]. We can swap A[i] with one of its children, but we must be
careful which one. If we swap with the larger of the children, then we are sure not
to introduce a POT violation between the two former children of A[i], one of which
has now become the parent of the other.
Bubbling down The function bubbleDown of Fig. 5.48 implements this operation. After select-
ing a child with which to swap A[i], it calls itself recursively to eliminate a possible
POT violation between the element A[i] in its new position — which is now A[2i] or
A[2i+1] — and one of its new children. The argument n is the number of elements
in the heap, or, equivalently, the index of the last element.

void bubbleDown(int A[], int i, int n)

int child;

(1) child = 2*i;

(2) if (child < n && A[child+1] > A[child])
(3) ++child;
(4) if (child <= n && A[i] < A[child]) {
(5) swap(A, i, child);
(6) bubbleDown(A, child, n);

Fig. 5.48. bubbleDown pushes a POT violator down to its proper position.

This function is a bit tricky. We have to decide which child of A[i] to swap
with, if any, and the first thing we do is assume that the larger child is A[2i], at
line (1) of Fig. 5.48. If the right child exists (i.e., child < n) and the right child is
the larger, then the tests of line (2) are met and at line (3) we make child be the
right child of A[i].
Now at line (4) we test for two things. First, it is possible that A[i] really has
no children in the heap. We therefore check whether A[i] is an interior node by
asking whether child ≤ n. The second test of line (4) is whether A[i] is less than
A[child]. If both these conditions are met, then at line (5) we swap A[i] with its
larger child, and at line (6) we recursively call bubbleDown, to push the offending
element further down, if necessary.
Implementation We can use bubbleDown to implement the priority queue operation deletemax
of deletemax as shown in Fig. 5.49. The function deletemax takes as arguments an array A and
a pointer pn to the number n that is the number of elements currently in the heap.
We omit a test that n > 0.
In line (1), we swap the element at the root, which is to be deleted, with the
last element, in A[n]. Technically, we should return the deleted element, but, as
we shall see, it is convenient to put it in A[n], which will no longer be part of the
At line (2), we decrement n by 1, effectively deleting the largest element, now
residing in the old A[n]. Since the root may now violate the POT property, we call
bubbleDown(A,1,n) at line (3), which will recursively push the offending element
down until it either reaches a point where it is no less than either of its children, or
becomes a leaf; either way, there is no violation of the POT property.

void deletemax(int A[], int *pn)

(1) swap(A, 1, *pn);
(2) --(*pn);
(3) bubbleDown(A, 1, *pn);

Fig. 5.49. Priority queue operation deletemax implemented by a heap.

✦ Example 5.31. Suppose we start with the heap of Fig. 5.45 and execute
deletemax. After swapping A[1] and A[10], we set n to 9. The heap then becomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 18 16 9 7 1 9 3 7

When we execute bubbleDown(A,1,9), we set child to 2. Since A[2] ≥ A[3],

we do not increment child at line (3) of Fig. 5.48. Then since child ≤ n and
A[1] < A[2], we swap these elements, to obtain the array
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
18 5 16 9 7 1 9 3 7

We then call bubbleDown(A,2,9). That requires us to compare A[4] with A[5]

at line (2), and we find that the former is larger. Thus, child = 4 at line (4)
of Fig. 5.48. When we find that A[2] < A[4], we swap these elements and call
bubbleDown(A,4,9) on the array
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
18 9 16 5 7 1 9 3 7

Next, we compare A[8] and A[9], finding that the latter is larger, so that child =
9 at line (4) of bubbleDown(A,4,9). We again perform the swap, since A[4] < A[9],
resulting in the array
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
18 9 16 7 7 1 9 3 5

Next, we call bubbleDown(A,9,9). We set child to 18 at line (1), and the first
test of line (2) fails, because child < n is false. Similarly, the test of line (4) fails,
and we make no swap or recursive call. The array is now a heap with the POT
property restored. ✦

Running Time of Priority Queue Operations

The heap implementation of priority queues offers O(log n) running time per insert
or deletemax operation. To see why, let us first consider the insert program of
Fig. 5.47. This program evidently takes O(1) time for the first two steps, plus
whatever the call to bubbleUp takes. Thus, we need to determine the running time
of bubbleUp.
Informally, we notice that each time bubbleUp calls itself recursively, we are at
a node one position closer to the root. Since a balanced partially ordered tree has
height approximately log2 n, the number of recursive calls is O(log2 n). Since each
call to bubbleUp takes time O(1) plus the time of the recursive call, if any, the total
time should be O(log n).
More formally, let T (i) be the running time of bubbleUp(A,i). Then we can
create a recurrence relation for T (i) as follows.

BASIS. If i = 1, then T (i) is O(1), since it is easy to check that the bubbleUp
program of Fig. 5.46 does not make any recursive calls and only the test of the
if-statement is executed.

INDUCTION. If i > 1, then the if-statement test may fail anyway, because A[i]
does not need to rise further. If the test succeeds, then we execute swap, which
takes O(1) time, plus a recursive call to bubbleUp with an argument i/2 (or slightly
less if i is odd). Thus T (i) ≤ T (i/2) + O(1).

We thus have, for some constants a and b, the recurrence

T (1) = a
T (i) = T (i/2) + b for i > 1
as an upper bound on the running time of bubbleUp. If we expand T (i/2) we get
T (i) = T (i/2j ) + bj (5.2)

for each j. As in Section 3.10, we choose the value of j that makes T (i/2j ) simplest.
In this case, we make j equal to log2 i, so that i/2j = 1. Thus, (5.2) becomes
T (i) = a + b log2 i; that is, T (i) is O(log i). Since bubbleUp is O(log i), so is insert.
Now consider deletemax. We can see from Fig. 5.49 that the running time of
deletemax is O(1) plus the running time of bubbleDown. The analysis of bubble-
Down, in Fig. 5.48, is essentially the same as that of bubbleUp. We omit it and
conclude that bubbleDown and deletemax also take O(log n) time.


5.9.1: Starting with the heap of Fig. 5.45, show what happens when we
a) Insert 3
b) Insert 20
c) Delete the maximum element
d) Again delete the maximum element
5.9.2: Prove Equation (5.2) by induction on i.
5.9.3: Prove by induction on the depth of the POT-property violation that the
function bubbleUp of Fig. 5.46 correctly restores a tree with one violation to a tree
that has the POT property.
5.9.4: Prove that the function insert(A,x,n) makes A into a heap of size n, if A
was previously a heap of size n − 1. You may use Exercise 5.9.3. What happens if
A was not previously a heap?
5.9.5: Prove by induction on the height of the POT-property violation that the
function bubbleDown of Fig. 5.48 correctly restores a tree with one violation to a
tree that has the POT property.
5.9.6: Prove that deletemax(A,n) makes a heap of size n into one of size n − 1.
What happens if A was not previously a heap?
5.9.7: Prove that bubbleDown(A,1,n) takes O(log n) time on a heap of length n.
5.9.8**: What is the probability that an n-element heap, with distinct element
priorities chosen at random, is a partially ordered tree? If you cannot derive the
general rule, write a recursive function to compute the probability as a function of
5.9.9: We do not need to use a heap to implement a partially ordered tree. Suppose
we use the conventional left-child–right-child data structure for binary trees. Show
how to implement the functions bubbleDown, insert, and deletemax using this
structure instead of the heap structure.
5.9.10*: A binary search tree can be used as an abstract implementation of a
priority queue. Show how the operations insert and deletemax can be implemented
using a binary search tree with the left-child–right-child data structure. What is
the running time of these operations (a) in the worst case and (b) on the average?

✦ ✦

5.10 Heapsort: Sorting with Balanced POTs
We shall now describe the algorithm known as heapsort. It sorts an array A[1..n]
in two phases. In the first phase, heapsort gives A the POT property. The second
phase of heapsort repeatedly selects the largest remaining element from the heap
until the heap consists of only the smallest element, whereupon the array A is

heap large elements, sorted

↑ ↑ ↑
1 i n

Fig. 5.50. Condition of array A during heapsort.

Figure 5.50 shows the array A during the second phase. The initial part of
the array has the POT property, and the remaining part has its elements sorted in
nondecreasing order. Furthermore, the elements in the sorted part are the largest
n − i elements in the array. During the second phase, i is allowed to run from n
down to 1, so that the heap, initially the entire array A, eventually shrinks until
it is only the smallest element, located in A[1]. In more detail, the second phase
consists of the following steps.
1. A[1], the largest element in A[1..i], is exchanged with A[i]. Since all elements
in A[i+1..n] are as large as or larger than any of A[1..i], and since we just
moved the largest of the latter group of elements to position i, we know that
A[i..n] are the largest n − i + 1 elements and are in sorted order.
2. The value i is decremented, reducing the size of the heap by 1.
3. The POT property is restored to the initial part of the array by bubbling down
the element at the root, which we just moved to A[1].

✦ Example 5.32. Consider the array in Fig. 5.45, which has the POT property.
Let us go through the first iteration of the second phase. In the first step, we
exchange A[1] and A[10] to get:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 18 16 9 7 1 9 3 7 18

The second step reduces the heap size to 9, and the third step restores the POT
property to the first nine elements by calling bubbleDown(1). In this call, A[1] and
A[2] are exchanged:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
18 5 16 9 7 1 9 3 7 18

Then, A[2] and A[4] are exchanged:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
18 9 16 5 7 1 9 3 7 18

Finally, A[4] and A[9] are exchanged:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
18 9 16 7 7 1 9 3 5 18

At this point, A[1..9] has the POT property.

The second iteration of phase 2 begins by swapping the element 18 in A[1]
with the element 5 in A[9]. After bubbling 5 down, the array becomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
16 9 9 7 7 1 5 3 18 18

At this stage, the last two elements of the array are the two largest elements, in
sorted order.
Phase 2 continues until the array is completely sorted:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 3 5 7 7 9 9 16 18 18

Heapifying an Array

We could describe heapsort informally as follows:

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
insert(ai );
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)

To implement this algorithm, we insert the n elements a1 , a2 , . . . , an to be sorted

into a heap that is initially empty. We then perform deletemax n times, getting
the elements in largest-first order. The arrangement of Fig. 5.50 allows us to store
the deleted elements in the tail of the array, as we shrink the heap portion of that
Since we just argued in the last section that insert and deletemax take O(log n)
time each, and since we evidently execute each operation n times, we have an
O(n log n) sorting algorithm, which is comparable to merge sort. In fact, heapsort
can be superior to merge sort in a situation in which we only need a few of the
largest elements, rather than the entire sorted list. The reason is that we can make
the array be a heap in O(n) time, rather than O(n log n) time, if we use the function
heapify of Fig. 5.51.

void heapify(int A[], int n)

int i;

for (i = n/2; i >= 1; i--)

bubbleDown(A, i, n);

Fig. 5.51. Heapifying an array.

Running Time of Heapify

At first, it might appear that the n/2 calls to bubbleDown in Fig. 5.51 should take
O(n log n) time in total, because log n is the only upper bound we know on the
running time of bubbleDown. However, we can get a tighter bound, O(n), if we
exploit the fact that most of the sequences that bubble down elements are very
To begin, we did not even have to call bubbleDown on the second half of the
array, because all the elements there are leaves. On the second quarter of the array,
that is,
we may call bubbleDown once, if the element is smaller than either of its children;
but those children are in the second half, and therefore are leaves. Thus, in the
second quarter of A, we call bubbleDown at most once. Similarly, in the second
eighth of the array, we call bubbleDown at most twice, and so on. The number of
calls to bubbleDown in the various regions of the array is indicated in Fig. 5.52.

n/16 n/8 n/4 n/2 n

A ··· ≤ 3 ≤2 ≤1 0

Fig. 5.52. The number of calls to bubbleDown decreases rapidly as we go through

the array from low to high indices.

Let us count the number of calls to bubbleDown made by heapify, including

recursive calls. From Fig. 5.52 we see that it is possible to divide A into zones,
where the ith zone consists of A[j] for j greater than n/2i+1 but no greater than
n/2i . The number of elements in zone i is thus n/2i+1 , and there are at most i calls
to bubbleDown for each element in zone i. Further, the zones i > log2 n are empty,
since they contain at most n/21+log2 n = 1/2 element. The element A[1] is the sole
occupant of zone log2 n. We thus need to compute the sum
log2 n
in/2i+1 (5.3)

We can provide an upper bound on the finite sum (5.3) by extending it to an infinite
sum and then pulling out the factor n/2:

i/2i (5.4)
2 i=1
We must now get an upper bound on the sum in (5.4). This sum, i=1 i/2i ,
can be written as
(1/2) + (1/4 + 1/4) + (1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8) + (1/16 + 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/16) + · · ·
We can write these inverse powers of 2 as the triangle shown in Fig. 5.53. Each row
is an infinite geometric series with ratio 1/2, which sums to twice the first term in
the series, as indicated at the right edge of Fig. 5.53. The row sums form another
geometric series, which sums to 2.

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ··· = 1

1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ··· = 1/2
1/8 + 1/16 + ··· = 1/4
1/16 + ··· = 1/8
··· = ···
Fig. 5.53. Arranging i=1
i/2i as a triangular sum.

It follows that (5.4) is upper-bounded by (n/2) × 2 = n. That is, the number

of calls to bubbleDown in the function heapify is no greater than n. Since we have
already established that each call takes O(1) time, exclusive of any recursive calls,
we conclude that the total time taken by heapify is O(n).

The Complete Heapsort Algorithm

The C program for heapsort is shown in Fig. 5.54. It uses an array of integers
A[1..MAX] for the heap. The elements to be sorted are inserted in A[1..n]. The
definitions of the function declarations in Fig. 5.54 are contained in Sections 5.9
and 5.10.
Line (1) calls heapify, which turns the n elements to be sorted into a heap;
and line (2) initializes i, which marks the end of the heap, to n. The loop of
lines (3) and (4) applies deletemax n − 1 times. We should examine the code of
Fig. 5.49 again to observe that deletemax(A,i) swaps the maximum element of
the remaining heap — which is always in A[1] — with A[i]. As a side effect, i is
decremented by 1, so that the size of the heap shrinks by 1. The element “deleted”
by deletemax at line (4) is now part of the sorted tail of the array. It is less than
or equal to any element in the previous tail, A[i+1..n], but greater than or equal
to any element still in the heap. Thus, the claimed property is maintained; all the
heap elements precede all the elements of the tail.

Running Time of Heapsort

We have just established that heapify in line (1) takes time proportional to n. Line
(2) clearly takes O(1) time. Since i decreases by 1 each time around the loop of lines
(3) and (4), the number of times around the loop is n − 1. The call to deletemax at
line (4) takes O(log n) time. Thus, the total time for the loop is O(n log n). That
time dominates lines (1) and (2), and so the running time of heapsort is O(n log n)
on n elements.

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 100

int A[MAX+1];

void bubbleDown(int A[], int i, int n);

void deletemax(int A[], int *pn);
void heapify(int A[], int n);
void heapsort(int A[], int n);
void swap(int A[], int i, int j);

int i, n, x;

n = 0;
while (n < MAX && scanf("%d", &x) != EOF)
A[++n] = x;
heapsort(A, n);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
printf("%d\n", A[i]);

void heapsort(int A[], int n)

int i;

(1) heapify(A, n);

(2) i = n;
(3) while (i > 1)
(4) deletemax(A, &i);

Fig. 5.54. Heapsorting an array.


5.10.1: Apply heapsort to the list of elements 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5.

5.10.2*: Give an O(n) running time algorithm that finds the n largest elements
in a list of n elements.

✦ ✦

5.11 Summary of Chapter 5

The reader should take away the following points from Chapter 5:
✦ Trees are an important data model for representing hierarchical information.

✦ Many data structures involving combinations of arrays and pointers can be used
to implement trees, and the data structure of choice depends on the operations
performed on the tree.
✦ Two of the most important representations for tree nodes are the leftmost-
child–right-sibling representation and the trie (array of pointers to children).
✦ Recursive algorithms and proofs are well suited for trees. A variant of our
basic induction scheme, called structural induction, is effectively a complete
induction on the number of nodes in a tree.
✦ The binary tree is a variant of the tree model in which each node has (optional)
left and right children.
✦ A binary search tree is a labeled binary tree with the “binary search tree
property” that all the labels in the left subtree precede the label at a node, and
all labels in the right subtree follow the label at the node.
✦ The dictionary abstract data type is a set upon which we can perform the oper-
ations insert, delete, and lookup. The binary search tree efficiently implements
✦ A priority queue is another abstract data type, a set upon which we can perform
the operations insert and deletemax.
✦ A partially ordered tree is a labeled binary tree with the property that the
label at any node is at least as great as the label at its children.
✦ Balanced partially ordered trees, where the nodes fully occupy levels from the
root to the lowest level, where only the leftmost positions are occupied, can be
implemented by an array structure called a heap. This structure provides an
O(log n) implementation of a priority queue and leads to an O(n log n) sorting
algorithm called heapsort.

✦ ✦

5.12 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 5
The trie representation of trees is from Fredkin [1960]. The binary search tree was
invented independently by a number of people, and the reader is referred to Knuth
[1973] for a history as well as a great deal more information on various kinds of
search trees. For more advanced applications of trees, see Tarjan [1983].
Williams [1964] devised the heap implementation of balanced partially ordered
trees. Floyd [1964] describes an efficient version of heapsort.
Floyd, R. W. [1964]. “Algorithm 245: Treesort 3,” Comm. ACM 7:12, pp. 701.
Fredkin, E. [1960]. “Trie memory,” Comm. ACM 3:4, pp. 490–500.
Knuth, D. E. [1973]. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. III, Sorting and
Searching, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Tarjan, R. E. [1983]. Data Structures and Network Algorithms, SIAM Press,
Williams, J. W. J. [1964]. “Algorithm 232: Heapsort,” Comm. ACM 7:6, pp. 347–

✦ ✦

The List
Data Model

Like trees, lists are among the most basic of data models used in computer programs.
Lists are, in a sense, simple forms of trees, because one can think of a list as a binary
tree in which every left child is a leaf. However, lists also present some aspects that
are not special cases of what we have learned about trees. For instance, we shall talk
about operations on lists, such as pushing and popping, that have no common analog
for trees, and we shall talk of character strings, which are special and important
kinds of lists requiring their own data structures.

✦ ✦

6.1 What This Chapter Is About

We introduce list terminology in Section 6.2. Then in the remainder of the chapter
we present the following topics:

✦ The basic operations on lists (Section 6.3).

✦ Implementations of abstract lists by data structures, especially the linked-list

data structure (Section 6.4) and an array data structure (Section 6.5).

✦ The stack, a list upon which we insert and delete at only one end (Section 6.6).

✦ The queue, a list upon which we insert at one end and delete at the other
(Section 6.8).

✦ Character strings and the special data structures we use to represent them
(Section 6.10).

Further, we shall study in detail two applications of lists:

✦ The run-time stack and the way C and many other languages implement re-
cursive functions (Section 6.7).


✦ The problem of finding longest common subsequences of two strings, and its
solution by a “dynamic programming,” or table-filling, algorithm (Section 6.9).

✦ ✦

6.2 Basic Terminology

A list is a finite sequence of zero or more elements. If the elements are all of type
List T , then we say that the type of the list is “list of T .” Thus we can have lists of
integers, lists of real numbers, lists of structures, lists of lists of integers, and so on.
We generally expect the elements of a list to be of some one type. However, since
a type can be the union of several types, the restriction to a single “type” can be
A list is often written with its elements separated by commas and enclosed in
(a1 , a2 , . . . , an )
where the ai ’s are the elements of the list.
In some situations we shall not show commas or parentheses explicitly. In
Character particular, we shall study character strings, which are lists of characters. Character
string strings are generally written with no comma or other separating marks and with no
surrounding parentheses. Elements of character strings will normally be written in
typewriter font. Thus foo is the list of three characters of which the first is f and
the second and third are o.

✦ Example 6.1. Here are some examples of lists.

1. The list of prime numbers less than 20, in order of size:
(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19)

2. The list of noble gasses, in order of atomic weight:

(helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon)

3. The list of the numbers of days in the months of a non-leap year:

(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
As this example reminds us, the same element can appear more than once on a
list. ✦

✦ Example 6.2. A line of text is another example of a list. The individual charac-
ters making up the line are the elements of this list, so the list is a character string.
This character string usually includes several occurrences of the blank character,
and normally the last character in a line of text is the “newline” character.
As another example, a document can be viewed as a list. Here the elements
of the list are the lines of text. Thus a document is a list whose elements that are
themselves lists, character strings in particular. ✦

✦ Example 6.3. A point in n-dimensional space can be represented by a list of n

real numbers. For example, the vertices of the unit cube can be represented by the
triples shown in Fig. 6.1. The three elements on each list represent the coordinates
of a point that is one of the eight corners (or “vertices”) of the cube. The first
component represents the x-coordinate (horizontal), the second represents the y-
coordinate (into the page), and the third represents the z-coordinate (vertical).



(0,1,0) (1,1,0)

(0,0,0) (1,0,0)

Fig. 6.1. The vertices of the unit cube represented as triples.

The Length of a List

The length of a list is the number of occurrences of elements on the list. If the
Empty list number of elements is zero, then the list is said to be empty. We use the Greek
letter ǫ (epsilon) to represent the empty list. We can also represent the empty list
by a pair of parentheses surrounding nothing: (). It is important to remember that
length counts positions, not distinct symbols, and so a symbol appearing k times
on a list adds k to the length of the list.

✦ Example 6.4. The length of list (1) in Example 6.1 is 8, and the length of list
(2) is 6. The length of list (3) is 12, since there is one position for each month. The
fact that there are only three different numbers on the list is irrelevant as far as the
length of the list is concerned. ✦

Parts of a List
Head and tail of If a list is not empty, then it consists of a first element, called the head and the
a list remainder of the list, called the tail. For instance, the head of list (2) in Example
6.1 is helium, while the tail is the list consisting of the remaining five elements,
(neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon)

Elements and Lists of Length 1

It is important to remember that the head of a list is an element, while the tail of
a list is a list. Moreover, we should not confuse the head of a list — say a — with
the list of length 1 containing only the element a, which would normally be written
with parentheses as (a). If the element a is of type T , then the list (a) is of type
“list of T .”
Failure to recognize the difference leads to programming errors when we im-
plement lists by data structures. For example, we may represent lists by linked
cells, which are typically structures with an element field of some type T , holding
an element, and a next field holding a pointer to the next cell. Then element a is
of type T , while the list (a) is a cell with element field holding a and next field
holding NULL.

If L = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) is a list, then for any i and j such that 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n,

Sublist (ai , ai+1 , . . . , aj ) is said to be a sublist of L. That is, a sublist is formed by starting
at some position i, and taking all the elements up to some position j. We also say
that ǫ, the empty list, is a sublist of any list.
Subsequence A subsequence of the list L = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) is a list formed by striking out
zero or more elements of L. The remaining elements, which form the subsequence,
must appear in the same order in which they appear in L, but the elements of the
subsequence need not be consecutive in L. Note that ǫ and the list L itself are
always subsequences, as well as sublists, of L.

✦ Example 6.5. Let L be the character string abc. The sublists of L are
ǫ, a, b, c, ab, bc, abc
These are all subsequences of L as well, and in addition, ac is a subsequence, but
not a sublist.
For another example, let L be the character string abab. Then the sublists are
ǫ, a, b, ab, ba, aba, bab, abab
These are also subsequences of L, and in addition, L has the subsequences aa, bb,
aab, and abb. Notice that a character string like bba is not a subsequence of L.
Even though L has two b’s and an a, they do not appear in such an order in L
that we can form bba by striking out elements of L. That is, there is no a after the
second b in L. ✦

Prefix and A prefix of a list is any sublist that starts at the beginning of the list. A suffix
suffix is a sublist that terminates at the end of the list. As special cases, we regard ǫ as
both a prefix and a suffix of any list.

✦ Example 6.6. The prefixes of the list abc are ǫ, a, ab, and abc. Its suffixes are
ǫ, c, bc, and abc. ✦

Car and Cdr

In the programming language Lisp, the head is called the car and the tail is called
the cdr (pronounced “cudder”). The terms “car” and “cdr” arose from the names
given to two fields of a machine instruction on an IBM 709, the computer on which
Lisp was first implemented. Car stands for “contents of the address register,” and
cdr stands for “contents of the decrement register.” In a sense, memory words
were seen as cells with element and next fields, corresponding to the car and cdr,

The Position of an Element on a List

Each element on a list is associated with a position. If (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) is a list and
n ≥ 1, then a1 is said to be first element, a2 the second, and so on, with an the last
element. We also say that element ai occurs at position i. In addition, ai is said
to follow ai−1 and to precede ai+1 . A position holding element a is said to be an
Occurrence of occurrence of a.
an element The number of positions on a list equals the length of the list. It is possible
for the same element to appear at two or more positions. Thus it is important not
to confuse a position with the element at that position. For instance, list (3) in
Example 6.1 has twelve positions, seven of which hold 31 — namely, positions 1, 3,
5, 7, 8, 10, and 12.


6.2.1: Answer the following questions about the list (2, 7, 1, 8, 2).
a) What is the length?
b) What are all the prefixes?
c) What are all the suffixes?
d) What are all the sublists?
e) How many subsequences are there?
f) What is the head?
g) What is the tail?
h) How many positions are there?
6.2.2: Repeat Exercise 6.2.1 for the character string banana.
6.2.3**: In a list of length n ≥ 0, what are the largest and smallest possible
numbers of (a) prefixes (b) sublists (c) subsequences?
6.2.4: If the tail of the tail of the list L is the empty list, what is the length of L?
6.2.5*: Bea Fuddled wrote a list whose elements are themselves lists of integers,
but omitted the parentheses: 1,2,3. There are many lists of lists that could have
been represented, such as (1), (2, 3) . What are all the possible lists that do not
have the empty list as an element?

✦ ✦

6.3 Operations on Lists
A great variety of operations can be performed on lists. In Chapter 2, when we
discussed merge sort, the basic problem was to sort a list, but we also needed to
split a list into two, and to merge two sorted lists. Formally, the operation of
sorting a list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) amounts to replacing the list with a list consisting of
a permutation of its elements, (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ), such that b1 ≤ b2 ≤ · · · ≤ bn . Here,
Sorting and as before, ≤ represents an ordering of the elements, such as “less than or equal to”
merging on integers or reals, or lexicographic order on strings. The operation of merging
two sorted lists consists of constructing from them a sorted list containing the same
elements as the two given lists. Multiplicity must be preserved; that is, if there are
k occurrences of element a among the two given lists, then the resulting list has k
occurrences of a. Review Section 2.8 for examples of these two operations on lists.

Insertion, Deletion, and Lookup

Recall from Section 5.7 that a “dictionary” is a set of elements on which we perform
the operations insert, delete, and lookup. There is an important difference between
sets and lists. An element can never appear more than once in a set, although, as
we have seen, an element can appear more than once on a list; this and other issues
regarding sets are discussed in Chapter 7. However, lists can implement sets, in
the sense that the elements in a set {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } can be placed in a list in any
order, for example, the order (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ), or the order (an , an−1 , . . . , a1 ). Thus
it should be no surprise that there are operations on lists analogous to the dictionary
operations on sets.
1. We can insert an element x onto a list L. In principle, x could appear anywhere
on the list, and it does not matter if x already appears in L one or more times.
We insert by adding one more occurrence of x. As a special case, if we make x
the head of the new list (and therefore make L the tail), we say that we push
x onto the list L. If L = (a1 , . . . , an ), the resulting list is (x, a1 , . . . , an ).
2. We can delete an element x from a list L. Here, we delete an occurrence of x
from L. If there is more than one occurrence, we could specify which occurrence
to delete; for example, we could always delete the first occurrence. If we want
to delete all occurrences of x, we repeat the deletion until no more x’s remain.
If x is not present on list L, the deletion has no effect. As a special case, if
we delete the head element of the list, so that the list (x, a1 , . . . , an ) becomes
(a1 , . . . , an ), we are said to pop the list.
3. We can lookup an element x on a list L. This operation returns TRUE or FALSE,
depending on whether x is or is not an element on the list.

✦ Example 6.7. Let L be the list (1, 2, 3, 2). The result of insert(1, L) could be
the list (1, 1, 2, 3, 2), if we chose to push 1, that is, to insert 1 at the beginning. We
could also insert the new 1 at the end, yielding (1, 2, 3, 2, 1). Alternatively, the new
1 could be placed in any of three positions interior to the list L.
The result of delete(2, L) is the list (1, 3, 2) if we delete the first occurrence of
2. If we ask lookup(x, L), the answer is TRUE if x is 1, 2, or 3, but FALSE if x is any
other value. ✦

We concatenate two lists L and M by forming the list that begins with the elements
of L and then continues with the elements of M . That is, if L = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an )
and M = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bk ), then LM , the concatenation of L and M , is the list
(a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b1 , b2 , . . . , bk )
Identity for Note that the empty list is the identity for concatenation. That is, for any list L,
concatenation we have ǫL = Lǫ = L.

✦ Example 6.8. If L is the list (1, 2, 3) and M is the list (3, 1), then LM is the list
(1, 2, 3, 3, 1). If L is the character string dog and M is the character string house,
then LM is the character string doghouse. ✦

Other List Operations

Another family of operations on lists refers to particular positions of the list. For
First and last of a) The operation f irst(L) returns the first element (head) of list L, and last(L)
lists returns the last element of L. Both cause an error if L is an empty list.
Retrieve b) The operation retrieve(i, L) returns the element at the ith position of list L.
It is an error if L has length less than i.
There are additional operations that involve the length of a list. Some common
operations are:
c) length(L), which returns the length of list L.
isEmpty d) isEmpty(L), which returns TRUE if L is an empty list and returns FALSE if not.
Similarly, isNotEmpty(L) would return the opposite.


6.3.1: Let L be the list (3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9).

a) What is the value of delete(5, L)?
b) What is the value of delete(1, L)?
c) What is the result of popping L?
d) What is the result of pushing 2 onto list L?
e) What is returned if we perform lookup with the element 6 and list L?
f) If M is the list (6, 7, 8), what is the value of LM (the concatenation of L and
M )? What is M L?
g) What is f irst(L)? What is last(L)?
h) What is the result of retrieve(3, L)?
i) What is the value of length(L)?
j) What is the value of isEmpty(L)?
6.3.2**: If L and M are lists, under what conditions is LM = M L?
6.3.3**: Let x be an element and L a list. Under what conditions are the following
equations true?

a) delete x, insert(x, L) = L

b) insert x, delete(x, L) = L
c) f irst(L) = retrieve(1, L) 
d) last(L) = retrieve length(L), L

✦ ✦

6.4 The Linked-List Data Structure
The easiest way to implement a list is to use a linked list of cells. Each cell consists
of two fields, one containing an element of the list, the other a pointer to the next
cell on the linked list. In this chapter we shall make the simplifying assumption that
elements are integers. Not only may we use the specific type int for the type of
elements, but we can compare elements by the standard comparison operators ==, <,
and so on. The exercises invite the reader to develop variants of our functions that
work for arbitrary types, where comparisons are made by user-defined functions
such as eq to test equality, lt(x, y) to test if x precedes y in some ordering, and so
In what follows, we shall use our macro from Section 1.6:
DefCell(int, CELL, LIST);
which expands into our standard structure for cells and lists:
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
int element;
LIST next;
Note that LIST is the type of a pointer to a cell. In effect, the next field of each
cell points both to the next cell and to the entire remainder of the list.
Figure 6.2 shows a linked list that represents the abstract list
L = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an )
There is one cell for each element; the element ai appears in the element field of the
ith cell. The pointer in the ith cell points to the (i + 1)st cell, for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1,
and the pointer in the last cell is NULL, indicating the end of the list. Outside the
list is a pointer, named L, that points to the first cell of the list; L is of type LIST.
If the list L were empty, then the value of L would be NULL.

L a1 a2 ··· an •

Fig. 6.2. A linked list representing the list L = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ).

Implementation of Dictionary Operations by Linked Lists

Let us consider how we can implement the dictionary operations if we represent the
dictionary by a linked list. The following operations on dictionaries were defined in
Section 5.7.

Lists and Linked Lists

Remember that a list is an abstract, or mathematical model. The linked list is a
simple data structure, which was mentioned in Chapter 1. A linked list is one way
to implement the list data model, although, as we shall see, it is not the only way.
At any rate, this is a good time to remember once more the distinction between
models and the data structures that implement them.

1. insert(x, D), to insert element x into dictionary D,

2. delete(x, D), to delete element x from dictionary D, and
3. lookup(x, D), to determine whether element x is in dictionary D,
We shall see that the linked list is a simpler data structure for implementing dic-
tionaries than the binary search tree that we discussed in the previous chapter.
However, the running time of the dictionary operations when using the linked-list
representation is not as good as when using the binary search tree. In Chapter 7 we
shall see an even better implementation for dictionaries — the hash table — which
makes use, as subroutines, of the dictionary operations on lists.
We shall assume that our dictionary contains integers, and cells are defined as
they were at the beginning of this section. Then the type of a dictionary is LIST,
also as defined at the beginning of this section. The dictionary containing the set of
elements {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } could be represented by the linked list of Fig. 6.2. There
are many other lists that could represent the same set, since order of elements is
not important in sets.

To perform lookup(x, D), we examine each cell of the list representing D to see
whether it holds the desired element x. If so, we return TRUE. If we reach the end
of the list without finding x, we return FALSE. As before, the defined constants
TRUE and FALSE stand for the constants 1 and 0, and BOOLEAN for the defined type
int. A recursive function lookup(x,D) is shown in Fig. 6.3.

BOOLEAN lookup(int x, LIST L)

if (L == NULL)
return FALSE;
else if (x == L->element)
return TRUE;
return lookup(x, L->next);

Fig. 6.3. Lookup on a linked list.

If the list has length n, we claim that the function of Fig. 6.3 takes O(n) time.
Except for the recursive call at the end, lookup takes O(1) time. When the call is

made, the length of the remaining list is 1 less than the length of the list L. Thus
it should surprise no one that lookup on a list of length n takes O(n) time. More
formally, the following recurrence relation gives the running time T (n) of lookup
when the list L pointed to by the second argument has length n.

BASIS. T (0) is O(1), because there is no recursive call when L is NULL.

INDUCTION. T (n) = T (n − 1) + O(1).

The solution to this recurrence is T (n) = O(n), as we saw several times in Chapter
3. Since a dictionary of n elements is represented by a list of length n, lookup takes
O(n) time on a dictionary of size n.
Unfortunately, the average time for a successful lookup is also proportional to
n. For if we are looking for an element x known to be in D, the expected value of
the position of x in the list is (n + 1)/2. That is, x could be anywhere from the first
to the nth element, with equal probability. Thus, the expected number of recursive
calls to lookup is (n + 1)/2. Since each takes O(1) time, the average successful
lookup takes O(n) time. Of course, if the lookup is unsuccessful, we make all n
calls before reaching the end of the list and returning FALSE.

A function to delete an element x from a linked list is shown in Fig. 6.4. The second
parameter pL is a pointer to the list L (rather than the list L itself). We use the
“call by reference” style here because we want delete to remove the cell containing
x from the list. As we move down the list, pL holds a pointer to a pointer to the
“current” cell. If we find x in the current cell C, at line (2), then we change the
pointer to cell C at line (3), so that it points to the cell following C on the list. If
C happens to be last on the list, the former pointer to C becomes NULL. If x is not
the current element, then at line (4) we recursively delete x from the tail of the list.
Note that the test at line (1) causes the function to return with no action if
the list is empty. That is because x is not present on an empty list, and we need
not do anything to remove x from the dictionary. If D is a linked list representing
a dictionary, then a call to delete(x, &D) initiates the deletion of x from the
dictionary D.

void delete(int x, LIST *pL)

(1) if ((*pL) != NULL)
(2) if (x == (*pL)->element)
(3) (*pL) = (*pL)->next;
(4) delete(x, &((*pL)->next));

Fig. 6.4. Deleting an element.

If the element x is not on the list for the dictionary D, then we run down to
the end of the list, taking O(1) time for each element. The analysis is similar to

that for the lookup function of Fig. 6.3, and we leave the details for the reader.
Thus the time to delete an element not in D is O(n) if D has n elements. If x is
in the dictionary D, then, on the average, we shall encounter x halfway down the
list. Therefore we search (n + 1)/2 cells on the average, and the running time of a
successful deletion is also O(n).

A function to insert an element x into a linked list is shown in Fig. 6.5. To insert
x, we need to check that x is not already on the list (if it is, we do nothing). If x
is not already present, we must add it to the list. It does not matter where in the
list we add x, but the function in Fig. 6.5 adds x to the end of the list. When at
line (1) we detect the NULL at the end, we are therefore sure that x is not already
on the list. Then, lines (2) through (4) append x to the end of the list.
If the list is not NULL, line (5) checks for x at the current cell. If x is not there,
line (6) makes a recursive call on the tail. If x is found at line (5), then function
insert terminates with no recursive call and with no change to the list L. A call
to insert(x, &D) initiates the insertion of x into dictionary D.

void insert(int x, LIST *pL)

(1) if ((*pL) == NULL) {
(2) (*pL) = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
(3) (*pL)->element = x;
(4) (*pL)->next = NULL;
(5) else if (x != (*pL)->element)
(6) insert(x, &((*pL)->next));

Fig. 6.5. Inserting an element.

As in the case of lookup and deletion, if we do not find x on the list, we travel to
the end, taking O(n) time. If we do find x, then on the average we travel halfway1
down the list, and we still take O(n) time on the average.

A Variant Approach with Duplicates

We can make insertion run faster if we do not check for the presence of x on the
list before inserting it. However, as a consequence, there may be several copies of
an element on the list representing a dictionary.
To execute the dictionary operation insert(x, D) we simply create a new cell,
put x in it, and push that cell onto the front of the list for D. This operation takes
O(1) time.
The lookup operation is exactly the same as in Fig. 6.3. The only nuance is
that we may have to search a longer list, because the length of the list representing
dictionary D may be greater than the number of members of D.

1 In the following analyses, we shall use terms like “halfway” or “n/2” when we mean the
middle of a list of length n. Strictly speaking, (n + 1)/2 is more accurate.

Abstraction Versus Implementation Again

It may be surprising to see us using duplicates in lists that represent dictionaries,
since the abstract data type DICTIONARY is defined as a set, and sets do not have
duplicates. However, it is not the dictionary that has duplicates. Rather the data
structure implementing the dictionary is allowed to have duplicates. But even when
x appears several times on a linked list, it is only present once in the dictionary
that the linked list represents.

Deletion is slightly different. We cannot stop our search for x when we en-
counter a cell with element x, because there could be other copies of x. Thus we
must delete x from the tail of a list L, even when the head of L contains x. As a
result, not only do we have longer lists to contend with, but to achieve a successful
deletion we must search every cell rather than an average of half the list, as we
could for the case in which no duplicates were allowed on the list. The details of
these versions of the dictionary operations are left as an exercise.
In summary, by allowing duplicates, we make insertion faster, O(1) instead of
O(n). However, successful deletions require search of the entire list, rather than an
average of half the list, and for both lookup and deletion, we must contend with lists
that are longer than when duplicates are not allowed, although how much longer
depends on how often we insert an element that is already present in the dictionary.
Which method to choose is a bit subtle. Clearly, if insertions predominate, we
should allow duplicates. In the extreme case, where we do only insertions but never
lookup or deletion, we get performance of O(1) per operation, instead of O(n).2 If
we can be sure, for some reason, that we shall never insert an element already in
the dictionary, then we can use both the fast insertion and the fast deletion, where
we stop when we find one occurrence of the element to be deleted. On the other
hand, if we may insert duplicate elements, and lookups or deletions predominate,
then we are best off checking for the presence of x before inserting it, as in the
insert function of Fig. 6.5.

Sorted Lists to Represent Dictionaries

Another alternative is to keep elements sorted in increasing order on the list repre-
senting a dictionary D. Then, if we wish to lookup element x, we have only to go as
far as the position in which x would appear; on the average, that is halfway down
the list. If we meet an element greater than x, then there is no hope of finding x later
in the list. We thus avoid going all the way down the list on unsuccessful searches.
That saves us about a factor of 2, although the exact factor is somewhat clouded
because we have to ask whether x follows in sorted order each of the elements we
meet on the list, which is an additional step at each cell. However, the same factor
in savings is gained on unsuccessful searches during insertion and deletion.
A lookup function for sorted lists is shown in Fig. 6.6. We leave to the reader
the exercise of modifying the functions of Figs. 6.4 and 6.5 to work on sorted lists.

2 But why bother inserting into a dictionary if we never look to see what is there?

BOOLEAN lookup(int x, LIST L)

if (L == NULL)
return FALSE;
else if (x > L->element)
return lookup(x, L->next);
else if (x == L->element)
return TRUE;
else /* here x < L->element, and so x could not be
on the sorted list L */
return FALSE;

Fig. 6.6. Lookup on a sorted list.

Comparison of Methods
The table in Fig. 6.7 indicates the number of cells we must search for each of
the three dictionary operations, for each of the three list-based representations of
dictionaries we have discussed. We take n to be the number of elements in the
dictionary, which is also the length of the list if no duplicates are allowed. We use
m for the length of the list when duplicates are allowed. We know that m ≥ n, but
we do not know how much greater m is than n. Where we use n/2 → n we mean
that the number of cells is an average of n/2 when the search is successful, and n
when unsuccessful. The entry n/2 → m indicates that on a successful lookup we
shall see n/2 elements of the dictionary, on the average, before seeing the one we
want,3 but on an unsuccessful search, we must go all the way to the end of a list of
length m.


No duplicates n/2 → n n/2 → n n/2 → n
Duplicates 0 m n/2 → m
Sorted n/2 n/2 n/2

Fig. 6.7. Number of cells searched by three methods of

representing dictionaries by linked lists.

Notice that all of these running times, except for insertion with duplicates,
are worse than the average running times for dictionary operations when the data
structure is a binary search tree. As we saw in Section 5.8, dictionary operations
take only O(log n) time on the average when a binary search tree is used.

3 In fact, since there may be duplicates, we may have to examine somewhat more than n/2
cells before we can expect to see n/2 different elements.

Judicious Ordering of Tests

Notice the order in which the three tests of Fig. 6.6 are made. We have no choice
but to test that L is not NULL first, since if L is NULL the other two tests will cause
an error. Let y be the value of L->element. Then in all but the last cell we visit,
we shall have x < y. The reason is that if we have x = y, we terminate the lookup
successfully, and if we have x > y, we terminate with failure to find x. Thus we
make the test x < y first, and only if that fails do we need to separate the other
two cases. That ordering of tests follows a general principle: we want to test for the
most common cases first, and thus save in the total number of tests we perform, on
the average.
If we visit k cells, then we test k times whether L is NULL and we test k times
whether x is less than y. Once, we shall test whether x = y, making a total of
2k + 1 tests. That is only one more test than we make in the lookup function of
Fig. 6.3 — which uses unsorted lists — in the case that the element x is found. If
the element is not found, we shall expect to use many fewer tests in Fig. 6.6 than
in Fig. 6.3, because we can, on the average, stop after examining only half the cells
with Fig. 6.6. Thus although the big-oh running times of the dictionary operations
using either sorted or unsorted lists is O(n), there is usually a slight advantage in
the constant factor if we use sorted lists.

Doubly Linked Lists

In a linked list it is not easy to move from a cell toward the beginning of the list.
The doubly linked list is a data structure that facilitates movement both forward
and backward in a list. The cells of a doubly linked list of integers contain three
typdef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
LIST previous;
int element;
LIST next;
The additional field contains a pointer to the previous cell on the list. Figure 6.8
shows a doubly linked list data structure that represents the list L = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ).

L • a1 a2 ··· an •

Fig. 6.8. A doubly linked list representing the list L = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ).

Dictionary operations on a doubly linked list structure are essentially the same
as those on a singly linked list. To see the advantage of doubly linked lists, consider
the operation of deleting an element ai , given only a pointer to the cell containing
that element. With a singly linked list, we would have to find the previous cell by
searching the list from the beginning. With a doubly linked list, we can do the task
in O(1) time by a sequence of pointer manipulations, as shown in Fig. 6.9.

void delete(LIST p, LIST *pL)

/* p is a pointer to the cell to be deleted,
and pL points to the list */
(1) if (p->next != NULL)
(2) p->next->previous = p->previous;
(3) if (p->previous == NULL) /* p points to first cell */
(4) (*pL) = p->next;
(5) p->previous->next = p->next;

Fig. 6.9. Deleting a cell from a doubly linked list.

The function delete(p,pL) shown in Fig. 6.9 takes as arguments a pointer p

to the cell to be deleted, and pL, which is a pointer to the list L itself. That is,
pL is the address of a pointer to the first cell on the list. In line (1) of Fig. 6.9 we
check that p does not point to the last cell. If it does not, then at line (2) we make
the backward pointer of the following cell point to the cell before p (or we make it
equal to NULL if p happens to point to the first cell).
Line (3) tests whether p is the first cell. If so, then at line (4) we make L point
to the second cell. Note that in this case, line (2) has made the previous field of
the second cell NULL. If p does not point to the first cell, then at line (5) we make
the forward pointer of the previous cell point to the cell following p. That way, the
cell pointed to by p has effectively been spliced out of the list; the previous and
next cells point to each other.

6.4.1: Set up the recurrence relations for the running times of (a) delete in Fig.
6.4 (b) insert in Fig. 6.5. What are their solutions?
6.4.2: Write C functions for dictionary operations insert, lookup and delete using
linked lists with duplicates.
6.4.3: Write C functions for insert and delete, using sorted lists as in Fig. 6.6.
6.4.4: Write a C function that inserts an element x into a new cell that follows
the cell pointed to by p on a doubly linked list. Figure 6.9 is a similar function for
deletion, but for insertion, we don’t need to know the list header L.
6.4.5: If we use the doubly linked data structure for lists, an option is to represent a
list not by a pointer to a cell, but by a cell with the element field unused. Note that
this “header” cell is not itself a part of the list. The next field of the header points
to the first true cell of the list, and the previous field of the first cell points to the
header cell. We can then delete the cell (not the header) pointed to by pointer p
without knowing the header L, as we needed to know in Fig. 6.9. Write a C function
to delete from a doubly linked list using the format described here.
6.4.6: Write recursive functions for (a) retrieve(i, L) (b) length(L) (c) last(L)
using the linked-list data structure.

6.4.7: Extend each of the following functions to cells with an arbitrary type ETYPE
for elements, using functions eq(x, y) to test if x and y are equal and lt(x, y) to tell
if x precedes y in an ordering of the elements of ETYPE.

a) lookup as in Fig. 6.3.

b) delete as in Fig. 6.4.
c) insert as in Fig. 6.5.
d) insert, delete, and lookup using lists with duplicates.
e) insert, delete, and lookup using sorted lists.

✦ ✦

6.5 Array-Based Implementation of Lists

Another common way to implement a list is to create a structure consisting of

1. An array to hold the elements and

2. A variable length to keep track of the count of the number of elements currently
in the list.

Figure 6.10 shows how we might represent the list (a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 ) using an array
A[0..MAX-1]. Elements a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 are stored in A[0..n-1], and length = n.

0 a0
1 a1


n−1 an−1


M AX − 1

Fig. 6.10. The array A holding the list (a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 ).

As in the previous section, we assume that list elements are integers and invite
the reader to generalize the functions to arbitrary types. The structure declaration
for this array-based implementation of lists is:
typedef struct {
int A[MAX];
int length;

Here, LIST is a structure of two fields; the first is an array A that stores the elements,
the second an integer length that contains the number of elements currently on
the list. The quantity MAX is a user-defined constant that bounds the number of
elements that will ever be stored on the list.
The array-based representation of lists is in many ways more convenient than
the linked-list representation. It does suffer, however, from the limitation that lists
cannot grow longer than the array, which can cause an insertion to fail. In the
linked-list representation, we can grow lists as long as we have available computer
We can perform the dictionary operations on array-based lists in roughly the
same time as on lists in the linked-list representation. To insert x, we look for x,
and if we do not find it, we check whether length < M AX. If not, there is an error
condition, as we cannot fit the new element into the array. Otherwise, we store x
in A[length] and then increase length by 1. To delete x, we again lookup x, and if
found, we shift all following elements of A down by one position; then, we decrement
length by 1. The details of functions to implement insert and delete are left as
exercises. We shall concentrate on the details of lookup below.

Lookup with Linear Search

Figure 6.11 is a function that implements the operation lookup. Because the array
A may be large, we choose to pass a pointer pL to the structure of type LIST as a
formal parameter to lookup. Within the function, the two fields of the structure
can then be referred to as pL->A[i] and pL->length.
Starting with i = 0, the for-loop of lines (1) to (3) examines each location of
the array in turn, until it either reaches the last occupied location or finds x. If it
finds x, it returns TRUE. If it has examined each element in the list without finding
x, it returns FALSE at line (4). This method of lookup is called linear or sequential

BOOLEAN lookup(int x, LIST *pL)

int i;

(1) for (i = 0; i < pL->length; i++)

(2) if (x == pL->A[i])
(3) return TRUE;
(4) return FALSE;

Fig. 6.11. Function that does lookup by linear search.

It is easy to see that, on the average, we search half the array A[0..length-1]
before finding x if it is present. Thus letting n be the value of length, we take
O(n) time to perform a lookup. If x is not present, we search the whole array
A[0..length-1], again requiring O(n) time. This performance is the same as for
a linked-list representation of a list.

The Importance of Constant Factors in Practice

Throughout Chapter 3, we emphasized the importance of big-oh measures of run-
ning time, and we may have given the impression that big-oh is all that matters
or that any O(n) algorithm is as good as any other O(n) algorithm for the same
job. Yet here, in our discussion of sentinels, and in other sections, we have exam-
ined rather carefully the constant factor hidden by the O(n). The reason is simple.
While it is true that big-oh measures of running time dominate constant factors, it
is also true that everybody studying the subject learns that fairly quickly. We learn,
for example, to use an O(n log n) running time sort whenever n is large enough to
matter. A competitive edge in the performance of software frequently comes from
improving the constant factor in an algorithm that already has the right “big-oh”
running time, and this edge frequently translates into the success or failure of a
commercial software product.

Lookup with Sentinels

We can simplify the code in the for-loop of Fig 6.11 and speed up the program
by temporarily inserting x at the end of the list. This x at the end of the list is
called a sentinel. The technique was first mentioned in a box on “More Defensive
Programming” in Section 3.6, and it has an important application here. Assuming
that there always is an extra slot at the end of the list, we can use the program in
Fig. 6.12 to search for x. The running time of the program is still O(n), but the
constant of proportionality is smaller because the number of machine instructions
required by the body and test of the loop will typically be smaller for Fig. 6.12 than
for Fig. 6.11.

BOOLEAN lookup(int x, LIST *pL)

int i;

(1) pL->A[pL->length] = x;
(2) i = 0;
(3) while (x != pL->A[i])
(4) i++;
(5) return (i < pL->length);

Fig. 6.12. Function that does lookup with a sentinel.

The sentinel is placed just beyond the list by line (1). Note that since length
does not change, this x is not really part of the list. The loop of lines (3) and (4)
increases i until we find x. Note that we are guaranteed to find x even if the list
is empty, because of the sentinel. After finding x, we test at line (5) whether we
have found a real occurrence of x (that is, i < length), or whether we have found
the sentinel (that is, i = length). Note that if we are using a sentinel, it is essential
that length be kept strictly less than MAX, or else there will be no place to put the

Lookup on Sorted Lists with Binary Search

Suppose L is a list in which the elements a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 have been sorted in non-
decreasing order. If the sorted list is stored in an array A[0..n-1], we can speed
lookups considerably by using a technique known as binary search. We must first
find the index m of the middle element; that is, m = ⌊(n − 1)/2⌋.4 Then we com-
pare element x with A[m]. If they are equal, we have found x. If x < A[m], we
recursively repeat the search on the sublist A[0..m-1]. If x > A[m], we recursively
repeat the search on the sublist A[m+1..n-1]. If at any time we try to search an
empty list, we report failure. Figure 6.13 illustrates the division process.

Search here
if x < A ⌊(n − 1)/2⌋

⌊(n − 1)/2⌋

Search here
if x > A ⌊(n − 1)/2⌋

Fig. 6.13. Binary search divides a range in two.

The code for a function binsearch to locate x in a sorted array A is shown in

Fig. 6.14. The function uses the variables low and high for the lower and upper
bounds of the range in which x might lie. If the lower range exceeds the upper, we
have failed to find x; the function terminates and returns FALSE.
Otherwise, binsearch computes the midpoint of the range, by
mid = ⌊(low + high)/2⌋
Then the function examines A[mid], the element at the middle of the range, to
determine whether x is there. If not, it continues the search in the lower or upper
half of the range, depending on whether x is less than or greater than A[mid]. This
idea generalizes the division suggested in Fig. 6.13, where low was 0 and high was
n − 1.
The function binsearch can be proved correct using the inductive assertion
that if x is in the array, then it must lie within the range A[low..high]. The proof
is by induction on the difference high − low and is left as an exercise.
At each iteration, binsearch either
1. Finds the element x when it reaches line (8) or

4 The notation ⌊a⌋, the f loor of a, is the integer part of a. Thus ⌊6.5⌋ = 6 and ⌊6⌋ = 6.
Also, ⌈a⌉, the ceiling of a, is the smallest integer greater than or equal to a. For instance,
⌈6.5⌉ = 7 and ⌈6⌉ = 6.

BOOLEAN binsearch(int x, int A[], int low, int high)

int mid;

(1) if (low > high)

(2) return FALSE;
else {
(3) mid = (low + high)/2;
(4) if (x < A[mid])
(5) return binsearch(x, A, low, mid-1);
(6) else if (x > A[mid])
(7) return binsearch(x, A, mid+1, high);
else /* x == A[mid] */
(8) return TRUE;

Fig. 6.14. Function that does lookup using binary search.

2. Calls itself recursively at line (5) or line (7) on a sublist that is at most half as
long as the array A[low..high] that it was given to search.
Starting with an array of length n, we cannot divide the length of the array to be
searched in half more than log2 n times before it has length 1, whereupon we either
find x at A[mid], or we fail to find x at all after a call on the empty list.
To look for x in an array A with n elements, we call binsearch(x,A,0,n-1).
We see that binsearch calls itself O(log n) times at most. At each call, we spend
O(1) time, plus the time of the recursive call. The running time of binary search
is therefore O(log n). That compares favorably with the linear search, which takes
O(n) time on the average, as we have seen.


6.5.1: Write functions to (a) insert x and (b) delete x from a list L, using linear
search of an array.
6.5.2: Repeat Exercise 6.5.1 for an array with sentinels.
6.5.3: Repeat Exercise 6.5.1 for a sorted array.
6.5.4: Write the following functions assuming that list elements are of some arbi-
trary type ETYPE, for which we have functions eq(x, y) that tells whether x and y
are equal and lt(x, y) telling whether x precedes y in the order of elements of type
a) Function lookup of Fig. 6.11.
b) Function lookup of Fig. 6.12.
c) Function binsearch of Fig. 6.14.

6.5.5**: Let P (k) be the length (high − low + 1) of the longest array such that the
Probes in binary search algorithm of Fig. 6.14 never makes more than k probes [evaluations of
binary search mid at line (3)]. For example, P (1) = 1, and P (2) = 3. Write a recurrence relation
for P (k). What is the solution to your recurrence relation? Does it demonstrate
that binary search makes O(log n) probes?
6.5.6*: Prove by induction on the difference between low and high that if x is in
the range A[low..high], then the binary search algorithm of Fig. 6.14 will find x.
6.5.7: Suppose we allowed arrays to have duplicates, so insertion could be done in
O(1) time. Write insert, delete, and lookup functions for this data structure.
6.5.8: Rewrite the binary search program to use iteration rather than recursion.
6.5.9**: Set up and solve a recurrence relation for the running time of binary search
on an array of n elements. Hint : To simplify, it helps to take T (n) as an upper
bound on the running time of binary search on any array of n or fewer elements
(rather than on exactly n elements, as would be our usual approach).
Ternary search 6.5.10: In ternary search, given a range low to high, we compute the approximate
1/3 point of the range,
f irst = ⌊(2 × low + high)/3⌋
and compare the lookup element x with A[f irst]. If x > A[f irst], we compute the
approximate 2/3 point,
second = ⌈(low + 2 × high)/3⌉
and compare x with A[second]. Thus we isolate x to within one of three ranges,
each no more than one third the range low to high. Write a function to perform
ternary search.
6.5.11**: Repeat Exercise 6.5.5 for ternary search. That is, find and solve a
recurrence relation for the largest array that requires no more than k probes during
ternary search. How do the number of probes required for binary and ternary search
compare? That is, for a given k, can we handle larger arrays by binary search or
by ternary search?

✦ ✦

6.6 Stacks
A stack is an abstract data type based on the list data model in which all operations
Top of stack are performed at one end of the list, which is called the top of the stack. The term
“LIFO (for last-in first-out) list” is a synonym for stack.
The abstract model of a stack is the same as that of a list — that is, a sequence
of elements a1 , a2 , . . . , an of some one type. What distinguishes stacks from general
lists is the particular set of operations permitted. We shall give a more complete set
of operations later, but for the moment, we note that the quintessential stack oper-
Push and pop ations are push and pop, where push(x) puts the element x on top of the stack and
pop removes the topmost element from the stack. If we write stacks with the top at
the right end, the operation push(x) applied to the list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) yields the list
(a1 , a2 , . . . , an , x). Popping the list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) yields the list (a1 , a2 , . . . , an−1 );
popping the empty list, ǫ, is impossible and causes an error condition,
SEC. 6.6 STACKS 307

✦ Example 6.9. Many compilers begin by turning the infix expressions that
appear in programs into equivalent postfix expressions. For example, the expression
(3 + 4) × 2 is 3 4 + 2 × in postfix notation. A stack can be used to evaluate postfix
expressions. Starting with an empty stack, we scan the postfix expression from left
to right. Each time we encounter an argument, we push it onto the stack. When we
encounter an operator, we pop the stack twice, remembering the operands popped.
We then apply the operator to the two popped values (with the second as the left
operand) and push the result onto the stack. Figure 6.15 shows the stack after each
step in the processing of the postfix expression 3 4 + 2 ×. The result, 14, remains
on the stack after processing. ✦


initial ǫ
3 3 push 3
4 3, 4 push 4
+ ǫ pop 4; pop 3
compute 7 = 3 + 4
7 push 7
2 7, 2 push 2
× ǫ pop 2; pop 7
compute 14 = 7 × 2
14 push 14

Fig. 6.15. Evaluating a postfix expression using a stack.

Operations on a Stack
The two previous ADT’s we discussed, the dictionary and the priority queue, each
had a definite set of associated operations. The stack is really a family of similar
The ADT stack ADT’s with the same underlying model, but with some variation in the set of
allowable operations. In this section, we shall discuss the common operations on
stacks and show two data structures that can serve as implementations for the stack,
one based on linked lists and the other on arrays.
In any collection of stack operations we expect to see push and pop, as we
mentioned. There is another common thread to the operations chosen for the stack
ADT(s): they can all be implemented simply in O(1) time, independent of the
number of elements on the stack. You can check as an exercise that for the two
data structures suggested, all operations require only constant time.
In addition to push and pop, we generally need an operation clear that initial-
Clear stack izes the stack to be empty. In Example 6.9, we tacitly assumed that the stack started
out empty, without explaining how it got that way. Another possible operation is
a test to determine whether the stack is currently empty.
Full and empty The last of the operations we shall consider is a test whether the stack is
stacks “full.” Now in our abstract model of a stack, there is no notion of a full stack, since
a stack is a list and lists can grow as long as we like, in principle. However, in any
implementation of a stack, there will be some length beyond which it cannot grow.
The most common example is when we represent a list or stack by an array. As

seen in the previous section, we had to assume the list would not grow beyond the
constant MAX, or our implementation of insert would not work.
The formal definitions of the operations we shall use in our implementation of
stacks are the following. Let S be a stack of type ETYPE and x an element of type
1. clear(S). Make the stack S empty.
2. isEmpty(S). Return TRUE if S is empty, FALSE otherwise.
3. isF ull(S). Return TRUE if S is full, FALSE otherwise.
4. pop(S, x). If S is empty, return FALSE; otherwise, set x to the value of the top
element on stack S, remove this element from S, and return TRUE.
5. push(x, S). If S is full, return FALSE; otherwise, add the element x to the top
of S and return TRUE.
There is a common variation of pop that assumes S is nonempty. It takes only S
as an argument and returns the element x that is popped. Yet another alternative
version of pop does not return a value at all; it just removes the element at the top
of the stack. Similarly, we may write push with the assumption that S is not “full.”
In that case, push does not return any value.

Array Implementation of Stacks

The implementations we used for lists can also be used for stacks. We shall discuss
an array-based implementation first, followed by a linked-list representation. In each
case, we take the type of elements to be int. Generalizations are left as exercises.

0 a0
1 a1


n−1 an−1


M AX − 1

Fig. 6.16. An array representing a stack.

The declaration for an array-based stack of integers is

typedef struct {
int A[MAX];
int top;
SEC. 6.6 STACKS 309

void clear(STACK *pS)

pS->top = -1;


return (pS->top < 0);


return (pS->top >= MAX-1);

BOOLEAN pop(STACK *pS, int *px)

if (isEmpty(pS))
return FALSE;
else {
(*px) = pS->A[(pS->top)--];
return TRUE;

BOOLEAN push(int x, STACK *pS)

if (isFull(pS))
return FALSE;
else {
pS->A[++(pS->top)] = x;
return TRUE;

Fig. 6.17. Functions to implement stack operations on arrays.

With an array-based implementation, the stack can grow either upward (from lower
locations to higher) or downward (from higher locations to lower). We choose to
have the stack grow upward;5 that is, the oldest element a0 in the stack is in
location 0, the next-to-oldest element a1 is in location 1, and the most recently
inserted element an−1 is in the location n − 1.
The field top in the array structure indicates the position of the top of stack.
Thus, in Fig. 6.16, top has the value n− 1. An empty stack is represented by having
top = −1. In that case, the content of array A is irrelevant, there being no elements
on the stack.
The programs for the five stack operations defined earlier in this section are

5 Thus the “top” of the stack is physically shown at the bottom of the page, an unfortunate
but quite standard convention.

void clear(STACK *pS)

(*pS) = NULL;


return ((*pS) == NULL);


return FALSE;

BOOLEAN pop(STACK *pS, int *px)

if ((*pS) == NULL)
return FALSE;
else {
(*px) = (*pS)->element;
(*pS) = (*pS)->next;
return TRUE;

BOOLEAN push(int x, STACK *pS)

STACK newCell;

newCell = (STACK) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));

newCell->element = x;
newCell->next = (*pS);
(*pS) = newCell;
return TRUE;

Fig. 6.18. Functions to implement stacks by linked lists.

shown in Fig. 6.17. We pass stacks by reference to avoid having to copy large arrays
that are arguments of the functions.

Linked-List Implementation of a Stack

We can represent a stack by a linked-list data structure, like any list. However, it
is convenient if the top of the stack is the front of the list. That way, we can push
and pop at the head of the list, which takes only O(1) time. If we had to find the
end of the list to push or pop, it would take O(n) time to do these operations on a
stack of length n. However, as a consequence, the stack S = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) must
be represented “backward” by the linked list, as:
SEC. 6.6 STACKS 311

L an an−1 ··· a1 •

The type definition macro we have used for list cells can as well be used for
stacks. The macro
DefCell(int, CELL, STACK);
defines stacks of integers, expanding into
typdef struct CELL *STACK;
struct CELL {
int element;
STACK next;
With this representation, the five operations can be implemented by the functions
in Fig. 6.18. We assume that malloc never runs out of space, which means that
the isF ull operation always returns FALSE, and the push operation never fails.
The effects of push and pop on a stack implemented as a linked list are illus-
trated in Fig. 6.19.

L a b c •

(a) List L.

L x a b c •

(b) After executing push(x, L).

L b c •

(c) After executing pop(L, x) on list L of (a).

Fig. 6.19. Push and pop operations on a stack implemented as a linked list.


6.6.1: Show the stack that remains after executing the following sequence of oper-
ations, starting with an empty stack: push(a), push(b), pop, push(c), push(d), pop,
push(e), pop, pop.
6.6.2: Using only the five operations on stacks discussed in this section to ma-
nipulate the stack, write a C program to evaluate postfix expressions with integer
operands and the four usual arithmetic operators, following the algorithm suggested
in Example 6.9. Show that you can use either the array or the linked-list imple-
mentation with your program by defining the data type STACK appropriately and
including with your program first the functions of Fig. 6.17, and then the functions
of Fig. 6.18.

6.6.3*: How would you use a stack to evaluate prefix expressions?

6.6.4: Compute the running time of each of the functions in Figs. 6.17 and 6.18.
Are they all O(1)?
6.6.5: Sometimes, a stack ADT uses an operation top, where top(S) returns the
top element of stack S, which must be assumed nonempty. Write functions for top
that can be used with
a) The array data structure
b) The linked-list data structure
that we defined for stacks in this section. Do your implementations of top all take
O(1) time?
6.6.6: Simulate a stack evaluating the following postfix expressions.
a) ab + cd × +e×
b) abcde + + + +
c) ab + c + d + e+
6.6.7*: Suppose we start with an empty stack and perform some push and pop
operations. If the stack after these operations is (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) (top at the right),
prove that ai was pushed before ai+1 was pushed, for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1.

✦ ✦

6.7 Implementing Function Calls Using a Stack
An important application of stacks is normally hidden from view: a stack is used to
allocate space in the computer’s memory to the variables belonging to the various
functions of a program. We shall discuss the mechanism used in C, although a
similar mechanism is used in almost every other programming language as well.

int fact(int n)
(1) if (n <= 1)
(2) return 1; /* basis */
(3) return n*fact(n-1); /* induction */

Fig. 6.20. Recursive function to compute n!.

To see what the problem is, consider the simple, recursive factorial function
fact from Section 2.7, which we reproduce here as Fig. 6.20. The function has a
parameter n and a return value. As fact calls itself recursively, different calls are
active at the same time. These calls have different values of the parameter n and
produce different return values. Where are these different objects with the same
names kept?
Run-time To answer the question, we must learn a little about the run-time organization
organization associated with a programming language. The run-time organization is the plan
used to subdivide the computer’s memory into regions to hold the various data items

used by a program. When a program is run, each execution of a function is called

an activation. The data objects associated with each activation are stored in the
Activation memory of the computer in a block called an activation record for that activation.
record The data objects include parameters, the return value, the return address, and any
variables local to the function.


Static data



Fig. 6.21. Typical run-time memory organization.

Figure 6.21 shows a typical subdivision of run-time memory. The first area
contains the object code for the program being executed. The next area contains
Static data the static data for the program, such as the values of certain constants and exter-
Run-time stack nal variables used by the program. The third area is the run-time stack, which
grows downward toward the higher addresses in memory. At the highest-numbered
memory locations is the heap, an area set aside for the objects that are dynamically
allocated using malloc.6
The run-time stack holds the activation records for all the currently live acti-
vations. A stack is the appropriate structure, because when we call a function, we
can push an activation record onto the stack. At all times, the currently executing
activation A1 has its activation record at the top of the stack. Just below the top of
the stack is the activation record for the activation A2 that called A1 . Below A2 ’s
activation record is the record for the activation that called A2 , and so on. When
a function returns, we pop its activation record off the top of stack, exposing the
activation record of the function that called it. That is exactly the right thing to
do, because when a function returns, control passes to the calling function.

✦ Example 6.10. Consider the skeletal program shown in Fig. 6.22. This program
is nonrecursive, and there is never more than one activation for any one function.

6 Do not confuse this use of the term “heap” with the heap data structure discussed in Section

void P();
void Q();

main() {
int x, y, z;

P(); /* Here */

void P();
int p1, p2;


void Q()
int q1, q2, q3;

Fig. 6.22. Skeletal program.

When the main function starts to execute, its activation record containing the space
for the variables x, y, and z is pushed onto the stack. When function P is called,
at the place marked Here, its activation record, which contains the space for the
variables p1 and p2, is pushed onto the stack.7 When P calls Q, Q’s activation record
is pushed onto the stack. At this point, the stack is as shown in Fig. 6.23.
When Q finishes executing, its activation record is popped off the stack. At
that time, P is also finished, and so its activation record is popped. Finally, main
too is finished and has its activation record popped off the stack. Now the stack is
empty, and the program is finished. ✦

✦ Example 6.11. Consider the recursive function fact from Fig. 6.20. There
may be many activations of fact live at any one time, but each one will have an
activation record of the same form, namely

consisting of a word for the parameter n, which is filled initially, and a word for the
return value, which we have denoted fact. The return value is not filled until the
last step of the activation, just before the return.

7 Notice that the activation record for P has two data objects, and so is of a “type” different
from that of the activation record for the main program. However, we may regard all ac-
tivation record forms for a program as variants of a single record type, thus preserving the
viewpoint that a stack has all its elements of the same type.


Fig. 6.23. Run-time stack when function Q is executing.

Suppose we call fact(4). Then we create one activation record, of the form
n 4
fact -

As fact(4) calls fact(3), we next push an activation record for that activation
onto the run-time stack, which now appears as
n 4
fact -
n 3
fact -

Note that there are two locations named n and two named fact. There is no
confusion, since they belong to different activations and only one activation record
can be at the top of the stack at any one time: the activation record belonging to
the currently executing activation.

n 4
fact -
n 3
fact -
n 2
fact -
n 1
fact -

Fig. 6.24. Activation records during execution of fact.

Then fact(3) calls fact(2), which calls fact(1). At that point, the run-time
stack is as in Fig. 6.24. Now fact(1) makes no recursive call, but assigns f act = 1.
The value 1 is thus placed in the slot of the top activation record reserved for fact.

n 4
fact -
n 3
fact -
n 2
fact -
n 1
fact 1

Fig. 6.25. After fact(1) computes its value.

The other slots labeled fact are unaffected, as shown in Fig. 6.25.
Then, fact(1) returns, exposing the activation record for fact(2) and return-
ing control to the activation fact(2) at the point where fact(1) was called. The
return value, 1, from fact(1) is multiplied by the value of n in the activation record
for fact(2), and the product is placed in the slot for fact of that activation record,
as required by line (3) in Fig. 6.20. The resulting stack is shown in Fig. 6.26.

n 4
fact -
n 3
fact -
n 2
fact 2

Fig. 6.26. After fact(2) computes its value.

Similarly, fact(2) then returns control to fact(3), and the activation record
for fact(2) is popped off the stack. The return value, 2, multiplies n of fact(3),
producing the return value 6. Then, fact(3) returns, and its return value multiplies
n in fact(4), producing the return value 24. The stack is now
n 4
fact 24

At this point, fact(4) returns to some hypothetical calling function whose

activation record (not shown) is below that of fact(4) on the stack. However, it
would receive the return value 24 as the value of fact(4), and would proceed with
its own execution. ✦

6.7.1: Consider the C program of Fig. 6.27. The activation record for main has a
slot for the integer i. The important data in the activation record for sum is

#define MAX 4
int A[MAX];
int sum(int i);

int i;

(1) for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)

(2) scanf("%d", &A[i]);
(3) printf("\
.n", sum(0));

int sum(int i)
(4) if (i > MAX)
(5) return 0;
(6) return A[i] + sum(i+1);

Fig. 6.27. Program for Exercise 6.7.1.

1. The parameter i.
2. The return value.
3. An unnamed temporary location, which we shall call temp, to store the value
of sum(i+1). The latter is computed in line (6) and then added to A[i] to form
the return value.
Show the stack of activation records immediately before and immediately after each
call to sum, on the assumption that the value of A[i] is 10i. That is, show the stack
immediately after we have pushed an activation record for sum, and just before
we pop an activation record off the stack. You need not show the contents of the
bottom activation record (for main) each time.

void delete(int x, LIST *pL)

if ((*pL) != NULL)
if (x == (*pL)->element)
(*pL) = (*pL)->next;
delete(x, &((*pL)->next));

Fig. 6.28. Function for Exercise 6.7.2.


6.7.2*: The function delete of Fig. 6.28 removes the first occurrence of integer x
from a linked list composed of the usual cells defined by
DefCell(int, CELL, LIST);
The activation record for delete consists of the parameters x and pL. However,
since pL is a pointer to a list, the value of the second parameter in the activation
record is not a pointer to the first cell on the list, but rather a pointer to a pointer
to the first cell. Typically, an activation record will hold a pointer to the next field
of some cell. Show the sequence of stacks when delete(3,&L) is called (from some
other function) and L is a pointer to the first cell of a linked list containing elements
1, 2, 3, and 4, in that order.

✦ ✦

6.8 Queues
Another important ADT based on the list data model is the queue, a restricted
form of list in which elements are inserted at one end, the rear, and removed from
Front and rear the other end, the f ront. The term “FIFO (first-in first-out) list” is a synonym for
of queue queue.
The intuitive idea behind a queue is a line at a cashier’s window. People enter
the line at the rear and receive service once they reach the front. Unlike a stack,
there is fairness to a queue; people are served in the order in which they enter the
line. Thus the person who has waited the longest is the one who is served next.

Operations on a Queue
The abstract model of a queue is the same as that of a list (or a stack), but the
operations applied are special. The two operations that are characteristic of a
Enqueue and queue are enqueue and dequeue; enqueue(x) adds x to the rear of a queue, dequeue
dequeue removes the element from the front of the queue. As is true of stacks, there are
certain other useful operations that we may want to apply to queues.
Let Q be a queue whose elements are of type ETYPE, and let x be an element
of type ETYPE. We shall consider the following operations on queues:
1. clear(Q). Make the queue Q empty.
2. dequeue(Q, x). If Q is empty, return FALSE; otherwise, set x to the value of
the element at the front of Q, remove this element from Q, and return TRUE.
3. enqueue(x, Q). If Q is full, return FALSE; otherwise, add the element x to the
rear of Q and return TRUE.
4. isEmpty(Q). Return TRUE if Q is empty and FALSE otherwise.
5. isF ull(Q). Return TRUE if Q is full and FALSE otherwise.
As with stacks, we can have more “trusting” versions of enqueue and dequeue that
do not check for a full or empty queue, respectively. Then enqueue does not return
a value, and dequeue takes only Q as an argument and returns the value dequeued.

A Linked-List Implementation of Queues

A useful data structure for queues is based on linked lists. We start with the usual
definition of cells given by the macro
SEC. 6.8 QUEUES 319

void clear(QUEUE *pQ)

pQ->front = NULL;


return (pQ->front == NULL);


return FALSE;

BOOLEAN dequeue(QUEUE *pQ, int *px)

if (isEmpty(pQ))
return FALSE;
else {
(*px) = pQ->front->element;
pQ->front = pQ->front->next;
return TRUE;

BOOLEAN enqueue(int x, QUEUE *pQ)

if (isEmpty(pQ)) {
pQ->front = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
pQ->rear = pQ->front;
else {
pQ->rear->next = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
pQ->rear = pQ->rear->next;
pQ->rear->element = x;
pQ->rear->next = NULL;
return TRUE;

Fig. 6.29. Procedures to implement linked-list queue operations.

DefCell(int, CELL, LIST);

As previously in this chapter, we assume that elements of our queues are integers
and invite the reader to generalize our functions to arbitrary element types.
The elements of a queue will be stored on a linked list of cells. A queue itself
is a structure with two pointers — one to the front cell (the first on the linked list)
and another to the rear cell (the last on the linked list). That is, we define

More Abstract Data Types

We can add the stack and queue to the table of ADT’s that we started in Section
5.9. We covered two data structures for the stack in Section 6.6, and one data
structure for the queue in Section 6.8. Exercise 6.8.3 covers another data structure,
the “circular array,” for the queue.

ADT Stack Queue

Abstract List List
Data 1) Linked List 1) Linked List
Structures 2) Array 2) Circular Array

typedef struct {
LIST front, rear;
If the queue is empty, front will be NULL, and the value of rear is then irrelevant.
Figure 6.29 gives programs for the queue operations mentioned in this section.
Note that when a linked list is used there is no notion of a “full” queue, and so isF ull
returns FALSE always. However, if we used some sort of array-based implementation
of a queue, there would be the possibility of a full queue.


6.8.1: Show the queue that remains after executing the following sequence of opera-
tions, starting with an empty queue: enqueue(a), enqueue(b), dequeue, enqueue(c),
enqueue(d), dequeue, enqueue(e), dequeue, dequeue.
6.8.2: Show that each of the functions in Fig. 6.29 can be executed in O(1) time,
regardless of the length of the queue.
6.8.3*: We can represent a queue by an array, provided that the queue does not
grow too long. In order to make the operations take O(1) time, we must think of
Circular array the array as circular. That is, the array A[0..n-1] can be thought of as having
A[1] follow A[0], A[2] follow A[1], and so on, up to A[n-1] following A[n-2],
but also A[0] follows A[n-1]. The queue is represented by a pair of integers front
and rear that indicate the positions of the front and rear elements of the queue.
An empty queue is represented by having f ront be the position that follows rear
in the circular sense; for example, f ront = 23 and rear = 22, or f ront = 0 and
rear = n − 1. Note that therefore, the queue cannot have n elements, or that
condition too would be represented by f ront immediately following rear. Thus the
queue is full when it has n−1 elements, not when it has n elements. Write functions
for the queue operations assuming the circular array data structure. Do not forget
to check for full and empty queues.

6.8.4*: Show that if (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) is a queue with a1 at the front, then ai was
enqueued before ai+1 , for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1.

✦ ✦

6.9 Longest Common Subsequences

This section is devoted to an interesting problem about lists. Suppose we have two
lists and we want to know what differences there are between them. This problem
appears in many different guises; perhaps the most common occurs when the two
lists represent two different versions of a text file and we want to determine which
lines are common to the two versions. For notational convenience, throughout this
section we shall assume that lists are character strings.
A useful way to think about this problem is to treat the two files as sequences
of symbols, x = a1 · · · am and y = b1 · · · bn , where ai represents the ith line of the
first file and bj represents the jth line of the second file. Thus an abstract symbol
like ai may really be a “big” object, perhaps a full sentence.
Diff command There is a UNIX command diff that compares two text files for their differ-
ences. One file, x, might be the current version of a program and the other, y,
might be the version of the program before a small change was made. We could
use diff to remind ourselves of the changes that were made turning y into x. The
typical changes that are made to a text file are
1. Inserting a line.
2. Deleting a line.
A modification of a line can be treated as a deletion followed by an insertion.
Usually, if we examine two text files in which a small number of such changes
have been made when transforming one into the other, it is easy to see which lines
correspond to which, and which lines have been deleted and which inserted. The
diff command makes the assumption that one can identify what the changes are by
LCS first finding a longest common subsequence, or LCS, of the two lists whose elements
are the lines of the two text files involved. An LCS represents those lines that have
not been changed.
Recall that a subsequence is formed from a list by deleting zero or more ele-
Common ments, keeping the remaining elements in order. A common subsequence of two lists
subsequence is a list that is a subsequence of both. A longest common subsequence of two lists
is a common subsequence that is as long as any common subsequence of the two

✦ Example 6.12. In what follows, we can think of characters like a, b, or c,

as standing for lines of a text file, or as any other type of elements if we wish.
As an example, baba and cbba are both longest common subsequences of abcabba
and cbabac. We see that baba is a subsequence of abcabba, because we may take
positions 2, 4, 5, and 7 of the latter string to form baba. String baba is also a
subsequence of cbabac, because we may take positions 2, 3, 4, and 5. Similarly,
cbba is formed from positions 3, 5, 6, and 7 of abcabba and from positions 1, 2,
4, and 5 of cbabac. Thus cbba too is a common subsequence of these strings. We
must convince ourselves that these are longest common subsequences; that is, there

are no common subsequences of length five or more. That fact will follow from the
algorithm we describe next. ✦

A Recursion That Computes the LCS

We offer a recursive definition of the length of the LCS of two lists. This definition
will let us calculate the length easily, and by examining the table it constructs,
we can then discover one of the possible LCS’s itself, rather than just its length.
From the LCS, we can deduce what changes were made to the text files in question;
essentially, everything that is not part of the LCS is a change.
To find the length of an LCS of lists x and y, we need to find the lengths of
the LCS’s of all pairs of prefixes, one from x and the other from y. Recall that a
prefix is an initial sublist of a list, so that, for instance, the prefixes of cbabac are
ǫ, c, cb, cba, and so on. Suppose that x = (a1 , a2 , . . . , am ) and y = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ).
For each i and j, where i is between 0 and m and j is between 0 and n, we can ask
for an LCS of the prefix (a1 , . . . , ai ) from x and the prefix (b1 , . . . , bj ) from y.
If either i or j is 0, then one of the prefixes is ǫ, and the only possible common
subsequence of the two prefixes is ǫ. Thus when either i or j is 0, the length of
the LCS is 0. This observation is formalized in both the basis and rule (1) of the
induction that follows our informal discussion of how the LCS is computed.
Now consider the case where both i and j are greater than 0. It helps to think
of an LCS as a matching between certain positions of the two strings involved. That
is, for each element of the LCS, we match the two positions of the two strings from
which that element comes. Matched positions must have the same symbols, and
the lines between matched positions must not cross.

✦ Example 6.13. Figure 6.30(a) shows one of two possible matchings between
strings abcabba and cbabac corresponding to the common subsequence baba and
Fig. 6.30(b) shows a matching corresponding to cbba. ✦

a b c a b b a a b c a b b a

c b a b a c c b a b a c

(a) For baba. (b) For cbba.

Fig. 6.30. LCS’s as matchings between positions.

Thus let us consider any matching between prefixes (a1 , . . . , ai ) and (b1 , . . . , bj ).
There are two cases, depending on whether or not the last symbols of the two lists
are equal.
a) If ai 6= bj , then the matching cannot include both ai and bj . Thus an LCS of
(a1 , . . . , ai ) and (b1 , . . . , bj ) must be either
i) An LCS of (a1 , . . . , ai−1 ) and (b1 , . . . , bj ), or
ii) An LCS of (a1 , . . . , ai ) and (b1 , . . . , bj−1 ).

If we have already found the lengths of the LCS’s of these two pairs of prefixes,
then we can take the larger to be the length of the LCS of (a1 , . . . , ai ) and
(b1 , . . . , bj ). This situation is formalized in rule (2) of the induction that follows.
b) If ai = bj , we can match ai and bj , and the matching will not interfere
with any other potential matches. Thus the length of the LCS of (a1 , . . . , ai )
and (b1 , . . . , bj ) is 1 greater than the length of the LCS of (a1 , . . . , ai−1 ) and
(b1 , . . . , bj−1 ). This situation is formalized in rule (3) of the following induction.
These observations let us give a recursive definition for L(i, j), the length of the
LCS of (a1 , . . . , ai ) and (b1 , . . . , bj ). We use complete induction on the sum i + j.

BASIS. If i + j = 0, then both i and j are 0, and so the LCS is ǫ. Thus L(0, 0) = 0.

INDUCTION. Consider i and j, and suppose we have already computed L(g, h) for
any g and h such that g + h < i + j. There are three cases to consider.
1. If either i or j is 0, then L(i, j) = 0.

2. If i > 0 and j > 0, and ai 6= bj , then L(i, j) = max L(i, j − 1), L(i − 1, j) .
3. If i > 0 and j > 0, and ai = bj , then L(i, j) = 1 + L(i − 1, j − 1).

A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the LCS

Ultimately what we want is L(m, n), the length of an LCS for the two lists x and
y. If we write a recursive program based on the preceding induction, it will take
time that is exponential in the smaller of m and n. That is far too much time to
make the simple recursive algorithm practical for, say, n = m = 100. The reason
this recursion does so badly is a bit subtle. To begin, suppose there are no matches
at all between characters in the lists x and y, and we call L(3, 3). That results in
calls to L(2, 3) and L(3, 2). But each of these calls results in a call to L(2, 2). We
thus do the work of L(2, 2) twice. The number of times L(i, j) is called increases
rapidly as the arguments of L become smaller. If we continue the trace of calls, we
find that L(1, 1) is called 6 times, L(0, 1) and L(1, 0) are called 10 times each, and
L(0, 0) is called 20 times.
We can do much better if we build a two-dimensional table, or array, to store
L(i, j) for the various values of i and j. If we compute the values in order of the
induction — that is, smallest values of i + j first — then the needed values of L
are always in the table when we compute L(i, j). In fact, it is easier to compute L
by rows, that is, for i = 0, 1, 2, and so on; within a row, compute by columns, for
j = 0, 1, 2, and so on. Again, we can be sure of finding the needed values in the
table when we compute L(i, j), and no recursive calls are necessary. As a result, it
takes only O(1) time to compute each entry of the table, and a table for the LCS
of lists of length m and n can be constructed in O(mn) time.
In Fig. 6.31 we see C code that fills this table, working by row rather than
by the sum i + j. We assume that the list x is stored in an array a[1..m] and
y is stored in b[1..n]. Note that the 0th elements of these are unused; doing so
simplifies the notation in Fig. 6.31. We leave it as an exercise to show that the
running time of this program is O(mn) on lists of length m and n.8

8 Strictly speaking, we discussed only big-oh expressions that are a function of one variable.
However, the meaning here should be clear. If T (m, n) is the running time of the program

for (j = 0; j <= n; j++)

L[0][j] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
L[i][0] = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
if (a[i] != b[j])
if (L[i-1][j] >= L[i][j-1])
L[i][j] = L[i-1][j];
L[i][j] = L[i][j-1];
else /* a[i] == b[j] */
L[i][j] = 1 + L[i-1][j-1];

Fig. 6.31. C fragment to fill the LCS table.

Dynamic Programming
The term “dynamic programming” comes from a general theory developed by R.
E. Bellman in the 1950’s for solving problems in control systems. People who work
in the field of artificial intelligence often speak of the technique under the name
Memoing memoing or tabulation.

A table-filling technique like this example is often called a dynamic program-

Dynamic ming algorithm. As in this case, it can be much more efficient than a straightforward
programming implementation of a recursion that solves the same subproblem repeatedly.

✦ Example 6.14. Let x be the list cbabac and y the list abcabba. Figure 6.32
shows the table constructed for these two lists. For instance, L(6, 7) is a case where
a6 6= b7 . Thus L(6, 7) is the larger of the entries just below and just to the left.
Since these are 4 and 3, respectively, we set L(6, 7), the entry in the upper right
corner, to 4. Now consider L(4, 5). Since both a4 and b5 are the symbol b, we add
1 to the entry L(3, 4) that we find to the lower left. Since that entry is 2, we set
L(4, 5) to 3. ✦

Recovery of an LCS
We now have a table giving us the length of the LCS, not only for the lists in
question, but for each pair of their prefixes. From this information we must deduce
one of the possible LCS’s for the two lists in question. To do so, we shall find the
matching pairs of elements that form one of the LCS’s. We shall find a path through
the table, beginning at the upper right corner; this path will identify an LCS.
Suppose that our path, starting at the upper right corner, has taken us to row
i and column j, the point in the table that corresponds to the pair of elements ai

on lists of length m and n, then there are constants m0 , n0 , and c such that for all m ≥ m0
and n ≥ n0 , T (m, n) ≤ cmn.

c 6 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 4
a 5 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
b 4 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
a 3 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
b 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2
c 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a b c a b b a

Fig. 6.32. Table of longest common subsequences for cbabac and abcabba.

and bj . If ai = bj , then L(i, j) was chosen to be 1 + L(i − 1, j − 1). We thus treat

ai and bj as a matched pair of elements, and we shall include the symbol that is ai
(and also bj ) in the LCS, ahead of all the elements of the LCS found so far. We
then move our path down and to the left, that is, to row i − 1 and column j − 1.
However, it is also possible that ai 6= bj . If so, then L(i, j) must equal at least
one of L(i − 1, j) and L(i, j − 1). If L(i, j) = L(i − 1, j), we shall move our path
one row down, and if not, we know that L(i, j) = L(i, j − 1), and we shall move our
path one column left.
When we follow this rule, we eventually arrive at the lower left corner. At that
point, we have selected a certain sequence of elements for our LCS, and the LCS
itself is the list of these elements, in the reverse of the order in which they were

c 6 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 4
a 5 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
b 4 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
a 3 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3
b 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2
c 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a b c a b b a

Fig. 6.33. A path that finds the LCS caba.

✦ Example 6.15. The table of Fig. 6.32 is shown again in Fig. 6.33, with a
path shown in bold. We start with L(6, 7), which is 4. Since a6 6= b7 , we look
immediately to the left and down to find the value 4, which must appear in at least
one of these places. In this case, 4 appears only below, and so we go to L(5, 7). Now
a5 = b7 ; both are a. Thus a is the last symbol of the LCS, and we move southwest,
to L(4, 6).

Since a4 and b6 are both b, we include b, ahead of a, in the LCS being formed,
and we again move southwest, to L(3, 5). Here, we find a3 6= b5 , but L(3, 5), which
is 2, equals both the entry below and the entry to the left. We have elected in this
situation to move down, so we next move to L(2, 5). There we find a2 = b5 = b,
and so we put a b ahead of the LCS being formed and move southwest to L(1, 4).
Since a1 6= b4 and only the entry to the left has the same value (1) as L(1, 4),
we move to L(1, 3). Now we have a1 = b3 = c, and so we add c to the beginning
of the LCS and move to L(0, 2). At this point, we have no choice but to move left
to L(0, 1) and then L(0, 0), and we are done. The resulting LCS consists of the
four characters we discovered, in the reverse order, or cbba. That happens to be
one of the two LCS’s we mentioned in Example 6.12. We can obtain other LCS’s
by choosing to go left instead of down when L(i, j) equals both L(i, j − 1) and
L(i − 1, j), and by choosing to go left or down when one of these equals L(i, j), even
in the situation when ai = bj (i.e., by skipping certain matches in favor of matches
farther to the left). ✦

We can prove that this path finding algorithm always finds an LCS. The state-
ment that we prove by complete induction on the sum of the lengths of the lists

STATEMENT S(k): If we find ourselves at row i and column j, where i + j = k,

and if L(i, j) = v, then we subsequently discover v elements for our LCS.

BASIS. The basis is k = 0. If i + j = 0, then both i and j are 0. We have finished

our path and find no more elements for the LCS. As we know L(0, 0) = 0, the
inductive hypothesis holds for i + j = 0.

INDUCTION. Assume the inductive hypothesis for sums k or less, and let i + j =
k + 1. Suppose we are at L(i, j), which has value v. If ai = bj , then we find one
match and move to L(i − 1, j − 1). Since the sum (i − 1) + (j − 1) is less than i + j,
the inductive hypothesis applies. Since L(i − 1, j − 1) must be v − 1, we know that
we shall find v − 1 more elements for our LCS, which, with the one element just
found, will give us v elements. That observation proves the inductive hypothesis in
this case.
The only other case is when ai 6= bj . Then, either L(i − 1, j) or L(i, j − 1), or
both, must have the value v, and we move to one of these positions that does have
the value v. Since the sum of the row and column is i + j − 1 in either case, the
inductive hypothesis applies, and we conclude that we find v elements for the LCS.
Again we can conclude that S(k + 1) is true. Since we have considered all cases,
we are done and conclude that if we are at an entry L(i, j), we always find L(i, j)
elements for our LCS.


6.9.1: What is the length of the LCS of the lists

a) banana and cabana
b) abaacbacab and bacabbcaba

6.9.2*: Find all the LCS’s of the pairs of lists from Exercise 6.9.1. Hint : After
building the table from Exercise 6.9.1, trace backward from the upper right corner,
following each choice in turn when you come to a point that could be explained in
two or three different ways.

6.9.3**: Suppose we use the recursive algorithm for computing the LCS that we
described first (instead of the table-filling program that we recommend). If we call
L(4, 4) with two lists having no symbols in common, how many calls to L(1, 1) are
made? Hint : Use a table-filling (dynamic programming) algorithm to compute a
table giving the value of L(i, j) for all i and j. Compare your result with Pascal’s
triangle from Section 4.5. What does this relationship suggest about a formula for
the number of calls?

6.9.4**: Suppose we have two lists x and y, each of length n. For n below a certain
size, there can be at most one string that is an LCS of x and y (although that string
may occur in different positions of x and/or y). For example, if n = 1, then the
LCS can only be ǫ, unless x and y are both the same symbol a, in which case a
is the only LCS. What is the smallest value of n for which x and y can have two
different LCS’s?

6.9.5: Show that the program of Fig. 6.31 has running time O(mn).

6.9.6: Write a C program to take a table, such as that computed by the program
of Fig. 6.31, and find the positions, in each string, of one LCS. What is the running
time of your program, if the table is m by n?

6.9.7: In the beginning of this section, we suggested that the length of an LCS and
the size of the largest matching between positions of two strings were related.

a*) Prove by induction on k that if two strings have a common subsequence of

length k, then they have a matching of length k.

b) Prove that if two strings have a matching of length k, then they have a common
subsequence of length k.

c) Conclude from (a) and (b) that the lengths of the LCS and the greatest size of
a matching are the same.

✦ ✦

6.10 Representing Character Strings

Character strings are probably the most common form of list encountered in prac-
tice. There are a great many ways to represent strings, and some of these techniques
are rarely appropriate for other kinds of lists. Therefore, we shall devote this section
to the special issues regarding character strings.
First, we should realize that storing a single character string is rarely the whole
problem. Often, we have a large number of character strings, each rather short.
They may form a dictionary, meaning that we insert and delete strings from the
population as time goes on, or they may be a static set of strings, unchanging over
time. The following are two typical examples.

Concordance 1. A useful tool for studying texts is a concordance, a list of all the words used in
the document and the places in which they occur. There will typically be tens
of thousands of different words used in a large document, and each occurrence
must be stored once. The set of words used is static; that is, once formed it does
not change, except perhaps if there were errors in the original concordance.
2. The compiler that turns a C program into machine code must keep track of
all the character strings that represent variables of the program. A large pro-
gram may have hundreds or thousands of variable names, especially when we
remember that two local variables named i that are declared in two functions
are really two distinct variables. As the compiler scans the program, it finds
new variable names and inserts them into the set of names. Once the com-
piler has finished compiling a function, the variables of that function are not
available to subsequent functions, and so may be deleted.
In both of these examples, there will be many short character strings. Short
words abound in English, and programmers like to use single letters such as i or x
for variables. On the other hand, there is no limit on the length of words, either in
English texts or in programs.

Character Strings in C
Character-string constants, as might appear in a C program, are stored as arrays of
Null character characters, followed by the special character ’\0’, called the null character, whose
value is 0. However, in applications such as the ones mentioned above, we need the
facility to create and store new strings as a program runs. Thus, we need a data
structure in which we can store arbitrary character strings. Some of the possibilities
1. Use a fixed-length array to hold character strings. Strings shorter than the
array are followed by a null character. Strings longer than the array cannot be
Truncation stored in their entirety. They must be truncated by storing only their prefix of
length equal to the length of the array.
2. A scheme similar to (1), but assume that every string, or prefix of a truncated
string, is followed by the null character. This approach simplifies the reading
of strings, but it reduces by one the number of string characters that can be
3. A scheme similar to (1), but instead of following strings by a null character,
use another integer length to indicate how long the string really is.
4. To avoid the restriction of a maximum string length, we can store the characters
of the string as the elements of a linked list. Possibly, several characters can
be stored in one cell.
5. We may create a large array of characters in which individual character strings
are placed. A string is then represented by a pointer to a place in the array
where the string begins. Strings may be terminated by a null character or they
may have an associated length.

Fixed-Length Array Representations

Let us consider a structure of type (1) above, where strings are represented by
fixed-length arrays. In the following example, we create structures that have a
fixed-length array as one of their fields.

✦ Example 6.16. Consider the data structure we might use to hold one entry in
a concordance, that is, a single word and its associated information. We need to
1. The word itself.
2. The number of times the word appears.
3. A list of the lines of the document in which there are one or more occurrences
of the word.
Thus we might use the following structure:
typedef struct {
char word[MAX];
int occurrences;
LIST lines;
Here, MAX is the maximum length of a word. All WORDCELL structures have an array
called word of MAX bytes, no matter how short the word happens to be.
The field occurrences is a count of the number of times the word appears,
and lines is a pointer to the beginning of a linked list of cells. These cells are of
the conventional type defined by the macro
DefCell(int, CELL, LIST);
Each cell holds one integer, representing a line on which there are one or more
occurrences of the word in question. Note that occurrences could be larger than
the length of the list, if the word appeared several times on one line.
In Fig. 6.34 we see the structure for the word earth in the first chapter of
Genesis. We assume MAX is at least 6. The complete list of line (verse) numbers is
(1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30).

word: "earth\0"
occurrences: 20
lines: 1 2 10 ··· 30 •

Fig. 6.34. Concordance entry for the word earth in the first chapter of Genesis.

The entire concordance might consist of a collection of structures of type WORD-

CELL. These might, for example, be organized in a binary search tree, with the <
ordering of structures based on the alphabetic order of words. That structure would
allow relatively fast access to words as we use the concordance. It would also allow
us to create the concordance efficiently as we scan the text to locate and list the
occurrences of the various words. To use the binary tree structure we would re-
quire left- and right-child fields in the type WORDCELL. We could also arrange these

structures in a linked list, by adding a “next” field to the type WORDCELL instead.
That would be a simpler structure, but it would be less efficient if the number of
words is large. We shall see, in the next chapter, how to arrange these structures
in a hash table, which probably offers the best performance of all data structures
for this problem. ✦

Linked Lists for Character Strings

The limitation on the length of character strings, and the need to allocate a fixed
amount of space no matter how short the string, are two disadvantages of the
previous implementation of character strings. However, C and other languages allow
us to build other, more flexible data structures to represent strings. For example, if
we are concerned that there be no upper limit on the length of a character string,
we can use conventional linked lists of characters to hold character strings. That is,
we can declare a type
typedef struct CHARCELL *CHARSTRING;
struct CHARCELL {
char character;
In the type WORDCELL, CHARSTRING becomes the type of the field word, as
typedef {
int occurrences;
LIST lines;
For example, the word earth would be represented by

e a r t h •

This scheme removes any upper limit on the length of words, but it is, in practice,
not very economical of space. The reason is that each structure of type CHARCELL
takes at least five bytes, assuming one for the character and a typical four for a
pointer to the next cell on the list. Thus, the great majority of the space is used
for the “overhead” of pointers rather than the “payload” of characters.
We can be a bit more clever, however, if we pack several bytes into the data
Packing field of each cell. For example, if we put four characters into each cell, and pointers
characters into consume four bytes, then half our space will be used for “payload,” compared with
cells 20% payload in the one-character-per-cell scheme. The only caution is that we
must have some character, such as the null character, that can serve as a string-
terminating character, as is the case for character strings stored in arrays. In
general, if CPC (characters per cell) is the number of characters that we are willing
to place in one cell, we can declare cells by
typedef struct CHARCELL *CHARSTRING;
struct CHARCELL {
char characters[CPC];

For example, if CPC = 4, then we could store the word earth in two cells, as

e a r t h \0 •

We could also increase CPC above 4. As we do so, the fraction of space taken
for pointers decreases, which is good; it means that the overhead of using linked
lists rather than arrays is dropping. On the other hand, if we used a very large
value for CPC, we would find that almost all words used only one cell, but that cell
would have many unused locations in it, just as an array of length CPC would.

✦ Example 6.17. Let us suppose that in our population of character strings,

30% are between 1 and 4 characters long, 40% between 5 and 8 characters, 20% in
the range 9–12, and 10% in the range 13–16. Then the table in Fig. 6.35 gives the
number of bytes devoted to linked lists representing words in the four ranges, for
four values of CPC, namely, 4, 8, 12, and 16. For our assumption about word-length
frequencies, CPC = 8 comes out best, with an average usage of 15.6 bytes That is,
we are best off using cells with room for 8 bytes, using a total of 12 bytes per cell,
including the 4 bytes for the next pointer. Note that the total space cost, which is
19.6 bytes when we include a pointer to the front of the list, is not as good as using
16 bytes for a character array. However, the linked-list scheme can accommodate
strings longer than 16 characters, even though our assumptions put a 0% probability
on finding such strings. ✦


1-4 .3 8 12 16 20
5-8 .4 16 12 16 20
9-12 .2 24 24 16 20
13-16 .1 32 24 32 20
Avg. 16.8 15.6 17.6 20.0

Fig. 6.35. Numbers of bytes used for strings in various length

ranges by different values of CPC.

Mass Storage of Character Strings

There is another approach to the storage of large numbers of character strings that
combines the advantage of array storage (little overhead) with the advantages of
linked-list storage (no wasted space due to padding, and no limit on string length).
We create one very long array of characters, into which we shall store each char-
acter string. To tell where one string ends and the next begins, we need a special
Endmarker character called the endmarker. The endmarker character cannot appear as part of
a legitimate character string. In what follows, we shall use * as the endmarker, for
visibility, although it is more usual to choose a nonprinting character, such as the
null character.

✦ Example 6.18. Suppose we declare an array space by

char space[MAX];
We can then store a word by giving a pointer to the first position of space devoted
to that word. The WORDCELL structure, analogous to that of Example 6.16, would
then be
typedef struct {
char *word;
int occurrences;
LIST lines;
In Fig. 6.36 we see the WORDCELL structure for the word the in a concordance based
on the book of Genesis. The pointer word refers us to space[3], where we see the
beginning of the word the.
Note that the lowest elements of the array space might appear to contain the
text itself. However, that would not continue to be the case for long. Even if the
next elements contain the words beginning, God, and created, the second the
would not appear again in the array space. Rather, that word would be accounted
for by adding to the number of occurrences in the WORDCELL structure for the. As
we proceeded through the book and found more repetitions of words, the entries in
space would stop resembling the biblical text itself. ✦


occurrences: 1377

lines: 1 ···

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

space: i n * t h e * b e ···

Fig. 6.36. Representing words by indices into string space.

As in Example 6.16, the structures of Example 6.18 can be formed into data
structures such as binary search trees or linked lists by adding the appropriate
pointer fields to the WORDCELL structure. The function lt(W1 , W2 ) that compares
two WORDCELL’s W1 and W2 follows the word fields of these structures and compares
them lexicographically.
To build a concordance using such a binary search tree, we maintain a pointer
available to the first unoccupied position in the array space. Initially, available
points to space[0]. Suppose we are scanning the text for which the concordance

What Happens When We Run Out of Space?

We have assumed that space is so large that there is always room to add a new
word. Actually, each time we add a character we must be careful that the current
position into which we write is less than MAX.
If we want to enter new words after running out of space, we need to be prepared
to obtain new blocks of space when the old one runs out. Instead of creating just
one array space, we can define a character-array type
typedef char SPACE[MAX];
We can then create a new array, the first character of which is pointed to by
available, by
available = (char *) malloc(sizeof(SPACE));
It is useful to remember the end of this array by immediately assigning
last = available + MAX;
We then insert words into the array pointed to by available. If we can no
longer fit words into this array, we call malloc to create another character array.
Of course we must be careful not to write past the end of the array, and if we are
presented with a string of length greater than M AX, there is no way we can store
the word in this scheme.

is being built and we find the next word — say, the. We do not know whether or
not the is already in the binary search tree. We thus temporarily add the* to the
position indicated by available and the three following positions. We remember
that the newly added word takes up 4 bytes.
Now we can search for the word the in the binary search tree. If found, we
add 1 to its count of occurrences and insert the current line into the list of lines.
If not found, we create a new node — which includes the fields of the WORDCELL
structure, plus left- and right-child pointers (both NULL) — and insert it into the
tree at the proper place. We set the word field in the new node to available, so
that it refers to our copy of the word the. We set occurrences to 1 and create a
list for the field lines consisting of only the current line of text. Finally, we must
add 4 to available, since the word the has now been added permanently to the
space array.


6.10.1: For the structure type WORDCELL discussed in Example 6.16, write the
following programs:
a) A function create that returns a pointer to a structure of type WORDCELL.
b) A function insert(WORDCELL *pWC, int line) that takes a pointer to the
structure WORDCELL and a line number, adds 1 to the number of occurrences
for that word, and adds that line to the list of lines if it is not already there.

6.10.2: Redo Example 6.17 under the assumption that any word length from 1 to
40 is equally likely; that is, 10% of the words are of length 1–4, 10% are of length
5–8, and so on, up to 10% in the range 37–40. What is the average number of bytes
required if CPC is 4, 8, . . . , 40?

6.10.3*: If, in the model of Example 6.17, all word lengths from 1 to n are equally
likely, what value of CPC, as a function of n, minimizes the number of bytes used?
If you cannot get the exact answer, a big-oh approximation is useful.

6.10.4*: One advantage of using the structure of Example 6.18 is that one can share
parts of the space array among two or more words. For example, the structure for
the word he could have word field equal to 5 in the array of Fig. 6.36. Compress
the words all, call, man, mania, maniac, recall, two, woman into as few elements
of the space array as you can. How much space do you save by compression?

6.10.5*: Another approach to storing words is to eliminate the endmarker character

from the space array. Instead, we add a length field to the WORDCELL structures of
Example 6.18, to tell us how many characters from the first character, as indicated
by the word field, are included in the word. Assuming that integers take four bytes,
does this scheme save or cost space, compared with the scheme described in Example
6.18? What if integers could be stored in one byte?

6.10.6**: The scheme described in Exercise 6.10.5 also gives us opportunities to

compress the space array. Now words can overlap even if neither is a suffix of the
other. How many elements of the space array do you need to store the words in the
list of Exercise 6.10.4, using the scheme of Exercise 6.10.5?

6.10.7: Write a program to take two WORDCELL’s as discussed in Example 6.18 and
determine which one’s word precedes the other in lexicographic order. Recall that
words are terminated by * in this example.

✦ ✦

6.11 Summary of Chapter 6

The following points were covered in Chapter 6.

✦ Lists are an important data model representing sequences of elements.

✦ Linked lists and arrays are two data structures that can be used to implement

✦ Lists are a simple implementation of dictionaries, but their efficiency does not
compare with that of the binary search tree of Chapter 5 or the hash table to
be covered in Chapter 7.

✦ Placing a “sentinel” at the end of an array to make sure we find the element
we are seeking is a useful efficiency improver.

✦ Stacks and queues are important special kinds of lists.

✦ The stack is used “behind the scenes” to implement recursive functions.


✦ A character string is an important special case of a list, and we have a number

of special data structures for representing character strings efficiently. These
include linked lists that hold several characters per cell and large arrays shared
by many character strings.
✦ The problem of finding longest common subsequences can be solved efficiently
by a technique known as “dynamic programming,” in which we fill a table of
information in the proper order.

✦ ✦

6.12 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 6
Knuth [1968] is still the fundamental source on list data structures. While it is
hard to trace the origins of very basic notions such as “list” or “stack,” the first
programming language to use lists as a part of its data model was IPL-V (Newell et
al. [1961]), although among the early list-processing languages, only Lisp (McCarthy
et al. [1962]) survives among the currently important languages. Lisp, by the way,
stands for “LISt Processing.”
The use of stacks in run-time implementation of recursive programs is discussed
in more detail in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman [1986].
The longest-common-subsequence algorithm described in Section 6.9 is by Wag-
ner and Fischer [1975]. The algorithm actually used in the UNIX diff command is
described in Hunt and Szymanski [1977]. Aho [1990] surveys a number of algorithms
involving the matching of character strings.
Dynamic programming as an abstract technique was described by Bellman
[1957]. Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman [1983] give a number of examples of algorithms
using dynamic programming.
Aho, A. V. [1990]. “Algorithms for finding patterns in strings,” in Handbook of
Theoretical Computer Science Vol. A: Algorithms and Complexity (J. Van Leeuwen,
ed.), MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Aho, A. V., J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman [1983]. Data Structures and Algo-
rithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Aho, A. V., R. Sethi, and J. D. Ullman [1986]. Compilers: Principles, Techniques,
and Tools, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Bellman, R. E. [1957]. Dynamic Programming, Princeton University Press, Prince-
ton, NJ.
Hunt, J. W. and T. G. Szymanski [1977]. “A fast algorithm for computing longest
common subsequences,” Comm. ACM 20:5, pp. 350–353.
Knuth, D. E. [1968]. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. I, Fundamental
Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
McCarthy, J. et al. [1962]. LISP 1.5 Programmer’s Manual, MIT Computation
Center and Research Laboratory of Electronics, Cambridge, Mass.
Newell, A., F. M. Tonge, E. A. Feigenbaum, B. F. Green, and G. H. Mealy [1961].
Information Processing Language-V Manual, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New

Wagner, R. A. and M. J. Fischer [1975]. “The string to string correction problem,”

J. ACM 21:1, pp. 168–173.

✦ ✦

The Set
Data Model

The set is the most fundamental data model of mathematics. Every concept in
mathematics, from trees to real numbers, is expressible as a special kind of set.
In this book, we have seen sets in the guise of events in a probability space. The
dictionary abstract data type is a kind of set, on which particular operations —
insert, delete, and lookup — are performed. Thus, it should not be surprising that
sets are also a fundamental model of computer science. In this chapter, we learn
the basic definitions concerning sets and then consider algorithms for efficiently
implementing set operations.

✦ ✦

7.1 What This Chapter Is About

This chapter covers the following topics:

✦ The basic definitions of set theory and the principal operations on sets (Sections
✦ The three most common data structures used to implement sets: linked lists,
characteristic vectors, and hash tables. We compare these data structures
with respect to their relative efficiency in supporting various operations on sets
(Sections 7.4–7.6).
✦ Relations and functions as sets of pairs (Section 7.7).
✦ Data structures for representing relations and functions (Sections 7.8–7.9).
✦ Special kinds of binary relations, such as partial orders and equivalence rela-
tions (Section 7.10).
✦ Infinite sets (Section 7.11).


✦ ✦

7.2 Basic Definitions
In mathematics, the term “set” is not defined explicitly. Rather, like terms such as
“point” and “line” in geometry, the term set is defined by its properties. Specifically,
there is a notion of membership that makes sense only for sets. When S is a set and
x is anything, we can ask the question, “Is x a member of set S?” The set S then
consists of all those elements x for which x is a member of S. The following points
summarize some important notations for talking about sets.
1. The expression x ∈ S means that the element x is a member of the set S.
2. If x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are all the members of set S, then we can write
S = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }
Here, each of the x’s must be distinct; we cannot repeat an element twice in a
set. However, the order in which the members of a set are listed is arbitrary.
Empty set 3. The empty set, denoted ∅, is the set that has no members. That is, x ∈ ∅ is
false, no matter what x is.

✦ Example 7.1. Let S = {1, 3, 6}; that is, let S be the set that has the integers
1, 3, and 6, and nothing else, as members. We can say 1 ∈ S, 3 ∈ S, and 6 ∈ S.
However, the statement 2 ∈ S is false, as is the statement that any other thing is a
member of S.
Sets can also have other sets as members. For example, let T = {{1, 2}, 3, ∅}.
Then T has three members. First is the set {1, 2}, that is, the set with 1 and 2 as
is sole members. Second is the integer 3. Third is the empty set. The following are
true statements: {1, 2} ∈ T , 3 ∈ T , and ∅ ∈ T . However, 1 ∈ T is false. That is,
the fact that 1 is a member of a member of T does not mean that 1 is a member of
T itself. ✦

In formal set theory, there really is nothing but sets. However, in our informal
set theory, and in data structures and algorithms based on sets, it is convenient to
assume the existence of certain atoms, which are elements that are not sets. An
atom can be a member of a set, but nothing can be a member of an atom. It
is important to remember that the empty set, like the atoms, has no members.
However, the empty set is a set rather than an atom.
We shall generally assume that integers and lowercase letters denote atoms.
When talking about data structures, it is often convenient to use complex data
types as the types of atoms. Thus, atoms may be structures or arrays, and not be
very “atomic” at all.

Definition of Sets by Abstraction

Enumeration of the members of a set is not the only way we may define sets. Often,
it is more convenient to start with some set S and some property of elements P ,
and define the set of those elements in S that have property P . The notation for
this operation, which is called abstraction, is

Sets and Lists

Although our notation for a list, such as (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), and our notation for a set,
{x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }, look very much alike, there are important differences. First, the
order of elements in a set is irrelevant. The set we write as {1, 2} could just as well
be written {2, 1}. In contrast, the list (1, 2) is not the same as the list (2, 1).
Second, a list may have repetitions. For example, the list (1, 2, 2) has three
elements; the first is 1, the second is 2, and the third is also 2. However, the set
notation {1, 2, 2} makes no sense. We cannot have an element, such as 2, occur as a
member of a set more than once. If this notation means anything, it is the same as
{1, 2} or {2, 1} — that is, the set with 1 and 2 as members, and no other members.
Multiset or bag Sometimes we speak of a multiset or bag, which is a set whose elements are
allowed to have a multiplicity greater than 1. For example, we could speak of the
multiset that contains 1 once and 2 twice. Multisets are not the same as lists,
because they still have no order associated with their elements.

{x | x ∈ S and P (x)}
or “the set of elements x in S such that x has property P .”
Set former The preceding expression is called a set former. The variable x in the set
former is local to the expression, and we could just as well have written
{y | y ∈ S and P (y)}
to describe the same set.

✦ Example 7.2. Let S be the set {1, 3, 6} from Example 7.1. Let P (x) be the
property “x is odd.” Then
{x | x ∈ S and x is odd }
is another way of defining the set {1, 3}. That is, we accept the elements 1 and 3
from S because they are odd, but we reject 6 because it is not odd.
As another example, consider the set T = {{1, 2}, 3, ∅} from Example 7.1.
{A | A ∈ T and A is a set }
denotes the set {{1, 2}, ∅}. ✦

Equality of Sets
We must not confuse what a set is with how it is represented. Two sets are equal,
that is, they are really the same set, if they have exactly the same members. Thus,
most sets have many different representations, including those that explicitly enu-
merate their elements in some order and representations that use abstraction.

✦ Example 7.3. The set {1, 2} is the set that has exactly the elements 1 and 2 as
members. We can present these elements in either order, so {1, 2} = {2, 1}. There
are also many ways to express this set by abstraction. For example,

{x | x ∈ {1, 2, 3} and x < 3}

is equal to the set {1, 2}. ✦

Infinite Sets
It is comforting to assume that sets are finite — that is, that there is some particular
integer n such that the set at hand has exactly n members. For example, the set
{1, 3, 6} has three members. However, some sets are infinite, meaning there is no
integer that is the number of elements in the set. We are familiar with infinite sets
such as
1. N, the set of nonnegative integers
2. Z, the set of nonnegative and negative integers
3. R, the set of real numbers
4. C, the set of complex numbers
From these sets, we can create other infinite sets by abstraction.

✦ Example 7.4. The set former

{x | x ∈ Z and x < 3}
stands for the set of all the negative integers, plus 0, 1, and 2. The set former

{x | x ∈ Z and x ∈ Z}
represents the set of integers that are perfect squares, that is, {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, . . . }.
For a third example, let P (x) be the property that x is prime (i.e., x > 1 and
x has no divisors except 1 and x itself). Then the set of primes is denoted
{x | x ∈ N and P (x)}
This expression denotes the infinite set {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, . . .}. ✦

There are some subtle and interesting properties of infinite sets. We shall take
up the matter again in Section 7.11.


7.2.1: What are the members of the set {{a, b}, {a}, {b, c}}?
7.2.2: Write set-former expressions for the following:
a) The set of integers greater than 1000.
b) The set of even integers.
7.2.3: Find two different representations for the following sets, one using abstrac-
tion, the other not.
a) {a, b, c}.
b) {0, 1, 5}.

Russell’s Paradox
One might wonder why the operation of abstraction requires that we designate some
other set from which the elements of the new set must come. Why can’t we just
use an expression like {x | P (x)}, for example,

{x | x is blue }

to define the set of all blue things? The reason is that allowing such a general way
to define sets gets us into a logical inconsistency discovered by Bertrand Russell and
called Russell’s paradox. We may have met this paradox informally when we heard
about the town where the barber shaves everyone who doesn’t shave himself, and
then were asked whether the barber shaves himself. If he does, then he doesn’t, and
if he doesn’t, he does. The way out of this anomaly is to realize that the statement
“shaves everyone who doesn’t shave himself,” while it looks reasonable, actually
makes no formal sense.
To understand Russell’s paradox concerning sets, suppose we could define sets
of the form {x | P (x)} for any property P . Then let P (x) be the property “x is not
a member of x.” That is, let P be true of a set x if x is not a member of itself. Let
S be the set

S = {x | x is not a member of x}

Now we can ask, “Is set S a member of itself?”

Case 1 : Suppose that S is not a member of S. Then P (S) is true, and so S is

a member of the set {x | x is not a member of x}. But that set is S, and so by
assuming that S is not a member of itself, we prove that S is indeed a member of
itself. Thus, it cannot be that S is not a member of itself.

Case 2 : Suppose that S is a member of itself. Then S is not a member of

{x | x is not a member of x}

But again, that set is S, and so we conclude that S is not a member of itself.

Thus, when we start by assuming that P (S) is false, we prove that it is true,
and when we start by assuming that P (S) is true, we wind up proving that it is
false. Since we arrive at a contradiction either way, we are forced to blame the
notation. That is, the real problem is that it makes no sense to define the set S as
we did.
Another interesting consequence of Russell’s paradox is that it makes no sense
to suppose there is a “set of all elements.” If there were such a “universal set” —
Universal set say U — then we could speak of

{x | x ∈ U and x is not a member of x}

and we would again have Russell’s paradox. We would then be forced to give up
abstraction altogether, and that operation is far too useful to drop.

✦ ✦

7.3 Operations on Sets
There are special operations that are commonly performed on sets, such as union
and intersection. You are probably familiar with many of them, but we shall re-
view the most important operations here. In the next sections we discuss some
implementations of these operations.

Union, Intersection, and Difference

Perhaps the most common ways to combine sets are with the following three oper-
1. The union of two sets S and T , denoted S ∪ T , is the set containing the
elements that are in S or T , or both.
2. The intersection of sets S and T , written S ∩ T , is the set containing the
elements that are in both S and T .
3. The difference of sets S and T , denoted S − T , is the set containing those
elements that are in S but not in T .

✦ Example 7.5. Let S be the set {1, 2, 3} and T the set {3, 4, 5}. Then
S ∪ T = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, S ∩ T = {3}, and S − T = {1, 2}
That is, S ∪ T contains all the elements appearing in either S or T . Although 3
appears in both S and T , there is, of course, only one occurrence of 3 in S ∪ T ,
because elements cannot appear more than once in a set. S ∩ T contains only 3,
because no other element appears in both S and T . Finally, S − T contains 1 and
2, because these appear in S and do not appear in T . The element 3 is not present
in S − T , because although it appears in S, it also appears in T . ✦

When the sets S and T are events in a probability space, the union, intersection,
and difference have a natural meaning. S ∪ T is the event that either S or T (or
both) occurs. S ∩ T is the event that both S and T occur. S − T is the event that
S, but not T occurs. However, if S is the set that is the entire probability space,
then S − T is the event “T does not occur,” that is, the complement of T .

Venn Diagrams
It is often helpful to see operations involving sets as pictures called Venn diagrams.
Figure 7.1 is a Venn diagram showing two sets, S and T , each of which is represented
by an ellipse. The two ellipses divide the plane into four regions, which we have
numbered 1 to 4.
1. Region 1 represents those elements that are in neither S nor T .
2. Region 2 represents S − T , those elements that are in S but not in T .
3. Region 3 represents S ∩ T , those elements that are in both S and T .
4. Region 4 represents T − S, those elements that are in T but not in S.
5. Regions 2, 3, and 4 combined represent S ∪ T , those elements that are in S or
T , or both.

Region 1

Region 2 Region 3 Region 4


Fig. 7.1. Regions representing Venn diagrams for the basic set operations.

What Is an Algebra?
We may think that the term “algebra” refers to solving word problems, finding
roots of polynomials, and other matters covered in a high school algebra course. To
a mathematician, however, the term algebra refers to any sort of system in which
there are operands and operators from which one builds expressions. For an algebra
to be interesting and useful, it usually has special constants and laws that allow us
to transform one expression into another “equivalent” expression.
The most familiar algebra is that in which operands are integers, reals, or per-
haps complex numbers — or variables representing values from one of these classes
— and the operators are the ordinary arithmetic operators: addition, multiplica-
tion, subtraction, and division. The constants 0 and 1 are special and satisfy laws
like x + 0 = x. In manipulating arithmetic expressions, we use laws such as the
distributive law, which lets us replace any expression of the form a × b + a × c by
an equivalent expression a × (b + c). Notice that by making this transformation, we
reduce the number of arithmetic operations by 1. Often the purpose of algebraic
manipulation of expressions, such as this one, is to find an equivalent expression
whose evaluation takes less time than the evaluation of the original.
Throughout this book, we shall meet various kinds of algebras. Section 8.7
introduces relational algebra, a generalization of the algebra of sets that we discuss
here. Section 10.5 talks about the algebra of regular expressions for describing
patterns of character strings. Section 12.8 introduces the reader to the Boolean
algebra of logic.

While we have suggested that Region 1 in Fig. 7.1 has finite extent, we should
remember that this region represents everything outside S and T . Thus, this region
is not a set. If it were, we could take its union with S and T to get the “univer-
sal set,” which we know by Russell’s paradox does not exist. Nevertheless, it is
often convenient to draw as a region the elements that are not in any of the sets
represented explicitly in the Venn diagram, as we did in Fig. 7.1.

Algebraic Laws For Union, Intersection, and Difference

Mirroring the algebra of arithmetic operations such as + and ∗, one can define an

algebra of sets in which the operators are union, intersection, and difference and the
operands are sets or variables denoting sets. Once we allow ourselves to build up
complicated expressions like R ∪ (S ∩ T )−U , we can ask whether two expressions
Equivalent are equivalent, that is, whether they always denote the same set regardless of what
expressions sets we substitute for the operands that are variables. By substituting one expres-
sion for an equivalent expression, sometimes we can simplify expressions involving
sets so that they may be evaluated more efficiently.
In what follows, we shall list the most important algebraic laws — that is,
statements asserting that one expression is equivalent to another — for union, in-
tersection, and difference of sets. The symbol ≡ is used to denote equivalence of
In many of these algebraic laws, there is an analogy between union, intersection,
and difference of sets, on one hand, and addition, multiplication, and subtraction
of integers on the other hand. We shall, however, point out those laws that do not
have analogs for ordinary arithmetic.
a) The commutative law of union: (S ∪ T ) ≡ (T ∪ S). That is, it does not matter
which of two sets appears first in a union. The reason this law holds is simple.
The element x is in S ∪ T if x is in S or if x is in T , or both. That is exactly
the condition under which x is in T ∪ S.
b) The associative law of union: S ∪ (T ∪ R) ≡ (S ∪ T ) ∪ R . That is, the
union of three sets can be written either by first taking the union of the first
two or the last two; in either case, the result will be the same. We can justify
this law as we did the commutative law, by arguing that an element is in the
set on the left if and only if it is in the set on the right. The intuitive reason
is that both sets contain exactly those elements that are in either S, T , or R,
or any two or three of them.
The commutative and associative laws of union together tell us that we can
take the union of a collection of sets in any order. The result will always be the
same set of elements, namely those elements that are in one or more of the sets. The
argument is like the one we presented for addition, which is another commutative
and associative operation, in Section 2.4. There, we showed that all ways to group
a sum led to the same result.
c) The commutative law of intersection: (S ∩ T ) ≡ (T ∩ S). Intuitively, an
element x is in the sets S ∩ T and T ∩ S under exactly the same circumstances:
when x is in S and x is in T .
d) The associative law of intersection: S ∩ (T ∩ R) ≡ (S ∩ T ) ∩ R . Intu-
itively, x is in either of these sets exactly when x is in all three of S, T , and
R. Like addition or union, the intersection of any collection of sets may be
grouped as we choose, and the result will be the same; in particular, it will be
the set of elements in all the sets.
e) Distributive law of intersection over union: Just as we know that multiplication
distributes over addition — that is, a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c — the law
S ∩ (T ∪ R) ≡ (S ∩ T ) ∪ (S ∩ R)
holds for sets. Intuitively, an element x is in each of these sets exactly when x
is in S and also in at least one of T and R. Similarly, by the commutativity of

union and intersection, we can distribute intersections from the right, as

(T ∪ R) ∩ S ≡ (T ∩ S) ∪ (R ∩ S)
f) Distributive law of union over intersection: Similarly,
S ∪ (T ∩ R) ≡ (S ∪ T ) ∩ (S ∪ R)
holds. Both the left and right sides are sets that contain an element x exactly
when x is either in S, or is in both T and R. Notice that the analogous law of
arithmetic, where union is replaced by addition and intersection by multiplica-
tion, is false. That is, a+b×c is generally not equal to (a + b) × (a + c). Here is
one of several places where the analogy between set operations and arithmetic
operations breaks down. However, as in (e), we can use the commutativity of
union to get the equivalent law
(T ∩ R) ∪ S ≡ (T ∪ S) ∩ (R ∪ S)

✦ Example 7.6. Let S = {1, 2, 3}, T = {3, 4, 5}, and R = {1, 4, 6}. Then
S ∪ (T ∩ R) = {1, 2, 3} ∪ ({3, 4, 5} ∩ {1, 4, 6})
= {1, 2, 3} ∪ {4}
= {1, 2, 3, 4}
On the other hand,
(S ∪ T ) ∩ (S ∪ R) = ({1, 2, 3} ∪ {3, 4, 5}) ∩ ({1, 2, 3} ∪ {1, 4, 6})
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ∩ {1, 2, 3, 4, 6}
= {1, 2, 3, 4}
Thus, the distributive law of union over intersection holds in this case. That doesn’t
prove that the law holds in general, of course, but the intuitive argument we gave
with rule (f) should be convincing. ✦

g) Associative law of union and difference: S − (T ∪ R) ≡ (S − T ) − R . Both
sides contain an element x exactly when x is in S but in neither T nor R.
Notice that this law is analogous to the arithmetic law a − (b + c) = (a − b) − c.
h) Distributive law of difference over union: (S ∪ T )−R ≡ (S −R) ∪ (T −R) .
In justification, an element x is in either set when it is not in R, but is in either
S or T , or both. Here is another point at which the analogy with addition and
subtraction breaks down; it is not true that (a + b) − c = (a − c) + (b − c),
unless c = 0.
i) The empty set is the identity for union. That is, (S ∪ ∅) ≡ S, and by commu-
tativity of union, (∅ ∪ S) ≡ S. Informally, an element x can be in S ∪ ∅ only
when x is in S, since x cannot be in ∅.
Note that there is no identity for intersection. We might imagine that the set
of “all elements” could serve as the identity for intersection, since the intersection
of a set S with this “set” would surely be S. However, as mentioned in connection
with Russell’s paradox, there cannot be a “set of all elements.”

Idempotence j) Idempotence of union. An operator is said to be idempotent if, when applied to

two copies of the same value, the result is that value. We see that (S ∪ S) ≡ S.
That is, an element x is in S ∪ S exactly when it is in S. Again the analogy
with arithmetic fails, since a + a is generally not equal to a.
k) Idempotence of intersection. Similarly, we have (S ∩ S) ≡ S.
There are a number of laws relating the empty set to operations besides union.
We list them here.
l) (S − S) ≡ ∅.
m) (∅ − S) ≡ ∅.
n) (∅ ∩ S) ≡ ∅, and by commutativity of intersection, (S ∩ ∅) ≡ ∅.

Proving Equivalences by Venn Diagrams

Figure 7.2 illustrates the distributive law for intersection over union by a Venn
diagram. This diagram shows three sets, S, T , and R, which divide the plane into
eight regions, numbered 1 through 8. These regions correspond to the eight possible
relationships (in or out) that an element can have with the three sets.

S 2 3 4 T
5 7

Fig. 7.2. Venn diagram showing the distributive law of intersection over union:
S ∩ (T ∪ R) consists of regions 3, 5, and 6, as does (S ∩ T ) ∪ (S ∩ R).

We can use the diagram to help us keep track of the values of various sub-
expressions. For instance, T ∪ R is regions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Since S is regions
2, 3, 5, and 6, it follows that S ∩ (T ∪ R) is regions 3, 5, and 6. Similarly, S ∩ T is
regions 3 and 6, while S ∩ R is regions 5 and 6. It follows that (S ∩ T ) ∪ (S ∩ R)
is the same regions 3, 5, and 6, proving that
S ∩ (T ∪ R) ≡ (S ∩ T ) ∪ (S ∩ R)

In general, we can prove an equivalence by considering one representative ele-

ment from each region and checking that it is either in the set described by both
sides of the equivalence or in neither of those sets. This method is very close to
the truth-table method by which we prove algebraic laws for propositional logic in
Chapter 12.

Proving Equivalences by Applying Transformations

Another way to prove two expressions equivalent is by turning one into the other
using one or more of the algebraic laws we have already seen. We shall give a more
formal treatment of how expressions are manipulated in Chapter 12, but for the
present, let us observe that we can
1. Substitute any expression for any variable in an equivalence, provided that we
substitute for all occurrences of that variable. The equivalence remains true.
2. Substitute, for a subexpression E in some equivalence, an expression F that is
known to be equivalent to E. The equivalence remains true.
In addition, we can write any of the equivalences that were stated as laws and
assume that equivalence is true.

✦ Example 7.7. We shall prove the equivalence S − (S ∪ R) ≡ ∅. Let us start
with law (g), the associative law for union and difference, which is
S − (T ∪ R) ≡ (S − T ) − R
We substitute S for each of the two occurrences of T to get a new equivalence:
S − (S ∪ R) ≡ (S − S) − R
By law (l), (S − S) ≡ ∅. Thus, we may substitute ∅ for (S − S) above to get:

S − (S ∪ R) ≡ (∅ − R)

 ∅ − R ≡ ∅. We may thus substitute ∅

Law (m), with R substituted for S says that
for ∅ − R and conclude that S − (S ∪ R) ≡ ∅. ✦

The Subset Relationship

There is a family of comparison operators among sets that is analogous to the
comparisons among numbers. If S and T are sets, we say that S ⊆ T if every
member of S is also a member of T . We can express this in words several ways: “S
Containment of is a subset of T ,” “T is a superset of S,” “S is contained in T ,” or “T contains S.”
sets We say that S ⊂ T , if S ⊆ T , and there is at least one element of T that is not
also a member of S. The S ⊂ T relationship can be read “S is a proper subset of
T ,” “T is a proper superset of S,” “S is properly contained in T ,” or “T properly
Proper subset contains S.”
As with “less than,” we can reverse the direction of the comparison; S ⊃ T is
synonymous with T ⊂ S, and S ⊇ T is synonymous with T ⊆ S.

✦ Example 7.8. The following comparisons are all true:


1. {1, 2} ⊆ {1, 2, 3}
2. {1, 2} ⊂ {1, 2, 3}
3. {1, 2} ⊆ {1, 2}
Note that a set is always a subset of itself but a set is never a proper subset of itself,
so that {1, 2} ⊂ {1, 2} is false. ✦

There are a number of algebraic laws involving the subset operator and the
other operators that we have already seen. We list some of them here.
o) ∅ ⊆ S for any set S.
p) If S ⊆ T , then
i) (S ∪ T ) ≡ T ,
ii) (S ∩ T ) ≡ S, and
iii) (S − T ) ≡ ∅.

Proving Equivalences by Showing Containments

Two sets S and T are equal if and only if S ⊆ T and T ⊆ S; that is, each is a subset
of the other. For if every element in S is an element of T and vice versa, then S
and T have exactly the same members and thus are equal. Conversely, if S and T
have exactly the same members, then surely S ⊆ T and T ⊆ S are true. This rule
is analogous to the arithmetic rule that a = b if and only if both a ≤ b and b ≤ a
are true.
We can show the equivalence of two expressions E and F by showing that the
set denoted by each is contained in the set denoted by the other. That is, we
1. Consider an arbitrary element x in E and prove that it is also in F , and then
2. Consider an arbitrary element x in F and prove that it is also in E.
Note that both proofs are necessary in order to prove that E ≡ F .

1) x is in S − (T ∪ R) Given
2) x is in S Definition of − and (1)
3) x is not in T ∪ R Definition of − and (1)
4) x is not in T Definition of ∪ and (3)
5) x is not in R Definition of ∪ and (3)
6) x is in S − T Definition of − with (2) and (4)
7) x is in (S − T ) − R Definition of − with (6) and (5)

Fig. 7.3. Proof of one half of the associative law for union and difference.

✦ Example 7.9. Let us prove the associative law for union and difference,

S − (T ∪ R) ≡ (S − T ) − R
We start by assuming that x is in the expression on the left. The sequence of steps
is shown in Fig. 7.3. Note that in steps (4) and (5), we use the definition of union
backwards. That is, (3) tells us that x is not in T ∪ R. If x were in T , (3) would
be wrong, and so we can conclude that x is not in T . Similarly, x is not in R.

1) x is in (S − T ) − R Given
2) x is in S − T Definition of − and (1)
3) x is not in R Definition of − and (1)
4) x is in S Definition of − and (2)
5) x is not in T Definition of − and (2)
6) x is not in T ∪ R Definition of ∪ with (3) and (5)
7) x is in S − (T ∪ R) Definition of − with (4) and (6)

Fig. 7.4. Second half of the proof of the associative law for union and difference.

We are not done; we must now start by assuming that x is in (S − T ) − R and

show that it is in S − (T ∪ R). The steps are shown in Fig. 7.4. ✦

✦ Example 7.10. As another example, let us prove part of (p), the rule that if
S ⊆ T , then S ∪ T ≡ T . We begin by assuming that x is in S ∪ T . We know by
the definition of union that either
1. x is in S or
2. x is in T .
In case (1), since S ⊆ T is assumed, we know that x is in T . In case (2), we
immediately see that x is in T . Thus, in either case x is in T , and we have completed
the first half of the proof, the statement that (S ∪ T ) ⊆ T .
Now let us assume that x is in T . Then x is in S ∪ T by the definition of
union. Thus, T ⊆ (S ∪ T ), which is the second half of the proof. We conclude that
if S ⊆ T then (S ∪ T ) ≡ T . ✦

The Power Set of a Set

If S is any set, the power set of S is the set of subsets of S. We shall use P(S) to
denote the power set of S, although the notation 2S is also used.

✦ Example 7.11. Let S = {1, 2, 3}. Then

P(S) = {∅, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}

That is, P(S) is a set with eight members; each member is itself a set. The empty
Singleton set set is in P(S), since surely ∅ ⊆ S. The singletons — sets with one member of S,
namely, {1}, {2}, and {3} — are in P(S). Likewise, the three sets with two of the
three members of S are in P(S), and S itself is a member of P(S).
As another example, P(∅) = {∅} since ∅ ⊆ S, but for no set S besides the
empty set is S ⊆ ∅. Note that {∅}, the set containing the empty set, is not the
same as the empty set. In particular, the former has a member, namely ∅, while
the empty set has no members. ✦

The Size of Power Sets

If S has n members, then P(S) has 2n members. In Example 7.11 we saw that a
set of three members has a power set of 23 = 8 members. Also, 20 = 1, and we saw
that the empty set, which contains zero elements, has a power set of one element.
Let S = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an }, where a1 , a2 , . . . , an are any n elements. We shall
now prove by induction on n that P(S) has 2n members.

BASIS. If n = 0, then S is ∅. We have already observed that P(∅) has one member.
Since 20 = 1, we have proved the basis.

INDUCTION. Suppose that when S = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an }, P(S) has 2n members. Let

an+1 be a new element, and let T = S ∪ {an+1 }, a set of n + 1 members. Now a
subset of T either does not have or does have an+1 as a member. Let us consider
these two cases in turn.
1. The subsets of T that do not include an+1 are also subsets of S, and therefore
in P(S). By the inductive hypothesis, there are exactly 2n such sets.
2. If R is a subset of T that includes an+1 , let Q = R − {an+1 }; that is, Q is R
with an+1 removed. Then Q is a subset of S. By the inductive hypothesis,
there are exactly 2n possible sets Q, and each one corresponds to a unique set
R, which is Q ∪ {an+1 }.

We conclude that there are exactly 2 × 2n , or 2n+1 , subsets of T , half that are
subsets of S, and half that are formed from a subset of S by including an+1 . Thus,
the inductive step is proved; given that any set S of n elements has 2n subsets, we
have shown that any set T of n + 1 elements has 2n+1 subsets.


7.3.1: In Fig. 7.2, we showed two expressions for the set of regions {3, 5, 6}. How-
ever, each of the regions can be represented by expressions involving S, T , and R and
the operators union, intersection, and difference. Write two different expressions for
each of the following:
a) Region 6 alone
b) Regions 2 and 4 together
c) Regions 2, 4, and 8 together
7.3.2: Use Venn diagrams to show the following algebraic laws. For each sub-
expression involved in the equivalence, indicate the set of regions it represents.

a) S ∪ (T ∩ R) ≡ (S ∪ T ) ∩ (S ∪ R)
b) (S ∪ T ) − R ≡ (S − R) ∪ (T − R)
c) S − (T ∪ R) ≡ (S − T ) − R
7.3.3: Show each of the equivalences from Exercise 7.3.2 by showing containment
of each side in the other.
7.3.4: Assuming S ⊆ T , prove the following by showing that each side of the
equivalence is a subset of the other:
a) (S ∩ T ) ≡ S
b) (S − T ) ≡ ∅
7.3.5*: Into how many regions does a Venn diagram with n sets divide the plane,
assuming that no set is a subset of any other? Suppose that of the n sets there is
one that is a subset of one other, but there are no other containments. Then some
regions would be empty. For example, in Fig. 7.1, if S ⊆ T , then region 2 would be
empty, because there is no element that is in S but not in T . In general, how many
nonempty regions would there be?
7.3.6: Prove that if S ⊆ T , then P(S) ⊆ P(T ).
7.3.7*: In C we can represent a set S whose members are sets by a linked list
whose elements are the headers for lists; each such list represents a set that is one
of the members of S. Write a C program that takes a list of elements representing
a set (i.e., a list in which all the elements are distinct) and returns the power set of
the given set. What is the running time of your program? Hint : Use the inductive
proof that there are 2n members in the power set of a set of n elements to devise
a recursive algorithm that creates the power set. If you are clever, you can use the
same list as part of several sets, to avoid copying the lists that represent members
of the power set, thus saving both time and space.
7.3.8: Show that
a) P(S) ∪ P(T ) ⊆ P(S ∪ T )
b) P(S ∩ T ) ⊆ P(S) ∩ P(T )
Are either (a) or (b) true if containment is replaced by equivalence?
7.3.9: What is P(P(P(∅)))?
7.3.10*: If we apply the power-set operator n times, starting with ∅, how many
members does the resulting set have? For an example, Exercise 7.3.9 is the case
n = 3.

