22 Teaching English Spring 20 Issue 22
22 Teaching English Spring 20 Issue 22
22 Teaching English Spring 20 Issue 22
This Issue:
English: The
Big Picture
“We need to
allow English
to be big,
expansive, broad
and inclusive
in all kinds of
different ways.”
‘Big Picture’
Barbara Bleiman
The Magazine of the National Association
NATE for the Teaching of English
© The Full English (education) Ltd
10 12 17
20 24 28 33
42 45 45 49
53 57 59 61
61 66 83 84
02 | NATE | Teaching English | Issue 22
| News and Views 45-48
Mind the Gap!
04-09 by Raina Parker and Carol Robertson
News and What’s On Perspectives on the Transition from Primary to
Secondary English
A View from the Chair: Rebuilding 49-52
English 8 Ways to Teach Spelling, Punctuation
by Peter Thomas and Grammar
by Francis Gilbert
14-16 Learning to Teach English
KS3 English in England: A NATE by Clare Lawrence
Position Paper RQT perspectives on the Secondary English PGCE
by NATE Management Committee
17-19 ‘Ah Ha!’ and ‘Ha Ha!’
Hand, Head, Heart and Voice by Martin Billingham
by Helen Mars Teaching and Stand-Up comedy
Reclaiming KS4 English from the GCSE syllabus
20-23 39 Steps to Engaging with Poetry
Generation Z: Independent Thinking by Trevor Millum and Chris Warren
by Claire Feeney
Independent study for A Level English Language
students 64-65
The EMC Column: ‘Big Picture’ Writing
by Andrew McCallum
Chains of Thought
by Mick Connell 66-70
Remembering the LINC project Findings: Developing Writers as
a Developing Teacher
by Vincent Byrne
Macbeth: From Book to Videogame
by Andrew Burn
| Reviews and Columns
33-41 71-79
Big Picture English: Beyond the Book Box
by Barbara Bleiman
The NATE Harold Rosen Lecture 2019
Texts for Teachers
42-44 83
Daring to be a Writer
by Jonathan Morgan
Media Studies
by Tom Rank
Arvon Creative Writing Retreats for Teachers
The Teacher Feature: Anthony Cockerill
English teachers from around the UK are Kids I Taught and What They Taught Me. There to bring together the two phases to discuss
being encouraged to attend a major cross- will also be a session on The State of Secondary the past, present and future of the subject.
discipline conference in Manchester in July English and the Shape of Things to Come led by More broadly, it is hoped that teachers –
2020 – English: Shared Futures. Organised IFTE Chair Andy Goodwyn and NATE Post- especially post-16 teachers – who attend the
by the English Association and University 16 Committee Chair Rachel Roberts. whole conference will be able to develop their
English, and supported by NATE, NAWE NATE’s CPD workshops will be led subject knowledge across all aspects of English
and the Institute of English Studies, the by NATE Chair Peter Thomas (Visual and by dipping in to the wide range of seminars
conference aims to help English teachers in Verbal Literacy through Media Study), Vice- which represent what is happening in English
two key ways – through a special teachers’ Chair Raina Parker (Creative and Independent – language, literature, and creative writing –
CPD day on the Saturday of the conference Thinking through Poetry), Director Jonathan in universities today. There will be over 200
(Saturday 27th June), and through the Morgan (Scriptwriting to inspire Young Writers) sessions, a range of speakers including David
broader exploration of the discipline which and Teaching English editor Gary Snapper Crystal and Ali Smith, and a number of special
will take place throughout the conference. (Developing Literary Awareness in Sixth Form topics including decolonising the curriculum;
The teachers’ day – for which day tickets Poetry). literature, language, creativity and music; and
are on sale at the special rate of £30 – will The conference as a whole will celebrate ‘applied English’.
include four CPD workshops for KS3-KS5 all manifestations of English as a subject
run by NATE, and key speaker poet Kate and discipline. Throughout the conference, To book, and for further details, see the conference’s
Clanchy talking about her work as a poet some sessions will include participants from website, www.englishsharedfutures.uk, and on
in schools, drawing from her recent book Some both HE and secondary English, seeking pages 12–13 of this edition of Teaching English.
Teaching English
Issue 22:
NATE Spring 2020
Themes for forthcoming issues: Writing
June 2020 – English and Diversity NATE’s annual ITE conference – entitled
October 2020 – English in the British Isles Righting Writing: the pedagogy and practice
February 2021 – Poetry This Issue:
of teaching writing – took place at the English
and Media Centre on 21st November. The
English: The
Big Picture
Rebuilding English
Given current difficulties, English needs to rediscover
its identity, says Peter Thomas. Along with others in the
English teaching community, NATE seeks to help the
subject restate its vision and build a renewed consensus
for a humane discipline.
Building English English as a humane discipline came to maturity, giving
The comprehensive school programme in the 1960s and equal weight to the ‘humane’ and the ‘discipline’. The
70s created a national all-ability education service, with humanity was in valuing students’ own cultural capital,
a major impact on teaching, curriculum and assessment. and the discipline in the cultural capital transmitted.
Teachers previously divided into those bestowing
scholarship upon a selective minority in grammar Dismantling English
schools and those preparing the rest for trades and Of course, not all saw these as triumphs. Some saw a
unskilled work in secondary moderns had to cater for retreat from education as they knew it into ‘progressive’
all students. Some found this a worthy challenge: others methods. A political agenda with different values and
found it a nightmare. Schools found ways to manage the priorities began to dismantle thirty years of academic
change: setting and streaming took some pressure off and professional consensus. The national education
teachers who found the whole ability range difficult. service became fragmented by Academisation and
Then, in the 80s, O Level and CSE were replaced by Free Schools. GCSE became two-tier, and then exam-
GCSE, providing the same curriculum and examination only. It had stripped out of it those parts that students
for all. This required more of teachers than subject (and teachers) found most engaging and relevant:
knowledge: motivating, managing and valuing a wide media studies, different cultures texts, Speaking and
range of talents, ambitions and cultures called for a wider Listening and Spoken Language study. In their place
teaching repertoire for a more student-centred approach. came nineteenth century fiction and a greater emphasis
Through the 90s, GCSE evolved with teachers on SPaG, justified by an official mantra of “raising
consulted by Awarding Bodies about text choices and standards”.
assessment tasks. Coursework allowed teachers to As the scope and appeal of English diminished,
devise their own curriculum. I recall a term spent on the retention became a crisis as experienced teachers
films Jaws and High Noon and Ibsen’s Enemy of the People took early retirement. The resulting recruitment drive
“All of this to investigate social morality, then Great Expectations to boosted numbers, but the drop-out rate after four years
has led to investigate personal growth.
Eventually, coursework and terminal examinations
made it no permanent solution. Symptomatic of that
short-termism is Teach First, nominally acknowledging
an English were yoked together to match the varied competencies that bright graduates tempted by rapid promotion can
curriculum required by higher education and the workplace.
Preparing youngsters for the communicative needs
be expected to move on to something else, probably
more lucrative and less demanding. Meanwhile, local
and exam of adult life and work led to Speaking and Listening apprenticeship models of training eroded the national
system as a major part of English. This alignment of English
to life and work in the 21st century continued with
influence of universities in moulding academic and
professional understanding.
offering little media studies, different cultures literature and Spoken All of this has led to an English curriculum and
exam system offering little for the least academic
for the least Language Study – all providing challenge for the ablest
and engagement for the less able. This alignment third, and so unappealing to the more able that there
academic owed much to the rationale of the Bullock report and is an alarming drop in the take-up of English A Levels.
the materials provided by Ron Carter and the LINC Teacher satisfaction is undermined by a regime of
third, and so project – both independent of Government policy and league-table accountability, reduced per capita funding
unappealing influence. and factory-style Academy chain lesson content and
English was consolidating its status as the school space delivery. English, formerly the subject where all were
to the more where all could find stimulus and satisfaction, academically welcome and all could feel valued, risks becoming three
able that there and personally: self-esteem grows when personal opinion
and experience are valued in language and literature
(four?) years of instruction in GCSE exam protocols.
