Directive Property) : Bar Magnet, Electromagnet, Magnetic Needle, Horse-Shoe Magnet, Ball Ended Magnet Etc
Directive Property) : Bar Magnet, Electromagnet, Magnetic Needle, Horse-Shoe Magnet, Ball Ended Magnet Etc
Directive Property) : Bar Magnet, Electromagnet, Magnetic Needle, Horse-Shoe Magnet, Ball Ended Magnet Etc
Bar Magnet
Ideal Solenoid Current element
It is the product of current and length of
infinitesimal segment of current carrying wire.
The current element is taken as
a vector quantity. Its direction is B
same as the direction of current. i
Current element AB = i dl
Real Solenoid Circular coil Let a conductor of an arbitrary shape carrying a
current i, and P be a point in vacuum at which the
field is to be determined. Let us divide the conductor
Straight current
carrying wire into infinitesimal current-elements.
3 Magnetic Effect of Current
Let r be a displacement vector and line joining P to Q makes an angle with the
from the element to the point P. direction of current as shown in figure. Using Biot-
According to Biot-Savart Law, P Savart Law magnetic field at point P due to small
magnetic field at point ‘P’ due the μ i dlsinθ
current element is given by dB = 0
current element i dl is given by the i 4π r 2
expression, As every element of the wire contributes to in the
i dlsinθ μ i dlsinθ same direction, we have
dB = k nˆ also B = d B = 0 . 2 nˆ
μ i dlsinθ
r 2
4π r
B = 0 .......(i)
Where, is the angle between i dl and r 4π A r 2
n̂ = unit vector along the direction of B () From the triangle OPQ as shown in diagram,
In C.G.S. k = 1 and in S.I.: k = 0
μ We have y = d tan dy = dsec 2d
r = d sec and = 90 0 - θ
Where, μ0 = Absolute permeability of air or vacuum
Wb Where, is angle between line OP and PQ
= 4π × 10 -7 .
Amp - metre Now equation (i) can be written in this form
It's other units are μ0 1 μ i
Henry N Tesla - metre B= cos d B = 0 sinθ1 + sinθ2
or or 4π -θ2 4π d
metre Amp Ampere
At point P, the direction of the magnetic field due
μ0 i( dl × r) μ i( dl × r ) to the whole conductor will be perpendicular to the
Vectorially, dB = × = 0×
4π r 2
4π r3 plane of paper and going into the plane.
The direction of magnetic field is determined by μ0 i
For the case shown in fig. B = sinθ1 + sinθ2
the cross product of the vector i dl with r . i.e. when 4π d
current caring wire lying on the plane of paper then at Note:
point P, the direction of the magnetic field will be to (i) 1 & 2 must be taken with sign.
the plane of paper & going into the plane. i.e. () (ii) From figure α = 90 o - θ2
Meaning of Cross and dot P
and β = 90 o + θ1
If magnetic field is directed perpendicular and into r
the plane of the paper it is represented by (cross) μ i
Hence B = o . cosα - cosβ
while if magnetic field is directed perpendicular and 4π r
out of the plane of the paper it is represented by A
CASE 1: When the point P is on the perpendicular
i i
bisector B
B B B B Magnetic field at a point P which
Out In
lies on perpendicular bisector of
In Out In Out P
finite length wire θ1 = θ2 = θ (say) i r
μ i
In: B is away from the observer or inwards. So B = 0 . 2sinθ A
4π r
Out: B is towards the observer or outwards.
CASE II: For the case shown in fig. B
Application of Biot-Savart's law In this case -θ2 + θ2
FIELD DUE TO A STRAIGHT CURRENT So, magnetic field at point P will be
(1) For a wire of finite length: B = sinθ1 - sinθ2 2
4π d r
Consider a straight wire
CASE III: When the point P lies along the length
segment carrying a current i of wire (but not on it) [ Axial position of wire ]
and there is a point P at If the point P is along the i
which magnetic field to be length of the wire (but not one P
calculated as shown in the
it), then i dl and r will either be parallel or
figure. This wire segment
makes angle 1 and 2 at that antiparallel, i.e., = 0 or ,
point with normal OP. i dl r 0
Consider an element of length dy at a distance y
Hence using equation (i) B = dB = 0
from O and distance of this element from point P is r A
4 Magnetic Effect of Current
(2) For a wire of infinite length: other and parallel to z-
When the linear conductor AB is of axis. The direction of
infinite length and the point P lies near P current in W1 is outward
the centre of the conductor and in W2 it is inwards.
