Thorsten Ball-Writing An Interpreter in Go (2017) PDF
Thorsten Ball-Writing An Interpreter in Go (2017) PDF
Thorsten Ball-Writing An Interpreter in Go (2017) PDF
writing an
in go
Writing An Interpreter In Go
Thorsten Ball
Acknowledgments 3
Introduction 4
The Monkey Programming Language & Interpreter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Why Go? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
How to Use this Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1 Lexing 9
1.1 - Lexical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 - Defining Our Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 - The Lexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 - Extending our Token Set and Lexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.5 - Start of a REPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2 Parsing 28
2.1 - Parsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2 - Why not a parser generator? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 - Writing a Parser for the Monkey Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.4 - Parsers first steps: parsing let statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 - Parsing Return Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.6 - Parsing Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Expressions in Monkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Top Down Operator Precedence (or: Pratt Parsing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Preparing the AST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Implementing the Pratt Parser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Integer Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Prefix Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Infix Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.7 - How Pratt Parsing Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.8 - Extending the Parser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Boolean Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Grouped Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
If Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Function Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Call Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Removing TODOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.9 - Read-Parse-Print-Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3 Evaluation 103
3.1 -
Giving Meaning to Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.2 -
Strategies of Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.3 -
A Tree-Walking Interpreter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3.4 -
Representing Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Foundation of our Object System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Booleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Null . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.5 - Evaluating Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Integer Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Completing the REPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Boolean Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Null . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Prefix Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Infix Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3.6 - Conditionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.7 - Return Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3.8 - Abort! Abort! Theres been a mistake!, or: Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
3.9 - Bindings & The Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
3.10 - Functions & Function Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
3.11 - Whos taking the trash out? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Resources 200
Feedback 202
Changelog 203
I want to use these lines to express my gratitude to my wife for supporting me. Shes the
reason youre reading this. This book wouldnt exist without her encouragement, faith in me,
assistance and her willingness to listen to my mechanical keyboard clacking away at 6am.
Thanks to my friends Christian, Felix and Robin for reviewing early versions of this book and
providing me with invaluable feedback, advice and cheers. You improved this book more than
you can imagine.
The first sentence of this introduction was supposed to be this one: Interpreters are magical.
But one of the earliest reviewers, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that sounds super
stupid. Well, Christian, I dont think so! I still think that interpreters are magical! Let me
tell you why.
On the surface they look deceptively simple: text goes in and something comes out. They are
programs that take other programs as their input and produce something. Simple, right? But
the more you think about it, the more fascinating it becomes. Seemingly random characters
- letters, numbers and special characters - are fed into the interpreter and suddenly become
meaningful. The interpreter gives them meaning! It makes sense out of nonsense. And the
computer, a machine thats built on understanding ones and zeroes, now understands and acts
upon this weird language we feed into it - thanks to an interpreter that translates this language
while reading it.
I kept asking myself: how does this work? And the first time this question began forming in
my mind, I already knew that Ill only be satisfied with an answer if I get to it by writing my
own interpreter. So I set out to do so.
A lot of books, articles, blog posts and tutorials on interpreters exist. Most of the time, though,
they fall into one of two categories. Either they are huge, incredibly heavy on theory and more
targeted towards people who already have a vast understanding of the topic, or they are really
short, provide just a small introduction to the topic, use external tools as black boxes and only
concern themselves with toy interpreters.
One of the main sources of frustration was this latter category of resources, because the inter-
preters they explain only interpret languages with a really simple syntax. I didnt want to take
a shortcut! I truly wanted to understand how interpreters work and that included understand-
ing how lexers and parsers work. Especially with a C-like language and its curly braces and
semicolons, where I didnt even know how to start parsing them. The academic textbooks had
the answers I was looking for, of course. But rather inaccessible to me, behind their lengthy,
theoretical explanations and mathematical notation.
What I wanted was something between the 900 page book on compilers and the blog post that
explains how to write a Lisp interpreter in 50 lines of Ruby code.
So I wrote this book, for you and me. This is the book I wish I had. This is a book for people
who love to look under the hood. For people that love to learn by understanding how something
really works.
In this book were going to write our own interpreter for our own programming language - from
scratch. We wont be using any 3rd party tools and libraries. The result wont be production-
ready, it wont have the performance of a fully-fledged interpreter and, of course, the language
its built to interpret will be missing features. But were going to learn a lot.
Its difficult to make generic statements about interpreters since the variety is so high and none
are alike. What can be said is that the one fundamental attribute they all share is that they
take source code and evaluate it without producing some visible, intermediate result that can
later be executed. Thats in contrast to compilers, which take source code and produce output
in another language that the underlying system can understand.
Some interpreters are really small, tiny, and do not even bother with a parsing step. They just
interpret the input right away. Look at one of the many Brainfuck interpreters out there to see
what I mean.
On the other end of the spectrum are much more elaborate types of interpreters. Highly
optimized and using advanced parsing and evaluation techniques. Some of them dont just
evaluate their input, but compile it into an internal representation called bytecode and then
evaluate this. Even more advanced are JIT interpreters that compile the input just-in-time into
native machine code that gets then executed.
But then, in between those two categories, there are interpreters that parse the source code,
build an abstract syntax tree (AST) out of it and then evaluate this tree. This type of interpreter
is sometimes called tree-walking interpreter, because it walks the AST and interprets it.
What we will be building in this book is such a tree-walking interpreter.
Were going to build our own lexer, our own parser, our own tree representation and our own
evaluator. Well see what tokens are, what an abstract syntax tree is, how to build such a
tree, how to evaluate it and how to extend our language with new data structures and built-in
Every interpreter is built to interpret a specific programming language. Thats how you imple-
ment a programming language. Without a compiler or an interpreter a programming language
is nothing more than an idea or a specification.
Were going to parse and evaluate our own language called Monkey. Its a language specifically
designed for this book. Its only implementation is the one were going to build in this book -
our interpreter.
Expressed as a list of features, Monkey has the following:
C-like syntax
variable bindings
integers and booleans
arithmetic expressions
built-in functions
first-class and higher-order functions
a string data structure
an array data structure
a hash data structure
Were going to take a detailed look at and implement each of these features in the rest of this
book. But for now, lets see what Monkey looks like.
Here is how we bind values to names in Monkey:
let age = 1;
let name = "Monkey";
let result = 10 * (20 / 2);
Besides integers, booleans and strings, the Monkey interpreter were going to build will also
support arrays and hashes. Heres what binding an array of integers to a name looks like:
let myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Accessing the elements in arrays and hashes is done with index expressions:
myArray[0] // => 1
thorsten["name"] // => "Thorsten"
The let statements can also be used to bind functions to names. Heres a small function that
adds two numbers:
let add = fn(a, b) { return a + b; };
But Monkey not only supports return statements. Implicit return values are also possible,
which means we can leave out the return if we want to:
let add = fn(a, b) { a + b; };
A more complex function, such as a fibonacci function that returns the Nth Fibonacci number,
might look like this:
let fibonacci = fn(x) {
if (x == 0) {
} else {
if (x == 1) {
} else {
fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2);
Here twice takes two arguments: another function called addTwo and the integer 2. It calls
addTwo two times with first 2 as argument and then with the return value of the first call. The
last line produces 6.
Yes, we can use functions as arguments in function calls. Functions in Monkey are just values,
like integers or strings. That feature is called first class functions.
The interpreter were going to build in this book will implement all these features. It will
tokenize and parse Monkey source code in a REPL, building up an internal representation of
the code called abstract syntax tree and then evaluate this tree. It will have a few major parts:
the lexer
the parser
the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
the internal object system
the evaluator
Were going to build these parts in exactly this order, from the bottom up. Or better put:
starting with the source code and ending with the output. The drawback of this approach is
that it wont produce a simple Hello World after the first chapter. The advantage is that
its easier to understand how all the pieces fit together and how the data flows through the
But why the name? Why is it called Monkey? Well, because monkeys are magnificent, elegant,
fascinating and funny creatures. Exactly like our interpreter.
And why the name of the book?
Why Go?
If you read this far without noticing the title and the words in Go in it, first of all: con-
gratulations, thats pretty remarkable. And second: we will write our interpreter in Go. Why
I like writing code in Go. I enjoy using the language, its standard library and the tools it
provides. But other than that I think that Go is in possession of a few attributes that make it
a great fit for this particular book.
Go is really easy to read and subsequently understand. You wont need to decipher the Go code
I present to you in this book. Even if you are not an experienced Go programmer. Id bet that
you can follow this book along even if youve never written a single line of Go in your life.
Another reason is the great tooling Go provides. The focus of this book is the interpreter we
are writing - the ideas and concepts behind it and its implementation. With Gos universal
formatting style thanks to gofmt and a testing framework built-in, we can concentrate on our
interpreter and not worry about 3rd party libraries, tools and dependencies. We wont be using
any other tools in this book other than the ones provided by the Go programming language.
But I think much more important is that the Go code presented in this book maps closely to
other and possibly more low-level languages, like C, C++ and Rust. Maybe the reason for
this is Go itself, with its focus on simplicity, its stripped-down charm and lack of programming
language constructs that are absent in other languages and hard to translate. Or maybe its
because of the way I chose to write Go for this book. Either way, there wont be any meta-
programming tricks to take a shortcut that nobody understands anymore after two weeks and no
grandiose object-oriented designs and patterns that need pen, paper and the sentence actually,
its pretty easy to explain.
All of these reasons make the code presented here easy to understand (on a conceptual as well
as a technical level) and reusable for you. And if you, after reading this book, choose to write
your own interpreter in another language this should come in handy. With this book I want to
provide a starting point in your understanding and construction of interpreters and I think the
code reflects that.
This book is neither a reference, nor is it a theory-laden paper describing concepts of interpreter
implementation with code in the appendix. This book is meant to be read from start to finish
and I recommend that you follow along by reading, typing out and modifying the presented
Each chapter builds upon its predecessor - in code and in prose. And in each chapter we build
another part of our interpreter, piece by piece. To make it easier to follow along, the book comes
with a folder called code, that contains, well, code. If your copy of the book came without the
folder, you can download it here:
The code folder is divided into several subfolders, with one for each chapter, containing the final
result of the corresponding chapter.
Sometimes Ill only allude to something being in the code, without showing the code itself
(because either it would take up too much space, as is the case with the test files, or it is just
some detail) - you can find this code in the folder accompanying the chapter, too.
Which tools do you need to follow along? Not much: a text editor and the Go programming
language. Any Go version above 1.0 should work, but just as a disclaimer and for future
generations: at the time of writing Im using Go 1.7.
I also recommend using direnv, which can change the environment of your shell according to an
.envrc file. Each sub-folder in the code folder accompanying this book contains such an .envrc
file that sets the GOPATH correctly for this sub-folder. That allows us to easily work with the
code of different chapters.
And with that out of the way, lets get started!
Chapter 1
In order for us to work with source code we need to turn it into a more accessible form. As easy
as plain text is to work with in our editor, it becomes cumbersome pretty fast when trying to
interpret it in a programming language as another programming language.
So, what we need to do is represent our source code in other forms that are easier to work with.
Were going to change the representation of our source code two times before we evaluate it:
The first transformation, from source code to tokens, is called lexical analysis, or lexing for
short. Its done by a lexer (also called tokenizer or scanner some use one word or the other
to denote subtle differences in behaviour, which we can ignore in this book).
Tokens itself are small, easily categorizable data structures that are then fed to the parser, which
does the second transformation and turns the tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree.
Heres an example. This is the input one gives to a lexer:
"let x = 5 + 5;"
And what comes out of the lexer looks kinda like this:
All of these tokens have the original source code representation attached. "let" in the case of
LET, "+" in the case of PLUS_SIGN, and so on. Some, like IDENTIFIER and INTEGER in our example,
also have the concrete values they represent attached: 5 (not "5"!) in the case of INTEGER and
"x" in the case of IDENTIFIER. But what exactly constitutes a token varies between different
lexer implementations. As an example, some lexers only convert the "5" to an integer in the
parsing stage, or even later, and not when constructing tokens.
A thing to note about this example: whitespace characters dont show up as tokens. In our case
thats okay, because whitespace length is not significant in the Monkey language. Whitespace
merely acts as a separator for other tokens. It doesnt matter if we type this:
let x = 5;
Or if we type this:
let x = 5;
In other languages, like Python, the length of whitespace is significant. That means the lexer
cant just eat up the whitespace and newline characters. It has to output the whitespace
characters as tokens so the parser can later on make sense of them (or output an error, of
course, if there are not enough or too many).
A production-ready lexer might also attach the line number, column number and filename to
a token. Why? For example, to later output more useful error messages in the parsing stage.
Instead of "error: expected semicolon token" it can output:
"error: expected semicolon token. line 42, column 23, program.monkey"
Were not going to bother with that. Not because its too complex, but because it would take
away from the essential simpleness of the tokens and the lexer, making it harder to understand.
The first thing we have to do is to define the tokens our lexer is going to output. Were going
to start with just a few token definitions and then add more when extending the lexer.
The subset of the Monkey language were going to lex in our first step looks like this:
let five = 5;
let ten = 10;
Lets break this down: which types of tokens does this example contain? First of all, there are
the numbers like 5 and 10. These are pretty obvious. Then we have the variable names x, y,
add and result. And then there are also these parts of the language that are not numbers, just
words, but no variable names either, like let and fn. Of course, there are also a lot of special
characters: (, ), {, }, =, ,, ;.
The numbers are just integers and were going to treat them as such and give them a separate
type. In the lexer or parser we dont care if the number is 5 or 10, we just want to know if its
a number. The same goes for variable names: well call them identifiers and treat them
the same. Now, the other words, the ones that look like identifiers, but arent really identifiers,
since theyre part of the language, are called keywords. We wont group these together since
it should make a difference in the parsing stage whether we encounter a let or a fn. The
same goes for the last category we identified: the special characters. Well treat each of them
separately, since it is a big difference whether or not we have a ( or a ) in the source code.
Lets define our Token data structure. Which fields does it need? As we just saw, we definitely
need a type attribute, so we can distinguish between integers and right bracket for exam-
ple. And it also needs a field that holds the literal value of the token, so we can reuse it later
and the information whether a number token is a 5 or a 10 doesnt get lost.
In a new token package we define our Token struct and our TokenType type:
// token/token.go
package token
We defined the TokenType type to be a string. That allows us to use many different values
as TokenTypes, which in turn allows us to distinguish between different types of tokens. Using
string also has the advantage of being easy to debug without a lot of boilerplate and helper
functions: we can just print a string. Of course, using a string might not lead to the same
performance as using an int or a byte would, but for this book a string is perfect.
As we just saw, there is a limited number of different token types in the Monkey language. That
means we can define the possible TokenTypes as constants. In the same file we add this:
// token/token.go
const (
// Identifiers + literals
IDENT = "IDENT" // add, foobar, x, y, ...
INT = "INT" // 1343456
// Operators
ASSIGN = "="
PLUS = "+"
// Delimiters
COMMA = ","
LPAREN = "("
RPAREN = ")"
LBRACE = "{"
RBRACE = "}"
// Keywords
As you can see there are two special types: ILLEGAL and EOF. We didnt see them in the example
above, but well need them. ILLEGAL signifies a token/character we dont know about and EOF
stands for end of file, which tells our parser later on that it can stop.
So far so good! We are ready to start writing our lexer.
Before we start to write code, lets be clear about the goal of this section. Were going to write
our own lexer. It will take source code as input and output the tokens that represent the source
code. It will go through its input and output the next token it recognizes. It doesnt need to
buffer or save tokens, since there will only be one method called NextToken(), which will output
the next token.
That means, well initialize the lexer with our source code and then repeatedly call NextToken()
on it to go through the source code, token by token, character by character. Well also make
life simpler here by using string as the type for our source code. Again: in a production
environment it makes sense to attach filenames and line numbers to tokens, to better track
down lexing and parsing errors. So it would be better to initialize the lexer with an io.Reader
and the filename. But since that would add more complexity were not here to handle, well
start small and just use a string and ignore filenames and line numbers.
Having thought this through, we now realize that what our lexer needs to do is pretty clear.
So lets create a new package and add a first test that we can continuously run to get feedback
about the working state of the lexer. Were starting small here and will extend the test case as
we add more capabilities to the lexer:
// lexer/lexer_test.go
package lexer
import (
tests := []struct {
expectedType token.TokenType
expectedLiteral string
{token.ASSIGN, "="},
{token.PLUS, "+"},
{token.LPAREN, "("},
{token.RPAREN, ")"},
{token.LBRACE, "{"},
{token.RBRACE, "}"},
{token.COMMA, ","},
{token.SEMICOLON, ";"},
{token.EOF, ""},
l := New(input)
for i, tt := range tests {
tok := l.NextToken()
if tok.Type != tt.expectedType {
t.Fatalf("tests[%d] - tokentype wrong. expected=%q, got=%q",
i, tt.expectedType, tok.Type)
if tok.Literal != tt.expectedLiteral {
t.Fatalf("tests[%d] - literal wrong. expected=%q, got=%q",
i, tt.expectedLiteral, tok.Literal)
Of the course, the tests fail we havent written any code yet:
$ go test ./lexer
# monkey/lexer
lexer/lexer_test.go:27: undefined: New
FAIL monkey/lexer [build failed]
// lexer/lexer.go
package lexer
Most of the fields in Lexer are pretty self-explanatory. The ones that might cause some confusion
right now are position and readPosition. Both will be used to access characters in input by
using them as an index, e.g.: l.input[l.readPosition]. The reason for these two pointers
pointing into our input string is the fact that we will need to be able to peek further into
the input and look after the current character to see what comes up next. readPosition always
points to the next character in the input. position points to the character in the input that
corresponds to the ch byte.
A first helper method called readChar() should make the usage of these fields easier to under-
// lexer/lexer.go
l.readPosition += 1
The purpose of readChar is to give us the next character and advance our position in the input
string. The first thing it does is to check whether we have reached the end of input. If thats
the case it sets to 0, which is the ASCII code for the "NUL" character and signifies either
we havent read anything yet or end of file for us. But if we havent reached the end of
input yet it sets to the next character by accessing l.input[l.readPosition].
After that l.position is updated to the just used l.readPosition and l.readPosition is incre-
mented by one. That way, l.readPosition always points to the next position where were going
to read from next and l.position always points to the position where we last read. This will
come in handy soon enough.
While talking about readChar its worth pointing out that the lexer only supports ASCII char-
acters instead of the full Unicode range. Why? Because this lets us keep things simple and
concentrate on the essential parts of our interpreter. In order to fully support Unicode and
UTF-8 we would need to change from a byte to rune and change the way we read the
next characters, since they could be multiple bytes wide now. Using l.input[l.readPosition]
wouldnt work anymore. And then wed also need to change a few other methods and functions
well see later on. So its left as an exercise to the reader to fully support Unicode (and emojis!)
in Monkey.
Lets use readChar in our New() function so our *Lexer is in a fully working state before anyone
calls NextToken(), with, l.position and l.readPosition already initialized:
// lexer/lexer.go
Our tests now tell us that calling New(input) doesnt result in problems anymore, but the
NextToken() method is still missing. Lets fix that by adding a first version:
// lexer/lexer.go
import "monkey/token"
switch {
case '=':
tok = newToken(token.ASSIGN,
case ';':
tok = newToken(token.SEMICOLON,
case '(':
tok = newToken(token.LPAREN,
case ')':
tok = newToken(token.RPAREN,
case ',':
tok = newToken(token.COMMA,
case '+':
tok = newToken(token.PLUS,
case '{':
tok = newToken(token.LBRACE,
case '}':
tok = newToken(token.RBRACE,
case 0:
tok.Literal = ""
tok.Type = token.EOF
return tok
Thats the basic structure of the NextToken() method. We look at the current character under
examination ( and return a token depending on which character it is. Before returning the
token we advance our pointers into the input so when we call NextToken() again the field
is already updated. A small function called newToken helps us with initializing these tokens.
Running the tests we can see that they pass:
$ go test ./lexer
ok monkey/lexer 0.007s
Great! Lets now extend the test case so it starts to resemble Monkey source code.
// lexer/lexer_test.go
tests := []struct {
expectedType token.TokenType
expectedLiteral string
{token.LET, "let"},
{token.IDENT, "five"},
{token.ASSIGN, "="},
{token.INT, "5"},
{token.SEMICOLON, ";"},
{token.LET, "let"},
{token.IDENT, "ten"},
{token.ASSIGN, "="},
{token.INT, "10"},
{token.SEMICOLON, ";"},
{token.LET, "let"},
{token.IDENT, "add"},
{token.ASSIGN, "="},
{token.FUNCTION, "fn"},
{token.LPAREN, "("},
{token.IDENT, "x"},
{token.COMMA, ","},
{token.IDENT, "y"},
{token.RPAREN, ")"},
{token.LBRACE, "{"},
{token.IDENT, "x"},
{token.PLUS, "+"},
{token.IDENT, "y"},
{token.SEMICOLON, ";"},
{token.RBRACE, "}"},
{token.SEMICOLON, ";"},
{token.LET, "let"},
{token.IDENT, "result"},
{token.ASSIGN, "="},
{token.IDENT, "add"},
{token.LPAREN, "("},
{token.IDENT, "five"},
{token.COMMA, ","},
{token.IDENT, "ten"},
{token.RPAREN, ")"},
{token.SEMICOLON, ";"},
{token.EOF, ""},
// [...]
Most notably the input in this test case has changed. It looks like a subset of the Monkey
language. It contains all the symbols we already successfully turned into tokens, but also new
things that are now causing our tests to fail: identifiers, keywords and numbers.
Lets start with the identifiers and keywords. What our lexer needs to do is recognize whether
the current character is a letter and if so, it needs to read the rest of the identifier/keyword
until it encounters a non-letter-character. Having read that identifier/keyword, we then need
to find out if it is a identifier or a keyword, so we can use the correct token.TokenType. The
first step is extending our switch statement:
// lexer/lexer.go
import "monkey/token"
switch {
// [...]
if isLetter( {
tok.Literal = l.readIdentifier()
return tok
} else {
tok = newToken(token.ILLEGAL,
// [...]
position := l.position
for isLetter( {
return l.input[position:l.position]
We added a default branch to our switch statement, so we can check for identifiers whenever
the is not one of the recognized characters. We also added the generation of token.ILLEGAL
tokens. If we end up there, we truly dont know how to handle the current character and declare
it as token.ILLEGAL.
The isLetter helper function just checks whether the given argument is a letter. That sounds
easy enough, but whats noteworthy about isLetter is that changing this function has a larger
impact on the language our interpreter will be able to parse than one would expect from such
a small function. As you can see, in our case it contains the check ch == '_', which means that
well treat _ as a letter and allow it in identifiers and keywords. That means we can use variable
names like foo_bar. Other programming languages even allow ! and ? in identifiers. If you
want to allow that too, this is the place to sneak it in.
readIdentifier() does exactly what its name suggests: it reads in an identifier and advances
our lexers positions until it encounters a non-letter-character.
In the default: branch of the switch statement we use readIdentifier() to set the Literal field
of our current token. But what about its Type? Now that we have read identifiers like let, fn
or foobar, we need to be able to tell user-defined identifiers apart from language keywords. We
need a function that returns the correct TokenType for the token literal we have. What better
place than the token package to add such a function?
// token/token.go
LookupIdent checks the keywords table to see whether the given identifier is in fact a keyword.
If it is, it returns the keywords TokenType constant. If it isnt, we just get back token.IDENT,
which is the TokenType for all user-defined identifiers.
With this in hand we can now complete the lexing of identifiers and keywords:
// lexer/lexer.go
switch {
// [...]
if isLetter( {
tok.Literal = l.readIdentifier()
tok.Type = token.LookupIdent(tok.Literal)
return tok
} else {
tok = newToken(token.ILLEGAL,
// [...]
The early exit here, our return tok statement, is necessary because when calling readIdenti-
fier(), we call readChar() repeatedly and advance our readPosition and position fields past
the last character of the current identifier. So we dont need the call to readChar() after the
switch statement again.
Running our tests now, we can see that let is identified correctly but the tests still fail:
$ go test ./lexer
--- FAIL: TestNextToken (0.00s)
lexer_test.go:70: tests[1] - tokentype wrong. expected="IDENT", got="ILLEGAL"
FAIL monkey/lexer 0.008s
The problem is the next token we want: a IDENT token with "five" in its Literal field. Instead
we get an ILLEGAL token. Why is that? Because of the whitespace character between let and
five. But in Monkey whitespace only acts as a separator of tokens and doesnt have meaning,
so we need to skip over it entirely:
// lexer/lexer.go
switch {
// [...]
This little helper function is found in a lot of parsers. Sometimes its called eatWhitespace and
sometimes consumeWhitespace and sometimes something entirely different. Which characters
these functions actually skip depends on the language being lexed. Some language implementa-
tions do create tokens for newline characters for example and throw parsing errors if they are
not at the correct place in the stream of tokens. We skip over newline characters to make the
parsing step later on a little easier.
With skipWhitespace() in place, the lexer trips over the 5 in the let five = 5; part of our test
input. And thats right, it doesnt know yet how to turn numbers into tokens. Its time to add
As we did previously for identifiers, we now need to add more functionality to the default
branch of our switch statement.
// lexer/lexer.go
switch {
// [...]
if isLetter( {
tok.Literal = l.readIdentifier()
tok.Type = token.LookupIdent(tok.Literal)
return tok
} else if isDigit( {
tok.Type = token.INT
tok.Literal = l.readNumber()
return tok
} else {
tok = newToken(token.ILLEGAL,
// [...]
As you can see, the added code closely mirrors the part concerned with reading identifiers and
keywords. The readNumber method is exactly the same as readIdentifier except for its usage
of isDigit instead of isLetter. We could probably generalize this by passing in the character-
identifying functions as arguments, but wont, for simplicitys sake and ease of understanding.
The isDigit function is as simple as isLetter. It just returns whether the passed in byte is a
Latin digit between 0 and 9.
With this added, our tests pass:
$ go test ./lexer
ok monkey/lexer 0.008s
I dont know if you noticed, but we simplified things a lot in readNumber. We only read in
integers. What about floats? Or numbers in hex notation? Octal notation? We ignore them
and just say that Monkey doesnt support this. Of course, the reason for this is again the
educational aim and limited scope of this book.
Its time to pop the champagne and celebrate: we successfully turned the small subset of the
Monkey language we used in the our test case into tokens!
With this victory under our belt, its easy to extend the lexer so it can tokenize a lot more of
Monkey source code.
In order to eliminate the need to jump between packages when later writing our parser, we need
to extend our lexer so it can recognize more of the Monkey language and output more tokens.
So in this section we will add support for ==, !, !=, -, /, *, <, > and the keywords true, false,
if, else and return.
The new tokens we will need to add, build and output can be classified as one of these three:
one-character token (e.g. -), two-character token (e.g. ==) and keyword token (e.g. return).
We already know how to handle one-character and keyword tokens, so we add support for these
first, before extending the lexer for two-character tokens.
Adding support for -, /, *, < and > is trivial. The first thing we need to do, of course, is modify
the input of our test case in lexer/lexer_test.go to include these characters. Just like we
did before. In the code accompanying this chapter you can also find the extended tests table,
which I wont show in the remainder of this chapter, in order to save space and to keep you
from getting bored.
// lexer/lexer_test.go
// [...]
Note that although the input looks like an actual piece of Monkey source code, some lines dont
really make sense, with gibberish like !-/*5. Thats okay. The lexers job is not to tell us
whether code makes sense, works or contains errors. That comes in a later stage. The lexer
should only turn this input into tokens. For that reason the test cases I write for lexers cover
all tokens and also try to provoke off-by-one errors, edge cases at end-of-file, newline handling,
multi-digit number parsing and so on. Thats why the code looks like gibberish.
Running the test we get undefined: errors, because the tests contain references to undefined
TokenTypes. To fix them we add the following constants to token/token.go:
// token/token.go
const (
// [...]
// Operators
ASSIGN = "="
PLUS = "+"
MINUS = "-"
BANG = "!"
SLASH = "/"
LT = "<"
GT = ">"
// [...]
With the new constants added, the tests still fail, because we dont return the tokens with the
expected TokenTypes.
$ go test ./lexer
--- FAIL: TestNextToken (0.00s)
lexer_test.go:84: tests[36] - tokentype wrong. expected="!", got="ILLEGAL"
FAIL monkey/lexer 0.007s
Turning these tests from failing to passing requires us to extend our switch statement in the
NextToken() method of Lexer:
// lexer/lexer.go
The tokens are now added and the cases of the switch statement have been reordered to reflect
the structure of the constants in token/token.go. This small change makes our tests pass:
$ go test ./lexer
ok monkey/lexer 0.007s
The new one-character tokens have been successfully added. Next step: add the new keywords
true, false, if, else and return.
Again, the first step is to extend the input in our test to include these new keywords. Here is
what the input in TestNextToken looks like now:
// lexer/lexer_test.go
if (5 < 10) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// [...]
The tests do not even compile since the references in the test expectations to the new keywords
are undefined. Fixing that, again, means just adding new constants and in this case, adding
the keywords to the lookup table for LookupIdent().
// token/token.go
const (
// [...]
// Keywords
IF = "IF"
And it turns out that we not only fixed the compilation error by fixing references to undefined
variables, we even made the tests pass:
$ go test ./lexer
ok monkey/lexer 0.007s
The lexer now recognizes the new keywords and the necessary changes were trivial, easy to
predict and easy to make. Id say a pat on the back is in order. We did a great job!
But before we can move onto the next chapter and start with our parser, we still need to extend
the lexer so it recognizes tokens that are composed of two characters. The tokens we want to
support look like this in the source code: == and !=.