It’s understandable. Teachers are conscientious. The
is an alarming study. It was a curriculum triumph to embed multi-textual GCSE exam has become increasingly formulaic in
drop in the relevance in the English experience. It was an assessment
triumph to replace the term ‘essay’ with ‘response’, and
rubric, mark tariff and questioning lexicon, promoting
formulaic drilling in preparation. It’s ironic that the
take-up to create mark-schemes with a skills hierarchy of years of change in the name of ‘raising standards’
of English ‘identify, explain, sustain, develop, and explore’. It was a
triumph of collaboration between Awarding Bodies,
in a ‘challenging’ curriculum with a more ‘rigorous’
assessment framework have resulted in the same share
A Levels.” education academics and classroom professionals. of ‘good’ pass and top grades as before.
New ideas?
So where can we look for hope that English can regain a
It would be even more welcome if Ofsted downplayed
some DfE orthodoxies, such as defining learning as ‘an
“Our subject
confident identity? New ideas? Some of the notions in alteration in long-term memory’, or ‘knowing more words needs
current vogue seem in sympathy with those that have
eroded English. Direct Instruction revives a classroom
makes you smarter’, or accepting phonic decoding as a
synonym for reading. Then Ofsted could counter the
model reminiscent of 1950s grammar schools. political distortions of headlines like ‘Almost half of creativity
children leave primary school unable to read and write
‘Knowledge-rich’ programmes privilege content over
process, reversing Vygotsky’s notion of starting from properly, performance tables reveal’.
and trust
the child in favour of starting from what the child must in subject
learn. A faux-left appropriation of Bourdieu’s concept of Restating vision and consensus
cultural capital, remedying the child’s cultural void In judging what’s part of the problem and what’s part of specialism.
justifies versions of E.D. Hirsch’s 5000 items that make the solution, it may be individuals not institutions that If these can
a ‘cultured’ American. Similarly, ‘word gap’ solutions matter. And potent individuals combining independence,
assuming that big words make children cleverer are intellect and experience there are: Barbara Bleiman, make English
justified by the thin and problematic US research of Robert Eaglestone, Kate Clanchy, Michael Rosen, James better for all
Hart and Risley. Then there are the Zero Tolerance Durran, Emma Smith, to name a few. They represent
penalties for talking in the corridor. A lot of the new humane values and practices rooted in the Renaissance those you
looks rather old – certainly not very 21st century.
Some of these ideas gain currency through agencies
rather than the 1950s. So do the subject associations,
including NATE. On many issues raised above, there is
teach, NATE
such as ResearchEd, and some are built into Teach First independent vision and consensus in the Common English is a supportive
training, both displaying signs of closeness to Government.
ResearchEd was originally proposed by Sam Freeman,
Forum (https://commonenglishforum.wordpress.com:
the Forum unites the English Association, the English and
an adviser to Michael Gove and an executive Director at Media Centre, NATE, National Association of Advisers with
Teach First. He also proposed as lead Tom Bennett,
later appointed to lead the Government’s Behaviour
in English, the United Kingdom Literacy Association,
and nine other organisations).
strategy. ResearchEd’s 2016 conference was warmly English teachers, too, should make themselves part events,
praised by Schools Minister Nick Gibb. Links to Gove
are evident in other organisational voices: Parents and
of the solution. Ofsted’s advice to embed ‘intent’ in
what students are to learn should prompt a redefining
Teachers for Excellence (Director, Conservative Party of why we teach English, as well as how – and making and people
donor Jon Moynihan) and the Free Schools Network, the why about personal growth and meeting the multi-
(Rachel Wolf, another Gove adviser, and DfE funded). literacy needs of the 21st century. Our subject needs to help.”
And it’s not difficult to see another Gove adviser, D. independence, creativity and trust in subject specialism.
Cummings, involved in the birth of such bodies. If these can make English better for all those you teach,
Perhaps there is hope in Amanda Spielman’s revision NATE is a supportive community, with publications,
of Ofsted, opposing ‘teaching to the test’, with curriculum events, resources and people to help.
and students’ personal growth more important than data
and exam scores. This is a welcome sign of independence Peter Thomas
from Government policy and favoured pedagogies. is Chair of NATE
NATE was founded over 50 years ago by teachers who wanted to collaborate,
help each other and share best practice. We remain true to those principles.
Our consultants, all of whom are NATE members, are some of the leading
practitioners in English education today.
Whatever your need in terms of support or Inset for English teaching, in any
key stage, NATE can supply a quality-assured consultant to help you.
Contact: [email protected]
Futures aims
Bringing schools and universities together also be running a session on The State of Secondary to develop
But, of course, we did some things less well, too. One of
these was that we didn’t do enough to bring the 16-19
English and the Shape of Things to Come, including
details of NATE’s first national survey, and discussions
your subject
sector and the University sectors together (‘cross-phase’, on students’ choices and perspectives at 16 and the knowledge
as the jargon has it). Centrally, English: Shared Futures is
about a shared vision of the subject: it is about working
future of the subject.
and support
together, and finding better ways to share our love for And finally … approaches
the subject and support its teaching. We don’t have to
agree (we love disagreement! In fact, disagreement in
English: Shared Futures 2020 aims to develop your
subject knowledge, support approaches to classroom
to classroom
our shared field is a form of collaboration and makes for practice, and bring together the vibrant English practice.”
great lessons and seminars!). But we can do much more community across all phases of teaching. We very much
together than we can apart. hope that you will join us for the day, or indeed for
the whole conference, as the future of our wonderful
Shared Futures 2020 and intriguing subject depends more than ever on our
And this is why we are writing here. English: Shared sharing our enthusiasms and passions, and learning
Futures is running a second time – in Manchester from more about what each of us has to offer to it.
June 26th-28th 2020, and this time we’ve worked hard
to make that crossover between 16-19 teachers and The full programme and booking details will be live in
Higher Education happen. early February. Questions? You can get in touch with the
The same organisations are running English: Shared conference team on engsharedfutures@englishassociation.
Futures 2020 in Manchester and Salford, supported by ac.uk, or you can tweet us @engsharedfuture.
Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of
Manchester and Salford University. We’ve well over 200 Robert Eaglestone
sessions covering the whole of English literature, from is Professor of Contemporary Literature and Thought
in the Department of English at Royal Holloway,
Beowulf to Wolf Hall, and key speakers include novelist University of London
Ali Smith, critic Lyndsey Stonebridge, and language
specialists Devyani Sharma, Jennifer Smith and David
Adger – as well as David Crystal, Bart Van Es, Sarah
Churchwell, Priyamvada Gopal and Sandeep Parmar.
NATE CPD Workshops for Teachers
In addition to learning, teaching and pedagogy, and on Saturday June 27th:
discussions of pressing issues in the state of the subject, Raina Parker, Vice Chair of NATE: Encouraging creative and independent
special topics include ‘decolonising the discipline’, thinkers through poetry (KS3–KS5). This will look at ways of using poetry
creative practice and literature and music and the to encourage independence in students, allowing teachers to find time in
Public Humanities in the 21st Century, as well as our the packed curriculum space to foster confidence, deliver well-paced lessons,
cultural fringe. and enable students to be successful in analysing unseen poetry.
Saturday 27th June – a ‘crossover’ day. Peter Thomas, Chair of NATE: Developing visual and verbal literacy through
We’ve planned a specially focused ‘crossover’ day on media study (KS3). The focus of this session will be on developing students’
Saturday 27th. The plenary speaker is teacher and creativity and criticality through multi-media study, focusing on the ways in
poet Kate Clanchy, author of the wonderful Some Kids I which TV advertising influences and reflects social trends. The session will
Taught and What They Taught Me. We’ve got over 70 more include materials on ‘Creative Persuasion’ produced in collaboration with
sessions on almost everything on that day to attend - the Ideas Foundation and some leading advertising agencies.
and we’ve designed a whole day of CPD engagement Jonathan Morgan Director of NATE: Using scriptwriting to inspire young
with literature, language and creative writing. And for writers (KS3). This will focus on teaching scriptwriting at KS3, which can
teachers attending on just this day, we’ve arranged a be an inspiring way to get students using their understanding of narrative,
special, low one-day ticket price of £30 – although character and genre to develop creative writing skills and digital literacy,
you are of course welcome to attend the whole (very providing a structure with which learners of all abilities can engage.
reasonably-priced!) three-day conference from Friday
Gary Snapper, Editor of Teaching English, NATE’s magazine: Teaching poetry
to Sunday. (All the details are available on the website:
in the sixth form: developing literary awareness (KS5). This workshop explores
ways in which teachers might break down barriers to the reading of poetry
This crossover day will include CPD workshops for
in the sixth form classroom by looking at poetry through the lens of art,
secondary English teachers run by NATE (see below for
and considering what poetry is actually for.
details), and Rachel Roberts and Andy Goodwyn will
NATE Survey 2019 Responses to the question: If you could change one element of KS3, what would it be?