✦ ✦

7.4 List Implementation of Sets
We have already seen, in Section 6.4, how to implement the dictionary operations
insert, delete, and lookup using a linked-list data structure. We also observed
there that the expected running time of these operations is O(n) if the set has n
elements. This running time is not as good as the O(log n) average time taken
for the dictionary operations using a balanced binary search tree data structure,
as in Section 5.8. On the other hand, as we shall see in Section 7.6, a linked-list

representation of dictionaries plays an essential role in the hash-table data structure

for dictionaries, which is generally faster than the binary search tree.

Union, Intersection, and Difference

The basic set operations such as union can profit from the use of linked lists as a
data structure, although the proper techniques are somewhat different from what
we use for the dictionary operations. In particular, sorting the lists significantly
improvess the running time for union, intersection, and difference. As we saw
in Section 6.4, sorting makes only a small improvement in the running time of
dictionary operations.
To begin, let us see what problems arise when we represent sets by unsorted
lists. In this case, we must compare each element of each set with each element of
the other. Thus, to take the union, intersection, or difference of sets of size n and
m requires O(mn) time. For example, to create a list U that represents the union
of two sets S and T , we may start by copying the list for S onto the initially empty
list U . Then we examine each element of T and see whether it is in S. If not, we
add the element to U . The idea is sketched in Fig. 7.5.

(1) copy S to U ;
(2) for (each x in T )
(3) if (!lookup(x, S))
(4) insert(x, U );

Fig. 7.5. Pseudocode sketch of the algorithm for taking the union
of sets represented by unsorted lists.

Suppose S has n members and T has m members. The operation in line (1),
copying S to U , can easily be accomplished in O(n) time. The lookup of line (3)
takes O(n) time. We only execute the insertion of line (4) if we know from line (3)
that x is not in S. Since x can only appear once on the list for T , we know that x is
not yet in U . Therefore, it is safe to place x at the front of U ’s list, and line (4) can
be accomplished in O(1) time. The for-loop of lines (2) through (4) is iterated m
times, and its body takes time O(n). Thus, the time for lines (2) to (4) is O(mn),
which dominates the O(n) for line (1).
There are similar algorithms for intersection and difference, each taking O(mn)
time. We leave these algorithms for the reader to design.

Union, Intersection, and Difference Using Sorted Lists

We can perform unions, intersections, and set differences much faster when the lists
representing the sets are sorted. In fact, we shall see that it pays to sort the lists
before performing these operations, even if the lists are not initially sorted. For
example, consider the computation of S ∪ T , where S and T are represented by
sorted lists. The process is similar to the merge algorithm of Section 2.8. One
difference is that when there is a tie for smallest between the elements currently at
the fronts of the two lists, we make only one copy of the element, rather than two
copies as we must for merge. The other difference is that we cannot simply remove
elements from the lists for S and T for the union, since we should not destroy S or

T while creating their union. Instead, we must make copies of all elements to form
the union.
We assume that the types LIST and CELL are defined as before, by the macro
DefCell(int, CELL, LIST);
The function setUnion is shown in Fig. 7.6. It makes use of an auxiliary function
assemble(x, L, M ) that creates a new cell at line (1), places element x in that
cell at line (2), and calls setUnion at line (3) to take the union of the lists L
and M . Then assemble returns a cell for x followed by the list that results from
applying setUnion to L and M . Note that the functions assemble and setUnion
are mutually recursive; each calls the other.
Function setUnion selects the least element from its two given sorted lists and
passes to assemble the chosen element and the remainders of the two lists. There
are six cases for setUnion, depending on whether or not one of its lists is NULL, and
if not, which of the two elements at the heads of the lists precedes the other.
1. If both lists are NULL, setUnion simply returns NULL, ending the recursion.
This case is lines (5) and (6) of Fig. 7.6.
2. If L is NULL and M is not, then at lines (7) and (8) we assemble the union by
taking the first element from M , followed by the “union” of the NULL list with
the tail of M . Note that, in this case, successive calls to setUnion result in M
being copied.
3. If M is NULL but L is not, then at lines (9) and (10) we do the opposite,
assembling the answer from the first element of L and the tail of L.
4. If the first elements of L and M are the same, then at lines (11) and (12) we
assemble the answer from one copy of this element, referred to as L->element,
and the tails of L and M .
5. If the first element of L precedes that of M , then at lines (13) and (14) we
assemble the answer from this smallest element, the tail of L, and the entire
list M .
6. Symmetrically, at lines (15) and (16), if M has the smallest element, then we
assemble the answer from that element, the entire list L, and the tail of M .

✦ Example 7.12. Suppose S is {1, 3, 6} and T is {5, 3}. The sorted lists rep-
resenting these sets are L = (1, 3, 6) and M = (3, 5). We call setUnion(L, M ) to
take the union. Since the first element of L, which is 1, precedes the first element
of M , which is 3, case (5) applies, and we assemble the answer from 1, the tail
of L, which we shall call L1 = (3, 6), and M . Function assemble(1, L1, M ) calls
setUnion(L1 , M ) at line (3), and the result is the list with first element 1 and tail
equal to whatever the union is.
This call to setUnion is case (4), where the two leading elements are equal;
both are 3 here. Thus, we assemble the union from one copy of element 3 and the
tails of the lists L1 and M . These tails are L2 , consisting of only the element 6, and
M1 , consisting of only the element 5. The next call is setUnion(L2 , M1 ), which is an
instance of case (6). We thus add 5 to the union and call setU nion(L2 , NULL). That
is case (3), generating 6 for the union and calling setU nion(NULL, NULL). Here, we

LIST setUnion(LIST L, LIST M);

LIST assemble(int x, LIST L, LIST M);

/* assemble produces a list whose head element is x and

whose tail is the union of lists L and M */

LIST assemble(int x, LIST L, LIST M)

LIST first;

(1) first = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));

(2) first->element = x;
(3) first->next = setUnion(L, M);
(4) return first;

/* setUnion returns a list that is the union of L and M */


(5) if (L == NULL && M == NULL)
(6) return NULL;
(7) else if (L == NULL) /* M cannot be NULL here */
(8) return assemble(M->element, NULL, M->next);
(9) else if (M == NULL) /* L cannot be NULL here */
(10) return assemble(L->element, L->next, NULL);
/* if we reach here, neither L nor M can be NULL */
(11) else if (L->element == M->element)
(12) return assemble(L->element, L->next, M->next);
(13) else if (L->element < M->element)
(14) return assemble(L->element, L->next, M);
(15) else /* here, M->element < L->element */
(16) return assemble(M->element, L, M->next);

Fig. 7.6. Computing the union of sets represented by sorted lists.

have case (1), and the recursion ends. The result of the initial call to setUnion is
the list (1, 3, 5, 6). Figure 7.7 shows in detail the sequence of calls and returns made
on this example data. ✦

Notice that the list generated by setUnion always comes out in sorted order.
We can see why the algorithm works, by observing that whichever case applies, each
element in lists L or M is either copied to the output, by becoming the first param-
eter in a call to assemble, or remains on the lists that are passed as parameters in
the recursive call to setUnion.

Running Time of Union

If we call setUnion on sets with n and m elements, respectively, then the time taken

call setU nion (1, 3, 6), (3, 5) 
call assemble 1, (3, 6), (3, 5) 
call setU nion (3, 6), (3, 5) 
call assemble 3, (6), (5) 
call setU nion (6), (5) 
call assemble 5, (6), NULL
call setU nion (6), NULL) 
call assemble 6, NULL, NULL
call setU nion(NULL, NULL)
return NULL
return (6)
return (6)
return (5,6)
return (5,6)
return (3,5,6)
return (3,5,6)
return (1,3,5,6)
return (1,3,5,6)

Fig. 7.7. Sequence of calls and returns for Example 7.12.

Big-Oh for Functions of More Than One Variable

As we pointed out in Section 6.9, the notion of big-oh, which we defined only for
functions of one variable, can be applied naturally to functions  of more than one
variable. We say that f (x1 , . . . , xk ) is O g(x1 , . . . , xk ) if there are constants c
and a1 , . . . , ak such that whenever xi ≥ ai for all i = 1, . . . , k, it is the case that
f (x1 , . . . , xk ) ≤ cg(x1 , . . . , xk ). In particular, note that even though m+n is greater
than mn when one of m and n is 0 and the other is greater than 0, we can still say
that m + n is O(mn), by choosing constants c, a1 , and a2 all equal to 1.

by setUnion is O(m + n). To see why, note that calls to assemble spend O(1) time
creating a cell for the output list and then calling setUnion on the remaining lists.
Thus, the calls to assemble in Fig. 7.6 can be thought of as costing O(1) time plus
the time for a call to setUnion on lists the sum of whose lengths is either one less
than that of L and M , or in case (4), two less. Further, all the work in setUnion,
exclusive of the call to assemble, takes O(1) time.
It follows that when setUnion is called on lists of total length m+n, it will result
in at most m + n recursive calls to setUnion and an equal number to assemble.
Each takes O(1) time, exclusive of the time taken by the recursive call. Thus, the
time to take the union is O(m + n), that is, proportional to the sum of the sizes of
the sets.
This time is less than that of the O(mn) time needed to take the union of sets
represented by unsorted lists. In fact, if the lists for our sets are not sorted, we
can sort them in O(n log n + m log m) time, and then take the union of the sorted
lists. Since n log n dominates n and m log m dominates m, we can express the total

cost of sorting and taking the union as O(n log n + m log m). That expression can
be greater than O(mn), but is less whenever n and m are close in value — that is,
whenever the sets are approximately the same size. Thus, it usually makes sense to
sort before taking the union.

Intersection and Difference

The idea in the algorithm for union outlined in Fig. 7.6 works for intersections and
differences of sets as well: when the sets are represented by sorted lists, intersection
and difference are also performed in linear time. For intersection, we want to copy
an element to the output only if it appears on both lists, as in case (4). If either list
is NULL, we cannot have any elements in the intersection, and so cases (1), (2), and
(3) can be replaced by a step that returns NULL. In case (4), we copy the element at
the heads of the lists to the intersection. In cases (5) and (6), where the heads of
the lists are different, the smaller cannot appear on both lists, and so we do not add
anything to the intersection but pop the smaller off its list and take the intersection
of the remainders.
To see why that makes sense, suppose, for example, that a is at the head of
list L, that b is at the head of list M , and that a < b. Then a cannot appear on
the sorted list M , and so we can rule out the possibility that a is on both lists.
However, b can appear on list L somewhere after a, so that we may still be able
to use b from M . Thus, we need to take the intersection of the tail of L with the
entire list M . Conversely, if b were less than a, we would take the intersection of L
with the tail of M . C code to compute the intersection is shown in Fig. 7.8. It is
also necessary to modify assemble to call intersection instead of setUnion. We
leave this change as well as a program to compute the difference of sorted lists as

LIST intersection(LIST L, LIST M)

if (L == NULL || M == NULL)
return NULL;
else if (L->element == M->element)
return assemble(L->element, L->next, M->next);
else if (L->element < M->element)
return intersection(L->next, M);
else /* here, M->element < L->element */
return intersection(L, M->next);

Fig. 7.8. Computing the intersection of sets represented by sorted lists.

A new version of assemble is required.

7.4.1: Write C programs for taking the (a) union, (b) intersection, and (c) difference
of sets represented by unsorted lists.
7.4.2: Modify the program of Fig. 7.6 so that it takes the (a) intersection and (b)
difference of sets represented by sorted lists.

7.4.3: The functions assemble and setUnion from Fig. 7.6 leave the lists whose
union they take intact; that is, they make copies of elements rather than use the
cells of the given lists themselves. Can you simplify the program by allowing it to
destroy the given lists as it takes their union?
7.4.4*: Prove by induction on the sum of the lengths of the lists given as parameters
that setUnion from Fig. 7.6 returns the union of the given lists.

Symmetric 7.4.5*: The symmetric difference of two sets S and T is (S − T ) ∪ (T − S), that
difference is, the elements that are in exactly one of S and T . Write a program to take the
symmetric difference of two sets that are represented by sorted lists. Your program
should make one pass through the lists, like Fig. 7.6, rather than call routines for
union and difference.
7.4.6*: We analyzed the program of Fig. 7.6 informally by arguing that if the total
of the lengths of the lists was n, there were O(n) calls to setUnion and assemble
and each call took O(1) time plus whatever time the recursive call took. We can
formalize this argument by letting TU (n) be the running time for setUnion and
TA (n) be the running time of assemble on lists of total length n. Write recursive
rules defining TU and TA in terms of each other. Substitute to eliminate TA , and
set up a conventional recurrence for TU . Solve that recurrence. Does it show that
setUnion takes O(n) time?

✦ ✦

7.5 Characteristic-Vector Implementation of Sets

Frequently, the sets we encounter are each subsets of some small set U , which we
shall refer to as the “universal set.”1 For example, a hand of cards is a subset of the
set of all 52 cards. When the sets with which we are concerned are each subsets of
some small set U , there is a representation of sets that is much more efficient than
the list representation discussed in the previous section. We order the elements of U
in some way so that each element of U can be associated with a unique “position,”
which is an integer from 0 up to n − 1, where n is the number of elements in U .
Then, given a set S that is contained in U , we can represent S by a charac-
teristic vector of 0’s and 1’s, such that for each element x of U , if x is in S, the
position corresponding to x has a 1, and if x is not in S, then that position has a 0.

✦ Example 7.13. Let U be the set of cards. We may order the cards any way we
choose, but one reasonable scheme is to order them by suits: clubs, then diamonds,
then hearts, then spades. Then, within a suit, we order the cards ace, 2, 3, . . . , 10,
jack, queen, king. For instance, the position of the ace of clubs is 0, the king of
clubs is 12, the ace of diamonds is 13, and the jack of spades is 49. A royal flush in
hearts is represented by the characteristic vector

1 Of course U cannot be a true universal set, or set of all sets, which we argued does not exist
because of Russell’s paradox.

The first 1, in position 26, represents the ace of hearts; and the other four 1’s, in
positions 35 through 38, represent the 10, jack, queen, and king of hearts.
The set of all clubs is represented by

and the set of all picture cards is represented by


Array Implementation of Sets

We can represent characteristic vectors for subsets of a universal set of n elements

using Boolean arrays of the following type:
typedef BOOLEAN USET[n];

The type BOOLEAN is as described in Section 1.6. To insert the element corresponding
to position i into a set S declared to be of type USET, we have only to execute
S[i] = TRUE;

Similarly, to delete the element corresponding to position i from S, we do

S[i] = FALSE;

If we want to look up this element, we have only to return the value S[i], which
tells us whether the ith element is present in S or not.
Note that each of the dictionary operations insert, delete, and lookup thus
takes O(1) time, when sets are represented by characteristic vectors. The only
disadvantage to this technique is that all sets must be subsets of some universal set
U . Moreover, the universal set must be small; otherwise, the length of the arrays
becomes so large that we cannot store them conveniently. In fact, since we shall
normally have to initialize all elements of the array for a set S to TRUE or FALSE,
the initialization of any subset of U (even ∅) must take time proportional to the
size of U . If U had a large number of elements, the time to initialize a set could
dominate the cost of all other operations.
To form the union of two sets that are subsets of a common universal set of
n elements, and that are represented by characteristic vectors S and T , we define
another characteristic vector R to be the bitwise OR of the characteristic vectors S
and T :
R[i] = S[i] || T[i], for 0 ≤ i < n

Similarly, we can make R represent the intersection of S and T by taking the bitwise
AND of S and T :
R[i] = S[i] && T[i], for 0 ≤ i < n

Finally, we can make R represent the set difference S − T as follows:

R[i] = S[i] && !T[i], for 0 ≤ i < n

The arrays representing characteristic vectors and the Boolean operations on them
can be implemented using the bitwise operators of C if we define the type BOOLEAN
appropriately. However, the code is machine specific, and so we shall not present
any details here. A portable (but more space consuming) implementation of char-
acteristic vectors can be accomplished with arrays of int’s of the appropriate size,
and this is the definition of BOOLEAN that we have assumed.

✦ Example 7.14. Let us consider sets of apple varieties. Our universal set will
consist of the six varieties listed in Fig. 7.9; the order of their listing indicates their
position in characteristic vectors.


0) Delicious red late
1) Granny Smith green early
2) Gravenstein red early
3) Jonathan red early
4) McIntosh red late
5) Pippin green late

Fig. 7.9. Characteristics of some apple varieties.

The set of red apples is represented by the characteristic vector

Red = 101110
and the set of early apples is represented by
Early = 011100
Thus, the set of apples that are either red or early, that is, Red ∪ Early, is repre-
sented by the characteristic vector 111110. Note that this vector has a 1 in those
positions where either the vector for Red, that is, 101110, or the vector for Early,
that is, 011100, or both, have a 1.
We can find the characteristic vector for Red ∩ Early, the set of apples that
are both red and early, by placing a 1 in those positions where both 101110 and
011100 have 1. The resulting vector is 001100, representing the set of apples
{Gravenstein, Jonathan}. The set of apples that are red but not early, that is,
Red − Early
is represented by the vector 100010. The set is {Delicious, McIntosh}. ✦

Notice that the time to perform union, intersection, and difference using char-
acteristic vectors is proportional to the length of the vectors. That length is not
directly related to the size of the sets, but is equal to the size of the universal set.
If the sets have a reasonable fraction of the elements in the universal set, then the
time for union, intersection, and difference is proportional to the sizes of the sets
involved. That is better than the O(n log n) time for sorted lists, and much better
than the O(n2 ) time for unsorted lists. However, the drawback of characteristic

vectors is that, should the sets be much smaller than the universal set, the running
time of these operations can be far greater than the sizes of the sets involved.


7.5.1: Give the characteristic vectors of the following sets of cards. For convenience,
you can use 0k to represent k consecutive 0’s and 1k for k consecutive 1’s.

a) The cards found in a pinochle deck

b) The red cards
c) The one-eyed jacks and the suicide king

7.5.2: Using bitwise operators, write C programs to compute the (a) union and (b)
difference of two sets of cards, the first represented by words a1 and a2, the second
represented by b1 and b2.

7.5.3*: Suppose we wanted to represent a bag (multiset) whose elements were

contained in some small universal set U . How could we generalize the characteristic-
vector method of representation to bags? Show how to perform (a) insert, (b)
delete, and (c) lookup on bags represented this way. Note that bag lookup(x)
returns the number of times x appears in the bag.

✦ ✦

7.6 Hashing

The characteristic-vector representation of dictionaries, when it can be used, allows

us to access directly the place where an element is represented, that is, to access the
position in the array that is indexed by the value of the element. However, as we
mentioned, we cannot allow our universal set to be too large, or the array will be too
long to fit in the available memory of the computer. Even if it did fit, the time to
initialize the array would be prohibitive. For example, suppose we wanted to store
a real dictionary of words in the English language, and also suppose we were willing
to ignore words longer than 10 letters. We would still have 2610 + 269 + · · · + 26
possible words, or over 1014 words. Each of these possible words would require a
position in the array.
At any time, however, there are only about a million words in the English
language, so that only one out of 100 million of the array entries would be TRUE.
Perhaps we could collapse the array, so that many possible words could share an
entry. For example, suppose we assigned the first 100 million possible words to the
first cell of the array, the next 100 million possibilities to the second cell, and so on,
up to the millionth cell. There are two problems with this arrangement:

1. It is no longer enough just to put TRUE in a cell, because we won’t know which
of the 100 million possible words are actually present in the dictionary, or if in
fact more than one word in any one group is present.
SEC. 7.6 HASHING 361

2. If, for example, the first 100 million possible words include all the short words,
then we would expect many more than the average number of words from the
dictionary to fall into this group of possible words. Note that our arrangement
has as many cells of the array as there are words in the dictionary, and so we
expect the average cell to represent one word; but surely there are in English
many thousands of words in the first group, which would include all the words
of up to five letters, and some of the six-letter words.
To solve problem (1), we need to list, in each cell of the array, all the words
in its group that are present in the dictionary. That is, the array cell becomes
the header of a linked list with these words. To solve problem (2), we need to
be careful how we assign potential words to groups. We must distribute elements
among groups so that it is unlikely (although never impossible) that there will be
many elements in a single group. Note that if there are a large number of elements
in a group, and we represent groups by linked lists, then lookup will be very slow
for members of a large group.

The Hash Table Data Structure

We have now evolved from the characteristic vector — a valuable data structure that
is of limited use — to a structure called a hash table that is useful for any dictionary
whatsoever, and for many other purposes as well.2 The speed of the hash table for
the dictionary operations can be made O(1) on the average, independent of the size
of the dictionary, and independent of the size of the universal set from which the
dictionary is drawn. A picture of a hash table appears in Fig. 7.10. However, we
show the list for only one group, that to which x belongs.




x h(x) • a1 a2 ··· an •


Fig. 7.10. A hash table.

2 Although in situations where a characteristic vector is feasible, we would normally prefer

that representation over any other.

There is a hash function that takes an element x as argument and produces an

Bucket integer value between 0 and B − 1, where B is the number of buckets in the hash
table. The value h(x) is the bucket in which we place the element x. Thus, the
buckets correspond to the “groups” of words that we talked about in the preceding
informal discussion, and the hash function is used to decide to which bucket a given
element belongs.
Hash function The appropriate hash function to use depends on the type of the elements. For
1. If elements are integers, we could let h(x) be x % B, that is, the remainder
when x is divided by B. That number is always in the required range, 0 to
B − 1.
2. If the elements are character strings, we can take an element x = a1 a2 · · · ak ,
where each ai is a character, and compute y = a1 + a2 + · · · + ak , since a char
in C is a small integer. We then have an integer y that is the sum of the integer
equivalents of all the characters in the string x. If we divide y by B and take
the remainder, we have a bucket number in the range 0 to B − 1.
What is important is that the hash function “hashes” the element. That is, h wildly
mixes up the buckets into which elements fall, so they tend to fall in approximately
equal numbers into all the buckets. This equitable distribution must occur even for
a fairly regular pattern of elements, such as consecutive integers or character strings
that differ in only one position.
Each bucket consists of a linked list wherein are stored all the elements of the
set that are sent by the hash function to that bucket. To find an element x, we
compute h(x), which gives us a bucket number. If x is anywhere, it is in that bucket,
so that we may search for x by running down the list for that bucket. In effect, the
hash table allows us to use the (slow) list representation for sets, but, by dividing
the set into B buckets, allows us to search lists that are only 1/B as long as the size
of the set, on the average. If we make B roughly as large as the set, then buckets
will average only one element, and we can find elements in an average of O(1) time,
just as for the characteristic-vector representation of sets.

✦ Example 7.15. Suppose we wish to store a set of character strings of up to

32 characters, where each string is terminated by the null character. We shall use
the hash function outlined in (2) above, with B = 5, that is, a five-bucket hash
table. To compute the hash value of each element, we sum the integer values of the
characters in each string, up to but not including the null character. The following
declarations give us the desired types.
(1) #define B 5
(2) typedef char ETYPE[32];
(3) DefCell(ETYPE, CELL, LIST);
(4) typedef LIST HASHTABLE[B];
Line (1) defines the constant B to be the number of buckets, 5. Line (2) defines
the type ETYPE to be arrays of 32 characters. Line (3) is our usual definition of cells
and linked lists, but here the element type is ETYPE, that is, 32-character arrays.
Line (4) defines a hashtable to be an array of B lists. If we then declare
SEC. 7.6 HASHING 363

HASHTABLE headers;
the array headers is of the appropriate type to contain the bucket headers for our
hash table.

int h(ETYPE x)
int i, sum;

sum = 0;
for (i = 0; x[i] != ’\0’; i++)
sum += x[i];
return sum % B;

Fig. 7.11. A hash function that sums the integer equivalents of characters,
assuming ETYPE is an array of characters.

Now, we must define the hash function h. The code for this function is shown
in Fig. 7.11. The integer equivalent of each of the characters of the string x is
summed in the variable sum. The last step computes and returns as the value of
the hash function h the remainder of this sum when it is divided by the number of
buckets B.
Let us consider some examples of words and the buckets into which the function
h puts them. We shall enter into the hash table the seven words3
anyone lived in a pretty how town
In order to compute h(anyone), we need to understand the integer values of char-
acters. In the usual ASCII code for characters, the lower-case letters have integer
values starting at 97 for a (that’s 1100001 in binary), 98 for b, and so on, up to
122 for z. The upper-case letters correspond to integers that are 32 less than their
lower-case equivalents — that is, from 65 for A (1000001 in binary) to 90 for Z.
Thus, the integer equivalents for the characters in anyone are 97, 110, 121, 111,
110, 101. The sum of these is 650. When we divide by B, which is 5, we get the
remainder 0. Thus, anyone belongs in bucket 0. The seven words of our example
are assigned, by the hash function of Fig. 7.11, to the buckets indicated in Fig. 7.12.
We see that three of the seven words have been assigned to one bucket, number
0. Two words are assigned to bucket 2, and one each to buckets 1 and 4. That is
somewhat less even a distribution than would be typical, but with a small number of
words and buckets, we should expect anomalies. As the number of words becomes
large, they will tend to distribute themselves among the five buckets approximately
evenly. The hash table, after insertion of these seven words, is shown in Fig. 7.13. ✦

Implementing the Dictionary Operations by a Hash Table

To insert, delete, or look up an element x in a dictionary that is represented by a
hash table, there is a simple three-step process:

3 The words are from a poem of the same name by e. e. cummings. The poem doesn’t get any
easier to decode. The next line is “with up so floating many bells down.”


anyone 650 0
lived 532 2
in 215 0
a 97 2
pretty 680 0
how 334 4
town 456 1

Fig. 7.12. Words, their values, and their buckets.


0 anyone in pretty •

1 town •

2 lived a •

3 •

4 how •

Fig. 7.13. Hash table holding seven elements.

1. Compute the proper bucket, which is h(x).

2. Use the array of header pointers to find the list of elements for the bucket
numbered h(x).
3. Perform the operation on this list, just as if the list represented the entire set.
The algorithms in Section 6.4 can be used for the list operations after suitable mod-
ifications for the fact that elements here are character strings while in Section 6.4
elements were integers. As an example, we show the complete function for inserting
an element into a hash table in Fig. 7.14. You can develop similar functions for
delete and lookup as an exercise.
To understand Fig. 7.14, it helps to notice that the function bucketInsert is
similar to the function insert from Fig. 6.5. At line (1) we test to see whether we
have reached the end of the list. If we have, then we create a new cell at line (2).
However, at line (3), instead of storing an integer into the newly created cell, we
use the function strcpy from the standard header file string.h to copy the string
x into the element field of the cell.
Also, at line (5), to test if x has not yet been found on the list, we use function
strcmp from string.h. That function returns 0 if and only if x and the element in
the current cell are equal. Thus, we continue down the list as long as the value of
the comparison is nonzero, that is, as long as the current element is not x.
The function insert here consists of a single line, in which we call buck-
SEC. 7.6 HASHING 365

#include <string.h>

void bucketInsert(ETYPE x, LIST *pL)

(1) if ((*pL) == NULL) {
(2) (*pL) = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
(3) strcpy((*pL)->element, x);
(4) (*pL)->next = NULL;
(5) else if (strcmp((*pL)->element, x)) /* x and element
are different */
(6) bucketInsert(x, &((*pL)->next));

void insert(ETYPE x, HASHTABLE H)

(7) bucketInsert(x, &(H[h(x)]));

Fig. 7.14. Inserting an element into a hash table.

etInsert after first finding the element of the array that is the header for the
appropriate bucket, h(x). We assume that the hash function h is defined elsewhere.
Also recall that the type HASHTABLE means that H is an array of pointers to cells
(i.e., an array of lists).

✦ Example 7.16. Suppose we wish to delete the element in from the hash table
of Fig. 7.13, assuming the hash function described in Example 7.15. The delete
operation is carried out essentially like the function insert of Fig. 7.14. We compute
h(in), which is 0. We thus go to the header for bucket number 0. The second cell
on the list for this bucket holds in, and we delete that cell. The detailed C program
is left as an exercise. ✦

Running Time of Hash Table Operations

As we can see by examining Fig. 7.14, the time taken by the function insert to find
the header of the appropriate bucket is O(1), assuming that the time to compute
h(x) is a constant independent of the number of elements stored in the hash table.4
To this constant we must add on the average an additional O(n/B) time, if n is
the number of elements in the hash table and B is the number of buckets. The
reason is that bucketInsert will take time proportional to the length of the list, and
that length, on the average, must be the total number of elements divided by the
number of buckets, or n/B.
An interesting consequence is that if we make B approximately equal to the
number of elements in the set — that is, n and B are close — then n/B is about 1
4 That would be the case for the hash function of Fig. 7.11, or most other hash functions
encountered in practice. The time for computing the bucket number may depend on the type
of the element — longer strings may require the summation of more integers, for example —
but the time is not dependent on the number of elements stored.

and the dictionary operations on a hash table take O(1) time each, on the average,
just as when we use a characteristic-vector representation. If we try to do better
by making B much larger than n, so that most buckets are empty, it still takes
us O(1) time to find the bucket header, and so the running time does not improve
significantly once B becomes larger than n.
We must also consider that in some circumstances it may not be possible to
keep B close to n all the time. If the set is growing rapidly, then n increases while
Restructuring B remains fixed, so that ultimately n/B becomes large. It is possible to restructure
hash tables the hash table by picking a larger value for B and then inserting each of the elements
into the new table. It takes O(n) time to do so, but that time is no greater than
the O(n) time that must be spent inserting the n elements into the hash table in
the first place. (Note that n insertions, at O(1) average time per insertion, require
O(n) time in all.)


7.6.1: Continue filling the hash table of Fig. 7.13 with the words with up so
floating many bells down.
7.6.2*: Comment on how effective the following hash functions would be at dividing
typical sets of English words into buckets of roughly equal size:
a) Use B = 10, and let h(x) be the remainder when the length of the word x is
divided by 10.
b) Use B = 128, and let h(x) be the integer value of the last character of x.
c) Use B = 10. Take the sum of the values of the characters in x. Square the
result, and take the remainder when divided by 10.
7.6.3: Write C programs for performing (a) delete and (b) lookup in a hash table,
using the same assumptions as for the code in Fig. 7.14.

✦ ✦

7.7 Relations and Functions

While we have generally assumed that elements of sets are atomic, in practice it is
often useful to give elements some structure. For example, in the previous section we
talked about elements that were character strings of length 32. Another important
structure for elements is fixed-length lists, which are similar to C structures. Lists
Tuple, used as set elements will be called tuples, and each list element is called a component
component of the tuple.
The number of components a tuple has is called its arity. For example, (a, b)
is a tuple of arity 2; its first component is a and its second component is b. A tuple
of arity k is also called a k-tuple.
A set of elements, each of which is a tuple of the same arity, — say, k — is
Arity: unary, called a relation. The arity of this relation is k. A tuple or relation of arity 1 is
binary unary. If the arity is 2, it is binary, and in general, if the arity is k, then the tuple
or relation is k-ary.

✦ Example 7.17. The relation R = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2)} is a relation of arity
2, or a binary relation. Its members are (1, 2), (1, 3), and (2, 2), each of which is a
tuple of arity 2. ✦

In this section, we shall consider primarily binary relations. There are also
many important applications of nonbinary relations, especially in representing and
manipulating tabular data (as in relational databases). We shall discuss this topic
extensively in Chapter 8.

Cartesian Products

Before studying binary relations formally, we need to define another operator on

sets. Let A and B be two sets. Then the product of A and B, denoted A × B, is
defined as the set of pairs in which the first component is chosen from A and the
second component from B. That is,
A × B = {(a, b) | a ∈ A and b ∈ B}

The product is sometimes called the Cartesian product, after the French mathe-
matician René Descartes.

✦ Example 7.18. Recall that Z is the conventional symbol for the set of all
integers. Thus, Z × Z stands for the set of pairs of integers.
As another example, if A is the two-element set {1, 2} and B is the three-
element set {a, b, c}, then A × B is the six-element set
{(1, a), (1, b), (1, c), (2, a), (2, b), (2, c)}

Note that the product of sets is aptly named, because if A and B are finite sets,
then the number of elements in A × B is the product of the number of elements in
A and the number of elements in B. ✦

Cartesian Product of More Than Two Sets

Unlike the arithmetic product, the Cartesian product does not have the common
properties of commutativity or associativity. It is easy to find examples where
A × B 6= B × A

disproving commutativity. The associative law doesnot even make sense, because
(A×B)×C would have as members pairs  like (a, b), c , while members of A×(B×C)
would be pairs of the form a, (b, c) .
k -way product Since we shall need on several occasions to talk about sets of tuples with more
of sets than two components, we need to extend the product notation to a k-way product.
We let A1 × A2 × · · · × Ak stand for the product of sets A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak , that is, the
set of k-tuples (a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ) such that a1 ∈ A1 , a2 ∈ A2 , . . . , and ak ∈ Ak .

✦ Example 7.19. Z × Z × Z represents the set of triples of integers (i, j, k) —

it contains, for example, the triple (1, 2, 3). This three-way product  should not be
confused with (Z × Z) × Z, which represents
 pairs like (1, 2), 3 , or Z × (Z × Z),
which represents pairs like 1, (2, 3) .
On the other hand, note that all three product expressions can be represented
by structures consisting of three integer fields. The distinction is in how one inter-
prets the structures of this type. Thus, we often feel free to “confuse” parenthesized
and unparenthesized product expressions. Similarly, the three C type declarations
struct {int f1; int f2; int f3;};
struct {struct {int f1; int f2;}; int f3;};
struct {int f1; struct {int f2; int f3;};};
would all be stored in a similar way — only the notation for accessing fields would
differ. ✦

Binary Relations
A binary relation R is a set of pairs that is a subset of the product of two sets A
and B. If a relation R is a subset of A × B, we say that R is from A to B. We call
Domain, range A the domain and B the range of the relation. If B is the same as A, we say that
R is a relation on A or “on the domain” A.

✦ Example 7.20. The arithmetic relation < on integers is a subset of Z × Z,

consisting of those pairs (a, b) such that a is less than b. Thus, the symbol < may
be regarded as the name of the set
{(a, b) | (a, b) ∈ Z × Z, and a is less than b}
We then use a < b as a shorthand for “(a, b) ∈ <,” or “(a, b) is a member of the
relation <.” The other arithmetic relations on integers, such as > or ≤, can be
defined similarly, as can the arithmetic comparisons on real numbers.
For another example, consider the relation R from Example 7.17. Its domain
and range are uncertain. We know that 1 and 2 must be in the domain, because
these integers appear as first components of tuples in R. Similarly, we know that
the range of R must include 2 and 3. However, we could regard R as a relation from
{1, 2} to {2, 3}, or as a relation from Z to Z, as two examples among an infinity of
choices. ✦

Infix Notation for Relations

As we suggested in Example 7.20, it is common to use an infix notation for binary
relations, so that a relation like <, which is really a set of pairs, can be written
between the components of pairs in the relation. That is why we commonly find
expressions like 1 < 2 and 4 ≥ 4, rather than the more pedantic “(1, 2) ∈ <” or
“(4, 4) ∈ ≥.”

✦ Example 7.21. The same notation can be used for arbitrary binary relations.
For instance, the relation R from Example 7.17 can be written as the three “facts”
1R2, 1R3, and 2R2. ✦

Declared and Current Domains and Ranges

The second part of Example 7.20 underscores the point that we cannot tell the
domain or range of a relation just by looking at it. Surely the set of elements
appearing in first components must be a subset of the domain, and the set of
elements that occur in second components must be a subset of the range. However,
there could be other elements in the domain or range.
The difference is not important when a relation does not change. However,
we shall see in Sections 7.8 and 7.9, and also in Chapter 8, that relations whose
values change are very important. For example, we might speak of a relation whose
domain is the students in a class, and whose range is integers, representing total
scores on homework. Before the class starts, there are no pairs in this relation.
After the first assignment is graded, there is one pair for each student. As time
goes on, students drop the class or are added to the class, and scores increase.
We could define the domain of this relation to be the set of all students reg-
istered at the university and the range to be the set of integers. Surely, at any
time, the value of the relation is a subset of the Cartesian product of these two sets.
Current On the other hand, at any time, the relation has a current domain and a current
domain, range range, which are the sets of elements appearing in first and second components,
respectively, of the pairs in the relation. When we need to make a distinction, we
Declared can call the domain and range the declared domain and range. The current domain
domain, range and range will always be a subset of the declared domain and range, respectively.

Graphs for Binary Relations

We can represent a relation R whose domain is A and whose range is B by a graph.
We draw a node for each element that is in A and/or B. If aRb, then we draw an
arrow (“arc”) from a to b. (General graphs are discussed in more detail in Chapter

✦ Example 7.22. The graph for the relation R from Example 7.17 is shown in
Fig. 7.15. It has nodes for the elements 1, 2, and 3. Since 1R2, there is an arc from
node 1 to node 2. Since 1R3, there is an arc from 1 to 3, and since 2R2, there is an
arc from node 2 to itself. There are no other arcs, because there are no other pairs
in R. ✦

1 2

Fig. 7.15. Graph for the relation {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2)}.

Suppose a relation R, from domain A to range B, has the property that for every
member a of A there is at most one element b in B such that aRb. Then R is said
Partial function to be a partial function from domain A to range B.
If for every member a of A there is exactly one element b in B such that aRb,
Total function then R is said to be a total function from A to B. The difference between a partial
function and a total function is that a partial function can be undefined on some
elements of its domain; for example, for some a in A, there may be no b in B such
that aRb. We shall use the term “function” to refer to the more general notion of
a partial function, but whenever the distinction between a partial function and a
total function is important, we shall use the word “partial.”
There a common notation used to describe functions. We often write R(a) = b
if b is the unique element such that aRb.

✦ Example 7.23. Let S be the total function from Z to Z given by

{(a, b) | b = a2 }
that is, the set of pairs of integers whose second component is the square of the
first component. Then S has such members as (3, 9), (−4, 16), and (0, 0). We can
express the fact that S is the squaring function by writing S(3) = 9, S(−4) = 16,
and S(0) = 0. ✦

Notice that the set-theoretic notion of a function is not much different from the
notion of a function that we encountered in C. That is, suppose s is a C function
declared as
int s(int a)
return a*a;
that takes an integer and returns its square. We usually think of s(a) as being the
same function as S(a), although the former is a way to compute squares and the
latter only defines the operation of squaring abstractly. Also note that in practice
s(a) is always a partial function, since there are many values of a for which s(a)
will not return an integer because of the finiteness of computer arithmetic.
C has functions that take more than one parameter. A C function f that takes
two integer parameters a and b, returning an integer, is a function from Z × Z to
Z. Similarly, if the two parameters are of types that make them belong to sets A
and B, respectively, and f returns a member of type C, then f is a function from
A×B to C. More generally, if f takes k parameters — say, from sets A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak ,
respectively — and returns a member of set B, then we say that f is a function
from A1 × A2 × · · · × Ak to B.
For example, we can regard the function lookup(x,L) from Section 6.4 as a
function from Z × L to {TRUE, FALSE}. Here, L is the set of linked lists of integers.
Formally, a function from domain A1 × · · · × Ak to range B is a set of pairs of
the form (a1 , . . . , ak ), b , where each ai is in set Ai and b is in B. Notice that the
first element of the pair is itself a k-tuple. For example, the function  lookup(x,L)
discussed above can be thought of as the set of pairs (x, L), t , where x is an

The Many Notations for Functions

A function F from, say, A × B to C is technically a subset of (A × B) × C. A typical
pair in the function F would thus have the form (a, b), c , where a, b, and c are
members of A, B, and C, respectively. Using the special notation for functions, we
can write F (a, b) = c.
We can also view F as a relation from A × B to C, since every function is a
relation. Using the infix notation for relations, the fact that ((a, b), c) is in F could
also be written (a, b)F c.
When we extend the Cartesian product to more than two sets, we may wish to
remove parentheses from product expressions. Thus, we might identify (A × B) × C
with the technically inequivalent expression A × B × C. In that case, a typical
member of F could be written (a, b, c). If we stored F as a set of such triples,
we would have to remember that the first two components together make up the
domain element and the third component is the range element.

integer, L is a list of integers, and t is either TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether

x is or is not on the list L. We can think of a function, whether written in C or
as formally defined in set theory, as a box that takes a value from the domain set
and produces a value from the range set, as suggested in Fig. 7.16 for the function

(x, L) lookup t

Fig. 7.16. A function associates elements from the domain

with unique elements from the range.

One-to-One Correspondences
Let F be a partial function from domain A to range B with the following properties:
1. For every element a in A, there is an element b in B such that F (a) = b.
2. For every b in B, there is some a in A such that F (a) = b.
3. For no b in B are there two elements a1 and a2 in A such that F (a1 ) and F (a2 )
are both b.
Then F is said to be a one-to-one correspondence from A to B. The term bijection
is also used for a one-to-one correspondence.
Property (1) says that F is a total function from A to B. Property (2) is the
condition of being onto: F is a total function from A onto B. Some mathematicians
Surjection use the term surjection for a total function that is onto.
Properties (2) and (3) together say that F behaves like a total function from
Injection B to A. A total function with property (3) is sometimes called an injection.
A one-to-one correspondence is basically a total function in both directions, but
it is important to observe that whether F is a one-to-one correspondence depends
not only on the pairs in F , but on the declared domain and range. For example, we
could take any one-to-one correspondence from A to B and change the domain by

adding to A some new element e not mentioned in F . F would not be a one-to-one

correspondence from A ∪ {e} to B.

✦ Example 7.24. The squaring function S from Z to Z of Example 7.23 is not

a one-to-one correspondence. It does satisfy property (1), since for every integer i
there is some integer, namely, i2 , such that S(i) = i2 . However, it fails to satisfy
(2), since there are some b’s in Z — in particular all the negative integers — that
are not S(a) for any a. S also fails to satisfy (3), since there are many examples
of two distinct a’s for which S(a) equals the same b. For instance, S(3) = 9 and
S(−3) = 9.
For an example of a one-to-one correspondence, consider the total function P
from Z to Z defined by P (a) = a+1. That is, P adds 1 to any integer. For instance,
P (5) = 6, and P (−5) = −4. An alternative way to look at the situation is that P
consists of the tuples
{ . . . , (−2, −1), (−1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), . . . }
or that it has the graph of Fig. 7.17.
We claim that P is a one-to-one correspondence from integers to integers. First,
it is a partial function, since when we add 1 to an integer a we get the unique integer
a + 1. It satisfies property (1), since for every integer a, there is some integer a + 1,
which is P (a). Property (2) is also satisfied, since for every integer b there is some
integer, namely, b − 1, such that P (b − 1) = b. Finally, property (3) is satisfied,
because for an integer b there cannot be two distinct integers such that when you
add 1 to either, the result is b. ✦

··· −2 −1 0 1 2 ···

Fig. 7.17. Graph for the relation that is the function P (a) = a + 1.

A one-to-one correspondence from A to B is a way of establishing a unique

association between the elements of A and B. For example, if we clap our hands
together, the left and right thumbs touch, the left and right index fingers touch, and
so on. We can think of this association between the set of fingers on the left hand
and the fingers on the right hand as a one-to-one correspondence F , defined by
F (“left thumb”) = “right thumb”, F (“left index finger”) = “right index finger”,
and so on. We could similarly think of the association as the inverse function, from
the right hand to the left. In general, a one-to-one correspondence from A to B
can be inverted by switching the order of components in its pairs, to become a
one-to-one correspondence from B to A.
A consequence of the existence of this one-to-one correspondence between hands
is that the number of fingers on each hand is the same. That seems a natural and
intuitive notion; two sets have the same number of elements exactly when there is
a one-to-one correspondence from one set to the other. However, we shall see in
Section 7.11 that when sets are infinite, there are some surprising conclusions we
are forced to draw from this definition of “same number of elements.”

7.7.1: Give an example of sets A and B for which A × B is not the same as B × A.
7.7.2: Let R be the relation defined by aRb, bRc, cRd, aRc, and bRd.
a) Draw the graph of R.
b) Is R a function?
c) Name two possible domains for R; name two possible ranges.
d) What is the smallest set S such that R is a relation on S (i.e., the domain and
the range can both be S)?
7.7.3: Let T be a tree and let S be the set of nodes of T . Let R be the “child-
parent” relation; that is, cRp if and only if c is a child of p. Answer the following,
and justify your answers:
a) Is R a partial function, no matter what tree T is?
b) Is R a total function from S to S no matter what T is?
c) Can R ever be a one-to-one correspondence (i.e., for some tree T )?
d) What does the graph for R look like?
7.7.4: Let R be the relation on the set of integers {1, 2, . . . , 10} defined by aRb if a
and b are distinct and have a common divisor other than 1. For example, 2R4 and
6R9, but not 2R3.
a) Draw the graph for R.
b) Is R a function? Why or why not?
7.7.5*: Although we observed that S = (A × B) × C and T = A × (B × C) are
not the same set, we can show that they are “essentially the same” by
 exhibiting a
natural one-to-one correspondence between them. For each (a, b), c in S, let
F (a, b), c = a, (b, c)

Show that F is a one-to-one correspondence from S to T .

7.7.6: What do the three statements F (10) = 20, 10F 20, and (10, 20) ∈ F have
in common?
Inverse relation 7.7.7*: The inverse of a relation R is the set of pairs (b, a) such that (a, b) is in R.
a) Explain how to get the graph of the inverse of R from the graph for R.
b) If R is a total function, is the inverse of R necessarily a function? What if R
is a one-to-one correspondence?
7.7.8: Show that a relation is a one-to-one correspondence if and only if it is a total
function and its inverse is also a total function.

✦ ✦

7.8 Implementing Functions as Data
In a programming language, functions are usually implemented by code, but when
their domain is small, they can be implemented using techniques quite similar to
the ones we used for sets. In this section we shall discuss the use of linked lists,
characteristic vectors, and hash tables to implement finite functions.

Functions as Programs and Functions as Data

While we drew a strong analogy in Section 7.7 between the abstract notion of
a function and a function as implemented in C, we should also be aware of an
important difference. If F is a C function and x a member of its domain set, then
F tells us how to compute the value F (x). The same program works for any value
However, when we represent functions as data, we require, first of all, that the
function consists of a finite set of pairs. Second, it is normal that the pairs are
essentially unpredictable. That is, there is no convenient way to compute, given x,
the value F (x). The best we can do is create a table giving each of the pairs
(a1 , b1 ), (a2 , b2 ), . . . , (an , bn )
such that F (ai ) = bi . Such a function is effectively data, rather than a program,
even though we could, in principle, create a program that could store the table as
part of itself and from the internal table look up F (x), given x. However, a more
productive approach is to store the table separately as data and look up values by
a general-purpose algorithm that will work for any such function.

Operations on Functions
The operations we most commonly perform on functions are similar to those for
dictionaries. Suppose F is a function from domain set A to range set B. Then we
1. Insert a new pair (a, b), such that F (a) = b. The only nuance is that, since
F must be a function, should there already be a pair (a, c) for any c, this pair
must be replaced by (a, b).
2. Delete the value associated with F (a). Here, we need to give only the domain
value a. If there is any b such that F (a) = b, the pair (a, b) is removed from
the set. If there is no such pair, then no change is made.
3. Lookup the value associated with F (a); that is, given domain value a, we return
the value b such that F (a) = b. If there is no such pair (a, b) in the set, then
we return some special value warning that F (a) is undefined.

✦ Example 7.25. Suppose F consists of the pairs {(3, 9), (−4, 16), (0, 0)}; that
is, F (3) = 9; F (−4) = 16, and F (0) = 0. Then lookup(3) returns 9, and lookup(2)
returns a value indicating that no value is defined for F (2). If F is the “squaring”
function, the value −1 might be used to indicate a missing value, since −1 is not
the true square of any integer.
The operation delete(3) removes the pair (3, 9), while delete(2) has no effect.
If we execute insert(5, 25), the pair (5, 25) is added to the set F , or equivalently,
we now have F (5) = 25. If we execute insert(3, 10), the old pair (3, 9) is removed
from F , and the new pair (3, 10) is added to F , so that now F (3) = 10. ✦

Linked-List Representation of Functions

A function, being a set of pairs, can be stored in a linked list just like any other set.
It is useful to define cells with three fields, one for the domain value, one for the
range value, and one for a next-cell pointer. For example, we could define cells as
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
DTYPE domain;
RTYPE range;
LIST next;

where DTYPE is the type for domain elements and RTYPE is the type for range
elements. Then a function is represented by a pointer to (the first cell of) a linked
The function in Fig. 7.18 performs the operation insert(a, b, L), assuming that
DTYPE and RTYPE are both arrays of 32 characters. We search for a cell containing
a in the domain field. If found, we set its range field to b. If we reach the end of
the list, we create a new cell and store (a, b) therein. Otherwise, we test whether
the cell has domain element a. If so, we change the range value to b, and we are
done. If the domain has a value other than a, then we recursively insert into the
tail of the list.

typedef char DTYPE[32], RTYPE[32];

void insert(DTYPE a, RTYPE b, LIST *pL)

if ((*pL) == NULL) {/* at end of list */
(*pL) = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
strcpy((*pL)->domain, a);
strcpy((*pL)->range, b);
(*pL)->next = NULL;
else if (!strcmp(a, (*pL)->domain)) /* a = domain element;
change F(a) */
strcpy((*pL)->range, b);
else /* domain element is not a */
insert(a, b, &((*pL)->next));

Fig. 7.18. Inserting a new fact into a function represented as a linked list.

If the function F has n pairs, then insert takes O(n) time on the average.
Likewise, the analogous delete and lookup functions for a function represented as a
linked list require O(n) time on the average.

Vector Representation of Functions

Suppose the declared domain is the integers 0 through DN U M − 1, or it can be
regarded as such, perhaps by being an enumeration type. Then we can use a
generalization of a characteristic vector to represent functions. Define a type FUNCT
for the characteristic vector as
Here it is essential that either the function be total or that RTYPE contain a value
that we can interpret as “no value.”

✦ Example 7.26. Suppose we want to store information about apples, like the
harvest information of Fig. 7.9, but we now want to give the actual month of harvest,
rather than the binary choice early/late. We can associate an integer constant with
each element in the domain and range by defining the enumeration types
enum APPLES {Delicious, GrannySmith, Jonathan, McIntosh,
Gravenstein, Pippin};
enum MONTHS {Unknown, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec};
This declaration associates 0 with the identifier Delicious, 1 with GrannySmith,
and so on. It also associates 0 with Unknown, 1 with Jan, and so on. The identifier
Unknown indicates that the harvest month is not known. We can now declare an
int Harvest[6];
with the intention that the array Harvest represents the set of pairs in Fig. 7.19.
Then the array Harvest appears as in Fig. 7.20, where, for example, the entry
Harvest[Delicious] = Oct means Harvest[0] = 10. ✦


Delicious Oct
Granny Smith Aug
Jonathan Sep
McIntosh Oct
Gravenstein Sep
Pippin Nov

Fig. 7.19. Harvest months of apples.

Hash-Table Representation of Functions

We can store the pairs belonging to a function in a hash table. The crucial point
is that we apply the hash function only to the domain element to determine the
bucket of the pair. The cells in the linked lists forming the buckets have one field
for the domain element, another for the corresponding range element, and a third
to link one cell to the next on the list. An example should make the technique clear.

Delicious Oct
GrannySmith Aug
Jonathan Sep
McIntosh Oct
Gravenstein Sep
Pippin Nov

Fig. 7.20. The array Harvest.

✦ Example 7.27. Let us use the same data about apples that appeared in Exam-
ple 7.26, except now we shall use the actual names rather than integers to represent
the domain. To represent the function Harvest, we shall use a hash table with
five buckets. We shall define APPLES to be 32-character arrays, while MONTHS is an
enumeration as in Example 7.26. The buckets are linked lists with field variety
for a domain element of type APPLES, field harvested for a range element of type
int (a month), and a link field next to the next element of the list.
We shall use a hash function h similar to that shown in Fig. 7.11 of Section
7.6. Of course, h is applied to domain elements only — that is, to character strings
of length 32, consisting of the name of an apple variety.
Now, we can define the type HASHTABLE as an array of B LIST’s. B is the
number of buckets, which we have taken to be 5. All these declarations appear in
the beginning of Fig. 7.22. We may then declare a hash table Harvest to represent
the desired function.


GrannySmith McIntosh
0 •
Aug Oct

1 •

2 •

3 •

Delicious Jonathan Pippin

4 •
Oct Sep Nov

Fig. 7.21. Apples and their harvest months stored in a hash table.

After inserting the six apple varieties listed in Fig. 7.19, the arrangement of cells
within buckets is shown in Fig. 7.21. For example, the word Delicious yields the
sum 929 if we add up the integer values of the nine characters. Since the remainder

when 929 is divided by 5 is 4, the Delicious apple belongs in bucket 4. The cell
for Delicious has that string in the variety field, the month Oct in the harvested
field, and a pointer to the next cell of the bucket. ✦

#include <string.h>
#define B 5

typedef char APPLES[32];

enum MONTHS {Unknown, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec};
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
APPLES variety;
int harvested;
LIST next;

int lookupBucket(APPLES a, LIST L)

if (L == NULL)
return Unknown;
if (!strcmp(a, L->variety)) /* found */
return L->harvested;
else /* a not found; examine tail */
return lookupBucket(a, L->next);

int lookup(APPLES a, HASHTABLE H)

return lookupBucket(a, H[h(a)]);

Fig. 7.22. Lookup for a function represented by a hash table.

Operations on Functions Represented by a Hash Table

Each of the operations insert, delete, and lookup start with a domain value that we
hash to find a bucket. To insert the pair (a, b), we find the bucket h(a) and search
its list. The action is then the same as the function to insert a function pair into a
list, given in Fig. 7.18.
To execute delete(a), we find bucket h(a), search for a cell with domain value a,
and delete that cell from the list, when and if it is found. The lookup(a) operation
is executed by again hashing a and searching the bucket h(a) for a cell with domain
value a. If such a cell is found, the associated range value is returned.
For example, the function lookup(a, H) is shown in Fig. 7.22. The function
lookupBucket(a, L) runs down the list L for a bucket and returns the value

Vectors versus Hash Tables

There is a fundamental difference in the way we viewed the information about apples
in Examples 7.26 and 7.27. In the characteristic-vector approach, apple varieties
were a fixed set, which became an enumerated type. There is no way, while a C
program is running, to change the set of apple names, and it is meaningless to
perform a lookup with a name that is not part of our enumerated set.
On the other hand, when we set the same function up as a hash table, we treated
the apple names as character strings, rather than members of an enumerated type.
As a consequence, it is possible to modify the set of names while the program is
running — say, in response to some input data about new apple varieties. It makes
sense for a lookup to be performed for a variety not in the hash table, and we had
to make provisions, by the addition of a “month” Unknown, for the possibility that
we would look up a variety that was not mentioned in our table. Thus, the hash
table offers increased flexibility over the characteristic vector, at some cost in speed.

that is, the month in which apple variety a is harvested. If the month is undefined,
it returns the value Unknown.

Efficiency of Operations on Functions

The times required for the operations on functions for the three representations
we have discussed here are the same as for the operations of the same names on
dictionaries. That is, if the function consists of n pairs, then the linked-list represen-
tation requires O(n) time per operation on the average. The characteristic-vector
approach requires only O(1) time per operation, but, as for dictionaries, it can be
used only if the domain type is of limited size. The hash table with B buckets offers
average time per operation of O(n/B). If it is possible to make B close to n, then
O(1) time per operation, on the average, can be achieved.


7.8.1: Write functions that perform (a) delete and (b) lookup on functions repre-
sented by linked lists, analogous to the insert function of Fig. 7.18.
7.8.2: Write functions that perform (a) insert, (b) delete, and (c) lookup on a
function represented by a vector, that is, an array of RTYPE’s indexed by integers
representing DTYPE’s.
7.8.3: Write functions that perform (a) insert and (b) delete on functions repre-
sented by hash tables, analogous to the lookup function of Fig. 7.22.
7.8.4: A binary search tree can also be used to represent functions as data. Define
appropriate data structures for a binary search tree to hold the apple information in
Fig. 7.19, and implement (a) insert, (b) delete, and (c) lookup using these structures.
7.8.5: Design an information retrieval system to keep track of information about
at bats and hits for baseball players. Your system should accept triples of the form
Ruth 5 2

to indicate that Ruth in 5 at bats got 2 hits. The entry for Ruth should be updated
appropriately. You should also be able to query the number of at bats and hits
for any player. Implement your system so that the functions insert and lookup will
work on any data structure as long as they use the proper subroutines and types.

✦ ✦

7.9 Implementing Binary Relations
The implementation of binary relations differs in some details from the implemen-
tation of functions. Recall that both binary relations and functions are sets of pairs,
but a function has for each domain element a at most one pair of the form (a, b)
for any b. In contrast, a binary relation can have any number of range elements
associated with a given domain element a.
In this section, we shall first consider the meaning of insertion, deletion, and
lookup for binary relations. Then we see how the three implementations we have
been using — linked lists, characteristic vectors, and hash tables — generalize to
binary relations. In Chapter 8, we shall discuss implementation of relations with
more than two components. Frequently, data structures for such relations are built
from the structures for functions and binary relations.

Operations on Binary Relations

When we insert a pair (a, b) into a binary relation R, we do not have to concern
ourselves with whether or not there already is a pair (a, c) in R, for some c 6= b, as
we do when we insert (a, b) into a function. The reason, of course, is that there is
no limit on the number of pairs in R that can have the domain value a. Thus, we
shall simply insert the pair (a, b) into R as we would insert an element into any set.
Likewise, deletion of a pair (a, b) from a relation is similar to deletion of an
element from a set: we look for the pair and remove it if it is present.
The lookup operation can be defined in several ways. For example, we could
take a pair (a, b) and ask whether this pair is in R. However, if we interpret lookup
thus, along with the insert and delete operations we just defined, a relation behaves
like any dictionary. The fact that the elements being operated upon are pairs, rather
than atomic, is a minor detail; it just affects the type of elements in the dictionary.
However, it is often useful to define lookup to take a domain element a and
return all the range elements b such that (a, b) is in the binary relation R. This
interpretation of lookup gives us an abstract data type that is somewhat different
from the dictionary, and it has certain uses that are distinct from those of the
dictionary ADT.

✦ Example 7.28. Most varieties of plums require one of several other specific
varieties for pollination; without the appropriate “pollinizer,” the tree cannot bear
fruit. A few varieties are “self-fertile”: they can serve as their own pollinizer. Figure
7.23 shows a binary relation on the set of plum varieties. A pair (a, b) in this relation
means that variety b is a pollinizer for variety a.
Inserting a pair into this table corresponds to asserting that one variety is a
pollinizer for another. For example, if a new variety is developed, we might enter
into the relation facts about which varieties pollinize the new variety, and which it

Beauty Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa Santa Rosa
Burbank Beauty
Burbank Santa Rosa
Eldorado Santa Rosa
Eldorado Wickson
Wickson Santa Rosa
Wickson Beauty

Fig. 7.23. Pollinizers for certain plum varieties.

More General Operations on Relations

We may want more information than the three operations insert, delete, and lookup
can provide when applied to the plum varieties of Example 7.28. For example, we
may want to ask “What varieties does Santa Rosa pollinate?” or “Does Eldorado
pollinate Beauty?” Some data structures, such as a linked list, allow us to answer
questions like these as fast as we can perform the three basic dictionary operations,
if for no other reason than that linked lists are not very efficient for any of these
A hash table based on domain elements does not help answer questions in which
we are given a range element and must find all the associated domain elements —
for instance, “What varieties does Santa Rosa pollinate?” We could, of course,
base the hash function on range elements, but then we could not answer easily
questions like “What pollinates Burbank?” We could base the hash function on a
combination of the domain and range values, but then we couldn’t answer either
type of query efficiently; we could only answer easily questions like “Does Eldorado
pollinate Beauty?”
There are ways to get questions of all these types answered efficiently. We shall
have to wait, however, until the next chapter, on the relational model, to learn the

can pollinize. Deletion of a pair corresponds to a retraction of the assertion that

one variety can pollinize another.
The lookup operation we defined takes a variety a as argument, looks in the
first column for all pairs having the value a, and returns the set of associated range
values. That is, we ask, “What varieties can pollinize variety a?” This question
seems to be the one we are most likely to ask about the information in this table,
because when we plant a plum tree, we must make sure that, if it is not self-fertile,
then there is a pollinizer nearby. For instance, if we invoke lookup(Burbank), we
expect the answer {Beauty, Santa Rosa}. ✦

Linked-List Implementation of Binary Relations

We can link the pairs of a relation in a list if we like. The cells of this list consist

of a domain element, a range element, and a pointer to the next cell, just like
the cells for functions. Insertion and deletion are carried out as for ordinary sets,
as discussed in Section 6.4. The only nuance is that equality of set members is
determined by comparing both the field holding the domain element and the field
holding the range element.
Lookup is a somewhat different operation from the operations of the same name
we have encountered previously. We must go down the list, looking for cells with
a particular domain value a, and we must assemble a list of the associated range
values. An example will show the mechanics of the lookup operation on linked lists.

✦ Example 7.29. Suppose we want to implement the plum relation of Example

7.28 as a linked list. We could define the type PVARIETY as a character string of
length 32; and cells, whose type we shall call RCELL (relation cell), can be defined
by a structure:
typedef char PVARIETY[32];
typedef struct RCELL *RLIST;
struct RCELL {
PVARIETY variety;
PVARIETY pollinizer;
RLIST next;
We also need a cell containing one plum variety and a pointer to the next cell, in
order to build a list of the pollinizers of a given variety, and thus to answer a lookup
query. This type we shall call PCELL, and we define
typedef struct PCELL *PLIST;
struct PCELL {
PVARIETY pollinizer;
PLIST next;
We can then define lookup by the function in Fig. 7.24.
The function lookup takes a domain element a and a pointer to the first cell of a
linked list of pairs as arguments. We perform the lookup(a) operation on a relation
R by calling lookup(a,L), where L is a pointer to the first cell on the linked list
representing relation R. Lines (1) and (2) are simple. If the list is empty, we return
NULL, since surely there are no pairs with first component a in an empty list.
The hard case occurs when a is found in the domain field, called variety, in
the first cell of the list. This case is detected at line (3) and handled by lines (4)
through (7). We create at line (4) a new cell of type PCELL, which becomes the
first cell on the list of PCELL’s that we shall return. Line (5) copies the associated
range value into this new cell. Then at line (6) we call lookup recursively on the
tail of the list L. The return value from this call, which is a pointer to the first cell
on the resulting list (NULL if the list is empty), becomes the next field of the cell
we created at line (4). Then at line (7) we return a pointer to the newly created
cell, which holds one range value and is linked to cells holding other range values
for domain value a, if any exist.
The last case occurs when the desired domain value a is not found in the first
cell of the list L. Then we just call lookup on the tail of the list, at line (8), and



(1) if (L == NULL)
(2) return NULL;
(3) else if (!strcmp(L->variety, a)) /* L->variety == a */ {
(4) P = (PLIST) malloc(sizeof(struct PCELL));
(5) strcpy(P->pollinizer, L->pollinizer);
(6) P->next = lookup(a, L->next);
(7) return P;
else /* a not the domain value of current pair */
(8) return lookup(a, L->next);

Fig. 7.24. Lookup in a binary relation represented by a linked list.

return whatever that call returns. ✦

A Characteristic-Vector Approach
For sets and for functions, we saw that we could create an array indexed by elements
of a “universal” set and place appropriate values in the array. For sets, the appro-
priate array values are TRUE and FALSE, and for functions they are those values that
can appear in the range, plus (usually) a special value that means “none.”
For binary relations, we can index an array by members of a small declared
domain, just as we did for functions. However, we cannot use a single value as an
array element, because a relation can have any number of range values for a given
domain value. The best we can do is to use as an array element the header of a
linked list that contains all the range values associated with a given domain value.

✦ Example 7.30. Let us redo the plum example using this organization. As was
pointed out in the last section, when we use a characteristic-vector style, we must
fix the set of values, in the domain at least; there is no such constraint for linked-list
or hash-table representations. Thus, we must redeclare the PVARIETY type to be an
enumerated type:
enum PVARIETY {Beauty, SantaRosa, Burbank, Eldorado, Wickson};
We can continue to use the PCELL type for lists of varieties, as defined in Example
7.29. Then we may define the array
PLIST Pollinizers[5];
That is, the array representing the relation of Fig. 7.23 is indexed by the varieties
mentioned in that figure, and the value associated with each variety is a pointer
to the first cell on its list of pollinizers. Figure 7.25 shows the pairs of Fig. 7.23
represented in this way. ✦


Beauty SantaRosa •

SantaRosa SantaRosa •

Burbank Beauty SantaRosa •

Eldorado SantaRosa Wickson •

Wickson Beauty SantaRosa •

Fig. 7.25. Characteristic-vector representation of the pollinizers relation.

Insertion and deletion of pairs is performed by going to the appropriate array

element and thence to the linked list. At that point, insertion in or deletion from
the list is performed normally. For example, if we determined that Wickson cannot
adequately pollinate Eldorado, we could execute the operation
delete(Eldorado, Wickson)
The header of the list for Eldorado is found in Pollinizers[Eldorado], and from
there we go down the list until we find a cell holding Wickson and delete it.
Lookup is trivial; we have only to return the pointer found in the appropriate
array entry. For example, to answer the query lookup(Burbank, Pollinizers),
we simply return the list Pollinizers[Burbank].

Hash-Table Implementation of Binary Relations

We may store a given binary relation R in a hash table, using a hash function that
depends only on the first component of a pair. That is, the pair (a, b) will be placed
in bucket h(a), where h is the hash function. Note that this arrangement is exactly
the same as that for a function; the only difference is that for a binary relation a
bucket may contain more than one pair with a given value a as the first component,
whereas for a function, it could never contain more than one such pair.
To insert the pair (a, b), we compute h(a) and examine the bucket with that
number to be sure that (a, b) is not already there. If it is not, we append (a, b) to
the end of the list for that bucket. To delete (a, b), we go to the bucket h(a), search
for this pair, and remove it from the list if it is there.
To execute lookup(a), we again find the bucket h(a) and go down the list for
this bucket, collecting all the b’s that appear in cells with first component a. The
lookup function of Fig. 7.24, which we wrote for a linked list, applies equally well to
the list that forms one bucket of a hash table.

Running Time of Operations on a Binary Relation

The performance of the three representations for binary relations is not much dif-
ferent from the performance of the same structures on functions or dictionaries.
Consider first the list representation. While we have not written the functions for
insert and delete, we should be able to visualize that these functions will run down
the entire list, searching for the target pair, and stop upon finding it. On a list of

length n, this search takes O(n) average time, since we must scan the entire list if
the pair is not found and, on the average, half the list if it is found.
For lookup, an examination of Fig. 7.24 should convince us that this function
takes O(1) time plus a recursive call on the tail of a list. We thus make n calls if
the list is of length n, for a total time of O(n).
Now consider the generalized characteristic vector. The operation lookup(a) is
easiest. We go to the array element indexed by a, and there we find our answer, a
list of all the b’s such that (a, b) is in the relation. We don’t even have to examine the
elements or copy them. Thus, lookup takes O(1) time when characteristic vectors
are used.
On the other hand, insert and delete are less simple. To insert (a, b), we can
go to the array element indexed by a easily enough, but we must search the entire
list to make sure that (a, b) is not already there.5 That requires an amount of
time proportional to the average length of a list, that is, to the average number of
range values associated with a given domain value. We shall call this parameter m.
Another way to look at m is that it is n, the total number of pairs in the relation,
divided by the number of different domain values. If we assume that any list is as
likely to be searched as any other, then we require O(m) time on the average to
perform an insert or a delete.
Finally, let us consider the hash table. If there are n pairs in our relation and
B buckets, we expect there to be an average of n/B pairs per bucket. However,
the parameter m must be figured in as well. If there are n/m different domain
values, then at most n/m buckets can be nonempty, since the bucket for a pair is
determined only by the domain value. Thus, m is a lower bound on the average size
of a bucket, regardless of B. Since n/B is alsoa lower bound, the time to perform
one of the three operations is O max(m, n/B) .

✦ Example 7.31. Suppose there is a relation of 1000 pairs, distributed among 100
domain values. Then the typical domain value has 10 associated range values; that
is, m = 10. If we use 1000 buckets — that is, B = 1000 — then m is greater than
n/B, which is 1, and we expect the average bucket that we might actually search
(because its number is h(a) for some domain value a that appears in the relation)
to have about 10 pairs. In fact, it will have on the average slightly more, because by
coincidence, the same bucket could be h(a1 ) and h(a2 ) for different domain values
a1 and a2 . If we choose B = 100, then m = n/B = 10, and we would again expect
each bucket we might search to have about 10 elements. As just mentioned, the
actual number is slightly more because of coincidences, where two or more domain
values hash to the same bucket. ✦


7.9.1: Using the data types from Example 7.29, write a function that takes a
pollinizer value b and a list of variety-pollinizer pairs, and returns a list of the
varieties that are pollinized by b.

5 We could insert the pair without regard for whether it is already present, but that would
have both the advantages and disadvantages of the list representation discussed in Section
6.4, where we allowed duplicates.

“Dictionary Operations” on Functions and Relations

A set of pairs might be thought of as a set, as a function, or as a relation. For each
of these cases, we have defined operations insert, delete, and lookup suitably. These
operations differ in form. Most of the time, the operation takes both the domain
and range element of the pair. However, sometimes only the domain element is
used as an argument. The table below summarizes the differences in the use of
these three operations.

Set of Pairs Function Relation

Insert Domain and Range Domain and Range Domain and Range
Delete Domain and Range Domain only Domain and Range
Lookup Domain and Range Domain only Domain only

7.9.2: Write (a) insert and (b) delete routines for variety-pollinizer pairs using the
assumptions of Example 7.29.
7.9.3: Write (a) insert, (b) delete, and (c) lookup functions for a relation repre-
sented by the vector data structure of Example 7.30. When inserting, do not forget
to check for an identical pair already in the relation.
7.9.4: Design a hash-table data structure to represent the pollinizer relation that
forms the primary example of this section. Write functions for the operations insert,
delete, and lookup.
7.9.5*: Prove that the function lookup of Fig. 7.24 works correctly, by showing
by induction on the length of list L that lookup returns a list of all the elements b
such that the pair (a, b) is on the list L.
7.9.6*: Design a data structure that allows O(1) average time to perform each of
the operations insert, delete, lookup, and inverseLookup. The latter operation
takes a range element and finds the associated domain elements.
7.9.7: In this section and the previous, we defined some new abstract data types
that had operations we called insert, delete, and lookup. However, these operations
were defined slightly differently from the operations of the same name on dictio-
naries. Make a table for the ADT’s DICTIONARY, FUNCTION (as discussed in
Section 7.8), and RELATION (as discussed in this section) and indicate the possi-
ble abstract implementations and the data structures that support them. For each,
indicate the running time of each operation.

✦ ✦

7.10 Some Special Properties of Binary Relations
In this section we shall consider some of the special properties that certain useful
binary relations have. We begin by defining some basic properties: transitivity,
reflexivity, symmetry, and antisymmetry. These are combined to form common
types of binary relations: partial orders, total orders, and equivalence relations.

Let R be a binary relation on the domain D. We say that the relation R is transitive
if whenever aRb and bRc are true, aRc is also true. Figure 7.26 illustrates the
transitivity property as it appears in the graph of a relation. Whenever the dotted
arrows from a to b and from b to c appear in the diagram, for some particular a, b,
and c, then the solid arrow from a to c must also be in the diagram. It is important
to remember that transitivity, like the other properties to be defined in this section,
pertains to the relation as a whole. It is not enough that the property be satisfied
for three particular domain elements; it must be satisfied for all triples a, b, and c
in the declared domain D.

a b c

Fig. 7.26. Transitivity condition requires that if both the arcs aRb and bRc
are present in the graph of a relation, then so is the arc aRc.

✦ Example 7.32. Consider the relation < on Z, the set of integers. That is, <
is the set of pairs of integers (a, b) such that a is less than b. The relation < is
transitive, because if a < b and b < c, we know that a < c. Similarly, the relations
≤, >, and ≥ on integers are transitive. These four comparison relations are likewise
transitive on the set of real numbers.
However, consider the relation 6= on the integers (or the reals for that matter).
This relation is not transitive. For instance, let a and c both be 3, and let b be 5.
Then a 6= b and b 6= c are both true. If the relation were transitive, we would have
a 6= c. But that says 3 6= 3, which is wrong. We conclude that 6= is not transitive.
Transitivity of For another example of a transitive relation, consider ⊆, the subset relation.
subset We might like to consider the relation as being the set of all pairs of sets (S, T )
such that S ⊆ T , but to imagine that there is such a set would lead us to Russell’s
paradox again. However, suppose we have a “universal” set U . We can let ⊆U be
the set of pairs of sets
{(S, T ) | S ⊆ T and T ⊆ U }
Then ⊆U is a relation on P(U ), the power set of U , and we can think of ⊆U as the
subset relation.
For instance, let U = {1, 2}. Then ⊆{1,2} consists of the nine (S, T )-pairs shown
in Fig. 7.27. Thus, ⊆U contains exactly those pairs such that the first component
is a subset (not necessarily proper) of the second component and both are subsets
of {1, 2}.
It is easy to check that ⊆U is transitive, no matter what the universal set U
is. If A ⊆ B and B ⊆ C, then it must be that A ⊆ C. The reason is that for every
x in A, we know that x is in B, because A ⊆ B. Since x is in B, we know that x
is in C, because B ⊆ C. Thus, every element of A is an element of C. Therefore,
A ⊆ C. ✦

∅ ∅
∅ {1}
∅ {2}
∅ {1, 2}
{1} {1}
{1} {1, 2}
{2} {2}
{2} {1, 2}
{1, 2} {1, 2}

Fig. 7.27. The pairs in the relation ⊆{1,2} .

Some binary relations R have the property that for every element a in the declared
domain, R has the pair (a, a); that is, aRa. If so, we say that R is reflexive. Figure
7.28 suggests that the graph of a reflexive relation has a loop on every element of
its declared domain. The graph may have other arrows in addition to the loops.
However, it is not sufficient that there be loops for the elements of the current
domain; there must be one for each element of the declared domain.

a b ··· z

Fig. 7.28. A reflexive relation R has xRx for every x in its declared domain.

✦ Example 7.33. The relation ≥ on the reals is reflexive. For each real number
a, we have a ≥ a. Similarly, ≤ is reflexive, and both these relations are also reflexive
on the integers. However, < and > are not reflexive, since a < a and a > a are each
false for at least one value of a; in fact, they are both false for all a.
The subset relations ⊆U defined in Example 7.32 are also reflexive, since A ⊆ A
for any set A. However, the similarly defined relations ⊂U that contain the pair
(S, T ) if T ⊆ U and S ⊂ T — that is, S is a proper subset of T — are not reflexive.
The reason is that A ⊂ A is false for some A (in fact, for all A). ✦

Symmetry and Antisymmetry

Inverse relation Let R be a binary relation. As defined in Exercise 7.7.7, the inverse of R is the
set of pairs of R with the components reversed. That is, the inverse of R, denoted
R−1 , is

{(b, a) | (a, b) ∈ R}
For example, > is the inverse of <, since a > b exactly when b < a. Likewise, ≥ is
the inverse of ≤.

a b

Fig. 7.29. Symmetry requires that if aRb, then bRa as well.

We say that R is symmetric if it is its own inverse. That is, R is symmetric if,
whenever aRb, we also have bRa. Figure 7.29 suggests what symmetry looks like
in the graph of a relation. Whenever the forward arc is present, the backward arc
must also be present.
We say that R is antisymmetric if aRb and bRa are both true only when
a = b. Note that it is not necessary that aRa be true for any particular a in
an antisymmetric relation. However, an antisymmetric relation can be reflexive.
Figure 7.30 shows how the antisymmetry condition relates to graphs of relations.

a b c

never optional

Fig. 7.30. An antisymmetric relation cannot have a cycle involving two

elements, but loops on a single element are permitted.

✦ Example 7.34. The relation ≤ on integers or reals is antisymmetric, because

if a ≤ b and b ≤ a, it must be that a = b. The relation < is also antisymmetric,
because under no circumstances are a < b and b < a both true. Similarly, ≥ and
> are antisymmetric, as are the subset relations ⊆U that we discussed in Example
However, note that ≤ is not symmetric. For example, 3 ≤ 5, but 5 ≤ 3 is
false. Likewise, none of the other relations mentioned in the previous paragraph is
An example of a symmetric relation is 6= on the integers. That is, if a 6= b,
then surely b 6= a. ✦

Pitfalls in Property Definitions

As we have pointed out, the definition of a property is a general condition, one that
applies to all elements of the domain. For example, in order for a relation R on
declared domain D to be reflexive, we need to have aRa for every a ∈ D. It is not
sufficient for aRa to be true for one a, nor does it make sense to say that a relation
is reflexive for some elements and not others. If there is even one a in D for which
aRa is false, then R is not reflexive. (Thus, reflexivity may depend on the domain,
as well as on the relation R.)
Also, a condition like transitivity — “if aRb and bRc then aRc” — is of the form
“if A then B.” Remember that we can satisfy such a statement either by making
B true or by making A false. Thus, for a given triple a, b, and c, the transitivity
condition is satisfied whenever aRb is false, or whenever bRc is false, or whenever
aRc is true. As an extreme example, the empty relation is transitive, symmetric,
and antisymmetric, because the “if” condition is never satisfied. However, the
empty relation is not reflexive, unless the declared domain is ∅.

Partial Orders and Total Orders

A partial order is a transitive and antisymmetric binary relation. A relation is said
to be a total order if in addition to being transitive and antisymmetric, it makes
Comparable every pair of elements in the domain comparable. That is to say, if R is a total
elements order, and if a and b are any two elements in its domain, then either aRb or bRa
is true. Note that every total order is reflexive, because we may let a and b be the
same element, whereupon the comparability requirement tells us that aRa.

✦ Example 7.35. The arithmetic comparisons ≤ and ≥ on integers or reals are

total orders and therefore are also partial orders. Notice that for any a and b, either
a ≤ b or b ≤ a, but both are true exactly when a = b.
The comparisons < and > are partial orders but not total orders. While they
are antisymmetric, they are not reflexive; that is, neither a < a nor a > a is true.
The subset relations ⊆U and ⊂U on 2U for some universal set U are partial
orders. We already observed that they are transitive and antisymmetric. These
relations are not total orders, however, as long as U has at least two members, since
then there are incomparable elements. For example, let U = {1, 2}. Then {1} and
{2} are subsets of U , but neither is a subset of the other. ✦

One can view a total order R as a linear sequence of elements, as suggested in

Fig. 7.31, where whenever aRb for distinct elements a and b, a appears to the left
of b along the line. For example, if R is ≤ on the integers, then the elements along
the line would be . . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . . . If R is ≤ on the reals, then the points
correspond to the points along the real line, as if the line were an infinite ruler; the
real number x is found x units to the right of the 0 mark if x is nonnegative, and
−x units to the left of the zero mark if x is negative.
If R is a partial order but not a total order, we can also draw the elements of
the domain in such a way that if aRb, then a is to the left of b. However, because
there may be some incomparable elements, we cannot necessarily draw the elements

| | | |
a1 a2 a3 an

Fig. 7.31. Picture of a total order on a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . , an .

in one line so that the relation R means “to the left.”

✦ Example 7.36. Figure 7.32 represents the partial order ⊆{1,2,3} . We have
Reduced graph drawn the relation as a reduced graph, in which we have omitted arcs that can be
inferred by transitivity. That is, S ⊆{1,2,3} T if either
1. S = T,
2. There is an arc from S to T , or
3. There is a path of two or more arcs leading from S to T .
For example, we know that ∅ ⊆{1,2,3} {1, 3}, because of the path from ∅ to {1} to
{1, 3}. ✦

{1} {1, 2}

∅ {2} {1, 3} {1, 2, 3}

{3} {2, 3}

Fig. 7.32. Reduced graph for the partial order ⊆{1,2,3} .

Equivalence Relations
An equivalence relation is a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transi-
tive. This kind of relation is quite different from the partial orders and total orders
we have met in our previous examples. In fact, a partial order can never be an
equivalence relation, except in the trivial cases that the declared domain is empty,
or there is only one element a in the declared domain and the relation is {(a, a)}.

✦ Example 7.37. A relation like ≤ on integers is not an equivalence relation.

Although it is transitive and reflexive, it is not symmetric. If a ≤ b, we do not have
b ≤ a, except if a = b.
For an example that is an equivalence relation, let R consist of those pairs of
integers (a, b) such that a − b is an integer multiple of 3. For example 3R9, since

3 − 9 = −6 = 3 × (−2). Also, 5R(−4), since 5 − (−4) = 9 = 3 × 3. However, (1, 2)

is not in R (or we can say “1R2 is false”), since 1 − 2 = −1, which is not an integer
multiple of 3. We can demonstrate that R is an equivalence relation, as follows:
1. R is reflexive, since aRa for any integer a, because a − a is zero, which is a
multiple of 3.
2. R is symmetric. If a − b is a multiple of 3 — say, 3c for some integer c — then
b − a is −3c and is therefore also an integer multiple of 3.
3. R is transitive. Suppose aRb and bRc. That is, a − b is a multiple of 3, say, 3d;
and b − c is a multiple of 3, say, 3e. Then
a − c = (a − b) + (b − c) = 3d + 3e = 3(d + e)
and so a− c is also a multiple of 3. Thus, aRb and bRc imply aRc, which means
that R is transitive.
For another example, let S be the set of cities of the world, and let T be the
relation defined by aT b if a and b are connected by roads, that is, if it is possible
to drive by car from a to b. Thus, the pair (Toronto, New York) is in T , but
(Honolulu, Anchorage)
is not. We claim that T is an equivalence relation.
T is reflexive, since trivially every city is connected to itself. T is symmetric
because if a is connected to b, then b is connected to a. T is transitive because if
a is connected to b and b is connected to c, then a is connected to c; we can travel
from a to c via b, if no shorter route exists. ✦

Equivalence Classes
Another way to view an equivalence relation is that it partitions its domain into
equivalence classes. If R is an equivalence relation on a domain D, then we can
divide D into equivalence classes so that
1. Each domain element is in exactly one equivalence class.
2. If aRb, then a and b are in the same equivalence class.
3. If aRb is false, then a and b are in different equivalence classes.

✦ Example 7.38. Consider the relation R of Example 7.37, where aRb when
a − b is a multiple of 3. One equivalence class is the set of integers that are exactly
divisible by 3, that is, those that leave a remainder of 0 when divided by 3. This
class is {. . . , −3, 0, 3, 6, . . .}. A second is the set of integers that leave a remainder of
1 when divided by 3, that is, {. . . , −2, 1, 4, 7, . . .}. The last class is the set of integers
that leave a remainder of 2 when divided by 3. This class is {. . . , −1, 2, 5, 8, . . .}.
The classes partition the set of integers into three disjoint sets, as suggested by Fig.
Notice that when two integers leave the same remainder when divided by 3,
then their difference is evenly divided by 3. For instance, 14 = 3 × 4 + 2 and
5 = 3 × 1 + 2. Thus, 14 − 5 = 3 × 4 − 3 × 1 + 2 − 2 = 3 × 3. We therefore know that
14R5. On the other hand, if two integers leave different remainders when divided by

by 3

Leave Leave
Remainder Remainder
of 1 of 2

Fig. 7.33. Equivalence classes for the relation on the integers:

“Difference is divisible by 3.”

3, their difference surely is not evenly divisible by 3. Thus, integers from different
classes, like 5 and 7, are not related by R. ✦

To construct the equivalence classes for an equivalence relation R, let class(a)

be the set of elements b such that aRb. For example, if our equivalence relation is
the one we called R in Example 7.37, then class(4) is the set of integers that leave
a remainder of 1 when divided by 3; that is class(4) = {. . . , −2, 1, 4, 7, . . .}.
Notice that if we let a vary over each of the elements of the domain, we typically
get the same class many times. In fact, when aRb, then class(a) = class(b). To
see why, suppose that c is in class(a). Then aRc, by definition of class. Since we
are given that aRb, by symmetry it follows that bRa. By transitivity, bRa and aRc
imply bRc. But bRc says that c is in class(b). Thus, every element in class(a) is in
class(b). Since the same argument tells us that, as long as aRb, every element in
class(b) is also in class(a), we conclude that class(a) and class(b) are identical.
However, if class(a) is not the same as class(b), then these classes can have
no element in common. Suppose otherwise. Then there must be some c in both
class(a) and class(b). By our previous assumption, we know that aRc and bRc.
By symmetry, cRb. By transitivity, aRc and cRb imply aRb. But we just showed
that whenever aRb is true, class(a) and class(b) are the same. Since we assumed
these classes were not the same, we have a contradiction. Therefore, the assumed c
in the intersection of class(a) and class(b) cannot exist.
There is one more observation we need to make: every domain element is in
some equivalence class. In particular, a is always in class(a), because reflexivity
tells us aRa.
We can now conclude that an equivalence relation divides its domain into equiv-
alence classes that are disjoint and that place each element into exactly one class.
Example 7.38 illustrated this phenomenon.

Closures of Relations

A common operation on relations is to take a relation that does not have some
property and add as few pairs as possible to create a relation that does have that
property. The resulting relation is called the closure (for that property) of the
original relation.

Transitive ✦ Example 7.39. We discussed reduced graphs in connection with Fig. 7.32.
closure Although we were representing a transitive relation, ⊆{1,2,3} , we drew arcs corre-
sponding to only a subset of the pairs in the relation. We can reconstruct the entire
relation by applying the transitive law to infer new pairs, until no new pairs can
be inferred. For example, we see that there are arcs corresponding to the pairs
({1}, {1, 3}) and ({1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}), and so the transitive law tells us that the pair
({1}, {1, 2, 3}) must also be in the relation. Then this pair, together with the pair
(∅, {1}) tells us that (∅, {1, 2, 3}) is in the relation. To these we must add the “re-
flexive” pairs (S, S), for each set S that is a subset of {1, 2, 3}. In this manner, we
can reconstruct all the pairs in the relation ⊆{1,2,3} . ✦

Topological Another useful closure operation is topological sorting, where we take a partial
sorting order and add tuples until it becomes a total order. While the transitive closure
of a binary relation is unique, there are frequently several total orders that contain
a given partial order. We shall learn in Chapter 9 of a surprisingly efficient algo-
rithm for topological sorting. For the moment, let us consider an example where
topological sorting is useful.

✦ Example 7.40. It is common to represent a sequence of tasks that must be per-

formed in a manufacturing process by a set of “precedences” that must be obeyed.
For a simple example, you must put on your left sock before your left shoe, and
your right sock before your right shoe. However, there are no other precedences
that must be obeyed. We can represent these precedences by a set consisting of
the two pairs (lef tsock, lef tshoe) and (rightsock, rightshoe). This set is a partial
We can extend this relation to six different total orders. One is the total order
in which we dress the left foot first; this relation is a set that contains the ten pairs
(lef tsock, lef tsock) (lef tsock, lef tshoe) (lef tsock, rightsock) (lef tsock, rightshoe)
(lef tshoe, lef tshoe) (lef tshoe, rightsock) (lef tshoe, rightshoe)
(rightsock, rightsock) (rightsock, rightshoe)
(rightshoe, rightshoe)

We can think of this total order as the linear arrangement

lef tsock → lef tshoe → rightsock → rightshoe
There is the analogous procedure where we dress the right foot first.
There are four other possible total orders consistent with the original partial
order, where we first put on the socks and then the shoes. These are represented
by the linear arrangements
lef tsock → rightsock → lef tshoe → rightshoe
lef tsock → rightsock → rightshoe → lef tshoe
rightsock → lef tsock → lef tshoe → rightshoe
rightsock → lef tsock → rightshoe → lef tshoe

A third form of closure is to find the smallest equivalence relation containing a
given relation. For example, a road map represents a relation consisting of pairs of
cities connected by road segments having no intermediate cities. To determine the

road-connected cities, we can apply reflexivity, transitivity, and symmetry to infer

those pairs of cities that are connected by some sequence of these elementary roads.
Connected This form of closure is called finding the “connected components” in a graph, and
components an efficient algorithm for the problem will be discussed in Chapter 9.


7.10.1: Give an example of a relation that is reflexive for one declared domain but
not reflexive for another declared domain. Remember that for D to be a possible
domain for a relation R, D must include every element that appears in a pair of R
but it may also include more elements.
7.10.2**: How many pairs are there in the relation ⊆{1,2,3} ? In general, how many
pairs are there in ⊆U , if U has n elements? Hint : Try to guess the function from a
few cases like the two-element case (Fig. 7.27) where there are 9 pairs. Then prove
your guess correct by induction.
7.10.3: Consider the binary relation R on the domain of four-letter strings defined
by sRt if t is formed from the string s by cycling its characters one position left.
That is, abcdRbcda, where a, b, c, and d are individual letters. Determine whether
R is (a) reflexive, (b) symmetric, (c) transitive, (d) a partial order, and/or (e) an
equivalence relation. Give a brief argument why, or a counterexample, in each case.
7.10.4: Consider the domain of four-letter strings in Exercise 7.10.3. Let S be
the binary relation consisting of R applied 0 or more times. Thus, abcdSabcd,
abcdSbcda, abcdScdab, and abcdSdabc. Put another way, a string is related by S to
any of its rotations. Answer the five questions from Exercise 7.10.3 for the relation
S. Again, give justification in each case.
7.10.5*: What is wrong with the following “proof”?
(Non)Theorem: If binary relation R is symmetric and transitive, then R is reflexive.
(Non)Proof : Let x be some member of the domain of R. Pick y such that xRy. By
symmetry, yRx. By transitivity, xRy and yRx imply xRx. Since x is an arbitrary
member of R’s domain, we have shown that xRx for every element in the domain
of R, which “proves” that R is reflexive.
7.10.6: Give examples of relations with declared domain {1, 2, 3} that are
a) Reflexive and transitive, but not symmetric
b) Reflexive and symmetric, but not transitive
c) Symmetric and transitive, but not reflexive
d) Symmetric and antisymmetric
e) Reflexive, transitive, and a total function
f) Antisymmetric and a one-to-one correspondence
7.10.7*: How many arcs are saved if we use the reduced graph for the relation ⊆U ,
where U has n elements, rather than the full graph?
7.10.8: Are (a) ⊆U and (b) ⊂U either partial orders or total orders when U has
one element? What if U has zero elements?

7.10.9*: Show by induction on n, starting at n = 1, that if there is a sequence of

n pairs a0 Ra1 , a1 Ra2 , . . . , an−1 Ran , and if R is a transitive relation, then a0 Ran .
That is, show that if there is any path in the graph of a transitive relation, then
there is an arc from the beginning of the path to the end.
7.10.10: Find the smallest equivalence relation containing the pairs (a, b), (a, c),
(d, e), and (b, f ).
7.10.11: Let R be the relation on the set of integers such that aRb if a and b
are distinct and have a common divisor other than 1. Determine whether R is (a)
reflexive, (b) symmetric, (c) transitive, (d) a partial order, and/or (e) an equivalence
7.10.12: Repeat Exercise 7.10.11 for the relation RT on the nodes of a particular
tree T defined by aRT b if and only if a is an ancestor of b in tree T . However, unlike
Exercise 7.10.11, your possible answers are “yes,” “no,” or “it depends on what tree
T is.”
7.10.13: Repeat Exercise 7.10.12 for relation ST on the nodes of a particular tree
T defined by aST b if and only if a is to the left of b in tree T .

✦ ✦

7.11 Infinite Sets
All of the sets that one would implement in a computer program are finite, or
limited, in extent; one could not store them in a computer’s memory if they were
not. Many sets in mathematics, such as the integers or reals, are infinite in extent.
These remarks seem intuitively clear, but what distinguishes a finite set from an
infinite one?
The distinction between finite and infinite is rather surprising. A finite set is
one that does not have the same number of elements as any of its proper subsets.
Recall from Section 7.7 that we said we could use the existence of a one-to-one
correspondence between two sets to establish that that they are equipotent, that is,
Equipotent sets they have the same number of members.
If we take a finite set such as S = {1, 2, 3, 4} and any proper subset of it, such
as T = {1, 2, 3}, there is no way to find a one-to-one correspondence between the
two sets. For example, we could map 4 of S to 3 of T , 3 of S to 2 of T , and 2 of S
to 1 of T , but then we would have no member of T to associate with 1 of S. Any
other attempt to build a one-to-one correspondence from S to T must likewise fail.
Your intuition might suggest that the same should hold for any set whatsoever:
how could a set have the same number of elements as a set formed by throwing away
one or more of its elements? Consider the natural numbers (nonnegative integers)
N and the proper subset of N formed by throwing away 0; call it N − {0}, or
{1, 2, 3, . . .}. Then consider the one-to-one correspondence F from N to N − {0}
defined by F (0) = 1, F (1) = 2, and, in general, F (i) = i + 1.
Surprisingly, F is a one-to-one correspondence from N to N − {0}. For each
i in N, there is at most one j such that F (i) = j, so F is a function. In fact,
there is exactly one such j, namely i + 1, so that condition (1) in the definition
of one-to-one correspondence (see Section 7.7) is satisfied. For every j in N − {0}
there is some i such that F (i) = j, namely, i = j − 1. Thus condition (2) in the
definition of one-to-one correspondence is satisfied. Finally, there cannot be two

Infinite Hotels
To help you appreciate that there are as many numbers from 0 up as from 1 up,
imagine a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, numbered 0, 1, 2, and so on; for
any integer, there is a room with that integer as room number. At a certain time,
there is a guest in each room. A kangaroo comes to the front desk and asks for
a room. The desk clerk says, “We don’t see many kangaroos around here.” Wait
— that’s another story. Actually, the desk clerk makes room for the kangaroo as
follows. He moves the guest in room 0 to room 1, the guest in room 1 to room 2,
and so on. All the old guests still have a room, and now room 0 is vacant, and the
kangaroo goes there. The reason this “trick” works is that there are truly the same
number of rooms numbered from 1 up as are numbered from 0 up.

distinct numbers i1 and i2 in N such that F (i1 ) and F (i2 ) are both j, because then
i1 + 1 and i2 + 1 would both be j, from which we would conclude that i1 = i2 . We
are forced to conclude that F is a one-to-one correspondence between N and its
proper subset N − {0}.

Formal Definition of Infinite Sets

The definition accepted by mathematicians of an infinite set is one that has a one-
to-one correspondence between itself and at least one of its proper subsets. There
are more extreme examples of how an infinite set and a proper subset can have a
one-to-one correspondence between them.

✦ Example 7.41. The set of natural numbers and the set of even natural numbers
are equipotent. Let F (i) = 2i. Then F is a one-to-one correspondence that maps 0
to 0, 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 3 to 6, and in general, every natural number to a unique natural
number, its double.
Similarly, Z and N are the same size; that is, there are as many nonnegative
and negative integers as nonnegative integers. Let F (i) = 2i for all i ≥ 0, and let
F (i) = −2i − 1 for i < 0. Then 0 goes to 0, 1 to 2, −1 to 1, 2 to 4, −2 to 3, and so
on. Every integer is sent to a unique nonnegative integer, with the negative integers
going to odd numbers and the nonnegative integers to even numbers.
Even more surprising, the set of pairs of natural numbers is equinumerous with
N itself. To see how the one-to-one correspondence is constructed, consider Fig.
7.34, which shows the pairs in N × N arranged in an infinite square. We order the
pairs according to their sum, and among pairs of equal sum, by order of their first
components. This order begins (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 0), (0, 3), (1, 2),
and so on, as suggested by Fig. 7.34.
Now, every pair has a place in the order. The reason is that for any pair (i, j),
there are only a finite number of pairs with a smaller sum, and a finite number
with the same sum and a smaller value of i. In fact, we can calculate the position
of the pair (i, j) in the order; it is (i + j)(i + j + 1)/2 + i. That is, our one-
to-one correspondence associates the pair (i, j) with the unique natural number
(i + j)(i + j + 1)/2 + i.
Notice that we have to be careful how we order pairs. Had we ordered them
by rows in Fig. 7.34, we would never get to the pairs on the second or higher rows,

5 15
↑ 4 10 16
j 3 6 11
2 3 7 12
1 1 4 8 13
0 0 2 5 9 14
0 1 2 3 4 5
i →

Fig. 7.34. Ordering pairs of natural numbers.

Every Set Is Either Finite or Infinite

At first glance, it might appear that there are things that are not quite finite and not
quite infinite. For example, when we talked about linked lists, we put no limit on
the length of a linked list. Yet whenever a linked list is created during the execution
of a program, it has a finite length. Thus, we can make the following distinctions:
1. Every linked list is finite in length; that is, it has a finite number of cells.
2. The length of a linked list may be any nonnegative integer, and the set of
possible lengths of linked lists is infinite.

because there are an infinite number of pairs on each row. Similarly, ordering by
columns would not work. ✦

The formal definition of infinite sets is interesting, but that definition may not
meet our intuition of what infinite sets are. For example, one might expect that
an infinite set was one that, for every integer n, contained at least n elements.
Fortunately, this property can be proved for every set that the formal definition
tells us is infinite. The proof is an example of induction.

STATEMENT S(n): If I is an infinite set, then I has a subset with n elements.

BASIS. Let n = 0. Surely ∅ ⊆ I.

INDUCTION. Assume S(n) for some n ≥ 0. We shall prove that I has a subset
with n + 1 elements. By the inductive hypothesis, I has a subset T with n elements.
By the formal definition of an infinite set, there is a proper subset J ⊂ I and a 1-1
correspondence f from I to J. Let a be an element in I − J; surely a exists because
J is a proper subset.
Consider R, the image of T under f , that is, if T = {b1 , . . . , bn }, then R =
{f (b1 ), . . . , f (bn )}. Since f is 1-1, each of f (b1 ), . . . , f (bn ) are different, so R is of
size n. Since f is from I to J, each of the f (bk )’s is in J; that is, R ⊆ J. Thus, a

Cardinality of Sets
We defined two sets S and T to be equipotent (equal in size) if there is a one-to-one
correspondence from S to T . Equipotence is an equivalence relation on any set of
sets, and we leave this point as an exercise. The equivalence class to which a set S
belongs is said to be the cardinality of S. For example, the empty set belongs to an
equivalence class by itself; we can identify this class with cardinality 0. The class
containing the set {a}, where a is any element, is cardinality 1, the class containing
the set {a, b} is cardinality 2, and so on.
The class containing N is “the cardinality of the integers,” usually given the
Countable set, name aleph-zero, and a set in this class is said to be countable. The set of real
aleph-zero numbers belongs to another equivalence class, often called the continuum. There
are, in fact, an infinite number of different infinite cardinalities.

cannot be in R. It follows that R ∪ {a} is a subset of I with n + 1 elements, proving

S(n + 1).

Countable and Uncountable Sets

From Example 7.41, we might think that all infinite sets are equipotent. We’ve seen
that Z, the set of integers, and N, the set of nonnegative integers, are the same
size, as are some infinite subsets of these that intuitively “seem” smaller than N.
Since we saw in Example 7.41 that the pairs of natural numbers are equinumerous
with N, it follows that the nonnegative rational numbers are equinumerous with the
natural numbers, since a rational is just a pair of natural numbers, its numerator
and denominator. Likewise, the (nonnegative and negative) rationals can be shown
to be just as numerous as the integers, and therefore as the natural numbers.
Any set S for which there is a one-to-one correspondence from S to N is said
to be countable. The use of the term “countable” makes sense, because S must have
an element corresponding to 0, an element corresponding to 1, and so on, so that we
can “count” the members of S. From what we just said, the integers, the rationals,
the even numbers, and the set of pairs of natural numbers are all countable sets.
There are many other countable sets, and we leave the discovery of the appropriate
one-to-one correspondences as exercises.
However, there are infinite sets that are not countable. In particular, the real
numbers are not countable. In fact, we shall show that there are more real numbers
between 0 and 1 than there are natural numbers. The crux of the argument is that
the real numbers between 0 and 1 can each be represented by a decimal fraction
of infinite length. We shall number the positions to the right of the decimal point
0, 1, and so on. If the reals between 0 and 1 are countable, then we can number
them, r0 , r1 , and so on. We can then arrange the reals in an infinite square table,
as suggested by Fig. 7.35. In our hypothetical listing of the real numbers between
0 and 1, π/10 is assigned to row zero, 5/9 is assigned to row one, 5/8 is assigned to
row two, 4/33 is assigned to row three, and so on.
However, we can prove that Fig. 7.35 does not really represent a listing of all
Diagonalization the reals in the range 0 to 1. Our proof is of a type known as a diagonalization,
where we use the diagonal of the table to create a value that cannot be in the list
of reals. We create a new real number r with decimal representation .a0 a1 a2 · · · .

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ···
0 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 ···
REAL 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ···
NUMBERS 2 6 2 5 0 0 0 0 ···
↓ 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ···

Fig. 7.35. Hypothetical table of real numbers, assuming that the reals are countable.

The value of the ith digit, ai , depends on that of the ith diagonal digit, that is, on
the value found at the ith position of the ith real. If this value is 0 through 4, we
let ai = 8. If the value at the ith diagonal position is 5 through 9, then ai = 1.

✦ Example 7.42. Given the part of the table suggested by Fig. 7.35, our real
number r begins .8118 · · · . To see why, note that the value at position 0 of real 0 is
3, and so a0 = 8. The value at position 1 of real 1 is 5, and so a1 = 1. Continuing,
the value at position 2 of real 2 is 5 and the value at position 3 of real 3 is 2, and
so the next two digits are 18. ✦

We claim that r does not appear anywhere in the hypothetical list of reals, even
though we supposed that all real numbers from 0 to 1 were in the list. Suppose r
were rj , the real number associated with row j. Consider the difference d between
r and rj . We know that aj , the digit in position j of the decimal expansion of r,
was specifically chosen to differ by at least 4 and at most 8 from the digit in the jth
position of rj . Thus, the contribution to d from the jth position is between 4/10j+1
and 8/10j+1 .
The contribution to d from all positions after the jth is no more than 1/10j+1 ,
since that would be the difference if one of r and rj had all 0’s there and the other
had all 9’s. Hence, the contribution to d from all positions j and greater is between
3/10j+1 and 9/10j+1 .
Finally, in positions before the jth, r and rj are either the same, in which case
the contribution to d from the first j − 1 positions is 0, or r and rj differ by at least
1/10j . In either case, we see that d cannot be 0. Thus, r and rj cannot be the same
real number.
We conclude that r does not appear in the list of real numbers. Thus, our
hypothetical one-to-one correspondence from the nonnegative integers to the reals
between 0 and 1 is not one to one. We have shown there is at least one real number
in that range, namely r, that is not associated with any integer.

7.11.1: Show that equipotence is an equivalence relation. Hint : The hard part
is transitivity, showing that if there is a one-to-one correspondence f from S to
T , and a one-to-one correspondence g from T to R, then there is a one-to-one
Composition of correspondence from S to R. This function is the composition
 of f and g, that is,
functions the function that sends each element x in S to g f (x) in R.

7.11.2: In the ordering of pairs in Fig. 7.34, what pair is assigned number 100?
7.11.3*: Show that the following sets are countable (have a one-to-one correspon-
dence between them and the natural numbers):
a) The set of perfect squares
b) The set of triples (i, j, k) of natural numbers
c) The set of powers of 2
d) The set of finite sets of natural numbers
7.11.4**: Show that P(N), the power set of the natural numbers, has the same
cardinality as the reals — that is, there is a one-to-one correspondence from P(N)
to the reals between 0 and 1. Note that this conclusion does not contradict Exercise
7.11.3(d), because here we are talking about finite and infinite sets of integers, while
there we counted only finite sets. Hint : The following construction almost works,
but needs to be fixed. Consider the characteristic vector for any set of natural
numbers. This vector is an infinite sequence of 0’s and 1’s. For example, {0, 1} has
the characteristic vector 1100 · · · , and the set of odd numbers has the characteristic
vector 010101 · · · . If we put a decimal point in front of a characteristic vector, we
have a binary fraction between 0 and 1, which represents a real number. Thus, every
set is sent to a real in the range 0 to 1, and every real number in that range can
be associated with a set, by turning its binary representation into a characteristic
vector. The reason this association is not a one-to-one correspondence is that certain
reals have two binary representations. For example, .11000 · · · and .10111 · · · both
represent the real number 3/4. However, these sequences as characteristic vectors
represent different sets; the first is {0, 1} and the second is the set of all integers
except 1. You can modify this construction to define a one-to-one correspondence.
7.11.5**: Show that there is a one-to-one correspondence from pairs of reals in the
range 0 to 1 to reals in that range. Hint : It is not possible to imitate the table of
Fig. 7.34 directly. However, we may take a pair of reals, say, (r, s), and combine
the infinite decimal fractions for r and s to make a unique new real number t. This
number will not be related to r and s by any simple arithmetic expression, but from
t, we can recover r and s uniquely. The reader must discover a way to construct
the decimal expansion of t from the expansions of r and s.
7.11.6**: Show that whenever a set S contains subsets of all integer sizes 0, 1, . . . ,
then it is an infinite set according to the formal definition of “infinite”; that is, S
has a one-to-one correspondence with one of its proper subsets.

✦ ✦

7.12 Summary of Chapter 7
You should take away the following points from Chapter 7:
✦ The concept of a set is fundamental to both mathematics and computer science.
✦ The common operations on sets such as union, intersection, and difference can
be visualized in terms of Venn diagrams.
✦ Algebraic laws can be used to manipulate and simplify expressions involving
sets and operations on sets.

✦ Linked lists, characteristic vectors, and hash tables provide three basic ways to
represent sets. Linked lists offer the greatest flexibility for most set operations
but are not always the most efficient. Characteristic vectors provide the great-
est speed for certain set operations but can be used only when the universal set
is small. Hash tables are often the method of choice, providing both economy
of representation and speed of access.
✦ (Binary) relations are sets of pairs. A function is a relation in which there is
at most one tuple with a given first component.
✦ A one-to-one correspondence between two sets is a function that associates a
unique element of the second set with each element of the first, and vice versa.
✦ There are a number of significant properties of binary relations: reflexivity,
transitivity, symmetry, and asymmetry are among the most important.
✦ Partial orders, total orders, and equivalence relations are important special
cases of binary relations.
✦ Infinite sets are those sets that have a one-to-one correspondence with one of
their proper subsets.
✦ Some infinite sets are “countable,” that is, they have a one-to-one correspon-
dence with the integers. Other infinite sets, such as the reals, are not countable.
✦ The data structures and operations defined on sets and relations in this chapter
will be used in many different ways in the remainder of this book.

✦ ✦

7.13 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 7
Halmos [1974] provides a good introduction to set theory. Hashing techniques were
first developed in the 1950’s, and Peterson [1957] covers the early techniques. Knuth
[1973] and Morris [1968] contain additional material on hashing techniques. Rein-
gold [1972] discusses the computational complexity of basic set operations. The
theory of infinite sets was developed by Cantor [1915].
Cantor, G. [1915]. “Contributions to the founding of the theory of transfinite num-
bers,” reprinted by Dover Press, New York.
Halmos, P. R. [1974]. Naive Set Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Knuth, D. E. [1973]. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. III, Sorting and
Searching, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Morris, R. [1968]. “Scatter storage techniques,” Comm. ACM 11:1, pp. 35–44.
Peterson, W. W. [1957]. “Addressing for random access storage,” IBM J. Research
and Development 1:7, pp. 130–146.
Reingold, E. M. [1972]. “On the optimality of some set algorithms,” J. ACM 19:4,
pp. 649–659.

✦ ✦

The Relational
Data Model

One of the most important applications for computers is storing and managing
information. The manner in which information is organized can have a profound
effect on how easy it is to access and manage. Perhaps the simplest but most
versatile way to organize information is to store it in tables.
The relational model is centered on this idea: the organization of data into
collections of two-dimensional tables called “relations.” We can also think of the
relational model as a generalization of the set data model that we discussed in
Chapter 7, extending binary relations to relations of arbitrary arity.
Originally, the relational data model was developed for databases — that is,
Database information stored over a long period of time in a computer system — and for
database management systems, the software that allows people to store, access, and
modify this information. Databases still provide us with important motivation for
understanding the relational data model. They are found today not only in their
original, large-scale applications such as airline reservation systems or banking sys-
tems, but in desktop computers handling individual activities such as maintaining
expense records, homework grades, and many other uses.
Other kinds of software besides database systems can make good use of tables
of information as well, and the relational data model helps us design these tables and
develop the data structures that we need to access them efficiently. For example,
such tables are used by compilers to store information about the variables used in
the program, keeping track of their data type and of the functions for which they
are defined.

✦ ✦

8.1 What This Chapter Is About
There are three intertwined themes in this chapter. First, we introduce you to the
design of information structures using the relational model. We shall see that
✦ Tables of information, called “relations,” are a powerful and flexible way to
represent information (Section 8.2).


✦ An important part of the design process is selecting “attributes,” or properties

of the described objects, that can be kept together in a table, without introduc-
ing “redundancy,” a situation where a fact is repeated several times (Section
✦ The columns of a table are named by attributes. The “key” for a table (or
relation) is a set of attributes whose values uniquely determine the values of
a whole row of the table. Knowing the key for a table helps us design data
structures for the table (Section 8.3).
✦ Indexes are data structures that help us retrieve or change information in tables
quickly. Judicious selection of indexes is essential if we want to operate on our
tables efficiently (Sections 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6).
The second theme is the way data structures can speed access to information. We
shall learn that
✦ Primary index structures, such as hash tables, arrange the various rows of a
table in the memory of a computer. The right structure can enhance efficiency
for many operations (Section 8.4).
✦ Secondary indexes provide additional structure and help perform other opera-
tions efficiently (Sections 8.5 and 8.6).
Our third theme is a very high-level way of expressing “queries,” that is, questions
about the information in a collection of tables. The following points are made:
✦ Relational algebra is a powerful notation for expressing queries without giving
details about how the operations are to be carried out (Section 8.7).
✦ The operators of relational algebra can be implemented using the data struc-
tures discussed in this chapter (Section 8.8).
✦ In order that we may get answers quickly to queries expressed in relational
algebra, it is often necessary to “optimize” them, that is, to use algebraic laws
to convert an expression into an equivalent expression with a faster evaluation
strategy. We learn some of the techniques in Section 8.9.

✦ ✦

8.2 Relations
Section 7.7 introduced the notion of a “relation” as a set of tuples. Each tuple of
a relation is a list of components, and each relation has a fixed arity, which is the
number of components each of its tuples has. While we studied primarily binary
relations, that is, relations of arity 2, we indicated that relations of other arities
were possible, and indeed can be quite useful.
The relational model uses a notion of “relation” that is closely related to this
set-theoretic definition, but differs in some details. In the relational model, in-
formation is stored in tables such as the one shown in Fig. 8.1. This particular
table represents data that might be stored in a registrar’s computer about courses,
students who have taken them, and the grades they obtained.
Attribute The columns of the table are given names, called attributes. In Fig. 8.1, the
attributes are Course, StudentId, and Grade.

Course StudentId Grade

CS101 12345 A
CS101 67890 B
EE200 12345 C
EE200 22222 B+
CS101 33333 A−
PH100 67890 C+

Fig. 8.1. A table of information.

Relations as Sets Versus Relations as Tables

In the relational model, as in our discussion of set-theoretic relations in Section 7.7,
a relation is a set of tuples. Thus the order in which the rows of a table are listed
has no significance, and we can rearrange the rows in any way without changing
the value of the table, just as we can we rearrange the order of elements in a set
without changing the value of the set.
The order of the components in each row of a table is significant, since different
columns are named differently, and each component must represent an item of the
kind indicated by the header of its column. In the relational model, however, we
may permute the order of the columns along with the names of their headers and
keep the relation the same. This aspect of database relations is different from set-
theoretic relations, but rarely shall we reorder the columns of a table, and so we can
keep the same terminology. In cases of doubt, the term “relation” in this chapter
will always have the database meaning.

Tuple Each row in the table is called a tuple and represents a basic fact. The first
row, (CS101, 12345, A), represents the fact that the student with ID number 12345
got an A in the course CS101.
A table has two aspects:
1. The set of column names, and
2. The rows containing the information.
The term “relation” refers to the latter, that is, the set of rows. Each row represents
a tuple of the relation, and the order in which the rows appear in the table is
immaterial. No two rows of the same table may have identical values in all columns.
Relation scheme Item (1), the set of column names (attributes) is called the scheme of the
relation. The order in which the attributes appear in the scheme is immaterial, but
we need to know the correspondence between the attributes and the columns of
the table in order to write the tuples properly. Frequently, we shall use the scheme
as the name of the relation. Thus the table in Fig. 8.1 will often be called the
Course-StudentId-Grade relation. Alternatively, we could give the relation a name,
like CSG.

Representing Relations
As sets, there are a variety of ways to represent relations by data structures. A
table looks as though its rows should be structures, with fields corresponding to
the column names. For example, the tuples in the relation of Fig. 8.1 could be
represented by structures of the type
struct CSG {
char Course[5];
int StudentId;
char Grade[2];
The table itself could be represented in any of a number of ways, such as
1. An array of structures of this type.
2. A linked list of structures of this type, with the addition of a next field to link
the cells of the list.
Additionally, we can identify one or more attributes as the “domain” of the relation
and regard the remainder of the attributes as the “range.” For instance, the relation
of Fig. 8.1 could be viewed as a relation from domain Course to a range consisting of
StudentId-Grade pairs. We could then store the relation in a hash table according
to the scheme for binary relations that we discussed in Section 7.9. That is, we hash
Course values, and the elements in buckets are Course-StudentId-Grade triples. We
shall take up this issue of data structures for relations in more detail, starting in
Section 8.4.

A collection of relations is called a database. The first thing we need to do when
designing a database for some application is to decide on how the information to
be stored should be arranged into tables. Design of a database, like all design
problems, is a matter of business needs and judgment. In an example to follow, we
shall expand our application of a registrar’s database involving courses, and thereby
expose some of the principles of good database design.
Some of the most powerful operations on a database involve the use of several
relations to represent coordinated types of data. By setting up appropriate data
structures, we can jump from one relation to another efficiently, and thus obtain
information from the database that we could not uncover from a single relation.
The data structures and algorithms involved in “navigating” among relations will
be discussed in Sections 8.6 and 8.8.
The set of schemes for the various relations in a database is called the scheme
Database of the database. Notice the difference between the scheme for the database, which
scheme tells us something about how information is organized in the database, and the set
of tuples in each relation, which is the actual information stored in the database.

✦ Example 8.1. Let us supplement the relation of Fig. 8.1, which has scheme
{Course, StudentId, Grade}
with four other relations. Their schemes and intuitive meanings are:

1. {StudentId, Name, Address, Phone}. The student whose ID appears in the

first component of a tuple has name, address, and phone number equal to the
values appearing in the second, third, and fourth components, respectively.
2. {Course, Prerequisite}. The course named in the second component of a tuple
is a prerequisite for the course named in the first component of that tuple.
3. {Course, Day, Hour}. The course named in the first component meets on
the day specified by the second component, at the hour named in the third
4. {Course, Room}. The course named in the first component meets in the room
indicated by the second component.
These four schemes, plus the scheme {Course, StudentId, Grade} mentioned
earlier, form the database scheme for a running example in this chapter. We also
need to offer an example of a possible “current value” for the database. Figure 8.1
gave an example for the Course-StudentId-Grade relation, and example relations
for the other four schemes are shown in Fig. 8.2. Keep in mind that these relations
are all much shorter than we would find in reality; we are just offering some sample
tuples for each. ✦

Queries on a Database
We saw in Chapter 7 some of the most important operations performed on relations
and functions; they were called insert, delete, and lookup, although their appropri-
ate meanings differed, depending on whether we were dealing with a dictionary, a
function, or a binary relation. There is a great variety of operations one can perform
on database relations, especially on combinations of two or more relations, and we
shall give a feel for this spectrum of operations in Section 8.7. For the moment, let
us focus on the basic operations that we might perform on a single relation. These
are a natural generalization of the operations discussed in the previous chapter.
1. insert(t, R). We add the tuple t to the relation R, if it is not already there.
This operation is in the same spirit as insert for dictionaries or binary relations.
2. delete(X, R). Here, X is intended to be a specification of some tuples. It
consists of components for each of the attributes of R, and each component
can be either
a) A value, or
b) The symbol ∗, which means that any value is acceptable.
The effect of this operation is to delete all tuples that match the specification
X. For example, if we cancel CS101, we want to delete all tuples of the
relation that have Course = “CS101.” We could express this condition by

delete (“CS101”, ∗, ∗), Course-Day-Hour
That operation would delete the first three tuples of the relation in Fig. 8.2(c),
because their first components each are the same value as the first component
of the specification, and their second and third components all match ∗, as any
values do.

StudentId Name Address Phone

12345 C. Brown 12 Apple St. 555-1234
67890 L. Van Pelt 34 Pear Ave. 555-5678
22222 P. Patty 56 Grape Blvd. 555-9999

(a) StudentId-Name-Address-Phone

Course Prerequisite
CS101 CS100
EE200 EE005
EE200 CS100
CS120 CS101
CS121 CS120
CS205 CS101
CS206 CS121
CS206 CS205

(b) Course-Prerequisite

Course Day Hour

CS101 M 9AM
CS101 W 9AM
CS101 F 9AM
EE200 Tu 10AM
EE200 W 1PM
EE200 Th 10AM

(c) Course-Day-Hour

Course Room
CS101 Turing Aud.
EE200 25 Ohm Hall
PH100 Newton Lab.

(d) Course-Room

Fig. 8.2. Sample relations.

3. lookup(X, R). The result of this operation is the set of tuples in R that match
the specification X; the latter is a symbolic tuple as described in the preceding
item (2). For example, if we wanted to know for what courses CS101 is a
prerequisite, we could ask

lookup (∗, “CS101”), Course-Prerequisite

The result would be the set of two matching tuples


(CS120, CS101)
(CS205, CS101)

✦ Example 8.2. Here are some more examples of operations on our registrar’s

a) lookup (“CS101”, 12345, ∗), Course-StudentId-Grade finds the grade of the
student with ID 12345 in CS101. Formally, the result is the one matching
tuple, namely the first tuple in Fig. 8.1.

b) lookup (“CS205”, “CS120”), Course-Prerequisite asks whether CS120 is a
prerequisite of CS205. Formally, it produces as an answer either the single
tuple (“CS205”, “CS120”) if that tuple is in the relation, or the empty set if
not. For the particular relation of Fig. 8.2(b), the empty set is the answer.

c) delete (“CS101”, ∗), Course-Room drops the first tuple from the relation of
Fig. 8.2(d).

d) insert (“CS205”, “CS120”), Course-Prerequisite makes CS120 a prerequisite
of CS205.

e) insert (“CS205”, “CS101”), Course-Prerequisite has no effect on the relation
of Fig. 8.2(b), because the inserted tuple is already there. ✦

The Design of Data Structures for Relations

In much of the rest of this chapter, we are going to discuss the issue of how one selects
a data structure for a relation. We have already seen some of the problem when
we discussed the implementation of binary relations in Section 7.9. The relation
Variety-Pollinizer was given a hash table on Variety as its data structure, and we
observed that the structure was very useful for answering queries like

lookup (“Wickson”, ∗), Variety-Pollinizer
because the value “Wickson” lets us find a specific bucket in which to search. But
that structure was of no help answering queries like

lookup (∗, “Wickson”), Variety-Pollinizer
because we would have to look in all buckets.
Whether a hash table on Variety is an adequate data structure depends on the
expected mix of queries. If we expect the variety always to be specified, then a hash
table is adequate, and if we expect the variety sometimes not to be specified, as in
the preceding query, then we need to design a more powerful data structure.
The selection of a data structure is one of the essential design issues we tackle
in this chapter. In the next section, we shall generalize the basic data structures
for functions and relations from Sections 7.8 and 7.9, to allow for several attributes
in either the domain or the range. These structures will be called “primary in-
dex structures.” Then, in Section 8.5 we introduce “secondary index structures,”
which are additional structures that allow us to answer a greater variety of queries
efficiently. At that point, we shall see how both the above queries, and others we
might ask about the Variety-Pollinizer relation, can be answered efficiently, that is,
in about as much time as it takes to list all the answers.

Design I: Selecting a Database Scheme

An important issue when we use the relational data model is how we select an
appropriate database scheme. For instance, why did we separate information about
courses into five relations, rather than have one table with scheme
{Course, StudentId, Grade, Prerequisite, Day, Hour, Room}
The intuitive reason is that
✦ If we combine into one relation scheme information of two independent types,
we may be forced to repeat the same fact many times.
For example, prerequisite information about a course is independent of day and
hour information. If we were to combine prerequisite and day-hour information, we
would have to list the prerequisites for a course in conjunction with every meeting
of the course, and vice versa. Then the data about EE200 found in Fig. 8.2(b) and
(c), if put into a single relation with scheme
{Course, Prerequisite, Day, Hour}
would look like

Course Prerequisite Day Hour

EE200 EE005 Tu 10AM
EE200 EE005 W 1PM
EE200 EE005 Th 10AM
EE200 CS100 Tu 10AM
EE200 CS100 W 1PM
EE200 CS100 Th 10AM

Notice that we take six tuples, with four components each, to do the work previously
done by five tuples, with two or three components each.
✦ Conversely, do not separate attributes when they represent connected informa-
For example, we cannot replace the Course-Day-Hour relation by two relations, one
with scheme Course-Day and the other with scheme Course-Hour. For then, we
could only tell that EE200 meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and that it
has meetings at 10AM and 1PM, but we could not tell when it met on each of its
three days.


8.2.1: Give appropriate structure declarations for the tuples of the relations of Fig.
8.2(a) through (d).
8.2.2*: What is an appropriate database scheme for
a) A telephone directory, including all the information normally found in a direc-
tory, such as area codes.
SEC. 8.3 KEYS 411

b) A dictionary of the English language, including all the information normally

found in the dictionary, such as word origins and parts of speech.
c) A calendar, including information normally found on a calendar such as holi-
days, good for the years 1 through 4000.

✦ ✦

8.3 Keys
Many database relations can be considered functions from one set of attributes to
the remaining attributes. For example, we might choose to view the
relation as a function whose domain is Course-StudentId pairs and whose range
is Grade. Because functions have somewhat simpler data structures than general
relations, it helps if we know a set of attributes that can serve as the domain of a
function. Such a set of attributes is called a “key.”
More formally, a key for a relation is a set of one or more attributes such that
under no circumstances will the relation have two tuples whose values agree in each
column headed by a key attribute. Frequently, there are several different sets of
attributes that could serve as a key for a relation, but we normally pick one and
refer to it as “the key.”

Finding Keys
Because keys can be used as the domain of a function, they play an important role
in the next section when we discuss primary index structures. In general, we cannot
deduce or prove that a set of attributes forms a key; rather, we need to examine
carefully our assumptions about the application being modeled and how they are
reflected in the database scheme we are designing. Only then can we know whether
it is appropriate to use a given set of attributes as a key. There follows a sequence
of examples that illustrate some of the issues.

✦ Example 8.3. Consider the relation StudentId-Name-Address-Phone of Fig.

8.2(a). Evidently, the intent is that each tuple gives information about a different
student. We do not expect to find two tuples with the same ID number, because
the whole purpose of such a number is to give each student a unique identifier.
If we have two tuples with identical student ID numbers in the same relation,
then one of two things has gone wrong.
1. If the two tuples are identical in all components, then we have violated our
assumption that a relation is a set, because no element can appear more than
once in a set.
2. If the two tuples have identical ID numbers but disagree in at least one of the
Name, Address, or Phone columns, then there is something wrong with the
data. Either we have two different students with the same ID (if the tuples
differ in Name), or we have mistakenly recorded two different addresses and/or
phone numbers for the same student.

Thus it is reasonable to take the StudentId attribute by itself as a key for the
StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation.
However, in declaring StudentId a key, we have made a critical assumption,
enunciated in item (2) preceding, that we never want to store two names, addresses,
or phone numbers for one student. But we could just as well have decided otherwise,
for example, that we want to store for each student both a home address and a
campus address. If so, we would probably be better off designing the relation to
have five attributes, with Address replaced by HomeAddress and LocalAddress,
rather than have two tuples for each student, with all but the Address component
the same. If we did use two tuples — differing in their Address components only —
then StudentId would no longer be a key but {StudentId, Address} would be a
key. ✦

✦ Example 8.4. Examining the Course-StudentId-Grade relation of Fig. 8.1, we

might imagine that Grade was a key, since we see no two tuples with the same
grade. However, this reasoning is fallacious. In this little example of six tuples, no
two tuples hold the same grade; but in a typical Course-StudentId-Grade relation,
which would have thousands or tens of thousands of tuples, surely there would be
many grades appearing more than once.
Most probably, the intent of the designers of the database is that Course and
StudentId together form a key. That is, assuming students cannot take the same
course twice, we could not have two different grades assigned to the same student in
the same course; hence, there could not be two different tuples that agreed in both
Course and StudentId. Since we would expect to find many tuples with the same
Course component and many tuples with the same StudentId component, neither
Course nor StudentId by itself would be a key.
However, our assumption that students can get only one grade in any course
is another design decision that could be questioned, depending on the policy of the
school. Perhaps when course content changes sufficiently, a student may reregister
for the course. If that were the case, we would not declare {Course, StudentId} to be
a key for the Course-StudentId-Grade relation; rather, the set of all three attributes
would be the only key. (Note that the set of all attributes for a relation can always
be used as a key, since two identical tuples cannot appear in a relation.) In fact,
it would be better to add a fourth attribute, Date, to indicate when a course was
taken. Then we could handle the situation where a student took the same course
twice and got the same grade each time. ✦

✦ Example 8.5. In the Course-Prerequisite relation of Fig. 8.2(b), neither at-

tribute by itself is a key, but the two attributes together form a key. ✦

✦ Example 8.6. In the Course-Day-Hour relation of Fig. 8.2(c), all three at-
tributes form the only reasonable key. Perhaps Course and Day alone could be
declared a key, but then it would be impossible to store the fact that a course met
twice in one day (e.g., for a lecture and a lab). ✦
SEC. 8.3 KEYS 413

Design II: Selecting a Key

Determining a key for a relation is an important aspect of database design; it is
used when we select a primary index structure in Section 8.4.
✦ You can’t tell the key by looking at an example value for the relation.
That is, appearances can be deceptive, as in the matter of Grade for the Course-
StudentId-Grade relation of Fig. 8.1, which we discuss in Example 8.4.
✦ There is no one “right” key selection; what is a key depends on assumptions
made about the types of data the relations will hold.

✦ Example 8.7. Finally, consider the Course-Room relation of Fig. 8.2(d). We

believe that Course is a key; that is, no course meets in two or more different rooms.
If that were not the case, then we should have combined the Course-Room relation
with the Course-Day-Hour relation, so we could tell which meetings of a course were
held in which rooms. ✦


8.3.1*: Suppose we want to store home and local addresses and also home and
local phones for students in the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation.
a) What would then be the most suitable key for the relation?
b) This change causes redundancy; for example, the name of a student could be
repeated four times as his or her two addresses and two phones are combined
in all possible ways in different tuples. We suggested in Example 8.3 that one
solution is to use separate attributes for the different addresses and different
phones. What would the relation scheme be then? What would be the most
suitable key for this relation?
c) Another approach to handling redundancy, which we suggested in Section 8.2,
is to split the relation into two relations, with different schemes, that together
hold all the information of the original. Into what relations should we split
StudentId-Name-Address-Phone, if we are going to allow multiple addresses
and phones for one student? What would be the most suitable keys for these
relations? Hint : A critical issue is whether addresses and phones are inde-
pendent. That is, would you expect a phone number to ring in all addresses
belonging to one student (in which case address and phone are independent),
or are phones associated with single addresses?
8.3.2*: The Department of Motor Vehicles keeps a database with the following
kinds of information.
1. The name of a driver (Name).
2. The address of a driver (Addr).
3. The license number of a driver (LicenseNo).
4. The serial number of an automobile (SerialNo).
5. The manufacturer of an automobile (Manf).
6. The model name of an automobile (Model).

7. The registration (license plate) number of an automobile (RegNo).

The DMV wants to associate with each driver the relevant information: address,
driver’s license, and autos owned. It wants to associate with each auto the relevant
information: owner(s), serial number, manufacturer, model, and registration. We
assume that you are familiar with the basics of operation of the DMV; for example,
it strives not to issue the same license plate to two cars. You may not know (but
it is a fact) that no two autos, even with different manufacturers, will be given the
same serial number.
a) Select a database scheme — that is, a collection of relation schemes — each
consisting of a set of the attributes 1 through 7 listed above. You must allow any
of the desired connections to be found from the data stored in these relations,
and you must avoid redundancy; that is, your scheme should not require you
to store the same fact repeatedly.
b) Suggest what attributes, if any, could serve as keys for your relations from part

✦ ✦

8.4 Primary Storage Structures for Relations
In Sections 7.8 and 7.9 we saw how certain operations on functions and binary
relations were speeded up by storing pairs according to their domain value. In
terms of the general insert, delete, and lookup operations that we defined in Section
8.2, the operations that are helped are those where the domain value is specified.
Recalling the Variety-Pollinizer relation from Section 7.9 again, if we regard Variety
as the domain of the relation, then we favor operations that specify a variety but
we do not care whether a pollinizer is specified.
Here are some structures we might use to represent a relation.
1. A binary search tree, with a “less than” relation on domain values to guide the
placement of tuples, can serve to facilitate operations in which a domain value
is specified.
2. An array used as a characteristic vector, with domain values as the array index,
can sometimes serve.
3. A hash table in which we hash domain values to find buckets will serve.
4. In principle, a linked list of tuples is a candidate structure. We shall ignore
this possibility, since it does not facilitate operations of any sort.
The same structures work when the relation is not binary. In place of a single
attribute for the domain, we may have a combination of k attributes, which we call
the domain attributes or just the “domain” when it is clear we are referring to a
Domain and set of attributes. Then, domain values are k-tuples, with one component for each
range attributes attribute of the domain. The range attributes are all those attributes other than
the domain attributes. The range values may also have several components, one for
each attribute of the range.
In general, we have to pick which attributes we want for the domain. The
easiest case occurs when there is one or a small number of attributes that serve
as a key for the relation. Then it is common to choose the key attribute(s) as the

domain and the rest as the range. In cases where there is no key (except the set
of all attributes, which is not a useful key), we may pick any set of attributes as
the domain. For example, we might consider typical operations that we expect to
perform on the relation and pick for the domain an attribute we expect will be
specified frequently. We shall see some concrete examples shortly.
Once we have selected a domain, we can select any of the four data structures
just named to represent the relation, or indeed we could select another structure.
However, it is common to choose a hash table based on domain values as the index,
and we shall generally do so here.
Primary index The chosen structure is said to be the primary index structure for the relation.
The adjective “primary” refers to the fact that the location of tuples is determined
by this structure. An index is a data structure that helps find tuples, given a
value for one or more components of the desired tuples. In the next section, we
shall discuss “secondary” indexes, which help answer queries but do not affect the
location of the data.

typedef struct TUPLE *TUPLELIST;

struct TUPLE {
int StudentId;
char Name[30];
char Address[50];
char Phone[8];

Fig. 8.3. Types for a hash table as primary index structure.

✦ Example 8.8. Let us consider the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation,

which has key StudentId. This attribute will serve as our domain, and the other
three attributes will form the range. We may thus see the relation as a function
from StudentId to Name-Address-Phone triples.
As with all functions, we select a hash function that takes a domain value as
argument and produces a bucket number as result. In this case, the hash function
takes student ID numbers, which are integers, as arguments. We shall choose the
number of buckets, B, to be 1009,1 and the hash function to be
h(x) = x % 1009
This hash function maps ID’s to integers in the range 0 to 1008.
An array of 1009 bucket headers takes us to a list of structures. The structures
on the list for bucket i each represent a tuple whose StudentId component is an
integer whose remainder, when divided by 1009, is i. For the StudentId-Name-
Address-Phone relation, the declarations in Fig. 8.3 are suitable for the structures

1 1009 is a convenient prime around 1000. We might choose about 1000 buckets if there were
several thousand students in our database, so that the average number of tuples in a bucket
would be small.



h to other tuples
12345 237 12345 C.Brown 12 Apple St. 555-1234
in bucket 237



Fig. 8.4. Hash table representing StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation.

in the linked lists of the buckets and for the bucket header array. Figure 8.4 suggests
what the hash table would look like. ✦

✦ Example 8.9. For a more complicated example, consider the Course-StudentId-

Grade relation. We could use as a primary structure a hash table whose hash
function took as argument both the course and the student (i.e., both attributes of
the key for this relation). Such a hash function might take the characters of the
course name, treat them as integers, add those integers to the student ID number,
and divide by 1009, taking the remainder.
That data structure would be useful if all we ever did was look up grades, given
a course and a student ID — that is, we performed operations like

lookup (“CS101”, 12345, ∗), Course-StudentId-Grade

However, it is not useful for operations such as

1. Finding all the students taking CS101, or

2. Finding all the courses being taken by the student whose ID is 12345.

In either case, we would not be able to compute a value for the hash function. For
example, given only the course, we do not have a student ID to add to the sum of
the characters converted to integers, and thus have no value to divide by 1009 to
get the bucket number.
However, suppose it is quite common to ask queries like, “Who is taking
CS101?,” that is,

lookup (“CS101”, ∗, ∗), Course-StudentId-Grade

Design III: Choosing a Primary Index

✦ It is often useful to make the key for a relation scheme be the domain of a
function and the remaining attributes be the range.
Then, the relation can be implemented as if it were a function, using a primary
index such as a hash table, with the hash function based on the key attributes.
✦ However, if the most common type of query specifies values for an attribute
or a set of attributes that do not form a key, we may prefer to use this set of
attributes as the domain, with the other attributes as the range.
We may then implement this relation as a binary relation (e.g., by a hash table).
The only problem is that the division of the tuples into buckets may not be as even
as we would expect were the domain a key.
✦ The choice of domain for the primary index structure probably has the greatest
influence over the speed with which we can execute “typical” queries.

We might find it more efficient to use a primary structure based only on the value of
the Course component. That is, we may regard our relation as a binary relation in
the set-theoretic sense, with domain equal to Course and range the StudentId-Grade
For instance, suppose we convert the characters of the course name to integers,
sum them, divide by 197, and take the remainder. Then the tuples of the
relation would be divided by this hash function into 197 buckets, numbered 0
through 196. However, if CS101 has 100 students, then there would be at least
100 structures in its bucket, regardless of how many buckets we chose for our hash
table; that is the disadvantage of using something other than a key on which to
base our primary index structure. There could even be more than 100 structures,
if some other course were hashed to the same bucket as CS101.
On the other hand, we still get help when we want to find the students in a
given course. If the number of courses is significantly more than 197, then on the
average, we shall have to search something like 1/197 of the entire
relation, which is a great saving. Moreover, we get some help when performing
operations like looking up a particular student’s grade in a particular course, or
inserting or deleting a Course-StudentId-Grade tuple. In each case, we can use the
Course value to restrict our search to one of the 197 buckets of the hash table. The
only sort of operation for which no help is provided is one in which no course is
specified. For example, to find the courses taken by student 12345, we must search
all the buckets. Such a query can be made more efficient only if we use a secondary
index structure, as discussed in the next section. ✦

Insert, Delete, and Lookup Operations

The way in which we use a primary index structure to perform the operations insert,
delete, and lookup should be obvious, given our discussion of the same subject for

binary relations in Chapter 7. To review the ideas, let us focus on a hash table as
the primary index structure. If the operation specifies a value for the domain, then
we hash this value to find a bucket.
1. To insert a tuple t, we examine the bucket to check that t is not already there,
and we create a new cell on the bucket’s list for t if it is not.
2. To delete tuples that match a specification X, we find the domain value from X,
hash to find the proper bucket, and run down the list for this bucket, deleting
each tuple that matches the specification X.
3. To lookup tuples according to a specification X, we again find the domain value
from X and hash that value to find the proper bucket. We run down the list
for that bucket, producing as an answer each tuple on the list that matches the
specification X.
If the operation does not specify the domain value, we are not so fortunate.
An insert operation always specifies the inserted tuple completely, but a delete or
lookup might not. In those cases, we must search all the bucket lists for matching
tuples and delete or list them, respectively.


8.4.1: The DMV database of Exercise 8.3.2 should be designed to handle the
following sorts of queries, all of which may be assumed to occur with significant
1. What is the address of a given driver?
2. What is the license number of a given driver?
3. What is the name of the driver with a given license number?
4. What is the name of the driver who owns a given automobile, identified by its
registration number?
5. What are the serial number, manufacturer, and model of the automobile with
a given registration number?
6. Who owns the automobile with a given registration number?
Suggest appropriate primary index structures for the relations you designed in Ex-
ercise 8.3.2, using a hash table in each case. State your assumptions about how
many drivers and automobiles there are. Tell how many buckets you suggest, as
well as what the domain attribute(s) are. How many of these types of queries can
you answer efficiently, that is, in average time O(1) independent of the size of the
8.4.2: The primary structure for the Course-Day-Hour relation of Fig. 8.2(c) might
depend on the typical operations we intended to perform. Suggest an appropriate
hash table, including both the attributes in the domain and the number of buckets
if the typical queries are of each of the following forms. You may make reasonable
assumptions about how many courses and different class periods there are. In each
case, a specified value like “CS101” is intended to represent a “typical” value; in
this case, we would mean that Course is specified to be some particular course.

a) lookup (“CS101”, “M”, ∗), Course-Day-Hour .

b) lookup (∗, “M”, “9AM”), Course-Day-Hour .

c) delete (“CS101”, ∗, ∗), Course-Day-Hour .
d) Half of type (a) and half of type (b).
e) Half of type (a) and half of type (c).
f) Half of type (b) and half of type (c).