At first glance you may be thinking: why not add a new case to our switch statement and be
done with it? Since our switch statement takes the current character as the expression
to compare against the cases, we cant just add new cases like case "==" - the compiler wont
let us. We cant compare our byte with strings like "==".
What we can do instead is to reuse the existing branches for '=' and '!' and extend them. So
what were going to do is to look ahead in the input and then determine whether to return a
token for = or ==. After extending input in lexer/lexer_test.go again, it now looks like this:
// lexer/lexer_test.go
if (5 < 10) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
10 == 10;
10 != 9;
// [...]
Before we start working on the switch statement in NextToken(), we need to add a new helper
method defined on *Lexer called peekChar():
// lexer/lexer.go
peekChar() is really similar to readChar(), except that it doesnt increment l.position and
l.readPosition. We only want to peek ahead in the input and not move around in it, so
we know what a call to readChar() would return. Most lexers and parser have such a peek
function that looks ahead and most of the time it only returns the immediately next character.
The difficulty of parsing different languages often comes down to how far you have to peek
ahead (or look backwards!) in the source code to make sense of it.
With peekChar() added, the code with the updated test input doesnt compile. Of course, since
were referencing undefined token constants in the tests. Fixing that, again, is easy:
// token/token.go
const (
// [...]
EQ = "=="
NOT_EQ = "!="
// [...]
With the references to token.EQ and token.NOT_EQ in the tests for the lexer fixed, running go
test now returns the correct failure message:
$ go test ./lexer
--- FAIL: TestNextToken (0.00s)
lexer_test.go:118: tests[66] - tokentype wrong. expected="==", got="="
FAIL monkey/lexer 0.007s
When the lexer comes upon a == in the input it creates two token.ASSIGN tokens instead of one
token.EQ token. The solution is to use our new peekChar() method. In the branches of the
switch statement for '=' and '!' we peek ahead. If the next token is also a = we create either
a token.EQ or a token.NOT_EQ token:
// lexer/lexer.go
Note that we save in a local variable before calling l.readChar() again. This way we
dont lose the current character and can safely advance the lexer so it leaves the NextToken()
with l.position and l.readPosition in the correct state. If we were to start supporting more
two-character tokens in Monkey, we should probably abstract the behaviour away in a method
called makeTwoCharToken that peeks and advances if it found the right token. Because those two
branches look awfully similar. For now though == and != are the only two-character tokens in
Monkey, so lets leave it as it is and run our tests again to make sure it works:
$ go test ./lexer
ok monkey/lexer 0.006s
They pass! We did it! The lexer can now produce the extended set of tokens and were ready
to write our parser. But before we do that, lets lay another ground stone we can build upon
in the coming chapters
The Monkey language needs a REPL. REPL stands for Read Eval Print Loop and you proba-
bly know what it is from other interpreted languages: Python has a REPL, Ruby has one, every
JavaScript runtime has one, most Lisps have one and a lot of other languages too. Sometimes
the REPL is called console, sometimes interactive mode. The concept is the same: the
REPL reads input, sends it to the interpreter for evaluation, prints the result/output of the
interpreter and starts again. Read, Eval, Print, Loop.
We dont know how to fully Eval Monkey source code yet. We only have one part of the
process that hides behind Eval: we can tokenize Monkey source code. But we also know how
to read and print something, and I dont think looping poses a problem.
Here is a REPL that tokenizes Monkey source code and prints the tokens. Later on, we will
expand on this and add parsing and evaluation to it.
// repl/repl.go
package repl
import (
for {
scanned := scanner.Scan()
if !scanned {
line := scanner.Text()
l := lexer.New(line)
This is all pretty straightforward: read from the input source until encountering a newline, take
the just read line and pass it to an instance of our lexer and finally print all the tokens the lexer
gives us until we encounter EOF.
In a main.go file (which weve been missing until now!) we welcome the user of the REPL and
start it:
// main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
user, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Hello %s! This is the Monkey programming language!\n",
fmt.Printf("Feel free to type in commands\n")
repl.Start(os.Stdin, os.Stdout)
Chapter 2
2.1 - Parsers
Everyone who has ever programmed has probably heard about parsers, mostly by encountering
a parser error. Or maybe heard or even said something like we need to parse this, after its
parsed, the parser blows up with this input. The word parser is as common as compiler,
interpreter and programming language. Everyone knows that parsers exist. They have to,
right? Because who else would be responsible for parser errors?
But what is a parser exactly? What is its job and how does it do it? This is what Wikipedia
has to say:
A parser is a software component that takes input data (frequently text) and builds
a data structure often some kind of parse tree, abstract syntax tree or other
hierarchical structure giving a structural representation of the input, checking for
correct syntax in the process. [] The parser is often preceded by a separate lexical
analyser, which creates tokens from the sequence of input characters;
For a Wikipedia article about a computer science topic this excerpt is remarkably easy to
understand. We can even recognize our lexer in there!
A parser turns its input into a data structure that represents the input. That sounds pretty
abstract, so let me illustrate this with an example. Here is a little bit of JavaScript:
> var input = '{"name": "Thorsten", "age": 28}';
> var output = JSON.parse(input);
> output
{ name: 'Thorsten', age: 28 }
> output.age
Our input is just some text, a string. We then pass it to a parser hidden behind the JSON.parse
function and receive an output value. This output is the data structure that represents the
input: a JavaScript object with two fields named name and age, their values also corresponding
to the input. We can now easily work with this data structure as demonstrated by accessing
the name and age fields.
But, I hear you say, a JSON parser isnt the same as a parser for a programming language!
Theyre different! I can see where youre coming from with this, but no, they are not different.
At least not on a conceptual level. A JSON parser takes text as input and builds a data structure
that represents the input. Thats exactly what the parser of a programming language does. The
difference is that in the case of a JSON parser you can see the data structure when looking at
the input. Whereas if you look at this
if ((5 + 2 * 3) == 91) { return computeStuff(input1, input2); }
its not immediately obvious how this could be represented with a data structure. This is why,
at least for me, they seemed different on a deeper, conceptional level. My guess is that this
perception of conceptional difference is mainly due to a lack of familiarity with programming
language parsers and the data structures they produce. I have a lot more experience with
writing JSON, parsing it with a parser and inspecting the output of the parser than with
parsing programming languages. As users of programming languages we seldom get to see or
interact with the parsed source code, with its internal representation. Lisp programmers are
the exception to the rule in Lisp the data structures used to represent the source code are the
ones used by a Lisp user. The parsed source code is easily accessible as data in the program.
Code is data, data is code is something you hear a lot from Lisp programmers.
So, in order to bring our conceptual understanding of programming language parsers up to
the level of our familiarity and intuitiveness with parsers of serialization languages (like JSON,
YAML, TOML, INI, and so on) we need to understand the data structures they produce.
In most interpreters and compilers the data structure used for the internal representation of
the source code is called a syntax tree or an abstract syntax tree (AST for short). The
abstract is based on the fact that certain details visible in the source code are omitted in the
AST. Semicolons, newlines, whitespace, comments, braces, bracket and parentheses depending
on the language and the parser these details are not represented in the AST, but merely guide
the parser when constructing it.
A fact to note is that there is not one true, universal AST format thats used by every parser.
Their implementations are all pretty similar, the concept is the same, but they differ in details.
The concrete implementation depends on the programming language being parsed.
A small example should make things clearer. Lets say that we have the following source code:
if (3 * 5 > 10) {
return "hello";
} else {
return "goodbye";
And lets say we are using JavaScript, have a MagicLexer, a MagicParser and the AST is built
out of JavaScript objects, then the parsing step might produce something like this:
> var input = 'if (3 * 5 > 10) { return "hello"; } else { return "goodbye"; }';
> var tokens = MagicLexer.parse(input);
> MagicParser.parse(tokens);
type: "if-statement",
condition: {
type: "operator-expression",
operator: ">",
left: {
type: "operator-expression",
operator: "*",
left: { type: "integer-literal", value: 3 },
right: { type: "integer-literal", value: 5 }
right: { type: "integer-literal", value: 10 }
consequence: {
type: "return-statement",
returnValue: { type: "string-literal", value: "hello" }
alternative: {
type: "return-statement",
returnValue: { type: "string-literal", value: "goodbye" }
As you can see, the output of the parser, the AST, is pretty abstract: there are no parentheses,
no semicolons and no braces. But it does represent the source code pretty accurately, dont you
think? I bet that you can now see the AST structure when looking back at the source code!
So, this is what parsers do. They take source code as input (either as text or tokens) and produce
a data structure which represents this source code. While building up the data structure, they
unavoidably analyse the input, checking that it conforms to the expected structure. Thus the
process of parsing is also called syntactic analysis.
In this chapter, were going to write our parser for the Monkey programming language. Its input
will be the tokens we defined in the previous chapter, produced by the lexer we already wrote.
We will define our own AST, suited to our needs as interpreters of the Monkey programming
language, and construct instances of this AST while recursively parsing tokens.
Maybe youve already heard about parser generators, like the tools yacc, bison or ANTLR.
Parser generators are tools that, when fed with a formal description of a language, produce
parsers as their output. This output is code that can then be compiled/interpreted and itself
fed with source code as input to produce a syntax tree.
There are a lot of parser generators, differing in the format of the input they accept and the
language of the output they produce. The majority of them use a context-free grammar (CFG)
as their input. A CFG is a set of rules that describe how to form correct (valid according to
the syntax) sentences in a language. The most common notational formats of CFGs are the
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) or the Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).
PrimaryExpression ::= "this"
| ObjectLiteral
| ( "(" Expression ")" )
| Identifier
| ArrayLiteral
| Literal
Literal ::= ( <DECIMAL_LITERAL>
Identifier ::= <IDENTIFIER_NAME>
ArrayLiteral ::= "[" ( ( Elision )? "]"
| ElementList Elision "]"
| ( ElementList )? "]" )
ElementList ::= ( Elision )? AssignmentExpression
( Elision AssignmentExpression )*
Elision ::= ( "," )+
ObjectLiteral ::= "{" ( PropertyNameAndValueList )? "}"
PropertyNameAndValueList ::= PropertyNameAndValue ( "," PropertyNameAndValue
| "," )*
PropertyNameAndValue ::= PropertyName ":" AssignmentExpression
PropertyName ::= Identifier
This is part of a full description of the EcmaScript syntax, in BNF. A parser generator would
take something like this and turn it into compilable C code, for example.
Maybe youve also heard that you should use a parser generator instead of writing a parser by
hand. Just skip this part, they say, its a solved problem. The reason for this recommen-
dation is that parsers are exceptionally well suited to being automatically generated. Parsing
is one of the most well-understood branches of computer science and really smart people have
already invested a lot of time into the problems of parsing. The results of their work are CFG,
BNF, EBNF, parser generators and advanced parsing techniques used in them. Why shouldnt
you take advantage of that?
I dont think that learning to write your own parser is a waste of time. I actually think its
immensely valuable. Only after having written your own parser, or at least attempted to, will
you see the benefits parser generators provide, the drawbacks they have and the problems they
solve. For me the concept of a parser generator only clicked after I wrote my first parser. I
looked at it and only then really and truly understood how its possible to generate this code
Most people, that recommend using a parser generator, when others want to get started with in-
terpreters and compilers only do so because theyve written a parser themselves before. Theyve
seen the problems and solutions available and decided its better to use an existing tool for the
job. And theyre correct - when you want to get something done and are in a production envi-
ronment, where correctness and robustness are priorities. Of course you shouldnt try to write
your own parser then, especially not if youve never written one before.
But we are here to learn, we want to understand how parsers work. And its my opinion that
the best way to do that is by getting our hands dirty and writing a parser ourselves. Also, I
think its immense fun.
There are two main strategies when parsing a programming language: top-down parsing or
bottom-up parsing. A lot of slightly different forms of each strategy exist. For example, re-
cursive descent parsing, Early parsing or predictive parsing are all variations of top down
The parser we are going to write is a recursive descent parser. And in particular, its a top
down operator precedence parser, sometimes called Pratt parser, after its inventor Vaughan
I wont go into the details of different parsing strategies here, because this is neither the place nor
am I qualified enough to accurately describe them. Instead, let me just say, that the difference
between top down and bottom up parsers is that the former starts with constructing root node
of the AST and then descends while the latter does it the other way around. A recursive descent
parser, which works from the top down, is often recommended for newcomers to parsing, since
it closely mirrors the way we think about ASTs and their construction. I personally found the
recursive approach starting at the root node really nice, even though it took writing some code
before the concept really clicked. Which is another reason to get started with the code instead
of delving into parsing strategies.
Now, when writing a parser ourselves, we have to make some trade-offs, yes. Our parser wont
be the fastest of all time, we wont have formal proof of its correctness and its error-recovery
process and detection of erroneous syntax wont be bullet proof. The last one is especially hard
to get right without extensive study of the theory surrounding parsing. But what were going to
have is a fully working parser for the Monkey programming language thats open for extensions
and improvements, easy to understand and a great start to further dive into the topic of parsing,
if one were so inclined.
Were going to start by parsing statements: let and return statements. When we can parse
statements and the basic structure of our parser stands, we will look at expressions and how to
parse these (this is were Vaughan Pratt will come into play). Afterwards we extend the parser
to make it capable of parsing a large subset of the Monkey programming language. As we go
along we build up the necessary structures for our AST.
These statements are called let statements and bind a value to the given name. let x = 5;
binds the value 5 to the name x. Our job in this section is to parse let statements correctly.
For now were going to skip parsing the expressions that produce the value of a given variable
binding and come back to this later - as soon as we know how to parse expressions on their
What does it mean to parse let statements correctly? It means that the parser produces an
AST that accurately represents the information contained in the original let statement. That
sounds reasonable, but we dont have an AST yet, nor do we know what it should look like. So
our first task is to take a close look at Monkey source code and see how its structured, so that
we can define the necessary parts of an AST thats able to accurately represent let statements.
Here is a fully valid program written in Monkey:
let x = 10;
let y = 15;
Programs in Monkey are a series of statements. In this example we can see three statements,
three variable bindings - let statements - of the following form:
let <identifier> = <expression>;
A let statement in Monkey consists of two changing parts: an identifier and an expression. In
the example above x, y and add are identifiers. 10, 15 and the function literal are expressions.
Before we go on, a few words about the difference between statements and expressions are
needed. Expressions produce values, statements dont. let x = 5 doesnt produce a value,
whereas 5 does (the value it produces is 5). A return 5; statement doesnt produce a value,
but add(5, 5) does. This distinction - expressions produce values, statements dont - changes
depending on who you ask, but its good enough for our needs.
What exactly an expression is or a statement, what produces values and what doesnt, depends
on the programming language. In some languages function literals (e.g.: fn(x, y) { return x
+ y; }) are expressions and can be used in any place where any other expression is allowed. In
other programming languages though function literals can only be part of a function declaration
statement, in the top level of the program. Some languages also have if expressions, where
conditionals are expressions and produce a value. This is entirely dependent on the choices the
language designers made. As youll see, a lot of things in Monkey are expressions, including
function literals.
Back to our AST. Looking at the example above, we can see that it needs two different types
of nodes: expressions and statements. Take a look at the start of our AST:
// ast/ast.go
package ast
Here we have three interfaces called Node, Statement and Expression. Every node in our AST has
to implement the Node interface, meaning it has to provide a TokenLiteral() method that returns
the literal value of the token its associated with. TokenLiteral() will be used only for debugging
and testing. The AST we are going to construct consists solely of Nodes that are connected to
each other - its a tree after all. Some of these nodes implement the Statement and some the
Expression interface. These interfaces only contain dummy methods called statementNode and
expressionNode respectively. They are not strictly necessary but help us by guiding the Go
compiler and possibly causing it to throw errors when we use a Statement where an Expression
shouldve been used, and vice versa.
And here is our first implementation of Node:
// ast/ast.go
type Program struct {
Statements []Statement
This Program node is going to be the root node of every AST our parser produces. Every
valid Monkey program is a series of statements. These statements are contained in the Pro-
gram.Statements, which is just a slice of AST nodes that implement the Statement interface.
With these basic building blocks for our AST construction defined, lets think about what a
node for a variable binding in the form of let x = 5; might look like. Which fields should it
have? Definitely one for the name of the variable. And it also needs a field that points to the
expression on the right side of the equal sign. It needs to be able to point to any expression.
It cant just point to a literal value (the integer literal 5 in this case), since every expression
is valid after the equal sign: let x = 5 * 5 is as valid as let y = add(2, 2) * 5 / 10;. And
then the node also needs to keep track of the token the AST node is associated with, so we can
implement the TokenLiteral() method. That makes three fields: one for the identifier, one for
the expression that produces the value in the let statement and one for the token.
// ast/ast.go
import "monkey/token"
// [...]
LetStatement has the fields we need: Name to hold the identifier of the binding and Value for the
expression that produces the value. The two methods statementNode and TokenLiteral satisfy
the Statement and Node interfaces respectively.
To hold the identifier of the binding, the x in let x = 5;, we have the Identifier struct type,
which implements the Expression interface. But the identifier in a let statement doesnt produce
a value, right? So why is it an Expression? Its to keep things simple. Identifiers in other parts
of a Monkey program do produce values, e.g.: let x = valueProducingIdentifier;. And to
keep the number of different node types small, well use Identifier here to represent the name
in a variable binding and later reuse it, to represent an identifier as part of or as a complete
With Program, LetStatement and Identifier defined this piece of Monkey source code
let x = 5;
Now that we know what its supposed to look like, the next task is to construct such an AST.
So, without further ado here is the beginning of our parser:
// parser/parser.go
package parser
import (
curToken token.Token
peekToken token.Token
func New(l *lexer.Lexer) *Parser {
p := &Parser{l: l}
return p
The Parser has three fields: l, curToken and peekToken. l is a pointer to an instance of the
lexer, on which we repeatedly call NextToken() to get the next token in the input. curToken
and peekToken act exactly like the two pointers our lexer has: position and peekPosition.
But instead of pointing to a character in the input, they point to the current and the next
token. Both are important: we need to look at the curToken, which is the current token under
examination, to decide what to do next, and we also need peekToken for this decision if curToken
doesnt give us enough information. Think of a single line only containing 5;. Then curToken
is a token.INT and we need peekToken to decide whether we are at the end of the line or if we
are at just the start of an arithmetic expression.
The New function is pretty self-explanatory and the nextToken method is a small helper that
advances both curToken and peekToken. But ParseProgram is empty, for now.
Now before we start writing tests and filling out the ParseProgram method I want to show you
the basic idea and structure behind a recursive descent parser. That makes it a lot easier
to understand our own parser later on. What follows are the major parts of such a parser
in pseudocode. Read this carefully and try to understand what happens in the parseProgram
function parseProgram() {
program = newProgramASTNode()
if (currentToken() == LET_TOKEN) {
statement = parseLetStatement()
} else if (currentToken() == RETURN_TOKEN) {
statement = parseReturnStatement()
} else if (currentToken() == IF_TOKEN) {
statement = parseIfStatement()
if (statement != null) {
return program
function parseLetStatement() {
identifier = parseIdentifier()
if currentToken() != EQUAL_TOKEN {
parseError("no equal sign!")
return null
value = parseExpression()
variableStatement = newVariableStatementASTNode()
variableStatement.identifier = identifier
variableStatement.value = value
return variableStatement
function parseIdentifier() {
identifier = newIdentifierASTNode()
identifier.token = currentToken()
return identifier
function parseExpression() {
if (currentToken() == INTEGER_TOKEN) {
if (nextToken() == PLUS_TOKEN) {
return parseOperatorExpression()
} else if (nextToken() == SEMICOLON_TOKEN) {
return parseIntegerLiteral()
} else if (currentToken() == LEFT_PAREN) {
return parseGroupedExpression()
// [...]
function parseOperatorExpression() {
operatorExpression = newOperatorExpression()
operatorExpression.left = parseIntegerLiteral()
operatorExpression.operator = currentToken()
operatorExpression.right = parseExpression()
return operatorExpression()
// [...]
Since this is pseudocode there are a lot of omissions, of course. But the basic idea behind
recursive-descent parsing is there. The entry point is parseProgram and it constructs the root
node of the AST (newProgramASTNode()). It then builds the child nodes, the statements, by
calling other functions that know which AST node to construct based on the current token.
These other functions call each other again, recursively.
The most recursive part of this is in parseExpression and is only hinted at. But we can already
see that in order to parse an expression like 5 + 5, we need to first parse 5 + and then call
parseExpression() again to parse the rest, since after the + might be another operator expression,
like this: 5 + 5 * 10. We will get to this later and look at expression parsing in detail, since its
probably the most complicated but also the most beautiful part of the parser, making heavy
use of Pratt parsing.
But for now, we can already see what the parser has to do. It repeatedly advances the tokens
and checks the current token to decide what to do next: either call another parsing function or
throw an error. Each function then does its job and possibly constructs an AST node so that
the main loop in parseProgram() can advance the tokens and decide what to do again.
If you looked at that pseudocode and thought Well, thats actually pretty easy to understand
I have great news for you: our ParseProgram method and the parser will look pretty similar!
Lets get to work!
Again, were starting with a test before we flesh out ParseProgram. Here is a test case to make
sure that the parsing of let statements works:
// parser/parser_test.go
package parser
import (
program := p.ParseProgram()
if program == nil {
t.Fatalf("ParseProgram() returned nil")
if len(program.Statements) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain 3 statements. got=%d",
tests := []struct {
expectedIdentifier string
letStmt, ok := s.(*ast.LetStatement)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("s not *ast.LetStatement. got=%T", s)
return false
if letStmt.Name.Value != name {
t.Errorf("letStmt.Name.Value not '%s'. got=%s", name, letStmt.Name.Value)
return false
if letStmt.Name.TokenLiteral() != name {
t.Errorf("s.Name not '%s'. got=%s", name, letStmt.Name)
return false
return true
The test case follows the same principle as the test for our lexer and pretty much every other unit
test were going to write: we provide Monkey source code as input and then set expectations on
what we want the AST - thats produced by the parser - to look like. We do this by checking
as many fields of the AST nodes as possible to make sure that nothing is missing. I found that
a parser is a breeding ground for off-by-one bugs and the more tests and assertions it has the
I choose not to mock or stub out the lexer and provide source code as input instead of tokens,
since that makes the tests much more readable and understandable. Of course theres the
problem of bugs in the lexer blowing up tests for the parser and generating unneeded noise, but
I deem the risk too minimal, especially judged against the advantages of using readable source
code as input.
There are two noteworthy things about this test case. The first one is that we ignore the Value
field of the *ast.LetStatement. Why dont we check if the integer literals (5, 10, ) are parsed
correctly? Answer: were going to! But first we need to make sure that the parsing of let
statements works and ignore the Value.
The second one is the helper function testLetStatement. It might seem like over-engineering
to use a separate function, but were going to need this function soon enough. And then its
going to make our test cases a lot more readable than lines and lines of type conversions strewn
As an aside: we wont look at all of the parser tests in this chapter, since they are just too long.
But the code provided with the book contains all of them.
That being said, the tests fail as expected:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestLetStatements (0.00s)
parser_test.go:20: ParseProgram() returned nil
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
// parser/parser.go
return program
Doesnt this look really similar to the parseProgram() pseudocode function we saw earlier? See!
I told you! And what it does is the same too.
The first thing ParseProgram does is construct the root node of the AST, an *ast.Program. It
then iterates over every token in the input until it encounters an token.EOF token. It does
this by repeatedly calling nextToken, which advances both p.curToken and p.peekToken. In
every iteration it calls parseStatement, whose job it is to parse a statement. If parseStatement
returned something other than nil, a ast.Statement, its return value is added to Statements slice
of the AST root node. When nothing is left to parse the *ast.Program root node is returned.
The parseStatement method looks like this:
// parser/parser.go
Dont worry, the switch statement will get more branches. But for now, it only calls parseLet-
Statement when it encounters a token.LET token. And parseLetStatement is the method where
we turn our tests from red to green:
// parser/parser.go
func (p *Parser) parseLetStatement() *ast.LetStatement {
stmt := &ast.LetStatement{Token: p.curToken}
if !p.expectPeek(token.IDENT) {
return nil
if !p.expectPeek(token.ASSIGN) {
return nil
return stmt
Instead of dissecting these tiny methods, lets talk about expectPeek. The expectPeek method
is one of the assertion functions nearly all parsers share. Their primary purpose is to enforce
the correctness of the order of tokens by checking the type of the next token. Our expectPeek
here checks the type of the peekToken and only if the type is correct does it advance the tokens
by calling nextToken. As youll see, this is something a parser does a lot.
But what happens if we encounter a token in expectPeek thats not of the expected type? At
the moment, we just return nil, which gets ignored in ParseProgram, which results in entire
statements being ignored because of an error in the input. Silently. You can probably imagine
that this makes debugging really tough. And since nobody likes tough debugging we need to
add error handling to our parser.
Thankfully, the changes we need to make are minimal:
// parser/parser.go
The Parser now has an errors field, which is just a slice of strings. This field gets initialized
in New and the helper function peekError can now be used to add an error to errors when the
type of peekToken doesnt match the expectation. With the Errors method we can check if the
parser encountered any errors.
Extending the test suite to make use of this is as easy as youd expect:
// parser/parser_test.go
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
// [...]
if len(errors) == 0 {
The new checkParserErrors helper function does nothing more than check the parser for errors
and if it has any it prints them as test errors and stops the execution of the current test. Pretty
But nothing in our parser creates errors yet. By changing expectPeek we can automatically add
an error every time one of our expectations about the next token was wrong:
// parser/parser.go
As you can see, our parser showcases a neat little feature here: it gives us errors for each
erroneous statement it encounters. It doesnt exit on the first one, potentially saving us the
grunt work of rerunning the parsing process again and again to catch all of the syntax errors.
Thats pretty helpful - even with line and column numbers missing.
I said earlier that were going to flesh out our sparse looking ParseProgram method. Nows the
time. Were going to parse return statements. And the first step, as with let statements before
them, is to define the necessary structures in the ast package with which we can represent
return statements in our AST.
Here is what return statements look like in Monkey:
return 5;
return 10;
return add(15);
Experienced with let statements, we can easily spot the structure behind these statements:
return <expression>;
Return statements consist solely of the keyword return and an expression. That makes the
definition of ast.ReturnStatement really simple:
// ast/ast.go
There is nothing about this node that you havent seen before: it has a field for the initial token
and a ReturnValue field that will contain the expression thats to be returned. We will again
skip the parsing of the expressions and the semicolon handling for now, but will come back
to this later. The statementNode and TokenLiteral methods are there to fulfill the Node and
Statement interfaces and look identical to the methods defined on *ast.LetStatement.
The test we write next also looks pretty similar to the one for let statements:
// parser/parser_test.go
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
if len(program.Statements) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain 3 statements. got=%d",
Of course these test cases will also have to be extended as soon as expression parsing is in place.
But thats okay, tests are not immutable. But they are, in fact, failing:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestReturnStatements (0.00s)
parser_test.go:77: program.Statements does not contain 3 statements. got=0
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
So lets make them pass by changing our ParseProgram method to also take token.RETURN tokens
into account:
// parser/parser.go
I could make a lot of fuzz about the parseReturnStatement method before showing it to you,
but, well, I wont. Because its tiny. There is nothing to fuzz about.
// parser/parser.go
return stmt
I told you: its tiny. The only thing it does is construct a ast.ReturnStatement, with the current
token its sitting on as Token. It then brings the parser in place for the expression that comes
next by calling nextToken() and finally, theres the cop-out. It skips over every expression until
it encounters a semicolon. Thats it. Our tests pass:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.009s
Its time to celebrate again! We can now parse all of the statements in the Monkey programming
language! Thats right: there are only two of them. Let statements and return statements. The
rest of the language consists solely of expressions. And thats what were going to parse next.
Personally, I think that parsing expressions is the most interesting part of writing a parser. As
we just saw, parsing statements is relatively straightforward. We process tokens from left to
right, expect or reject the next tokens and if everything fits we return an AST node.
Parsing expressions, on the other hand, contains a few more challenges. Operator precedence
is probably the first one that comes to mind and is best illustrated with an example. Lets say
we want to parse the following arithmetic expression:
5 * 5 + 10
What we want here is an AST that represents the expression like this:
((5 * 5) + 10)
That is to say, 5 * 5 needs to be deeper in the AST and evaluated earlier than the addition. In
order to produce an AST that looks like this, the parser has to know about operator precedences
where the precedence of * is higher than +. Thats the most common example for operator
precedence, but there are a lot more cases where its important. Consider this expression:
5 * (5 + 10)
Here the parenthesis group together the 5 + 10 expression and give them a precedence bump:
the addition now has to be evaluated before the multiplication. Thats because parentheses
have a higher precedence than the * operator. As we will soon see, there are a few more cases
where precedence is playing a crucial role.
The other big challenge is that in expressions tokens of the same type can appear in multiple
positions. In contrast to this, the let token can only appear once at the beginning of a let
statement, which makes it easy to determine what the rest of the statement is supposed to be.
Now look at this expression:
-5 - 10
Here the - operator appears at the beginning of the expression, as a prefix operator, and then
as an infix operator in the middle. A variation of the same challenge appears here:
5 * (add(2, 3) + 10)
Even though you might not recognize the parentheses as operators yet, they pose the same
problem to us as the - in the previous example. The outer pair of parentheses in this example
denotes a grouped expression. The inner pair denotes a call expression. The validity of a
tokens position now depends on the context, the tokens that come before and after, and their
Expressions in Monkey
In the Monkey programming language everything besides let and return statements is an ex-
pression. These expressions come in different varieties.