• Less pressure to prepare for KS4 • Greater focus on oracy
• Less focus on GCSE; more on creativity and enjoyment • The opportunity to study a wider variety of texts
• STOP teaching GCSE at such an early stage. I am seeing more and more of this. • To promote more creativity in reading and writing
• We have made a change this year: removed all explicit GCSE content from Year 9. • Greater focus on world literature
Now a much more solid, non-GCSE foundation year. • Review of setting across years 7–9
• Do not turn it into KS4/Avoid starting GCSE early/Less GCSE focus • More drama crossover
• Keep a 3 yr KS3 in all schools - don’t introduce GCSEs too early • More challenging texts
• Stop beginning GCSEs in Y9 • Greater focus on creativity and breadth of literature
• Bringing GCSE into Y9 or using marking criteria from Y7 • More creativity, less testing
• More whole texts. Less teaching towards GCSE • Wider range of texts: global, reading of media
• Less reliance on KS4 assessment outcomes • More challenging texts
• Make it free from KS4 prep • More time; more variety; more fun
• Make it less of a KS4 ‘light’ and teach students English skills for life not exams • Make English more enjoyable, less formulaic
e.g. how to spot fake news
• I would prefer it if we assessed KS3 differently.
• Remove any shred of KS4 assessments
• More opportunities to work across curriculum areas.
• Not teach GCSE texts from Year 7, and read more widely 10/23/2019 8:49 AM
• Build in more speaking and creative writing.
• 3 year, not 2 year; not teach any GCSE exam questions; more oracy
• Progression and engagement.
• Less focus on GCSE AOs in SOWs/assessments
• More opportunity for writing for pleasure.
• Limitations of curriculum
• More media study
• Encourage love of English rather than a focus on exam skills
• Less exam focus and more focus on building
• Government to reintroduce some kind of formal assessment boundaries for this. confidence and enjoyment
• Clear national expectations for ability at end of KS • Teaching reading and writing side-by-side
• More detailed curriculum with set texts • Make it more creative and fun
• Less teaching discrete grammar lessons, less focus on dead white male authors • More use of speaking and listening and more ‘fun’ -
• More scope to explore texts from around the globe/other cultures outside the box thinking and doing
• Teaching grammar through literary texts, more reading • More integrated curriculum, value to S and L
It involves a structured, monitored and carefully set up – at least at We find that giving students a choice of independent
range of study first. It involves a range of study skills and, therefore,
careful input from the teacher.
study is an excellent motivator. It sparks curiosity and
allows them to think through what it is they would like
skills and, At my school, we’ve embedded independent study to explore. We created a ‘menu’ of tasks from which
therefore, in our delivery of A Level English Language. This
means that at regular intervals through the course, our
they could choose. This concept works well for us
as we can adapt it as new resources appear, or to suit
careful input students are expected to complete a task of their choice different stages of the A Level course. Students keep a
from the and share their learning with the class. The discipline
of language study lends itself brilliantly to this. Students
copy in their file and tick off once they have completed
a task. To encourage tenacity, we ask them to choose a
teacher.” need to be engaging with contemporary linguistic different one each time.
the information
that you find Once you have found your information it
using the is important to evaluate it so that you can
ensure that you use the information that
CRAAP test. works best for your project or research.
One way of doing this is by performing
the CRAAP test on your sources.
Currency 3. Referencing and citation talk, focusing on content, listening and note-taking
When was it published? Is the information too old? Does
Introducing students to the skill of referencing is it Inhave
skills. essence, it’s a great opportunity to talk about
efficacious at this point. There are numerous on-line how oral language varies across different contexts.
a date on it? When was it last up-dated? How important is it that
university sites that take novice researchers through
you have up-to-date information?
this. Newcastle University provide a clear demonstration 5. Presentation
on their site, http://sixthformstudyskills.ncl.ac.uk/. I The first time that students do an independent study
Relevancy find that teaching referencing and citation forms good task, I ask them to record their learning in a set format
study habits and pays dividends when students start using specific headings. This ensures that they apply
Does it fit yourtheir
project? Will your
NEA (non-exam project be stronger their study skills and produce a good quality piece of
if you include this information? research. I also establish an audience and purpose for
“The CRAAP test helps them to assess the their work: their aim is to present findings clearly so
relevance of a web-based source. It is a scaffold
that their learning can be shared with peers. We use a
VLE so their study can be uploaded for this purpose.
Who has published or written the information? Do you trust them?
whichIs itwalks them
easy to through
find out key
anything questions
about to ask
them? Who was it• written for?
The five headings are:
What is your source?
about a text: Currency, Relevancy, Authority, • How reliable is your source? Why?
Accuracy and Purpose.” • Summarise your key findings. What is significant/
Is the information correct? Check with another source, if interesting?
you are
? ???
not sure to see if they say the same thing. Are the details
4. Active listening correct?
• Would you recommend this source to another
Audio-visual sources are popular with young people.
English Language student? Why/why not?
Purpose There’s a wealth of stimulating TED talks and podcasts
to be discovered. However, according to the National • How does your source link to classroom learning?
Why does the Literacy
information exist? sustained
Trust (2009), Is it trying to sellis you
listening an Have you got any questions about what you have read?
something, persuade you or give you an opinion? Once What has it made you think about?
infrequent experience for students and many adults; we
tend to watch more and listen less nowadays. Of course,
you figure thiswe out, you can then decide how to use the
can rewind these sources but focused listening Students’ responses
information that youinhave
practice found.
class lays the foundation of this skill. 1. What is my source?
I usually play an episode from a podcast such as Students unearth a range of fascinating sources, fuelled
Rosen’s R4 show, ‘Word of Mouth’ or McWhorter’s by their own curiosity. Many of these are new to me
There is lots of‘Lexicon
information available
Valley’, and on the
practise active CRAAP
listening tooproduced
withtest and I enjoy sharing their research. This creates an
by universities
students. I devise different question sets for students interesting dynamic because the student becomes the
and other libraries thatas can
to answer show
they are you The
listening. thequestions
test in focus
action. Youof can
owner find knowledge
new subject it by doing and I become a learner
a simple search on on the internet.
recalling and inferring content, or on the genre alongside them. I don’t ‘mark’ completed studies, but
features of the show – that is, how oral language is used I do check through them and glance at the source
by the presenter and participants. Each student gets material; after all, I am monitoring their literacies –
if you are not sure how to apply any part of the test, ask your librarian
REMEMBER one question set. After listening, students share their digital, reading, listening, and writing. If they need it, I
or teacher
information for help
with others. and also
We might support.
watch Always
a TED evaluate
will providethe information
advice you find.
on how to improve these skills.