✦ ✦

8.5 Secondary Index Structures
Suppose we store the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation in a hash table,
where the hash function is based on the key StudentId, as in Fig. 8.4. This primary
index structure helps us answer queries in which the student ID number is specified.
However, perhaps we wish to ask questions in terms of students’ names, rather than
impersonal — and probably unknown — ID’s. For example, we might ask, “What
is the phone number of the student named C. Brown?” Now, our primary index
structure gives no help. We must go to each bucket and examine the lists of records
until we find one whose Name field has value “C. Brown.”
To answer such a query rapidly, we need an additional data structure that takes
us from a name to the tuple or tuples with that name in the Name component of
the tuple.2 A data structure that helps us find tuples — given a value for a certain
attribute or attributes — but is not used to position the tuples within the overall
structure, is called a secondary index.
What we want for our secondary index is a binary relation whose
1. Domain is Name.
2. Range is the set of pointers to tuples of the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone
In general, a secondary index on attribute A of relation R is a set of pairs (v, p),
a) v is a value for attribute A, and
b) p is a pointer to one of the tuples, in the primary index structure for relation
R, whose A-component has the value v.
The secondary index has one such pair for each tuple with the value v in attribute
We may use any of the data structures for binary relations for storing secondary
indexes. Usually, we would expect to use a hash table on the value of the attribute
A. As long as the number of buckets is no greater than the number of different
values of attribute A, we can normally expect good performance — that is, O(n/B)
time, on the average — to find one pair (v, p) in the hash table, given a desired
value of v. (Here, n is the number of pairs and B is the number of buckets.) To
show that other structures are possible for secondary (or primary) indexes, in the
next example we shall use a binary search tree as a secondary index.

2 Remember that Name is not a key for the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation, despite
the fact that in the sample relation of Fig. 8.2(a), there are no tuples that have the same
Name value. For example, if Linus goes to the same college as Lucy, we could find two tuples
with Name equal to “L. Van Pelt,” but with different student ID’s.

✦ Example 8.10. Let us develop a data structure for the

relation of Fig. 8.2(a) that uses a hash table on StudentId as a primary index
and a binary search tree as a secondary index for attribute Name. To simplify
the presentation, we shall use a hash table with only two buckets for the primary
structure, and the hash function we use is the remainder when the student ID is
divided by 2. That is, the even ID’s go into bucket 0 and the odd ID’s into bucket

typedef struct TUPLE *TUPLELIST;

struct TUPLE {
int StudentId;
char Name[30];
char Address[50];
char Phone[8];


typedef struct NODE *TREE;

struct NODE {
char Name[30];
TUPLELIST toTuple; /* really a pointer to a tuple */
TREE lc;
TREE rc;

Fig. 8.5. Types for a primary and a secondary index.

For the secondary index, we shall use a binary search tree, whose nodes store
elements that are pairs consisting of the name of a student and a pointer to a tuple.
The tuples themselves are stored as records, which are linked in a list to form one
of the buckets of the hash table, and so the pointers to tuples are really pointers to
records. Thus we need the structures of Fig. 8.5. The types TUPLE and HASHTABLE
are the same as in Fig. 8.3, except that we are now using two buckets rather than
1009 buckets.
The type NODE is a binary tree node with two fields, Name and toTuple, repre-
senting the element at the node — that is, a student’s name — and a pointer to a
record where the tuple for that student is kept. The remaining two fields, lc and
rc, are intended to be pointers to the left and right children of the node. We shall
use alphabetic order on the last names of students as the “less than” order with
which we compare elements at the nodes of the tree. The secondary index itself is
a variable of type TREE — that is, a pointer to a node — and it takes us to the root
of the binary search tree.
An example of the entire structure is shown in Fig. 8.6. To save space, the
Address and Phone components of tuples are not shown. The Li’s indicate the
memory locations at which the records of the primary index structure are stored.

L1 L2
0 67890 L. Van Pelt 22222 P. Patty •

1 12345 C. Brown •

(a) Primary index structure

C. Brown L3

L. Van Pelt L1

P. Patty L2

• •

(b) Secondary index structure

Fig. 8.6. Example of primary and secondary index structures.

Now, if we want to answer a query like “What is P. Patty’s phone number,” we

go to the root of the secondary index, look up the node with Name field “P. Patty,”
and follow the pointer in the toTuple field (shown as L2 in Fig. 8.6). That gets us
to the record for P. Patty, and from that record we can consult the Phone field and
produce the answer to the query. ✦

Secondary Indexes on a Nonkey Field

It appeared that the attribute Name on which we built a secondary index in Example
8.10 was a key, because no name occurs more than once. As we know, however, it
is possible that two students will have the same name, and so Name really is not a
key. Nonkeyness, as we discussed in Section 7.9, does not affect the hash table data
structure, although it may cause tuples to be distributed less evenly among buckets
than we might expect.
A binary search tree is another matter, because that data structure does not
handle two elements, neither of which is “less than” the other, as would be the case
if we had two pairs with the same name and different pointers. A simple fix to the
structure of Fig. 8.5 is to use the field toTuple as the header of a linked list of

Design IV: When Should We Create a Secondary Index?

The existence of secondary indexes generally makes it easier to look up a tuple,
given the values of one or more of its components. However,
✦ Each secondary index we create costs time when we insert or delete information
in the relation.
✦ Thus it makes sense to build a secondary index on only those attributes that
we are likely to need for looking up data.
For example, if we never intend to find a student given the phone number alone,
then it is wasteful to create a secondary index on the Phone attribute of the

pointers to tuples, one pointer for each tuple with a given value in the Name field.
For instance, if there were several P. Patty’s, the bottom node in Fig. 8.6(b) would
have, in place of L2, the header of a linked list. The elements of that list would be
the pointers to the various tuples that had Name attribute equal to “P. Patty.”

Updating Secondary Index Structures

When there are one or more secondary indexes for a relation, the insertion and
deletion of tuples becomes more difficult. In addition to updating the primary index
structure as outlined in Section 8.4, we may need to update each of the secondary
index structures as well. The following methods can be used to update a secondary
index structure for A when a tuple involving attribute A is inserted or deleted.
1. Insertion. If we insert a new tuple with value v in the component for attribute
A, we must create a pair (v, p), where p points to the new record in the primary
structure. Then, we insert the pair (v, p) into the secondary index.
2. Deletion. When we delete a tuple that has value v in the component for A, we
must first remember a pointer — call it p — to the tuple we have just deleted.
Then, we go into the secondary index structure and examine all the pairs with
first component v, until we find the one with second component p. That pair
is then deleted from the secondary index structure.


8.5.1: Show how to modify the binary search tree structure of Fig. 8.5 to allow for
the possibility that there are several tuples in the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone
relation that have the same student name. Write a C function that takes a name
and lists all the tuples of the relation that have that name for the Name attribute.
8.5.2**: Suppose that we have decided to store the

relation with a primary index on StudentId. We may also decide to create some
secondary indexes. Suppose that all lookups will specify only one attribute, either
Name, Address, or Phone. Assume that 75% of all lookups specify Name, 20%
specify Address, and 5% specify Phone. Suppose that the cost of an insertion or a
deletion is 1 time unit, plus 1/2 time unit for each secondary index we choose to
build (e.g., the cost is 2.5 time units if we build all three secondary indexes). Let the
cost of a lookup be 1 unit if we specify an attribute for which there is a secondary
index, and 10 units if there is no secondary index on the specified attribute. Let a be
the fraction of operations that are insertions or deletions of tuples with all attributes
specified; the remaining fraction 1 − a of the operations are lookups specifying one
of the attributes, according to the probabilities we assumed [e.g., .75(1 − a) of all
operations are lookups given a Name value]. If our goal is to minimize the average
time of an operation, which secondary indexes should we create if the value of
parameter a is (a) .01 (b) .1 (c) .5 (d) .9 (e) .99?
8.5.3: Suppose that the DMV wants to be able to answer the following types of
queries efficiently, that is, much faster than by searching entire relations.
i) Given a driver’s name, find the driver’s license(s) issued to people with that
ii) Given a driver’s license number, find the name of the driver.
iii) Given a driver’s license number, find the registration numbers of the auto(s)
owned by this driver.
iv) Given an address, find all the drivers’ names at that address.
v) Given a registration number (i.e., a license plate), find the driver’s license(s)
of the owner(s) of the auto.
Suggest a suitable data structure for your relations from Exercise 8.3.2 that will
allow all these queries to be answered efficiently. It is sufficient to suppose that
each index will be built from a hash table and tell what the primary and secondary
indexes are for each relation. Explain how you would then answer each type of
8.5.4*: Suppose that it is desired to find efficiently the pointers in a given secondary
index that point to a particular tuple t in the primary index structure. Suggest
a data structure that allows us to find these pointers in time proportional to the
number of pointers found. What operations are made more time-consuming because
of this additional structure?

✦ ✦

8.6 Navigation among Relations
Until now, we have considered only operations involving a single relation, such
as finding a tuple given values for one or more of its components. The power of
the relational model can be seen best when we consider operations that require
us to “navigate,” or jump from one relation to another. For example, we could
answer the query “What grade did the student with ID 12345 get in CS101?” by
working entirely within the Course-StudentId-Grade relation. But it would be more
natural to ask, “What grade did C. Brown get in CS101?” That query cannot be
answered within the Course-StudentId-Grade relation alone, because that relation
uses student ID’s, rather than names.

To answer the query, we must first consult the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone

relation and translate the name “C. Brown” into a student ID (or ID’s, since it is
possible that there are two or more students with the same name and different ID’s).
Then, for each such ID, we search the Course-StudentId-Grade relation for tuples
with this ID and with course component equal to “CS101.” From each such tuple
we can read the grade of some student named C. Brown in course CS101. Figure
8.7 suggests how this query connects given values to the relations and to the desired

“C. Brown”

“CS101” StudentId Name Address Phone

Course StudentId Grade


Fig. 8.7. Diagram of the query “What grade did C. Brown

get in CS101?”

If there are no indexes we can use, then answering this query can be quite
time-consuming. Suppose that there are n tuples in the
relation and m tuples in the Course-StudentId-Grade relation. Also assume that
there are k students with the name “C. Brown.” A sketch of the algorithm for
finding the grades of this student or students in CS101, assuming there are no
indexes we can use, is shown in Fig. 8.8.

(1) for each tuple t in StudentId-Name-Address-Phone do

(2) if t has “C. Brown” in its Name component then begin
(3) let i be the StudentId component of tuple t;
(4) for each tuple s in Course-StudentId-Grade do
(5) if s has Course component “CS101” and
StudentId component i then
(6) print the Grade component of tuple s;

Fig. 8.8. Finding the grade of C. Brown in CS101.

Let us determine the running time of the program in Fig. 8.8. Starting from
the inside out, the print statement of line (6) takes O(1) time. The conditional
statement of lines (5) and (6) also takes O(1) time, since the test of line (5) is an
O(1)-time test. Since we assume that there are m tuples in the relation

the loop of lines (4) through (6) is iterated m times and thus takes O(m) time in
total. Since line (3) takes O(1) time, the block of lines (3) to (6) takes O(m) time.
Now consider the if-statement of lines (2) to (6). Since the test of line (2) takes
O(1) time, the entire if-statement takes O(1) time if the condition is false and O(m)
time if it is true. However, we have assumed that the condition is true for k tuples
and false for the rest; that is, there are k tuples t for which the name component
is “C. Brown.” Since there is so much difference between the times taken when
the condition is true and when it is false, we should be careful how we analyze the
for-loop of lines (1) to (6). That is, instead of counting the number of times around
the loop and multiplying by the greatest time the body can take, we shall consider
separately the two outcomes of the test at line (2).
First, we go around the loop n times, because that is the number of different
values of t. For the k tuples t on which the test at line (2) is true, we take O(m)
time each, or a total of O(km) time. For the remaining n − k tuples for which the
test is false, we take O(1) time per tuple, or O(n − k) total. Since k is presumably
much less than n, we can take O(n) as a simpler but tight upper bound instead of
O(n − k). Thus the cost of the entire program is O(n + km). In the likely case
where k = 1, when there is only one student with the given name, the time required,
O(n + m), is proportional to the sum of the sizes of the two relations involved. If
k is greater than 1, the time is greater still.

Speeding Navigation by Using Indexes

With the right indexes, we can answer the same query in O(k) average time — that
is, O(1) time if k, the number of students with the name C. Brown, is 1. That
makes sense, since all we must do is examine 2k tuples, k from each of the two
relations. The indexes allow us to focus on the needed tuples in O(1) average time
for each tuple, if a hash table with the right number of buckets is used. If we have an
index on Name for the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation, and an index on
the combination of Course and StudentId for the Course-StudentId-Grade relation,
then the algorithm for finding the grade of C. Brown in CS101 is as sketched in Fig.

(1) using the index on Name, find each tuple in the

StudentId-Name-Address-Grade relation that has Name
component “C. Brown”;
(2) for each tuple t found in (1) do begin
(3) let i be the StudentId component of tuple t;
(4) using the index on Course and StudentId in the
Course-StudentId-Grade relation, find the tuple
s with Course component “CS101” and StudentId
component i;
(5) print the Grade component of tuple s;

Fig. 8.9. Finding the grade of C. Brown in CS101 using indexes.


Let us assume that the index on Name is a hash table with about n buckets,
used as a secondary index. Since n is the number of tuples in the
relation, the buckets have O(1) tuples each, on the average. Finding the bucket for
Name value “C. Brown” takes O(1) time. If there are k tuples with this name, it
will take O(k) time to find these tuples in the bucket and O(1) time to skip over
possible other tuples in the bucket. Thus line (1) of Fig. 8.9 takes O(k) time on the
The loop of lines (2) through (5) is executed k times. Let us suppose we store
the k tuples t that were found at line (1) in a linked list. Then the cost of going
around the loop by finding the next tuple t or discovering that there are no more
tuples is O(1), as are the costs of lines (3) and (5). We claim that line (4) can also
be executed in O(1) time, and therefore the loop of lines (2) to (5) takes O(k) time.
We analyze line (4) as follows. Line (4) requires the lookup of a single tuple,
given its key value. Let us suppose that the Course-StudentId-Grade relation has a
primary index on its key, {Course, StudentId}, and that this index is a hash table
with about m buckets. Then the average number of tuples per bucket is O(1), and
therefore line (4) of Fig. 8.9 takes O(1) time. We conclude that the body of the
loop of lines (2) through (5) takes O(1) average time, and thus the entire program
of Fig. 8.9 takes O(k) average time. That is, the cost is proportional to the number
of students with the particular name we query about, regardless of the size of the
relations involved.

Navigating over Many Relations

The same techniques that let us navigate efficiently from one relation to another
also allow navigation involving many relations. For example, suppose we wanted to
know, “Where is C. Brown 9AM Monday mornings?” Assuming that he is in some
class, we can find the answer to this query by finding the courses C. Brown is taking,
seeing whether any of them meet 9AM Mondays, and, if so, finding the room in
which the course meets. Figure 8.10 suggests the navigation through relations from
the given value “C. Brown” to the answer.
The following plan assumes that there is a unique student named C. Brown; if
there is more than one, then we can get the rooms in which one or more of them
are found at 9AM Mondays. It also assumes that this student has not registered
for conflicting courses; that is, he is taking at most one course that meets at 9AM
on Mondays.
1. Find the student ID for C. Brown, using the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone
relation for C. Brown. Let this ID number be i.
2. Look up in the Course-StudentId-Grade relation all tuples with StudentId com-
ponent i. Let {c1 , . . . , ck } be the set of Course values in these tuples.
3. In the Course-Day-Hour relation, look for tuples with Course component ci ,
that is, one of the courses found in step (2). There should be at most one that
has both “M” in the Day component and “9AM” in the Hour component.
4. If a course c is found in step (3), then look up in the Course-Room relation
the room in which course c meets. That is where C. Brown will be found on
Mondays at 9AM, assuming that he hasn’t decided to take a long weekend.

“C. Brown”

StudentId Name Address Phone

Course StudentId Grade

Course Day Hour

Course Room


Fig. 8.10. Diagram of the query “Where is C. Brown

at 9AM on Mondays?”

If we do not have indexes, then the best we can hope for is that we can execute
this plan in time proportional to the sum of the sizes of the four relations involved.
However, there are a number of indexes we can take advantage of.
a) In step (1), we can use an index on the Name component of the
relation to get the student ID of C. Brown in O(1) average time.
b) In step (2), we can take advantage of an index on the StudentId component of
Course-StudentId-Grade to get in O(k) time all the courses C. Brown is taking,
if he is taking k courses.
c) In step (3), we can take advantage of an index on Course in the
relation to find all the meetings of the k courses from step (2) in average time
proportional to the sum of the numbers of meetings of these courses. If we
assume that no course meets more than five times a week, then there are at
most 5k tuples, and we can find them in O(k) average time. If there is no index
on Course for this relation, but there is an index on Day and/or Hour, we can
take some advantage of such an index, although we may look at far more than
O(k) tuples, depending on how many courses there are that meet on Monday
or that meet at 9AM on some day.
d) In step (4), we can take advantage of an index on Course for the Course-Room
relation. In that case, we can retrieve the desired room in O(1) average time.
We conclude that, with all the right indexes, we can answer this very complicated
query in O(k) average time. Since k, the number of courses taken by C. Brown, can
be assumed small — say, 5 or so — this amount of time is normally quite small,

Summary: Fast Access to Relations

It is useful to review how our capability to get answers from relations has grown.
We began in Section 7.8 by using a hash table, or another structure such as a binary
search tree or a (generalized) characteristic vector, to implement functions, which
in the context of this chapter are binary relations whose domain is a key. Then, in
Section 7.9, we saw that these ideas worked even when the domain was not a key,
as long as the relation was binary.
In Section 8.4, we saw that there was no requirement that the relation be
binary; we could regard all attributes that are part of the key as a single “domain”
set, and all the other attributes as a single “range” set. Further, we saw in Section
8.4 that the domain did not have to be a key.
In Section 8.5 we learned that we could use more than one index structure on
a relation to allow fast access based on attributes that are not part of the domain,
and in Section 8.6 we saw that it is possible to use a combination of indexes on
several relations to perform complex retrievals of information in time proportional
to the number of tuples we actually visit.

and in particular is independent of the sizes of any of the relations involved.


8.6.1: Suppose that the Course-StudentId-Grade relation in Fig. 8.9 did not have
an index on Course-StudentId pairs, but rather had an index on Course alone. How
would that affect the running time of Fig. 8.9? What if the index were only on
8.6.2: Discuss how the following queries can be answered efficiently. In each case,
state what assumptions you make about the number of elements in intermediate
sets (e.g., the number of courses taken by C. Brown), and also state what indexes
you assume exist.
a) Find all the prerequisites of the courses taken by C. Brown.
b) Find the phone numbers of all the students taking a course that meets in Turing
c) Find the prerequisites of the prerequisites of CS206.

8.6.3: Assuming no indexes, how much time would each of the queries in Exercise
8.6.2 take, as a function of the sizes of the relations involved, assuming straightfor-
ward iterations over all tuples, as in the examples of this section?

✦ ✦

8.7 An Algebra of Relations
In Section 8.6 we saw that a query involving several relations can be quite compli-
cated. It is useful to express such queries in language that is much “higher-level”
than C, in the sense that the query expresses what we want (e.g., all tuples with
Course component equal to “CS101”) without having to deal with issues such as

lookup in indexes, as a C program would. For this purpose, a language called

relational algebra has been developed.
Like any algebra, relational algebra allows us to rephrase queries by applying
algebraic laws. Since complicated queries often have many different sequences of
steps whereby their answer can be obtained from the stored data, and since differ-
ent algebraic expressions represent different sequences of steps, relational algebra
provides an excellent example of algebra as a design theory. In fact, the improve-
ment in efficiency made possible by transforming expressions of relational algebra
is arguably the most striking example of the power of algebra that we find in com-
puter science. The ability to “optimize” queries by algebraic transformation is the
subject of Section 8.9.

Operands of Relational Algebra

In relational algebra, the operands are relations. As in other algebras, operands
can be either constants — specific relations in this case — or variables representing
unknown relations. However, whether a variable or a constant, each operand has a
Constant specific scheme (list of attributes naming its columns). Thus a constant argument
arguments might be shown as

0 1 2
0 3 4
5 2 3

This relation has scheme {A, B, C}, and it has three tuples, (0, 1, 2), (0, 3, 4), and
(5, 2, 3).
Variable A variable argument might be represented by R(A, B, C), which denotes a
arguments relation called R, whose columns are named A, B, and C but whose set of tuples
is unknown. If the scheme {A, B, C} for R is understood or irrelevant, we can just
use R as the operand.

Set Operators of Relational Algebra

The first three operators we shall use are common set operations: union, inter-
Union, section, and set difference, which were discussed in Section 7.3. We place one
intersection, requirement on the operands of these operators: the schemes of the two operands
and difference must be the same. The scheme of the result is then naturally taken to be the scheme
of either argument.

✦ Example 8.11. Let R and S be the relations of Fig. 8.11(a) and (b), re-
spectively. Note that both relations have the scheme {A, B}. The union operator
produces a relation with each tuple that appears in either R or S, or both. Note
that since relations are sets, they can never have two or more copies of the same
tuple, even though a tuple appears in both R and S, as does the tuple (0, 1) in this
example. The relation R ∪ S is shown in Fig. 8.11(c).
The intersection operator produces the relation that has those tuples appearing
in both operands. Thus the relation R ∩ S has only the tuple (0, 1), as shown in
Fig. 8.11(d). The set difference produces a relation with those tuples in the first
relation that are not also in the second. The relation R − S, shown in Fig. 8.11(e),

0 1 0 1
2 3 4 5

(a) R (b) S

0 1
2 3 A B A B
4 5 0 1 2 3

(c) R ∪ S (d) R ∩ S (e) R − S

Fig. 8.11. Examples of operations of relational algebra.

has the tuple (2, 3) of R, because that tuple is not in S, but does not have the tuple
(0, 1) of R, because that tuple is also in S. ✦

The Selection Operator

The other operators of relational algebra are designed to perform the kinds of actions
we have studied in this chapter. For example, we have frequently wanted to extract
from a relation tuples meeting certain conditions, such as all tuples from the

relation that have Course component “CS101.” For this purpose, we use the se-
lection operator. This operator takes a single relation as operand, but also has a
conditional expression as a “parameter.” We write the selection operator σC (R),
where σ (Greek lower-case sigma) is the symbol for selection, C is the condition,
and R is the relation operand. The condition C is allowed to have operands that
are attributes from the scheme of R, as well as constants. The operators allowed in
C are the usual ones for C conditional expressions, that is, arithmetic comparisons
and the logical connectives.
The result of this operation is a relation whose scheme is the same as that of
R. Into this relation we put every tuple t of R such that condition C becomes true
when we substitute for each attribute A the component of tuple t in the column for

✦ Example 8.12. Let CSG stand for the Course-StudentId-Grade relation of Fig.
8.1. If we want those tuples that have Course component “CS101,” we can write
the expression
σCourse=“CS101” (CSG)

The result of this expression is a relation with the same scheme as CSG, that is,
{Course, StudentId, Grade}, and the set of tuples shown in Fig. 8.12. That is,
the condition becomes true only for those tuples where the Course component is
“CS101.” For then, when we substitute “CS101” for Course, the condition becomes
“CS101” = “CS101.” If the tuple has any other value, such as “EE200”, in the
Course component, we get an expression like “EE200” = “CS101,” which is false. ✦

Course StudentId Grade

CS101 12345 A
CS101 67890 B
CS101 33333 A−

Fig. 8.12. Result of expression σCourse=“CS101” (CSG).

The Projection Operator

Whereas the selection operator makes a copy of the relation with some rows deleted,
we often want to make a copy in which some columns are eliminated. For that pur-
pose we have the projection operator, represented by the symbol π. Like selection,
the projection operator takes a single relation as argument, and it also takes a pa-
rameter, which is a list of attributes, chosen from the scheme of the relation that is
the argument.
If R is a relation with set of attributes {A1 , . . . , Ak }, and (B1 , . . . , Bn ) is a list
of some of the A’s, then πB1 ,...,Bn (R), the projection of R onto attributes B1 , . . . , Bn ,
is the set of tuples formed as follows. Take each tuple t in R, and extract its com-
ponents in attributes B1 , . . . , Bn ; say these components are b1 , . . . , bn , respectively.
Then add the tuple (b1 , . . . , bn ) to the relation πB1 ,...,Bn (R). Note that two or more
tuples of R may have the same components in all of B1 , . . . , Bn . If so, only one copy
of the projection of those tuples goes into πB1 ,...,Bn (R), since that relation, like all
relations, cannot have more than one copy of any tuple.

✦ Example 8.13. Suppose we wanted to see only the student ID’s for the students
who are taking CS101. We could apply the same selection as in Example 8.12, which
gives us all the tuples for CS101 in the CSG relation, but we then must project
out the course and grade; that is, we project onto StudentId alone. The expression
that performs both operations is

πStudentId σCourse=“CS101” (CSG)

The result of this expression is the relation of Fig. 8.12 projected onto its StudentId
component — that is, the unary relation of Fig. 8.13. ✦


Fig. 8.13. Students taking CS101.

Joining Relations
Finally, we need a way to express the idea that two relations are connected, so that
we can navigate from one to the other. For this purpose, we use the join operator,
which we denote ⊲⊳.3 Suppose we have two relations R and S, with sets of attributes
(schemes) {A1 , . . . , An } and {B1 , . . . , Bm }, respectively. We pick one attribute from
each set — say, Ai and Bj — and these attributes become parameters of the join
operation with arguments R and S.
The join of R and S, written R Ai⊲⊳ =Bj S, is formed by taking each tuple r from
R and each tuple s from S and comparing them. If the component of r for Ai equals
the component of s for Bj , then we form one tuple from r and s; otherwise, no tuple
is created from the pairing of r and s. We form a tuple from r and s by taking the
components of r and following them by all the components of s, but omitting the
component for Bj , which is the same as the Ai component of r anyway.
The relation R Ai⊲⊳ =Bj S is the set of tuples formed in this manner. Note that
there could be no tuples in this relation, if no value appearing in the Ai column
of R also appeared in the Bj column of S. At the other extreme, every tuple of
R could have the same value in the Ai component, and this component could also
appear in the Bj component of every tuple in S. Then, the number of tuples in
the join would be the product of the number of tuples in R and the number in S,
since every pair of tuples would match. Generally, the truth lies somewhere between
these extremes; each tuple of R pairs with some but not all of the tuples of S.
The scheme of the joined relation is
{A1 , . . . , An , B1 , . . . , Bj−1 , Bj+1 , . . . , Bm }
that is, the set of all attributes of R and S except for Bj . However, there could be
two occurrences of the same name on this list, if one of the A’s was the same as one
of the B’s (other than Bj , which is not an attribute of the join). If that is the case,
we shall insist that one of the pair of identical attributes be renamed.

✦ Example 8.14. Suppose we want to perform some operation connecting the

relation (which we abbreviate to CDH), and the Course-Room relation (CR). For
instance, we might want to know at what times each room is occupied by some
course. To answer that query, we must pair each tuple from CR with each tuple
from CDH, provided that the Course components of the two tuples are the same —

3 The “join” that we describe here is less general than that normally found in relational algebra
but will serve to get the flavor of the operator without going into all the complexities of the

that is, if the tuples are talking about the same course. Thus if we join CR with
CDH, requiring equality of the two Course attributes, we shall get a relation with
{Course, Room, Day, Hour}
that contains each tuple (c, r, d, h) such that (c, r) is a tuple of CR and (c, d, h) is
a tuple of CDH. The expression defining this relation is

and the value of the relation produced by this expression, assuming that the relations
have the tuples found in Fig. 8.2, is as shown in Fig. 8.14.

Course Room Day Hour

CS101 Turing Aud. M 9AM
CS101 Turing Aud. W 9AM
CS101 Turing Aud. F 9AM
EE200 25 Ohm Hall Tu 10AM
EE200 25 Ohm Hall W 1PM
EE200 25 Ohm Hall Th 10AM

Fig. 8.14. Join of CR and CDH on Course = Course.

To see how the relation of Fig. 8.14 is constructed, consider the first tuple of
CR, which is (CS101, Turing Aud.). We examine the tuples of CDH for those that
have the same Course value, that is, “CS101.” In Fig. 8.2(c), we find that the first
three tuples match, and from each of them, we construct one of the first three tuples
of Fig. 8.14. For example, the first tuple of CDH, which is (CS101, M, 9AM), joins
with tuple (CS101, Turing Aud.) to create the first tuple of Fig. 8.14. Notice how
that tuple agrees with each of the two tuples from which it is constructed.
Similarly, the second tuple of CR, (EE200, 25 Ohm Hall), shares a common
Course component with each of the last three tuples of CDH. These three pairings
give rise to the last three tuples of Fig. 8.14. The last tuple of CR,
(PH100, Newton Lab.)
does not have the same Course component as any tuple of CDH. Thus that tuple
does not contribute anything at all to the join. ✦

Natural Join
When we join two relations R and S, it is common that the attributes we equate
have the same name. If, in addition, R and S have no other attribute names in
common, then we can omit the parameter of the join and simply write R ⊲⊳ S. Such
a join is called a natural join.
For instance, the join in Example 8.14 is a natural join. The equated attributes
are both called Course, and the remaining attributes of CR and CDH all have
distinct names. Thus we could have written this join simply as CR ⊲⊳ CDH.

Expression Trees for Relational Algebra Expressions

Just as we draw expression trees for arithmetic expressions, we can represent a
relational algebra expression as a tree. The leaves are labeled by operands, that
is, by specific relations or variables representing relations. Each interior node is
labeled by an operator, including the parameter of the operator if it is a selection,
projection, or join (except a natural join, which needs no parameter). The children
of each interior node N are the node or nodes representing the operands to which
the operator at node N is applied.


σRoom=“Turing Aud.”



Fig. 8.15. Expression tree in relational algebra.

✦ Example 8.15. Building on Example 8.14, suppose we wanted to see not the
entire relation CR ⊲⊳ CDH, but just the Day-Hour pairs during which Turing Aud.
is occupied by some course. Then we need to take the relation of Fig. 8.14 and
1. Select for those tuples having Room component “Turing Aud.,” and
2. Project onto attributes Day and Hour.
The expression that performs the join, selection, and projection, in that order,

πDay,Hour σRoom=“Turing Aud.” (CR ⊲⊳ CDH)
Alternatively, we could display this expression as the tree shown in Fig. 8.15. The
relation computed at the join node appeared in Fig. 8.14. The relation for the
selection node is the first three tuples in Fig. 8.14, because these have “Turing Aud.”
in their Room component. The relation for the root of the expression is shown in
Fig. 8.16, that is, the Day and Hour components of the latter three tuples. ✦

Day Hour

Fig. 8.16. Result of expression in Fig. 8.15.


SQL, a Language Based on Relational Algebra

Many modern database systems use a language called SQL (Structured Query Lan-
guage) for expressing queries. While a complete guide to that language is beyond
the scope of this book, we can give the reader a feel for SQL with a few examples.
SELECT StudentId
WHERE Course = "CS101"
is SQL’s way of expressing the query of Example 8.13, that is,

πStudentId σCourse=“CS101” (CSG)
The FROM-clause indicates the relation to which the query is applied. The WHERE-
clause gives the condition of the selection, and the SELECT-clause gives the list of
attributes onto which the answer is projected. (It is unfortunate that the keyword
SELECT in SQL corresponds not to the relational algebra operator called “selection”
but to the operator called “projection.”)
For a more complicated example, we can express  the query of Example 8.15,
which is πDay,Hour σRoom=“Turing Aud.” (CR ⊲⊳ CDH) , by the SQL program
SELECT Day, Hour
WHERE CR.Course = CDH.Course AND Room = "Turing Aud."
Here, the FROM-clause tells us we are going to join the two relations CR and CDH.
The first part of the WHERE-clause is the join condition; it says that the Course
attribute of CR must equal the Course attribute in CDH. The second part of the
WHERE-clause is the selection condition. The SELECT-clause gives us the attributes
in the projection.


8.7.1: Express the queries of Exercise 8.4.2(a, b, c) in relational algebra. Assume

that what is wanted as an answer is the complete tuple(s).
8.7.2: Repeat Exercise 8.7.1, assuming that what is wanted is only the components
that have a ∗ in the specification.
8.7.3: Express the queries of Exercise 8.6.2(a, b, c) in relational algebra. Note that
in part (c), you will have to rename some attributes in order to take the join of a
relation with itself.
8.7.4: Express the query “Where is C. Brown at 9AM on Monday?” in relational
algebra. The discussion at the end of Section 8.6 should indicate the joins necessary
to answer this query.
8.7.5: Draw expression trees for the queries of Exercise 8.7.2(a) through (c), Exer-
cise 8.7.3(a) through (c), and Exercise 8.7.4.

✦ ✦

8.8 Implementing Relational Algebra Operations
Using the right data structures and algorithms for relational algebra operations can
speed up database queries. In this section, we shall consider some of the simpler
and more common strategies for implementing relational algebra operations.

Implementing Union, Intersection, and Difference

The three basic set operations can be implemented in the same way for relations
as for sets. We can take the union of two sets or relations by sorting both sets and
merging, as discussed in Section 7.4. The intersection and difference can be taken
by a similar technique. If the relations have n tuples each, it takes O(n log n) time
to sort them and O(n) time to do the merging, or O(n log n) total.
However, there are several other ways we could take the union of relations R
and S, and these are sometimes more efficient. First, we might not worry about
eliminating the duplicate copy of a tuple that appears in both R and S. We could
construct R ∪ S by making a copy of R, say, as a linked list, and then appending all
the tuples of S, without checking whether a tuple of S is also in R. This operation
can be done in time proportional to the sum of the sizes of R and S. The drawback
is that the result is not, strictly speaking, the union, since it can have duplicate
tuples. However, perhaps the presence of duplicates does not matter, because they
are expected to be rare. Or, we might find it more convenient to eliminate the
duplicates at a later stage, such as by sorting after taking the union of several more
Another option is to use an index. For example, suppose that S has an index
on attribute A, and that this attribute is a key for S. Then we can take the union
R ∪ S by starting with the tuples of S, and examining each tuple t of R, in its turn.
We find the value of t in its component A — let us call it a — and use the index to
look up the tuple of S that has the value a in its A-component. If this tuple in S
is identical to t, then we do not add t to the union a second time; but if there is no
tuple with key value a in S, or if the tuple with this key value differs from t, then
we add t to the union.
If the index gives us O(1) average time to look up a tuple, given its key value,
then this method takes average time proportional to the sum of the sizes of R and
S. Moreover, the resulting relation will have no duplicates, as long as neither R nor
S has duplicates.

Implementing Projection
In principle, when we perform a projection, we have no choice but to run through
every tuple and make a copy that omits the components corresponding to attributes
not on the projection list. Indexes do not help us at all. Moreover, after we compute
the projection of each tuple, we may find that we are left with many duplicates.
For example, suppose we have a relation R with scheme (A, B, C) and we
compute πA,B (R). Even though R cannot have tuples that agree on all of A, B,
and C, it may have many tuples with the same values for attributes A and B
but different values for C. Then all these tuples will yield the same tuple in the
Thus, after we compute a projection such as S = πL (R), for some relation R
and list of attributes L, we must eliminate duplicates. For example, we could sort
S and then run through the tuples in the sorted order. Any tuple that is the same

as the previous tuple in the order will be eliminated. Another way to eliminate
duplicates is to treat the relation S as an ordinary set. Each time we generate a
tuple by projecting a tuple of R onto the attributes in the list L, we insert it into
the set. As with all insertions into a set, if the element inserted is already there, we
do nothing. A structure such as a hash table will serve adequately to represent the
set S of tuples generated by the projection.
To sort the relation S before eliminating duplicates requires O(n log n) time if
there are n tuples in the relation R. If we instead hash tuples of S as we generate
them and we use a number of buckets proportional to n, then the entire projection
will take O(n) time, on the average. Thus hashing is normally slightly better than

Implementing Selection
When we perform a selection S = σC (R) and there are no indexes on R, then
we have no choice but to run through all the tuples of R to apply the condition C.
Regardless of how we perform the selection, we know that there can be no duplicates
in the result S, as long as R has no duplicates.
However, if there are indexes on R, then we can often take advantage of one of
them to home in on the tuples that meet the condition C, and we can thus avoid
looking at most or all of the tuples that do not meet condition C. The simplest
situation occurs when condition C is of the form A = b, where A is an attribute of
R and b is a constant. If R has an index on A, then we can retrieve all the tuples
that meet this condition by looking up b in the index.
If condition C is the logical AND of several conditions, then we can use any one
of them to look up tuples using an index, and then check the retrieved tuples to see
which ones meet the remaining conditions. For example, suppose condition C is
(A = a) AND (B = b)
Then we have the choice of using an index on A or an index on B, if either or both
exists. Suppose that there is an index on B, and either there is no index on A or
we prefer to use the index on B. Then we get all the tuples of R that have the
value b in their B component. Each of these tuples that has a in the A component
belongs in the relation S, the result of the selection; other retrieved tuples do not.
The time taken for the selection is proportional to the number of tuples with B
value b, which generally lies somewhere between the number of tuples in R and the
number of tuples in the answer, S.

Implementing Join
Suppose we want to take the natural join of relation R with scheme {A, B} and
relation S with scheme {B, C}. Suppose also that the join is the natural join,
with equality between the B attributes of the two relations.4 How we perform this
join depends on what indexes on attribute B we can find. The issues are similar to
those discussed in Section 8.6, when we considered how to navigate among relations,
because the join is the essence of navigation.
Nested-loop join There is an obvious and slow way to compute the join, called nested-loop join.
We compare every tuple of one relation with every tuple of the other relation, as

4 We show for each relation only one attribute (A and C, respectively) that is not involved in
the join, but the ideas mentioned here clearly carry over to relations with many attributes.

for each tuple r in R do

for each tuple s in S do
if r and s agree on their B attributes then
print the tuple agreeing with r and s
on attributes A, B, and C;
However, there are several more efficient ways to take a join. One is an index-
Index-join join. Suppose S has an index on B. Then we can visit every tuple t of R and find
its B component — say, b. We look up b in the index for S, and thus obtain all the
tuples that match t in B-values.
Similarly, if R has an index on B, we can run through the tuples of S. For each
such tuple, we look up the corresponding tuples of R by using the B index of R. If
both R and S have indexes on B, we can choose either one to use. As we shall see,
it makes a difference in the amount of time the join takes.
If there are no indexes on B, we can still do better than a nested-loop join
Sort-join by a technique called sort-join. We begin by merging the tuples of R and S, but
reorganizing them so that the B components are first in all tuples, and tuples have
an extra component that is either R (when the tuple comes from relation R) or S
(when the tuple comes from S). That is, a tuple (a, b) from R becomes (b, a, R),
while tuple (b, c) from S becomes (b, c, S).
We sort the merged list of tuples on the first, or b, component. Now, all the
tuples of both relations that join because of a common B value are consecutive in
the ordering, although tuples from the two relations may be mixed.5 We visit the
tuples with each given B value in turn, by going down the sorted list. When we
come to the tuples with B value b, we can pair all the tuples from R with those
from S. Since these tuples all have the same B value, they all join, and the time
taken to produce the tuples of the joined relation is proportional to the number of
tuples produced, except in the case that there are no tuples from R or no tuples
from S. In the latter case, we must still take time proportional to the number of
tuples with B value b, just to examine each once and skip over them on the sorted

✦ Example 8.16. Suppose we want to join the relation CDH from Fig. 8.2(c) with
the relation CR from Fig. 8.2(d). Here, Course plays the role of attribute B, Day
and Hour together play the role of A, and Room is C. The six tuples from CDH and
the three from CR are first padded with the name of the relation. No reordering
of components is necessary, because Course is first in both relations. When we
compare tuples, we first compare the Course components, using lexicographic order
to determine which course name comes first in the order. If there is a tie, that is,
if the course names are the same, we compare the last components, where we take
CDH to precede CR. If there is still a tie, we can allow either tuple to precede the
Then one sorted order of the tuples will be as shown in Fig. 8.17. Note that
this list is not a relation, because it has tuples of varying lengths. However, it does
group the tuples for CS101 and the tuples for EE200, so that we can easily take the

5 We could arrange while sorting that the last component — that is, the relation name —
be taken into account, so that a tuple with a given B value from relation R is deemed to
precede a tuple with the same B value from S. Then, the tuples with a common B value
would appear with the tuples from R first, and then the tuples from S.


CS101 Turing Aud. CR
EE200 Tu 10AM CDH
EE200 F 10AM CDH
EE200 25 Ohm Hall CR
PH100 Newton Lab. CR

Fig. 8.17. Sorted list of tuples from CDH and CR.

join of these groups of tuples. ✦

Comparison of Join Methods

Suppose we join the relation R, with scheme {A, B}, and the relation S, with
scheme {B, C}, and let R and S have r tuples and s tuples, respectively. Also, let
the number of tuples in the join be m. Remember that m could be as large as rs,
if each tuple of R joins with each tuple of S (because they all have the same B
value), but m could also be as small as 0, if no tuple of R has a B value in common
with any tuple of S. Finally, let us assume that we can look up any value in any
index in O(1) time, on the average, as we could if the index were a hash table with
a sufficiently large number of buckets.
Every method for joining will take at least O(m) time, just to produce the
output. However, some methods will take more. If we use nested-loop join, it takes
time rs to perform the comparisons. Since m ≤ rs, we can neglect the time to
produce the output and say that the cost of pairing all tuples is O(rs).
On the other hand, we could sort the relations. If we use an algorithm like
merge sort to sort the combined list of r + s tuples, the time required is

O (r + s) log(r + s)
Building the output tuples from adjacent tuples in the sorted list will take O(r + s)
time to examine the list, plus O(m) time to produce the output. The time to sort
dominates the O(r + s) term, but the O(m) cost to produce the output can be
greater or less than the sorting time. Thus we must include both terms in the
running time of the algorithm that joins by sorting; this running time is thus

O m + (r + s) log(r + s)
Since m is never greater than rs, and (r + s) log(r + s) is greater than rs only in
some unusual cases (for example, when r or s is 0), we conclude that sort-join is
generally faster than nested-loop join.
Now suppose we have an index on B in the relation S. It takes O(r) time to
look at each tuple of R and look up its B value in the index. To this time we must
add the O(m) cost of retrieving the matching tuples for the various B values and
of producing the output tuples. Since m can be greater than or less than r, the
expression for the cost of this index-join is O(m + r). Similarly, if there is an index
on B for relation R, we can perform the index-join in O(m + s) time. Since both
r and s are smaller than (r + s) log(r + s), except in some unusual situations such

as r + s ≤ 1, the running time of index-join is smaller than that of sort-join. Of

course, we need an index on one of the attributes involved in the join, if we are to
do an index-join, while a sort-join can be done on any relations.

8.8.1: Suppose that the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation (SNAP) of Fig.
8.2(a) is stored with a primary index on StudentId (the key) and a secondary
index on Phone. How would you compute most efficiently the answer to the query
σC (SNAP) if C were
a) StudentId = 12345 AND Address 6= “45 Kumquat Blvd”?
b) Name = “C. Brown” AND Phone = 555-1357?
c) Name = “C. Brown” OR Phone = 555-1357?
8.8.2: Show how to sort-join the relations CSG from Fig. 8.1 and SNAP from Fig.
8.2(a) by sorting the merged list of tuples as in Example 8.16. Assume the natural
join, or equality on the StudentId components, is wanted. Show the result of the
sort, analogous to Fig. 8.17, and give the tuples in the result of the join.
8.8.3*: Suppose that we join relations R and S, each with n tuples, and the result
has O(n3/2 ) tuples. Write formulas for the big-oh running time, as a function of n,
for the following techniques for taking the join:
a) Nested-loop join
b) Sort-join
c) Index-join, using an index on the join attribute of R
d) Index-join, using an index on the join attribute of S
8.8.4*: We proposed taking the union of two relations by using an index on an
attribute A that was a key for one of the relations. Is the method a reasonable way
to take a union if the attribute A that has an index is not a key?
8.8.5*: Suppose we want to compute (a) R ∩ S (b) R − S using an index on
attribute A for one of R and S. Can we obtain running time close to the sum of
the sizes of the two relations?
8.8.6: If we project a relation R onto a set of attributes that contains a key for R,
do we need to eliminate duplicates? Why?

✦ ✦

8.9 Algebraic Laws for Relations
As with other algebras, by transforming expressions we often have the opportunity
to “optimize” expressions. That is, we can take an expression that is expensive to
evaluate and turn it into an equivalent expression whose evaluation has a lower cost.
While transformations to arithmetic or logical expressions sometimes save a few
operations, the right transformations applied to expressions of relational algebra can
save orders of magnitude in the time it takes to evaluate the expression. Because of
the tremendous difference between the running times of optimized and unoptimized
relational algebra expressions, our ability to optimize such expressions is essential
if programmers are going to program in very high-level languages, like the language
SQL that we mentioned in Section 8.7.

Laws Involving Union, Intersection, and Difference

Section 7.3 covered the principal algebraic laws for union, intersection, and differ-
ence of sets. They apply to relations as a special case, although the reader should
bear in mind the requirement of the relational model that the schemes of the rela-
tions involved in these operations be the same.

Laws Involving Join

In one sense, the join operator is commutative, and in another sense it is not.
Suppose we take the natural join R ⊲⊳ S, where R has attributes A and B while
S has attributes B and C. Then the columns of the scheme for R ⊲⊳ S are A,
Commutativity B, and C, in that order. If we take S ⊲⊳ R instead, we get essentially the same
of join tuples, but the order of the columns is B, C, and then A. Thus if we insist that
order of columns matters, join is not commutative. However, if we accept that a
relation, with its columns permuted along with their column names, is really the
same relation, then we can consider the join commutative; that point of view will
be adopted here.
The join operator does not always obey the associative law. For example, sup-
pose relations R, S, and T have schemes {A, B}, {B, C}, and {A, D}, respectively.
Nonassociativity Suppose we take the natural join (R ⊲⊳ S) ⊲⊳ T , where we first equate the B com-
of join ponents of R and S and then equate the A component of the result with the A
component of relation T . If we associate from the right instead of the left, we get
R ⊲⊳ (S ⊲⊳ T ). Relations S and T have schemes {B, C} and {A, D}, respectively.
There is no pair of attributes we can choose to equate that will achieve the same
effect as the natural join.
However, there are some conditions under which the associative law holds for
⊲⊳. We leave it as an exercise for the reader to show that
(R ⊲⊳ S) ⊲⊳ T ≡ R ⊲⊳ (S ⊲⊳ T )

whenever A is an attribute of R, B and C are different attributes of S, and D is an

attribute of T .

Laws Involving Selection

The most useful laws of relational algebra involve the selection operator. If the
selection condition requires that a specified component have a certain value, as is
often the case in practice, then the relation that is the result of the selection will
tend to have many fewer tuples than the relation to which the selection is applied.
Since operations in general take less time if they are applied to smaller relations,
it is extremely advantageous to apply a selection as soon as we can. In algebraic
terms, we apply selections early by using a law that lets a selection pass down the
expression tree, below other operators.
An example of such a law is
σC (R ⊲⊳ S) ≡ σC (R) ⊲⊳ S
which holds provided that all attributes mentioned in condition C are attributes of
relation R. Similarly, if all attributes mentioned by C are attributes of S, we can
push the selection down to S, using the law
σC (R ⊲⊳ S) ≡ R ⊲⊳ σC (S)

Pushing Either law is referred to as selection pushing.

selections When we have a complex condition in a selection, sometimes we can push part
of it one way and part of it the other way, through a join. In order to split a
selection into two or more parts, we need the law

σC AND D (R) ≡ σC σD (R)
Selection Notice that we can only split a condition into two parts — C and D here — if the
splitting parts are connected by AND. Intuitively, when we select for the AND of two conditions
C and D, we can either examine each tuple of the relation R and see whether the
tuple satisfies both C and D, or we can examine all the tuples of R, selecting those
that satisfy D, and then examine the tuples that satisfy D to see which of them
satisfy C. We call this law selection splitting.
Another necessary law is the commutativity of selections. If we apply two
selections to a relation, it does not matter in what order we apply the selections;
Commutativity the selected tuples will still be the same. Formally, we may write
of selection  
σC σD (R) ≡ σD σC (R)
for any conditions C and D.

✦ Example 8.17. Let us take up the complex query that we first considered
in Section 8.6: “Where is C. Brown 9 AM on Mondays?” This query involves
navigating over the four relations
1. CSG (Course-StudentId-Grade),
2. SNAP (StudentId-Name-Address-Phone),
3. CDH (Course-Day-Hour), and
4. CR (Course-Room).
To get an algebraic expression for the query, we can start by taking the natural
join of all four relations. That is, we connect CSG and SNAP by equating the
StudentId components. Think of this operation as extending each
tuple by adding components for the name, address, and phone of the student men-
tioned in the tuple. Of course, we wouldn’t want to store data this way, because it
forces us to repeat the information about each student once for each course the stu-
dent takes. However, we are not storing this data, but just designing an expression
to compute it.
To the result of CSG ⊲⊳ SNAP we join CDH, by equating on the Course
components. That join has the effect of taking each CSG tuple (already extended
by the student information), making one copy for each meeting of the course, and
extending each tuple by one of the possible Day and Hour values. Finally, we join
the result of (CSG ⊲⊳ SNAP) ⊲⊳ CDH with the CR relation, equating Course
components, which has the effect of extending each tuple by adding a component
with the room in which the course meets. The resulting relation has scheme
{Course, StudentId, Grade, Name, Address, Phone, Day, Hour, Room}
and the meaning of a tuple (c, s, g, n, a, p, d, h, r) is that

1. Student s took course c and got grade g.

2. The name of the student with ID number s is n, his or her address is a, and
phone is p.
3. The course c meets in room r, and one meeting of the course is on day d at
hour h.
To this set of tuples, we must apply the selection that restricts our consideration
to the relevant tuples, namely, those in which the Name component is “C. Brown,”
the Day component is “M,” and the Hour component is “9AM.” There will be at
most one such tuple, on the assumption that C. Brown is taking at most one course
meeting at 9AM on Mondays. Since the answer we want is the Room component of
this tuple, we finish our expression by projecting onto Room. The expression tree
for our query is shown in Fig. 8.18. It consists of the four-way join, followed by the
selection, and then the projection.


σName=“C.Brown” AND Day=“M” AND Hour=“9AM”


⊲⊳ CR

⊲⊳ CDH


Fig. 8.18. Initial expression to determine where C. Brown is at 9AM, Mondays.

If we were to evaluate the expression of Fig. 8.18 as written, we would construct

an enormous relation by joining CSG, SNAP, CDH, and CR, and then restrict
it to a single tuple and project that tuple to a single component. Remember from
Section 8.6 that it is not necessary to build such a big relation; we can “push the
selection down the tree” to restrict the relations involved in the join, thus limiting
greatly the sizes of the relations we do construct.
Our first step is shown in Fig. 8.19(a). Notice that the selection involves only
attributes Name, Day, and Hour. None of these come from the right operand of the
top join in Fig. 8.18; they all come from the left side, which is the join of CSG,
SNAP, and CDH. Thus we may push the selection below the top join and have it
apply to the left operand only, as we see in Fig. 8.19(a).
Now we cannot push the selection further, because one of the attributes in-
volved, Name, comes from the left operand of the middle join in Fig. 8.19(a), while
the other attributes, Day and Hour, come from the right operand, the relation
CDH. Thus we must split the condition in the selection, which is the AND of three

conditions. We could split into three selections, but in this example it suffices to
split the condition Name = “C. Brown” off from the other two. The result of the
split is shown in Fig. 8.19(b).
Now, the selection involving Day and Hour can be pushed down to the right
operand of the middle join, since the right operand, the relation CDH, has both
attributes Day and Hour. Then the other selection, involving Name, can be pushed
to the left operand of the middle join, since that operand, CSG ⊲⊳ SNAP, has Name
as an attribute. These two changes yield the expression tree shown in Fig. 8.19(c).
Finally, the selection on Name involves an attribute of SNAP, and so we can
push this selection to the right operand of the bottom join. This change is shown
in Fig. 8.19(d).
Now we have an expression that gives us almost the same plan as we developed
in Section 8.6 for this query. We begin at the bottom of the expression in Fig.
8.19(d) by finding the student ID(s) for the student(s) named “C. Brown.” By
joining the tuples of SNAP that have Name = “C. Brown” with the CSG relation,
we get the courses taken by C. Brown. When we apply the second selection to
relation CDH, we get the courses that meet at 9AM on Mondays. The middle join
in Fig. 8.19(d) thus gives us tuples with a course that both is taken by C. Brown
and meets at 9AM Mondays. The top join gets the rooms in which those courses
meet, and the projection gives us these rooms as answer.
The major difference between this plan and the plan of Section 8.6 is that the
latter projects away useless components of tuples, while the plan here carries them
along until the end. Thus to complete our optimization of expressions of relational
algebra, we need laws that push projections down the tree. These laws are not all
the same as the laws for selection, as we shall see in the next subsection. ✦

Laws Involving Projection

First, whereas selections can be pushed below a union, an intersection, or a set
difference (provided that we push the selection to both operands), projections push
below unions only. That is, the law
πL (R ∪ S) ≡ πL (R) ∪ πL (S)
holds. However, it is not true that πL (R ∩ S) is necessarily the same as
πL (R) ∩ πL (S)
For example, suppose that R and S are relations with scheme {A, B}, R contains
only the tuple (a, b), and S contains only the tuple (a, c). Then πA (R) ∩ πA (S)
contains the (one-component) tuple (a), while πA (R ∩ S) does not (because R ∩ S
is empty). Thus we have a situation in which
πA (R ∩ S) 6= πA (R) ∩ πA (S)
It is possible to push a projection below a join. In general, we need a projection
operator for each operand of the join. If we have an expression πL (R A=B ⊲⊳ S), then
pushing the attributes of R that we need are those appearing in the list of attributes L,
and the attribute A, which is the attribute from R upon which the join is based.
Similarly, from S we need those attributes that are on the list L, and we also need
the join attribute B, regardless of whether it is or is not on L. Formally, the law
for pushing projections below joins is

πRoom πRoom

⊲⊳ ⊲⊳

σName=“C.Brown” AND Day=“M” AND Hour=“9AM” σName=“C.Brown” CR

⊲⊳ σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM”

⊲⊳ CDH ⊲⊳



(a) Push the selection

(b) Split the selection.
below the top join.

πRoom πRoom

⊲⊳ ⊲⊳

⊲⊳ CR ⊲⊳ CR

σName=“C.Brown” σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM” ⊲⊳ σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM”

⊲⊳ CDH CSG σName=“C.Brown” CDH


(c) Push the two selections (d) Push the selection on Name
in different directions. below the bottom join.

Fig. 8.19. Pushing the selection down.


⊲⊳ S) ≡ π π (R) ⊲⊳ π (S)
πL (R A=B L M A=B N

1. List M consists of those attributes of L that are in the scheme for R, followed
by attribute A if it is not on L, and
2. List N is the attributes of L that are in the scheme of S, followed by B if that
attribute is not on list L.
Note that the useful way in which to apply this projection pushing law is from
left to right, even though we thereby introduce two additional projections and do
not get rid of any. The reason is that it is usually beneficial to project out what
attributes we can as early as possible, that is, as far down the tree as we can. We
still may have to do the projection onto the list L after the join, in the situation
where the join attribute A is not on the list L (recall that the other join attribute,
B from S, will not appear in the join anyway).
Sometimes, the lists M and/or N consist of all attributes of R or S, respectively.
If so, there is no point in performing the projection, since it has no effect, except
perhaps a pointless permutation of the columns of the relation. Thus we shall use
the following law.
πL (R) ≡ R
provided that list L consists of all the attributes in the scheme for R. Note that
this law takes the point of view that relations are not changed by permutations of
their columns.
There is also a situation in which we do not want to bother projecting. Suppose
we have a subexpression πL (R) that is part of a larger expression, and let R be a
single relation (rather than an expression involving one or more occurrences of
operators). Suppose also that above this subexpression in the expression tree is
another projection. To perform the projection on R now requires us to examine the
entire relation, regardless of the existence of indexes. If we instead carry along the
attributes of R not on the list L, until the next opportunity to project out those
attributes, we are frequently able to save a significant amount of time.
For instance, we shall, in the next example, discuss a subexpression
which has the effect of getting rid of grades. Since our entire expression, which
is for the query of Example 8.17, eventually focuses on a few tuples of the CSG
relation, we are much better off projecting out grades later; by so doing, we avoid
ever examining the entire CSG relation.

✦ Example 8.18. Let us proceed from Fig. 8.19(d) to push projections down.
The projection at the root is first pushed below the top join. The projection list
consists of only Room, and the join attribute on both sides of the join is Course.
Thus on the left we project onto Course alone, since Room is not an attribute of the
expression on the left. The right operand of the join is projected onto both Course
and Room. Since these are all the attributes of the operand CR, we can omit the
projection. The resulting expression is shown in Fig. 8.20(a).
Now, we can push the projection onto Course below the middle join. Since

πRoom πRoom

⊲⊳ ⊲⊳

πCourse CR ⊲⊳ CR

⊲⊳ πCourse πCourse

⊲⊳ σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM” ⊲⊳ σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM”

CSG σName=“C.Brown” CDH CSG σName=“C.Brown” CDH


(a) Push the projection (b) Push the projection

below the top join. below the middle join.

πRoom πRoom

⊲⊳ ⊲⊳

⊲⊳ CR ⊲⊳ CR

πCourse πCourse πCourse πCourse

⊲⊳ σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM” ⊲⊳ σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM”

πCourse,StudentId πStudentId CDH CSG πStudentId CDH

CSG σName=“C.Brown” σName=“C.Brown”


(c) Push the projection (d) Remove the step that projects
below the bottom join. out the grade from CSG.

Fig. 8.20. Pushing the projection down.


Course is also the join attribute on both sides, we introduce two operators πCourse
below the middle join. Since the result of the middle join then has only attribute
Course, we no longer need the projection above that join; the new expression is
shown in Fig. 8.20(b). Note that this join, involving two relations whose tuples
have only the one component Course, is effectively an intersection of sets. That
makes sense — it intersects the set of courses C. Brown is taking with the set of
courses that meet at 9AM Mondays.
At this point, we need to push πCourse below the bottom join. The join attribute
is StudentId on both sides, and so the projection list on the left is (Course, Studen-
tId) and the list on the right is just StudentId (because Course is not an attribute
of the expression on the right). The expression that results is shown in Fig. 8.20(c).
Finally, as we mentioned just before the example, it is advantageous here not
to project Grade out of the CSG relation immediately. Above that projection we
meet the operator πCourse , which will get rid of the grades anyway. If we instead
use the expression of Fig. 8.20(d), we have essentially the plan of Section  8.6 for
this query. That is, the expression πStudentId σName=“C.Brown” (SNAP) gives us
the student ID(s) for students named “C. Brown,” and the first join followed by
projection πCourse gives us the courses taken by those students. If there is an index
on Name for relation SNAP and there is an index on StudentId for relation CSG,
then these operations are performed quickly.

The subexpression πCourse σDay=“M” AND Hour=“9AM” (CDH) has as its value
the courses that meet at 9AM Mondays, and the middle join intersects these sets
to give us the courses taken by a student named “C. Brown” that meet at 9AM
Mondays. Finally, the top join followed by projection looks up these courses in the
CR relation (a fast operation if there is an index on Course), and produces the
associated rooms as answer. ✦


8.9.1*: Prove that

⊲⊳ S) ⊲⊳ T  ≡ R ⊲⊳ (S
(R A=B ⊲⊳ T )

whenever A is an attribute of R, B and C are different attributes of S, and D is

an attribute of T . Why is it important that B 6= C? Hint : Remember that certain
attributes disappear when a join is taken.

8.9.2*: Prove that

⊲⊳ S) ⊲⊳ T  ≡ R ⊲⊳ (S ⊲⊳ T )
(R A=B A=C A=B B=C

whenever A is an attribute of R, B is an attribute of S, and C is an attribute of T .

8.9.3: Take each of your relational algebra queries from Exercise 8.7.3 and push
selections and projections down as far as you can.

8.9.4: Let us make the following gross simplifications regarding the number of
tuples that appear in relations that are the result of the operations of relational

i) Each operand relation has 1000 tuples.

ii) When we join relations with n and m tuples, respectively, the resulting relation
has mn/100 tuples.
iii) When we perform a selection whose condition is the AND of k conditions, each
of which equates an attribute to a constant value, we divide the size of the
relation by 10k .
iv) When we perform a projection, the size of the relation does not change.
Further, let us estimate the cost of evaluating an expression by the sum of the
sizes of the relations computed for each interior node. Give the costs of each of the
expressions in Figs. 8.18, 8.19(a) through (d), and 8.20(a) through (d).
8.9.5*: Prove the selection-pushing law
σC (R ⊲⊳ S) ≡ (σC (R)) ⊲⊳ S
Hint : To prove the equality of two sets, it is often easiest to show that each is a
subset of the other, as discussed in Section 7.3.
8.9.6*: Prove the laws
a) σC (R ∩ S) ≡ σC (R) ∩ σC (S)
b) σC (R ∪ S) ≡ σC (R) ∪ σC (S)
c) σC (R − S) ≡ σC (R) − σC (S)
8.9.7*: Give an example to show that the law
πL (R − S) ≡ πL (R) − πL (S)
does not hold.
8.9.8**: It is sometimes possible to push a selection down both ways through a
join, using the “equivalence”

σC (R ⊲⊳ S) ≡ σC (R) ⊲⊳ σC (S) (8.1)
a) Under what circumstances is Equation (8.1) truly an equivalence?
b) If (8.1) is valid, when would it be better to use this law, rather than push the
selection down only to R or only to S?

✦ ✦

8.10 Summary of Chapter 8

You should remember the following points from this chapter.

✦ Two-dimensional tables, called relations, are a versatile way to store informa-
✦ Rows of a relation are called “tuples,” and the columns are named by “at-
✦ A “primary index” represents the tuples of a relation as data structures and dis-
tributes them in such a way that operations using values in certain attributes —
the “domain” for the index — are facilitated.

✦ A “key” for a relation is a set of attributes that uniquely determine values for
the other attributes of the relation. Often, a primary index uses a key for its
✦ “Secondary indexes” are data structures that facilitate operations that specify
a particular attribute, usually one not part of the domain for the primary index.
✦ Relational algebra is a high-level notation for specifying queries about one
or more relations. Its principal operations are union, intersection, difference,
selection, projection, and join.
✦ There are a number of ways to implement joins more efficiently than the obvious
“nested-loop join,” which pairs each tuple of one relation with each tuple of
the other. Index-join and sort-join run in time that is close to what it takes to
look at the two relations involved and produce the result of the join.
✦ Optimization of expressions in relational algebra can make significant improve-
ments in the running time for evaluation of expressions and is therefore essential
if languages based on relational algebra are to be used in practice to express
✦ A number of ways to improve the running time of a given expression are known.
Pushing down selections is often the most profitable.

✦ ✦

8.11 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 8
Further study of database systems, especially those based on the relational model,
can be found in Ullman [1988].
The paper by Codd [1970] is generally regarded as the origin of the relational
data model, although there were a number of earlier works that contained some
of the ideas. The first implementations of systems using this model were INGRES
(Stonebraker et al. [1976]) at Berkeley and System R (Astrahan et al. [1976]) at
IBM. The latter is the origin of the language SQL sampled in Section 8.7 and found
in many database management systems today; see Chamberlin et al. [1976]. The
relational model is also found in the UNIX command awk (Aho, Kernighan, and
Weinberger [1988]).
Aho, A. V., B. W. Kernighan, and P. J. Weinberger [1988]. The AWK programming
Language, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Astrahan, M. M., et al. [1976]. “System R: a relational approach to data manage-
ment,” ACM Trans. on Database Systems 1:2, pp. 97–137.
Chamberlin, D. D., et al. [1976]. “SEQUEL 2: a unified approach to data definition,
manipulation, and control,” IBM J. Research and Development 20:6, pp. 560–575.
Codd, E. F. [1970]. “A relational model for large shared data banks,” Comm. ACM
13:6, pp. 377–387.
Stonebraker, M., E. Wong, P. Kreps, and G. Held [1976]. “The design and imple-
mentation of INGRES,” ACM Trans. on Database Systems 1:3, pp. 189–222.
Ullman, J. D. [1988]. Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems (two
volumes) Computer Science Press, New York.

✦ ✦

The Graph
Data Model

A graph is, in a sense, nothing more than a binary relation. However, it has a
powerful visualization as a set of points (called nodes) connected by lines (called
edges) or by arrows (called arcs). In this regard, the graph is a generalization of the
tree data model that we studied in Chapter 5. Like trees, graphs come in several
forms: directed/undirected, and labeled/unlabeled.
Also like trees, graphs are useful in a wide spectrum of problems such as com-
puting distances, finding circularities in relationships, and determining connectiv-
ities. We have already seen graphs used to represent the structure of programs in
Chapter 2. Graphs were used in Chapter 7 to represent binary relations and to
illustrate certain properties of relations, like commutativity. We shall see graphs
used to represent automata in Chapter 10 and to represent electronic circuits in
Chapter 13. Several other important applications of graphs are discussed in this

✦ ✦

9.1 What This Chapter Is About
The main topics of this chapter are
✦ The definitions concerning directed and undirected graphs (Sections 9.2 and
✦ The two principal data structures for representing graphs: adjacency lists and
adjacency matrices (Section 9.3).
✦ An algorithm and data structure for finding the connected components of an
undirected graph (Section 9.4).
✦ A technique for finding minimal spanning trees (Section 9.5).
✦ A useful technique for exploring graphs, called “depth-first search” (Section


✦ Applications of depth-first search to test whether a directed graph has a cycle,

to find a topological order for acyclic graphs, and to determine whether there
is a path from one node to another (Section 9.7).
✦ Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding shortest paths (Section 9.8). This algorithm
finds the minimum distance from one “source” node to every node.
✦ Floyd’s algorithm for finding the minimum distance between any two nodes
(Section 9.9).
Many of the algorithms in this chapter are examples of useful techniques that are
much more efficient than the obvious way of solving the given problem.

✦ ✦

9.2 Basic Concepts
Directed graph A directed graph, consists of
1. A set N of nodes and
Nodes and arcs 2. A binary relation A on N . We call A the set of arcs of the directed graph.
Arcs are thus pairs of nodes.
Graphs are drawn as suggested in Fig. 9.1. Each node is represented by a
circle, with the name of the node inside. We shall usually name the nodes by
integers starting at 0, or we shall use an equivalent enumeration. In Fig. 9.1, the
set of nodes is N = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.
Each arc (u, v) in A is represented by an arrow from u to v. In Fig. 9.1, the
set of arcs is
A = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 4), (3, 2), (3, 4), (4, 1)}

0 1

2 3

Fig. 9.1. Example of a directed graph.

Head and tail In text, it is customary to represent an arc (u, v) as u → v. We call v the head
of the arc and u the tail to conform with the notion that v is at the head of the

arrow and u is at its tail. For example, 0 → 1 is an arc of Fig. 9.1; its head is node
1 and its tail is node 0. Another arc is 0 → 0; such an arc from a node to itself is
Loop called a loop. For this arc, both the head and the tail are node 0.

Predecessors and Successors

When u → v is an arc, we can also say that u is a predecessor of v, and that v is a
successor of u. Thus, the arc 0 → 1 tells us that 0 is a predecessor of 1 and that 1
is a successor of 0. The arc 0 → 0 tells us that node 0 is both a predecessor and a
successor of itself.

As for trees, it is permissible to attach a label to each node. Labels will be drawn
near their node. Similarly, we can label arcs by placing the label near the middle
of the arc. Any type can be used as a node label or an arc label. For instance, Fig.
9.2 shows a node named 1, with a label “dog,” a node named 2, labeled “cat,” and
an arc 1 → 2 labeled “bites.”

1 2
dog cat

Fig. 9.2. A labeled graph with two nodes.

Again as with trees, we should not confuse the name of a node with its label.
Node names must be unique in a graph, but two or more nodes can have the same

A path in a directed graph is a list of nodes (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk ) such that there is an arc
Length of a from each node to the next, that is, vi → vi+1 for i = 1, 2, . . . , k − 1. The length
path of the path is k − 1, the number of arcs along the path. For example, (0, 1, 3) is a
path of length two in Fig. 9.1.
The trivial case k = 1 is permitted. That is, any node v by itself is a path of
length zero from v to v. This path has no arcs.

Cyclic and Acyclic Graphs

A cycle in a directed graph is a path of length 1 or more that begins and ends at
Length of a the same node. The length of the cycle is the length of the path. Note that a trivial
cycle path of length 0 is not a cycle, even though it “begins and ends at the same node.”
However, a path consisting of a single arc v → v is a cycle of length 1.

✦ Example 9.1. Consider the graph of Fig. 9.1. There is a cycle (0, 0) of length 1
because of the loop 0 → 0. There is a cycle (0, 2, 0) of length 2 because of the arcs
0 → 2 and 2 → 0. Similarly, (1, 3, 2, 1) is a cycle of length 3, and (1, 3, 2, 4, 1) is a
cycle of length 4. ✦

Note that a cycle can be written to start and end at any of its nodes. That
Equivalent is, the cycle (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk , v1 ) could also be written as (v2 , . . . , vk , v1 , v2 ) or as
cycles (v3 , . . . , vk , v1 , v2 , v3 ), and so on. For example, the cycle (1, 3, 2, 4, 1) could also
have been written as (2, 4, 1, 3, 2).
On every cycle, the first and last nodes are the same. We say that a cycle
Simple cycle (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk , v1 ) is simple if no node appears more than once among v1 , . . . , vk ;
that is, the only repetition in a simple cycle occurs at the final node.

✦ Example 9.2. All the cycles in Example 9.1 are simple. In Fig. 9.1 the
cycle (0, 2, 0) is simple. However, there are cycles that are not simple, such as
(0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 0) in which node 2 appears twice. ✦

Given a nonsimple cycle containing node v, we can find a simple cycle contain-
ing v. To see why, write the cycle to begin and end at v, as in (v, v1 , v2 , . . . , vk , v).
If the cycle is not simple, then either
1. v appears three or more times, or
2. There is some node u other than v that appears twice; that is, the cycle must
look like (v, . . . , u, . . . , u, . . . , v).
In case (1), we can remove everything up to, but not including, the next-to-last
occurrence of v. The result is a shorter cycle from v to v. In case (2), we can remove
the section from u to u, replacing it by a single occurrence of u, to get the cycle
(v, . . . , u, . . . , v). The result must still be a cycle in either case, because each arc of
the result is present in the original cycle, and therefore is present in the graph.
It may be necessary to repeat this transformation several times before the cycle
becomes simple. Since the cycle always gets shorter with each iteration, eventually
we must arrive at a simple cycle. What we have just shown is that if there is a cycle
in a graph, then there must be at least one simple cycle.

✦ Example 9.3. Given the cycle (0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 0), we can remove the first 2 and the
following 1, 3 to get the simple cycle (0, 2, 0). In physical terms, we started with
the cycle that begins at 0, goes to 2, then 1, then 3, back to 2, and finally back to
0. The first time we are at 2, we can pretend it is the second time, skip going to 1
and 3, and proceed right back to 0.
For another example, consider the nonsimple cycle (0, 0, 0). As 0 appears three
times, we remove the first 0, that is, everything up to but not including the next-
to-last 0. Physically, we have replaced the path in which we went around the loop
0 → 0 twice by the path in which we go around once. ✦

Cyclic graph If a graph has one or more cycles, we say the graph is cyclic. If there are no
cycles, the graph is said to be acyclic. By what we just argued about simple cycles,
a graph is cyclic if and only if it has a simple cycle, because if it has any cycles at
all, it will have a simple cycle.

✦ Example 9.4. We mentioned in Section 3.8 that we could represent the calls

Calling graph made by a collection of functions with a directed graph called the “calling graph.”
The nodes are the functions, and there is an arc P → Q if function P calls function
Q. For instance, Fig. 9.3 shows the calling graph associated with the merge sort
algorithm of Section 2.9.


MakeList PrintList


split merge

Fig. 9.3. Calling graph for the mergesort algorithm.

The existence of a cycle in the calling graph implies a recursion in the algorithm.
In Fig. 9.3 there are four simple cycles, one around each of the nodes MakeList,
MergeSort, split, and merge. Each cycle is a trivial loop. Recall that all these
functions call themselves, and thus are recursive. Recursions in which a function
calls itself are by far the most common kind, and each of these appears as a loop in
Direct and the calling graph. We call these recursions direct. However, one occasionally sees an
indirect indirect recursion, in which there is a cycle of length greater than 1. For instance,
recursion the graph


represents a function P that calls function Q, which calls function R, which calls
function P . ✦

Acyclic Paths
A path is said to be acyclic if no node appears more than once on the path. Clearly,
no cycle is acyclic. The argument that we just gave to show that for every cycle
there is a simple cycle also demonstrates the following principle. If there is any path
at all from u to v, then there is an acyclic path from u to v. To see why, start with
any path from u to v. If there is a repetition of some node w, which could be u or
v, replace the two occurrences of w and everything in between by one occurrence of
w. As for the case of cycles, we may have to repeat this process several times, but
eventually we reduce the path to an acyclic path.

✦ Example 9.5. Consider the graph of Fig 9.1 again. The path (0, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4)
is a path from 0 to 4 that contains a cycle. We can focus on the two occurrences of
node 1, and replace them, and the 3, 2 between them, by 1, leaving (0, 1, 3, 4), which
is an acyclic path because no node appears twice. We could also have obtained the
same result by focusing on the two occurrences of node 3. ✦

Undirected Graphs
Sometimes it makes sense to connect nodes by lines that have no direction, called
Edge edges. Formally, an edge is a set of two nodes. The edge {u, v} says that nodes u
and v are connected in both directions.1 If {u, v} is an edge, then nodes u and v
Neighbors are said to be adjacent or to be neighbors. A graph with edges, that is, a graph
with a symmetric arc relation, is called an undirected graph.

✦ Example 9.6. Figure 9.4 represents a partial road map of the Hawaiian Islands,
indicating some of the principal cities. Cities with a road between them are indicated
by an edge, and the edge is labeled by the driving distance. It is natural to represent
roads by edges, rather than arcs, because roads are normally two-way. ✦

Paths and Cycles in Undirected Graphs

A path in an undirected graph is a list of nodes (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk ) such that each
node and the next are connected by an edge. That is, {vi , vi+1 } is an edge for
i = 1, 2, . . . , k − 1. Note that edges, being sets, do not have their elements in any
particular order. Thus, the edge {vi , vi+1 } could just as well appear as {vi+1 , vi }.
The length of the path (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk ) is k − 1. As with directed graphs, a node
by itself is a path of length 0.
Defining cycles in undirected graphs is a little tricky. The problem is that we
do not want to consider a path such as (u, v, u), which exists whenever there is an
edge {u, v}, to be a cycle. Similarly, if (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk ) is a path, we can traverse it
forward and backward, but we do not want to call the path
(v1 , v2 , . . . , vk−1 , vk , vk−1 , . . . , v2 , v1 )

1 Note that the edge is required to have exactly two nodes. A singleton set consisting of one
node is not an edge. Thus, although an arc from a node to itself is permitted, we do not
permit a looping edge from a node to itself. Some definitions of “undirected graph” do permit
such loops.


22 60

Laie Lahaina 16 Hana

28 24

Maili Wahiawa Kaneohe

20 12 11

Pearl 13
Honolulu Kamuela
31 45

Kona Hilo

Fig. 9.4. An undirected graph representing roads in three Hawaiian Islands

Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii (clockwise from the left).

a cycle.
Simple cycle Perhaps the easiest approach is to define a simple cycle in an undirected graph
to be a path of length three or more that begins and ends at the same node, and
with the exception of the last node does not repeat any node. The notion of a
nonsimple cycle in an undirected graph is not generally useful, and we shall not
pursue this concept.
Equivalent As with directed cycles, we regard two undirected cycles as the same if they
cycles consist of the same nodes in the same order, with a different starting point. Undi-
rected cycles are also the same if they consist of the same nodes in reverse order.
Formally, the simple cycle (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk ) is equivalent, for each i between 1 and k,
to the cycle (vi , vi+1 , . . . , vk , v1 , v2 , . . . , vi−1 ) and to the cycle
(vi , vi−1 , . . . , v1 , vk , vk−1 , . . . , vi+1 )

✦ Example 9.7. In Fig. 9.4,

(Wahiawa, Pearl City, Maili, Wahiawa)
is a simple cycle of length three. It could have been written equivalently as
(Maili, Wahiawa, Pearl City, Maili)

by starting at Maili and proceeding in the same order around the circle. Likewise,
it could have been written to start at Pearl City and proceed around the circle in
reverse order:
(Pearl City, Maili, Wahiawa, Pearl City)
For another example,
(Laie, Wahiawa, Pearl City, Honolulu, Kaneohe, Laie)
is a simple cycle of length five. ✦

f b

e c

Fig. 9.5. Directed graph for Exercises 9.2.1 and 9.2.2.


9.2.1: Consider the graph of Fig. 9.5.

a) How many arcs are there?
b) How many acyclic paths are there from node a to node d? What are they?
c) What are the predecessors of node b?
d) What are the successors of node b?
e) How many simple cycles are there? List them. Do not repeat paths that differ
only in the starting point (see Exercise 9.2.8).
f) List all the nonsimple cycles of length up to 7.
9.2.2: Consider the graph of Fig. 9.5 to be an undirected graph, by replacing each
arc u → v by an edge {u, v}.
a) Find all the paths from a to d that do not repeat any node.
b) How many simple cycles are there that include all six nodes? List these cycles.
c) What are the neighbors of node a?
9.2.3*: If a graph has 10 nodes, what is the largest number of arcs it can have?
What is the smallest possible number of arcs? In general, if a graph has n nodes,
what are the minimum and maximum number of arcs?
9.2.4*: Repeat Exercise 9.2.3 for the edges of an undirected graph.
9.2.5**: If a directed graph is acyclic and has n nodes, what is the largest possible
number of arcs?

9.2.6: Find an example of indirect recursion among the functions so far in this
9.2.7: Write the cycle (0, 1, 2, 0) in all possible ways.

9.2.8*: Let G be a directed graph and let R be the relation on the cycles of G defined
by (u1 , . . . , uk , u1 )R(v1 , . . . , vk , v1 ) if and only if (u1 , . . . , uk , u1 ) and (v1 , . . . , vk , v1 )
represent the same cycle. Show that R is an equivalence relation on the cycles of

9.2.9*: Show that the relation S defined on the nodes of a graph by uSv if and only
if u = v or there is some cycle that includes both nodes u and v, is an equivalence

9.2.10*: When we discussed simple cycles in undirected graphs, we mentioned

that two cycles were really the same if they were the same nodes, either in order,
or in reverse order, but with a different starting point. Show that the relation R
consisting of pairs of representations for the same simple cycle is an equivalence

✦ ✦

9.3 Implementation of Graphs

There are two standard ways to represent a graph. One, called adjacency lists, is
familiar from the implementation of binary relations in general. The second, called
adjacency matrices, is a new way to represent binary relations, and is more suitable
for relations where the number of pairs is a sizable fraction of the total number
of pairs that could possibly exist over a given domain. We shall consider these
representations, first for directed graphs, then for undirected graphs.

Adjacency Lists

Let nodes be named either by the integers 0, 1, . . . , M AX − 1 or by an equivalent

enumerated type. In general, we shall use NODE as the type of nodes, but we
may suppose that NODE is a synonym for int. Then we can use the generalized
characteristic-vector approach, introduced in Section 7.9, to represent the set of
arcs. This representation is called adjacency lists. We define linked lists of nodes
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
NODE nodeName;
LIST next;

and then create an array

LIST successors[MAX];

That is, the entry successors[u] contains a pointer to a linked list of all the
successors of node u.


0 0 1 2 •

1 3 •

2 0 1 4 •

3 2 4 •

4 1 •

Fig. 9.6. Adjacency-list representation of the graph shown in Fig. 9.1.

✦ Example 9.8. The graph of Fig. 9.1 can be represented by the adjacency lists
shown in Fig. 9.6. We have sorted the adjacency lists by node number, but the
successors of a node can appear in any order on its adjacency list. ✦

Adjacency Matrices
Another common way to represent directed graphs is as adjacency matrices. We
can create a two-dimensional array
in which the value of arcs[u][v] is TRUE if there is an arc u → v, and FALSE if not.

✦ Example 9.9. The adjacency matrix for the graph of Fig. 9.1 is shown in Fig.
9.7. We use 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE. ✦

0 1 2 3 4
0 1 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0
2 1 1 0 0 1
3 0 0 1 0 1
4 0 1 0 0 0

Fig. 9.7. Adjacency matrix representing the graph of Fig. 9.1.

Operations on Graphs
We can see some of the distinctions between the two graph representations if we
consider some simple operations on graphs. Perhaps the most basic operation is
to determine whether there is an arc u → v from a node u to a node v. In the
adjacency matrix, it takes O(1) time to look up arcs[u][v] to see whether the
entry there is TRUE or not.

Comparison of Adjacency Matrices and Adjacency Lists

We tend to prefer adjacency matrices when the graphs are dense, that is, when the
Dense and number of arcs is near the maximum possible number, which is n2 for a graph of n
sparse graphs nodes. However, if the graph is sparse, that is, if most of the possible arcs are not
present, then the adjacency-list representation may save space. To see why, note
that an adjacency matrix for an n-node graph has n2 bits (provided we represent
TRUE and FALSE by single bits rather than integers as we have done in this section).
In a typical computer, a structure consisting of an integer and a pointer, like our
adjacency list cells, will use 32 bits to represent the integer and 32 bits to represent
the pointer, or 64 bits total. Thus, if the number of arcs is a, we need about 64a
bits for the lists, and 32n bits for the array of n headers. The adjacency list will use
less space than the adjacency matrix if 32n + 64a < n2 , that is, if a < n2 /64 − n/2.
If n is large, we can neglect the n/2 term and approximate the previous inequality
by a < n2 /64, that is, if fewer than 1/64th of the possible arcs are actually present.
More detailed arguments favoring one or the other representation are presented
when we discuss operations on graphs. The following table summarizes the preferred
representations for various operations.


Look up an arc Adjacency matrix Either
Find successors Either Adjacency lists
Find predecessors Adjacency matrix Either

With adjacency lists, it takes O(1) time to find the header of the adjacency
list for u. We must then traverse this list to the end if v is not there, or half the
way down the list on the average if v is present. If there are a arcs and n nodes in
the graph, then we take time O(1 + a/n) on the average to do the lookup. If a is
no more than a constant factor times n, this quantity is O(1). However, the larger
a is when compared with n, the longer it takes to tell whether an arc is present
using the adjacency list representation. In the extreme case where a is around n2 ,
its maximum possible value, there are around n nodes on each adjacency list. In
this case, it takes O(n) time on the average to find a given arc. Put another way,
the denser a graph is, the more we prefer the adjacency matrix to adjacency lists,
when we need to look up a given arc.
On the other hand, we often need to find all the successors of a given node
u. Using adjacency lists, we go to successors[u] and traverse the list, in average
time O(a/n), to find all the successors. If a is comparable to n, then we find all the
successors of u in O(1) time. But with adjacency matrices, we must examine the
entire row for node u, taking O(n) time no matter what a is. Thus, for graphs with
a small number of edges per node, adjacency lists are much faster than adjacency
matrices when we need to examine all the successors of a given node.
However, suppose we want to find all the predecessors of a given node v. With
an adjacency matrix, we can examine the column for v; a 1 in the row for u means
that u is a predecessor of v. This examination takes O(n) time. The adjacency-
list representation gives us no help finding predecessors. We must examine the
adjacency list for every node u, to see if that list includes v. Thus, we may examine

A Matter of Degree
The number of arcs out of a node v is called the out-degree of v. Thus, the out-
In- and Out- degree of a node equals the length of its adjacency list; it also equals the number
degree of 1’s in the row for v in the adjacency matrix. The number of arcs into node v is
the in-degree of v. The in-degree measures the number of times v appears on the
adjacency list of some node, and it is the number of 1’s found in the column for v
in the adjacency matrix.
In an undirected graph, we do not distinguish between edges coming in or
going out of a node. For an undirected graph, the degree of node v is the number
of neighbors of v, that is, the number of edges {u, v} containing v for some node
u. Remember that in a set, order of members is unimportant, so {u, v} and {v, u}
Degree of a are the same edge, and are counted only once. The degree of an undirected graph is
graph the maximum degree of any node in the graph. For example, if we regard a binary
tree as an undirected graph, its degree is 3, since a node can only have edges to its
parent, its left child, and its right child. For a directed graph, we can say that the
in-degree of a graph is the maximum of the in-degrees of its nodes, and likewise, the
out-degree of a graph is the maximum of the out-degrees of its nodes.

all the cells of all the adjacency lists, and we shall probably examine most of them.
Since the number of cells in the entire adjacency list structure is equal to a, the
number of arcs of the graph, the time to find predecessors using adjacency lists is
thus O(a) on a graph of a arcs. Here, the advantage goes to the adjacency matrix;
and the denser the graph, the greater the advantage.

Implementing Undirected Graphs

If a graph is undirected, we can pretend that each edge is replaced by arcs in both
directions, and represent the resulting directed graph by either adjacency lists or
Symmetric an adjacency matrix. If we use an adjacency matrix, the matrix is symmetric.
adjacency That is, if we call the matrix edges, then edges[u][v] = edges[v][u]. If we use an
matrix adjacency-list representation, then the edge {u, v} is represented twice. We find v
on the adjacency list for u and we find u on the list for v. That arrangement is
often useful, since we cannot tell in advance whether we are more likely to follow
the edge {u, v} from u to v or from v to u.

Laie Kaneohe Honolulu PearlCity Maili Wahiawa

Laie 0 1 0 0 0 1
Kaneohe 1 0 1 0 0 0
Honolulu 0 1 0 1 0 0
PearlCity 0 0 1 0 1 1
Maili 0 0 0 1 0 1
Wahiawa 1 0 0 1 1 0

Fig. 9.8. Adjacency-matrix representation of an undirected graph from Fig. 9.4.


✦ Example 9.10. Consider how to represent the largest component of the undi-
rected graph of Fig. 9.4 (which represents six cities on the island of Oahu). For the
moment, we shall ignore the labels on the edges. The adjacency matrix representa-
tion is shown in Fig. 9.8. Notice that the matrix is symmetric.
Figure 9.9 shows the representation by adjacency lists. In both cases, we are
using an enumeration type
enum CITYTYPE {Laie, Kaneohe, Honolulu,
PearlCity, Maili, Wahiawa};

to index arrays. That arrangement is somewhat rigid, since it does not allow any
changes in the set of nodes of the graph. We shall give a similar example shortly
where we name nodes explicitly by integers, and use city names as node labels, for
more flexibility in changing the set of nodes. ✦


Laie Kaneohe Wahiawa •

Kaneohe Laie Honolulu •

Honolulu Kaneohe PearlCity •

PearlCity Honolulu Wahiawa Maili •

Maili PearlCity Wahiawa •

Wahiawa Laie PearlCity Maili •

Fig. 9.9. Adjacency-list representation of an undirected graph from Fig. 9.4.

Representing Labeled Graphs

Suppose a graph has labels on its arcs (or edges if it is undirected). Using an
adjacency matrix, we can replace the 1 that represents the presence of arc u → v in
the graph by the label of this arc. It is necessary that we have some value that is
permissible as a matrix entry but cannot be mistaken for a label; we use this value
to represent the absence of an arc.
If we represent the graph by adjacency lists, we add to the cells forming the
lists an additional field nodeLabel. If there is an arc u → v with label L, then on
the adjacency list for node u we shall find a cell with v in its nodeName field and L
in its nodeLabel field. That value represents the label of the arc.
We represent labels on nodes in a different way. For an adjacency matrix, we
simply create another array, say NodeLabels, and let NodeLabels[u] be the label of
node u. When we use adjacency lists, we already have an array of headers indexed
by nodes. We change this array so that it has elements that are structures, one field
for the node label and one field pointing to the beginning of the adjacency list.

0 Laie

28 24

Maili 4 5 Wahiawa 1 Kaneohe

20 12 11

3 2 Honolulu

Fig. 9.10. Map of Oahu with nodes named by integers and labeled by cities.

0 Laie
1 Kaneohe
2 Honolulu
3 PearlCity
4 Maili
5 Wahiawa

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 −1 24 −1 −1 −1 28
1 24 −1 11 −1 −1 −1
2 −1 11 −1 13 −1 −1
3 −1 −1 13 −1 20 12
4 −1 −1 −1 20 −1 15
5 28 −1 −1 12 15 −1

Fig. 9.11. Adjacency-matrix representation of a directed graph.

✦ Example 9.11. Let us again represent the large component of the graph of
Fig. 9.4, but this time, we shall incorporate the edge labels, which are distances.
Furthermore, we shall give the nodes integer names, starting with 0 for Laie, and
proceeding clockwise. The city names themselves are indicated by node labels.
We shall take the type of node labels to be character arrays of length 32. This
representation is more flexible than that of Example 9.10, since if we allocate extra
places in the array, we can add cities should we wish. The resulting graph is redrawn

in Fig. 9.10, and the adjacency matrix representation is in Fig. 9.11.

Notice that there are really two parts to this representation: the array cities,
indicating the city that each of the integers 0 through 5 stands for, and the matrix
distances, indicating the presence or absence of edges and the labels of present
edges. We use −1 as a value that cannot be mistaken for a label, since in this
example, labels, representing distances, must be positive.
We could declare this structure as follows:
typedef char CITYTYPE[32];
typedef CITYTYPE cities[MAX];
int distances[MAX][MAX];
Here, M AX is some number at least 6; it limits the number of nodes that can ever
appear in our graph. CITYTYPE is defined to be 32-character arrays, and the array
cities gives the labels of the various nodes. For example, we expect cities[0] to be
An alternative representation of the graph of Fig. 9.10 is by adjacency lists.
Suppose the constant M AX and the type CITYTYPE are as above. We define the
types CELL and LIST by
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
NODE nodeName;
int distance;
LIST next;
Next, we declare the array cities by
struct {
LIST adjacent;
} cities[MAX];
Figure 9.12 shows the graph of Fig. 9.10 represented in this manner. ✦


0 Laie 1 24 5 28 •

1 Kaneohe 0 24 2 11 •

2 Honolulu 1 11 3 13 •

3 PearlCity 2 13 4 20 5 12 •

4 Maili 3 20 5 15 •

5 Wahiawa 0 28 3 12 4 15 •

Fig. 9.12. Adjacency-list representation of graph with node and edge labels.


9.3.1: Represent the graph of Fig. 9.5 (see the exercises of Section 9.2) by

a) Adjacency lists
b) An adjacency matrix

Give the appropriate type definitions in each case.

9.3.2: Suppose the arcs of Fig. 9.5 were instead edges (i.e., the graph were undi-
rected). Repeat Exercise 9.3.1 for the undirected graph.

9.3.3: Let us label each of the arcs of the directed graph of Fig. 9.5 by the character
string of length 2 consisting of the tail followed by the head. For example, the arc
a → b is labeled by the character string ab. Also, suppose each node is labeled
by the capital letter corresponding to its name. For instance, the node named a is
labeled A. Repeat Exercise 9.3.1 for this labeled, directed graph.

9.3.4*: What is the relationship between the adjacency-matrix representation of

an unlabeled graph and the characteristic-vector representation of a set of arcs?

9.3.5*: Prove by induction on n that in an undirected graph of n nodes, the sum

of the degrees of the nodes is twice the number of edges. Note. A proof without
using induction is also possible, but here an inductive proof is required.

9.3.6: Design algorithms to insert and delete arcs from an (a) adjacency-matrix (b)
adjacency-list representation of a directed graph.

9.3.7: Repeat Exercise 9.3.6 for an undirected graph.

9.3.8: We can add a “predecessor list” to the adjacency-list representation of a di-

rected or undirected graph. When is this representation preferred for the operations

a) Looking up an arc?
b) Finding all successors?
c) Finding all predecessors?

Consider both dense and sparse graphs in your analysis.

✦ ✦

9.4 Connected Components of an Undirected Graph

We can divide any undirected graph into one or more connected components. Each
connected component is a set of nodes with paths from any member of the compo-
nent to any other. Moreover, the connected components are maximal, that is, for
Connected no node in the component is there a path to any node outside the component. If a
graph graph consists of a single connected component, then we say the graph is connected.

Physical Interpretation of Connected Components

If we are given a drawing of an undirected graph, it is easy to see the connected
components. Imagine that the edges are strings. If we pick up any node, the
connected component of which it is a member will come up with it, and members
of all other connected components will stay where they are. Of course, what is easy
to do by “eyeball” is not necessarily easy to do by computer. An algorithm to find
the connected components of a graph is the principal subject of this section.

✦ Example 9.12. Consider again the graph of the Hawaiian Islands in Fig. 9.4.
There are three connected components, corresponding to three islands. The largest
component consists of Laie, Kaneohe, Honolulu, Pearl City, Maili, and Wahiawa.
These are cities on the island of Oahu, and they are clearly mutually connected
by roads, that is, by paths of edges. Also, clearly, there are no roads leading from
Oahu to any other island. In graph-theoretic terms, there are no paths from any of
the six cities mentioned above to any of the other cities in Fig. 9.4.
A second component consists of the cities of Lahaina, Kahului, Hana, and
Keokea; these are cities on the island of Maui. The third component is the cities of
Hilo, Kona, and Kamuela, on the “big island” of Hawaii. ✦

Connected Components as Equivalence Classes

Another useful way to look at connected components is that they are the equivalence
classes of the equivalence relation P defined on the nodes of the undirected graph
by: uP v if and only if there is a path from u to v. It is easy to check that P is an
equivalence relation.
1. P is reflexive, that is, uP u for any node u, since there is a path of length 0
from any node to itself.
2. P is symmetric. If uP v, then there is a path from u to v. Since the graph is
undirected, the reverse sequence of nodes is also a path. Thus vP u.
3. P is transitive. Suppose uP w and wP v are true. Then there is a path, say
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xj )
from u to w. Here, u = x1 and w = xj . Also, there is a path (y1 , y2 , . . . , yk )
from w to v where w = y1 and v = yk . If we put these paths together, we get
a path from u to v, namely
(u = x1 , x2 , · · · , xj = w = y1 , y2 , · · · , yk = v)

✦ Example 9.13. Consider the path

(Honolulu, PearlCity, Wahiawa, Maili)
from Honolulu to Maili in Fig. 9.10. Also consider the path
(Maili, PearlCity, Wahiawa, Laie)

from Maili to Laie in the same graph. If we put these paths together, we get a path
from Honolulu to Laie:
(Honolulu, PearlCity, Wahiawa, Maili, PearlCity, Wahiawa, Laie)

It happens that this path is cyclic. As mentioned in Section 9.2, we can always
remove cycles to get an acyclic path. In this case, one way to do so is to replace
the two occurrences of Wahiawa and the nodes in between by one occurrence of
Wahiawa to get
(Honolulu, PearlCity, Wahiawa, Laie)

which is an acyclic path from Honolulu to Laie. ✦

Since P is an equivalence relation, it partitions the set of nodes of the undirected

graph in question into equivalence classes. The class containing node v is the set
of nodes u such that vP u, that is, the set of nodes connected to v by a path.
Moreover, another property of equivalence classes is that if nodes u and v are in
different classes, then it is not possible that uP v; that is, there is never a path
from a node in one equivalence class to a node in another. Thus, the equivalence
classes defined by the “path” relation P are exactly the connected components of
the graph.

An Algorithm for Computing the Connected Components

Suppose we want to construct the connected components of a graph G. One ap-

proach is to begin with a graph G0 consisting of the nodes of G with none of the
edges. We then consider the edges of G, one at a time, to construct a sequence of
graphs G0 , G1 , . . . , where Gi consists of the nodes of G and the first i edges of G.

BASIS. G0 consists of only the nodes of G with none of the edges. Every node is
in a component by itself.

INDUCTION. Suppose we have the connected components for the graph Gi after
considering the first i edges, and we now consider the (i + 1)st edge, {u, v}.

1. If u and v are in the same component of Gi , then Gi+1 has the same set of
connected components as Gi , because the new edge does not connect any nodes
that were not already connected.

2. If u and v are in different components, we merge the components containing

u and v to get the connected components for Gi+1 . Figure 9.13 suggests why
there is a path from any node x in the component of u, to any node y in the
component of v. We follow the path in the first component from x to u, then
the edge {u, v}, and finally the path from v to y that we know exists in the
second component.

When we have considered all edges in this manner, we have the connected compo-
nents of the full graph.

u v

Fig. 9.13. Adding edge {u, v} connects the components containing u and v.

✦ Example 9.14. Let us consider the graph of Fig. 9.4. We can consider edges
in any order, but for reasons having to do with an algorithm in the next section,
let us list the edges in order of the edge labels, smallest first. This list of edges is
shown in Fig. 9.14.
Initially, all thirteen nodes are in components of their own. When we consider
edge 1, {Kaneohe, Honolulu}, we merge these two nodes into a single component.
The second edge, {Wahiawa, PearlCity}, merges those two cities. The third edge
is {PearlCity, Honolulu}. That edge merges the components containing these two
cities. Presently, each of these components contains two cities, so we now have one
component with four cities, namely
{Wahiawa, PearlCity, Honolulu, Kaneohe}
All other cities are still in components by themselves.


1 Kaneohe Honolulu 11
2 Wahiawa PearlCity 12
3 PearlCity Honolulu 13
4 Wahiawa Maili 15
5 Kahului Keokea 16
6 Maili PearlCity 20
7 Lahaina Kahului 22
8 Laie Kaneohe 24
9 Laie Wahiawa 28
10 Kona Kamuela 31
11 Kamuela Hilo 45
12 Kahului Hana 60
13 Kona Hilo 114

Fig. 9.14. Edges of Fig. 9.4 in order of labels.


Edge 4 is {Maili, Wahiawa} and adds Maili to the large component. The fifth
edge is {Kahului, Keokea}, which merges these two cities into a component. When
we consider edge 6, {Maili, PearlCity}, we see a new phenomenon: both ends of the
edge are already in the same component. We therefore do no merging with edge 6.
Edge 7 is {Lahaina, Kahului}, and it adds the node Lahaina to the component
{Kahului, Keokea}, forming the component {Lahaina, Kahului, Keokea}. Edge 8
adds Laie to the largest component, which is now
{Laie, Kaneohe, Honolulu, PearlCity, Wahiawa, Maili}

The ninth edge, {Laie, Wahiawa}, connects two cities in this component and is thus
Edge 10 groups Kamuela and Kona into a component, and edge 11 adds Hilo
to this component. Edge 12 adds Hana to the component of
{Lahaina, Kahului, Keokea}

Finally, edge 13, {Hilo, Kona}, connects two cities already in the same component.
{Laie, Kaneohe, Honolulu, PearlCity, Wahiawa, Maili}
{Lahaina, Kahului, Keokea, Hana}
{Kamuela, Hilo, Kona}

is the final set of connected components. ✦

A Data Structure for Forming Components

If we consider the algorithm described informally above, we need to be able to do

two things quickly:

1. Given a node, find its current component.

2. Merge two components into one.

There are a number of data structures that can support these operations. We shall
study one simple idea that gives surprisingly good performance. The key is to put
the nodes of each component into a tree.2 The component is represented by the
root of the tree. The two operations above can now be implemented as follows:

1. To find the component of a node in the graph, we go to the representative

of that node in the tree and follow the path in that tree to the root, which
represents the component.

2. To merge two different components, we make the root of one component a child
of the root of the other.

2 It is important to understand that, in what follows, the “tree” and the “graph” are distinct
structures. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the nodes of the graph and the
nodes of the tree; that is, each tree node represents a graph node. However, the parent-child
edges of the tree are not necessarily edges in the graph.

✦ Example 9.15. Let us follow the steps of Example 9.14, showing the trees
created at certain steps. Initially, every node is in a one-node tree by itself. The
first edge, {Kaneohe, Honolulu}, causes us to merge two one-node trees, {Kaneohe}
and {Honolulu}, into one two-node tree, {Kaneohe, Honolulu}. Either node could
be made a child of the other. Let us suppose that Honolulu is made the child of
the root Kaneohe.
Similarly, the second edge, {Wahiawa, PearlCity}, merges two trees, and we
may suppose that PearlCity is made the child of the root Wahiawa. At this point,
the current collection of components is represented by the two trees in Fig. 9.15 and
nine one-node trees.

Wahiawa Kaneohe

PearlCity Honolulu

Fig. 9.15. The first two nontrivial trees as we merge components.

The third edge, {PearlCity, Honolulu}, merges these two components. Let
us suppose that Wahiawa is made a child of the other root, Kaneohe. Then the
resulting component is represented by the tree of Fig. 9.16.


Wahiawa Honolulu


Fig. 9.16. Tree representing component of four nodes.

When we consider the fourth edge, {Wahiawa, Maili}, we merge Maili into the
component represented by the tree of Fig. 9.16. We could either make Maili a child
of Kaneohe, or make Kaneohe a child of Maili. We prefer the former, since that
keeps the height of the tree small, while making the root of the large component
a child of the root of the small component tends to make paths in the tree larger.
Large paths, in turn, cause us to take more time following a path to the root, which
we need to do to determine the component of a node. By following that policy
and making arbitrary decisions when components have the same height, we might
wind up with the three trees in Fig. 9.17 that represent the three final connected
components. ✦


Maili Wahiawa Honolulu Laie


Kahului Kamuela

Lahaina Keokea Hana Kona Hilo

Fig. 9.17. Trees representing final connected components using tree-merging algorithm.

Following the lesson of Example 9.15, we formulate a policy that whenever we

merge two trees, the root of lesser height becomes a child of the root with greater
height. Ties can be broken arbitrarily. The important gain from this policy is that
heights of trees can only grow logarithmically with the number of nodes in the trees,
and in practice, the height is often smaller. Therefore, when we follow a path from
a tree node to its root, we take at most time proportional to the logarithm of the
number of nodes in the tree. We can derive the logarithmic bound by proving the
following statement by induction on the height h.

STATEMENT S(h): A tree of height h, formed by the policy of merging lower into
higher, has at least 2h nodes.

BASIS. The basis is h = 0. Such a tree must be a single node, and since 20 = 1,
the statement S(0) is true.

INDUCTION. Suppose S(h) is true for some h ≥ 0, and consider a tree T of height
h + 1. At some time during the formation of T by mergers, the height first reached
h + 1. The only way to get a tree of height h + 1 is to make the root of some tree
T1 , of height h, a child of the root of some tree T2 . T is T1 plus T2 , plus perhaps
other nodes that were added later, as suggested by Fig. 9.18.
Now T1 , by the inductive hypothesis, has at least 2h nodes. Since its root was
made a child of the root of T2 , the height of T2 is also at least h. Thus, T2 also
has at least 2h nodes. T consists of T1 , T2 , and perhaps more, so T has at least
2h +2h = 2h+1 nodes. That statement is S(h+1), and we have proved the inductive

We now know that if a tree has n nodes and height h, it must be that n ≥ 2h .
Taking logarithms of both sides, we have log2 n ≥ h; that is, the height of the tree
cannot be greater than the logarithm of the number of nodes. Consequently, when



Fig. 9.18. Forming a tree of height h + 1.

we follow any path from a node to its root, we take O(log n) time.
We shall now describe in more detail the data structure that implements these
ideas. First, suppose that there is a type NODE representing nodes. As before, we
assume the type NODE is int and MAX is at least the number of nodes in the graph.
For our example of Fig. 9.4, we shall let MAX be 13.
We shall also assume that there is a list edges consisting of cells of type EDGE.
These cells are defined by
typedef struct EDGE *EDGELIST;
struct EDGE {
NODE node1, node2;
Finally, for each node of the graph, we need a corresponding tree node. Tree
nodes will be structures of type TREENODE, consisting of
1. A parent pointer, so that we can build a tree on the graph’s nodes, and follow
the tree to its root. A root node will be identified by having NULL as its parent.
2. The height of the tree of which a given node is the root. The height will only
be used if the node is presently a root.
We may thus define type TREENODE by
typedef struct TREENODE *TREE;
struct TREENODE {
int height;
TREE parent;
We shall define an array
TREE nodes[MAX];
to associate with each graph node a node in some tree. It is important to realize
that each entry in the array nodes is a pointer to a node in the tree, yet this entry
is the sole representative of the node in the graph.
Two important auxiliary functions are shown in Fig. 9.19. The first, find,
takes a node a, gets a pointer to the corresponding tree node, x, and follows the
parent pointers in x and its ancestors, until it comes to the root. This search for
the root is performed by lines (2) and (3). If the root is found, a pointer to the root
is returned at line (4). Note that at line (1), the type NODE must be int so it may
be used to index the array nodes.

/* return the root of the tree containing the tree node x

corresponding to graph node a */
TREE find(NODE a, TREE nodes[]);

(1) x = nodes[a];
(2) while (x->parent != NULL)
(3) x = x->parent;
(4) return x;

/* merge the trees with roots x and y into one tree,

by making the root of the lower a child of
the root of the higher */
void merge(TREE x, TREE y)
TREE higher, lower;

(5) if (x->height > y->height) {

(6) higher = x;
(7) lower = y;
else {
(8) higher = y;
(9) lower = x;
(10) lower->parent = higher;
(11) if (lower->height == higher->height)
(12) ++(higher->height);

Fig. 9.19. Auxiliary functions find and merge.

The second function, merge,3 takes pointers to two tree nodes, x and y, which
must be the roots of distinct trees for the merger to work properly. The test of line
(5) determines which of the roots has the greater height; ties are broken in favor of
y. The higher is assigned to the local variable higher and the lower to the local
variable lower at lines (6–7) or lines (8–9), whichever is appropriate. Then at line
(10) the lower is made a child of the higher and at lines (11) and (12) the height
of the higher, which is now the root of the combined tree, is incremented by one if
the heights of T1 and T2 are equal. The height of the lower remains as it was, but
it is now meaningless, because the lower is no longer a root.
The heart of the algorithm to find connected components is shown in Fig. 9.20.
We assume that the function makeEdges() turns the graph at hand into a list of

3 Do not confuse this function with a function of the same name used for merge sorting in
Chapters 2 and 3.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX 13
typedef int NODE;
typedef struct EDGE *EDGELIST;
struct EDGE {
NODE node1, node2;

typedef struct TREENODE *TREE;

struct TREENODE {
int height;
TREE parent;

TREE find(NODE a, TREE nodes[]);

void merge(TREE x, TREE y);
EDGELIST makeEdges();

TREE a, b;
TREE nodes[MAX];

/* initialize nodes so each node is in a tree by itself */

(1) for (u = 0; u < MAX; u++) {
(2) nodes[u] = (TREE) malloc(sizeof(struct TREENODE));
(3) nodes[u]->parent = NULL;
(4) nodes[u]->height = 0;

/* initialize e as the list of edges of the graph */

(5) e = makeEdges();

/* examine each edge, and if its ends are in different

components, then merge them */
(6) while (e != NULL) {
(7) a = find(e->node1, nodes);
(8) b = find(e->node2, nodes);
(9) if (a != b)
(10) merge(a, b);
(11) e = e->next;

Fig. 9.20. C program to find connected components.


Better Algorithms for Connected Components

We shall see, when we learn about depth-first search in Section 9.6, that there is
actually a better way to compute connected components, one that takes only O(m)
time, instead of O(m log n) time. However, the data structure given in Section 9.4
is useful in its own right, and we shall see in Section 9.5 another program that uses
this data structure.

edges. The code for this function is not shown.

Lines (1) through (4) of Fig. 9.20 go down the array nodes, and for each node,
a tree node is created at line (2). Its parent field is set to NULL at line (3), making
it the root of its own tree, and its height field is set to 0 at line (4), reflecting the
fact that the node is alone in its tree.
Line (5) then initializes e to point to the first edge on the list of edges, and
the loop of lines (6) through (11) examines each edge in turn. At lines (7) and (8)
we find the roots of the two ends of the current edge. Then at line (9) we test to
see if these roots are different tree nodes. If so, the ends of the current edge are
in different components, and we merge these components at line (10). If the two
ends of the edge are in the same component, we skip line (10), so no change to the
collection of trees is made. Finally, line (11) advances us along the list of edges.

Running Time of the Connected Components Algorithm

Let us determine how long the algorithm of Fig. 9.20 takes to process a graph.
Suppose the graph has n nodes, and let m be the larger of the number of nodes and
the number of edges.4 First, let us examine the auxiliary functions. We argued that
the policy of merging lower trees into higher ones guarantees that the path from
any tree node to its root cannot be longer than log n. Thus, find takes O(log n)
Next, let us examine the function merge from Fig. 9.19. Each of its statements
takes O(1) time. Since there are no loops or function calls, the entire function takes
O(1) time.
Finally, let us examine the main program of Fig. 9.20. The body of the for-loop
of lines (1) to (4) takes O(1) time, and the loop is iterated n times. Thus, the time
for lines (1) through (4) is O(n). Let us assume line (5) takes O(m) time. Finally,
consider the while-loop of lines (6) to (11). In the body, lines (7) and (8) each
take O(log n) time, since they are calls to a function, find, that we just determined
takes O(log n) time. Lines (9) and (11) clearly take O(1) time. Line (10) likewise
takes O(1) time, because we just determined that function merge takes O(1) time.
Thus, the entire body takes O(log n) time. The while-loop iterates m times, where
m is the number of edges. Thus, the time for this loop is O(m log n), that is, the
number of iterations times the bound on the time for the body.
In general, then, the running time of the entire program can be expressed as
O(n + m + m log n). However, m is at least n, and so the m log n term dominates
the other terms. Thus, the running time of the program in Fig. 9.20 is O(m log n).

4 It is normal to think of m as the number of edges, but in some graphs, there are more nodes
than edges.


Marquette Sault Ste. Marie 153
Saginaw Flint 31
Grand Rapids Lansing 60
Detroit Lansing 78
Escanba Sault Ste. Marie 175
Ann Arbor Detroit 28
Ann Arbor Battle Creek 89
Battle Creek Kalamazoo 21
Menominee Escanba 56
Kalamazoo Grand Rapids 45
Escanba Marquette 78
Battle Creek Lansing 40
Flint Detroit 58

Fig. 9.21. Some distances within the state of Michigan.


9.4.1: Figure 9.21 lists some cities in the state of Michigan and the road mileage
between them. For the purposes of this exercise, ignore the mileage. Construct the
connected components of the graph by examining each edge in the manner described
in this section.
9.4.2*: Prove, by induction on k, that a connected component of k nodes has at
least k − 1 edges.
9.4.3*: There is a simpler way to implement “merge” and “find,” in which we keep
an array indexed by nodes, giving the component of each node. Initially, each node
is in a component by itself, and we name the component by the node. To find
the component of a node, we simply look up the corresponding array entry. To
merge components, we run down the array, changing each occurrence of the first
component to the second.
a) Write a C program to implement this algorithm.
b) As a function of n, the number of nodes, and m, the larger of the number of
nodes and edges, what is the running time of this program?
c) For certain numbers of edges and nodes, this implementation is actually better
than the one described in the section. When?
9.4.4*: Suppose that instead of merging lower trees into higher trees in the con-
nected components algorithm of this section, we merge trees with fewer nodes
into trees with a larger number of nodes. Is the running time of the connected-
components algorithm still O(m log n)?

✦ ✦

9.5 Minimal Spanning Trees
There is an important generalization of the connected components problem, in which
we are given an undirected graph with edges labeled by numbers (integers or reals).
We must not only find the connected components, but for each component we must
find a tree connecting the nodes of that component. Moreover, this tree must be
minimal, meaning that the sum of the edge labels is as small as possible.
Unrooted, The trees talked about here are not quite the same as the trees of Chapter 5.
unordered trees Here, no node is designated the root, and there is no notion of children or of order
among the children. Rather, when we speak of “trees” in this section, we mean
unrooted, unordered trees, which are just undirected graphs that have no simple
Spanning tree A spanning tree for an undirected graph G is the nodes of G together with a
subset of the edges of G that
1. Connect the nodes; that is, there is a path between any two nodes using only
edges in the spanning tree.
2. Form an unrooted, unordered tree; that is, there are no (simple) cycles.
If G is a single connected component, then there is always a spanning tree. A
minimal spanning tree is a spanning tree the sum of whose edge labels is as small
as that of any spanning tree for the given graph.

✦ Example 9.16. Let graph G be the connected component for the island of
Oahu, as in Fig. 9.4 or Fig. 9.10. One possible spanning tree is shown in Fig. 9.22.
It is formed by deleting the edges {Maili, Wahiawa} and {Kaneohe, Laie}, and
Weight of a tree retaining the other five edges. The weight, or sum of edge labels, for this tree is 84.
As we shall see, that is not a minimum. ✦



Maili Wahiawa Kaneohe

20 12 11

Pearl 13

Fig. 9.22. A spanning tree for the island of Oahu.


Rooted and Unrooted Trees

The notion of an unrooted tree should not seem too strange. In fact, we can choose
any node of an unrooted tree to be the root. That gives a direction to all edges,
away from the root, or from parent to child. Physically, it is as if we picked up the
unrooted tree by a node, letting the rest of the tree dangle from the selected node.
For example, we could make Pearl City the root of the spanning tree in Fig. 9.22,
and it would look like this:


Maili Wahiawa Honolulu

Laie Kaneohe

We can order the children of each node if we wish, but the order will be arbitrary,
bearing no relation to the original unrooted tree.

Finding a Minimal Spanning Tree

There are a number of algorithms to find minimal spanning trees. We shall exhibit
Kruskal’s one, called Kruskal’s algorithm, that is a simple extension to the algorithm discussed
algorithm in the last section for finding connected components. The changes needed are
1. We are required to consider edges in increasing order of their labels. (We
happened to choose that order in Example 9.14, but it was not required for
connected components.)
2. As we consider edges, if an edge has its ends in different components, then
we select that edge for the spanning tree and merge components, as in the
algorithm of the previous section. Otherwise, we do not select the edge for the
spanning tree, and, of course, we do not merge components.

✦ Example 9.17. The Acme Surfboard Wax Company has offices in the thirteen
cities shown in Fig. 9.4. It wishes to rent dedicated data transmission lines from the
phone company, and we shall suppose that the phone lines run along the roads that
are indicated by edges in Fig. 9.4. Between islands, the company must use satellite
transmission, and the cost will be proportional to the number of components. How-
ever, for the ground transmission lines, the phone company charges by the mile.5
Thus, we wish to find a minimal spanning tree for each connected component of the
graph of Fig. 9.4.
If we divide the edges by component, then we can run Kruskal’s algorithm on
each component separately. However, if we do not already know the components,
5 This is one possible way to charge for leased telephone lines. One finds a minimal spanning
tree connecting the desired sites, and the charge is based on the weight of that tree, regardless
of how the phone connections are provided physically.

then we must consider all the edges together, smallest label first, in the order of
Fig. 9.14. As in Section 9.4, we begin with each node in a component by itself.
We first consider the edge {Kaneohe, Honolulu}, the edge with the smallest
label. This edge merges these two cities into one component, and because we
perform a merge operation, we select that edge for the minimal spanning tree.
Edge 2 is {Wahiawa, PearlCity}, and since that edge also merges two components,
it is selected for the spanning tree. Likewise, edges 3 and 4, {PearlCity, Honolulu}
and {Wahiawa, Maili}, merge components, and are therefore put in the spanning
Edge 5, {Kahului, Keokea}, merges these two cities, and is also accepted for
the spanning tree, although this edge will turn out to be part of the spanning tree
for the Maui component, rather than the Oahu component as was the case for the
four previous edges.
Edge 6, {Maili, PearlCity}, connects two cities that are already in the same
component. Thus, this edge is rejected for the spanning tree. Even though we
shall have to pick some edges with larger labels, we cannot pick {Maili, PearlCity},
because to do so would form a cycle of the cities Maili, Wahiawa, and Pearl City. We
cannot have a cycle in the spanning tree, so one of the three edges must be excluded.
As we consider edges in order of label, the last edge of the cycle considered must
have the largest label, and is the best choice to exclude.
Edge 7, {Lahaina, Kahului}, and edge 8, {Laie, Kaneohe}, are both accepted
for the spanning tree, because they merge components. Edge 9, {Laie, Wahiawa},
is rejected because its ends are in the same component. We accept edges 10 and 11;
they form the spanning tree for the “big island” component, and we accept edge 12
to complete the Maui component. Edge 13 is rejected, because it connects Kona
and Hilo, which were merged into the same component by edges 10 and 11. The
resulting spanning trees of the components are shown in Fig. 9.23. ✦

Why Kruskal’s Algorithm Works

We can prove that Kruskal’s algorithm produces a spanning tree whose weight is
as small as that of any spanning tree for the given graph. Let G be an undirected,
connected graph. For convenience, let us add infinitesimal amounts to some labels, if
necessary, so that all labels are distinct, and yet the sum of the added infinitesimals
is not as great as the difference between two edges of G that have different labels.
As a result, G with the new labels will have a unique minimal spanning tree, which
will be one of the minimal spanning trees of G with the original weights.
Then, let e1 , e2 , . . . , em be all the edges of G, in order of their labels, smallest
first. Note that this order is also the order in which Kruskal’s algorithm considers
the edges. Let K be the spanning tree for G with the adjusted labels produced by
Kruskal’s algorithm, and let T be the unique minimal spanning tree for G.
We shall prove that K and T are really the same. If they are different, then
there must be at least one edge that is in one but not the other. Let ei be the first
such edge in the ordering of edges; that is, each of e1 , . . . , ei−1 is either in both K
and T , or in neither of K and T . There are two cases, depending on whether ei is
in K or is in T . We shall show a contradiction in each case, and thus conclude that
ei does not exist; thus K = T , and K is the minimal spanning tree for G.


22 60

Laie Lahaina 16 Hana


Maili Wahiawa Kaneohe

12 11

Pearl 13
Honolulu Kamuela
31 45

Kona Hilo

Fig. 9.23. Spanning trees for the graph of Fig. 9.4.

Greed Sometimes Pays

Greedy Kruskal’s algorithm is a good example of a greedy algorithm, in which we make a
algorithm series of decisions, each doing what seems best at the time. The local decisions
are which edge to add to the spanning tree being formed. In each case, we pick
the edge with the least label that does not violate the definition of “spanning tree”
by completing a cycle. Often, the overall effect of locally optimal decisions is not
globally optimum. However, in the case of Kruskal’s algorithm, it can be shown that
the result is globally optimal; that is, a spanning tree of minimal weight results.

Case 1 . Edge ei is in T but not in K. If Kruskal’s algorithm rejects ei , then ei must

form a cycle with some path P of edges previously selected for K, as suggested in
Fig. 9.24. Thus, the edges of P are all found among e1 , . . . , ei−1 . However, T and
K agree about these edges; that is, if the edges of P are in K, then they are also
in T . But since T has ei as well, P plus ei form a cycle in T , contradicting our
assumption that T was a spanning tree. Thus, it is not possible that ei is in T but
not in K.
Case 2 . Edge ei is in K but not in T . Let ei connect the nodes u and v. Since T
is connected, there must be some acyclic path in T between u and v; call it path
Q. Since Q does not use edge ei , Q plus ei forms a simple cycle in the graph G.


Fig. 9.24. Path P (solid lines) is in T and K; edge ei is in T only.

There are two subcases, depending on whether or not ei has a higher label than all
the edges on path Q.
a) Edge ei has the highest label. Then all the edges on Q are among {e1 , . . . , ei−1 }.
Remember that T and K agree on all edges before ei , and so all the edges of
Q are also edges of K. But ei is also in K, which implies K has a cycle. We
thus rule out the possibility that ei has a higher label than any of the edges of
path Q.
b) There is some edge f on path Q that has a higher label than ei . Suppose
f connects nodes w and x. Figure 9.25 shows the situation in tree T . If we
remove edge f from T , and add edge ei , we do not form a cycle, because path
Q was broken by the removal of f . The resulting collection of edges has a lower
weight than T , because f has a higher label than ei . We claim the resulting
edges still connect all the nodes. To see why, notice that w and x are still
connected; there is a path that follows Q from w to u, then follows the edge
ei , then the path Q from v to x. Since {w, x} was the only edge removed, if its
endpoints are still connected, surely all nodes are connected. Thus, the new
set of edges is a spanning tree, and its existence contradicts the assumption
that T was minimal.
We have now shown that it is impossible for ei to be in K but not in T . That rules
out the second case. Since it is impossible that ei is in one of T and K, but not the
other, we conclude that K really is the minimal spanning tree T . That is, Kruskal’s
algorithm always finds a minimal spanning tree.

Running Time of Kruskal’s Algorithm

Suppose we run Kruskal’s algorithm on a graph of n nodes. As in the previous
section, let m be the larger of the number of nodes and the number of edges, but
remember that typically the number of edges is the larger. Let us suppose that the
graph is represented by adjacency lists, so we can find all the edges in O(m) time.
To begin, we must sort the edges by label, which takes O(m log m) time, if
we use an efficient sorting algorithm such as merge sort. Next, we consider the
edges, taking O(m log n) time to do all the merges and finds, as discussed in the



Fig. 9.25. Path Q (solid) is in T .

We can add edge ei to T and remove the edge f .

previous section. It appears that the total time for Kruskal’s algorithm is thus
O m(log n + log m) .
However, notice that m ≤ n2 , because there are only n(n − 1)/2 pairs of nodes.
Thus, log m ≤ 2 log n, and m(log n + log m) ≤ 3m log n. Since constant factors can
be neglected within a big-oh expression, we conclude that Kruskal’s algorithm takes
O(m log n) time.


9.5.1: Draw the tree of Fig. 9.22 if Wahiawa is selected as the root.
9.5.2: Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find minimal spanning trees for each of the
components of the graph whose edges and labels are listed in Fig. 9.21 (see the
exercises for Section 9.4).
9.5.3**: Prove that if G is a connected, undirected graph of n nodes, and T is a
spanning tree for G, then T has n − 1 edges. Hint : We need to do an induction on
n. The hard part is to show that T must have some node v with degree 1; that is,
T has exactly one edge containing v. Consider what would happen if for every node
u, there were at least two edges of T containing u. By following edges into and out
of a sequence of nodes, we would eventually find a cycle. Since T is supposedly a
spanning tree, it could not have a cycle, which gives us a contradiction.
9.5.4*: Once we have selected n − 1 edges, it is not necessary to consider any more
edges for possible inclusion in the spanning tree. Describe a variation of Kruskal’s
algorithm that does not sort all the edges, but puts them in a priority queue, with
the negative of the edge’s label as its priority (i.e., shortest edge is selected first by
deleteMax). Show that if a spanning tree can be found among the first m/ log m
edges, then this version of Kruskal’s algorithm takes only O(m) time.
9.5.5*: Suppose we find a minimal spanning tree T for a graph G. Let us then add
to G the edge {u, v} with weight w. Under what circumstances will T be a minimal
spanning tree of the new graph?

Euler circuit 9.5.6**: An Euler circuit for an undirected graph G is a path that starts and ends
at the same node and contains each edge of G exactly once.
a) Show that a connected, undirected graph has an Euler circuit if and only if
each node is of even degree.
b) Let G be an undirected graph with m edges in which every node is of even
degree. Give an O(m) algorithm to construct an Euler circuit for G.

✦ ✦

9.6 Depth-First Search
We shall now describe a graph-exploration method that is useful for directed graphs.
In Section 5.4 we discussed the preorder and postorder traversals of trees, where we
start at the root and recursively explore the children of each node we visit. We can
apply almost the same idea to any directed graph.6 From any node, we recursively
explore its successors.
However, we must be careful if the graph has cycles. If there is a cycle, we can
wind up calling the exploration function recursively around the cycle forever. For
instance, consider the graph of Fig. 9.26. Starting at node a, we might decide to
explore node b next. From b we might explore c first, and from c we could explore
b first. That gets us into an infinite recursion, where we alternate exploring from b
and c. In fact, it doesn’t matter in what order we choose to explore successors of
b and c. Either we shall get caught in some other cycle, or we eventually explore c
from b and explore b from c, infinitely.

b d

c e f

Fig. 9.26. An example directed graph.

There is a simple solution to our problem: We mark nodes as we visit them,

and never revisit marked nodes. Then, any node we can reach from our starting
node will be reached, but no previously visited node will be revisited. We shall see
that the time taken by this exploration takes time proportional to the number of
arcs explored.
6 Notice that a tree can be thought of as a special case of a directed graph, if we regard the
arcs of the tree as directed from parent to child. In fact, a tree is always an acyclic graph as

The search algorithm is called depth-first search because we find ourselves going
as far from the initial node (as “deep”) as fast as we can. It can be implemented
with a simple data structure. Again, let us assume that the type NODE is used
to name nodes and that this type is int. We represent arcs by adjacency lists.
Since we need a “mark” for each node, which can take on the values VISITED and
UNVISITED, we shall create an array of structures to represent the graph. These
structures will contain both the mark and the header for the adjacency list.
typedef struct {
enum MARKTYPE mark;
LIST successors;
where LIST is an adjacency list, defined in the customary manner:
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
NODE nodeName;
LIST next;
We begin by marking all the nodes UNVISITED. Recursive function dfs(u, G)
of Fig. 9.27 works on a node u of some externally defined graph G of type GRAPH.
At line (1) we mark u VISITED, so we don’t call dfs on it again. Line (2)
initializes p to point to the first cell on the adjacency list for node u. The loop of
lines (3) through (7) takes p down the adjacency list, considering each successor, v,
of u, in turn.

void dfs(NODE u, GRAPH G)

LIST p; /* runs down the adjacency list of u */
NODE v; /* the node in the cell pointed to by p */

(1) G[u].mark = VISITED;

(2) p = G[u].successors;
(3) while (p != NULL) {
(4) v = p->nodeName;
(5) if (G[v].mark == UNVISITED)
(6) dfs(v, G);
(7) p = p->next;

Fig. 9.27. The recursive depth-first search function.

Line (4) sets v to be the “current” successor of u. At line (5) we test whether
v has ever been visited before. If so, we skip the recursive call at line (6) and we
move p to the next cell of the adjacency list at line (7). However, if v has never been
visited, we start a depth-first search from node v, at line (6). Eventually, we finish
the call to dfs(v, G). Then, we execute line (7) to move p down u’s adjacency list

and go around the loop.

✦ Example 9.18. Suppose G is the graph of Fig. 9.26, and, for specificity, assume
the nodes on each adjacency list are ordered alphabetically. Initially, all nodes are
marked UNVISITED. Let us call dfs(a).7 Node a is marked VISITED at line (1), and
at line (2) we initialize p to point to the first cell on a’s adjacency list. At line (4)
v is set to b, since b is the node in the first cell. Since b is currently unvisited, the
test of line (5) succeeds, and at line (6) we call dfs(b).
Now, we start a new call to dfs, with u = b, while the old call with u = a is
dormant but still alive. We begin at line (1), marking b VISITED. Since c is the first
node on b’s adjacency list, c becomes the value of v at line (4). Node c is unvisited,
so that we succeed at line (5) and at line (6) we call dfs(c).
A third call to dfs is now alive, and to begin dfs(c), we mark c VISITED
and set v to b at line (4), since b is the first, and only, node on c’s adjacency list.
However, b was already marked VISITED at line (1) of the call to dfs(b), so that
we skip line (6) and move p down c’s adjacency list at line (7). Since c has no more
successors, p becomes NULL, so that the test of line (3) fails, and dfs(c) is finished.
We now return to the call dfs(b). Pointer p is advanced at line (7), and it
now points to the second cell of b’s adjacency list, which holds node d. We set v to
d at line (4), and since d is unvisited, we call dfs(d) at line (6).
For the execution of dfs(d), we mark d VISITED. Then v is first set to c. But
c is visited, and so next time around the loop, v = e. That leads to the call dfs(e).
Node e has only c as a successor, and so after marking e VISITED, dfs(e) returns
to dfs(d). We next set v = f at line (4) of dfs(d), and call dfs(f). After marking
f VISITED, we find that f also has only c as a successor, and c is visited.
We are now finished with dfs(f). Since f is the last successor of d, we are
also finished with dfs(d), and since d is the last successor of b, we are done with
dfs(b) as well. That takes us back to dfs(a). Node a has another successor, d,
but that node is visited, and so we are done with dfs(a) as well.
Figure 9.28 summarizes the action of dfs on the graph of Fig. 9.26. We show the
stack of calls to dfs, with the currently active call at the right. We also indicate the
action taken at each step, and we show the value of the local variable v associated
with each currently live call, or show that p = NULL, indicating that there is no
active value for v. ✦

Constructing a Depth-First Search Tree

Because we mark nodes to avoid visiting them twice, the graph behaves like a tree
as we explore it. In fact, we can draw a tree whose parent-child edges are some of
the arcs of the graph G being searched. If we are in dfs(u), and a call to dfs(v)
results, then we make v a child of u in the tree. The children of u appear, from
left to right, in the order in which dfs was called on these children. The node upon
which the initial call to dfs was made is the root. No node can have dfs called on
it twice, since it is marked VISITED at the first call. Thus, the structure defined is
truly a tree. We call the tree a depth-first search tree for the given graph.

7 In what follows, we shall omit the second argument of dfs, which is always the graph G.

dfs(a) Call dfs(b)


dfs(a) dfs(b) Call dfs(c)

v=b v=c

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(c) Skip; b already visited

v=b v=c v=b

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(c) Return

v=b v=c p =NULL

dfs(a) dfs(b) Call dfs(d)

v=b v=d

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) Skip; c already visited

v=b v=d v=c

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) Call dfs(e)

v=b v=d v=e

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) dfs(e) Skip; c already visited

v=b v=d v=e v=c

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) dfs(e) Return

v=b v=d v=e p =NULL

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) Call dfs(f)

v=b v=d v=f

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) dfs(f) Skip; c already visited

v=b v=d v=f v=c

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) dfs(f) Return

v=b v=d v=f p =NULL

dfs(a) dfs(b) dfs(d) Return

v=b v=d p =NULL

dfs(a) dfs(b) Return

v=b p =NULL

dfs(a) Skip; d already visited


dfs(a) Return

Fig. 9.28. Trace of calls made during depth-first search.


✦ Example 9.19. The tree for the exploration of the graph in Fig. 9.26 that was
summarized in Fig. 9.28 is seen in Fig. 9.29. We show the tree arcs, representing the
parent-child relationship, as solid lines. Other arcs of the graph are shown as dotted
arrows. For the moment, we should ignore the numbers labeling the nodes. ✦

a 6

b 5

c d 4

e 2 f 3

Fig. 9.29. One possible depth-first search tree for the graph of Fig. 9.26.

Classification of Arcs for a Depth-First Search Tree

When we build a depth-first search tree for a graph G, we can classify the arcs of G
into four groups. It should be understood that this classification is with respect to
a particular depth-first search tree, or equivalently, with respect to the particular
order for the nodes in each adjacency list that led to a particular exploration of G.
The four kinds of arcs are
1. Tree arcs, which are the arcs u → v such that dfs(v) is called by dfs(u).
2. Forward arcs, which are arcs u → v such that v is a proper descendant of u, but
not a child of u. For instance, in Fig. 9.29, the arc a → d is the only forward
arc. No tree arc is a forward arc.
3. Backward arcs, which are arcs u → v such that v is an ancestor of u in the tree
(u = v is permitted). Arc c → b is the only example of a backward arc in Fig.
9.29. Any loop, an arc from a node to itself, is classified as backward.
4. Cross arcs, which are arcs u → v such that v is neither an ancestor nor de-
scendant of u. There are three cross arcs in Fig. 9.29: d → c, e → c, and
f → c.
Cross arcs go In Fig. 9.29, each of the cross arcs go from right to left. It is no coincidence
from right to that they do so. Suppose we had in some depth-first search tree a cross arc u → v
left such that u was to the left of v. Consider what happens during the call to dfs(u).
By the time we finish dfs(u), we shall have considered the arc from u to v. If v
has not yet been placed in the tree, then it becomes a child of u in the tree. Since


Fig. 9.30. Part of the tree that is built when arc u → v is considered.

that evidently did not happen (for then v would not be to the right of u), it must
be that v is already in the tree when the arc u → v is considered.
However, Fig. 9.30 shows the parts of the tree that exist while dfs(u) is active.
Since children are added in left-to-right order, no proper ancestor of node u as yet
has a child to the right of u. Thus, v can only be an ancestor of u, a descendant of
u, or somewhere to the left of u. Thus, if u → v is a cross edge, v must be to the
left of u, not the right of u as we initially supposed.

The Depth-First Search Forest

We were quite fortunate in Example 9.19 that when we started at node a, we were
able to reach all the nodes of the graph of Fig. 9.26. Had we started at any other
node, we would not have reached a, and a would not appear in the tree. Thus, the
general method of exploring a graph is to construct a sequence of trees. We start
at some node u and call dfs(u). If there are nodes not yet visited, we pick one,
say v, and call dfs(v). We repeat this process as long as there are nodes not yet
assigned to any tree.
When all nodes have been assigned a tree, we list the trees, from left to right,
in the order of their construction. This list of trees is called the depth-first search
forest. In terms of the data types NODE and GRAPH defined earlier, we can explore an
entire externally defined graph G, starting the search on as many roots as necessary
by the function of Fig. 9.31. There, we assume that the type NODE is int, and MAX
is the number of nodes in G.
In lines (1) and (2) we initialize all nodes to be UNVISITED. Then, in the loop
of lines (3) to (5), we consider each node u in turn. When we consider u, if that
node has not yet been added to any tree, it will still be marked unvisited when we
make the test of line (4). In that case, we call dfs(u, G) at line (5) and explore
the depth-first search tree with root u. In particular, the first node always becomes
the root of a tree. However, if u has already been added to a tree when we perform

void dfsForest(GRAPH G);


(1) for (u = 0; u < MAX; u++)

(2) G[u].mark = UNVISITED;
(3) for (u = 0; u < MAX; u++)
(4) if (G[u].mark == UNVISITED)
(5) dfs(u, G);

Fig. 9.31. Exploring a graph by exploring as many trees as necessary.

the test of line (4), then u will be marked VISITED, and so we do not create a tree
with root u.

✦ Example 9.20. Suppose we apply the above algorithm to the graph of Fig.
9.26, but let d be the node whose name is 0; that is, d is the first root of a tree
for the depth-first spanning forest. We call dfs(d), which constructs the first tree
of Fig. 9.32. Now, all nodes but a are visited. As u becomes each of the various
nodes in the loop of lines (3) to (5) of Fig. 9.31, the test of line (4) fails except
when u = a. Then, we create the one-node second tree of Fig. 9.32. Note that both
successors of a are marked VISITED when we call dfs(a), and so we do not make
any recursive calls from dfs(a). ✦

d a

c e f

Fig. 9.32. A depth-first search forest.

When we present the nodes of a graph as a depth-first search forest, the notions
of forward, backward, and tree arcs apply as before. However, the notion of a cross
arc must be extended to include arcs that run from one tree to a tree to its left.
Examples of such cross arcs are a → b and a → d in Fig. 9.32.
The rule that cross arcs always go from right to left continues to hold. The
reason is also the same. If there were a cross arc u → v that went from one tree
to a tree to the right, then consider what happens when we call dfs(u). Since v
was not added to the tree being formed at the moment, it must already have been

The Perfection of Depth-First Search

Regardless of the relationship between the numbers of nodes and arcs, the running
time of the depth-first exploration of a graph takes time proportional to the “size”
of the graph, that is, the sum of the numbers of nodes and arcs. Thus, depth-first
search is, to within a constant factor, as fast as any algorithm that “looks at” the

in some tree. But the trees to the right of u have not yet been created, and so v
cannot be part of one of them.

Running Time of the Depth-First Search Algorithm

Let G be a graph with n nodes and let m be the larger of the number of nodes and
the number of arcs. Then dfsForest of Fig. 9.31 takes O(m) time. The proof of
this fact requires a trick. When calculating the time taken by a call dfs(u), we
shall not count the time taken by any recursive calls to dfs at line (6) in Fig. 9.27,
as Section 3.9 suggested we should. Rather, observe that we call dfs(u) once for
each value of u. Thus, if we sum the cost of each call, exclusive of its recursive calls,
we get the total time spent in all the calls as a group.
Notice that the while-loop of lines (3) to (7) in Fig. 9.27 can take a variable
amount of time, even excluding the time spent in recursive calls to dfs, because
the number of successors of node u could be any number from 0 to n. Suppose we
let mu be the out-degree of node u, that is, the number of successors of u. Then
the number of times around the while-loop during the execution of dfs(u) is surely
mu . We do not count the execution of dfs(v, G) at line (6) when assessing the
running time of dfs(u), and the body of the loop, exclusive of this call, takes O(1)
time. Thus, the total time spent in the loop of lines (3) to (7), exclusive of time
spent in recursive calls is O(1 + mu ); the additional 1 is needed because mu might
be 0, in which case we still take O(1) time for the test of (3). Since lines (1) and (2)
of dfs take O(1) time, we conclude that, neglecting recursive calls, dfs(u) takes
time O(1 + mu ) to complete.
Now we observe that during the running of dfsForest, we call dfs(u) exactly
once for each value of u. Thus, the total time spent
P in all these
P is big-oh of
the sum of the times spent in each, that is, O u 1 + m u ) . But u mu is just
the number of arcs in the graph, that is, at most m,8Psince each arc emanates from
some one node. The number of nodes is n, so that u 1 is just n. As n ≤ m, the
time taken by all the calls to dfs is thus O(m).
Finally, we must consider the time taken by dfsForest. This program, in Fig.
9.31, consists of two loops, each iterated n times. The bodies of the loops are easily
seen to take O(1) time, exclusive of the calls to dfs, and so the cost of the loops is
O(n). This time is dominated by the O(m) time of the calls to dfs. Since the time
for the dfs calls is already accounted for, we conclude that dfsForest, together
with all its calls to dfs, takes O(m) time.

8 In fact, the sum of the mu ’s will be exactly m, except in the case that the number of nodes
exceeds the number of arcs; recall that m is the larger of the numbers of nodes and arcs.

Postorder Traversals of Directed Graphs

Once we have a depth-first search tree, we could number its nodes in postorder.
However, there is an easy way to do the numbering during the search itself. We
simply attach the number to a node u as the last thing we do before dfs(u) com-
pletes. Then, a node is numbered right after all its children are numbered, just as
in a postorder numbering.

int k; /* counts visited nodes */

void dfs(NODE u, GRAPH G)

LIST p; /* points to cells of adjacency list of u */
NODE v; /* the node in the cell pointed to by p */
(1) G[u].mark = VISITED;
(2) p = G[u].successors;
(3) while (p != NULL) {
(4) v = p->nodeName;
(5) if (G[v].mark == UNVISITED)
(6) dfs(v, G);
(7) p = p->next;
(8) ++k;
(9) G[u].postorder = k;

void dfsForest(GRAPH G)
(10) k = 0;
(11) for (u = 0; u < MAX; u++)
(12) G[u].mark = UNVISITED;
(13) for (u = 0; u < MAX; u++)
(14) if (G[u].mark == UNVISITED)
(15) dfs(u, G);

Fig. 9.33. Procedure to number the nodes of a directed graph in postorder.