Monkey has expressions involving prefix operators:
Besides these basic arithmetic operators, there are also the following comparison operators:
foo == bar
foo != bar
foo < bar
foo > bar
And of course, as we previously saw, we can use parentheses to group expressions and influence
the order of evaluation:
5 * (5 + 5)
((5 + 5) * 5) * 5
Functions in Monkey are first-class citizens and, yes, function literals are expressions too. We
can use a let statement to bind a function to a name. The function literal is just the expression
in the statement:
let add = fn(x, y) { return x + y };
Looking at all these different forms of expressions it becomes clear that we need a really good
approach to parse them correctly and in an understandable and extendable way. Our old
approach of deciding what to do based on the current token wont get us very far - at least not
without wanting to tear our hair out. And that is where Vaughan Pratt comes in.
Top Down Operator Precedence (or: Pratt Parsing)
In his paper Top Down Operator Precedence Vaughan Pratt presents an approach to parsing
expressions that, in his own words:
[] is very simple to understand, trivial to implement, easy to use, extremely efficient
in practice if not in theory, yet flexible enough to meet most reasonable syntactic
needs of users []
The paper was published in 1973 but in the many years since then the ideas presented by Pratt
didnt gain a huge following. Only in recent years, other programmers rediscovered Pratts
paper, wrote about it and caused Pratts approach to parsing to rise in popularity. Theres
Douglas Crockfords (of JavaScript: The Good Parts fame) article called Top Down Operator
Precedence that shows how to translate Pratts ideas to JavaScript (which Crockford did when
building JSLint). And then theres the highly recommended article by Bob Nystrom, author of
the excellent Game Programming Patterns book, that makes Pratts approach really easy to
understand and to follow by providing clean example code in Java.
The parsing approach described by all three, which is called Top Down Operator Precedence
Parsing, or Pratt parsing, was invented as an alternative to parsers based on context-free gram-
mars and the Backus-Naur-Form.
And that is also the main difference: instead of associating parsing functions (think of our
parseLetStatement method here) with grammar rules (defined in BNF or EBNF), Pratt asso-
ciates these functions (which he calls semantic code) with single token types. A crucial part
of this idea is that each token type can have two parsing functions associated with it, depending
on the tokens position - infix or prefix.
I guess that doesnt make a lot of sense yet. We never saw how to associate parsing functions
with grammar rules, so the idea of using token types instead of these rules doesnt register as
anything really novel or revelatory. To be completely honest: I was facing a chicken-and-egg
problem when writing this section. Is it better to explain this algorithm in abstract terms and
then show the implementation, possibly causing you to jump back and forth between pages, or
to show the implementation with the explanation following, causing you to probably skip over
the implementation and not getting a lot out of the explanation?
The answer, I decided, is neither of these two options. What were going to do instead is start
implementing the expression parsing part of our parser. Then were going to take a closer look
at it and its algorithm. Afterwards we will extend and complete it so its able to parse all
possible expressions in Monkey.
And before we start writing any code, lets just be clear on the terminology.
Here the operator is -- (decrement), the operand is the integer literal 5 and the operator is in
the prefix position.
A postfix operator is an operator after its operand. Example:
Here the operator is ++ (increment), the operand is the identifier foobar and the operator is
in the postfix position. The Monkey interpreter well build wont have postfix operators. Not
because of some technical limitations, but purely in order to keep the scope of the book limited.
Now, infix operators are something weve all seen before. An infix operator sits between its
operands, like this:
5 * 8
The * operator sits in the infix position between the two integer literals 5 and 8. Infix operators
appear in binary expressions - where the operator has two operands.
The other term we already stumbled upon and will find again later is operator precedence.
And alternative term for this is order of operations, which should make clearer what operator
precedence describes: which priority do different operators have. The canonical example is this
one, which we saw earlier:
5 + 5 * 10
The result of this expression is 55 and not 100. And thats because the * operator has a higher
precedence, a higher rank. Its more important than the + operator. It gets evaluated
before the other operator. I sometimes think of operator precedence as operator stickiness:
how much do the operands next to the operator stick to it.
These are all basic terms: prefix, postfix, infix operator and precedence. But its important that
we keep these simple definitions in mind later on, where well use these terms in other places.
But for now: lets get typing and write some code!
The first thing we need to do for expression parsing is to prepare our AST. As we saw before, a
program in Monkey is a series of statements. Some are let statements, others return statements.
We need to add a third type of statement to our AST: expression statements.
This may sound confusing, after I told you that let and return statements are the only type of
statements in Monkey. But an expression statement is not really a distinct statement; its a
statement that consists solely of one expression. Its only a wrapper. We need it because its
totally legal in Monkey to write the following code:
let x = 5;
x + 10;
The first line is a let statement, the second line is an expression statement. Other languages
dont have these expression statements, but most scripting languages do. They make it possible
to have one line consisting only of an expression. So lets add this node type to our AST:
// ast/ast.go
The ast.ExpressionStatement type has two fields: the Token field, which every node has, and the
Expression field, which holds the expression. ast.ExpressionStatement fulfills the ast.Statement
interface, which means we can add it to the Statements slice of ast.Program. And thats the
whole reason why were adding ast.ExpressionStatement.
With ast.ExpressionStatement defined we could resume work on the parser. But instead, lets
make our lives much easier by adding a String() method to our AST nodes. This will allow us
to print AST nodes for debugging and to compare them with other AST nodes. This is going
to be really handy in tests!
Were going to make this String() method part of the ast.Node interface:
// ast/ast.go
Now every node type in our ast package has to implement this method. With that change
made, our code wont compile because the compiler complains about our AST nodes not fully
implementing the updated Node interface. Lets start with *ast.Program and add its String()
method first:
// ast/ast.go
import (
// [...]
return out.String()
This method doesnt do much. It only creates a buffer and writes the return value of each
statements String() method to it. And then it returns the buffer as a string. It delegates most
of its work to the Statements of *ast.Program.
The real work happens in the String() methods of our three statement types ast.LetStatement,
ast.ReturnStatement and ast.ExpressionStatement:
// ast/ast.go
if ls.Value != nil {
return out.String()
if rs.ReturnValue != nil {
return out.String()
The nil-checks will be taken out, later on, when we can fully build expressions.
Now we only need to add a last String() method to ast.Identifier:
// ast/ast.go
With these methods in place, we can now just call String() on *ast.Program and get our whole
program back as a string. That makes the structure of *ast.Program easily testable. Lets use
the following line of Monkey source code as an example:
let myVar = anotherVar;
If we construct an AST out of this, we can make an assertion about the return value of String()
like this:
// ast/ast_test.go
package ast
import (
Value: &Identifier{
Token: token.Token{Type: token.IDENT, Literal: "anotherVar"},
Value: "anotherVar",
In this test we construct the AST by hand. When writing tests for the parser we dont, of
course, but make assertions about the AST the parser produces. For demonstration purposes,
this test shows us how we can add another easily readable layer of tests for our parser by just
comparing the parser output with strings. Thats going to be especially handy when parsing
So, good news: preparation is done! Its time to write a Pratt parser.
A Pratt parsers main idea is the association of parsing functions (which Pratt calls semantic
code) with token types. Whenever this token type is encountered, the parsing functions are
called to parse the appropriate expression and return an AST node that represents it. Each
token type can have up to two parsing functions associated with it, depending on whether the
token is found in a prefix or an infix position.
The first thing we need to do is to setup these associations. We define two types of functions:
a prefix parsing functions and an infix parsing function.
// parser/parser.go
type (
prefixParseFn func() ast.Expression
infixParseFn func(ast.Expression) ast.Expression
Both function types return an ast.Expression, since thats what were here to parse. But only
the infixParseFn takes an argument: another ast.Expression. This argument is left side of
the infix operator thats being parsed. A prefix operator doesnt have a left side, per definition.
I know that this doesnt make a lot of sense yet, but bear with me here, youll see how this works.
For now, just remember that prefixParseFns gets called when we encounter the associated token
type in prefix position and infixParseFn gets called when we encounter the token type in infix
In order for our parser to get the correct prefixParseFn or infixParseFn for the current token
type, we add two maps to the Parser structure:
// parser/parser.go
curToken token.Token
peekToken token.Token
prefixParseFns map[token.TokenType]prefixParseFn
infixParseFns map[token.TokenType]infixParseFn
With these maps in place, we can just check if the appropriate map (infix or prefix) has a parsing
function associated with curToken.Type.
We also give the Parser two helper methods that add entries to these maps:
// parser/parser.go
Were going to start with possibly the simplest expression type in the Monkey programming
language: identifiers. Used in an expression statement an identifier looks like this:
Of course, the foobar is arbitrary and identifiers are expressions in other contexts too, not just
in an expression statements:
add(foobar, barfoo);
foobar + barfoo;
if (foobar) {
// [...]
Here we have identifiers as arguments in a function call, as operands in an infix expression and
as a standalone expression as part of a conditional. They can be used in all of these contexts,
because identifiers are expressions just like 1 + 2. And just like any other expression identifiers
produce a value: they evaluate to the value they are bound to.
We start with a test:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program has not enough statements. got=%d",
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
ident, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.Identifier)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp not *ast.Identifier. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if ident.Value != "foobar" {
t.Errorf("ident.Value not %s. got=%s", "foobar", ident.Value)
if ident.TokenLiteral() != "foobar" {
t.Errorf("ident.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s", "foobar",
Thats a lot of lines, but its mostly just grunt work. We parse our input foobar;, check the
parser for errors, make an assertion about the number of statements in the *ast.Program node
and then check that the only statement in program.Statements is an *ast.ExpressionStatement.
Then we check that the *ast.ExpressionStatement.Expression is an *ast.Identifier. Finally
we check that our identifier has the correct value of "foobar".
Of course, the parser tests fail:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestIdentifierExpression (0.00s)
parser_test.go:110: program has not enough statements. got=0
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
The parser doesnt know anything about expressions yet. We need to write a parseExpression
The first thing we need to do is to extend the parseStatement() method of the parser, so that
it parses expression statements. Since the only two real statement types in Monkey are let and
return statements, we try to parse expression statements if we dont encounter one of the other
// parser/parser.go
func (p *Parser) parseExpressionStatement() *ast.ExpressionStatement {
stmt := &ast.ExpressionStatement{Token: p.curToken}
stmt.Expression = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
if p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) {
return stmt
We already know the drill: we build our AST node and then try to fill its field by calling other
parsing functions. In this case there are a few differences though: we call parseExpression(),
which doesnt exist yet, with the constant LOWEST, that doesnt exist yet, and then we check for
an optional semicolon. Yes, its optional. If the peekToken is a token.SEMICOLON, we advance so
its the curToken. If its not there, thats okay too, we dont add an error to the parser if its
not there. Thats because we want expression statements to have optional semicolons (which
makes it easier to type something like 5 + 5 into the REPL later on).
If we now run the tests we can see that compilation fails, because LOWEST is undefined. Thats
alright, lets add it now, by defining the precedences of the Monkey programming language:
// parser/parser.go
const (
_ int = iota
EQUALS // ==
SUM // +
PREFIX // -X or !X
CALL // myFunction(X)
Here we use iota to give the following constants incrementing numbers as values. The blank
identifier _ takes the zero value and the following constants get assigned the values 1 to 7. Which
numbers we use doesnt matter, but the order and the relation to each other do. What we
want out of these constants is to later be able to answer: does the * operator have a higher
precedence than the == operator? Does a prefix operator have a higher preference than a call
In parseExpressionStatement we pass the lowest possible precedence to parseExpression, since
we didnt parse anything yet and we cant compare precedences. Thats going to make more
sense in a short while, I promise. Lets write parseExpression:
// parser/parser.go
return leftExp
Thats the first version. All it does is checking whether we have a parsing function associated
with p.curToken.Type in the prefix position. If we do, it calls this parsing function, if not, it
returns nil. Which it does at the moment, since we havent associated any tokens with any
parsing functions yet. Thats our next step:
// parser/parser.go
p.prefixParseFns = make(map[token.TokenType]prefixParseFn)
p.registerPrefix(token.IDENT, p.parseIdentifier)
// [...]
We modified the New() function to initialize the prefixParseFns map on Parser and register a
parsing function: if we encounter a token of type token.IDENT the parsing function to call is
parseIdentifier, a method we defined on *Parser.
The parseIdentifier method doesnt do a lot. It only returns a *ast.Identifier with the cur-
rent token in the Token field and the literal value of the token in Value. It doesnt advance the
tokens, it doesnt call nextToken. Thats important. All of our parsing functions, prefixParseFn
or infixParseFn, are going to follow this protocol: start with curToken being the type of to-
ken youre associated with and return with curToken being the last token thats part of your
expression type. Never advance the tokens too far.
Believe it or not, our tests pass:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.007s
We successfully parsed an identifier expression! Alright! But, before we get off the computer,
find someone and proudly tell them, lets keep our breath a little longer and write some more
parsing functions.
Integer Literals
Nearly as easy to parse as identifiers are integer literals, which look like this:
Yes, thats it. Integer literals are expressions. The value they produce is the integer itself. Again,
imagine in which places integer literals can occur to understand why they are expressions:
let x = 5;
add(5, 10);
5 + 5 + 5;
We can use any other expression instead of integer literals here and it would still be valid:
identifiers, call expressions, grouped expressions, function literals and so on. All the expression
types are interchangeable and integer literals are one of them.
The test case for integer literals looks really similar to the one for identifiers:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program has not enough statements. got=%d",
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
literal, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.IntegerLiteral)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp not *ast.IntegerLiteral. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if literal.Value != 5 {
t.Errorf("literal.Value not %d. got=%d", 5, literal.Value)
if literal.TokenLiteral() != "5" {
t.Errorf("literal.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s", "5",
And as in the test case for identifiers we use a simple input, feed it to the parser and then
check that the parser didnt encounter any errors and produced the correct number of state-
ments in *ast.Program.Statements. Then we add an assertion that the first statement is an
*ast.ExpressionStatement. And finally we expect a well-formed *ast.IntegerLiteral.
The tests do not compile, since *ast.IntegerLiteral doesnt exist yet. Defining it is easy though:
// ast/ast.go
*ast.IntegerLiteral fulfills the ast.Expression interface, just like *ast.Identifier does, but
theres a notable difference to ast.Identifier in the structure itself: Value is an int64 and not
a string. This is the field thats going to contain the actual value the integer literal represents
in the source code. When we build an *ast.IntegerLiteral we have to convert the string in
*ast.IntegerLiteral.Token.Literal (which is something like "5") to an int64.
The best place to do this is in the parsing function associated with token.INT, called parseIn-
// parser/parser.go
import (
// [...]
lit.Value = value
return lit
Like parseIdentifier the method is strikingly simple. The only thing thats really differ-
ent is a call to strconv.ParseInt, which converts the string in p.curToken.Literal into an
int64. The int64 then gets saved to the Value field and we return the newly constructed
*ast.IntegerLiteral node. If that doesnt work, we add a new error to the parsers errors
But the tests dont pass yet:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestIntegerLiteralExpression (0.00s)
parser_test.go:162: exp not *ast.IntegerLiteral. got=<nil>
FAIL monkey/parser 0.008s
We have a nil instead of an *ast.IntegerLiteral in our AST. The reason is that parseExpression
cant find a prefixParseFn for a token of type token.INT. All we have to do to make the tests
pass is to register our parseIntegerLiteral method:
// parser/parser.go
// [...]
I think its time to say: we are on a roll here! Identifiers and integer literals are in the bag, lets
step it up a notch and parse prefix operators.
Prefix Operators
There are two prefix operators in the Monkey programming language: ! and -. Their usage is
pretty much what youd expect from other languages:
5 + -10;
Yes, thats right. Any expression can follow a prefix operator as operand. These are valid:
5 + -add(5, 5);
That means that an AST node for a prefix operator expression has to be flexible enough to
point to any expression as its operand.
But first things first, here is the test case for prefix operators, or prefix expressions:
// parser/parser_test.go
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
1, len(program.Statements))
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.PrefixExpression)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("stmt is not ast.PrefixExpression. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if exp.Operator != tt.operator {
t.Fatalf("exp.Operator is not '%s'. got=%s",
tt.operator, exp.Operator)
if !testIntegerLiteral(t, exp.Right, tt.integerValue) {
This test function, again, has a lot of lines. For two reasons: manually creating error messages
with t.Errorf takes up some space and were using a table-driven testing approach. The reason
for this approach is that it saves us a lot of test code. Yes, its only two test cases, but duplicating
the complete test setup for each case would mean a lot more lines. And since the logic behind
the test assertions is the same, we share the test setup. Both test cases (!5 and -15 as input)
differ only in the expected operators and integer values (which we define here in prefixTests).
In the test function we iterate through our slice of test inputs and make assertions about the
produced AST based on the values defined in the prefixTests slice of structs. As you can see,
at the end we use a new helper function called testIntegerLiteral to test that the Right value
of *ast.PrefixExpression is the correct integer literal. We introduce this helper function here,
so the focus of the test case is on *ast.PrefixExpression and its fields and we will soon enough
need it again. It looks like this:
// parser/parser_test.go
if integ.Value != value {
t.Errorf("integ.Value not %d. got=%d", value, integ.Value)
return false
return true
There is nothing new here, weve seen this before in TestIntegerLiteralExpression. But now
its hidden behind a small helper function that makes these new tests more readable.
As expected the tests dont even compile:
$ go test ./parser
# monkey/parser
parser/parser_test.go:210: undefined: ast.PrefixExpression
FAIL monkey/parser [build failed]
Operator string
Right Expression
return out.String()
This doesnt contain any surprises. The *ast.PrefixExpression node has two noteworthy fields:
Operator and Right. Operator is a string thats going to contain either "-" or "!". The Right
field contains the expression to the right of the operator.
In the String() method we deliberately add parentheses around the operator and its operand,
the expression in Right. That allows us to see which operands belong to which operator.
With *ast.PrefixExpression defined, the tests now fail with a strange error message:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestParsingPrefixExpressions (0.00s)
parser_test.go:198: program.Statements does not contain 1 statements. got=2
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
Why does program.Statements contain one statement instead of the expected two? The rea-
son is that parseExpression doesnt recognize our prefix operators yet and simply returns nil.
program.Statements does not contain one statement but simply one nil.
We can do better than this, we can extend our parser and the parseExpression method to give
us better error messages when this happens:
// parser/parser.go
return leftExp
The small helper method noPrefixParseFnError just adds a formatted error message to our
parsers errors field. But thats enough to get better error messages in our failing test:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestParsingPrefixExpressions (0.00s)
parser_test.go:227: parser has 1 errors
parser_test.go:229: parser error: "no prefix parse function for ! found"
FAIL monkey/parser 0.010s
Now its clear what we have to do: write a parsing function for prefix expressions and register
it in our parser.
// parser/parser.go
expression.Right = p.parseExpression(PREFIX)
return expression
For token.BANG and token.MINUS we register the same method as prefixParseFn: the
newly created parsePrefixExpression. This method builds an AST node, in this case
*ast.PrefixExpression, just like the parsing functions we saw before. But then it does
something different: it actually advances our tokens by calling p.nextToken()!
When parsePrefixExpression is called, p.curToken is either of type token.BANG or token.MINUS,
because otherwise it wouldnt have been called. But in order to correctly parse a prefix expres-
sion like -5 more than one token has to be consumed. So after using p.curToken to build a
*ast.PrefixExpression node, the method advances the tokens and calls parseExpression again.
This time with the precedence of prefix operators as argument. Its still unused, but well shortly
see what its good for and how to make use of it.
Now, when parseExpression is called by parsePrefixExpression the tokens have been advanced
and the current token is the one after the prefix operator. In the case of -5, when parseEx-
pression is called the p.curToken.Type is token.INT. parseExpression then checks the registered
prefix parsing functions and finds parseIntegerLiteral, which builds an *ast.IntegerLiteral
node and returns it. parseExpression returns this newly constructed node and parsePrefixEx-
pression uses it to fill the Right field of *ast.PrefixExpression.
Note how the protocol for our parsing functions plays out here: parsePrefixExpression starts
with p.curToken being the token of the prefix operator and it returns with p.curToken being
the operand of the prefix expression, which is the last token of the expression. The tokens get
advanced just enough, which works beautifully. The neat thing is how few lines of code are
needed for this. The power lies in the recursive approach.
Granted, the precedence argument in parseExpression is confusing, since its unused. But
weve already seen something important about its usage: the value changes depending on the
callers knowledge and its context. parseExpressionStatement (the top-level method that kicks
off expression parsing here) knows nothing about a precedence level and just uses LOWEST. But
parsePrefixExpression passes the PREFIX precedence to parseExpression, since its parsing a
prefix expression.
And now well see how precedence in parseExpression is used. Because now were going to parse
infix expressions.
Infix Operators
Dont be bothered by the 5 here. As with prefix operator expressions, we can use any expressions
to the left and right of the operator.
<expression> <infix operator> <expression>
Because of the two operands (left and right) these expressions are sometimes called binary
expressions (whereas our prefix expressions would be called unary expressions). Even though
we can use any expressions on either side of the operator, were going to start by writing a test
that only uses integer literals as operands. As soon as we can get the test to pass, well extend
it to incorporate more operand types. Here it is:
// parser/parser_test.go
for _, tt := range infixTests {
l := lexer.New(tt.input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
1, len(program.Statements))
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.InfixExpression)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp is not ast.InfixExpression. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if exp.Operator != tt.operator {
t.Fatalf("exp.Operator is not '%s'. got=%s",
tt.operator, exp.Operator)
This test is nearly a straight copy of TestParsingPrefixExpressions, except that we now make
assertions about the Right and Left fields of the resulting AST node. Here the table-driven
approach gives us great leverage that well soon use when we extend the test to also include
The tests fail, of course, because they cant find a definition of *ast.InfixExpression. And in
order to get real failing tests, we define ast.InfixExpression:
// ast/ast.go
out.WriteString(" " + oe.Operator + " ")
return out.String()
But that error message is deceiving. It says no prefix parse function for + found. The problem
is that we do not want our parser to find a prefix parse function for +. We want it to find an
infix parse function.
This is the point where were going from I guess its neat to Wow, this is beautiful, be-
cause we now need to complete our parseExpression method. And to do that, we first need a
precedence table and a few helper methods:
// parser/parser.go
// [...]
return LOWEST
return LOWEST
precedences is our precedence table: it associates token types with their precedence. The
precedence values themselves are the constants we defined earlier, the integers with increasing
value. This table can now tell us that + (token.PLUS) and - (token.MINUS) have the same
precedence, which is lower than the precedence of * (token.ASTERISK) and / (token.SLASH), for
The peekPrecedence method returns the precedence associated with the token type of
p.peekToken. If it doesnt find a precedence for p.peekToken it defaults to LOWEST, the lowest
possible precedence any operator can have. The curPrecedence method does the same thing,
but for p.curToken.
The next step is to register one infix parse function for all of our infix operators:
// parser/parser.go
We already have the registerInfix method in our repertoire and now we finally use it. Every
infix operator gets associated with the same parsing function called parseInfixExpression, which
looks like this:
// parser/parser.go
precedence := p.curPrecedence()
expression.Right = p.parseExpression(precedence)
return expression
The notable difference here is that, in contrast to parsePrefixExpression, this new method
takes an argument, an ast.Expression called left. It uses this argument to construct an
*ast.InfixExpression node, with left being in the Left field. Then it assigns the precedence of
the current token (which is the operator of the infix expression) to the local variable precedence,
before advancing the tokens by calling nextToken and filling the Right field of the node with
another call to parseExpression - this time passing in the precedence of the operator token.
Its time to lift the curtain. Here is the heart of our Pratt parser, here is the final version of
// parser/parser.go
leftExp = infix(leftExp)
return leftExp
We are now officially able to parse infix operator expressions correctly! Wait, what? What the
hell did just happen? How does this work?
Obviously parseExpression now does a few more things. We already know how it finds an
associated prefixParseFn with the current token and calls it. Weve seen this work with prefix
operators, identifiers and integer literals.
Whats new is the loop right in the middle of parseExpression. In the loops body the method
tries to find infixParseFns for the next token. If it finds such a function, it calls it, passing
in the expression returned by a prefixParseFn as an argument. And it does all this again and
again until it encounters a token that has a higher precedence.
This works beautifully. Look at these tests that use multiple operators with different precedences
and how the AST in string form correctly represents this:
// parser/parser_test.go
"a + b + c",
"((a + b) + c)",
"a + b - c",
"((a + b) - c)",
"a * b * c",
"((a * b) * c)",
"a * b / c",
"((a * b) / c)",
"a + b / c",
"(a + (b / c))",
"a + b * c + d / e - f",
"(((a + (b * c)) + (d / e)) - f)",
"3 + 4; -5 * 5",
"(3 + 4)((-5) * 5)",
"5 > 4 == 3 < 4",
"((5 > 4) == (3 < 4))",
"5 < 4 != 3 > 4",
"((5 < 4) != (3 > 4))",
"3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5",
"((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))",
"3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5",
"((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))",
actual := program.String()
if actual != tt.expected {
t.Errorf("expected=%q, got=%q", tt.expected, actual)
Theyre all passing! Thats pretty amazing, isnt it? The different *ast.InfixExpressions are
nested correctly, which we can observe thanks to our usage of parentheses in the String()
methods of the AST nodes.
If youre scratching your head and wondering how all of this works, dont worry. Were now
going to take a really close look at our parseExpression method.
The algorithm behind the parseExpression method and its combination of parsing functions
and precedences is fully described by Vaughan Pratt in his Top Down Operator Precedence
paper. But there are differences between his and our implementation.
Pratt doesnt use a Parser structure and doesnt pass around methods defined on *Parser. He
also doesnt use maps and, of course, he didnt use Go. His paper predates the release of Go by
36 years. And then there are naming differences: what we call prefixParseFns are nuds (for
null denotations) for Pratt. infixParseFns are leds (for left denotations).
Formulated in pseudocode though, our parseExpression method looks strikingly similar to the
code presented in Pratts paper. It uses the same algorithm with barely any changes.
Were going to skip the theory that answers why it works and just follow how it works and how
all the pieces (parseExpression, parsing functions and precedences) fit together by looking at
an example. Suppose were parsing the following expression statement:
1 + 2 + 3;
The big challenge here is not to represent every operator and operand in the resulting AST, but
to nest the nodes of the AST correctly. What we want is an AST that (serialized as a string)
looks like this:
((1 + 2) + 3)
The AST needs to have two *ast.InfixExpression nodes. The *ast.InfixExpression higher in
the tree should have the integer literal 3 as its Right child node and its Left child node needs
to be the other *ast.InfixExpression. This second *ast.InfixExpression then needs to have
the integer literals 1 and 2 as its Left and Right child nodes, respectively. Like this:
And this is exactly what our parser outputs when it parses 1 + 2 + 3;. But how? Well answer
that question in the following paragraphs. Were going take a close look at what the parser
does as soon as parseExpressionStatement is called for the first time. Its not a mistake to have
the code open while reading the following paragraphs.
So here we go. Here is what happens when we parse 1 + 2 + 3;:
The first thing parseExpression then does is to check whether there is a prefixParseFn associated
with the current p.curToken.Type, which is a token.INT. And, yes, there is: parseIntegerLiteral.
So it calls parseIntegerLiteral, which returns an *ast.IntegerLiteral. parseExpression assigns
this to leftExp.
Then comes the new for-loop in parseExpression. Its condition evaluates to true:
for !p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) && precedence < p.peekPrecedence() {
// [...]
p.peekToken is not a token.SEMICOLON and peekPrecedence (which returns the precedence of the
+ token) is higher than the argument passed to parseExpression, which is LOWEST. Here are our
defined precedences again to refresh our memory:
// parser/parser.go
const (
_ int = iota
EQUALS // ==
SUM // +
PREFIX // -X or !X
CALL // myFunction(X)
So the condition evaluates to true and parseExpression executes the body of the loop, which
looks like this:
infix := p.infixParseFns[p.peekToken.Type]
if infix == nil {
return leftExp
leftExp = infix(leftExp)
With the tokens in this state, it calls parseInfixExpression and passes in the already parsed
*ast.IntegerLiteral (assigned to leftExp outside the for-loop). What happens next in parse-
InfixExpression is where things get interesting. Here is the method again:
// parser/parser.go
precedence := p.curPrecedence()
expression.Right = p.parseExpression(precedence)
return expression
Its important to note that left is our already parsed *ast.IntegerLiteral that represents the
parseInfixExpression saves the precedence of p.curToken (the first + token!), advances the
tokens and calls parseExpression - passing in the just saved precedence. So now parseExpression
is called the second time, with the tokens looking like this:
The first thing parseExpression does again is to look for a prefixParseFn for p.curToken. And
again its parseIntegerLiteral. But now the condition of the for-loop doesnt evaluate to true:
precedence (the argument passed to parseExpression) is the precedence of the first + operator in
1 + 2 + 3, which is not smaller than the precedence of p.peekToken, the second + operator. They
are equal. The body of the for-loop is not executed and the *ast.IntegerLiteral representing
the 2 is returned.
Now back in parseInfixExpression the return-value of parseExpression is assigned to the Right
field of the newly constructed *ast.InfixExpression. So now we have this:
This *ast.InfixExpressions gets returned by parseInfixExpression and now were back in the
outer-most call to parseExpression, where precedence is still LOWEST. We are back where we
started and the condition of the for-loop is evaluated again.
for !p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) && precedence < p.peekPrecedence() {
// [...]
This still evaluates to true, since precedence is LOWEST and peekPrecedence now returns the prece-
dence of the second + in our expression, which is higher. parseExpression executes the body of
the for-loop a second time. The difference is that now leftExp is not an *ast.IntegerLiteral rep-
resenting the 1, but the *ast.InfixExpression returned by parseInfixExpression, representing
1 + 2.