For further information please contact Dr R Jones - [email protected] © CILIP ILG. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
22 | NATE | Teaching English | Issue 22 4.0 International license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Features: English – The Big Picture
2. How reliable is my source? Why? For the same reasons as before – audience, purpose,
It is encouraging to see students asking critical questions sharing learning – I would make these available to the
about their chosen source. Once they get in the habit of whole-class. Sometimes, I set a formal follow-up task
thinking about reliability and relevance, they start to where students have to Peer Review another study. That
establish the mindset of a researcher. Comments such is, they select one which piques their interest, read the
as these appear: original source, reflect on the comments made by in the
original study, then add their own critique: there’s a lot
• ‘My source is very reliable. It is quite current (speech
of thinking about thinking going on with this!
took place November 2018)’
• ‘TED talks are specifically by experts making it an What next? – flip the learning
educational site’ Before introducing a new module in class, set up a
• ‘This webpage is relevant because it links to the topic related enquiry question such as ‘How does occupation
of accent and dialect and includes case studies that can affect language?’ Challenge students to employ their
help develop AO2.’ best research skills to seek out relevant sources, then
ask them to introduce the topic by feeding back. This
3. Summarise your key findings. What is is an excellent way of teasing out the main concepts
significant/interesting? while discussing some fascinating source material –
An open question lets the student respond in a the language of the Canadian military was a highlight
personal way to their source. What interests them may last year.
be something that resonates with prior knowledge,
challenges their thinking or creates new understanding – “Nurturing students’ curiosity, criticality and
but whatever they identify, it will be meaningful to them.
I don’t prescribe how the findings need to be presented. intellectual rigour develops dispositions that
Bullets, summaries, direct quotation, tabulation of data
– students need to think through how best to capture
are important whether or not they go on to
their learning and re-present it for their audience. Higher Education. I want Generation Z to
4. Would you recommend this source to another
shape a better future. To do this, they need
English Language student? Why / why not? all the critical tools at their disposal.”
If the source is chosen judiciously then the answer to
this would most likely be ‘yes’. Here, one of my students
thinks about how socio-linguists present their research: And finally…
‘The information is also shown in the form of a study, which Independent study gives students a rich, ambitious
is also useful to show how findings can be presented.’ curriculum experience. Nurturing their curiosity,
criticality and intellectual rigour develops dispositions
5. How does your source link to classroom that are important whether or not they go on to Higher
learning? Have you got any questions about Education – and some will become the linguists of
what you have read? What has it made you the future. Ultimately, I want young people to delight
think about? in the subject and develop independent minds. I want
This final section is arguably the most significant Generation Z to shape a better future. To do this, they
because it sparks both affective and (meta)cognitive need all the critical tools at their disposal.
responses. Here are a couple of comments from my
Year 12 class, the first time that they completed a study: Thank you to my brilliant colleague, Claire McHugh, who
inspired us all to take a fresh look at independent study.
‘This source has left me with many questions… I had
previously thought that the ‘Leave’ campaign had Clare Feeney
potentially made promises that were not realistic. I teaches at the St Thomas More Academy in North Shields
thought that this was just because of competition whereas
now I think that it was perhaps due to the manipulation of References
language by politicians.’ Information Literacy Group. Available from: https://
‘It has made me think about how diverse English is and how infolit.org.uk/information-literacy-group/school-
the language of different ethnicities can be used to express resource-sheets/
individuality and pride in identifying with that group.’ Guist, L., ‘How to Read the News: Sceptically!’ emagazine,
December 2018.
What next? – more creative responses Macrae, F., 2013. ‘Sorry to Interrupt, dear, but women
Once students adopt the dispositions of a researcher, it’s really do talk more than men’ Daily Mail, 20 Feb
a good idea to offer them more creative ways to present 2013. Available from: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/
their findings. For instance, they could choose to sciencetech/article-2281891/Women-really-talk-
feedback in an oral genre, collaborating in small groups men-13-000-words-day-precise.html
to create a podcast in which they interview each other. National Literacy Trust, 2009, ‘Oracy within the
Others may wish to deliver a talk to the class or produce curriculum’, one day workshop, March 2019.
a video for an on-line platform. A round of speed-dating Newcastle University Library. Available from: http://
is also an effective way to share learning in a lesson. For sixthformstudyskills.ncl.ac.uk/
those who prefer a written genre, possibilities include: Wood, G., CILIP and CILIP Information Literacy
posters for wall-display, short articles, blogs, illustrated Group response to DCMS Online Harms White
notes, annotated text snippets. Paper, 4 June 2019. Available from: www.cilip.org.uk
The LINC commentary and approach to these texts There is however much that anticipates the work that
“The emphasise the importance of valuing ‘research’ over was to be done a decade later by the National Literacy
materials and ‘response’. A common framework for analysing these Strategy (NLS) in terms of text types, features and
curiosities is proposed. The framework recommends characteristics.
the project’s that teachers and students ask themselves the following The ‘Writing Repertoire’ unit contains many
approaches questions: ideas and strategies that have become familiar to
English classroom since the NLS. The focuses on the
bear scant • Who speaks this text?
characteristics of various text-types and on aspects
comparison • Who is being spoken to? of audience, purpose and form are pretty familiar
and the activities that explore and illustrate cohesion
• Where does this text come from?
to the kind • What kind of text is this?
within chronological and non-chronological texts
of in-service • What does the text want?
retain relevance. One activity that looks at sentence
sequencing in different text-types offers the English
materials that • What does the text mean to me/us? teacher an engaging and fruitful extension on the game
characterise In exploring these questions teachers are urged to
of ‘Consequences’. The links between this ‘writing’
activity and the reading activity quoted in Example
some of the consider the detailed choices that writers make: the A above demonstrate the way in which the materials
reflect a coherent, whole language approach.
top-down presentational, organisational, grammatical and lexical
choices that have helped shape and characterise the
models of texts.
professional Example D: Text types and features
For this activity your students should work in groups
of five or six. Each student is given a sheet of paper
development In some ways the ‘Process of Writing’ unit is perhaps the with a ‘starter’ sentence written at the top of the page.
least ‘recognisable’ section. The assumptions about and
that have the context of the classroom writing process do feel as if
The starter sentences are are divided into categories:
Category A
followed it.” they belong to an earlier and now unfamiliar pedagogy.
• Once upon a time there was a small green frog
The central references to drafting, revising and to
collaborative writing fit uncomfortably with the model called Freda.
of the writing process and its assessment that is evident • First wash and fillet the fish.
in our current GCSE English Language specifications. • John lived in a cottage by the sea with his parents.
Of course every writing act and example is assumed to
be hand-written. The project narrowly pre-dates the • Once there was a rich merchant who had two
widespread use of word processing in the classroom. daughters.
Category B
With the benefit of considerable hindsight it seems
that the LINC materials were the product of a time
• Pet cats belong to the same family of animals as of forgotten collegiality and mutual trust between materials
the great cats.
• The issue of capital punishment now seems to
education administrators, advisers (at national and local
level), academics, and English classroom practitioners
be again the centre of much debate. in primary and secondary schools. The government’s ‘grammar in
• One common way of describing any use of refusal to publish the LINC materials represented the
thin edge a wedge between this three-way consensus
action’. Their
language is to say that it is for communication.
that was to be driven remorselessly deeper in the three approach
• Pond life is like a city in miniature. decades that followed. to grammar
Each small group of students should have starter
sentences from both categories. Each member of the And finally … begins with
group should write a sentence that ‘connects’ with the I was lucky to be present a few years ago when
the tirelessly independent and prophetic Dorothy
starter sentence they have been given. Each paper is
then folded so that only the second sentence is visible Heathcote addressed the National Drama conference engagement
and is then passed on to the next student in the group. in Durham not long before her death. Heathcote
declared with her characteristic chutzpah that there
with whole
That student reads the second sentence they have
been passed and writes a third sentence that connects is and will always be only one question that should texts and their
with the previous one. Each paper is folded again so rightfully and consistently engage and preoccupy
the teacher. That question is, ‘How am I going to teach
that only the latest sentence is visible and is passed
on. This continues until five or six sentences have this?’. relating these
been completed. The groups should then look at and
discuss their ‘completed’ texts. They will doubtless
If the relevance or authenticity of this question
is taken from the teacher, then we rob teaching of
meanings to
be struck by the fact that one category has worked its professional life force, its very purpose. We will the grammar
much more coherently than the other. But why? have replaced teachers with automata. In whatever
form these automata emerge they will be cheap,
of sentence,
quickly produced, and have absolutely no use for – clause, phrase
Approaches to grammar
But where exactly in all this is the ‘grammar’ knowledge
perhaps unlikely to even recognise – the voice and
the wisdom that underpinned the LINC project and
and word.”
and understanding that the DfE had sought in response its materials.