θ1 = θ2 = 90 o i
Find the B at ‘P’ & ‘Q’
μ0 i μ 2i A
Sol. Let B at point P due to W1 be B1 and due
So, B = [sin90 o + sin90 o ] = 0
4π r 4π r
to W2 be B2 .
(3) For a wire of semi-infinite length: μi
When the linear conductor is of By symmetry B1 = B2 = B = 0
infinite length and the point P lies near B To find the angle
the end A or B.
θ1 = 90 o and θ2 = 0 o tanθ = = 3 θ = 60 0
i a
μ0 i μ0 i P
So, B = o
sin90 + sin0 = o
4π r 4πr A BP = 2Bcos60 0 ˆj = 0 ˆj
Ex-1 Calculate the magnetic field induction at a μ0 i μ0 i
Now at point Q B1 = and B2 =
point distance, a 3 / 2 meter from a straight wire of 2π 5a 2πa
length ‘a’ meter carrying a current of i amp. The point Resulting field at Q, B = B cosθjˆ + B - B sinθ iˆ
Q 1 2 1
is on the perpendicular bisector of the wire.
To find the angle
Ex.2 Find resultant magnetic field at ‘C’ in the
a 1
figure shown. tanθ = =
2a 2
Sol. It is clear that magnetic field at ‘C’ due all 1 2
the wires is directed . Also B at ‘C’ due PQ and sinθ = and cosθ =
5 5
SR is same. Also due to QR and PS is same
Bres = 2 BPQ + BSP μi μi μi 2μ i μi
BQ = 0 ˆj + 0 - 0 iˆ = 0 iˆ + 0 ˆj
μ0 i
sin60 0 + sin60 0
5πa 2πa 10πa 5πa 5πa
4π a / 2
Ex.6 In the fig. shown a large
μ0 i
BSP = sin30 + sin30
0 0
metal sheet of width ‘W’ caries a
4π 3a / 2 current I (uniformly distributed in its
3 μ0 i 4μ0 i width ‘W’). Find B at point ‘P’ which
Bres = 2 +
2πa 3πa lies in the plane of the sheet.
Ex.3 Figure shows a square loop Sol. To find B at ‘P’ the sheet can be considered
made from a uniform wire. Find the as collection of large number of infinitely long wires.
magnetic field at the centre of the Take a long wire distance x from ‘P’ and of width
square if a battery is connected dx. Due to this the magnetic field at ‘P’ is dB
μ 2 i
between the points A and C. Therefore, dB = 0 dx
Ex.4 In the figure shown 4π x W
there are two parallel long Due to each such wire B
wires (placed in the plane of will be directed inwards
paper) are carrying currents
μ0 i dx a +W
μ0 i
2I and I consider points A, Bres = dB = = ln
C, D on the line perpendicular to both the wires and a
2π W x 2πW a
also in the plane of the paper. The distances are [ Using the concept of uniform Current density ]
Find (i) B at A, C, D (ii) find the Position of point
Consider a circular loop of radius R and carrying
on line A-C-D where B is zero. a steady current i. We have to find out magnetic
Ex.5 In the figure shown two long wires W1 and W2 field at the axial point P, which is at distance x from
each carrying current I are placed parallel to each the centre of the loop.
5 Magnetic Effect of Current
Consider an element i dl of the loop as shown in (6) Magnetic Field at Centre O in Different
figure, and the distance of point P from current Conditions of Circular Current
element is r . Using Biot-Savart law magnetic field at Condition Figure Magnetic field
P due to this current element from can be given by,
μ0 i( dl × r ) Arc subtends μ0 θ i
B = .
dB = × angle at the 4π r
4π r 3
In case of point on O
(4) If point P is far away from the centre i.e. x >> r loops but their i 1
B = B12 + B22
planes are
μ 2π Nir 2
μ 2NiA μ
Baxis = 0 . = 0. 3 perpendicular B1 = 0 i12 + i22
4π x 3
4π x to each other i2 2r
Where, A = r2 = Area of each turn of the coil.