In the body of the loop parseExpression fetches parseInfixExpression as the infixParseFn for
p.peekToken.Type (which is the second +), advances the tokens and calls parseInfixExpression
with leftExp as the argument. parseInfixExpression in turn calls parseExpression again, which
returns the last *ast.IntegerLiteral (that represents the 3 in our expression).
After all this, at the end of the loop-body, leftExp looks like this:
Thats exactly what we wanted! The operators and operands are nested correctly! And our
tokens look like this:
Now p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) evaluates to true, which stops the body of the loop from
being executed again.
(The call to p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) is not strictly necessary. Our peekPrecedence
method returns LOWEST as the default value if no precedence for p.peekToken.Type can be found -
which is the case for token.SEMICOLON tokens. But I think it makes the behaviour of semicolons
as expression-ending-delimiters more explicit and easier to understand.)
And thats it! The for-loop is done and leftExp is returned. Were back in parseExpression-
Statement and have the final and correct *ast.InfixExpression at hand. And thats used as the
Expression in *ast.ExpressionStatement.
Now we know how our parser manages to parse 1 + 2 + 3 correctly. Its pretty fascinating, isnt
it? I think the usage of precedence and peekPrecedence is particularly interesting.
But what about real precedence issues? In our example every operator (the +) had the same
precedence. What do the different precedence levels for operators accomplish? Couldnt we just
use LOWEST per default and something called HIGHEST for all operators?
No, because that would give us a wrong AST. The goal is to have expressions involving opera-
tors with a higher precedence to be deeper in the tree than expressions with lower precedence
operators. This is accomplished by the precedence value (the argument) in parseExpression.
When parseExpression is called the value of precedence stands for the current right-binding
power of the current parseExpression invocation. What does right-binding power mean?
Well, the higher it is, the more tokens/operators/operands to the right of the current expressions
(the future peek tokens) can we bind to it, or as I like to think, suck in.
In case our current right-binding power is of the highest possible value, what we parsed so far
(assigned to leftExp) is never passed to an infixParseFn associated with the next operator (or
token). It will never end up as a left child node. Because the condition of the for-loop never
evaluates to true.
A counterpart to right-binding power exists and its called (you guessed it!) left-binding
power. But which value signifies this left-binding power? Since the precedence argument in
parseExpression stands for the current right-binding power, where does the left-binding power
of the next operator come from? Simply put: from our call to peekPrecedence. The value this
call returns stands for the left-binding power of the next operator, of p.peekToken.
It all comes down to the precedence < p.peekPrecedence() condition of our for-loop. This
condition checks if the left-binding power of the next operator/token is higher than our current
right-binding power. If it is, what we parsed so far gets sucked in by the next operator, from
left to right, and ends up being passed to the infixParseFn of the next operator.
An example: lets say were parsing the expression statement -1 + 2;. What we want the AST
to represent is (-1) + 2 and not -(1 + 2). The first method we end up in (after parseEx-
pressionStatement and parseExpression) is the prefixParseFn we associated with token.MINUS:
parsePrefixExpression. To refresh our memory of parsePrefixExpression here it is in its en-
// parser/parser.go
This passes PREFIX to parseExpression as precedence, turning PREFIX into the right-binding
power of that parseExpression invocation. PREFIX is a really high precedence, as per our defini-
tion. The result of this is that parseExpression(PREFIX) is never going to parse the 1 in -1 and
pass it to another infixParseFn. The precedence < p.peekPrecedence() will never be true in
this case, meaning that no other infixParseFn is going to get our 1 as the left arm. Instead the
1 is returned as the right arm of our prefix expression. Just the 1, not some other expression
that comes after and needs to be parsed.
Back in the outer call to parseExpression (in which we called parsePrefixExpression as a
prefixParseFn), right after the first leftExp := prefix(), the value of precedence is still LOWEST.
Since that was the value we used in the outer-most call. Our right-binding power is still LOWEST.
The p.peekToken is now the + in -1 + 2.
Were now sitting on the condition of the for-loop and evaluate it to determine whether we
should execute the body of the loop. And it turns out that the precedence of the + operator
(returned by p.peekPrecedence()) is higher than our current right-binding power. What we
parsed so far (the -1 prefix expression) is now passed to the infixParseFn associated with +.
The left-binding power of the + sucks in what we parsed so far and uses it as the left arm
of the AST node it is constructing.
The infixParseFn for + is parseInfixExpression, which now uses the precedence of + as the
right-binding power in its call to parseExpression. It doesnt use LOWEST, because that would
result in another + having a higher left-binding power and sucking away our right arm. If
it did, then an expression like a + b + c would result in (a + (b + c)), which is not what we
want. We want ((a + b) + c).
The high precedence of prefix operators worked. And it even works great for infix operators.
In the classic example for operator precedences 1 + 2 * 3, the left-binding power of * would be
higher than the right-binding power of +. Parsing this would result in the 2 being passed to the
infixParseFn associated with the * token.
Notable is that in our parser, every token has the same right- and left-binding power. We simply
use one value (in our precedences table) as both. What this value means changes depending on
the context.
If an operator should be right-associative instead of left-associative (in the case of + that would
result in (a + (b + c)) instead of ((a + b) + c), then we must use a smaller right-binding
power when parsing the right arm of the operator expression. If you think about the ++ and
-- operators in other languages, where they can be used in a pre- and a postfix position, you
can see why its sometimes useful to have differing left- and right-binding powers for operators.
Since we did not define separate right- and left-binding powers for operators, but only use
one value, we cant just change a definition to achieve this. But, as an example, to make +
right-associate we can decrement its precedence when calling parseExpression:
// parser/parser.go
precedence := p.curPrecedence()
expression.Right = p.parseExpression(precedence)
// ^^^ decrement here for right-associativity
return expression
For demonstration purposes, lets change this method for a minute and see what happens:
// parser/parser.go
precedence := p.curPrecedence()
if expression.Operator == "+" {
expression.Right = p.parseExpression(precedence - 1)
} else {
expression.Right = p.parseExpression(precedence)
return expression
With this change made, our tests tell us that + is officially right-associative:
$ go test -run TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing ./parser
--- FAIL: TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing (0.00s)
parser_test.go:359: expected="((a + b) + c)", got="(a + (b + c))"
parser_test.go:359: expected="((a + b) - c)", got="(a + (b - c))"
parser_test.go:359: expected="(((a + (b * c)) + (d / e)) - f)",\
got="(a + ((b * c) + ((d / e) - f)))"
And that marks the end of our deep dive into the bowels of parseExpression. If youre still
unsure and cant grasp how it works, dont worry, I felt the same. What really helped though
was putting tracing statements in the methods of Parser to see what was happening when
parsing certain expressions. In the folder of code accompanying this chapter Ive included a
file called ./parser/parser_tracing.go, which we havent looked at before. The file includes
two function definitions that are really helpful when trying to understand what the parser does:
trace and untrace. Use them like this:
// parser/parser.go
With these tracing statements included we can now use our parser and see what it does. Here
is the output when parsing the expression statement -1 * 2 + 3 in the test suite:
$ go test -v -run TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing ./parser
=== RUN TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing
BEGIN parseExpressionStatement
BEGIN parseExpression
BEGIN parsePrefixExpression
BEGIN parseExpression
BEGIN parseIntegerLiteral
END parseIntegerLiteral
END parseExpression
END parsePrefixExpression
BEGIN parseInfixExpression
BEGIN parseExpression
BEGIN parseIntegerLiteral
END parseIntegerLiteral
END parseExpression
END parseInfixExpression
BEGIN parseInfixExpression
BEGIN parseExpression
BEGIN parseIntegerLiteral
END parseIntegerLiteral
END parseExpression
END parseInfixExpression
END parseExpression
END parseExpressionStatement
--- PASS: TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing (0.00s)
ok monkey/parser 0.008s
Before we move on and extend our parser, we first need to clean up and extend our existing test
suite. I wont bore you by listing the complete changes, but I will show you a few small helper
functions that make the tests easier to understand.
We already have a testIntegerLiteral test helper. A second function called testIdentifier
can clean up a lot of other tests:
// parser/parser_test.go
t.Errorf("exp not *ast.Identifier. got=%T", exp)
return false
if ident.Value != value {
t.Errorf("ident.Value not %s. got=%s", value, ident.Value)
return false
if ident.TokenLiteral() != value {
t.Errorf("ident.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s", value,
return false
return true
The fun part is now using testIntegerLiteral and testIdentifier to build more generic helper
// parser/parser_test.go
func testLiteralExpression(
t *testing.T,
exp ast.Expression,
expected interface{},
) bool {
switch v := expected.(type) {
case int:
return testIntegerLiteral(t, exp, int64(v))
case int64:
return testIntegerLiteral(t, exp, v)
case string:
return testIdentifier(t, exp, v)
t.Errorf("type of exp not handled. got=%T", exp)
return false
opExp, ok := exp.(*ast.InfixExpression)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("exp is not ast.OperatorExpression. got=%T(%s)", exp, exp)
return false
if opExp.Operator != operator {
t.Errorf("exp.Operator is not '%s'. got=%q", operator, opExp.Operator)
return false
return false
return true
With these in place its possible to write test code like this:
testInfixExpression(t, stmt.Expression, 5, "+", 10)
testInfixExpression(t, stmt.Expression, "alice", "*", "bob")
That makes it a lot easier to test properties of the ASTs produced by our parser. See
parser/parser_test.go for the cleaned up and extended test suite.
Boolean Literals
There are a few things in the Monkey programming language that we still need to implement
in our parser and AST. Easiest are boolean literals. In Monkey we can use booleans in place of
any other expression:
let foobar = true;
let barfoo = false;
Like identifiers and integer literals their AST representation is simple and small:
// ast/ast.go
The Value field can hold values of the type bool, which means that were going to save either
true or false in there (the Go bool values, not the Monkey literals).
With the AST node defined we can now add our tests. The single TestBooleanExpression test
function is so similar to TestIdentifierExpression and TestIntegerLiteralExpression that I
wont show it here. Its enough to show the error message which points us in the right direction
as to how to implement boolean literal parsing:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestBooleanExpression (0.00s)
parser_test.go:470: parser has 1 errors
parser_test.go:472: parser error: "no prefix parse function for true found"
FAIL monkey/parser 0.008s
Of course, yes. We need to register a prefixParseFn for token.TRUE and token.FALSE tokens.
// parser/parser.go
p.registerPrefix(token.FALSE, p.parseBoolean)
// [...]
The only mildly interesting part about this method is the inlining of the p.curTokenIs(token.TRUE)
call, which is not really interesting. Other than that its straightforward, maybe even boring.
Or in other words: the structure of our parser serves us well! That actually is one of the
beauties of Pratts approach: its so easy to extend.
And boom! The tests are green:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.006s
But whats interesting is that we can now extend several tests to incorporate the newly imple-
mented boolean literals. The first candidate is TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing, with its string
comparison mechanism:
// parser/parser_test.go
We can test for boolean literals in even more tests by extending our testLiteralExpression
helper and providing a new testBooleanLiteral function:
// parser_test.go
func testLiteralExpression(
t *testing.T,
exp ast.Expression,
expected interface{},
) bool {
switch v := expected.(type) {
// [...]
case bool:
return testBooleanLiteral(t, exp, v)
// [...]
if bo.Value != value {
t.Errorf("bo.Value not %t. got=%t", value, bo.Value)
return false
return true
Nothing surprising here, just another case in a switch statement and a new helper function. But
with this in place, its easy to extend TestParsingInfixExpressions:
// parser/parser_test.go
// [...]
And also TestParsingPrefixExpressions is easy to extend by just adding new entries to the test
// parser/parser_test.go
Its time to pat ourselves on the back! We implemented the parsing of booleans and extended
our tests in a way that gives us more test coverage now and better tools later on. Good job!
Grouped Expressions
What were about to see next is sometimes called the greatest trick Vaughan Pratt ever pulled.
Actually, no, I just lied there, nobody says that. But they should! Im talking about parsing
grouped expressions, of course. In Monkey we can group expression with parantheses to influence
their precedence and thus the order in which they are evaluated in their context. Weve seen
the canonical example for this before:
(5 + 5) * 2;
The parentheses group the 5 + 5 expression in order to give them a higher precedence and
position them deeper in the AST, resulting in the correct evaluation order for this mathematical
Now you might be thinking Oh come on, not with the precedence stuff again! My head still
hurts! This guy and you contemplate whether to skip to the end of this chapter. Dont! You
have to see this!
Were not going to write a unit test for grouped expressions, since they are not represented
by a separate AST node type. Yes, thats right. We do not need to change our AST in
order to parse grouped expressions correctly! What were going to do instead is to extend
our TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing test function to make sure that parentheses actually group
expressions and have an effect on the resulting AST.
// parser/parser_test.go
"((1 + (2 + 3)) + 4)",
"(5 + 5) * 2",
"((5 + 5) * 2)",
"2 / (5 + 5)",
"(2 / (5 + 5))",
"-(5 + 5)",
"(-(5 + 5))",
"!(true == true)",
"(!(true == true))",
// [...]
Here comes the mind-blowing part. In order to get these tests to pass, all we need to do is add
// parser/parser.go
exp := p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
return nil
return exp
And thats it! Yes, it really is. The tests pass and the parentheses work as expected by
boosting the precedence of the enclosed expressions. The concept of associating token types
with functions really shines here. Thats all there is to it. There is nothing happening here that
we havent seen before.
I told you, didnt I? Its a great trick. With that said, lets keep some of the magic and move
If Expressions
In Monkey we can use if and else just like we did hundreds of times in other programming
if (x > y) {
return x;
} else {
return y;
Thats all very familiar. In Monkey though, if-else-conditionals are expressions. That means
that they produce a value and in the case of if expressions thats the last evaluated line. We
dont need the return statements here:
let foobar = if (x > y) { x } else { y };
Explaining the structure of if-else-conditionals is probably not necessary, but just so were clear
on the naming, here it is:
if (<condition>) <consequence> else <alternative>
The braces are part of consequence and alternative, because both are block statements. Block
statements are a series of statements (just like programs in Monkey) enclosed by an opening {
and a closing }.
So far our recipe for success has been to define AST nodes, write tests, make tests pass by
writing parsing code, celebrate, pat ourselves on the back, congratulate each other, tell everyone
and, well, theres no reason to change it now.
Here is the definition of the ast.IfExpression AST node:
// ast/ast.go
out.WriteString(" ")
if ie.Alternative != nil {
out.WriteString("else ")
return out.String()
No surprises here. ast.IfExpression fulfills the ast.Expression interface and has three fields
that can represent an if-else-conditional. Condition holds the condition, which can be any
expression, and Consequence and Alternative point to the consequence and alternative of the
conditional respectively. But they reference a new type, ast.BlockStatement. As we saw before,
the consequence/alternative of an if-else-condition is just a series of statements. Thats exactly
what ast.BlockStatement represents:
// ast/ast.go
return out.String()
The next step in our recipe for success is to add a test. By now, we know the drill and the test
looks familiar:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program.Body does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
1, len(program.Statements))
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.IfExpression)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.IfExpression. got=%T",
if len(exp.Consequence.Statements) != 1 {
t.Errorf("consequence is not 1 statements. got=%d\n",
consequence, ok := exp.Consequence.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
if exp.Alternative != nil {
t.Errorf("exp.Alternative.Statements was not nil. got=%+v", exp.Alternative)
I also added a TestIfElseExpression test function that uses the following test input:
if (x < y) { x } else { y }
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
Were going to start with the first failing test: TestIfExpression. Clearly, we need to register a
prefixParseFn for token.IF tokens.
// parser/parser.go
if !p.expectPeek(token.LPAREN) {
return nil
expression.Condition = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
return nil
if !p.expectPeek(token.LBRACE) {
return nil
expression.Consequence = p.parseBlockStatement()
return expression
In no other parsing function did we use expectPeek so extensively. There just wasnt a need.
Here it makes sense. expectPeek adds an error to the parser if p.peekToken is not of the expected
type, but if it is, then it advances the tokens by calling the nextToken method. Thats exactly
what we need here. We need there to be a ( right after the if and if its there we need to jump
over it. The same goes for the ) after the expression and the { that marks the beginning of a
block statement.
This method also follows our parsing function protocol: the tokens get advanced just enough
so that parseBlockStatement sits on the { with p.curToken being of type token.LBRACE. Here is
// parser/parser.go
return block
parseBlockStatement calls parseStatement until it encounters either a }, which signifies the end
of the block statement, or a token.EOF, which tells us that theres no more tokens left to parse.
In that case, we cant successfully parse the block statement and theres no need to keep on
calling parseStatement in an endless loop.
This looks really similar to our top-level ParseProgram method, where we also call parseStatement
repeatedly until we encounter an end token, which in the case of ParseProgram is just the
token.EOF token. The duplication of the loop doesnt hurt though, so we leave these two
methods be and instead take care of our tests:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestIfElseExpression (0.00s)
parser_test.go:659: parser has 3 errors
parser_test.go:661: parser error: "no prefix parse function for ELSE found"
parser_test.go:661: parser error: "no prefix parse function for { found"
parser_test.go:661: parser error: "no prefix parse function for } found"
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
TestIfExpression passes and TestIfElseExpression does not, exactly as expected. Now, in order
to support the else part of an if-else-condition, we need to check if it even exists and if so we
need to parse the block statement that comes directly after the else:
// parser/parser.go
if p.peekTokenIs(token.ELSE) {
if !p.expectPeek(token.LBRACE) {
return nil
expression.Alternative = p.parseBlockStatement()
return expression
Thats all there is to it. The whole part of this method is constructed in a way that allows an
optional else but doesnt add a parser error if there is none. After we parse the consequence-
block-statement we check if the next token is a token.ELSE token. Remember, at the end of
parseBlockStatement were sitting on the }. If we have a token.ELSE, we advance the tokens two
times. The first time with a call to nextToken, since we already know that the p.peekToken is
the else. Then with a call to expectPeek since now the next token has to be the opening brace
of a block statement, otherwise the program is invalid.
Yes, parsing is prone to off-by-one errors. Its easy to forget advancing the tokens or make
a wrong call to nextToken. Having a strict protocol that dictates how every parsing function
has to advance tokens helps a lot. Luckily we also have a great test suite that lets us know
everything works:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.007s
I dont think I have to tell you anymore: good job all around! We did it - again.
Function Literals
You may have noticed that the parseIfExpression method we just added has a lot more meat
to it than any of the prefixParseFns or infixParseFns we wrote before. The main reason is that
we had to work with many different token and expression types and even optional parts. What
were going to do next is similar in its difficulty and variety of involved token types. Were going
to parse function literals.
In Monkey a function literal is how we define functions: which parameters they have and what
the function does. Function literals look like this:
fn(x, y) {
return x + y;
It starts with the keyword fn, followed by a list of parameters, followed by a block statement,
which is the functions body, that gets executed when the function is called. The abstract
structure of a function literal is this:
fn <parameters> <block statement>
We already know what block statements are and how to parse them. The parameters are
new though, but not much more difficult to parse. They are just a list of identifiers that are
comma-separated and surrounded by parentheses:
(<parameter one>, <parameter two>, <parameter three>, ...)
Thats the structure of function literals. But what type of AST node are they? Expressions,
of course! We can use function literals in every place where any other expression is valid. For
example, here is a function literal as the expression in a let statement:
let myFunction = fn(x, y) { return x + y; }
And here is a function literal as the expression in a return statement inside another function
fn() {
return fn(x, y) { return x > y; };
Using a function literal as an argument when calling another function is also possible:
myFunc(x, y, fn(x, y) { return x > y; });
That does sound complicated, but its not. One of the great things about our parser is that
once we define function literals as expressions and provide a function to correctly parse them
the rest works. Sounds amazing? I agree.
We just saw that the two main parts of a function literal are the list of parameters and the
block statement that is the functions body. Thats all we need to keep in mind when defining
the AST node:
// ast/ast.go
params := []string{}
for _, p := range fl.Parameters {
params = append(params, p.String())
out.WriteString(strings.Join(params, ", "))
out.WriteString(") ")
return out.String()
The Parameters field is a slice of *ast.Identifiers, because thats all there is to it, and Body is
an *ast.BlockStatement, which we saw and used before.
Here is the test, in which we can use our helper functions testLiteralExpression and testIn-
fixExpression again:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program.Body does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
1, len(program.Statements))
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
function, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.FunctionLiteral)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.FunctionLiteral. got=%T",
if len(function.Parameters) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("function literal parameters wrong. want 2, got=%d\n",
if len(function.Body.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("function.Body.Statements has not 1 statements. got=%d\n",
bodyStmt, ok := function.Body.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("function body stmt is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
So, the test has three main parts: check that the *ast.FunctionLiteral is there, check that the
parameter list is correct and make sure that the function body contains the correct statements.
The last part is not strictly necessary, since we already tested parsing block statements before
in our tests for IfExpressions. But Im okay with duplicating some test assertions here that
possibly alarm us when hooking up the parsing of block statements failed.
With only ast.FunctionLiteral defined and nothing changed in the parser, the tests fail:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestFunctionLiteralParsing (0.00s)
parser_test.go:755: parser has 6 errors
parser_test.go:757: parser error: "no prefix parse function for FUNCTION found"
parser_test.go:757: parser error: "expected next token to be ), got , instead"
parser_test.go:757: parser error: "no prefix parse function for , found"
parser_test.go:757: parser error: "no prefix parse function for ) found"
parser_test.go:757: parser error: "no prefix parse function for { found"
parser_test.go:757: parser error: "no prefix parse function for } found"
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
Its clear that we need to register a new prefixParseFn for token.FUNCTION tokens.
// parser/parser.go
if !p.expectPeek(token.LPAREN) {
return nil
lit.Parameters = p.parseFunctionParameters()
if !p.expectPeek(token.LBRACE) {
return nil
lit.Body = p.parseBlockStatement()
return lit
The parseFunctionParameters method we use here to parse the literals parameters looks like
// parser/parser.go
if p.peekTokenIs(token.RPAREN) {
return identifiers
for p.peekTokenIs(token.COMMA) {
ident := &ast.Identifier{Token: p.curToken, Value: p.curToken.Literal}
identifiers = append(identifiers, ident)
if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
return nil
return identifiers
Theres the heart of the matter. parseFunctionParameters constructs the slice of parameters by
repeatedly building identifiers from the comma separated list. It also makes an early exit if the
list is empty and it carefully handles lists of varying sizes.
For a method like this it really pays off to have another set of tests that check the edge cases:
an empty parameter list, a list with one parameter and a list with multiple parameters.
// parser/parser_test.go
stmt := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
function := stmt.Expression.(*ast.FunctionLiteral)
if len(function.Parameters) != len(tt.expectedParams) {
t.Errorf("length parameters wrong. want %d, got=%d\n",
len(tt.expectedParams), len(function.Parameters))
Function literals are in the bag! Sweet! There is only one last thing to do now before we can
leave the parser and start talking about the evaluation of our AST.
Call Expressions
Now that we know how to parse function literals the next step is to parse the calling of a
function: call expressions. Here is their structure:
<expression>(<comma separated expressions>)
What? Yup, thats it, but granted, a few examples are needed. Here is the normal call expression
we all know:
add(2, 3)
Now think about this: the add is an identifier. And identifiers are expressions. The arguments
2 and 3 are expressions too - integer literals. But they dont have to be, the arguments are just
a list of expressions:
add(2 + 2, 3 * 3 * 3)
Thats valid, too. The first argument is the infix expression 2 + 2 and the second one is 3 *
3 * 3. So far, so good. Now, lets look at the function thats being called here. In this case
the function is bound to the identifier add. The identifier add returns this function when its
evaluated. That means, we could go straight to the source, skip the identifier and replace add
with a function literal:
fn(x, y) { x + y; }(2, 3)
Call expressions consist of an expression that results in a function when evaluated and a list of
expressions that are the arguments to this function call. As an AST node they look like this:
// ast/ast.go
args := []string{}
for _, a := range ce.Arguments {
args = append(args, a.String())
out.WriteString(strings.Join(args, ", "))
return out.String()
The test case for call expressions is just like the rest of our test suite and makes assertions about
the *ast.CallExpression structure:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
1, len(program.Statements))
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("stmt is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.CallExpression)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.CallExpression. got=%T",
if len(exp.Arguments) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("wrong length of arguments. got=%d", len(exp.Arguments))
testLiteralExpression(t, exp.Arguments[0], 1)
testInfixExpression(t, exp.Arguments[1], 2, "*", 3)
testInfixExpression(t, exp.Arguments[2], 4, "+", 5)
As with function literals and parameter parsing its also a good idea to add a separate test for
the argument parsing. Just to make sure that every corner case works and is covered by a test.
I added a TestCallExpressionParameterParsing test function that does exactly this. You can
see it in the code for this chapter.
So far, so familiar. But now comes the twist. If we run the tests we get this error message:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestCallExpressionParsing (0.00s)
parser_test.go:853: parser has 4 errors
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "expected next token to be ), got , instead"
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "no prefix parse function for , found"
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "no prefix parse function for , found"
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "no prefix parse function for ) found"
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
Huh, that doesnt make a lot of sense. Why is there no error message telling us to register a
prefixParseFn for call expressions? Because there are no new token types in call expressions.
So what do we do instead of registering a prefixParseFn? Take at look at this:
add(2, 3);
The is an identifier thats parsed by a prefixParseFn. And after the identifier comes a
token.LPAREN, right between the identifier and the list of arguments, just in the middle, in infix
position Yes, we need to register an infixParseFn for token.LPAREN. This way we parse the
expression that is the function (either an identifier, or a function literal), then check for an
infixParseFn associated with token.LPAREN and call it with the already parsed expression as
argument. And in this infixParseFn we can then parse the argument list. Perfect!
// parser/parser.go
func New(l *lexer.Lexer) *Parser {
// [...]
p.registerInfix(token.LPAREN, p.parseCallExpression)
// [...]
if p.peekTokenIs(token.RPAREN) {
return args
args = append(args, p.parseExpression(LOWEST))
for p.peekTokenIs(token.COMMA) {
args = append(args, p.parseExpression(LOWEST))
if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
return nil
return args
parseCallExpression receives the already parsed function as argument and uses it to construct
an *ast.CallExpression node. To parse the argument list we call parseCallArguments, which
looks strikingly similar to parseFunctionParameters, except that its more generic and returns
a slice of ast.Expression and not *ast.Identifier.
There is nothing here we havent seen before. All we did was register a new infixParseFn. The
tests still fail though:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestCallExpressionParsing (0.00s)
parser_test.go:853: parser has 4 errors
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "expected next token to be ), got , instead"
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "no prefix parse function for , found"
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "no prefix parse function for , found"
parser_test.go:855: parser error: "no prefix parse function for ) found"
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
The reason that it still doesnt work is that the ( in add(1, 2) acts like an infix operator
now, but we havent assigned a precedence to it. It doesnt have the right stickiness yet, so
parseExpression doesnt return what we want. But call expressions have the highest precedence
of all, so its important that we fix our precedences table:
// parser/parser.go
To make sure that call expressions really have the highest precedence we can just extend our
TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing test function:
// parser/parser_test.go
// [...]
If we now run the tests again, we can see that all of them pass:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.008s
Yes, all of them: the unit test, the test for argument parsing and the precedence tests - wow!
They all pass! And if that wasnt enough, heres some more good news: we are done. Yes, the
parser is finished. Granted, well come back to it later, at the end of the book, to extend it
once more. But for now: thats it! The AST is fully defined and the parser works - its time to
move on to the topic of evaluation.
Before we do that though, lets remove the TODOs we left in the code and extend our REPL
to integrate the parser.
Removing TODOs
When we wrote the code that parses let and return statements we took a shortcut by skipping
over the expressions:
// parser/parser.go
if !p.expectPeek(token.IDENT) {
return nil
if !p.expectPeek(token.ASSIGN) {
return nil
return stmt
The same TODO sits in parseReturnStatement. Its time to get rid of them. No shortcuts. First
of all, we need to extend our existing tests to make sure that the expressions, that are parsed as
part of a let or return statement, are actually there. We do this by using our helper functions
(that dont distract from the focus of the test) and different expression types, so we know that
parseExpression is correctly integrated.
if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain 1 statements. got=%d",
stmt := program.Statements[0]
if !testLetStatement(t, stmt, tt.expectedIdentifier) {
val := stmt.(*ast.LetStatement).Value
if !testLiteralExpression(t, val, tt.expectedValue) {
The same needs to be done for TestReturnStatements. And the fix is trivial, since we did
such great work before. We merely need to hook up parseExpression in parseReturnStatement
and parseLetStatement. And we also need to take care of optional semicolons, which we al-
ready know how to do from parseExpressionStatement. The updated, fully-working versions of
parseReturnStatement and parseLetStatement look like this:
// parser/parser.go
stmt.ReturnValue = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
if p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) {
return stmt
if !p.expectPeek(token.IDENT) {
return nil
if !p.expectPeek(token.ASSIGN) {
return nil
stmt.Value = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
if p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) {
return stmt
Ah! All TODOs removed from the code. Lets take this parser for a test drive.