✦ Example 9.21. The tree of Fig. 9.29, which we constructed by depth-first

search of the graph in Fig. 9.26, has the postorder numbers labeling the nodes. If
we examine the trace of Fig. 9.28, we see that the first call to return is dfs(c), and
node c is given the number 1. Then, we visit d, then e, and return from the call
to e. Therefore, e’s number is 2. Similarly, we visit and return from f , which is
numbered 3. At that point, we have completed the call on d, which gets number 4.
That completes the call to dfs(b), and the number of b is 5. Finally, the original

call to a returns, giving a the number 6. Notice that this order is exactly the one
we would get if we simply walked the tree in postorder. ✦

We can assign the postorder numbers to the nodes with a few simple modifica-
tions to the depth-first search algorithm we have written so far; these changes are
summarized in Fig. 9.33.
1. In the GRAPH type, we need an additional field for each node, called postorder.
For the graph G, we place the postorder number of node u in G[u].postorder.
This assignment is accomplished at line (9) of Fig. 9.33.
2. We use a global variable k to count nodes in postorder. This variable is defined
externally to dfs and dfsForest. As seen in Fig. 9.33, we initialize k to 0
in line (10) of dfsForest, and just before assigning a postorder number, we
increment k by 1 at line (8) in dfs.
Notice that as a result, when there is more than one tree in the depth-first search
forest, the first tree gets the lowest numbers, the next tree gets the next numbers
in order, and so on. For example, in Fig. 9.32, a would get the postorder number 6.

Special Properties of Postorder Numbers

The impossibility of cross arcs that go left to right tells us something interesting
and useful about the postorder numbers and the four types of arcs in a depth-first
presentation of a graph. In Fig. 9.34(a) we see three nodes, u, v, and w, in a depth-
first presentation of a graph. Nodes v and w are descendants of u, and w is to the
right of v. Figure 9.34(b) shows the duration of activity for the calls to dfs for each
of these nodes.

v w

(a) Three nodes in a depth-first tree.

Time of v Time of w
Time of u
(b) Active intervals for their calls to dfs.

Fig. 9.34. Relationship between position in tree and duration of calls.


We can make several observations. First, the call to dfs on a descendant like v
is active for only a subinterval of the time during which the call on an ancestor, like
u, is active. In particular, the call to dfs(v) terminates before the call to dfs(u)
does. Thus, the postorder number of v must be less than the postorder number of
u whenever v is a proper descendant of u.
Second, if w is to the right of v, then the call to dfs(w) cannot begin until after
the call to dfs(v) terminates. Thus, whenever v is to the left of w, the postorder
number of v is less than that of w. Although not shown in Fig. 9.34, the same is
true even if v and w are in different trees of the depth-first search forest, with v’s
tree to the left of w’s tree.
We can now consider the relationship between the postorder numbers of u and
v for each arc u → v.
1. If u → v is a tree arc or forward arc, then v is a descendant of u, and so v
precedes u in postorder.
2. If u → v is a cross arc, then we know v is to the left of u, and again v precedes
u in postorder.
3. If u → v is a backward arc and v 6= u, then v is a proper ancestor of u, and so
v follows u in postorder. However, v = u is possible for a backward arc, since
a loop is a backward arc. Thus, in general, for backward arc u → v, we know
that the postorder number of v is at least as high as the postorder number of
In summary, we see that in postorder, the head of an arc precedes the tail, unless
the arc is a backward arc; in which case the tail precedes or equals the head. Thus,
we can identify the backward arcs simply by finding those arcs whose tails are equal
to or less than their heads in postorder. We shall see a number of applications of
this idea in the next section.


9.6.1: For the tree of Fig. 9.5 (see the exercises for Section 9.2), give two depth-first
search trees starting with node a. Give a depth-first search tree starting with node
9.6.2*: No matter which node we start with in Fig. 9.5, we wind up with only one
tree in the depth-first search forest. Explain briefly why that must be the case for
this particular graph.
9.6.3: For each of your trees of Exercise 9.6.1, indicate which of the arcs are tree,
forward, backward, and cross arcs.
9.6.4: For each of your trees of Exercise 9.6.1, give the postorder numbers for the
9.6.5*: Consider the graph with three nodes, a, b, and c, and the two arcs a → b
and b → c. Give all the possible depth-first search forests for this graph, considering
all possible starting nodes for each tree. What is the postorder numbering of the
nodes for each forest? Are the postorder numbers always the same for this graph?

9.6.6*: Consider the generalization of the graph of Exercise 9.6.5 to a graph with n
nodes, a1 , a2 , . . . , an , and arcs a1 → a2 , a2 → a3 , . . . , an−1 → an . Prove by complete
induction on n that this graph has 2n−1 different depth-first search forests. Hint :
It helps to remember that 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + · · · + 2i = 2i+1 , for i ≥ 0.
9.6.7*: Suppose we start with a graph G and add a new node x that is a predecessor
of all other nodes in G. If we run dfsForest of Fig. 9.31 on the new graph, starting
at node x, then a single tree results. If we then delete x from this tree, several trees
may result. How do these trees relate to the depth-first search forest of the original
graph G?
9.6.8**: Suppose we have a directed graph G, from whose representation we have
just constructed a depth-first spanning forest F by the algorithm of Fig. 9.31. Let
us now add the arc u → v to G to form a new graph H, whose representation is
exactly that of G, except that node v now appears somewhere on the adjacency
list for node u. If we now run Fig. 9.31 on this representation of H, under what
circumstances will the same depth-first forest F be constructed? That is, when will
the tree arcs for H are exactly the same as the tree arcs for G?

✦ ✦

9.7 Some Uses of Depth-First Search
In this section, we see how depth-first search can be used to solve some problems
quickly. As previously, we shall here use n to represent the number of nodes of a
graph, and we shall use m for the larger of the number of nodes and the number of
arcs; in particular, we assume that n ≤ m is always true. Each of the algorithms
presented takes O(m) time, on a graph represented by adjacency lists. The first
algorithm determines whether a directed graph is acyclic. Then for those graphs
that are acyclic, we see how to find a topological sort of the nodes (topological sort-
ing was discussed in Section 7.10; we shall review the definitions at the appropriate
time). We also show how to compute the transitive closure of a graph (see Section
7.10 again), and how to find connected components of an undirected graph faster
than the algorithm given in Section 9.4.

Finding Cycles in a Directed Graph

During a depth-first search of a directed graph G, we can assign a postorder number
to all the nodes in O(m) time. Recall from the last section that we discovered the
only arcs whose tails are equal to or less than their heads in postorder are the
backward arcs. Whenever there is a backward arc, u → v, in which the postorder
number of v is at least as large as the postorder number of u, there must be a cycle
in the graph, as suggested by Fig. 9.35. The cycle consists of the arc from u to v,
and the path in the tree from v to its descendant u.
The converse is also true; that is, if there is a cycle, then there must be a
backward arc. To see why, suppose there is a cycle, say v1 → v2 → · · · → vk → v1 ,
and let the postorder number of node vi be pi , for i = 1, 2, . . . , k. If k = 1, that is,
the cycle is a single arc, then surely v1 → v1 is a backward arc in any depth-first
presentation of G.
If k > 1, suppose that none of the arcs v1 → v2 , v2 → v3 , and so on, up to
vk−1 → vk are backward. Then each head precedes each tail in postorder, and
so the postorder numbers p1 , p2 , . . . , pk form a decreasing sequence. In particular,

Fig. 9.35. Every backward arc forms a cycle with tree arcs.

pk < p1 . Then consider the arc vk → v1 that completes the cycle. The postorder
number of its tail, which is pk , is less than the postorder number of its head, p1 ,
and so this arc is a backward arc. That proves there must be some backward arc
in any cycle.
As a result, after computing the postorder numbers of all nodes, we simply
examine all the arcs, to see if any has a tail less than or equal to its head, in
postorder. If so, we have found a backward arc, and the graph is cyclic. If there is
no such arc, the graph is acyclic. Figure 9.36 shows a function that tests whether an
externally defined graph G is acyclic, using the data structure for graphs described
in the previous section. It also makes use of the function dfsForest defined in Fig.
9.33 to compute the postorder numbers of the nodes of G.

BOOLEAN testAcyclic(GRAPH G)
NODE u, v; /* u runs through all the nodes */
LIST p; /* p points to each cell on the adjacency list
for u; v is a node on the adjacency list */

(1) dfsForest(G);
(2) for (u = 0; u < MAX; u++) {
(3) p = G[u].successors;
(4) while (p != NULL) {
(5) v = p->nodeName;
(6) if (G[u].postorder <= G[v].postorder)
(7) return FALSE;
(8) p = p->next;
(9) return TRUE;

Fig. 9.36. Function to determine whether a graph G is acyclic.


After calling dfsForest to compute postorder numbers at line (1), we examine

each node u in the loop of lines (2) through (8). Pointer p goes down the adjacency
list for u, and at line (5), v in turn becomes each successor of u. If at line (6) we
find that u equals or precedes v in postorder, then we have found a backward arc
u → v, and we return FALSE at line (7). If we find no such backward arc, we return
TRUE at line (9).

Running Time of the Acyclicity Test

As before, let n be the number of nodes of graph G and let m be the larger of
the number of nodes and the number of arcs. We already know that the call to
dfsForest at line (1) of Fig. 9.36 takes O(m) time. Lines (5) to (8), the body of
the while-loop, evidently take O(1) time. To get a good bound on the time for the
while-loop itself, we must use the trick that was used in the previous section to
bound the time of depth-first search. Let mu be the out-degree of node u. Then
we go around the loop of lines (4) to (8) mu times. Thus, the time spent in lines
(4) to (8) is O(1 + mu ).
Line (3) only
P takes O(1)  time, and so the time spent in the for-loop of lines
(2) to (8) is O u (1 + m u ) . As observed in the previous section, the sum of 1 is
O(n), and the sum of mu is m. Since n ≤ m, the time for the loop of lines (2) to
(8) is O(m). That is the same as the time for line (1), and line (9) takes O(1) time.
Thus, the entire acyclicity test takes O(m) time. As for depth-first search itself, the
time to detect cycles is, to within a constant factor, just the time it takes to look
at the entire graph.

Topological Sorting
Suppose we know that a directed graph G is acyclic. As for any graph, we may find
a depth-first search forest for G and thereby determine a postorder for the nodes of
G. Suppose (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) is a list of the nodes of G in the reverse of postorder;
that is, v1 is the node numbered n in postorder, v2 is numbered n−1, and in general,
vi is the node numbered n − i + 1 in postorder.
The order of the nodes on this list has the property that all arcs of G go forward
in the order. To see why, suppose vi → vj is an arc of G. Since G is acyclic, there
are no backward arcs. Thus, for every arc, the head precedes the tail. That is, vj
precedes vi in postorder. But the list is the reverse of postorder, and so vi precedes
vj on the list. That is, every tail precedes the corresponding head in the list order.
An order for the nodes of a graph G with the property that for every arc of G
Topological the tail precedes the head is called a topological order, and the process of finding
order such an order for the nodes is called topological sorting. Only acyclic graphs have a
topological order, and as we have just seen, we can produce a topological order for
an acyclic graph O(m) time, where m is the larger of the number of nodes and arcs,
by performing a depth-first search. As we are about to give a node its postorder
number, that is, as we complete the call to dfs on that node, we push the node
onto a stack. When we are done, the stack is a list in which the nodes appear in
postorder, with the highest at the top (front). That is the reverse postorder we
desire. Since the depth-first search takes O(m) time, and pushing the nodes onto a
stack takes only O(n) time, the whole process takes O(m) time.

Applications of Topological Order and Cycle Finding

There are a number of situations in which the algorithms discussed in this section
will prove useful. Topological ordering comes in handy when there are constraints
on the order in which we do certain tasks, which we represent by nodes. If we draw
an arc from u to v whenever we must do task u before v, then a topological order is
an order in which we can perform all the tasks. An example in Section 7.10 about
putting on shoes and socks illustrated this type of problem.
A similar example is the calling graph of a nonrecursive collection of functions,
in which we wish to analyze each function after we have analyzed the functions it
calls. As the arcs go from caller to called function, the reverse of a topological order,
that is, the postorder itself, is an order in which we can analyze the function, making
sure that we only work on a function after we have worked on all the functions it
In other situations, it is sufficient to run the cycle test. For example, a cycle
in the graph of task priorities tells us there is no order in which all the tasks can
be done, and a cycle in a calling graph tells us there is recursion.

✦ Example 9.22. In Fig. 9.37(a) is an acyclic graph, and in Fig. 9.37(b) is the
depth-first search forest we get by considering the nodes in alphabetic order. We
also show in Fig. 9.37(b) the postorder numbers that we get from this depth-first
search. If we list the nodes highest postorder number first, we get the topological
order (d, e, c, f, b, a). The reader should check that each of the eight arcs in Fig.
9.37(a) has a tail that precedes its head according to this list. There are, incidentally,
three other topological orders for this graph, such as (d, c, e, b, f, a). ✦

The Reachability Problem

A natural question to ask about a directed graph is, given a node u, which nodes
Reachable set can we reach from u by following arcs? We call this set of nodes the reachable set
for node u. In fact, if we ask this reachability question for each node u, then we
know for which pairs of nodes (u, v) there is a path from u to v.
The algorithm for solving reachability is simple. If we are interested in node
u, we mark all nodes UNVISITED and call dfs(u). We then examine all the nodes
again. Those marked VISITED are reachable from u, and the others are not. If we
then wish to find the nodes reachable from another node v, we set all the nodes to
UNVISITED again and call dfs(v). This process may be repeated for as many nodes
as we like.

✦ Example 9.23. Consider the graph of Fig. 9.37(a). If we start our depth-first
search from node a, we can go nowhere, since there are no arcs out of a. Thus,
dfs(a) terminates immediately. Since only a is visited, we conclude that a is the
only node reachable from a.
If we start with b, we can reach a, but that is all; the reachable set for b is
{a, b}. Similarly, from c we reach {a, b, c, f }, from d we reach all the nodes, from e
we reach {a, b, e, f }, and from f we can reach only {a, f }.
For another example, consider the graph of Fig. 9.26. From a we can reach all
the nodes. From any node but a, we can reach all the nodes except a. ✦

c e

b f

(a) A directed acyclic graph.

1 2 4 6
a b c d

3 5
f e

(b) A depth-first search forest.

Fig. 9.37. Topologically sorting an acyclic graph.

Running Time of the Reachability Test

Let us assume we have a directed graph G with n nodes and m arcs. We shall
also assume G is represented by the data type GRAPH of the previous section. First,
suppose we want to find the reachable set for a node u. Initializing the nodes
to be UNVISITED takes O(n) time. The call to dfs(u, G) takes O(m) time, and
examining the nodes again to see which are visited takes O(n) time. While we
examine the nodes, we could also create a list of those nodes that are reachable
from u, still taking only O(n) time. Thus, finding the reachable set for one node
takes O(m) time.
Now suppose we want the reachable sets for all n nodes. We may repeat the
algorithm n times, once for each node. Thus, the total time is O(nm).

Finding Connected Components by Depth-First Search

In Section 9.4, we gave an algorithm for finding the connected components of an
undirected graph with n nodes, and with m equal to the larger of the number of
nodes and edges, in O(m log n) time. The tree structure we used to merge com-
ponents is of interest in its own right; for example, we used it to help implement
Kruskal’s minimal spanning tree algorithm. However, we can find connected com-
ponents more efficiently if we use depth-first search. As we shall see, O(m) time
The idea is to treat the undirected graph as if it were a directed graph with each
edge replaced by arcs in both directions. If we represent the graph by adjacency
lists, then we do not even have to make any change to the representation. Now
construct the depth-first search forest for the directed graph. Each tree in the

Transitive Closure and Reflexive-Transitive Closure

Let R be a binary relation on a set S. The reachability problem can be viewed as
computing the reflexive-transitive closure of R, which is usually denoted R*. The
relation R* is defined to be the set of pairs (u, v) such that there is a path of length
zero or more from node u to node v in the graph represented by R.
Another relation that is very similar is R+ , the transitive closure of R, which is
defined to be the set of pairs (u, v) such that there is a path of length one or more
from u to v in the graph represented by R. The distinction between R* and R+ is
that (u, u) is always in R* for every u in S, whereas (u, u) is in R+ if and only if
there is a cycle of length one or more from u to u. To compute R+ from R*, we
just have to check whether or not each node u has some entering arc from one of its
reachable nodes, including itself; if it does not, we remove u from its own reachable

forest is one connected component of the undirected graph.

To see why, first note that the presence of an arc u → v in the directed graph
indicates that there is an edge {u, v}. Thus, all the nodes of a tree are connected.

Now we must show the converse, that if two nodes are connected, then they are
in the same tree. Suppose there were a path in the undirected graph between two
nodes u and v that are in different trees. Say the tree of u was constructed first.
Then there is a path in the directed graph from u to v, which tells us that v, and
all the nodes on this path, should have been added to the tree with u. Thus, nodes
are connected in the undirected graph if and only if they are in the same tree; that
is, the trees are the connected components.

✦ Example 9.24. Consider the undirected graph of Fig. 9.4 again. One possible
depth-first search forest we might construct for this graph is shown in Fig. 9.38.
Notice how the three depth-first search trees correspond to the three connected

Honolulu Lahaina Kona

PearlCity Kahului Kamuela

Wahiawa Keokea Hana Hilo

Laie Maili


Fig. 9.38. The depth-first search forest divides an undirected graph

into connected components.

components. ✦


9.7.1: Find all the topological orders for the graph of Fig. 9.37.
9.7.2*: Suppose R is a partial order on domain D. We can represent R by its
graph, where the nodes are the elements of D and there is an arc u → v whenever
uRv and u 6= v. Let (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) be a topological ordering of the graph of R.
Let T be the relation defined by vi T vj whenever i ≤ j. Show that
a) T is a total order, and
b) The pairs in R are a subset of the pairs in T ; that is, T is a total order containing
the partial order R.
9.7.3: Apply depth-first search to the graph of Fig. 9.21 (after converting it to a
symmetric directed graph), to find the connected components.
9.7.4: Consider the graph with arcs a → c, b → a, b → c, d → a, and e → c.
a) Test the graph for cycles.
b) Find all the topological orders for the graph.
c) Find the reachable set of each node.
9.7.5*: In the next section we shall consider the general problem of finding shortest
paths from a source node s. That is, we want for each node u the length of the
shortest path from s to u if one exists. When we have a directed, acyclic graph, the
problem is easier. Give an algorithm that will compute the length of the shortest
path from node s to each node u (infinity if no such path exists) in a directed,
acyclic graph G. Your algorithm should take O(m) time, where m is the larger of
the number of nodes and arcs of G. Prove that your algorithm has this running
time. Hint : Start with a topological sort of G, and visit each node in turn. On
visiting a node u, calculate the shortest distance from s to u in terms of the already
calculated shortest distances to the predecessors of u.

9.7.6*: Give algorithms to compute the following for a directed, acyclic graph G.
Your algorithms should run in time O(m), where m is the larger of the number of
nodes and arcs of G, and you should prove that this running time is all that your
algorithm requires. Hint : Adapt the idea of Exercise 9.7.5.
a) For each node u, find the length of the longest path from u to anywhere.
b) For each node u, find the length of the longest path to u from anywhere.
c) For a given source node s and for all nodes u of G, find the length of the longest
path from s to u.
d) For a given source node s and for all nodes u of G, find the length of the longest
path from u to s.
e) For each node u, find the length of the longest path through u.

✦ ✦

9.8 Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Finding Shortest Paths

Suppose we have a graph, which could be either directed or undirected, with labels
on the arcs (or edges) to represent the “length” of that arc. An example is Fig.
9.4, which showed the distance along certain roads of the Hawaiian Islands. It
is quite common to want to know the minimum distance between two nodes; for
example, maps often include tables of driving distance as a guide to how far one can
travel in a day, or to help determine which of two routes (that go through different
intermediate cities) is shorter. A similar kind of problem would associate with each
arc the time it takes to travel along that arc, or perhaps the cost of traveling that
arc. Then the minimum “distance” between two nodes would correspond to the
traveling time or the fare, respectively.
In general, the distance along a path is the sum of the labels of that path. The
Minimum minimum distance from node u to node v is the minimum of the distance of any
distance path from u to v.

✦ Example 9.25. Consider the map of Oahu in Fig. 9.10. Suppose we want to
find the minimum distance from Maili to Kaneohe. There are several paths we
could choose. One useful observation is that, as long as the labels of the arcs are
nonnegative, the minimum-distance path need never have a cycle. For we could
skip that cycle and find a path between the same two nodes, but with a distance
no greater than that of the path with the cycle. Thus, we need only consider
1. The path through Pearl City and Honolulu.
2. The path through Wahiawa, Pearl City, and Honolulu.
3. The path through Wahiawa and Laie.
4. The path through Pearl City, Wahiawa, and Laie.
The distances of these paths are 44, 51, 67, and 84, respectively. Thus, the minimum
distance from Maili to Kaneohe is 44. ✦

If we wish to find the minimum distance from one given node, called the source
Source node node, to all the nodes of the graph, one of the most efficient techniques to use is
a method called Dijkstra’s algorithm, the subject of this section. It turns out that
if all we want is the distance from one node u to another node v, the best way is
to run Dijkstra’s algorithm with u as the source node and stop when we deduce
the distance to v. If we want to find the minimum distance between every pair of
nodes, there is an algorithm that we shall cover in the next section, called Floyd’s
algorithm, that sometimes is preferable to running Dijkstra’s algorithm with every
node as a source.
The essence of Dijkstra’s algorithm is that we discover the minimum distance
from the source to other nodes in the order of those minimum distances, that is,
closest nodes first. As Dijkstra’s algorithm proceeds, we have a situation like that
Settled node suggested in Fig. 9.39. In the graph G there are certain nodes that are settled, that
is, their minimum distance is known; this set always includes s, the source node.
Special path For the unsettled nodes v, we record the length of the shortest special path, which
is a path that starts at the source node, travels only through settled nodes, then at
the last step jumps out of the settled region to v.

Graph G

s v

Fig. 9.39. Intermediate stage during the execution of Dijkstra’s algorithm.

We maintain a value dist(u) for every node u. If u is a settled node, then

dist(u) is the length of the shortest path from the source to u. If u is not settled,
then dist(u) is the length of the shortest special path from the source to u. Initially,
only the source node s is settled, and dist(s) = 0, since the path consisting of s
alone surely has distance 0. If there is an arc from s to u, then dist(u) is the label
of that arc. Notice that when only s is settled, the only special paths are the arcs
out of s, so that dist(u) should be the label of the arc s → u if there is one. We
shall use a defined constant INFTY, that is intended to be larger than the distance
along any path in the graph G. INFTY serves as an “infinite” value and indicates
that no special paths have yet been discovered. That is, initially, if there is no arc
s → u, then dist(u) = INFTY.
Now suppose we have some settled and some unsettled nodes, as suggested by
Fig. 9.39. We find the node v that is unsettled, but has the smallest dist value of
any unsettled node. We “settle” v by

1. Accepting dist(v) as the minimum distance from s to v.

2. Adjusting the value of dist(u), for all nodes u that remain unsettled, to account
for the fact that v is now settled.
The adjustment required by step (2) is the following. We compare the old value
of dist(u) with the sum of dist(v) and label of the arc v → u, and if the latter sum
is smaller, we replace dist(u) by that sum. If there is no arc v → u, then we do not
adjust dist(u).

✦ Example 9.26. Consider the map of Oahu in Fig. 9.10. That graph is undi-
rected, but we shall assume edges are arcs in both directions. Let the source be
Honolulu. Then initially, only Honolulu is settled and its distance is 0. We can set
dist(PearlCity) to 13 and dist(Kaneohe) to 11, but other cities, having no arc from
Honolulu, are given distance INFTY. The situation is shown in the first column of
Fig. 9.40. The star on distances indicates that the node is settled.

CITY (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Honolulu 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*
PearlCity 13 13 13* 13* 13*
Maili INFTY INFTY 33 33 33*
Wahiawa INFTY INFTY 25 25* 25*
Laie INFTY 35 35 35 35
Kaneohe 11 11* 11* 11* 11*


Fig. 9.40. Stages in the execution of Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Among the unsettled nodes, the one with the smallest distance is now Kaneohe,
and so this node is settled. There are arcs from Kaneohe to Honolulu and Laie.
The arc to Honolulu does not help, but the value of dist(Kaneohe), which is 11,
plus the label of the arc from Kaneohe to Laie, which is 24, totals 35, which is less
than “infinity,” the current value of dist(Laie). Thus, in the second column, we
have reduced the distance to Laie to 35. Kaneohe is now settled.
In the next round, the unsettled node with the smallest distance is Pearl City,
with a distance of 13. When we make Pearl City settled, we must consider the
neighbors of Pearl City, which are Maili and Wahiawa. We reduce the distance to
Maili to 33 (the sum of 13 and 20), and we reduce the distance to Wahiawa to 25
(the sum of 13 and 12). The situation is now as in column (3).
Next to be settled is Wahiawa, with a distance of 25, least among the currently
unsettled nodes. However, that node does not allow us to reduce the distance to
any other node, and so column (4) has the same distances as column (3). Similarly,
we next settle Maili, with a distance of 33, but that does not reduce any distances,
leaving column (5) the same as column (4). Technically, we have to settle the last
node, Laie, but the last node cannot affect any other distances, and so column (5)
gives the shortest distances from Honolulu to all six cities. ✦

Why Dijkstra’s Algorithm Works

In order to show that Dijkstra’s algorithm works, we must assume that the labels
of arcs are nonnegative.9 We shall prove by induction on k that when there are k
settled nodes,
a) For each settled node u, dist(u) is the minimum distance from s to u, and the
shortest path to u consists only of settled nodes.
b) For each unsettled node u, dist(u) is the minimum distance of any special path
from s to u (INFTY if no such path exists).

Graph G

s v


Fig. 9.41. Hypothetical shorter path to v, through w and u.

BASIS. For k = 1, s is the only settled node. We initialize dist(s) to 0, which

satisfies (a). For every other node u, we initialize dist(u) to be the label of the arc
s → u if it exists, and INFTY if not. Thus, (b) is satisfied.

INDUCTION. Now assume (a) and (b) hold after k nodes have been settled, and
let v be the (k + 1)st node settled. We claim that (a) still holds, because dist(v)
is the least distance of any path from s to v. Suppose not. By part (b) of the
inductive hypothesis, when k nodes are settled, dist(v) is the minimum distance
of any special path to v, and so there must be some shorter nonspecial path to v.
As suggested in Fig. 9.41, this path must leave the settled nodes at some node w
(which could be s), and go to some unsettled node u. From there, the path could
meander in and out of the settled nodes, until it finally arrives at v.
However, v was chosen to be the (k + 1)st node settled, which means that at
this time, dist(u) could not be less than dist(v), or else we would have selected u
as the (k + 1)st node. By (b) of the inductive hypothesis, dist(u) is the minimum
length of any special path to u. But the path from s to w to u in Fig. 9.41 is a
special path, so that its distance is at least dist(u). Thus, the supposed shorter

9 When labels are allowed to be negative, we can find graphs for which Dijkstra’s algorithm
gives incorrect answers.

path from s to v through w and u has a distance that is at least dist(v), because
the initial part from s to u already has distance dist(u), and dist(u) ≥ dist(v).10
Thus, (a) holds for k + 1 nodes, that is, (a) continues to hold when we include v
among the settled nodes.
Now we must show that (b) holds when we add v to the settled nodes. Consider
some node u that remains unsettled when we add v to the settled nodes. On the
shortest special path to u, there must be some penultimate (next-to-last) node; this
node could either be v or some other node w. The two possibilities are suggested
by Fig. 9.42.

Graph G

s v u

Fig. 9.42. What is the penultimate node on the shortest special path to u?

First, suppose the penultimate node is v. Then the length of the path from s
to v to u suggested in Fig. 9.42 is dist(v) plus the label of the arc v → u.
Alternatively, suppose the penultimate node is some other node w. By induc-
tive hypothesis (a), the shortest path from s to w consists only of nodes that were
settled prior to v, and therefore, v does not appear on the path. Thus, the length of
the shortest special path to u does not change when we add v to the settled nodes.
Now recall that when we settle v, we adjust each dist(u) to be the smaller of
the old value of dist(u) and dist(v) plus the label of arc v → u. The former covers
the case that some w other than v is the penultimate node, and the latter covers
the case that v is the penultimate node. Thus, part (b) also holds, and we have
completed the inductive step.

Data Structures for Dijkstra’s Algorithm

We shall now present an efficient implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm making
use of the balanced partially ordered tree structure of Section 5.9.11 We use two
arrays, one called graph to represent the graph, and the other called potNodes

10 Note that the fact that the labels are nonnegative is vital; if not, the portion of the path
from u to v could have a negative distance, resulting in a shorter path to v.
11 Actually, this implementation is only best when the number of arcs is somewhat less than
the square of the number of nodes, which is the maximum number of arcs there can be. A
simple implementation for the dense case is discussed in the exercises.

to represent the partially ordered tree. The intent is that to each graph node u
there corresponds a partially ordered tree node a that has priority equal to dist(u).
However, unlike Section 5.9, we shall organize the partially ordered tree by least
priority rather than greatest. (Alternatively, we could take the priority of a to be
−dist(u).) Figure 9.43 illustrates the data structure.

dist succs. toPOT potNodes
0 1

u a

a u

n−1 n

Fig. 9.43. Data structure to represent a graph for Dijkstra’s algorithm.

We use NODE for the type of graph nodes. As usual, we shall name nodes with
integers starting at 0. We shall use the type POTNODE for the type of nodes in the
partially ordered tree. As in Section 5.9, we shall assume that the nodes of the
partially ordered tree are numbered starting at 1 for convenience. Thus, both NODE
and POTNODE are synonyms for int.
The data type GRAPH is defined to be
typedef struct {
float dist;
LIST successors;
Here, MAX is the number of nodes in the graph, and LIST is the type of adjacency
lists consisting of cells of type CELL. Since we need to include labels, which we take
to be floating-point numbers, we shall declare as the type CELL
typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
NODE nodeName;
float nodeLabel;
LIST next;
We declare the data type POT to be an array of graph nodes

typedef NODE POT[MAX+1];

We can now define the principal data structures:
GRAPH graph;
POT potNodes;
The array of structures graph contains the nodes of the graph, the array potNodes
contains the nodes of the partially ordered tree, and the variable last indicates the
current end of the partially ordered tree, which resides in potNodes[1..last].
Intuitively, the structure of the partially ordered tree is represented by the
positions in the array potNodes, as usual for a partially ordered tree. The elements
of this array let us tell the priority of a node by referring back to the graph itself.
In particular, we place in potNodes[a] the index u of the graph node represented.
The dist field, graph[u].dist, gives the priority of node a in the partially ordered

Auxiliary Functions for Dijkstra’s Algorithm

We need a number of auxiliary functions to make our implementation work. The
most fundamental is the function swap that swaps two nodes of the partially ordered
tree. The matter is not quite as simple as it was in Section 5.9. Here, the field toPOT
of graph must continue to track the value in the array potNodes, as was suggested
by Fig. 9.43. That is, if the value graph[u].toPOT is a, then it must also be the
case that potNodes[a] has value u.
The code for swap is shown in Fig. 9.44. It takes as arguments a graph G and
a partially ordered tree P, as well as two nodes a and b of that partially ordered
tree. We leave it to the reader to check that the function exchanges the values in
entries a and b of the partially ordered tree and also exchanges the toPOT fields of
the corresponding graph nodes.


NODE temp; /* used to swap POT nodes */

temp = P[b];
P[b] = P[a];
P[a] = temp;
G[P[a]].toPOT = a;
G[P[b]].toPOT = b;

Fig. 9.44. Function to swap two nodes of the partially ordered tree.

We shall need to bubble nodes up and down the partially ordered tree, as we
did in Section 5.9. The major difference is that here, the value in an element of
the array potNodes is not the priority. Rather, that value takes us to a node of
graph, and in the structure for that node we find the field dist, which gives us
the priority. We therefore need an auxiliary function priority that returns dist
for the appropriate graph node. We shall also assume for this section that smaller

priorities rise to the top of the partially ordered tree, rather than larger priorities
as in Section 5.9.
Figure 9.45 shows the function priority and functions bubbleUp and bubble-
Down that are simple modifications of the functions of the same name in Section 5.9.
Each takes a graph G and a partially ordered tree P as arguments. Function bub-
bleDown also needs an integer last that indicates the end of the current partially
ordered tree in the array P.

float priority(POTNODE a, GRAPH G, POT P)

return G[P[a]].dist;

void bubbleUp(POTNODE a, GRAPH G, POT P)

if ((a > 1) &&
(priority(a, G, P) < priority(a/2, G, P))) {
swap(a, a/2, G, P);
bubbleUp(a/2, G, P);

void bubbleDown(POTNODE a, GRAPH G, POT P, int last)

POTNODE child;
child = 2*a;
if (child < last &&
priority(child+1, G, P) < priority(child, G, P))
if (child <= last &&
priority(a, G, P) > priority(child, G, P)) {
swap(a, child, G, P);
bubbleDown(child, G, P, last);

Fig. 9.45. Bubbling nodes up and down the partially ordered tree.

We shall assume that the adjacency list for each graph node has already been
created and that a pointer to the adjacency list for graph node u appears in
graph[u].successors. We shall also assume that node 0 is the source node. If we
take the graph node i to correspond to node i + 1 of the partially ordered tree, then
the array potNodes is appropriately initialized as a partially ordered tree. That is,
the root of the partially ordered tree represents the source node of the graph, to
which we give priority 0, and to all other nodes we give priority INFTY, our “infinite”
defined constant.

Initializing with an Exception

Notice that at line (2) of Fig 9.46, we set dist[1] to INFTY, along with all the other
distances. Then at line (5), we correct this distance to 0. That is more efficient than
testing each value of i to see if it is the exceptional case. True, we could eliminate
line (5) if we replaced line (2) by
if (i == 0)
G[i].dist = 0;
G[i].dist = INFTY;
but that would not only add to the code, it would increase the running time, since
we would have to do n tests and n assignments, instead of n + 1 assignments and
no tests, as we did in lines (2) and (5) of Fig. 9.46.

As we shall see, on the first round of Dijkstra’s algorithm, we select the source
node to “settle,” which will create the condition we regard as our starting point in
the informal introduction, where the source node is settled and dist[u] is noninfi-
nite only when there is an arc from the source to u. The initialization function is
shown in Fig. 9.46. As with previous functions in this section, initialize takes as
arguments the graph and the partially ordered tree. It also takes a pointer pLast to
the integer last, so it can initialize it to M AX, the number of nodes in the graph.
Recall that last will indicate the last position in the array for the partially ordered
tree that is currently in use.

void initialize(GRAPH G, POT P, int *pLast);

int i; /* we use i as both a graph and a tree node */

(1) for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {

(2) G[i].dist = INFTY;
(3) G[i].toPOT = i+1;
(4) P[i+1] = i;
(5) G[0].dist = 0;
(6) (*pLast) = MAX;

Fig. 9.46. Initialization for Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Note that the indexes of the partially ordered tree are 1 through M AX, while
for the graph, they are 0 through M AX − 1. Thus, in lines (3) and (4) of Fig. 9.46,
we have to make node i of the graph correspond initially to node i+1 of the partially
ordered tree.

Implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Figure 9.47 shows the code for Dijkstra’s algorithm, using all the functions we
have previously written. To execute Dijkstra’s algorithm on the graph graph with
partially ordered tree potNodes and with integer last to indicate the end of the
partially ordered tree, we initialize these variables and then call
Dijkstra(graph, potNodes, &last)
The function Dijkstra works as follows. At line (1) we call initialize. The
remainder of the code, lines (2) through (13), is a loop, each iteration of which
corresponds to one round of Dijkstra’s algorithm, where we pick one node v and
settle it. The node v picked at line (3) is always the one whose corresponding tree
node is at the root of the partially ordered tree. At line (4), we take v out of the
partially ordered tree, by swapping it with the current last node of that tree. Line
(5) actually removes v by decrementing last. Then line (6) restores the partially
ordered tree property by calling bubbleDown on the node we just placed at the root.
In effect, unsettled nodes appear below last and settled nodes are at last and above.

void Dijkstra(GRAPH G, POT P, int *pLast)

NODE u, v; /* v is the node we select to settle */
LIST ps; /* ps runs down the list of successors of v;
u is the successor pointed to by ps */

(1) initialize(G, P, pLast);

(2) while ((*pLast) > 1) {
(3) v = P[1];
(4) swap(1, *pLast, G, P);
(5) --(*pLast);
(6) bubbleDown(1, G, P, *pLast);
(7) ps = G[v].successors;
(8) while (ps != NULL) {
(9) u = ps->nodeName;
(10) if (G[u].dist > G[v].dist + ps->nodeLabel) {
(11) G[u].dist = G[v].dist + ps->nodeLabel;
(12) bubbleUp(G[u].toPOT, G, P);
(13) ps = ps->next;

Fig. 9.47. The main function for Dijkstra’s algorithm.

At line (7) we begin updating distances to reflect the fact that v is now settled.
Pointer p is initialized to the beginning of the adjacency list for node v. Then in the
loop of lines (8) to (13), we consider each successor u of v. After setting variable
u to one of the successors of v at line (9), we test at line (10) whether the shortest
special path to u goes through v. That is the case whenever the old value of dist(u),

represented in this data structure by G[u].dist, is greater than the sum of dist(v)
plus the label of the arc v → u. If so, then at line (11), we set dist(u) to its new,
smaller value, and at line (12) we call bubbleUp, so, if necessary, u can rise in the
partially ordered tree to reflect its new priority. The loop completes when at line
(13) we move p down the adjacency list of v.

Running Time of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

As in previous sections, we shall assume that our graph has n nodes and that m
is the larger of the number of arcs and the number of nodes. We shall analyze the
running time of each of the functions, in the order they were described. First, swap
clearly takes O(1) time, since it consists only of assignment statements. Likewise,
priority takes O(1) time.
Function bubbleUp is recursive, but its running time is O(1) plus the time of a
recursive call on a node that is half the distance to the root. As we argued in Section
5.9, there are at most log n calls, each taking O(1) time, for a total of O(log n) time
for bubbleUp. Similarly, bubbleDown takes O(log n) time.
Function initialize takes O(n) time. That is, the loop of lines (1) to (4) is
iterated n times, and its body takes O(1) time per iteration. That gives O(n) time
for the loop. Lines (5) and (6) each contribute O(1), which we may neglect.
Now let us turn our attention to function Dijkstra in Fig. 9.47. Let mv be
the out-degree of node v, or equivalently, the length of v’s adjacency list. Begin by
analyzing the inner loop of lines (8) to (13). Each of lines (9) to (13) take O(1)
time, except for line (12), the call to bubbleUp, which we argued takes O(log n)
time. Thus, the body of the loop takes O(log n) time. The number of times around
the loop equals the length of the adjacency list for v, which we referred to as
mv . Thus the running time of the loop of lines (8) through (13) may be taken
as O(1 + mv log n); the term 1 covers the case where v has no successors, that is,
mv = 0, yet we still do the test of line (8).
Now consider the outer loop of lines (2) through (13). We already accounted
for lines (8) to (13). Line (6) takes O(log n) for a call to bubbleDown. The other
lines of the body take O(1) each. The body thus takes time O (1 + mv ) log n .
The outer loop is iterated exactly n − 1 times, as last ranges from n down to
2. The term 1 in 1 + mv thus contributes n − 1, or O(n). However, the mv term
must be summed over each node v, since all nodes (but the last) are chosen once to
be v. Thus, the
P contribution of mv summed over all iterations of the outer loop is
O(m), since v mv ≤ m. We conclude that the outer loop takes time O(m log n).
The additional time for line (1), the call to initialize, is only O(n), which we may
neglect. Our conclusion is that Dijkstra’s algorithm takes time O(m log n), that is,
at most a factor of log n more than the time taken just to look at the nodes and
arcs of the graph.


9.8.1: Find the shortest distance from Detroit to the other cities, according to the
graph of Fig. 9.21 (see the exercises for Section 9.4). If a city is unreachable from
Detroit, the minimum distance is “infinity.”

9.8.2: Sometimes, we wish to count the number of arcs traversed getting from one
node to another. For example, we might wish to minimize the number of transfers
needed in a plane or bus trip. If we label each arc 1, then a minimum-distance
calculation will count arcs. For the graph in Fig. 9.5 (see the exercises for Section
9.2), find the minimum number of arcs needed to reach each node from node a.

Australopithecus Afarensis AF
Australopithecus Africanus AA
Homo Habilis HH
Australopithecus Robustus AR
Homo Erectus HE
Australopithecus Boisei AB
Homo Sapiens HS

(a) Species and abbreviations.


AF HH 1.0
AF AA 0.8
HH HE 1.2
HH AB 0.5
HH AR 0.3
AA AB 0.4
AA AR 0.6
AB HS 1.7
HE HS 0.8

(b) Species 1 precedes species 2 by time.

Fig. 9.48. Relationships between hominid species.

9.8.3: In Fig. 9.48(a) are seven species of hominids and their convenient abbrevia-
tions. Certain of these species are known to have preceded others because remains
have been found in the same place separated by layers indicating that time had
elapsed. The table in Fig. 9.48(b) gives triples (x, y, t) that mean species x has
been found in the same place as species y, but x appeared t millions of years before
a) Draw a directed graph representing the data of Fig. 9.48, with arcs from the
earlier species to the later, labeled by the time difference.
b) Run Dijkstra’s algorithm on the graph from (a), with AF as the source, to find
the shortest time by which each of the other species could have followed AF.
9.8.4*: The implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm that we gave takes O(m log n)
time, which is less than O(n2 ) time, except in the case that the number of arcs is
close to n2 , its maximum possible number. If m is large, we can devise another
implementation, without a priority queue, where we take O(n) time to select the
winner at each round, but only O(mu ) time, that is, time proportional to the

number of arcs out of the settled node u, to update dist. The result is an O(n2 )
time algorithm. Develop the ideas suggested here, and write a C program for this
implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm.
9.8.5**: Dijkstra’s algorithm does not always work if there are negative labels
on some arcs. Give an example of a graph with some negative labels for which
Dijkstra’s algorithm gives the wrong answer for some minimum distance.
9.8.6**: Let G be a graph for which we have run Dijkstra’s algorithm and settled
the nodes in some order. Suppose we add to G an arc u → v with a weight of 0, to
form a new graph G′ . Under what conditions will Dijkstra’s algorithm run on G′
settle the nodes in the same order as for G?
9.8.7*: In this section we took the approach of linking the arrays representing the
graph G and the partially ordered tree by storing integers that were indices into the
other array. Another approach is to use pointers to array elements. Reimplement
Dijkstra’s algorithm using pointers instead of integer indices.

✦ ✦

9.9 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths

If we want the minimum distances between all pairs of nodes in a graph with n
nodes, with nonnegative labels, we can run Dijkstra’s algorithm with each of the n
nodes as source. Since one run of Dijkstra’s algorithm takes O(m log n) time, where
m is the larger of the number of nodes and number of arcs, finding the minimum
distances between all pairs of nodes this way takes O(mn log n) time. Moreover,
if m is close to its maximum, n2 , we can use an O(n2 )-time implementation of
Dijkstra’s algorithm discussed in Exercise 9.8.4, which when run n times gives us
an O(n3 )-time algorithm to find the minimum distances between each pair of nodes.
There is another algorithm for finding the minimum distances between all pairs
of nodes, called Floyd’s algorithm. This algorithm takes O(n3 ) time, and thus is in
principle no better than Dijkstra’s algorithm, and worse than Dijkstra’s algorithm
when the number of arcs is much less than n2 . However, Floyd’s algorithm works
on an adjacency matrix, rather than adjacency lists, and it is conceptually much
simpler than Dijkstra’s algorithm.
The essence of Floyd’s algorithm is that we consider in turn each node u of
Pivot the graph as a pivot. When u is the pivot, we try to take advantage of u as an
intermediate node between all pairs of nodes, as suggested in Fig. 9.49. For each
pair of nodes, say v and w, if the sum of the labels of arcs v → u and u → w, which
is d + e in Fig. 9.49, is less than the current label, f , of the arc from v to w, then
we replace f by d + e.
A fragment of code implementing Floyd’s algorithm is shown in Fig. 9.50. As
before, we assume nodes are named by integers starting at 0. We use NODE as the
type of nodes, but we assume this type is integers or an equivalent enumerated type.
We assume there is an n × n array arc, such that arc[v][w] is the label of the arc
v → w in the given graph. However, on the diagonal we have arc[v][v] = 0 for
all nodes v, even if there is an arc v → v. The reason is that the shortest distance
from a node to itself is always 0, and we do not wish to follow any arcs at all. If
there is no arc from v to w, then we let arc[v][w] be INFTY, a special value that is
much greater than any other label. There is a similar array dist that, at the end,

0 0

1 1

· ·
· ·
d u ·
v e
· ·
· ·

n-1 n-1

Fig. 9.49. Using node u as a pivot to improve

the distances between some pairs of nodes.

NODE u, v, w;

(1) for (v = 0; v < MAX; v++)

(2) for (w = 0; w < MAX; w++)
(3) dist[v][w] = arc[v][w];
(4) for (u = 0; u < MAX; u++)
(5) for (v = 0; v < MAX; v++)
(6) for (w = 0; w < MAX; w++)
(7) if (dist[v][u] + dist[u][w] < dist[v][w])
(8) dist[v][w] = dist[v][u] + dist[u][w];

Fig. 9.50. Floyd’s algorithm.

holds the minimum distances; dist[v][w] will become the minimum distance from
node v to node w.
Lines (1) to (3) initialize dist to be arc. Lines (4) to (8) form a loop in which
each node u is taken in turn to be the pivot. For each pivot u, in a double loop on
v and w, we consider each pair of nodes. Line (7) tests whether it is shorter to go
from v to w through u than directly, and if so, line (8) lowers dist[v][w] to the
sum of the distances from v to u and from u to w.

✦ Example 9.27. Let us work with the graph of Fig. 9.10 from Section 9.3, using
the numbers 0 through 5 for the nodes; 0 is Laie, 1 is Kaneohe, and so on. Figure
9.51 shows the arc matrix, with label INFTY for any pair of nodes that do not have
a connecting edge. The arc matrix is also the initial value of the dist matrix.
Note that the graph of Fig. 9.10 is undirected, so the matrix is symmetric; that

Warshall’s Algorithm
Sometimes, we are only interested in telling whether there exists a path between two
nodes, rather than what the minimum distance is. If so, we can use an adjacency
matrix where the type of elements is BOOLEAN (int), with TRUE (1) indicating the
presence of an arc and FALSE (0) its absence. Similarly, the elements of the dist
matrix are of type BOOLEAN, with TRUE indicating the existence of a path and FALSE
indicating that no path between the two nodes in question is known. The only
modification we need to make to Floyd’s algorithm is to replace lines (7) and (8) of
Fig. 9.50 by
(7) if (dist[v][w] == FALSE)
(8) dist[v][w] = dist[v][u] && dist[u][w];
These lines will set dist[v][w] to TRUE, if it is not already TRUE, whenever both
dist[v][u] and dist[u][w] are TRUE.
The resulting algorithm, called Warshall’s algorithm, computes the reflexive
and transitive closure of a graph of n nodes in O(n3 ) time. That is never better
than the O(nm) time that the method of Section 9.7 takes, where we used depth-first
search from each node. However, Warshall’s algorithm uses an adjacency matrix
rather than lists, and if m is near n2 , it may actually be more efficient than multiple
depth-first searches because of the simplicity of Warshall’s algorithm.

is, arc[v][w] = arc[v][w]. If the graph were directed, this symmetry might not
be present, but Floyd’s algorithm takes no advantage of symmetry, and thus works
for directed or undirected graphs.

0 1 2 3 4 5
3 INFTY INFTY 13 0 20 12
5 28 INFTY INFTY 12 15 0

Fig. 9.51. The arc matrix, which is the initial value of the dist matrix.

The first pivot is u = 0. Since the sum of INFTY and anything is INFTY, the only
pair of nodes v and w, neither of which is u, for which dist[v][u] + dist[u][w] is
less than INFTY is v = 1 and w = 5, or vice versa.12 Since dist[1][5] is INFTY at
this time, we replace dist[1][5] by the sum of dist[1][0] + dist[0][5] which
is 52. Similarly, we replace dist[5][1] by 52. No other distances can be improved
with pivot 0, which leaves the dist matrix of Fig. 9.52.

12 If one of v and w is the u, it is easy to see dist[v][w] can never be improved by going
through u. Thus, we can ignore pairs of the form (v, u) or (u, w) when searching for pairs
whose distance is improved by going through the pivot u.

0 1 2 3 4 5
1 24 0 11 INFTY INFTY 52
3 INFTY INFTY 13 0 20 12
5 28 52 INFTY 12 15 0

Fig. 9.52. The matrix dist after using 0 as the pivot.

Now we make node 1 the pivot. In the current dist, shown in Fig. 9.52, node 1
has noninfinite connections to 0 (distance 24), 2 (distance 11), and 5 (distance 52).
We can combine these edges to reduce the distance between nodes 0 and 2 from
INFTY to 24+11 = 35. Also, the distance between 2 and 5 is reduced to 11+52 = 63.
Note that 63 is the distance along the path from Honolulu, to Kaneohe, to Laie, to
Wahiawa, not the shortest way to get to Wahiawa, but the shortest way that only
goes through nodes that have been the pivot so far. Eventually, we shall find the
shorter route through Pearl City. The current dist matrix is shown in Fig. 9.53.

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 24 35 INFTY INFTY 28
1 24 0 11 INFTY INFTY 52
2 35 11 0 13 INFTY 63
3 INFTY INFTY 13 0 20 12
5 28 52 63 12 15 0

Fig. 9.53. The matrix dist after using 1 as the pivot.

Now we make 2 be the pivot. Node 2 currently has noninfinite connections to

0 (distance 35), 1 (distance 11), 3 (distance 13), and 5 (distance 63). Among these
nodes, the distance between 0 and 3 can be improved to 35 + 13 = 48, and the
distance between 1 and 3 can be improved to 11 + 13 = 24. Thus, the current dist
matrix is shown in Fig. 9.54.
Next, node 3 becomes the pivot. Figure 9.55 shows the current best distance
between 3 and each of the other nodes.13 By traveling through node 3, we can make
the following improvements in distances.

13 The reader should compare Fig. 9.55 with Fig. 9.49. The latter shows how to use a pivot
node in the general case of a directed graph, where the arcs in and out of the pivot may have
different labels. Fig. 9.55 takes advantage of the symmetry in the example graph, letting us
use edges between node 3 and the other nodes to represent both arcs into node 3, as on the
left of Fig. 9.49, and arcs out of 3, as on the right of Fig. 9.49.

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 24 35 48 INFTY 28
1 24 0 11 24 INFTY 52
2 35 11 0 13 INFTY 63
3 48 24 13 0 20 12
5 28 52 63 12 15 0

Fig. 9.54. The matrix dist after using 2 as the pivot.

1. Between 1 and 5, the distance is reduced to 36.

2. Between 2 and 5, the distance is reduced to 25.
3. Between 0 and 4, the distance is reduced to 68.
4. Between 1 and 4, the distance is reduced to 44.
5. Between 2 and 4, the distance is reduced to 33.
The current dist matrix is shown in Fig. 9.56.

5 1
12 24

20 13

4 2

Fig. 9.55. Current best distances to node 4.

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 24 35 48 68 28
1 24 0 11 24 44 36
2 35 11 0 13 33 25
3 48 24 13 0 20 12
4 68 44 33 20 0 15
5 28 36 25 12 15 0

Fig. 9.56. The matrix dist after using 3 as the pivot.


The use of 4 as a pivot does not improve any distances. When 5 is the pivot,
we can improve the distance between 0 and 3, since in Fig. 9.56,
dist[0][5] + dist[5][3] = 40
which is less than dist[0][3], or 48. In terms of cities, that corresponds to discov-
ering that it is shorter to go from Laie to Pearl City via Wahiawa than via Kaneohe
and Honolulu. Similarly, we can improve the distance between 0 and 4 to 43, from
68. The final dist matrix is shown in Fig. 9.57. ✦

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 24 35 40 43 28
1 24 0 11 24 44 36
2 35 11 0 13 33 25
3 40 24 13 0 20 12
4 43 44 33 20 0 15
5 28 36 25 12 15 0

Fig. 9.57. The final dist matrix.

Why Floyd’s Algorithm Works

As we have seen, at any stage during Floyd’s algorithm the distance from node v
to node w will be the distance of the shortest of those paths that go through only
nodes that have been the pivot. Eventually, all nodes get to be the pivot, and
dist[v][w] holds the minimum distance of all possible paths.
k -path We define a k-path from a node v to a node w to be a path from v to w such that
no intermediate node is numbered higher than k. Note that there is no constraint
that v or w be k or less.
An important special case is when k = −1. Since nodes are assumed numbered
starting at 0, a (−1)-path can have no intermediate nodes at all. It can only be
either an arc or a single node that is both the beginning and end of a path of length
Figure 9.58 suggests what a k-path looks like, although the end points, v and
w, can be above or below k. In that figure, the height of the line represents the
numbers of the nodes along the path from v to w.

✦ Example 9.28. In Fig. 9.10, the path 0, 1, 2, 3 is a 2-path. The intermediate

nodes, 1 and 2, are each 2 or less. This path is also a 3-path, a 4-path, and a
5-path. It is not a 1-path, however, because the intermediate node 2 is greater than
1. Similarly, it is not a 0-path or a (−1)-path. ✦

As we assume nodes are numbered 0 to n − 1, a (−1)-path cannot have any

intermediate nodes at all, and thus must be an arc or a single node. An (n− 1)-path
is any path at all, since there can be no intermediate node numbered higher than
n − 1 in any path of a graph with nodes numbered 0 through n − 1. We shall prove
by induction on k the statement

nodes numbered
higher than k

nodes numbered
lower than k

Fig. 9.58. A k-path cannot have nodes higher than k, except (possibly) at the ends.

STATEMENT S(k): If labels of arcs are nonnegative, then just before we set u to
k + 1 in the loop of lines (4) to (8) of Fig. 9.50, dist[v][w] is the length of
the shortest k-path from v to w, or INFTY if there is no such path.

BASIS. The basis is k = −1. We set u to 0 just before we execute the body of the
loop for the first time. We have just initialized dist to be arc in lines (1) to (3).
Since the arcs and the paths consisting of a node by itself are the only (−1)-paths,
the basis holds.

INDUCTION. Assume S(k), and consider what happens to dist[v][w] during the
iteration of the loop with u = k + 1. Suppose P is a shortest (k + 1)-path from v
to w. There are two cases, depending on whether P goes through node k + 1.
1. If P is a k-path, that is, P does not actually go through node k + 1, then by
the inductive hypothesis, dist[v][w] already equals the length of P after the
kth iteration. We cannot change dist[u][v] during the round with k + 1 as
pivot, because there are no shorter (k + 1)-paths.
2. If P is a (k + 1)-path, we can assume that P only goes through node k + 1
once, because cycles can never decrease distances (recall we require all labels
to be nonnegative). Thus, P is composed of a k-path Q from v to node k + 1,
followed by a k-path R from node k + 1 to w, as suggested in Fig. 9.59. By the
inductive hypothesis, dist[v][k+1] and dist[k+1][w] will be the lengths of
paths Q and R, respectively, after the kth iteration.

k-path Q k-path R
v k+1 w

Fig. 9.59. A (k + 1)-path P can be broken into two k-paths, Q followed by R.

Let us begin by observing that dist[v][k+1] and dist[k+1][w] cannot be


changed in the (k + 1)st iteration. The reason is that all arc labels are nonnegative,
and so all lengths of paths are nonnegative; thus the test of line (7) in Fig. 9.50
must fail when u (i.e., node k + 1) is one of v or w.
Thus, when we apply the test of line (7) for arbitrary v and w, with u = k + 1,
the values of dist[v][k+1] and dist[k+1][w] have not changed since the end of
the kth iteration. That is to say, the test of line (7) compares the length of the
shortest k-path, with the sum of the lengths of the shortest k-paths from v to k + 1
and from k + 1 to w. In case (1), where path P does not go through k + 1, the
former will be the shorter, and in case (2), where P does go through k + 1, the
latter will be the sum of the lengths of the paths Q and R in Fig. 9.59, and will be
the shorter.
We conclude that the (k + 1)st iteration sets dist[v][w] to the length of the
shortest (k + 1)-path, for all nodes v and w. That is the statement S(k + 1), and
so we conclude the induction.

To finish our proof, we let k = n − 1. That is, we know that after finishing all
n iterations, dist[v][w] is the minimum distance of any (n − 1)-path from v to
w. But since any path is an (n − 1)-path, we have shown that dist[v][w] is the
minimum distance along any path from v to w.

9.9.1: Assuming all arcs in Fig. 9.5 (see the exercises for Section 9.2) have label 1,
use Floyd’s algorithm to find the length of the shortest path between each pair of
nodes. Show the distance matrix after pivoting with each node.
9.9.2: Apply Warshall’s algorithm to the graph of Fig. 9.5 to compute its reflexive
and transitive closure. Show the reachability matrix after pivoting with each node.
9.9.3: Use Floyd’s algorithm to find the shortest distances between each pair of
cities in the graph of Michigan in Fig. 9.21 (see the exercises for Section 9.4).
9.9.4: Use Floyd’s algorithm to find the shortest possible time between each of the
hominid species in Fig. 9.48 (see the exercises for Section 9.8).
9.9.5: Sometimes we want to consider only paths of one or more arcs, and exclude
single nodes as paths. How can we modify the initialization of the arc matrix so
that only paths of length 1 or more will be considered when finding the shortest
path from a node to itself?
9.9.6*: Find all the acyclic 2-paths in Fig. 9.10.
9.9.7*: Why does Floyd’s algorithm not work when there are both positive and
negative costs on the arcs?
9.9.8**: Give an algorithm to find the longest acyclic path between two given
9.9.8**: Suppose we run Floyd’s algorithm on a graph G. Then, we lower the label
of the arc u → v to 0, to construct the new graph G′ . For what pairs of nodes s and
t will dist[s][t] be the same at each round when Floyd’s algorithm is applied to
G and G′ ?

✦ ✦

9.10 An Introduction to Graph Theory
Graph theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with properties of graphs.
In the previous sections, we have presented the basic definitions of graph theory,
along with some fundamental algorithms that computer scientists have developed to
calculate key properties of graphs efficiently. We have seen algorithms for computing
shortest paths, spanning trees, and depth-first-search trees. In this section, we shall
present a few more important concepts from graph theory.

Complete Graphs
An undirected graph that has an edge between every pair of distinct nodes is called
a complete graph. The complete graph with n nodes is called Kn . Figure 9.60 shows
the complete graphs K1 through K4 .

n1 n1 n1 n2
n2 n2 n3 n3 n4

K1 K2 K3 K4

Fig. 9.60. The first four complete graphs.

The number of edges in Kn is n(n − 1)/2, or n2 . To see why, consider an edge

{u, v} of Kn . For u we can pick any of the n nodes; for v we can pick any of the
remaining n − 1 nodes. The total number of choices is therefore n(n − 1). However,
we count each edge twice that way, once as {u, v} and a second time as {v, u}, so
that we must divide the total number of choices by 2 to get the correct number of
Complete There is also a notion of a complete directed graph. This graph has an arc
directed graph from every node to every other node, including itself. A complete directed graph
with n nodes has n2 arcs. Figure 9.61 shows the complete directed graph with 3
nodes and 9 arcs.


n2 n3

Fig. 9.61. The complete directed graph with three nodes.


Planar Graphs
An undirected graph is said to be planar if it is possible to place its nodes on a
plane and then draw its edges as continuous lines so that no two edges cross.

✦ Example 9.29. The graph K4 was drawn in Fig. 9.60 in such a way that its
two diagonal edges crossed. However, K4 is a planar graph, as we can see by the
drawing in Fig. 9.62. There, by redrawing one of the diagonals on the outside, we
Plane avoid having any two edges cross. We say that Fig. 9.62 is a plane presentation
presentation of the graph K4 , while the drawing in Fig. 9.60 is a nonplane presentation of K4 .
Note that it is permissible to have edges that are not straight lines in a plane
presentation. ✦

n1 n2

n3 n4

Fig. 9.62. A plane presentation of K4 .

In Figure 9.63 we see what are in a sense the two simplest nonplanar graphs,
Nonplanar that is, graphs that do not have any plane presentation. One is K5 , the complete
graph graph with five nodes. The other is sometimes called K3,3 ; it is formed by taking
two groups of three nodes and connecting each node of one group to each node of
the other group, but not to nodes of the same group. The reader should try to
redraw each of these graphs so that no two edges cross, just to get a feel for why
they are not planar.

n1 n4

n2 n3 n2 n5

n4 n5 n3 n6

K5 K3,3

Fig. 9.63. The two simplest nonplanar graphs.

A famous theorem by Kuratowski states every nonplanar graph contains a

Kuratowski’s “copy” of at least one of these two graphs. We must be a little careful in interpreting
theorem the notion of a copy, however, since to see a copy of K5 or K3,3 in an arbitrary
nonplanar graph G, we may have to associate some edges in the graphs of Fig. 9.63
with paths in the graph G.

Applications of Planarity
Planarity has considerable importance in computer science. For example, many
graphs or similar diagrams need to be presented on a computer screen or on paper.
For clarity, it is desirable to make a plane presentation of the graph, or if the graph
is not planar, to make as few crossings of edges as possible.
The reader may observe that in Chapter 13 we draw some fairly complex dia-
grams of circuits, which are really graphs whose nodes are gates and junction points
of wires, and whose edges are the wires. Since these circuits are not planar in gen-
eral, we had to adopt a convention in which wires were allowed to cross without
connecting, and a dot signals a connection of wires.
A related application concerns the design of integrated circuits. Integrated
circuits, or “chips,” embody logical circuits such as those discussed in Chapter 13.
They do not require that the logical circuit be inscribed in a plane presentation,
but there is a similar limitation that allows us to assign edges to several “levels,”
often three or four levels. On one level, the graph of the circuit must have a plane
presentation; edges are not allowed to cross. However, edges on different levels may

Graph Coloring
The problem of graph coloring for a graph G is to assign a “color” to each node
Chromatic so that no two nodes that are connected by an edge are assigned the same color.
number We may then ask how many distinct colors are required to color a graph in this
sense. The minimum number of colors needed for a graph G is called the chromatic
number of G, often denoted χ(G). A graph that can be colored with no more than
k -colorability k colors is called k-colorable.

✦ Example 9.30. If a graph is complete, then its chromatic number is equal to

the number of nodes; that is, χ(Kn ) = n. In proof, we cannot color two nodes u
and v with the same color, because there is surely an edge between them. Thus,
each node requires its own color. Kn is k-colorable for each k ≥ n, but Kn is not
k-colorable if k < n. Note that we say, for instance, that K4 is 5-colorable, even
though it is impossible to use all five colors on the four-node graph K4 . However,
formally a graph is k-colorable if it can be colored with k or fewer colors, not only
if it is colorable with exactly k colors.
As another example, the graph K3,3 shown in Fig. 9.63 has chromatic number
2. For example, we can color the three nodes in the group on the left red and color
the three nodes on the right blue. Then all edges go between a red and a blue node.
Bipartite graph K3,3 is an example of a bipartite graph, which is another name for a graph that can
be colored with two colors. All such graphs can have their nodes divided into two
groups such that no edge runs between members of the same group.
As a final example, the chromatic number for the six-node graph of Fig. 9.64
is 4. To see why, note that the node in the center cannot have the same color as
any other node, since it is connected to all. Thus, we reserve a color for it, say, red.
We need at least two other colors for the ring of nodes, since neighbors around the
ring cannot get the same color. However, if we try alternating colors — say, blue
and green — as we did in Fig. 9.64, then we run into a problem that the fifth node
has both blue and green neighbors, and therefore needs a fourth color, yellow, in
our example. ✦

y g

g b

Fig. 9.64. A graph with chromatic number 4.

Applications of Graph Coloring

Finding a good graph coloring is another problem that has many uses in computer
science. For example, in our introduction to the first chapter, we considered as-
signing courses to time slots so that no pair of courses in the same time slot had a
student taking both courses. The motivation was to schedule final exams so that
no student had to take two exams at the same time. We drew a graph whose
nodes were the courses, with an edge between two courses if they had a student in
The question of how many time slots we need in which to schedule exams can
thus be posed as the question of what is the chromatic number of this graph. All
nodes of the same color can be scheduled at the same time since they have no edges
between any two of them. Conversely, if we have a schedule that does not cause
conflicts for any student, then we can color all the courses scheduled at the same
time with the same color, and thus produce a graph coloring with as many colors
as there are exam periods.
In Chapter 1 we discussed a heuristic based on finding maximal independent
sets to schedule the exams. That is a reasonable heuristic for finding a good coloring
of a graph as well. One might expect that one could try all possible colorings for a
graph as small as the five-node graph in Fig. 1.1, and indeed that is true. However,
the number of possible colorings of a graph grows exponentially with the number of
nodes, and it is not feasible to consider all possible colorings for significantly larger
graphs, in our search for the least possible number of colors.

k -clique A clique in an undirected graph G is a set of nodes such that there is in G an edge
between every pair of nodes in the set. A clique of k nodes is called a k-clique. The
Clique number size of the largest clique in a graph is called the clique number of that graph.

✦ Example 9.31. As a simple example, every complete graph Kn is a clique

consisting of all n nodes. In fact, Kn has a k-clique for all k ≤ n, but no k-clique
if k > n.
The graph of Fig. 9.64 has cliques of size three, but no greater. The 3-cliques
are each shown as triangles. There cannot be a 4-clique in this graph, because it
would have to include some of the nodes in the ring. Each ring node is connected
to only three other nodes, so the 4-clique would have to include some node v on the
ring, its neighbors on the ring, and the central node. However, the neighbors of v
on the ring do not have an edge between them, so we do not have a 4-clique. ✦

As an example application of cliques, suppose we represented conflicts among

courses not as in Fig. 1.1, but rather by putting an edge between two nodes if they
did not have a student enrolled in both courses. Thus, two courses connected by an
edge could have their exams scheduled at the same time. We could then look for
Maximal clique maximal cliques, that is, cliques that were not subsets of larger cliques, and schedule
the exams for a maximal clique of courses at the same period.


9.10.1: For the graph of Fig. 9.4,

a) What is the chromatic number?
b) What is the clique number?
c) Give an example of one largest clique.
9.10.2: What are the chromatic numbers of the undirected versions of the graphs
shown in (a) Fig. 9.5 and (b) Fig. 9.26? (Treat arcs as edges.)
9.10.3: Figure 9.5 is not presented in a plane manner. Is the graph planar? That
is, can you redraw it so there are no crossing edges?
9.10.4*: Three quantities associated with an undirected graph are its degree (max-
imum number of neighbors of any node), its chromatic number, and its clique num-
ber. Derive inequalities that must hold between these quantities. Explain why they
must hold.
9.10.5**: Design an algorithm that will take any graph of n nodes, with m the
larger of the number of nodes and edges, and in O(m) time will tell whether the
graph is bipartite (2-colorable).
9.10.6*: We can generalize the graph of Fig. 9.64 to have a central node and k
nodes in a ring, each node connected only to its neighbors around the ring and to
the central node. As a function of k, what is the chromatic number of this graph?
9.10.7*: What can you say about the chromatic number of unordered, unrooted
trees (as discussed in Section 9.5)?
9.10.8**: Let Ki,j be the graph formed by taking a group of i nodes and a group
of j nodes and placing an edge from every member of one group to every member
of the other group. We observed that if i = j = 3, then the resulting graph is not
planar. For what values of i and j is the graph Ki,j planar?

✦ ✦

9.11 Summary of Chapter 9
The table of Fig. 9.65 summarizes the various problems we have addressed in this
chapter, the algorithms for solving them, and the running time of the algorithms.
In this table, n is the number of nodes in the graph and m is the larger of the
number of nodes and the number of arcs/edges. Unless otherwise noted, we assume
graphs are represented by adjacency lists.
In addition, we have introduced the reader to most of the key concepts of graph
theory. These include


Minimal spanning tree Kruskal’s O(m log n)
Detecting cycles Depth-first search O(m)
Topological order Depth-first search O(m)
Single-source Depth-first search O(m)
Connected components Depth-first search O(m)
Transitive closure n depth-first searches O(mn)
Single-source Dijkstra’s with POT implementation O(m log n)
shortest path Dijkstra’s with implementation O(n2 )
of Exercise 9.8.4
All-pairs shortest n uses of Dijkstra with O(mn log n)
path POT implementation
n uses of Dijkstra with O(n3 )
implementation of Exercise 9.8.4
Floyd’s, with adjacency matrix O(n3 )

Fig. 9.65. A summary of graph algorithms.

✦ Paths and shortest paths

✦ Spanning trees
✦ Depth-first search trees and forests
✦ Graph coloring and the chromatic number
✦ Cliques and clique numbers
✦ Planar graphs.

✦ ✦

9.12 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 9
For additional material on graph algorithms, see Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman [1974,
1983]. Depth-first search was first used to create efficient graph algorithms by
Hopcroft and Tarjan [1973]. Dijkstra’s algorithm is from Dijkstra [1959], Floyd’s
algorithm from Floyd [1962], Kruskal’s algorithm from Kruskal [1956], and War-
shall’s algorithm from Warshall [1962].
Berge [1962] covers the mathematical theory of graphs. Lawler [1976], Pa-
padimitriou and Steiglitz [1982], and Tarjan [1983] present advanced graph opti-
mization techniques.
Aho, A. V., J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman [1974]. The Design and Analysis of
Computer Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Aho, A. V., J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman [1983]. Data Structures and Algo-
rithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.

Berge, C. [1962]. The Theory of Graphs and its Applications, Wiley, New York.
Dijkstra, E. W. [1959]. “A note on two problems in connexion with graphs,” Num-
berische Mathematik 1, pp. 269–271.
Floyd, R. W. [1962]. “Algorithm 97: shortest path,” Comm. ACM 5:6, pp. 345.
Hopcroft, J. E., and R. E. Tarjan [1973]. “Efficient algorithms for graph manipula-
tion,” Comm. ACM 16:6, pp. 372-378.
Kruskal, J. B., Jr. [1956]. “On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the
traveling salesman problem,” Proc. AMS 7:1, pp. 48–50.
Lawler, E. [1976]. Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids, Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, New York.
Papadimitriou, C. H., and K. Steiglitz [1982]. Combinatorial Optimization: Algo-
rithms and Complexity, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Tarjan, R. E. [1983]. Data Structures and Network Algorithms, SIAM, Philadelphia.
Warshall, S. [1962]. “A theorem on Boolean matrices,” J. ACM 9:1, pp. 11-12.

✦ ✦

Regular Expressions

A pattern is a set of objects with some recognizable property. One type of pattern
is a set of character strings, such as the set of legal C identifiers, each of which is
a string of letters, digits, and underscores, beginning with a letter or underscore.
Another example would be the set of arrays of 0’s and 1’s of a given size that
a character reader might interpret as representing the same symbol. Figure 10.1
shows three 7 × 7-arrays that might be interpreted as letter A’s. The set of all such
arrays would constitute the pattern called “A.”

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fig. 10.1. Three instances of the pattern “A.”

The two fundamental problems associated with patterns are their definition
and their recognition, subjects of this and the next chapter. Recognizing patterns
is an integral part of tasks such as optical character recognition, an example of
which was suggested by Fig. 10.1. In some applications, pattern recognition is a
component of a larger problem. For example, recognizing patterns in programs
is an essential part of compiling — that is, the translation of programs from one
language, such as C, into another, such as machine language.
There are many other examples of pattern use in computer science. Patterns
play a key role in the design of the electronic circuits used to build computers and
other digital devices. They are used in text editors to allow us to search for instances
of specific words or sets of character strings, such as “the letters if followed by any
sequence of characters followed by then.” Most operating systems allow us to use


patterns in commands; for example, the UNIX command “ls *tex” lists all files
whose names end with the three-character sequence “tex”.
An extensive body of knowledge has developed around the definition and recog-
nition of patterns. This theory is called “automata theory” or “language theory,”
and its basic definitions and techniques are part of the core of computer science.

✦ ✦

10.1 What This Chapter Is About
This chapter deals with patterns consisting of sets of strings. In it, we shall learn:
✦ The “finite automaton” is a graph-based way of specifying patterns. These
come in two varieties, deterministic automata (Section 10.2) and nondetermin-
istic automata (Section 10.3).
✦ A deterministic automaton is convertible in a simple way into a program that
recognizes its pattern (Section 10.2).
✦ A nondeterministic automaton can be converted to a deterministic automaton
recognizing the same pattern by use of the “subset construction” discussed in
Section 10.4.
✦ Regular expressions are an algebra for describing the same kinds of patterns
that can be described by automata (Sections 10.5 through 10.7).
✦ Regular expressions can be converted to automata (Section 10.8) and vice versa
(Section 10.9).
We also discuss string patterns in the next chapter. There we introduce a
recursive notation called “context-free grammars” for defining patterns. We shall
see that this notation is able to describe patterns not expressible by automata
or regular expressions. However, in many cases grammars are not convertible to
programs in as simple manner as are automata or regular expressions.

✦ ✦

10.2 State Machines and Automata
Programs that search for patterns often have a special structure. We can identify
certain positions in the code at which we know something particular about the
program’s progress toward its goal of finding an instance of a pattern. We call these
State positions states. The overall behavior of the program can be viewed as moving from
state to state as it reads its input.
To make these ideas more concrete, let us consider a specific pattern-matching
problem: “What English words contain the five vowels in order?” To help answer
this question, we can use a word list that is found with many operating systems. For
example, in the UNIX system one can find such a list in the file /usr/dict/words,
where the commonly used words of English appear one to a line. In this file, some
of the words that contain the vowels in order are

Let us write a straightforward C program to examine a character string and

decide whether all five vowels appear there in order. Starting at the beginning of
the string, the program first searches for an a. We shall say it is in “state 0” until it
sees an a, whereupon it goes into “state 1.” In state 1, it looks for an e, and when it
finds one, it goes into “state 2.” It proceeds in this manner, until it reaches “state
4,” in which it is looking for a u. If it finds a u, then the word has all five vowels,
in order, and the program can go into an accepting “state 5.” It is not necessary to
scan the rest of the word, since it already knows that the word qualifies, regardless
of what follows the u.
We can interpret state i as saying that the program has already encountered
the first i vowels, in order, for i = 0, 1, . . . , 5. These six states summarize all that the
program needs to remember as it scans the input from left to right. For example,
in state 0, while it is looking for an a, the program does not need to remember if it
has seen an e. The reason is that such an e is not preceded by any a, and so cannot
serve as the e in the subsequence aeiou.
The heart of this pattern-recognition algorithm is the function findChar(pp,c)
in Fig. 10.2. This function’s arguments are pp — the address of a pointer to a string
of characters — and a desired character c. That is, pp is of type “pointer to pointer
to character.” Function findChar searches for the character c, and as a side effect
it advances the pointer whose address it is given until that pointer either points
past c or to the end of the string. It returns a value of type BOOLEAN, which we
define to be a synonym for int. As discussed in Section 1.6, we expect that the
only values for the type BOOLEAN will be TRUE and FALSE, which are defined to be
1 and 0, respectively.
At line (1), findChar examines the current character indicated by pp. If it
is neither the desired character c nor the character ’\0’ that marks the end of a
character string in C, then at line (2) we advance the pointer that is pointed to by
pp. A test at line (3) determines whether we stopped because we exhausted the
string. If we did, we return FALSE; otherwise, we advance the pointer and return
Next in Fig. 10.2 is the function testWord(p) that tells whether a character
string pointed to by p has all the vowels in order. The function starts out in state 0,
just before line (7). In that state it calls findChar at line (7), with second argument
’a’, to search for the letter a. If it finds an a, then findChar will return TRUE.
Thus if findChar returns TRUE at line (7), the program moves to state 1, where at
line (8) it makes a similar test for an e, scanning the string starting after the first a.
It thus proceeds through the vowels, until at line (12), if it finds a u it returns TRUE.
If any of the vowels are not found, then control goes to line (13), where testWord
returns FALSE.
The main program of line (14) tests the particular string "abstemious". In
practice, we might use testWord repeatedly on all the words of a file to find those
with all five vowels in order.

Graphs Representing State Machines

We can represent the behavior of a program such as Fig. 10.2 by a graph in which the
nodes represent the states of the program. What is perhaps more important, we can
design a program by first designing the graph, and then mechanically translating the
graph into a program, either by hand, or by using one of a number of programming
tools that have been written for that purpose.

#include <stdio.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int BOOLEAN;
BOOLEAN findChar(char **pp, char c)
(1) while (**pp != c && **pp != ’\0’)
(2) (*pp)++;
(3) if (**pp == ’\0’)
(4) return FALSE;
else {
(5) (*pp)++;
(6) return TRUE;
BOOLEAN testWord(char *p)
/* state 0 */
(7) if (findChar(&p, ’a’))
/* state 1 */
(8) if (findChar(&p, ’e’))
/* state 2 */
(9) if (findChar(&p, ’i’))
/* state 3 */
(10) if (findChar(&p, ’o’))
/* state 4 */
(11) if (findChar(&p, ’u’))
/* state 5 */
(12) return TRUE;
(13) return FALSE;
(14) printf("%d\n", testWord("abstemious"));

Fig. 10.2. Finding words with subsequence aeiou.

The picture representing a program’s states is a directed graph, whose arcs are
labeled by sets of characters. There is an arc from state s to state t, labeled by the
set of characters C, if, when in state s, we go to state t exactly when we see one of
Transition the characters in set C. The arcs are called transitions. If x is one of the characters
in set C, which labels the transition from state s to state t, then if we are in state s
and receive an x as our next character, we say we “make a transition on x to state
t.” In the common case that set C is a singleton {x}, we shall label the arc by x,
rather than {x}.
Accepting state We also label certain of the nodes accepting states. When we reach one of these
and start state

states, we have found our pattern and “accept.” Conventionally, accepting states
are represented by double circles. Finally, one of the nodes is designated the start
state, the state in which we begin to recognize the pattern. We indicate the start
state by an arrow entering from nowhere. Such a graph is called a finite automaton
Automaton or just automaton. We see an example of an automaton in Fig. 10.3.
The behavior of an automaton is conceptually simple. We imagine that an
automaton receives a list of characters known as the input sequence. It begins in
the start state, about to read the first character of the input sequence. Depending
on that character, it makes a transition, perhaps to the same state, or perhaps
to another state. The transition is dictated by the graph of the automaton. The
automaton then reads the second character and makes the proper transition, and
so on.

Λ−a Λ−e Λ−i Λ−o Λ−u

start a e i o u
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 10.3. Automaton to recognize sequences of letters that have subsequence aeiou.

✦ Example 10.1. The automaton corresponding to the function testWord of

Fig. 10.2 is shown in Fig. 10.3. In this graph, we use a convention that will be
followed subsequently; the Greek letter Λ (Lambda) stands for the set of all upper-
and lower-case letters. We also use shorthands like Λ − a to represent the set of all
letters except a.
Node 0 is the start state. On any letter but a, we stay in state 0, but on an a,
we go to state 1. Similarly, once we reach state 1, we stay there unless we see an e,
in which case we go to state 2. The next states, 3 and 4, similarly are reached when
we see an i and then an o. We remain in state 4 unless we see a u, in which case
we go to state 5, the lone accepting state. There are no transitions out of state 5,
since we do not examine any more of the word being tested, but rather announce
success by returning TRUE.
It is also worth noting that if we encounter a blank (or any other nonletter) in
states 0 through 4, we have no transition. In that case, processing stops, and, since
we are not now in an accepting state, we have rejected the input. ✦

✦ Example 10.2. Our next example is from signal processing. Instead of regard-
ing all characters as potential inputs for an automaton, we shall allow only inputs 0
Bounce filter and 1. The particular automaton we shall design, sometimes called a bounce filter,
takes a sequence of 0’s and 1’s as inputs. The object is to “smooth” the sequence
by regarding a single 0 surrounded by 1’s as “noise,” and replacing the 0 by 1.
Similarly, one 1 surrounded by 0’s will be regarded as noise and replaced by 0.
As an example of how a bounce filter might be used, we could be scanning
a digitized black-white image, line by line. Each line of the image is, in fact, a

sequence of 0’s and 1’s. Since pictures sometimes do have small spots of the wrong
color, due, for example, to imperfections in the film or the photography process, it
is useful to get rid of such spots, in order to reduce the number of distinct regions
in the image and allow us to concentrate on “real” features, rather than spurious
Figure 10.4 is the automaton for our bounce filter. The interpretations of the
four states are as follows:
a) We have just seen a sequence of 0’s, at least two in a row.
b) We have just seen a sequence of 0’s followed by a single 1.
c) We have just seen a sequence of at least two 1’s.
d) We have just seen a sequence of 1’s followed by a single 0.
State a is designated the start state, which implies that our automaton will behave
as if there were an unseen prefix of 0’s prior to the input.

b d
1 0
0 1 1 0

a c

0 1

Fig. 10.4. Automaton to eliminate spurious 0’s and 1’s.

The accepting states are c and d. For this automaton, acceptance has a some-
what different significance from that of the automaton of Fig. 10.3. There, when we
reached the accepting state, we said that the whole input was accepted, including
characters the automaton had not even read yet.1 Here, we want an accepting state
to say “output a 1,” and a nonaccepting state to say “output a 0.” Under this in-
terpretation, we shall translate each bit in the input to a bit of the output. Usually,
the output will be the same as the input, but sometimes it will differ. For instance,
Fig. 10.5 shows the input, states, and their outputs when the input is 0101101.

Input: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
State: a a b a b c d c
Output: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

Fig. 10.5. Simulation of the automaton in Fig. 10.4 on input 0101101.

1 However, we could have modified the automaton to read all letters following the u, by adding
a transition from state 5 to itself on all letters.

The Difference Between Automata and Their Programs

Automata are abstractions. As will be clear from Section 10.3, automata render an
accept/reject decision on any sequence of input characters by seeing whether there
is a path from the start state to some accepting state labeled by that sequence.
Thus for example, the action indicated in Fig. 10.5 for the bounce-filter automaton
of Fig. 10.4 tells us that the automaton rejects the prefixes ǫ, 0, 01, 010, and 0101,
while it accepts 01011, 010110, and 0101101. The automaton of Fig. 10.3 accepts
strings like abstemiou, but rejects abstemious, because there is nowhere to go on
the final s from state 5.
On the other hand, programs created from automata can use the accept/reject
decision in various ways. For example, the program of Fig. 10.2 used the automaton
of Fig. 10.3 not to approve of the string that labels the path to the accepting state,
but to approve of the entire line of input, that is, abstemious instead of abstemiou.
That is perfectly reasonable, and reflects the way we’d write a program to test for all
five vowels in order, regardless of whether we used automata or any other approach.
Presumably, as soon as we got to the u, our program would print the entire word
without examining it further.
The automaton of Fig. 10.4 is used in a more straightforward way. We shall see
in Fig. 10.7 a program for the bounce filter that simply translates each accepting
state into an action to print a 1, and translates each rejecting state into an action
to print a 0.

We begin in state a, and since a is nonaccepting, we output 0. It is important

to notice that this initial output is not in response to any input, but represents the
condition of the automaton when we first turn the device on.
The transition out of state a labeled by input 0 in Fig. 10.4 is to state a itself.
Thus the second output is also 0. The second input is 1, and from state a we make
a transition on 1 to state b. That state “remembers” that we’ve seen a single 1, but
since b is a nonaccepting state, the output is still 0. On the third input, another 0,
we go from state b back to a, and we continue to emit the output 0.
The next two inputs are 1’s, which take the automaton first to state b, then
to state c. On the first of the two 1’s, we find ourselves in state b, which causes
output 0; that output turns out to be wrong, because we have in fact started a run
of 1’s, but we don’t know that after reading the fourth input. The effect of our
simple design is that all runs, whether of 0’s or 1’s, are shifted one position to the
right, since it takes two bits in a row before the automaton realizes it has seen the
beginning of a new run, rather than a “noise” bit. When the fifth input is received,
we follow the transition on input 1 from state b to state c. At that point, we make
our first 1 output, because c is an accepting state.
The last two inputs are 0 and 1. The 0 takes us from state c to d, so that
we can remember that we have seen a single 0. The output from state d is still 1,
since that state is accepting. The final 1 takes us back to state c and produces a 1
output. ✦

10.2.1: Design automata to read strings of 0’s and 1’s, and

a) Determine if the sequence read so far has even parity (i.e., there have been an
even number of 1’s). Specifically, the automaton accepts if the string so far has
even parity and rejects if it has odd parity.
b) Check that there are no more than two consecutive 1’s. That is, accept unless
111 is a substring of the input string read so far.
What is the intuitive meaning of each of your states?
10.2.2: Indicate the sequence of states and the outputs when your automata from
Exercise 10.2.1 are given the input 101001101110.
10.2.3*: Design an automaton that reads a word (character string) and tells
whether the letters of the word are in sorted order. For example, adept and chilly
have their letters in sorted order; baby does not, because an a follows the first b.
The word must be terminated by a blank, so that the automaton will know when
it has read all the characters. (Unlike Example 10.1, here we must not accept until
we have seen all the characters, that is, until we reach the blank at the end of the
word.) How many states do you need? What are their intuitive meanings? How
many transitions are there out of each state? How many accepting states are there?
10.2.4: Design an automaton that tells whether a character string is a legal C
identifier (letter followed by letters, digits, or underscore) followed by a blank.
10.2.5: Write C programs to implement each of the automata of Exercises 10.2.1
through 10.2.4.
10.2.6: Design an automaton that tells whether a given character string is one of
the third-person singular pronouns, he, his, him, she, her, or hers, followed by a
10.2.7*: Convert your automaton from Exercise 10.2.6 into a C function and use
it in a program to find all places where the third-person singular pronouns appear
as substrings of a given string.

✦ ✦

10.3 Deterministic and Nondeterministic Automata
One of the most basic operations using an automaton is to take a sequence of
symbols a1 a2 · · · ak and follow from the start state a path whose arcs have labels
that include these symbols in order. That is, for i = 1, 2, . . . , k, ai is a member of the
set Si that labels the ith arc of the path. Constructing this path and its sequence
of states is called simulating the automaton on the input sequence a1 a2 · · · ak . This
Label of a path path is said to have the label a1 a2 · · · ak ; it may also have other labels, of course,
since the sets Si labeling the arcs along the path may each include many characters.

✦ Example 10.3. We did one such simulation in Fig. 10.5, where we followed the
automaton of Fig. 10.4 on input sequence 0101101. For another example, consider
the automaton of Fig. 10.3, which we used to recognize words with subsequence
aeiou. Consider the character string adept.
We start in state 0. There are two transitions out of state 0, one on the set of
characters Λ − a, and the other on a alone. Since the first character in adept is a,

Terminology for Automaton Inputs

In the examples we shall discuss here, the inputs to an automaton are characters,
such as letters and digits, and it is convenient to think of inputs as characters and
input sequences as character strings. We shall generally use that terminology here,
but we shorten “character string” to just “string” on occasion. However, there
are some applications where the inputs on which an automaton makes a transition
are chosen from a set more general than the ASCII character set. For instance, a
compiler may want to consider a keyword such as while to be a single input symbol,
which we shall represent by the boldface string while. Thus we shall sometimes
refer to the individual inputs as “symbols” rather than “characters.”

we follow the latter transition, which takes us to state 1. Out of state 1, there are
transitions on Λ − e and e. Since the second character is d, we must take the former
transition, because all letters but e are included in the set Λ − e. That leaves us
in state 1 again. As the third character is e, we follow the second transition out of
state 1, which takes us to state 2. The final two letters of adept are both included
in the set Λ − i, and so our next two transitions are from state 2 to state 2. We
thus finish our processing of adept in state 2. The sequence of state transitions is
shown in Fig. 10.6. Since state 2 is not an accepting state, we do not accept the
input adept. ✦

Input: a d e p t
State: 0 1 1 2 2 2

Fig. 10.6. Simulation of the automaton in Fig. 10.3 on input adept.

Deterministic Automata

The automata discussed in the previous section have an important property. For
any state s and any input character x, there is at most one transition out of state
s whose label includes x. Such an automaton is said to be deterministic.
Simulating a deterministic automaton on a given input sequence is straight-
forward. In any state s, given the next input character x, we consider each of the
labels of the transitions out of s. If we find a transition whose label includes x,
then that transition points to the proper next state. If none includes x, then the
automaton “dies,” and cannot process any more input, just as the automaton of
Fig. 10.3 dies after it reaches state 5, because it knows it already has found the
subsequence aeiou.
It is easy to convert a deterministic automaton into a program. We create a
piece of code for each state. The code for state s examines its input and decides
which of the transitions out of s, if any, should be followed. If a transition from
state s to state t is selected, then the code for state s must arrange for the code of
state t to be executed next, perhaps by using a goto-statement.

✦ Example 10.4. Let us write a function bounce() corresponding to the automa-

ton in Fig. 10.4, the bounce filter. There is a variable x used to read characters
from the input. States a, b, c, and d will be represented by labels a, b, c, and d,
respectively, and we use label finis for the end of the program, which we reach
when we encounter a character other than 0 or 1 on the input.

void bounce()

char x;

/* state a */
a: putchar(’0’);
x = getchar();
if (x == ’0’) goto a; /* transition to state a */
if (x == ’1’) goto b; /* transition to state b */
goto finis;

/* state b */
b: putchar(’0’);
x = getchar();
if (x == ’0’) goto a; /* transition to state a */
if (x == ’1’) goto c; /* transition to state c */
goto finis;

/* state c */
c: putchar(’1’);
x = getchar();
if (x == ’0’) goto d; /* transition to state d */
if (x == ’1’) goto c; /* transition to state c */
goto finis;

/* state d */
d: putchar(’1’);
x = getchar();
if (x == ’0’) goto a; /* transition to state a */
if (x == ’1’) goto c; /* transition to state c */
goto finis;

finis: ;

Fig. 10.7. Function implementing the deterministic automaton of Fig. 10.4.

The code is shown in Fig. 10.7. For instance, in state a we print the character
0, because a is a nonaccepting state. If the input character is 0, we stay in state a,
and if the input character is 1, we go to state b. ✦

There is nothing in the definition of “automaton” that requires the labels of

Disjoint sets the transitions out of a given state to be disjoint (sets are disjoint if they have no
members in common; i.e., their intersection is the empty set). If we have the sort
of graph suggested in Fig. 10.8, where on input x there are transitions from state
s to states t and u, it is not clear how this automaton could be implemented by
a program. That is, when executing the code for state s, if x is found to be the
next input character, we are told we must next go to the beginning of the code for
state t and also to the beginning of the code for state u. Since the program cannot
go to two places at once, it is far from clear how one simulates an automaton with
nondisjoint labels on the transitions out of a state.

{· · · , x, · · ·}

{· · · , x, · · ·}

Fig. 10.8. Nondeterministic transition from state s on input x.

Nondeterministic Automata

Nondeterministic automata are allowed (but not required) to have two or more
transitions containing the same symbol out of one state. Note that a deterministic
automaton is technically a nondeterministic automaton as well, one that happens
not to have multiple transitions on one symbol. An “automaton” is in general
nondeterministic, but we shall use “nondeterministic automaton” when we want to
emphasize that the automaton need not be a deterministic automaton.
Nondeterministic automata are not directly implementable by programs, as
we mentioned, but they are useful conceptual tools for a number of applications
that we shall discuss. Moreover, by using the “subset construction,” to be covered
in the next section, it is possible to convert any nondeterministic automaton to a
deterministic automaton that accepts the same set of character strings.

Acceptance by Nondeterministic Automata

When we try to simulate a nondeterministic automaton on an input string of char-

acters a1 a2 · · · ak , we may find that this same string labels many paths. It is con-
ventional to say that the nondeterministic automaton accepts this input string if at
least one of the paths it labels leads to acceptance. Even a single path ending in an
accepting state outweighs any number of paths that end at a nonaccepting state.

Nondeterminism and Guessing

A useful way to look at nondeterminism is that it allows an automaton to “guess.” If
we don’t know what to do in a given state on a given input character, we may make
several choices of next state. Since any path labeled by a character string leading
to an accepting state is interpreted as acceptance, the nondeterministic automaton
in effect is given the credit for a right guess, no matter how many wrong guesses it
also makes.

✦ Example 10.5. The League Against Sexist Speech (LASS) wishes to catch
sexist writing that contains the word “man.” They not only want to catch constructs
such as “ombudsman,” but more subtle forms of discrimination such as “maniac” or
“emancipate.” LASS plans to design a program using an automaton; that program
will scan character strings and “accept” when it finds the character string man
anywhere within the input.


start m a n
0 1 2 3



Fig. 10.9. Deterministic automaton that recognizes most, but not all,
strings ending in man.

One might first try a deterministic automaton like that shown in Fig. 10.9. In
this automaton, state 0, the start state, represents the case in which we have not
begun to see the letters of “man.” State 1 is intended to represent the situation in
which we have seen an m; in state 2 we have recognized ma, and in state 3 we have
seen man. In states 0, 1, and 2, if we fail to see the hoped-for letter, we go back to
state 0 and try again.
However, Fig. 10.9 does not quite work correctly. On an input string such as
command, it stays in state 0 while reading the c and o. It goes to state 1 on reading
the first m, but the second m takes it back to state 0, which it does not subsequently
A nondeterministic automaton that correctly recognizes character strings with
an embedded man is shown in Fig. 10.10. The key innovation is that in state 0 we
guess whether an m marks the beginning of man or not. Since the automaton is
nondeterministic, it is allowed to guess both “yes” (represented by the transition
from state 0 to state 1) and “no” (represented by the fact that the transition from
state 0 to state 0 can be performed on all letters, including m) at the same time.

start m a n
0 1 2 3

Fig. 10.10. Nondeterministic automaton that recognizes all strings ending in man.

Because acceptance by a nondeterministic automaton requires no more than one

path to an accepting state, we get the benefit of both guesses.
Figure 10.11 shows the action of the nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.10
on input string command. In response to the c and o, the automaton can only stay
in state 0. When the first m is input, the automaton has the choice of going to state
0 or to state 1, and so it does both. With the second m, there is nowhere to go from
state 1, and so that branch “dies.” However, from state 0, we can again go to either
state 0 or 1, and so we do both. When the a is input, we can go from state 0 to 0
and from state 1 to 2. Similarly, when n is input, we can go from 0 to 0 and from
2 to 3.

c 0 m m a n d
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 2 3

Fig. 10.11. Simulation of nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.10

on input string command.

Since state 3 is an accepting state, we accept at that point.2 The fact that we
are also in state 0 after seeing comman is irrelevant as far as acceptance is concerned.
The final transition is on input d, from state 0 to 0. Note that state 3 goes nowhere
on any input, and so that branch dies.
Also note that the transitions back to state 0, which were present in Fig. 10.9
to handle the case in which the next character of the word man was not received,
are unnecessary in Fig. 10.10, because in Fig. 10.10 we are not compelled to follow
the sequence from state 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 when we see input man. Thus, although
state 3 looks like it is “dead” and ends computation when we see man, we are also
in state 0 upon seeing man. That state allows us to accept inputs like manoman by
staying in state 0 during the first man and going through states 1, 2, and 3 when
the second man is read. ✦

2 Notice that the automaton of Fig. 10.10, like that of Fig. 10.3, accepts when it sees the
pattern it is looking for, not at the end of the word. When we eventually convert Fig. 10.10
to a deterministic automaton, we can design from it a program that prints the entire word,
like the program of Fig. 10.2.

Of course, the design of Fig. 10.10, while appealing, cannot be turned into
a program directly. We shall see in the next section how it is possible to turn
Fig. 10.10 into a deterministic automaton with only four states. This deterministic
automaton, unlike that of Fig. 10.9, will correctly recognize all occurrences of man.
While we can convert any nondeterministic automaton into a deterministic one,
we are not always as fortunate as we are in the case of Fig. 10.10. In that case, the
corresponding deterministic automaton will be seen to have no more states than the
nondeterministic automaton, four states for each. There are other nondeterministic
automata whose corresponding deterministic automata have many more states. A
nondeterministic automaton with n states might be convertible only into a deter-
ministic automaton with 2n states. The next example happens to be one in which
the deterministic automaton has many more states than the nondeterministic one.
Consequently, a nondeterministic automaton may be considerably easier to design
than a deterministic automaton for the same problem.

✦ Example 10.6. When Peter Ullman, the son of one of the authors, was in fourth
grade, he had a teacher who tried to build the students’ vocabularies by assigning
Partial anagram them “partial anagram” problems. Each week they would be given a word and were
asked to find all the words that could be made using one or more of its letters.
One week, when the word was “Washington,” the two authors of this book
got together and decided to do an exhaustive search to see how many words were
possible. Using the file /usr/dict/words and a three-step procedure, we found 269
words. Among them were five 7-letter words:
Since the case of a letter is not significant for this problem, our first step was
to translate all upper-case letters in the dictionary into lower case. A program to
carry out this task is straightforward.
Our second step was to select the words that contain only characters from the
set S = {a,g,h,i,n,o,s,t,w}, the letters in washington. A simple, deterministic
automaton can do this task; one is shown in Fig 10.12. The newline character is
the character that marks the ends of lines in /usr/dict/words. In Fig. 10.12, we
stay in state 0 as long as we see letters that appear in washington. If we encounter
any other character besides newline, there is no transition, and the automaton
can never reach the accepting state 1. If we encounter newline after reading only
letters in washington, then we make the transition from state 0 to state 1, and
The automaton in Fig. 10.12 accepts words such as hash that have more occur-
rences of some letter than are found in the word washington itself. Our third and
final step, therefore, was to eliminate those words that contain three or more n’s or
two or more of another of the characters in set S. This task can also be done by
an automaton. For example, the automaton in Fig. 10.13 accepts words that have
at least two a’s. We stay in state 0 until we see an a, whereupon we go to state 1.
We stay there until we see a second a; at that point we go to state 2 and accept.
This automaton accepts those words that fail to be partial anagrams of washington

start newline
0 1

Fig. 10.12. Deterministic automaton that detects words consisting

of letters that appear in washington.

because they have too many a’s. In this case, the words we want are exactly those
that never cause the automaton to enter the accepting state 2 at any time during
their processing.

Λ−a Λ−a

start a a
0 1 2

Fig. 10.13. Automaton that accepts if there are two a’s.

The automaton of Fig. 10.13 is deterministic. However, it represents only one

of nine reasons why a word that is accepted by the automaton of Fig. 10.12 might
still not be a partial anagram of washington. To accept all the words that have
too many instances of a letter in washington, we can use the nondeterministic
automaton of Fig. 10.14.
Figure 10.14 starts in state 0, and one of its choices on any letter is to remain
in state 0. If the input character is any letter in washington, then there is another
choice; the automaton also guesses that it should transfer to a state whose function
it is to remember that one occurrence of this letter has been seen. For instance,
on letter i we have the choice of going also to state 7. We then remain in state 7
until we see another i, whereupon we go to state 8, which is one of the accepting
states. Recall that in this automaton, acceptance means that the input string is
not a partial anagram of washington, in this case because it has two i’s.
Because there are two n’s in washington, letter n is treated somewhat differ-
ently. The automaton can go to state 9 on seeing an n, then to state 10 on seeing
a second n, and then to state 11 on seeing a third n, which is where it accepts.
For instance, Fig. 10.15 shows all the states we can enter after reading the
input string shining. Since we enter accepting state 8 after reading the second
i, the word shining is not a partial anagram of washington, even though it is
accepted by the automaton of Fig. 10.12 for having only letters that are found in
To summarize, our algorithm consisted of three steps:
1. We first translated all upper-case letters in the dictionary into lower-caser let-

Λ Λ−a

start a a
0 1 2


g g
3 4


h h
5 6


i i
7 8

Λ−n Λ−n

n n n
9 10 11


o o
12 13


s s
14 15


t t
16 17


w w
18 19

Fig. 10.14. Nondeterministic automaton that detects words with more than one
a, g, h, i, o, s, t, or w, or more than two n’s.

s h i n i n g
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 9

7 7 7

9 9 10 10

7 7 8

5 5 5 5 5 5

14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Fig. 10.15. States entered by the nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.14 on

input string shining.

2. We found all resulting words that are accepted by the automaton of Fig. 10.12
and therefore consist only of letters in washington.
3. We removed from the list created in (2) all those words that are accepted by
the nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.14.
This algorithm is a straightforward way to find all the partial anagrams of “Wash-
ington” in the file /usr/dict/words. Of course, we must find some reasonable way
to simulate the nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.14, and we shall discuss how
that can be done in the next sections. ✦


10.3.1: Write a C program to implement the algorithm of the deterministic au-

tomaton of Fig. 10.9.
10.3.2: Design a deterministic automaton that correctly finds all occurrences of
man in a character string. Implement this automaton as a program.
10.3.3: LASS wishes to detect all occurrences of the strings man, son, and father.
Design a nondeterministic automaton that will accept whenever it finds the end of
any of these three character strings.
10.3.4*: Design a deterministic automaton that solves the same problem as the
previous exercise.

Finding Partial Anagrams Without Programming

As an aside, we were able to implement the three-step algorithm in Example 10.6
with almost no programming, using the commands of the UNIX system. For step
(1) we used the UNIX command
tr A-Z a-z </usr/dict/words (10.1)
to translate from upper to lower case. For step (2) we used the command
egrep ’^[aghinostw]*$’ (10.2)
which, roughly, defines an automaton like that of Fig. 10.12. For step (3) we used
the command
egrep -v ’a.*a|g.*g|h.*h|i.*i|n.*n.*n|o.*o|s.*s|t.*t|w.*w’ (10.3)
which specifies something like the automaton of Fig. 10.14. The entire task was
done using the three-element pipe
(10.1) | (10.2) | (10.3)
That is, the entire command is formed by substituting the text represented by each
of the indicated lines. The vertical bar, or “pipe” symbol, makes the input of the
command on its left be the input to the command on its right. The egrep command
is discussed in Section 10.6.

10.3.5: Simulate the automata of Figs. 10.9 and 10.10 on the input string summand.
10.3.6: Simulate the automaton of Fig. 10.14 on input strings
a) saint
b) antagonist
c) hashish
Which are accepted?
10.3.7: We can represent an automaton by a relation with attributes State, Input,
and Next. The intent is that if (s, x, t) is a tuple, then input symbol x is a label of
the transition from state s to state t. If the automaton is deterministic, what is a
suitable key for the relation? What if the automaton is nondeterministic?
10.3.8: What data structures would you suggest for representing the relation of
the previous exercise, if we only wanted to find the next state(s), given a state and
an input symbol?
10.3.9: Represent the automata of
a) Fig. 10.10
b) Fig. 10.9
c) Fig. 10.14
as relations. You may use ellipses to represent the transitions on large sets of letters
such as Λ − m.

✦ ✦

10.4 From Nondeterminism to Determinism
In this section we shall see that every nondeterministic automaton can be replaced
by a deterministic one. As we have seen, it is sometimes easier to think of a non-
deterministic automaton to perform a certain task. However, because we cannot
write programs from nondeterministic automata as readily as from deterministic
machines, it is quite important that there is an algorithm to transform a nondeter-
ministic automaton into an equivalent deterministic one.

Equivalence of Automata
In the previous sections, we have seen two views of acceptance. In some examples,
such as Example 10.1 (words containing the subsequence aeiou), we took accep-
tance to mean that the entire word was accepted, even though we may not have
scanned the entire word yet. In others, like the bounce filter of Example 10.2, or the
automaton of Fig. 10.12 (words whose letters are all in washington), we accepted
only when we wanted to signal approval of the exact input that we had seen since we
started the automaton. Thus in Example 10.2 we accepted all sequences of inputs
that result in a 1 output. In Fig. 10.12, we accepted only when we had seen the
newline character, and thus knew that the entire word had been seen.
When we talk about the formal behavior of automata, we require only the
second interpretation (the input so far is accepted). Formally, suppose A and B
are two automata (deterministic or not). We say A and B are equivalent if they
accept the same set of input strings. Put another way, if a1 a2 · · · ak is any string of
symbols, then the following two conditions hold:
1. If there is a path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak from the start state of A to some accepting
state of A, then there is also a path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak from the start state of
B to some accepting state of B, and
2. If there is a path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak from the start state of B to some accepting
state of B, then there is also a path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak from the start state of
A to some accepting state of A.

✦ Example 10.7. Consider the automata of Figs. 10.9 and 10.10. As we noted
from Fig. 10.11, the automaton of Fig. 10.10 accepts the input string comman, be-
cause this sequence of characters labels the path 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 1 → 2 → 3 in
Fig. 10.10, and this path goes from the start state to an accepting state. However,
in the automaton of Fig. 10.9, which is deterministic, we can check that the only
path labeled comman is 0 → 0 → 0 → 1 → 0 → 0 → 0. Thus if Fig. 10.9 is au-
tomaton A, and Fig. 10.10 is automaton B, we have a violation of point (2) above,
which tells us that these two automata are not equivalent. ✦

The Subset Construction

We shall now see how to “wring the nondeterminism out of an automaton” by
constructing an equivalent deterministic automaton. The technique is called the
subset construction, and its essence is suggested by Figs. 10.11 and 10.15, in which
we simulated nondeterministic automata on particular inputs. We notice from these
pictures that at any given time, the nondeterministic automaton is in some set of
states, and that these states appear in one column of the simulation diagram. That

is, after reading some input list a1 a2 · · · ak , the nondeterministic automaton is “in”
those states that are reached from the start state along paths labeled a1 a2 · · · ak .

✦ Example 10.8. After reading input string shin, the automaton illustrated in
Fig. 10.15 is in the set of states {0, 5, 7, 9, 14}. These are the states that appear
in the column just after the first n. After reading the next i, it is in the set
of states {0, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14}, and after reading the following n, it is in set of states
{0, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14}. ✦

We now have a clue as to how we can turn a nondeterministic automaton N

into a deterministic automaton D. The states of D will each be a set of N ’s states,
and the transitions among D’s states will be determined by the transitions of N .
To see how the transitions of D are constructed, let S be a state of D and x an
input symbol. Since S is a state of D, it consists of states of N . Define the set T to
be those states t of automaton N such that there is a state s in S and a transition
of N from s to t on a set containing input symbol x. Then in automaton D we put
a transition from S to T on symbol x.


0 0
5 5
i 7 n 7
8 9
9 10
14 14

Fig. 10.16. Transitions among deterministic states S, T , and U .

Example 10.8 illustrated transitions from one deterministic state to another

on various input symbols. When the current deterministic state is {0, 5, 7, 9, 14},
and the input symbol is the letter i, we saw in that example that the set of next
nondeterministic states, according to the nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.14,
is T = {0, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14}. From this deterministic state on input symbol n, the set
of next nondeterministic states U is {0, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14}. These two deterministic
transitions are depicted in Fig. 10.16.
Now we know how to construct a transition between two states of the deter-
ministic automaton D, but we need to determine the exact set of states of D, the
start state of D, and the accepting states of D. We construct the states of D by an

BASIS. If the start state of nondeterministic automaton N is s0 , then the start

state of deterministic automaton D is {s0 }, that is, the set containing only s0 .

INDUCTION. Suppose we have established that S, a set of N ’s states, is a state

of D. We consider each possible input character x, in turn. For a given x, we let
T be the set of N ’s states t such that for some state s in S, there is a transition
from s to t with a label that includes x. Then set T is a state of D, and there is a
transition from S to T on input x.

The accepting states of D are those sets of N ’s states that include at least one
accepting state of N . That makes intuitive sense. If S is a state of D and a set of
N ’s states, then the inputs a1 a2 · · · ak that take D from its start state to state S
also take N from its start state to all of the states in S. If S includes an accepting
state, then a1 a2 · · · ak is accepted by N , and D must also accept. Since D enters
only state S on receiving input a1 a2 · · · ak , S must be an accepting state of D.

start m a n
0 1 2 3

Fig. 10.17. Nondeterministic automaton that recognizes the strings ending in man.

✦ Example 10.9. Let us convert the nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.10,

which we reproduce here as Fig. 10.17, to a deterministic automaton D. We begin
with {0}, which is the start state of D.
The inductive part of the construction requires us to look at each state of D
and determine its transitions. For {0}, we have only to ask where state 0 goes. The
answer, which we get by examining Fig. 10.17, is that on any letter except m, state
0 goes only to 0, while on input m, it goes to both 0 and 1. Automaton D therefore
needs state {0}, which it already has, and state {0, 1}, which we must add. The
transitions and states constructed so far for D are shown in Fig. 10.18.


start m
{0} {0, 1}

Fig. 10.18. State {0} and its transitions.

Next, we must consider the transitions out of {0, 1}. Examining Fig. 10.17
again, we see that on all inputs except m and a, state 0 goes only to 0, and state 1
goes nowhere. Thus there is a transition from state {0, 1} to state {0}, labeled by
all the letters except m and a. On input m, state 1 again goes nowhere, but 0 goes to

both 0 and 1. Hence there is a transition from {0, 1} to itself, labeled by m. Finally,
on input a, state 0 goes only to itself, but state 1 goes to state 2. Thus there is a
transition labeled a from state {0, 1} to state {0, 2}. The portion of D constructed
so far is shown in Fig. 10.19.

Λ−m m

start m a
{0} {0, 1} {0, 2}


Fig. 10.19. States {0} and {0, 1} and their transitions.

Now we need to construct the transitions out of state {0, 2}. On all inputs
except m and n, state 0 goes only to 0, and state 2 goes nowhere, and so there is a
transition from {0, 2} to {0}, labeled by all the letters except m and n. On input
m, state 2 goes nowhere, and 0 goes to both 0 and 1, and so there is a transition
from {0, 2} to {0, 1} labeled m. On input n, state 0 goes only to itself and 2 goes
to 3. Thus there is a transition labeled n from {0, 2} to {0, 3}. This state of D is
accepting, since it includes the accepting state of Fig. 10.17, state 3.
Finally, we must supply the transitions out of {0, 3}. Since state 3 goes nowhere
on any input, the transitions out of {0, 3} will reflect the transitions out of 0 only,
and thus will go to the same states as state {0}. As the transitions out of {0, 3} do
not take us to any state of D that we have not already seen, the construction of D
is finished. The complete deterministic automaton is shown in Fig. 10.20.
Notice that this deterministic automaton correctly accepts all and only the
strings of letters that end in man. Intuitively, the automaton will be in state {0}
whenever the character string so far does not end with any prefix of man except the
empty string. State {0, 1} means that the string seen so far ends in m, {0, 2} means
that it ends in ma, and {0, 3} means that it ends in man. ✦

✦ Example 10.10. The nondeterministic automaton of Fig. 10.17 has four states,
and its equivalent deterministic automaton of Fig. 10.20 has four states also. It
would be nice if all nondeterministic automata converted to small deterministic au-
tomata, and many common examples used in compiling of programming languages,
for example, do in fact convert to relatively small deterministic automata. Yet there
is no guarantee that the deterministic automaton will be small, and a k-state nonde-
terministic automaton could wind up being converted to a deterministic automaton
with as many as 2k states. That is, the deterministic automaton could have one
state for every member of the power set of the set of states of the nondeterministic
As an example where we get many states, consider the automaton of Fig. 10.14,
from the previous section. Since this nondeterministic automaton has 20 states,
conceivably the deterministic automaton constructed by the subset construction

Λ−m m m

start m a n
{0} {0, 1} {0, 2} {0, 3}




Fig. 10.20. The deterministic automaton D.

A Thought About the Subset Construction

The subset construction is rather tricky to understand. Especially, the idea that
states (of the deterministic automaton) can be sets of states (of the nondeterministic
automaton) may require some thought and patience to think through. However, this
blending of the structured object (the set of states) and the atomic object (a state of
the deterministic automaton) into one and the same object is an important concept
of computer science. We have seen, and frequently must use, the idea in programs.
For example, an argument of a function, say L, apparently atomic, may turn out
on closer examination also to be an object with complex structure, for example, a
record with fields that connect to other records, thus forming a list. Similarly, the
state of D that we called {0, 2}, for instance, could just as well have been replaced
by a simple name, such as “5” or “a,” in Fig. 10.20.

could have as many as 220 states or over a million states; these states would be all
members of the power set of {0, 1, . . . , 19}. It turns out not to be that bad, but
there are quite a few states.
We shall not attempt to draw the equivalent deterministic automaton for Fig.
10.14. Rather, let us think about what sets of states we actually need. First, since
there is a transition from state 0 to itself on every letter, all sets of states that we
actually see will include 0. If the letter a has not yet been input, then we cannot
get to state 1. However, if we have seen exactly one a, we shall be in state 1, no
matter what else we have seen. We can make an analogous observation about any
of the other letters in washington.
If we start Fig. 10.14 in state 0 and feed it a sequence of letters that are a
subset of the letters appearing in washington, then in addition to being in state
0, we shall also be in some subset of the states 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, and 18.
By choosing the input letters properly, we can arrange to be in any of these sets of
states. As there are 29 = 512 such sets, there are at least that number of states in
the deterministic automaton equivalent to Fig. 10.14.
However, there are even more states, because letter n is treated specially in

Fig. 10.14. If we are in state 9, we can also be in state 10, and in fact we shall be
in both 9 and 10 if we have seen two n’s. Thus, while for the other eight letters we
have two choices (e.g., for letter a, either include state 1 or don’t), for letter n we
have three choices (include neither of 9 and 10, include 9 only, or include both 9
and 10). Thus there are at least 3 × 28 = 768 states.
But that is not all. If the input so far ends in one of the letters of washington,
and we previously saw enough of that letter, then we shall also be in the accepting
state corresponding to that letter (e.g., state 2 for a). However, we cannot be in
two accepting states after the same input. Counting the number of additional sets
of states becomes trickier.
Suppose accepting state 2 is a member of the set. Then we know 1 is a member
of the set, and of course 0 is a member, but we still have all our options for the
states corresponding to the letters other than a; that number of sets is 3 × 27 , or
384. The same applies if our set includes accepting state 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, or 19;
in each case there are 384 sets including that accepting state. The only exception
is when accepting state 11 is included (and therefore 9 and 10 are also present).
Then, there are only 28 = 256 options. The total number of states in the equivalent
deterministic automaton is thus
768 + 8 × 384 + 256 = 4864
The first term, 768, counts the sets that have no accepting state. The next term
counts the eight cases in which the set includes the accepting state for one of the
eight letters other than n, and the third term, 256, counts the sets that include
state 11. ✦

Why the Subset Construction Works

Clearly, if D is constructed from a nondeterministic automaton N using the subset
construction, then D is a deterministic automaton. The reason is that for each
input symbol x and each state S of D, we defined a specific state T of D such that
the label of the transition from S to T includes x. But how do we know that the
automata N and D are equivalent? That is, we need to know that for any input
sequence a1 a2 · · · ak , the state S that the automaton D reaches when we
1. Begin at the start state and
2. Follow the path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak
is an accepting state if and only if N accepts a1 a2 · · · ak . Remember that N accepts
a1 a2 · · · ak if and only if there is some path from N ’s start state, labeled a1 a2 · · · ak ,
leading to an accepting state of N .
The connection between what D does and what N does is even stronger. If D
has a path from its start state to state S labeled a1 a2 · · · ak , then set S, thought of
as a set of states of N , is exactly the set of states reached from the start state of
N , along some path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak . The relationship is suggested by Fig. 10.21.
Since we have defined S to be an accepting state of D exactly when one of the
members of S is an accepting state of N , the relationship suggested by Fig. 10.21 is
all we need to conclude that either both or neither of D and N accept a1 a2 · · · ak ;
that is, D and N are equivalent.
We need to prove the relationship of Fig. 10.21; the proof is an induction on
k, the length of the input string. The formal statement to be proved by induction
on k is that the state {s1 , s2 , . . . , sn } reached in D by following the path labeled

start a1 a2 · · · ak
{s1 , s2 , . . . , sn }

(a) In automaton D.

start a1 a2 · · · ak

a1 a2 · · · ak


a1 a2 · · · ak

(b) In automaton N.

Fig. 10.21. Relationship between the operation of nondeterministic automaton N

and its deterministic counterpart D.

a1 a2 · · · ak from the start state of D is exactly the set of states of N that are reached
from N ’s start state by following some path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak .

BASIS. Let k = 0. A path of length 0 leaves us where we started, that is, in the
start state of both automata D and N . Recall that if s0 is the start state of N ,
then the start state of D is {s0 }. Thus the inductive statement holds for k = 0.

INDUCTION. Suppose the statement holds for k, and consider an input string
a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1
Then the path from the start state of D to state T labeled by a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1 appears
as shown in Fig. 10.22; that is, it goes through some state S just before making the
last transition to T on input ak+1 .

start a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1

Fig. 10.22. S is the state reached by D just before reaching state T .

We may assume, by the inductive hypothesis, that S is exactly the set of states
that automaton N reaches from its start state along paths labeled a1 a2 · · · ak , and
we must prove that T is exactly the set of states N reaches from its start state along
paths labeled a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1 . There are two parts to the proof of this inductive

1. We must prove that T does not contain too much; that is, if t is a state of N
that is in T , then t is reached by a path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1 from N ’s start
2. We must prove that T contains enough; that is, if t is a state of N reached
from the start state along a path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1 , then t is in T .
For (1), let t be in T . Then, as suggested by Fig. 10.23, there must be a state
s in S that justifies t being in T . That is, there is in N a transition from s to t,
and its label includes ak+1 . By the inductive hypothesis, since s is in S, there must
be a path from the start state of N to s, labeled a1 a2 · · · ak . Thus there is a path
from the start state of N to t, labeled a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1 .

start a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1
s t

Fig. 10.23. State s in S explains why we put t in T .

Now we must show (2), that if there is a path from the start state of N to t,
labeled a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1 , then t is in T . This path must go through some state s just
before making a transition to t on input ak+1 . Thus there is a path from the start
state of N to s, labeled a1 a2 · · · ak . By the inductive hypothesis, s is in set of states
S. Since N has a transition from s to t, with a label that includes ak+1 , the subset
construction applied to set of states S and input symbol ak+1 , demands that t be
placed in T . Thus t is in T .

Given the inductive hypothesis, we have now shown that T consists of exactly
the states of N that are reachable from the start state of N along some path labeled
a1 a2 · · · ak ak+1 . That is the inductive step, and we conclude that the state of the
deterministic automaton D reached along the path labeled a1 a2 · · · ak is always the
set of N ’s states reachable along some path with that label. Since the accepting
states of D are those that include an accepting state of N , we conclude that D
and N accept the same strings; that is, D and N are equivalent, and the subset
construction “works.”


10.4.1: Convert your nondeterministic automaton of Exercise 10.3.3 to a determin-

istic automaton, using the subset construction.
10.4.2: What patterns do the nondeterministic automata of Fig. 10.24(a) to (d)
10.4.3: Convert the nondeterministic automata of Fig. 10.24(a) to (d) to determin-
istic finite automata.

Minimization of Automata
One of the issues concerning automata, especially when they are used to design
circuits, is how few states are needed to perform a given task. That is, we may ask,
given an automaton, whether there is an equivalent automaton with fewer states,
and if so, what is the least number of states of any equivalent automaton?
It turns out that if we restrict ourselves to deterministic automata, there is a
unique minimum-state deterministic automaton equivalent to any given automaton,
and it is fairly easy to find it. The key is to define when two states s and t of a
Equivalent deterministic automaton are equivalent, that is, for any input sequence, the paths
states from s and t labeled by that sequence either both lead to accepting states or neither
does. If states s and t are equivalent, then there is no way to tell them apart by
feeding inputs to the automaton, and so we can merge s and t into a single state.
Actually, we can more easily define when states are not equivalent, as follows.

BASIS. If s is an accepting state and t is not accepting, or vice versa, then s and t
are not equivalent.

INDUCTION. If there is some input symbol x such that there are transitions from
states s and t on input x to two states that are known not to be equivalent, then s
and t are not equivalent.

There are some additional details necessary to make this test work; in particu-
Dead state lar, we may have to add a “dead state,” which is not accepting and has transitions
to itself on every input. As a deterministic automaton may have no transition out
of a given state on a given symbol, before performing this minimization procedure,
we need to add transitions to the dead state from any state, on all inputs for which
no other transition exists. We note that there is no similar theory for minimizing
nondeterministic automata.

10.4.4*: Some automata have state-input combinations for which there is no tran-
sition at all. If state s has no transition on symbol x, we can add a transition
from s to a special “dead state” on input x. The dead state is not accepting, and
has a transition to itself on every input symbol. Show that adding a “dead state”
produces an automaton equivalent to the one with which we started.
10.4.5: Show that if we add a dead state to a deterministic automaton, we can
get an equivalent automaton that has paths from the start state labeled by every
possible string.
10.4.6*: Show that if we apply the subset construction to a deterministic automa-
ton, we either get the same automaton, with each state s renamed {s}, or we add
a dead state (corresponding to the empty set of states).
10.4.7**: Suppose that we take a deterministic automaton and change every ac-
cepting state to nonaccepting and every nonaccepting state to accepting.
a) How would you describe the language accepted by the new automaton in terms
of the language of the old automaton?

{a, b} {a, b}

start {a, b}
0 1

{a, b, c} {a, b, c}

start a b c
0 1 2 3

{a, b}

start a {a, b} {a, b} {a, b}
0 1 2 3 4

{a, b, c} {a, b, c}

start a b c
0 1 2 3

{a, b, c}

b a
4 5

{a, b, c}

b b a
6 7 8

Fig. 10.24. Nondeterministic automata.

b) Repeat (a) if we first add a dead state to the original automaton.

c) Repeat (a) if the original automaton is nondeterministic.

✦ ✦

10.5 Regular Expressions
An automaton defines a pattern, namely the set of strings labeling paths from the
initial state to some accepting state in the graph of the automaton. In this section,
we meet regular expressions, which are an algebraic way to define patterns. Regular
expressions are analogous to the algebra of arithmetic expressions with which we

Notational Convention
We shall continue to use typewriter font for the characters that appear in strings.
The regular expression atomic operand for a given character will be denoted by
that character in boldface. For instance, a is the regular expression corresponding
to character a. When we need to use a variable, we shall write it in italics. Variables
are used to stand for complicated expressions. For instance, we shall use the variable
letter to stand for “any letter,” a set whose regular expression we shall soon meet.

are all familiar, and the relational algebra that we met in Chapter 8. Interestingly,
the set of patterns that can be expressed in the regular-expression algebra is exactly
the same set of patterns that can be described by automata.

Operands of Regular Expressions

Like all algebras, regular expressions have certain kinds of atomic operands. In
the algebra of arithmetic, atomic operands are constants (e.g., integers or reals)
or variables whose possible values are constants, and for relational algebra, atomic
operands are either fixed relations or variables whose possible values are relations.
In the algebra of regular expressions, an atomic operand is one of the following:
1. A character,
2. The symbol ǫ,
3. The symbol ∅, or
4. A variable whose value can be any pattern defined by a regular expression.

Values of Regular Expressions

Expressions in any algebra have values of a certain type. For arithmetic expressions,
values are integers, reals, or whatever type of numbers with which we are working.
For relational algebra, the value of an expression is a relation.
For regular expressions, the value of each expression is a pattern consisting of a
Language set of strings often called a language. The language denoted by a regular expression
of a regular E will be referred to as L(E), or the “language of E.” The languages of the atomic
expression operands are defined as follows.
1. If x is any character, then the regular expression x stands for the language {x};
that is, L(x) = {x}. Note that this language is a set that contains one string;
the string has length 1, and the lone position of that string has the character
2. L(ǫ) = {ǫ}. The special symbol ǫ as a regular expression denotes the set whose
only string is the empty string, or string of length 0.
3. L(∅) = ∅. The special symbol ∅ as a regular expression denotes the empty set
of strings.
Note that we do not define a value for an atomic operand that is a variable. Such an
operand only takes on a value when we replace the variable by a concrete expression,
and its value is then whatever value that expression has.

Operators of Regular Expressions

There are three operators used in regular expressions. These can be grouped using
parentheses, as in the algebras with which we are familiar. There is an order of
precedence and associativity laws that allow us to omit some pairs of parentheses,
just as we do in arithmetic expressions. We shall describe the rules regarding
parentheses after we examine the operators.

The first, and most familiar, is the union operator, which we shall denote | .3 The
rule for union is that if R and S are two regular expressions, then R | S denotes
the union of the languages that R and S denote. That is, L(R | S) = L(R) ∪ L(S).
Recall that L(R) and L(S) are each sets of strings, so the notion of taking their
union makes sense.

✦ Example 10.11. We know that a is a regular expression denoting {a}, and b

is a regular expression denoting {b}. Thus a | b is a regular expression denoting
{a, b}. That is the set containing the two strings a and b, each string being of
length 1.
Similarly, we can write an expression such as (a | b) | c to denote the set
{a, b, c}. Since union is an associative operator, that is, it does not matter in what
order we group operands when we take the union of three sets, we can omit the
parentheses and just write a | b | c. ✦

The second operator for the algebra of regular expressions is called concatenation.
It is represented by no operator symbol at all, just as multiplication is sometimes
written without an operator; for instance, in arithmetic ab denotes the product of a
and b. Like union, concatenation is a binary, infix operator. If R and S are regular
expressions, then RS is the concatenation of R and S.4
L(RS), the language denoted by RS, is formed from the languages L(R) and
L(S), as follows. For each string r in L(R) and each string s in L(S), the string rs,
the concatenation of strings r and s, is in L(RS). Recall the concatenation of two
lists, such as character strings, is formed by taking the elements of the first list, in
order, and following them by the elements of the second list, in order.

3 The plus sign + is also commonly used for the union operator in regular expressions; we shall
not do so, however.
4 Technically, we should write RS as (R)(S), to emphasize the fact that R and S are separate
expressions and that their parts must not be blended because of precedence rules. The
situation is analogous to the fact that if we multiply the arithmetic expression w + x by
the arithmetic expression y + z, we must write the product as (w + x)(y + z). Note that,
because multiplication takes precedence over addition, the product with parentheses omitted,
w + xy + z, would not be interpreted as the product of w + x and y + z. As we shall see,
concatenation and union have precedences that make them similar to multiplication and
addition, respectively.

Some Tricky Distinctions Among Types

The reader should not be confused by the multiplicity of objects that seem similar,
but are actually quite different. For instance, the empty string ǫ is not the same as
the empty set ∅, nor is either the same as the set containing the empty string {ǫ}.
The first is of type “string” or “list of characters,” while the second and third are
of type “set of strings.”
We should also remember to distinguish between the character a, which is of
type “character,” the string a of length 1, which is of type “string,” and {a}, which
as the value of the regular expression a is of type “set of strings.” Also note that
in another context, {a} could be the set containing the character a, and we have
no notational convention to distinguish the two meanings of {a}. However, in the
balance of this chapter, {a} will normally have the former interpretation, that is,
“set of strings” rather than “set of characters.”

✦ Example 10.12. Let R be the regular expression a, and so L(R) is the set {a}.
Also let S be the regular expression b, so L(S) = {b}. Then RS is the expression
ab. To form L(RS), we need to take every string in L(R) and concatenate it
with every string in L(S). In this simple case, both languages L(R) and L(S) are
singletons, so we have only one choice from each. We pick a from L(R) and b from
L(S), and concatenate these lists of length 1 to get the string ab. Thus L(RS) is
{ab}. ✦

Example 10.12 can be generalized, in the sense that any string, written in
boldface, is a regular expression that denotes the language consisting of one string,
the corresponding list of characters. For instance, then is a regular expression whose
language is {then}. We shall see that concatenation is an associative operator, so
it doesn’t matter how the characters in the regular expression are grouped, and we
do not need to use any parentheses.

✦ Example 10.13. Now let us look at the concatenation of two regular ex-
pressions whose languages are not singleton sets. Let R be the regular expression
a | (ab).5 The language L(R) is the union of L(a) and L(ab), that is {a, ab}.
Let S be the regular expression
 c | (bc). Similarly, L(S) = {c, bc}. The regular
expression RS is a | (ab) c | (bc) . Note that the parentheses around R and S
are required, because of precedence.

c bc
a ac abc
ab abc abbc

Fig. 10.25. Forming the concatenation of {a, ab} with {c, bc}.

5 As we shall see, concatenation takes precedence over union, so the parentheses are redundant.

To discover the strings in L(RS), we pair each of the two strings from L(R)
with each of the two strings from L(S). This pairing is suggested in Fig. 10.25.
From a in L(R) and c in L(S), we get the string ac. The string abc is obtained
in two different ways, either as (a)(bc) or as (ab)(c). Finally, the string abbc is
obtained as the concatenation of ab from L(R) and bc from L(S). Thus L(RS) is
{ac, abc, abbc}. ✦

Note that the number of strings in the language L(RS) cannot be greater than
the product of the number of strings in L(R) times the number of strings in L(S).
In fact, the number of strings in L(RS) is exactly this product, unless there are
“coincidences,” in which the same string is formed in two or more different ways.
Example 10.13 was an instance where the string abc was produced in two ways,
and therefore the number of strings in L(RS), which was 3, was one less than the
product of the number of strings in the languages of R and S. Similarly, the number
of strings in the language L(R | S) is no greater than the sum of the number of
strings in the languages L(R) and L(S), and can be less only when there are strings
in common to L(R) and L(S). As we shall see when we discuss algebraic laws for
these operators, there is a close, although not exact, analogy between union and
concatenation on one hand, and the arithmetic operators + and × on the other.

The third operator is called Kleene closure or just closure.6 It is a unary, postfix
operator; that is, it takes one operand and it appears after that operand. Closure is
denoted by a star, so R* is the closure of regular expression R. Because the closure
operator is of highest precedence, it is often necessary to put parentheses around
the R, and write (R)*.
The effect of the closure operator is to say “zero or more occurrences of strings
in R.” That is, L(R*) consists of
1. The empty string ǫ, which we can think of as zero occurrences of strings in R.
2. All the strings in L(R); these represent one occurrence of a string in L(R).
3. All the strings in L(RR), the concatenation of L(R) with itself; these represent
two occurrences of strings in L(R).
4. All the strings in L(RRR), L(RRRR), and so on, representing three, four, and
more occurrences of strings in L(R).
We can informally write
R* = ǫ | R | RR | RRR | · · ·
However, we must understand that the expression on the right side of the equals sign
is not a regular expression, because it contains an infinite number of occurrences
of the union operator. All regular expressions are built from a finite number of
occurrences of the three operators.

6 Steven C. Kleene wrote the original paper describing the algebra of regular expressions.

✦ Example 10.14. Let R = a. What is L(R*)? Surely ǫ is in this language, as

it must be in any closure. The string a, which is the only string in L(R), is in the
language, as is aa from L(RR), aaa from L(RRR), and so on. That is, L(a*) is the
set of strings of zero or more a’s, or {ǫ, a, aa, aaa, . . .}. ✦

✦ Example 10.15. Now let R be the regular expression a | b, so L(R) = {a, b},
and consider what L(R*) is. Again, this language contains ǫ, representing zero
occurrences of strings from L(R). One occurrence of a string from R gives us
{a, b} for L(R*). Two occurrences give us the four strings {aa, ab, ba, bb}, three
occurrences give us the eight strings of length three that consist of a’s and/or b’s,
and so on. Thus L(R*) is all strings of a’s and b’s of any finite length whatsoever. ✦

Precedence of Regular Expression Operators

As we have mentioned informally above, there is a conventional order of precedence
for the three operators union, concatenation, and closure. This order is
1. Closure (highest), then
2. Concatenation, then
3. Union (lowest).
Thus when interpreting any expression, we first group the closure operators by
finding the shortest expression immediately to the left of a given * that has the form
of an expression (i.e., parentheses, if any, are balanced). We may place parentheses
around this expression and the *.
Next, we may consider the concatenation operators, from the left. For each,
we find the smallest expression immediately to the left and the smallest expression
immediately to the right, and we put parentheses around this pair of expressions.
Finally, we consider union operators from the left. We find the smallest expression
immediately to the left and right of each union, and we place parentheses around
this pair of expressions with the union symbol in the middle.

✦ Example 10.16. Consider the expression a | bc*d. We first consider the *’s.
There is only one, and to its left, the smallest expression is c. We may thus group
this * with its operand, as a | b(c*)d.
Next, we consider the concatenations in the above expression. There are two,
one between the b and the left parenthesis, and the second between the right paren-
thesis and the d. Considering the first, we find the expression b immediately to the
left, but to the right we must go until we include the right parenthesis, since expres-
sions must have balanced parentheses. Thus the operands of the first concatenation
are b and (c*). We place parentheses around these to get the expression

a | b(c*) d
For the second concatenation, the shortest expression immediately to the left is now
b(c*) , and the shortest expression immediately to the right is d. With parentheses
added to group the operands of this concatenation, the expression becomes
a | b(c*) d

Finally, we must consider the unions. There is only one; its left operand is a,
and its right operand is the rest of the expression above. Technically, we must place
parentheses around the entire expression, yielding
a | b(c*) d

but the outer parentheses are redundant. ✦

Additional Examples of Regular Expressions

We close the section with some more complex examples of regular expressions.

✦ Example 10.17. We can extend the idea from Example 10.15 to say “strings
of any length consisting of symbols a1 , a2 , . . . , an ” with the regular expression
(a1 | a2 | · · · | an )*
For instance, we can describe C identifiers as follows. First, define the regular
letter = A | B | · · · | Z | a | b | · · · | z |
That is, the “letters” in C are the upper- and lowercase letters and the underscore.
Similarly define
digit = 0 | 1 | · · · | 9
Then the regular expression
letter(letter | digit)*
represents all strings of letters, digits, and underscores not beginning with a digit. ✦

✦ Example 10.18. Now let us consider a regular expression that is somewhat

harder to write: the bounce filter problem discussed in Example 10.2. Recall that
we described an automaton that made output 1 whenever the input ended in a
sequence of 1’s, loosely interpreted. That is, we decided we were in a sequence of
1’s as soon as we saw two 1’s in a row, but after deciding we were seeing 1’s, a single
0 would not dissuade us from that conclusion. Thus the output of the automaton
of Example 10.2 is 1 whenever the input ends in a sequence of two 1’s, followed by
anything, as long as each 0 is either followed immediately by a 1 or is the last input
character seen so far. We express this condition by the regular expression
(0 | 1)*11(1 | 01)*(ǫ | 0)
To understand this expression, first note that (0 | 1)* represents any string
of 0’s and 1’s. These strings must be followed by two 1’s, as represented by the
expression 11. Thus the language of (0 | 1)*11 is all strings of 0’s and 1’s that end
(at least) in two 1’s.
Next, the expression (1 | 01)* represents all strings of 0’s and 1’s in which all
0’s are followed by 1’s. That is, the strings in the language for this expression are
built by concatenating strings 1 and 01 in any order and in any quantity. While 1
lets us add a 1 to the string being formed at any time, 01 forces us to follow any

0 by a 1. Thus the expression (0 | 1)*11(1 | 01)* represents all strings of 0’s and
1’s that end in two 1’s followed by any sequence in which 0’s, if any, are followed
immediately by 1’s. The final factor, (ǫ | 0), says “an optional 0,” that is, the
strings just described may be followed by a 0, or not, as we choose. ✦

10.5.1: In Example 10.13 we considered the regular expression (a | ab)(c | bc),
and saw that its language consisted of the three strings ac, abc, and abbc, that is,
an a and a c, separated by from zero to two b’s. Write two other regular expressions
that define the same language.
10.5.2: Write regular expressions that define the following languages.
a) The strings for the six C comparison operators, =, <=, <, >=, >, and !=.
b) All strings of 0’s and 1’s that end in 0.
c) All strings of 0’s and 1’s with at least one 1.
d) All strings of 0’s and 1’s with at most one 1.
e) All strings of 0’s and 1’s such that the third position from the right end is 1.
f) All strings of lower-case letters that are in sorted order.
10.5.3*: Write regular expressions that define the following languages.
a) All strings of a’s and b’s such that all runs of a’s are of even length. That is,
strings such as bbbaabaaaa, aaaabb, and ǫ are in the language; abbabaa and
aaa are not.
b) Strings that represent numbers of type float in C.
c) Strings of 0’s and 1’s having even parity, that is, an even number of 1’s. Hint :
Think of even-parity strings as the concatenation of elementary strings with
even parity, either a single 0 or a pair of 1’s separated only by 0’s.
10.5.4**: Write regular expressions that define the following languages.
a) The set of all C identifiers that are not keywords. If you forget some of the
keywords, it is not serious. The point of the exercise is to express strings that
are not in some reasonably large set of strings.
b) All strings of a’s, b’s, and c’s such that no two consecutive positions are the
same character.
c) The set of all strings of two lower-case letters that are not the same. Hint : You
can “brute-force” this one, but there are 650 pairs of distinct letters. A better
idea is to do some grouping. For example, the relatively short expression
(a | b | · · · | m)(n | o | · · · | z)
covers 169 of the 650 pairs.
d) All strings of 0’s and 1’s that, as a binary number, represent an integer that is
a multiple of 3.
10.5.5: Put parentheses in the following regular expressions to indicate the proper
grouping of operands according to the precedence of operators union, concatenation,
and closure.

a) a | bc | de
b) a | b* | (a | b)*a
10.5.6: Remove redundant parentheses from the following expressions, that is,
remove parentheses whose grouping would be implied by the precedence of operators
and the fact that union and concatenation are each associative (and therefore, the
grouping of adjacent unions or adjacent concatenations is irrelevant).
a) (ab)(cd) 
b) a | b(c)*
c) (a) | b (c | d)

10.5.7*: Describe the languages defined by the following regular expressions.

a) ∅ | ǫ
b) ǫa
c) (a | b)*
d) (a*b*)*
e) (a*ba*b)*a*
f) ǫ*
g) R**, where R is any regular expression.