(5) Field at the centre of a current arc B2
Since a current carrying circular wire [ 2 radian
loops but their i1
angle at centre or circumference 2R] provide a planes are at B12 + B22
μ Ni
magnetic field 0 at the centre. an angle with B1 +2B1 B2 cosθ
each other i2
Now using basic theorem, magnetic field for an
arc of radius R carrying current i and subtending an
angle radian at the centre is given by Distribution of
μ 2πi μ0 i current across O B=0
Bcentre = 0 . = the diameter i i
4π R 2π 4πR
Similarly, If ‘l’ is the length of this circular arc,
then magnetic field at the centre is given by Distribution of Using 2nd equatN
μ 2πi l μ0 il current & current in
Bcentre = 0 . = parallel combinatN
4π R 2πR 4πR 2 between any
Direction of magnetic field can be obtained two points on i B=0
by using Right hand thumb rule of circular currents. circumference
6 Magnetic Effect of Current
(7) B-x curve: The variation of magnetic field Now half of the charge is removed from one end
due to a circular coil as the distance x varies as and placed on the other end. The rod is rotated in a
shown in the figure. vertical plane about horizontal axis passing through
B varies non-linearly with the mid-point of the rod with the same angular
distance x as shown in figure A B
frequency. Calculate the magnetic field at a point on
and is maximum when the axis at a distance of 0.4 m from centre of the rod.
x 2 min = 0 , [i.e., the point is at x = – r/2 x = 0 x = r/2
Sol. As the revolving charge is equivalent to current
the centre of the coil] and it is zero at x = . 10 4 π
(8) Point of inflection (A and A): Also known as o, equV current I = qf = q = 1× 3
= 5 × 10 A
points of curvature change or points of zero curvature. 2π 2π
(i) At these points B varies linearly with x μ0 2πNir 2
B axis .
dB d 2B 4π (x 2 + r 2 )3 / 2
= constant = 0 .
dx dx 2 2π × 5 × 10 3 × 0.6
r = 10 ×
(ii) These are located at x = ± from the centre of (0.6 2 + 0.8 2 )3 / 2
r 4μ0 Ni 1.13× 10 -3 T
the coil and the magnetic field at x = is B = If half of the charge is placed at the other end
2 5 5r
and the rod is rotated at the same frequency, the
(9) Helmholtz coils equivalent current is given by
(i) This is the set-up of two coaxial coils of same
q q
radius such that distance between their centers is I = f + f = qf = 5 × 10 3 A
equal to their radius. 2 2
Resultant field
Uniform Since the rod is rotated about an axis passing
through the mid-point of the rod.
a a
O A A A In this case, R = 0.3 m
O1 O2 and x = 0.4 m
2π × 5 × 10 3 × 0.3
O1 O O2 x 2
+ +
– – B = 10 × -7
(0.3 2 + 0.4 2 )3 / 2
(ii) At axial midpoint O, magnetic field is given by
8μ0 Ni μ0 Ni μ0 Ni 2.3× 10 -3 T
B= = 0.716 = 1.432 B , where B =
(iii) Current direction is same in both coils otherwise If a conducting wire is
this arrangement is not called Helmholtz’s coil wound in the form of a
cylindrical coil (or the
insulated copper wire wound
(iv) Number of points of inflexion Three(A, A, A)
on a non-conducting cylindrical tube) whose diameter
(v) Such arrangement gives uniform magnetic field
is less in comparison to the length, and then the coil or
inside the Helmholtz coils. tube is called a solenoid. It looks like a helical spring.
Ex.7 Two wire loop PQRSP
formed by joining two semicircular B
B.dl = μ0 i = μ0 (i1 + i3 - i2 )
i.e. i i
inner and outer radii b and c respectively. The inner
B × 2πr = μ0 i R 2
wire caries an electric current i0 and the outer shell
μi caries an equal current in opposite direction. Find the
(C) Thick hollow cylinder
Bout = 0 magnetic field at a distance x from the axis where
μ JπR 2 μ R2 (a) x < a, (b) a < x < b (c) b < x < c and (d) x > c.
For solid cylinder Bout 0 Bout = 0 2 J × r Assume that the current density is uniform in the inner
2πr 2r
μi as well as the outer shell.
In all the above cases Bsurface = 0 Sol. The parts a, b, c & d of the fig. correspond to
(2) Inside the hollow cylinder: Magnetic field the four cross-section of the cable. Draw a circle of
inside the hollow cylinder is zero. radius x with the centre at the axis of the cable. By
When r < R (or R1) symmetry, magnetic field at each point of a circle will
B0 have the same magnitude and will be tangential to it.