to the Kingman Commission Report? The answer I guess
is that the LINC materials exemplified ‘grammar in The LINC Materials are available to buy for £35 from the
action’. The LINC approach to grammar begins with University of Nottingham at https://store.nottingham.
students’ engagement with whole texts and their meanings. ac.uk/product-catalogue/schools-and-departments/
It relates these whole text meanings to the grammar of english/linc-project
sentence, clause, phrase and word: ‘The LINC approach
is contrasted with more traditional analyses which work from
Mick Connell
smaller units upwards and tend not to engage with overall is NATE Secretary, and PGDE English Tutor at the
meanings’ (Carter, LINC, 1990, p.315–6). Although there University of Sheffield
is a short section on classroom implications, the ‘Grammar
in Action’ section omits the CPD activities that characterise References
much of the other materials. The emphasis is analytical Bullock. A (1975) ‘A Language for Life: report of the
and is focused principally on grammar for reading. Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Secretary
of State for Education and Science under the
Standard English and the end of LINC chairmanship of Sir Alan Bullock’, DES, London
The materials conclude with an extensive linguistic (HMSO)
glossary that claims the educational applications of Carter. R. (1990) ‘The LINC Project: Materials for
linguistics as its focus: ‘The glossary begins to define Professional Development’, University of Nottingham,
terms from an educational perspective’ (Carter, LINC, https://store.nottingham.ac.uk/product-catalogue/
1990, p.331). Whilst the glossary does indeed address schools-and-departments/english/linc-project
and define ‘phonology’ and ‘Standard English’ from ‘an (Available from above link since July 2015)
educational perspective’, I could find no mention of Carter. R. (2007) Introduction to LINC at https://clie.
‘phonics’ or ‘Standard Spoken English’. org.uk/linc
It seems to me, then, that the government’s decision DES (1989) Report of the English Working Party 5–16 (the
to withhold publication may have had more to do Cox Report) (HMSO).
with sins of omission than of commission. Ron Carter DES (1988) Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the
reflected on the ultimately wasteful and short-sighted Teaching of English Language (The Kingman Report)
demise of the LINC project and its materials: (HMSO)
‘When this in-service programme was reviewed at the Doughty.P. (1971) ‘Language in Use’, London@ Edward
end of 1991, it was decided by the government of the day Arnold for Schools Council Programme in Linguistics
that it was insufficiently formal and de-contextualised in and English Teaching.
character and failed to pay sufficient attention to the rules John Lewis (1969) (first published 1962) ‘Printed
of standard English. As a result and against a background Ephemera’, Faber
of considerable public dispute, the government decided O’Neill, E. (1950) Morrow, G (Illustrator) ‘A Nursery
against publication…’ (https://clie.org.uk/linc, 2007). History of England’, Thomas Nelson.
a cognate of literature-related projects, some described in earlier Expanding the narrative in time and space
issues of this magazine.
cultural I’ll begin with a detailed look at an example from one
game, followed by briefer points from a range of other
form with English, media and drama united games across the two schools. The detailed example
There are a number of points to be made in general
literature and terms about the use of games in relation to the English,
shows how the two students have expanded the
narrative, to explore the significance of the prophecies
film, which Media and Drama curriculum cluster. Firstly, that
games as a storytelling medium are a cognate cultural
in the opening scenes of the play:
allow aspects form with literature and film. Secondly, that they allow Student 1: The idea was that they would start on a heath
of literary aspects of literary narrative to be understood in new
ways, productively unsettling conventional approaches
where Macbeth met the witches and the witches would go
off into the different passages here and in each passage
narrative to to narrative in education (though in many ways also there would be – um – an object which told you of the
be understood supporting and extending them). Third, that they are
a multimodal form, requiring practitioners’ models
prophecy and of his fate. And so basically the witches are
all supposed to go down into the different ways and you
in new ways.” of literacy to be extended into the realms of spoken choose a bit where you go – so there’s a crown that says
basically you’ll become king, and then the skull that was
signify- symbolising the King’s skull and the sword was
visual and other modes. This includes examples such
as the poems of William Blake, the Child Ballads,
symbolising the fight and who kills the king, and each the illustrations of countless children’s books (and plays began
passage you went down fulfilled the fate of Macbeth .. oh
yeah, this is the one where he would become king, this is
some adult literature, such as Dickens’ novels). But it
becomes particularly significant in relation to dramatic
their lives
the one where he would kill Duncan, and this would be the literature. For these plays began their lives as working as working
one where – scripts for dramatic entities which could only be fully
realised on stage. The absurdity of reducing them to
scripts for
Student 2: This says ‘follow witch on the left to find
Macbeth, follow witch in the middle to solve a riddle, language-based literary study in the classroom has dramatic
been forcefully observed many times, and is repudiated
follow witch on the right you may get into a fight’….
in the longstanding tradition of active approaches to entities which
So the function of the prophecies in the scene – as brief Shakespeare perhaps best represented by the legacy of could only be
but intensely significant items of dialogue, prefiguring Rex Gibson.
events that unfold throughout the play – are expanded In the case of these games, then, a shift into a visual fully realised
into narrative sequences in space and time. Exploiting modality in which central ideas of the play – kingship,
murder, combat – can be visually represented – is not to
on stage. The
the affordance of digital games to construct narrative
choices, the prophecies are transformed into three be underestimated. realisation of
options for the player. These are realised in the game in Furthermore, the shift is not only into a visual
modality, but into a dramatic one. Drama consists, of
the play as a
four main ways: as mission popups, as corridors leading
to the outcome; as symbolic objects representing course, as a series of multimodal ensembles, framing game restores
that outcome; and as a further trajectory to enact the
outcome. Each element suggests a particular kind of
spoken language, text, dramatic action and gesture,
proxemics and other modes within spatial and temporal
its dramatic
expansion of the play. patterns. Here, in many ways, the realisation of the play wholeness,
as a game restores its dramatic wholeness, expanding
The popups (Figure 1) are instructions to the player
in a simple poetic form with a rhyme in each case: the working script of the play-text into a complex
‘follow witch on the left to find Macbeth, follow witch in the dramatic scenario. the working
middle to solve a riddle, follow witch on the right you may get
into a fight’. These are not direct imitations of the poetic Adapting the play – or realising it? script of the
form of the prophecies, which is principally the iambic Although the notion of adaptation seems the obvious play-text into
pentameter; but the witches’ incantations are abundant way to consider these kinds of transformative work by
with rhyme, and various kinds of word-patterning students, in some ways this is not really an adaptation a complex
are used by Shakespeare to produce the ‘supernatural but a realisation. Nobody would refer to a staged version
of a Shakespeare play as an adaptation: rather it would
soliciting’ of the play, and to echo it in Macbeth’s speech.
be seen as the natural realisation of the linguistic text scenario.”
– in effect, a dramatic expansion. By the same token, it
makes no sense to refer to a film or a game version of the
play as an adaptation. The interpretation of the literary
text through voice, imagery, dramatic action, and the
construction of a fictional world, is accomplishing in
many ways what the stage play seeks to achieve.
However, there are differences, depending on
the different affordances of film and game. The film
unfixes the position of the spectator from her seat in
the stalls and produces a mobile point of view, with all
the possibilities for view, focalisation and identification
this affords. Meanwhile, this game takes the point-of-
Figure 1: The pop-up text in the prophecies game, offering the view a stage further, offering control to the player. The
player narrative options. multiple strands of the narrative made possible here
are powerfully represented by the crossroads structure
Language, image, drama, game they have created: a persistent trope in folk culture, a
The next stage is to enter the corridor where the objects transparent signifier of choice, and a repeated motif
can be found. The player reaches a crossroads with in digital games since the days of text-based MUDs,
three exits, and the objects are found in these pathways. where players might typically encounter a crossroads
As Student 2 says: at midnight, with the subsequent option to go north,
south, east or west.