✦ ✦

10.6 The UNIX Extensions to Regular Expressions
The UNIX operating system has several commands that use a regular-expression
like notation to describe patterns. Even if the reader is not familiar with UNIX or
with most of these commands, these notations are useful to know. We find regular
expressions used in at least three kinds of commands.
1. Editors. The UNIX editors ed and vi, as well as most modern text editors,
allow the user to scan text for a place where an instance of a given pattern is
found. The pattern is specified by a regular expression, although there is no
general union operator, just “character classes,” which we shall discuss below.
2. The pattern-matching program grep and its cousins. The UNIX command grep
scans a file and examines each line. If the line contains a substring that matches
the pattern specified by a regular expression, then the line is printed (grep
stands for “globally search for regular expression and print”). The command
grep itself allows only a subset of the regular expressions, but the extended
command egrep allows the full regular expression notation, including some
other extensions. The command awk allows full regular expression searching,
and also treats lines of text as if they were tuples of a relation, thus allowing
operations of relational algebra like selection and projection to be performed
on files.
3. Lexical analysis. The UNIX command lex is useful for writing a piece of a
compiler and for many similar tasks. The first thing a compiler must do is par-
Token tition a program into tokens, which are substrings that fit together logically.
Examples are identifiers, constants, keywords such as then, and operators such
as + or <=. Each token type can be specified as a regular expression; for in-
stance, Example 10.17 showed us how to specify the token class “identifier.”

The lex command allows the user to specify the token classes by regular ex-
pressions. It then produces a program that serves as a lexical analyzer, that is,
a program that partitions its input into tokens.

Character Classes
Often, we need to write a regular expression that denotes a set of characters, or
strictly speaking, a set of character strings of length one, each string consisting of
a different character in the set. Thus in Example 10.17 we defined the expression
letter to denote any of the strings consisting of one upper- or lower-case letter, and
we defined the expression digit to denote any of the strings consisting of a single
digit. These expressions tend to be rather long, and UNIX provides some important
First, we can enclose any list of characters in square brackets, to stand for the
regular expression that is the union of these letters. Such an expression is called a
character class. For example, the expression [aghinostw] denotes the set of letters
appearing in the word washington, and [aghinostw]* denotes the set of strings
composed of those letters only.
Second, we do not always have to list all the characters explicitly. Recall that
characters are almost invariably coded in ASCII. This code assigns bit strings, which
are naturally interpreted as integers, to the various characters, and it does so in a
rational way. For instance, the capital letters are assigned consecutive integers.
Likewise, the lower-case letters are assigned consecutive integers, and the digits are
assigned consecutive integers.
If we put a dash between two characters, we denote not only those characters,
but also all the characters whose codes lie between their codes.

✦ Example 10.19. We can define the upper- and lower-case letters by [A-Za-z].
The first three characters, A-Z, represent all the characters whose codes lie between
those for A and Z, that is, all the upper-case letters. The next three characters, a-z,
similarly denote all the lower-case letters.
Incidentally, because the dash has this special meaning, we must be careful if
we want to define a character class including -. We must place the dash either first
or last in the list. For instance, we could specify the set of four arithmetic operators
by [-+*/], but it would be an error to write [+-*/], because then the range +-*
would denote all the characters whose codes are between the codes for + and *. ✦

Line Beginning and Ending

Because UNIX commands so frequently deal with single lines of text, the UNIX
regular expression notation includes special symbols that denote the beginning and
end of a line. The symbol ^ denotes the beginning of a line, and $ denotes the end
of a line.

✦ Example 10.20. The automaton of Fig. 10.12 in Section 10.3, started at the
beginning of a line, will accept that line exactly when the line consists only of letters
in the word washington. We can express this pattern as a UNIX regular expression:
ˆ[aghinostw]*$. In words, the pattern is “the beginning of the line, followed by
any sequence of letters from the word washington, followed by the end of the line.”

Giving Characters Their Literal Meaning

Incidentally, since the characters ^ and $ are given a special meaning in regular
expressions, it would seem that we do not have any way to specify these characters
themselves in UNIX regular expressions. However, UNIX uses the backslash, \, as
Escape an escape character. If we precede ^ or $ by a backslash, then the combination of
character two characters is interpreted as the second character’s literal meaning, rather than
its special meaning. For instance, \$ represents the character $ within a UNIX
regular expression. Likewise, two backslashes are interpreted as a single backslash,
without the special meaning of an escape character. The string \\$ in a UNIX
regular expression denotes the character backslash followed by the end of the line.
There are a number of other characters that are given special meanings by
UNIX in certain situations, and these characters can always be referred to literally,
that is, without their special meaning, by preceding them by a backslash. For
example, square brackets must be treated this way in regular expressions to avoid
interpreting them as character-class delimiters.

As an example of how this regular expression is used, the UNIX command line
grep ’^[aghinostw]*$’ /usr/dict/words
will print all the words in the dictionary that consist only of letters from wash-
ington. UNIX requires, in this case, that the regular expression be written as a
quoted string. The effect of the command is that each line of the specified file
/usr/dict/words is examined. If it has any substring that is in the set of strings
denoted by the regular expression, then the line is printed; otherwise, the line is
not printed. Note that the line beginning and ending symbols are essential here.
Suppose they were missing. Since the empty string is in the language denoted by
the regular expression [aghinostw]*, we would find that every line has a substring
(namely ǫ) that is in the language of the regular expression, and thus every line
would be printed. ✦

The Wild Card Symbol

The character . in UNIX regular expressions stands for “any character but the
newline character.”

✦ Example 10.21. The regular expression

denotes all strings that contain the vowels, in order. We could use grep with this
regular expression to scan the dictionary for all words with the vowels in increasing
order. However, it is more efficient to omit the .* from the beginning and end,
because grep searches for the specified pattern as a substring, rather than as the
whole line, unless we include the line beginning and ending symbols explicitly. Thus
the command
grep ’a.*e.*i.*o.*u’ /usr/dict/words

will find and print all the words that have aeiou as a subsequence.
The fact that the dots will match characters other than letters is unimportant,
since there are no other characters besides letters and the newline character in the
file /usr/dict/words. However, if the dot could match the newline character, then
this regular expression could allow grep to use several lines together to find one
occurrence of the vowels in order. It is for examples like this one that the dot is
defined not to match the newline character. ✦

Additional Operators
The regular expressions in the UNIX commands awk and egrep also include some
additional operators.
1. Unlike grep, the commands awk and egrep also permit the union operator | in
their regular expressions.
2. The unary postfix operators ? and + do not allow us to define additional
languages, but they often make it easier to express languages. If R is a regular
expression, then R? stands for ǫ | R, that is, an optional R. Thus L(R?) is
L(R) ∪ {ǫ}. R+ stands for RR*, or equivalently, “one or more occurrences of
words from R.” Thus,
L(R+ ) = L(R) ∪ L(RR) ∪ L(RRR) · · ·
In particular, if ǫ is in L(R), then L(R+ ) and L(R*) denote the same language.
If ǫ is not in L(R), then L(R+ ) denotes L(R*) − {ǫ}. The operators + and ?
have the same associativity and precedence as *.

✦ Example 10.22. Suppose we want to specify by a regular expression real

numbers consisting of a nonempty string of digits with one decimal point. It would
not be correct to write this expression as [0-9]*\.[0-9]*, because then the string
consisting of a dot alone would be considered a real number. One way to write the
expression using egrep is
[0-9]+ \.[0-9]* | \.[0-9]+
Here, the first term of the union covers those numbers that have at least one digit to
the left of the decimal point, and the second term covers those numbers that begin
with the decimal point, and that therefore must have at least one digit following
the decimal point. Note that a backslash is put before the dot so that the dot does
not acquire the conventional “wild card” meaning. ✦

✦ Example 10.23. We can scan input for all lines whose letters are in strictly
increasing alphabetical order with the egrep command
egrep ’^a?b?c?d?e?f?g?h?i?j?k?l?m?n?o?p?q?r?s?t?u?v?w?x?y?z?$’
That is, we scan each line to see if between the beginning and end of the line there
is an optional a, and optional b, and so on. A line containing the word adept,
for instance, matches this expression, because the ?’s after a, d, e, p, and t can
be interpreted as “one occurrence,” while the other ?’s can be interpreted as “zero
occurrences,” that is, ǫ. ✦

10.6.1: Write expressions for the following character classes.

a) All characters that are operators or punctuation symbols in C. Examples are

+ and parentheses.
b) All the lower-case vowels.
c) All the lower-case consonants.

10.6.2*: If you have UNIX available, write egrep programs to examine the file

and find

a) All words that end in dous.

b) All words that have only one vowel.
c) All words that have alternating consonants and vowels.
d) All words that have four or more consecutive consonants.

✦ ✦

10.7 Algebraic Laws for Regular Expressions

It is possible for two regular expressions to denote the same language, just as two
arithmetic expressions can denote the same function of their operands. As an
example, the arithmetic expressions x + y and y + x each denote the same function
of x and y, because addition is commutative. Similarly, the regular expressions
R | S and S | R denote the same languages, no matter what regular expressions
we substitute for R and S; the justification is that union is also a commutative
Often, it is useful to simplify regular expressions. We shall see shortly that,
when we construct regular expressions from automata, we often construct a regular
expression that is unnecessarily complex. A repertoire of algebraic equivalences may
allow us to “simplify” expressions, that is, replace one regular expression by another
that involves fewer operands and/or operators, yet that denotes the same language.
The process is analogous to what we go through when we manipulate arithmetic
expressions to simplify an unwieldy expression. For example, we might multiply
two large polynomials and then simplify the result by grouping similar terms. As
another example, we simplified expressions of relational algebra in Section 8.9 to
allow faster evaluation.
Equivalent Two regular expressions R and S are equivalent, written R ≡ S, if L(R) = L(S).
regular If so, we say that R ≡ S is an equivalence. In what follows, we shall assume that R,
expressions S, and T are arbitrary regular expressions, and state our equivalences with these

Proving Equivalences
In this section we prove a number of equivalences involving regular expressions.
Recall that an equivalence between two regular expressions is a claim that the lan-
guages of these two expressions are equal, no matter what languages we substitute
for their variables. We thus prove an equivalence by showing the equality of two
languages, that is, two sets of strings. In general, we prove that set S1 equals set
S2 by proving containment in both directions. That is, we prove S1 ⊆ S2 , and we
also prove S2 ⊆ S1 . Both directions are necessary to prove equality of sets.

Ways Union and Concatenation Resemble Plus and Times

In this section, we shall enumerate the most important equivalences involving the
regular expression operators union, concatenation, and closure. We begin with the
analogy between union and concatenation, on one hand, and addition and multipli-
cation on the other. This analogy is not exact, as we shall see, primarily because
concatenation is not commutative, while multiplication is, of course. However, there
are many similarities between the two pairs of operations.
To begin, both union and concatenation have identities. The identity for union
is ∅, and for concatenation the identity is ǫ.
1. Identity for union. (∅ | R) ≡ (R | ∅) ≡ R.
2. Identity for concatenation. ǫR ≡ Rǫ ≡ R.
It should be obvious from the definition of the empty set and union why (1) is true.
To see why (2) holds true, if string x is in L(ǫR), then x is the concatenation of a
string in L(ǫ) and a string r that is in L(R). But the only string in L(ǫ) is ǫ itself,
and so we know that x = ǫr. However, the empty string concatenated with any
string r is just r itself, and so x = r. That is, x is in L(R). Similarly, we can see
that if x is in L(Rǫ), then x is in L(R).
To prove the pair of equivalences (2) we not only have to show that everything
in L(ǫR) or L(Rǫ) is in L(R), but we must also show the converse, that everything
in L(R) is in L(ǫR) and in L(Rǫ). If r is in L(R), then ǫr is in L(ǫR). But ǫr = r,
and so r is in L(ǫR). The same reasoning tells us that r is also in L(Rǫ). We have
thus shown that L(R) and L(ǫR) are the same language and that L(R) and L(Rǫ)
are the same language, which are the equivalences of (2).
Thus ∅ is analogous to 0 in arithmetic, and ǫ is analogous to 1. There is another
way the analogy holds. ∅ is an annihilator for concatenation; that is,
3. Annihilator for concatenation. ∅R ≡ R∅ ≡ ∅. In other words, when we con-
catenate the empty set with anything, we get the empty set. Analogously, 0 is
an annihilator for multiplication, since 0 × x = x × 0 = 0.
We can see why (3) is true as follows. In order for there to be some string x in
L(∅R), we would have to form x by concatenating a string from L(∅) with a string
from L(R). Since there is no string in L(∅), there is no way we can form x. A
similar argument shows that L(R∅) must be empty.
The next equivalences are the commutative and associative laws for union that
we discussed in Chapter 7.

4. Commutativity of union. (R | S) ≡ (S | R).

5. Associativity of union. (R | S) | T ≡ R | (S | T ) .
As we mentioned, concatenation is also associative. That is,
6. Associativity of concatenation. (RS)T ≡ R(ST ) .

To see why (6) holds true, suppose string x is in L (RS)T . Then x is the con-
catenation of some string y in L(RS) and some string t in L(T ). Also, y must be
the concatenation of some r in L(R) and some s in L(S). Thus x = yt = rst. Now
consider L R(ST
 ) . The string st must be in L(ST
 ), and so rst, which
 is x, is
in L R(ST ) . Thus every string x in L (RS)T is also in L R(ST ) . Asimilar
argument tells us that every string in L R(ST ) must also be in L (RS)T . Thus
these two languages are the same, and the equivalence (6) holds.
Next, we have the distributive laws of concatenation over union, that is,

7. Left distributivity of concatenation over union. R(S | T ) ≡ (RS | RT ).

8. Right distributivity of concatenation over union. (S | T )R ≡ (SR | T R).
Let us see why (7) holds; (8) is similar and is left for an exercise. If x is in

L R(S | T )
then x = ry, where r is in L(R) and y is either in L(S) or in L(T ), or both. If y is
in L(S), then x is in L(RS), and if y is in L(T ), then
 x is in L(RT ). In either case,
x is in L(RS | RT ). Thus everything in L R(S | T ) is in L(RS | RT ).
We must also prove the converse, that everything in L(RS | RT ) is in

L R(S | T )
If x is in the former language, then x is either in L(RS) or in L(RT ). Suppose x is
in L(RS). Then x = rs, where r is in L(R) and s is in L(S). Thus s is in L(S | T ),
and therefore x is in L R(S | T ) . Similarly, if x is in L(RT ), we can show that
x must be in L R(S | T ) . We have now shown containment in both directions,
which proves the equivalence (7).

Ways Union and Concatenation Differ from Plus and Times

One reason that union fails to be analogous to addition is the idempotent law. That
is, union is idempotent, but addition is not.
9. Idempotence of union. (R | R) ≡ R.
Concatenation also deviates from multiplication in an important way, since
concatenation is not commutative, while multiplication of reals or integers is com-
mutative. To see why RS is not in general equivalent to SR, take a simple example
such as R = a and S = b. Then L(RS) = {ab}, while L(SR) = {ba}, a different

Equivalences Involving Closure

There are a number of useful equivalences involving the closure operator.
10. ∅* ≡ ǫ. You may check that both sides denote the language {ǫ}.

11. RR* ≡ R*R. Note that both sides are equivalent to R+ in the extended
notation of Section 10.6.
12. (RR* | ǫ) ≡ R*. That is, the union of R+ and the empty string is equivalent
to R*.


10.7.1: Prove that the right distributive law of concatenation over union, equiva-
lence (8), holds.
10.7.2: The equivalences ∅∅ ≡ ∅ and ǫǫ ≡ ǫ follow from equivalences already stated,
by substitution for variables. Which equivalences do we use?
10.7.3: Prove equivalences (10) through (12).
10.7.4: Prove that
a) (R | R*) ≡ R*
b) (ǫ | R*) ≡ R*
10.7.5*: Are there examples of particular regular expressions R and S that are
“commutative,” in the sense that RS = SR for these particular expressions? Give
a proof if not, or some examples if so.
10.7.6*: The operand ∅ is not needed in regular expressions, except that without
it, we could not find a regular expression whose language is the empty set. Call a
∅-free regular regular expression ∅-free if it has no occurrences of ∅. Prove by induction on the
expression number of operator occurrences in a ∅-free regular expression R, that L(R) is not
the empty set. Hint : The next section gives an example of an induction on the
number of operator occurrences of a regular expression.
10.7.7**: Show by induction on the number of operator occurrences in a regular
expression R, that R is equivalent to either the regular expression ∅, or some ∅-free
regular expression.

✦ ✦

10.8 From Regular Expressions to Automata
Remember our initial discussion of automata in Section 10.2, where we observed a
close relationship between deterministic automata and programs that used the con-
cept of “state” to distinguish the roles played by different parts of the program. We
said then that designing deterministic automata is often a good way to design such
programs. However, we also saw that deterministic automata could be hard to de-
sign. We saw in Section 10.3 that sometimes nondeterministic automata were easier
to design, and that the subset construction allows us to turn any nondeterministic
automaton into a deterministic one. Now that we have met regular expressions, we
see that often it is even easier to write a regular expression than it is to design a
nondeterministic automaton.
Thus, it is good news that there is a way to convert any regular expression into
a nondeterministic automaton, and from there we can use the subset construction
to convert to a deterministic automaton. In fact, we shall see in the next section
that it is also possible to convert any automaton into a regular expression whose

Not All Languages Are Described by Automata

While we have seen many languages that can be described by automata or regular
expressions, there are languages that cannot be so described. The intuition is that
“automata cannot count.” That is, if we feed an automaton with n states a sequence
of n of the same symbol, it must twice enter the same state. It then cannot remember
exactly how many symbols it has seen. Thus it is not possible, for example, for an
automaton to recognize all and only the strings of balanced parentheses. Since
regular expressions and automata define the same languages, there is likewise no
regular expression whose language is exactly the strings of balanced parentheses.
We shall consider the matter of what languages are not definable by automata in
the next chapter.

language is exactly the set of strings that the automaton accepts. Thus automata
and regular expressions have exactly the same capability to describe languages.
In this section, we need to do a number of things to show how regular expres-
sions are converted to automata.

1. We introduce automata with ǫ-transitions, that is, with arcs labeled ǫ. These
arcs are used in paths but do not contribute to the labels of paths. This form
of automaton is an intermediate between regular expressions and the automata
discussed earlier in this chapter.

2. We show how to convert any regular expression to an automaton with ǫ-

transitions that defines the same language.

3. We show how to convert any automaton with ǫ-transitions to an automaton

without ǫ-transitions that accepts the same language.

Automata with Epsilon-Transitions

We first extend our notion of automata to allow arcs labeled ǫ. Such automata still
accept a string s if and only if there is a path labeled s from the start state to an
accepting state. However, note that ǫ, the empty string, is “invisible” in strings,
and so when constructing the label for a path we in effect delete all the ǫ’s and use
only the “real” characters.

✦ Example 10.24. Consider the automaton with ǫ-transitions shown in Fig.

10.26. Here, state 0 is the start state, and state 3 is the lone accepting state. One
path from state 0 to state 3 is
0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 3

The labels of the arcs form the sequence


1 2

ǫ ǫ

0 3

ǫ ǫ ǫ
b ǫ ǫ c ǫ
4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 10.26. An automaton with ǫ-transitions for a | bc*.

When we remember that ǫ concatenated with any other string is that other string,
we see we can “drop out” the ǫ’s to get the string bcc, which is the label of the
path in question.
You can probably discover that the paths from state 0 to state 3 are labeled
by all and only the strings a, b, bc, bcc, bccc, and so on. A regular expression for
this set is a | bc*, and we shall see that the automaton of Fig. 10.26 is constructed
naturally from that expression. ✦

From Expressions to Automata with Epsilon-Transitions

We convert a regular expression to an automaton using an algorithm derived from a
complete induction on the number of operator occurrences in the regular expression.
The idea is similar to a structural induction on trees that we introduced in Section
5.5, and the correspondence becomes clearer if we represent regular expressions by
their expression trees, with atomic operands at the leaves and operators at interior
nodes. The statement that we shall prove is:

STATEMENT S(n): If R is a regular expression with n occurrences of operators

and no variables as atomic operands, then there is an automaton A with
ǫ-transitions that accepts those strings in L(R) and no others. Moreover, A
1. Only one accepting state,
2. No arcs into its start state, and
3. No arcs out of its accepting state.

BASIS. If n = 0, then R must be an atomic operand, which is either ∅, ǫ, or x for

some symbol x. In these three cases, we can design a 2-state automaton that meets
the requirements of the statement S(0). These automata are shown in Fig. 10.27.
It is important to understand that we create a new automaton, with states
distinct from those of any other automaton, for each occurrence of an operand in
the regular expression. For instance, if there were three occurrences of a in the

expression, we would create three different automata, with six states in all, each
similar to Fig. 10.27(c), but with a in place of x.
The automaton of Fig. 10.27(a) evidently accepts no strings, since you cannot
get from the start state to the accepting state; thus its language is ∅. Figure 10.27(b)
is suitable for ǫ, since it accepts the empty string but no other. Figure 10.27(c) is
an automaton for accepting only the string x. We can create new automata with
different values of the symbol x as we choose. Note that each of these automata
satisfies the three requirements stated above; there is one accepting state, no arcs
into the start state and no arcs out of the accepting state.

(a) Automaton for ∅.

start ǫ

(b) Automaton for ǫ.

start x

(c) Automaton for x.

Fig. 10.27. Automata for basis cases.

INDUCTION. Now suppose that S(i) is true for all i ≤ n; that is, for any regular
expression R with up to n operator occurrences, there is an automaton satisfying
the conditions of the inductive hypothesis and accepting all and only the strings
in L(R). Now, let R be a regular expression with n + 1 operator occurrences. We
focus on the “outermost” operator in R; that is, R can only be of the form R1 | R2 ,
R1 R2 , or R1 *, depending on whether union, concatenation, or closure was the last
operator used when R was formed.
In any of these three cases, R1 and R2 cannot have more than n operators,
because there is one operator of R that is not part of either.7 Thus the inductive
hypothesis applies to R1 and R2 in all three cases. We can prove S(n + 1) by
consideration of these cases in turn.

Case 1. If R = R1 | R2 , then we construct the automaton of Fig. 10.28(a). We do

so by taking the automata for R1 and R2 and adding two new states, one the start
state and the other the accepting state. The start state of the automaton for R has
ǫ-transitions to the start states of the automata for R1 and R2 . The accepting states
of those two automata have ǫ-transitions to the accepting state of the automaton
for R. However, the start and accepting states of the automata for R1 and R2 are
not start or accepting states in the constructed automaton.
The reason that this construction works is that the only ways to get from the
start state to the accepting state in the automaton for R is to follow an ǫ-labeled arc
to the start state of the automaton for R1 or that for R2 . Then, we must follow a

7 Let us not forget that even though concatenation is represented by juxtaposition, rather
than a visible operator symbol, uses of concatenation still count as operator occurrences
when deciding how many operator occurrences R has.

For R1

ǫ ǫ


ǫ ǫ

For R2

(a) Constructing the automaton for the union of two regular expressions.

start ǫ
For R1 For R2

(b) Constructing the automaton for the concatenation of two regular expressions.

start ǫ ǫ
For R1

(c) Constructing the automaton for the closure of a regular expression.

Fig. 10.28. Inductive part of the construction of an automaton from a regular expression.

path in the chosen automaton to get to its accepting state, and then an ǫ-transition
to the accepting state of the automaton for R. This path is labeled by some string
s that the automaton we traveled through accepts, because we go from the start
state to the accepting state of that automaton. Therefore, s is either in L(R1 ) or
L(R2 ), depending on which automaton we traveled through. Since we only add
ǫ’s to that path’s labels, the automaton of Fig. 10.28(a) also accepts s. Thus the
strings accepted are those in L(R1 ) ∪ L(R2 ), which is L(R1 | R2 ), or L(R).

Case 2. If R = R1 R2 , then we construct the automaton of Fig. 10.28(b). This

automaton has as its start state the start state of the automaton for R1 , and as its
accepting state the accepting state of the automaton for R2 . We add an ǫ-transition
from the accepting state of the automaton for R1 to the start state of the automaton
for R2 . The accepting state of the first automaton is no longer accepting, and the
start state of the second automaton is no longer the start state in the constructed

The only way to get from the start to the accepting state of Fig. 10.28(b) is
1. Along a path labeled by a string s in L(R1 ), to get from the start state to the
accepting state of the automaton for R1 , then
2. Along the arc labeled ǫ to the start state of the automaton for R2 , and then
3. Along a path labeled by some string t in L(R2 ) to get to the accepting state.
The label of this path is st. Thus the automaton of Fig. 10.28(b) accepts exactly
the strings in L(R1 R2 ), or L(R).

Case 3. If R = R1 *, we construct the automaton of Fig. 10.28(c). We add to

the automaton for R1 a new start and accepting state. The start state has an
ǫ-transition to the accepting state (so string ǫ is accepted), and to the start state
of the automaton for R1 . The accepting state of the automaton for R1 is given an
ǫ-transition back to its start state, and one to the accepting state of the automaton
for R. The start and accepting states of the automaton for R1 are not start or
accepting in the constructed automaton.
The paths from start to accepting state in Fig. 10.28(c) are either labeled ǫ (if
we go directly) or labeled by the concatenation of one or more strings from L(R1 ),
as we go through the automaton for R1 and, optionally, around to the start as
many times as we like. Note that we do not have to follow the same path through
the automaton for R1 each time around. Thus the labels of the paths through Fig.
10.28(c) are exactly the strings in L(R1 *), which is L(R).

a ·

b ∗

Fig. 10.29. Expression tree for the regular expression a | bc*.

✦ Example 10.25. Let us construct the automaton for the regular expression
a | bc*. An expression tree for this regular expression is shown in Fig. 10.29; it is
analogous to the expression trees we discussed in Section 5.2, and it helps us see
the order in which the operators are applied to the operands.
There are three leaves, and for each, we construct an instance of the automaton
of Fig. 10.27(c). These automata are shown in Fig. 10.30, and we have used the
states that are consistent with the automaton of Fig. 10.26, which as we mentioned,
is the automaton we shall eventually construct for our regular expression. It should
be understood, however, that it is essential for the automata corresponding to the

various occurrences of operands to have distinct states. In our example, since each
operand is different, we would expect to use different states for each, but even if
there were several occurrences of a, for example, in the expression, we would create
distinct automata for each occurrence.
start a
1 2
(a) Automaton for a.

start b
4 5
(b) Automaton for b.

start c
7 8
(c) Automaton for c.

Fig. 10.30. Automata for a, b, and c.

Now we must work up the tree of Fig. 10.29, applying operators and construct-
ing larger automata as we go. The first operator applied is the closure operator,
which is applied to operand c. We use the construction of Fig. 10.28(c) for the
closure. The new states introduced are called 6 and 9, again to be consistent with
Fig. 10.26. Fig. 10.31 shows the automaton for the regular expression c*.

start ǫ c ǫ
6 7 8 9

Fig. 10.31. Automaton for c*.

Next, we apply the concatenation operator to b and c*. We use the construc-
tion of Fig. 10.28(b), and the resulting automaton is shown in Fig. 10.32.

start b ǫ ǫ c ǫ
4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 10.32. Automaton for bc*.

Finally, we apply the union operator to a and bc*. The construction used is
that of Fig. 10.28(a), and we call the new states introduced 0 and 3. The resulting
automaton appeared in Fig. 10.26. ✦

Eliminating Epsilon-Transitions
If we are in any state s of an automaton with ǫ-transitions, we in effect are also
in any state that we can get to from s by following a path of arcs labeled ǫ. The
reason is that whatever string labels the path we’ve taken to get to state s, the
same string will be the label of the path extended with ǫ-transitions.

✦ Example 10.26. In Fig. 10.26, we can get to the state 5 by following a path
labeled b. From state 5, we can get to states 6, 7, 9, and 3 by following paths of
ǫ-labeled arcs. Thus if we are in state 5, we are, in effect, also in these four other
states. For instance, since 3 is an accepting state, we can think of 5 as an accepting
state as well, since every input string that gets us to state 5 will also get us to state
3, and thus be accepted. ✦

Thus the first question we need to ask is, from each state, what other states
can we reach following only ǫ-transitions? We gave an algorithm to answer this
question in Section 9.7, when we studied reachability as an application of depth-
first search. For the problem at hand, we have only to modify the graph of the
finite automaton by removing transitions on anything but ǫ. That is, for each real
symbol x, we remove all arcs labeled by x. Then, we perform a depth-first search
of the remaining graph from each node. The nodes visited during the depth-first
search from node v is exactly the set of node reachable from v using ǫ-transitions
Recall that one depth-first search takes O(m) time, where m is the larger of
the number of nodes and arcs of the graph. In this case, there are n depth-first
searches to do, if the graph has n nodes, for a total of O(mn) time. However, there
are at most two arcs out of any one node in the automata constructed from regular
expressions by the algorithm described previously in this section. Thus m ≤ 2n,
and O(mn) is O(n2 ) time.

1 2

ǫ ǫ

0 3

ǫ ǫ ǫ
ǫ ǫ ǫ
4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 10.33. The ǫ-transitions from Fig. 10.26.

✦ Example 10.27. In Fig. 10.33 we see the arcs that remain from Fig. 10.26
when the three arcs labeled by a real symbol, a, b, or c, are deleted. Figure 10.34
is a table giving the reachability information for Fig. 10.33; that is, a 1 in row i and
column j means that there is a path of length 0 or more from node i to node j. ✦

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 1 1
1 1
2 1 1
3 1
4 1
5 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 1 1
7 1
8 1 1 1 1
9 1 1

Fig. 10.34. Table of reachability for Fig. 10.33.

Armed with the reachability information, we can construct our equivalent au-
tomaton that has no ǫ-transitions. The idea is to bundle into one transition of the
new automaton a path of zero or more ǫ-transitions of the old automaton followed
by one transition of the old automaton on a real symbol. Every such transition
takes us to the second state of one of the automata that were introduced by the
basis rule of Fig. 10.27(c), the rule for operands that are real symbols. The reason
is that only these states are entered by arcs with real symbols as labels. Thus our
new automaton needs only these states and the start state for its own set of states.
Important state Let us call these states the important states.
In the new automaton, there is a transition from important state i to important
state j with symbol x among its labels if there is some state k such that
1. State k is reachable from state i along a path of zero or more ǫ-transitions.
Note that k = i is always permitted.
2. In the old automaton, there is a transition from state k to state j, labeled x.
We also must decide which states are accepting states in the new automaton.
As we mentioned, when we are in a state, we are effectively in any state it can reach
along ǫ-labeled arcs, and so in the new automaton, we shall make state i accepting if
there is, in the old automaton, a path of ǫ-labeled arcs from state i to the accepting
state of the old automaton. Note that i may itself be the accepting state of the old
automaton, which therefore remains accepting in the new automaton.

✦ Example 10.28. Let us convert the automaton of Fig. 10.26 to an automaton

without ǫ-transitions, accepting the same language. First, the important states are

state 0, which is the initial state, and states 2, 5, and 8, because these are entered
by arcs labeled by a real symbol.
We shall begin by discovering the transitions for state 0. According to Fig.
10.34, from state 0 we can reach states 0, 1, and 4 along paths of ǫ-labeled arcs.
We find a transition on a from state 1 to 2 and a transition on b from 4 to 5. Thus
in the new automaton, there is a transition from 0 to 2 labeled a and from 0 to 5
labeled b. Notice that we have collapsed the paths 0 → 1 → 2 and 0 → 4 → 5 of
Fig. 10.26 into single transitions with the label of the non-ǫ transition along those
paths. As neither state 0, nor the states 1 and 4 that it reaches along ǫ-labeled
paths are accepting states, in the new automaton, state 0 is not accepting.


5 8

Fig. 10.35. Automaton constructed from Fig. 10.26 by eliminating ǫ-transitions.

Note that this automaton accepts all and only the strings in L(a | bc*).

Next, consider the transitions out of state 2. Figure 10.34 tells us that from 2
we can reach only itself and 3 via ǫ-transitions, and so we must look for transitions
out of states 2 or 3 on real symbols. Finding none, we know that there are no
transitions out of state 2 in the new automaton. However, since 3 is accepting, and
2 reaches 3 by ǫ-transitions, we make 2 accepting in the new automaton.
When we consider state 5, Fig. 10.34 tells us to look at states 3, 5, 6, 7, and
9. Among these, only state 7 has a non-ǫ transition out; it is labeled c and goes to
state 8. Thus in the new automaton, the only transition out of state 5 is a transition
on c to state 8. We make state 5 accepting in the new automaton, since it reaches
accepting state 3 following ǫ-labeled arcs.
Finally, we must look at the transitions out of state 8. By reasoning similar to
that for state 5, we conclude that in the new automaton, the only transition out of
state 8 is to itself and is labeled c. Also, state 8 is accepting in the new automaton.
Figure 10.35 shows the new automaton. Notice that the set of strings it accepts
is exactly those strings in L(a | bc*), that is, the string a (which takes us to state
2), the string b (which takes us to state 5), and the strings bc, bcc, bccc, and
so on, all of which take us to state 8. The automaton of Fig. 10.35 happens to
be deterministic. If it were not, we would have to use the subset construction to
convert it to a deterministic automaton, should we wish to design a program that
would recognize the strings of the original regular expression. ✦


Fig. 10.36. Simpler automaton for the language L(a | bc*).

Incidentally, there is a simpler deterministic automaton that accepts the same

language as Fig. 10.35. This automaton is shown in Fig. 10.36. In effect, we get
the improved automaton by recognizing that states 5 and 8 are equivalent and can
be merged. The resulting state is called 5 in Fig. 10.36.

10.8.1: Construct automata with ǫ-transitions for the following regular expressions.
a) aaa Hint : Remember to create a new automaton for each occurrence of operand
b) (ab | ac)*
c) (0 | 1 | 1*)*
10.8.2: For each of the automata constructed in Exercise 10.8.1, find the reachable
sets of nodes for the graph formed from the ǫ-labeled arcs. Note that you need only
construct the reachable states for the start state and the states that have non-ǫ
transitions in, when you construct the automaton without ǫ-transitions.
10.8.3: For each of the automata of Exercise 10.8.1, construct an equivalent au-
tomaton without ǫ-transitions.
10.8.4: Which of the automata in Exercise 10.8.3 are deterministic? For those that
are not, construct an equivalent deterministic automaton.
10.8.5*: For the deterministic automata constructed from Exercises 10.8.3 or Ex-
ercise 10.8.4, are there equivalent deterministic automata with fewer states? If so,
find minimal ones.
10.8.6*: We can generalize our construction from a regular expression to an au-
tomaton with ǫ-transitions to include expressions that use the extended operators
of Section 10.7. That statement is true in principle, since each of those extensions is
a shorthand for an “ordinary” regular expression, by which we could replace the ex-
tended operator. However, we can also incorporate the extended operators directly
into our construction. Show how to modify the construction to cover

a) the ? operator (zero or one occurrences)

b) the + operator (one or more occurrences)
c) character classes.
10.8.7: We can modify the case for concatenation in our algorithm to convert
a regular expression into an automaton. In Fig. 10.28(b), we introduced an ǫ-
transition from the accepting state of the automaton for R1 to the initial state of
the automaton for R2 . An alternative is to merge the accepting state of R1 with the
initial state of R2 as shown in Fig. 10.37. Construct an automaton for the regular
expression ab*c using both the old and the modified algorithms.

For R1 For R2

Fig. 10.37. Alternative automaton for the concatenation of two regular expressions.

✦ ✦

10.9 From Automata to Regular Expressions
In this section, we shall demonstrate the other half of the equivalence between
automata and regular expressions, by showing that for every automaton A there is a
regular expression whose language is exactly the set of strings accepted by A. While
we generally use the construction of the last section, where we convert “designs” in
the form of regular expressions into programs, in the form of deterministic automata,
this construction is also interesting and instructive. It completes the proof of the
equivalence, in expressive power, of two radically different notations for describing
Our construction involves the elimination of states, one by one, from an au-
tomaton. As we proceed, we replace the labels on the arcs, which are initially
sets of characters, by more complicated regular expressions. Initially, if we have
label {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn } on an arc, we replace the label by the regular expression
x1 | x2 | · · · | xn , which represents essentially the same set of symbols, although
technically the regular expression represents strings of length 1.
In general, we can think of the label of a path as the concatenation of the regular
expressions along that path, or as the language defined by the concatenation of those
expressions. That view is consistent with our notion of a path labeled by a string.
That is, if the arcs of a path are labeled by the regular expressions R1 , R2 , . . . , Rn ,
in that order, then the path is labeled by w, if and only if string w is in the language
L(R1 R2 · · · Rn ).

✦ Example 10.29. Consider the path 0 → 1 → 2 in Fig. 10.38. The regular

expressions labeling the arcs are a | b and a | b | c, in that order. Thus the set of
strings labeling this path are those in the language defined by the regular expression
(a | b)(a | b | c),
namely, {aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc}. ✦

a|b a|b|c
0 1 2

Fig. 10.38. Path with regular expressions as labels. The label of the path is the
language of the concatenated regular expressions.

The State-Elimination Construction

The key step in conversion from an automaton to a regular expression is the elimi-
nation of states, which is illustrated in Fig. 10.39. We wish to eliminate state u, but
we must keep the regular expression labels of the arcs so that the set of labels of the
paths between any two of the remaining states does not change. In Fig. 10.39 the
predecessors of state u are s1 , s2 , . . . , sn , and the successors of u are t1 , t2 , . . . , tm .
Although we have shown the s’s and the t’s to be disjoint sets of states, there could
in fact be some states common to the two groups.

s1 t1

S1 T1
s2 t2
S2 T2
· ·
· u ·
· Sn Tm ·

sn tm

Fig. 10.39. We wish to eliminate state u.

However, if u is a successor of itself, we represent that fact explicitly by an arc

labeled U . Should there be no such loop at state u, we can introduce it and give
it label ∅. An arc with label ∅ is “not there,” because any label of a path using
that arc will be the concatenation of regular expressions including ∅. Since ∅ is the
annihilator for concatenation, every such concatenation defines the empty language.
We have also shown explicitly an arc from s1 to t1 , labeled R11 . In general, we
suppose that for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n, and for every j = 1, 2, . . . , m, there is an arc
from si to tj , labeled by some regular expression Rij . If the arc si → tj is actually
not present, we can introduce it and give it label ∅.
Finally, in Fig. 10.39 there is an arc from each si to u, labeled by regular
expression Si , and there is an arc from u to each tj , labeled by regular expression
Tj . If we eliminate node u, then these arcs and the arc labeled U in Fig. 10.39 will
go away. To preserve the set of strings labeling paths, we must consider each pair
si and tj and add to the label of the arc si → tj a regular expression that accounts
for what is lost.
Before eliminating u, the set of strings labeling the paths from si to u, including
those going around the loop u → u several times, and then from u to tj , is described
by the regular expression Si U *Tj . That is, a string in L(Si ) gets us from si to u;
a string in L(U *) gets us from u to u, following the loop zero, one, or more times.
Finally, a string in L(Tj ) gets us from u to tj .

Hence, after eliminating u and all arcs into or out of u, we must replace Rij ,
the label of the arc si → tj , by
Rij | Si U *Tj
There are a number of useful special cases. First, if U = ∅, that is, the loop on
u is not really there, then U * = ∅* = ǫ. Since ǫ is the identity under concatenation,
(Si ǫ)Tj = Si Tj ; that is, U has effectively disappeared as it should. Similarly, if
Rij = ∅, meaning that there was formerly no arc from si to tj , then we introduce
this arc and give it label Si U *Tj , or just Si Tj , if U = ∅. The reason we can do so
is that ∅ is the identity for union, and so ∅ | Si U *Tj = Si U *Tj .

b d
1 0
0 1 0 1

a c

0 0

Fig. 10.40. Finite automaton for bounce filter.

✦ Example 10.30. Let us consider the bounce filter automaton of Fig. 10.4,
which we reproduce here as Fig. 10.40. Suppose we wish to eliminate state b, which
thus plays the role of state u in Fig. 10.39. State b has one predecessor, a, and two
successors, a and c. There is no loop on b, and so we introduce one, labeled ∅. There
is an arc from a to itself, labeled 0. Since a is both a predecessor and a successor
of b, this arc is needed in the transformation. The only other predecessor-successor
pair is a and c. Since there is no arc a → c, we add one with label ∅. The diagram
of relevant states and arcs is as shown in Fig. 10.41.

1 0
a b a

∅ c

Fig. 10.41. State b, its predecessors, and successors.


For the a–a pair, we replace the label of the arc a → a by 0 | 1∅*0. The term
0 represents the original label of the arc, the 1 is the label of the arc a → b, ∅ is
the label of the loop b → b, and the second 0 is the label of the arc b → a. We can
simplify, as described above, to eliminate ∅*, leaving us with the expression 0 | 10.
That makes sense. In Fig. 10.40, the paths from a to a, going through b zero or
more times, but no other state, have the set of labels {0, 10}.
The pair a–c is handled similarly. We replace the label ∅ on the arc a → c by
∅ | 1∅*1, which simplifies to 11. That again makes sense, since in Fig. 10.40, the
only path from a to c, via b has label 11. When we eliminate node b and change
the arc labels, Fig. 10.40 becomes Fig. 10.42. Note that in this automaton, some
of the arcs have labels that are regular expressions whose languages have strings of
length greater than 1. However, the sets of path labels for the paths among states
a, c, and d has not changed from what they were in Fig. 10.40. ✦

0 1

start 11
a c

0 | 10 1

Fig. 10.42. Bounce filter automaton after eliminating state b.

Complete Reduction of Automata

To obtain a regular expression that denotes all and only the strings accepted by an
automaton A we consider each accepting state t of A in turn. Every string accepted
by A is accepted because it labels a path from the start state, s, to some accepting
state t. We can develop a regular expression for the strings that get us from s to a
particular accepting state t, as follows.
We repeatedly eliminate states of A until only s and t remain. Then, the
automaton looks like Fig. 10.43. We have shown all four possible arcs, each with a
regular expression as its label. If one or more of the possible arcs does not exist,
we may introduce it and label it ∅.


s t

Fig. 10.43. An automaton reduced to two states.

We need to discover what regular expression describes the set of labels of paths
that start at s and end at t. One way to express this set of strings is to recognize
that each such path gets to t for the first time, and then goes from t to itself, zero
or more times, possibly passing through s as it goes. The set of strings that take
us to t for the first time is L(S*U ). That is, we use strings in L(S) zero or more
times, staying in state s as we do, and then we follow a string from L(U ). We can
stay in state t either by following a string in L(T ), which takes us from t to t, or by
following a string in V S*U , which takes us to state s, keeps us at s for a while, and
then takes us back to t. We can follow zero or more strings from these two groups,
in any order, which we can express as (T | V S*U )*. Thus a regular expression for
the set of strings that get us from state s to state t is
S*U (T | V S*U )* (10.4)

There is one special case, when the start state s is itself an accepting state.
Then, there are strings that are accepted because they take the automaton A from
s to s. We eliminate all states but s, leaving an automaton that looks like Fig.
10.44. The set of strings that take A from s to s is L(S*). Thus we may use S* as
a regular expression to account for the contribution of accepting state s.


Fig. 10.44. Automaton with only the start state.

The complete algorithm for converting an automaton A with start state s to

an equivalent regular expression is as follows. For each accepting state t, start with
the automaton A and eliminate states until only s and t remain. Of course, we start
anew with the original automaton A for each accepting state t.
If s 6= t, use formula (10.4) to get a regular expression whose language is the
set of strings that take A from s to t. If s = t, use S*, where S is the label of the arc
s → s, as the regular expression. Then, take the union of the regular expressions for
each accepting state t. The language of that expression is exactly the set of strings
accepted by A.

✦ Example 10.31. Let us develop a regular expression for the bounce-filter

automaton of Fig. 10.40. As c and d are the accepting states, we need to

1. Eliminate states b and d from Fig. 10.40 to get an automaton involving only a
and c.
2. Eliminate states b and c from Fig. 10.40 to get an automaton involving only a
and d.

Since in each case we must eliminate state b, Fig. 10.42 has gotten us half way
toward both goals. For (1), let us eliminate state d from Fig. 10.42. There is a path
labeled 00 from c to a via d, so we need to introduce an arc labeled 00 from c to
a. There is a path labeled 01 from c to itself, via d, so we need to add label 01 to
the label of the loop at c, and that label becomes 1 | 01. The resulting automaton
is shown in Fig. 10.45.


start 11
a c

0 | 10 1 | 01

Fig. 10.45. Automaton of Fig. 10.40 reduced to states a and c.

Now for goal (2) we shall again start at Fig. 10.42 and eliminate state c this
time. In Fig. 10.42 we can go from state a to state d via c, and the regular expression
describing the possible strings is 111*0.8 That is, 11 takes us from a to c, 1* allows
us to loop at c zero or more times, and finally 0 takes us from c to d. Thus we
introduce an arc labeled 111*0 from a to d. Similarly, in Fig. 10.42 we can go from
d to itself, via c, by following strings in 11*0. Thus this expression becomes the
label of a loop at d. The reduced automaton is shown in Fig. 10.46.

start 111*0
a d

0 | 10 11*0

Fig. 10.46. Automaton of Fig. 10.40 reduced to states a and d.

Now we may apply the formula developed in (10.4) to the automata in Figs.
10.45 and 10.46. For Fig. 10.45, we have S = 0 | 10, U = 11, V = 00, and
T = 1 | 01. Thus a regular expression denoting the set of strings that take the
automaton of Fig. 10.40 from start state a to accepting state c is

(0 | 10)*11 (1 | 01) | 00(0 | 10)*11 * (10.5)
and the expression denoting the strings that take state a to accepting state d is

(0 | 10)*111*0 11*0 | 0(0 | 10)*111*0 * (10.6)

8 Remember that because * takes precedence over concatenation, 111*0 is parsed as 11(1*)0,
and represents the strings consisting of two or more 1’s followed by a 0.

The expression that denotes the strings accepted by the bounce filter automaton is
the union of (10.5) and (10.6), or
(0 | 10)*11 (1 | 01) | 00(0 | 10)*11 * |
(0 | 10)*111*0 11*0 | 0(0 | 10)*111*0 *

There is not much we can do to simplify this expression. There is a common

initial factor (0 | 10)*11, but little else in common. We can also remove the
parentheses around the factor (1 | 01) in (10.5), because union is associative. The
resulting expression is
(0 | 10)*11 1 | 01 | 00(0 | 10)*11 * | 1*0 11*0 | 0(0 | 10)*111*0 *

You may recall that we suggested a much simpler regular expression for the same
(0 | 1)*11(1 | 01)*(ǫ | 0)
This difference should remind us that there can be more than one regular expression
for the same language, and that the expression we get by converting an automaton
to a regular expression is not necessarily the simplest expression for that language. ✦

10.9.1: Find regular expressions for the automata of
a) Fig. 10.3
b) Fig. 10.9
c) Fig. 10.10
d) Fig. 10.12
e) Fig. 10.13
f) Fig. 10.17
g) Fig. 10.20
You may wish to use the shorthands of Section 10.6.
10.9.2: Convert the automata of Exercise 10.4.1 to regular expressions.
10.9.3*: Show that another regular expression we could use for the set of strings
that get us from state s to state t in Fig. 10.43 is (S | U T *V )*U T *.
10.9.4: How can you modify the construction of this section so that regular expres-
sions can be generated from automata with ǫ-transitions?

✦ ✦

10.10 Summary of Chapter 10
The subset construction of Section 10.4, together with the conversions of Sections
10.8 and 10.9, tell us that three ways to express languages have exactly the same
expressive power. That is, the following three statements about a language L are
either all true or all false.
1. There is some deterministic automaton that accepts all and only the strings in

2. There is some (possibly nondeterministic) automaton that accepts all and only
the strings in L.
3. L is L(R) for some regular expression R.
The subset construction shows that (2) implies (1). Evidently (1) implies (2),
since a deterministic automaton is a special kind of nondeterministic automaton.
We showed that (3) implies (2) in Section 10.8, and we showed (2) implies (3) in
Section 10.9. Thus, all of (1), (2), and (3) are equivalent.
In addition to these equivalences, we should take away a number of important
ideas from Chapter 10.
✦ Deterministic automata can be used as the core of programs that recognize
many different kinds of patterns in strings.
✦ Regular expressions are often a convenient notation for describing patterns.
✦ There are algebraic laws for regular expressions that make union and concate-
nation behave in ways similar to + and ×, but with some differences.

✦ ✦

10.11 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 10

The reader can learn more about the theory of automata and languages in Hopcroft
and Ullman [1979].
The automaton model for processing strings was first expressed in roughly the
form described here by Huffman [1954], although there were a number of similar
models discussed earlier and concurrently; the history can be found in Hopcroft
and Ullman [1979]. Regular expressions and their equivalence to automata are
from Kleene [1956]. Nondeterministic automata and the subset construction are
from Rabin and Scott [1959]. The construction of nondeterministic automata from
regular expressions that we used in Section 10.8 is from McNaughton and Yamada
[1960], while the construction in the opposite direction, in Section 10.9, is from
Kleene’s paper.
The use of regular expressions as a way to describe patterns in strings first
appeared in Ken Thompson’s QED system (Thompson [1968]), and the same ideas
later influenced many commands in his UNIX system. There are a number of other
applications of regular expressions in system software, much of which is described
in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman [1986].
Aho, A. V., R. Sethi, and J. D. Ullman [1986]. Compiler Design: Principles, Tech-
niques, and Tools, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Hopcroft, J. E. and J. D. Ullman [1979]. Introduction to Automata Theory, Lan-
guages, and Computation, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Huffman, D. A. [1954]. “The synthesis of sequential switching machines,” Journal
of the Franklin Institute 257:3-4, pp. 161–190 and 275–303.
Kleene, S. C. [1956]. “Representation of events in nerve nets and finite automata,”
in Automata Studies (C. E. Shannon and J. McCarthy, eds.), Princeton University

McNaughton, R. and H. Yamada [1960]. “Regular expressions and state graphs for
automata,” IEEE Trans. on Computers 9:1, pp. 39–47.
Rabin, M. O. and D. Scott [1959]. “Finite automata and their decision problems,”
IBM J. Research and Development 3:2, pp. 115-125.
Thompson, K. [1968]. “Regular expression search algorithm,” Comm. ACM 11:6,
pp. 419–422.

✦ ✦

of Patterns

In the last chapter, we saw two equivalent ways to describe patterns. One was
graph-theoretic, using the labels of paths in a kind of graph that we called an
“automaton.” The other was algebraic, using the regular expression notation. In
this chapter, we shall see a third way to describe patterns, using a form of recursive
definition called a “context-free grammar” (“grammar” for short).
One important application of grammars is the specification of programming
languages. Grammars are a succinct notation for describing the syntax of typical
programming languages; we shall see many examples in this chapter. Further, there
is mechanical way to turn a grammar for a typical programming language into a
“parser,” one of the key parts of a compiler for the language. The parser uncovers
the structure of the source program, often in the form of an expression tree for each
statement in the program.

✦ ✦

11.1 What This Chapter Is About

This chapter focuses on the following topics.

✦ Grammars and how grammars are used to define languages (Sections 11.2 and
✦ Parse trees, which are tree representations that display the structure of strings
according to a given grammar (Section 11.4).
✦ Ambiguity, the problem that arises when a string has two or more distinct
parse trees and thus does not have a unique “structure” according to a given
grammar (Section 11.5).

✦ A method for turning a grammar into a “parser,” which is an algorithm to tell

whether a given string is in a language (Sections 11.6 and 11.7).


✦ A proof that grammars are more powerful than regular expressions for describ-
ing languages (Section 11.8). First, we show that grammars are at least as
descriptive as regular expressions by showing how to simulate a regular ex-
pression with a grammar. Then we describe a particular language that can be
specified by a grammar, but by no regular expression.

✦ ✦

11.2 Context-Free Grammars
Arithmetic expressions can be defined naturally by a recursive definition. The
following example illustrates how the definition works. Let us consider arithmetic
expressions that involve
1. The four binary operators, +, −, ∗, and /,
2. Parentheses for grouping, and
3. Operands that are numbers.
The usual definition of such expressions is an induction of the following form:

BASIS. A number is an expression.

INDUCTION. If E is an expression, then each of the following is also an expression:

a) (E). That is, we may place parentheses around an expression to get a new
b) E + E. That is, two expressions connected by a plus sign is an expression.
c) E − E. This and the next two rules are analogous to (2), but use the other
d) E ∗ E.
e) E/E.

This induction defines a language, that is, a set of strings. The basis states
that any number is in the language. Rule (a) states that if s is a string in the
language, then so is the parenthesized string (s); this string is s preceded by a left
parenthesis and followed by a right parenthesis. Rules (b) to (e) say that if s and t
are two strings in the language, then so are the strings s+t, s-t, s*t, and s/t.
Grammars allow us to write down such rules succinctly and with a precise
meaning. As an example, we could write our definition of arithmetic expressions
with the grammar shown in Fig. 11.1.

(1) <Expression> → number

(2) <Expression> → ( <Expression> )
(3) <Expression> → <Expression> + <Expression>
(4) <Expression> → <Expression> – <Expression>
(5) <Expression> → <Expression> * <Expression>
(6) <Expression> → <Expression> / <Expression>

Fig. 11.1. Grammar for simple arithmetic expressions.


The symbols used in Fig. 11.1 require some explanation. The symbol
Syntactic is called a syntactic category; it stands for any string in the language of arithmetic
category expressions. The symbol → means “can be composed of.” For instance, rule (2) in
Fig. 11.1 states that an expression can be composed of a left parenthesis followed by
any string that is an expression followed by a right parenthesis. Rule (3) states that
an expression can be composed of any string that is an expression, the character +,
and any other string that is an expression. Rules (4) through (6) are similar to rule
Rule (1) is different because the symbol number on the right of the arrow is
not intended to be a literal string, but a placeholder for any string that can be
interpreted as a number. We shall later show how numbers can be defined gram-
matically, but for the moment let us imagine that number is an abstract symbol,
and expressions use this symbol to represent any atomic operand.

The Terminology of Grammars

There are three kinds of symbols that appear in grammars. The first are “meta-
Metasymbol symbols,” symbols that play special roles and do not stand for themselves. The
only example we have seen so far is the symbol →, which is used to separate the
syntactic category being defined from a way in which strings of that syntactic cat-
egory may be composed. The second kind of symbol is a syntactic category, which
as we mentioned represents a set of strings being defined. The third kind of symbol
Terminal is called a terminal. Terminals can be characters, such as + or (, or they can be
abstract symbols such as number, that stand for one or more strings we may wish
to define at a later time.
Production A grammar consists of one or more productions. Each line of Fig. 11.1 is a
production. In general, a production has three parts:
1. A head, which is the syntactic category on the left side of the arrow,
Head and body 2. The metasymbol →, and
3. A body, consisting of 0 or more syntactic categories and/or terminals on the
right side of the arrow.
For instance, in rule (2) of Fig. 11.1, the head is <Expression>, and the body
consists of three symbols: the terminal (, the syntactic category <Expression>,
and the terminal ).

✦ Example 11.1. We can augment the definition of expressions with which we

began this section by providing a definition of number. We assume that numbers
are strings consisting of one or more digits. In the extended regular-expression
notation of Section 10.6, we could say
digit = [0-9]
number = digit+
However, we can also express the same idea in grammatical notation. We could
write the productions

Notational Conventions
We denote syntactic categories by a name, in italics, surrounded by angular brackets,
for example, <Expression >. Terminals in productions will either be denoted by a
boldface x to stand for the string x (in analogy with the convention for regular
expressions), or by an italicized character string with no angular brackets, for the
case that the terminal, like number, is an abstract symbol.
We use the metasymbol ǫ to stand for an empty body. Thus, the production
<S> → ǫ means that the empty string is in the language of syntactic category <S>.
We sometimes group the bodies for one syntactic category into one production,
separating the bodies by the metasymbol |, which we can read as “or.” For example,
if we have productions
<S> → B1 , <S> → B2 , . . . , <S> → Bn
where the B’s are each the body of a production for the syntactic category <S>,
then we can write these productions as
<S> → B1 | B2 | · · · | Bn

<Digit > → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<Number> → <Digit >
<Number> → <Number> <Digit >
Note that, by our convention regarding the metasymbol |, the first line is short for
the ten productions
<Digit > → 0
<Digit > → 1
<Digit > → 9
We could similarly have combined the two productions for <Number> into one
line. Note that the first production for <Number > states that a single digit is a
number, and the second production states that any number followed by another
digit is also a number. These two productions together say that any string of one
or more digits is a number.
Figure 11.2 is an expanded grammar for expressions, in which the abstract
terminal number has been replaced by productions that define the concept. Notice
that the grammar has three syntactic categories, <Expression>, <Number> and
Start symbol <Digit >. We shall treat the syntactic category <Expression> as the start symbol;
it generates the strings (in this case, well-formed arithmetic expressions) that we
intend to define with the grammar. The other syntactic categories, <Number> and
<Digit >, stand for auxiliary concepts that are essential, but not the main concept
for which the grammar was written. ✦

✦ Example 11.2. In Section 2.6 we discussed the notion of strings of balanced

parentheses. There, we gave an inductive definition of such strings that resembles,
in an informal way, the formal style of writing grammars developed in this section.

Common Grammatical Patterns

Example 11.1 used two productions for <N umber> to say that “a number is a
string of one or more digits.” The pattern used there is a common one. In general,
if we have a syntactic category <X>, and Y is either a terminal or another syntactic
category, the productions
<X> → <X>Y | Y
say that any string of one or more Y ’s is an <X>. Adopting the regular expression
notation, <X> = Y + . Similarly, the productions
<X> → <X>Y | ǫ
tell us that every string of zero or more Y ’s is an <X>, or <X> = Y *. A slightly
more complex, but also common pattern is the pair of productions
<X> → <X>ZY | Y
which say that every string of alternating Y ’s and Z’s, beginning and ending with
a Y , is an <X>. That is, <X> = Y (ZY )*.
Moreover, we can reverse the order of the symbols in the body of the recursive
production in any of the three examples above. For instance,
<X> → Y <X> | Y
also defines <X> = Y + .

(1) <Digit > → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

(2) <Number> → <Digit >
(3) <Number> → <Number> <Digit >
(4) <Expression> → <Number >
(5) <Expression> → ( <Expression> )
(6) <Expression> → <Expression> + <Expression>
(7) <Expression> → <Expression> – <Expression>
(8) <Expression> → <Expression> * <Expression>
(9) <Expression> → <Expression> / <Expression>

Fig. 11.2. Grammar for expressions with numbers defined grammatically.

We defined a syntactic category of “balanced parenthesis strings” that we might

call <Balanced >. There was a basis rule stating that the empty string is balanced.
We can write this rule as a production,
<Balanced > → ǫ
Then there was an inductive step that said if x and y were balanced strings, then
so was (x)y. We can write this rule as a production
<Balanced > → ( <Balanced > ) <Balanced >
Thus, the grammar of Fig. 11.3 may be said to define balanced strings of parenthe-

<Balanced > → ǫ
<Balanced > → ( <Balanced > ) <Balanced >

Fig. 11.3. A grammar for balanced parenthesis strings.

There is another way that strings of balanced parentheses could be defined. If
we recall Section 2.6, our original motivation for describing such strings was that
they are the subsequences of parentheses that appear within expressions when we
delete all but the parentheses. Figure 11.1 gives us a grammar for expressions.
Consider what happens if we remove all terminals but the parentheses. Production
(1) becomes
<Expression> → ǫ
Production (2) becomes
<Expression> → ( <Expression> )
and productions (3) through (6) all become
<Expression> → <Expression> <Expression>
If we replace the syntactic category <Expression> by a more appropriate name,
<BalancedE >, we get another grammar for balanced strings of parentheses, shown
in Fig. 11.4. These productions are rather natural. They say that
1. The empty string is balanced,
2. If we parenthesize a balanced string, the result is balanced, and
3. The concatenation of balanced strings is balanced.

<BalancedE > → ǫ
<BalancedE > → ( <BalancedE > )
<BalancedE > → <BalancedE > <BalancedE >

Fig. 11.4. A grammar for balanced parenthesis strings

developed from the arithmetic expression grammar.

The grammars of Figs. 11.3 and 11.4 look rather different, but they do define
the same set of strings. Perhaps the easiest way to prove that they do is to show that
the strings defined by <BalancedE > in Fig. 11.4 are exactly the “profile balanced”
strings defined in Section 2.6. There, we proved the same assertion about the strings
defined by <Balanced > in Fig. 11.3. ✦

✦ Example 11.3. We can also describe the structure of control flow in languages
like C grammatically. For a simple example, it helps to imagine that there are ab-
stract terminals condition and simpleStat. The former stands for a conditional ex-
pression. We could replace this terminal by a syntactic category, say <Condition >.

The productions for <Condition> would resemble those of our expression grammar
above, but with logical operators like &&, comparison operators like <, and the
arithmetic operators.
The terminal simpleStat stands for a statement that does not involve nested
control structure, such as an assignment, function call, read, write, or jump state-
ment. Again, we could replace this terminal by a syntactic category and the pro-
ductions to expand it.
We shall use <Statement> for our syntactic category of C statements. One
way statements can be formed is through the while-construct. That is, if we have a
statement to serve as the body of the loop, we can precede it by the keyword while
and a parenthesized condition to form another statement. The production for this
statement-formation rule is
<Statement> → while ( condition ) <Statement>

Another way to build statements is through selection statements. These state-

ments take two forms, depending on whether or not they have an else-part; they
are expressed by the two productions
<Statement> → if ( condition ) <Statement>
<Statement> → if ( condition ) <Statement> else <Statement>
There are other ways to form statements as well, such as for-, repeat-, and case-
statements. We shall leave those productions as exercises; they are similar in spirit
to what we have seen.
However, one other important formation rule is the block, which is somewhat
different from those we have seen. A block is formed by curly braces { and },
surrounding zero or more statements. To describe blocks, we need an auxiliary
syntactic category, which we can call <StatList>; it stands for a list of statements.
The productions for <StatList> are simple:
<StatList> → ǫ
<StatList> → <StatList> <Statement>
That is, the first production says that a statement list can be empty. The second
production says that if we follow a list of statements by another statement, then we
have a list of statements.
Now we can define statements that are blocks as a statement list surrounded
by { and }, that is,
<Statement> → { <StatList> }
The productions we have developed, together with the basis production that states
that a statement can be a simple statement (assignment, call, input/output, or
jump) followed by a semicolon is shown in Fig. 11.5. ✦


11.2.1: Give a grammar to define the syntactic category <Identifier>, for all those
strings that are C identifiers. You may find it useful to define some auxiliary
syntactic categories like <Digit >.

<Statement> → while ( condition ) <Statement>

<Statement> → if ( condition ) <Statement>
<Statement> → if ( condition ) <Statement> else <Statement>
<Statement> → { <StatList> }
<Statement> → simpleStat ;
<StatList> → ǫ
<StatList> → <StatList> <Statement>

Fig. 11.5. Productions defining some of the statement forms of C.

11.2.2: Arithmetic expressions in C can take identifiers, as well as numbers, as

operands. Modify the grammar of Fig. 11.2 so that operands can also be identifiers.
Use your grammar from Exercise 11.2.1 to define identifiers.
11.2.3: Numbers can be real numbers, with a decimal point and an optional power
of 10, as well as integers. Modify the grammar for expressions in Fig. 11.2, or your
grammar from Exercise 11.2.2, to allow reals as operands.
11.2.4*: Operands of C arithmetic expressions can also be expressions involving
pointers (the * and & operators), fields of a record structure (the . and -> operators),
or array indexing. An index of an array can be any expression.
a) Write a grammar for the syntactic category <ArrayRef > to define strings
consisting of a pair of brackets surrounding an expression. You may use the
syntactic category <Expression> as an auxiliary.
b) Write a grammar for the syntactic category <N ame> to define strings that
refer to operands. An example of a name, as discussed in Section 1.4, is
(*a).b[c][d]. You may use <ArrayRef > as an auxiliary.
c) Write a grammar for arithmetic expressions that allow names as operands.
You may use <N ame> as an auxiliary. When you put your productions from
(a), (b), and (c) together, do you get a grammar that allows expressions like
11.2.5*: Show that the grammar of Fig. 11.4 generates the profile-balanced strings
defined in Section 2.6. Hint : Use two inductions on string length similar to the
proofs in Section 2.6.
11.2.6*: Sometimes expressions can have two or more kinds of balanced parenthe-
ses. For example, C expressions can have both round and square parentheses, and
both must be balanced; that is, every ( must match a ), and every [ must match
a ]. Write a grammar for strings of balanced parentheses of these two types. That
is, you must generate all and only the strings of such parentheses that could appear
in well-formed C expressions.
11.2.7: To the grammar of Fig. 11.5 add productions that define for-, do-while-,
and switch-statements. Use abstract terminals and auxiliary syntactic categories as
11.2.8*: Expand the abstract terminal condition in Example 11.3 to show the use
of logical operators. That is, define a syntactic category <Condition > to take the

place of the terminal condition. You may use an abstract terminal comparison to
represent any comparison expression, such as x+1<y+z. Then replace comparison by
a syntactic category <Comparison> that expresses arithmetic comparisons in terms
of the comparison operators such as < and a syntactic category <Expression >. The
latter can be defined roughly as in the beginning of Section 11.2, but with additional
operators found in C, such as unary minus and %.
11.2.9*: Write productions that will define the syntactic category <SimpleStat >,
to replace the abstract terminal simpleStat in Fig. 11.5. You may assume the syn-
tactic category <Expression> stands for C arithmetic expressions. Recall that a
“simple statement” can be an assignment, function call, or jump, and that, techni-
cally, the empty string is also a simple statement.

✦ ✦

11.3 Languages from Grammars
A grammar is essentially an inductive definition involving sets of strings. The major
departure from the examples of inductive definitions seen in Section 2.6 and many
of the examples we had in Section 11.2 is that with grammars it is routine for several
syntactic categories to be defined by one grammar. In contrast, our examples of
Section 2.6 each defined a single notion. Nonetheless, the way we constructed the set
of defined objects in Section 2.6 applies to grammars. For each syntactic category
<S> of a grammar, we define a language L(<S>), as follows:

BASIS. Start by assuming that for each syntactic category <S> in the grammar,
the language L(<S>) is empty.

INDUCTION. Suppose the grammar has a production <S> → X1 X2 · · · Xn , where

each Xi , for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, is either a syntactic category or a terminal. For each
i = 1, 2, . . . , n, select a string si for Xi as follows:
1. If Xi is a terminal, then we may only use Xi as the string si .
2. If Xi is a syntactic category, then select as si any string that is already known
to be in L(Xi ). If several of the Xi ’s are the same syntactic category, we can
pick a different string from L(Xi ) for each occurrence.
Then the concatenation s1 s2 · · · sn of these selected strings is a string in the language
L(<S>). Note that if n = 0, then we put ǫ in the language.

One systematic way to implement this definition is to make a sequence of rounds

through the productions of the grammar. On each round we update the language
of each syntactic category using the inductive rule in all possible ways. That is, for
each Xi that is a syntactic category, we pick strings from L(<Xi >) in all possible

✦ Example 11.4. Let us consider a grammar consisting of some of the productions

from Example 11.3, the grammar for some kinds of C statements. To simplify, we
shall only use the productions for while-statements, blocks, and simple statements,
and the two productions for statement lists. Further, we shall use a shorthand that

condenses the strings considerably. The shorthand uses the terminals w (while),
c (parenthesized condition), and s (simpleStat). The grammar uses the syntactic
category <S> for statements and the syntactic category <L> for statement lists.
The productions are shown in Fig. 11.6.

(1) <S> → w c <S>

(2) <S> → { <L> }
(3) <S> → s ;
(4) <L> → <L> <S>
(5) <L> → ǫ

Fig. 11.6. Simplified grammar for statements.

Let L be the language of strings in the syntactic category <L>, and let S
be the language of strings in the syntactic category <S>. Initially, by the basis
rule, both L and S are empty. In the first round, only productions (3) and (5)
are useful, because the bodies of all the other productions each have a syntactic
category, and we do not yet have any strings in the languages for the syntactic
categories. Production (3) lets us infer that s; is a string in the language S, and
production (5) tells us that ǫ is in language L.
The second round begins with L = {ǫ}, and S = {s;}. Production (1) now
allows us to add wcs; to S, since s; is already in S. That is, in the body of
production (1), terminals w and c can only stand for themselves, but syntactic
category <S> can be replaced by any string in the language S. Since at present,
string s; is the only member of S, we have but one choice to make, and that choice
yields the string wcs;.
Production (2) adds string {}, since terminals { and } can only stand for
themselves, but syntactic category <L> can stand for any string in language L. At
the moment, L has only ǫ.
Since production (3) has a body consisting of a terminal, it will never produce
any string other than s;, so we can forget this production from now on. Similarly,
production (5) will never produce any string other than ǫ, so we can ignore it on
this and future rounds.
Finally, production (4) produces string s; for L when we replace <L> by ǫ and
replace <S> by s;. At the end of round 2, the languages are S = {s;, wcs;, {}},
and L = {ǫ, s;}.
On the next round, we can use productions (1), (2), and (4) to produce new
strings. In production (1), we have three choices to substitute for <S>, namely s;,
wcs;, and {}. The first gives us a string for language S that we already have, but
the other two give us new strings wcwcs; and wc{}.
Production (2) allows us to substitute ǫ or s; for <L>, giving us old string {}
and new string {s;} for language S. In production (4), we can substitute ǫ or s;
for <L> and s;, wcs;, or {} for <S>, giving us for language L one old string, s;,
and the five new strings wcs;, {}, s;s;, s;wcs;, and s;{}.1

1 We are being extremely systematic about the way we substitute strings for syntactic cate-
gories. We assume that throughout each round, the languages L and S are fixed as they were
defined at the end of the previous round. Substitutions are made into each of the production
bodies. The bodies are allowed to produce new strings for the syntactic categories of the

The current languages are S = {s;, wcs;, {}, wcwcs;, wc{}, {s;}}, and
L = {ǫ, s;, wcs;, {}, s;s;, s;wcs;, s;{}}
We may proceed in this manner as long as we like. Figure 11.7 summarizes the first
three rounds. ✦

Round 1: s; ǫ
Round 2: wcs; s;
Round 3: wcwcs; wcs;
wc{} {}
{s;} s;s;

Fig. 11.7. New strings on first three rounds.

Infinite As in Example 11.4, the language defined by a grammar may be infinite. When
language a language is infinite, we cannot list every string. The best we can do is to enumerate
the strings by rounds, as we started to do in Example 11.4. Any string in the
language will appear on some round, but there is no round at which we shall have
produced all the strings. The set of strings that would ever be put into the language
of a syntactic category <S> forms the (infinite) language L(<S>).

11.3.1: What new strings are added on the fourth round in Example 11.4?
11.3.2*: On the ith round of Example 11.4, what is the length of the shortest
string that is new for either of the syntactic categories? What is the length of the
longest new string for
a) <S>
b) <L>?
11.3.3: Using the grammar of
a) Fig. 11.3
b) Fig. 11.4
generate strings of balanced parentheses by rounds. Do the two grammars generate
the same strings on the same rounds?

heads, but we do not use the strings newly constructed from one production in the body
of another production on the same round. It doesn’t matter. All strings that are going to
be generated will eventually be generated on some round, regardless of whether or not we
immediately recycle new strings into the bodies or wait for the next round to use the new

11.3.4: Suppose that each production with some syntactic category <S> as its
head also has <S> appearing somewhere in its body. Why is L(<S>) empty?
11.3.5*: When generating strings by rounds, as described in this section, the only
new strings that can be generated for a syntactic category <S> are found by making
a substitution for the syntactic categories of the body of some production for <S>,
such that at least one substituted string was newly discovered on the previous round.
Explain why the italicized condition is correct.
11.3.6**: Suppose we want to tell whether a particular string s is in the language
of some syntactic category <S>.
a) Explain why, if on some round, all the new strings generated for any syntactic
category are longer than s, and s has not already been generated for L(<S>),
then s cannot ever be put in L(<S>). Hint : Use Exercise 11.3.5.
b) Explain why, after some finite number of rounds, we must fail to generate any
new strings that are as short as or shorter than s.
c) Use (a) and (b) to develop an algorithm that takes a grammar, one of its
syntactic categories <S>, and a string of terminals s, and tells whether s is in

✦ ✦

11.4 Parse Trees
As we have seen, we can discover that a string s belongs to the language L(<S>),
for some syntactic category <S>, by the repeated application of productions. We
start with some strings derived from basis productions, those that have no syntactic
category in the body. We then “apply” productions to strings already derived for
the various syntactic categories. Each application involves substituting strings for
occurrences of the various syntactic categories in the body of the production, and
thereby constructing a string that belongs to the syntactic category of the head.
Eventually, we construct the string s by applying a production with <S> at the
It is often useful to draw the “proof” that s is in L(<S>) as a tree, which
we call a parse tree. The nodes of a parse tree are labeled, either by terminals, by
syntactic categories, or by the symbol ǫ. The leaves are labeled only by terminals
or ǫ, and the interior nodes are labeled only by syntactic categories.
Every interior node v represents the application of a production. That is, there
must be some production such that
1. The syntactic category labeling v is the head of the production, and
2. The labels of the children of v, from the left, form the body of the production.

✦ Example 11.5. Figure 11.8 is an example of a parse tree, based on the grammar
of Fig. 11.2. However, we have abbreviated the syntactic categories <Expression>,
<N umber>, and <Digit> to <E>, <N >, and <D>, respectively. The string
represented by this parse tree is 3*(2+14).
For example, the root and its children represent the production


<E> * <E>

<N > ( <E> )

<D> <E> + <E>

3 <N > <N >

<D> <N > <D>

2 <D> 4

Fig. 11.8. Parse tree for the string 3 ∗ (2 + 14) using the grammar from Fig. 11.2.

<E> → <E> * <E>

which is production (6) in Fig. 11.2. The rightmost child of the root and its three
children form the production <E> → (<E>), or production (5) of Fig. 11.2. ✦

Constructing Parse Trees

Yield of a tree Each parse tree represents a string of terminals s, which we call the yield of the tree.
The string s consists of the labels of the leaves of the tree, in left-to-right order.
Alternatively, we can find the yield by doing a preorder traversal of the parse tree
and listing only the labels that are terminals. For example, the yield of the parse
tree in Fig. 11.8 is 3*(2+14).
If a tree has one node, that node will be labeled by a terminal or ǫ, because
it is a leaf. If the tree has more than one node, then the root will be labeled by
a syntactic category, since the root of a tree of two or more nodes is always an
interior node. This syntactic category will always include, among its strings, the
yield of the tree. The following is an inductive definition of the parse trees for a
given grammar.

BASIS. For every terminal of the grammar, say x, there is a tree with one node
labeled x. This tree has yield x, of course.

INDUCTION. Suppose we have a production <S> → X1 X2 · · · Xn , where each of

the Xi ’s is either a terminal or a syntactic category. If n = 0, that is, the production
is really <S> → ǫ, then there is a tree like that of Fig. 11.9. The yield is ǫ, and


Fig. 11.9. Parse tree from production <S> → ǫ.

the root is <S>; surely string ǫ is in L(<S>), because of this production.

Now suppose <S> → X1 X2 · · · Xn and n ≥ 1. We may choose a tree Ti for
each Xi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, as follows:
1. If Xi is a terminal, we must choose the 1-node tree labeled Xi . If two or more
of the X’s are the same terminal, then we must choose different one-node trees
with the same label for each occurrence of this terminal.
2. If Xi is a syntactic category, we may choose any parse tree already constructed
that has Xi labeling the root. We then construct a tree that looks like Fig.
11.10. That is, we create a root labeled <S>, the syntactic category at the
head of the production, and we give it as children, the roots of the trees selected
for X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn , in order from the left. If two or more of the X’s are the
same syntactic category, we may choose the same tree for each, but we must
make a distinct copy of the tree each time it is selected. We are also permitted
to choose different trees for different occurrences of the same syntactic category.


X1 X2 ··· Xn

T1 T2 Tn

Fig. 11.10. Constructing a parse tree using a production and other parse trees.

✦ Example 11.6. Let us follow the construction of the parse tree in Fig. 11.8, and
see how its construction mimics a proof that the string 3*(2+14) is in L(<E>).
First, we can construct a one-node tree for each of the terminals in the tree. Then
the group of productions on line (1) of Fig. 11.2 says that each of the ten digits is a
string of length 1 belonging to L(<D>). We use four of these productions to create
the four trees shown in Fig. 11.11. For instance, we use the production <D> →1
to create the parse tree in Fig. 11.11(a) as follows. We create a tree with a single
node labeled 1 for the symbol 1 in the body. Then we create a node labeled <D>
as the root and give it one child, the root (and only node) of the tree selected for 1.
Our next step is to use production (2) of Fig. 11.2, or <N > → <D>, to
discover that digits are numbers. For instance, we may choose the tree of Fig.
11.11(a) to substitute for <D> in the body of production (2), and get the tree of
Fig. 11.12(a). The other two trees in Fig. 11.12 are produced similarly.

<D> <D> <D> <D>

1 2 3 4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 11.11. Parse trees constructed using production
<D> → 1 and similar productions.

<N > <N > <N >

<D> <D> <D>

1 2 3
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 11.12. Parse trees constructed using production <N > → <D>.

Now we can use production (3), which is <N > → <N ><D>. For <N > in the
body we shall select the tree of Fig. 11.12(a), and for <D> we select Fig. 11.11(d).
We create a new node labeled by <N >, for the head, and give it two children, the
roots of the two selected trees. The resulting tree is shown in Fig. 11.13. The yield
of this tree is the number 14.

<N >

<N > <D>

<D> 4

Fig. 11.13. Parse trees constructed using production <N > → <N ><D>.

Our next task is to create a tree for the sum 2+14. First, we use the production
(4), or <E> → <N >, to build the parse trees of Fig. 11.14. These trees show that
3, 2, and 14 are expressions. The first of these comes from selecting the tree of Fig.
11.12(c) for <N > of the body. The second is obtained by selecting the tree of Fig.
11.12(b) for <N >, and the third by selecting the tree of Fig. 11.13.
Then we use production (6), which is <E> → <E>+<E>. For the first <E>
in the body we use the tree of Fig. 11.14(b), and for the second <E> in the body
we use the tree of Fig. 11.14(c). For the terminal + in the body, we use a one-node
tree with label +. The resulting tree is shown in Fig. 11.15; its yield is 2+14.

<E> <E> <E>

<N > <N > <N >

<D> <D> <N > <D>

3 2 <D> 4
(a) (b)

Fig. 11.14. Parse trees constructed using production <E> → <N >.


<E> + <E>

<N > <N >

<D> <N > <D>

2 <D> 4

Fig. 11.15. Parse tree constructed using production <E> → <E>+<E>.

We next use production (5), or <E> → (<E>), to construct the parse tree of
Fig. 11.16. We have simply selected the parse tree of Fig. 11.15 for the <E> in the
body, and we select the obvious one-node trees for the terminal parentheses.
Lastly, we use production (8), which is <E> → <E> * <E>, to construct the
parse tree that we originally showed in Fig. 11.8. For the first <E> in the body,
we choose the tree of Fig. 11.14(a), and for the second we choose the tree of Fig.
11.16. ✦

Why Parse Trees “Work”

The construction of parse trees is very much like the inductive definition of the
strings belonging to a syntactic category. We can prove, by two simple inductions,
that the yields of the parse trees with root <S> are exactly the strings in L(<S>),
for any syntactic category <S>. That is,


( <E> )

<E> + <E>

<N > <N >

<D> <N > <D>

2 <D> 4

Fig. 11.16. Parse tree constructed using production <E> → (<E>).

1. If T is a parse tree with root labeled <S> and yield s, then string s is in the
language L(<S>).

2. If string s is in L(<S>), then there is a parse tree with yield s and root labeled

This equivalence should be fairly intuitive. Roughly, parse trees are assembled from
smaller parse trees in the same way that we assemble long strings from shorter ones,
using substitution for syntactic categories in the bodies of productions. We begin
with part (1), which we prove by complete induction on the height of tree T .

BASIS. Suppose the height of the parse tree is 1. Then the tree looks like Fig. 11.17,
or, in the special case where n = 0, like the tree of Fig. 11.9. The only way we can
construct such a tree is if there is a production <S> → x1 x2 · · · xn , where each of
the x’s is a terminal (if n = 0, the production is <S> → ǫ). Thus, x1 x2 · · · xn is a
string in L(<S>).


x1 x2 ··· xn

Fig. 11.17. Parse tree of height 1.


INDUCTION. Suppose that statement (1) holds for all trees of height k or less.
Now consider a tree of height k + 1 that looks like Fig. 11.10. Then each of the
subtrees Ti , for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, can be of height at most k. For if any one of the
subtrees had height k + 1 or more, the entire tree would have height at least k + 2.
Thus, the inductive hypothesis applies to each of the trees Ti .
By the inductive hypothesis, if Xi , the root of the subtree Ti , is a syntactic
category, then the yield of Ti , say si , is in the language L(Xi ). If Xi is a terminal,
let us define string si to be Xi . Then the yield of the entire tree is s1 s2 · · · sn .
We know that <S> → X1 X2 · · · Xn is a production, by the definition of a
parse tree. Suppose that we substitute string si for Xi , whenever Xi is a syntactic
category. By definition, Xi is si if Xi is a terminal. It follows that the substituted
body is s1 s2 · · · sn , the same as the yield of the tree. By the inductive rule for the
language of <S>, we know that s1 s2 · · · sn is in L(<S>).

Now we must prove statement (2), that every string s in a syntactic category
<S> has a parse tree with root <S> and s as yield. To begin, let us note that
for each terminal x, there is a parse tree with both root and yield x. Now we use
complete induction on the number of times we applied the inductive step (described
in Section 11.3) when we deduced that s is in L(<S>).

BASIS. Suppose s requires one application of the inductive step to show that s is
in L(<S>). Then there must be a production <S> → x1 x2 · · · xn , where all the
x’s are terminals, and s = x1 x2 · · · xn . We know that there is a one node parse
tree labeled xi for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Thus, there is a parse tree with yield s and root
labeled <S>; this tree looks like Fig. 11.17. In the special case that n = 0, we know
s = ǫ, and we use the tree of Fig. 11.9 instead.

INDUCTION. Suppose that any string t found to be in the language of any syntactic
category <T > by k or fewer applications of the inductive step has a parse tree with
t as yield and <T > at the root. Consider a string s that is found to be in the
language of syntactic category <S> by k + 1 applications of the inductive step.
Then there is a production <S> → X1 X2 · · · Xn , and s = s1 s2 · · · sn , where each
substring si is either

1. Xi , if Xi is a terminal, or

2. Some string known to be in L(Xi ) using at most k applications of the inductive

rule, if Xi is a syntactic category.

Thus, for each i, we can find a tree Ti , with yield si and root labeled Xi . If Xi is a
syntactic category, we invoke the inductive hypothesis to claim that Ti exists, and
if Xi is a terminal, we do not need the inductive hypothesis to claim that there is
a one-node tree labeled Xi . Thus, the tree constructed as in Fig. 11.10 has yield s
and root labeled <S>, proving the induction step.

11.4.1: Find a parse tree for the strings

Syntax Trees and Expression Trees

Often, trees that look like parse trees are used to represent expressions. For instance,
we used expression trees as examples throughout Chapter 5. Syntax tree is another
name for “expression tree.” When we have a grammar for expressions such as
that of Fig. 11.2, we can convert parse trees to expression trees by making three
1. Atomic operands are condensed to a single node labeled by that operand.
2. Operators are moved from leaves to their parent node. That is, an operator
symbol such as + becomes the label of the node above it that was labeled by
the “expression” syntactic category.
3. Interior nodes that remain labeled by “expression” have their label removed.
For instance, the parse tree of Fig. 11.8 is converted to the following expression tree
or syntax tree:

( + )

2 14

a) 35+21
b) 123-(4*5)
c) 1*2*(3-4)
according to the grammar of Fig. 11.2. The syntactic category at the root should
be <E> in each case.
11.4.2: Using the statement grammar of Fig. 11.6, find parse trees for the following
a) wcwcs;
b) {s;}
c) {s;wcs;}.
The syntactic category at the root should be <S> in each case.
11.4.3: Using the balanced parenthesis grammar of Fig. 11.3, find parse trees for
the following strings:
a) (()())
b) ((()))

c) ((())()).
11.4.4: Find parse trees for the strings of Exercise 11.4.3, using the grammar of
Fig. 11.4.

✦ ✦

11.5 Ambiguity and the Design of Grammars
Let us consider the grammar for balanced parentheses that we originally showed in
Fig. 11.4, with syntactic category <B> abbreviating <Balanced >:
<B> → (<B>) | <B><B> | ǫ (11.1)
Suppose we want a parse tree for the string ()()(). Two such parse trees are shown
in Fig. 11.18, one in which the first two pairs of parentheses are grouped first, and
the other in which the second two pairs are grouped first.


<B> <B>

<B> <B> ( <B> )

( <B> ) ( <B> ) ǫ

ǫ ǫ
(a) Parse tree that groups from the left.


<B> <B>

( <B> ) <B> <B>

ǫ ( <B> ) ( <B> )

ǫ ǫ
(b) Parse tree that groups from the right.

Fig. 11.18. Two parse trees with the same yield and root.

It should come as no surprise that these two parse trees exist. Once we es-
tablish that both () and ()() are balanced strings of parentheses, we can use the
production <B> → <B><B> with () substituting for the first <B> in the body
and ()() substituting for the second, or vice-versa. Either way, the string ()()()
is discovered to be in the syntactic category <B>.
Ambiguous A grammar in which there are two or more parse trees with the same yield and
grammar the same syntactic category labeling the root is said to be ambiguous. Notice that
not every string has to be the yield of several parse trees; it is sufficient that there
be even one such string, to make the grammar ambiguous. For example, the string
()()() is sufficient for us to conclude that the grammar (11.1) is ambiguous. A
grammar that is not ambiguous is called unambiguous. In an unambiguous gram-
mar, for every string s and syntactic category <S>, there is at most one parse tree
with yield s and root labeled <S>.
An example of an unambiguous grammar is that of Fig. 11.3, which we repro-
duce here with <B> in place of <Balanced >,
<B> → (<B>)<B> | ǫ (11.2)
A proof that the grammar is unambiguous is rather difficult. In Fig. 11.19 is the
unique parse tree for string ()()(); the fact that this string has a unique parse tree
does not prove the grammar (11.2) is unambiguous, of course. We can only prove
unambiguity by showing that every string in the language has a unique parse tree.


( <B> ) <B>

ǫ ( <B> ) <B>

ǫ ( <B> ) <B>

ǫ ǫ

Fig. 11.19. Unique parse tree for the string ( ) ( ) ( ) using the grammar (11.2).

Ambiguity in Expressions
While the grammar of Fig. 11.4 is ambiguous, there is no great harm in its ambiguity,
because whether we group several strings of balanced parentheses from the left or
the right matters little. When we consider grammars for expressions, such as that
of Fig. 11.2 in Section 11.2, some more serious problems can occur. Specifically,
some parse trees imply the wrong value for the expression, while others imply the
correct value.

Why Unambiguity Is Important

The parser, which constructs parse trees for programs, is an essential part of a
compiler. If a grammar describing a programming language is ambiguous, and if its
ambiguities are left unresolved, then for at least some programs there is more than
one parse tree. Different parse trees for the same program normally impart different
meanings to the program, where “meaning” in this case is the action performed by
the machine language program into which the original program is translated. Thus,
if the grammar for a program is ambiguous, a compiler cannot properly decide which
parse tree to use for certain programs, and thus cannot decide what the machine-
language program should do. For this reason, compilers must use specifications that
are unambiguous.

✦ Example 11.7. Let us use the shorthand notation for the expression grammar
that was developed in Example 11.5. Then consider the expression 1-2+3. It has
two parse trees, depending on whether we group operators from the left or the right.
These parse trees are shown in Fig. 11.20(a) and (b).

<E> <E>

<E> + <E> <E> − <E>

<E> − <E> <N > <N > <E> + <E>

<N > <N > <D> <D> <N > <N >

<D> <D> 3 1 <D> <D>

1 2 2 3
(a) Correct parse tree. (b) Incorrect parse tree.

Fig. 11.20. Two parse trees for the expression 1 − 2 + 3.

The tree of Fig. 11.20(a) associates from the left, and therefore groups the
operands from the left. That grouping is correct, since we generally group operators
at the same precedence from the left; 1-2+3 is conventionally interpreted as (1-
2)+3, which has the value 2. If we evaluate the expressions represented by subtrees,
working up the tree of Fig. 11.20(a), we first compute 1 − 2 = −1 at the leftmost
child of the root, and then compute −1 + 3 = 2 at the root.
On the other hand, Fig. 11.20(b), which associates from the right, groups our
expression as 1-(2+3), whose value is −4. This interpretation of the expression
is unconventional, however. The value −4 is obtained working up the tree of Fig.

11.20(b), since we evaluate 2 + 3 = 5 at the rightmost child of the root, and then
1 − 5 = −4 at the root. ✦

Associating operators of equal precedence from the wrong direction can cause
problems. We also have problems with operators of different precedence; it is pos-
sible to group an operator of low precedence before one of higher precedence, as we
see in the next example.

✦ Example 11.8. Consider the expression 1+2*3. In Fig. 11.21(a) we see the
expression incorrectly grouped from the left, while in Fig. 11.21(b), we have correctly
grouped the expression from the right, so that the multiplication gets its operands
grouped before the addition. The former grouping yields the erroneous value 9,
while the latter grouping produces the conventional value of 7. ✦

<E> <E>

<E> ∗ <E> <E> + <E>

<E> + <E> <N > <N > <E> ∗ <E>

<N > <N > <D> <D> <N > <N >

<D> <D> 3 1 <D> <D>

1 2 2 3
(a) Incorrect parse tree. (b) Correct parse tree.

Fig. 11.21. Two parse trees for the expression 1+2*3.

Unambiguous Grammars for Expressions

Just as the grammar (11.2) for balanced parentheses can be viewed as an unam-
biguous version of the grammar (11.1), it is possible to construct an unambiguous
version of the expression grammar from Example 11.5. The “trick” is to define
three syntactic categories, with intuitive meanings as follows.
1. <Factor > generates expressions that cannot be “pulled apart,” that is, a factor
is either a single operand or any parenthesized expression.
2. <Term> generates a product or quotient of factors. A single factor is a term,
and thus is a sequence of factors separated by the operators ∗ or /. Examples
of terms are 12 and 12/3*45.

3. <Expression> generates a sum or difference of one or more terms. A single term

is an expression, and thus is a sequence of terms separated by the operators +
or −. Examples of expressions are 12, 12/3*45, and 12+3*45-6.
Figure 11.22 is a grammar that expresses the relationship between expressions,
terms, and factors. We use shorthands <E>, <T >, and <F > for <Expression>,
<Term>, and <Factor >, respectively.

(1) <E> → <E> + <T > | <E> − <T > | <T >
(2) <T > → <T > ∗ <F > | <T >/<F > | <F >
(3) <F > → (<E>) | <N >
(4) <N > → <N ><D> | <D>
(5) <D> → 0 | 1 | · · · | 9

Fig. 11.22. Unambiguous grammar for arithmetic expressions.

For instance, the three productions in line (1) define an expression to be either
a smaller expression followed by a + or - and another term, or to be a single term.
If we put these ideas together, the productions say that every expression is a term,
followed by zero or more pairs, each pair consisting of a + or - and a term. Similarly,
line (2) says that a term is either a smaller term followed by * or / and a factor, or it
is a single factor. That is, a term is a factor followed by zero or more pairs, each pair
consisting of a * or a / and a factor. Line (3) says that factors are either numbers,
or expressions surrounded by parentheses. Lines (4) and (5) define numbers and
digits as we have done previously.
The fact that in lines (1) and (2) we use productions such as
<E> → <E> + <T >
rather than the seemingly equivalent <E> → <T > + <E>, forces terms to be
grouped from the left. Thus, we shall see that an expression such as 1-2+3 is
correctly grouped as (1-2)+3. Likewise, terms such as 1/2*3 are correctly grouped
as (1/2)*3, rather than the incorrect 1/(2*3). Figure 11.23 shows the only possible
parse tree for the expression 1-2+3 in the grammar of Fig. 11.22. Notice that 1-2
must be grouped as an expression first. If we had grouped 2+3 first, as in Fig.
11.20(b), there would be no way, in the grammar of Fig. 11.22, to attach the 1- to
this expression.
The distinction among expressions, terms, and factors enforces the correct
grouping of operators at different levels of precedence. For example, the expres-
sion 1+2*3 has only the parse tree of Fig. 11.24, which groups the subexpression
2*3 first, like the tree of Fig. 11.21(b) and unlike the incorrect tree of Fig. 11.21(a),
which groups 1+2 first.
As for the matter of balanced parentheses, we have not proved that the gram-
mar of Fig. 11.22 is unambiguous. The exercises contain a few more examples that
should help convince the reader that this grammar is not only unambiguous, but
gives the correct grouping for each expression. We also suggest how the idea of this
grammar can be extended to more general families of expressions.


<E> + <T >

<E> − <T > <F >

<T > <F > <N >

<F > <N > <D>

<N > <D> 3

<D> 2

Fig. 11.23. Parse tree for the expression 1 − 2 + 3 in the

unambiguous grammar of Fig. 11.22.


<E> + <T >

<T > <T > ∗ <F >

<F > <F > <N >

<N > <N > <D>

<D> <D> 3

1 2

Fig. 11.24. Parse tree for 1 + 2 ∗ 3 in the unambiguous grammar of Fig. 11.22.

11.5.1: In the grammar of Fig. 11.22, give the unique parse tree for each of the
following expressions:
a) (1+2)/3
b) 1*2-3
c) (1+2)*(3+4)
11.5.2*: The expressions of the grammar in Fig. 11.22 have two levels of precedence;
+ and − at one level, and ∗ and / at a second, higher level. In general, we can handle
expressions with k levels of precedence by using k + 1 syntactic categories. Modify
the grammar of Fig. 11.22 to include the exponentiation operator ^, which is at a
level of precedence higher than * and /. As a hint, define a primary to be an operand
or a parenthesized expression, and redefine a factor to be one or more primaries
connected by the exponentiation operator. Note that exponentiation groups from
the right, not the left, and 2^3^4 means 2^(3^4), rather than (2^3)^4. How do
we force grouping from the right among primaries?
11.5.3*: Extend the unambiguous expression grammar to allow the comparison
operators, =, <=, and so on, which are all at the same level of precedence and
left-associative. Their precedence is below that of + and −.
11.5.4: Extend the expression grammar of Fig. 11.22 to include the unary minus
sign. Note that this operator is at a higher precedence than the other operators;
for instance, -2*-3 is grouped (-2)*(-3).
11.5.5: Extend your grammar of Exercise 11.5.3 to include the logical operators
&&, ||, and !. Give && the precedence of *, || the precedence of +, and ! a higher
precedence than unary −. && and || are binary operators that group from the left.
11.5.6*: Not every expression has more than one parse tree according to the am-
biguous grammar of Fig. 11.2 in Section 11.2. Give several examples of expressions
that have unique parse trees according to this grammar. Can you give a rule indi-
cating when an expression will have a unique parse tree?
11.5.7: The following grammar defines the set of strings (other than ǫ) consisting
of 0’s and 1’s only.
<String> → <String><String> | 0 | 1
In this grammar, how many parse trees does the string 010 have?
11.5.8: Give an unambiguous grammar that defines the same language as the
grammar of Exercise 11.5.7.
11.5.9*: How many parse trees does grammar (11.1) have for the empty string?
Show three different parse trees for the empty string.

✦ ✦

11.6 Constructing Parse Trees
Grammars are like regular expressions, in that both notations describe languages
but do not give directly an algorithm for determining whether a string is in the

language being defined. For regular expressions, we learned in Chapter 10 how to

convert a regular expression first into a nondeterministic automaton and then into
a deterministic one; the latter can be implemented directly as a program.
There is a somewhat analogous process for grammars. We cannot, in general,
convert a grammar to a deterministic automaton at all; the next section discusses
some examples of when that conversion is impossible. However, it is often possible
to convert a grammar to a program that, like an automaton, reads the input from
beginning to end and renders a decision whether the input string is in the language
of the grammar. The most important such technique, called “LR parsing” (the LR
stands for left-to-right on the input), is beyond the scope of this book.

Recursive-Descent Parsing
What we shall give instead is a simpler but less powerful parsing technique called
“recursive descent,” in which the grammar is replaced by a collection of mutually
recursive functions, each corresponding to one of the syntactic categories of the
grammar. The goal of the function S that corresponds to the syntactic category
<S> is to read a sequence of input characters that form a string in the language
L(<S>), and to return a pointer to the root of a parse tree for this string.
A production’s body can be thought of as a sequence of goals — the terminals
and syntactic categories — that must be fulfilled in order to find a string in the
syntactic category of the head. For instance, consider the unambiguous grammar
for balanced parentheses, which we reproduce here as Fig. 11.25.

(1) <B> → ǫ
(2) <B> → ( <B> ) <B>

Fig. 11.25. Grammar for balanced parentheses.

Production (2) states that one way to find a string of balanced parentheses is
to fulfill the following four goals in order.
1. Find the character (, then
2. Find a string of balanced parentheses, then
3. Find the character ), and finally
4. Find another string of balanced parentheses.
In general, a terminal goal is satisfied if we find that this terminal is the next input
symbol, but the goal cannot be satisfied if the next input symbol is something else.
To tell whether a syntactic category in the body is satisfied, we call a function for
that syntactic category.
The arrangement for constructing parse trees according to a grammar is sug-
gested in Fig. 11.26. Suppose we want to determine whether the sequence of ter-
minals X1 X2 · · · Xn is a string in the syntactic category <S>, and to find its parse
tree if so. Then on the input file we place X1 X2 · · · Xn ENDM, where ENDM is a special
Endmarker symbol that is not a terminal.2 We call ENDM, the endmarker, and its purpose is to

2 In real compilers for programming languages, the entire input might not be placed in a file
at once, but terminals would be discovered one at a time by a preprocessor called a “lexical
analyzer” that examines the source program one character at a time.

indicate that the entire string being examined has been read. For example, in C
programs it would be typical to use the end-of-file or end-of-string character for the

X1 X2 ··· Xn ENDM

Call S

Fig. 11.26. Initializing the program to discover an <S> on the input.

Input cursor An input cursor marks the terminal to be processed, the current terminal. If
the input is a string of characters, then the cursor might be a pointer to a character.
We start our parsing program by calling the function S for the starting syntactic
category <S>, with the input cursor at the beginning of the input.
Each time we are working on a production body, and we come to a terminal a
in the production, we look for the matching terminal a at the position indicated by
the input cursor. If we find a, we advance the input cursor to the next terminal on
the input. If the current terminal is something other than a, then we fail to match,
and we cannot find a parse tree for the input string.
On the other hand, if we are working on a production body and we come to
a syntactic category <T >, we call the function T for <T >. If T “fails,” then the
entire parse fails, and the input is deemed not to be in the language being parsed.
If T succeeds, then it “consumes” some input, but moving the input cursor forward
zero or more positions on the input. All input positions, from the position at the
time T was called, up to but not including the position at which T leaves the cursor,
are consumed. T also returns a tree, which is the parse tree for the consumed input.
When we have succeeded with each of the symbols in a production body, we
assemble the parse tree for the portion of the input represented by that production.
To do so, we create a new root node, labeled by the head of the production. The
root’s children are the roots of the trees returned by successful calls to functions for
the syntactic categories of the body and leaves created for each of the terminals of
the body.

A Recursive-Descent Parser for Balanced Parentheses

Let us consider an extended example of how we might design the recursive function
B for the syntactic category <B> of the grammar of Fig. 11.25. B, called at
some input position, will consume a string of balanced parentheses starting at that
position and leave the input cursor at the position immediately after the balanced
The hard part is deciding whether to satisfy the goal of finding a <B> by using
production (1), <B> → ǫ, which succeeds immediately, or by using production (2),
that is,
<B> → (<B>)<B>
The strategy we shall follow is that whenever the next terminal is (, use production
(2); whenever the next terminal is ) or the endmarker, use production (1).
The function B is given in Fig. 11.27(b). It is preceded by important auxiliary
elements in Fig. 11.27(a). These elements include:


typedef struct NODE *TREE;
struct NODE {
char label;
TREE leftmostChild, rightSibling;
TREE makeNode0(char x);
TREE makeNode1(char x, TREE t);
TREE makeNode4(char x, TREE t1, TREE t2, TREE t3, TREE t4);
TREE parseTree; /* holds the result of the parse */
char *nextTerminal; /* current position in input string */
void main()
nextTerminal = "()()"; /* in practice, a string
of terminals would be read from input */
parseTree = B();
TREE makeNode0(char x)
TREE root;
root = (TREE) malloc(sizeof(struct NODE));
root->label = x;
root->leftmostChild = NULL;
root->rightSibling = NULL;
return root;
TREE makeNode1(char x, TREE t)
TREE root;
root = makeNode0(x);
root->leftmostChild = t;
return root;
TREE makeNode4(char x, TREE t1, TREE t2, TREE t3, TREE t4)
TREE root;
root = makeNode1(x, t1);
t1->rightSibling = t2;
t2->rightSibling = t3;
t3->rightSibling = t4;
return root;

Fig. 11.27(a). Auxiliary functions for recursive-descent parser.


(1) TREE firstB, secondB;
(2) if(*nextTerminal == ’(’) /* follow production 2 */ {
(3) nextTerminal++;
(4) firstB = B();
(5) if(firstB != FAILED && *nextTerminal == ’)’) {
(6) nextTerminal++;
(7) secondB = B();
(8) if(secondB == FAILED)
(9) return FAILED;
(10) return makeNode4(’B’,
else /* first call to B failed */
(11) return FAILED;
else /* follow production 1 */
(12) return makeNode1(’B’, makeNode0(’e’));

Fig. 11.27(b). Function to construct parse trees for strings of balanced parentheses.

1. Definition of a constant FAILED to be the value returned by B when that

function fails to find a string of balanced parentheses on the input. The value
of FAILED is the same as NULL. The latter value also represents an empty tree.
However, the parse tree returned by B could not be empty if B succeeds, so
there is no possible ambiguity in this definition of FAILED.
2. Definitions of the types NODE and TREE. A node consists of a label field, which
is a character, and pointers to the leftmost child and right sibling. The label
may be ’B’ to represent a node labeled B, ’(’ and ’)’ to represent nodes
labeled with left- or right-parentheses, respectively, and ’e’ to represent a
node labeled ǫ. Unlike the leftmost-child-right-sibling structure of Section 5.3,
we have elected to use TREE rather than pNODE as the type of pointers to nodes
since most uses of these pointers here will be as representations of trees.
3. Prototype declarations for three auxiliary functions to be described below and
the function B.
4. Two global variables. The first, parseTree, holds the parse tree returned by the
initial call to B. The second, nextTerminal, is the input cursor and points to
the current position on the input string of terminals. Note that it is important
for nextTerminal to be global, so when one call to B returns, the place where
it left the input cursor is known to the copy of B that made the call.

5. The function main. In this simple demonstration, main sets nextTerminal to

point to the beginning of a particular test string, ()(), and the result of a call
to B is placed in parseTree.
6. Three auxiliary functions that create tree nodes and, if necessary, combine
subtrees to form larger trees. These are:
a) Function makeNode0(x) creates a node with zero children, that is, a leaf,
and labels that leaf with the symbol x. The tree consisting of this one
node is returned.
b) Function makeNode1(x, t) creates a node with one child. The label of the
new node is x, and the child is the root of the tree t. The tree whose root
is the created node is returned. Note that makeNode1 uses makeNode0 to
create the root node and then makes the root of tree t be the leftmost child
of the root. We assume that all leftmost-child and right-sibling pointers are
NULL initially, as they will be because they are all created by makeNode0,
which explicitly NULL’s them. Thus, it is not mandatory that makeNode1
to store NULL in the rightSibling field of the root of t, but it would be a
wise safety measure to do so.
c) Function makeNode4(x, t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ) creates a node with four children. The
label of the node is x, and the children are the roots of the trees t1 , t2 , t3 ,
and t4 , from the left. The tree whose root is the created node is returned.
Note that makeNode4 uses makeNode1 to create a new root and attach t1
to it, then strings the remaining trees together with right-sibling pointers.
Now we can consider the program of Fig. 11.27(b) line by line. Line (1) is
the declaration of two local variables, firstB and secondB, to hold the parse trees
returned by the two calls to B in the case that we elect to try production (2). Line
(2) tests if the next terminal on the input is (. If so, we shall look for an instance
of the body of production (2), and if not, then we shall assume that production (1)
is used, and that ǫ is the balanced string.
At line (3), we increment nextTerminal, because the current input ( has
matched the ( in the body of production (2). We now have the input cursor prop-
erly positioned for a call to B that will find a balanced string for the first <B> in
the body of production (2). That call occurs at line (4), and the tree returned is
stored in variable firstB to be assembled later into a parse tree for the current call
to B.
At line (5) we check that we are still capable of finding a balanced string. That
is, we first check that the call to B on line (4) did not fail. Then we test that the
current value of nextTerminal is ). Recall that when B returns, nextTerminal
points to the next input terminal to be formed into a balanced string. If we are to
match the body of production (2), and we have already matched the ( and the first
<B>, then we must next match the ), which explains the second part of the test.
If either part of the test fails, then the current call to B fails at line (11).
If we pass the test of line (5), then at lines (6) and (7) we advance the input
cursor over the right parenthesis just found and call B again, to match the final
<B> in production (2). The tree returned is stored temporarily in secondB.
If the call to B on line (7) fails, then secondB will have value FAILED. Line (8)
detects this condition, and the current call to B also fails.
Line (10) covers the case in which we have succeeded in finding a balanced

string. We return a tree constructed by makeNode4. This tree has a root labeled
’B’, and four children. The first child is a leaf labeled (, constructed by makeNode0.
The second is the tree we stored in firstB, which is the parse tree produced by the
call to B at line (4). The third child is a leaf labeled ), and the fourth is the parse
tree stored in secondB, which was returned by the second call to B at line (7).
Line (11) is used only when the test of line (5) fails. Finally, line (12) handles
the case where the original test of line (1) fails to find ( as the first character. In
that case, we assume that production (1) is correct. This production has the body
ǫ, and so we consume no input but return a node, created by makeNode1, that has
the label B and one child labeled ǫ.

✦ Example 11.9. Suppose we have the terminals ( ) ( ) ENDM on the input.

Here, ENDM stands for the character ’\0’, which marks the end of character strings
in C. The call to B from main in Fig. 11.27(a) finds ( as the current input, and the
test of line (2) succeeds. Thus, nextTerminal advances at line (3), and at line (4)
a second call to B is made, as suggested by “call 2” in Fig. 11.28.

( ) ( ) ENDM

call 4 call 5
call 2
call 3
call 1

Fig. 11.28. Calls made while processing the input ( ) ( ) ENDM.

In call 2, the test of line (2) fails, and we thus return the tree of Fig. 11.29(a)
at line (12). Now we return to call 1, where we are at line (5), with ) pointed to
by nextTerminal and the tree of Fig. 11.29(a) in firstB. Thus, the test of line (5)
succeeds. We advance nextTerminal at line (6) and call B at line (7). This is “call
3” in Fig. 11.28.
In call 3 we succeed at line (2), advance nextTerminal at line (3), and call B
at line (4); this call is “call 4” in Fig. 11.28. As with call 2, call 4 fails the test of
line (2) and returns a (distinct) tree like that of Fig. 11.29(a) at line (12).
We now return to call 3, with nextTerminal still pointing to ), with firstB
(local to this call of B) holding a tree like Fig. 11.29(a), and with control at line
(5). The test succeeds, and we advance nextTerminal at line (6), so it now points
to ENDM. We make the fifth call to B at line (7). This call has its test fail at line (2)
and returns another copy of Fig. 11.29(a) at line (12). This tree becomes the value
of secondB for call 3, and the test of line (8) fails. Thus, at line (10) of call 3, we
construct the tree shown in Fig. 11.29(b).
At this point, call 3 returns successfully to call 1 at line (8), with secondB
of call 1 holding the tree of Fig. 11.29(b). As in call 3, the test of line (8) fails,
and at line (10) we construct a tree with a new root node, whose second child is a
copy of the tree in Fig. 11.29(a) — this tree was held in firstB of call 1 — and
whose fourth child is the tree of Fig. 11.29(b). The resulting tree, which is placed
in parseTree by main, is shown in Fig. 11.29(c). ✦


ǫ ( B ) B
ǫ ǫ

( B ) B

ǫ ( B ) B

ǫ ǫ
Fig. 11.29. Trees constructed by recursive calls to B.

Constructing Recursive-Descent Parsers

We can generalize the technique used in Fig. 11.27 to many grammars, although
not to all grammars. The key requirement is that for each syntactic category <S>,
if there is more than one production with <S> as the head, then by looking at only
Lookahead the current terminal (often called the lookahead symbol), we can decide on the one
symbol production for <S> that needs to be tried. For instance, in Fig. 11.27, our decision
strategy is to pick the second production, with body (<B>)<B>, whenever the
lookahead symbol is (, and to pick the first production, with body ǫ, when the
lookahead symbol is ) or ENDM.
It is not possible to tell, in general, whether there is an algorithm for a given
grammar that will always make the right decision. For Fig. 11.27, we claimed, but
did not prove, that the strategy stated above will work. However, if we have a
decision strategy that we believe will work, then for each syntactic category <S>,
we can design the function S to do the following:
1. Examine the lookahead symbol and decide which production to try. Suppose
the chosen production has body X1 X2 · · · Xn .
2. For i = 1, 2, . . . , n do the following with Xi .
a) If Xi is a terminal, check that the lookahead symbol is Xi . If so, advance
the input cursor. If not, then this call to S fails.
b) If Xi is a syntactic category, such as <T >, then call the function T cor-
responding to this syntactic category. If T returns with failure, then the
call to S fails. If T returns successfully, store away the returned tree for
use later.

If we have not failed after considering all the Xi ’s, then assemble a parse tree to
return by creating a new node, with children corresponding to X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ,
in order. If Xi is a terminal, then the child for Xi is a newly created leaf with
label Xi . If Xi is a syntactic category, then the child for Xi is the root of
the tree that was returned when a call to the function for Xi was completed.
Figure 11.29 was an example of this tree construction.
If the syntactic category <S> represents the language whose strings we want
to recognize and parse, then we start the parsing process by placing the input cursor
at the first input terminal. A call to the function S will cause a parse tree for the
input to be constructed if there is one and will return failure if the input is not in
the language L(<S>).


11.6.1: Show the sequence of calls made by the program of Fig. 11.27 on the inputs
a) (())
b) (()())
c) ())(
in each case followed by the endmarker symbol ENDM.
11.6.2: Consider the following grammar for numbers.
<Number> → <Digit ><Number> | ǫ
<Digit > → 0 | 1 | · · · | 9

Design a recursive-descent parser for this grammar; that is, write a pair of functions,
one for <Number > and the other for <Digit >. You may follow the style of Fig.
11.27 and assume that there are functions like makeN ode1 that return trees with
the root having a specified number of children.
11.6.3**: Suppose we had written the productions for <Number > in Exercise
11.6.2 as
<Number> → <Digit ><Number> | <Digit >

or as
<Number> → <Number><Digit > | ǫ

Would we then be able to design a recursive-descent parser? Why or why not?

(1) <L> → ( <E> <T >

(2) <T > → , <E> <T >
(3) <T > →)
(4) <E> → <L>
(5) <E> → atom

Fig. 11.30. Grammar for list structures.


11.6.4*: The grammar in Fig. 11.30 defines nonempty lists, which are elements
separated by commas and surrounded by parentheses. An element can be either an
atom or a list structure. Here, <E> stands for element, <L> for list, and <T >
for “tail,” that is, either a closing ), or pairs of commas and elements ended by ).
Write a recursive-descent parser for the grammar of Fig. 11.30.

✦ ✦

11.7 A Table-Driven Parsing Algorithm
As we have seen in Section 6.7, recursive function calls are normally implemented
by a stack of activation records. As the functions in a recursive-descent parser do
something very specific, it is possible to replace them by a single function that
examines a table and manipulates a stack itself.
Remember that the function S for a syntactic category <S> first decides what
production to use, then goes through a sequence of steps, one for each symbol in
the body of the selected production. Thus, we can maintain a stack of grammar
symbols that roughly corresponds to the stack of activation records. However,
both terminals and syntactic categories are placed on the stack. When a syntactic
category <S> is on top of the stack, we first determine the correct production.
Then we replace <S> by the body of the selected production, with the left end at
the top of the stack. When a terminal is at the top of the stack, we make sure it
matches the current input symbol. If so, we pop the stack and advance the input
To see intuitively why this arrangement works, suppose that a recursive-descent
parser has just called S, the function for syntactic category <S>, and the selected
production has body a<B><C>. Then there would be four times when this acti-
vation record for S is active.
1. When it checks for a on the input,
2. When it makes the call to B,
3. When that call returns and C is called, and
4. When the call to C returns and S is finished.
If, in the table-driven parser, we immediately replace <S> by the symbols of
the body, a<B><C> in this example, then the stack will expose these symbols at
the same points on the input when control returns to the corresponding activation
of S in the recursive-descent parser.
1. The first time, a is exposed, and we check for a on the input, just as function
S would.
2. The second time, which occurs immediately afterward, S would call B, but we
have <B> at the top of the stack, which will cause the same action.
3. The third time, S calls C, but we find <C> on top of the stack and do the
4. The fourth time, S returns, and we find no more of the symbols by which <S>
was replaced. Thus, the symbol below the point on the stack that formerly held
<S> is now exposed. Analogously, the activation record below S’s activation
record would receive control in the recursive-descent parser.

Parsing Tables
As an alternative to writing a collection of recursive functions, we can construct a
parsing table, whose rows correspond to the syntactic categories, and whose columns
correspond to the possible lookahead symbols. The entry in the row for syntactic
category <S> and lookahead symbol X is the number of the production with head
<S> that must be used to expand <S> if the lookahead is X.
Certain entries of the parse table are left blank. Should we find that syntactic
category <S> needs to be expanded, and the lookahead is X, but the entry in the
row for <S> and the column for X is blank, then the parse has failed. In this case,
we can be sure that the input is not in the language.

✦ Example 11.10. In Fig. 11.31 we see the parsing table for the grammar of
Fig. 11.25, the unambiguous grammar for balanced parentheses. This parsing table
is rather simple, because there is only one syntactic category. The table expresses
the same strategy that we used in our running example of Section 11.6. Expand
by production (2), or <B> → (<B>)<B>, if the lookahead is (, and expand by
production (1), or <B> → ǫ, otherwise. We shall see shortly how parsing tables
such as this one are used. ✦

( ) ENDM
<B> 2 1 1

Fig. 11.31. Parsing table for the balanced parentheses grammar.

✦ Example 11.11. Figure 11.32 is another example of a parsing table. It is for

the grammar of Fig. 11.33, which is a variant of the statement grammar of Fig.

w c { } s ; ENDM
<S> 1 2 3
<T > 4 4 5 4

Fig. 11.32. Parsing table for the grammar of Fig. 11.33.

The grammar of Fig. 11.33 has the form it does so that it can be parsed by
recursive descent (or equivalently, by the table-driven parsing algorithm we are
describing). To see why this form is necessary, let us consider the productions for
<L> in the grammar of Fig. 11.6:
<L> → <L><S> | ǫ

(1) <S> → w c<S>

(2) <S> → { <T >
(3) <S> → s ;

(4) <T > → <S><T >

(5) <T > → }

Fig. 11.33. Grammar for simple statements, parsable by recursive descent.

If the current input is a terminal like s that begins a statement, we know that <L>
must be expanded at least once by the first production, whose body is <L><S>.
However, we cannot tell how many times to expand until we examine subsequent
inputs and see how many statements there are in the statement list.
Our approach in Fig. 11.33 is to remember that a block consists of a left bracket
followed by zero or more statements and a right bracket. Call the zero or more
statements and the right bracket the “tail,” represented by syntactic category <T >.
Production (2) in Fig. 11.33 says that a statement can be a left bracket followed by
a tail. Productions (4) and (5) say that a tail is either a statement followed by a
tail, or just a right bracket.
We can decide whether to expand a <T > by production (4) or (5) quite eas-
ily. Production (5) only makes sense if a right bracket is the current input, while
production (4) only makes sense if the current input can start a statement. In our
simple grammar, the only terminals that start statements are w, {, and s. Thus, we
see in Fig. 11.32 that in the row for syntactic category <T > we choose production
(4) on these three lookaheads and choose production (5) on the lookahead }. On
other lookaheads, it is impossible that we could have the beginning of a tail, so we
leave the entries for other lookaheads blank in the row for <T >.
Similarly, the decision for syntactic category <S> is easy. If the lookahead
symbol is w, then only production (1) could work. If the lookahead is {, then
only production (2) is a possible choice, and on lookahead s, the only possibility is
production (3). On any other lookahead, there is no way that the input could form
a statement. These observations explain the row for <S> in Fig. 11.32. ✦

How the Table-Driven Parser Works

Table driver All parsing tables can be used as data by essentially the same program. This driver
program keeps a stack of grammar symbols, both terminals and syntactic categories.
This stack can be thought of as goals that must be satisfied by the remaining input;
the goals must be met in order, from the top to the bottom of the stack.
1. We satisfy a terminal goal by finding that terminal as the lookahead symbol of
the input. That is, whenever a terminal x is on top of the stack, we check that
the lookahead is x, and if so, we both pop x from the stack and read the next
input terminal to become the new lookahead symbol.
2. We satisfy a syntactic category goal <S> by consulting the parsing table for
the entry in the row for <S> and the column for the lookahead symbol.
a) If the entry is blank, then we have failed to find a parse tree for the input.
The driver program fails.

b) If the entry contains production i, then we pop <S> from the top of the
stack and push each of the symbols in the body of production i onto the
stack. The symbols of the body are pushed rightmost first, so that at the
end, the first symbol of the body is at the top of the stack, the second
symbol is immediately below it, and so on. As a special case, if the body
is ǫ, we simply pop <S> off the stack and push nothing.
Suppose we wish to determine whether string s is in L(<S>). In that case, we
start our driver with the string s ENDM on the input,3 and read the first terminal
as the lookahead symbol. The stack initially only consists of the syntactic category

✦ Example 11.12. Let us use the parsing table of Fig. 11.32 on the input
{w c s ; s ; }ENDM
Figure 11.34 shows the steps taken by the table-driven parser. The stack contents
are shown with the top at the left end, so that when we replace a syntactic category
at the top of the stack by the body of one of its productions, the body appears in
the top positions of the stack, with its symbols in the usual order.


1) <S> { wcs;s;}ENDM
2) {<T > { wcs;s;}ENDM
3) <T > w cs;s;}ENDM
4) <S><T > w cs;s;}ENDM
5) wc<S><T > w cs;s;}ENDM
6) c<S><T > c s;s;}ENDM
7) <S><T > s ;s;}ENDM
8) s;<T > s ;s;}ENDM
9) ;<T > ; s;}ENDM
10) <T > s ;}ENDM
11) <S><T > s ;}ENDM
12) s;<T > s ;}ENDM
13) ;<T > ; }ENDM
14) <T > } ENDM
15) } } ENDM
16) ǫ ENDM ǫ

Fig. 11.34. Steps of a table-driven parser using the table of Fig. 11.32.

3 Sometimes the endmarker symbol ENDM is needed as a lookahead symbol to tell us that we
have reached the end of the input; other times it is only to catch errors. For instance, ENDM is
needed in Fig. 11.31, because we can always have more parentheses after a balanced string,
but it is not needed in Fig. 11.32, as is attested to by the fact that we never put any entries
in the column for ENDM.

Line (1) of Fig. 11.34 shows the initial situation. As <S> is the syntactic
category in which we want to test membership of the string {wcs;s;}, we start
with the stack holding only <S>. The first symbol of the given string, {, is the
lookahead symbol, and the remainder of the string, followed by ENDM is the remaining
If we consult the entry in Fig. 11.32 for syntactic category <S> and lookahead
{, we see that we must expand <S> by production (2). The body of this production
is {<T >, and we see that this sequence of two grammar symbols has replaced <S>
at the top of the stack when we get to line (2).
Now there is a terminal, {, at the top of the stack. We thus compare it with
the lookahead symbol. Since the stack top and the lookahead agree, we pop the
stack and advance to the next input symbol, w, which becomes the new lookahead
symbol. These changes are reflected in line (3).
Next, with <T > on top of the stack and w the lookahead symbol, we consult
Fig. 11.32 and find that the proper action is to expand by production (4). We thus
pop <T > off the stack and push <S><T >, as seen in line (4). Similarly, the <S>
now on top of the stack is replaced by the body of production (1), since that is the
action decreed by the row for <S> and the column for lookahead w in Fig. 11.32;
that change is reflected in line (5). After lines (5) and (6), the terminals on top of
the stack are compared with the current lookahead symbol, and since each matches,
they are popped and the input cursor advanced.
The reader is invited to follow lines (7) through (16) and check that each is
the proper action to take according to the parsing table. As each terminal, when
it gets to the top of the stack, matches the then current lookahead symbol, we do
not fail. Thus, the string {wcs;s;} is in the syntactic category <S>; that is, it is
a statement. ✦

Constructing a Parse Tree

The algorithm described above tells whether a given string is in a given syntac-
tic category, but it doesn’t produce the parse tree. There is, however, a simple
modification of the algorithm that will also give us a parse tree, when the input
string is in the syntactic category with which we initialize the stack. The recursive-
descent parser described in the previous section builds its parse trees bottom-up,
that is, starting at the leaves and combining them into progressively larger subtrees
as function calls return.
For the table-driven parser, it is more convenient to build the parse trees from
the top down. That is, we start with the root, and as we choose a production
with which to expand the syntactic category at the top of the stack, we simulta-
neously create children for a node in the tree under construction; these children
correspond to the symbols in the body of the selected production. The rules for
tree construction are as follows.

1. Initially, the stack contains only some syntactic category, say, <S>. We ini-
tialize the parse tree to have only one node, labeled <S>. The <S> on the
stack corresponds to the one node of the parse tree being constructed.

2. In general, if the stack consists of symbols X1 X2 · · · Xn , with X1 at the top,

then the current parse tree’s leaves, taken from left to right, have labels that
form a string s of which X1 X2 · · · Xn is a suffix. The last n leaves of the parse
tree correspond to the symbols on the stack, so that each stack symbol Xi
corresponds to a leaf with label Xi .
3. Suppose a syntactic category <S> is on top of the stack, and we choose to
replace <S> by the body of a production <S> → Y1 Y2 · · · Yn . We find the
leaf of the parse tree corresponding to this <S> (it will be the leftmost leaf that
has a syntactic category for label), and give it n children, labeled Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yn ,
from the left. In the special case that the body is ǫ, we instead create one child,
labeled ǫ.

✦ Example 11.13. Let us follow the steps of Fig. 11.34 and construct the parse
tree as we go. To begin, at line (1), the stack consists of only <S>, and the
corresponding tree is the single node shown in Fig. 11.35(a). At line (2) we expanded
<S> using the production
<S> → {<T >
and so we give the leaf of Fig. 11.35(a) two children, labeled { and <T >, from the
left. The tree for line (2) is shown in Fig. 11.35(b).

<S> <S> <S>

{ <T > { <T >

<S> <T >

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 11.35. First steps in construction of the parse tree.

Line (3) results in no change in the parse tree, since we match terminals and
do not expand a syntactic category. However, at line (4) we expand <T > into
<S><T >, and so we give the leaf labeled <T > in Fig. 11.35(b) two children with
these symbols as labels, as shown in Fig. 11.35(c). Then at line (5) the <S> is
expanded to wc<S>, which results in the leaf labeled <S> in Fig. 11.35(c) being
given three children. The reader is invited to continue this process. The final parse
tree is shown in Fig. 11.36. ✦

Making Grammars Parsable

As we have seen, many grammars require modification in order to be parsable by
the recursive-descent or table-driven methods we have learned in this section and
the previous. While we cannot guarantee that any grammar can be modified so
that these methods work, there are several tricks worth learning because they are
often effective in making grammars parsable.


{ <T >

<S> <T >

w c <S> <S> <T >

s ; s ; }

Fig. 11.36. Complete parse tree for the parse of Fig. 11.34.

Left recursion The first trick is to eliminate left recursion. We pointed out in Example 11.11
elimination how the productions
<L> → <L><S> | ǫ
could not be parsable by these methods because we could not tell how many times
to apply the first production. In general, whenever a production for some syntactic
category <X> has a body that begins with <X> itself, we are going to get confused
as to how many times the production needs to be applied to expand <X>. We
call this situation left recursion. However, we can often rearrange symbols of the
body of the offending production so <X> comes later. This step is left recursion

✦ Example 11.14. In Example 11.11 discussed above, we can observe that <L>
represents zero or more <S>’s. We can therefore eliminate the left-recursion by
reversing the <S> and <L>, as
<L> → <S><L> | ǫ
For another example, consider the productions for numbers:
<N umber> → <N umber> <Digit> | <Digit>
Given a digit as lookahead, we do not know how many times to use the first pro-
duction to expand <N umber>. However, we observe that a number is one or more
digits, allowing us to reorder the body of the first production, as:
<N umber> → <Digit> <N umber> | <Digit>
This pair of productions eliminates the left recursion. ✦

Unfortunately, the productions of Example 11.14 are still not parsable by our
Left factoring methods. To make them parsable, we need the second trick, which is left factoring.
When two productions for a syntactic category <X> have bodies that begin with

the same symbol C, we cannot tell which production to use, whenever the lookahead
is something that could come from that common symbol C.
To left factor the productions, we create a new syntactic category <T > that
represents the “tail” of either production, that is, the parts of the body that follow
C. We then replace the two productions for <X> by a production
<X> → C <T >
and two productions with head <T >. These two productions have bodies that are
the “tails,” that is, whatever follows C in the two productions for <X>.

✦ Example 11.15. Consider the productions for <N umber> that we developed
in Example 11.14:
<N umber> → <Digit> <N umber> | <Digit>
These two productions begin with a common symbol, <Digit>. We thus cannot
tell which to use when the lookahead is a digit. However, we can defer the decision
if we left factor them into
<N umber> → <Digit> <T ail>
<T ail> → <N umber> | ǫ
Here, the two productions for <T ail> allow us to choose the tail of the first produc-
tion for <N umber>, which is <N umber> itself, or the tail of the second production
for <N umber>, which is ǫ.
Now, when we have to expand <N umber> and see a digit as the lookahead,
we replace <N umber> by <Digit> <T ail>, match the digit, and then can choose
how to expand tail, seeing what follows that digit. That is, if another digit follows,
then we expand by the first choice for <T ail>, and if something other than a digit
follows, we know we have seen the whole number and replace <T ail> by ǫ. ✦


11.7.1: Simulate the table-driven parser using the parsing table of Fig. 11.32 on
the following input strings:
a) {s;}
b) wc{s;s;}
c) {{s;s;}s;}
d) {s;s}
11.7.2: For each of the parses in Exercise 11.7.1 that succeeds, show how the parse
tree is constructed during the parse.
11.7.3: Simulate the table-driven parser, using the parsing table of Fig. 11.31, on
the input strings of Exercise 11.6.1.
11.7.4: Show the construction of the parse trees during the parses of Exercise
11.7.5*: The following grammar

(1) <Statement> → if ( condition )

(2) <Statement> → if ( condition ) <Statement>
(3) <Statement> → simpleStat ;

represents selection statements in C. It is not parsable by recursive descent (or

equivalently, by a table-driven parser), because with lookahead if, we cannot tell
which of the first two productions to use. Left-factor the grammar to make it
parsable by the algorithms of this section and Section 11.6. Hint : When you left-
factor, you get a new syntactic category with two productions. One has body ǫ;
the other has a body that begins with else. Evidently, when else is a lookahead,
the second production can be the choice. For no other lookahead can it be the
choice. But, if we examine on what lookaheads it might make sense to expand by
the production with body ǫ, we discover that these lookahead symbols include else.
However, we may arbitrarily decide never to expand to ǫ when the lookahead is else.
That choice corresponds to the rule that “an else matches the previous unmatched
then.” It is thus the “correct” choice. You might wish to find an example of an
input where expanding to ǫ with lookahead else allows the parser to complete the
parse. You will discover that in any such parse, the constructed parse tree matches
an else with the “wrong” then.
11.7.6**: The following grammar
<Structure> → struct { <F ieldList> }
<F ieldList> → type f ieldN ame ; <F ieldList>
<F ieldList> → ǫ
requires some modification in order to be parsable by the methods of this section or
the previous. Rewrite the grammar to make it parsable, and construct the parsing

✦ ✦

11.8 Grammars Versus Regular Expressions
Both grammars and regular expressions are notations for describing languages. We
saw in Chapter 10 that the regular expression notation was equivalent to two other
notations, deterministic and nondeterministic automata, in the sense that the set
of languages describable by each of these notations is the same. Is it possible that
grammars are another notation equivalent to the ones we have seen previously?
The answer is “no”; grammars are more powerful than the notations such as
regular expressions that we introduced in Chapter 10. We shall demonstrate the
expressive power of grammars in two steps. First, we shall show that every language
describable by a regular expression is also describable by a grammar. Then we shall
exhibit a language that can be described by a grammar, but not by any regular

Simulating Regular Expressions by Grammars

The intuitive idea behind the simulation is that the three operators of regular ex-
pressions — union, concatenation, and closure — can each be “simulated” by one or
two productions. Formally, we prove the following statement by complete induction
on n, the number of operator occurrences in the regular expression R.

STATEMENT For every regular expression R, there is a grammar such that for
one of its syntactic categories <S>, we have L(<S>) = L(R).
That is, the language denoted by the regular expression is also the language of the
syntactic category <S>.

BASIS. The basis case is n = 0, where the regular expression R has zero operator
occurrences. Either R is a single symbol — say, x — or R is ǫ or ∅. We create a
new syntactic category <S>. In the first case, where R = x, we also create the
production <S> → x. Thus, L(<S>) = {x}, and L(R) is the same language of
one string. If R is ǫ, we similarly create the production <S> → ǫ for <S>, and if
R = ∅, we create no production at all for <S>. Then L(<S>) is {ǫ} when R is ǫ,
and L(<S>) is ∅ when R is ∅.

INDUCTION. Suppose the inductive hypothesis holds for regular expressions with n
or fewer occurrences of operators. Let R be a regular expression with n + 1 operator
occurrences. There are three cases, depending on whether the last operator applied
to build R is union, concatenation, or closure.
1. R = R1 | R2 . Since there is one operator occurrence, | (union), that is part of
neither R1 nor R2 , we know that neither R1 nor R2 have more than n operator
occurrences. Thus, the inductive hypothesis applies to each of these, and we can
find a grammar G1 with a syntactic category <S1 >, and a grammar G2 with a
syntactic category <S2 >, such that L(<S1 >) = L(R1 ) and L(<S2 >) = L(R2 ).
To avoid coincidences when the two grammars are merged, we can assume that
as we construct new grammars, we always create syntactic categories with
names that appear in no other grammar. As a result, G1 and G2 have no
syntactic category in common. We create a new syntactic category <S> that
appears neither in G1 , in G2 , nor in any other grammar that we may have
constructed for other regular expressions. To the productions of G1 and G2 we
add the two productions
<S> → <S1 > | <S2 >
Then the language of <S> consists of all and only the strings in the languages
of <S1 > and <S2 >. These are L(R1 ) and L(R2 ), respectively, and so
L(<S>) = L(R1 ) ∪ L(R2 ) = L(R)
as we desired.
2. R = R1 R2 . As in case (1), suppose there are grammars G1 and G2 , with syn-
tactic categories <S1 > and <S2 >, respectively, such that L(<S1 >) = L(R1 )
and L(<S2 >) = L(R2 ). Then create a new syntactic category <S> and add
the production
<S> → <S1 ><S2 >
to the productions of G1 and G2 . Then L(<S>) = L(<S1 >)L(<S2 >).
3. R = R1 *. Let G1 be a grammar with a syntactic category <S1 > such that
L(<S1 >) = L(R1 ). Create a new syntactic category <S> and add the pro-

<S> → <S1 ><S> | ǫ

Then L(<S>) = L(<S1 >)* because <S> generates strings of zero or more
<S1 >’s.

✦ Example 11.16. Consider the regular expression a | bc*. We may begin by

creating syntactic categories for the three symbols that appear in the expression.4
Thus, we have the productions
<A> → a
<B> → b
<C> → c
According tothe grouping rules for regular expressions, our expression is grouped
as a | b(c)* . Thus, we must first create the grammar for c*. By rule (3) above,
we add to the production <C> → c, which is the grammar for regular expression
c, the productions
<D> → <C><D> | ǫ
Here, syntactic category <D> was chosen arbitrarily, and could have been any
category except for <A>, <B>, and <C>, which have already been used. Note

L(<D>) = L(<C>) * = c*
Now we need a grammar for bc*. We take the grammar for b, which consists
of only the production <B> → b, and the grammar for c*, which is
<C> → c
<D> → <C><D> | ǫ
We shall create a new syntactic category <E> and add the production
<E> → <B><D>
This production is used because of rule (2) above, for the case of concatenation. Its
body has <B> and <D> because these are the syntactic categories for the regular
expressions, b and c*, respectively. The grammar for bc* is thus
<E> → <B><D>
<D> → <C><D> | ǫ
<B> → b
<C> → c
and <E> is the syntactic category whose language is the desired one.
Finally, to get a grammar for the entire regular expression, we use rule (1), for
union. We invent new syntactic category <F >, with productions
<F > → <A> | <E>
Note that <A> is the syntactic category for the subexpression a, while <E> is the
syntactic category for the subexpression bc*. The resulting grammar is

4 If one of these symbols appeared two or more times, it would not be necessary to make a new
syntactic category for each occurrence; one syntactic category for each symbol would suffice.

<F > → <A> | <E>

<E> → <B><D>
<D> → <C><D> | ǫ
<A> → a
<B> → b
<C> → c
and <F > is the syntactic category whose language is that denoted by the given
regular expression. ✦

A Language with a Grammar but No Regular Expression

We shall now show that grammars are not only as powerful as regular expressions,
but more powerful. We do so by exhibiting a language that has a grammar but
has no regular expression. The language, which we shall call E, is the set of strings
consisting of one or more 0’s followed by an equal number of 1’s. That is,
E = {01, 0011, 000111, . . .}
To describe the strings of E there is a useful notation based on exponents. Let
sn , where s is a string and n is an integer, stand for ss · · · s (n times ), that is, s
concatenated with itself n times. Then
E = {01 11 , 02 12 , 03 13 , . . .}
or using a set-former,
E = {0n 1n | n ≥ 1}
First, let us convince ourselves that we can describe E with a grammar. The
following does the job.
(1) <S> → 0<S>1
(2) <S> → 01
One use of the basis production (2) tells us that 01 is in L(<S>). On the second
round, we can use production (1), with 01 in place of <S> in the body, which
yields 02 12 for L(<S>). Another application of (1) with 02 12 in place of <S> tells
us 03 13 is in L(<S>), and so on. In general, 0n 1n requires one use of production
(2) followed by n − 1 uses of production (1). As there are no other strings we can
produce from these productions, we see that E = L(<S>).

A Proof That E Is Not Defined by Any Regular Expression

Now we need to show that E cannot be described by a regular expression. It
turns out to be easier to show that E is not described by any deterministic finite
automaton. That proof also shows that E has no regular expression, because if E
were the language of a regular expression R, we could convert R to an equivalent
deterministic finite automaton by the techniques of Section 10.8. That deterministic
finite automaton would then define the language E.
Thus, let us suppose that E is the language of some deterministic finite au-
tomaton A. Then A has some number of states, say, m states. Consider what
happens when A receives inputs 000· · · . Let us refer to the initial state of the
unknown automaton A by the name s0 . A must have a transition from s0 on input
0 to some state we shall call s1 . From that state, another 0 takes A to a state we

0 0 0 0
s0 s1 ··· sm−1 sm

Fig. 11.37. Feeding 0’s to the automaton A.

The Pigeonhole Principle

The proof that language E has no deterministic finite automaton used a technique
known as the pigeonhole principle, which is usually stated as,
“If m + 1 pigeons fly into m pigeonholes, there must be at least one hole with
two pigeons.”
In this case, the pigeonholes are the states of automaton A, and the pigeons are the
m states that A is in after seeing zero, one, two, and up to m 0’s.
Notice that m must be finite to apply the pigeonhole principle. The story
of the infinite hotel in Section 7.11 tells us that the opposite can hold for infinite
sets. There, we saw a hotel with an infinite number of rooms (corresponding to
pigeonholes) and a number of guests (corresponding to pigeons) that was one greater
than the number of rooms, yet it was possible to accommodate each guest in a room,
without putting two guests in the same room.

shall call s2 , and so on. In general, after reading i 0’s A is in state si , as suggested
by Fig. 11.37.5
Now A was assumed to have exactly m states, and there are m+1 states among
s0 , s1 , . . . , sm . Thus, it is not possible that all of these states are different. There
must be some distinct integers i and j in the range 0 to m, such that si and sj are
really the same state. If we assume that i is the smaller of i and j, then the path of
Fig. 11.37 must have at least one loop in it, as suggested by Fig. 11.38. In practice,
there could be many more loops and repetitions of states than is suggested by Fig.
11.38. Also notice that i could be 0, in which case the path from s0 to si suggested
in Fig. 11.38 is really just a single node. Similarly, sj could be sm , in which case
the path from sj to sm is but a single node.
The implication of Fig. 11.38 is that the automaton A cannot “remember” how
many 0’s it has seen. If it is in state sm , it might have seen exactly m 0’s, and so
it must be that if we start in state m and feed A exactly m 1’s, A arrives at an
accepting state, as suggested by Fig. 11.39.
However, suppose that we fed A a string of m + j − i 0’s. Looking at Fig.
11.38, we see that i 0’s take A from s0 to si , which is the same as sj . We also see
that m − j 0’s take A from sj to sm . Thus, m − j + i 0’s take A from s0 to sm , as
suggested by the upper path in Fig. 11.39.
Hence, m − j + i 0’s followed by m 1’s takes A from s0 to an accepting state.
Put another way, the string 0m−j+i 1m is in the language of A. But since j is greater

5 The reader should remember that we don’t really know the names of A’s states; we only
know that A has m states for some integer m. Thus, the names s0 , . . . , sm are not A’s names
for its states, but rather our names for its states. That is not as odd as it might seem. For
example, we routinely do things like create an array s, indexed from 0 to m, and store in
s[i] some value, which might be the name of a state of automaton A. We might then, in a
program, refer to this state name as s[i], rather than by its own name.

sj−1 si+1

0 0

0 0
s0 si−1 si sj+1 sm
= sj

Fig. 11.38. The path of Fig. 11.37 must have a loop.


start 1m
s0 sm


Fig. 11.39. Automaton A cannot tell whether it has seen m 0’s or m − j + i 0’s.

than i, this string has more 1’s than 0’s, and is not in the language E. We conclude
that A’s language is not exactly E, as we had supposed.
As we started by assuming only that E had a deterministic finite automaton
and wound up deriving a contradiction, we conclude that our assumption was false;
that is, E has no deterministic finite automaton. Thus, E cannot have a regular
expression either.
The language {0n 1n | n ≥ 1} is just one of an infinite number of languages that
can be specified by a grammar but not by any regular expression. Some examples
are offered in the exercises.