2.9 - Read-Parse-Print-Loop
Up until now our REPL was more of a RLPL, a read-lex-print-loop. We dont know how to
evaluate code yet, so replacing the lex with evaluate is still out of the question. But what
we most certainly know by now is parsing. Its time to replace the lex with parse and build
// repl/repl.go
for {
scanned := scanner.Scan()
if !scanned {
line := scanner.Text()
l := lexer.New(line)
p := parser.New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
if len(p.Errors()) != 0 {
printParserErrors(out, p.Errors())
io.WriteString(out, program.String())
io.WriteString(out, "\n")
Here we extend our loop to parse the line we just entered in the REPL. The output of the
parser, an *ast.Program, is then printed by calling its String method, which recursively calls
the String method of all statements belonging to that program. Now we can take the parser
for a spin - interactively on the command line:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let x = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
let x = ((((1 * 2) * 3) * 4) * 5);
>> x * y / 2 + 3 * 8 - 123
((((x * y) / 2) + (3 * 8)) - 123)
>> true == false
(true == false)
Sweet! Now instead of calling String we could use any string-based representation of the AST
to output here. We could add a PrettyPrint method that prints the type of the AST node and
intends its child nodes correctly, or we could use ASCII color codes, or we could print an ASCII
graph, or The point is: the sky is the limit.
But our RPPL still has a huge drawback. Here is what happens when the parser runs into an
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let x 12 * 3;
expected next token to be =, got INT instead
Thats not a very nice error message. I mean, it does the job, yes, but its not very nice, is it? The
Monkey programming language deserves better. Here is a more user-friendly printParseError
function that enhances the user-experience:
// repl/repl.go
Thats better! If we now run into any parser errors, we get to see a monkey, which, really, is
more than anyone could ask for:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let x 12 * 3
.--. .-" "-. .--.
/ .. \/ .-. .-. \/ .. \
| | '| / Y \ |' | |
| \ \ \ 0 | 0 / / / |
\ '- ,\.-"""""""-./, -' /
''-' /_ ^ ^ _\ '-''
| \._ _./ |
\ \ '~' / /
'._ '-=-' _.'
Woops! We ran into some monkey business here!
parser errors:
expected next token to be =, got INT instead
Chapter 3
We are finally here. Evaluation. The E in REPL and the last thing an interpreter has to do
when processing source code. This is where code becomes meaningful. Without evaluation an
expression like 1 + 2 is just a series of characters, tokens, or a tree structure that represents this
expression. It doesnt mean anything. Evaluated, of course, 1 + 2 becomes 3. 5 > 1 becomes
true, 5 < 1 becomes false and puts("Hello World!") becomes the friendly message we all know.
The evaluation process of an interpreter defines how the programming language being inter-
preted works.
let num = 5;
if (num) {
return a;
} else {
return b;
Whether this returns a or b depends on the decision of the interpreters evaluation process
whether the integer 5 is truthy or not. In some languages its truthy, in others wed need to use
an expression that produces a boolean like 5 != 0.
Consider this:
let one = fn() {
return 1;
add(one(), two());
Does this first output one and then two or the other way around? It depends on the specification
of the language and ultimately on the implementation of its interpreter and in which order it
evaluates the arguments in a call expression.
In this chapter there will be many more small choices like these, where we get to decide how
Monkey is going to work and how our interpreter evaluates Monkey source code.
Maybe youre skeptical, after I told you that writing a parser was fun, but trust me: this is the
best part. This is where the Monkey programming language comes to life, where source code
quickens and starts to breathe.
Evaluation is also where interpreter implementations (regardless of which language theyre inter-
preting) diverge the most. There are a lot of different strategies to choose from when evaluating
source code. Ive already hinted at this in the introduction of this book, where we took a brief
look at different interpreter architectures. Now that were here, AST in hand, the question of
what to do with it and how to evaluate this shiny tree of ours is more relevant than ever, so
looking at different options again is worthwhile.
Before we start, though, its also worth noting again that the line between interpreters and
compilers is a blurry one. The notion of an interpreter as something that doesnt leave executable
artifacts behind (in contrast to a compiler, which does just that) gets fuzzy real fast when looking
at the implementations of real-world and highly-optimized programming languages.
With that said, the most obvious and classical choice of what to do with the AST is to just
interpret it. Traverse the AST, visit each node and do what the node signifies: print a string, add
two numbers, execute a functions body - all on the fly. Interpreters working this way are called
tree-walking interpreters and are the archetype of interpreters. Sometimes their evaluation
step is preceded by small optimizations that rewrite the AST (e.g. remove unused variable
bindings) or convert it into another intermediate representation (IR) thats more suitable for
recursive and repeated evaluation.
Other interpreters also traverse the AST, but instead of interpreting the AST itself they first
convert it to bytecode. Bytecode is another IR of the AST and a really dense one at that. The
exact format and of which opcodes (the instructions that make up the bytecode) its composed
of varies and depends on the guest and host programming languages. In general though, the
opcodes are pretty similar to the mnemonics of most assembly languages; its a safe bet to
say that most bytecode definitions contain opcodes for push and pop to do stack operations.
But bytecode is not native machine code, nor is it assembly language. It cant and wont be
executed by the operating system and the CPU of the machine the interpreter is running on.
Instead its interpreted by a virtual machine, thats part of the interpreter. Just like VMWare
and VirtualBox emulate real machines and CPUs, these virtual machines emulate a machine
that understands this particular bytecode format. This approach can yield great performance
A variation of this strategy doesnt involve an AST at all. Instead of building an AST the parser
emits bytecode directly. Now, are we still talking about interpreters or compilers? Isnt emit-
ting bytecode that gets then interpreted (or should we say executed?) a form of compilation?
I told you: the line becomes blurry. And to make it even more fuzzy, consider this: some im-
plementations of programming languages parse the source code, build an AST and convert this
AST to bytecode. But instead of executing the operations specified by the bytecode directly in
a virtual machine, the virtual machine then compiles the bytecode to native machine code, right
before its executed - just in time. Thats called a JIT (for just in time) interpreter/compiler.
Others skip the compilation to bytecode. They recursively traverse the AST but before executing
a particular branch of it the node is compiled to native machine code. And then executed. Again,
just in time.
A slight variation of this is a mixed mode of interpretation where the interpreter recursively
evaluates the AST and only after evaluating a particular branch of the AST multiple times does
it compile the branch to machine code.
Amazing, isnt it? So many different ways to go about this task of evaluation, so many twists
and variations.
The choice of which strategy to choose largely depends on performance and portability needs,
the programming language thats being interpreted and how far youre willing to go. A tree-
walking interpreter that recursively evaluates an AST is probably the slowest of all approaches,
but easy to build, extend, reason about and as portable as the language its implemented in.
An interpreter that compiles to bytecode and uses a virtual machine to evaluate said bytecode is
going to be a lot faster. But more complicated and harder to build, too. Throw JIT compilation
to machine code into the mix and now you also need to support multiple machine architectures
if you want the interpreter to work on both ARM and x86 CPUs.
All of these approaches can be found in real-world programming languages. And most of the time
the chosen approach changed with the lifetime of the language. Ruby is a great example here.
Up to and including version 1.8 the interpreter was a tree-walking interpreter, executing the
AST while traversing it. But with version 1.9 came the switch to a virtual machine architecture.
Now the Ruby interpreter parses source code, builds an AST and then compiles this AST into
bytecode, which gets then executed in a virtual machine. The increase in performance was huge.
The WebKit JavaScript engine JavaScriptCore and its interpreter named Squirrelfish also
used AST walking and direct execution as its approach. Then in 2008 came the switch to a
virtual machine and bytecode interpretation. Nowadays the engine has four (!) different stages
of JIT compilation, which kick in at different times in the lifetime of the interpreted program
depending on which part of the program needs the best performance.
Another example is Lua. The main implementation of the Lua programming language started
out as an interpreter that compiles to bytecode and executes the bytecode in a register-based
virtual machine. 12 years after its first release another implementation of the language was
born: LuaJIT. The clear goal of Mike Pall, the creator of LuaJIT, was to create the fastest
Lua implementation possible. And he did. By JIT compiling a dense bytecode format to
highly-optimized machine code for different architectures the LuaJIT implementation beats the
original Lua in every benchmark. And not just by a tiny bit, no; its sometimes 50 times faster.
So, a lot of interpreters started out small with room for improvement. Thats exactly what
were going to do. There are a lot of ways to build a faster interpreter, but not necessarily one
thats easier to understand. We are here to learn, to understand and to be able to build upon
our work.
What were going to build is a tree-walking interpreter. Were going to take the AST our parser
builds for us and interpret it on the fly, without any preprocessing or compilation step.
Our interpreter will be a lot like a classic Lisp interpreter. The design were going to use is
heavily inspired by the interpreter presented in The Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs (SICP), especially its usage of environments. That doesnt mean that were copying
one particular interpreter, no, were rather using a blueprint that you can see in lot of other
interpreters too, if you squint hard enough. There are really good reasons for the prevalence of
this particular design: its the easiest way to get started, its easy to understand and to extend
later on.
We only need two things really: a tree-walking evaluator and a way to represent Monkey values
in our host language Go. Evaluator sounds mighty and grand, but it will be just one function
called eval. Its job is to evaluate the AST. Here is a pseudocode version that illustrates what
evaluating on the fly and tree-walking mean in the context of interpretation:
function eval(astNode) {
if (astNode is integerliteral) {
return astNode.integerValue
leftEvaluated = eval(astNode.Left)
rightEvaluated = eval(astNode.Right)
if astNode.Operator == "+" {
return leftEvaluated + rightEvaluated
} else if ast.Operator == "-" {
return leftEvaluated - rightEvaluated
As you can see, eval is recursive. When astNode is infixExpression is true, eval calls itself
again two times to evaluate the left and the right operands of the infix expression. This in turn
may lead to the evaluation of another infix expression or an integer literal or a boolean literal
or an identifier Weve already seen recursion at work when building and testing the AST. The
same concepts apply here, except that were evaluating the tree and not building it.
Looking at this snippet of pseudocode you can probably imagine how easy it is to extend this
function. That comes to our advantage. Were going to build up our own Eval function piece
by piece and add new branches and capabilities as we go along and extend our interpreter.
But the most interesting lines of this snippet are the return statements. What do they return?
Here are two lines that bind the return value of a call to eval to names:
leftEvaluated = eval(astNode.Left)
rightEvaluated = eval(astNode.Right)
What does eval return here? Of which type are the return values? The answer to these questions
is the same as the one for what kind of internal object system will our interpreter have?
Wait, what? You never said Monkey was object oriented! Yes, I never did and its not. Why
do we need a object system then? Call it a value system or object representation then.
The point is, we need to define what our eval function returns. We need a system that can
represent the values our AST represents or values that we generate when evaluating the AST
in memory.
Lets say were evaluating the following Monkey code:
let a = 5;
// [...]
a + a;
As you can see, were binding the integer literal 5 to the name a. Then things happen. It doesnt
matter what. What matters is that when we come across the a + a expression later we need to
access the value a is bound to. In order to evaluate a + a we need to get to the 5. In the AST
its represented as an *ast.IntegerLiteral, but how are we going to keep track of and represent
the 5 while were evaluating the rest of the AST?
There are a lot of different choices when building an internal representation of values in an inter-
preted language. And there is a lot of wisdom about this topic spread throughout the codebases
of the worlds interpreters and compilers. Each interpreter has its own way to represent values,
always slightly differing from the solution that came before, adjusted for the requirements of
the interpreted language.
Some use native types (integers, booleans, etc.) of the host language to represent values in
the interpreted language, not wrapped in anything. In other languages values/objects are
represented only as pointers, whereas in some programming languages native types and pointers
are mixed.
Why the variety? For one, the host languages differ. How you represent a string of your
interpreted language depends on how a string can be represented in the language the interpreter
is implemented in. An interpreter written in Ruby cant represent values the same way an
interpreter written in C can.
And not only do the host languages differ, but the languages being interpreted do too. Some
interpreted languages may only need representations of primitive data types, like integers, char-
acters or bytes. But in others youll have lists, dictionaries, functions or compound data types.
These differences lead to highly different requirements in regards to value representation.
Besides the host language and the interpreted language, the biggest influence on the design
and implementation of value representations are the resulting execution speed and the memory
consumption while evaluating programs. If you want to build a fast interpreter you cant get
away with a slow and bloated object system. And if youre going to write your own garbage
collector, you need to think about how itll keep track of the values in the system. But, on the
other hand, if you dont care about performance, then it does make sense to keep things simple
and easy to understand until further requirements arise.
The point is this: there are a lot of different ways to represent values of the interpreted lan-
guages in the host language. The best (and maybe the only) way to learn about these different
representations is to actually read through the source code of some popular interpreters. I
heartily recommended the Wren source code, which includes two types of value representation,
enabled/disabled by using a compiler flag.
Besides the representation of values inside the host language there is also the matter of how to
expose these values and their representation to the user of the interpreted language. What does
the public API of these values look like?
Java, for example, offers both primitive data types (int, byte, short, long, float, double,
boolean, char) and reference types to the user. The primitive data types do not have a huge
representation inside the Java implementation, they closely map to their native counterparts.
Reference types on the other hand are references to compound data structures defined in the
host language.
In Ruby the user doesnt have access to primitive data types, nothing like a native value
type exists because everything is an object and thus wrapped inside an internal representation.
Internally Ruby doesnt distinguish between a byte and an instance of the class Pizza: both are
the same value type, wrapping different values.
There are a myriad ways to expose data to users of programming languages. Which one to
choose depends on the language design and also, again, on performance requirements. If you
dont care about performance everything goes. But if you do, you need to make some smart
decisions to achieve your goals.
Carefree as we still are about the performance of our Monkey interpreter, we choose the easy
way: were going to represent every value we encounter when evaluating Monkey source code as
an Object, an interface of our design. Every value will be wrapped inside a struct, which fulfills
this Object interface.
In a new object package we define the Object interface and the ObjectType type:
// object/object.go
package object
Thats pretty simple and looks a lot like what we did in the token package with the Token and
TokenType types. Except that instead of being a struct like Token the Object type is an interface.
The reason is that every value needs a different internal representation and its easier to define
two different struct types than trying to fit booleans and integers into the same struct field.
At the moment we only have three data types in our Monkey interpreter: null, booleans and
integers. Lets start with implementing the integer representation and build up our object
import (
Whenever we encounter an integer literal in the source code we first turn it into an
ast.IntegerLiteral and then, when evaluating that AST node, we turn it into an ob-
ject.Integer, saving the value inside our struct and passing around a reference to this
In order for object.Integer to fulfill the object.Object interface, it still needs a Type() method
that returns its ObjectType. Just like we did with token.TokenType we define constants for each
// object/object.go
import "fmt"
const (
As I said, this is pretty much what we did in the token package. And with that in place we can
add the Type() method to *object.Integer:
// object/object.go
And were done with Integer! Onto another data type: booleans.
If you were expecting big things of this section, Im sorry to disappoint. object.Boolean is as
tiny as it gets:
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
Were close to finishing the foundation of our object system. The last thing we need to do now,
before we can start with our Eval function, is to represent a value that isnt there.
Tony Hoare introduced null references to the ALGOL W language in 1965 and called this his
billion-dollar mistake. Since their introduction countless systems have crashed because of
references to null, a value that represents the absence of a value. Null (or nil as in some
languages) doesnt have the best reputation, to say the least.
I debated with myself whether Monkey should have null. On one hand, yes, the language would
be safer to use if it doesnt allow null or null references. But on the other, were not trying to
reinvent the wheel, but to learn something. And I found that having null at my disposal lead me
to think twice whenever there was a chance to use it. Kinda like having something explosive in
your car leads you to driving slower and more carefully. It really made me appreciate the choices
that go into the design of a programming language. Thats something I consider worthwhile.
So lets implement the Null type and keep a close look and steady hand when using it later on.
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
object.Null is a struct just like object.Boolean and object.Integer, except that it doesnt wrap
any value. It represents the absence of any value.
With object.Null added, our object system is now capable of representing boolean, integer and
null values. Thats more than enough to get started with Eval.
Alright, here we go. Lets start writing Eval! We have our AST and we have a new object
system, that allows us to keep track of values we encounter when executing Monkey source
code. Its time to finally evaluate the AST.
Here is what the signature of Eval will look like in its first version:
func Eval(node ast.Node) object.Object
Eval will take an ast.Node as input and return an object.Object. Remember that every node
we defined in the ast package fulfills the ast.Node interface and can thus be passed to Eval.
This allows us to use Eval recursively and call itself while evaluating a part of the AST. Each
AST node needs a different form of evaluation and Eval is the place where we decide what these
forms look like. As an example, lets say that we pass an *ast.Program node to Eval. What Eval
should do then is to evaluate each of *ast.Program.Statements by calling itself with a single
statement. The return value of the outer call to Eval is the return value of the last call.
Were going to start by implementing self-evaluating expressions. Thats what we call literals in
the land of Eval. Specifically, boolean and integer literals. They are the constructs in Monkey
that are easiest to evaluate, because they evaluate to themselves. If I type 5 into my REPL
then 5 is also what should come out. And if I type in true then true is what I want.
Sounds easy enough? It is! So, lets turn type in 5, get back 5 into reality.
Integer Literals
Before writing any code though, what does this mean exactly? Were given a single expression
statement as input, which only contains an integer literal, and want to evaluate it so that the
integer itself is returned.
Translated into the language of our system, it means that, given an *ast.IntegerLiteral, our
Eval function should return an *object.Integer whose Value field contains the same integer as
We can easily write a test for this in our new evaluator package:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
package evaluator
import (
return Eval(program)
return true
Thats a lot of code for such a small test, isnt it? As with our parser tests, were building up
our testing infrastructure here. The TestEvalIntegerExpression test will need to grow and its
current structure makes this really easy. The testEval and testIntegerObject will also find a
lot of use.
The heart of the test is the call to Eval inside testEval. We take our input, pass it to the lexer,
pass the lexer to the parser and get back an AST. And then, this is new, we pass the AST to
Eval. The return value of Eval is what we make assertions about. In this case, we want the
return value to be an *object.Integer with the correct .Value. In other words: we want 5 to
evaluate to 5.
Of course, the test fails because we havent defined Eval yet. But we already know that Eval
should take an ast.Node as argument and return an object.Object. And whenever it encounters
an *ast.IntegerLiteral it should return an *object.Integer with the correct .Value. Turning
this into code and defining our new Eval with this behaviour in the evaluator package, we get
// evaluator/evaluator.go
package evaluator
import (
return nil
Nothing surprising here, it does just what we said it should. Except that it doesnt work. The
test still fails because Eval returns nil instead of an *object.Integer.
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestEvalIntegerExpression (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:36: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:36: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.006s
The reason for this failure is that we never encounter an *ast.IntegerLiteral in Eval. We dont
traverse the AST. We should always start at the top of the tree, receiving an *ast.Program,
and then traverse every node in it. And thats exactly what were not doing here. Were just
waiting for an *ast.IntegerLiteral. The fix is to actually traverse the tree and evaluate every
statement of the *ast.Program:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
// Statements
case *ast.Program:
return evalStatements(node.Statements)
case *ast.ExpressionStatement:
return Eval(node.Expression)
// Expressions
case *ast.IntegerLiteral:
return &object.Integer{Value: node.Value}
return nil
return result
With this changes we evaluate every statement in a Monkey program. And if the statement is an
*ast.ExpressionStatement we evaluate its expression. That mirrors the AST structure we get
from a one line input like 5: a program that consists of one statement, an expression statement
(not a return statement and not a let statement) with an integer literal as its expression.
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.006s
Alright, the tests pass! We can evaluate integer literals! Hey everyone, if we type in a number,
a number comes out and it only took us a couple thousand lines of code and tests to do so! Okay,
granted, it doesnt look like much. But its a start. Were beginning to see how evaluation
works and how we can extend our evaluator. The structure of Eval wont change, well only
add to and extend it.
Next up on our list of self-evaluating expressions are boolean literals. But before we do that,
we should celebrate our first evaluation success and treat ourselves. Lets put the E in REPL!
Up until now the E in in our REPL was missing and we had nothing but a RPPL - a Read-
Parse-Print-Loop. Now that we have Eval we can build a real Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop!
Using the evaluator in the repl package is as easy as youd think it is:
// repl/repl.go
import (
// [...]
// [...]
func Start(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(in)
for {
scanned := scanner.Scan()
if !scanned {
line := scanner.Text()
l := lexer.New(line)
p := parser.New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
if len(p.Errors()) != 0 {
printParserErrors(out, p.Errors())
evaluated := evaluator.Eval(program)
if evaluated != nil {
io.WriteString(out, evaluated.Inspect())
io.WriteString(out, "\n")
Instead of printing program (the AST returned by the parser) we pass program to Eval. If Eval
returns a non-nil value, an object.Object, we print the output of its Inspect() method. In the
case of an *object.Integer that would be the string representation of the integer its wrapping.
And with that we now have a working REPL:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> 5
>> 10
>> 999
Feels good, doesnt it? Lexing, parsing, evaluating - its all in there. Weve come a long way.
Boolean Literals
Boolean literals, just like their integer counterparts, evaluate to themselves. true evaluates to
true and false to false. Implementing this in Eval is as easy as adding support for integer
literals was. The tests are equally boring:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
expected bool
{"true", true},
{"false", false},
Well extend the tests slice as soon as we support more expressions that result in booleans. For
now, we only make sure that we get the correct output when we enter true or false. The tests
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestEvalBooleanExpression (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:42: Eval didn't return BooleanObject. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:42: Eval didn't return BooleanObject. got=<nil> (<nil>)
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.006s
Making this green is as easy as copying the case branch from *ast.IntegerLiteral and changing
two identifiers:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
Pretty! But, let me ask you this: the fact that were creating a new object.Boolean every time
we encounter a true or false is absurd, isnt it? There is no difference between two trues. The
same goes for false. Why use new instances every time? There are only two possible values,
so lets reference them instead of creating new ones.
// evaluator/evaluator.go
var (
TRUE = &object.Boolean{Value: true}
FALSE = &object.Boolean{Value: false}
Now there are only two instances of object.Boolean in our package: TRUE and FALSE and we
reference them instead of allocating new object.Booleans. That makes much more sense and
is a small performance improvement we get without a lot of work. And while were at it, lets
take care of null, too.
Just as there is only one true and one false, there should only be one reference to a null value.
There are no variations of null. No kinda-but-not-quite-null, no half-null and no basically-the-
same-as-the-other-null. Either something is this one null, or it isnt. So lets create one NULL we
can reference throughout our evaluator instead of creating new object.Nulls.
// evaluator/evaluator.go
var (
NULL = &object.Null{}
TRUE = &object.Boolean{Value: true}
FALSE = &object.Boolean{Value: false}
And thats all there is to it. Now we have one NULL we can reference.
With integer literals and our trio of NULL, TRUE and FALSE in place were ready to evaluate
operator expressions.
Prefix Expressions
The simplest form of operator expressions Monkey supports is the prefix expression, or unary
operator expression, where one operand follows the operator. In our parser we treated a lot of
language constructs like prefix expressions, because thats the easiest way to parse them. But in
this section prefix expressions are just operator expressions with one operator and one operand.
Monkey supports two of these prefix operators: ! and -.
Evaluating operator expression (especially with a prefix operator and one operand) isnt hard.
Well do it in small steps and build up the desired behaviour bit by bit. But we also need to pay
close attention. What were about to implement has far reaching consequences. Remember: in
the evaluation process the input language receives meaning; were defining the semantics of the
Monkey programming language. A small change in the evaluation of operator expressions might
cause something unintended in a part of the language that seems entirely unrelated. Tests help
us to nail down the desired behaviour and also act as a specification for us.
Were going to start by implementing support for the ! operator. The tests show that the
operator should convert its operand to a boolean value and negate it:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
As I said, this is where we decide how the language works. The !true and !false expressions
and their expected results seem like common sense, but the !5 may be something where other
language designers feel an error should be returned. But what were saying here is that 5 acts
as truthy.
The tests dont pass, of course, because Eval returns nil instead of TRUE or FALSE. The first
step to evaluating a prefix expression is to evaluate its operand and then use the result of this
evaluation with the operator:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
After the first call to Eval here, right may be an *object.Integer or an *object.Boolean or
maybe even NULL. We then take this right operand and pass it to evalPrefixExpression which
checks if the operator is supported:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalPrefixExpression(operator string, right object.Object) object.Object {
switch operator {
case "!":
return evalBangOperatorExpression(right)
return NULL
If the operator is not supported we return NULL. Is that the best choice? Maybe, maybe not.
For now, its definitely the easiest choice, since we dont have any error handling implemented
The evalBangOperatorExpression function is where the behaviour of the ! is specified:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
Lets move on to the - prefix operator. We can extend our TestEvalIntegerExpression test
function to incorporate it:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
I choose to extend this test rather than writing a new test function solely for the - prefix
operator for two reasons. First, integers are the only supported operands of the - operator in
prefix position. And second, because this test function should grow to encompass all integer
arithmetic in order to have one place that shows the desired behaviour in a clear and neat way.
We have to extend the evalPrefixExpression function we wrote earlier in order to make the test
cases pass. A new branch in the switch statement is needed:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
value := right.(*object.Integer).Value
return &object.Integer{Value: -value}
The first thing we do here is to check if the operand is an integer. If it isnt, we return NULL.
But if it is, we extract the value of the *object.Integer. Then we allocate a new object to wrap
a negated version of this value.
That wasnt a lot of code, was it? But still, it did the job:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
Excellent! Now we can give our prefix expressions a spin in the REPL before moving on to their
infix friends:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> -5
>> !true
>> !-5
>> !!-5
>> !!!!-5
>> -true
Infix Expressions
As a refresher, here are the eight infix operators that Monkey supports:
5 + 5;
5 - 5;
5 * 5;
5 / 5;
5 > 5;
5 < 5;
5 == 5;
5 != 5;
These eight operators can be separated into two groups: one group of operators produces
booleans as their result and one group doesnt. Well start by implementing support for the
second group: +, -, *, /. And first only in combination with integer operands. As soon as that
works, well add support for booleans on either side of the operator.
The test infrastructure is already in place. Well just extend our TestEvalIntegerExpression
test function with test cases for these new operators:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
Yes, there are probably some test cases that can be removed because they duplicate another
one and some add nothing new, but to be honest: I was really trigger happy with these tests
once I realized that the implementation works and I just couldnt believe it. It cant be that
easy, can it? Well, yes, it can.
To get these test cases to pass, the first thing we need to do is to extend our switch statement
in Eval:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
// [...]
case *ast.InfixExpression:
left := Eval(node.Left)
right := Eval(node.Right)
return evalInfixExpression(node.Operator, left, right)
// [...]
Just as with *ast.PrefixExpression we evaluate the operands first. And now we have two:
the left and the right arm of the AST node. We already know that these may be any other
expression - a function call, an integer literal, an operator expression, etc. We dont care. We
let Eval take care of it.
After evaluating the operands we take the returned values and the operator and pass them to
evalIntegerInfixExpressions, which looks like this:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
switch {
case left.Type() == object.INTEGER_OBJ && right.Type() == object.INTEGER_OBJ:
return evalIntegerInfixExpression(operator, left, right)
return NULL
In case the operands arent both integers we return NULL, just as I promised. Of course, well
extend this function later on, but in order to get the tests to pass, this is enough. The heart of
the matter lies in evalIntegerInfixExpression, where the values wrapped by *object.Integers
are added, subtracted, multiplied and divided:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalIntegerInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
leftVal := left.(*object.Integer).Value
rightVal := right.(*object.Integer).Value
switch operator {
case "+":
return &object.Integer{Value: leftVal + rightVal}
case "-":
return &object.Integer{Value: leftVal - rightVal}
case "*":
return &object.Integer{Value: leftVal * rightVal}
case "/":
return &object.Integer{Value: leftVal / rightVal}
return NULL
And now, believe it or not, the tests pass. Yes, really, they do:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
Go on, add a few more. Knock yourself out. And then come back here so we can add support
for the operators that result in booleans: ==, !=, < and >.
We can extend our TestEvalBooleanExpression test function with test cases for these operators,
since they all produce a boolean:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
A few added lines in evalIntegerInfixExpression is all thats needed to get these tests to pass:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalIntegerInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
leftVal := left.(*object.Integer).Value
rightVal := right.(*object.Integer).Value
switch operator {
// [...]
case "<":
return nativeBoolToBooleanObject(leftVal < rightVal)
case ">":
return nativeBoolToBooleanObject(leftVal > rightVal)
case "==":
return nativeBoolToBooleanObject(leftVal == rightVal)
case "!=":
return nativeBoolToBooleanObject(leftVal != rightVal)
return NULL
The nativeBoolToBooleanObject function we already used for boolean literals now finds some
reuse when we need to return either TRUE or FALSE based on the comparison between the un-
wrapped values.
And thats it! Well, at least for integers. We now fully support the eight infix operators when
both operands are integers. Whats left in this section is adding support for boolean operands.
Monkey only supports boolean operands for the equality operators == and !=. It doesnt support
adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying booleans. Checking whether true is greater than
false with < or > is also unsupported. That reduces our task to just adding support for two
The first thing we have to do, as you know, is to add tests. And, as before, we can extend an
existing test function. In this case, well use TestEvalBooleanExpression and add test cases for
the == and != operators:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
Strictly speaking, only the first five cases are necessary to test the new and desired behaviour.
But lets throw in the other four too to check the comparison between generated booleans.
So far, so good. Nothing surprising here. Just another set of of failing tests:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestEvalBooleanExpression (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:121: object is not Boolean. got=*object.Null (&{})
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
func evalInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
switch {
// [...]
case operator == "==":
return nativeBoolToBooleanObject(left == right)
case operator == "!=":
return nativeBoolToBooleanObject(left != right)
return NULL
Yes, thats right. We only add four lines to our existing evalInfixExpression and the tests
pass. Were using pointer comparison here to check for equality between booleans. That works
because were always using pointers to our objects and in the case of booleans we only ever use
two: TRUE and FALSE. So, if something has the same value as TRUE (the memory address that is)
then its true. This also works with NULL.