B.dl = μ0 0
B=0 B=0 Therefore, B.dl = B 2πx
B× 2πr = 0
For each of the four parts of the figure.
(A) Thin hollow
Bin = 0
(a) The current enclosed within the circle is i0 (say)
(B) Thick hollow
(3) Inside the solid cylinder:
cylinder Current
A' x2
enclosed by loop (i) is lesser then the total current (i) Thus, J = J i0 = i0 × = i0 2
A a
r Loop
By Ampere’s law, B.dl = μ i0 0
x μi x 2
Assume current is uniformly distributed on the B 2πx = μ0 i0 2 B = 0 0 2
whole cross section area. a 2πa
Thus, Current density is uniform The direction will be along the tangent to the circle.
A' r
2 (b) The enclosed current is i0
i.e. J = J i' = i × = i 2
A R By Ampere’s law, B.dl = μ0 i0
Hence at inside point B
in .d l = μ0 i'
B 2πx = μ0 i0 B=
μ0 i0
μ0 J r 2πx
μ0 ir μ Jr
Bin = . 2 = 0 Bin =
2π R 2 2π 2
(c) The current enclosed within the circle are i0
(4) Inside the thick portion of hollow [through inner wire] and i (say) [in outer shell].
cylinder: When R1 < r < R2
μ0 i0 c - x
2 2
(5) Graphical representN of magnetic field:
2πx c 2 - b 2
(d) The net current enclosed by the
circle in part d of the figure is zero
because inner wire and the outer
shell caries an equal current i0 in opposite direction.
μ0 -J πR2
Line integral B along PQRS is B.dl = P
B.dl = Bl
M.F due to smaller cylinder B2 = If n is the number of turns per unit length along
2π R2 + r - R1
the length of solenoid, total n l turns cross the
μ0 JπR12 μ0 -J πR22
Bnet = B1 + B2 = + rectangle PQRS. Each turn caries a current i.
2πr 2π R2 + r - R1 Net current crossing PQRS = nl i
(ii) r < R1 (on x-axis) towards left of centre Using Ampere’s law,
path will be combination of straight-line motion and Therefore, at any time, we can find out the vector
circular motion, which will be helical (helix) as form of displacement, velocity, acceleration of the
shown in figure. particle.
Y p B Ex 17. A proton (p), - particle and deuteron (D)
v vsin v r are moving in circular paths with same kinetic energies
in the same magnetic field. Find the ratio of their radii
q, m
Z X and time periods.
mV m(vsinθ) Ex.18 A positive charge particle of
(i) The radius of this path is r =
qB qB charge q, mass m enters into a
(ii) Time period and frequency do not depend on uniform magnetic field with velocity v
velocity and they are given by as shown in the figure. There is no
2π r 2π mvsinθ 2π m qB magnetic field to the left of PQ. Find
T= = and f =
V vsinθqB qB 2π m (i) Time spent, (ii) distance and displacement traveled
(iii) The pitch of the helix, (i.e., linear distance in the magnetic field (iii) Impulse of magnetic force.
travelled in one rotation) will be given by Sol. The particle will move in the field as shown.
p = V ×T = T(vcosθ) = 2π
(vcosθ) Angle subtended by the arc at the centre = 2
12 Magnetic Effect of Current
(i) Time spent by the qB
charge in magnetic field Now angular displacement θ = ωt = t
2θ = ωt 2θ = t m d
m t = sin-1
qB R
t= Ex.22 What should be the
(ii) Distance traveled by the charge in magnetic field: speed of charged particle so
mv that it cannot collide with the
S = r 2θ = 2θ upper wall? Also find the
qB coordinate of the point where
(iii) Impulse = change in momentum of the charge
the particle strikes the lower plate in the limiting case
= -mvsinθiˆ + mvcosθjˆ - mvcosθjˆ + mvsinθiˆ of velocity.
= 2mvsinθiˆ Ex.23 A beam of protons with a velocity 4×105 m/s
Ex.19 Repeat above question if the charge is -ve and enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T at an angle 60°
to the magnetic field. Find the radius of the helical path
the angle made by the boundary with the velocity is . taken by the proton beam. Also find the pitch of the
helix mp = 1.67 × 10-27 kg
Sol. The particle
will move in the field MOTION OF A CHARGED PARTICLE IN
Lorentz Force
Angle subtended by When the moving charged particle is subjected
the arc at the centre simultaneously to both electric field E and magnetic
field B , the moving charged particle will experience
2π 5π
= 2π - 2θ = 2π - = (then same as above) electric force Fe = qE & magnetic force Fm = q( v × B )
6 3
so the net force on it will be F = q E + ( v × B ) .