– so there’s a crown that says basically you’ll become king,
and then the skull that was signify- symbolising the King’s
Dramatising choice
skull and the sword was symbolising the fight and who
The eventual outcomes of the three pathways are not
kills the king …
complete in the draft of the game the students were able
These representations may seem straightforward to complete in the few hours available on this occasion.
enough, but three comments may be made. To begin However the plan is fairly clear: in each case, the
with, the move from a linguistic mode into a visual pathway leads to the murder of Duncan, but differently
one is still noteworthy in the context of an English freighted with affect. As the student explains, the
curriculum which has always been dominated by left-hand path, represented by the crown, represents
narrow conceptions of print literacy, even where the ambition, causing him to kill the king; the middle path,
literary text in question cannot be fully realised without represented by the skull, represents fear, in which he
“For some reluctantly kills the king, goaded by his wife; while the
right-hand path, represented by the sword, represents
understandings might be sought, but rather to promote
complex understandings, adequate to the complexity,
students, bloodlust, a different motive again. nuance and ambiguity of these texts. Such complexity
making game The student’s explanation indicates their intention to
use these player options, instantiated as spatial structures
seems to demand that students do indeed see the
constructedness of literary, dramatic and mediated
adaptations and game objects, to organise different psychological narratives – to see, in Shakespeare’s terms, that ‘All the
states between which Macbeth fluctuates in the play, world’s a stage’; that Macbeth is ‘a poor player that struts
was a way but here structured as different outcomes: and frets his hour upon the stage’. But at the same time
to rehearse Student 1: Like Macbeth’s thought process – cos if he it encourages students to appreciate the emotions
expressed in the text: to suspend disbelief, as Coleridge
events from thinks about the positives of him becoming king from
what the witches tell him then he’ll end up with massive required; to behave as if these fictional constructs are
the play. For ambition, and if he thinks about killing, the death of his real while knowing them to be puppets of the author,
designer, director.
others, a way good king, he might become fearful and therefore like end
up withdrawn and having to stab the king because his To extend this further, why should part of the
to manipulate wife tells him to, or if he goes to the right he might have construct not be the psychological motivations of the
character, especially in a play whose dialogue so
the plot. For a bloodlust and end up killing the king just because why
not? All of those three ways always bring him to the part explicitly refers to these states? Macbeth’s agonised
others, a way which the witches want, which is where the cauldron is. So line, ‘O full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife’, is one of
many expressions of mental torment in the play.
kind of symbolising his thought process.
to explore the In the case of this game design, certain specific
perspective The outcomes are physically separated and presented
as ludic challenges. In each case, the way is blocked
features are evident. Firstly, the characters are actually
constructed – in various ways. The witches have been
of different by a gate, which can only be unlocked by the symbolic selected from a library of characters: they could have
been male or female, monstrous or human, beautiful
characters. object, once the player has picked it up. Once through
the door, the rudiments of the game design indicate or ugly, peasant or noble, old or young, black or white,
For others, an the planned sequence: a pool of spouting blood in different or identical. In this game, the witches have
been made as eerie, ghostlike figures, enhanced by
opportunity to one, the figure of Duncan in another, the third still
empty. Each outcome, of course, brings Macbeth the students’ selection of a “spectral” setting from the
dramatically to the same place, the killing of the king; and after character properties menu (Figure 2).
that, leads him to the cave where the witches have Secondly, they have chosen a first-person perspective
re-imagine gathered to mix the potion. The events are all designed, for the player character, as Macbeth. They could have
the play.” then, as foreshadowings of the possibilities in Macbeth’s chosen a third person perspective and represented the
player as a visible avatar (again with a range of design
options); but have selected first person. We only ever
Constructing narrative see the player’s hands in combat. These structures
It might be objected that this attribution of psychology of person, or point-of-view, in games provide rich
to a dramatic character makes the naïve error of opportunities for students’ understanding of narrative
perceiving a fictional character for a ‘real’ person. point-of-view, especially if conducted across different
However, our aim here was not to prescribe what media.
Figure 2
Andrew Burn
is Professor of English, Drama and Media at the Institute
of Education, University College London
I’m grateful to the MAGiCAL, Bruno de Paula and Abel
Drew team for the research and development work
on the software; to James Durran, English Adviser for
North Yorkshire, who organised and led one of the
school workshops; to Alison Croasdale, Year 10 teacher,
who organised and led the other; to Nozomi Sakata who
supported the fieldwork.
Something has changed. This kind of three-pronged English is nothing less than a different model of
expertise seems not to be valued so much any more, education: knowledge to be made, not given; knowledge
despite the fact that the knowledge of the past that comprising more than can be discursively stated;
I’ve described, combined with the energy, vitality and learning as a diverse range of processes to be embarked
new vision of younger teachers, is a potent mix. It has on with outcomes unpredictable; students’ perceptions,
huge potential. But divorce one from the other and you experiences, imaginings and unsystematically acquired
risk English teaching becoming deracinated – losing knowledge admitted as legitimate curricular content.
its roots. Lovely-looking shoots, but nothing to anchor (Harold Rosen: ‘Neither Bleak House not Liberty
“This is a them firmly into the soil. Hall: English in the Curriculum’, 1981)
We see endless new initiatives and ideas coming
moment for around and feel as if we are on a merry-go-round. Those This is powerful stuff. Important stuff. It was then and
beliefs and of us who’ve been on it too long have begun to feel it is now. It has big aims for students and for the subject,
big ambition, big ideas. Opening up, not narrowing or
queasy. We saw it in previous iterations. We doubted
visions as it then. We’re sceptical now. We recommend care and closing down, drawing students into the process not
well as facts. caution. But no-one is looking back. No-one remembers
what came before.
shutting them out, admitting rather than rejecting,
allowing them to think big and think for themselves,
Ideas and and think beyond the limits of what the education
values are English: ‘a different model of education’
So I want to start my talk with a reference back. In
system is currently imposing on them.
The rest of this talk is going to be all about that.
what our my view it’s an extremely important reference for The need to resist the subject shrinking only to what is
subject is English teachers, and it’s to Harold Rosen himself
and the insights this exceptional theorist-researcher-
assessable, to resist it becoming smaller and narrower
and more limited but instead to allow it to be big,
all about.” practitioner had to offer – and still does: expansive, broad and inclusive in all kinds of different
ways. If it sounds like I’m proselytising or preaching: I
am. This is a moment for beliefs and visions as well as
facts. Ideas and values are what our subject is all about
and I am unapologetic in stating that this is what I
believe to be important. It comes from the experience,
wisdom and knowledge of those, like Harold Rosen,
who came before me.
The big picture: making connections We should be drawing them into the process of being
To turn now to another question I asked about the to be able to refer back and forwards in this kind of way.
poem – ‘What does this remind you of?’ – it seems to Unprompted, they might say, for instance, ‘it’s not at all
me to be a particularly important one. The text might like that other poem we read – ‘The Sea is a Hungry
remind you of personal experiences and send the Dog’ by James Reeves – and their teacher might ask
conversation outwards (and inwards) into life and mind why. And that opens up the conversation about themes
and emotion: that’s after all, what poems are meant to and ideas – one being about this, the other about that –
do – to connect with you personally, to make you think but also about the very different poetic stances, voices,
and feel. It might bring up strongly held feelings about stylistic choices. By the time they reach GCSE and
the environment and nature. unseen poetry (and then perhaps, hopefully, A Level),
How about if I’d asked you to use the first two lines they will have broad experiences and big ideas to draw
as a starting-point for a poem of your own? Or if I’d on when looking at any single text – a rich context into
suggested that you write about a place that you think which to put it.
has been spoilt for you by people. (In my case, it might
be the Alhambra, with all its tourists taking photographs Curriculum as conversation
– or my neighbours’ new back extension, blocking out As those of you have read my blogs will know, I’m very
the light in my kitchen.) taken with the work of an American acolyte of Harold
But equally it might and should send you into other Rosen’s called Arthur Applebee. Rosen supervised
literary experiences and encourage you to make his PhD when he was living and studying in London.