This doesnt work for integers or other data types we might add later on. In the case of
*object.Integer were always allocating new instances of object.Integer and thus use new
pointers. We cant compare these pointers to different instances, otherwise 5 == 5 would be
false, which is not what we want. In this case we want to explicitly compare the values and not
the objects that wrap these values.
Thats why the check for integer operands has to be higher up in the switch statement and
match earlier than these newly added case branches. As long as were taking care of other
operand types before arriving at these pointer comparisons were fine and it works.
In ten years, when Monkey is a famous programming language and the discussion about research-
ignoring dilettantes designing programming languages is still ongoing and were both rich and
famous, someone will ask on StackOverflow why integer comparison in Monkey is slower than
boolean comparison. The answer will be written by either you or me and one of us will say that
Monkeys object system doesnt allow pointer comparison for integer objects. It has to unwrap
the value before a comparison can be made. Thus the comparison between booleans is faster.
Well add a Source: I wrote it. to the bottom of our answer and earn an unheard of amount
of karma.
But I digress. To get back to topic, let me just say: Wow! We did it! I know, Im pretty lavish
with my praise and can spot a cause for celebration pretty easily, but if there ever was a time
to pop the champagne, its now. Yes, we did it. Just look at what our interpreter can do now:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> 5 * 5 + 10
>> 3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5
>> 5 * 10 > 40 + 5
>> (10 + 2) * 30 == 300 + 20 * 3
>> (5 > 5 == true) != false
>> 500 / 2 != 250
So, now we have a fully functional calculator thats ready to do more. Lets give him more.
Lets make it look more like a programming language.
3.6 - Conditionals
Youll be amazed how easy it is to add support for conditionals in our evaluator. The only hard
thing about their implementation is deciding when to evaluate what. Because thats the whole
point of conditionals: only ever evaluate something based on a condition. Consider this:
if (x > 10) {
puts("everything okay!");
} else {
puts("x is too low!");
When evaluating this if-else-expression the important thing is to only evaluate the correct branch.
If the condition is met, we must never evaluate the else-branch, only the if-branch. And if it
isnt met we must only evaluate the else-branch.
In other words: we can only evaluate the else-branch of this conditional if the condition x
> 10 is not well, when its not what exactly? Should we evaluate the consequence, the
"everything okay!" branch, only when the condition expression generates a true or when it
generates something truthy, something thats not false or not null?
And thats the tough part about this, because thats a design decision, a language design decision
to be exact, with wide ranging consequences.
In the case of Monkey, the consequence part of the conditional will be evaluated when the
condition is truthy. And truthy means: its not null and its not false. It doesnt necessarily
need to be true.
let x = 10;
if (x) {
puts("everything okay!");
} else {
puts("x is too high!");
In this example "everything okay!" should be printed. Why? Because x is bound to 10, eval-
uates to 10 and 10 is not null and not false. Thats how conditionals are supposed to work in
Now that weve talked about this, we can turn this specification into a set of test cases:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := testEval(tt.input)
integer, ok := tt.expected.(int)
if ok {
testIntegerObject(t, evaluated, int64(integer))
} else {
testNullObject(t, evaluated)
This test function also specifies behaviour we havent talked about yet. When a conditional
doesnt evaluate to a value its supposed to return NULL, e.g.:
if (false) { 10 }
The else is missing and thus the conditional should produce NULL.
We have to do a little type assertion and conversion dance to allow nil in our expected field,
granted, but the tests are readable and clearly show the desired and hereby specified behaviour.
They also fail, because we dont return any *object.Integers or NULL:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestIfElseExpressions (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:125: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:153: object is not NULL. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:125: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:125: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:153: object is not NULL. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:125: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:125: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
Earlier I told you that youll be amazed at how easy it is to implement support for conditionals.
Didnt believe me? Well, look at this small amount of code necessary to make the tests pass:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
case *ast.IfExpression:
return evalIfExpression(node)
// [...]
if isTruthy(condition) {
return Eval(ie.Consequence)
} else if ie.Alternative != nil {
return Eval(ie.Alternative)
} else {
return NULL
As I said: the only hard thing is deciding what to evaluate. And that decision is encapsulated in
evalIfExpression where the logic of the behaviour is pretty clear. isTruthy is equally expressive.
Besides these two functions we also added the case branch for *ast.BlockStatement to our Eval
switch statement, because the .Consequence and .Alternative of *ast.IfExpression are both
block statements.
We added two new and concise functions that show the semantics of the Monkey programming
language in a clear way, reused another function we already had in place and with doing so
added support for conditionals and made the tests pass. Our interpreter now supports if-else-
expressions! Were now leaving calculator territory and heading straight towards programming
language land:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> if (5 * 5 + 10 > 34) { 99 } else { 100 }
>> if ((1000 / 2) + 250 * 2 == 1000) { 9999 }
Now heres something that you wont find on your standard calculator: return statements.
Monkey has them, like a lot of other languages. They can be used in the bodies of functions but
also as top-level statements in a Monkey program. But it doesnt really matter where theyre
used, because how they work doesnt change: return statements stop the evaluation of a series
of statements and leave behind the value their expression has evaluated to.
Here is a top-level return statement in a Monkey program:
5 * 5 * 5;
return 10;
9 * 9 * 9;
When evaluated this program should return 10. If these statements were the body of a function,
calling the function should evaluate to 10. The important thing is that the last line, the 9 * 9
* 9 expression, is never going to be evaluated.
There are a few different ways to implement return statements. In some host languages we could
use gotos or exceptions. But in Go a rescue or catch are not easy to come by and we dont
really have the option of using gotos in a clean way. Thats why, in order to support return
statements, well be passing a return value through our evaluator. Whenever we encounter a
return well wrap the value its supposed to return inside an object, so we can keep track of it.
And we need to keep track of it so we can later decide whether to stop evaluation or not.
Here is the implementation of said object. Here is object.ReturnValue:
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
Since this is just a wrapper around another object nothing here is surprising. Whats interesting
about object.ReturnValue is when and how its used.
Here are the tests that demonstrate what we expect of the return statement in the context of
a Monkey program:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
In order to get these tests to pass we have to change the evalStatements function we already
have and add a case branch for *ast.ReturnStatement to Eval:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
case *ast.ReturnStatement:
val := Eval(node.ReturnValue)
return &object.ReturnValue{Value: val}
// [...]
if returnValue, ok := result.(*object.ReturnValue); ok {
return returnValue.Value
return result
The first part of this change is the evaluation of *ast.ReturnValue, where we evaluate the
expression associated with the return statement. We then wrap the result of this call to Eval
in our new object.ReturnValue so we can keep track of it.
In evalStatements, which is used by evalProgramStatements and evalBlockStatements to evaluate
a series of statements, we check if the last evaluation result is such an object.ReturnValue and
if so, we stop the evaluation and return the unwrapped value. Thats important. We dont
return an object.ReturnValue, but only the value its wrapping, which is what the user expects
to be returned.
Theres a problem, though. Sometimes we have to keep track of object.ReturnValues for longer
and cant unwrap their values on the first encounter. Thats the case with block statements.
Take a look at this:
if (10 > 1) {
if (10 > 1) {
return 10;
return 1;
This program should return 10. But with our current implementation, it doesnt and returns 1.
A small test case confirms this:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
return 1;
// [...]
I bet that youve already figured out what the problem with our current implementation is.
But if you want me to spell it out, here it comes: if we have nested block statements (which is
totally legit in a Monkey program!) we cant unwrap the value of object.ReturnValue on first
sight, because we need to further keep track of it so we can stop the execution in the outermost
block statement.
Non-nested block statements work fine with our current implementation. But to get nested
ones to work, the first thing we have to do is to accept that we cant reuse our evalStatements
function for evaluating block statements. Thats why were going to rename it to evalProgram
and make it less generic.
// evaluator/evaluator.go
if returnValue, ok := result.(*object.ReturnValue); ok {
return returnValue.Value
return result
// evaluator/evaluator.go
// [...]
return result
Here we explicitly dont unwrap the return value and only check the Type() of each evaluation
result. If its object.RETURN_VALUE_OBJ we simply return the *object.ReturnValue, without
unwrapping its .Value, so it stops execution in a possible outer block statement and bubbles
up to evalProgram, where it finally gets unwrapped. (That last part will change when we
implement the evaluation of function calls.)
And with that the tests pass:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
Return statements are implemented. Now were definitely not building a calculator anymore.
And since evalProgram and evalBlockStatement are still so fresh in our mind lets keep working
on them.
Remember all the NULLs we were returning earlier and I said that you shouldnt worry and well
come back to them? Here we are. Its time to implement some real error handling in Monkey
before its too late and wed have to backpedal too much. Granted, we have to backpedal a
little bit and correct previous code, but not much. We didnt implement error handling as the
first thing in our interpreter, because, and to be completely honest, I thought implementing
expressions first is a lot more fun than error handling. But were now at a point where we need
to add it, otherwise debugging and using our interpreter becomes too cumbersome in the near
First of all, lets define what I mean with real error handling. It is not user-defined exceptions.
Its internal error handling. Errors for wrong operators, unsupported operations, and other user
or internal errors that may arise during execution.
As for the implementation of such errors: this will probably sound weird, but the error handling
is implemented in nearly the same way as handling return statements is. The reason for this
similarity is easy to find: errors and return statements both stop the evaluation of a series of
The first thing we need is an error object:
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
As you can see, object.Error is really, really simple. It only wraps a string that serves as error
message. In a production-ready interpreter wed want to attach a stack trace to such error
objects, add the line and column numbers of its origin and provide more than just a message.
Thats not so hard to do, provided that line and column numbers are attached to the tokens by
the lexer. Since our lexer doesnt do that, to keep things simple, we only use an error message,
which still serves us a great deal by giving us some feedback and stopping execution.
We will add support for errors in a few places now. Later, with increased capability of our
interpreter, well add more where appropriate. For now, this test function shows what we
expect the error handling to do:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
if (10 > 1) {
if (10 > 1) {
return true + false;
return 1;
"unknown operator: BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN",
errObj, ok := evaluated.(*object.Error)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("no error object returned. got=%T(%+v)",
evaluated, evaluated)
if errObj.Message != tt.expectedMessage {
t.Errorf("wrong error message. expected=%q, got=%q",
tt.expectedMessage, errObj.Message)
When we run the tests we meet our old friend NULL again:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestErrorHandling (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned. got=*object.Null(&{})
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned.\
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned. got=*object.Null(&{})
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned. got=*object.Null(&{})
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned.\
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned. got=*object.Null(&{})
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned.\
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
But there are also unexpected *object.Integers. Thats because these test cases actually assert
two things: that errors are created for unsupported operations and that errors prevent any
further evaluation. When the test fails because of an *object.Integer being returned, the
evaluation didnt stop correctly.
Creating errors and passing them around in Eval is easy. We just need a helper function to help
us create new *object.Errors and return them when we think we should:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
This newError function finds its use in every place where we didnt know what to do before and
returned NULL instead:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
switch {
// [...]
case left.Type() != right.Type():
return newError("type mismatch: %s %s %s",
left.Type(), operator, right.Type())
return newError("unknown operator: %s %s %s",
left.Type(), operator, right.Type())
func evalIntegerInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
// [...]
switch operator {
// [...]
return newError("unknown operator: %s %s %s",
left.Type(), operator, right.Type())
With these changes made the number of failing test cases has been reduced to just two:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestErrorHandling (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned.\
evaluator_test.go:193: no error object returned.\
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
That output tells us that creating errors poses no problem but stopping the evaluation still
does. We already know where to look though, dont we? Yes, thats right: evalProgram and
evalBlockStatement. Here are both functions in their entirety, with newly added support for
error handling:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
return result
if result != nil {
rt := result.Type()
if rt == object.RETURN_VALUE_OBJ || rt == object.ERROR_OBJ {
return result
return result
That did it. Evaluation is stopped at the right places and the tests now pass:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.010s
Theres still one last thing we need to do. We need to check for errors whenever we call Eval
inside of Eval, in order to stop errors from being passed around and then bubbling up far away
from their origin:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func Eval(node ast.Node) object.Object {
switch node := node.(type) {
// [...]
case *ast.ReturnStatement:
val := Eval(node.ReturnValue)
if isError(val) {
return val
return &object.ReturnValue{Value: val}
// [...]
case *ast.PrefixExpression:
right := Eval(node.Right)
if isError(right) {
return right
return evalPrefixExpression(node.Operator, right)
case *ast.InfixExpression:
left := Eval(node.Left)
if isError(left) {
return left
right := Eval(node.Right)
if isError(right) {
return right
Up next were going to add bindings to our interpreter by adding support for let statements.
But not only do we need to support let statements, no, we need to support the evaluation of
identifiers, too. Lets say we have evaluated the following piece of code:
let x = 5 * 5;
Only adding support for the evaluation of this statement is not enough. We also need to make
sure that the x evaluates to 10 after interpreting the line above.
So, our task in this section is to evaluate let statements and identifiers. We evaluate let state-
ments by evaluating their value-producing expression and keeping track of the produced value
under the specified name. To evaluate identifiers we check if we already have a value bound to
the name. If we do, the identifier evaluates to this value, and if we dont, we return an error.
Sounds like a good plan? Alright, so lets kick this off with a few tests:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
The test cases assert that these two things should work: evaluating the value-producing expres-
sion in a let statement and evaluating an identifier thats bound to a name. But we also need
tests to make sure that we get an error when we try to evaluate an unbound identifier. And for
that we can simply extend our existing TestErrorHandling function:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
How do we make these tests pass? Obviously the first thing we have to do is add a new case
branch for *ast.LetStatement to Eval. And in this branch we need to Eval the expression of
the let statement, correct? So lets start with that:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
// [...]
The comment is right: now what? How to we keep track of values? We have the value and
we have the name we should bind it too, node.Name.Value. How do we associate one with the
This is where something called the environment comes into play. The environment is what we
use to keep track of value by associating them with a name. The name environment is a
classic one, used in a lot of other interpreters, especially Lispy ones. But even though the name
may sound sophisticated, at its heart the environment is a hash map that associates strings
with objects. And thats exactly what were going to use for our implementation.
Well add a new Environment struct to the object package. And yes, for now it really is just a
thin wrapper around a map:
// object/environment.go
package object
Let me guess what youre thinking: Why not use a map? Why the wrapper? Itll all make sense
as soon as we start implementing functions and function calls in the next section, I promise.
This is the groundwork well build upon later.
As it is, the usage of object.Environment itself is self-explanatory. But how do we use it inside
Eval? How and where do we keep track of the environment? We pass it around by making it a
parameter of Eval:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
With that change nothing compiles anymore, because we have to change every call to Eval
make use of the environment. And not only the calls to Eval in Eval itself, but also the ones in
functions such as evalProgram, evalIfExpression and so on. This requires more manual editor
work than anything else, so I wont bore you by showing the list of changes here.
The calls to Eval in our REPL and in our test suite need to use an environment too, of course.
In the REPL we use a single environment:
// repl/repl.go
for {
// [...]
evaluated := evaluator.Eval(program, env)
if evaluated != nil {
io.WriteString(out, evaluated.Inspect())
io.WriteString(out, "\n")
The environment we use here, env, persists between calls to Eval. If it didnt, binding a value
to a name in the REPL would be without any effect. As soon as the next line is evaluated, the
association wouldnt be in the new environment.
Thats exactly what we want in our test suite, though. We dont want to keep state around for
each test function and each test case. Each call to testEval should have a fresh environment so
we dont run into weird bugs involving global state caused by the order in which tests are run.
Every call to Eval here gets a fresh environment:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
With updated Eval calls the tests compile again and we can start making them pass, which is
not too hard with *object.Environemnt available. In the case branch for *ast.LetStatement we
can just use the name and value we already have and save them in the current environment:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
Now were adding associations to the environment when evaluating let statements. But we also
need to get these values out when were evaluating identifiers. Doing that is pretty easy, too:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func Eval(node ast.Node, env *object.Environment) object.Object {
// [...]
case *ast.Identifier:
return evalIdentifier(node, env)
// [...]
func evalIdentifier(
node *ast.Identifier,
env *object.Environment,
) object.Object {
val, ok := env.Get(node.Value)
if !ok {
return newError("identifier not found: " + node.Value)
return val
evalIdentifier will be extended in the next section. For now it simply checks if a value has
been associated with the given name in the current environment. If thats the case it returns
the value, otherwise an error.
Look at this:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
Yes, youre right, thats exactly what this means: were now firmly standing in programming
language land.
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let a = 5;
>> let b = a > 3;
>> let c = a * 99;
>> if (b) { 10 } else { 1 };
>> let d = if (c > a) { 99 } else { 100 };
>> d
>> d * c * a;
This is what weve been working towards. This is the third act. Were going to add support
for functions and function calls to our interpreter. When were done with this section, well be
able to do this in our REPL:
>> let add = fn(a, b, c, d) { return a + b + c + d };
>> add(1, 2, 3, 4);
>> let addThree = fn(x) { return x + 3 };
>> addThree(3);
>> let max = fn(x, y) { if (x > y) { x } else { y } };
>> max(5, 10)
>> let factorial = fn(n) { if (n == 0) { 1 } else { n * factorial(n - 1) } };
>> factorial(5)
If that doesnt impress you then take a look at this. Passing around functions, higher-order
functions and closures will also work:
>> let callTwoTimes = fn(x, func) { func(func(x)) };
>> callTwoTimes(3, addThree);
>> callTwoTimes(3, fn(x) { x + 1 });
>> let newAdder = fn(x) { fn(n) { x + n } };
>> let addTwo = newAdder(2);
>> addTwo(2);
We dont need the Token field in a function object, but Parameters and Body make sense. We
cant evaluate a function without its body and we cant evaluate the body if we dont know
which parameters the function has. Besides Parameters and Body we also need a third field in
our new function object:
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
type Function struct {
Parameters []*ast.Identifier
Body *ast.BlockStatement
Env *Environment
params := []string{}
for _, p := range f.Parameters {
params = append(params, p.String())
out.WriteString(strings.Join(params, ", "))
out.WriteString(") {\n")
return out.String()
This definition of object.Function has the Parameters and Body fields. But it also has Env, a field
that holds a pointer to an object.Environment, because functions in Monkey carry their own
environment with them. That allows for closures, which close over the environment theyre
defined in and can later access it. That will make more sense when we start using the Env field.
Youll see.
With that definition done, we can now write a test to assert that our interpreter knows how to
build functions:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
evaluated := testEval(input)
fn, ok := evaluated.(*object.Function)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("object is not Function. got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
if len(fn.Parameters) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("function has wrong parameters. Parameters=%+v",
if fn.Parameters[0].String() != "x" {
t.Fatalf("parameter is not 'x'. got=%q", fn.Parameters[0])
if fn.Body.String() != expectedBody {
t.Fatalf("body is not %q. got=%q", expectedBody, fn.Body.String())
This test function asserts that evaluating a function literal results in the correct *ob-
ject.Function being returned, with correct parameters and the correct body. The functions
environment will be tested later on in other tests, implicitly. Making this test pass takes just
a few lines of code added to Eval in the form of a new case branch:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
Easy, right? The test passes. We just reuse the Parameters and Body fields of the AST node.
Notice how we use the current environment when building the function object.
With that relatively low-level test passing and thus having made sure that we build the internal
representation of functions correctly, we can turn to the topic of function application. That
means, extending our interpreter so that we can call functions. The tests for this are much
more readable and easier to write:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
Each test case here does the same thing: define a function, apply it to arguments and then
make an assertion about the produced value. But with their slight differences they test multiple
important things: returning values implicitly, returning values using return statements, using
parameters in expressions, multiple parameters and evaluating arguments before passing them
to the function.
We are also testing two possible forms of *ast.CallExpression here. One where the function
is an identifier that evaluates to a function object, and the second one where the function is
a function literal. The neat thing is that it doesnt really matter. We already know how to
evaluate identifiers and function literals:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
Yes, were just using Eval to get the function we want to call. Whether thats an *ast.Identifier
or an *ast.FunctionLiteral: Eval returns an *object.Function (if theres no error, of course).
But how do we do call this *object.Function? The first step is to evaluate the arguments of a
call expression. The reason is simple:
let add = fn(x, y) { x + y };
add(2 + 2, 5 + 5);
Here we want to pass 4 and 10 to the add function as arguments and not the expressions 2 + 2
and 5 + 5.
Evaluating the arguments is nothing more than evaluating a list of expressions and keeping
track of the produced values. But we also have to stop the evaluation process as soon as it
encounters an error. That leads us to this code:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalExpressions(
exps []ast.Expression,
env *object.Environment,
) []object.Object {
var result []object.Object
return result
Nothing fancy going on here. We just iterate over a list of ast.Expressions and evaluate them
in the context of the current environment. If we encounter an error, we stop the evaluation and
return the error. This is also the part where we decided to evaluate the arguments from left-
to-right. Hopefully we wont be writing code in Monkey that makes assertions about the order
of argument evaluation, but if we do, were on the conservative and safe side of programming
language design.
So! Now that we have both the function and the list of evaluated arguments, how do we call
the function? How do we apply the function to the arguments?
The obvious answer is that we have to evaluate the body of the function, which is just a block
statement. We already know how to evaluate those, so why not just call Eval and pass it the
body of the function? One word: arguments. The body of the function can contain references to
the parameters of the function and just evaluating the body in the current environment would
result in references to unknown names, which would lead to errors, which is not what we want.
Evaluating the body as it is, in the current environment, does not work.
What we need to do instead is change the environment in which the function is evaluated, so
that the references to parameters in the functions body resolve to the correct arguments. But
we cant just add these arguments to the current environment. That could lead to previous
bindings being overwritten, which is not what we want. We want this to work:
let i = 5;
let printNum = fn(i) {
With a puts function that prints lines, this should print two lines, containing 10 and 5 respec-
tively. If we were to overwrite the current environment before evaluating the body of printNum,
the last line would also result in 10 being printed.
So adding the arguments of the function call to the current environment in order to make them
accessible in the functions body does not work. What we need to do instead is to preserve
previous bindings while at the same time making new ones available - well call that extending
the environment.
Extending the environment means that we create a new instance of object.Environment with
a pointer to the environment it should extend. By doing that we enclose a fresh and empty
environment with an existing one.
When the new environments Get method is called and it itself doesnt have a value associated
with the given name, it calls the Get of the enclosing environment. Thats the environment its
extending. And if that enclosing environment cant find the value, it calls its own enclosing
environment and so on until there is no enclosing environment anymore and we can safely say
that we have an ERROR: unknown identifier: foobar.
// object/environment.go
package object
return env
object.Environment now has a new field called outer that can contain a reference to another
object.Environment, which is the enclosing environment, the one its extending. The NewEn-
closedEnvironment function makes creating such an enclosed environment easy. The Get method
has also been changed. It now checks the enclosing environment for the given name, too.
This new behaviour mirrors how we think about variable scopes. There is an inner scope and
an outer scope. If something is not found in the inner scope, its looked up in the outer scope.
The outer scope encloses the inner scope. And the inner scope extends the outer one.
With our updated object.Environment functionality we can correctly evaluate function bodies.
Remember, the problem was this: possibly overwriting existing bindings in a environment when
binding the arguments of a function call to the parameter names of the function. Now, instead of
overwriting bindings, we create a new environment thats enclosed by the current environment
and add our bindings to this fresh and empty environment.
But we wont use the current environment as the enclosing environment, no. Instead well
use the environment our *object.Function carries around. Remember that one? Thats the
environment our function was defined in.
Here is the updated version of Eval that handles function calls completely and correctly:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
return args[0]
func extendFunctionEnv(
fn *object.Function,
args []object.Object,
) *object.Environment {
env := object.NewEnclosedEnvironment(fn.Env)
return env
return obj
In the new applyFunction function we not only check that we really have a *object.Function at
hand but also convert the fn parameter to a *object.Function reference in order to get access
to the functions .Env and .Body fields (which object.Object doesnt define).
The extendFunctionEnv function creates a new *object.Environment thats enclosed by the func-
tions environment. In this new, enclosed environment it binds the arguments of the function
call to the functions parameter names.
And this newly enclosed and updated environment is then the environment in which the
functions body is evaluated. The result of this evaluation is unwrapped if its an *ob-
ject.ReturnValue. Thats necessary, because otherwise a return statement would bubble up
through several functions and stop the evaluation in all of them. But we only want to stop
the evaluation of the last called functions body. Thats why we need unwrap it, so that
evalBlockStatement wont stop evaluating statements in outer functions. I also added a few
test cases to our previous TestReturnStatements function to make sure that this works.
Those were the last missing pieces. What? Really? Yeah! Take a look a this:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let addTwo = fn(x) { x + 2; };
>> addTwo(2)
>> let multiply = fn(x, y) { x * y };
>> multiply(50 / 2, 1 * 2)
>> fn(x) { x == 10 }(5)
>> fn(x) { x == 10 }(10)
Whaaat? Yes! It works! We can now finally define and call functions! Theres a saying that
goes this is nothing to write home about. Well, this is! But before we put on our party hats,
its worth taking a closer look at the interaction between functions and their environment and
what it means for function application. Because what weve seen is not all we can do, there is
a lot more.
So, I bet that one question still bugs you: Why extend the functions environment and not the
current environment? The short answer is this:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
testIntegerObject(t, testEval(input), 4)
Monkey has closures and they already work in our interpreter. How cool is that? Exactly. Very
cool. But the connection between closures and the original question might not be so clear yet.
Closures are functions that close over the environment they were defined in. They carry their
own environment around and whenever theyre called they can access it.
The two important lines from the example above are these:
let newAdder = fn(x) { fn(y) { x + y } };
let addTwo = newAdder(2);
newAdder here is a higher-order function. Higher-order functions are functions that either return
other functions or receive them as arguments. In this case newAdder returns another function.
But not just any function: a closure. addTwo is bound to the closure thats returned when calling
newAdder with 2 as the sole argument.
And what makes addTwo a closure? The bindings it has access to when called.
When addTwo is called it not only has access to the arguments of the call, the y parameter, but
it can also reach the value x was bound to at the time of the newAdder(2) call, even though that
binding is long out of scope and not existent in the current environment anymore:
>> let newAdder = fn(x) { fn(y) { x + y } };
>> let addTwo = newAdder(2);
>> x
ERROR: identifier not found: x
x is not bound to a value in our top-level environment. But addTwo still has access to it:
>> addTwo(3);
In other words: the closure addTwo still has access to the environment that was the current
environment at the time of its definition. Which is when the last line of newAdders body was
evaluated. This last line is a function literal. Remember: when function literals are evaluated
we build an object.Function and keep a reference to the current environment in its .Env field.
When we later on evaluate the body of addTwo, we dont evaluate it in the current environment,
but instead in the functions environment. And we do that by extending the functions environ-
ment and passing it to Eval instead of the current environment. Why? So it can still access it.
Why? So we can use closures. Why? Because theyre freaking amazing and I love them!
And since were talking about amazing things, its worth mentioning that we not only support
returning functions from other functions but also accepting functions as arguments in a function
call. Yes, functions are first-class citizens in Monkey and we can pass them around like any
other value:
>> let add = fn(a, b) { a + b };
>> let sub = fn(a, b) { a - b };
>> let applyFunc = fn(a, b, func) { func(a, b) };
>> applyFunc(2, 2, add);
>> applyFunc(10, 2, sub);
Here we pass the add and sub functions as arguments to applyFunc. applyFunc then calls this
function without any problems: the func parameter resolves to the function object which then
gets called with two arguments. There is not much more to it, everything works already in our
I know what youre thinking right now and here is a template for the message you want to send:
Dear NAME_OF_FRIEND, remember when I said that someday Ill be someone
and do something great people will remember me for? Well, todays the day.
My Monkey interpreter works and it supports functions, higher-order functions,
closures and integers and arithmetic and long story short: Ive never been happier
in my life!
We did it. We built a fully working Monkey interpreter that supports functions and function
calls, higher-order functions and closures. Go on, celebrate! Ill be waiting here.
3.11 - Whos taking the trash out?
At the beginning of this book I promised you that we wouldnt take any shortcuts and build a
fully functional interpreter with our own hands, from scratch and without any third party tools.
And we did! But now I have a small confession to make.
Consider what happens when we run this snippet of Monkey code in our interpreter:
let counter = fn(x) {
if (x > 100) {
return true;
} else {
let foobar = 9999;
counter(x + 1);
Obviously, it would return true after evaluating the body of counter 101 times. But a lot is
happening until the last of these recursive calls to counter returns.
The first thing is the evaluation if-else-expression condition: x > 100. If the produced value is
not truthy, the alternative of the if-else-expression gets evaluated. In the alternative the integer
literal 9999 gets bound to the name foobar, which is never referenced again. Then x + 1 is
evaluated. The result of that call to Eval is then passed to another call to counter. And then
it all starts again, until x > 100 evaluates to TRUE.
The point is this: in each call to counter a lot of objects are allocated. Or to put it in terms of
our Eval function and our object system: each evaluation of counters body results in a lot of
object.Integer being allocated and instantiated. The unused 9999 integer literal and the result
of x + 1 are obvious. But even the literals 100 and 1 produce new object.Integers every time
the body of counter is evaluated.
If we were to modify our Eval function to track every instance of &object.Integer{}, wed see
that running this small snippet of code results in around 400 allocated object.Integers.
Whats the problem with that?
Our objects are stored in memory. The more objects we use the more memory we need. And
even though the number of objects in the example is tiny compared to other programs memory
is not infinite.
With each call to counter the memory usage of our interpreter process should rise until it
eventually runs out of memory and the operating system kills it. But if we were to monitor
memory usage while running the snippet above, wed see that it doesnt steadily rise and never
goes down. Instead it increases and decreases. Why?