Ex.20 In the figure shown the
magnetic field on the left on ‘PQ’ is This is the famous ‘Lorentz-force equation’.
zero and on the right of ‘PQ’ it is Note: Magnetic force is frame dependent,
uniform. Find the time spent in the Electric force is frame dependent but Lorentz force is
frame independent.
magnetic field.
Depending on the directions of v , E and B
Ex.21 A uniform magnetic field
following situations are possible
of strength B exists in a region of
(i) When v , E and B all the three are
width ‘d’. A particle of charge q
collinear: In this situation as the particle is moving
and mass m is shot perpendicularly
parallel or anti-parallel to the field, the magnetic
(as shown in the figure) into the force on it will be zero and only electric force will act,
magnetic field. Find the time spend by the particle in F qE E
mu mu So a = = v
the magnetic field if i d > ii d < m m q
qB qB
(ii) Hence the particle will pass through the field
Sol. (i) d >
means d > R following a straight-line path (parallel field) with
qB change in its speed. So in this situation speed,
[R: radius of circle] velocity, momentum and kinetic energy all will
T πm change without change in direction of motion as
Therefore, t = = shown in the fig.
2 qB
(iii) v , E and B are mutually perpendicular:
(ii) When d < R the particle will move in the field as
In this situation if E and B are such that
shown in fig. y E
F = Fe + Fm = 0
From fig. sinθ = Fe
R F +q +q
i.e., a = = 0 v x
d m
θ = sin-1 B Fm
R as shown in figure. z
13 Magnetic Effect of Current
Then the particle will pass through the field with Cyclotron
same velocity, without any deviation in path. Cyclotron is a device used to accelerated
And in this situation, as Fe = Fm positively charged particles (like, -particles,
deutrons etc.) to acquire enough energy to carry out
i.e., qE = qvB v = nuclear disintegration etc.
It is based on the fact that the electric field
This principle is used in ‘velocity-selector’ to get a
accelerates a
charged beam having a specific velocity.
charged particle
(iii) E B and uniform, θ 0, 180° and the magnetic High frequency N
It consists of S
two hollow D-
shaped metallic chambers D1 and D2 called Dees.
The two Dees are placed horizontally with a small
Along X axis: gap separating them. The Dees are connected to the
; v x = v0cosθ + a x t ; x = v0 cosθt + a x t source of high frequency electric field. The Dees are
qE 1
Fx = qE ; a x =
m 2 enclosed in a metal box containing a gas at a low
In YZ plane: pressure of the order of 10–3 mm mercury. The
v0 sinθ
whole apparatus is placed between the two poles of
qv0 sinθB = m a strong electromagnet NS as shown in fig. The
mv0 sinθ magnetic field acts to the plane of the Dees.
R= (1) Cyclotron frequency: Time taken by ion to
πr πm
2π v0 sinθ qB describe a semicircular path is given by t = =
ω = = 2πf = = v qB
T R m
If T = time period of oscillating electric field then
r = v0 cosθt +
1 qE ˆ
2 m
t i + Rsinωtj + R - Rcosωt -k ˆ
T = 2t =
2π m
the cyclotron frequency
f = =
qB T 2πm
v = v0 cosθ + a x t iˆ + v0 sinθ cosωtjˆ + v0 sinθ sinωt -kˆ (2) Maximum energy of particle: Maximum
energy gained by the charged particle Emax = q B r02
2 2
qE ˆ 2
a= i + ω R -sin ωt ˆj - cos ωt kˆ
m 2m
Ex.24 If a charge particle (q) inters into the Where, r0 = maximum radius of the circular path
magnetic field at origin with velocity vi then find the followed by the positive ion.
maximum possible positive x co-ordinate of particle if Hall Effect
magnetic field is given as The Phenomenon of producing a transverse emf
in a current carrying conductor on applying a
B = B0 x -kˆ when x > 0
magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the
=0 when x < 0 current is called Hall Effect.
Ex.24 A long, straight wire caries a current i. A Hall Effect helps us to know the nature and
particle having a positive charge q and mass m kept at number of charge carriers in a conductor.
a distance x0 from the wire is projected towards it with Consider a conductor having electrons as current
a speed v. Find the minimum separation between the carriers. The electrons move with drift velocity v
opposite to the direction of flow of current
wire and the particle.