11.8.1: Find grammars that define the languages of the following regular expres-
a) (a | b)*a
b) a* | b* | (ab)*
c) a*b*c*

Languages a Grammar Cannot Define

We might ask whether grammars are the most powerful notation for describing
languages. The answer is “not by a long shot.” There are simple languages that
can be shown not to have a grammar, although the proof technique is beyond the
scope of this book. An example of such a language is the set of strings consisting
of equal numbers of 0’s, 1’s, and 2’s, in order, that is,
{012, 001122, 000111222, . . .}
As an example of a more powerful notation for describing languages, consider
C itself. For any grammar, and any of its syntactic categories <S>, it is possible to
write a C program to tell whether a string is in L(<S>). Moreover, a C program
to tell whether a string is in the language described above is not hard to write.
Undecidable Yet there are languages that C programs cannot define. There is an elegant
problems theory of “undecidable problems” that can be used to show certain problems cannot
be solved by any computer program. The theory of undecidability, with some
examples of undecidable problems, is discussed briefly in Section 14.10.

11.8.2*: Show that the set of strings of balanced parentheses is not defined by any
regular expression. Hint : The proof is similar to the proof for the language E above.
Suppose that the set of balanced strings had a deterministic finite automaton of m
states. Feed this automaton m (’s, and examine the states it enters. Show that the
automaton can be “fooled” into accepting a string with unbalanced parentheses.
11.8.3*: Show that the language consisting of strings of the form 0n 10n , that is,
two equal-length runs of 0’s separated by a single 1, is not defined by any regular
11.8.4*: One sometimes sees fallacious assertions that a language like E of this
section is described by a regular expression. The argument is that for each n, 0n 1n
is a regular expression defining the language with one string, 0n 1n . Thus,
01 | 02 12 | 03 13 | · · ·
is a regular expression describing E. What is wrong with this argument?
11.8.5*: Another fallacious argument about languages claims that E has the fol-
lowing finite automaton. The automaton has one state a, which is both the start
state and an accepting state. There is a transition from a to itself on symbols 0 and
1. Then surely string 0i 1i takes state a to itself, and is this accepted. Why does
this argument not show that E is the language of a finite automaton?
11.8.6**: Show that each of the following languages cannot be defined by a regular

Palindromes a) {wwR | w is a string of a’s and b’s and wR is its reversal}

b) {0i | i is a perfect square}
c) {0i | i is a prime}

Which of these languages can be defined by a grammar?

✦ ✦

11.9 Summary of Chapter 11
After reading this chapter, the reader should be aware of the following points:
✦ How a (context-free) grammar defines a language
✦ How to construct a parse tree to represent the grammatical structure of a string
✦ What ambiguity is and why ambiguous grammars are undesirable in the spec-
ification of programming languages
✦ A technique called recursive-descent parsing that can be used to construct parse
trees for certain classes of grammars
✦ A table-driven way of implementing recursive-descent parsers
✦ Why grammars are a more powerful notation for describing languages than are
regular expressions or finite automata

✦ ✦

11.10 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 11
Context-free grammars were first studied by Chomsky [1956] as a formalism for
describing natural languages. Similar formalisms were used to define the syntax of
two of the earliest important programming languages, Fortran (Backus et al. [1957])
and Algol 60 (Naur [1963]). As a result, context-free grammars are often referred
to as Backus-Naur Form (BNF, for short). The study of context-free grammars
through their mathematical properties begins with Bar-Hillel, Perles, and Shamir
[1961]. For a more thorough study of context-free grammars and their applications
see Hopcroft and Ullman [1979] or Aho, Sethi, and Ullman [1986].
Recursive-descent parsers have been used in many compilers and compiler-
writing systems (see Lewis, Rosenkrantz, and Stearns [1974]). Knuth [1965] was
the first to identify LR grammars, the largest natural class of grammars that can
be deterministically parsed, scanning the input from left to right.
Aho, A. V., R. Sethi, and J. D. Ullman [1986]. Compiler Design: Principles, Tech-
niques, and Tools, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Backus, J. W. [1957]. “The FORTRAN automatic coding system,” Proc. AFIPS
Western Joint Computer Conference, pp. 188–198, Spartan Books, Baltimore.
Bar-Hillel, Y., M. Perles, and E. Shamir [1961]. “On formal properties of simple
phrase structure grammars,” Z. Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunika-
tionsforschung 14, pp. 143–172.
Chomsky, N. [1956]. “Three models for the description of language,” IRE Trans.
Information Theory IT-2:3, pp. 113–124.
Hopcroft, J. E., and J. D. Ullman [1979]. Introduction to Automata Theory, Lan-
guages, and Computation, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.

Knuth, D. E. [1965]. “On the translation of languages from left to right,” Informa-
tion and Control 8:6, pp. 607–639.
Lewis, P. M., D. J. Rosenkrantz, and R. E. Stearns [1974]. “Attributed transla-
tions,” J. Computer and System Sciences 9:3, pp. 279–307.
Naur, P. (ed.) [1963]. “Revised report on the algorithmic language Algol 60,”
Comm. ACM 6:1, pp. 1–17.

✦ ✦


In this chapter, we introduce propositional logic, an algebra whose original purpose,

dating back to Aristotle, was to model reasoning. In more recent times, this algebra,
like many algebras, has proved useful as a design tool. For example, Chapter 13
shows how propositional logic can be used in computer circuit design. A third
use of logic is as a data model for programming languages and systems, such as
the language Prolog. Many systems for reasoning by computer, including theorem
provers, program verifiers, and applications in the field of artificial intelligence,
have been implemented in logic-based programming languages. These languages
generally use “predicate logic,” a more powerful form of logic that extends the
capabilities of propositional logic. We shall meet predicate logic in Chapter 14.

✦ ✦

12.1 What This Chapter Is About
Section 12.2 gives an intuitive explanation of what propositional logic is, and why it
is useful. The next section, 12,3, introduces an algebra for logical expressions with
Boolean-valued operands and with logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT that
Boolean algebra operate on Boolean (true/false) values. This algebra is often called Boolean algebra
after George Boole, the logician who first framed logic as an algebra. We then learn
the following ideas.
✦ Truth tables are a useful way to represent the meaning of an expression in logic
(Section 12.4).
✦ We can convert a truth table to a logical expression for the same logical function
(Section 12.5).
✦ The Karnaugh map is a useful tabular technique for simplifying logical expres-
sions (Section 12.6).
✦ There is a rich set of “tautologies,” or algebraic laws that can be applied to
logical expressions (Sections 12.7 and 12.8).


✦ Certain tautologies of propositional logic allow us to explain such common proof

techniques as “proof by contradiction” or “proof by contrapositive” (Section
✦ Propositional logic is also amenable to “deduction,” that is, the development
of proofs by writing a series of lines, each of which either is given or is justified
by some previous lines (Section 12.10). This is the mode of proof most of us
learned in a plane geometry class in high school.
✦ A powerful technique called “resolution” can help us find proofs quickly (Sec-
tion 12.11).

✦ ✦

12.2 What Is Propositional Logic?
Sam wrote a C program containing the if-statement
if (a < b || (a >= b && c == d)) ... (12.1)
Sally points out that the conditional expression in the if-statement could have been
written more simply as
if (a < b || c == d) ... (12.2)
How did Sally draw this conclusion?
She might have reasoned as follows. Suppose a < b. Then the first of the two
OR’ed conditions is true in both statements, so the then-branch is taken in either of
the if-statements (12.1) and (12.2).
Now suppose a < b is false. In this case, we can only take the then-branch
if the second of the two conditions is true. For statement (12.1), we are asking
a >= b && c == d
is true. Now a >= b is surely true, since we assume a < b is false. Thus we take the
then-branch in (12.1) exactly when c == d is true. For statement (12.2), we clearly
take the then-branch exactly when c == d. Thus no matter what the values of a, b,
c, and d are, either both or neither of the if-statements cause the then-branch to be
followed. We conclude that Sally is right, and the simplified conditional expression
can be substituted for the first with no change in what the program does.
Propositional logic is a mathematical model that allows us to reason about the
truth or falsehood of logical expressions. We shall define logical expressions formally
in the next section, but for the time being we can think of a logical expression as
a simplification of a conditional expression such as lines (12.1) or (12.2) above that
abstracts away the order of evaluation contraints of the logical operators in C.

Propositions and Truth Values

Notice that our reasoning about the two if-statements above did not depend on what
a < b or similar conditions “mean.” All we needed to know was that the conditions
a < b and a >= b are complementary, that is, when one is true the other is false
and vice versa. We may therefore replace the statement a < b by a single symbol
Propositional p, replace a >= b by the expression NOT p, and replace c == d by the symbol q.
variable The symbols p and q are called propositional variables, since they can stand for any

“proposition,” that is, any statement that can have one of the truth values, true or
Logical expressions can contain logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT.
When the values of the operands of the logical operators in a logical expression are
known, the value of the expression can be determined using rules such as

1. The expression p AND q is true only when both p and q are true; it is false

2. The expression p OR q is true if either p or q, or both are true; it is false


3. The expression NOT p is true if p is false, and false if p is true.

The operator NOT has the same meaning as the C operator !. The operators AND and
OR are like the C operators && and ||, respectively, but with a technical difference.
The C operators are defined to evaluate the second operand only when the first
operand does not resolve the matter — that is, when the first operation of && is
true or the first operand of || is false. However, this detail is only important when
the C expression has side effects. Since there are no “side effects” in the evaluation
of logical expressions, we can take AND to be synonymous with the C operator &&
and take OR to be synonymous with ||.
For example, the condition in Equation (12.1) can be written as the logical

p OR (NOT p) AND q

and Equation (12.2) can be written as p OR q. Our reasoning about the two if-
statements (12.1) and (12.2) showed the general proposition that
p OR (NOT p) AND q ≡ (p OR q) (12.3)

where ≡ means “is equivalent to” or “has the same Boolean value as.” That is,
no matter what truth values are assigned to the propositional variables p and q,
the left-hand side and right-hand side of ≡ are either both true or both false. We
discovered that for the equivalence above, both are true when p is true or when q is
true, and both are false if p and q are both false. Thus, we have a valid equivalence.
As p and q can be any propositions we like, we can use equivalence (12.3) to
simplify many different expressions. For example, we could let p be
a == b+1 && c < d

while q is a == c || b == c. In that case, the left-hand side of (12.3) is

(a == b+1 && c < d) || (12.4)
( !(a == b+1 && c < d) && (a == c || b == c))

Note that we placed parentheses around the values of p and q to make sure the
resulting expression is grouped properly.
Equivalence (12.3) tells us that (12.4) can be simplified to the right-hand side
of (12.3), which is
(a == b+1 && c < d) || (a == c || b == c)

What Propositional Logic Cannot Do

Propositional logic is a useful tool for reasoning, but it is limited because it can-
not see inside propositions and take advantage of relationships among them. For
example, Sally once wrote the if-statement
if (a < b && a < c && b < c) ...
Then Sam pointed out that it was sufficient to write
if (a < b && b < c) ...
If we let p, q, and r stand for the propositions (a < b), (a < c), and (b < c),
respectively, then it looks like Sam said that
(p AND q AND r) ≡ (p AND r)
This equivalence, however, is not always true. For example, suppose p and r were
true, but q were false. Then the right-hand side would be false and the left-hand
side true.
It turns out that Sam’s simplification is correct, but not for any reason that
we can discover using propositional logic. You may recall from Section 7.10 that <
is a transitive relation. That is, whenever both p and r, that is, a < b and b < c,
are true, it must also be that q, which is a < c, is true.
In Chapter 14, we shall consider a more powerful model called predicate logic
Predicate logic that allows us to attach arguments to propositions. That privilege allows us to
exploit special properties of operators like <. (For our purposes, we can think of
a predicate as the name for a relation in the set-theoretic sense of Chapters 7 and
8.) For example, we could create a predicate lt to represent operator <, and write
p, q, and r as lt(a, b), lt(a, c), and lt(b, c). Then, with suitable laws that expressed
the properties of lt, such as transitivity, we could conclude that
lt(a, b) AND lt(a, c) AND lt(b, c) ≡ lt(a, b) AND lt(b, c)
In fact, the above holds for any predicate lt that obeys the transitive law, not just
for the predicate <.

As another example, we could let p be the proposition, “It is sunny,” and q the
proposition, “Joe takes his umbrella.” Then the left-hand side of (12.3) is
“It is sunny, or it is not sunny and Joe takes his umbrella.”
while the right-hand side, which says the same thing, is
“It is sunny or Joe takes his umbrella.”

✦ ✦

12.3 Logical Expressions

As mentioned in the previous section, logical expressions are defined recursively as


BASIS. Propositional variables and the logical constants, TRUE and FALSE, are log-
ical expressions. These are the atomic operands.

INDUCTION. If E and F are logical expressions, then so are

a) E AND F . The value of this expression is TRUE if both E and F are TRUE and
FALSE otherwise.
b) E OR F . The value of this expression is TRUE if either E or F or both are TRUE,
and the value is FALSE if both E and F are FALSE.
c) NOT E. The value of this expression is TRUE if E is FALSE and FALSE if E is

That is, logical expressions can be built from the binary infix operators AND and
OR, the unary prefix operator NOT. As with other algebras, we need parentheses for
grouping, but in some cases we can use the precedence and associativity of operators
to eliminate redundant pairs of parentheses, as we do in the conditional expressions
of C that involve these logical operators. In the next section, we shall see more
logical operators than can appear in logical expressions.

✦ Example 12.1. Some examples of logical expressions are:

3. NOT p
4. p AND (q OR r)
5. (q AND p) OR (NOT p)
In these expressions, p, q, and r are propositional variables. ✦

Precedence of Logical Operators

As with expressions of other sorts, we assign a precedence to logical operators,
and we can use this precedence to eliminate certain pairs of parentheses. The
precedence order for the operators we have seen so far is NOT (highest), then AND,
then OR (lowest). Both AND and OR are normally grouped from the left, although
we shall see that they are associative, and that the grouping is therefore irrelevant.
NOT, being a unary prefix operator, can only group from the right.

✦ Example 12.2. NOT NOT p OR q is grouped NOT (NOT p) OR q. NOT p OR q AND r
is grouped (NOT p) OR (q AND r). You should observe that there is an analogy
between the precedence and associativity of AND, OR, and NOT on one hand, and the
arithmetic operators ×, +, and unary − on the other. For instance, the second of
the above expressions can be compared with the arithmetic expression −p + q × r,
which has the same grouping, (−p) + (q × r). ✦

Evaluating Logical Expressions

When all of the propositional variables in a logical expression are assigned truth
values, the expression itself acquires a truth value. We can then evaluate a logical
expression just as we would an arithmetic expression or a relational expression.
The process is best seen in terms of the expression tree for an expression, such
as that shown in Fig. 12.1 for the expression p AND (q OR r) OR s. Given a truth
Truth assignment, that is, an assignment of TRUE or FALSE to each variable, we begin at
assignment the leaves, which are atomic operands. Each atomic operand is either one of the
logical constants TRUE or FALSE, or is a variable that is given one of the values TRUE
or FALSE by the truth assignment. We then work up the tree. Once the value of
the children of an interior node v are known, we can apply the operator at v to
these values and produce a truth value for node v. The truth value at the root is
the truth value of the whole expression.



p OR

q r

Fig. 12.1. Expression tree for the logical expression p AND (q OR r) OR s.

✦ Example 12.3. Suppose we want to evaluate the expression p AND (q OR r) OR s

with the truth assignment TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, for p, q, r, and s, respec-
tively. We first consider the lowest interior node in Fig. 12.1, which represents the
expression q OR r. Since q is FALSE, but r is TRUE, the value of q OR r is TRUE.
We now work on the node with the AND operator. Both its children, represent-
ing expressions p and q OR r, have the value TRUE. Thus this node, representing
expression p AND (q OR r), also has the value TRUE.
Finally, we work on the root, which has operator OR. Its left child, we just
discovered has value TRUE, and its right child, which represents expression s, has
value FALSE according to the truth assignment. Since TRUE OR FALSE evaluates to
TRUE, the entire expression has value TRUE. ✦

Boolean Functions
The “meaning” of any expression can be described formally as a function from
the values of its arguments to a value for the whole expression. For example, the
arithmetic expression x × (x + y) is a function that takes values for x and y (say
reals) and returns the value obtained by adding the two arguments and multiplying
the sum by the first argument. The behavior is similar to that of a C function

float foo(float x, float y)

return x*(x+y);
In Chapter 7 we learned about functions as sets of pairs with a domain and
range. We could also represent an arithmetic expression like x×(x+y) as a function
whose domain is pairs of reals and whose range is the reals. This function consists
of pairs of the form (x, y), x × (x + y) . Note that the first component of each 
pair is itself a pair,
 (x, y). This set is infinite; it contains members like (3, 4), 21 ,
or (10, 12.5), 225 .
Similarly, a logical expression’s meaning is a function that takes truth assign-
ments as arguments and returns either TRUE or FALSE. Such functions are called
Boolean functions. For example, the logical expression
E: p AND (p OR q)
is similar to a C function declared
return p && (p || q);
Like arithmetic expressions, Boolean expressions can be thought of as sets of
pairs. The first component of each pair is a truth assignment, that is, a tuple giving
the truth value of each propositional variable in some specified order. The second
component of the pair is the value of the expression for that truth assignment.

✦ Example 12.4. The expression E = p AND (p OR q) can be represented by a

function consisting of four members. We shall represent truth values by giving the
value for p before the value for q. Then (TRUE, FALSE), TRUE is one of the pairs
in the set representing E as a function. It says that when p is true and q is false,
p AND (p OR q) is true. We can determine this value by working up the expression
tree for E, by the process in Example 12.3. The reader can evaluate E for the
other three truth assignments, and thus build the entire Boolean function that E
represents. ✦


12.3.1: Evaluate the following expressions for all possible truth values, to express
their Boolean functions as a set-theoretic function.
a) p AND (p OR q)
b) NOT p OR q
c) (p AND q) OR (NOT p AND NOT q)
12.3.2: Write C functions to implement the logical expressions in Exercise 12.3.1.

✦ ✦

12.4 Truth Tables

It is convenient to display a Boolean function as a truth table, in which the rows

correspond to all possible combinations of truth values for the arguments. There is
a column for each argument and a column for the value of the function.

p q p AND q p q p OR q p NOT p
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 12.2. Truth tables for AND, OR, and NOT.

✦ Example 12.5. The truth tables for AND, OR, and NOT are shown in Fig. 12.2.
Here, and frequently in this chapter, we shall use the shorthand that 1 stands for
TRUE and 0 stands for FALSE. Thus the truth table for AND says that the result is
TRUE if and only if both operands are TRUE; the second truth table says that the
result of applying the OR operator is TRUE when either of the operands, or both, are
TRUE; the third truth table says that the result of applying the NOT operator is TRUE
if and only if the operand has the value FALSE. ✦

The Size of Truth Tables

Suppose a Boolean function has k arguments. Then a truth assignment for this
function is a list of k elements, each element either TRUE or FALSE. Counting
the number of truth assignments for k variables is an example of the assignment-
counting problem considered in Section 4.2. That is, we assign one of the two truth
values to each of k items, the propositional variables. That is analogous to painting
k houses with two choices of color. The number of truth assignments is thus 2k .
The truth table for a Boolean function of k arguments thus has 2k rows, one
for each truth assignment. For example, if k = 2 there are four rows, corresponding
to 00, 01, 10, and 11, as we see in the truth tables for AND and OR in Fig. 12.2.
While truth tables involving one, two, or three variables are relatively small,
the fact that the number of rows is 2k for a k-ary function tells us that k does not
have to get too big before it becomes unfeasible to draw truth tables. For example,
a function with ten arguments has over 1000 rows. In later sections we shall have
to contend with the fact that, while truth tables are finite and in principle tell us
everything we need to know about a Boolean function, their exponentially growing
size often forces us to find other means to understand, evaluate, or compare Boolean

Understanding “Implies”
The meaning of the implication operator → may appear unintuitive, since we must
get used to the notion that “falsehood implies everything.” We should not confuse
→ with causation. That is, p → q may be true, yet p does not “cause” q in any
sense. For example, let p be “it is raining,” and q be “Sue takes her umbrella.” We
might assert that p → q is true. It might even appear that the rain is what caused
Sue to take her umbrella. However, it could also be true that Sue is the sort of
person who doesn’t believe weather forecasts and prefers to carry an umbrella at
all times.

Counting the Number of Boolean Functions

While the number of rows in a truth table for a k-argument Boolean function grows
exponentially in k, the number of different k-ary Boolean functions grows much
faster still. To count the number of k-ary Boolean functions, note that each such
function is represented by a truth table with 2k rows, as we observed. Each row
is assigned a value, either TRUE or FALSE. Thus, the number of different Boolean
functions of k arguments is the same as the number of assignments to 2k items of 2
k 2
values. This number is 22 . For example, when k = 2, there are 22 = 16 functions,
and for k = 5 there are 22 = 232 , or about four billion functions.
Of the 16 Boolean functions of 2 arguments, we already met two: AND and OR.
Some others are trivial, such as the function that has value 1 no matter what its
arguments are. However, there are a number of other functions of two arguments
that are useful, and we shall meet them later in this section. We have also seen NOT,
a useful function of one argument, and one often uses Boolean functions of three or
more arguments as well.

Additional Logical Operators

There are four other Boolean functions of two arguments that will prove very useful
in what follows.
1. Implication, written →. We write p → q to mean that “if p is true, then q is
true.” The truth table for → is shown in Fig. 12.3. Notice that there is only
one way p → q can be made false: p must be true and q must be false. If p is
false, then p → q is always true, and if q is true, then p → q is always true.

p q p→q
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1

Fig. 12.3. Truth table for “implies.”


2. Equivalence, written ≡, means “if and only if”; that is, p ≡ q is true when
both p and q are true, or when both are false, but not otherwise. Its truth
table is shown in Fig. 12.4. Another way of looking at the ≡ operator is that
it asserts that the operands on the left and right have the same truth value.
That is what we meant
 in Section 12.2 when we claimed, for example, that
p OR (NOT p AND q) ≡ (p OR q).
3. The NAND, or “not-and,” operator applies AND to its operands and then comple-
ments the result by applying NOT. We write p NAND q to denote NOT (p AND q).
4. Similarly, the NOR, or “not-or,” operator takes the OR of its operands and com-
plements the result; p NOR q denotes NOT (p OR q). The truth tables for NAND
and NOR are shown in Fig. 12.4.

p q p≡q p q p NAND q p q p NOR q

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

Fig. 12.4. Truth tables for equivalence, NAND, and NOR.

Operators with Many Arguments

Some logical operators can take more than two arguments as a natural extension.
For example, it is easy to see that AND is associative [(p AND q) AND r is equivalent
to p AND (q AND r)]. Thus an expression of the form p1 AND p2 AND · · · AND pk can
be grouped in any order; its value will be TRUE exactly when all of p1 , p2 , . . . , pk are
TRUE. We may thus write this expression as a function of k arguments,
AND (p1 , p2 , . . . , pk )
Its truth table is suggested in Fig. 12.5. As we see, the result is 1 only when all
arguments are 1.

p1 p2 · · · pk−1 pk AND (p1 , p2 , . . . , pk )

0 0 ··· 0 0 0
0 0 ··· 0 1 0
0 0 ··· 1 0 0
0 0 ··· 1 1 0
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
1 1 ··· 1 0 0
1 1 ··· 1 1 1

Fig. 12.5. Truth table for k-argument AND.


The Significance of Some Operators

The reason that we are especially interested in k-ary AND, OR, NAND, and NOR is that
these operators are particularly easy to implement electronically. That is, there
are simple means to build “gates,” which are electronic circuits that take k inputs
and produce the AND, OR, NAND, or NOR of these inputs. While the details of the
underlying electronic technologies are beyond the scope of this book, the general
idea is to represent 1 and 0, or TRUE and FALSE, by two different voltage levels. Some
other operators, such as ≡ or →, are not that easy to implement electronically, and
we generally use several gates of the NAND or NOR type to implement them. The NOT
operator, however, can be thought of as either a 1-argument NAND or a 1-argument
NOR, and therefore is also “easy” to implement.

Similarly, OR is associative, and we can denote the logical expression p1 OR

p2 OR · · · OR pk as a single Boolean function OR (p1 , p2 , . . . , pk ). The truth table for
this k-ary OR, which we shall not show, has 2k rows, like the table for k-ary AND.
For the OR, however, the first row, where p1 , p2 , . . . , pk are all assigned 0, has the
value 0; the remaining 2k − 1 rows have the value 1.
The binary operators NAND and NOR are commutative, but not associative. Thus
the expression without parentheses, p1 NAND p2 NAND · · · NAND pk , has no intrinsic
meaning. When we speak of k-ary NAND, we do not mean any of the possible
groupings of
p1 NAND p2 NAND · · · NAND pk
Rather, we define NAND (p1 , p2 , . . . , pk ) to be equivalent to the expression
NOT (p1 AND p2 AND · · · AND pk )
That is, NAND (p1 , p2 , . . . , pk ) has value 0 if all of p1 , p2 , . . . , pk have value 1, and it
has value 1 for all the 2k − 1 other combinations of input values.
Similarly, NOR (p1 , p2 , . . . , pk ) stands for NOT (p1 OR p2 OR · · · OR pk ). It has
value 1 if p1 , p2 , . . . , pk all have value 0; it has value 0 otherwise.

Associativity and Precedence of Logical Operators

The order of precedence we shall use is
1. NOT (highest) 5. OR
2. NAND 6. →
3. NOR 7. ≡ (lowest)
4. AND

Thus, for example, p → q ≡ NOT p OR q is grouped (p → q) ≡ (NOT p) OR q .
As we mentioned earlier, AND and OR are associative and commutative; so is ≡.
We shall assume that they group from the left if it is necessary to be specific. The
other binary operators listed above are not associative. We shall generally show
parentheses around them explicitly to avoid ambiguity, but each of the operators
→, NAND, and NOR will be grouped from the left in strings of two or more of the
same operator.

Using Truth Tables to Evaluate Logical Expressions

The truth table is a convenient way to calculate and display the value of an expres-
sion E for all possible truth assignments, as long as there are not too many variables
in the expression. We begin with columns for each of the variables appearing in
E, and follow with columns for the various subexpressions of E, in an order that
represents a bottom-up evaluation of the expression tree for E.
When we apply an operator to the columns representing the values of some
nodes, we perform an operation on the columns that corresponds to the operator in
a simple way. For example, if we wish to take the AND of two columns, we put 1 in
those rows that have 1 in both columns, and we put 0’s in the other rows. To take
the OR of two columns, we put a 1 in those rows where one or both of the columns
have 1, and we put 0’s elsewhere. To take the NOT of a column, we complement the
column, putting a 1 where the column has a 0 and vice-versa. As a last example,
to apply the operator → to two columns, the result has a 0 only where the first has
1 and the second has 0; other rows have 1 in the result.
The rule for some other operators is left for an exercise. In general, we apply
an operator to columns by applying that operator, row by row, to the values in that

✦ Example 12.6. Consider the expression E: (p AND q) → (p OR r). Figure 12.6

shows the truth table for this expression and its subexpressions. Columns (1), (2),
and (3) give the values of the variables p, q, and r in all combinations. Column (4)
gives the value of subexpression p AND q, which is computed by putting a 1 wherever
there is a 1 in both columns (1) and (2). Column (5) shows the value of expression
p OR r; it is obtained by putting a 1 in those rows where either column (1) or (3), or
both, has a 1. Finally, column (6) represents the whole expression E. It is formed
from columns (4) and (5); it has a 1 except in those rows where column (4) has 1
and column (5) has 0. Since there is no such row, column (6) is all 1’s, which says
that E has the truth value 1 no matter what its arguments are. Such an expression
is called a “tautology,” as we shall see in Section 12.7. ✦

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

p q r p AND q p OR r E
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 12.6. Truth table for (p AND q) → (p OR r).


Venn Diagrams and Truth Tables

There is a similarity between truth tables and the Venn diagrams for set operations
that we discussed in Section 7.3. First, the operation union on sets acts like OR on
truth values, and intersection of sets acts like AND. We shall see in Section 12.8 that
these two pairs of operations obey the same algebraic laws. Just as an expression
involving k sets as arguments results in a Venn diagram with 2k regions, a logical
expression with k variables results in a truth table with 2k rows. Further, there is
a natural correspondence between the regions and the rows. For example, a logical
expression with variables p, q, and r corresponds to a set expression involving sets
P , Q, and R. Consider the Venn diagram for these sets:

P 4 6 2 Q
5 3

Here, the region 0 corresponds to the set of elements that are in none of P , Q,
and R, region 1 corresponds to the elements that are in R, but not in P or Q. In
general, if we look at the 3-place binary representation of a region number, say abc,
then the elements of the region are in P if a = 1, in Q if b = 1, and in R if c = 1.
Thus the region numbered (abc)2 corresponds to the row of the truth table where
p, q, and r have truth values a, b, and c, respectively.
When dealing with Venn diagrams, we took the union of two sets of regions to
include the regions in either set. In analogy, when we take the OR of columns in a
truth table, we put 1 in the union of the rows that have 1 in the first column and
the rows that have 1 in the second column. Similarly, we intersect sets of regions
in a Venn diagram by taking only those regions in both sets, and we take the AND
of columns by putting a 1 in the intersection of the set of rows that have 1 in the
first column and the set of rows with 1 in the second column.
The logical NOT operator does not quite correspond to a set operator. However,
if we imagine that the union of all the regions is a “universal set,” then logical
NOT corresponds to taking a set of regions and producing the set consisting of the
remaining regions of the Venn diagram, that is, subtracting the given set from the
universal set.


12.4.1: Give the rule for computing the (a) NAND (b) NOR (c) ≡ of two columns of
a truth table.

12.4.2: Compute the truth table for the following expressions and their subexpres-

a) (p → q) ≡ (NOT p OR q)

b) p → q → (r OR NOT p)
c) (p OR q) → (p AND q)

12.4.3*: To what set operator does the logical expression p AND NOT q correspond?
(See the box comparing Venn diagrams and truth tables.)

12.4.4*: Give examples to show that →, NAND, and NOR are not associative.

12.4.5**: A Boolean function f does not depend on the first argument if

f (TRUE, x2 , x3 , . . . , xk ) = f (FALSE, x2 , x3 , . . . , xk )

for any truth values x2 , x3 , . . . , xk . Similarly, we can say f does not depend on
its ith argument if the value of f never changes when its ith argument is switched
between TRUE and FALSE. How many Boolean functions of two arguments do not
depend on their first or second argument (or both)?

12.4.6*: Construct truth tables for the 16 Boolean functions of two variables. How
many of these functions are commutative?

Exclusive or 12.4.7: The binary exclusive-or function, ⊕, is defined to have value TRUE if and
only if exactly one of its arguments are TRUE.

a) Draw the truth table for ⊕.

b)* Is ⊕ commutative? Is it associative?

✦ ✦

12.5 From Boolean Functions to Logical Expressions

Now, let us consider the problem of designing a logical expression from a truth
table. We start with a truth table as the specification of the logical expression,
and our goal is to find an expression with the given truth table. Generally, there is
an infinity of different expressions we could use; we usually limit our selection to a
particular set of operators, and we often want an expression that is “simplest” in
some sense.
This problem is a fundamental one in circuit design. The logical operators in
the expression may be taken as the gates of the circuit, and so there is a straight-
forward translation from a logical expression to an electronic circuit, by a process
we shall discuss in the next chapter.

x y

d c

Fig. 12.7. A one-bit adder: (dz)2 is the sum x + y + c.

✦ Example 12.7. As we saw in Section 1.3, we can design a 32-bit adder out of
one-bit adders of the type shown in Fig. 12.7. The one-bit adder sums two input
bits x and y, and a carry-in bit c, to produce a carry-out bit d and a sum bit z.
The truth table in Fig. 12.8 tells us the value of the carry-out bit d and the
sum-bit z, as a function of x, y, and c for each of the eight combinations of input
values. The carry-out bit d is 1 if at least two of x, y, and c have the value 1, and
d = 0 if only zero or one of the inputs is 1. The sum bit z is 1 if an odd number of
x, y, and c are 1, and 0 if not.

x y c d z
0) 0 0 0 0 0
1) 0 0 1 0 1
2) 0 1 0 0 1
3) 0 1 1 1 0
4) 1 0 0 0 1
5) 1 0 1 1 0
6) 1 1 0 1 0
7) 1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 12.8. Truth table for the carry-out bit d and the sum-bit z.

We shall present a general way to go from a truth table to a logical expression

momentarily. However, given the carry-out function d of Fig. 12.8, we might reason
in the following manner to construct a corresponding logical expression.
1. From rows 3 and 7, d is 1 if both y and c are 1.
2. From rows 5 and 7, d is 1 if both x and c are 1.
3. From rows 6 and 7, d is 1 if both x and y are 1.
Condition (1) can be modeled by the logical expression y AND c, because y AND c is
true exactly when both y and c are 1. Similarly, condition (2) can be modeled by
x AND c, and condition (3) by x AND y.
All the rows that have d = 1 are included in at least one of these three pairs
of rows. Thus we can write a logical expression that is true whenever one or more
of the three conditions hold by taking the logical OR of these three expressions:

(y AND c) OR (x AND c) OR (x AND y) (12.5)

The correctness of this expression is checked in Fig. 12.9. The last four columns
correspond to the subexpressions y AND c, x AND c, x AND y, and expression (12.5). ✦

x y c y AND c x AND c x AND y d

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 12.9. Truth table for carry-out expression (12.5) and its subexpressions.

Shorthand Notation
Before proceeding to describe how we build expressions from truth tables, there are
some simplifications in notation that will prove helpful.
1. We can represent the AND operator by juxtaposition, that is, by no operator at
all, just as we often represent multiplication, and as we represented concatena-
tion in Chapter 10.
2. The OR operator can be represented by +.
3. The NOT operator can be represented by an overbar. This convention is espe-
cially useful when the NOT applies to a single variable, and we shall often write
NOT p as p̄.

✦ Example 12.8. The expression p AND q OR r can be written pq + r. The

expression p AND NOT q OR NOT r can be written pq̄ + r̄. We can even mix our
original notation with the shorthand notation. For example, the expression

(p AND q) → r AND (p → s)
could be written (pq → r) AND (p → s) or even as (pq → r)(p → s). ✦

One important reason for the new notation is that it allows us to think of
AND and OR as if they were multiplication and addition in arithmetic. Thus we can
apply such familiar laws as commutativity, associativity, and distributivity, which
we shall see in Section 12.8 apply to these logical operators, just as they do to the
corresponding arithmetic operators. For example, we shall see that p(q + r) can be
replaced by pq + pr, and then by rp + qp, whether the operators involved are AND
Product, sum, and OR, or multiplication and addition.
conjunction, Because of this shorthand notation, it is common to refer to the AND of expres-
disjunction sions as a product and to the OR of expressions as a sum. Another name for the

AND of expressions is a conjunction, and for the OR of expressions another name is


Constructing a Logical Expression from a Truth Table

Any Boolean function whatsoever can be represented by a logical expression using

the operators AND, OR, and NOT. Finding the simplest expression for a given Boolean
function is generally hard. However, we can easily construct some expression for
and Boolean function. The technique is straightforward. Starting with the truth
table for the function, we construct a logical expression of the form
m1 OR m2 OR · · · OR mn

Each mi is a term that corresponds to one of the rows of the truth table for which
the function has value 1. Thus there are as many terms in the expression as there
Minterm are 1’s in the column for that function. Each of the terms mi is called a minterm
and has a special form that we shall describe below.
To begin our explanation of minterms, a literal is an expression that is either
a single propositional variable, such as p, or a negated variable, such as NOT p,
Literal which we shall often write as p̄. If the truth table has k variable columns, then
each minterm consists of the logical AND, or “product,” of k literals. Let r be a row
for which we wish to construct the minterm. If the variable p has the value 1 in
row r, then select literal p. If p has value 0 in row r, then select p̄ as the literal.
The minterm for row r is the product of the literals for each variable. Clearly, the
minterm can only have the value 1 if all the variables have the values that appear
in row r of the truth table.
Now construct an expression for the function by taking the logical OR, or “sum,”
of those minterms that correspond to rows with 1 as the value of the function. The
Sum of resulting expression is in “sum of products” form, or disjunctive normal form. The
products; expression is correct, because it has the value 1 exactly when there is a minterm
disjunctive with value 1; this minterm cannot be 1 unless the values of the variables correspond
normal form to the row of the truth table for that minterm, and that row has value 1.

✦ Example 12.9. Let us construct a sum-of-products expression for the carry-

out function d defined by the truth table of Fig. 12.8. The rows with value 1 are
numbered 3, 5, 6, and 7. The minterm for row 3, which has x = 0, y = 1, and c = 1,
is x̄ AND y AND c, which we abbreviate x̄yc. Similarly, the minterm for row 5 is xȳc,
that for row 6 is xyc̄, and that for row 7 is xyc. Thus the desired expression for d
is the logical OR of these expressions, which is
x̄yc + xȳc + xyc̄ + xyc (12.6)

This expression is more complex than (12.5). However, we shall see in the next
section how expression (12.5) can be derived.
Similarly, we can construct a logical expression for the sum-bit z by taking the
sum of the minterms for rows 1, 2, 4, and 7 to obtain
x̄ȳc + x̄yc̄ + xȳc̄ + xyc


Complete Sets of Operators

The minterm technique for designing sum-of-products expressions like (12.6) shows
that the set of logical operators AND, OR, and NOT is a complete set, meaning that
every Boolean function has an expression using just these operators. It is not hard
to show that the NAND operator by itself is complete. We can express the functions
AND, OR, and NOT, with NAND alone as follows:

1. (p AND q) ≡ (p NAND q) NAND TRUE

2. (p OR q) ≡ (p NAND TRUE) NAND (q NAND TRUE)
3. (NOT p) ≡ (p NAND TRUE)
We can convert any sum-of-products expression to one involving only NAND,
by substituting the appropriate NAND-expression for each use of AND, OR, and NOT.
Similarly, NOR by itself is complete.
An example of a set of operators that is not complete is AND and OR by them-
selves. For example, they cannot express the function NOT. To see why, note that
Monotone AND and OR are monotone, meaning that when you change any one input from 0 to
function 1, the output cannot change from 1 to 0. It can be shown by induction on the size
of an expression that any expression with operators AND and OR is monotone. But
NOT is not monotone, obviously. Hence there is no way to express NOT by AND’s and

p q r a b
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 0

Fig. 12.10. Two Boolean functions for exercises.


12.5.1: Figure 12.10 is a truth table that defines two Boolean functions, a and b, in
terms of variables p, q, and r. Write sum-of-products expressions for each of these
12.5.2: Write product-of-sums expressions (see the box on “Product-of-Sums Ex-
pressions”) for
a) Function a of Fig. 12.10.
b) Function b of Fig. 12.10.
c) Function z of Fig. 12.8.

Product-of-Sums Expressions
There is a dual way to convert a truth table into an expression involving AND, OR,
Conjunctive and NOT; this time, the expression will be a product (logical AND) of sums (logical
normal form OR) of literals. This form is called “product-of-sums,” or conjunctive normal form.
For each row of a truth table, we can define a maxterm, which is the sum of
those literals that disagree with the value of one of the argument variables in that
row. That is, if the row has value 0 for variable p, then use literal p, and if the
Maxterm value of that row for p is 1, then use p̄. The value of the maxterm is thus 1 unless
each variable p has the value specified for p by that row.
Thus, if we look at all the rows of the truth table for which the value is 0, and
take the logical AND of the maxterms for all those rows, our expression will be 0
exactly when the inputs match one of the rows for which the function is to be 0. It
follows that the expression has value 1 for all the other rows, that is, those rows for
which the truth table gives the value 1. For example, the rows with value 0 for d
in Fig. 12.8 are numbered 0, 1, 2, and 4. The maxterm for row 0 is x + y + c, and
that for row 1 is x + y + c̄, for example. The product-of-sums expression for d is
(x + y + c)(x + y + c̄)(x + ȳ + c)(x̄ + y + c)
This expression is equivalent to (12.5) and (12.6).

12.5.3**: Which of the following logical operators form a complete set of operators
by themselves: (a) ≡ (b) → (c) NOR? Prove your answer in each case.
12.5.4**: Of the 16 Boolean functions of two variables, how many are complete by
12.5.5*: Show that the AND and OR of monotone functions is monotone. Then show
that any expression with operators AND and OR only, is monotone.

✦ ✦

12.6 Designing Logical Expressions by Karnaugh Maps
In this section, we present a tabular technique for finding sum-of-products expres-
sions for Boolean functions. The expressions produced are often simpler than those
constructed in the previous section by the expedient of taking the logical OR of all
the necessary minterms in the truth table.
For instance, in Example 12.7 we did an ad hoc design of an expression for
the carry-out function of a one-bit adder. We saw that it was possible to use a
product of literals that was not a minterm; that is, it was missing literals for some
of the variables. For example, we used the product of literals xy to cover the sixth
and seventh rows of Fig. 12.8, in the sense that xy has value 1 exactly when the
variables x, y, and c have the values indicated by one of those two rows.
Similarly, in Example 12.7 we used the expression xc to cover rows 5 and 7,
and we used yc to cover rows 3 and 7. Note that row 7 is covered by all three
expressions. There is no harm in that. In fact, had we used only the minterms for
rows 5 and 3, which are xȳc and x̄yc, respectively, in place of xc and yc, we would
have obtained an expression that was correct, but that had two more occurrences
of operators than the expression xy + xc + yc obtained in Example 12.7.

The essential concept here is that if we have two minterms differing only by
the negation of one variable, such as xyc̄ and xyc for rows 6 and 7, respectively,
we can combine the two minterms by taking the common literals and dropping the
variable in which the terms differ. This observation follows from the general law
(pq + p̄q) ≡ q
To see this equivalence, note that if q is true, then either pq is true, or p̄q is true,
and conversely, when either pq or p̄q is true, then it must be that q is true.
We shall see a technique for verifying such laws in the next section, but, for
the moment, we can let the intuitive meaning of our law justify its use. Note also
that use of this law is not limited to minterms. We could, for example, let p be
any propositional variable and q be any product of literals. Thus we can combine
any two products of literals that differ only in one variable (one product has the
variable itself and the other its complement), replacing the two products by the one
product of the common literals.

Karnaugh Maps
There is a graphical technique for designing sum-of-products expressions from truth
tables; the method works well for Boolean functions up to four variables. The
idea is to write a truth table as a two-dimensional array called a Karnaugh map
(pronounced “car-no”) whose entries, or “points,” each represent a row of the truth
table. By keeping adjacent the points that represent rows differing in only one
variable, we can “see” useful products of literals as certain rectangles, all of whose
points have the value 1.

Two-Variable Karnaugh Maps

The simplest Karnaugh maps are for Boolean functions of two variables. The rows
correspond to values of one of the variables, and the columns correspond to values of
the other. The entries of the map are 0 or 1, depending on whether that combination
of values for the two variables makes the function have value 0 or 1. Thus the
Karnaugh map is a two-dimensional representation of the truth table for a Boolean

✦ Example 12.10. In Fig. 12.11 we see the Karnaugh map for the “implies”
function, p → q. There are four points corresponding to the four possible values for
p and q. Note that “implies” has value 1 except when p = 1 and q = 0, and so the
only point in the Karnaugh map with value 0 is the entry for p = 1 and q = 0; all
the other points have value 1. ✦

An implicant for a Boolean function f is a product x of literals for which no assign-
ment of values to the variables of f makes x true and f false. For example, every
minterm for which the function f has value 1 is an implicant of f . However, there
are other products that can also be implicants, and we shall learn to read these off
of the Karnaugh map for f .

0 1

0 1 1
1 0 1

Fig. 12.11. Karnaugh map for p → q.

✦ Example 12.11. The minterm pq is an implicant for the “implies” function of

Fig. 12.11, because the only assignment of values for p and q that makes pq true,
namely p = 1 and q = 1, also makes the “implies” function true.
As another example, p̄ by itself is an implicant for the “implies” function be-
cause the two assignments of values for p and q that make p̄ true also make p → q
true. These two assignments are p = 0, q = 0 and p = 0, q = 1. ✦

Covering points An implicant is said to cover the points for which it has the value 1. A logical
of a Karnaugh expression can be constructed for a Boolean function by taking the OR of a set of
map implicants that together cover all points for which that function has value 1.

✦ Example 12.12. Figure 12.12 shows two implicants in the Karnaugh map for
the “implies” function. The larger, which covers two points, corresponds to the
single literal, p̄. This implicant covers the top two points of the map, both of which
have 1’s in them. The smaller implicant, pq, covers the point p = 1 and q = 1.
Since these two implicants together cover all the points that have value 1, their
sum, p̄ + pq, is an equivalent expression for p → q; that is, (p → q) ≡ (p̄ + pq). ✦

0 1

0 1 1
1 0 1

Fig. 12.12. Two implicants p̄ and pq in the Karnaugh map for p → q.


Rectangles that correspond to implicants in Karnaugh maps must have a special

“look.” For the simple maps that come from 2-variable functions, these rectangles
can only be
1. Single points,
2. Rows or columns, or
3. The entire map.
A single point in a Karnaugh map corresponds to a minterm, whose expression
we can find by taking the product of the literals for each variable appropriate to
the row and column of the point. That is, if the point is in the row or column for
0, then we take the negation of the variable corresponding to the row, or column,
respectively. If the point is in the row or column for 1, then we take the corre-
sponding variable, unnegated. For instance, the smaller implicant in Fig. 12.12 is
in the row for p = 1 and the column for q = 1, which is the reason that we took the
product of the unnegated literals p and q for that implicant.
A row or column in a two-variable Karnaugh map corresponds to a pair of points
that agree in one variable and disagree in the other. The corresponding “product”
of literals reduces to a single literal. The remaining literal has the variable whose
common value the points share. The literal is negated if that common value is 0,
and unnegated if the shared value is 1. Thus the larger implicant in Fig. 12.12 —
the first row — has points with a common value of p. That value is 0, which justifies
the use of the product-of-literals p̄ for that implicant.
An implicant consisting of the entire map is a special case. In principle, it
corresponds to a product that reduces to the constant 1, or TRUE. Clearly, the
Karnaugh map for the logical expression TRUE has 1’s in all points of the map.

Prime Implicants
A prime implicant x for a Boolean function f is an implicant for f that ceases to
be an implicant for f if any literal in x is deleted. In effect, a prime implicant is an
implicant that has as few literals as possible.
Note that the bigger a rectangle is, the fewer literals there are in its product.
We would generally prefer to replace a product with many literals by one with fewer
literals, which involves fewer occurrences of operators, and thus is “simpler.” We
are thus motivated to consider only those implicants that are prime, when selecting
a set of implicants to cover a map.
Remember that every implicant for a given Karnaugh map consists only of
points with 1’s. An implicant is a prime implicant because expanding it further by
doubling its size would force us to cover a point with value 0.

✦ Example 12.13. In Fig. 12.12, the larger implicant p̄ is prime, since the only
possible larger implicant is the entire map, which cannot be used because it contains
a 0. The smaller implicant pq is not prime, since it is contained in the second
column, which consists only of 1’s, and is therefore an implicant for the “implies”
Karnaugh map. Figure 12.13 shows the only possible choice of prime implicants for
the “implies” map.1 They correspond to the products p̄ and q, and they give rise
to the expression p̄ + q, which we noted in Section 12.3 was equivalent to p → q. ✦

1 In general, there may be many sets of prime implicants that cover a given Karnaugh map.

0 1

0 1 1
1 0 1

Fig. 12.13. Prime implicants p̄ and q for the “implies” function.

Three-Variable Karnaugh Maps

When we have three variables in our truth table, we can use a two-row, four-column
map like that shown in Fig. 12.14, which is a map for the carry-out truth table of
Fig. 12.8. Notice the unusual order in which the columns correspond to pairs of
values for two variables (variables y and c in this example). The reason is that we
want adjacent columns to correspond to assignments of truth values that differ in
only one variable. Had we chosen the usual order, 00, 01, 10, 11, the middle two
columns would differ in both y and c. Note also that the first and last columns are
“adjacent,” in the sense that they differ only in variable y. Thus, when we select
implicants, we can regard the first and last columns as a 2 × 2 rectangle, and we
can regard the first and last points of either row as a 1 × 2 rectangle.


00 01 11 10

0 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 1

Fig. 12.14. Karnaugh map for the carry-out function

with prime implicants xc, yc, and xy.

We need to deduce which rectangles of a three-variable map represent possible

implicants. First, a permissible rectangle must correspond to a product of literals.
In any product, each variable appears in one of three ways: negated, unnegated,
or not at all. When a variable appears negated or unnegated, it cuts in half the
number of points in the corresponding implicant, since only points with the proper
value for that variable belong in the implicant. Hence, the number of points in an
implicant will always be a power of 2. Each permissible implicant is thus a collection
of points that, for each variable, either

Reading Implicants from the Karnaugh Map

No matter how many variables are involved, we can take any rectangle that repre-
sents an implicant and produce the product of literals that is TRUE for exactly the
points in the rectangle. If p is any variable, then
1. If every point in the rectangle has p = 1, then p is a literal in the product.
2. If every point in the rectangle has p = 0, then p̄ is a literal in the product.
3. If the rectangle has points with p = 0 and other points with p = 1, then the
product has no literal with variable p.

a) Includes only points with that variable equal to 0,

b) Includes only points with that variable equal to 1, or
c) Does not discriminate on the basis of the value of that variable.
For three-variable maps, we can enumerate the possible implicants as follows.
1. Any point.
2. Any column.
3. Any pair of horizontally adjacent points, including the end-around case, that
is, a pair in columns 1 and 4 of either row.
4. Any row.
5. Any 2 × 2 square consisting of two adjacent columns, including the end-around
case, that is, columns 1 and 4.
6. The entire map.

✦ Example 12.14. The three prime implicants for the carry-out function were
indicated in Fig. 12.14. We may convert each to a product of literals; see the box
“Reading Implicants from the Karnaugh Map.” The corresponding products are
xc for the leftmost one, yc for the vertical one, and xy for the rightmost one. The
sum of these three expressions is the sum-of-products that we obtained informally
in Example 12.7; we now see how this expression was obtained. ✦

✦ Example 12.15. Figure 12.15 shows the Karnaugh map for the three-variable
Boolean function NAND (p, q, r). The prime implicants are
1. The first row, which corresponds to p̄.
2. The first two columns, which correspond to q̄.
3. Columns 1 and 4, which correspond to r̄.
The sum-of-products expression for this map is p̄ + q̄ + r̄. ✦


00 01 11 10

0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1

Fig. 12.15. Karnaugh map with prime implicants p̄, q̄, and r̄ for NAND(p, q, r).

Four-Variable Karnaugh Maps

A four-argument function can be represented by a 4 × 4 Karnaugh map, in which
two variables correspond to the rows, and two variables correspond to the columns.
In both the rows and columns, the special order of the values that we used for
the columns in three-variable maps must be used, as shown in Fig. 12.16. For
four-variable maps, adjacency of both rows and columns must be interpreted in the
end-around sense. That is, the top and bottom rows are adjacent, and the left and
right columns are adjacent. As an important special case, the four corner points
form a 2 × 2 rectangle; they correspond in Fig. 12.16 to the product of literals q̄s̄
(which is not an implicant in Fig. 12.16, because the lower right corner is 0).


00 01 11 10

00 1 1 0 1

01 1 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0

10 1 0 0 0

Fig. 12.16. Karnaugh map with prime implicants for the “at most one 1” function.

The rectangles in a four-variable Karnaugh map that correspond to products

of literals are as follows:

1. Any point.

2. Any two horizontally or vertically adjacent points, including those that are
adjacent in the end-around sense.

3. Any row or column.

4. Any 2 × 2 square, including those in the end-around sense, such as two adjacent
points in the top row and the two points in the bottom row that are in the same
columns. The four corners is, as we mentioned, a special case of a “square” as

5. Any 2 × 4 or 4 × 2 rectangle, including those in the end-around sense, such as

the first and last columns.

6. The entire map.

✦ Example 12.16. Figure 12.16 shows the Karnaugh map of a Boolean function
of four variables, p, q, r, and s, that has the value 1 when at most one of the inputs
is 1. There are four prime implicants, all of size 2, and two of them are end-around.
The implicant consisting of the first and last points of the top row has points that
agree in variables p, q, and s; the common value is 0 for each variable. Thus its
product of literals is p̄q̄s̄. Similarly, the other implicants have products p̄q̄r̄, p̄r̄s̄,
and q̄r̄s̄. The expression for the function is thus
p̄q̄r̄ + p̄q̄s̄ + p̄r̄s̄ + q̄r̄s̄


00 01 11 10

00 1 1 0 1

01 0 0 0 1
11 1 0 0 0

10 1 0 1 1

Fig. 12.17. Karnaugh map with an all-corners prime implicant.


✦ Example 12.17. The map of Fig. 12.17 was chosen for the pattern of its 1’s,
rather than for any significance its function has. It does illustrate an important
point. Five prime implicants that together cover all the 1 points are shown, in-
cluding the all-corners implicant (shown dashed), for which the product of literals
expression is q̄s̄; the other four prime implicants have products p̄q̄r̄, p̄rs̄, pq̄r, and
We might think, from the examples seen so far, that to form the logical expres-
sion for this map we should take the logical OR of all five implicants. However, a
moment’s reflection tells us that the largest implicant, q̄s̄, is superfluous, since all
its points are covered by other prime implicants. Moreover, this is the only prime
implicant that we have the option to eliminate, since each other prime implicant
has a point that only it covers. For example, p̄q̄r̄ is the only prime implicant to
cover the point in the first row and second column. Thus
p̄q̄r̄ + p̄rs̄ + pq̄r + pr̄s̄
is the preferred sum-of-products expression obtained from the map of Fig. 12.17. ✦


12.6.1: Draw the Karnaugh maps for the following functions of variables p, q, r,
and s.
a) The function that is TRUE if one, two, or three of p, q, r, and s are TRUE, but
not if zero or all four are TRUE.
b) The function that is TRUE if up to two of p, q, r, and s are TRUE, but not if
three or four are TRUE.
c) The function that is TRUE if one, three, or four of p, q, r, and s are TRUE, but
not if zero or two are TRUE.
d) The function represented by the logical expression pqr → s.
e) The function that is TRUE if pqrs, regarded as a binary number, has value less
than ten.
12.6.2: Find the implicants — other than the minterms — for each of your Kar-
naugh maps from Exercise 12.6.1. Which of them are prime implicants? For each
function, find a sum of prime implicants that covers all the 1’s of the map. Do you
need to use all the prime implicants?
12.6.3: Show that every product in a sum-of-products expression for a Boolean
function is an implicant of that function.
12.6.4*: One can also construct a product-of-sums expression from a Karnaugh
map. We begin by finding rectangles of the types that form implicants, but with all
Anti-implicant points 0, instead of all points 1. Call such a rectangle an “anti-implicant.” We can
construct for each anti-implicant a sum of literals that is 1 on all points but those of
the anti-implicant. For each variable x, this sum has literal x if the anti-implicant
includes only points for which x = 0, and it has literal x̄ if the anti-implicant has
only points for which x = 1. Otherwise, the sum does not have a literal involving
x. Find all the prime anti-implicants for your Karnaugh maps of Exercise 12.6.1.
12.6.5: Using your answer to Exercise 12.6.4, write product-of-sums expressions
for each of the functions of Exercise 12.6.1. Include as few sums as you can.

12.6.6**: How many (a) 1 × 2 (b) 2 × 2 (c) 1 × 4 (d) 2 × 4 rectangles that form
implicants are there in a 4×4 Karnaugh map? Describe their implicants as products
of literals, assuming the variables are p, q, r, and s.

✦ ✦

12.7 Tautologies
A tautology is a logical expression whose value is true regardless of the values of its
propositional variables. For a tautology, all the rows of the truth table, or all the
points in the Karnaugh map, have the value 1. Simple examples of tautologies are
p + p̄
(p + q) ≡ (p + p̄q)
Tautologies have many important uses. For example, suppose we have an
expression of the form E1 ≡ E2 that is a tautology. Then, whenever we have an
instance of E1 within any expression, we can replace E1 by E2 , and the resulting
expression will represent the same Boolean function.
Figure 12.18(a) shows the expression tree for a logical expression F containing
E1 as a subexpression. Figure 12.18(b) shows the same expression with E1 replaced
by E2 . If E1 ≡ E2 , the values of the roots of the two trees must be the same, no
matter what assignment of truth values is made to the variables. The reason is that
we know the nodes marked n in the two trees, which are the roots of the expression
trees for E1 and E2 , must get the same value in both trees, because E1 ≡ E2 . The
evaluation of the trees above n will surely yield the same value, proving that the
two trees are equivalent. The ability to substitute equivalent expressions for one
Substitution another is colloquially known as the “substitution of equals for equals.” Note that
of equals for in other algebras, such as those for arithmetic, sets, relations, or regular expressions
equals we also may substitute one expression for another that has the same value.


n n

E1 E2

(a) Expression containing E1 (b) Expression containing E2

Fig. 12.18. Expression trees showing substitution of equals for equals.

✦ Example 12.18. Consider the associative law for the logical operator OR, which
can be phrased as the expression
(p + q) + r ≡ p + (q + r) (12.7)

The truth table for the various subexpressions appears in Fig. 12.19. The final
column, labeled E, represents the entire expression. Observe that every row has
value 1 for E, showing that the expression (12.7) is a tautology. As a result, any
time we see an expression of the form (p + q) + r, we are free to replace it by
p + (q + r). Note that p, q, and r can stand for any expressions, as long as the
same expression is used for both occurrences of p, and q and r are likewise treated
consistently. ✦

p q r p+q (p + q) + r q+r p + (q + r) E
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 12.19. Truth table proving the associative law for OR.

The Substitution Principle

As we pointed out in Example 12.18, when we have a law involving a particular set
of propositional variables, the law applies not only as written, but with any substi-
tution of an expression for each variable. The underlying reason is that tautologies
remain tautologies when we make any substitution for one or more of its variables.
This fact is known as the substitution principle.2 Of course, we must substitute the
same expression for each occurrence of a given variable.

✦ Example 12.19. The commutative law for the logical operator AND can be
verified by showing that the logical expression pq ≡ qp is a tautology. To get some
instances of this law, we can perform substitutions on this expression. For example,
we could substitute r + s for p and r̄ for q to get the equivalence
(r + s)(r̄) ≡ (r̄)(r + s)
Note that we put parentheses around each substituted expression to avoid acci-
dentally changing the grouping of operators because of our operator-precedence
conventions. In this case, the parentheses around r + s are essential, but the paren-
theses around r̄ could be omitted.
Some other substitution instances follow. We could replace p by r and not
replace q, to get rq ≡ qr. We could leave p alone and replace q by the constant
expression 1 (TRUE), to get p AND 1 ≡ 1 AND p. However, we cannot substitute r
for the first occurrence of p and substitute a different expression, say r + s, for the

2 We should not confuse the substitution principle with the “substitution of equals for equals.”
The substitution principle applies to tautologies only, while we may substitute equals for
equals in any expression.

second. That is, rq ≡ q(r + s) is not a tautology (its value is 0 if s = q = 1 and

r = 0). ✦


p q q p

Fig. 12.20. Expression tree for the tautology pq ≡ qp.

The reason the substitution principle holds true can be seen if we think about
expression trees. Imagine the expression tree for some tautology, such as the one
discussed in Example 12.19, which we show in Fig. 12.20. Since the expression is
a tautology, we know that, whatever assignment of truth values we make for the
propositional variables at the leaves, the value at the root is true (as long as we
assign the same value to each leaf that is labeled by a given variable).
Now suppose that we substitute for p an expression with tree Tp and that we
substitute for q an expression with tree Tq ; in general, we select one tree for each
variable of the tautology, and replace all leaves for that variable by the tree selected
for that variable.3 Then we have a new expression tree similar to that suggested
by Fig. 12.21. When we make an assignment of truth values for the variables of
the new tree, the value of each node that is a root of a tree Tp gets the same value,
because the same evaluation steps are performed underneath any such node.


Tp Tq Tq Tp

Fig. 12.21. A substitution for the variables of Fig. 12.20.

Once the roots of the trees like Tp and Tq in Fig. 12.21 are evaluated, we have
a consistent assignment of values to the variables at the leaves of the original tree,
which we illustrated in Fig. 12.20. That is, we take whatever value is computed
for the occurrences of Tp , which must all be the same value, and assign it to all

3 As a special case, the tree selected for some variable x can be a single node labeled x, which
is the same as making no substitution for x.

the leaves labeled p in the original tree. We do the same for q, and in general,
for any variable appearing in the original tree. Since the original tree represents a
tautology, we know that evaluating that tree will result in the value TRUE at the
root. But above the substituted trees, the new and original trees are the same, and
so the new tree also produces value TRUE at the root. Since the above reasoning
holds true no matter what substitution of values we make for the variables of the
new tree, we conclude that the expression represented by the new tree is also a

The Tautology Problem

The tautology problem is to test whether a given logical expression is equivalent
to TRUE, that is, whether it is a tautology. There is a straightforward way to solve
this problem. Construct a truth table with one row for each possible assignment of
truth values to the variables of the expression. Create one column for each interior
node of the tree, and in a suitable bottom-up order, evaluate each node for each
assignment of truth values to the variables. The expression is a tautology if and
only if the value of the whole expression is 1 (TRUE) for every truth assignment.
Example 12.18 illustrated this process.

Running Time of the Tautology Test

If the expression has k variables and n operator occurrences, then the table has
2k rows, and there are n columns that need to be filled out. We thus expect a
straightforward implementation of this algorithm to take O(2k n) time. That is not
long for expressions with two or three variables, and even for, say, 20 variables,
we can carry the test out by computer in a few seconds or minutes. However, for
30 variables, there are a billion rows, and it becomes far less feasible to carry out
this test, even using a computer. These observations are typical of what happens
when one uses an exponential-time algorithm. For small instances, we generally see
no problem. But suddenly, as problem instances get larger, we find it is no longer
possible to solve the problem, even with the fastest computers, in an amount of
time we can afford.



Fig. 12.22. P is the family of problems solvable in polynomial time,

N P is the family solvable in nondeterministic polynomial time, and
N P C is the family of NP-complete problems.

12.7.1: Which of the following expressions are tautologies?

Inherent Intractability
The tautology problem, “Is E a tautology,” is an important example of a problem
that appears to be inherently exponential. That is, if k is the number of variables
in expression E, all the known algorithms to solve the tautology problem have a
running time that is an exponential function of k.
NP-complete There is a family of problems, called NP-complete, which includes many impor-
problem tant optimization problems that no one knows how to solve in less than exponential
time. Many mathematicians and scientists have worked long and hard trying to find
for at least one of these problems an algorithm that runs in less than exponential
time, but no such algorithm has yet been found, and so many people now suspect
that none exists.
Satisfiability One of the classic NP-complete problems is the satisfiability problem: “Is there
problem a truth assignment that makes logical expression E true?” Satisfiability is closely
related to the tautology problem, and as with that problem, no significantly better
solution to the satisfiability problem is known than cycling through all possible
truth assignments.
Either all the NP-complete problems have less-than-exponential time solutions,
or none do. The fact that each NP-complete problem appears to require exponential
time thus reinforces our belief that all are inherently exponential-time problems.
Thus we have strong evidence that the straightforward satisfiability test is about
the best we can do.
Incidentally, “NP” stands for “nondeterministic polynomial.” “Nondetermin-
istic” informally means “the ability to guess right,” as discussed in Section 10.3.
A problem can be “solved in nondeterministic polynomial time” if, given a guess
at a solution for some instance of size n, we can check that the guess is correct in
polynomial time, that is, in time nc for some constant c.
Satisfiability is an example of such a problem. If someone gave us an assign-
ment of truth values to variables that they claimed, or guessed, made expression E
evaluate to 1, we could evaluate E with that assignment to its operands, and check,
in time at most quadratic in the length of E, that the expression is satisfiable.
The class of problems that — like satisfiability — can be “solved” by guessing
followed by a polynomial time check is called N P . Some problems in N P are
actually quite easy, and can be solved without the guessing, still taking only time
that is polynomial in the length of the input. However, there are many problems in
N P that can be proved to be as hard as any in N P , and these are the NP-complete
problems. (Do not confuse “completeness” in this sense, meaning “hardest in the
class,” with “complete set of operators” meaning “able to express every Boolean
The family of problems solvable in polynomial time with no guessing is often
called P . Figure 12.22 shows the relationship between P , N P , and the NP-complete
problems. If any NP-complete problem is in P , then P = N P , something we doubt
very much is the case, because all the known NP-complete problems, and some other
problems in N P , appear not to be in P . The tautology problem is not believed to
NP-hard be in N P , but it is as hard or harder than any problem in N P (called an NP-hard
problem problem) and if the tautology problem is in P , then P = N P .

a) pqr → p + q 
b) (p → q)(q → r) → (p → r)
c) (p → q) → p
d) p ≡ (q + r) → (q̄ → pr)
12.7.2*: Suppose we had an algorithm to solve the tautology problem for a logical
expression. Show how this algorithm could be used to
a) Determine whether two expressions were equivalent.
b) Solve the satisfiability problem (see the box on “Inherent Intractability”).

✦ ✦

12.8 Some Algebraic Laws for Logical Expressions
In this section, we shall enumerate some useful tautologies. In each case, we shall
state the law, leaving the tautology test to be carried out by the reader by con-
structing the truth table.

Laws of Equivalence
We begin with some observations about how equivalence works. The reader should
notice the dual role played by equivalence. It is one of a number of operators that
we use in logical expressions. However, it is also a signal that two expressions are
“equal,” and that one can be substituted for the other. Thus a tautology of the
form E1 ≡ E2 tells us something about E1 and E2 , namely that either can be
substituted for the other within larger expressions, using the principle “equals can
be substituted for equals.”
Further, we can use equivalences to prove other equivalences. If we have a
sequence of expressions E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek , such that each is derived from the previous
one by a substitution of equals for equals, then each of these expressions gives the
same value when evaluated with the same truth assignment. As a consequence,
E1 ≡ Ek must be a tautology.
12.1. Reflexivity of equivalence: p ≡ p.
As with all the laws we state, the principle of substitution applies, and we
may replace p by any expression. Thus this law says that any expression is
equivalent to itself.
12.2. Commutative law for equivalence: (p ≡ q) ≡ (q ≡ p).
Informally, p is equivalent to q if and only if q is equivalent to p. By the principle
of substitution, if any expression E1 is equivalent to another expression E2 , then
E2 is equivalent to E1 . Thus either of E1 and E2 may be substituted for the

12.3. Transitive law for equivalence: (p ≡ q) AND (q ≡ r) → (p ≡ r).
Informally, if p is equivalent to q, and q is equivalent to r, then p is equivalent to
r. An important consequence of this law is that if we have found both E1 ≡ E2
and E2 ≡ E3 to be tautologies, then E1 ≡ E3 is a tautology.
12.4. Equivalence of the negations: (p ≡ q) ≡ (p̄ ≡ q̄).
Two expressions are equivalent if and only if their negations are equivalent.

Laws Analogous to Arithmetic

There is an analogy between the arithmetic operators +, ×, and unary minus on
the one hand, and OR, AND, and NOT on the other. Thus the following laws should
not be surprising.
12.5. The commutative law for AND: pq ≡ qp.
Informally, pq is true exactly when qp is true.
12.6. The associative law for AND: p(qr) ≡ (pq)r.
Informally, we can group the AND of three variables (or expressions) either by
taking the AND of the first two initially, or by taking the AND of the last two
initially. Moreover, with law 12.5, we can show that the AND of any collection of
propositions or expressions can be permuted and grouped any way we wish —
the result will be the same.
12.7. The commutative law for OR: (p + q) ≡ (q + p).
12.8. The associative law for OR: p + (q + r) ≡ (p + q) + r .
This law and law 12.7 tell us the OR of any set of expressions can be grouped
as we like.
12.9. The distributive law of AND over OR: p(q + r) ≡ (pq + pr).
That is, if we wish to take the AND of p and the OR of two propositions or
expressions, we can either take the OR first, or take the AND of p with each
expression first; the result will be the same.
12.10. 1 (TRUE) is the identity for AND: (p AND 1) ≡ p.
Notice that (1 AND p) ≡ p is also a tautology. We did not need to state it,
because it follows from the substitution principle and previous laws. That is,
we may substitute simultaneously 1 for p and p for q in 12.5, the commutative
law for AND, to get the tautology (1 AND p) ≡ (p AND 1). Then, an application
of 12.3, the transitivity of equivalence, tells us that (1 AND p) ≡ p.
12.11. 0 (FALSE) is the identity for OR: p OR 0 ≡ p.
Similarly, we can deduce that (0 OR p) ≡ p, using the same argument as for
12.12. 0 is the annihilator for AND: (p AND 0) ≡ 0.4
Recall from Section 10.7 that an annihilator for an operator is a constant
such that the operator, applied to that constant and any value, produces the
annihilator as value. Note that in arithmetic, 0 is an annihilator for ×, but +
has no annihilator. However, we shall see that 1 is an annihilator for OR.
12.13. Elimination of double negations: (NOT NOT p) ≡ p.

4 Of course, (0 AND p) ≡ 0 holds as well. We shall not, in the future, mention all the conse-
quences of the commutative laws.

Exploiting Analogies for Arithmetic and Logical Operators

When we use the shorthand notation for AND and OR, we can often pretend that
we are dealing with multiplication and addition, as we use laws 12.5 through 12.12.
That is an advantage, since we are quite familiar with the corresponding laws for
arithmetic. Thus, for example, the reader should be able to replace (p + q)(r + s)
by pr + ps + qr + qs or by q(s + r) + (r + s)p quickly.
What is more difficult, and what requires practice, is applying the laws that are
not analogous to arithmetic. Examples are DeMorgan’s laws and the distribution
of OR over AND. For example, replacing pq + rs by (p + r)(p + s)(q + r)(q + s) is valid,
but requires some thought to see how it follows from three applications of 12.14,
the distributive law of OR over AND, and commutative and associative laws.

Ways in Which AND and OR Differ from Plus and Times

There are also a number of laws that show the difference between AND and OR on
the one hand, and the arithmetic operators × and + on the other. We enumerate
some of them here.

12.14. The distributive law for OR over AND: (p + qr) ≡ (p + q)(p + r) .
Just as AND distributes over OR, OR distributes over AND. Note that the analogous
arithmetic identity, x + yz = (x + y)(x + z), is false in general.
12.15. 1 is the annihilator for OR: (1 OR p) ≡ 1.
Note that the arithmetic analog 1 + x = 1 is false in general.
12.16. Idempotence of AND: pp ≡ p.
Recall that an operator is idempotent if, when applied to two copies of the
same value, it produces that value as result.
12.17. Idempotence of OR: p + p ≡ p.
Note that neither × nor + is idempotent. That is, neither x × x = x nor
x + x = x is true in general.
12.18 Subsumption.
There are two versions of this law, depending on whether we remove a super-
fluous product or sum.
a) (p + pq) ≡ p.
b) p(p + q) ≡ p.
Note that if we substitute an arbitrary product of literals for p and another
product of literals for q in (a), we are saying that in a sum of products, we can
eliminate any product that has a superset of the literals of some other product.
The smaller set is said to subsume the superset. In part (b) we are saying an
analogous thing about a product of sums; we can eliminate a sum that is a
superset of the literals of some other sum in the product.

12.19. Elimination of certain negations.

a) p(p̄ + q) ≡ pq.
b) p + p̄q ≡ p + q.
Notice that (b) is the law that we used in Section 12.2 to explain why Sally’s
condition could replace Sam’s.

DeMorgan’s Laws
There are two laws that allow us to push NOT’s through an expression of AND’s and
OR’s, resulting in an expression in which all the negations apply to propositional
variables. The resulting expression is an AND-OR expression applied to literals. In-
tuitively, if we negate an expression with AND’s and OR’s, we can push the negation
down the expression tree, “flipping” operators as we go. That is, each AND becomes
an OR, and vice versa. Finally, the negations reach the leaves, where they stay, un-
less they meet a negated literal, in which case we can remove two negations by law
12.13. We must be careful, when we construct the new expression, to place paren-
theses properly, because the precedence of operators changes when we exchange
AND’s and OR’s.
The basic rules are called “DeMorgan’s laws.” They are the following two
12.20. DeMorgan’s laws.
a) NOT (pq) ≡ p̄ + q̄.
b) NOT (p + q) ≡ p̄q̄.
Part (a) says that p and q are not both true exactly when at least one of them
is false, and (b) says that neither p nor q is true if and only if they are both
false. We can generalize these two laws to allow any number of propositional
variables as follows.

c) NOT (p1 p2 · · · pk ) ≡ (p¯1 + p¯2 + · · · + p¯k ).

d) NOT (p1 + p2 + · · · + pk ) ≡ (p¯1 p¯2 · · · p¯k ).
For example, (d) says that none of some collection of expressions is true if and
only if all of them are false.

✦ Example 12.20. We have seen in Sections 12.5 and 12.6 how to construct sum-
of-products expressions for arbitrary logical expressions. Suppose we start with an
arbitrary such expression E, which we may write as E1 + E2 + · · · + Ek , where each
Ei is the AND of literals. We can construct a product-of-sums expression for NOT E,
by starting with
NOT (E1 + E2 + · · · + Ek )
and applying DeMorgan’s law (d) to get
NOT (E1 ) NOT (E2 ) · · · NOT (Ek ) (12.8)
Now let Ei be the product of literals Xi1 Xi2 · · · Xiji , where each X is either a
variable or its negation. Then we can apply (c) to NOT (Ei ) to turn it into

X̄i1 + X̄i2 + · · · + X̄iji

If some literal X is a negated variable, say q̄, then X̄ should be replaced by q itself,
using law 12.13, which says that double negations can be eliminated. When we
make all these changes, (12.8) becomes a product of sums of literals.
For example, rs + r̄s̄ is a sum-of-products expression that is true exactly when
r ≡ s; that is, it can be thought of as a definition of equivalence using AND, OR, and
NOT. The following formula, the negation of the one above, is true when r and s are
inequivalent, that is, exactly one of r and s is true.
NOT (rs + r̄s̄) (12.9)
Now let us apply a substitution to DeMorgan’s law (b), in which p is replaced by rs
and q is replaced by r̄s̄. Then the left-hand side of (b) becomes exactly (12.9), and
we know by the principle of substitution that (12.9) is equivalent to the right-hand
side of (b) with the same substitution, namely
NOT (rs) AND NOT (r̄s̄) (12.10)
Now we can apply (a), with the substitution of r for p and s for q, replacing NOT (rs)
by r̄ + s̄. Similarly, (a) tells us that NOT (r̄s̄) is equivalent to NOT (r̄)+ NOT (s̄).
But NOT (r̄) is the same as NOT NOT (r) , which is equivalent to r, since double
negations can be eliminated. Similarly, NOT (s̄) can be replaced by s. Thus (12.10)
is equivalent to (r̄ + s̄)(r + s). This is a product-of-sums expression for “exactly one
of r and s is true.” Informally, it says, “At least one of r and s is false and at least
one of r and s is true.” Evidently, the only way that could happen is for exactly
one of r and s to be true. ✦

The Principle of Duality

As we scan the laws of this section, we notice a curious phenomenon. The equiva-
lences seem to come in pairs, in which the roles of AND and OR are interchanged. For
example, parts (a) and (b) of law 12.19 are such a pair, and laws 12.9 and 12.14 are
such a pair; the latter are the two distributive laws. When the constants 0 and 1
are involved, these two must be interchanged, as in the pair of laws about identities,
12.10 and 12.11.
The explanation for this phenomenon is found in DeMorgan’s laws. Suppose
we start with a tautology E1 ≡ E2 , where E1 and E2 are expressions involving
operators AND, OR, and NOT. By law 12.4, NOT (E1 ) ≡ NOT (E2 ) is also a tautology.
Now we apply DeMorgan’s laws to push the negations through AND’s and OR’s. As
we do, we “flip” each AND to an OR and vice versa, and we move the negation down
to each of the operands. If we meet a NOT operator, we simply move the “traveling”
NOT below it, until we come to another AND or OR. The exception occurs when we
come to a negated literal, say p̄. Then, we combine the traveling NOT with the
one already there to leave operand p. As a special case, if a traveling NOT meets a
constant, 0 or 1, we negate the constant; that is, (NOT 0) ≡ 1 and (NOT 1) ≡ 0.

✦ Example 12.21. Let us consider the tautology 12.19(b). We begin by negating

both sides, which gives us the tree of Fig. 12.23(a). Then, we push the negations
through the OR’s on each side of the equivalence, changing them to AND’s; NOT signs
appear above each of the arguments of the two OR’s, as shown in Fig. 12.23(b).
Three of the new NOT’s are above variables, and so their travels end. The one that

is above an AND flips it to an OR, and causes NOT’s to appear on its two arguments.
The right-hand argument becomes NOT q, while the left-hand argument, which was
NOT p, becomes NOT NOT p, or simply p. The resulting tree is shown in Fig. 12.23(c).
The tree of Fig. 12.23(c) represents the expression p̄(p + q̄) ≡ p̄q̄. To get the
expression into the form of law 12.19(a), we must negate the variables. That is, we
substitute expression p̄ for p and q̄ for q. When we eliminate the double negations,
we are left with exactly 12.19(a). ✦

Laws Involving Implication

There are several useful tautologies that give us properties of the → operator.

12.21. (p → q) AND (q → p) ≡ (p ≡ q).
That is, two expressions are equivalent if and only if they each imply the other.
12.22. (p ≡ q) → (p → q).
The equivalence of two expressions tells us that either one implies the other.

12.23. Transitivity of implication: (p → q) AND (q → r) → (p → r).
That is, if p implies q, which implies r, then p implies r.
12.24. It is possible to express implication with AND and OR. The simplest form is:
a) (p → q) ≡ (p̄ + q).
We shall see that there are many situations in which we deal with an expres-
sion of the form “if this and this and · · ·, then that.” For example, the pro-
gramming language Prolog, and many “artificial intelligence” languages depend
upon “rules” of that form. These rules are written formally as (p1 p2 · · · pn ) → q.
They may be expressed with only AND and OR, by the equivalence
b) (p1 p2 · · · pn → q) ≡ (p¯1 + p¯2 + · · · + p¯n + q).
That is, both the left-hand and the right-hand sides of the equivalence are
true whenever q is true or one or more of the p’s are false; both sides are false


12.8.1: Check, by constructing the truth tables, that each of the laws 12.1 to 12.24
are tautologies.
12.8.2: We can substitute expressions for any propositional variable in a tautology
and get another tautology. Substitute x + y for p, yz for q, and x̄ for r in each of the
tautologies 12.1 to 12.24, to get new tautologies. Do not forget to put parentheses
around the substituted expressions if needed.
12.8.3: Prove that
a) p1 + p2 + · · · + pn is equivalent to the sum (logical OR) of the pi ’s in any order.
b) p1 p2 · · · pn is equivalent to the product (logical AND) of the pi ’s in any order.
Hint : A similar result was shown for addition in Section 2.4.



p AND p q


(a) Initial expression tree



p AND p q


(b) First “pushes” of the negations



p p NOT p q

(c) Final expression

Fig. 12.23. Constructing the dual expression.


12.8.4*: Use laws given in this section to transform the first of each pair of ex-
pressions into the second. To save effort, you may omit steps that use laws 12.5
through 12.13, which are analogous to arithmetic. For example, commutativity and
associativity of AND and OR may be assumed.
a) Transform pq + rs into (p + r)(p + s)(q + r)(q + s).
b) Transform pq + pq̄r into p(q + r).
c) Transform pq + pq̄ + p̄q + p̄q̄ into 1. (This transformation requires law 12.25
from the next section.)
d) Transform pq → r into (p → r) + (q → r).
e) Transform NOT (pq → r) into pqr̄.
12.8.5*: Show that the subsumption laws, 12.18(a) and (b), follow from previously
given laws, in the sense that it is possible to transform p + pq into p and transform
p(p + q) into p using only laws 12.1 through 12.17.
12.8.6: Apply DeMorgan’s laws to turn the following expressions into expressions
where the only NOT’s are applied to propositional variables (i.e., the NOT’s appear
in literals only).
a) NOT (pq + p̄r)
b) NOT (NOT p + q(NOT (r + s̄)))
12.8.7*: Prove the generalized DeMorgan’s laws 12.20(c) and (d) by induction
on k, using the basic laws 12.20(a) and (b). Then, justify the generalized laws
informally by describing what the 2k -row truth tables for each expression and their
subexpressions look like.
12.8.8*: Find the pairs of laws in this section that are duals of one another.
12.8.9*: Prove law 12.24(b) by induction on n.
12.8.10*: Show that law 12.24(b) holds by describing the 2n rows of the truth
table for the expression and each of its subexpressions.
12.8.11: Simplify the following by using the subsumption laws and the commutative
and associative laws for AND and OR.
a) wx̄ + wx̄y + z̄ x̄w
b) (w + x̄)(w + y + z̄)(w̄ + x̄ + ȳ)(x̄)
12.8.12*: Show that the arithmetic analogs of laws 12.14 through 12.20 are false,
by giving specific numbers for which the analogous equalities to not hold.
12.8.13*: If we start with logical expression whose only operators are AND, OR, and
NOT, we can push all the NOT’s down the tree until the only NOT’s are immediately
above propositions; that is, the expression is the AND and OR of literals. Prove that
we can do so. Hint : Whenever we see a NOT, either it is immediately above another
NOT (in which case we can eliminate them both by rule 12.13), or above a proposition
(in which case the statement is satisfied), or it is above an AND and OR (in which case
we can use DeMorgan’s laws to push it down one level). However, a proof that we
eventually reach an equivalent expression with all NOT’s above propositions cannot
proceed by induction on an obvious “size” measure such as the sum of the heights
of the nodes labeled NOT. The reason is that when we use DeMorgan’s laws to push
one NOT down, it is replaced by two NOT’s, and this sum might increase. In order

to prove that we eventually reach an expression with all NOT’s above propositions,
you need to find a suitable “size” measure that always decreases when DeMorgan’s
laws are applied in the direction where a NOT is pushed down below an AND or OR.
Find such a size measure and prove the claim.

✦ ✦

12.9 Tautologies and Methods of Proof
In the past three sections, we have seen one aspect of logic: its use as a design
theory. In Section 12.6 we saw how to use Karnaugh maps to design expressions
given a Boolean function, and in Chapter 13 we shall see how this methodology
helps design the switching circuits from which computers and other digital devices
are built. Sections 12.7 and 12.8 introduced us to tautologies, which can be used
to simplify expressions, and therefore serve as another important tool when good
expressions must be designed for a given Boolean function.
A second important use of logic will be seen in this section. When people reason
or prove statements of mathematics, they use a variety of techniques to further their
arguments. Examples of these techniques are
1. Case analysis,
2. Proof of the contrapositive,
3. Proof by contradiction, and
4. Proof by reduction to truth.
In this section we shall define these techniques, showing how each can be used in
proofs. We also show how these techniques are justified by certain tautologies of
propositional logic.

The Law of Excluded Middle

We begin with several tautologies that represent basic facts about how one reasons.
12.25. The law of the excluded middle: (p + p̄) ≡ 1 is a tautology.
That is, something is either true or false; there is no middle ground.

✦ Example 12.22. As an application of law 12.25, as well as several of the other

laws seen so far, we can prove the law (pq + p̄q) ≡ q used in Section 12.6. Begin
(1 AND q) ≡ (1 AND q)
which follows from law 12.1, reflexivity of equivalence, by substituting 1 AND q for
p. Now, by law 12.25, we may replace 1 by p + p̄ in the left-hand side above,
substituting “equals for equals.” Thus

(p + p̄)q ≡ (1 AND q)
is a tautology. On the right-hand side of the equivalence, use law 12.10 to replace
1 AND q by q. Then, on the left-hand side, we use 12.9, the distributivity of AND over
OR, preceded and followed by law 12.5, the commutativity of AND, to show that the
left-hand side is equivalent to pq + p̄q. Thus we have

(pq + p̄q) ≡ q
as desired. ✦

A generalization of the law of the excluded middle is a technique of proof called

“case analysis,” in which we wish to prove an expression E. We take some other
expression F and its negation, NOT F , and prove that both F and NOT F imply E.
Since F must be either true or false, we can conclude E. The formal basis for case
analysis is the following tautology.

12.26. Case analysis: (p → q) AND (p̄ → q) ≡ q.

That is, the two cases occur when p is true and when p is false. If q is implied
in both cases, then q must be true. We leave it as an exercise to show that
12.26 follows from 12.25 and other laws we have proved.
12.27. pp̄ ≡ 0.

A proposition and its negation cannot both be true simultaneously. This law
is vital when we make a “proof by contradiction.” We discuss this technique of
proof shortly, in law 12.29, and also in Section 12.11, when we cover resolution

Proving the Contrapositive

Sometimes we want to prove an implication, like p → q, but we find it easier to

prove q̄ → p̄, which is an equivalent expression called the contrapositive of p → q.
This principle is formalized in the following law.
12.28. The contrapositive law: (p → q) ≡ (q̄ → p̄).

✦ Example 12.23. Let us consider a simple example of a proof that shows how
the contrapositive law may be used. This example also shows the limitations of
propositional logic in proofs. Logic takes us part of the way, allowing us to reason
about statements without reference to what the statements mean. However, to
get a complete proof, we normally have to make some argument that refers to the
meaning of our terms. For this example, we need to know what concepts about
integers, like “prime,” “odd,” and “greater than” mean.
We shall consider three propositions about a positive integer x:
a “x > 2”
b “x is a prime”
c “x is odd”

The theorem we want to prove is ab → c, that is,

STATEMENT “If x is greater than 2 and a prime, then x is odd.”


We begin by applying some of the laws we have studied to turn the expression
ab → c into an equivalent expression that is more amenable to proof. First, we use
law 12.28 to turn it into its contrapositive, c̄ → NOT (ab). Then we use DeMorgan’s
law 12.20(a) to turn NOT (ab) into ā + b̄. That is, we have transformed the theorem
to be proved into c̄ → (ā + b̄). Put another way, we need to prove that

STATEMENT “If x is not odd, then x is not greater than 2 or x is not prime.”

We can replace “not odd” by “even,” “not greater than 2” by “equal to or less than
2,” and “not prime” by “composite.” Thus we want to prove

STATEMENT “If x is even, then x ≤ 2 or x is composite.”

Now we have gone as far as we can go with propositional logic, and we must
start talking about the meaning of our terms. If x is even, then x = 2y for some
integer y; that is what it means for x to be even. Since x is assumed through this
proof to be a positive integer, y must be 1 or greater.
Now we use case analysis, considering the cases where y is 1, and y is greater
than 1, which are the only possibilities, since we just argued that y ≥ 1. If y = 1,
then x = 2, and so we have proved x ≤ 2. If y > 1, then x is the product of two
integers, 2 and y, both greater than 1, which means that x is composite. Thus we
have shown that if x is even, then either x ≤ 2 (in the case y = 1) or x is composite
(in the case y > 1). ✦

Proof by Contradiction

Frequently, rather than make a “direct” proof of an expression E, we find it easier

to start by assuming NOT E and proving from that a contradiction, that is, the
expression FALSE. The basis for such proofs is the following tautology.

12.29. Proof by contradiction: (p̄ → 0) ≡ p.

Informally, if starting with p̄ we can conclude 0, that is, conclude FALSE or

derive a contradiction, then that is the same as proving p. This law actually
follows from others we have stated. Start with law 12.24 with p̄ in place of p,
and 0 in place of q, to get the equivalence

(p̄ → 0) ≡ NOT (p̄) + 0

Law 12.13, the elimination of double negatives, lets us replace NOT (p̄) by p,
and so
(p̄ → 0) ≡ (p + 0)

Now law 12.11 tells us that (p + 0) ≡ p, and so a further substitution gives us

(p̄ → 0) ≡ p

✦ Example 12.24. Let us reconsider the propositions a, b, and c from Example

12.23, which talk about a positive integer x and assert, respectively, that x > 2, x is
a prime, and x is odd. We want to prove the theorem ab → c, and so we substitute
this expression for p in 12.29. Then p̄ → 0 becomes (NOT (ab → c)) → 0.
If we use 12.24 on the first of these implications, we get
NOT NOT (ab) + c → 0

DeMorgan’s law applied to the inner NOT gives NOT (ā + b̄ + c) → 0. Another use
of DeMorgan’s law followed by 12.13 twice to eliminate the double negatives turns
this expression into (abc̄) → 0.
That is as far as propositional logic takes us; now we must reason about integers.
We must start with a, b, and c̄ and derive a contradiction. In words, we start by
assuming that x > 2, x is a prime, and x is even, and from these we must derive a
Since x is even, we can say x = 2y for some integer y. Since x > 2, it must
be that y ≥ 2. But then x, which equals 2y, is the product of two integers, each
greater than 1, and therefore x is composite. Thus we have proven that x is not a
prime, that is, the statement b̄. Since we were given b, that x is a prime, and we
now have b̄ as well, we have bb̄, which by 12.27 is equivalent to 0, or FALSE.
We have thus proved NOT (ab → c) → 0, which is equivalent to ab → c by
12.29. That completes our proof by contradiction. ✦

Equivalence to Truth
Our next proof method allows us to prove an expression to be a tautology by
transforming it by substitution of equals for equals until the expression is reduced
to 1 (TRUE).
12.30. Proof by equivalence to truth: (p ≡ 1) ≡ p.

✦ Example 12.25. The expression rs → r says the AND of two expressions implies
the first of them (and by commutativity of AND, also implies the second). We can
show that rs → r is a tautology by the following sequence of equivalences.
rs → r
1) ≡ NOT (rs) + r
2) ≡ (r̄ + s̄) + r
3) ≡ 1 + s̄
4) ≡ 1
(1) follows by applying law 12.24, the definition of → in terms of AND and OR.
(2) is an application of DeMorgan’s law. (3) follows when we use 12.7 and 12.8 to
reorder terms and then replace r + r̄ by 1 according to law 12.25. Finally, (4) is an
application of law 12.12, the fact that 1 is an annihilator for OR. ✦

12.9.1: Show that laws 12.25 and 12.27 are duals of each other.
12.9.2*: We would like to prove the theorem “If x is a perfect square and x is even,
then x is divisible by 4.”

a) Designate propositional variables to stand for the three conditions about x

mentioned in the theorem.
b) Write the theorem formally in terms of these propositions.
c) State the contrapositive of your answer to (b), both in terms of your proposi-
tional variables and in colloquial terms.
d) Prove the statement from (c). Hint : It helps to notice that if x is not divisible
by 4, then either x is odd, or x = 2y and y is odd.
12.9.3*: Give a proof by contradiction of the theorem from Exercise 12.9.2.
12.9.4*: Repeat Exercises 12.9.2 and 12.9.3 for the statement “If x3 is odd, then x
is odd” about integers x. (But in 12.9.2(a) there are only two conditions discussed.)
12.9.5*: Prove the following are tautologies by showing they are equivalent to 1
a) pq + r + q̄r̄ + p̄r̄
b) p + q̄r̄ + p̄r + qr̄
12.9.6*: Prove law 12.26, case analysis, by substitution of equals for equals in
(instances of) previously proved laws.
12.9.7*: Generalize the case analysis law to the situation where the cases are de-
fined by k propositional variables, which may be true or false in all 2k combinations.
What is the justifying tautology for the case k = 2? For general k? Show why this
tautology must be true.

✦ ✦

12.10 Deduction
We have seen logic as a design theory in Sections 12.6 to 12.8, and as a formalization
of proof techniques in Section 12.9. Now, let us see a third side of the picture: the use
of logic in deduction, that is, in sequences of statements that constitute a complete
Hypothesis and proof. Deduction should be familiar to the reader from the study of plane geometry
conclusion in high school, where we learn to start with certain hypotheses (the “givens”), and
to prove a conclusion by a sequence of steps, each of which follows from previous
steps by one of a limited number of reasons, called inference rules. In this section,
Inference rule we explain what constitutes a deductive proof and give a number of examples.
Unfortunately, discovering a deductive proof for a tautology is difficult. As we
mentioned in Section 12.7, it is an example of an “inherently intractable” problem,
in the NP-hard class. Thus we cannot expect to find deductive proofs except by
luck or by exhaustive search. In Section 12.11, we shall discuss resolution proofs,
which appear to be a good heuristic for finding proofs, although in the worst case
this technique, like all others, must take exponential time.

What Constitutes a Deductive Proof ?

Suppose we are given certain logical expressions E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek as hypotheses, and
we wish to draw a conclusion in the form of another logical expression E. In general,
neither the conclusion nor any of the hypotheses will be tautologies, but what we
want to show is that
(E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → E (12.11)
SEC. 12.10 DEDUCTION 687

Applications of Deduction
In addition to being the stuff of which all proofs in mathematics are ultimately made,
deduction or formal proof has many uses in computer science. One application is
Automated automated theorem proving. There are systems that find proofs of theorems by
theorem searching for sequences of steps that proceed from hypotheses to conclusion. Some
proving systems search for proofs on their own, and others work interactively with the user,
taking hints and filling in small gaps in the sequence of steps that form a proof. Some
believe that these systems will eventually be useful for proving the correctness of
programs, although much progress must be made before such facilities are practical.
A second use of deductive proofs is in programming languages that relate de-
duction to computation. As a very simple example, a robot finding its way through
a maze might represent its possible states by a finite set of positions in the centers
of hallways. We could draw a graph in which the nodes represent the positions, and
an arc u → v means that it is possible for the robot to move from position u to
position v by a simple move because u and v represent adjacent hallways.
We could also think of the positions as propositions, where u stands for “The
robot can reach position u.” Then u → v can be interpreted not only as an arc,
but as a logical implication, that is, “If the robot can reach u, then it can reach
v.” (Note the “pun”; the arrow can represent an arc or an implication.) A natural
question to ask is: “What positions can the robot reach from position a.”
We can phrase this question as a deduction if we take the expression a, and
all expressions u → v for adjacent positions u and v, as hypotheses, and see which
propositional variables x we can prove from these hypotheses. In this case, we
don’t really need a tool as powerful as deduction, because depth-first search works,
as discussed in Section 9.7. However, there are many related situations where graph-
theoretic methods are not effective, yet the problem can be couched as a deduction
and a reasonable solution obtained.

is a tautology. That is, we want to show that if we assume E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek are true,

then it follows that E is true.
One way to show (12.11) is to construct its truth table and test whether it has
value 1 in each row — the routine test for a tautology. However, that may not be
sufficient for two reasons.
1. As we mentioned, tautology testing becomes infeasible if there are too many
variables in the expression.
2. More importantly, while tautology testing works for propositional logic, it can-
not be used to test tautologies in more complex logical systems, such as pred-
icate logic, discussed in Chapter 14.
We can often show that (12.11) is a tautology by presenting a deductive proof. A
deductive proof is a sequence of lines, each of which is either a given hypothesis or
is constructed from one or more previous lines by a rule of inference. If the last line
is E, then we say that we have a proof of E from E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek .
There are many rules of inference we might use. The only requirement is that
if an inference rule allows us to write expression F as a line whenever expressions
F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn are lines, then

The Sound of No Hands Clapping

Frequently, we need to understand the limiting case of an operator applied to no
operands, as we did in inference rule (a). We asserted that it makes sense to regard
the AND of zero expressions (or lines of a proof) as having truth value 1. The
motivation is that F1 AND F2 AND · · · AND Fn is true unless there is at least one of
the F ’s that is false. But if n = 0, that is, there are no F ’s, then there is no way the
expression could be false, and thus it is natural to take the AND of zero expressions
to be 1.
We adopt the convention that whenever we apply an operator to zero operands,
the result is the identity for that operator. Thus we expect the OR of zero expressions
to be 0, since an OR of expressions is true only if one of the expressions is true; if
there are no expressions, then there is no way to make the OR true. Likewise, the
sum of zero numbers is taken to be 0, and the product of zero numbers is taken to
be 1.

(F1 AND F2 AND · · · AND Fn ) → F

must be a tautology. For example,
a) Any tautology may be used as a line in a proof, regardless of previous lines.
The justification for this rule is that if F is a tautology, then the logical AND
of zero lines of the proof implies F . Note that the AND of zero expressions is 1,
conventionally, and 1 → F is a tautology when F is a tautology.
Modus ponens b) The rule of modus ponens says that if E and E → F are lines of a proof, then F
may be added as a line of the proof. Modus ponens follows from the tautology
p AND (p → q) → q; here expression E is substituted for p and F for q. The
only subtlety is that we do not need a line with E AND (E → F ), but rather
two separate lines, one with E and one with E → F .
c) If E and F are two lines of a proof, then we can add the line E AND F . The
justification is that (p AND q) → (p AND q) is a tautology; we may substitute
any expression E for p and F for q.
d) If we have lines E and E ≡ F , then we may add line F . The justification is
similar to modus ponens, since E ≡ F implies E → F . That is,

p AND (p ≡ q) → q
is a tautology, and inference rule (d) is a substituted instance of this tautology.

✦ Example 12.26. Suppose we have the following propositional variables, with

intuitive meanings as suggested.
r “It is raining.”
u “Joe brings his umbrella.”
w “Joe gets wet.”

We are given the following hypotheses.

SEC. 12.10 DEDUCTION 689

r→u “If it rains, Joe brings his umbrella.”

u → w̄ “If Joe has an umbrella, he doesn’t get wet.”
r̄ → w̄ “If it doesn’t rain, Joe doesn’t get wet.”

We are asked to prove w̄, that is, Joe never gets wet. In a sense, the matter is
trivial, since the reader may check that

(r → u) AND (u → w̄) AND (r̄ → w̄) → w̄

is a tautology. However, it is also possible to prove w̄ from the hypotheses, using

some of the algebraic laws from Section 12.8 and some of the inference rules just
discussed. The approach of finding a proof is the one that we would have to take if
we were dealing with a more complex form of logic than propositional calculus or
with a logical expression involving many variables. One possible proof, along with
the justification for each step, is shown in Fig. 12.24.
The rough idea of the proof is that we use case analysis, considering both the
cases where it is raining and it is not raining. By line (5) we have proved that if it
is raining, Joe doesn’t get wet, and line (6), a given hypothesis, says that if it is not
raining Joe doesn’t get wet. Lines (7) through (9) combine the two cases to draw
the desired conclusion. ✦

1) r→u Hypothesis
2) u → w̄ Hypothesis
3) (r → u) AND (u → w̄)  (c) applied to (1) and (2)
4) (r → u) AND (u → w̄) → (r → w̄) Substitution into law (12.23)
5) r → w̄ Modus ponens, with (3) and (4)
6) r̄ → w̄ Hypothesis
7) (r → w̄) AND (r̄ → w̄)  (c) applied to (5) and (6)
8) (r → w̄) AND (r̄ → w̄) ≡ w̄ Substitution into law (12.26)
9) w̄ (d) with (7) and (8)

Fig. 12.24. Example of a deductive proof.

Why a Deductive Proof “Works”

A deductive proof, recall, starts with hypotheses E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek and adds additional

lines (i.e., expressions), each of which is implied by E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek . Each
line we add is implied by the AND of zero or more previous lines or is one of the
hypotheses. We can show that E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek implies each line of
the proof, by induction on the number of lines added so far. To do so, we need
two families of tautologies involving implication. The first family is a generalized
transitive law for →. For any n:

(p → q1 ) AND (p → q2 ) AND · · · AND (p → qn ) (12.12)

AND (q1 q2 · · · qn ) → r → (p → r)

That is, if p implies each of the qi ’s, and the qi ’s together imply r, then p implies r.
We find that (12.12) is a tautology by the following reasoning. The only way
that (12.12) could be false is if p → r were false and the left-hand side true. But
p → r can only be false if p is true and r is false, and so in what follows we shall
assume p and r̄. We must show that the left-hand side of (12.12) is then false.
If the left-hand side of (12.12) is true, then each of its subexpressions connected
by AND is true. For example, p → q1 is true. Since we assume p is true, the only
way p → q1 can be true is if q1 is true. Similarly, we can conclude that q2 , . . . , qn
are all true. Thus q1 q2 · · · qn → r, must be false, since we assume r is false and we
have just discovered that all the qi ’s are true.
We started by assuming that (12.12) was false and observed that the right-hand
side must therefore be true, and thus p and r̄ must be true. We then concluded that
the left-hand side of (12.12) is false when p is true and r is false. But if the left-hand
side of (12.12) is false, then (12.12) itself is true, and we have a contradiction. Thus
(12.12) can never be false and is therefore a tautology.
Note that if n = 1 in (12.12), then we have the usual transitive law of →,
which is law 12.23. Also, if n = 0, then (12.12) becomes (1 → r) → r, which is
a tautology. Recall that when n = 0, q1 q2 · · · qn is conventionally taken to be the
identity for AND, which is 1.
We also need a family of tautologies to justify the fact that we can add the
hypotheses to the proof. It is a generalization of a tautology discussed in Example
12.25. We claim that for any m and i such that 1 ≤ i ≤ m,
(p1 p2 · · · pm ) → pi (12.13)
is a tautology. That is, the AND of one or more propositions implies any one of them.
The expression (12.13) is a tautology because the only way it could be false is
if the left-hand side is true and the right-hand side, pi , is false. But if pi is false,
then the AND of pi and other p’s is surely false, so the left-hand side of (12.13) is
false. But (12.13) is true whenever its left-hand side is false.
Now we can prove that, given
1. Hypotheses E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek , and
2. A set of inference rules such that, whenever they allow us to write a line F ,
this line is either one of the Ei ’s, or there is a tautology
(F1 AND F2 AND · · · AND Fn ) → F
for some set of previous lines F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn ,
it must be that (E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → F is a tautology for each line F .
The induction is on the number of lines added to the proof.

BASIS. For a basis, we take zero lines. The statement holds, since it says something
about every line F of a proof, and there are no such lines to discuss. That is, our
inductive statement is really of the form “if F is a line then · · · ,” and we know such
an if-then statement is true if the condition is false.

INDUCTION. For the induction, suppose that for each previous line G,
(E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → G
SEC. 12.10 DEDUCTION 691

Deductive Proofs Versus Equational Proofs

The kinds of proofs we saw in Sections 12.8 and 12.9 differ in flavor from the
deductive proofs studied in Section 12.10. However, proofs of both kinds involve
the creation of a sequence of tautologies, leading to the desired tautology.
In Sections 12.8 and 12.9 we saw equational proofs, where starting with one
tautology we made substitutions to derive other tautologies. All the tautologies de-
rived have the form E ≡ F for some expressions E and F . This style of proof is used
in high-school trigonometry, for example, where we learn to prove “trigonometric
Deductive proofs also involve discovery of tautologies. The only difference is
that each is of the form E → F , where E is the AND of the hypotheses, and F is
the line of the proof that we actually right down. The fact that we do not write
the full tautology is a notational convenience, not a fundamental distinction. This
style of proof should also be familiar from high-school; it is the style of proofs in
plane geometry, for example.

is a tautology. Let F be the next line added. There are two cases.

Case 1: F is one of the hypotheses. Then (E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → F is

a tautology because it comes from (12.13) with m = k when we substitute Ej for
each pj , for j = 1, 2, . . . , k.

Case 2: F is added because there is a rule of inference

(F1 AND F2 AND · · · AND Fn ) → F

where each of the Fj ’s is one of the previous lines. By the inductive hypothesis,
(E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → Fj

is a tautology for each j. Thus, if we substitute Fj for qj in (12.12), substitute

E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek

for p, and substitute F for r, we know that any substitution of truth values for the
variables of the E’s and F ’s makes the left-hand side of (12.12) true. Since (12.12)
is a tautology, every assignment of truth values must also make the right-hand side
true. But the right-hand side is (E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → F . We conclude
that this expression is true for every assignment of truth values; that is, it is a

We have now concluded the induction, and we have shown that

(E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → F

for every line F of the proof. In particular, if the last line of the proof is our goal
E, we know (E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND Ek ) → E.

12.10.1*: Give proofs of the following conclusions from the following hypotheses.
You may use inference rules (a) through (d). For tautologies you may use only the
laws stated in Sections 12.8 and 12.9 and tautologies that follow by using instances
of these laws to “substitute equals for equals.”
a) Hypotheses: p → q, p → r; conclusion: p → qr.
b) Hypotheses: p → (q + r), p → (q + r̄); conclusion: p → q.
c) Hypotheses: p → q, qr → s; conclusion: pr → s.
12.10.2: Justify why the following is a rule of inference. If E → F is a line, and G
is any expression whatsoever, then we can add E → (F OR G) as a line.

✦ ✦

12.11 Proofs by Resolution
As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, finding proofs is a hard problem, and since
the tautology problem is very likely to be inherently exponential, there is no general
way to make finding proofs easy. However, there are many techniques known that
for “typical” tautologies appear to help with the exploration needed in the search for
a proof. In this section we shall study a useful inference rule, called resolution, that
is perhaps the most basic of these techniques. Resolution is based on the following

(p + q)(p̄ + r) → (q + r) (12.14)
The validity of this rule of inference is easy to check. The only way it could be false
is if q + r were false, and the left-hand side were true. If q + r is false, then both
q and r are false. Suppose p is true, so that p̄ is false. Then p̄ + r is false, and the
left-hand side of (12.14) must be false. Similarly, if p is false, then p + q is false,
which again tells us that the left-hand side is false. Thus it is impossible for the
right-hand side to be false while the left-hand side is true, and we conclude that
(12.14) is a tautology.
Clause The usual way resolution is applied is to convert our hypotheses into clauses,
which are sums (logical OR’s) of literals. We convert each of our hypotheses into
a product of clauses. Our proof begins with each of these clauses as a line of the
proof, and the justification is that each is “given.” We then apply the resolution
rule to construct additional lines, which will always turn out to be clauses. That
is, if q and r in (12.14) are each replaced by any sum of literals, then q + r will also
be a sum of literals.
In practice, we shall simplify clauses by removing duplicates. That is, both q
and r could include a literal X, in which case we shall remove one copy of X from
q + r. The justification is found in laws 12.17, 12.7, and 12.8, the idempotence,
commutativity, and associativity of OR. In general, a useful point of view is that a
clause is a set, rather than a list, of literals. The associative and commutative laws
allow us to order the literals any way we please, and the idempotent law allows us
to eliminate duplicates.
We also eliminate clauses that contain contradictory literals. That is, if both X
and X̄ are found in one clause, then by laws 12.25, 12.7, 12.8, and 12.15, the clause

is equivalent to 1, and there is no need to include it in a proof. That is, by law

12.25, (X + X̄) ≡ 1, and by the annihilator law 12.15, 1 OR anything is equivalent
to 1.

✦ Example 12.27. Consider the clauses (a + b̄ + c) and (d¯ + a + b + e). We may

let b play the role of p in (12.14). Then q is d¯ + a + e, and r is a + c. Notice that
we have done some rearrangement to match our clauses with (12.14). First, our
second clause has been matched with the first, p + q in (12.14), and our first clause
is matched with the second of (12.14). Moreover, the variable that plays the role
of p does not appear first in our two clauses, but that is no matter, because the
commutative and associative laws for OR justify our rearranging the clauses in any
order we choose.
The new clause q + r, which may appear as a line in a proof if our two clauses
are already in that proof, is (d¯ + a + e + a + c). We may simplify this clause by
eliminating the duplicate a, leaving (d¯ + a + e + c).
As another example, consider the clauses (a + b) and (ā + b̄). We may let a
play the roll of p in (12.14); q is b, and r is b̄, giving us the new clause (b + b̄). That
clause is equivalent to 1, and therefore need not be generated. ✦

Putting Logical Expressions in Conjunctive Normal Form

In order to make resolution work, we need to put all hypotheses, and the conclu-
sion, into product-of-sums form, or “conjunctive normal form.” There are several
approaches that may be taken. Perhaps the simplest is the following.

1. First, we get rid of any operators except AND, OR, and NOT. We replace E ≡ F
by (E → F )(F → E), by law 12.21. Then, we replace G → H by
NOT (G) + (H)

according to law 12.24. NAND and NOR are easily replaced by AND or OR, respec-
tively, followed by NOT. In fact, since AND, OR, and NOT are a complete set of
operators, we know that any logical operator whatsoever, including those not
introduced in this book, can be replaced by expressions involving only AND, OR,
and NOT.

2. Next, apply DeMorgan’s laws to push all negations down until they either
cancel with other negations by law 12.13 in Section 12.8, or they apply only to
propositional variables.

3. Now we apply the distributive law for OR over AND to push all OR’s below all
AND’s. The result is an expression in which there are literals, combined by OR’s,
which are then combined by AND’s; this is a conjunctive normal form expression.

✦ Example 12.28. Let us consider the expression

p + q AND NOT r AND (s → t)

Note that to balance conciseness and clarity, we are using overbar, +, and juxtapo-
sition mixed with their equivalents — NOT, OR, and AND — in this and subsequent
Step (1) requires us to replace s → t by s̄ + t, giving the AND-OR-NOT expression
p + q AND NOT r(s̄ + t)

In step (2), we must push the first NOT down by DeMorgan’s laws. The sequence of
steps, in which the NOT reaches the propositional variables is
p + q r̄ + NOT (s̄ + t)
p + q r̄ + (NOT s̄)(t̄ )
p + q r̄ + (st̄ )

Now we apply law 12.14 to push the first OR below the first AND.
(p + q) p + r̄ + (st̄)

Next, we regroup, using law 12.8 of Section 12.8, so that we can push the second
and third OR’s below the second AND.

(p + q) (p + r̄) + (st̄)
Finally, we use law 12.14 again, and all OR’s are below all AND’s. The resulting
(p + q)(p + r̄ + s)(p + r̄ + t̄)
is in conjunctive normal form. ✦

Inference Using Resolution

We now see the outline of a way to find a proof of E from hypotheses E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek .
Convert E and each of E1 , . . . , Ek into conjunctive normal form expressions F and
F1 , F2 , . . . , Fk , respectively. Our proof is a list of clauses, and we start by writing
down all the clauses of the hypotheses F1 , F2 , . . . , Fk . We apply the resolution rule
to pairs of clauses, and thus we add new clauses as lines of our proof. Then, if we
add all the clauses of F to our proof, we have proved F , and we therefore have also
proved E.

✦ Example 12.29. Suppose we take as our hypothesis the expression

(r → u)(u → w̄)(r̄ → w̄)
Note that this expression is the AND of the hypotheses used in Example 12.26.5 Let
the desired conclusion be w̄, as in Example 12.26. We convert the hypothesis to
conjunctive normal form by replacing the →’s according to law 12.24. At this point,
the result is already in conjunctive normal form and needs no further manipulation.
The desired conclusion, w̄, is already in conjunctive normal form, since any single

5 You should have observed by now that it doesn’t matter whether we write many hypotheses
or connect them all with AND’s and write one hypothesis.

Why Resolution is Effective

In general, the discovery of a proof requires luck or skill to put together the sequence
of lines that lead from hypotheses to conclusion. You will by now have noted, while
it is easy to check that the proofs given in Sections 12.10 and 12.11 are indeed
valid proofs, solving exercises that require the discovery of a proof is much harder.
Guessing the sequence of resolutions to perform in order to produce some clause or
clauses, as in Example 12.29, is not significantly easier than discovering a proof in
However, when we combine resolution with proof by contradiction, as in Exam-
ple 12.30, we see the magic of resolution. Since our goal clause is 0, the “smallest”
clause, we suddenly have a notion of a “direction” in which to search. That is, we
try to prove progressively smaller clauses, hoping thereby to prove 0 eventually. Of
course, this heuristic does not guarantee success. Sometimes, we must prove some
very large clauses before we can start shrinking clauses and eventually prove 0.
Complete proof In fact, resolution is a complete proof procedure for propositional calculus.
procedure Whenever E1 E2 · · · Ek → E is a tautology, we can derive 0 from E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek
and NOT E, expressed in clause form. (Yes, this is a third meaning that logicians
give to the word “complete.” Recall the others are “a set of operators capable of
expressing any logical function,” and “a hardest problem within a class of problems,”
as in “NP-complete”.) Again, just because the proof exists doesn’t mean it is easy
to find the proof.

literal is a clause, and a single clause is a product of clauses. Thus we begin with
(r̄ + u)(ū + w̄)(r + w̄)
Now, suppose we resolve the first and third clauses, using r in the role of p.
The resulting clause is (u + w̄). This clause may be resolved with the second clause
in the hypothesis, with u in the role of p, to get clause (w̄). Since this clause is the
desired conclusion, we are done. Figure 12.25 shows the proof as a series of lines,
each of which is a clause. ✦

1) (r̄ + u) Hypothesis
2) (ū + w̄) Hypothesis
3) (r + w̄) Hypothesis
4) (u + w̄) Resolution of (1) and (3)
5) (w̄) Resolution of (2) and (4)

Fig. 12.25. Resolution proof of w̄.

Resolution Proofs by Contradiction

The usual way resolution is used as a proof mechanism is somewhat different from
that in Example 12.29. Instead of starting with the hypothesis and trying to prove
the conclusion, we start with both the hypotheses and the negation of the conclusion
and try to derive a clause with no literals. This clause has the value 0, or FALSE.

For example, if we have clauses (p) and (p̄), we may apply (12.14) with q = r = 0,
to get the clause 0.
The reason this approach is valid stems from the contradiction law 12.29 of
Section 12.9, or (p̄ → 0) ≡ p. Here, let p be the statement we want to prove:
(E1 E2 · · · Ek ) → E, for some hypotheses E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek and
 conclusion E. Then p̄
is NOT (E1 E2 · · · Ek → E), or NOT NOT (E1 E2 · · · Ek ) + E , using law 12.24. Several
applications of DeMorgan’s laws tell us that p is equivalent to E1 E2 · · · Ek Ē. Thus,
to prove p we can instead prove p̄ → 0, or (E1 E2 · · · Ek Ē) → 0. That is, we
prove that the hypotheses and the negation of the conclusion together imply a

✦ Example 12.30. Let us reconsider Example 12.29, but start with both the
three hypothesis clauses and the negation of the desired conclusion, that is, with
clause (w) as well. The resolution proof of 0 is shown in Fig. 12.26. Using the law
of contradiction, we can conclude that the hypotheses imply w̄, the conclusion. ✦

1) (r̄ + u) Hypothesis
2) (ū + w̄) Hypothesis
3) (r + w̄) Hypothesis
4) (w) Negation of conclusion
5) (u + w̄) Resolution of (1) and (3)
6) (w̄) Resolution of (2) and (5)
7) 0 Resolution of (4) and (6)

Fig. 12.26. Resolution proof by contradiction.

12.11.1: Use the truth table method to check that expression (12.14) is a tautology.

a A person has blood type A.

b A person has blood type B.
c A person has blood type AB.
o A person has blood type O.
t Test T is positive on a person’s blood sample.
s Test S is positive on a person’s blood sample.

Fig. 12.27. Propositions for Exercise 12.11.2.

12.11.2: Let the propositions have the intuitive meanings given in Fig. 12.27. Write
a clause or product of clauses that express the following ideas.

a) If test T is positive, then that person has blood type A or AB.

b) If test S is positive, then that person has blood type B or AB.
c) If a person has type A, then test T will be positive.
d) If a person has type B, then test S will be positive.
e) If a person has type AB, then both tests T and S will be positive. Hint : Note
that (c̄ + st) is not a clause.
f) A person has type A, B, AB, or O blood.
12.11.3: Use resolution to discover all nontrivial clauses that follow from your
clauses in Exercise 12.11.2. You should omit trivial clauses that simplify to 1 (TRUE),
and also omit a clause C if its literals are a proper superset of the literals of some
other clause D.
12.11.4: Give proofs using resolution and proof by contradiction for the implica-
tions in Exercise 12.10.1.

✦ ✦

12.12 Summary of Chapter 12
In this chapter, we have seen the elements of propositional logic, including:
✦ The principal operators, AND, OR, NOT, →, ≡, NAND, and NOR.
✦ The use of truth tables to represent the meaning of a logical expression, includ-
ing algorithms to construct a truth table from an expression and vice versa.
✦ Some of the many algebraic laws that apply to the logical operators.
We also discussed logic as a design theory, seeing:
✦ How Karnaugh maps help us design simple expressions for logical functions
that have up to four variables.
✦ How algebraic laws can be used sometimes to simplify expressions of logic.
Then, we saw that logic helps us express and understand the common proof tech-
niques such as:
✦ Proof by case analysis,
✦ Proof of the contrapositive,
✦ Proof by contradiction, and
✦ Proof by reduction to truth.
Finally, we studied deduction, that is, the construction of line-by-line proofs, seeing:
✦ There are a number of inference rules, such as “modus ponens,” that allow us
to construct one line of a proof from previous lines.
✦ The resolution technique often helps us find proofs quickly by representing lines
of a proof as sums of literals and combining sums in useful ways.
✦ However, there is no known algorithm that is guaranteed to find a proof of an
expression in time less than an exponential in the size of the expression.

✦ Moreover, since the tautology problem is “NP-hard,” it is strongly believed

that no less-than-exponential algorithm for this problem exists.

✦ ✦

12.13 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 12
The study of deduction in logic dates back to Aristotle. Boole [1854] developed the
algebra of propositions, and it is from this work that Boolean algebra comes.
Lewis and Papadimitriou [1979] is a somewhat more advanced treatment of
logic. Enderton [1972] and Mendelson [1987] are popular treatments of mathemat-
ical logic. Manna and Waldinger [1990] present the subject from the point of view
of proving correctness of programs.
Genesereth and Nilsson [1987] treat logic from the point of view of applications
to artificial intelligence. There, you can find more on the matter of heuristics
for discovering proofs, including resolution-like techniques. The original paper on
resolution as a method of proof is Robinson [1965].
For more on the theory of intractable problems, read Garey and Johnson [1979].
The concept of NP-completeness is by Cook [1971], and the paper by Karp [1972]
made clear the importance of the concept for commonly encountered problems.
Boole, G. [1854]. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, McMillan; reprinted by
Dover Press, New York, in 1958.
Cook, S. A. [1971]. “The complexity of theorem proving procedures,” Proc. Third
Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, pp. 151–158.
Enderton, H. B. [1972]. A Mathematical Introduction to Logic, Academic Press,
New York.
Garey, M. R. and D. S Johnson [1979]. Computers and Intractability: A Guide to
the Theory of NP-Completeness, W. H. Freeman, New York.
Genesereth, M. R. and N. J. Nilsson [1987]. Logical Foundations for Artificial
Intelligence, Morgan-Kaufmann, San Mateo, Calif.
Karp, R. M. [1972]. “Reducibility among combinatorial problems,” in Complexity
of Computer Computations (R. E. Miller and J. W. Thatcher, eds.), Plenum, New
York, pp. 85–103.
Lewis, H. R. and C. H. Papadimitriou [1981]. Elements of the Theory of Compu-
tation, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Manna, Z. and R. Waldinger [1990]. The Logical Basis for Computer Programming
(two volumes), Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
Mendelson, E. [1987]. Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Wadsworth and Brooks,
Monterey, Calif.
Robinson, J. A. [1965]. “A machine-oriented logic based on the resolution principle,”
J. ACM 12:1, pp. 23–41.
Using Logic

✦ ✦

Computer Components

In this chapter we shall see that the propositional logic studied in the previous
chapter can be used to design digital electronic circuits. Such circuits, found in
every computer, use two voltage levels (“high” and “low”) to represent the binary
values 1 and 0. In addition to gaining some appreciation for the design process,
we shall see that algorithm-design techniques, such as “divide-and-conquer,” can
also be applied to hardware. In fact, it is important to realize that the process of
designing a digital circuit to perform a given logical function is quite similar in spirit
to the process of designing a computer program to perform a given task. The data
models differ significantly, and frequently circuits are designed to do many things
Parallel and in parallel (at the same time) while common programming languages are designed
sequential to execute their steps sequentially (one at a time). However, general programming
operation techniques like modularizing a design are as applicable to circuits as they are to

✦ ✦

13.1 What This Chapter is About

This chapter covers the following concepts from digital circuit design:

✦ The notion of a gate, an electronic circuit that performs a logical operation

(Section 13.2).

✦ How gates are organized into circuits (Section 13.3).

✦ Certain kinds of circuits, called combinational, that are an electronic equivalent

of logical expressions (Section 13.4).

✦ Physical constraints under which circuits are designed, and what properties
circuits must have to produce their answers quickly (Section 13.5).


✦ Two interesting examples of circuits: adders and multiplexers. Sections 13.6

and 13.7 show how a fast circuit can be designed for each problem using a
divide-and-conquer technique.
✦ The memory element as an example of a circuit that remembers its input. In
contrast, a combinational circuit cannot remember inputs received in the past
(Section 13.8).

✦ ✦

13.2 Gates
A gate is an electronic device with one or more inputs, each of which can assume
either the value 0 or the value 1. As mentioned earlier, the logical values 0 and
1 are generally represented electronically by two different voltage levels, but the
physical method of representation need not concern us. A gate usually has one
output, which is a function of its inputs, and which is also either 0 or 1.

(a) AND (b) OR (c) NOT

(d) NAND (e) NOR

Fig. 13.1. Symbols for gates.

Each gate computes some particular Boolean function. Most electronic “tech-
nologies” (ways of manufacturing electronic circuits) favor the construction of gates
for certain Boolean functions and not others. In particular, AND- and OR-gates are
Inverter usually easy to build, as are NOT-gates, which are called inverters. AND- and OR-gates
can have any number of inputs, although, as we discuss in Section 13.5, there is
usually a practical limitation on how many inputs a gate can have. The output of
an AND-gate is 1 if all its inputs are 1, and its output is 0 if any one or more of its
inputs are 0. Likewise, the output of an OR-gate is 1 if one or more of its inputs are
1, and the output is 0 if all inputs are 0. The inverter (NOT-gate) has one input; its
output is 1 if its input is 0 and 0 if its input is 1.
We also find it easy to implement NAND- and NOR-gates in most technologies.
The NAND-gate produces the output 1 unless all its inputs are 1, in which case
it produces the output 0. The NOR-gate produces the output 1 when all inputs
are 0 and produces 0 otherwise. An example of a logical function that is harder
to implement electronically is equivalence, which takes two inputs x and y and
produces a 1 output if x and y are both 1 or both 0, and a 0 output when exactly
SEC. 13.3 CIRCUITS 701

one of x and y is 1. However, we can build equivalence circuits out of AND-, OR-,
and NOT-gates by implementing a circuit that realizes the logical function xy + x̄ȳ.
The symbols for the gates we have mentioned are shown in Fig. 13.1. In each
case except for the inverter (NOT-gate), we have shown the gate with two inputs.
However, we could easily show more than two inputs, by adding additional lines. A
one-input AND- or OR-gate is possible, but doesn’t really do anything; it just passes
its input to the output. A one-input NAND- or NOR-gate is really an inverter.

✦ ✦

13.3 Circuits
Gates are combined into circuits by connecting the outputs of some gates to the
Circuit inputs inputs of others. The circuit as a whole has one or more inputs, each of which can
and outputs be inputs to various gates within the circuit. The outputs of one or more gates are
designated circuit outputs. If there is more than one output, then an order for the
output gates must be specified as well.


Fig. 13.2. Equivalence circuit: z is the expression x ≡ y.


✦ Example 13.1. Figure 13.2 shows a circuit that produces as output z, the
equivalence function of inputs x and y. Conventionally, we show inputs at the top.
Both inputs x and y are fed to gate A, which is an AND-gate, and which therefore
produces a 1 output when (and only when) x = y = 1. Also, x and y are inverted
by NOT-gates B and C respectively, and the outputs of these inverters are fed to
AND-gate D. Thus, the output of gate D is 1 if and only if both x and y are 0. Since
the outputs of gates A and D are fed to OR-gate E, we see that the output of that
gate is 1 if and only if either x = y = 1 or x = y = 0. The table in Fig. 13.3 gives
a logical expression for the output of each gate.
Thus, the output z of the circuit, which is the output of gate E, is 1 if and only
if the logical expression xy + x̄ȳ has value 1. Since this expression is equivalent to
the expression x ≡ y, we see that the circuit output is the equivalence function of
its two inputs. ✦


A xy
B x̄
C ȳ
D x̄ȳ
E xy + x̄ȳ

Fig. 13.3. Outputs of gates in Fig. 13.2.

Combinational and Sequential Circuits

There is a close relationship between the logical expressions we can write using
a collection of logical operators, such as AND, OR, and NOT, on one hand, and the
circuits built from gates that perform the same set of operators, on the other hand.
Before proceeding, we must focus our attention on an important class of circuits
called combinational circuits. These circuits are acyclic, in the sense that the output
of a gate cannot reach its input, even through a series of intermediate gates.
We can use our knowledge of graphs to define precisely what we mean by a
combinational circuit. First, draw a directed graph whose nodes correspond to the
gates of the circuit. Add an arc u → v if the output of gate u is connected directly
to any input of gate v. If the circuit’s graph has no cycles, then the circuit is
combinational; otherwise, it is sequential.

✦ Example 13.2. In Fig. 13.4 we see the directed graph that comes from the
circuit of Fig. 13.2. For example, there is an arc A → E because the output of gate
A is connected to an input of gate E. The graph of Fig. 13.4 clearly has no cycles;
in fact, it is a tree with root E, drawn upside-down. Thus, we conclude that the
circuit of Fig. 13.2 is combinational.
On the other hand, consider the circuit of Fig. 13.5(a). There, the output of
gate A is an input to gate B, and the output of B is an input to A. The graph
for this circuit is shown in Fig. 13.5(b). It clearly has a cycle, so that the circuit is
SEC. 13.3 CIRCUITS 703


Fig. 13.4. Directed graph constructed from the circuit of Fig. 13.2.

x y


(a) The circuit.


(b) Its graph.

Fig. 13.5. Sequential circuit and its graph.

Suppose inputs x and y to this circuit are both 1. Then the output of B is
surely 1, and therefore, both inputs to the AND-gate A are 1. Thus, this gate will
produce output 1. Now we can let input y become 0, and the output of OR-gate B
will remain 1, because its other input (the input from the output of A) is 1. Thus,
both inputs to A remain 1, and its output is 1 as well.
However, suppose x becomes 0, whether or not y is 0. Then the output of gate
A, and therefore the circuit output z, must be 0. We can describe the circuit output
z as 1 if, at some time in the past, both x and y were 1 and since then x (but not
necessarily y) has remained 1. Figure 13.6 shows the output as a function of time
for various input value combinations; the low level represents 0 and the elevated

Fig. 13.6. Output as a function of time, for the circuit of Fig. 13.5(a).

Sequential Circuits and Automata

There is a close relationship between the deterministic finite automata that we
discussed in Chapter 10 and sequential circuits. While the subject is beyond the
scope of this book, given any deterministic automaton, we can design a sequential
circuit whose output is 1 exactly when the sequence of inputs of the automaton is
accepted. To be more precise, the inputs of the automaton, which may be from
any set of characters, must be encoded by the appropriate number of logical inputs
(which each take the value 0 or 1); k logical inputs to the circuit can code up to 2k

level represents 1. ✦

We shall discuss sequential circuits briefly at the end of this chapter. As we just
saw in Example 13.2, sequential circuits have the ability to remember important
things about the sequence of inputs seen so far, and thus they are needed for key
components of computers, such as main memory and registers. Combinational cir-
cuits, on the other hand, can compute the values of logical functions, but they must
work from a single setting for their inputs, and cannot remember what the inputs
were set to previously. Nevertheless, combinational circuits are also vital compo-
nents of computers. They are needed to add numbers, decode instructions into the
electronic signals that cause the computer to perform those instructions, and many
other tasks. In the following sections, we shall devote most of our attention to the
design of combinational circuits.


13.3.1: Design circuits that produce the following outputs. You may use any of
the gates shown in Fig. 13.1.
Parity function a) The parity, or sum-mod-2, function of inputs x and y that is 1 if and only if
exactly one of x and y is 1.
Majority b) The majority function of inputs w, x, y, and z that is 1 if and only if three or
function more of the inputs are 1.

c) The function of inputs w, x, y, and z that is 1 unless all or none of the inputs
are 1.
d) The exclusive-or function ⊕ discussed in Exercise 12.4.7.
13.3.2*: Suppose the circuit of Fig. 13.5(a) is modified so that both gates A and B
are AND-gates, and both inputs x and y are initially 1. As the inputs change, under
what circumstances will the output be 1?
13.3.3*: Repeat Exercise 13.3.2 if both gates are OR-gates.

✦ ✦

13.4 Logical Expressions and Circuits
It is relatively simple to build a circuit whose output, as a function of its inputs, is
the same as that of a given logical expression. Conversely, given a combinational
circuit, we can find a logical expression for each circuit output, as a function of its
inputs. The same is not true of a sequential circuit, as we saw in Example 13.2.

From Expressions to Circuits

Given a logical expression with some set of logical operators, we can construct from
it a combinational circuit that uses gates with the same set of operators and realizes
the same Boolean function. The circuit we construct will always have the form of a
tree. We construct the circuit by a structural induction on the expression tree for
the expression.

BASIS. If the expression tree is a single node, the expression can only be an input,
say x. The “circuit” for this expression will be the circuit input x itself.

E1 E2 ··· En

Fig. 13.7. Expression tree for expression θ(E1 , E2 , . . . , En ).

INDUCTION. For the induction, suppose that the expression tree in question is
similar to Fig. 13.7. There is some logical operator, which we call θ, at the root;
θ might be AND or OR, for example. The root has n subtrees for some n, and the
operator θ is applied to the results of these subtrees to produce a result for the
whole tree.
Since we are performing a structural induction, we may assume that the in-
ductive hypothesis applies to the subexpressions. Thus, there is a circuit C1 for
expression E1 , circuit C2 for E2 , and so on.
To build the circuit for E, we take a gate for the operator θ and give it n
inputs, one from each of the outputs of the circuits C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn , in that order.

circuit inputs

• •
• •
• •

C1 C2 ··· Cn

circuit output

Fig. 13.8. The circuit for θ(E1 , . . . , En ) where Ci is the circuit for Ei .

The output of the circuit for E is taken from the θ-gate just introduced. The
construction is suggested in Fig. 13.8.
The circuit we have constructed computes the expression in the obvious way.
However, there may be circuits producing the same output function with fewer gates
or fewer levels. For example, if the given expression is (x + y)z + (x + y)w̄, then
the circuit we construct will have two occurrences of the subcircuit that realizes the
common expression x + y. We can redesign the circuit to use just one occurrence of
this subcircuit, and feed its output everywhere the common subexpression is used.
There are other more radical transformations that we can make to improve the
design of circuits. Circuit design, like the design of efficient algorithms, is an art,
and we shall see a few of the important techniques of this art later in this chapter.

From Circuits to Logical Expressions

Now let us consider the inverse problem, constructing a logical expression for an
output of a combinational circuit. Since we know that the graph of the circuit is
acyclic, we can pick a topological order of its nodes (i.e., of its gates), with the
property that if the output of the ith gate in the order feeds an input of the jth
gate in the order, then i must be less than j.

✦ Example 13.3. One possible topological order of the gates in the circuit of Fig.
13.2 is ABCDE, and another is BCDAE. However, ABDCE is not a topological
order, since gate C feeds gate D, but D appears before C in this sequence. ✦

To build the expression from the circuit, we use an inductive construction. We

shall show by induction on i the statement

STATEMENT S(i): For the first i gates in the topological order, there are logical
expressions for the output of these gates.

BASIS. The basis will be i = 0. Since there are zero gates to consider, there is
nothing to prove, so the basis part is done.

INDUCTION. For the induction, look at the ith gate in the topological order.
Suppose gate i’s inputs are I1 , I2 , . . . , Ik . If Ij is a circuit input, say x, then let the
expression Ej for input Ij be x. If input Ij is the output of some other gate, that
gate must precede the ith gate in the topological order, which means that we have
already constructed some expression Ej for the output of that gate. Let the operator
associated with gate i be θ. Then an expression for gate i is θ(E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek ). In the
common case that θ is a binary operator for which infix notation is conventionally
used, the expression for gate i can be written (E1 )θ(E2 ). The parentheses are placed
there for safety, although depending on the precedence of operators, they may or
may not be necessary.

✦ Example 13.4. Let us determine the output expression for the circuit in Fig.
13.2, using the topological order ABCDE for the gates. First, we look at AND-gate
A. Its two inputs are from the circuit inputs x and y, so that the expression for the
output of A is xy.
Gate B is an inverter with input x, so that its output is x̄. Similarly, gate C
has output expression ȳ. Now we can work on gate D, which is an AND-gate with
inputs taken from the outputs of B and C. Thus, the expression for the output of
D is x̄ȳ. Finally, gate E is an OR-gate, whose inputs are the outputs of A and D.
We thus connect the output expressions for these gates by the OR operator, to get
the expression xy + x̄ȳ as the output expression for gate E. Since E is the only
output gate of the circuit, that expression is also the circuit output. Recall that the
circuit of Fig. 13.2 was designed to realize the Boolean function x ≡ y. It is easy to
verify that the expression we derived for gate E is equivalent to x ≡ y. ✦

✦ Example 13.5. In the previous examples, we have had only one circuit output,
and the circuit itself has been a tree. Neither of these conditions holds generally.
We shall now take up an important example of the design of a circuit with multiple
outputs, and where some gates have their output used as input to several gates.
One-bit adder Recall from Chapter 1 that we discussed the use of a one-bit adder in building a
circuit to add binary numbers. A one-bit adder circuit has two inputs x and y that
represent the bits in some particular position of the two numbers being added. It
has a third input, c, that represents the carry-in to this position from the position
to the right (next lower-order position). The one-bit adder produces as output the
following two bits:
1. The sum bit z, which is 1 if an odd number of x, y, and c are 1, and
2. The carry-out bit d, which is 1 if two or more of x, y, and c are 1.

Circuit Diagram Convention

When circuits are complicated, as is the circuit in Fig. 13.10, there is a useful
convention that helps simplify the drawing. Often, we need to have “wires” (the
lines between an output and the input(s) to which it is connected) cross, without
implying that they are part of the same wire. Thus, the standard convention for
circuits says that wires are not connected unless, at the point of intersection, we
place a dot. For example, the vertical line from the circuit input y is not connected
to the horizontal lines labeled x or x̄, even though it crosses those lines. It is
connected to the horizontal line labeled y, because there is a dot at the point of

yc yc

00 01 11 10 00 01 11 10

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
x x
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1

(a) sum z (b) carry-out d

Fig. 13.9. Karnaugh maps for the sum and carry-out functions.

In Fig. 13.9 we see Karnaugh maps for z and d, the sum and carry-out functions
of the one-bit adder. Of the eight possible minterms, seven appear in the functions
for z or d, and only one, xyc, appears in both.
A systematically designed circuit for the one-bit adder is shown in Fig. 13.10.
We begin by taking the circuit inputs and inverting them, using the three inverters
at the top. Then we create AND-gates for each of the minterms that we need in
one or more outputs. These gates are numbered 1 through 7, and each integer
tells us which of its inputs are “true” circuit inputs, x, y, or c, and which are
“complemented” inputs, x̄, ȳ, or c̄. That is, write the integer as a 3-bit binary
number, and regard the bits as representing x, y, and c, in that order. For example,
gate 4, or (100)2 , has input x true and inputs y and c complemented; that is, it
produces the output expression xȳc̄. Notice that there is no gate 0 here, because
the minterm x̄ȳc̄ is not needed for either output.
Finally, the circuit outputs, z and d, are assembled with OR-gates at the bottom.
The OR-gate for z has inputs from the output of each AND-gate whose minterm makes
z true, and the inputs to the OR-gate for d are selected similarly.
Let us compute the output expressions for the circuit of Fig. 13.10. The topo-
logical order we shall use is the inverters first, then the AND-gates 1, 2, . . . , 7, and
finally the OR-gates for z and d. First, the three inverters obviously have output
expressions x̄, ȳ, and c̄. Then we already mentioned how the inputs to the AND-gates
were selected and how the expression for the output of each is associated with the

x y c

• • •

x̄ • •
x • • •
ȳ • •
y • • •
c̄ • •
c • • •

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

z d

Fig. 13.10. One-bit-adder circuit.

binary representation of the number of the gate. Thus, gate 1 has output expression
x̄ȳc. Finally, the output of the OR-gate z is the OR of the output expressions for
gates 1, 2, 4, and 7, that is
x̄ȳc + x̄yc̄ + xȳc̄ + xyc
Similarly, the output of the OR-gate for d is the OR of the output expressions for
gates 3, 5, 6, and 7, which is
x̄yc + xȳc + xyc̄ + xyc
We leave it as an exercise to show that this expression is equivalent to the expression
yc + xc + xy

that we would get if we worked from the Karnaugh map for d alone. ✦

13.4.1: Design circuits for the following Boolean functions. You need not restrict
yourself to 2-input gates if you can group three or more operands that are connected
by the same operator.
a) x + y + z. Hint : Think of this expression as OR(x, y, z).
b) xy + xz + yz
c) x + (ȳ x̄)(y + z)
13.4.2: For each of the circuits in Fig. 13.11, compute the logical expression for
each gate. What are the expressions for the outputs of the circuits? For circuit (b)
construct an equivalent circuit using only AND, OR, and NOT gates.

x y z
x y z



Fig. 13.11. Circuits for Exercise 13.4.2.

13.4.3: Prove the following tautologies used in Examples 13.4 and 13.5:
a) (xy + x̄ȳ) ≡ (x ≡ y)
b) (x̄yc + xȳc + xyc̄ + xyc) ≡ (yc + xc + xy)

Chips generally have several “layers” of material that can be used, in combination,
to build gates. Wires can run in any layer, to interconnect the gates; wires on
Feature size different layers usually can cross without interacting. The “feature size,” roughly
the minimum width of a wire, is in 1994 usually below half a micron (a micron is
Micron 0.00l millimeter, or about 0.00004 inches). Gates can be built in an area several
microns on a side.
The process by which chips are fabricated is complex. For example, one step
might deposit a thin layer of a certain substance, called a photoresist, all over a
chip. Then a photographic negative of the features desired on a certain layer is
used. By shining light or a beam of electrons through the negative, the top layer
can be etched away in places where the beam shines through, leaving only the
desired circuit pieces.

