Brief Discussion of The Lesson, If Possible Cite Examples
Brief Discussion of The Lesson, If Possible Cite Examples
Brief Discussion of The Lesson, If Possible Cite Examples
Notation is the method used to read and write music so it can be performed instrumentally or
vocally. This allows other people to perform music as well.
To be able to read and interpret a composition, one must find a musical symbol called clef.
Clef: a sign placed at the beginning of a musical staff to determine the pitch of the notes
(G clef) is so named because the symbol is a stylized letter "G" that encircles the line of the staff,
indicating where the "G" above middle C is located.
(F clef) is used to indicate pitches below middle C. The pitch "f" is indicated by placing a note on the
4th line. Originally the clef designation of "F" came about through the use of the letter "F" at the end
of the staff to indicate the position of the pitch "f".
Accidentals are very useful in completing the pattern of intervals of a scale. They are musical
symbols that alter the pitch when place beside a note.
Sharp (#) – sign raises the pitch by half step when placed before a note.
Flat ( ) – sign lowers the pitch by half step when placed before note.
Natural ( ) – sign cancels the effect of the sharp or flat and restores its pitch to its original tone
Scale - A scale is composed of a succession of notes based on a specific sound pattern. The most
common scale is known as the diatonic scale. It is composed of eight notes arranged in an
ascending or descending manner that follows a fixed pattern of whole steps (WS) and half steps
Key of C Major - No accidental signs are needed because it follows the major scale pattern of WS-WS-HS-
WS-WS-WS-HS. The C Major is the home tone. It is on the ledger line below the staff.
Key of F Major – it uses the flat sign to create the interval pattern of a major scale. The pitch B is
lowered by a half step to make the major scale pattern.
Key of G Major – in this scale , G (so) is the home tone. The beginning note is found on the
second line of the staff. Observe that the a sharp sign is placed before F in order to maintain the
required interval pattern of WS-WS-HS-WS-WS-WS-HS.
Reads simple musical notations in the Key of C Major, F Major, and G Major.
( MU6ME-IIa-1)
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
4. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
5. If you encounter any difficulty, do not hesitate to consult your teacher.
Activity 1
Direction: Draw a line to match the description in A with the terms in column B.
1. Method used to read and write music so it can be performed A. Sharp
instrumentally or vocally. This allows other people to perform music as well
2. It uses the flat sign to create the interval pattern of a major scale. The pitch B is B. Key of C Major
lowered by a half step to make the major scale pattern.
4. Sign raises the pitch by half step when placed before a note D. Scale
5. No accidental signs are needed because it follows the major scale pattern of WS- E. Notation
WS-HS-WS-WS-WS-HS. The C Major is the home tone. It is on the ledger line below
the staff.
Activity 2
1. Complete the C Major Scale on the staff. Label each note by writing the syllable name and its
corresponding pitch name. Write your answer on the line.
2. Using do, construct the scale of G major on the staff and be sure to place the sharp (#) on its correct
3. Construct the scale of F major on the staff and be sure to place the flat (b) on its correct
Activity 3
Direction: Using the so- fa syllables complete the corresponding notes of the following key
Music and Arts for Fun (Textbook) by Vivian R Lugue and Maria Socorro L. Romabiles.
( page 8-20)
Answer Key
Activity 1
1. E
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
Activity 2
Activity 3
Prepared by
Name of Writer
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times. Please include this in All Learning Activity Sheets.