B (1)
Ex.25 An electron is released from the origin at a z v
+ + + + + +
place where a uniform electric field E and a uniform y –
magnetic field B exist along the negative Y-axis and x (2) – – – – – – –
the negative Z-axis respectively. Find the displacement
of the electron along the Y-axis when its velocity Force acting on electron Fm = -e( v × B ). This
becomes perpendicular to the electric field for the first force acts along x-axis and hence electrons will
time. move towards face (2).
14 Magnetic Effect of Current
FORCE ON A CURRENT CARRYING (1) Fleming’s left-hand rule:
CONDUCTOR IN MAGNETIC FIELD Stretch the fore-finger, central
Suppose a conducting wire, finger and thumb of left hand
carrying a current i, is placed in mutually perpendicular. Then if
a magnetic field B . Consider a the fore-finger points in the
small element d l of the wire direction of field B and the
(figure). The free electrons drift central in the direction of current i, the thumb will
with a speed vd opposite to the direction of the point in the direction of force.
(2) Right-hand palm rule: Current
current. The relation between the current i and the
Stretch the fingers and thumb of
drift speed vd is i = JA = nevd A ......(i)
right hand at right angles to
Here A is the area of cross-section of the wire & each other. Then if the
n is the number of free electrons per unit volume. fingers point in the Magnetic field
Each electron experiences an average (why direction of field B and Force
average?) magnetic force Favg = -e vd × B thumb in the direction of current i, then normal to
The number of free electrons in the considered the palm will point in the direction of force
small element is nAdl . Thus, the magnetic force on Note: point of application of magnetic force:
On a straight current carrying wire the magnetic
the wire of length dl is dF = nAdl -e vd × B
force in a uniform magnetic field can be assumed to
If we denote the length dl along the direction of be acting at its mid-point.
the current by dl , the above equation becomes FORCE BETWEEN TWO PARALLEL CURRENT
dF = neAvd dl × B = i dl × B using (i)
Let us consider two very long parallel straight
In case of current carrying conductor in a wires carrying currents i1 and 1 ×
magnetic field force experienced by its small length i2. Each wire is placed in the i1 ×
i2 B 1
element is d F = id l × B ; [ id l = current element ] region of magnetic induction
× ×
4π r × × × × × × ×
and Electric force between them is Hence direction of current is from X Y and in
1 q1q2 mg
Fe = . .... (ii) balanced condition Fm = mg B i l = mg i =
4πε0 r 2 Bl
F 1
From equN (i) and (ii) m = μ0 ε0 v 2 but μ0 ε0 = 2 ; Case 5: Sliding of conducting rod on inclined
Fe c rails: When a conducting rod slides on conducting
Where, c is the velocity of light in vacuum. rails.
2 F cos
Fm v R
So = [As v < c so Fm < Fe ] i
Fe c i
Y F mg sin
Standard Cases for Force on Current Carrying +
Case 1 : When an arbitrary current carrying loop In the following situation conducting rod (X, Y)
placed in a magnetic field ( to the plane of loop), slides at constant velocity (zero acceleration) if
each element of loop experiences a magnetic force Fcosθ = mgsinθ B i lcosθ = mgsinθ B =
due to which loop stretches and open into circular il
loop and tension developed in it’s each part. Ex.26 A wire is bent in the
T A B T form of an equilateral triangle
d PQR of side 10 cm and caries a
O current of 5.0 A. It is placed in
magnetic field B of magnitude 2.0
Case 2: Equilibrium of a current carrying T direction perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Find
conductor: When a finite length current carrying wire the forces on the three sides of the triangle. Also find
is kept parallel to another infinite length current the net magnetic force on the triangle.
carrying wire, it can suspend freely in air as shown Ex.27 Figure shown two long metal rails placed
l Fixed i1 horizontally and parallel to each other at a separation
X i2 Y l. A uniform magnetic field B exists in the vertically
h h
Movable i2 downward direction. A wire of mass m can slide on the
Fixed i1 X Y rails. The rails are connected to a constant current
source which drives a current in the circuit. The
In both the situations for equilibrium of XY
it's downward weight = upward magnetic force friction coefficient between the rails and the wire is .