✦ ✦

13.5 Some Physical Constraints on Circuits
Integrated Today, most circuits are built as “chips,” or integrated circuits. Large numbers of
circuits gates, perhaps as many as millions of gates, and the wires interconnecting them,
are constructed out of semiconductor and metallic materials in an area about a
centimeter (0.4 inches) on a side. The various “technologies,” or methods of con-
structing integrated circuits, impose a number of constraints on the way efficient
circuits can be designed. For example, we mentioned earlier that certain types of
gates, such as AND, OR, and NOT, are easier to construct than other kinds.

Circuit Speed
Associated with each gate is a delay, between the time that the inputs become active
and the time that the output becomes available. This delay might be only a few
nanoseconds (a nanosecond is 10−9 seconds), but in a complex circuit, such as the
central processing unit of a computer, information propagates through many levels
of gates, even during the execution of a single instruction. As modern computers
perform instructions in much less than a microsecond (which is 10−6 seconds), it is
evidently imperative that the number of gates through which a value must propagate
be kept to a minimum.
Thus, for a combinational circuit, the maximum number of gates that lie along
any path from an input to an output is analogous to the running time of a program
as a figure of merit. That is, if we want our circuits to compute their outputs fast,
Circuit delay we must minimize the longest path length in the graph of the circuit. The delay of
a circuit is the number of gates on the longest path — that is, one plus the length
of the path equals the delay. For example, the adder of Fig. 13.10 has delay 3, since
the longest paths from input to output go through one of the inverters, then one
of the AND-gates, and finally, through one of the OR-gates; there are many paths of
length 3.
Notice that, like running time, circuit delay only makes sense as an “order of
magnitude” quantity. Different technologies will give us different values of the time
that it takes an input of one gate to affect the output of that gate. Thus, if we have
two circuits, of delay 10 and 20, respectively, we know that if implemented in the

same technology, with all other factors being equal, the first will take half the time
of the second. However, if we implement the second circuit in a faster technology,
it could beat the first circuit implemented in the original technology.

Size Limitations
The cost of building a circuit is roughly proportional to the number of gates in the
circuit, and so we would like to reduce the number of gates. Moreover, the size of
a circuit also influences its speed, and small circuits tend to run faster. In general,
the more gates a circuit has, the greater the area on a chip that it will consume.
There are at least two negative effects of using a large area.
1. If the area is large, long wires are needed to connect gates that are located far
apart. The longer a wire is, the longer it takes a signal to travel from one end
Propagation to the other. This propagation delay is another source of delay in the circuit,
delay in addition to the time it takes a gate to “compute” its output.
2. There is a limit to how large chips can be, because the larger they are, the
more likely it is that there will be an imperfection that causes the chip to fail.
If we have to divide a circuit across several chips, then wires connecting the
chips will introduce a severe propagation delay.
Our conclusion is that there is a significant benefit to keeping the number of gates
in a circuit low.

Fan-In and Fan-Out Limitations

A third constraint on the design of circuits comes from physical realities. We pay a
penalty for gates that have too many inputs or that have their outputs connected
to too many other inputs. The number of inputs of a gate is called its fan-in, and
the number of inputs to which the output of a gate is connected is that gate’s fan-
out. While, in principle, there is no limit on fan-in or fan-out, in practice, gates
with large fan-in and/or fan-out will be slower than gates with smaller fan-in and
fan-out. Thus, we shall try to design our circuits with limited fan-in and fan-out.

✦ Example 13.6. Suppose a particular computer has registers of 32 bits, and

we wish to implement, in circuitry, the COMPARE machine instruction. One of the
things we have to build is a circuit that tests whether a register has all 0’s. This
test is implemented by an OR-gate with 32 inputs, one for each bit of the register.
An output of 1 means the register does not hold 0, while an output of 0 means that
it does.1 If we want 1 to mean a positive answer to the question, “Does the register
hold 0,” then we would complement the output with an inverter, or use a NOR gate.
However, a fan-in of 32 is generally much higher than we would like. Suppose
we were to limit ourselves to gates with a fan-in of 2. That is probably too low
a limit, but will serve for an example. First, how many two-input OR-gates do we
need to compute the OR of n inputs? Clearly, each 2-input gate combines two values
into one (its output), and thus reduces by one the number of values we need to
compute the OR of n inputs. After we have used n − 1 gates, we shall be down to

1 Strictly speaking, this observation is true only in 2’s complement notation. In some other
notations, there are two ways to represent 0. For example, in sign-and-magnitude, we would
test only whether the last 31 bits are 0.

one value, and if we have designed the circuit properly, that one value will be the
OR of all n original values. Thus, we need at least 31 gates to compute the OR of 32
bits, x1 , x2 , . . . , x32 .

x1 x2 x3 x4 x32


Fig. 13.12. Slow way to take the OR of 32 bits.

A naive way to do this OR is shown in Fig. 13.12. There, we group the bits in
a left-associative way. As each gate feeds the next, the graph of the circuit has a
path with 31 gates, and the delay of the circuit is 31.
A better way is suggested in Fig. 13.13. A complete binary tree with five levels
uses the same 31 gates, but the delay is only 5. We would expect the circuit of Fig.
13.13 therefore to run about six times faster than the circuit of Fig. 13.12. Other
factors that influence speed might reduce the factor of six, but even for a “small”
number of bits like 32, the clever design is significantly faster than the naive design.
If one doesn’t immediately “see” the trick of using a complete binary tree as a
circuit, one can obtain the circuit of Fig. 13.13 by applying the divide-and-conquer

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x29 x30 x31 x32


Fig. 13.13. Complete binary tree of OR-gates.

Divide and paradigm. That is, to take the OR of 2k bits, we divide the bits into two groups of
conquer circuits 2k−1 bits each. Circuits for each of the two groups are combined by a final OR-gate,
as suggested in Fig. 13.14. Of course, the circuit for the basis case k = 1 (i.e.,
two inputs) is provided not by divide-and-conquer, but by using a single two-input
OR-gate. ✦


13.5.1*: Suppose that we can use OR-gates with fan-in of k, and we wish to take
the OR of n inputs, where n is a power of k. What is the minimum possible delay
for such a circuit? What would be the delay if we used a naive “cascading” circuit
as shown in Fig. 13.12?

13.5.2*: Design divide-and-conquer circuits to perform the following operations.

What is the delay of each of your circuits?

a) Given inputs x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , produce a 1 output if and only if all inputs are 1.

b) Given inputs x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and y1 , y2 , . . . , yn , produce a 1 output if and only if

each xi equals yi , for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Hint : Use the circuit of Fig. 13.2 to test
whether two inputs are equal.

13.5.3*: The divide-and-conquer approach of Fig. 13.14 works even when the num-
ber of inputs is not a power of two. Then the basis must include sets of two or three
inputs; three-input sets are handled by two OR-gates, one feeding the other, assum-
ing we wish to keep strictly to our fan-in limitation of two. What is the delay of
such circuits, as a function of the number of inputs?

13.5.4: First-string commandos are ready, willing, and able. Suppose we have n
commandos, and circuit inputs ri , wi , and ai indicate, respectively, whether the ith
commando, is ready, willing, and able. We only want to send the commando team
on a raid if they all are ready, willing, and able. Design a divide-and-conquer circuit
to indicate whether we can send the team on a raid.

13.5.5*: Second-string commandos (read Exercise 13.5.4) aren’t as professional.

We are willing to send them on a raid if each is either ready, willing, or able. In
fact, we’ll send the team even if at most one of the commandos is neither ready,
willing, nor able. Using the same inputs as Exercise 13.5.4, devise a divide-and-
conquer circuit that will indicate whether we can send the second-string commando
team on a raid.

x1 x2 xn/2 xn/2+1 xn/2+2 xn

··· ···

circuit for circuit for

one half other half

Fig. 13.14. Divide-and-conquer approach to circuit design.


✦ ✦

13.6 A Divide-and-Conquer Addition Circuit
One of the key parts of a computer is a circuit that adds two numbers. While
actual microprocessor circuits do more, we shall study the essence of the problem
by designing a circuit to add two nonnegative integers. This problem is quite
instructive as an example of divide-and-conquer circuit design.
We can build an adder for n-bit numbers from n one-bit adders, connected in
one of several ways. Let us suppose that we use the circuit of Fig. 13.10 as a one-
bit-adder circuit. This circuit has a delay of 3, which is close to the best we can do.2
The simplest approach to building an adder circuit is the ripple-carry adder which
we saw in Section 1.3. In this circuit, an output of each one-bit adder becomes an
input of the next one-bit adder, so that adding two n-bit numbers incurs a delay of
3n. For example, in the case where n = 32, the circuit delay is 96.

A Recursive Addition Circuit

We can design an adder circuit with significantly less delay if we use the divide-and-
conquer strategy of designing a circuit for n/2 bits and using two of them, together
with some additional circuitry, to make an n-bit adder. In Example 13.6, we spoke
of a divide-and-conquer circuit for taking the OR of many bits, using 2-input OR-
gates. That was a particularly simple example of the divide-and-conquer technique,
since each of the smaller circuits performed exactly the desired function (OR), and
the combination of outputs of the subcircuits was very simple (they were fed to an
OR-gate). The two half-size circuits did their work at the same time (in parallel), so
their delays did not add.
For the adder, we need to do something more subtle. A naive way to start is
to add the left half of the bits (high-order bits) and add the right half of the bits
(low-order bits), using identical half-size adder circuits. However, unlike the n-bit
OR example, where we could work on the left and right halves independently, it
seems that for the adder, the addition for the left half cannot begin until the right
half is finished and passes its carry to the rightmost bit in the left half, as suggested
in Fig. 13.15. If so, we shall find that the “divide-and-conquer” circuit is actually
identical to the ripple-carry adder, and we have not improved the delay at all.
The additional “trick” we need is to realize that we can begin the computation
of the left half without knowing the carry out of the right half, provided we compute
more than just the sum. We need to answer two questions. First, what would the
sum be if there is no carry into the rightmost place in the left half, and second, what
would the sum be if there is a carry-in?3 We can then allow the circuits for the left
and right halves to compute their two answers at the same time. Once both have
been completed, we can tell whether or not there is a carry from the right half to
the left. That tells us which answer is correct, and with three more levels of delay,
we can select the correct answer for the left side. Thus, the delay to add n bits
will be just three more than the delay to add n/2 bits, leading to a circuit of delay
3(1 + log2 n). That compares very well with the ripple-carry adder for n = 32; the
divide-and-conquer adder will have delay 3(1 + log2 32) = 3(1 + 5) = 18, compared
with 96 for the ripple-carry adder.
2 We can design a more complicated one-bit-adder circuit with delay 2 by complementing all
the inputs outside the full adder and computing both the carry and its complement within
the full adder.
3 Note “there is a carry-in” means the carry-in is 1; “no carry-in” means the carry-in is 0.

x1 y1 · · · xn/2 yn/2 xn/2+1 yn/2+1 · · · xn yn


left-half right-half
adder adder

z1 z2 ··· zn/2 zn/2+1 zn/2+2 · · · zn

Fig. 13.15. An inefficient divide-and-conquer design for an adder.

n-adder More precisely, we define an n-adder to be a circuit with inputs x1 , x2 , . . . , xn

and y1 , y2 , . . . , yn , representing two n-bit integers, and outputs
1. s1 , s2 , . . . , sn , the n-bit sum (excluding a carry out of the leftmost place, i.e.,
out of the place belonging to x1 and y1 ) of the inputs, assuming that there is
no carry into the rightmost place (the place of xn and yn ).
2. t1 , t2 , . . . , tn , the n-bit sum of the inputs, assuming that there is a carry into
the rightmost place.
3. p, the carry-propagate bit, which is 1 if there is a carry out of the leftmost
place, on the assumption that there is a carry into the rightmost place.
4. g, the carry-generate bit, which is 1 if there is a carry out of the leftmost place,
even if there is no carry into the rightmost place.
Note that g → p; that is, if g is 1, then p must be 1. However, g can be 0, and p
still be 1. For example, if the x’s are 1010 · · · , and the y’s are 0101 · · · , then g = 0,
because when there is no carry in, the sum is all 1’s and there is no carry out of the
leftmost place. On the other hand, if there is a carry into the rightmost position,
then the last n bits of the sum are all 0’s, and there is a carry out of the leftmost
place; thus p = 1.
We shall construct an n-adder recursively, for n a power of 2.

BASIS. Consider the case n = 1. Here we have two inputs, x and y, and we need
to compute four outputs, s, t, p, and g, given by the logical expressions
s = xȳ + x̄y
t = xy + x̄ȳ
g = xy
p = x+y
To see why these expressions are correct, first assume there is no carry into
the one place in question. Then the sum bit, which is 1 if an odd number of x, y,
and the carry-in are 1, will be 1 if exactly one of x and y is 1. The expression for
s above clearly has that property. Further, with no carry-in, there can only be a

x y

• •

• • x
• x̄
• y
• ȳ

s g t p

Fig. 13.16. Base case: a 1-adder.

carry-out if both x and y are 1, which explains the expression for g above.
Now suppose that there is a carry-in. Then for an odd number of x, y, and the
carry-in to be 1, it must be that both or neither of x and y are 1, explaining the
expression for t. Also, there will now be a carry-out if either one or both of x and
y are 1, which justifies the expression for p. A circuit for the basis is shown in Fig.
13.16. It is similar in spirit to the full adder of Fig. 13.10, but is actually somewhat
simpler, because it has only two inputs instead of three.

INDUCTION. The inductive step is illustrated in Fig. 13.17, where we build a 2n-
adder from two n-adders. A 2n-adder is composed of two n-adders, followed by two
pieces of circuitry labeled FIX in Fig. 13.17, to handle two issues:
1. Computing the carry propagate and generate bits for the 2n-adder
2. Adjusting the left half of the s’s and t’s to take into account whether or not
there is a carry into the left half from the right
First, suppose that there is a carry into the right end of the entire circuit for the

x1 y1 xn yn xn+1 yn+1 x2n y2n

··· ···

n-adder n-adder

gL pL s1 L t1 L · · ·sn L tn L gR pR s1 R t1 R · · ·sn R tn R


g p s1 t1 ··· sn tn sn+1 tn+1 s2n t2n

Fig. 13.17. Sketch of the divide-and-conquer adder.

2n-adder. Then there will be a carry out at the left end of the entire circuit if either
of the following hold:
a) Both halves of the adder propagate a carry; that is, pL pR is true. Note this
expression includes the case when the right half generates a carry and the left
half propagates it. Then pL g R is true, but g R → pR , so (pL pR +pL g R ) ≡ pL pR .
b) The left half generates a carry; that is, g L is true. In this case, the existence
of a carry-out on the left does not depend on whether or not there is a carry
into the right end, or on whether the right half generates a carry.
Thus, the expression for p, the carry-propagate bit for the 2n-adder, is
p = g L + pL pR
Now assume there is no carry-in at the right end of the 2n-adder. Then there
is a carry-out at the left end of the 2n-adder if either
a) The right half generates a carry and the left half propagates it, or
b) The left half generates a carry.
Thus, the logical expression for g is
g = g L + pL g R
Now let us turn our attention to the si ’s and the ti ’s. First, the right-half bits
are unchanged from the outputs of the right n-adder, because the presence of the
left half has no effect on the right half. Thus, sn+i = si R , and tn+i = ti R , for
i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
The left-half bits must be modified, however, to take into account the ways in
which the right half can generate a carry. First, suppose that there is no carry-in
at the right end of the 2n-adder. This is the situation that the si ’s are supposed
to tell us about, so that we can develop expressions for the si ’s on the left, that

is, s1 , s2 , . . . , sn . Since there is no carry-in for the right half, there is a carry-in for
the left half only if a carry is generated by the right half. Thus, if g R is true, then
si = ti L (since the ti L ’s tell us about what happens when there is a carry into the
left half). If g R is false, then si = si L (since the si L ’s tell us what happens when
there is no carry into the left half). As a logical expression, we can write
si = si L ḡ R + ti L g R
for i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
Finally, consider what happens when there is a carry-in at the right end of the
2n-adder. Now we can address the question of the values for the ti ’s on the left as
follows. There will be a carry into the left half if the right half propagates a carry,
that is, if pR = 1. Thus, ti takes its value from ti L if pR is true and from si L if pR
is false. As a logical expression,
ti = si L p̄R + ti L pR
In summary, the circuits represented by the box labeled FIX in Fig. 13.17
compute the following expressions:
p = g L + pL pR
g = g L + pL g R
si = si L ḡ R + ti L g R , for i = 1, 2, . . . , n
ti = si L p̄R + ti L pR , for i = 1, 2, . . . , n
These expressions can each be realized by a circuit of at most three levels. For
example, the last expression needs only the circuit of Fig. 13.18.

si L pR ti L


Fig. 13.18. Part of the FIX circuitry.


Delay of the Divide-and-Conquer Adder

Let D(n) be the delay of the n-adder we just designed. We can write a recurrence
relation for D as follows. For the basis, n = 1, examine the basis circuit in Fig.
13.16 and conclude that the delay is 3. Thus, D(1) = 3.
Now examine the inductive construction of the circuit in Fig. 13.17. The delay
of the circuit is the delay of the n-adders plus the delay of the FIX circuitry. The
n-adders have delay D(n). Each of the expressions developed for the FIX circuitry
yields a simple circuit with at most three levels. Figure 13.18 is a typical example.
Thus, D(2n) is three more than D(n). The recurrence relation for D(n) is thus
D(1) = 3
D(2n) = D(n) + 3
The solution, for numbers of bits that are powers of 2, begins D(1) = 3, D(2) = 6,
D(4) = 9, D(8) = 12, D(16) = 15, D(32) = 18, and so on. The solution to the
recurrence is
D(n) = 3(1 + log2 n)
for n a power of 2, as the reader may check using the methods of Section 3.11. In
particular, note that for a 32-bit adder, the delay of 18 is much less than the delay
of 96 for the 32-bit ripple-carry adder.

Number of Gates Used by the Divide-and-Conquer Adder

We should also check that the number of gates is reasonable. Let G(n) be the
number of gates used in an n-adder circuit. The basis is G(1) = 9, as we may see
by counting the gates in the circuit of Fig. 13.16. Then we observe that the circuit
of Fig. 13.17, the inductive case, has 2G(n) gates in the two n-adder subcircuits.
To this amount, we must add the number of gates in the FIX circuitry. As we
may invert g R and pR once, each of the n si ’s and ti ’s can be computed with three
gates each (two AND’s and an OR), or 6n gates total. To this quantity we add the
two inverters for g R and pR , and we must add the two gates each that we need to
compute g and p. The total number of gates in the FIX circuitry is thus 6n + 6.
The recurrence for G is hence
G(1) = 9
G(2n) = 2G(n) + 6n + 6
Again, our function is defined only when n is a power of 2. The first six values
of G are tabulated in Fig. 13.19. For n = 32, we see that 954 gates are required.
The closed-form expression for G(n) is 3n log2 n + 15n − 6, for n a power of 2, as
the reader may show by applying the techniques of Section 3.11.
Actually, we can do with somewhat fewer gates, if all we want is a 32-bit adder.
For then, we know that there is no carry-in at the right of the 32nd bit, and so the
value of p, and the values of t1 , t2 , . . . , t32 need not be computed at the last stage of
the circuit. Similarly, the right-half 16-adder does not need to compute its carry-
propagate bit or its 16 t-values; the right-half 8-adder in the right 16-adder does
not need to compute its p or t’s and so on.
It is interesting to compare the number of gates used by the divide-and-conquer
adder with the number of gates used by the ripple-carry adder. The circuit for a
full adder that we designed in Fig. 13.10 uses 12 gates. Thus, an n-bit ripple-carry

n G(n)
1 9
2 30
4 78
8 186
16 426
32 954

Fig. 13.19. Numbers of gates used by various n-adders.

adder uses 12n gates, and for n = 32, this number is 384 (we can save a few gates
if we remember that the carry into the rightmost bit is 0).
We see that for the interesting case, n = 32, the ripple-carry adder, while
much slower, does use fewer than half as many gates as the divide-and-conquer
adder. Moreover, the latter’s growth rate, O(n log n), is higher than the growth
rate of the ripple-carry adder, O(n), so that the difference in the number of gates
gets larger as n grows. However, the ratio is only O(log n), so that the difference
in the number of gates used is not severe. As the difference in the time required by
the two classes of circuits is much more significant [O(n) vs. O(log n)], some sort of
divide-and-conquer adder is used in essentially all modern computers.


13.6.1: Draw the divide-and-conquer circuit, as developed in this section, to add

4-bit numbers.
13.6.2: Design circuits similar to Fig. 13.18 to compute the other outputs of the
adder in Fig. 13.17, that is, p, g, and the si ’s.
13.6.3**: Design a circuit that takes as input a decimal number, with each digit
represented by four inputs that give the binary equivalent of that decimal digit.
The output is the equivalent number represented in binary. You may assume that
the number of digits is a power of 2 and use a divide-and-conquer approach. Hint :
What information does the left half circuit (high-order digits) need from the right
half (low-order digits)?
13.6.4*: Show that the solution to the recurrence equation
D(1) = 3
D(2n) = D(n) + 3
is D(n) = 3(1 + log2 n) for n a power of 2.
13.6.5*: Show that the solution to the recurrence equation
G(1) = 9
G(2n) = 2G(n) + 6n + 6
is G(n) = 3n log2 n + 15n − 6 for n a power of 2.

13.6.6**: We observed that if all we want is a 32-bit adder, we do not need all 954
gates as was indicated in Fig. 13.19. The reason is that we can assume there is no
carry into the rightmost place of the 32 bits. How many gates do we really need?

✦ ✦

13.7 Design of a Multiplexer

A multiplexer, often abbreviated MUX, is a common form of computer circuit that

Control and takes d control inputs, say x1 , x2 , . . . , xd , and 2d data inputs, say y0 , y1 , . . . , y2d −1 , as
data inputs shown in Fig. 13.20. The output of the MUX is equal to one particular data input,
the input y(x1 x2 ···xd )2 . That is, we treat the control inputs as a binary integer in
the range 0 to 2d − 1. This integer is the subscript of the data input that we pass
to the output.

data inputs

y0 y1 · · · y2d −1

inputs ···


y(x1 x2 ···xd )2

Fig. 13.20. A multiplexer circuit schematic.

✦ Example 13.7. The circuits computing si and ti in the divide-and-conquer

adder are multiplexers with d = 1. For instance, the formula for si is si L ḡ R + ti L g R
and its circuit schematic is shown in Fig. 13.21. Here, g R plays the role of the
control input x1 , si L is the data input y0 , and ti L is the data input y1 .
As another example, the formula for the output of a MUX with two control
inputs, x1 and x2 , and four data inputs, y0 , y1 , y2 , and y3 , is
y0 x¯1 x¯2 + y1 x¯1 x2 + y2 x1 x¯2 + y3 x1 x2

s i L ti L


si = si L ḡ R + ti L g R

Fig. 13.21. A 1-multiplexer.

Notice that there is one term for each data input. The term with data input yi also
has each of the control inputs, either negated or unnegated. We can tell which are
negated by writing i as a d-bit binary integer. If the jth position of i in binary has
0, then xj is negated, and if the jth position has 1, we do not negate xj . Note that
this rule works for any number d of control inputs. ✦

The straightforward design for a multiplexer is a circuit with three levels of

gates. At the first level, we compute the negations of the control bits. The next
level is a row of AND-gates. The ith gate combines the data input yi with the
appropriate combination of control inputs and negated control inputs. Thus, the
output of the ith gate is always 0 unless the control bits are set to the binary
representation of i, in which case the output is equal to yi . The final level is an
OR-gate with inputs from each of the AND-gates. As all the AND-gates but one have
output 0, the remaining gate, say the ith, which has output yi , makes the output
of the circuit equal to whatever yi is. An example of this circuit for d = 2 is shown
in Fig. 13.22.

A Divide-and-Conquer Multiplexer
The circuit of Fig. 13.22 has maximum fan-in 4, which is generally acceptable.
However, as d gets larger, the fan-in of the OR-gate, which is 2d , grows unaccept-
ably. Even the AND-gates, with d + 1 inputs each, begin to have uncomfortably
large fan-in. Fortunately, there is a divide-and-conquer approach based on splitting
the control bits in half, that allows us to build the circuit with gates of fan-in at
most 2. Moreover, this circuit uses many fewer gates and is almost as fast as the
generalization of Fig. 13.22, provided we require that all circuits be built of gates
with the same limit on fan-in.
An inductive construction of a family of multiplexer circuits follows: We call
the circuit for a multiplexer with d-control-inputs and 2d -data-inputs a d-MUX.

BASIS. The basis is a multiplexer circuit for d = 1, that is, a 1-MUX, which we
show in Fig. 13.23. It consists of four gates, and the fan-in is limited to 2.

INDUCTION. The induction is performed by the circuit in Fig. 13.24, which con-
structs a 2d-MUX from 2d + 1 copies of d-MUX’s. Notice that while we double the
number of control inputs, we square the number of data inputs, since 22d = (2d )2 .

y0 y1 y2 y3

x1 •

x2 •

Fig. 13.22. Multiplexer circuit for d = 2.

Suppose that the control inputs to the 2d-MUX call for data input yi ; that is,
i = (x1 x2 · · · x2d )2
Each d-MUX in the top row of Fig. 13.24 takes a group of 2d data inputs, starting
with some yj , where j is a multiple of 2d . Thus, if we use the low-order d control
bits, xd+1 , . . . , x2d , to control each of these d-MUX’s, the selected input is the kth
from each group (counting the leftmost in each group as input 0), where
k = (xd+1 · · · x2d )2
That is, k is the integer represented by the low-order half of the bits.
The data inputs to the bottom d-MUX are the outputs of the top row of
d-MUX’s, which we just discovered are yk , y2d +k , y2×2d +k , . . . , y(2d −1)2d +k . The

y0 y1

x1 •

Fig. 13.23. Basis circuit, the multiplexer for d = 1.

y0 ...y2d −1 y2d ...y2×2d −1 y(2d −1)2d ...y22d −1

xd+1 xd+1 xd+1

··· d-MUX ··· d-MUX ··· ··· d-MUX
x2d x2d x2d

··· d-MUX

y(x1 x2 ···x2d )2

Fig. 13.24. Divide-and-conquer multiplexer.


bottom d-MUX is controlled by x1 · · · xd , which represents some integer j in binary;

that is, j = (x1 · · · xd )2 . The bottom MUX thus selects as its output the jth of its
inputs (counting the leftmost as input 0). The selected output is thus yj2d +k .
We can show that j2d + k = i as follows. Notice that multiplying j by 2d
has the effect of shifting the binary representation of j left by d places. That is,
j2d = (x1 · · · xd 0 · · · 0)2 , where the string of 0’s shown is of length d. Thus, the
binary representation of j2d + k is (x1 · · · xd xd+1 · · · x2d )2 . That follows because
the binary representation of k is (xd+1 · · · x2d )2 , and there is evidently no carry out
of the dth place from the right, when this number is added to the number j2d ,
which ends in d 0’s. We now see that j2d + k = i, because they have the same
binary representations. Thus, the 2d-MUX of Fig. 13.24 correctly selects yi , where
i = (x1 · · · x2d )2 .

Delay of the Divide-and-Conquer MUX

We can calculate the delay of the multiplexer circuit we designed by writing the
appropriate recurrence. Let D(d) be the delay of a d-MUX. Inspection of Fig. 13.23
tells us that for d = 1, the delay is 3. However, to get a tighter bound, we shall
assume that all control inputs are passed through inverters outside the MUX, and
not count the level for inverters in Fig. 13.23. We shall then add 1 to the total delay,
to account for inversion of all the control inputs, after we determine the delay of
the rest of the circuit. Thus, we shall start our recurrence with D(1) = 2.
For the induction, we note that the delay through the circuit of Fig. 13.24 is the
sum of the delays through any one of the MUX’s in the upper row, and the delay
through the final MUX. Thus, D(2d) is twice D(d), and we have the recurrence
D(1) = 2
D(2d) = 2D(d)
The solution is easy to find. We have D(2) = 4, D(4) = 8, D(8) = 16, and in
general, D(d) = 2d. Of course, technically this formula only holds when d is a
power of 2, but the same idea can be used for an arbitrary number of control bits d.
Since we must add 1 to the delay for the inversion of the control inputs, the total
delay of the circuit is 2d + 1.
Now consider the simple multiplexer circuit (an AND for each data input, all
feeding one OR-gate). As stated, its delay is 3, independent of d, but we cannot
generally build it because the fan-in of the final OR-gate is unrealistic. What happens
if we insist on limiting the fan-in to 2? Then the OR-gate, with 2d inputs, is replaced
by a complete binary tree with d levels. Recall that such a tree will have 2d leaves,
exactly the right number. The delay of this tree is d.
We also have to replace the AND-gates with trees of fan-in 2 gates, since in
general the AND-gates have d + 1 inputs. Recall that when using gates with two
inputs, each use of a gate reduces the number of inputs by 1, so that it takes d
gates of fan-in 2 to reduce d + 1 inputs to one output. If we arrange the gates as a
balanced binary tree of AND-gates, we need ⌈log2 d+1⌉ levels. When we add one more
level for inverting the control inputs, we have a total delay of d + 1 + ⌈log2 (d + 1)⌉.
This figure compares favorably with the delay 2d + 1 for the divide-and-conquer
MUX, although the difference is not great, as shown in the table of Fig. 13.25.

d Divide-and-conquer Simple
1 3 3
2 5 5
4 9 8
8 17 13
16 33 22

Fig. 13.25. Delay of multiplexer designs.

Gate Count

In this section we compare the number of gates between the simple MUX and
the divide-and-conquer MUX. We shall see that the divide-and-conquer MUX has
strikingly fewer gates as d increases.
To count the number of gates in the divide-and-conquer MUX, we can tem-
porarily ignore the inverters. We know that each of the d control inputs is inverted
once, so that we can just add d to the count at the end. Let G(d) be the number of
gates (excluding inverters) used in the d-MUX. Then we can develop a recurrence
for G as follows:

BASIS. For the basis case, d = 1, there are three gates in the circuit of Fig. 13.23,
excluding the inverter. Thus, G(1) = 3.

INDUCTION. For the induction, the 2d-MUX in Fig. 13.24 is built entirely from
2d + 1 d-MUX’s.

Thus, the recurrence relation is

G(1) = 3
G(2d) = (2d + 1)G(d)

As we saw in Section 3.11, the solution to this recurrence is

G(d) = 3(2d − 1)

The first few values of the recurrence are G(2) = 9, G(4) = 45, and G(8) = 765.
Now consider the number of gates used in the simple MUX, converted to use
only gates of fan-in 2. As before, we shall ignore the d inverters needed for the
control inputs. The final OR-gate is replaced by a tree of 2d − 1 OR-gates. Each
of the 2d AND-gates is replaced by a tree of d AND-gates. Thus, the total number
of gates is 2d (d + 1) − 1. This function is greater than the number of gates for
the divide-and-conquer MUX, approximately by the ratio (d + 1)/3. Figure 13.26
compares the gate counts (excluding the d inverters in each case) for the two kinds
of MUX.

d Divide-and-conquer Simple
1 3 3
2 9 11
4 45 79
8 765 2303
16 196,605 1,114,111

Fig. 13.26. Gate count for multiplexer designs (excludes inverters).

More About Divide-and-Conquer

The style of divide-and-conquer algorithm represented by our multiplexer design is
a rare, but powerful, form. Most examples of divide-and-conquer split a problem
into two parts. Examples are merge sort, the fast adder developed in Section 13.6,
and the complete binary tree used to compute the AND or OR of a large number
of bits. In the multiplexer, we build a 2d-MUX from d +√ 1 smaller MUX’s. Put
another way, a MUX for n = 22d data inputs is built from n + 1 small MUX’s.

13.7.1: Using the divide-and-conquer technique of this section, construct a
a) 2-MUX
b) 3-MUX
13.7.2*: How would you construct a multiplexer for which the number of data
inputs is not a power of two?
One-hot 13.7.3*: Use the divide-and-conquer technique to design a one-hot-decoder. This
decoder circuit takes d inputs, x1 , x2 , . . . , xd and has 2d outputs y0 , y1 , . . . , y2d −1 . Exactly
one of the outputs will be 1, specifically that yi such that i = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xd )2 .
What is the delay of your circuit as a function of d? How many gates does it use as
a function of d? Hint : There are several approaches. One is to design the circuit
for d by taking a one-hot-decoder for the first d − 1 inputs and splitting each output
of that decoder into two outputs based on the last input, xd . A second is to assume
d is a power of 2 and start with two one-hot-decoders, one for the first d/2 inputs
and the other for the last d/2 inputs. Then combine the outputs of these decoders
13.7.4*: How does your circuit for Exercise 13.7.3 compare, in delay and number
of gates, with the obvious one-hot-decoder formed by creating one AND-gate for each
output and feeding to that gate the appropriate inputs and inverted inputs? How
does the circuit of Exercise 13.7.3 compare with your circuit of this exercise if you
replace AND-gates with large fan-in by trees of 2-input gates?

Majority circuit 13.7.5*: A majority circuit takes 2d − 1 inputs and has a single output. Its output
is 1 if d or more of the inputs are 1. Design a divide-and-conquer majority circuit.
What are its delay and gate count as a function of d? Hint : Like the adder of
Section 13.6, this problem is best solved by a circuit that computes more than we
need. In particular, we can design a circuit that takes n inputs and has n + 1
outputs, y0 , y1 , . . . , yn . Output yi is 1 if exactly i of the inputs are 1. We can then
construct the majority circuit inductively by either of the two approaches suggested
in Exercise 13.7.3.
13.7.6*: There is a naive majority circuit that is constructed by having one AND
gate for every set of d inputs. The output of the majority circuit is the OR of all
these AND-gates. How do the delay and gate count of the naive circuit compare with
that of the divide-and-conquer circuit of Exercise 13.7.5? What if the gates of the
naive circuit are replaced by 2-input gates?

✦ ✦

13.8 Memory Elements
Before leaving the topic of logic circuits, let us consider a very important type
of circuit that is sequential rather than combinational. A memory element is a
collection of gates that can remember its last input and produce that input at its
output, no matter how long ago that input was given. The main memory of the
computer consists of bits that can be stored into and that will hold their value until
another value is stored.

load • a

d • out


Fig. 13.27. A memory element.

Figure 13.27 is a simple memory element. It is controlled by an input called

load. Ordinarily, load has value 0. In that case, the output of inverter a is 1. Since
an AND-gate has output 0 whenever one or more of its inputs is 0, the output of
AND-gate c must be 0 whenever load is 0.
If load = 0 and the output of gate d (which is also the circuit output) is 1,
then both inputs to gate b are 1, and so its output is 1. Thus, one of the inputs to
OR-gate d is 1, and so its output remains 1. On the other hand, suppose the output
of d is 0. Then an input to AND-gate b is 0, which means that its output is 0. That
makes both inputs to d be 0, and so the output remains 0 as long as load = 0. We
conclude that while load = 0, the circuit output remains what it was.

Real Memory Chips

We should not imagine that Fig. 13.27 represents precisely a typical register bit,
but it is not too deceptive. While it also represents a bit of main memory, at least
in principle, there are significant differences, and many of the issues in the design
of a memory chip involve electronics at a level of detail well beyond the scope of
the book.
Because memory chips are used in such great quantities, both in computers and
other kinds of hardware, their large-scale production has made feasible some subtle
designs for chips storing a million bits or more. To get an idea of the compactness
of a memory chip, recall its area is about a square centimeter (10−4 square meter).
If there are 16 million bits on the chip, then each bit occupies an area equal to
6 × 10−12 square meters, or an area about 2.5 microns on a side (remember, a
micron is 10−6 meter). If the minimum width of a wire, or the space between wires,
is 0.3 micron, that doesn’t leave much room for circuitry to build a memory element.
To make matters worse, we need not only to store bits, but also to select one of the
16 million bits to receive a value or one of the 16 million to have its value read. The
selection circuitry takes up a significant fraction of the space on the chip, leaving
even less space for the memory element itself.

Now consider what happens when load = 1. The output of inverter a is now
0, so that the output of AND-gate b will be 0 as well. On the other hand, the first
input to AND-gate c is 1, so that the output of c will be whatever the input in is.
Likewise, as the first input to OR-gate d is 0, the output of d will be the same as the
output of c, which in turn is the same as circuit input in. Thus, setting load to 1
causes the circuit output to become whatever in is. When we change load back to
0, that circuit output continues to circulate between gates b and d, as discussed.
We conclude that the circuit of Fig. 13.27 behaves like a memory element, if
we interpret “circuit input” as meaning whatever value in has at a time when load
is 1. If load is zero, then we say there is no circuit input, regardless of the value of
in. By setting load to 1, we can cause the memory element to accept a new value.
The element will hold that value as long as load is 0, that is, as long as there is no
new circuit input.


13.8.1: Draw a timing diagram similar to that in Fig. 13.6 for the memory-element
circuit shown in Fig. 13.27.
13.8.2: Describe what happens to the behavior of the memory element shown in
Fig. 13.27 if an alpha particle hits the inverter and for a short time (but enough
time for signals to propagate around the circuit) causes the output of gate a to be
the same as its input.

✦ ✦

13.9 Summary of Chapter 13
After reading this chapter, the reader should have more familiarity with the circuitry

in a computer and how logic can be used to help design this circuitry. In particular,
the following points were covered:
✦ What gates are and how they are combined to form circuits
✦ The difference between a combinational circuit and a sequential circuit
✦ How combinational circuits can be designed from logical expressions, and how
logical expressions can be used to model combinational circuits
✦ How algorithm-design techniques such as divide-and-conquer can be used to
design circuits such as adders and multiplexers
✦ Some of the factors that go into the design of fast circuits
✦ An indication of how a computer stores bits in its electronic circuitry

✦ ✦

13.10 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 13
Shannon [1938] was the first to observe that Boolean algebra can be used to describe
the behavior of combinational circuits. For a more comprehensive treatment on the
theory and design of combinational circuits, see Friedman and Menon [1975].
Mead and Conway [1980] describe techniques used to construct very large scale
integrated circuits. Hennessy and Patterson [1990] discuss computer architecture
and the techniques for organizing its circuit elements.
Friedman, A. D., and P. R. Menon [1975]. Theory and Design of Switching Circuits,
Computer Science Press, New York.
Hennessy, J. L., and D. A. Patterson [1990]. Computer Architecture: A Quantita-
tive Approach, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Calif.
Mead, C., and L. Conway [1980]. Introduction to VLSI Systems, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Mass.
Shannon, C. E. [1938]. “Symbolic analysis of relay and switching circuits,” Trans.
of AIEE 57, pp. 713–723.

✦ ✦


We now turn our attention to a generalization of propositional logic, called “predi-

cate,” or “first-order,” logic. Predicates are functions of zero or more variables that
return Boolean values. Thus predicates can be true sometimes and false sometimes,
depending on the values of their arguments. For example, we shall find in predicate
logic atomic operands such as csg(C, S, G). Here, csg is the predicate name, and
C, S, and G are arguments. We can think of this expression as a representation
in logic of the database relation Course-Student-Grade of Fig. 8.1. It returns the
value TRUE whenever the values of C, S, and G are such that student S got grade
G in course C, and it returns FALSE otherwise.
Using predicates as atomic operands, instead of propositional variables, gives
us a more powerful language than expressions involving only propositions. In fact,
predicate logic is expressive enough to form the basis of a number of useful program-
ming languages, such as Prolog (which stands for “Programming in logic”) and the
language SQL that we mentioned in Section 8.7. Predicate logic is also used in rea-
soning systems or “expert” systems, such as automatic medical diagnosis programs
and theorem-proving programs.

✦ ✦

14.1 What This Chapter Is About
We introduce predicates in Section 14.2. As we shall see, predicates provide much
greater power to express ideas formally than do propositional variables. Much of
the development of predicate logic parallels that of propositional logic in Chapter
12, although there are important differences.
✦ Expressions of predicate logic can be built from predicates using the operators
of propositional logic (Section 14.3).
✦ “Quantifiers” are operators of predicate logic that have no counterpart in
propositional logic (Section 14.4). We can use quantifiers to state that an
expression is true for all values of some argument or that there exists at least
one value of the argument that makes the expression true.


✦ “Interpretations” for expressions of predicate logic are possible meanings for

the predicates and variables (Section 14.5). They are analogous to truth as-
signments in propositional logic.

✦ Tautologies of predicate logic are expressions that are true for all interpreta-
tions. Some tautologies of predicate logic are analogs of tautologies for propo-
sitional logic (Section 14.6), while others are not (Section 14.7).

✦ Proofs in predicate logic can be carried out in a manner similar to proofs in

propositional logic (Sections 14.8 and 14.9).

In Section 14.10 we discuss some of the implications of predicate logic as to our

ability to compute answers to questions. We shall discover the following:

✦ A statement’s being a tautology does not mean that it is provable in certain

proof systems.

✦ In particular, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem tells us that there is a specialized

form of predicate logic, dealing with the integers, in which no proof system can
provide proofs of every tautology.

✦ Further, Turing’s theorem tells us that there are problems we can state but
cannot solve by any computer. An example is whether or not a given C program
goes into an infinite loop on certain inputs.

✦ ✦

14.2 Predicates

A predicate is a generalization of a propositional variable. Recalling Section 12.10,

suppose that we have three propositions: r (“It is raining”), u (“Joe takes his
umbrella”), and w (“Joe gets wet”). Suppose further that we have three hypotheses,
or expressions that we assume are true: r → u (“If it rains, then Joe takes his
umbrella”), u → w̄ (“If Joe takes an umbrella, then he doesn’t get wet”), and
r̄ → w̄ (“If it doesn’t rain, Joe doesn’t get wet”).
What is true for Joe is also true for Mary, and Sue, and Bill, and so on. Thus
we might think of the proposition u as uJoe , while w is the proposition wJoe . If we
do, we have the hypotheses
r → uJoe , uJoe → w̄Joe , and r̄ → w̄Joe

If we define the proposition uMary to mean that Mary takes her umbrella, and
wMary to mean that Mary gets wet, then we have the similar set of hypotheses
r → uMary , uMary → w̄Mary , and r̄ → w̄Mary

We could go on like this, inventing propositions to talk about every individual

X we know of and stating the hypotheses that relate the proposition r to the new
propositions uX and wX , namely,
r → uX , uX → w̄X , and r̄ → w̄X

We have now arrived at the notion of a predicate. Instead of an infinite col-

lection of propositions uX and wX , we can define symbol u to be a predicate that
takes an argument X. The expression u(X) can be interpreted as saying “X takes
his or her umbrella.” Possibly, for some values of X, u(X) is true, and for other
values of X, u(X) is false. Similarly, w can be a predicate; informally w(X) says
“X gets wet.”
The propositional variable r can also be treated as a predicate with zero argu-
ments. That is, whether it is raining does not depend on the individual X the way
u and w do.
We can now write our hypotheses in terms of the predicates as follows:
1. r → u(X). (For any individual X, if it is raining, then X takes his or her
2. u(X) → NOT w(X). (No matter who you are, if you take your umbrella, then
you won’t get wet.)
3. NOT r → NOT w(X). (If it doesn’t rain, then nobody gets wet.)

Atomic Formulas
An atomic formula is a predicate with zero or more arguments. For example, u(X)
is an atomic formula with predicate u and one argument, here occupied by the
variable X. In general, an argument is either a variable or a constant.1 While, in
principle, we must allow any sort of value for a constant, we shall usually imagine
Variables and that values are integers, reals, or character strings.
constants Variables are symbols capable of taking on any constant as value. We should
not confuse “variables” in this sense with “propositional variables,” as used in Chap-
ter 12. In fact, a propositional variable is equivalent to a predicate with no argu-
ments, and we shall write p for an atomic formula with predicate name p and zero
An atomic formula all of whose arguments are constants is called a ground
Ground atomic atomic formula. Nonground atomic formulas can have constants or variables as
formula arguments, but at least one argument must be a variable. Note that any proposition,
being an atomic formula with no arguments, has “all arguments constant,” and is
therefore a ground atomic formula.

Distinguishing Constants From Variables

We shall use the following convention to distinguish constants from variables. A
variable name will always begin with an upper-case letter. Constants are represented
either by
1. Character strings beginning with a lower-case letter,
2. Numbers, like 12 or 14.3, or
3. Quoted character strings.

1 Predicate logic also allows arguments that are more complicated expressions than single
variables or constants. These are important for certain purposes that we do not discuss in
this book. Therefore, in this chapter we shall only see variables and constants as arguments
of predicates.

Thus, if we want to represent course CS101 by a constant, we could write it as

“CS101”, for example.2
Predicates, like constants, will be represented by character strings beginning
with a lower-case letter. There is no possibility that we can confuse a predicate
with a constant, since constants can only appear within argument lists in an atomic
formula, while predicates cannot appear there.

✦ Example 14.1. We might invent a predicate name csg to represent the in-
formation contained in the Course-Student-Grade relation discussed in Section 8.2.
The atomic formula csg(C, S, G) can be thought of as saying, of variables C, S,
and G, that student S took course C and got grade G. Put another way, when we
substitute constants c for C, s for S, and g for G, the value of csg(c, s, g) is TRUE if
and only if student s took course c and got grade g.
We can also express the particular facts (i.e., tuples) in the relation as ground
atomic formulas, by using constants as arguments. For instance, the first tuple of
Fig. 8.1 could be expressed as csg(“CS101”, 12345, “A”), asserting that the student
with ID 12345 got an A in CS101. Finally, we can mix constants and variables as
arguments, so that we might see an atomic formula like csg(“CS101”, S, G). This
atomic formula is true if variables S and G take on any pair of values (s, g) such
that s is a student who took course CS101, and got grade g and false otherwise. ✦

14.2.1: Identify the following as constants, variables, ground atomic formulas, or
nonground atomic formulas, using the conventions of this section.
a) CS205
b) cs205
c) 205
d) “cs205”
e) p(X, x)
f) p(3, 4, 5)
g) “p(3, 4, 5)”

✦ ✦

14.3 Logical Expressions
The notions that we used in Chapter 12 for propositional logic — literals, logical
expressions, clauses, and so on — carry over to predicate logic. In the next section
we introduce two additional operators to form logical expressions. However, the
basic idea behind the construction of logical expressions remains essentially the
same in both propositional and predicate logic.

A literal is either an atomic formula or its negation. If there are no variables among
Ground literal the arguments of the atomic formula, then the literal is a ground literal.
2 Constants are often called “atoms” in logic. Unfortunately, what we have referred to as
“atomic formulas” are also called “atoms” at times. We shall generally avoid the term

✦ Example 14.2. p(X, a) is an atomic formula and a literal. It is not ground

because of the argument X, which is a variable by our convention. NOT p(X, a) is a
literal, but not an atomic formula, and not a ground literal. The expressions p(a, b)
and NOT p(a, b) are ground literals; only the first is a (ground) atomic formula. ✦

As for propositional logic, we can use an overbar in place of the NOT operator.
However, the bars become confusing to read when applied to a long expression, and
we shall see NOT used more frequently in this chapter than in Chapter 12.

Logical Expressions
We can build expressions from atomic formulas just as we built expressions in
Section 12.3 from propositional variables. We shall continue to use the operators
AND, OR, NOT, →, and ≡, as well as other logical connectives discussed in Chapter
12. In the next section, we introduce “quantifiers,” operators that can be used to
construct expressions in predicate logic but have no counterpart in propositional
As with the bar shorthand for NOT, we can continue to use the shorthands of
juxtaposition (no operator) for AND and + for OR. However, we use these shorthands
infrequently because they tend to make the longer expressions of predicate logic hard
to understand.
The following example should give the reader some insight into the meaning
of logical expressions. However, note that this discussion is a considerable oversim-
plification, and we shall have to wait until Section 14.5 to discuss “interpretations”
and the meaning that they impart to logical expressions in predicate logic.

✦ Example 14.3. Suppose that we have predicates csg and snap, which we
interpret as the relations Course-Student-Grade and Student-Name-Address-Phone
that were introduced in Chapter 8. Suppose also that we want to find the grade
of the student named “C. Brown” in course CS101. We could assert the logical

csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C. Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G) (14.1)
Here, answer is another predicate, intended to be true of a grade G if G is the
grade of some student named “C. Brown” in CS101.
When we “assert” an expression, we mean that its value is TRUE no matter
what values we substitute for its variables. Informally, an expression such as (14.1)
can be interpreted as follows. If we substitute a constant for each of the variables,
then each of the atomic formulas becomes a ground atomic formula. We can decide
whether a ground atomic formula is true or false by referring either to the “real
world,” or by looking it up in a relation that lists the true ground atomic formulas
with a given predicate. When we substitute 0 or 1 for each of the ground atomic
formulas, we can evaluate the expression itself, just as we did for propositional logic
expressions in Chapter 12.
In the case of expression (14.1), we can take the tuples in Fig. 8.1 and 8.2(a)
to be true. In particular,
csg(“CS101”, 12345, “A”)

snap(12345, “C. Brown”, “12 Apple St.”, “555-1234”)
are true. Then we can let
S = 12345
G = “A”
A = “12 Apple St.”
P = “555-1234”
That makes the left side of (14.1) become 1 AND 1, which has the value 1, of course.
In principle, we don’t know anything about the predicate answer. However, we
asserted (14.1), which means that whatever values we substitute for its variables,
its value is TRUE. Since its left side is made TRUE by the above substitution, the
right side cannot be FALSE. Thus we deduce that answer(“A”) is true. ✦

Other Terminology
We shall use other terms associated with propositional logic as well. In general,
when in Chapter 12 we spoke of propositional variables, in this chapter we speak of
any atomic formula, including a predicate with zero arguments (i.e., a propositional
Clause variable) as a special case. For example, a clause is a collection of literals, connected
by OR’s. Similarly, an expression is said to be in product-of-sums form if it is the
AND of clauses. We may also speak of sum-of-products form, where the expression
is the OR of terms and each such term is the AND of literals.


14.3.1: Write an expression similar to (14.1) for the question “What grade did
L. Van Pelt get in PH100?” For what value of its argument is answer definitely
true, assuming the facts of Figs. 8.1 and 8.2? What substitution for variables did
you make to demonstrate the truth of this answer?
14.3.2: Let cdh be a predicate that stands for the Course-Day-Hour relation of
Fig. 8.2(c), and cr a predicate for the Course-Room relation of Fig. 8.2(d). Write
an expression similar to (14.1) for the question “Where is C. Brown 9AM Monday
morning?” (More precisely, in what room does the course C. Brown is taking on
Monday at 9AM meet?) For what value of its argument is answer definitely true,
assuming the facts of Figs. 8.1 and 8.2? What substitution for variables did you
make to demonstrate the truth of this answer?
14.3.3**: Each of the operations of relational algebra discussed in Section 8.7 can
be expressed in predicate logic, using an expression like (14.1). For example, (14.1)
itself is the equivalent of the relational algebra expression

πGrade σCourse=“CS101” AND N ame=“C.Brown” (CSG ⊲⊳ SN AP )
Show how the effect of each of the operations selection, projection, join, union, in-
tersection, and difference can be expressed in predicate logic in the form “expression
implies answer.” Then translate each of the relational algebra expressions found in
the examples of Section 8.7 into logic.

✦ ✦

14.4 Quantifiers

Let us return to our example involving the zero-argument predicate r (“It is rain-
ing”) and the one-argument predicates u(X) (“X takes his umbrella) and w(X)
(“X gets wet”). We might wish to assert that “If it rains, then somebody gets
wet.” Perhaps we could try
r → w(“Joe”) OR w(“Sally”) OR w(“Sue”) OR w(“Sam”) OR · · ·

But this attempt fails because

1. We can write as an expression the OR of any finite set of expressions, but we

cannot write the OR of an infinite set of expressions.

2. We don’t know the complete set of individuals about whom we are speaking.

To express the OR of a collection of expressions formed by substituting every

possible value for some variable X, we need an additional way to create expressions
“There exists” of predicate logic. The operator is ∃, read “there exists.” We use it in expressions
such as (∃X)w(X), or informally, “There exists an individual X such that X gets
wet.” In general, if E is any logical expression, then (∃X)(E) is also a logical
expression.3 Its informal meaning is that there is at least one value of X that
makes E true. More precisely, for every value of E’s other variables, we can find
some value of X (not necessarily the same value in all cases) to make E true.
Similarly, we cannot write the infinite AND of expressions like
u(“Joe”) AND u(“Sally”) AND u(“Sue”) AND u(“Sam”) AND · · ·

“For all” We instead need a symbol ∀ (read “for all”) to let us construct the AND of the
collection of expressions formed from a given expression by substituting all possible
values for a given variable. We write (∀X)u(X) in this example to mean “for all
X, X takes his or her umbrella.” In general, for any logical expression E, the
expression (∀X)(E) means that for all possible values of the other variables of E,
every constant we may substitute for X makes E true.
Universal and The symbols ∀ and ∃ are called quantifiers. We sometimes call ∀ the universal
existential quantifier and ∃ the existential quantifier.

✦ Example 14.4. The expression r → (∀X) u(X) OR w(X) means “If it rains,
then for all individuals X, either X takes an umbrella or X gets wet.” Note that
quantifiers can apply to arbitrary expressions, not just to atomic formulas as was
the case in previous examples.
For another example, we can interpret the expression
(∀C) (∃S)csg(C, S, “A”) → (∃T )csg(C, T, “B”) (14.2)

3 The parentheses around the E are sometimes needed and sometimes not, depending on
the expression. The matter will be clear when we discuss precedence and associativity of
operators later in the section. The parentheses around ∃X are part of the notation and are
invariably required.

as saying, “For all courses C, if there exists a student S who gets an A in the course,
then there must exist a student T who gets a B.” Less formally, “If you give A’s,
then you also have to give B’s.”
A third example expression is
(∀X) NOT w(X) OR (∃Y )w(Y ) (14.3)
Informally, “Either all individuals X stay dry or, at least one individual Y gets
wet.” Expression (14.3) is different from the other two in this example, in that
here we have a tautology — that is, an expression which is true, regardless of the
meaning of predicate w. The truth of (14.3) has nothing to do with properties of
“wetness.” No matter what the set S of values that make predicate w true is, either
S is empty (i.e., for all X, w(X) is false) or S is not empty (i.e., there exists a Y
for which w(Y ) is true). ✦

Recursive Definition of Logical Expressions

As a review, we shall give a recursive definition of the class of logical expressions in
predicate logic.

BASIS. Every atomic formula is an expression.

INDUCTION. If E and F are logical expressions, then so are

1. NOT E, E AND F , E OR F , E → F , and E ≡ F . Informally, we may allow other
operators of propositional logic, such as NAND, to be used as well.
2. (∃X)E and (∀X)E, for any variable X. In principle, X need not even appear
in E, although in practice such expressions rarely “make sense.”

Precedence of Operators
In general, we need to put parentheses around all uses of expressions E and F .
However, as with the other algebras we have encountered, it is often possible to
remove parentheses because of the precedence of operators. We continue to use the
precedence of operators defined in Section 12.4, NOT (highest), AND, OR, →, and ≡
(lowest). However, quantifiers have highest precedence of all.

✦ Example 14.5. (∃X)p(X) OR q(X) would be grouped

(∃X)p(X) OR q(X)
Similarly, the outer pairs of parentheses in (14.3) are redundant, and we could have
(∀X) NOT w(X) OR (∃Y )w(Y )
We can also eliminate two pairs of parentheses from (14.2) and write it

(∀C) (∃S)csg(C, S, “A”) → (∃T )csg(C, T, “B”)
The pair of parentheses around the entire expression after the (∀C) is necessary so
the “for all C” will apply to the entire expression. ✦

Order of Quantifiers
A common logical mistake is to confuse the order of quantifiers — for example, to
think that (∀X)(∃Y ) means the same as (∃Y )(∀X), which it does not. For example,
if we informally interpret loves(X, Y ) as “X loves Y ,” then (∀X)(∃Y )loves(X, Y )
means “Everybody loves somebody,” that is, for every individual X there is at least
one individual Y that X loves. On the other hand, (∃Y )(∀X)loves(X, Y ) means
that there is some individual Y who is loved by everyone — a very fortunate Y , if
such a person exists.

Note that the parentheses around the quantifiers (∀X) and (∃X) are not used
for grouping, and should be regarded as part of the symbol indicating a quantifier.
Also, remember that the quantifiers and NOT are unary, prefix operators, and the
only sensible way to group them is from the right.

✦ Example 14.6. Thus the expression (∀X) NOT (∃Y )p(X, Y ) is grouped
(∀X) NOT (∃Y )p(X, Y )

and means “For all X there is no Y such that p(X, Y ) is true.” Put another way,
there is no pair of values for X and Y that makes p(X, Y ) true. ✦

Bound and Free Variables

Quantifiers interact with the variables that appear in an expression in a subtle way.
To address this issue, let us first recall the notion of local and global variables in
C. Suppose X is defined as an external variable in a C program, as suggested by
Local and global Fig. 14.1. Assuming X is not declared in main, the reference to X in main is to
variables in C the external variable. On the other hand, X is declared in function f as a local
(automatic) variable, and all references to X within f are to this local variable.

int X;

void f()
int X;

Fig. 14.1. Local and global variables.



(∀X) (∀X)

u(X) w(X)

Fig. 14.2. Expression tree for (∀X)u(X) OR (∀X)w(X).

There is a close analogy between a declaration of X in a C program on one

hand, and a quantifier (∀X) or (∃X) on the other. If we have an expression (∀X)E
or (∃X)E, then the quantifier serves to declare X locally for the expression E, as
if E were a function and X were declared local to that function.
In what follows, it helps to use the symbol Q to stand for either quantifier.
Specifically, we take (QX) to stand for “some quantifier applied to X,” that is,
either (∀X) or (∃X).
If E has a subexpression of the form (QX)F , then this subexpression is like a
block declared within E that has its own declaration of X. References to X within
F refer to the X “declared” by this (QX), while uses of X within E but outside
F refer to some other declaration of X — a quantifier either associated with E or
with some expression contained within E but enclosing the use of X in question.

✦ Example 14.7. Consider the expression

(∀X)u(X) OR (∀X)w(X) (14.4)
Informally, “Either everyone takes an umbrella, or everyone gets wet.” We might
not believe in the truth of this statement, but let us consider it as an example.
The expression tree for expression (14.4) is shown in Fig. 14.2. Note that the first
quantifier (∀X) has only the use of X within u as its descendant, while the second
(∀X) has only the use of X within w as a descendant. To tell at which quantifier a
use of X is “declared,” we have only to trace upwards from the use until we meet
a quantifier (QX). Thus the two uses of X refer to different “declarations,” and
there is no relationship between them. ✦

Note we could have used different variables for the two “declarations” of X
in (14.4), perhaps writing (∀X)u(X) OR (∀Y )w(Y ). In general, we can always
rename variables of a predicate logic expression so no one variable appears in two
quantifiers. The situation is analogous to a programming language such as C, in
which we can rename variables of a program, so that the same name is not used
in two declarations. For example, in Fig. 14.1 we could change all instances of the
variable name X in the function f to any new variable name Y.

✦ Example 14.8. For another example, consider the expression

(∀X) u(X) OR (∃X)w(X)

Informally, “For each individual, either that individual takes his umbrella, or there
exists some (perhaps other) individual who gets wet.” The tree for this expression
is shown in Fig. 14.3. Notice that the use of X within w refers to the closest
enclosing “declaration” of X, which is the existential quantifier. Put another way,
if we travel up the tree from w(X), we meet the existential quantifier before we
meet the universal quantifier. However, the use of X within u is not in the “scope”
of the existential quantifier. If we proceed upward from u(X), we first meet the
universal quantifier. We could rewrite the expression as

(∀X) u(X) OR (∃Y )w(Y )
so no variable is quantified more than once. ✦



u(X) (∃X)


Fig. 14.3. Expression tree for (∀X) u(X) OR (∃X)w(X) .

We say an occurrence of a variable X within a logical expression E is bound

by a quantifier (QX) if, in the expression tree for E, that quantifier is the lowest
Bound and free ancestor of this occurrence of X that is a quantifier involving X. If an occurrence
occurrences of of X is not bound by any quantifier, then that occurrence of X is said to be free.
variables Thus quantifiers act like “declarations” that are local to the subtree T rooted at the
node of the quantifier. They apply everywhere within T , except within a subtree
rooted at another quantifier with the same variable. Free variables are like variables
global to a function, in that their “declaration,” if there is one, occurs somewhere
outside the expression in question.

✦ Example 14.9. Consider the expression

u(X) OR (∃X)w(X)
that is, “Either X takes his or her umbrella, or there is some person who gets wet.”
The tree is shown in Fig. 14.4. As in the previous examples, the two occurrences of
X refer to different individuals. The occurrence of X in w is bound to the existential
quantifier. However, there is no quantifier for X above the occurrence of X in u,
and so this occurrence of X is free in the given expression. This example points up
the fact that there can be both free and bound occurrences of the same variable,
so that we must talk of “bound occurrences” rather than “bound variables,” in
some situations. The expressions in Examples 14.7 and 14.8 illustrate that it is also

possible for different occurrences of a variable to be bound to different occurrences

of quantifiers. ✦


u(X) (∃X)


Fig. 14.4. Expression tree for u(X) OR (∃X)w(X).


14.4.1: Remove redundant pairs of parentheses from the following expressions.


a) (∀X) (∃Y ) NOT p(X) OR p(Y ) AND q(X)

b) (∃X) NOT p(X) AND (∃Y )(p(Y ) OR ∃X) q(X, Z)

14.4.2: Draw expression trees for the expressions of Exercise 14.4.1. Indicate for
each occurrence of a variable to which quantifier, if any, it is bound.

14.4.3: Rewrite the expression of Exercise 14.4.1(b) so that it does not quantify
the same variable twice.

14.4.4*: In the box on “Order of Quantifiers,” we spoke of a predicate loves(X, Y ),

and gave it the expected informal interpretation. However, as we shall see in Section
14.5, predicates have no specific interpretation, and we could just as well have taken
loves to talk about integers rather than individuals, and for loves(X, Y ) to have
the informal interpretation that Y = X + 1. Under that interpretation, compare
the meanings of the expressions (∀X)(∃Y )loves(X, Y ) and (∃Y )(∀X)loves(X, Y ).
What are their informal interpretations? Which, if either, do you believe?

14.4.5*: Using the csg predicate of our running example, write expressions that
assert the following.

a) C. Brown is an A student (i.e., he gets A’s in all his courses).

b) C. Brown is not an A student.

14.4.6*: Design a grammar that describes the legal expressions of predicate logic.
You may use symbolic terminals like constant and variable, and you need not avoid
redundant parentheses.

✦ ✦

14.5 Interpretations
Until now, we have been rather vague about what an expression of predicate logic
“means,” or how we ascribe a meaning to an expression. We shall approach the
subject by first recalling the “meaning” of a propositional logic expression E. That
meaning is a function that takes a “truth assignment” (assignment of truth values
0 and 1 to the propositional variables in E) as its argument and produces 0 or 1
as its result. The result is determined by evaluating E with the atomic operands
replaced by 0 or 1, according to the given truth assignment. Put another way, the
meaning of a logical expression E is a truth table, which gives the value of E (0 or
1) for each truth assignment.
A truth assignment, in turn, is a function that takes propositional variables as
arguments and returns 0 or 1 for each. Alternatively, we can see a truth assignment
as a table that gives, for each propositional variable, a truth value, 0 or 1. Figure
14.5 suggests the role of these two kinds of functions.

p 0 or 1

(a) A truth assignment is a function from predicates to truth values.

truth meaning
0 or 1

(b) The meaning of an expression is a function from truth assignments to truth values.

Fig. 14.5. The meaning of expressions in propositional logic.

In predicate logic, it is not sufficient to assign a constant 0 or 1 (TRUE or FALSE)

to predicates (unless they have no arguments, in which case they are essentially
propositional variables). Rather, the value assigned to a predicate is itself a function
that takes values of the predicate’s arguments as its own input, and produces 0 or
1 as output.
Domain More precisely, we must first pick a nonempty domain D of values, from which
we can select values for the variables. This domain could be anything: integers,
reals, or some set of values with no particular name or significance. We assume,
however, that the domain includes any constants appearing in the expression itself.
Now, let p be a predicate with k arguments. Then an interpretation for predi-
Interpretation cate p is a function that takes as input an assignment of domain elements to each of
for a predicate the k arguments of p and returns 0 or 1 (TRUE or FALSE). Equivalently, we can see
the interpretation of p as a relation with k columns. For each assignment of values
to the arguments that makes p true in this interpretation, there is a tuple of the
Interpretation Now we can define an interpretation for an expression E to be
for an
4 Unlike the relations discussed in Chapter 8, the relation that is the interpretation of a pred-
icate may have an infinite set of tuples.

1. A nonempty domain D, including any constants appearing in E,

2. An interpretation for each predicate p appearing in E, and
3. A value in D for each of the free variables of E, if any.
An interpretation and an “interpretation for a predicate” are illustrated in Fig.
14.6(a) and (b), respectively. Notice that interpretations play the role in predicate
logic that is served by truth assignments in propositional logic.

for 0 or 1
for a predicate

(a) Interpretation for a predicate assigns truth values to

tuples of values for the arguments.

p interpretation
for predicate p

value for
X interpretation
variable X

(b) Interpretation assigns a predicate interpretation to each predicate

and a value to each variable (analogous to a truth assignment).

interpretation meaning 0 or 1

(c) Meaning of an expression assigns a truth value for each interpretation

(analogous to a truth table).

Fig. 14.6. The meaning of expressions in predicate logic.

✦ Example 14.10. Consider the following expression of predicate logic:

p(X, Y ) → (∃Z) p(X, Z) AND p(Z, Y ) (14.5)
One possible interpretation for the predicate p, which we shall call interpretation
I1 , is
1. The domain D is the set of real numbers.

2. p(U, V ) is true whenever U < V . That is, the interpretation of p is the relation
consisting of the infinite set of pairs (U, V ) such that U and V are real numbers,
and U is less than V .
Then (14.5) states that for any real numbers X and Y , if X < Y , then there is
some Z lying strictly between X and Y ; that is, X < Z < Y . For interpretation I1 ,
(14.5) is always true. If X < Y , we can pick Z = (X + Y )/2 — that is, the average
of X and Y — and we can then be sure that X < Z and Z < Y . If X ≥ Y , then
the left-hand side of the implication is false, so surely (14.5) is true.
We can build an infinite number of interpretations for (14.5) based on the
interpretation I1 for predicate p, by picking any real numbers for the free variables
X and Y . By what we just said, any of these interpretations for (14.5) will make
(14.5) true.
A second possible interpretation, I2 , for p is
1. D is the set of integers.
2. p(U, V ) is true if and only if U < V .
Now, we claim that (14.5) is true unless Y = X + 1. For if Y exceeds X by two or
more, then Z can be selected to be X + 1. It will then be the case that X < Z < Y .
If Y ≤ X, then p(X, Y ) is false, and so (14.5) is again true. However, if Y = X + 1,
then p(X, Y ) is true, but there is no integer Z lying strictly between X and Y .
Thus for every integer Z, either p(X, Z) or p(Z, Y ) will be false,
 and the right-hand
side of the implication — that is, (∃Z) p(X, Z) AND p(Z, Y ) — is not true.
We can extend I2 to an interpretation for (14.5) by assigning integers to the
free variables X and Y . The analysis above shows that (14.5) will be true for any
such interpretation, except for those in which Y = X + 1.
Our third interpretation for p, I3 , is abstract, without a common meaning in
mathematics like those possessed by interpretations I1 and I2 :
1. D is the set of three symbols a, b, c.
2. p(U, V ) is true if U V is one of the six pairs
aa, ab, ba, bc, cb, cc
and false for the other three pairs: ac, bb, and ca.
Then it happens that (14.5) is true for each of the nine pairs XY . In each case,
either p(X, Y ) is false, or there is a Z that makes the right side of (14.5) true. The
nine cases are enumerated in Fig. 14.7. We may extend I3 to an interpretation for
(14.5) in nine ways, by assigning any combination of a, b, and c to the free variables
X and Y . Each of these interpretations imparts the value true to (14.5). ✦

Meaning of Expressions
Recall that the meaning of an expression in propositional logic is a function from
the truth assignments to truth values 0 and 1, as was illustrated in Fig. 14.5(b).
That is, a truth assignment states all that there is to know about the values of
the atomic operands of the expression, and the expression then evaluates to 0 or 1.
Similarly, in predicate logic, the meaning of an expression is a function that takes an
interpretation, which is what we need to evaluate the atomic operands, and returns
0 or 1. This notion of meaning was illustrated in Fig. 14.6(c).

X Y Why true
a a Z = a or b
a b Z =a
a c p(a, c) false
b a Z =a
b b p(b, b) false
b c Z =c
c a p(c, a) false
c b Z =c
c c Z = b or c

Fig. 14.7. Value of (14.5) under interpretation I3 .

✦ Example 14.11. Consider the expression (14.5) from Example 14.10. The free
variables of (14.5) are X and Y . If we are given interpretation I1 of Example 14.10
for p (p is < on reals), and we are given values X = 3.14 and Y = 3.5, then the
value of (14.5) is 1. In fact, with interpretation I1 for p and any values for X and
Y , the expression has value 1, as was discussed in Example 14.10. The same is true
of interpretation I3 for p; any values for X and Y chosen from the domain {a, b, c}.
gives (14.5) the value 1.
On the other hand, if we are given interpretation I2 (p is < on integers) and
values X = 3 and Y = 4, then (14.5) has value 0 as we discussed in Example 14.10.
If we have interpretation I2 and values X = 3 and Y = 5 for the free variables, then
(14.5) has the value 1. ✦

To complete the definition of “meaning” for an expression, we must formally

define how the truth values for atomic operands are translated to a truth value for
the expression as a whole. We have been using our intuition previously, based on
our understanding of how the logical connectives of propositional logic work and our
intuition regarding quantifiers. The formal definition of the value of an expression,
given an interpretation I with domain D, is a structural induction on the expression
tree for the given logical expression E.

BASIS. If the expression tree is a leaf, then E is an atomic formula p(X1 , . . . , Xk ).

The Xi ’s are all either constants or free variables of expression E. Interpretation I
gives us a value for each of the variables, and so we have values for all arguments of
p. Likewise, I tells us whether p, with those values as arguments, is true or false.
That truth value is the value of the expression E.

INDUCTION. Now, we must assume that we are given an expression E whose

expression tree has an operator at the root. There are several cases, depending on
what the operator at the root of E is.
First, consider the case where E is of the form E1 AND E2 ; that is, the operator
at the root is AND. The inductive hypothesis may be applied to the subexpressions
E1 and E2 . We can thus evaluate E1 under interpretation I.5 Likewise, we can

5 Strictly speaking, we must throw away from I the interpretation for any predicate p that

evaluate E2 under the interpretation I. If both evaluate to 1, then E evaluates to

1; otherwise, E evaluates to 0.
The induction for other logical operators like OR or NOT is carried out the
same way. For OR, we evaluate the two subexpressions and produce value 1 if
either subexpression produces value 1; for NOT we evaluate the one subexpression
and produce the negation of the value of that expression, and so on for the other
operators of propositional logic.
Now suppose E is of the form (∃X)E1 . The root operator is the existential
quantifier, and we can apply the inductive hypothesis to the subexpression E1 . The
predicates in E1 all appear in E, and the free variables in E1 are the free variables
of E, plus (possibly) X.6 Hence, we may construct, for each value v in the domain
D, an interpretation for E1 that is I, with the addition of the assignment of value
v to variable X; call this interpretation Jv . We ask, for each value v, whether E1 is
true under interpretation Jv . If there is at least one such value v, then we say that
E = (∃X)E1 is true; otherwise, we say E is false.
Last, suppose that E is of the form (∀X)E1 . Again, the inductive hypothesis
applies to E1 . Now we ask whether for every value v in the domain D, E1 is true
under the interpretation Jv . If so, we say E has value 1; if not, E has value 0.

✦ Example 14.12. Let us evaluate expression (14.5) with the interpretation I2 for
p (< on the integers) and the values 3 and 7 for free variables X and Y , respectively.
The expression tree for (14.5) is shown in Fig. 14.8. We observe that the operator
at the root is →. We did not cover this case explicitly, but the principle should
be clear. The entire expression can be written as E1 → E2 , where E1 is p(X, Y ),
and E2 is (∃Z)(p(X, Z) AND p(Z, Y )). Because of the meaning of →, the entire
expression (14.5) is true except in the case that E1 is true and E2 is false.

p(X, Y ) (∃Z)


p(X, Z) p(Z, Y )

Fig. 14.8. Expression tree for (14.5).

E1 , which is p(X, Y ), is easy to evaluate. Since X = 3, Y = 7, and p(X, Y )

is true if and only if X < Y , we conclude that E1 is true. To evaluate E2 is more

appears in E but not E1 . Also, we must drop the value for any free variable that appears in
E but not E1 . However, there is no conceptual difficulty if we include in an interpretation
additional information that is not used.
6 Technically, E1 might not have any free occurrences of X, even though we apply a quantifier
involving X to E1 . In that case, the quantifier may as well not be there, but we have not
prohibited its presence.

Can we Compute Values of Expressions?

You may be suspicious of our definition as to when an expression E has value 1, in
the cases where E is (∃X)E1 or (∀X)E1 . If domain D is infinite, the test we have
proposed, to evaluate E1 under each interpretation Jv , need not have an algorithm
for its execution. Essentially, we are asked to execute function
for (each v in D)
if (E1 is true under interpretation Jv )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
for an existential quantifier, and function
for (each v in D)
if (E1 is false under interpretation Jv )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
for a universal quantifier.
While the intent of these programs should be apparent, they are not algorithms,
since when the domain D is infinite, we go around the loop an infinite number of
times. However, although we may not be able to tell whether E is true or false,
we are nevertheless offering the correct definition of when E is true; that is, we
are ascribing the intended meaning to the quantifiers ∀ and ∃. In many practical
and useful situations, we shall be able to tell whether E is true or false. In other
situations, typically involving transformation of expressions into equivalent forms,
we shall see that it doesn’t matter whether E is true or false. We shall be able
to reason that two expressions are equivalent from the definitions of their values,
without knowing whether a value v that makes a subexpression like E1 true exists.

difficult. We must consider all possible values of v for Z, to see if there is at least
one value that makes p(X, Z) AND p(Z, Y ) true. For example, if we try Z = 0, then
p(Z, Y ) is true, but p(X, Z) is false, since X = 3 is not less than Z.
If we think about the matter, we see that to make p(X, Z) AND p(Z, Y ) true,
we need a value of v such that 3 < v [so p(X, Z) will be true] and such that v < 7
[so p(Z, Y ) will be true]. For example, v = 4 makes p(X,  Z) AND p(Z, Y ) true
and therefore shows that E2 , or (∃Z) p(X, Z) AND p(Z, Y ) , is true for the given
We now know that both E1 and E2 are true. Since E1 → E2 is true when both
E1 and E2 are true, we conclude that (14.5) has value 1 for the interpretation in
which predicate p has the interpretation I2 , X = 3, and Y = 7. ✦


14.5.1: For each of the following expressions, give one interpretation that makes it
true and one interpretation that makes it false.

a) (∀X)(∃Y )(loves(X, Y ))
b) p(X) → NOT p(X)
c) (∃X)p(X) → (∀X)p(X) 
d) p(X, Y ) AND p(Y, Z) → p(X, Z)
14.5.2: Explain why every interpretation makes the expression p(X) → p(X) true.

✦ ✦

14.6 Tautologies
Recall that in propositional logic, we call an expression a tautology if for every truth
assignment, the value of the expression is 1. The same idea holds true in predicate
logic. An expression E is called a tautology if for every interpretation of E, the
value of E is 1.

✦ Example 14.13. As in propositional logic, it is rare for a “random” expression

of predicate logic to be a tautology. For example, the expression (14.5), or

p(X, Y ) → (∃Z) p(X, Z) AND p(Z, Y )
which we studied in Example 14.10, is always true under some interpretations for
predicate p, but there are interpretations such as I2 of Example 14.10 — p is <
on the integers — for which this expression is not always true (e.g., it is false for
X = 1 and Y = 2). Thus the expression is not a tautology.
An example of a tautology is the expression
q(X) OR NOT q(X)
Here, it does not matter what interpretation we use for predicate q, or what value
we assign to the free variable X. If our choice of interpretation makes q(X) true,
then the expression is true. If our choice makes q(X) false, then it must make
NOT q(X) true, and again the expression is true. ✦

The Substitution Principle

The tautologies of propositional logic are a rich source of tautologies for predicate
logic. The principle of substitution, which we introduced in Section 12.7, states
that we can take any tautology of propositional logic, make any substitution for
the propositional variables, and the result will still be a tautology. This principle
still holds true if we allow the substitution of expressions of predicate logic for the
propositional variables. For example, the tautology q(X) OR NOT q(X), mentioned in
Example 14.13, is the substitution of the expression q(X) for propositional variable
p in the tautology p OR NOT p.
The reason the principle of substitution holds true when expressions of predi-
cate logic are substituted for propositional variables is much the same as the reason
it holds true when propositional expressions are substituted. When we replace all
occurrences of a propositional variable such as p by an expression like q(X), we
know that for any interpretation, the value of the substituted expression will be the
same wherever it occurs. Since the original expression of propositional logic, into
which the substitution is made, is a tautology, it is always true when a consistent
substitution of 0 or a consistent substitution of 1 is made for one of its propositional

For example, in the expression q(X) OR NOT q(X), no matter what the interpre-
tation of q or the value of X, q(X) is either true or false. Thus, either the expression
becomes 1 OR NOT 1 or it becomes 0 OR NOT 0, both of which evaluate to 1.

Equivalence of Expressions
As in propositional logic, we can define two expressions, E and F , of predicate
logic to be equivalent if E ≡ F is a tautology. The “principle of substitution of
equals for equals,” also introduced in Section 12.7, continues to hold when we have
equivalent expressions of predicate logic. That is, if E1 is equivalent to E2 , then we
may substitute E2 for E1 in any expression F1 , and the resulting expression F2 will
be equivalent; that is, F1 ≡ F2 .

✦ Example 14.14. The commutative law for AND says (p AND q) ≡ (q AND p). We
might substitute p(X) for p and q(Y, Z) for q, giving us the tautology of predicate
p(X) AND q(Y, Z) ≡ q(Y, Z) AND p(X)
Thus the expressions p(X) AND q(Y, Z) and q(Y, Z)
 AND p(X) are equivalent. Now,
if we have an expression like p(X) AND q(Y, Z) OR q(X, Y ), we can substitute
q(Y, Z) AND p(X) for p(X) AND q(Y, Z), to produce another expression,

q(Y, Z) AND p(X) OR q(X, Y )
and know that
p(X) AND q(Y, Z) OR q(X, Y ) ≡ q(Y, Z) AND p(X) OR q(X, Y )

There are more subtle cases of equivalent expressions in predicate logic. Nor-
mally, we would expect the equivalent expressions to have the same free variables
and predicates, but there are some cases in which the free variables and/or predi-
cates can be different. For example, the expression
p(X) OR NOT p(X) ≡ q(Y ) OR NOT q(Y )
is a tautology, simply because both sides of the ≡ are tautologies, as we argued
in Example 14.13. Thus in the expression p(X) OR NOT p(X) OR q(X) we may
substitute q(Y ) OR NOT q(Y ) for p(X) OR NOT p(X), to deduce the equivalence
p(X) OR NOT p(X) OR q(X) ≡ q(Y ) OR NOT q(Y ) OR q(X)
Since the left-hand side of the ≡ is a tautology, we can also infer that
q(Y ) OR NOT q(Y ) OR q(X)
is a tautology. ✦


14.6.1: Explain why each of the following are tautologies. That is, what expres-
sion(s) of predicate logic did we substitute into which tautologies of propositional

a) p(X) OR q(Y ) ≡ q(Y ) OR p(X)

b) p(X, Y ) AND p(X, Y ) ≡ p(X, Y )

c) p(X) → FALSE ≡ NOT p(X)

✦ ✦

14.7 Tautologies Involving Quantifiers

Tautologies of predicate logic that involve quantifiers do not have direct counterparts
in propositional logic. This section explores these tautologies and shows how they
can be used to manipulate expressions. The main result of this section is that we
can convert any expression into an equivalent expression with all the quantifiers at
the beginning.

Variable Renaming

In C, we can change the name of a local variable, provided we change all uses of
that local variable consistently. Analogously, one can change the variable used in
a quantifier, provided we also change all occurrences of that variable bound to the
quantifier. Also as in C, we must be careful which new variable name we pick,
because if we choose a name that is defined outside the function in question, then
we may change the meaning of the program, thereby committing a serious error.
Bearing in mind this kind of renaming, we can consider the following type of
equivalence and conditions under which it is a tautology.
(QX)E ≡ (QY )E ′ (14.6)

where E ′ is E with all occurrences of X that are bound to the explicitly shown
quantifier (QX) replaced by Y . We claim that (14.6) is a tautology, provided no
occurrence of Y is free in E. To see why, consider any interpretation I for (QX)E (or
equivalently, for (QY )E ′ , since the free variables and predicates of either quantified
expression are the same). If I, extended by giving X the value v, makes E true,
then I with the value v for Y will make E ′ true. Conversely, if extending I by using
v for X makes E false, then extending I with v for Y makes E ′ false.
If quantifier Q is ∃, then should there be a value v for X that makes E true,
there will be a value, namely v, for Y that makes E ′ true, and conversely. If Q is
∀, then all values of X will make E true if and only if all values of Y make E ′ true.
Thus, for either quantifier, (QX)E is true under any given interpretation I if and
only if (QY )E ′ is true under the same interpretation, showing that
(QX)E ≡ (QY )E ′

is a tautology.

✦ Example 14.15. Consider the expression

(∃X)p(X, Y ) OR NOT (∃X)p(X, Y ) (14.7)

Making Quantified Variables Unique

An interesting consequence of (14.6) is that we can always turn any expression E
of predicate logic into an equivalent expression in which no two quantifiers use the
same variable, and also, no quantifier uses a variable that is also free in E. Such an
Rectified expression is called rectified.
expression In proof, we may start with the tautology E ≡ E. Then, we use (14.6) on the
occurrence of E on the right to rename, in turn, each quantified variable by a new
variable not used elsewhere in E. The result is an expression E ≡ E ′ , where all
quantifiers (QX) of E ′ involve distinct X’s, and these X’s do not appear free in E
or E ′ . By the law of transitivity of equivalence for propositional logic, E ≡ E ′ is a
tautology; that is, E and E ′ are equivalent expressions.

which happens to be a tautology. We shall show how to rename one of the two X’s,
to form another tautology with distinct variables used in the two quantifiers.
If we let E in (14.6) be p(X, Y ), and we choose variable
 Z to play the role of
Y in (14.6), then we have the tautology (∃X)p(X, Y ) ≡ (∃Z)p(Z, Y ) . That is,
to construct the expression E ′ we substitute Z for X in E = p(X, Y ), to obtain
p(Z, Y ). Thus we can substitute “equals for equals,” replacing the first occurrence
of (∃X)p(X, Y ) in (14.7) by (∃Z)p(Z, Y ), to obtain the expression
(∃Z)p(Z, Y ) OR NOT (∃X)p(X, Y ) .
This expression is equivalent to (14.7), and therefore is also a tautology.
Note that we could also replace X in the second half of (14.7) by Z; it doesn’t
matter whether or not we do so, because the two quantifiers define distinct and
unrelated variables, each of which was named X in (14.7). However, we should
understand that it is not permissible to replace either occurrence of ∃X by ∃Y ,
because Y is free in each of the subexpressions  p(X, Y ).
That is, (∃X)p(X, Y ) ≡ (∃Y )p(Y, Y ) is not an instance of (14.6) that is
a tautology, because Y is free in the expression p(X, Y ). To see that it is not a
tautology, let p be interpreted as < on integers. Then for any value of the free
variable Y , say Y = 10, the expression (∃X)p(X, Y ) is true, because we can let
X = 9, for example. Yet the right side of the equivalence, (∃Y )p(Y, Y ) is false,
because no integer is strictly less than itself.
Similarly, it is not permissible to substitute (∃Y )p(Y, Y ) for the first instance
of (∃X)p(X, Y ) in (14.7). The resulting expression,
(∃Y )p(Y, Y ) OR NOT (∃X)p(X, Y ) (14.8)
can also be seen not to be a tautology. Again, let the interpretation of p be < on
the integers, and let, for instance, the value of the free variable Y be 10. Note that
in (14.8), the first two occurrences of Y , in p(Y, Y ), are bound occurrences, bound
to the quantifier (∃Y ). Only the last occurrence of Y , in p(X, Y ), is free. Then
(∃Y )p(Y, Y ) is false for this interpretation, because no value of Y is less than itself.
On the other hand, (∃X)p(X, Y ) is true  when Y = 10 (or any other integer, for
that matter), and so NOT (∃X)p(X, Y ) is false. As a result, (14.8) is false for this
interpretation. ✦

Universal Quantification of Free Variables

An expression with free variables can only be a tautology if the same expression
with its free variables universally quantified is a tautology. Formally, for every
tautology T and variable X, (∀X)T is also a tautology. Technically, it does not
matter whether or not X appears free in T .
To see why (∀X)T is a tautology, let Y1 , . . . , Yk be the free variables of T ; X
may or may not be one of them. First, suppose that X = Y1 . We need to show that
for every interpretation I, (∀X)T is true. Equivalently, we need to show that for
every value v in the domain of I, the interpretation Jv formed from I by giving X
the value v makes T true. But T is a tautology, and so every interpretation makes
it true.
If X is one of the other free variables Yi of T , the argument that (∀X)T is a
tautology is essentially the same. If X is none of the Yi ’s, then its value doesn’t
affect the truth or falsehood of T . Thus T is true for all X, simply because T is a

Closed Expressions
An interesting consequence is that for tautologies, we can assume there are no free
variables. We can apply the preceding transformation to universally quantify one
free variable at a time. An expression with no free variables is called a closed

✦ Example 14.16. We know that p(X, Y ) OR NOT p(X, Y ) is a tautology. We

may add universal quantifiers for the free variables X and Y , to get the tautology

(∀X)(∀Y ) p(X, Y ) OR NOT p(X, Y )

Moving Quantifiers Through NOT

There is an infinite version of DeMorgan’s law that lets us replace ∀ by ∃ or vice
versa, just as the “normal” DeMorgan’s laws allow us to switch between AND and
OR, while moving through a NOT. Suppose that we have an expression like

NOT (∀X)p(X)
If the domain of values is finite, say v1 , . . . ,vn , then we could think of this expression
as NOT p(v1 ) AND p(v2 ) AND · · · AND p(vn ) . We could then apply DeMorgan’s law
to rewrite this expression as NOT p(v1 ) OR NOT p(v2 ) OR · · · OR NOT p(vn ). Onthe
assumption of a finite domain, this expression is the same as (∃X) NOT p(X) —
that is, for some value of X, p(X) is false.
In fact, this transformation does not depend on the finiteness of the domain;
it holds for every possible interpretation. That is, the following equivalence is a
tautology for any expression E.
NOT (∀X)E ≡ (∃X)(NOT E) (14.9)

Informally, (14.9) says that E fails to be true for all X exactly when there is some
value of X that makes E false.
There is a similar tautology that lets us push a NOT inside an existential quan-
NOT (∃X)E ≡ (∀X)(NOT E) (14.10)

Informally, there does not exist an X that makes E true exactly when E is false for
all X.

✦ Example 14.17. Consider the tautology

(∀X)p(X) OR NOT (∀X)p(X) (14.11)
which we obtain by the principle of substitution from the tautology of propositional

logic p OR NOT p. We may use
 (14.9) with E = p(X), to replace NOT (∀X)p(X) in
(14.11) by (∃X) NOT p(X) , to yield the tautology

(∀X)p(X) OR (∃X) NOT p(X) .
That is, either p(X) is true for all X, or there exists some X for which p(X) is
false. ✦

Moving Quantifiers Through AND and OR

Laws (14.9) and (14.10), when applied from left to right, have the effect of moving
a quantifier outside a negation, “inverting” the quantifier as we do so, that is,
swapping ∀ for ∃ and vice versa. Similarly, we can move quantifiers outside of AND
or OR, but we must be careful not to change the binding of any variable occurrence.
Also, we do not invert quantifiers moving through AND or OR. The expressions of
these laws are

E AND (QX)F ≡ (QX)(E AND F ) (14.12)

E OR (QX)F ≡ (QX)(E OR F ) (14.13)
where E and F are any expressions, and Q is either quantifier. However, we require
that X not be free in E.
Since AND and OR are commutative, we can also use (14.12) and (14.13) to
move quantifiers attached to the left operand of AND or OR. For example, a form of
tautology that follows from (14.12) and the commutativity of AND is

(QX)E AND F ≡ (QX)(E AND F )
Here, we require that X is not free in F .

✦ Example 14.18. Let us transform the tautology developed in Example 14.17,

that is,

(∀X)p(X) OR (∃X) NOT p(X)

so that the quantifiers are outside the expression. First, we need to rename the
variable used by one of the two quantifiers. By law (14.6), we can replace the
subexpression (∃X) NOT p(X) by (∃Y ) NOT p(Y ), giving us the tautology

(∀X)p(X) OR (∃Y ) NOT p(Y ) (14.14)
Now we can use (14.13), in its variant form where the quantifier on the left
operand of the OR is moved, to take the ∀ outside the OR. The resulting expression
(∀X) p(X) OR (∃Y ) NOT p(Y ) (14.15)

Expression (14.15) differs from (14.14) in form, but not in meaning; (14.15) states
that for all values of X, at least one of the following holds:
1. p(X) is true.
2. There is some value of Y that makes p(Y ) false.
To see why (14.15) is a tautology, consider some value v for X. If the
under consideration makes p(v) true, then p(X) OR (∃Y ) NOT p(Y ) is true. If p(v)
is false, then in this interpretation, (2) must hold. In particular, when Y = v,
NOT p(Y ) is true, and so (∃Y ) NOT p(Y ) is true.
Finally, we can apply (14.13) to move ∃Y outside the OR. The expression that
results is
(∀X)(∃Y )(p(X) OR NOT p(Y ))
This expression also must be a tautology. Informally, it states that for every value
of X, there exists some value of Y that makes p(X) OR NOT p(Y ) true. To see why,
let v be a possible value of X. If p(v) is true in given interpretation I, then surely
p(X) OR NOT p(Y )
is true, regardless of Y . If p(v) is false in interpretation I, then we may pick v for
Y , and (∃Y ) p(X) OR NOT p(Y ) will be true. ✦

Prenex Form
A consequence of the laws (14.9), (14.10), (14.12), and (14.13) is that, given any
expression involving quantifiers and the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT, we can
find an equivalent expression that has all its quantifiers on the outside (at the top
of the expression tree). That is, we can find an equivalent expression of the form
(Q1 X1 )(Q2 X2 ) · · · (Qk Xk )E (14.16)
where Q1 , . . . , Qk each stand for one of the quantifiers ∀ or ∃, and the subexpression
Quantifier-free E is quantifier free — that is, it has no quantifiers. The expression (14.16) is said
expression to be in prenex form.
We can transform an expression into prenex form in two steps.
1. Rectify the expression. That is, use law (14.6) to make each of the quantifiers
refer to a distinct variable, one that appears neither in another quantifier nor
free in the expression.
2. Then, move each quantifier through NOT’s by laws (14.9) and (14.10), through
AND’s by (14.12), and through OR’s by (14.13).

Programs in Prenex Form

In principle, we can put a C program in “prenex form,” if we rename all local
variables so that they are distinct, and then move their declarations into the main
program. We generally don’t want to do that; we prefer to declare variables locally,
so that we don’t have to worry, for example, about inventing different names for a
variable i used as a loop index in ten different functions. For logical expressions,
there is often a reason to put expressions in prenex form, although the matter is
beyond the scope of this book.

✦ Example 14.19. Examples 14.17 and 14.18 were examples of this process.
started in Example 14.17 with the expression (∀X)p(X) OR NOT (∀X)p(X) . By
moving the second ∀ through the NOT, we obtained the expression

(∀X)p(X) OR (∃X) NOT p(X)
with which we started in Example 14.18. We then renamed the second use of X,
which we could (and should) have done initially. By moving
 the two quantifiers
through the OR, we obtained (∀X)(∃Y ) p(X) OR NOT p(Y ) , which is in prenex
form. ✦

Note that expressions involving logical operators other than AND, OR, and NOT
can also be put in prenex form. Every logical operator can be written in terms
of AND, OR, and NOT, as we learned in Chapter 12. For example, E → F can be
replaced by NOT E OR F . If we write each logical operator in terms of AND, OR, and
NOT, then we are able to apply the transformation just outlined to find an equivalent
expression in prenex form.

Reordering Quantifiers
Our final family of tautologies is derived by noting that in applying a universal
quantifier to two variables, the order in which we write the quantifiers does not
matter. Similarly, we can write two existential quantifiers in either order. Formally,
the following are tautologies.
(∀X)(∀Y )E ≡ (∀Y )(∀X)E (14.17)

(∃X)(∃Y )E ≡ (∃Y )(∃X)E (14.18)

Note that by (14.17), we can permute any string of ∀’s, (∀X1 )(∀X2 )(· · ·)(∀Xk )
into whatever order we choose. In effect, (14.17) is the commutative law for ∀.
Analogous observations hold for law (14.18), which is the commutative law for ∃.

14.7.1: Transform the following expressions into rectified expressions, that is, ex-
pressions for which no two quantifier occurrences share the same variable.
a) (∃X) NOT p(X) AND (∃Y )(p(Y ) OR (∃X) q(X, Z)

b) (∃X) (∃X)p(X) OR (∃X)q(X) OR r(X)

14.7.2: Turn the following into closed expressions by universally quantifying each
of the free variables. If necessary, rename variables so that no two quantifier occur-
rences use the same variable.

a) p(X, Y ) AND (∃Y )q(Y )

b) (∀X) p(X, Y ) OR (∃X)p(Y, X)

14.7.3*: Does law (14.12) imply that p(X, Y ) AND (∀X)q(X) is equivalent to

(∀X) p(X, Y ) AND q(X)

Explain your answer.

14.7.4: Transform the expressions of Exercise 14.7.1 into prenex form.

14.7.5*: Show how to move quantifiers  through an → operator. That is, turn
the expression (Q1 X)E → (Q2 Y )F into a prenex form expression. What con-
straints on free variables in E and F do you need?

14.7.6: We can use tautologies (14.9) and (14.10) to move NOT’s inside quantifiers
as well as to move them outside. Using these laws, plus DeMorgan’s laws, we can
move all NOT’s so they apply directly to atomic formulas. Apply this transformation
to the following expressions.

a) NOT (∀X)(∃Y )p(X, Y )
b) NOT (∀X) p(X) OR (∃Y )q(X, Y )

14.7.7*: Is it true that E is a tautology whenever (∃X)E is a tautology?

✦ ✦

14.8 Proofs in Predicate Logic

In this chapter and the next, we shall discuss proofs in predicate logic. We do not,
however, extend the resolution method of Section 12.11 to predicate logic, although
it can be done. In fact, resolution is extremely important for many systems that use
predicate logic. The mechanics of proofs were introduced in Section 12.10. Recall
that in a proof of propositional logic we are given some expressions E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek
as hypotheses, or “axioms,” and we construct a sequence of expressions (lines) such
that each expression either

1. Is one of the Ei ’s, or

2. Follows from zero or more of the previous expressions by some rule of inference.

Rules of inference must have the property that, whenever we are allowed to add F
to the list of expressions because of the presence of F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn on the list,
(F1 AND F2 AND · · · AND Fn ) → F

is a tautology.
Proofs in predicate logic are much the same. Of course, the expressions that are
hypotheses and lines of the proof are expressions of predicate logic, not propositional
logic. Moreover, it does not make sense to have, in one expression, free variables
that bear a relationship to a free variable of the same name in another expression.
Thus we shall require that the hypotheses and lines of the proof be closed formulas.

Implicit Universal Quantifiers

However, it is conventional to write expressions in proofs without explicitly show-
ing the outermost universal quantifiers. For example, consider the expression in
Example 14.3,

csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G) (14.19)
Expression (14.19) might be one of the hypotheses in a proof. In Example 14.3, we
saw it intuitively as a definition of the predicate answer. We might use (14.19) in
a proof of, say, answer(“A”) — that is, C. Brown received an A in course CS101.
In Example 14.3 we explained the meaning of (14.19) by saying that for all
values of S, G, A, and P , if student S received grade G in CS101 — that is, if
csg(“CS101”, S, G) is true — and student S has name “C. Brown,” address A, and
phone P — that is, if snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) is true — then G is an answer
(i.e., answer(G) is true). In that example, we did not have the formal notion of
quantifiers. However, now we see that what we really want to assert is
(∀S)(∀G)(∀A)(∀P ) (csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P )

→ answer(G)

Because it is frequently necessary to introduce a string of universal quantifiers

around an expression, we shall adopt the shorthand notation (∀∗)E to mean a
string of quantifiers (∀X1 )(∀X2 )(· · ·)(∀Xk )E, where X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk are all the free
variables of expression E. For example, (14.19) could be written
(∀∗) csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G)

However, we shall continue to refer to variables that are free in E as “free” in (∀∗)E.
This use of the term “free” is strictly incorrect, but is quite useful.

Substitution for Variables as an Inference Rule

In addition to the inference rules discussed in Chapter 12 for propositional logic,
such as modus ponens, and substitution of equals for equals in a previous line of
the proof, there is an inference rule involving substitution for variables that is quite
useful for proofs in predicate logic. If we have asserted an expression E, either as a
hypothesis or as a line of a proof, and E ′ is formed from E by substituting variables
or constants for some of the free variables of E, then E → E ′ is a tautology, and
we may add E ′ as a line of the proof. It is important to remember that we cannot
substitute for bound variables of E, only for the free variables of E.
Formally, we can represent a substitution for variables by a function sub. For
each free variable X of E, we may define sub(X) to be some variable or some
constant. If we do not specify a value for sub(X), then we shall assume that
sub(X) = X is intended. If E is any expression of predicate logic, the expression
sub(E) is E with all free occurrences of any variable X replaced by sub(X).

Expressions in Proofs
Remember that when we see an expression E in a proof, it is really short for the
expression (∀∗)E. Note that E ≡ (∀∗)E is generally not a tautology, and so we are
definitely using one expression to stand for a different expression.
It is also helpful to remember that when E appears in a proof, we are not
asserting that (∀∗)E is a tautology. Rather, we are asserting that (∀∗)E follows
from the hypotheses. That is, if E1 , E2 , . . . , En are the hypotheses, and we correctly
write proof line E, then we know

(∀∗)E1 AND (∀∗)E2 AND · · · AND (∀∗)En → (∀∗)E
is a tautology.

The law of variable substitution says that E → sub(E) is a tautology. Thus, if

E is a line of a proof, we may add sub(E) as a line of the same proof.

✦ Example 14.20. Consider the expression (14.19)

csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G)

as E. A possible substitution sub is defined by

sub(G) = “B”
sub(P ) = S

That is, we substitute the constant “B” for the variable G and we substitute variable
S for variable P . The variables S and A remain unchanged. The expression sub(E)

csg(“CS101”, S, “B”) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, S) → answer(“B”) (14.20)

Informally, (14.20) says that if there is a student S who received a B in CS101, and
the student’s name is C. Brown, and the student’s phone number and student ID
are identical, then “B” is an answer.
Notice that (14.20) is a special case of the more general rule expressed by
(14.19). That is, (14.20) only infers the correct answer in the case that the grade
is B, and C. Brown, by a strange coincidence, has the same student ID and phone
number; otherwise (14.20) infers nothing. ✦

✦ Example 14.21. The expression

p(X, Y ) OR (∃Z)q(X, Z) (14.21)

has free variables X and Y , and it has bound variable Z. Recall that technically,
(14.21) stands for the closed expression (∀∗) p(X, Y ) OR (∃Z)q(X, Z) , and that
here the (∀∗) stands for quantification over the free variables X and Y , that is,

(∀X)(∀Y ) p(X, Y ) OR (∃Z)q(X, Z)

Substitution as Special-Casing
Example 14.20 is typical, in that whenever we apply a substitution sub to an expres-
sion E, what we get is a special case of E. If sub replaces variable X by a constant
c, then the expression sub(E) only applies when X = c, and not otherwise. If
sub makes two variables become the same, then sub(E) only applies in the special
case that these two variables have the same value. Nonetheless, substitutions for
variables are often exactly what we need to make a proof, because they allow us to
apply a general rule in a special case, and they allow us to combine rules to make
additional rules. We shall study this form of proof in the next section.

In (14.21), we might substitute sub(X) = a, and sub(Y ) = b, yielding the

expression p(a, b) OR (∃Z)q(a, Z). This expression, which has no free variables
because we chose to substitute a constant for each free variable, is easily seen to be
a special case of (14.21); it states that either p(a, b) is true or for some value of Z,
q(a, Z) is true. Formally,
(∀X)(∀Y ) p(X, Y ) OR (∃Z)q(X, Z) → p(a, b) OR (∃Z)q(a, Z)

is a tautology.
One might wonder what happened to the implied quantifiers in (14.21) when
we substituted a and b for X and Y . The answer is that in the resulting expression,
p(a, b) OR (∃Z)q(a, Z), there are no free variables, and so the implied expression
(∀∗)(p(a, b) OR (∃Z)q(a, Z)) has no prefix of universal quantifiers; that is,
p(a, b) OR (∃Z)q(a, Z)
stands for itself in this case. We do not replace (∀∗) by (∀a)(∀b), which makes no
sense, since constants cannot be quantified. ✦


14.8.1: Prove the following conclusions from hypotheses, using the inference rules
discussed in Section 12.10, plus the variable-substitution rule just discussed. Note
that you can use as a line of proof any tautology of either propositional or predi-
cate calculus. However, try to restrict your tautologies to the ones enumerated in
Sections 12.8, 12.9, and 14.7.
a) From hypothesis (∀X)p(X) prove the conclusion (∀X)p(X) OR q(Y ).
b) From hypothesis (∃X)p(X, Y ) prove the conclusion NOT (∀X) NOT p(X, a) .

c) From the hypotheses p(X) and p(X) → q(X) prove the conclusion q(X).

✦ ✦

14.9 Proofs from Rules and Facts
Perhaps the simplest form of proof in predicate logic involves hypotheses that fall
into two classes.

1. Facts, which are ground atomic formulas.

2. Rules, which are “if-then” expressions. An example is the query (14.19) about
C. Brown’s grade in CS101,

csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G)
which we discussed in Example 14.20. Rules consist of the AND of one or more atomic
formulas on the left-hand side of the implication sign, and one atomic formula on the
right-hand side. We assume that any variable appearing in the head also appears
somewhere in the body.
The left-hand side (hypotheses) of a rule is called the body, and the right-
Body, head, hand side side is called the head. Any one of the atomic formulas of the body is
subgoal called a subgoal. For instance, in (14.19), the rule repeated above, the subgoals are
csg(“CS101”, S, G) and snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ). The head is answer(G).
The general idea behind the use of rules is that rules are general principles
that we can apply to facts. We try to match the subgoals of the body of a rule to
facts that are either given or already proven, by substituting for variables in the
rule. When we can do so, the substitution makes the head a ground atomic formula,
because we have assumed that each variable of the head appears in the body. We
can add this new ground atomic formula to the collection of facts at our disposal
for further proofs.

✦ Example 14.22. One simple application of proofs from rules and facts is in
answering queries as in the relational model discussed in Chapter 8. Each relation
corresponds to a predicate symbol, and each tuple in the relation corresponds to a
ground atomic formula with that predicate symbol and with arguments equal to the
components of the tuple, in order. For example, from the Course-Student-Grade
relation of Fig. 8.1, we would get the facts
csg(“CS101”, 12345, “A”) csg(“CS101”, 67890, “B”)
csg(“EE200”, 12345, “C”) csg(“EE200”, 22222, “B+”)
csg(“CS101”, 33333, “A–”) csg(“PH100”, 67890, “C+”)
Similarly, from the Student-Name-Address-Phone relation of Fig. 8.2(a), we get the
snap(12345, “C.Brown”, “12 Apple St.”, 555-1234)
snap(67890, “L.VanPelt”, “34 Pear Ave.”, 555-5678)
snap(22222, “P.Patty”, “56 Grape Blvd.”, 555-9999)
To these facts, we might add the rule (14.19),

csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G)
to complete the list of hypotheses.
Suppose we want to show that answer(“A”) is true, that is, C. Brown gets an
A in CS101. We could begin our proof with all of the facts and the rule, although
in this case we only need the rule, the first csg fact and the first snap fact. That
is, the first three lines of the proof are

1. csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G)

2. csg(“CS101”, 12345, “A”)

3. snap(12345, “C.Brown”, “12 Apple St.”, 555-1234)
The next step is to combine the second and third lines, using the inference rule that
says if E1 and E2 are lines of a proof then E1 AND E2 may be written as a line of
the proof. Thus we have line
4. csg(“CS101”, 12345, “A”) AND
snap(12345, “C.Brown”, “12 Apple St.”, 555-1234)
Next, let us use the law of substitution for free variables to specialize our
rule — line (1) — so that it applies to the constants in line (4). That is, we make
the substitution
sub(S) = “CS101”
sub(G) = “A”
sub(A) = “12 Apple St.”
sub(P ) = 555-1234
in (1) to obtain the line
5. csg(“CS101”, 12345, “A”) AND 
snap(12345, “C.Brown”, “12 Apple St.”, 555-1234)
→ answer(“A”)
Finally, modus ponens applied to (4) and (5) gives us the sixth and last line of the
6. answer(“A”). ✦

A Simplified Inference Rule

If we look at the proof of Example 14.22, we can observe the following strategy for
building a proof from ground atomic formulas and logical rules.
1. We select a rule to apply and we select a substitution that turns each subgoal
into a ground atomic formula that either is a given fact, or is something we
have already proved. In Example 14.22, we substituted 12345 for S, and so on.
The result appeared as line (4) of Example 14.22.
2. We create lines of the proof for each of the substituted subgoals, either because
they are facts, or by inferring them in some way. This step appeared as lines
(2) and (3) in Example 14.22.
3. We create a line that is the AND of the lines corresponding to each of the
substituted subgoals. This line is the body of the substituted rule. In Example
14.22, this step appeared as line (5).
4. We use modus ponens, with the substituted body from (3) and the substituted
rule from (1) to infer the substituted head. This step appeared as line (6) in
Example 14.22.
We can combine these steps into a single inference rule, as follows. If there is
a rule R among the hypotheses and a substitution sub such that in the substituted
instance sub(R), each of the subgoals is a line of the proof, then we may add the
head of sub(R) as a line of the proof.

Interpreting Rules
Rules, like all expressions that appear in proofs, are implicitly universally quantified.
Thus we can read (14.19) as “for all S, G, A, and P , if csg(“CS101”, S, G) is true,
and snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) is true, then answer(G) is true.” However, we may
treat variables that appear in the body, but not in the head, such as S, A, and P ,
as existentially quantified for the scope of the body. Formally, (14.19) is equivalent
(∀G) (∃S)(∃A)(∃P ) csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P )

→ answer(G)

That is, for all G, if there exists S, A, and P such that csg(“CS101”, S, G) and
snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) are both true, then answer(G) is true.
This phrasing corresponds more closely to the way we think of applying a rule.
It suggests that for each value of the variable or variables that appear in the head,
we should try to find values of the variables appearing only in the body, that make
the body true. If we find such values, then the head is true for the chosen values of
its variables.
To see why we can treat variables that are local to the body as existentially
quantified, start with a rule of the form B → H, where B is the body, and H is the
head. Let X be one variable that appears only in B. Implicitly, this rule is
(∀∗)(B → H)
and by law (14.17), we can make the quantifier for X be the innermost, writing the
expression as (∀∗)(∀X)(B → H). Here, the (∀∗) includes all variables but X. Now
we replace the implication
 by its equivalent expression using NOT and OR, that is,
(∀∗)(∀X) (NOT B) OR H . Since X does not appear in H, we may apply law (14.13) 

in reverse, to make the (∀X) apply to NOT B only, as (∀∗) (∀X) NOT B OR H .
Next, we use law (14.10) to move the (∀X) inside the negation, yielding
(∀∗) NOT (∃X)(NOT NOT B) OR H
or, after eliminating the double negation, (∀∗) NOT (∃X)B OR H . Finally, we
restore the implication to get (∀∗) (∃X)B → H .

✦ Example 14.23. In Example 14.22, rule R is (14.19), or

csg(“CS101”, S, G) AND snap(S, “C.Brown”, A, P ) → answer(G)

The substitution sub is as given in that example, and the subgoals of sub(R) are
lines (2) and (3) in Example 14.22. By the new inference rule, we could write down
line (6) of Example 14.22 immediately; we do not need lines (4) and (5). In fact,
line (1), the rule R itself, can be omitted from the proof as long as it is a given
hypothesis. ✦

✦ Example 14.24. For another example of how rules may be applied in proofs,
let us consider the Course-Prerequisite relation of Fig. 8.2(b), whose eight facts can
be represented by eight ground atomic formulas with predicate cp,
cp(“CS101”, “CS100”) cp(“EE200”, “EE005”)
cp(“EE200”, “CS100”) cp(“CS120”, “CS101”)
cp(“CS121”, “CS120”) cp(“CS205”, “CS101”)
cp(“CS206”, “CS121”) cp(“CS206”, “CS205”)
We might wish to define another predicate before(X, Y ) that means course Y must
be taken before course X. Either Y is a prerequisite of X, a prerequisite of a
prerequisite of X, or so on. We can define the notion “before” recursively, by
1. If Y is a prerequisite of X, then Y comes before X.
2. If X has a prerequisite Z, and Y comes before Z, then Y comes before X.
Rules (1) and (2) can be expressed as rules of predicate logic as follows.
cp(X, Y ) → before(X, Y ) (14.22)

cp(X, Z) AND before(Z, Y ) → before(X, Y ) (14.23)
Let us now explore some of the before facts that we can prove with the eight
Course-Prerequisite facts given at the beginning of the example, plus rules (14.22)
and (14.23). First, we can apply rule (14.22) to turn each of the cp facts into a
corresponding before fact, yielding
before(“CS101”, “CS100”) before(“EE200”, “EE005”)
before(“EE200”, “CS100”) before(“CS120”, “CS101”)
before(“CS121”, “CS120”) before(“CS205”, “CS101”)
before(“CS206”, “CS121”) before(“CS206”, “CS205”)
For example, we may use the substitution
sub1 (X) = “CS101”
sub1 (Y ) = “CS100”
on (14.22) to get the substituted rule instance
cp(“CS101”, “CS100”) → before(“CS101”, “CS100”)
This rule, together with the hypothesis cp(“CS101”, “CS100”), gives us
before(“CS101”, “CS100”)
Now we can use rule (14.23) with the hypothesis cp(“CS120”, “CS101”) and
the fact before(“CS101”, “CS100”) that we just proved, to prove
before(“CS120”, “CS100”)
That is, we apply the substitution
sub2 (X) = “CS120”
sub2 (Y ) = “CS100”
sub2 (Z) = “CS101”
to (14.23) to obtain the rule

Paths in a Graph
Example 14.24 deals with a common form of rules that define paths in a directed
graph, given the arcs of the graph. Think of the courses as nodes, with an arc
a → b if course b is a prerequisite of course a. Then before(a, b) corresponds to the
existence of a path of length 1 or more from a to b. Figure 14.9 shows the graph
based on the Course-Prerequisite information from Fig. 8.2(b).
When the graph represents prerequisites, we expect it to be acyclic, because
it would not do to have a course that had to be taken before itself. However, even
if the graph has cycles, the same sort of logical rules define paths in terms of arcs.
We can write these rules
arc(X, Y ) → path(X, Y )
that is, if there is an arc from node X to node Y , then there is a path from X to
Y , and

arc(X, Z) AND path(Z, Y ) → path(X, Y )
That is, if there is an arc from X to some Z, and a path from Z to Y , then there
is a path from X to Y . Notice that these are the same rules as (14.22) and (14.23),
with predicate arc in place of cp, and path in place of before.

cp(“CS120”, “CS101”) AND before(“CS101”, “CS100”)
→ before(“CS120”, “CS100”)
We then may infer the head of this substituted rule, to prove
before(“CS120”, “CS100”)
Similarly, we may apply rule (14.23) to the ground atomic formulas
cp(“CS121”, “CS120”)
and before(“CS120”, “CS100”) to prove before(“CS121”, “CS100”). Then we use
(14.23) on cp(“CS206”, “CS121”) and before(“CS121”, “CS100”) to prove
before(“CS206”, “CS100”)
There are many other before facts we could prove in a similar manner. ✦

14.9.1*: We can show that the before predicate of Example 14.24 is the transi-
tive closure of the cp predicate as follows. Suppose there is a sequence of courses
c1 , c2 , . . . , cn , for some n ≥ 2, and c1 is a prerequisite of c2 , which is a prerequisite of
c3 , and so on; in general, cp(ci , ci+1 ) is a given fact for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. Show that
c1 comes before cn by showing that before(c1 , ci ) for all i = 2, 3, . . . , n, by induction
on i.
14.9.2: Using the rules and facts of Example 14.24, prove the following facts.
a) before(“CS120”, “CS100”)
b) before(“CS206”, “CS100”)


CS121 CS205


CS101 EE200

CS100 EE005

Fig. 14.9. Prerequisite information as a directed graph.

14.9.3: We can speed up the process of following chains of prerequisites by adding

to Example 14.24 the rule

before(X, Z) AND before(Z, Y ) → before(X, Y )
That is, the first subgoal can be any before fact, not just a prerequisite fact. Using
this rule, find a shorter proof for Exercise 14.9.2(b).
14.9.4*: How many before facts can we prove in Example 14.24?
14.9.5: Let csg be a predicate that stands for the Course-Student-Grade relation
of Fig. 8.1, cdh be a predicate that stands for the Course-Day-Hour relation of
Fig. 8.2(c), and cr a predicate for the Course-Room relation of Fig. 8.2(d). Let
where(S, D, H, R) be a predicate that means student S is in room R at hour H of
day D. More precisely, S is taking a course that meets in that room at that time.
a) Write a rule that defines where in terms of csg, cdh, and cr.
b) If the facts for the predicates csg, cdh, and cr are as given in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2,
what where facts can you infer? Give a proof of two such facts.

✦ ✦

14.10 Truth and Provability

We close our discussion of predicate logic with an introduction to one of the more
subtle issues of logic: the distinction between what is provable and what is true.
We have seen inference rules that allow us to prove things in either propositional or
predicate logic, yet we could not be sure that a given set of rules was complete, in the
sense that they allowed us to prove every true statement. We asserted, for instance,
that resolution as we presented it in Section 12.11 is complete for propositional
logic. A generalized form of resolution, which we do not cover here, is also complete
for predicate logic.

However, to understand completeness of a proof-strategy, we need to grasp the
notion of “truth.” To get at “truth,” we need to understand the notion of a model.
Every kind of logic has a notion of models for a collection of expressions. These
models are the interpretations that make the expressions true.

✦ Example 14.25. In propositional logic, the interpretations are truth assign-

ments. Consider the expressions E1 = p AND q and E2 = p̄ OR r. There are eight
truth assignments for expressions involving variables p, q, and r, which we may
denote by a string of three bits, for the truth values of each of these variables, in
The expression E1 is made true only by those assignments that make both
p and q true, that is, by 110 and 111. The expression E2 is made true by six
assignments: 000, 001, 010, 011, 101, and 111. Thus there is only one model for set
of expressions {E1 , E2 }, namely 111, since only this model appears on both lists. ✦

✦ Example 14.26. In predicate logic, interpretations are the structures defined

in Section 14.5. Let us consider the expression E
(∀X)(∃Y )p(X, Y )
That is, for every value of X there is at least one value of Y for which p(X, Y ) is
An interpretation makes E true if for every element a of the domain D, there
is some element b in D — not necessarily the same b for each a — such that the
relation that is the interpretation for predicate p has the pair (a, b) as a member.
These interpretations are models of E; other interpretations are not. For example,
if domain D is the integers and the interpretation for predicate p makes p(X, Y )
true if and only if X < Y , then we have a model for expression E. However, the
interpretation that has domain D equal to the integers and has the interpretation
of p in which p(X, Y ) is true if and only if X = Y 2 , is not a model for expression
E. ✦

We can now state what it means for an expression E to be true, given a collection
of expressions {E1 , E2 , . . . , En }. We say that {E1 , E2 , . . . , En } entails expression E
if every model M for {E1 , E2 , . . . , En } is also a model for E. The double turnstile
Double turnstile operator |= denotes entailment, as
E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E
The intuition we need is that each interpretation is a possible world. When we say
E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E, we are saying that E is true in every possible world where the
expressions E1 , E2 , . . . , En are true.
The notion of entailment should be contrasted with the notion of proof. If
we have a particular proof system such as resolution in mind, then we can use the
Single turnstile single turnstile operator ⊢ to denote proof in the same way. That is,
E1 , E2 , . . . , En ⊢ E

means that, for the set of inference rules at hand, there is a proof of E from the
hypotheses E1 , E2 , . . . , En . Note that ⊢ can have different meanings for different
proof systems. Also remember that |= and ⊢ are not necessarily the same relation-
ship, although we would generally like to have a proof system in which one is true
if and only if the other is true.
There is a close connection between tautologies and entailment. In particular,
suppose E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E. Then we claim
(E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND En ) → E (14.24)
is a tautology. Consider some interpretation I. If I makes the left-hand side of
(14.24) true, then I is a model of {E1 , E2 , . . . , En }. Since E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E,
interpretation I must also make E true. Thus I makes (14.24) true.
The only other possibility is that I makes the left-hand side of (14.24) false.
Then, because an implication is always true when its left-hand side is false, we know
(14.24) is again true. Thus (14.24) is a tautology.
Conversely, if (14.24) is a tautology, then we can prove E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E.
We leave this proof as an exercise.
Notice that our argument does not depend on whether the expressions involved
are of propositional or predicate logic, or some other kind of logic that we have not
studied. We only need to know that the tautologies are the expressions made true
by every “interpretation” and that a model for an expression or set of expressions
is an interpretation making the expression(s) true.

Comparing Provability and Entailment

We would like to know that a given proof system allows us to prove everything that
is true and nothing that is false. That is, we want the single and double turnstiles
Consistent to mean the same thing. A proof system is said to be consistent if, whenever
proof system something can be proved, it is also entailed. That is, E1 , E2 , . . . , En ⊢ E implies
E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E. For example, we discussed in Section 12.10 why our inference
rules for propositional logic were consistent. To be exact, we showed that whenever
we started with hypotheses E1 , E2 , . . . , En and wrote a line E in our proof, then
(E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND En ) → E was a tautology. By what we argued above, that
is the same as saying E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E.
We would also like our proof system to be complete. Then we could prove
everything that was entailed by our hypotheses, even if finding that proof was hard.
It turns out that the inference rules we gave in Section 12.10, or the resolution rule
in Section 12.11 are both complete proof systems. That is, if E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E,
then E1 , E2 , . . . , En ⊢ E in either of these proof systems. There are also complete
proof systems for predicate logic, although we shall not introduce them.

Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem

One of the most striking results of modern mathematics is often seen as a contra-
diction to what we have just said about there being complete proof systems for
predicate logic. This result actually concerns not predicate logic as we have dis-
cussed it, but rather a specialization of this logic that lets us talk about integers
and the usual operations on integers. In particular, we have to modify predicate
logic to introduce predicates for the arithmetic operations, such as

1. plus(X, Y, Z), which we want to be true when and only when X + Y = Z,

2. times(X, Y, Z), true exactly when X × Y = Z, and
3. less(X, Y ), true exactly when X < Y .
Further, we need to restrict the domain in interpretations so that the values
appear to be the nonnegative integers. We can do that in one of two ways. One
way is to introduce a set of expressions that we assert are true. By selecting these
expressions properly, the domain in any interpretation satisfying the expressions
must “look like” the integers, and the special predicates such as plus or less must
act as would the familiar operations with those names.

✦ Example 14.27. We can assert expressions such as

plus(X, Y, Z) → plus(Y, X, Z)
which is the commutative law for addition, or

less(X, Y ) AND less(Y, Z) → less(X, Z)
which is the transitive law for <. ✦

Perhaps a simpler way to understand the restriction of predicate logic that

Gödel’s theorem addresses is to suppose that the logic allows only one model, the
model in which the domain is the nonnegative integers, and the special predicates
are given relations corresponding to their conventional meaning. For instance, we
would let the interpretation for predicate plus be
{(a, b, c) | a + b = c}
Gödel’s theorem states that no matter what consistent proof system one se-
lects, there is some expression E that is true but unprovable! More precisely, if
E1 , E2 , . . . , En is a set of expressions all of whose models behave as do the non-
negative integers, then E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E is true, yet E1 , E2 , . . . , En ⊢ E is false.
That is, there is no proof of E from {E1 , E2 , . . . , En } in our chosen system.
The unprovable expression E may be different for different chosen proof sys-
tems. In fact, the selected expression E can be thought of as a way to encode into
integers the fact that the expression itself has no proof in the given proof system.

Limits on What a Computer Can Do

An important consequence of Gödel’s theorem is that there is a limit on our ability to
answer questions about mathematics. If we have a mathematical model as complex
as the integers (and many mathematical models are far more complex than integers,
as we have seen in this book), then there is no mechanical way we can distinguish
true statements from false ones. The best we can do is use some consistent proof
system to allow us to search for proofs. If we find one, we are lucky, and we
can be sure that the proved statement is true. However, our search may go on
forever, without ever finding a proof, even though the statement is true; that is, the
statement is entailed by the assumptions we have made to define the mathematical
model at hand.
Philosophically, this situation suggests that mathematics will forever remain
interesting and challenging. Practically, it suggests that there are limits to what

The logician Alan Turing developed a formal theory of computing in the 1930’s
considerably before there were any electronic computers to model with his theory.
The most important result of this theory is the discovery that certain problems are
undecidable; no computer whatsoever can answer them.
Turing machine A centerpiece of the theory is the Turing machine, an abstract computer that
consists of a finite automaton with an infinite tape divided into squares. In a single
move, the Turing machine can read the character on the one square seen by its tape
head, and based on that character and its current state, replace the character by
a different one, change its state, and move the tape head one square left or right.
An observed fact is that every real computer, as well as every other mathematical
model of what a computing engine should be, can compute exactly what the Turing
machine can compute. Thus we take the Turing machine as the standard abstract
model of a computer.
However, we do not have to learn the details of what a Turing machine can do
in order to appreciate Turing’s theory. It suffices to take as a model of a computer a
kind of C program that reads character input and has only two possible write state-
ments: printf("yes\n") and printf("no\n"). Moreover, after making an output
of either type, the program must terminate, so that it cannot make a contradictory
output later. Understand that a program of this type might, on some inputs, give
neither a “yes” nor a “no” response; it might run forever in a loop.
We shall prove that there is no program like D, the “decider” program of Fig.
14.10(a). D supposedly takes as input a program P of the special type above, and
says “yes” if P says “yes” when given P itself as input. D says “no” if — when
P is given P as input — P either says “no” or P fails to make any decision. As
we shall see, it is this requirement that D figure out the occasions when P is never
going to render a decision that makes D impossible to write.
However, supposing that D exists, it is a simple matter to write a “comple-
menter” program C, as suggested in Fig. 14.10(b). C is formed from the hypotheti-
cal D by changing every statement that prints “no” into one that prints “yes,” and
vice versa.
Now we ask what happens when C is given itself as input, as suggested in Fig.
14.10(c)? If C says “yes,” then as Fig. 14.10(b) reminds us, C is asserting that “C
does not say ‘yes’ on input C.” If C says “no,” then C is asserting that “C says
‘yes’ on input C.” We now have a contradiction similar to Russell’s paradox, where
C can say neither “yes” nor “no” truthfully.
The conclusion is that the decider program D does not really exist. That is,
the problem solved by D, which is whether a given C program of the restricted type
says “yes” or fails to say “yes” (by saying “no” or by saying nothing) when given
itself as input, cannot be solved by computer. It is an undecidable problem.
Since Turing’s original result, a wide variety of undecidable problems have been
discovered. For example, it is undecidable whether a given C program enters an
infinite loop on a given input, or whether two C programs produce the same output
on the same input.

“yes” if P says “yes” on input P

P →D
“no” if P does not say “yes” on input P

(a) The hypothetical decider D.

“yes” if P does not say “yes” on input P

P →C
“no” if P says “yes” on input P

(b) The complementer C.

C → C

(c) What does C do with itself as input?

Fig. 14.10. Parts of Turing’s construction.

we can do with a computer. In particular, we cannot write programs to find proofs

in sufficiently complex systems, although we can do so in simple systems, such as
propositional logic or even predicate logic without any special predicates or restric-
tions. The reader should observe the box on “Undecidability,” in which a theorem
related to Gödel’s is discussed. The theory of undecidability allows us to point to
specific problems that we can show no computer can solve.
Thus, rather than ending this book on a negative note, the theory of undecid-
ability reminds us that, like mathematics, computer science is destined to challenge
the best minds the human race can produce. The student who pursues the sub-
ject will learn the art and science that is needed to avoid the undecidable (and
the intractable as well). He or she may then join the ranks of those scientists and
engineers pushing back the frontiers of what our computing machines can do.


14.10.1: Let E1 = p, E2 = q, and E3 = qr + pr̄. Describe the models (truth assign-

ments for propositional variables p, q, and r) that make {E1 , E2 } true. Describe
the models for E3 . Is E1 , E2 |= E3 true? Why or why not?
14.10.2**: Consider the following expressions of predicate logic.

1. E1 = (∀X)p(X, X)

2. E2 = (∀X)(∀Y ) p(X, Y ) → p(Y, X)
3. E3 = (∀X)(∀Y )(∀Z) p(X, Y ) AND p(Y, Z) → p(X, Z)

4. E4 = (∀X)(∀Y ) p(X, Y ) OR p(Y, X)
5. E5 = (∀X)(∃Y )p(X, Y )
Which of these five expressions are entailed by the other four? In each case, either
give an argument about all possible interpretations, to show entailment, or give a
particular interpretation that is a model of four of the expressions but not the fifth.
Hint : Start by imagining that the predicate p represents the arcs of a directed graph,
and look at each expression as a property of graphs. The material in Section 7.10
should give some hints either for finding appropriate models in which the domain is
the nodes of a certain graph and predicate p the arcs of that graph, or for showing
why there must be entailment. Note however, that it is not sufficient to show
entailment by insisting that the interpretation be a graph.
14.10.3*: Let S1 and S2 be two sets of expressions of predicate logic (or proposi-
tional logic — it doesn’t matter), and let their corresponding sets of models be M1
and M2 , respectively.
a) Show that the set of models for the set of expressions S1 ∪ S2 is M1 ∩ M2 .
b) Is the set of models for set of expressions S1 ∩ S2 always equal to M1 ∪ M2 ?
14.10.4*: Show that if (E1 AND E2 AND · · · AND En ) → E is a tautology, then
E1 , E2 , . . . , En |= E.

✦ ✦

14.11 Summary of Chapter 14
The reader should have learned the following points from this chapter.
✦ Predicate logic uses atomic formulas, that is, predicates with arguments, as
atomic operands and the operators of propositional logic, plus the two quanti-
fiers, “for all” and “there exists.”
✦ Variables in an expression of predicate logic are bound by quantifiers in a
manner analogous to the binding of variables in a program to declarations.
✦ Instead of the truth assignments of propositional logic, in predicate logic we
have a complex structure called an “interpretation.” An interpretation consists
of a domain of values, relations on that domain for the predicates, and values
from the domain for any free variables.
✦ The interpretations that make a set of expressions true are the “models” of
that set of expressions.
✦ Tautologies of predicate calculus are those that evaluate to TRUE for every inter-
pretation. While many tautologies are obtained by substitution into tautolo-
gies of propositional logic, there are also some important tautologies involving

✦ It is possible to put every expression of predicate logic into “prenex form,”

consisting of a quantifier-free expression to which quantifiers are applied as the
last operators.
✦ Proofs in predicate logic can be constructed in a manner similar to proofs in
propositional logic.
✦ The substitution of constants for variables in tautologies yields another tautol-
ogy, and this inference rule is useful in proofs, especially when we work from a
database of facts and a collection of rules.
✦ A set of expressions {E1 , . . . , En } “entails” an expression E if any model of the
former is also a model of the latter. We regard E as “true” given E1 , . . . , En
as hypotheses if E is entailed by E1 , . . . , En .
✦ Gödel’s theorem states that if we take expressions describing number theory
(i.e., arithmetic for the nonnegative integers) as hypotheses, then for any proof
system, there is some expression that is entailed by the hypotheses but cannot
be proved from them.
✦ Turing’s theorem describes a formal model of a computer called a “Turing ma-
chine” and says that there are problems that cannot be solved by a computer.