The answer to that question is the heart of the confession I have to make: were reusing Gos
garbage collector as a garbage collector for our guest language. We do not need to write our
Gos garbage collector (GC) is the reason why we dont run out of memory. It manages memory
for us. Even when we call the counter function from above many, many times and thus add a
lot more unused integer literals and object allocations, we wont run out of memory. Because
the GC keeps track of which object.Integer are still reachable by us and which are not. When
it notices that an object is not reachable anymore it makes the objects memory available again.
The example above generates a lot of integer objects that are unreachable after a call to counter:
the literals 1 and 100 and the nonsense 9999 bound to foobar. There is no way to access these
objects after counter returns. In the case of 1 and 100 its clear that theyre unreachable,
since theyre not bound to a name. But even the 9999 bound to foobar is unreachable since
foobar is out of scope when the function returns. The environment that was constructed for
the evaluation of counters body gets destroyed (also by Gos GC, mind you!) and with it the
foobar binding.
These unreachable objects are useless and take up memory. Thats why the GC collects them
and frees up the memory they used.
And thats super handy for us! That saves us a lot of work! If we were to write our interpreter in
a language like C, where we dont have a GC, wed need to implement one ourselves to manage
memory for users of the interpreter.
What would such a hypothetical GC need to do? In short: keep track of object allocations
and references to objects, make enough memory available for future object allocations and give
memory back when its not needed anymore. This last point is what garbage collection is all
about. Without it the programs would leak and finally run out of memory.
There are a myriad ways to accomplish all of the above, involving different algorithms and
implementations. For example, theres the basic mark and sweep algorithm. In order to
implement it one has to decide whether the GC will be a generational GC or not, or whether
its a stop-the-world GC or a concurrent GC, or how its organizing memory and handling
memory fragmentation. Having decided all of that an efficient implementation is still a lot of
hard work.
But maybe youre asking yourself: Okay, so we have the GC of Go available. But cant we just
write our own GC for the guest language and use that one instead?
Unfortunately, no. Wed have to disable Gos GC and find a way to take over all of its duties.
Thats easier said than done. Its a huge undertaking since we would also have to take care of
allocating and freeing memory ourselves - in a language that per default prohibits exactly that.
Thats why I decided to not add a Lets write our own GC next to Gos GC section to this
book and to instead reuse Gos GC. Garbage collection itself is a huge topic and adding the
dimension of working around an existing GC blows it out of the scope of this book. But still, I
hope that this section gave you a rough idea of what a GC does and which problems it solves.
Maybe you even know now what to do if you were to translate the interpreter we built here into
another host language without garbage collection.
And with that were done! Our interpreter works. All thats left for us is to extend it and
make it more useful by adding more data types and functions.
Chapter 4
Even though our interpreter works amazingly well and has some mind-blowing features, like
first-class functions and closures, the only data types we had available as users of Monkey were
integers and booleans. Thats not especially useful and a lot less than what were used to from
other programming languages. In this chapter were going to change that. Were going to add
new data types to our interpreter.
The great thing about this endeavor is that it takes us through the whole interpreter again. We
will add new token types, modify the lexer, extend the parser and finally add support for the
data types to our evaluator and the object system.
Even better is that the data types were going to add are already present in Go. That means
that we only need to make them available in Monkey. We dont need to implement them
from scratch, which is pretty handy, since this book isnt called Implementing Common Data
Structures In Go and we can concentrate on our interpreter.
In addition to that were also going to make the interpreter much more powerful by adding some
new functions. Of course, as users of our interpreter we could define functions ourselves just fine,
but those were limited in what they could do. These new ones, called built-in functions, will be
much more powerful, since they have access to the inner workings of the Monkey programming
The first thing were going to do is add a data type we all know: the string. Nearly every
programming language has it and Monkey shall have it too.
4.2 - Strings
In Monkey strings are a sequence of characters. They are first-class values, can be bound to
identifiers, used as arguments in functions calls and be returned by functions. They look just
like the strings in many other programming languages: characters enclosed by double quotes.
Besides the data type itself, in this section well also add support for string concatenation by
supporting the infix operator + for strings.
At the end, well be able to do this:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is micro, your own programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let firstName = "Thorsten";
>> let lastName = "Ball";
>> let fullName = fn(first, last) { first + " " + last };
>> fullName(firstName, lastName);
Thorsten Ball
The first thing we have to do is add support for string literals to our lexer. The basic structure
of strings is this:
"<sequence of characters>"
Thats not too hard, right? A sequence of characters enclosed by double quotes.
What we want from our lexer is a single token for each string literal. So in the case of "Hello
World" we want a single token, instead of tokens for ", Hello, World and ". A single token for
string literals makes handling them in our parser a lot easier and we move the bulk of the work
to one small method in the lexer.
Of course, the approach using multiple tokens is also valid and maybe beneficial in some
cases/parsers. We could use " surrounding token.IDENT tokens. But in our case, well mir-
ror the token.INT integer tokens we already have and carry the string literal itself around in the
.Literal field of the token.
And with that being clear, its time to work on our tokens and our lexer again. We havent
touched those since the first chapter, but Im sure well do just fine.
The first thing we need to do is add a new STRING token type to our token package:
// token/token.go
const (
// [...]
// [...]
With that in place we can add a test case for our lexer to see if strings are properly supported.
To do that we just extend the input in our TestNextToken test function:
// lexer/lexer_test.go
if (5 < 10) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
10 == 10;
10 != 9;
"foo bar"
tests := []struct {
expectedType token.TokenType
expectedLiteral string
// [...]
{token.STRING, "foobar"},
{token.STRING, "foo bar"},
{token.EOF, ""},
// [...]
The input now has two more lines containing the string literals we want to turn into tokens.
Theres "foobar" to make sure that lexing of string literals works and "foo bar" to make sure
that it still works even with whitespace inside a literal.
Of course, the tests fail, because we havent changed anything in the Lexer yet:
$ go test ./lexer
--- FAIL: TestNextToken (0.00s)
lexer_test.go:122: tests[73] - tokentype wrong. expected="STRING",\
FAIL monkey/lexer 0.006s
Fixing the tests is easier than you might think. All we need to do is add a case branch for " to
the switch statement in our Lexer and add a small helper method:
// lexer/lexer.go
switch {
// [...]
case '"':
tok.Type = token.STRING
tok.Literal = l.readString()
// [...]
// [...]
if == '"' || == 0 {
return l.input[position:l.position]
Theres really nothing mysterious about these changes. A new case branch and a helper function
called readString that calls readChar until it encounters either a closing double quote or the
end of the input.
If you think that this is too easy, feel free to make readString report an error instead of simply
returning when it reaches the end of the input. Or you can add support for character escaping
so that string literals like "hello \"world\"", "hello\n world" and "hello\t\t\tworld" work.
Meanwhile, our tests are passing:
$ go test ./lexer
ok monkey/lexer 0.006s
Great! Our lexer now knows how to handle string literals. Its time to teach the parser how to
do the same.
Parsing Strings
In order for our parser to turn token.STRING into a string literal AST node we need to de-
fine said node. Thankfully the definition couldnt be simpler. It looks really similar to
ast.IntegerLiteral, except that the Value field now contains a string instead of an int64.
// ast/ast.go
Of course, string literals are expressions and not statements. They evaluate to the string.
With that definition we can write a small test case that makes sure the parser knows how to
handle token.STRING tokens and outputs *ast.StringLiterals:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
stmt := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
literal, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.StringLiteral)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp not *ast.StringLiteral. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
Weve seen that many times before and we know how to fix it. All we have to do is register a new
prefixParseFn for token.STRING tokens. This parse function then returns an *ast.StringLiteral:
// parser/parser.go
Three new lines! Thats all it takes to make the tests pass:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.007s
So now our lexer turns string literals into token.STRING tokens and the parser turns those into
*ast.StringLiteral nodes. Were now ready to make changes to our object system and the
Evaluating Strings
Representing a string in our object system is as easy as representing integers. And the biggest
reason why its so easy is that we reuse Gos string data type. Imagine adding a data type to
the guest language that cant be represented with built-in data structures of the host language.
E.g.: strings in C. Thats a lot more work. But instead, all we have to do is define a new object
that holds a string:
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
func (s *String) Type() ObjectType { return STRING_OBJ }
func (s *String) Inspect() string { return s.Value }
evaluated := testEval(input)
str, ok := evaluated.(*object.String)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("object is not String. got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestStringLiteral (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:317: object is not String. got=<nil> (<nil>)
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
Getting this test to pass needs even fewer lines than in the parser. Just two:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
case *ast.StringLiteral:
return &object.String{Value: node.Value}
// [...]
That makes the tests pass and we can now use strings in our REPL:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> "Hello world!"
Hello world!
>> let hello = "Hello there, fellow Monkey users and fans!"
>> hello
Hello there, fellow Monkey users and fans!
>> let giveMeHello = fn() { "Hello!" }
>> giveMeHello()
We now have full support for strings in our interpreter! Sweet! Or should I say
>> "This is amazing!"
This is amazing!
String Concatenation
Having the string data type available is great. But we cant do much with strings yet, besides
creating them. Lets change that! In this section were going to add string concatenation to our
interpreter. And well do that by adding support for the + infix operator with string operands.
What we want is perfectly described by this test:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
evaluated := testEval(input)
str, ok := evaluated.(*object.String)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("object is not String. got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
We can also extend our TestErrorHandling function to make sure that we only add support for
the + operator and nothing more:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
// [...]
This test case is already green and acts more as specification and regression testing than as a
guide for an implementation. But our concatenation test is failing:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestStringConcatenation (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:336: object is not String. got=*object.Error\
(&{Message:unknown operator: STRING + STRING})
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
The place where we need to make changes is evalInfixExpression. Here we need to add a new
branch to the existing switch statement thats evaluated when both operands are strings:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
switch {
// [...]
case left.Type() == object.STRING_OBJ && right.Type() == object.STRING_OBJ:
return evalStringInfixExpression(operator, left, right)
// [...]
func evalStringInfixExpression(
operator string,
left, right object.Object,
) object.Object {
if operator != "+" {
return newError("unknown operator: %s %s %s",
left.Type(), operator, right.Type())
leftVal := left.(*object.String).Value
rightVal := right.(*object.String).Value
return &object.String{Value: leftVal + rightVal}
The first thing here is the check for the correct operator. If its the supported + we unwrap the
string objects and construct a new string thats a concatenation of both operands.
If we want to support more operators for strings this is the place where to add them. Also, if
we want to support comparison of strings with the == and != wed need to add this here too.
Pointer comparison doesnt work for strings, at least not in the way we want it to: with strings
we want to compare values and not pointers.
And thats it! Our tests pass:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
We can now use string literals, pass them around, bind them to names, return them from
functions and also concatenate them:
>> let makeGreeter = fn(greeting) { fn(name) { greeting + " " + name + "!" } };
>> let hello = makeGreeter("Hello");
>> hello("Thorsten");
Hello Thorsten!
>> let heythere = makeGreeter("Hey there");
>> heythere("Thorsten");
Hey there Thorsten!
Alright! Id say strings are now working very well in our interpreter. But we can still add
something else to work with them
4.3 - Built-in Functions
In this section were going to add built-in functions to our interpreter. Theyre called built-in,
because theyre not defined by a user of the interpreter and theyre not Monkey code - they are
built right into the interpreter, into the language itself.
These built-in functions are defined by us, in Go, and bridge the world of Monkey with the world
of our interpreter implementation. A lot of language implementations provide such functions
to offer functionality to the languages user thats not provided inside the language.
Heres an example: a function that returns the current time. In order to get the current time one
could ask the kernel (or another computer, etc.). Asking and talking to the kernel is normally
done via something called system calls. But if the programming language doesnt offer users to
make such system calls themselves, then the language implementation, be it the compiler or the
interpreter, has to provide something to make these system calls on behalf of the users instead.
So, again, the built-in functions were going to add are defined by us, the implementers of the
interpreter. The user of the interpreter can call them, but we define them. What these functions
can do, we leave open. The only restriction they have is that they need to accept zero or more
object.Object as arguments and return an object.Object.
// object/object.go
Thats the type definition of a callable Go function. But since we need to make these Built-
inFunctions available to our users we need to fit them into our object system. We do that by
wrapping them:
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
Theres not much to object.Builtin, as you can see. Its clearly just a wrapper. But in
combination with object.BuiltinFunction its enough to get us started.
The first built-in function were going to add to our interpreter is len. Its job is to return the
number of characters in a string. Its impossible to define this function as a user of Monkey.
Thats why we need it to be built-in. What we want from len is this:
>> len("Hello World!")
>> len("")
>> len("Hey Bob, how ya doin?")
I think that makes the idea behind len pretty clear. So clear in fact, that we can easily write a
test for it:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
So here we have a few test cases that run len through its paces: an empty string, a normal string
and a string containing whitespace. It really shouldnt matter if theres whitespace in the string,
but youll never know, so I put the test case in. The last two test cases are more interesting:
we want to make sure that len returns an *object.Error when called with an integer or with
the wrong number of arguments.
If we run the tests we can see that calling len gives us an error, but not the one expected in
our test case:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestBuiltinFunctions (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:389: object is not Integer. got=*object.Error\
(&{Message:identifier not found: len})
evaluator_test.go:389: object is not Integer. got=*object.Error\
(&{Message:identifier not found: len})
evaluator_test.go:389: object is not Integer. got=*object.Error\
(&{Message:identifier not found: len})
evaluator_test.go:371: wrong error message.\
expected="argument to `len` not supported, got INTEGER",\
got="identifier not found: len"
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
len cant be found, which isnt that baffling considering that we havent defined it yet.
In order to do that, the first thing we have to do is provide a way for built-in functions to be
found. One option is to add them to the top-level object.Environment, that gets passed into
Eval. But instead were going to keep a separate environment of built-in functions:
// evaluator/builtins.go
package evaluator
import "monkey/object"
In order to make use of that, we need to edit our evalIdentifier function to lookup built-
in functions as a fallback when the given identifier is not bound to a value in the current
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalIdentifier(
node *ast.Identifier,
env *object.Environment,
) object.Object {
if val, ok := env.Get(node.Value); ok {
return val
if builtin, ok := builtins[node.Value]; ok {
return builtin
So now len is found when looking up the len identifier, calling it doesnt work yet:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> len()
ERROR: not a function: BUILTIN
Running the tests gives us the same error. We need to teach our applyFunction about *ob-
ject.Builtinand object.BuiltinFunction:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
switch fn := fn.(type) {
case *object.Function:
extendedEnv := extendFunctionEnv(fn, args)
evaluated := Eval(fn.Body, extendedEnv)
return unwrapReturnValue(evaluated)
case *object.Builtin:
return fn.Fn(args...)
return newError("not a function: %s", fn.Type())
Besides moving the existing lines around, what changed here is the addition of the case *ob-
ject.Builtin branch, in which we call the object.BuiltinFunction. Doing so is as easy as using
the args slice as arguments and calling the function.
Of note is that we dont need to unwrapReturnValue when calling a built-in function. Thats
because we never return an *object.ReturnValue from these functions.
Now the tests are rightfully complaining about NULL being returned when calling len:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestBuiltinFunctions (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:389: object is not Integer. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:389: object is not Integer. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:389: object is not Integer. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:366: object is not Error. got=*object.Null (&{})
evaluator_test.go:366: object is not Error. got=*object.Null (&{})
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
That means that calling len works though! Its just that it returns only NULL. But fixing this is
as easy as writing any other Go function:
// evaluator/builtins.go
import (
The most important part of this function is the call to Gos len and the returning of a newly
allocated object.Integer. Besides that we have error checking that makes sure that we cant
call this function with the wrong number of arguments or with an argument of an unsupported
type. And alas, our tests pass:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
4.4 - Array
The data type were going to add to our Monkey interpreter in this section is the array. In
Monkey an array is an ordered list of elements of possibly different types. Each element in the
array can be accessed individually. Arrays are constructed by using their literal form: a comma
separated list of elements, enclosed by brackets.
Initializing a new array, binding it to a name and accessing individual elements will look like
>> let myArray = ["Thorsten", "Ball", 28, fn(x) { x * x }];
>> myArray[0]
>> myArray[2]
>> myArray[3](2);
As you can see, Monkey arrays really dont care about the types of their elements. Every
possible value in Monkey can be an element in an array. In this example myArray holds two
strings, an integer and a function.
Accessing individual elements by their index in the array, as seen in the last three lines, is done
with a new operator, called the index operator: array[index].
In this section well also add support for arrays to our newly added len function and also add
a few more built-in functions that work with arrays:
>> let myArray = ["one", "two", "three"];
>> len(myArray)
>> first(myArray)
>> rest(myArray)
[two, three]
>> last(myArray)
>> push(myArray, "four")
[one, two, three, four]
The basis for our implementation of the Monkey array in our interpreter will be a Go slice of
type []object.Object. That means that we dont have to implement a new data structure. We
can just reuse Gos slice.
Sounds awesome? Good! The first thing we have to do is teach our lexer a few new tokens.
In order to correctly parse array literals and the index operator, our lexer needs to be able to
identify more tokens than it currently does. All the tokens we need in order to construct and
use arrays in Monkey are [, ] and ,. The lexer already knows about , so we only need to add
support for [ and ].
The first step is to define these new token types in the token package:
// token/token.go
const (
// [...]
// [...]
The second step is to extend the test suite of the lexer, which is easy, since weve done this
many times before:
// lexer/lexer_test.go
if (5 < 10) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
10 == 10;
10 != 9;
"foo bar"
[1, 2];
tests := []struct {
expectedType token.TokenType
expectedLiteral string
// [...]
{token.LBRACKET, "["},
{token.INT, "1"},
{token.COMMA, ","},
{token.INT, "2"},
{token.RBRACKET, "]"},
{token.SEMICOLON, ";"},
{token.EOF, ""},
// [...]
Again the input is extended to include new tokens ([1, 2] in this case) and new tests have
been added to make sure the lexers NextToken method really returns token.LBRACKET and to-
Making the test pass is as easy as adding these four lines to our NextToken() method. Yes, just
// lexer/lexer.go
case '[':
tok = newToken(token.LBRACKET,
case ']':
tok = newToken(token.RBRACKET,
// [...]
In our parser well now use token.LBRACKET and token.RBRACKET to parse arrays.
Yes, the elements in an array literal can be any type of expression. Integer literals, function
literals, infix or prefix expressions.
If that sounds complicated, dont worry. We already know how to parse comma-separated lists
of expressions - function call arguments are just that. And we also know how to parse something
enclosed by matching tokens. In other words: lets get to it!
The first thing we have to do is define the AST node for array literals. Since we already have
the essential pieces in place for this, the definition is rather self-explanatory:
// ast/ast.go
elements := []string{}
for _, el := range al.Elements {
elements = append(elements, el.String())
out.WriteString(strings.Join(elements, ", "))
return out.String()
The following test function makes sure that parsing array literals results in a *ast.ArrayLiteral
being returned. (I also added a test function for empty array literals to make sure that we dont
run into nasty edge-cases)
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
array, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.ArrayLiteral)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp not ast.ArrayLiteral. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if len(array.Elements) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("len(array.Elements) not 3. got=%d", len(array.Elements))
testIntegerLiteral(t, array.Elements[0], 1)
testInfixExpression(t, array.Elements[1], 2, "*", 2)
testInfixExpression(t, array.Elements[2], 3, "+", 3)
Just to make sure that the parsing of expressions really works the test input contains two
different infix operator expressions, even though integer or boolean literals would be enough.
Other than that the test is pretty boring and asserts that the parser really returns an
*ast.ArrayLiteral with the correct number of elements.
In order to get the tests to pass we need to register a new prefixParseFn in our parser, since
the opening token.LBRACKET of an array literal is in prefix position.
// parser/parser.go
p.registerPrefix(token.LBRACKET, p.parseArrayLiteral)
// [...]
array.Elements = p.parseExpressionList(token.RBRACKET)
return array
Weve added prefixParseFns before, so that parts not really exciting. Whats interesting here is
the new method called parseExpressionList. This method is a modified and generalized version
of parseCallArguments, which we used before in parseCallExpression to parse a list of comma
separated arguments:
// parser/parser.go
if p.peekTokenIs(end) {
return list
list = append(list, p.parseExpression(LOWEST))
for p.peekTokenIs(token.COMMA) {
list = append(list, p.parseExpression(LOWEST))
if !p.expectPeek(end) {
return nil
return list
Again, weve seen this before under the name parseCallArguments. The only change is that this
new version now accepts an end parameter that tells the method which token signifies the end
of the list. The updated parseCallExpression method, in which we used parseCallArguments
before, now looks like this:
// parser/parser.go
The only change is the call to parseExpressionList with token.RPAREN (which signifies the end
of the arguments list). We could reuse a relatively big method by changing a few lines. Great!
And the best of all? The tests are passing:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.007s
To fully support arrays in Monkey we not only need to be able to parse array literals but also
index operator expressions. Maybe the name index operator doesnt ring a bell, but I bet you
know what it is. Index operator expressions look like this:
Thats the basic form at least, but there are many. Take a look at these examples to spot the
structure underlying them all:
[1, 2, 3, 4][2];
myArray[2 + 1];
That seems simple enough. We can define a new AST node, called ast.IndexExpression, that
reflects this structure:
// ast/ast.go
func (ie *IndexExpression) expressionNode() {}
func (ie *IndexExpression) TokenLiteral() string { return ie.Token.Literal }
func (ie *IndexExpression) String() string {
var out bytes.Buffer
return out.String()
Its important to note that both Left and Index are just Expressions. Left is the object thats
being accessed and weve seen that it can be of any type: an identifier, an array literal, a
function call. The same goes for Index. It can be any expression. Syntactically it doesnt make
a difference which one it is, but semantically it has to produce an integer.
The fact that both Left and Index are expressions makes the parsing process easier, because we
can use our parseExpression method to parse them. But first things first! Here is the test case
that makes sure our parser knows how to return an *ast.IndexExpression:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
indexExp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.IndexExpression)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp not *ast.IndexExpression. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
Now, this test only asserts that the parser outputs the correct AST for a single expression
statement containing an index expression. But equally important is that the parser handles
the precedence of the index operator correctly. The index operator has to have the highest
precedence of all operators yet. Making sure of that is as easy as extending our existing Test-
OperatorPrecedenceParsing test function:
// parser/parser_test.go
input string
expected string
// [...]
"a * [1, 2, 3, 4][b * c] * d",
"((a * ([1, 2, 3, 4][(b * c)])) * d)",
"add(a * b[2], b[1], 2 * [1, 2][1])",
"add((a * (b[2])), (b[1]), (2 * ([1, 2][1])))",
// [...]
The additional ( and ) in the String() output of *ast.IndexExpression help us when writing
these tests, since they make the precedence of the index operator visible. In these added test
cases we expect that the precedence of the index operator is higher than the precedence of call
expressions or even the * operator in infix expressions.
The tests fail because the parser doesnt know anything about index expressions yet:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing (0.00s)
parser_test.go:393: expected="((a * ([1, 2, 3, 4][(b * c)])) * d)",\
got="(a * [1, 2, 3, 4])([(b * c)] * d)"
parser_test.go:968: parser has 4 errors
parser_test.go:970: parser error: "expected next token to be ), got [ instead"
parser_test.go:970: parser error: "no prefix parse function for , found"
parser_test.go:970: parser error: "no prefix parse function for , found"
parser_test.go:970: parser error: "no prefix parse function for ) found"
--- FAIL: TestParsingIndexExpressions (0.00s)
parser_test.go:835: exp not *ast.IndexExpression. got=*ast.Identifier
FAIL monkey/parser 0.007s
Even though the tests complain about a missing prefixParseFn what we want is an infixParseFn.
Yes, index operator expressions do not really have a single operator between operands on each
side. But in order to parse them without a lot of trouble its of advantage to act like they do,
just like we did with call expressions. Specifically, that means treating the [ in myArray[0] as
the infix operator, myArray as the left operand and 0 as the right operand.
Doing this makes the implementation fit really nicely into our parser:
// parser/parser.go
p.registerInfix(token.LBRACKET, p.parseIndexExpression)
// [...]
exp.Index = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
if !p.expectPeek(token.RBRACKET) {
return nil
return exp
Thats because the whole idea behind our Pratt parser hinges on the idea of precedences and
we havent defined the precedence of our index operator yet:
// parser/parser.go
const (
_ int = iota
// [...]
INDEX // array[index]
Its important that the definition of INDEX is the last line in the const block. That gives INDEX
the highest value of all defined precedence constants, thanks to the iota. The added entry
in precedences gives token.LBRACKET this highest precedence of all, INDEX. And, well, it does
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.007s
Evaluating array literals is not hard. Mapping Monkey arrays to Gos slices makes life pretty,
pretty sweet. We dont have to implement a new data structure. We only need to define a
new object.Array type, since thats what the evaluation of array literals produces. And the
definition of object.Array is simple, since arrays in Monkey are simple: they are just a list of
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
elements := []string{}
for _, e := range ao.Elements {
elements = append(elements, e.Inspect())
out.WriteString(strings.Join(elements, ", "))
return out.String()
I think youll agree with me when I say that the most complicated thing about this definition
is the Inspect method. And even that one is pretty easy to understand.
Here is the evaluator test for array literals:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
evaluated := testEval(input)
result, ok := evaluated.(*object.Array)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("object is not Array. got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
if len(result.Elements) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("array has wrong num of elements. got=%d",
testIntegerObject(t, result.Elements[0], 1)
testIntegerObject(t, result.Elements[1], 4)
testIntegerObject(t, result.Elements[2], 6)
We can reuse some existing code to get this test to pass, just like we did in our parser. And
again the code were reusing was originally written for call expressions. Here is the case branch
that evaluates *ast.ArrayLiterals and produces array objects:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func Eval(node ast.Node, env *object.Environment) object.Object {
// [...]
case *ast.ArrayLiteral:
elements := evalExpressions(node.Elements, env)
if len(elements) == 1 && isError(elements[0]) {
return elements[0]
return &object.Array{Elements: elements}
// [...]
Isnt that one of the great joys of programming? Reusing existing code without having to turn
it into a super generic, over-engineered spaceship.
The tests are passing and we can use array literals in our REPL to produce arrays:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> [1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>> let double = fn(x) { x * 2 };
>> [1, double(2), 3 * 3, 4 - 3]
[1, 4, 9, 1]
Amazing, isnt it? But what we cant do yet is accessing single elements of the array by using
the index operator.
Great news: much harder than evaluating index expressions is parsing them. And we already did
that. The only problem left is the possibility of off-by-one errors when accessing and retrieving
the elements in an array. But for that well just add a few tests to our test suite:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
"let i = 0; [1][i];",
"[1, 2, 3][1 + 1];",
"let myArray = [1, 2, 3]; myArray[2];",
"let myArray = [1, 2, 3]; myArray[0] + myArray[1] + myArray[2];",
"let myArray = [1, 2, 3]; let i = myArray[0]; myArray[i]",
"[1, 2, 3][3]",
"[1, 2, 3][-1]",
Okay, Ill admit, these tests might seem excessive. A lot of the things were testing implicitly
here have already been tested elsewhere. But the test cases are so easy to write! And they are
so readable! I love these tests.
Take note of the desired behaviour these tests specify. They contain something we havent
talked about yet: when we use an index thats out of the arrays bounds, well return NULL. Some
languages produce an error in such a case and some return a null value. I choose to return NULL.
As expected the tests are failing. And not only that, theyre blowing up:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestArrayIndexExpressions (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:492: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:492: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:492: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:492: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:492: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
evaluator_test.go:492: object is not Integer. got=<nil> (<nil>)
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x70057]
[redacted: backtrace here]
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.011s
So how do we fix this and evaluate index expressions? As weve seen, the left operand of the
index operator can be any expression and the index itself can be any expression. That means
we need to evaluate both before we can evaluate the indexing itself. Otherwise wed try to
access elements of an identifier or a function call, which doesnt work.
Here is the case branch for *ast.IndexExpression that makes these desired calls to Eval:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
case *ast.IndexExpression:
left := Eval(node.Left, env)
if isError(left) {
return left
index := Eval(node.Index, env)
if isError(index) {
return index
return evalIndexExpression(left, index)
// [...]
An if-conditional would do the job of the switch statement here just fine, but were going to
add another case branch later in this chapter. Besides the error handling (for which I also
added a test) nothing really interesting happens in this function. The meat of the operation is
in evalArrayIndexExpression:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
return arrayObject.Elements[idx]
Here we actually retrieve the element with the specified index from the array. Besides the little
type assertion and conversion dances this function is pretty straightforward: it checks if the
given index is out of range and if thats the case it returns NULL, otherwise the desired element.
Just like we specified in our tests, which are now passing:
$ go test ./evaluator
ok monkey/evaluator 0.007s
Okay, now take a deep breath, relax and take a look at this:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let a = [1, 2 * 2, 10 - 5, 8 / 2];
>> a[0]
>> a[1]
>> a[5 - 3]
>> a[99]
Retrieving elements from an array works! Sweet! I can only repeat myself here: its amazing
how easy it was to implement this language feature, isnt it?
We are now able to construct arrays by using array literals. And we can access single elements
by using index expressions. Just those two things alone make arrays quite useful to have. But
in order to make them even more useful, we need to add a few built-in functions that make
working with them more convenient. In this sub-section were going to do exactly that.
I wont be showing any test code and test cases in this section. The reason is that these
particular tests take up space without adding anything new. Our framework for testing
built-in functions is already in place with TestBuiltinFunctions and the added tests follow the
existing scheme. You can find them in the accompanying code.