μ 2i i (a)What should the minimum value of which can
i.e. mg = 0 . 1 2 .l
4π h prevent the wire from sliding on the rails?
16 Magnetic Effect of Current
(b)Describe the motion of the B About point P, Force on an
wire if the value of is half element is radially outward which
the value found in the make angle with centre as
previous part. shown in fig. Therefore,
Sol. (a) The force on the wire due to the magnetic τ P = dτ P Bi Rdθ sin90 0 Rsinθ
field is Fm = iL× B Fm = BiL = 2iBR2
It acts towards right in the given figure. If the wire Ex.31 Find the magnetic force on
does not slide on the rails, the force of friction by the the loop ‘PQRS’ due to the straight
rails should be equal to Fm. If 0 is the minimum wire as shown in fig.
coefficient of static friction. Thus, Ex.32 In the figure showed the wires AB and PQ
μ0 mg = BiL μ0 = carry constant currents I1 and I2 respectively. PQ is of
uniformly distributed mass ‘m’
(b) If the friction coefficient is μ μ0 / 2 , the wire will
and length ‘l’. AB and PQ are
slide towards right with some acceleration a. both horizontal and kept in the
Now the equation of motion becomes
same vertical plane. The PQ is
1 BiL BiL
Fm - μmg = ma BiL - mg = ma a = in equilibrium at height ‘h’.
2 mg 2mg
Find (i) ‘h’ is terms of I1, I2, l , m, g and other
Ex.28 In the figure shown a
constants. (ii)If the wire PQ is displaced vertically by
semicircular wire is placed in a
small distance prove that it performs SHM. find T?
uniform B directed toward right. Sol. (i) Magnetic repulsive force balances the
Find the resultant magnetic force weight.
and torque on it. μ 2i i μiil
mg = Bi2 l mg = 0 . 1 2 .l h = 0 1 2
Sol. The wire is equivalent to L = 2R 4π h 2πmg
B L θ = 0 Fnet = iL× B = 0
(ii) Let the wire be displaced downward by distance
Forces on individual parts x (<< h). Magnetic force on it will increase, so it
are marked in the figure by goes back towards its equilibrium position. Hence it
and . By symmetry their will performs oscillations. At this position,
μ 2i i
be pair of forces forming Frestore = 0 . 1 2 .l - mg
couples. 4π h - x
dτ = F Rcosθ = Bidlsin 90 0 - θ Rcosθ =
- mg =
h - x h - x
dτ = Bi Rdθ sin 90 0 - θ Rcosθ
iBπR 2 Fres = x x << h
τ = dτ = 2
π Bi Rdθ sin 90 - θ Rcosθ =
0 h
Since the magnetic field lines pass through the
iBπR 2 ˆ
-j loop in the same direction, we can assume that one
Ex.29 Find the resultant face of the loop acts as a North Pole because the
magnetic force and torque on the loop. field lines emerge from it and the other face of loop
acts as a South Pole because the magnetic field lines
Ex.30 In the figure shown find the enter at it. Thus the loop acts like a dipole.
resultant magnetic force and torque The polarity at the faces of the loop depends on
about ‘C’, and ‘P’. the direction of current in the loop. Polarity at the
Sol. faces of the loop is easily determined by the clock
The wire is equivalent to L = 2R
CLOCK RULE: (Clockwise current- South Pole
B L θ = 90 0 Fnet = iL× B = Bi2R
and Anticlockwise current -North Pole.)Looking At
About point C, Force on each element is radially the face of the loop, if the current around that face
outward. Therefore, is in anticlockwise direction, the face has the north
polarity, While if the current at that face is in
τ C = dτ C = 2π Bi Rdθ sin90 0 Rcosθ = 0
clockwise directN, the face has the South polarity as
shown in fig.
17 Magnetic Effect of Current
Behaviour of Current Loop in a Magnetic Field
(1) Torque:
Consider a rectangular
coil CDEF of having N
turns and length L, width
b, placed in a uniform
According to magnetic effects of current, in case field B , in such a way
of current-carrying coil for axial point, that the normal (n) ˆ to the
μ0 2πNiR 2 coil makes an angle
B= with the direction of B .
4π R 2 + x 2 3 2
The coil is capable of
μ0 2πNiR 2 rotation about an axis
When x >> R, B =
4π x 3 O1 O 2 .
Then the torque experienced by the loop
Current b b
S N τ = BiNLsinθ + BiNLsinθ BNi bL sinθ = BiNAsinθ
2 2
Where, A = Lb is the area of the loop.