connections with other reading and writers. These kinds Applebee and his colleagues, undertaking research
of conversations, with yourself and with others, are vital in 2002 into the most effective English classrooms
not only to reading literature but to studying it. They are a in the US, drew attention particularly to this idea of
fundamental part of the way all thinking and all knowledge connections – the linking of one idea to another, the
works – the categorisation of what we encounter – why drawing of parallels and relationships, the bigger
a text is this, or this, or this, but not that, or that, or that. picture of literature and the subject. The write-up of
So, encouraging those literary connections and this research says:
comparisons is really important – going out from a Interconnectedness is an important feature of effective
text in big, expansive ways and then back in again. I curriculum and instruction at virtually every level,
recognise the poem as a poem only because of others from the coherence and interconnectedness of classroom
that I’ve read. It’s more like a lyric poem than a discussion on a particular day, to connections across
narrative one. It’s short, intense and it has a point to school experiences and between school and home, to
make. I recognise it in these ways only because I’ve read the interweaving of reading writing and discussion
other poems, ones that are both like it and not like it, throughout a unit, to the exploration of key concepts
“If we narrow lyrics and narratives. I automatically start to categorise and questions over the course of a semester or year […].
the focus to it in my mind to discover what makes it special, where
it sits in the world of poems and poem-ness.
words only, It makes me think of other sea poems, Matthew
to small detail, Arnold’s ‘Dover Beach’ for instance – also questioning
humanity in the wider landscape, both natural and
and always spiritual. It makes me think of Anne Stevenson’s ‘With My
and only to Sons at Boar Hills’ – a very different poem – much more
personal, using a memory of her sons as children to think
the narrower about time passing. It’s a bit more like Larkin’s ‘To the Sea’
questions of perhaps? But his vision is more photographic, and more
about people and their lives, less about nature and what
comprehension people do to it. It makes me think of William Carlos
in a single Williams – the simplicity, but also that taking you out of a
scene or a description into something more profound and
poem, rather yet still elliptical and uncertain. Or new ecological writing
in other genres – Robert Macfarlane for instance. And so
than ‘big on, and so on. If I started to talk to someone else about
picture’ this – any one of you for instance – I’d hear about other
poems, I’d remember others myself, I’d refine my thinking
ideas, we risk not only of the specific poem but also poetry in general.
becoming blind
In the classroom
to the aspects Now obviously students don’t have all these poetic
of texts that reference points. But they have to start somewhere.
And that’s with us. In English classrooms. If you’ve read
are both most only a handful of poems in detail, that gives you limited
important experience. So students should be reading lots of poetry,
in lots of different ways – sometimes close up, of course,
and also cause looking at the brush strokes, but sometimes also just
students most strolling through the gallery, noticing the different
kinds of things on offer, and visiting many different
difficulty.” kinds of galleries.
In contrast, the good but not exceptional classrooms that Part Two: Conversations in the Classroom
CELA have studied have been orderly and systematic, For the second part of my talk I want to focus on what
but they have tended to treat ideas and experiences in actually happens when you construct your teaching in
isolation from one another, as building blocks in the larger this way – where conversations about individual texts
curriculum, rather than nurturing rich layers of possible are at the heart of teaching, but where those significant
links by inviting constant comparison, contrast, and the conversations go beyond the narrow confines of the
re-visiting of related ideas and experiences. (Applebee, single text and reach both back into memory, sideways
Burroughs and Stevens : ‘Engaging Students in the into students own experiences of life and literature, and
Disciplines of English: what are effective schools forwards, too, anticipating, prefiguring and developing
doing?, 2002) the kinds of conversations that we hope that students
will go on to have about future texts and experiences of
Applebee sees the English curriculum as one big, literature, both in academic study and in their reading
continuing ‘conversation’. He sees knowledge as being lives as adults. “There is
about entering into subject disciplinary conversations
and traditions of thought. I find this a very appealing It’s Good to Talk
no need
and intuitively ‘true’ way of thinking about the English
curriculum in schools. I can look back at my own
In our project, It’s Good to Talk, as its name suggests, to exclude
conversation is seen as a means of learning as a well
teaching over thirty years and at the great teaching I as being fundamental to knowledge in the subject. In
students’ own
saw both then and have seen since, and this particular
way of characterising it seems to me to have been a
September last year we worked with a Year 9 cohort in a experience
school in East London who were studying a novel (In the
feature of the very best of what I’ve experienced, seen Sea, there are Crocodiles by Fabio Geda). Half the cohort from the
and still see in classrooms.
Two extracts from Applebee’s book Curriculum as
did their old scheme of work – largely powerpoint-led, conversation.
with several lessons focusing on prior knowledge, little
Conversation contain further important messages for us, opportunity to focus on student response), and a close In fact, the
particularly at this moment, when the curriculum and
knowledge are being debated so passionately, and when
focus on preparation for GCSE language exam questions.
The other half followed a new scheme written by myself
English departments are searching for a rationale and a and one of the teachers at the school, Lucy Hinchliffe, can’t really
set of principles for new thinking. Applebee says to new
students of English:
who was working one day a week at EMC. (See Teaching
English Issue 20 (article pictured below) for further detail
English is like a long conversation through time. Like any about these two different approaches.) without it.”
conversation, it moves over various linked themes; it has Features: Becoming Our Own Experts
“We asked In the original scheme, there was very little of what
I’d call big picture thinking – What’s my response? Which
what kind of text this would be. Their first thoughts
about what was most significant were collected on the
ourselves what was the most powerful moment for me? What does it remind whiteboard, in order to establish an on-going, class
happens when me of? What kind of book is this? How does it compare
with other novels I’ve read? and so on. The new scheme
agenda – a kind of flexible, provisional, changing,
developing, ever more sophisticated set of ideas about
you focus on (which came to be known by the teachers as ‘the EMC what’s important to them about the book. It could be
way’) offered a radically different approach, that would done differently, by reading the first chapter and then
big things – encourage these kinds of ideas and insights, responses pooling ideas about important aspects of subject matter,
big ideas first, and thoughts, conversations that were serious and high themes, style, voice, genre and so on. In our case, we
level and personal and literary in their nature. did it using these little fragments, that were explored in
before small We asked ourselves what happens when you focus groups and then discussed in class.
techniques. on big things – big ideas first, before small techniques: Here’s one example of an agenda that emerged from
the reading and discussion of these fragments:
Right from • What is your response to the text and why? Its
subject, its events, what you find most interesting, • Leaving home
the start, the moving, powerful • Unhappy
students were • Big ideas and concepts in literature – e.g. the novel, • Away from home and imagines going back
genre, fact/fiction
encouraged • Some is in italics, some isn’t. Some of the italics are used
• Significant narrative features – e.g. voice and point of
to think hard view, narrative arc, dialogue, coherence, significant
for words which are clearly from his home
• The use of dialogue between the teller and Fabio
about aspects of prose style
• Moving to another family
important • What makes the text distinctive? What are the
‘characteristic’ features and qualities of the text? Big • Money problems that cause the family to separate
issues – to think patterns.
• A background story?
big, questioning • Understandings about the way texts work that can
• A move for a better life?
be taken forward into the study of the next & future
ideas and novels. • No speech marks for dialogue – why?
drawing in We had half the Year 9 cohort doing it the new ‘EMC’
• A poor life – the teller is not rich
previous way and the other half using the existing scheme of work. • Indentation sees to show importance to some of what he’s
Right from day one, lesson one, the students in the saying. Usually short sentences
experiences EMC groups were encouraged to think about these • Based in Afghanistan
and knowledge.” issues – to think big, not just in terms of the kinds of
• Men are often treating our storyteller badly
ideas but also in questioning, drawing in previous
experiences and knowledge. To think hard about • The retelling of a story that happened to them
important issues.
• Conversation about the story
Exploring response: fragments of text • Formal and informal mix – teenager?
In that first lesson, they were given fragments of the text • Cultural references
to explore (see below) – to whet their appetite without
spoiling the book, and to set them thinking about • Enaiat and Fabio
I also want to show you a tiny fragment from a student’s This gives a sense of the range of thinking going on –
exercise book, just to give you a glimpse of how these uncompartmentalised, grappling with themes, but also
agendas developed over time. very strongly engaged with the subject, the characters,
the events, the ways of telling.