Our goal is to add new built-in functions. But the first thing we actually have to do is not
adding a new one but changing an existing function. We need to add support for arrays to len,
which only supported strings until now:
// evaluator/builtins.go
case *object.String:
return &object.Integer{Value: int64(len(arg.Value))}
return newError("argument to `len` not supported, got %s",
// [...]
The only change is the added case branch for *object.Array. And with that out of the way,
were ready to start adding new functions. Yay!
The first of these new built-in functions is first. first returns the first element of the given
array. Yes, calling myArray[0] does the same thing. But first is arguably prettier. Here is its
// evaluator/builtins.go
"first": &object.Builtin{
Fn: func(args ...object.Object) object.Object {
if len(args) != 1 {
return newError("wrong number of arguments. got=%d, want=1",
if args[0].Type() != object.ARRAY_OBJ {
return newError("argument to `first` must be ARRAY, got %s",
arr := args[0].(*object.Array)
if len(arr.Elements) > 0 {
return arr.Elements[0]
return NULL
Great! That works! And what comes after first? Youre correct, the next function were going
to add is called last.
The purpose of last is to return the last element of the given array. In index operator terms it
returns myArray[len(myArray)-1]. And as it turns out, implementing last is not much harder
than implementing first - who would have thought that? Here it is:
// evaluator/builtins.go
"last": &object.Builtin{
Fn: func(args ...object.Object) object.Object {
if len(args) != 1 {
return newError("wrong number of arguments. got=%d, want=1",
if args[0].Type() != object.ARRAY_OBJ {
return newError("argument to `last` must be ARRAY, got %s",
arr := args[0].(*object.Array)
length := len(arr.Elements)
if length > 0 {
return arr.Elements[length-1]
return NULL
The next function were going to add would be called cdr in Scheme. In some other languages
its sometimes called tail. Were going to call it rest. rest returns a new array containing all
elements of the array passed as argument, except the first one. Heres what using it looks like:
>> let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
>> rest(a)
[2, 3, 4]
>> rest(rest(a))
[3, 4]
>> rest(rest(rest(a)))
>> rest(rest(rest(rest(a))))
>> rest(rest(rest(rest(rest(a)))))
Its implementation is simple, but keep in mind that were returning a newly allocated array.
Were not modifying the array passed to rest:
// evaluator/builtins.go
"rest": &object.Builtin{
Fn: func(args ...object.Object) object.Object {
if len(args) != 1 {
return newError("wrong number of arguments. got=%d, want=1",
if args[0].Type() != object.ARRAY_OBJ {
return newError("argument to `rest` must be ARRAY, got %s",
arr := args[0].(*object.Array)
length := len(arr.Elements)
if length > 0 {
newElements := make([]object.Object, length-1, length-1)
copy(newElements, arr.Elements[1:length])
return &object.Array{Elements: newElements}
return NULL
The last array function were going to build into our interpreter is called push. It adds a new
element to the end of the array. But, and heres the kicker, it doesnt modify the given array.
Instead it allocates a new array with the same elements as the old one plus the new, pushed
element. Arrays are immutable in Monkey. Here is push in action:
>> let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
>> let b = push(a, 5);
>> a
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>> b
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
"push": &object.Builtin{
Fn: func(args ...object.Object) object.Object {
if len(args) != 2 {
return newError("wrong number of arguments. got=%d, want=2",
if args[0].Type() != object.ARRAY_OBJ {
return newError("argument to `push` must be ARRAY, got %s",
arr := args[0].(*object.Array)
length := len(arr.Elements)
Test-Driving Arrays
We now have array literals, the index operator and a few built-in functions to work with arrays.
Its time to take them for a spin. Lets see what they can do.
With first, rest and push we can build a map function:
let map = fn(arr, f) {
let iter = fn(arr, accumulated) {
if (len(arr) == 0) {
} else {
iter(rest(arr), push(accumulated, f(first(arr))));
iter(arr, []);
Isnt this amazing? Theres more! Based on the same built-in functions we can also define a
reduce function:
iter(arr, initial);
As you probably know, Im not a fan of patting oneself on the back, but let me just say this:
holy monkey! Look at what our interpreter can do! A map function?! reduce?! Weve come a
long, long way!
And thats not even all of it! Theres a lot more we can do now and I urge you to explore the
possibilities the array data type and the few built-in functions give us. But you know what you
should do first? Take some time off, brag about this to your friends and family, enjoy the praise
and compliments. And when you come back, well add another data type.
4.5 - Hashes
The next data type were going to add is called hash. A hash in Monkey is whats sometimes
called hash, map, hash map or dictionary in other programming languages. It maps keys to
In order to construct a hash in Monkey one uses the hash literal: a comma-separated list of
key-value pairs thats enclosed by curly braces. Each key-value pair uses a colon to differentiate
between the key and the value. Here is what using a hash literal looks like:
>> let myHash = {"name": "Jimmy", "age": 72, "band": "Led Zeppelin"};
>> myHash["name"]
>> myHash["age"]
>> myHash["band"]
Led Zeppelin
In this example myHash contains three key-value pairs. The keys are all strings. And, as you can
see, we can use index operator expressions to get values out of the hash again, just like we can
with arrays. Except that in this example the index values are strings, which dont work with
arrays. And thats not even the only data type thats usable as a hash key:
>> let myHash = {true: "yes, a boolean", 99: "correct, an integer"};
>> myHash[true]
yes, a boolean
>> myHash[99]
correct, an integer
Thats also valid. In fact, besides string, integer and boolean literals we can use any expression
as index in index operator expressions:
>> myHash[5 > 1]
yes, a boolean
>> myHash[100 - 1]
correct, an integer
As long as these expressions evaluate to either strings, integers or booleans they are usable as
hash keys. Here 5 > 1 evaluates to true and 100 - 1 evaluates to 99, both of which are valid
and mapped to values in myHash.
Rather unsurprisingly our implementation will use Gos map as the underlying data structure
for Monkey hashes. But since we want to use strings, integers and booleans interchangeably as
keys, we need to build something on top of plain old map to make it work. Well come to that
when we extend our object system. But first we have to turn hash literals into tokens.
How do we turn hash literals into tokens? Which tokens do we need to recognize and output
in our lexer so that we can later work with them in the parser? Here is the hash literal from
above again:
{"name": "Jimmy", "age": 72, "band": "Led Zeppelin"}
Besides the string literals there are four characters in use here that are important: {, }, ,
and :. We already know how to lex the first three. Our lexer turns these into token.LBRACE,
token.RBRACE and token.COMMA respectively. That means, all thats left for us to do in this
section is to turn : into a token.
And for that we first need to define the necessary token type in the token package:
// token/token.go
const (
// [...]
COLON = ":"
// [...]
Next were going to add a new test for the NextToken method of Lexer that expects a token.COLON:
// lexer/lexer_test.go
if (5 < 10) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
10 == 10;
10 != 9;
"foo bar"
[1, 2];
{"foo": "bar"}
tests := []struct {
expectedType token.TokenType
expectedLiteral string
// [...]
{token.LBRACE, "{"},
{token.STRING, "foo"},
{token.COLON, ":"},
{token.STRING, "bar"},
{token.RBRACE, "}"},
{token.EOF, ""},
// [...]
We could get away with adding a single : to the test input, but using a hash literal as we did
here provides a little more context when later reading and eventually debugging the test.
Turning : into token.COLON is as easy as it gets:
// lexer/lexer.go
tok = newToken(token.COLON,
// [...]
Only two new lines and the lexer now spits out token.COLON:
$ go test ./lexer
ok monkey/lexer 0.006s
Boom! The lexer now returns token.LBRACE, token.RBRACE, token.COMMA and the new token.COLON.
Thats all we need in order to parse to hash literals.
Before we start working on our parser or even writing a test, lets look at the basic syntactic
structure of a hash literal:
{<expression> : <expression>, <expression> : <expression>, ... }
Its a comma-separated list of pairs. Each pair consists of two expressions. One produces the
hash key and one produces the value. The key is separated from the value with a colon. The
list is enclosed by a pair of curly braces.
When we turn this into an AST node, we have to keep track of the key-value pairs. Now how
would we do that? Well use a map, yes, but of what type are the keys and the values in this
We said earlier that the only admissible data types for hash keys are strings, integers and
booleans. But we cant enforce that in the parser. Instead well have to validate hash key types
in the evaluation stage and generate possible errors there.
Thats because a lot of different expressions can produce strings, integers or booleans. Not just
their literal forms. Enforcing the data type of hash keys in the parsing stage would prevent us
from doing something like this:
let key = "name";
let hash = {key: "Monkey"};
Here key evaluates to "name" and is thus totally valid as a hash key, even though its an identifier.
In order to allow this, we need to allow any expression as a key and any expression as a value
in a hash literal. At least in the parsing stage. Following that our ast.HashLiteral definition
looks like this:
// ast/ast.go
pairs := []string{}
for key, value := range hl.Pairs {
pairs = append(pairs, key.String()+":"+value.String())
out.WriteString(strings.Join(pairs, ", "))
return out.String()
Now that were clear about the structure of hash literals and have ast.HashLiteral defined, we
can write tests for our parser:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
stmt := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
hash, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.HashLiteral)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp is not ast.HashLiteral. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if len(hash.Pairs) != 3 {
t.Errorf("hash.Pairs has wrong length. got=%d", len(hash.Pairs))
expected := map[string]int64{
"one": 1,
"two": 2,
"three": 3,
expectedValue := expected[literal.String()]
And of course, we also have to be sure that we parse an empty hash literal correctly, because
such edge-cases are the root of all hair loss in programming:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
stmt := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
hash, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.HashLiteral)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp is not ast.HashLiteral. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if len(hash.Pairs) != 0 {
t.Errorf("hash.Pairs has wrong length. got=%d", len(hash.Pairs))
I also added two more tests that are similar to TestHashLiteralStringKeys but use integers
and booleans as hash keys and make sure the parser turns those into *ast.IntegerLiteral and
*ast.Boolean respectively. And then there is a fifth test function that makes sure the values in
a hash literal can be any expression, even operator expressions. It looks like this:
// parser/parser_test.go
l := lexer.New(input)
p := New(l)
program := p.ParseProgram()
checkParserErrors(t, p)
stmt := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
hash, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.HashLiteral)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("exp is not ast.HashLiteral. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
if len(hash.Pairs) != 3 {
t.Errorf("hash.Pairs has wrong length. got=%d", len(hash.Pairs))
tests := map[string]func(ast.Expression){
"one": func(e ast.Expression) {
testInfixExpression(t, e, 0, "+", 1)
"two": func(e ast.Expression) {
testInfixExpression(t, e, 10, "-", 8)
"three": func(e ast.Expression) {
testInfixExpression(t, e, 15, "/", 5)
testFunc, ok := tests[literal.String()]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("No test function for key %q found", literal.String())
So how are all of these test functions doing? Not so well, to be honest. We get a lot of failures
and parser errors:
$ go test ./parser
--- FAIL: TestParsingEmptyHashLiteral (0.00s)
parser_test.go:1173: parser has 2 errors
parser_test.go:1175: parser error: "no prefix parse function for { found"
parser_test.go:1175: parser error: "no prefix parse function for } found"
--- FAIL: TestParsingHashLiteralsStringKeys (0.00s)
parser_test.go:1173: parser has 7 errors
parser_test.go:1175: parser error: "no prefix parse function for { found"
[... more errors ...]
--- FAIL: TestParsingHashLiteralsBooleanKeys (0.00s)
parser_test.go:1173: parser has 5 errors
parser_test.go:1175: parser error: "no prefix parse function for { found"
[... more errors ...]
--- FAIL: TestParsingHashLiteralsIntegerKeys (0.00s)
parser_test.go:967: parser has 7 errors
parser_test.go:969: parser error: "no prefix parse function for { found"
[... more errors ...]
--- FAIL: TestParsingHashLiteralsWithExpressions (0.00s)
parser_test.go:1173: parser has 7 errors
parser_test.go:1175: parser error: "no prefix parse function for { found"
[... more errors ...]
FAIL monkey/parser 0.008s
It might sound unbelievable but theres good news: it only takes one function to make all of
these tests pass. One prefixParseFn, to be exact. Since the token.LBRACE of a hash literal is in
prefix position, just like the token.LBRACKET of an array literal, we can define a parseHashLiteral
method as a prefixParseFn:
// parser/parser.go
for !p.peekTokenIs(token.RBRACE) {
key := p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
if !p.expectPeek(token.COLON) {
return nil
value := p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
hash.Pairs[key] = value
if !p.expectPeek(token.RBRACE) {
return nil
return hash
It may look intimidating, but there is nothing in parseHashLiteral we havent seen before. It
only loops over key-value expression pairs by checking for a closing token.RBRACE and calling
parseExpression two times. That and the filling of hash.Pairs are the most important parts of
this method. It does its job well:
$ go test ./parser
ok monkey/parser 0.006s
All of our parser tests pass! And judging by the numbers of tests we added, we can be reasonably
sure that our parser now knows how to parse hash literals. That means were now coming to
the most interesting part of adding hashes to our interpreter: representing them in the object
system and evaluating hash literals.
Hashing Objects
Besides extending the lexer and parser, adding a new data type also means representing it
in the object system. We successfully did that for integers, strings and arrays. But whereas
implementing these other data types just meant defining a struct that has a .Value field with
the correct type, hashes require a little bit more effort. Let me explain why.
Lets say we defined a new object.Hash type like this:
type Hash struct {
Pairs map[Object]Object
Thats the most obvious choice for implementing a Hash data type based on Gos map. But with
this definition, how would we fill the Pairs map? And more importantly, how would we get
values back out of it?
Consider this piece of Monkey code:
let hash = {"name": "Monkey"};
Lets say we are evaluating these two lines and are using the object.Hash definition from above.
When evaluating the hash literal in the first line we take every key-value pair and put it in the
map[Object]Object map, resulting in .Pairs having the following mapping: an *object.String
with .Value being "name" mapped to an *object.String with .Value being "Monkey".
So far, so good. But the problem arises in the second line where we use an index expression to
try to access the "Monkey" string.
In this second line the "name" string literal of the index expression evaluates to a new, freshly
allocated *object.String. And even though this new *object.String also contains "name" in its
.Value field, just like the other *object.String in Pairs, we cant use the new one to retrieve
The reason for this is that theyre pointers pointing to different memory locations. The fact
that the content of the memory locations they point to is the same ("name") doesnt matter.
Comparing these pointers would tell us that theyre not equal. That means using the newly
created *object.String as a key doesnt get us "Monkey". Thats how pointers and comparison
between them works in Go.
Here is an example that demonstrates the problem wed face with the object.Hash implemen-
tation from above:
name1 := &object.String{Value: "name"}
monkey := &object.String{Value: "Monkey"}
pairs := map[object.Object]object.Object{}
pairs[name1] = monkey
fmt.Printf("pairs[name1]=%+v\n", pairs[name1])
// => pairs[name1]=&{Value:Monkey}
fmt.Printf("pairs[name2]=%+v\n", pairs[name2])
// => pairs[name2]=<nil>
As a solution to this problem we could iterate over every key in .Pairs, check if its an *ob-
ject.String and compare its .Value to the .Value of the key in the index expression. Wed find
the matching value this way, but this method turns the lookup time for a given key from O(1)
into O(n), defeating the entire purpose of using hashes in the first place.
Another option is to define Pairs as a map[string]Object and then use the .Value of *ob-
ject.String as the keys. That works, but not for integers and booleans.
No, what we need is a way to generate hashes for objects that we can easily compare and
use as hash keys in our object.Hash. We need to be able to generate a hash key for an *ob-
ject.String thats comparable and equal to the hash key of another *object.String with the
same .Value. The same goes for *object.Integer and *object.Boolean. But the hash keys
for an *object.String must never be equal to the hash key for an *object.Integer or an *ob-
ject.Boolean. Between types the hash keys always have to differ.
We can express the desired behaviour in a set of test functions in our object system:
// object/object_test.go
package object
import "testing"
func TestStringHashKey(t *testing.T) {
hello1 := &String{Value: "Hello World"}
hello2 := &String{Value: "Hello World"}
diff1 := &String{Value: "My name is johnny"}
diff2 := &String{Value: "My name is johnny"}
if hello1.HashKey() != hello2.HashKey() {
t.Errorf("strings with same content have different hash keys")
if diff1.HashKey() != diff2.HashKey() {
t.Errorf("strings with same content have different hash keys")
if hello1.HashKey() == diff1.HashKey() {
t.Errorf("strings with different content have same hash keys")
Thats exactly what we want from a HashKey() method. And not just for *object.String but
for *object.Boolean and *object.Integer, which is why the same test function exists for both
of them too.
To stop the tests from blowing up we need to implement the HashKey() method on each of the
three types:
// object/object.go
import (
// [...]
if b.Value {
value = 1
} else {
value = 0
return HashKey{Type: s.Type(), Value: h.Sum64()}
Every HashKey() method returns a HashKey. As you can see in its definition, HashKey is nothing
fancy. The Type field contains an ObjectType and thus effectively scopes HashKeys to different
object types. The Value field holds the actual hash, which is just an integer. Since its just two
integers we can easily compare a HashKey to another HashKey by using the == operator. And
that also makes HashKey usable as a key in a Go map.
The problem we demonstrated earlier is solved by using this newly defined HashKey and the
HashKey() methods:
pairs := map[object.HashKey]object.Object{}
pairs[name1.HashKey()] = monkey
fmt.Printf("pairs[name1.HashKey()]=%+v\n", pairs[name1.HashKey()])
// => pairs[name1.HashKey()]=&{Value:Monkey}
fmt.Printf("pairs[name2.HashKey()]=%+v\n", pairs[name2.HashKey()])
// => pairs[name2.HashKey()]=&{Value:Monkey}
fmt.Printf("(name1.HashKey() == name2.HashKey())=%t\n",
name1.HashKey() == name2.HashKey())
// => (name1.HashKey() == name2.HashKey())=true
Thats exactly what we want! The HashKey definition and the HashKey() method implementations
solve the problems we had with our naive Hash definition. They also make the tests pass:
$ go test ./object
ok monkey/object 0.008s
Now we can define object.Hash and use this new HashKey type:
// object/object.go
const (
// [...]
This adds both the definition of Hash and HashPair. HashPair is the type of the values
in Hash.Pairs.
You might be wondering why we use that and not just define Pairs as a
The reason is the Inspect() method of Hash. When we later print a Monkey hash in our REPL,
we want to print the values contained in the hash as well as its keys. And just printing the
HashKeys is not really useful. So we keep track of the objects that generated the HashKeys by
using HashPairs as values, where we save the original key object and the value object its mapped
to. That way we can call the Inspect() methods of the key objects to generate the Inspect()
output for *object.Hash. Here is said Inspect() method:
// object/object.go
pairs := []string{}
for _, pair := range h.Pairs {
pairs = append(pairs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s",
pair.Key.Inspect(), pair.Value.Inspect()))
out.WriteString(strings.Join(pairs, ", "))
return out.String()
The Inspect() method is not the only reason why its good to keep track of the objects that
generated the HashKey. That would also be necessary if we were to implement something like
a range function for Monkey hashes, which iterates over keys and values in the hash. Or if we
want to add a firstPair function that returns the first key and value of a given hash as an
array. Or if we want You get the drift. Keeping track of keys is highly useful, even though for
now only the Inspect() method benefits.
And thats it! Thats the whole implementation of object.Hash. But theres a small thing we
ought to do while we still have the object package open:
// object/object.go
We can use this interface in our evaluator to check if the given object is usable as a hash key
when we evaluate hash literals or index expressions for hashes.
At the moment its only implemented by *object.String, *object.Boolean and *object.Integer.
Granted, theres one more thing we could do before moving on: we could optimize the perfor-
mance of the HashKey() methods by caching their return values, but that sounds like a nice
exercise for the performance-minded reader.
Were about to start evaluating hash literals and Ill be completely honest with you: the hardest
part about adding hashes to our interpreter is over. Its smooth sailing from here on out. So,
lets enjoy the ride, relax and write a test:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
evaluated := testEval(input)
result, ok := evaluated.(*object.Hash)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Eval didn't return Hash. got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
expected := map[object.HashKey]int64{
(&object.String{Value: "one"}).HashKey(): 1,
(&object.String{Value: "two"}).HashKey(): 2,
(&object.String{Value: "three"}).HashKey(): 3,
(&object.Integer{Value: 4}).HashKey(): 4,
TRUE.HashKey(): 5,
FALSE.HashKey(): 6,
if len(result.Pairs) != len(expected) {
t.Fatalf("Hash has wrong num of pairs. got=%d", len(result.Pairs))
This test function shows what we want from Eval when it encounters a *ast.HashLiteral: a
fresh *object.Hash with the correct number of HashPairs mapped to the matching HashKeys in
its Pairs attribute.
And it also shows another requirement we have: strings, identifiers, infix operator expressions,
booleans and integers - they should all be usable as keys. Any expression really. As long as it
produces an object that implements the Hashable interface it should usable as a hash key.
Then there are the values. They can be produced by any expression, too. We test for this here
by asserting that 10 - 9 evaluates to 1, 6 / 2 to 3 and so on.
As expected the test fails:
$ go test ./evaluator
--- FAIL: TestHashLiterals (0.00s)
evaluator_test.go:522: Eval didn't return Hash. got=<nil> (<nil>)
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.008s
We know how to get it to pass, though. We need to extend our Eval function with another case
branch for *ast.HashLiterals:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
case *ast.HashLiteral:
return evalHashLiteral(node, env)
// [...]
The evalHashLiteral function here may look intimidating, but trust me, it doesnt bite:
// evaluator/evaluator.go
func evalHashLiteral(
node *ast.HashLiteral,
env *object.Environment,
) object.Object {
pairs := make(map[object.HashKey]object.HashPair)
hashKey, ok := key.(object.Hashable)
if !ok {
return newError("unusable as hash key: %s", key.Type())
hashed := hashKey.HashKey()
pairs[hashed] = object.HashPair{Key: key, Value: value}
When iterating over the node.Pairs the keyNode is the first to be evaluated. Besides checking if
the call to Eval produced an error we also make a type assertion about the evaluation result: it
needs to implement the object.Hashable interface, otherwise its unusable as a hash key. Thats
exactly why we added the Hashable definition.
Then we call Eval again, to evaluate valueNode. If that call to Eval also doesnt produce an error,
we can add the newly produced key-value pair to our pairs map. We do this by generating a
HashKey for the aptly-named hashKey object with a call to HashKey(). Then we initialize a new
HashPair, pointing to both key and value and add it to pairs.
That means we can already start using hash literals in our REPL:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> {"name": "Monkey", "age": 0, "type": "Language", "status": "awesome"}
{age: 0, type: Language, status: awesome, name: Monkey}
Thats awesome! But we cant get elements out of the hash yet, which kinda diminishes their
>> let bob = {"name": "Bob", "age": 99};
>> bob["name"]
ERROR: index operator not supported: HASH
`{true: 5}[true]`,
`{false: 5}[false]`,
Just like in TestArrayIndexExpressions were making sure using index operator expressions
produces the correct value - only this time with hashes. The different test cases here use string,
integer or boolean hash keys when retrieving values out of a hash. So, in essence, what the
test really asserts is that the HashKey methods implemented by various data types are called
And to make sure that using an object as hash key that does not implement object.Hashable
produces an error, we can add another test to our TestErrorHandling test function:
// evaluator/evaluator_test.go
// [...]
FAIL monkey/evaluator 0.007s
That means were ready to add another case branch to the switch statement in evalIndexEx-
// evaluator/evaluator.go
The new case branch calls a new function: evalHashIndexExpression. And we already know
how evalHashIndexExpression has to work, since we successfully tested the usage of the ob-
ject.Hashable interface before - in our tests and when evaluating hash literals. So no surprises
// evaluator/evaluator.go
key, ok := index.(object.Hashable)
if !ok {
return newError("unusable as hash key: %s", index.Type())
pair, ok := hashObject.Pairs[key.HashKey()]
if !ok {
return NULL
return pair.Value
We can now successfully retrieve values from our hashes! Dont believe me? Think the tests
are lying to us? I faked the test output? It cant be? The whole book is full of li.. what? No,
watch this.
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> let people = [{"name": "Alice", "age": 24}, {"name": "Anna", "age": 28}];
>> people[0]["name"];
>> people[1]["age"];
>> people[1]["age"] + people[0]["age"];
>> let getName = fn(person) { person["name"]; };
>> getName(people[0]);
>> getName(people[1]);
Our Monkey interpreter is now fully functional. It supports mathematical expressions, variable
bindings, functions and the application of those functions, conditionals, return statements and
even advanced concepts like higher-order functions and closures. And then there are the different
data types: integers, booleans, strings, arrays and hashes. We can be proud of ourselves.
But and here comes the but our interpreter still does not pass the most basic of all program-
ming language tests: printing something. Yes, our Monkey interpreter cant communicate with
the outside world. Even programming language scoundrel like Bash and Brainfuck manage to
do that. Its clear what we have to do. We have to add one last built-in function: puts.
puts prints the given arguments on new lines to STDOUT. It calls the Inspect() method on
the objects passed in as arguments and prints the return value of these calls. The Inspect()
method is part of the Object interface, so every entity in our object system supports it. Using
puts should look kinda like this:
>> puts("Hello!")
>> puts(1234)
>> puts(fn(x) { x * x })
fn(x) {
(x * x)
And puts is a variadic function. It takes an unlimited number of arguments and prints each on
a separate line:
>> puts("hello", "world", "how", "are", "you")
Of course, puts is all about printing things and not producing a value, so we need to make sure
that it returns NULL:
>> let putsReturnValue = puts("foobar");
>> putsReturnValue
That also means that our REPL will print the null in addition to the output we expect from
puts. So it will look like this:
>> puts("Hello!")
Now thats more than enough information and specification to complete this last quest of ours.
Are you ready?
Here it is, heres what this section has been building up to, here is the complete, working
implementation of puts:
// evaluator/builtins.go
import (
return NULL
And with that, we did it. Were done. Even if you were wary of our little celebrations and
shrugged them off before, nows the time to go looking for a funny party hat and put it on.
In chapter three we brought the Monkey programming language to life. It started to breathe.
With our last change, we made it talk. Now, Monkey is finally a real programming language:
$ go run main.go
Hello mrnugget! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands
>> puts("Hello World!")
Hello World!
Abelson, Harold and Sussman, Gerald Jay with Sussman, Julie. 1996. Structure and
Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition. MIT Press.
Appel, Andrew W.. 2004. Modern Compiler Implementation in C. Cambridge
University Press.
Cooper, Keith D. and Torczon Linda. 2011. Engineering a Compiler, Second Edi-
tion. Morgan Kaufmann.
Grune, Dick and Jacobs, Ceriel. 1990. Parsing Techniques. A Practical Guide..
Ellis Horwood Limited.
Grune, Dick and van Reeuwijk, Kees and Bal Henri E. and Jacobs, Ceriel J.H. Jacobs and
Langendoen, Koen. 2012. Modern Compiler Design, Second Edition. Springer
Nisan, Noam and Schocken, Shimon. 2008. The Elements Of Computing Systems.
MIT Press.
Douglas Crockford - Top Down Operator Precedence -
Bob Nystrom - Pratt Parsers: Expression Parsing Made Easy - http://journal.
Shriram Krishnamurthi and Joe Gibbs Politz - Programming Languages: Application and
Interpretation -
A Python Interpreter Written In Python -
Dr. Dobbs - Bob: A Tiny Object-Oriented Language -
Nick Desaulniers - Interpreter, Compiler, JIT -
Peter Norvig - (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python)) -
Fredrik Lundh - Simple Town-Down Parsing In Python -
Mihai Bazon - How to implement a programming language in JavaScript - http:
Mary Rose Cook - Little Lisp interpreter -
Peter Michaux - Scheme From Scratch -
Make a Lisp -
Matt Might - Compiling Scheme to C with closure conversion -
Rob Pike - Implementing a bignum calculator -
Rob Pike - Lexical Scanning in Go -
Source Code
If you spot a typo, find something wrong with the code, have a suggestion to make or just a
question, feel free to send me an email:
[email protected]
Section 2.8:
Add a missing semicolon to the test input in TestLetStatements
Section 4.4:
Fix the failing test for the builtin push function. Error was introduced with the last
update. This change only occurrs in the code accompanying the book and only in
subfolder 04.
Section 2.6:
The failing test output for TestParsingPrefixExpressions in the book text was wrong.
Its corrected to match the actual output one gets when building the parser from
Fix wording that didnt match the described test output
Remove token.LPAREN from the precedences table here. It somehow slipped in at this
point, but should only be added later on in section 2.8, where tests are supposed to
fail because its missing
Section 2.8:
Fix wrong test expectation ("x" changed to "y") in TestLetStatement
Change parser_parser_test.go to parser_test.go
Better show how to use testLiteralExpression in TestParsingInfixExpressions
Fix outdated test output for failing TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing, TestIfExpres-
sion, TestIfElseExpression, TestFunctionLiteralParsing
Section 3.10:
Change the Inspect() method of *object.Function to use fn instead of function and
newlines in output
Remove needless semicolons in example
Section 3.5:
Change from if/else to if and return in nativeBoolToBooleanObject
Section 3.6:
Update the version of testNullObject to be the one in the accompanying code, with
a correct call to t.Errorf
Section 4.4:
Name the token.Token field of ast.ArrayLiteral
Fix possible panic through nil error in first, last, rest, and push functions
by adding separate check
Section 4.5:
Name the token.Token field of ast.HashLiteral
Replace null in output with missing error message when trying to access hash via
index expression before its implemented
Section 4.6:
Change the expected output using puts with a function literal to match the updated
Inspect() of *object.Function
Explain the nulls in the expected output of put better
Initial Release