Vectorially, τ = M × B M = BiA
If we compare this result with the field due to a
small bar magnet for a distant axial point, i.e., (i) is zero when = 0, i.e., when the plane of
μ 2M the coil is perpendicular to the field.
B= 0 3 (ii) is maximum when θ = 90 o , i.e., the plane of
4π x
Where, M is magnetic moment of the bar the coil is parallel to the field τ max = BiNA
magnet. We find that a current-carrying coil for a (2) Workdone: If coil is rotated in a uniform
distant point behaves as a magnetic dipole of magnetic field B through an angle from it's
magnetic moment equilibrium position then work done will be
M = Ni πR2 = NiA W θ
dW = τdθ = MBsinθdθ
Where N = Number of turns in the coil, i =
W = - MBcosθ 0 = MB(1 - cosθ)
Current through the coil & A(πR2) = Area of the
coil. So the magnetic moment of a current carrying It is maximum when = 180o Wmax=2MB
coil is defined as the product of current in the coil (3) Potential energy: From definition of P.E
with the area of coil in the vector form. U θ
and a soft iron cylindrical core is placed within the where v = velocity of charge r
coil without touching it. This makes the field radial. In and v << c (speed of light).
such a field the plane of the coil always remains If an electron is revolving in a circular path of radius
parallel to the field. Therefore θ = 90 o and the r with speed v then magnetic field produced at the
deflecting torque always has the maximum value. μ ev v
τ def = NBiA ......(i) centre of circular path B = 0 . 2 r
4π r B
19 Magnetic Effect of Current
The line integral of magnetizing field H for any If no magnetic field is present, the loop will still
open into a circle as in it’s adjacent parts current will
closed path called magneto-motive force (MMF). It's be in opposite direction and opposite currents repel
S.I. unit is amp. each other. i
Ratio of dimension of e.m.f. to MMF is equal to the
dimension of resistance.
The positive ions are produced in the gap between
the two Dees by the ionization of the gas. To produce i
proton, hydrogen gas is used; while for producing In the previous case if direction of current in
alpha-particles, helium gas is used. movable wire is reversed then it’s instantaneous
Cyclotron frequency is also known as magnetic acceleration produced is 2g .
resonance frequency. Electric force is an absolute concept while
Cyclotron cannot accelerate electrons because they magnetic force is a relative concept for an observer.
have very small mass. The nature of force between two parallel charge
The energy of a charged particle moving in a beams decided by electric force, as it is dominator.
uniform magnetic field does not change because it The nature of force between two parallel current
experiences a force in a direction, perpendicular to it's carrying wires decided by magnetic force.
direction of motion. Due to which the speed of + +
charged particle remains unchanged and hence it's i1 i2 + +
K.E. remains same. + +
Magnetic force does no work when the charged + +
particle is displaced while electric force does work in Fnet = Fm only
F e repulsion
Fm attraction
displacing the charged particle.
Fnet repulsion (Due to this
Magnetic force is velocity dependent, while electric force these beams diverges)
force is independent of the state of rest or motion of If a straight current carrying wire is placed along
the charged particle. the axis of a current carrying coil then it will not
If a particle enters a magnetic field normally to the experience magnetic force because magnetic field
magnetic field, then it starts moving in a circular orbit. produced by the coil is parallel to the wire.
The point at which it enters the magnetic field lies on The force acting on a curved wire joining points a
the circumference. (Most of us confuse it with the and b as shown in the figure is the same as that on a
centre of the orbit) straight wire joining these points. It is given by the
Deviation of charged particle in magnetic field : If a expression F = i L× B
charged particle (q, m) enters a uniform magnetic field × × × × × × × ×
b B
× × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × F B
B (extends upto a length x) at right angles with speed × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
Bq If a current carrying conductor AB is placed
Deviation in terms of time t: θ = ωt = t
m transverse to a long current carrying conductor as
Deviation in terms of length of the magnetic field; shown then force. i1
Experienced by wire AB i2
-1 x
θ = sin . This relation can be used only when x r .
μii x+l A B
F = 0 1 2 loge l
2π x x
For x > r, the deviation will be 180o as shown in fig.
q, m v v
x x
In the following case if wire
XY is slightly displaced from l
its equilibrium position, it X Y
executes SHM and it’s time h
period is given by T = 2π . Fixed i1