✦ ✦

14.12 Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 14
The books on logic, including Enderton [1972], Mendelson [1987], Lewis and Pa-
padimitriou [1981], and Manna and Waldinger [1990] that we cited in Section 12.14,
also cover predicate logic.
Gödel’s incompleteness theorem appeared in Gödel [1931]. Turing’s paper on
undecidability is Turing [1936].
Gödel, K. [1931]. “Uber formal unentscheidbare satze der Principia Mathematica
und verwander systeme,” Monatschefte fur Mathematik und Physik 38, pp. 173–
Turing, A. M. [1936]. “On computable numbers with an application to the entschei-
dungsproblem,” Proc. London Math. Soc. 2:42, pp. 230–265.
✦ Index

See American National Standards In-
Abstract data type 261, 307 stitute
See also Dictionary, Priority queue, ANSI C
Queue, Stack See C
Abstract symbol 593–594 Anti-implicant 668
Abstraction 1, 3 Antisymmetry 388–390
Abstraction (of sets) 338–339 Arc 452, 488
Acceptance, of input 533, 539 Argument size
Accepting state 532, 549 See Size of arguments
Activation record 313 Arithmetic expression 46–50, 62–63, 242–
Acyclic graph 454 244, 592, 611–615
Acyclic path 456 Arithmetic operator 18–19, 109
Addition 10–12, 716–723 Arithmetic series 42
See also One-bit adder, Ripple-carry Arity 366
addition Array 14, 109, 232, 301–306, 308–309, 329–
Adjacency list 459–461, 463 333, 358–360
Adjacency matrix 460–462, 515 See also Adjacency matrix, Charac-
Adjacent nodes 456 teristic vector, Circular array, Heap
ADT (data structure)
See Abstract data type ASCII 38
Aho, A. V. 155, 335, 450, 527, 589, 641 Assignment (of values to objects) 157–160
Aleph-zero Assignment-statement 19, 109
Associative law 47, 344–345, 441, 570, 652,
See Countable set
Algebra 5, 343
See also Nonassociative operator
See also Algebraic law, Expression,
Astrahan, M. M. 450
Propositional logic, Regular expres-
Atom 338
sion, Relational algebra, Set algebra
Atomic formula 735
Algebraic law
Attribute 404, 414
See Associative law, Commutative
Automaton 530–556, 571–590, 637–639,
law, Distributive law, Idempotence,
See also Deterministic automaton,
Algol 641
ǫ-automaton, Nondeterministic au-
Algorithm 4–5, 20
Alphabetic order
Average-case running time 93, 215–216,
See Lexicographic order 270–271
Ambiguous grammar 610–616 See also Running time
American National Standards Institute 24 Awk 450, 566
Anagram 178
See also Partial anagram B
Ancestor 226, 254
See also Lowest common ancestor Backus, J. W. 641
AND 10, 644, 649, 651–652, 657, 675–679, Backus-Naur form
688, 700, 740, 756–757 Backward arc 488, 494
Annihilator 570, 675–676 Backward induction 72


Bag C
See Multiset
Balanced parentheses 64–68, 594–596, 610– C 3, 7, 13–20, 22–23, 25, 64, 265, 312, 368,
611 562, 741–742, 758
Bar-Hillel, Y. 641 Call by reference 265
Calling graph 129–130, 455
Basis 28, 35, 44–46, 59, 132
Cantor, G. 402
Bayes’ rule 202
Car 290
Bell curve 175–176
Carry 10
Bellman, R. E. 335 Carry-in/out 656
Benchmarking 91 Carry-propagate/generate 717–720
Berge, C. 527 Cartesian product 367–368
Berlekamp, E. R. 88 Case analysis 683
Big-oh 96–109, 303, 355 Cdr 290
Bin 181 Cell 7, 23, 293
Binary operator 50 Chamberlin, D. D. 450
Binary relation 366, 380–396 Character 13
Binary search 304–305 Character class 565
Character string 287, 327–333
Binary search tree 258–271
Characteristic vector 357–360, 376, 379,
Binary search tree property 259
Binary tree 253–258
Child 224, 254
See also Binary search tree, Partially See also Left child, Right child
ordered tree Chip 523, 711, 731
Binomial coefficient 176 Chomsky, N. 641
Bipartite graph 524 Chromatic number 524
Bit 10, 159 Chuck-a-Luck 182
Blackjack 187 Circuit 523
Block 110–111, 114–115, 117, 122–123, 597 See also Logic circuit
Block, of a program Circuit delay 711, 721, 727–728
BNF Circular array 320–321
See Backus-Naur form Clarity 90
Body, of a production 593 Class
See Abstract data type
Body, of a rule 763
Clause 692, 738
See also Hypothesis
Clear (operation on stacks, queues) 307–
Boole, G. 698 308, 318
BOOLEAN 22 Clique 525
Boolean algebra 5, 642 Closed expression 755
Boolean function 647–648, 655–660 Closure 393–395, 560–561
Borodin, A. B. 155 See also Connected component, Topo-
Bounce filter 533–535 logical sorting, Transitive closure
Bound variable 741–744 Codd, E. F. 450
Branching factor 232 Coersion 20
Break Coloring 524–525
Combinational circuit 702
See Jump-statement
Combinations 171–178, 258
Bridge 187
Combinatorics 156–187
Brooks, F. P. 24
Common subsequence 321
BST See also LCS
See Binary search tree Commutative law 47, 344, 441–442, 570,
Bubbledown 276, 508–509 674–675
Bubbleup 274–276, 508–509 Comparable elements 390
Bucket 362 Comparison operator 19, 109

Compiler 96 Cyclic graph 454

See also Lexical analysis, Parsing
Complement event 192 D
Complete binary tree
See Full binary tree Data model 3–4, 6–20
Complete graph 522 Data object 6
Complete induction 44–51 Data structure 4–5, 8, 20
Complete proof procedure 695 Database 403, 406
Complete set of operators 659 Database scheme 406–407, 410
Complete tree Dead state 555
See Full tree Declared domain/range 369
Complex number 340 Decrement 19
Component, of a tuple 366 Deduction 686–692
Compound event 208–209 DefCell 23
Compound statement 114 Defensive programming 71, 117, 246
See also Statement Defined constant 22
Concatenation 7, 291, 558–559, 569–570 Degree, of a node 252, 462
Conclusion 686 Degree, of a relation
See also Head, of a rule See Arity
Concordance 328 Delete 378, 380, 384, 407, 417–418
Conditional Deletemax 271, 276–279
See If-statement Deletemin 264–266
Conditional probability 193–202 Deletion 264–266, 291, 295–297
Conjunction 658 DeMorgan’s laws 677–678
Conjunction of events 207–208 Dense graph 461
See also Compound event Depth, of a node 226, 254
Conjunctive normal form Depth-first search 484–501
See Product of sums Depth-first search forest 489–490
Connected component 224, 394–395, 466– Depth-first search tree 486–489
478, 499–500 Dequeue 318
Connected graph 466 Dereferencing 7
Consistent proof system 770 Descendant 226, 254
Constant Deterministic algorithm 216
See Defined constant Deterministic automaton 537, 547–556
Constant factor 98 Dewdeney, A. K. 222
Constant time 103 Diagonalization 399–400
Containment Dictionary 259, 274, 293, 351, 363–365, 386
See Subset See also Deletion, Insertion, Lookup
Containment, of sets 347–349 Dictionary order
Context-free grammar See Lexicographic order
See Grammar Diff 321
Continue Difference 342, 345, 352, 356, 429–430, 436,
See Jump-statement 441
Contradiction 684–685, 695–696 See also Symmetric difference
Contrapositive 683–684 Digital circuit
Conway, L. 732 See Logic circuit
Cook, S. A. 698 Dijkstra, E. W. 527
Countable set 399 Dijkstra’s algorithm 502–513
Course-conflict graph Direct recursion 69, 455
Cover 662 Directed graph 452–456, 702–703
Cross arc 488, 490, 494 Directory 8
Cryptography 219 Disjoint sets 539
Current domain/range 369 Disjunction 658
Cycle 453, 456–458, 495–498 See also Clause

Disjunction of events 205–207 Equivalence (operator) 651, 674

See also Compound event Equivalence relation 391–393
Disjunctive normal form Error-detecting code 38–40
See Sum of products Euler circuit 484
Distance 502 Even parity
Distribution 181–184 See Parity bit
Distributive law 197–200, 344–345, 675– Event 188
676 See also Compound event, Conjunc-
Divide and conquer 75, 714, 716–722, 724– tion of events, Disjunction of events,
730 Implication of events, Reinforcing
Domain 368, 414, 745 events
See also Current domain/range, De- Exam scheduling 1–2, 524–525
clared domain/range Excluded middle 682–685
Doubly linked list 299–300 Exclusive or 655
Do-while statement Existential quantifier 739, 750, 755–758
See While-statement Expected value 212–214
Duality 678–679 Experiment 188
Duplicates, on list 296–298 Exponential time 102–103
Dynamic aspects of data model 6 Expression
Dynamic programming 323–324
See Arithmetic expression, Closed ex-
pression, Infix expression, Logical ex-
pression, Postfix expression, Prefix
expression, Quantifier-free expression,
Edge 224, 456
Rectified expression, Regular expres-
See Text editor
Expression tree 228–230, 242–244, 434
Efficiency 90–91, 95
See also Running time
Egrep 546, 564, 567
Empty list 288, 291 Fact 763
Empty set 338, 345–346, 557, 559, 570
Factor 613
∅-free regular expression 571
Factorial 57, 60, 170
Empty stack 307–308
Fair game 214
Empty string 29, 557, 559, 570, 594
Empty tree 254–255
Fan-in/out 712–714
Enderton, H. B. 698, 775
Feature size 711
Endmarker 331, 618
Feigenbaum, E. A. 335
Enqueue 318
Entailment 769 Feller, W. 221–222
Enumeration 13 Fermat’s theorem 219
EOF 13, 23 Fibonacci number 135
ǫ Field 14
See Empty string File 8
ǫ-automaton 572–581 Find (component of a node) 470–475
Equality, of sets 339 Finite automaton
Equipotence 396 See Automaton
Equivalence class 392, 467 First 292
Equivalence, of automata 547 First-order logic
Equivalence, of cycles 454, 457 See Predicate logic
Equivalence, of expressions 344, 346–347, Fischer, M. J. 335–336
752 Floating-point number
Equivalence, of regular expressions 568– See Real number
569 Floyd, R. W. 285, 527
Equivalence, of states 555 Floyd’s algorithm 513–521

For all H
See Universal quantifier
For-statement 111–112, 115, 117, 121–122, Halmos, P. R. 402
129 Hash function 362
Fortran 641 Hashing 360–366, 376–379, 384, 409
Head, of a list 288
Forward arc 488, 494
See also Car
Fredkin, E. 285
Head, of a production 593
free 18 Head, of a rule 763
Free variable 741–744 See also Conclusion
Friedman, A. D. 732 Head, of an arc 452–453
Front 318 Heap (data structure) 273–279
Full binary tree 257, 269–270 Heapify 281–282
Full stack 307–308 Heapsort 280–284
Full tree Height 226, 244–247, 254, 472–473
Function 17–18, 69, 127–136, 312–318, Held, G. 450
370–380 Hennessy, J. L. 732
Hopcroft, J. E. 155, 335, 527, 589, 641
See also Boolean function, Monotone
Huffman, D. A. 589
Hunt, J. W. 335
Fuzzy logic 211
Hypothesis 686
See also Body, of a rule
Garey, M. R. 698
Gate 9–10, 700–701 Idempotence 346, 570, 676
GCD Identifier 17
See Greatest common divisor Identity 292, 345, 569, 675
Genesereth, M. R. 698 If-statement 112–114, 117, 122, 129, 597,
Geometric series 42 643
Global variable 22, 741 Implicant 661, 665
See also Static variable Implication 650, 652, 679
Implication of events 209–210
Godel, K. 770, 775
Important state 579
Incommensurate functions 108
See Jump-statement Incompleteness theorem 770–771
Graham, R. L. 155, 221–222 Increment 19
Grammar 591–641 In-degree 462
Graph 369, 451–528, 531 Independent experiments 195–197, 200–
See also Acyclic graph, Bipartite 201
graph, Calling graph, Course-conflict Index 425–426
graph, Directed graph, Planar graph, See also Primary index, Secondary in-
Reduced graph, Undirected graph dex
Greatest common divisor 74–75 Index-join 438–439
Greedy algorithm 481 Indirect recursion 69, 455
Green, B. F. 335 Induction 27, 34–51, 253
Grep See also Backward induction, Com-
plete induction, Structural induction
See Egrep
Inductive assertion
Ground atomic formula 735 See Loop invariant
Ground literal 736 Inductive definition
Growth rate 99 See Recursive definition
See also Big-oh Inductive hypothesis 35
Guessing a solution 148–152 Inductive step 28, 35, 44, 59, 132

Inference rule 686 L

Infinite set 189, 340, 396–401, 601
Infix expression 243 Label 453, 463–465, 536
Infix operator 63, 368 Labeled tree 228
Ingres 450 Language 557, 572, 599–602
Injection 371 Last 292
Inorder 258 Last-in-first-out list
Input, circuit 701, 723 See Stack
Input cursor 618 Lawler, E. 527–528
Input sequence 533 LCS 321–327
Leaf 226, 254
Insert 378, 380, 384, 407, 417–418
Left child 253
Insertion 262–263, 271, 276, 291, 296, 363–
Left-factoring 632–633
Leftmost child 235–238
Integer 13
Left-recursion elimination 631–632
See also Natural number
Length, of a list 292
Interior node 226, 254
Length, of a path 225, 254, 453, 456
Interpretation 745–751, 769
Level 226
Intersection 342, 344, 346, 352, 356, 429– Lewis, H. R. 698, 775
430, 436, 441, 654 Lewis, P. M. 641
Intractable problem 673 Lex 565
Inverse relation 373, 388 Lexical analysis 564–565
Inverter 700 Lexicographic order 29, 61–62
IPL-V 335 Library function 109
IsEmpty (operation on stacks, queues) 292, LIFO list
308, 318 See Stack
IsFull (operation on stacks, queues) 308, Line beginning/ending 565–566
318 Linear search 115, 302
Iteration 25, 27–34 Linear time 92, 103
Linked list 7, 293–301, 310–311, 318–320,
J 330–331, 375, 381–383
See also Adjacency list
Johnson, D. S. 698 Lisp 5, 335
Join 432–433, 437–441 List 7, 286–336, 339, 351–357
Joint probability space 195 See also Doubly linked list, Linked
Jump-statement 110, 117 list, Queue, Stack
Literal 658, 736
K Liu, C.-L. 221–222
LL parser
Karnaugh map 660–669
See Table-driven parser
Karp, R. M. 698 Local variable 741
Keno 190–192 Locality 92
Kernighan, B. W. 24, 450 See also 90-10 rule
Key 32, 411–414, 421 Logarithmic time 103, 106
Kleene closure Logic
See Closure See Predicate logic, Propositional
Kleene, S. C. 589–590 logic
Knowledge representation 3 Logic circuit 9–12, 701–731
Knuth, D. E. 88, 155, 221–222, 285, 335, Logical expression 645–648, 653, 655–660,
402, 641 705–710, 736–738
Kreps, P. 450 Logical operator 19, 109
Kruskal, J. B. 527 Longest common subsequence
Kruskal’s algorithm 479–483 See LCS
Kuratowski’s theorem 523 Lookahead symbol 624

Lookup 260–262, 291, 294–298, 302–305, Multiway merge sort 82

378–379, 381–384, 408, 417–418, 460– Munro, I. 155
461 MUX
Loop 453 See Multiplexer
Loop invariant 52
Lowest common ancestor 238 N
Low-order term 98
LR parsing 641 Name 7, 17
NAND 651–652, 659, 700
Natural join 433
Machine instruction 96 Natural number 340, 396–397
Macintosh 8 Naur, P. 641
Majority function 704, 730 Navigation 423–428
malloc 18 Negation 674–675, 677
Manna, Z. 698, 775 See also NOT
Mastermind 169 Neighbor 456
Matrix Nested-loop join 437–439
See Adjacency matrix
Newell, A 335
Maximal clique 525
Nilsson, N. J. 698
Maximal independent set 1–2
Maxterm 660 90-10 rule 92
McCarthy, J. 335 Node 224, 452
McNaughton, R. 589–590 Nonassociative operator
Mead, C. 732 Nondeterministic automaton 539–556
Mealy, G. H. 335 Nonnegative integer
Mean value 212 See Natural number
Membership 338 Nonplanar graph 522–523
Memoing NOR 651–652, 659, 700
See Dynamic programming
NOT 644, 649, 652, 657, 677–679, 700, 740,
Memory 159, 730–731
Mendelson, E. 698, 775
See also Inverter, Negation
Menon, P. R. 732
Merge 75–79, 136–138, 291 N P (nondeterministic, polynomial-time-
Merge, of connected components 470–475 solvable problems) 672–673
Merge sort 75–84, 136–144 NP-complete problem 672–673
Metasymbol 593 NP-hard problem 673
Micron 711 NULL 22
Microsoft Windows 8 Null character 328
Minimal spanning tree 478–484 Null statement 117
Minimization, of automata 555
Minimum distance 502, 514 O
Minterm 658
Model 769 O
Module See Big-oh
See Abstract data type Occurrence, of an element 290
Modulus operator 19 Odd parity
Modus ponens 688
See Parity bit
Monotone function 659
One-bit adder 10, 656, 707–709
Monte-Carlo algorithm 216–219
Morris, R. 402 One-hot decoder 729
MS-DOS 8 One-one-correspondence 371–372
Multiplexer 723–730 Operating system 8
Multiset 339 Operation 18

Operator Pivot 514

See Arithmetic operator, Binary oper- Planar graph 522–523
ator, Comparison operator, Complete Plane presentation, of a graph 522
set of operators, Infix operator, Log- Plauger, P. J. 24
ical operator, Nonassociative opera- Pointer 7, 15, 109, 232, 235, 237
tor, Postfix operator, Prefix operator, Poker 184–186
Ternary operator, Unary operator Polynomial time 102
OR 644, 649, 652, 657, 675–679, 688, 700, Pop 306, 308
712–714, 740, 756–757 Postfix expression 243
Ordered tree 227 Postfix operator 64
Ordering 167–169, 178–180, 183
Postorder 241, 492–494
See also Partial order, Postorder, Pre-
order, Total order
See Partially ordered tree
Outcome 188
POT property
Out-degree 462
See Partially ordered tree
Output, circuit 701
Power set 349–350
P Precedence, of operators 561–562, 567, 646,
652, 740–741
P (polynomial-time solvable problems) Predecessor 453, 461
672–673 Predicate 734–736, 745
Palindrome 640 Predicate logic 645, 733–775
Papadimitriou, C. H. 222, 527–528, 698, Prefix 289
775 Prefix expression 243
Parallel execution 699 Prefix operator 63
Parent 224, 237 Prenex form 757–758
Parentheses Preorder 239–241
See Balanced parentheses Primality testing 219
Parity bit 38 Primary index 414–419
Parity function 704 Prime implicant 663
Parse tree 602–610, 630–631 Priority queue 271–279, 506
Parsing 617–634 Probability 187–222
Parsing table 626 Probability space 188
See also Table-driven parser
Probe 306
Partial anagram 542–546
Partial function 370
See Function
See also Function
Process 9
Partial order 390
Product 26, 657, 688
Partially ordered tree 272–273, 506–512
See also Cartesian product, Term
Pascal 30
Pascal’s triangle 172, 176 Product of sums 660, 693, 738
Patashnik, O. 155, 221–222 Product rule 200
Path 225, 254, 453, 456, 519, 767 Production 593
Pattern 529–530, 591 Profile 64–65
Patterson, D. A. 732 Profiling 92
Payoff function 212 Program correctness proof 26, 52–59, 84–
Perfect induction 87, 130
See Complete induction Program termination
Perles, M. 641 See Termination
Permutation 160–167 Programming language 6
Peterson, W. W. 402 See also Algol, C, Fortran, IPL-V,
Pigeonhole principle 638 Lisp, Pascal, Prolog, SQL
Pinochle deck 187 Projection 431–432, 436–437, 444–448
Pipe 9 Prolog 5, 733

Proof 682, 759–770 Reingold, E. M. 402

See also Case analysis, Complete Rejection, of input 533
proof procedure, Contradiction, Con- Relation 366–369, 380–396, 403–411
trapositive, Deduction, Excluded mi- See also Binary relation
ddle, Induction, Program correctness Relation scheme 405
proof, Resolution Relational algebra 428–448
Propagation delay 712 Repeated substitution 134–135, 145–148
Proper subset 347 Replacement 167, 169, 183
Propositional logic 9, 642–698 Resolution 692–697
Propositional variable 643, 734 Restructuring, of hash tables 366
Prototyping 21 Retrieve 292
Push 306, 308 Return
Pushing projections 444–448 See Jump-statement
Pushing selections 442 Return-value 17
Q See Software reuse
Right child 253
QED 589 Right sibling 235–238
Quadratic time 97, 103 Ripple-carry addition 11–12, 716
Quantifier Ritchie, D. M. 24
See Existential quantifier, Universal Roberts, E. 24, 88
quantifier Robinson, J. A. 698
Quantifier-free expression 757 Root 224
Query 407 Rooted tree
See also Relational algebra See Unrooted tree
Queue 318–321 Rosenkrantz, D. J. 641
Rule 763
R Running time 27, 89–155, 268–271, 278–
279, 283, 354–356, 365–366, 379, 384–
Rabin, M. O. 221–222, 589–590 385, 476, 482–483, 491, 497, 499, 511–
Random number generator 191 514, 527, 672
Range 368, 414 Run-time organization 312
See also Current domain/range, De- Run-time stack 313
clared domain/range Russell’s paradox 341
Reachable nodes 498–499
See also Warshall’s algorithm S
Read-statement 110
Real number 13, 340, 399–400 Satisfiability problem 673
Rear 318 Scott, D. 589–590
Record Search
See Structure See Binary search, Depth-first search,
Rectified expression Linear search, Ternary search
Recurrence relation 132, 144–154 Secondary index 419–423
Recursion 6, 25, 69–75, 132–136, 239–247, Selection 167–178, 430–431, 437, 441–443
256–257 Selection sort 29–33, 72–73
See also Direct recursion, Divide and Selection statement
conquer, Recursive descent parsing See If-statement
Recursive definition 26–27, 59–69 Sentinel 117, 303
Recursive descent parsing 617–625 Sequential circuit 702
Reduced graph 391 Sequential execution 699
Reflexive-transitive closure 500 Sequential search
Reflexivity 388, 390–391, 674 See Linear search
Regular expression 5, 556–590, 634–639 Set 337–403
Reinforcing events 211–212 See also Infinite set, Probability space

Set former 339 Strong induction

Sethi, R. 24, 335, 589, 641 See Complete induction
Settled node 502 Stroustrup, B. 24
Shamir, E. 641 Structural induction 248–252, 259, 573
Shannon, C. E. 732 Structure 14, 32, 109, 368, 405
Shortest path Structure tree 118–123
See Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd’s al- Structured query language
gorithm See SQL
Sibling 226, 254 Sublist 289
See also Right sibling Subsequence 289
Simple cycle 454, 457 See also Common subsequence, Long-
Simple statement 109–110, 117, 597 est common subsequence
Simplicity 90, 104 Subset 347, 387
Singleton set 350 Subset construction 547–554
Size of arguments 71, 85, 127–128, 132 Substitution, for variables 760–762
Software development 20–22 Substitution of equals for equals 669–670
Software reuse 21 Substitution principle 670–672, 751–752
Sorting 28–33, 163–166, 291, 297 Subsumption 676
See also Heap sort, Merge sort, Selec- Subtree 226
tion sort, Sort-join, Topological sort- Successor 453, 461
ing Suffix 289
Sort-join 438–439 Sum 26, 657, 688
Source node 502 Sum of products 658, 738
Spanning tree Summation rule 105–107
See Depth-first search tree, Minimal Superset 347
spanning tree Surjection 371
Symmetric difference
Sparse graph 461
Symmetry 388–389, 391, 462
Special path 502
Syntactic category 593–594
Splitting lists 79–80, 138–141
Syntax tree
Splitting selections 442
See Expression tree
SQL 435, 733
System R 450
Stack 306–318
Szymanski, T. G. 335
Start state 533, 548
Start symbol 594 T
State 530
See also Accepting state, Dead state, Table 405
Important state, Start state See also Relation
State machine Table-driven parser 625–634
See Automaton Tabulation
Statement See Dynamic programming
See Assignment-statement, Block, Tail, of a list 288
of a program, For-statement, If- See also Cdr
statement, Jump-statement, Read- Tail, of an arc 452–453
statement, Simple statement, While- Tarjan, R. E. 285, 527–528
statement, Write-statement Tautology 669–674, 686–687, 691, 751–759
Static aspects of data model 6 Tautology problem 672
Static variable 17, 313 Term 613
See also Global variable See also Product
Stearns, R. E. 641 Terminal 593–594
Steiglitz, K. 527–528 Termination 57
Stonebraker, M. 450 Ternary operator 64
String Ternary search 306
See Lexicographic order Test suite 22

Text editor 564 Universal quantifier 739, 750, 755–758, 760

There exists Universal set 341, 345
See Existential quantifier UNIX 8–9, 529–530, 546, 564–567, 589
Thompson, K. 589–590 Unordered tree 478
Tight bound 103–104 See also Ordered tree
Token 564 Unrooted tree 478–479
Tonge, F. M. 335
Top of stack 306 V
Topological sorting 394, 497–498
Total function 370 Variable 735, 753–754
Total order 390–391 See also Bound variable, Free vari-
See also Topological sorting able, Global variable, Local variable,
Transformation 347 Propositional variable, Static variable
Transition 532 Venn diagram 342–343, 346–347, 654
Transitive closure 394, 500
Transitive law 101–102, 387, 390–391, 645,
Wagner, R. A. 335–336
Waldinger, R. 698, 775
See Inorder, Postorder, Preorder
Warshall, S. 527–528
Tree 223–285, 470–475
Warshall’s algorithm 515
See also Binary tree, Depth-first
Weak induction 44
search tree, Expression tree, Full tree,
Weight 478
Minimal spanning tree, Parse tree,
Weinberger, P. J. 450
Partially ordered tree, Structure tree,
While-statement 57, 115, 117, 120–121,
Trie, Unordered tree, Unrooted tree
128, 597
Tree arc 488, 494
Wild card 566
Triangular number 41 Williams, J. W. J. 285
Trie 233–234, 238 Witness 97
TRUE 22 Wong, E. 450
Truncation 328 Worst-case running time 93, 268–269
Truth assignment 647, 745 See also Running time
Truth table 10, 649–655 Write-statement 110
Tuple 366, 404–405
Turing, A. M. 775 Y
Turing machine 772–773
Type descriptor 17 Yamada, H. 589–590
Type system 6, 13–17 Yield, of a tree 603

Ullman, J. D. 155, 335, 450, 527, 589, 641

Ullman, P. M. 542
Unambiguous grammar
See Ambiguous grammar
Unary operator 63
Unary relation 366
Uncountable set
See Countable set
Undecidability 772
Undecidable problem 639
Undirected graph 456–458, 462–463
Union 342, 344, 346, 352–356, 429–430,
436, 441, 558, 569–570, 654
Union type 14
}} Solutions to

}} Chapter 1. Computer Science: The Mechanization
of Abstraction

} Section 1.3

1.3.1: The static part of a data model consists of the values for the objects in the
model; the dynamic part consists of the operations that can be applied to these
values. For example, we can think of the set of integers with the operation addition
as a data model. The static part is the set of integers and the dynamic part is the
addition operator.
1.3.3: The data objects in a line-oriented text editor, such as vi, are les consisting
of sequences of lines, where each line is a sequence of characters. A cursor identi es
a position within a line. There are operators for positioning the cursor within a
le. Typical operations on lines include inserting an additional line and deleting an
existing line. A line may be modi ed by inserting, deleting, or changing characters
within it. In addition, there are operators for creating, writing, and reading les.

} Section 1.4

1.4.1: An identi er can be one of the names for a box. For example, an identi er
x in C may be attached to a box containing an integer by means of a variable
declaration int x;. One of the names of that integer box is then x.


}} Chapter 2. Iteration, Induction, and Recursion

} Section 2.2

2.2.1(a): With 5 elements in the array, SelectionSort makes 4 iterations with the
loop-index i = 0; 1; 2; 3. The rst iteration makes 4 comparisons, the second 3, the
third 2, the fourth 1, for a total of 10 comparisons. With the array 6; 8; 14; 17; 23,
there are no swaps (exchanges of elements) in any iteration.
2.2.1(b): On the array 17; 23; 14; 6; 8, SelectionSort makes 4 iterations. The
numbers of comparisons and swaps made during each iteration are summarized in
the following table. We shall not regard a swap as having occurred if the selected
element is already in its proper position. However, the reader should be aware that
lines (6) { (8) of Fig. 2.2 are executed regardless of whether a swap is needed. Note
that when small = i, these lines have no e ect.
Start 17; 23; 14; 6; 8
1 6; 23; 14; 17; 8 4 1
2 6; 8; 14; 17; 23 3 1
3 6; 8; 14; 17; 23 2 0
4 6; 8; 14; 17; 23 1 0

2.2.3: In what follows, we use the conventions and macros of Section 1.6. To begin,
we use the cell/list macro to de ne linked lists of characters, as:
DefCell(char, CELL, LIST);

Here is the function precedes.

Boolean precedes(LIST L, LIST M) {
if(M==NULL) return FALSE;
if(L==NULL) return TRUE;
if(L->element == M->element)
return precedes(L->next,M->next);
return (L->element < M->element);

2.2.5: If all n elements in the array A are the same, then SelectionSort(A, n)
makes n(n 1)=2 comparisons but no swaps.
2.2.7: Let T be an arbitrary type. De ne
typedef T TARRAY[MAX];

We modify SelectionSort as follows to sort elements of type . The function
key(x) returns the key of type Kfor the element x. We assume that the function
lt(u,v) returns TRUE if u is \less than" v and FALSE otherwise, where u and v are
elements of type K .
void SelectionSort(TARRAY A, int n) {
int i, j, small;
T temp;

for(i=0; i<n-1; i++) {

small = i;
for(j=i+1; j<n; j++)
if(lt(key(A[j]), key(A[small])))
temp = A[small];
A[small] = A[i];
A[i] = temp;

a) (2i 1)
b) (2i)2
c) 2i

} Section 2.3

2.3.1(a): We shall prove the following statement S (n) by induction on n, for n  1.

i = n(n + 1)=2

The basis, n = 1, is obtained by substituting 1 for n in S (n). Doing so, we
get 1i=1 i = 1. We thus see that S (1) is true.
INDUCTION. Now assume that n  1 and that S (n) is true. We must prove
S (n + 1), which is

i = (n + 1)(n + 2)=2
We can rewrite the left-hand side as
( i) + (n + 1)
Then, using the inductive hypothesis to replace the rst term, we get
n(n + 1)=2 + (n + 1) = n(n + 1) + 2(n + 1)=2 = (n + 1)(n + 2)=2
which is the right-hand side of S (n + 1). We have now proven the inductive step
and thus shown that S (n + 1) is true. We conclude that S (n) holds for all n  1.
2.3.1(b): We shall prove the following statement S (n) by induction on n, for n  0.

i2 = n(n + 1)(2n + 1)=6, for all n  0

BASIS. S (0), the basis, is P0i=1 i2 = 0, which is true by the de nition of a sum of
zero elements.
INDUCTION. Assume that n  0 and that S (n) is true. We now need to prove
S (n + 1), which is
i2 = (n + 1)(n + 2)(2n + 3)=6
We can rewrite the left-hand side as
( i2) + (n + 1)2
Using the inductive hypothesis to replace the rst term, we get
n(n + 1)(2n + 1)=6 + (n + 1)2
= (n + 1)(n(2n + 1) + 6(n + 1))=6
= (n + 1)(2n2 + 7n + 6)=6
= (n + 1)(n + 2)(2n + 3)=6
The last expression is the right-hand side of S (n + 1). We have now proven the
inductive step. We therefore conclude S (n) is true for all n  0.
a) 01101 has three 1's and is therefore of odd parity.
b) 111000111 has six 1's and is of even parity.

} Section 2.4

2.4.1: Our initial expression E is

(u + v) + ((w + (x + y)) + z )
Using the associative law for addition as in case (b), we can pull out u to get
(u + (v + ((w + (x + y)) + z ))
We note that v happens to be pulled out as well. With another application of the
associative law, we can pull out w:
u + (v + (w + ((x + y)) + z )))
The redundant parentheses around x + y can be removed. Then, one more applica-
tion of the associative law gives us our desired result:
u + (v + (w + (x + (y + z ))))
2.4.3: We shall prove the following statement by complete induction on n, for
n  0.

STATEMENT S (n): If an expression E has n operator occurrences, then E has

n + 1 operands.
BASIS. The basis is n = 0. Then E has no binary operators and one operand.
Thus, S (0) is true.
INDUCTION. We assume that n  0 and that S (j ) is true for all 0  j  n. We
want to prove S (n + 1). Let E be an expression with n + 1 operator occurrences.
Then, E is of the form FG, where  is a binary operator and F and G are expres-
sions constituting the operands of . Let F have n1 operator occurrences and G
have n2 operator occurrences. We know that n1 + n2 = n, because the total number
of operator occurrences, including , is n +1. Since n1 and n2 are each thus at most
n, the inductive hypothesis applies. Thus, F has n1 + 1 operands and G has n2 + 1
operands. Therefore, E has n + 1 operator occurrences and n1 + 1 + n2 + 1 = n + 2
operands, proving S (n + 1). We conclude S (n) holds for all n  0.
2.4.5: Matrix multiplication is associative but not commutative.

} Section 2.5

2.5.1: As in Fig. 2.12, we establish an invariant that is true at the top of the loop,
that is, at the time when the program tests whether i > n as part of the code for
the for-statement. The invariant, which we prove by induction on the value of the
variable i, is

STATEMENT S (j ): If we reach the test i  n in the for-loop with the variable i

having the value j , then the value of the variable sum is j (j 1)=2.

BASIS. The basis is j = 1, which occurs when we enter the for-loop for the rst
time. At this time, sum has its initialized value 0. Thus, S (1) is true.

INDUCTION. Assume that j  1 and that S (h) is true for 1  h  j . We wish to

prove S (j + 1). By the inductive hypothesis, sum = j (j 1)=2 as we began the j th
iteration of the loop and i had the value j . After the assignment statement in the
body of the loop was executed sum = j (j 1)=2 + j = j (j + 1)=2. Thus, at the
beginning of the j + 1st iteration, sum has the value j (j + 1)=2. Therefore, S (j + 1)
is true.

After the nth iteration, the

P loop terminates with sum = n(n + 1)=2. Thus, the
program correctly evaluates ni=1 i = n(n + 1)=2.

2.5.3: The loop invariant we shall prove by induction on k, the value of variable i,

STATEMENT S (k): If we reach the test i  n in the for-loop with the variable i
having the value k, then x = 22k 1 .

BASIS. The basis is k = 1. Upon entry to the loop, x = 2. Since 22k 1 = 221 1 =
2 1
2 = 2 = 2, we see that S (1) holds.

INDUCTION. Assume k  1 and S (i) is true kfor1 1  i  k. We want to prove

S (k + 1). By the inductive hypothesis, x = 22 as we entered the loop for the
kth iteration andk i1 had kthe1 valuek k. After the assignment statement x = x*x was
executed, x = 22  22 = 22 . Thus, at thek beginning of the k + 1st iteration,
where i has the value k + 1, x has the value 22 . Therefore, S (k + 1) holds. After
the nth iteration, when i gets the value n + 1, the loop terminates and x = 22n .

} Section 2.6

( ) ( ) ) ( ( )

( ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) )
a) < is an in x binary operator.
b) & is a pre x, unary operator.
c) % is an in x, binary operator.
a) By direct enumeration we can show that S starts o
0; 5; 7; 10; 12; 14; 15; 17; 19; 20; 22; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28;  
We shall prove that 23 is the largest integer not in S .
b) We shall prove the following statement T (n) by induction on n, for n  24.

STATEMENT T (n): If n  24, then n is in S .

BASIS. The basis consists of the ve integers 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, which are in S by
part (a).
INDUCTION. Let us assume that n  28 and that T (i) holds for T (24), T (25),
T (26); : : :; T (n). We want to prove T (n + 1).
Consider the integer n 4. Since n 4  24, by the inductive hypothesis n 4
is in S . By de nition of S , (n 4) + 5, or n + 1, is in S . Therefore, T (n + 1) holds.
We conclude that T (n) holds for all n  24.
2.6.9(a): An arithmetic expression with no operators is covered by the basis case.
On the ith round we add those expressions whose trees have height i; that is, the
longest path from the root to a leaf has i + 1 nodes.

} Section 2.7

a) Here is a C function to compute sq(n) = n2 , when n is a positive integer.
int sq(int n) {
if(n==1) return 1;
else return sq(n-1) + 2*n - 1;

b) We shall prove the following statement S (n) by induction on n.

STATEMENT S (n): sq(n) = n2 when n  1.

BASIS. When n = 1, the rst line of sq returns 1.
INDUCTION. Assume that n  1 and that S (n) holds. We want to prove S (n + 1).
From the else-statement, we know sq(n + 1) = sq(n) + 2  n 1. By the inductive
hypothesis, we know sq(n) = n2 . Therefore, sq(n +1) = n2 +2(n +1) 1 = (n +1)2.
We have thus proved the inductive step. We conclude S (n) is true for all n  1.
2.7.3: The function find1698 returns TRUE if the list contains the element 1698,
and returns FALSE otherwise.
Boolean find1698(LIST L) {
if(L==NULL) return FALSE;
else if(L->element==1698) return TRUE;
else return find1698(L->next);

2.7.5: The following procedure is adapted from Fig. 2.22. The array A and its cursor
i is replaced by L, a pointer to a list of elements. The cursor small, indicating our
current guess at the selected element, is replaced by a pointer Small that points
to the cell of the current guess. Cursor j, used to run down the list of unsorted
elements, is replaced by a pointer J, and n, the size of the array A, is implicit in the
length of the given list.
void SelectionSort(LIST L) {

LIST J, Small;
int temp;

if(L!=NULL) {/* do nothing on the empty list */

Small = L;
J = L->next;
while(J != NULL) {
if(J->element < Small->element)
Small = J;
J = J->next;
/* now swap the elements in cells pointed to
by L and Small */
temp = L->element;
L->element = Small->element;
Small->element = temp;

2.7.7: Procedure g(i) prints the remainder when i is divided by 2 and then calls
itself recursively on the integer part of i=2. An easy inductive proof shows that

this works correctly on all positive integers. However, if i = 0, g prints nothing.

Procedure f xes up this problem by handling 0 as a special case.
void g(int i) {
if(i>0) {
printf("%d", i%2);

void f(int i) {
if(i==0) printf("0");
else g(i);

} Section 2.8

2.8.1: The following table describes the sequence of events.

merge(1,2,3,4,5; 2,4,6,8,10) 1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,8,10
merge(2,3,4,5; 2,4,6,8,10) 2,2,3,4,4,5,6,8,10
merge(3,4,5; 2,4,6,8,10) 2,3,4,4,5,6,8,10
merge(3,4,5; 4,6,8,10) 3,4,4,5,6,8,10
merge(4,5; 4,6,8,10) 4,4,5,6,8,10
merge(5; 4,6,8,10) 4,5,6,8,10
merge(5; 6,8,10) 5,6,8,10
merge(NULL; 6,8,10) 6,8,10

2.8.5: In all of the parts, the trick is to identify an appropriate measure of size for
the arguments that decreases with each recursive call.
a) A good size measure for merge(L,M) would be s the sum of the lengths of the
lists L and M. We see that merge of size s calls merge of size s 1 which calls
merge of size s 2, and so on, until one or the other of L or M becomes NULL.

c) A good size measure for MakeList(i,n) is n i, the number of elements yet

to be put on the newly created list. MakeList of size m calls MakeList of size
m 1 which calls MakeList of size m 2 and so on until the size is 0.

} Section 2.9

2.9.1: Note: PrintList is in Fig. 2.31(a), not (b) as it states erroneously in the
rst printing. We shall prove by induction on i the following statement S (i), for
i  0.

STATEMENT S (i): If L is a list of length i, then PrintList(L) prints the elements

of L in order.
BASIS. When i = 0, L is NULL and PrintList(L) returns without printing any
INDUCTION. Assume that i  0 and that S (i) is true. We now wish to prove
S (i + 1). Let L be a list of length i + 1. We can write L as (a; M ), where M is a
list of length i.
PrintList(L) rst prints a and then calls PrintList(M). By the inductive
hypothesis, PrintList(M) correctly prints the elements of M in order. We now
have shown that PrintList(L) prints the elements of L in order. This proves the
inductive step. We conclude S (i) is true for all i  0.
2.9.3: We prove by induction on i the following statement S(i), for i  0.

STATEMENT S (i): If L is a list of length i, then find0(L) returns TRUE if 0 is an

element on L, and returns FALSE otherwise.
BASIS. When i = 0, L is NULL. In this case, find0 correctly returns FALSE.
INDUCTION. Assume that i  0 and that S (i) is true. We wish to prove S (i + 1).
Let L be a list of length i + 1. We can write L as (x; M ), where M is a list of
length i. If x is 0, then find0 returns TRUE. If x is not 0, then find0 calls find0(M)
which, by the inductive hypothesis, returns TRUE if and only if M contains 0. Thus,
find0(L) returns TRUE if 0 is an element of L and returns FALSE otherwise. This
proves the inductive hypothesis. We conclude S (i) is true for all i  0.
2.9.5: The argument is essentially the same as that on p. 37 of the text, with the
exception that there are two cases to the basis, a = 0 and a = 1.

}} Chapter 3. The Running Time of Programs

} Section 3.3

3.3.1: Lines (1) (3) each time one time unit. For line (4), the test takes one
unit, and it is executed n times. Lines (5) and (6) each take one unit and they are
executed n 1 times. Line (7) takes one unit. Thus, the total time taken by the
program in Fig. 2.13 is 3n + 2 units.
3.3.3: Program A takes less time than program B for all values of n  29. For
n  30, program A takes more time than program B . At n = 29, program A takes
5:4  105 time and program B takes 8:4  105 time. At n = 30, program A takes
1:1  106 time and program B takes 9  105 time.
3.3.5: Program A takes more time than program B for n  3, and less time
106 5 3
109 31 7
1012 177 15

} Section 3.4

3.4.1: f1(n) is O f2(n) , O f3 (n) , and O f4 (n) . In each case, we can use wit-
nesses c = 1 and n0 = 0.
f2 (n) is not O f1 (n) , O f3 (n) , or O f4 (n) . To show that f2 (n) is not
O f1 (n) , suppose that it were. Then, there would be witnesses c > 0 and n0 such
that n3  cn2 for all n  n0. But this implies, c  n for all n  n0 , contradicting
our assumption that c is a constant.
f3 (n) is not O f1(n) but it is O f2 (n) and O f4 (n) . To show f3 (n) is
O f4 (n) , we can use n0 = 3 and c = 1. Remember that every even number except
2 is composite.
f4 (n) is not O f1 (n) but it is O f2 (n) and O f3 (n) .
3.4.3: Choose c = 2 and n0 = 0. Since f (n)  g(n) for n  0, we know that
f (n) + g(n)  2g(n) for n  0. Therefore, f (n) + g(n) is O g(n) .

} Section 3.5

a) Choose witnesses c = 1 and n0 = 1. Because a  b, we know na  nb for
n  n0 . Thus, na is O(nb ).
b) Suppose there exist witnesses c > 0 and n0 such that na  cnb for all n  n0
when a > b. Let d be the larger of n0 and c1=(a b) + 1. Because of the assumed
big-oh relationship, we infer that da  cdb or da b  c. But from our choice of
d, we know that da b > c, a contradiction. Thus, we conclude that na is not
O(nb ) if a > b.

3.5.3: Since T (n) is O(f (n) , we know that there exist witnesses c > 0 and n0  0
such that T (n)  cf (n) for all n  n0. Since g(n)  0 for all n  0, we know
g(n)T (n)  cf (n)g(n), for n  0. Thus, g(n)T (n) is O g(n)f (n) .

3.5.5: Since f (n) is O g(n) , there exist witnesses c > 0 and n0  0 such
that f (n)  cg(n) for all n  n0 . Choose d = max(c; 1). For any value of
n, max f (n); g(n) is either f (n) or g(n). If max f (n); g(n) is f (n), we know
f (n)  cg(n)  dg(n). If max f (n); g(n) is g(n), we know g(n)  dg(n). Thus,
max f (n); g(n) is O g(n) .

} Section 3.6

3.6.1: The body of the for-loop

for(i=a; i<=b; i++)

is iterated b a + 1 times, or 0 times if a > b.

The body of the for-loop
for(i=a; i<=b; i--)

is iterated a b + 1 times, or 0 times if b > a.

3.6.3: If the condition C is false, the running time of the while-loop is O(1). If
the condition is true, the while-loop executes forever and the running time is not
de ned.

3.6.5: The running time is O g(n) . That is, the running time is that of the branch

} Section 3.7

3.7.1: The tree is shown in Fig. S3.1. The assignment statements at the leaves (2),
(4), (5), (6), (7), (10), (11) each take O(1) time. The for-statement, (3){(4), takes
O(n) time. The if-statement, (9){(10), takes O(1) time and the while-statement,
(8){(11), takes O(n) time. The running time of the entire program represented by


for for While

(1)-(2) 3 (4)-(5) 6 7 8 (9)-(12) 13

5 Block

(10)-(11) 12


Fig. S3.1. Tree showing grouping of statements of program in Fig. 3.17.

the root is O(n).

3.7.3: The tree is shown in Fig. S3.2. The assignment statements at the leaves
(2), (3), (5), and (6) each take O(1) time. As a function of i, the running time of
the while-loop is O(log i) and the running time of the for-loop is O(n log n). As a
function of n, the running time of the while-loop is O(log n) and the running time
of the for-loop is O(n log n).

} Section 3.8

3.8.1: There are several ways to attack this problem. A proof by induction on n
can be used to show that
(i + n(n + 1)=2) = (n3 + 2n2 + n)=2
for all n  0. Perhaps simpler is to note that the left-hand side can be written as
X n
i+ n(n + 1)=2
i=1 i=1
The rst term sums to n(n + 1)=2 as we saw in the introduction to Chapter 2.
The expression in the second term is independent of i. The second term is thus
n2 (n + 1)=2. Adding these two sums, we get
n(n + 1)=2 + n2 (n + 1)=2 = (n3 + 2n2 + n)=2



2 3


5 6

Fig. S3.2. Tree showing grouping of statements of program in Fig. 3.19.

which is the expression on the right-hand side of the equality we wanted to prove.
3.8.3: Each time we go around the loop we evaluate f (n) and increment i. We
also initialize i before the loop. Initialization and incrementation of i are each O(1)
operations, and we can neglect them. Thebody of the loop is iterated f (n) times,
taking O(1) time per 
iteration, or O f (n) time total. Thus, the running time of
the loop is O f (n) plus the time to evaluate f (n) f (n) + 1 times. For example,
the answer to (a) is O n  (n! + 1) + O(n!) = O(n  n!).
3.8.5: Note that bar(n; n) = (n2 + 3n)=2. The function bar takes O(n) time as
before. Line (8) of procedure foo takes O(n) time and the for-loop of lines (7){(8)
is iterated (n2 + 3n)=2 times. The evaluation of bar(n; n) in the new line (7) takes
O(n) time and can be neglected. Thus, procedure foo now takes O(n3 ) time. The
running time of main is dominated by the running time of foo and thus main takes
O(n3) time.

} Section 3.9

3.9.1: Let T (n) be the running time of sum(L), where n is the length of the list L.
We can de ne T (n) by the following recurrence relation:
T (0) = O(1)
T (n) = O(1) + T (n 1)
Replacing the big-oh's by constants, we get

T (0) = a
T (n) = b + T (n 1), for n  1

As we saw in this section, the solution to this recurrence is

T (n) = a + bn, for n  0
The running time of sum is therefore O(n).

3.9.3: Let m be the number of elements yet to be sorted. Let T (m) be the run-
ning time of SelectionSort applied to m elements. We can de ne the following
recurrence for T (m):
T (1) = O(1)
T (m) = O(m) + T (m 1), for m > 1

Replacing the big-oh's by constants, we get

T (1) = a
T (m) = bm + T (m 1), for m  1

By repeated substitution, we nd the solution to this recurrence is

T (m) = b(m + 2)(m 1)=2 + a

The running time of SelectionSort is therefore O(m2 ).

int gcd(int i, int j) {

int r;

r = i % j;
if(r != 0) return gcd(j,r);
else return j;

For convenience, assume that i > j . (Note that this property always holds except
possibly for the rst invocation of gcd.) Let T (i) be the running time of gcd(i; j ).
Suppose gcd(i; j ) calls gcd(j; m) which calls gcd(m; n). We shall show that
m  i=2. There are two cases. First, if j  i=2, then m  j  i=2. Second, If
j > i=2, then m = i MOD j = i j  i=2.
Thus, we conclude that after every two calls to gcd, the rst argument is
reduced by at least half. If we substitute the text of gcd for one invocation of the
recursive call, we can model the running time of gcd by the recurrence
T (i)  O(1) + T (i=2)

The solution to this recurrence is O(log i). (See Exercise 3.11.3.)


} Section 3.10

ret if
(1) (2){(6)
ret block
(2) (3){(6)
asgn asgn asgn ret
(3) (4) (5) (6)
As in the text, let T (n) be the time taken by split on list of length n. The
running time of the assignments (1), (2), (3), (4), and (6) is each O(1). The running
time of assignment (5) is T (n 2). The running time of the block-node representing
lines (3){(6) is O(1) + T (n 2), as is the running time of the if-node representing
lines (1){(6).

} Section 3.11

3.11.1: We shall prove the following statement by induction on i.

STATEMENT S (i): If 1  i < n, then

i 1
T (n) = T (n i) + g(n j )
j =0

BASIS. The basis is i = 1. S (1) states that

T (n) = T (n 1) + g(n)
This is known to be true by the de nition of T (n).
INDUCTION. If i  n, then S (i + 1) is true vacuously (the hypothesis of the
statement S , that 1  i  n, is false). Assume that 1  i < n and that S (i) is true.
We wish to prove S (i + 1). From the inductive step we know
i 1
T (n) = T (n i) + g(n j )
j =0
From the de nition of T (n) we know

T (n i) = T (n i 1) + g(n i)
Substituting this equation into the previous, we get
T (n) = T (n i 1) + g(n j )
j =0
which is S (i +1). We have thus proven the inductive step. We conclude S (i) is true
for 1  i < n.
3.11.3: The general form of the solution is
2n 1
T (n) = a + g(n=2j )
j =0

a) When g(n) = n2, the sum is n2 + n2 =2 + n2 =4 +    + n2 =(n=2), which is upper

bounded by the in nite geometric sum with rst term n2 and ratio 1/2. This
sum is 2n2, so T (n) is O(n2 ).
c) When g(n) = 10, T (n) is O(log n).
e) When g(n) = 2n, T (n) is O(2n ).
3.11.5: Suppose we guess that there is a constant c such that G(n)  c2n, for
n  1. From the basis, we get the constraint 3  2c. From the induction, we get
the constraint
G(n) = (2n=2 + 1)G(n=2)  ((2n=2 + 1)c2n=2 = c2n + c2n=2
If c2n + c2n=2  c2n, then c  0, contradicting the basis constraint. Thus, if we
guess that G(n)  c2n, we fail to nd a solution.
a) Here, c = 3, d = 2, k = 2. Thus, c < dk , so the solution to T (n) is of the form
O(n2 ).
b) Here, c = 10, d = 3, k = 2. Thus, c > dk , so the solution to T (n) is of the form
O(nlog3 10).
c) Here, c = 16, d = 4, k = 2. Thus, c = dk , so the solution to T (n) is of the form
O(n2 log n).

}} Chapter 4. Combinatorics and Probability

} Section 4.2

4.2.1(a): 43 = 64.
4.2.3: First, note that we can choose input x so that each of the eight conditions
is either true or false, as we wish. The reason is that each test asks whether x is
divisible by a di erent prime. We may pick x to be the product of those primes
for which we would like the test to be true. It is not possible that this product is
divisible by any of the other primes.
Also note that di erent sets of true conditions lead to di erent values of n.
The reason is that two di erent products of primes cannot yield the same value of
Now, we can compute the answer. We are asked to choose a \color," true or
false, for each of eight conditions. We can do so in 28 = 256 ways.
4.2.5: 10n.
4.2.7: (a) 8K (c) 16M (e) 512P.

} Section 4.3

4.3.1(a): 9! = 362880.
4.3.3: There are at most ve comparisons in any branch. This number is best
possible, since four comparisons can only distinguish 16 di erent orders, and there
are 4! = 24 orders.
Given (a; b; c; d) to sort, the list is split into (a; c) and (b; d). The rst thing
that happens is (a; c) is sorted, resulting in the comparison of a and c. Then,
(b; d) is sorted similarly. The third comparison is between the winners of the two
comparisons. For example, if a and b are the winners, we compare these two. If,
say, a wins, then the fourth comparison is between b and c. If b wins we are done,
but if c wins, we need a fth comparison of b against d. The rst three levels of the
decision tree are shown in Fig. S4.1.

} Section 4.4

4.4.1(a): 26!=(26 3)! = 26!=23! = 26  25  24 = 15600.

a) This is a selection without replacement; there are 64 = 1296 codes.
b) The number of codes without repetitions of color is 6!=(6 4)! = 6!=2! = 360.
Thus, the number of codes with a repetition is 1296 360 = 936.

all orders
all orders where a < c all orders where a  c
b<d b<d
all orders where all orders where all orders where all orders where
a < c and b < d a < c and b  d a  c and b < d a  c and b  d
a<b a<d c<b c<d
Fig. S4.1. Decision tree for Exercise 4.3.3..

c) 54 = 625.
d) If there are only ve colors, then the number of codes without repetition is
5!=(5 4)! = 5!=1! = 120. Thus, the number with a repetition but no red peg
is 625 120 = 505.

} Section 4.5

4.5.1(a): 7!= 3!  (7 3)! = 7!=(3!  4!) = 5040=(6  24) = 35.

4.5.3(a): 73 , which, as we learned in Exercise 4.5.1(a), is 35.
4.5.5: To begin, we need to pick the positions that are vowels. There are 5 = 10
ways to do so. For each of these 10 ways, we can pick the 3 consonant positions
in 213 = 9261 ways. We can pick the two vowel positions in 52 = 25 ways. Thus,
the total number of words of length ve with vowels in two particular positions is
9261  25 = 231525 ways. The number of words altogether is ten times this, or
c = 1.0;
for(i=n; i>n-m; i--) {
c *= i;
c /= (i-n+m);

} Section 4.6

4.6.1(a): 5!=(3!  1!  1!) = 120=(6  1  1) = 20.


4.6.3: One way to look at this problem is that we wish to order 64 items, of which
3 are unique (the squares with pieces other than knights), two are indistinguishable
from each other (the squares with the white knights) and the remaining 59 (the
squares that do not have a piece on them) are also indistinguishable from each
other. The number of orders is thus 64!=(59!  2!  1!  1!  1!) = 64!=(59!  2!) =
4.6.5: (2n)!=(2!  2!      2!) (n times), or (2n)!=2n.

} Section 4.7

a) (6 + 3)!=(6!  3!) = 9!=(6!  3!) = 84.
c) (6 + 3 + 4)!=(6!  3!  4!) = 13!=(6!  3!  4!) = 60060.
4.7.3: Let us reserve one apple for each of the three children. Then, we may
distribute the remaining four apples as we like. There are (4 + 2)!=(4!  2!) = 15
ways to do so.

} Section 4.8

4.8.1(a): Begin by picking the card that is not part of the two pairs. We can do
so in 52 ways. Now, pick the ranks of the two pairs. There are only 12 remaining
ranks, so we can

do so in 122 = 66 ways. For each of the pairs, we can pick the
two suits in 2 , or 6, ways. We now have the 5 cards of the hand without order,
and the number of possibilities is 52  66  6  6 = 123,552.
4.8.2(a): We may pick the Ace four di erent ways, and we may pick the 10-point
card in 16 ways. Thus, there are 4  16 = 64 di erent blackjacks.
4.8.4(a): 129 + 12  12 12
10 + 11 + 12 = 220 + 66 + 12 + 1 = 299.
4.8.7(a): First, we must pick the suit of which there is four.13We can do so in 4
ways. Now, we pick the cards of the suit of four; there are 4 = 715 ways to do
so. For each of the suits of three, we can select the cards in 133 = 286 ways. Thus,
the number of hands is 4  715  286  286  286 = 66,905,856,160 ways.

} Section 4.9

4.9.1(a): 5=36.
4.9.2(a): First, there are 52  51 = 2652 members of the probability space. To
calculate the number of points with one or more Aces, it is easier to calculate the
number with no Ace and subtract this probability from 1. The number of deals of
two cards from the 48 that remain after removing the Aces is 48  47 = 2256. Thus,
the probability of no Ace is 2256=2652, and the probability of at least one Ace is
1 (2256=2652) = 396=2652 = 14:9%.

4.9.3(a): The area of a circle of radius 3 inches is 9 = 28:27. The area of the
entire square is 144 square inches. Thus, the probability of hitting the circle is
28:27=144 = 19:6%.
4.9.4(a): The probability is 54  7516 = 20 . If we cancel common factors in nu-
merator and denominator, we get 5  20  19  18  17  60=(80  79  78  77  76),
or 1.21%.

} Section 4.10

a) Among the 18 points with an odd rst die, 9 have an even second die. Thus,
the probability is 9=18, or 50%.
c) There are six points that have 4 as the rst die. Of these, four have a sum at
least 7. Thus, the probability is 4=6, or 66.7%.
4.10.2(a): In the region of 120 points where there are three di erent numbers,
the probability of two 1's is 0. In the region of 90 points with two of one number,
1/6 will have two 1's. In the region of six points with all three dice the same, the
probability of at least two 1's is 1/6. Thus, the probability of at least two 1's is
0  (120=216) + (1=6)  (90=216) + (1=6)(6=216) = 7:41%.
4.10.7: An appropriate probability space, in which all points are of equal proba-
bility, is one with six points, two for each of the choices of which prisoner to shoot.
The distinction between the two points for prisoner A is the order in which the
guard will consider the other two prisoners when asked for a prisoner (other than
the questioner) who will not be shot. Thus, the two points for A can be thought of
as (A, \B -before-C ") and (A, C -before-B ). The remaining four points, for B and
C , are speci ed similarly.
Now, suppose that the guard answers \B " to A's question. There are three
points that could have occurred:
(A, B -before-C ), (C , A-before-B ), and (C , B -before-A)
In only the rst of these will A be shot, so the probability is still 1/3.

} Section 4.11

4.11.1(a): The probability that at least one of the events is at least the largest of
the pi 's. The probability would be exactly max(p1 ; p2; : : :; pn) in the case that all
the events were contained within the largest. The probability of at least one of the
events is no greaterPthan the sum of the pi's, and of course it is no greater than
1. The probbility ni=1 pi would be reached in the case that all the events were
a) Nothing. It could be anything between 0 and 1.

b) The probability is 1 p.
a) Between 0 and 0.3.
c) Cold must be contained in both High and Dropping. Thus, Cold cannot have
probability greater than the smaller of High and Dropping, that is, 0.3. Its
probability could be as low as 0, however, for example, if High and Dropping
were disjoint.

} Section 4.12

4.12.1: Intuitively, the expected number of 1's on one die is 1/6. The tosses of dice
are independent, so we expect 1/6 of a 1 from each. In three dice, we thus expect
1/2 a 1.
Alternatively, consider the 63 = 216 tosses of three dice. The number of tosses
with three 1's is 1. The number of tosses with two 1's is 15, since the other die can
be any of ve numbers, and the non-1 die can appear in any of three positions. The
number of tosses with exactly one 1 is 75. In explanation, the 1 can appear in any
of 3 positions. For each of the other two positions, there are 5 choices, for a total of
3  5  5 = 75 tosses. The expected number of 1's is thus (1  3+15  2+75 1)=216 =
(3 + 30 + 75)=216 = 108=216 = 1=2.
4.12.2: Exercise 4.12.1 suggests that the average amount of our winnings is 50
cents. However, the average amount we lose is not 50 cents. It is one dollar times
the probability that we lose. This probability is 125=216, the fraction of tosses that
do not contain a 1. This expected value is 57:9 cents, so the expected value of our
payout is 7:9 cents.
4.12.5: The game is fair. Generalizing Exercise 4.12.1, we have six independent
tosses, each with an expected 1/6 of a 1, so the expected amount recieved in each
toss is one dollar. Since we pay a dollar to play, our net expected payout is 0.

} Section 4.13

4.13.1: 383 is prime. 377 = 29  13, and 391 = 23  17.

4.13.3: The number of tickets is 1 + 2 +    + 11 = 66. Of these tickets, 11 have a
value of 1; i.e., the nishing place of the holder of those tickets is 1, counting from
the bottom. 10 tickets
have a value of 2, 9 have value 3, and so on. Thus, the
expected value is 11 i=1 i(12 i)=66. We can calculate this sum with the help of the
formulas in Exercise 2.3.1(a) and (b). It is 286=66 = 4:33. That is, the rst pick
goes to a team that is on average a little better than fourth-worst.

}} Chapter 5. The Tree Data Model

} Section 5.2

5.2.1: For the tree of Fig 5.5:

a) Node 1 is the root of the tree.
b) Nodes 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 11, and 12 are the leaves.
c) Nodes 1{5, 7, 10, and 14 are the interior nodes.
d) Nodes 5 and 7 are the siblings of node 6.
e) The tree consisting of nodes 5, 10, 13, 14, and 15 is the subtree with root 5.
f) Nodes 1, 3, 5, and 10 are the ancestors of node 10.
g) Nodes 10, 13, 14, and 15 are the descendants of node 10.
h) Nodes 2, 4, 8, and 9 are to the left of node 10.
i) Nodes 6, 7, 11, and 12 are to the right of node 10.
j) Nodes 1, 3, 5, 10, 14, and 15 form the longest path (of length 5) in the tree.
k) Node 3 is of height 4.
l) Node 13 is the depth 4.
m) The tree is of height 5.
5.2.3: Let x and y be distinct leaves in a tree, and suppose x is an ancestor y.
Then there exists a path x = n1 ; n2; : : :; nk = y of length one or more from x to y.
Thus, n1 is a child of x, and x cannot be a leaf.
5.2.5: There is no edge connecting r to any of a; b; or c. If r is the root, then there
is no way of reaching r from a; b; or c. Similarly, if one of a; b; or c is the root,
then there is no way of reaching the root from r. Thus, the third property of the
de nition of a tree (a tree must be connected) is violated.
5.2.7(a): The expression tree for (x + 1)  (x y + 4) is

+ +

x 1 4

x c

+ 5


9 8 7 6


1 2 -
2 4 3
3 5 -
4 8 -
5 10 6
6 - 7
7 11 -
8 - 9
9 - -
10 13 -
11 - 12
12 - -
13 - 14
14 15 -
15 - -

Fig. S5.1. Answer to Exercise 5.3.1..

5.2.7(c): The expression tree for 9  8 + 7  6 + 5 is

} Section 5.3

5.3.1: For each node, the leftmost child and right sibling are shown in Fig. S5.1.
5.3.5: There are 107 nodes, each with 4 bytes of information and two 4-byte point-
ers, or 1:2  108 bytes. There would be 107 + 1 NULL pointers (see Exercise 5.5.5).

} Section 5.4

5.4.1: Here is a surprisingly simple function that counts the nodes in a tree.
int count(pNODE n) {
if(n != NULL)
return(count(n->rightSibling) +
count(n->leftmostChild) + 1);
else return 0;

At rst glance, the function doesn't seem to address the problem. However,
the \inductive assertion" about count is that for any node n, count(n) is the sum
of the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at n and all those subtrees rooted at
siblings of n to the right of n. The induction is straightforward, once we realize that
the induction is on the length of the longest path of leftmost-child and right-sibling
pointers extending from a node. Since the root has no siblings, the desired result
appears at the root.
Another way to look at the count function above is that the leftmost-child
and right-sibling pointers turn the tree into a binary tree with the same number of
nodes. Surely, the rule that the number of nodes in a binary tree rooted at n is 1
plus the sum of the number of nodes in the left and right subtrees makes sense.
Incidentally, this technique applies to any computation on trees that can be
expressed as an associative operator applied to the results of the children (the
operator is + in the case of count), and a nal, unary operator (add-one in this
case). For example, the function to compute the height of a tree in Fig. 5.22 of
the text can be replaced by a simpler (but less transparent) function that computes
the height of n to be the larger of the height of the right sibling of n and 1 plus
the height of the leftmost child of n. The height will be correct at the root, but in
general, height(n) is the largest of the height of n and any siblings of n to the right.
5.4.5: The node listings are
a) Preorder: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 3, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 11, 12
b) Postorder: 8, 9, 4, 2, 13, 15, 14, 10, 5, 6, 11, 12, 7, 3, 1
5.4.7: First, construct the expression tree. Then the in x and pre x expressions
can be read o the tree.

a) In x expression is (a + b)  c =(d e) + f .
b) Pre x expression is +=  +abc def .

} Section 5.5

5.5.1(a): We shall prove by structural induction

STATEMENT S (T ): The procedure preorder when called on the root of T prints

the labels of the nodes of T in preorder.

BASIS. When the tree T is a single node n, line (1) prints the label of the root n.
At line (2) c is set to NULL, and consequently the body of the while-loop is not

INDUCTION. Suppose we execute preorder on a tree T with root n and children

c1 ; c2; : : :; ck . Line (1) prints the label of node n. Line (2) sets c to c1 . By the
inductive hypothesis while-loop proceeds to print the labels of the subtrees rooted
at c1 ; c2; : : :; ck in preorder. This is the same as the de nition of a preorder listing.
We conclude that preorder prints the labels of a tree in preorder.
5.5.3: We shall prove by structural induction

STATEMENT S (T ): The number of nodes in T is 1 more than the sum of the

degrees of the nodes.

BASIS. When T is a single node n, the degree of n is 0.

INDUCTION. Suppose n, the root of a tree T , has nodes c1; c2; : : :; ck as children.
Let numnodes(ci ) be the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at ci . Let degree(ci )
be the sum of the degrees of the nodes in the subtree rooted at ci . By the inductive
hypothesis, we know that numnodes
(ci ) = degree(ci ) + 1 for 1  i  k. The total
number of nodes
in T is 1 + i=1 numnodes (ci ). The sum of the degrees of all the
nodes in T is i=1degree(ci ) + k. We therefore have
X k
1+ numnodes(ci ) = 1 + degree(ci ) + k
i=1 i=1
Since the root has degree k, the latter sum is 1 plus the sum of all the nodes in T ,
proving the induction.
BASIS. A leaf has 2 NULL pointers and 1 node.

INDUCTION. Let T be a tree with root r. Let r have children c1 ; : : :; ck , the roots
of subtrees T1 ; : : :; Tk , respectively. Let Ti , as a tree by itself, have pi NULL pointers
and ni nodes. By the inductive hypothesis, pi = ni + 1 for i = 1; 2; : : :; k.
When we assemble T from r and the Ti 's, we replace the NULL pointers in the
rightSibling elds of c1; c2; : : :; ck 1 by non-NULL pointers. The root r has a non-
NULL leftmostChild eld and a NULL rightSibling eld. The number of NULL
pointers in T is thus ( ki=1 pi ) (k 1) + P 1. Since pi = ni + 1 by the inductive
hypothesis, the number of NULL pointers Pk
is ( ki=1 ni ) + 2. This is one greater than
the number of nodes in T , which is ( i=1 ni) + 1.

} Section 5.6

void inorder(TREE t) {
if(t != NULL) {
printf("%d ", t->nodelabel);

5.6.3: In the code of Fig. S5.2, we assume the function pr(x) returns the precedence
associated with the node label x. We assume leaf-operands have the highest prece-
dence so no parentheses are put around them. When the left operand of the root
t has lower precedence than the root, we put parentheses around the left operand,
and the right operand is treated similarly.

void pinorder(TREE t) {
if(t != NULL) {
if(t->leftChild != NULL) {
if(pr(t->leftChild.nodelabel) <= pr(t->nodelabel))
else {
printf("%d ", t->nodelabel);
if(t->rightChild != NULL) {
if(pr(t->rightChild.nodelabel) <= pr(t->nodelabel))
else {

Fig. S5.2. Solution to Exercise 5.6.3..


} Section 5.7

5.7.2: The trees are shown in Fig. S5.3.

TREE insert(ETYPE x, TREE* pT)
if ((*pT) == NULL) {
(*pT) = (TREE) malloc(sizeof(struct NODE));
(*pT)->element = x;
(*pT)->leftChild = NULL;
(*pT)->rightChild = NULL;
else if (x < (*pT)->element)
(*pT)->leftChild = insert(x, &((*pT)->leftChild));
else if (x > (*pT)->element)
(*pT)->rightChild = insert(x, &((*pT)->rightChild));

} Section 5.8

5.8.1: The branching factor is the maximum number of children a node can have.
The smallest tree of height h with branching factor b is a simple path of h +1 nodes.
The largest tree of height h with branching factor b > 1 is a complete b-ary tree (all
nodes on the rst h levels have b children). There is one root, b children of the
b2 children of those, and so on to depth h. The total number of nodes is hi=0 bi,
or (bh+1 1)=(b 1) nodes.

} Section 5.9

a) Sequence of steps to insert 3:
18 18 16 9 7 1 9 3 7 5 3 initially 3 goes into A[11]
18 18 16 9 7 1 9 3 7 5 3 after bubbleUp(A,11) (no change to A)
b) Insert 20:
18 18 16 9 7 1 9 3 7 5 3 20 initially 20 goes into A[20]
20 18 18 9 7 16 9 3 7 5 3 1 after bubbleUp(A,12)
c) Delete maximum element (replacing it by A[12]):
1 18 18 9 7 16 9 3 7 5 3 initial array
18 9 18 7 7 16 9 3 1 5 3 after calling deletemax(A,11)
d) Again, delete maximum element (replacing it by A[11]):


Bashful Sleepy

Grumpy Sleazy Sue

Doc Happy

Blinky Dopey Inky



Bashful Sleepy

Grumpy Inky Sue

Dopey Pinky


Fig. S5.3. Solutions to Exercise 5.7.2..

3 9 18 7 7 16 9 3 1 5 initial array
18 9 16 7 7 3 9 3 1 5 after calling deletemax(A,10)
5.9.7: Clearly, bubbleDown takes O(1) time plus the time of the recursive call. The
second argument of the recursive call is at least twice the value of the second formal
parameter i. When i exceeds n=2, there is no recursive call made. Thus, no more
than log2 n recursive calls can result from an initial call to bubbleDown. Hence, the
total time is O(log n).

} Section 5.10

5.10.1: Here is the sequence of steps made by heapsort:


314159265 initial array A

314659215 after bubbleDown(A,4,9)
319654215 after bubbleDown(A,3,9)
369554211 after bubbleDown(A,2,9)
964553211 after bubbleDown(A,1,9)
654153219 after deletemax(A,9)
554113269 after deletemax(A,8)
524113569 after deletemax(A,7)
423115569 after deletemax(A,6)
321145569 after deletemax(A,5)
211345569 after deletemax(A,4)
112345569 after deletemax(A,3)
112345569 after deletemax(A,2)

}} Chapter 6. The List Data Model

} Section 6.2

a) Length is 5.
b) Pre xes are , (2), (2,7), (2,7,1), (2,7,1,8), (2,7,1,8,2).
c) Suxes are , (2), (8,2), (1,8,2), (7,1,8,2), (2,7,1,8,2).
d) Sublists are , (2), (7), (1), (8), (2), (2,7), (7,1), (1,8), (8,2), (2,7,1), (7,1,8),
(1,8,2), (2,7,1,8), (7,1,8,2), (2,7,1,8,2).
e) There are 31 distinct subsequences.
f) The rst 2 is the head.
g) The list (7,1,8,2) is the tail.
h) There are ve positions.
6.2.3: Pre xes: There are always exactly n + 1 pre xes, one each of the lengths 0
through n.
Sublists: First, suppose that all the positions of a string of length n how
di erent symbols. Then there is one sublist of length 0, n di erent sublists of
length 1, n 1 di erent sublists of length 2, n 2 of length 3, and so on, for a total
of n(n + 1)=2 + 1. This is the maximum possible number. The minimum occurs
when all the positions hold the same symbol. Then, all sublists of the same length
are the same, and there are only n + 1 di erent sublists.
Subsequences: Suppose all symbols are distinct. Then every set of the n po-
sitions yields a distinct subsequence, so there are 2n subsequences. That is the
maximum number. If all positions hold the same symbol, then all subsequences
of the same length are the same, and we have n + 1 subsequences, the minimum
possible number.
6.2.5: 1,2,3 can represent an in nite number of di erent kinds of lists of lists
including ((1),(2),(3)), ((1,2),(3)), ((1),(2,3)), ((1,2,3)), (((1,2,3))), ((((1,2,3)))), and
so on.

} Section 6.3

a) delete(5; L) = (3,1,4,1,9)
b) delete(1; L) = (3,4,1,5,9) or (3,1,4,5,9)
c) pop(L) removes 3 from L leaving (1,4,1,5,9)
d) push(2; L) adds 2 to the beginning of L giving (2,3,1,4,1,5,9)
e) lookup(6; L) returns FALSE.
f) LM = (3,1,4,1,5,9,6,7,8)
g) first(L) = 3; last(L) = 9
h) retrieve(3; L) = 4, the element at position 3
i) length(L) = 5

j) isEmpty(L) = FALSE
a) One condition under which delete(x; insert(x; L)) = L is true would be if
insert(x; L) always added x to the beginning of L and delete(x; L) removed
the rst occurrence of x from L.
c) first(L) is always equal to retrieve(1; L).

} Section 6.4

a) Let T (n) be the running time of delete(x; L) where n is the length of list L.
The recurrence for T (n) is
T (0) = a
T (n) = b + T (n 1), n > 0
The solution to this recurrence is T (n) = a + bn.
6.4.3: Here is a program that inserts an element x into a sorted list L.
void insert(ETYPE x, LIST* pL) {


if((*pL) == NULL) {
(*pL) = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
(*pL)->element = x;
(*pL)->next = NULL;
else if(x > (*pL)->element)
insert(x, &((*pL)->next));
else {/* insert x between cell holding pointer pL and
the cell pointed to by *pL */
M = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
M->element = x;
M->next = *pL;
(*pL) = M;

6.4.5: Let p be the pointer to the cell to be deleted.

void delete(LIST p) {
if(p->next != NULL)
p->next->previous = p->previous;
p->previous->next = p->next;

} Section 6.5

6.5.1(b): The following procedure deletes element x from list L using linear search
to locate x.
void delete(ETYPE x, LIST* pL) {

int i, j;

i = 1;
while(i < pL->length && x != pL->A[i]) i++
if(i <= pL->length && x = pL->A[i]) {
for(j = i; j < pL->length; j++) {/* shift following
elements forward */
pL->A[j] = pL->A[j+1];

6.5.3(a): The following function inserts x on L if there is room on L; otherwise, it

returns FALSE.
Boolean insert(ETYPE x, LIST* pL) {

int i;

if(pL->length >= MAXLENGTH)

else {
i = 1;
while(i <= pL->length {
if(x < pL->A[i]) i++;
else break;
/* here we have found position i, where x belongs */
for(j=pL->length; j>i; j--) /* shift following
elements back one position in the array */
pL->A[j] = pL->A[j-1];
pL->A[i] = x;

6.5.6: We shall prove the following statement by induction on d = high low.

STATEMENT S (d): Let d = high low. If x is in the range A[low..high], then

the algorithm of Fig. 6.14 nds x.
BASIS. d = 0. If high = low, and if x is in A[low..high], then
mid = b(low + high)=2c = low

In this case, line (8) of Fig. 6.14 correctly returns TRUE since x = A[mid].
INDUCTION. Suppose that d  0 and that S (d) is true. We shall prove S (d + 1).
Suppose that x is in A[low..high] where high low = d + 1. Since high > low,
the block consisting of lines (3){(8) in Fig. 6.14 is executed. Line (3) computes
mid = b(low + high)=2c. There are three cases to consider.
Case 1. If x < A[mid], then x is in A[low..mid-1]. Then, by the inductive
hypothesis, the call to binsearch(x; L; low; mid 1) on line (5) nds x since
mid 1 low = d
Case 2. If x > A[mid], then the call to binsearch(x; L; mid + 1; high) on line (7)
nds x.
Case 3. If x = A[mid], line (8) nds x and returns TRUE.
We have now proven the inductive hypothesis and conclude that S (d) is true for all
d  0.

} Section 6.6

6.6.1: The following table shows the contents of the stack after each operation.
The top of the stack is on the right.

a push(a)
ab push(b)
a pop
ac push(c)
acd push(d)
ac pop
ace push(e)
ac pop
a pop

6.6.3: Let us assume that we have a well-formed pre x expression containing num-
bers and binary operators. The following algorithm evaluates the expression.
Step 1: Push the numbers and operators from the expression (from left to right)
on to the stack until the top three symbols on the stack are a binary operator , a
number a, and a number b (b is on top).
Step 2: Replace ab on top of the stack by the result of applying the operator  to
a and b.
Step 3: Repeat steps (1) and (2) until no more numbers or operators remain in the
pre x expression.

The number remaining on top of the stack is the answer.

a) The function for an array-based stack of integers is:
int top(STACK* pS) {

b) For a list-based stack of integers we can write:

int top(STACK S) {

Both implementations take O(1) time.

} Section 6.7

6.7.1: The rst column in Fig. S6.1 shows the stack of activation records after
we have pushed an activation record for sum. The remaining columns show the
activation records just before we pop each activation record for sum o the stack.
We use ret to name the return value.

} Section 6.8

6.8.1: Below is the contents of the queue after each command. The front of the
queue is at the left.

a enqueue(a)
ab enqueue(b)
b dequeue
bc enqueue(c)
bcd enqueue(d)
cd dequeue
cde enqueue(e)
de dequeue
e dequeue

} Section 6.9

a) 4. aana is one.


i 1 i 1
ret ret 100
temp temp 90

i 2 i 2
ret ret 90
temp temp 70

i 3 i 3
ret ret 70
temp temp 40

i 4 i 4
ret ret 40
temp temp 0

i 5 i 5
ret ret 0
temp temp

Fig. S6.1. Stack of activation records.

b) 7. bacbcab is one.

6.9.3: There are 20 calls to L(1; 1). Let C (i; j ) be the number of calls to L(i; j)
when the strings of length i and j have no symbols in common. The de nition of
the recursive algorithm tells us that
C (i; j ) = C (i 1; j ) + C (i; j 1) whenever i > 0 and j > 0
C (1; 1) = 1
C (i; 0) = 0 for all i
C (0; j ) = 0 for all j

From these observations it follows that C (i; 1) = 1 for all i  1 and C (1; j )= 1 for
all j  1. Thus, a simple induction on i + j shows that C (i; j ) = i+i j 1 2 for all
0 ). Thus, L(4; 4) calls L(1; 1) 6 = 20 times.
i  1 and j  1 (note 0=1 3

} Section 6.10

6.10.3: Let n be the maximum string length and c the number of characters per
cell. Assume both n and c are \large." There are two sources of waste space:
the space used by pointers and the unused character space in the last cell. The
average number of cells will be about n=2c, because the average word is about n=2
characters long and is packed c to a cell. There is one pointer of 4 bytes in each
cell, so the number of waste bytes due to pointers is 2n=c. The number of waste
bytes in the last cell is c=2 on the average. We must thus nd the value of c that
2n + c
c 2
If you know calculus, you knowp that the minimum occurs when both terms are
equal; that is, c2 = 4n, or c = 2 n.
6.10.5: We are in e ect replacing a single byte by a 4-byte integer, which costs us
3 bytes per word stored. If integers can be stored in one byte, then it is a wash; the
costs are the same.

}} Chapter 7. The Set Data Model

} Section 7.2

7.2.1: The set ffa; bg; fag; fb;cgg contains three members fa; bg; fag; fb; cg; each
of which is also a set.
7.2.3(a): One representation is fb; c; ag. Another, using abstraction, is
fx j x is a letter, a  x, and x  c

} Section 7.3

7.3.1(a): The simplest expression for region 6 is S \ T \ R. Region 6 can also be

represented as S without regions 2, 3, or 5, that is, as
S (((S T ) R) [ ((S \ T ) R) [ ((S \ R) T ))
7.3.1(b): One expression for regions 2 and 4 is (S (T [ R)) [ (T (S [ R)):
Another is (S [ T ) (S \ T ) (S \ R) (T \ R).
7.3.1(c): Two expressions for regions 2, 4, and 8 together are
(S (T [ R)) [ (T (R [ S )) [ (R (S [ T ))
(S [ T [ R) (S \ T ) (S \ R) (T \ R)
7.3.3(a): First, we show the forward containment (S [ (T \ R))  ((S [ T ) \
(S [ R)). Let x be in S [ (T \ R). By the de nition of union, x is either in S
or in T \ R (or in both). If xS , then x is a member of the right-hand side of the
forward containment. If x(T \ R); then x is in both T and R, and again a member
of the right-hand side. Thus, the forward containment holds.
Now, we show the reverse containment (S [ (T \ R))  ((S [ T ) \ (S [ R)).
Suppose x is in (S [ T ) \ (S [ R). By the de nition of intersection, x is a member
of the left-hand side of the reverse containment. If x is in both T and R, then x is
again a member of the left-hand side. We conclude the reverse containment holds.
Since both the forward and reverse containments hold, we conclude
(S [ (T \ R))  ((S [ T ) \ (S [ R)).
7.3.5: A Venn diagram with n sets divides the plane into 2n regions, assuming no
set is a subset of another. We shall prove this by induction on n.
BASIS. If n = 1, the Venn diagram has two regions, outside the set and inside the

INDUCTION. Suppose that the plane has been divided into 2n regions with n sets.
Now consider adding an n + 1st set. The new set partitions each of 2n existing
regions into two, containing those points within the new set and those without.
(Here is where the property that no set is a subset of another is used.) Therefore,
n + 1 sets partition the plane into 2  2n = 2n+1 regions. Thus, the inductive step
is proved.

We conclude a Venn diagram with n sets divides the plane into 2n regions for
all n  1.

If there are n  2 sets such that exactly one set is a subset of another, then a
Venn diagram for the n sets would have 2n 1 + 2n 2 nonempty regions. If S and
T are two of the n sets and S  T , then every member within S must be contained
with T . T can partition each of the 2n 2 regions formed by the other sets in two,
but the 2n 2 new regions formed by S must all be partitions of regions contained
with Y .
7.3.7: We shall represent a set of elements (integers) by a linked list of SCELLs
de ned in the usual way by our DefCell macro:
DefCell(int, SCELL, SLIST);

We shall represent the powerset whose elements are sets by a linked list of PCELLs
de ned by:

To save space, we shall reuse previously constructed SLISTs wherever possible in

the construction of a new member of the powerset.
The function powerset(S ) takes a linked list S of type SLIST and products as
output a PLIST that is a compact representation for the powerset of S . The function
powerset(S ) uses the following recursive construction:
P(;) = f;g
Let S = fa1; a2; :::; ang be a set of n elements and let an+1 be a new element. Then
P(S [ fan+1g) = P(S) [ ([Q2P(S ) (fan+1g [ Q))
The C code is in Fig. S7.1.
The running time of powerset(S ) is O(2n) where n is the number of elements
on the linked list S . Note that each successive element on S doubles the size of the
7.3.9: P(P(P(;))) = f;; f;g; ff;gg; f;; f;ggg

} Section 7.4

7.4.1(a): The function union(L; M ) in Fig. S7.2 is an implementation of the pseudo

code in Figure 7.5. It assumes that LIST and CELL are de ned as in Section 7.4.
The code for the function lookup(x; L) is given in Figure 6.3 of the text.

PLIST dble(PLIST P, int e); /* applies recursion to produce

all the sets on list P and all those sets with element
e inserted */

PLIST powerset(SLIST S) {


if(S == NULL) {/* create P, a list containing only the

empty set */
P = (PLIST) malloc(sizeof(struct PCELL));
P->element = NULL;
P->next = NULL;
return P;
/* here, S is not empty. Apply recursion using its
first element as a {n+1}*/
return dble(powerset(S->next), S->element);

PLIST dble(PLIST P, int e) {


if(P==NULL) return NULL;

/* now, P has at least one element. Double its tail */
P->next = dble(P->next, e);
/* Let S be the set in P->element. Create a new PCELL
to represent S union {e}. The new SCELL holds
e, and the rest of S union {e}is just a pointer
to S itself. (Note the savings in the number of
SCELLS created.) */
newS = (SLIST) malloc(sizeof(struct SCELL));
newP = (PLIST) malloc(sizeof(struct PCELL));
newS->element = e;
newS->next = P->element;
newP->element = newS;
newP->next = P;
return newP;

Fig. S7.1. Computing the power set.

7.4.1(b): The following pseudocode computes the intersection sets L and M .

for(each x
on ) L
if(lookup(x, M)
insert(x, inter);

The C implementation is similar to Fig. S7.2.

7.4.1(c): The di erence of sets L and M can be computed as follows:

LIST union(LIST L, LIST M) {

LIST union, newCell;

/* copy L to union */
union = NULL;
while(L != NULL) {
newCell = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
newCell->element = L->element;
newCell->next = union;
union = newCell;
L = L->next
while(M != NULL) {
if(!lookup(M->element, union)) {
newCell = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
newCell->element = M->element;
newCell->next = union;
union = newCell
M = M->next

Fig. S7.2. Taking the union of unsorted lists.

for(each x on L)
if(!lookup(x, M)
insert(x, di erence)
Again, the C implementation is similar to Fig. S7.2.
7.4.3: If we allowed union to use portions of the lists L and M in the answer, we
could simplify the union program in Figure 7.6 by replacing line (8) by
union = M

and line (10) by

union = L

7.4.5: We can write a program almost identical to Figure 7.6 replacing union by
symmetric di erence. However, when the rst elements of L and M are the same
we discard both from the symmetric di erence. Thus, we replace lines (11) and (12)
(11) else if(L->element == M->element)
(12) return symdiff(,;

} Section 7.5

a) A pinochle deck contains the A, K, Q, J, 10 and 9 of each suit. The character-
istic vector is thus
107160716 0716 0715
b) The characteristic vector for the red cards (diamonds and hearts) is

c) The Jack of hearts and the Jack of spades are one-eyed. The King of hearts is
the suicide king. The characteristic vector for these three cards is

7.5.3: Given a small universal set U of n elements, we could use an array of

integers int S[n] to represent a bag. S[i] would present the number of times the
ith element appears in the bag.
a) To insert another instance of the ith element, we would increment S[i] by one.
b) To delete an instance of the ith element, we would decrement S[i] by one,
provided it was not already 0.
c) To lookup the number of times element i occurs, we return S[i].

} Section 7.6

7.6.2(a): There is a substantial unevenness in the lengths of English words, and

the division into buckets is therefore not very even. The number peaks around 7
letters. For example, the 24,470 words in /usr/dict/words, 4045 have length 7.
They divide themselves into buckets as follows.
Bucket 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Count 1891 1100 639 1034 2253 3138 3813 4053 3583 2970
Should one interpret the problem as assuming that a random selection of word
occurrences from a typical document (rather than from a list of all possible words)
is to be hashed, then we would instead nd the low numbers predominated, since
most occurrences of words are short. Thus, the hash function would perform poorly
in this situation as well.

void bucketDelete(ETYPE x, LIST* pL) {
if((*pL) != NULL) {
if((*pL)->element == x) (*pL) = (*pL)->next;
else delete(x, (*pL)->next);

void delete(ETYPE x, HASHTABLE S) {

bucketDelete(x, &(S[h(x)]));

Boolean bucketLookup(ETYPE x, LIST L) {
if(L == NULL) return FALSE;
else if(L->element == x) return TRUE;
else return lookup(x, L->next);

Boolean lookup(ETYPE x, HASHTABLE S) {

return bucketLookup(x, S[h(x)]);

} Section 7.7

7.7.1: Let A = fag and B = fb; ag. Then A  B = f(a; b)g and B  A = f(b; a)g.
a) R is a partial function because every node in a tree has at most one parent.
b) R is not a total function from S to S because the root of a tree has no parent.
c) T is never a one-to-one correspondence because R is not a total function from
S to S .
d) The graph for R is isomorphic to the tree.
7.7.5: F is a partial function from S to T with the following properties:
1. For every element ((a; b); c) in S there is an element (a; (b; c)) in T such that
F (((a; b); c)) = (a; (b; c)).
2. For every element (a; (b; c)) in T there is an element ((a; b); c) in S such that
F (((a; b); c)) = (a; (b; c)).
3. For no b in T are there two distinct elements x1 and x2 in S such that F (x1) =
F (x2) = b.
Hence F is a one-to-one correspondence from S to T .

a) The graph of the inverse of R is obtained by reversing the directions of the arcs
in the graph for R.

b) The inverse need not be a function. If R is a total function from domain A to

range B , there may be a b in B for which there is no a in A such that (a; b) is
in R.

If R is a one-to-one correspondence from A to B , then its inverse is a total

function from B to A.

} Section 7.8

void delete(DTYPE a, LIST* F) {
if((*F) != NULL)
if((*F)->domain == a) (*F) = (*F)->next;
else delete(a, (*F)->next);

RTYPE lookup(DTYPE a, LIST F) {
if(F == NULL) return UNDEFINED;
else if(F->domain == a) return F->range;
else return lookup(a, F->next);

Here we assume RTYPE includes the value UNDEFINED.

void insertBucket(DTYPE a, RTYPE b, LIST* pL) {
if((*pL) == NULL) {
(*pL) = (LIST) malloc(sizeof(struct CELL));
(*pL)->domain= a;
(*pL)->range= b;
(*pL)->next= NULL;
else if((*pL)->domain == a) (*pL)->range = b;
else insertBucket(a, b, (*pL)->next);

void insert(DTYPE a, RTYPE b, HASHTABLE F) {

insertBucket(a, b, &(F[h(a)]));

void deleteBucket(DTYPE a, LIST* pL) {
if((*pL) != NULL)
if((*pL)->domain == a) (*pL) = (*pL)->next;
else deleteBucket(a, (*pL)->next)

void delete(DTYPE a, HASHTABLE F) {

deleteBucket(A, &(F[h(a)]));

} Section 7.9

7.9.1: This is just a slight rewrite of the function lookup from Fig. 7.24. Here
we search the range rather than the domain for the value b and produce a list of
varieties v such that (v; b) is in L.


if(L == NULL) return NULL;

else if(L->pollinizer == b) {
P = (PLIST) malloc(sizeof(struct PCELL));
P->variety = L->variety;
P->next = lookup(b, L->next);
return P;
else return lookup(b, L->next);

void insertP(PVARIETY p, PLIST* pL) {
if((*pL) == NULL) {
(*pL) = malloc(sizeof(struct PCELL));
(*pL)->pollinizer = p;
(*pL)->next = NULL;
else if((*pL)->pollinizer != p)
insert P(p, L->next);

void insert(PVARIETY v, PVARIETY p, PLIST Pollinizers[]) {

insertP(p, Pollinizers[p]);

7.9.5: We shall prove by induction on n:


STATEMENT S (n): On a list L of length v, lookup(a; L) returns a list of all the

elements b such that (a; b) is on L.
BASIS. n = 0. When L is empty, statements (1) and (2) return NULL as the value
of lookup(a; L).
INDUCTION. We assume S (n) and prove S (n + 1). Suppose L is a list of length
n + 1. The initial call lookup(a; L) looks at the rst cell of L. There are two cases
to consider:
(1) If L->variety matches a, then a new cell P is created, a pointer to which
becomes the output of lookup. The rst component of P is set to the value
of L->pollinizer and the second component is set to point to the list of b's
created by the recursive call to the tail of L. The tail of L is of length n and so
by the inductive hypothesis, the recursive call correctly returns the list of all
b's such that (a; b) is on the tail of L. The list returned for all of L is therefore
correct and the inductive step has been proved.
(2) If L->variety does not match a, then the output of lookup is the value returned
by a recursive call to the tail of L, which is of length n. By the inductive
hypothesis, lookup returns the correct value for the tail of L. Therefore, the
list returned for all of L is correct and the inductive step has been proved.
7.9.7: For dictionaries and functions: With linked lists, the operations insert,
delete, and lookup, each take O(n) time on average with characteristic vectors,
these operations each take O(1) time. With the hash table representation, each
takes O(n=B ) time on average, but can take O(n) time in the worst case. Here n
is the number of pairs in the function and B is the number of buckets in the hash
For relations: The same observations apply to the linked-list representation of
relations. With characteristic vectors, lookup takes O(1) time but an insert or delete
takes O(n) time on average because we have to search the entire list for a given
domain value to make sure that a pair (a; b) is not already present. The parameter
b is the average number of b's for a given a. With the hash-table implementation
each operation takes O(max(n; n=B )) time on average.

} Section 7.10

7.10.1: Let R be the relation such that aRa for element a. Then R is re exive on
the domain fag but not on the domain fa; bg.
a) R is not re exive because abcdRabcd is false when b =6 a.
b) R is not symmetric because if abcdRbcda is true, then bcdaRabcd is false when
a; b; c and d are distinct letters.
c) R is not transitive because if abcdRbcda and bcdaRcdab are true then abcdRcdab
is false when a; b; c and d are distinct.
d) R is not antisymmetric nor transitive. Hence R is not a partial order.
e) R is not an equivalence relation because it is not symmetric or transitive.

7.10.5: The problem with the \proof" is that there may be no y such that xRy.
Let D be the domain fag and let R by the empty relation on D. Trivially, R is a
symmetric and transitive relation on D.
7.10.7: To count the number of arcs in the full graph, we need to count the number
of pairs of sets (S; T ) such that S  T  U . Each of the n elements of U may be
placed in one of the following three sets; S , T S , and U T . By the method of
Section 4.2, there are 3n ways to make this assignment. Thus, the full graph for
U has 3n arcs.
In the reduced graph, each set has n arcs, one to each of the sets formed by
inserting or deleting one of the n elements of U . Since each arc is thus counted twice,
once for each end, the number of arcs is n2n=2 = n2n 1. Therefore, 3n n2n 1
arcs are saved.
7.10.9: We shall prove by induction on n

STATEMENT S (n): If a0 Ra1; a1Ra2 ; :::; an 1Ran and R is transitive, then a0Ran.
BASIS. n = 1. Clearly, a0 Ra1 is true.
INDUCTION. We assume S (n) and prove S (n + 1). Consider the sequence of
n + 1 pairs a0 Ra1; a1Ra2 ; :::; an 1Ran ; anRan+1. >From the inductive hypothesis,
we know a0Ran . By transitivity a0 Ran and anRAn+1 imply a0Ran+1 , proving the
inductive step.
a) R is not re exive because aRa is false.
b) R is symmetric because if aRb then a and b have the common divisor in both
c) R is not transitive. For example, 2R6 and 6R9 but 2R9 is false since 2 and 9
do not have a common divisor other than 1.
d) R is not a partial order since R is neither transitive nor antisymmetric.
e) R is not equivalence relation since it is neither re exive nor transitive.

} Section 7.11

7.11.1: Let A be a set of sets and let E be an equipotence relation on A; that is,
S E T if there is a 1-1 correspondence from S to T . We shall show that E is (a)
re exive, (b) symmetric, and (c) transitive.
a) S E S for every set S in A because we can de ne the identity function f (x) = x
for all x in S as a 1-1 correspondence from S to itself.
b) If S E T , then T E S . Since S E T , there is a 1-1 correspondence from S to
T . We can show that f 1 , the inverse of f , is a 1-1 correspondence from T to
c) If S E T and T E R, then we shall show S E R. Let f be a 1-1 correspondence
from S to T and g a 1-1 correspondence from T to R.

We need to show the composition of f and g is a 1-1 correspondence from S to R.

i) Since f and g are both total functions, for every x in S , element g(f (s)) is R.
ii) Let z be an element in R. Then x = f 1 (g 1 (z )) is an element in S such that
g(f (x)) = z .
iii) There is no z in R for which there exist x1 and x2 in S such that g(f (x1 )) = z .
If there were, then either f or g would not be a 1-1 correspondence.
Since E is re exive, symmetric, and transitive, it is an equivalence relation.
7.11.3: (a) The 1-1 correspondence is f (i) = i2 .
(b) Start with the pairing function of Example 7.41. For convenience, rewrite
it in terms of x and y rather than i and j . Then the pair (x; y) is associated with
natural number (x + y)(x + y + 1)=2 + x. Now, to nd a unique natural number
for the triple (i; j; k), start by associating j and k with a natural number z . Using
the pairing function, let z = (j + k)(j + k + 1)=2 + j . Then, pair i with z , giving

(i + z )(i + z + 1)=2 + i, or interms of i, j , and k: i + (j + k)(j + k + 1)=2 + j i +
(j + k)(j + k + 1)=2 + j + 1 =2 + i.
7.11.6: Let Si be the set of size i that is a subset of S . De ne a sequence of
members of S which we call x1 ; x2; : : :; as follows: xi is the least member of Si that
is not one of x1; x2; : : :; xi 1. Since there are only i 1 of the latter integers, there
must be at least one integer in Si that is not any of them. Thus, we can nd xi for
any positive integer i, and all of the xi 's are distinct.
Now, consider the 1-1 correspondence f (a) de ned as follows:
1. If a = xi for some i, then f (a) = xi+1 .
2. If a is not one of the xi's, then f (a) = a. Clearly f is a 1-1 correspondence,
and its range is S fx1g. Thus, S has a 1-1 correspondence with one of its

}} Chapter 8. The Relational Data Model

} Section 8.2

a) For the relation StudentId-Name-Address-Phone we de ne the record structure:
struct {
int StudentId;
char Name[30];
char Address[50];
char Phone[10];

c) For Course-Day-Hour:
struct {
char Course[5];
char Day[2];
char Hour[4];

} Section 8.3

a) fStudentId, Addressg would be a key assuming that a student has only one
phone at a given address.
b) We could use the relation scheme
StudentId is a key for this relation.
c) We need to separate the scheme into three schemes:
Any other decomposition either has redundancy or does not allow us to asso-
ciate names, ID's, addresses, and phones properly. StudentId is a key for each

} Section 8.4

8.4.1: For Exercise 8.3.2, we suggest a database scheme with three relations:

1) LicenseNo, Name, Address

2) SerialNo, Manf, Model, RegNo
3) LicenseNo, RegNo
The rst relation associates a name and address with each driver, identi ed by the
license number. LicenseNo is a key for the rst relation. This attribute can serve
as the domain for this relation with (Name, Address) forming the range.
Let us assume there are one million drivers and two million automobiles. As a
primary index structure for the rst relation we could use a hash table on LicenseNo.
We could use 500,000 buckets assuming each bucket would contain 2 tuples on
average. This data structure would allow queries (1) and (3) to be answered in
O(1) time on average.
The second relation associates with each automobile its manufacturer, model
number, and registration number. Each of SerialNo or RegNo could serve as a key.
As a primary index structure, we can choose a hash table on registration number.
We could use 500,000 buckets assuming each bucket would contain 4 SerialNo-
Manf-Model-RegNo{tuples on average. This structure would allow query (5) to be
answered in O(1) time.
The third relation records the automobiles owned by each driver. Since an
automobile can have joint owners, and a person can own several automobiles,
fLicenseNo, RegNog is the key. We suggest a hash table with 500,000 buckets
and key RegNo as a primary index structure. The hash table is indexed by regis-
tration number and would allow query (6) to be answered in O(1) time on average,
assuming the average number of owners per automobile is a small constant.
Note that query (4) can be answered in O(k) time by rst consulting the third
relation to obtain the k LicenseNo's for a given registration number, and then
consulting the rst relation to determine the name of each driver.
Only query (2) cannot be answered in O(1) time with this database scheme.
For that, we would need a fourth, redundant relation scheme | fName, LicenseNog,
with primary index on Name (which is not a key). Alternatively, and preferably,
we would add a secondary index on Name, as discussed in Section 8.5, to the rst

} Section 8.5

8.5.1: The following declaration of the standard kind of cells


Lets us create a linked list of SNAME (\same name") cells, each of which has as
element a pointer to a tuple with that name.
We change the declaration of NODE in Fig. 8.5 of the text by making the second
eld be the header of a linked list of SNAME cells:
typedef struct NODE *TREE;
struct NODE {
char Name[30];
TREE lc, rc;

Here is an outline of a function printTuples(x; T ) that prints all the tuples in the
binary tree T that have x for the Name attribute.
void printTuples(char x[], TREE T) {
if(T != NULL)
if(eq(x, T->Name)) printList(T->tuples);
else if(lt(x, T->Name)) printTuples(x, T->lc);
else printTuples(x, T->rc);

The functions eq(x; y) and lt(x; y) determine whether x = y or x < y, respectively,

where x and y are names. The function printList(p) lists all of the SNAP tuples
pointed to by the elements of the SNAMELIST pointed to by p.
8.5.3: For the relations and primary index structures in Exercise 8.4.1
i) Make Name a secondary index of relation (1).
ii) The primary index for relation (1) on LicenseNo serves.
iii) Make LicenseNo a secondary index of relation (3).
iv) Make Address a secondary index of relation (1).
v) The primary index for relation (3) on RegNo serves.

} Section 8.6

8.6.1: Suppose the Course-StudentId-Grade relation has an index on Course alone.

Then one way to nd C. Brown's grade in CS101 is to proceed in two stages. In
stage (1), we use step (1) of Fig. 8.9 to nd the tuples in the SNAP relation with
C. Brown in the Name eld. Suppose that there are k such tuples. Since there is
an index on Name, these tuples can be found in O(k) time.
In stage (2), we use the index on Course to nd all tuples in the CSG relation
with CS101 in the Course eld. Assuming that there are c such tuples, these tuples
can be found in O(c) time. For each CSG tuple found, we check the StudentId eld
to see if it matches one of the StudentId's found in stage (1). If it does, we print the
associated grade. The comparison of StudentId's for one CSG tuple can be done
in O(k) time. Thus, the grades of all C. Brown's in CS101 can be found in O(ck)
Now, suppose the Course-StudentId-Grade relation has an index on StudentId
alone. Then to nd C. Brown's grade in CS101, we proceed in two stages. Stage
(1) is the same as the rst stage when the index is on Course. We nd the k tuples
in the SNAP relation with C. Brown in the Name eld. In stage (2) we use the
StudentId of each tuple found in stage (1) to index the CSG relation. If the Course
eld contains CS101, we print the grade. If there are a total of d tuples in the
CSG relation that match the StudentId of a C. Brown, then the entire query can
be answered in O(k + d) time.
8.6.3: We use three stages to nd the prerequisites of the courses taken by C. Brown.
In stage (1) we nd all tuples in the StudentId-Name-Address-Phone relation that
have C. Brown in the Name eld. If there are n tuples in the SNAP relation, then

stage (1) takes O(n) time. Let us assume k tuples with C. Brown in the Name eld
are found.
In stage (2) we search through the Course-StudentId-Grade relation to nd all
tuples whose StudentId matches the StudentId eld of the k tuples found in stage
(1). If there are m tuples in the CSG relation, then stage (2) takes O(km). Let us
assume c CSG-tuples are found.
In stage (3) we search through the Course-Prerequisite relation to nd all tuples
whose Course component matches the Course component of one of the c CSG-
tuples found in stage (2). For each CP -tuple found, we print the Prerequisite eld.
Assuming that there are p tuples in the CP relation, this stage takes O(cp) time.
This three-stage process takes O(n + km + cp) time.

} Section 8.7

a) Course = \CS101" AND Day = \M"(CDH )
b) Day = \M" AND Hour = \9AM"(CDH )
c) CDH = CDH Course = \CS101"(CDH )
a) The courses taken by C. Brown can be expressed by the relational-algebra
X = Course(Name = \C.Brown"(SNAP ) ./ CSG)
The prerequisites of courses taken by C. Brown can then be expressed by
Prerequisite(X ./ CP )
Here, we must understand that X is a relation with attribute Course, so the
join is on equality of the one column of X with the Course attribute of CP .
b) The students taking courses in Turing Aud. can be expressed by
Y = StudentId (CSG ./ Room = \Turing Aud." (CR))
The phone number of these students is given by
Phone (Y ./ SNAP )
Here, Y is a relation with attribute StudentId.
c) The prerequisites of CS206 can be expressed by:
Z = Prerequisite(Course = \CS206"(CP )))
The prerequisites of these courses are given by
Prerequisite(Z ./ CP )
Here, Z must be regarded as a relation with attribute Course, not Prerequisite.

} Section 8.8

a) Use the primary index to nd in O(1) time each tuple in the StudentId-Name-
Address-Phone relation with StudentId = 12345. Include the tuple in the
answer if the address is not 45 Kumquat Blvd.
b) Use the secondary index on Phone to nd in O(1) time each tuple in the SNAP
relation with Phone = 555-1357. Include the type in the answer if the name
matches C. Brown.
c) Neither index helps. The easiest (and fastest) way to proceed is to iterate
through each of the tuples in the SNAP relation, selecting those tuples where
Name = \C. Brown" is true or Phone = 555-1357 is true (or both are true). If
there are n tuples in the SNAP relation, then this process takes O(n) time.
a) There are two nested loops, each of which iterates n times. The body of the
inner loop is a comparison of tuples and so takes O(1) time. The total time is
thus O(n2 ).
b) We can sort the relations in O(n log n) time. As we compare tuples, we nd
O(n3=2) matches, and this time dominates the sorting. The total time is thus
c) We must consider each of the n tuples in S . For each one, we look up the
matching tuples in R through the index, taking time proportional to the number
of matching tuples found. Since there are n3=2 matches in all, the sum of the
number of matches, over all tuples in S , is n3=2, and thus the total time is
d) Same as (c).
a) Suppose R and S each have the scheme fA; B g and S has an index on attribute
A. To compute R \ S consider each tuple (a; b) in R and use the index on a to
nd all tuples (a; x) in S . Include (a; b) in R \ S if((a; b) is also in S . If A is a
key for relation S , then in this way we can compute R \ S in time proportional
to the sum of the sizes of R and S .
b) The answer is similar to part (a) except we include (a; b) in R S if (a; b) is
not in S .

} Section 8.9

8.9.3: We have, in the solution to Exercise 8.7.1, described each expression with
the selections and projections pushed down as far as they go.
8.9.5: First, we prove that if a tuple t is in C (R ./ S ) it is in C (R) ./ S . Since t
is in C (R ./ S ), t satis es condition C and is in R ./ S . If t is in R ./ S , then there
are tuples r in R and s in S that agree with t on their common attributes, and also

agree with each other on the join attribute. Since C (R) makes sense, condition C
must involve only attributes of r. Since r and t agree on common attributes, and t
satis es C , r also satis es C . Thus, in C (R) ./ S , tuples r and s join to make t,
proving that t is in C (R) ./ S .
Conversely, suppose t is in C (R) ./ S . Then there are r in C (R) and s in S
that agree with t and with each other on common attributes. Since r is in C (R),
r must by in R and must satisfy C . Therefore, t, which agrees with r on whatever
attributes C mentions, must also satisfy C . When we join R ./ S , r in R and s in
S join to form t. Since t satis es C , we conclude that t is in C (R ./ S ).
8.9.7: Let R be the relation f(a; b); (a; c)g and S the relation f(a; c)g. Both relations
have attributes A and B . Here, A (R S ) = fag but A (R) A (S ) = fag fag = ;.
Thus, A(R S ) 6= A (R) A (S ).

}} Chapter 9. The Graph Data Model

} Section 9.2

a) There are 8 arcs.
b) There are 2 simple paths: ad and abcd.
c) Nodes a and e are predecessors of node b.
d) Nodes c and f are successors of node b.
e) There are 5 simple cycles: abfa, abcdefa, adefa, bcdeb, adebfa.
f) abfabfa is the only nonsimple cycle of length at most 7.
9.2.3: A complete directed graph has an arc from each node to every other node
including itself. A complete directed graph has the maximum possible number of
arcs: an n-node complete graph has n2 arcs. Thus, a 10-node graph has at most
100 arcs. The smallest number of arcs any graph can have is zero.

9.2.5: The number number of arcs an n-node acyclic directed graph can have is n2
= n(n 1)=2. To see this, we can start with a complete n-node undirected graph
in which there is an edge between every pair of distinct nodes. Such a graph has
n edges. We can then assign a direction to each edge fi; j g so that the edge is
directed from node i to node j if i < j . We can show that the resulting directed
graph is acyclic and has the maximum possible number of edges.
9.2.7: The cycle (0; 1; 2; 0) can also be written as the cycles (1; 2; 0; 1) and (2; 0; 1; 2).
9.2.9: Let S be the relation de ned on the subset of the nodes of the graph that
are involved in simple cycles. To show that S is an equivalence relation, we need to
show that it is re exive, symmetric, and transitive.
a) Re exivity. If node u is involved in a simple cycle, then there is a simple cycle
that begins and ends at u. Thus, uSu.
b) Symmetry. If uSv, then vSu because u and v are included in the same simple
c) Transitivity. Suppose uSv and vSu. Then there are two intersecting simple
cycles that include nodes u and w. Let a and b be the rst and last nodes of
intersection on the simple cycle from u to v to u. Then u a w b u is a
simple cycle that includes u and w. Therefore, uSw.

} Section 9.3

9.3.1(a): An appropriate type de nition is


typedef struct CELL *LIST;

struct CELL {
NODE nodeName;
LIST next;

LIST successors[MAX];


a b d 
b c f 
c d 
d e 
e b f 
f a 

9.3.1(b): An appropriate de nition of the adjacency matrix would be


a b c d e f
a 0 1 0 1 0 0
b 0 0 1 0 0 1
c 0 0 0 1 0 0
d 0 0 0 0 1 0
e 0 1 0 0 0 1
f 1 0 0 0 0 0

9.3.3(a): Appropriate type de nitions for the lists of cells are

typedef struct CELL *LIST;
struct CELL {
NODE nodeName;
char arcLabel[3];
LIST next;

Note that we must leave room for the null character '\0' at the end of the two-
character arc label. (We have not shown the null character in the following gures.)
We declare the array of list headers by

struct {
char nodeLabel;
LIST successor;
} headers[MAX];


0 A 1 ab 3 ad 
1 B 2 bc 5 bf 
2 C 3 cd 
3 D 4 de 
4 E 1 eb 5 ef 
5 F 0 fa 

9.3.3(b): An appropriate de nition of the adjacency matrix would be

typedef char ARCTYPE[3];

a b c d e f
a - ab - ad - -
b - - bc - - bf
c - - - cd - -
d - - - - de -
e - eb - - - ef
f fa - - - - -

9.3.5: We shall prove by induction on n

STATEMENT S (n): In an undirected graph with n nodes and e edges, the sum of
the degrees of the nodes is 2e.
BASIS. For the basis, we choose n = 1. A single-node graph has 0 edges and the
sum of the degrees of the nodes is 0.
INDUCTION. Assume S (n) holds for all graphs of n nodes. Consider any graph G
of n + 1 nodes and pick a node x in G with m edges incident on x.

If we remove x and all edges incident on x from G, we are left with a graph G0
of n nodes and e edges. By the inductive hypothesis, the sum of the degrees of the
nodes of G0 is 2e. When we restore x to G0 along with its incident edges, we see
that G has m + e edges and the sum of the degrees of its nodes is 2(m + e). This
proves the inductive step.
9.3.7: For an undirected graph, an edge appears twice in an adjacency-matrix and
an adjacency-list representation.
a) Function to insert edge (a; b) into an adjacency matrix:
void insert(NODE a, NODE b, BOOLEAN edges[MAX][MAX])
edges[a][b] = TRUE;
edges[b][a] = TRUE;

The delete function is similar except we make the two entries in the array FALSE.
b) Function to insert edge (a; b) for an adjacency-list representation:
void insert(NODE a, NODE b, LIST successors[]);
insertList(b, &successors[a]);
insertList(a, &successors[b]);

For insertList we can use the function in Fig. 6.5.

The delete function is similar.

} Section 9.4

9.4.1: There are two connected components:

Escanba, Marquette, Menominee, Sault Ste. Marie
Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids,
Kalamazoo, Lansing, Saginaw

} Section 9.5

a) It is easy to see why a node of odd degree inhibits an Euler circuit. The circuit
must visit the node some number of times, and each time it visits, it enters and
leaves on two di erent edges (the direction in which we traverse the circuit is
arbitrary, but once we pick a direction, the edges incident upon a node v can
be identi ed as entering or leaving). It follows that there are as many entering
edges as leaving edges for a node v, and therefore the number of edges incident
upon v is even.

For the converse, we need to show how to construct an Euler circuit when all the
degrees are even. We do so in part (b), where we are asked not only to produce an
algorithm to construct Euler circuits, but to design an ecient algorithm.
b) We need to use an appropriate data structure: adjacency lists, plus a list of
all the edges. We also need to generalize the notion of an Euler circuit to
cover the case in which the graph has more than one connected component.
In that case, we say an \Euler circuit" for the graph is an Euler circuit for
each connected component. Start with any edge, say fv0; v1g, and arbitrarily
pick one of the nodes, say v0 , as the beginning of a path. Extend the path to
nodes v2; v3; : : :, without reusing any edge, which we may do since every time
we enter a node, we know it has even degree so there is an unused edge by
which to leave. Eventually, we repeat a node on the path, say vi .
Now, remove the edges of the cycle, say vi ; vi+1; : : :; vk ; vi, but leave the nodes.
Recursively nd an \Euler circuit" for the remaining graph, but start with the
portion of the path already constructed, v0; v1 ; : : :; vi . Note that we quote \Euler
circuit," because the resulting graph may not be connected. Finally, we need to as-
semble an Euler circuit for the entire graph. We use the removed cycle vi ; : : :; vk ; vi
as a base and follow it around. Each time we visit a node, say vj , if we have not
previously visited any nodes from its connected component, we follow the Euler
circuit for this connected component, starting and ending at vj . Then we continue
around the cycle to vj +1 . When we return around the cycle to vi , we have an Euler
circuit for the entire graph.

} Section 9.6

Tree arcs: ab, bc, cd, de, ef
Forward arcs: ad, bf
Backward arcs: eb, fa
There are no cross arcs
Tree arcs: ab, bf , bc, cd, de
Forward arcs: ad
Backward arcs: eb, ef , fa
There are no cross arcs
Tree arcs: de, ef , fa, ab, bc
Forward arcs: eb
Backward arcs: ad, bf , cd
There are no cross arcs

} Section 9.7

9.7.1: There are four topological orders:

9.7.3: The connected components are
Escanba, Marquette, Menominee, Sault Ste. Marie
Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids
Kalamazoo, Lansing, Saginaw

} Section 9.8

Detroit 0
Ann Arbor 28
Escanba INFTY
Flint 58
Grand Rapids 138
Kalamazoo 138
Lansing 78
Marquette INFTY
Menominee INFTY
Saginaw 89
Sault Ste. Marie INFTY

AF 0
AA 0.8
HH 1.0
AR 1.3
HE 2.2
AB 1.2
HS 2.9

} Section 9.10

a) The chromatic number of the graph in Fig. 9.4 is 3.
b) The clique number is 3.
c) f Maili, Pearl City, Wahiawa g and f Hilo, Kamuela, Kona g are both cliques
of size 3.

}} Chapter 10. Patterns, Automata, and Regular Ex-

} Section 10.2

a) The following automaton accepts strings of 0's and 1's having an even number
of 1's:

0 0

start 0 1 1

This automaton is in state 0 if it has seen an even number of 1's and it is in

state 1 if it has seen an odd number of 1's.
b) The following automaton accepts any string of 0's and 1's that does not contain
111 as a substring:

0 f0; 1g

start 0 1 1 1 2 1 3

In this automaton, state 0 means the previous input symbol was not a 1, state
1 means the previous input symbol was a 1 and the one before that was not a
1, state 2 means the two previous input symbols were 1's, and state 3 means
the three previous input symbols were 1's.

} Section 10.3

10.3.3: The nondeterministic automaton in Fig. (a) accepts all strings of letters
ending in father, man, or son.

start 0 f
1 a
2 t
2 h
2 e
2 r

m a n
7 8 9

s o n
10 11 12
Fig. (a). Automaton accepting strings ending in father, man, or son.

s u m m a n d
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Fig. (b). Simulation of automaton of Fig. 10.10.

s u m m a n d
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 2 3

Fig. (c). Simulation of automaton of Fig. 10.11.

10.3.5: Figures (b) and (c) simulate the automata in Figs. 10.10 and 10.11, re-

} Section 10.4

10.4.3(a): A deterministic automaton for Fig. 10.24(a) is shown in Fig. (d).

} Section 10.5

10.5.1: The two regular expressions (ac j abc j abbc) and a(c j b(c j bc)) also
de ne the same language.


start f0g fa,bg f0; 1g

Fig. (d). Solution to Exercise 10.4.3(a).

a) b*((aa*b*)*
b) (0 j 1 j    j 9)(0 j 1 j    j 9)*.(0 j 1 j    j 9)*
c) 0*(10*10*)*
a) (a j (bc)) j (de)
b) (a j (b*)) j ((a j b)*a)
a) ; j  de nes either the empty set or the set containing the empty string.
c) (a j b)* de nes the set of all strings of a's and b's (including the empty string).
e) (a*ba*b)*a* de nes the set of all strings of a's and b's containing an even
number of b's.
g) R** is the same as R*, that is, the set consisting of the concatenation of zero
or more strings from the set de ned by R.

} Section 10.6

a) Single-character operators and punctuation symbols in C:

c) Lower-case consonants:

} Section 10.7

10.7.1: We rst show the forward containment L((S j T )R  L(SR j TR). If x is

in L((S j T )R), then x = yr where y is in L(S ) or L(T ) and r is in L(R). If y is in
L(S ), then x is in L(SR). If y is in L(T ), then x is in L(TR). In either case, x is
in L(SR j TR). Thus, the forward containment holds.

We now show the reverse containment L((S j T )R)  L(SR j TR). If x is in

L(SR j TR), then x is in either L(SR) or L(TR). If x is in L(SR), then x = sr
where s is in L(S ) and r is in L(R). Thus, x is in L((S j T )R. Similarly, if x
is in L(TR), we can show x is in L((S j T )R. We have now shown the reverse
containment holds.

} Section 10.8

a) Automaton for aaa:

start 0 a
1  2 a
3  4 a

c) Automaton for (0 j 1 j 1*)*:

2 3
1 4
5 6
start 0 7

8  9 1
10  11

} Section 10.9

a) ( - a)*a( - e)*e( - i)*i( - o)*o( - u)*u
c) *man
e) ( - a)*a( - a)*a
g) *man

}} Chapter 11. Recursive Description of Patterns

} Section 11.2

11.2.1: In Pascal, an identi er is a string of letters and digits, beginning with a

letter. We can de ne an identi er with the following grammar.
<Letter> ! A j B j    j Z j a j b j    j z
<Digit> ! 0 j 1 j    j 9
<Identifier< ! <Identifier><Letter>
<Identifier< ! <Identifier><Digit>
<Identifier< ! <Letter>
Strictly speaking, a Pascal reserved word such as program or begin cannot
be used as an identi er. Expressing this restriction grammatically would greatly
complicate the grammar, and in Pascal compilers, this type of error is caught by
other means.
11.2.3: In Pascal, a real number begins with an optional sign, followed by one
or more digits, followed by a decimal point, followed by one or more digits (e.g.,
0.1, 1.0, 3.14). In addiition, a real number may have at its end a scale factor
consisting of an upper case E, followed by an optional sign, followed by one or more
integers (e.g., 0.1E2, 1.0E-2). To allow reals as operands, we can add the following
productions to the grammar of Fig. 11.2 of the text:
<Expression> ! <Real>
<Real> ! <OptSign> <Number> <Number> <ScaleFactor>
<OptSign> ! + j - j 
<ScaleFactor> ! E <OptSign> <Number>
11.2.7: The following productions de ne for-statements (only):
<Statement> ! for variable := <Expression> to <Expression>
do <Statement>
<Statement> ! for variable := <Expression> downto <Expression>
do <Statement>

} Section 11.3

11.3.1: The new strings for the languages S and L are tabulated in Fig. (a).

Round 4: wcdwcdwcds wcdwcds
wcdbse bse
bs;wcdse s;wcds;s
bs;se s;wcds;wcds
bwcdse s;wcds;wcdwcds

(a) Words added on round 4.

Fig. 11.3 Fig. 11.4
Round 1:  
Round 2: () ()
Round 3: ()() (())
(()) ()()

On round 3, the grammars generate di erent sets of strings. Thus, the answer to
the question is \no." In fact, all all subsequent rounds the sets of strings generated
by the two grammars are di erent. However, the sets of strings generated taken
over all the rounds are the same; both sets are the set of all balanced parenthesis
11.3.5: Suppose we are generating round r. If we make a substitution that uses
only strings available on round r 2 or earlier, then the same substitution could
have been made on round r 1. Thus, the string generated by this substitution
must have appeared on round r 1 or on some round earlier than that.

} Section 11.4

11.4.1(a): The parse tree for 35+21 is shown in Fig. (b).



<E> + <E>

<N> <N>

<N> <D> <N> <D>

<D> 5 <D> 1

(b) Parse tree for 35+21.


( <B> ) <B>

( <B> ) <B> 

 ( <B> ) <B>

(c) Parse tree for (()()).

11.4.3(a): The parse tree for (()()) is shown in Fig. (c).

} Section 11.5

11.5.1(a): The parse tree for (1+2)/3 is shown in Fig. (d).

11.5.3: We introduce a new syntactic category, say <C> (\comparison"), which is
either an expression or a comparison operator between two expressions. In line (3)
of Fig. 11.22 of the text, we replace the productions for <F> by
<F > ! (<C>) j <N>


<T >

<T> / <F>

<F> <N>

( <E> ) <D>

<E> + <T> 3

<T> <F >

<F> <N>

<N> <D>

<D> 2

(d) Parse tree for (1+2)/3.

Then, we introduce the productions for <C>:

<C> ! <E> <Cop> <E> j <E>
<Cop> ! = j <> j < = j > = j < j >
11.5.7: The string 010 has two parse trees, one in which the rst two characters
are grouped rst into a string, and the other in which the last two characters are
grouped rst.
11.5.9: There are an in nite number of parse trees for the empty string. We can
replace one <B> by two <B>'s as often as we like and then make each of the
<B>'s be replaced by the empty string.

( ( ) ) ENDM

Call 3 Call 4
Call 5
Call 2
Call 1
(e) Sequence of calls made on input (()).

} Section 11.6

11.6.1(a): The structure of the calls is shown in Fig. (e).

11.6.3: In the rst case, the productions
<Number> ! <Digit> <Number> j <Digit>
when we see a <Digit> as the next input, there is no way to tell which production
to use, so the grammar is not parsable by a recursive descent parser.
In the seond case, the productions
<Number> ! <Number> <Digit> j 
when we see a <Digit> we cannot tell how many times to apply the rst production,
so we go into an in nite loop. That is, when the lookahead symbol is a digit, and
we have to expand <Number>, we must pick the rst production, and we are then
faced with the same situation we started with: a digit as lookahead with <Number>
as the syntactic category to expand.

} Section 11.7

1) <S> b seENDM
2) b<L>e b seENDM
3) <L>e s eENDM
4) <S><T>e s eENDM
5) s<T>e s eENDM
6) <T>e e ENDM
7) e e ENDM
8)  ENDM 


1) <S> b bs;se;seENDM
2) b<L>e b bs;se;seENDM
3) <L>e b s;se;seENDM
4) <S><T>e b s;se;seENDM
5) b<L>e<T>e b s;se;seENDM
6) <L>e<T>e s ;se;seENDM
7) <S><T>e<T>e s ;se;seENDM
8) s<T>e<T>e s ;se;seENDM
9) <T>e<T>e ; se;seENDM
10) ;<L>e<T>e ; se;seENDM
11) <L>e<T>e s e;seENDM
12) <S><T>e<T>e s e;seENDM
13) s<T>e<T>e s e;seENDM
14) <T>e<T>e e ;seENDM
15) e<T>e e ;seENDM
16) <T >e ; seENDM
17) ;<L>e ; seENDM
18) <L>e s eENDM
19) <S><T>e s eENDM
20) s<T>e s eENDM
21) <T >e e ENDM
22) e e ENDM
23)  ENDM seENDM

Fig. (f)
11.7.1(c): See Fig. (f).
11.7.5: We factor the rst two productions to get
<Statement> ! if condition then <Statement> <Tail>
<Statement> ! simpleStat
<T ail> ! else <Statement> j 
When <Statement> is on top of the stack, the lookahead symbol, if or simpleStat,
tells us which production for <Statement> to use. When we need to expand a
<Tail>, we make the rst choice on lookahead else and the second choice () on
any other lookahead.

} Section 11.8

<A> ! a
<B> ! b
<C> ! <A> j <B>
<D> ! <C> <D> j 
<E> ! <D> <A>
<A> ! a
<B> ! b
<C> ! c
<D> ! <A> <D> j 
<E> ! <B> <E> j 
<F > ! <C> <F> j 
<G> ! <D> <E>
<H> ! <G> <F>
11.8.3: If L were de ned by a regular expresion, then it would also be de ned by
a nite automaton. Suppose the language L = f0n10n j n  0g is the language of
some nite automaton A. Let A have m states. Consider what happens when A
has input 0m 10m . This string is in the language L, so there is a path with label
0m 10m from the start state of A to some nal state f . Consider the rst m + 1
states along this path. As A has only m di erent states, there will be two numbers
of 0's, say i and j , with 0  i < j  m, such that after following i 0's and again
after following a total of j 0's, A is in the same state, say s.
Now, consider what happens when the input to A is 0m j +i 10m . The rst i
0's get us to state s. The remainder of the input, 0m j 10m takes us to state f ,
because we know that when the input was 0m 10m , A went from state s to state f
after reading the rst j 0's. Thus, A accepts 0m j +i10m , which is not in L, since
j > i. We contradict our assumption that A accepts language L. Since we assumed
nothing but that A did accept L, we conclude that no automaton accepts L. Hence,
L cannot be accepted by a regular expression.

}} Chapter 12. Propositional Logic

} Section 12.3

12.3.1(a): In this and the next answer we use 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE. The
function has domain consisting of pairs of truth values, for p and q respectively, and
a range that
 is a truth value. This
 function can therefore be represented as the set
f (0; 0); 0 ; (0; 1); 0 ; (1; 0); 1 ; (1; 1); 1 g.
12.3.1(c): f (0; 0); 1 ; (0; 1); 0 ; (1; 0); 0 ; (1; 1); 1 g.

} Section 12.4

12.4.1(a): A row has 1 unless both of the given columns have 1 in that row.
12.4.1(c): A row has 1 if the two given columns agree in the row, and 0 if not.
12.4.3: The logical expression p AND NOT q corresponds to the set expression P Q.
12.4.5: Here are the 16 Boolean functions of two variables.
p q f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15
00 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
01 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
10 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Functions f0 , f5 , f10 , and f15 do not depend on the rst argument. That is, these
columns agree in the rows for pq = 00 and pq = 10, and they also agree in the rows
for pq = 01 and pq = 11. Functions f0 , f3 , f12 , and f1 5 do not depend on their
second argument.
STATEMENT S (b): There are ab ways to paint b houses using a colors.
BASIS. b = 1. There are a colors for one house.
INDUCTION. Assume S (b) and prove S (b + 1). Consider the (b + 1)st house. For
each color choice for this house, there are, by the inductive hypothesis, ab ways to
paint the remaining houses. Thus there are b  ab = ab+1 color choices for the b + 1

} Section 12.5

12.5.1: a = pqr + pqr + pqr + pqr + pqr; b = pqr + pqr + pqr.


12.5.3(a): Suppose we have an expression involving two variables p and q, and

we try to construct other functions of p and q by applying the  operator to two
previously constructed columns of a truth table. It turns out that the columns we
can obtain are rather limited, as the following table shows.
p q pq pp
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
We notice that if we combine any of the four rows above with the  operator, we get
one of the same four rows. Thus, none of the other 12 functions of two variables can
be expressed with only the  operator, and therefore this operator is not complete.
For example, it cannot express p AND q.
12.5.3(c): Using NOR, we can express NOT p as p NOR FALSE. Also, p OR q is
(p NOR q) NOR FALSE; p AND q is (p NOR FALSE) NOR (q NOR FALSE). Thus, NOR is
12.5.5: Consider two monotone functions f and g of variables p1; p2; : : :; pn. Also,
consider a truth table with 2n rows and columns for f and g. Let r1 and r2 be rows
of this table, and suppose that r2 has 1 for any variable pi whenever r1 has 1 for
pi . Then the monotonicity of f says that if f is 1 in row r1, then it must also be
1 in row r2; a similar statement holds for g. We must show that if the column for
f AND g has 1 in row r1 , then it also has 1 in row r2 , and similarly for the column
for f OR g.
The only way f AND g can be in row r1 1 is if both f and g to be 1 in this row.
But then, both f and g have 1 in row r2 , and therefore f AND g has 1 there.
Now consider f OR g. This column can have 1 in row r1 if either f or g or both
have 1 there. But then, at least one of f and g have 1 in row r2 , and so does f OR g.

} Section 12.6

12.6.1(a): The Karnaugh map is shown in Fig. (a).

12.6.1(c): The Karnaugh map is shown in Fig. (c).
12.6.1(e): The Karnaugh map is shown in Fig. (e).
12.6.3: First, a product is of the right form to be an implicant; it is a product of
literals. The function f represented by this hypothetical sum-of-products expression
can be written f = P + E , where P is the product in question, and E is the sum
of all the other products. Whenever an assignment of truth values to the variables
makes P true, it surely makes P + E true, by the de nition of \or." Thus, f is true
whenever the product P is true, which means P is an implicant of f .

00 01 11 10

00 0 1 1 1

01 1 1 1 1
11 1 1 0 1

10 1 1 1 1

(a) Karnaugh map for Exercise 12.6.1(a).

00 01 11 10

00 0 1 0 1

01 1 0 1 0
11 0 1 1 1

10 1 0 1 0

(c) Karnaugh map for Exercise 12.6.1(c).

(a) (p + q + r + s)(p + q + r + s)
(c) (p + q + r + s)(p + q + r + s)(p + q + r + s)(p + q + r + s)(p + q + r +
s)(p + q + r + s)(p + q + r + s)
(e) (p + q)(p + r)

00 01 11 10

00 1 1 1 1

01 1 1 1 1
11 0 0 0 0

10 1 1 0 0

(e) Karnaugh map for Exercise 12.6.1(e).

} Section 12.7

12.7.1: (a) pqr ! p + q is a tautology; (c) (p ! q) ! p is not a tautology. In

particular, expression (c) is false when p is true and q is false.

} Section 12.8

12.8.1: As an example, here is the truth table for (12.4).

p q p  q p  q (p  q)  (p  q)
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
1) From (12.15) (1 + q)  1
2) From (12.10) (p1)  p 
3) Substitute 1 + q for 1 (line 1) p(1 + q)  p
4) From (12.9) (p1 + pq)  p
5) From (12.10) (p + pq)  p
12.8.7: We shall prove the following, which is (12.20c), by induction on k.

STATEMENT S (k): NOT (p1 p2    pk )  (p1 + p2 +    + pk )

BASIS. k = 2. NOT (p1p2 )  (p1 + p2) by (12.20a).

INDUCTION. We assume S (k) and prove S (k + 1), which says that

p1 + p2 +    + pk+1 )
NOT (p1 p2    pk+1)  (

To begin,
NOT (p1 p2    pk+1)  NOT (p1 p2    pk ) + pk+1 (1)
by (12.20a), with p1 p2    pk in place of p and pk+1 in  place of q.
By the inductive hypothesis, NOT (p1 p2    pk )  (p1 + p2 +    + pk ). When
we make this substitution in (1) and use the associative law of +, we get exactly
S (k + 1).
We can also look at the proof from the point of view of truth tables. It is easy
to observe that both sides of S (k) have value 1 except when all of the pi 's are 1.
The two proofs for (12.20d) have essentially the same ideas.
12.8.9: The question is ill formed in two ways. First, there is the matter of a typo;
k should be n. More serious, there is a simple, noninductive proof of (12.24b), given
(12.24a). By (12.24a), with p1 p2    pn in place of p, we have (p1p2    pn ! q) 
NOT (p1 p2    pn) + q . By (12.20c) and the associative law of +, (p1 p2    pn !
q)  (p1 + p2 +    + pn + q).
(a) (wx + wxy + zxw)  (wx + zxw)  (wx) 
(b) (w + x)(w + y + z)(w + x + y)(x)  (w + x)(w + y + z)(x)  (w +
y + z)(x)

} Section 12.9

12.9.1: It is evident that when we replace AND by OR, OR by AND, 0 by 1 and 1 by

0, we turn (12.25) into (12.27), and vice-versa. Thus, these expressions are duals of
each other.
12.9.3: We use the following propositional variables with their intuitive meanings:
p: \x is a perfect square."
e: \x is even."
d: \x is divisible by 4."
We want to prove the theorem pe ! d. Since  we are asked for a proof by contra-
diction, we want to show NOT (pe ! d) ! 0. The left side is equivalent to ped,
so we can instead prove ped ! 0. This is as far as we can go using propositional
logic alone. Now we must use some of the things we know about numbers.
We start with p, e, and d and derive a contradiction. Proposition p says that
x is a perfect square, so x = n2 for some integer n. If n is odd, then n2 is odd.
But we assume e, which says that x = n2 is even. Thus, n is even. (This is a little
proof by contradiction within the main proof.) If n is even, then n = 2m for some
integer m. Thus, x = n2 = 4m2 . That says x is divisible by 4, or d. Since we also
assumed d, we have dd, which is equivalent to 0. We have now proved ped ! 0.

12.9.5(a): In what follows, we use the associative and commutative laws of +

many times; we shall not make these uses explicit. pq + r + qr + pr is equivalent to
pq + r + q+ pr by (12.19b) with r in place of p. That is equivalent to pq + r + q+ p for
the same reason. Another use of (12.19b) transforms this expression to p + r + q+ p.
Now, (12.25) lets us replace p + p by 1. Finally, (1 + r + q)  1 by (12.15).
12.9.7: Suppose 2k cases are de ned by the propositional variables p1 ; p2; : : :; pk,
which may be true or false in any combination. The general case analysis law is

AND2i=0 1 Ci  q

where each Ci is of the form x1 x2    xk ! q. Each xj is either pj or pj ; it is pj if

the j th bit from the right in the binary integer i is 1, and it is pj if that bit is 0.
For k = 2 we have

(p1p2 ! q) AND (p1 p2 ! q) AND (p1 p2 ! q) AND (p1p2 ! q)  q
If q is false, then the left side of this equivalence is false for any truth assignment to
the p's, as there must be one of the implications whose left side is true and whose
right side (q) is false. Thus, the equivalence is true when q is false.
When q is true, each of the implications on the left must be true, because an
implication cannot be false if its right side is true. Thus, the equivalence is again
true, and we have proved it is a tautology. Note this proof applies to the general
case as well as the case k = 2.

} Section 12.10

1) p!q Hypothesis
2) (p ! q)  (p + q) Law 12.24(a)
3) p + q (d) with lines (1) and (2)
4) p!r Hypothesis
5) (p ! r)  (p + r) Law 12.24(a)
6) p + r (d) with (4) and (5)
7) (p + q) AND (p + r) (c) with (3) and (6)
8) (p + q) AND (p + r)  (p + qr) Law 12.14
9) p + qr (d) with (7) and (8)
10) (p + qr)  (p ! qr) Law 12.24(a)
11) p ! qr (d) with (9) and (10)

1) p ! (q + r)  Hypothesis
2) p ! (q + r)  (p + q + r) Law 12.24(a)
3) p + q + r (d) with (1) and (2)
4) p ! (q + r)  Hypothesis
5) p ! (q + r)  (p + q + r) Law 12.24(a)
6) p + q + r (d) with (4) and (5)
7) (p + q + r)(p + q + r)  (c) with (3) and (6)
8) (p + q + r)(p + q + r)  (p + q + rr) Law 2.14
9) p + q + rr (d) with (7) and (8)
10) (rr)  0 Law 12.27
11) p + q + 0 Substitution into (7), using (10)
12) p + q Law 12.11
13) (p + q)  (p ! q) Law 12.24(a)
14) p!q (d) with (12) and (13)

} Section 12.11


p q r p + q p + r (p + q)(p + r) q + r (p + q)(p + r) ! (q + r)
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

12.11.3: The following clauses come from Exercise 12.11.2:

1) (a + c + t)
2) (b + c + s)
3) (a + t)
4) (b + s)
5) (c + s)
6) (c + t)
7) (a + b + c + o)
We can then apply resolution to these clauses to derive the following. We show
clauses that are needed to derive minimal clauses, even if they are not themselves
minimal, but we do not show all the (nonminimal) clauses.

8) (a + s + t) From (1) and (5)

9) (b + s + t) From (2) and (6)
10) (a + b + s + o) From (5) and (7)
11) (a + s + o) From (4) and (10)
12) (s + t + o) From (3) and (11)
13) (a + b + t + o) From (6) and (7)
14) (b + t + o) From (3) and (13)
Of these, only (8), (9), (11), (12), and (14) are minimal. These ve clauses form
the answer to the question.

}} Chapter 13. Using Logic to Design Components

} Section 13.3


13.3.1(b): The solution is shown in Fig. (a).

13.3.3: The output will become 1 as soon as one of x and y (or both) becomes 1.
The output will then remain 1 no matter what happens to x and y.

} Section 13.4

13.4.1(a): The solution appears in Fig. (b).

13.4.1(c): Note that x + yx(y + z )  (x + yz ). thus, the circuit in Fig. (c) serves.
13.4.3(b): Start with expression xyc + xyc + xyc + xyc. Two uses of Law (12.17),
the idempotence of OR, applied to xyc, gives us

w x y z

wxy wxz wyz xyz

(a) Solution to Exercise 13.3.1(b).

x y z

(b) Solution to Exercise 13.4.1(a).

xyc + xyc + xyc + xyc + xyc + xyc

If we use the associative and commutative laws of OR, and then use the distributive
law of AND over OR, we can rearrange these terms as
yc(x + x) + xc(y + y) + xy(c + c)
Finally, three uses of the law of the excluded middle (12.25), transforms the above
into yc + xc + xy.

x y z

(c) Solution to Exercise 13.4.1(c).

} Section 13.5

13.5.1: Using OR-gates with fan-in k, we can take the OR of n inputs with delay
logk n, by using a complete k-ary tree of OR-gates. If we used a cascading circuit
like that shown in Fig. 13.13 of the text, the delay would be (n k)=(k 1) + 1.
13.5.3: Let 2k be the smallest power of 2 that is no less than n. Then we can
take the OR of n inputs with k levels of 2-input OR-gates. That k levels is sucient
should be obvious. With that many levels, we can take the OR of 2k inputs, which
is at least n inputs. If n is strictly less than 2k , we can set 2k n of the inputs
to 0. That may let us eliminate some of the OR-gates. Elimination of gates cannot
increase the number of levels.
Also, we cannot take the OR of n inputs in fewer than k levels. In k 1 levels,
we can only take the OR of 2k 1 inputs, which is strictly less than n inputs, because
we chose k so that 2k is the smallest power of 2 equal to or greater than n.

} Section 13.6

13.6.5: We shall show by induction on n that

STATEMENT S (n): If n is a power of 2, then G(n) = 3n log2 n + 15n 6.

BASIS. n = 1. G(1) is de ned to be 9, and S (1) says that G(1) = 0 + 15 6 = 9.

INDUCTION. We assume S (n) and prove S (2n). By de nition, G(2n) = 2G(n) +
6n + 6. By the inductive hypothesis, G(n) = 3n log2 n + 15n 6. Substituting this
formula for G(n) gives
G(2n) = 2(3n log2 n + 15n 6) + 6n + 6 = 6n log2 n + 36n 6
The above formula for G(2n) is equal to 3(2n) log2 (2n) + 15(2n) 6, which is the
statement S (2n).

} Section 13.7

13.7.1(a): A 2-MUX is constructed from 1-MUX's as follows.

y0 y1 y2 y3

x2 1-MUX x2 1-MUX

x1 1-MUX

y(x1 x2 )2

13.7.3: In Fig. (d) is the suggestion of a circuit that follows the second strategy of
the hint. Two one-hot decoders for d inputs each are used. The rst has inputs from
the rst d of 2d bits and the second has inputs from the last d bits. Their outputs,
y1 ; : : :; y2d and z1 ; : : :; z2d are combined in all possible ways through AND-gates, to
create 22d outputs, one for each possible setting of the 2d inputs.
Now, let us consider the gate count and delay for this circuit. For the case
d = 1, there is an obvious basis circuit that uses only a single inverter; it has count
1 and delay 1. For the inductive step, the delay increases by only 1 going from d to
2d inputs. Thus, the delay for d inputs is easily seen to be 1 + log2 d.
For the gate count, note that the circuit for 2d input uses twice the gates of
the d-input circuit, plus 22d AND-gates at the last level. Thus, the recurrence for
G(d), the number of gates in the d-input circuits, is
BASIS. G(1) = 1.
INDUCTION. G(2d) = 2G(d) + 22d .

x1 xd xd+1 x2 d
... ...
One-Hot One-Hot

... ...

y1 y2d z1 z2d


(d) Recursive construction of a one-hot decoder.

The solution to this recurrence, as we can show by repeated expansion, is

G(d) = d + 2d + 2  2d=2 + 4  2d=4 + 8  2d=8 +   
We cannot nd a convenient closed form for this series, but we note that 2d is the
dominant term, so G(d) is slightly more than 2d .
13.7.5: The trick is to compute the exact number of inputs that are 1. If the inputs
are x1; : : :; xn, then the outputs are y0 ; y1; : : :; yn, where yi means that exactly i of
the x's are 1.
BASIS. n = 1. y0 =NOT x1 , and y1 = x1. Thus, a single gate and a delay of 1
suce for the n = 1 case.
INDUCTION. Suppose we have a circuit for n inputs and we want one for 2n inputs.
We take two copies of the n-input circuit, and feed half the inputs to each. We get
outputs u0; u1; : : :; un from the rst and v0; v1 ; : : :; vn from the second. We can
combine each ui with each vj , using (n + 1)2 AND-gates. The AND-gate for ui and vj
is one way that i + j of the 2n inputs can be 1.
If we have OR-gates that can take any number of inputs, we can OR together
all the ways that k of the inputs can be 1. For example, zero 1's can only occur
when both u0 and v0 are 1. That is, y0 = u0 v0. One 1 can occur when either
u0 = 1 and v1 = 1, or u1 = 1 and v0 = 1. That is, y1 = u0v1 + u1 v0 . Similarly,
y2 = u0 v2 + u1v1 + u2v0 . Then, 2n 1 OR-gates are needed, one for each but the y0
and y2n outputs.
If we restrict ourselves to 2-input OR-gates, then we need to combine the terms

in trees of OR-gates. As the middle output, yn , has n + 1 terms, we need O(log n)

levels. We can calculate the exact number of 2-input OR-gates needed by the fol-
lowing trick. We note that there are (n + 1)2 inputs to the trees of OR-gates. Each
2-input OR-gate reduces the number of lines by 1, and at the output there are 2n +1
lines left. Thus, there are exactly 2-input n2 OR-gates.
Now, let us count the levels and gates, both for the case of 2-input OR-gates,
and multi-input OR-gates. In the latter case, the recurrence for delay is
D(1) = 1
D(2n) = D(n) + 2
with a solution D(n) = 2 log2 n + 1.
For 2-input gates, we need O(log n) levels when we double the number of inputs,
so we get a recurrence of the form
D(1) = 1
D(2n) = D(n) + O(log n)

lp The solution to this recurrence is D(n) = O (log n)2 .
For the gate count, assuming multi-input OR gates, we need (n + 1)2 AND-gates
and 2n 1 OR-gates, or n2 + 4n gates in all. These are in addition to the gates in
two subcircuits for n inputs each. The recurrence is
G(1) = 1
G(2n) = 2G(n) + n2 + 4n
The solution is G(n) = 2n2 + n(4 log2 n 1).
Finally, if we use only 2-input OR-gates, then the gates used outside the two
subcircuits is 2n2 + 2n + 1, but the solution to the recurrence for gate count is still

} Section 13.8





}} Chapter 14. Predicate Logic

} Section 14.2

a) CS205 is a variable
b) cs205 is a constant
c) 205 is a constant
d) \cs205" is a constant
e) p(X; x) is a nonground atomic formula
f) p(3; 4; 5) is a ground atomic formula
g) \p(3; 4; 5)" is a constant

} Section 14.3

14.3.1: A suitable logical expression is:

csg(\PH100"; S; G) AND snap(S; \L. Van Pelt"; A; P ! answer(G)
answer is true when G = C+. For this we use
S = 67890
G = \C+"
A = \34 Pear Ave."
P = \555-5678"

} Section 14.4

a) (8X )(9Y ) NOT (p(X ) OR p(Y ) AND q(X ))
b) (9X )(NOT p(X ) AND ((9Y )p(Y ) OR (9X )q(X; Z )))
14.4.3: (9X )(NOT p(X ) AND ((9Y )p(Y ) OR (9W )q(W; Z )))
a) (8C )csg(C , \C. Brown", \A")
b) (9C ) NOT csg(C , \C. Brown", \A")

} Section 14.5

14.5.1(a): Consider the interpretation I1 :


1. D = fa; bg
2. loves(X; Y ) is true if XY is one of aa; ab; bc; bb
Under this interpretation (\everyone loves everyone"), expression (a) is true.
Now consider the interpretation I2 :
1. D = fa; bg
2. loves(X; Y ) is true if XY is one of ba; bb
Under this interpretation (\a is a misanthrope), expression (a) is false.
14.5.1(b): Interpretation I1:
1. D = fag
2. p(a) is true
Under I1 , expression (b) is true.
Interpretation I2 :
1. D = fag
2. p(a) is false
Under I2 , expression (b) is false.
14.5.1(c): Interpretation I1 :
1. D = fag
2. p(a) is true
Under I1 , expression (c) is true.
Interpretation I2 :
1. D = fa; bg
2. p(a) is true, p(b) is false
Under I2 , expression (b) is false because p(a) ! (8X )p(X ) is false.
14.5.1(d): Interpretation I1:
1. D = fa; b; cg
2. p(X; Y ) is true if XY is one of ab; bc; ac
Under I1 , expression (d) is true.
Interpretation I2 :
1. D = fa; b; cg
2. p(X; Y ) is true if XY is one of ab; bc
Under I2 , expression (d) is false.

} Section 14.6

a) (r OR s)  (s OR r) is a tautology in propositional logic (law 12.7). The
predicate logic expression (p(X ) OR q(Y ))  (q(Y ) OR p(X )) is derived by
substituting p(X ) for r and q(Y ) for s.

b) (r AND s)  r is a tautology in propositional logic (law 12.16). The expression

(p(X; Y ) AND p(X; Y ))  p(X; Y ) results by substituting p(X; Y ) for r.
c) (r ! FALSE)  NOT r is a tautology in propositional logic (law 12.24(a) with
FALSE in place of q). The expression (p(X ) ! FALSE)  NOT p(X ) follows by
substituting p(X ) for r.

} Section 14.7


a) (9X ) NOT p(X ) AND (9Y )(p(Y ) OR (9W ) q(W; Z )
b) (9X )((9Y )p(Y ) OR (9Z )q(Z ) OR r(X ))
14.7.3: Technically, law (14.12) does not allow us to change the binding of any
variable occurrence. Thus, law (14.12) does not allow us to conclude
p(X; Y ) AND (8X )q(X )  (8X ) p(X; Y ) AND q(X )
However, the two expressions are equivalent for other reasons.

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