Challenging statements
In another lesson, Lucy gave her students the following
challenging statements cut up in envelopes:
1. Fiction and non-fiction are both entertaining. In lots of
ways, they cross over
2. Non-fiction can never be 100% fact. It’s always going to
have elements of forgotten memories or exaggeration
3. It is not right to tell someone´s sad story to
entertain readers
4. Non-fiction should always lead us to think about
serious issues
As lessons went by, new ideas were added, both
collectively in class, and individually by students. So we 5. Non-fiction cannot be !00% not fiction if it is written
start to hear, by lesson 2, about how they’ve been to entertain
discussing the fact that it seems to be non-fiction written 6. Non-fiction is not written to entertain. It is only
in a fiction-like way, for instance, and what that means. written to tell
7. The truth can never be 100% the truth
“Students’ thinking was
8. It is possible to tell both the truth and an entertaining
uncompartmentalised, story
grappling with themes, but 9. A person cannot tell another person’s story 100%
also very strongly engaged accurately. That would be impossible
with the subject, the characters, 10. Children see things differently than adults. A child’s
perspective can be captured in writing though
the events, the ways of telling.”
(Incidentally, as an aside, it’s worth thinking about
They had to agree/disagree, pick ones they were most “Students’ first
interested in, talk about them and then choose one to
the use of subject terminology here. The language of write about in an exploratory way. She read to them thoughts about
the subject is being included quite simply & naturally.
No lesson time was given separately to explaining the
something she’d written herself about an entirely what was most
different statement, to show how she used writing to
meanings of words like protagonist, imagery, voice, think and explore, to work out her own ideas about it. significant
rites of passage and so on but they were being used. In
lessons, useful terms were used – when they were useful.
Here one student chooses to write about the were collected
statement ‘It’s possible to tell both the truth and an
They came up naturally in classroom conversations. No entertaining story’: on the
modelling was needed to incorporate them in writing
because students had heard them said enough to know whiteboard,
how to do so. Students weren’t rewarded for using, or in order to
not using them. What was valued was good ideas well
expressed in whatever way one can best express them.) establish an
Here, just a couple of lessons into the study of the
book, you see a student adding their own ideas to what’s
been discussed to the agenda – a rich mix of stylistic class agenda
observations and ones about the events of the novel and
what their underlying implications are. They write:
– a kind of
Now, if you were going to mark this on GCSE criteria,
• Conversation between the teller and writer are you’d probably complain about all sorts of things. You’d flexible,
in italics to show present tense and when they’re see it through a very different set of lenses to the ones I provisional,
having a conversation. hope we can all see it through. The student is struggling
a bit to express his ideas. But what he’s trying to express changing,
• He wants to move to Iran for a new life.
• People are racist to him.
is really difficult and interesting. It’s at the heart of what developing,
makes this book especially complex and special – the
• He changes during the chapters, becoming braver. telling of someone’s real life story as fiction, but with ever more
the teller stepping out of the fiction from time to time,
to include fragments of dialogue between himself and
the real boy whose story he is telling. set of ideas
One extra question from Lucy, as a kind of ‘think
harder’ question, elicits a range of sophisticated thoughts
about what’s
about how the writer has crafted a ‘novel’ out of fact – important to
the difference between Geda (the writer) and the boy –
which involves the complex issue of voice and viewpoint,
them about
the sequencing of events, and the hook at the start. the book.”
NATE | Teaching English | Issue 22 | 39
The NATE Harold Rosen Lecture 2019 – Big Picture English: Beyond the Brushstrokes
Lucy’s focus is on developing the student’s ideas. There’s like he was being pierced by a really sharp wind. Razor is a
no formalistic attention paid to a structure into which second key word. It’s a noun that makes you feel sorry for
these ideas must fit. It’s exploratory and developmental Enaiat as the wind was so harsh and freezing cold that it
in nature, at this stage, not writing to a GCSE question cut your cheek, similar to a razor. Therefore this leads me
task. And what emerges is good thinking in my view, for to agree with the statement because of the use of a simile.
Year 9:
What do we notice about this? For me, PEETAL
has shrunk literary studies to words and phrases,
disconnected from bigger, more significant meanings.
Endless mining of single words or phrases means
we have no sense at all about what makes this book
special, why it’s been written, what its impact is, what’s
been learned about how narrative texts work. And the
exploration of the words themselves ends up being
repetitive, banal, not very illuminating at all.
Here’s an extract from a much, much longer piece
by Student B, a student in Lucy’s ‘EMC’ group. It was
written for homework, based on the student’s own
annotations of a different extract, responding to the
question: ‘How is this extract characteristic of the rest of the
This extract is characteristic of the whole novel in the way
that something positive happens but it is always followed
He’s exploring the text in ways that will stand him in
by something negative […]
very good stead when he goes on to his next novel –
in this case Great Expectations – allowing him to engage The way that parenthesis is used is similar to the rest
in Applebee’s connected curriculum, in a long-term of the novel in some ways, as it keeps up the sense of a
set of ‘conversations’ between one text and the next. conversation. For example, Enaiat says ‘I’ve already said
“If we want (Lucy did, in fact, find that students drew spontaneous,
insightful parallels and contrasts with In the Sea There
– if I’m not mistaken’ and he says ‘and one of the most
appropriate (so I believed).’ This shows his uncertainty
our subject are Crocodiles as soon as they started work on the to his memories. Also it reminds us of the age that he is
to thrive and Dickens – exploring ideas about rites of passage novels,
differing narrative arcs, child’s eye perspectives and so
narrating and that it was long ago when it happened. It
shows us the unreliability of his memories and it reminds
grow, it has on – often without prompting). us that the book is a work of fiction Also it is a constant
reminder that Enaiat is telling Geda about his experience.
to be a subject From informal to formal: from exploration to […]
that brings writing The way Enaiat has both adult and childlike qualities and
What kind of writing emerged from the EMC groups
students on generally, as compared with the non-EMC ones, who
the way he yearns to remain a child, is also characteristic
of the novel …
board, that were doing something very different in classwork (lots
of PEETAL paragraphs and constant reference made to In this you can see the use being made of the
takes them the demands of the GCSE Language paper)? sophisticated thinking that started in the very first
and their own Here are a couple of short examples of writing lesson, and in the one about the nature of fiction and
taken from the student exercise books. The questions, non-fiction. Her reflections on the use of parentheses
contributions as you’ll see were slightly different – in seemingly are rooted in thinking about the nature of the narrative
seriously, and small but significant ways. The non-EMC questions
always mirrored the GCSE Language exam. The EMC
and the way it is told. Even in this tiny extract, one has
a good sense of it being about this particular novel and
allows them questions varied, but writing about extracts quite often what makes it special.
to take a full took the form of ‘in what ways is this extract characteristic
of the rest of the novel’, with students being expected to
What’s interesting about the ‘EMC way’ students’
writing is that, although there is a common spine to
part in the draw into close reading their understanding of the text their writing – the things that have been emerging
conversation. as a whole – small detail at the service of big picture
through the collective agenda – how they choose to
write about these things and what they focus on is
It’s what made Here is Student A’s response (non-EMC), answering very, very different. Even writing about a short extract,
the question: ‘A student reading this extract said: ‘In this
the subject extract Enaiat is clearly struggling to survive. It makes me
they choose different quotations to focus on, they say
different things, they say them differently. They select
one we all feel sorry for him’. To what extent do you agree?’ what they genuinely deem to be most interesting and
chose to do I agree completely with the students who says that he feels
sorry for Enaiat. When Enaiatollah is making his way to
important. No two pieces of writing reads the same. By
contrast, the other groups focus on just a handful of
ourselves. Van, he encounters ‘wind that was like a razor’. This quote the same quotations that have been modelled in class.
We shouldn’t means that the wind was so incredulously cold that it felt
like it was cutting at his cheek. This is a simile because
Across the whole book, when you look through their
exercise books you see that they have only focused on a
expect them of how it is comparing the wind to a razor. This makes few quotations. They don’t make judgements, decisions,
to settle for me feel sorry for Enaiat because of how cold he must
be feeing. A razor is sharp and would cut you, and this
choices for themselves, nor do they apply knowledge
to fresh evidence themselves. They have some limited
anything less.” suggests that it was so cold during the journey that it felt knowledge, but little know-how.
41 Molesworth Street
41 Molesworth Street,
County Tyrone.
The address I learnt to spell
and write correctly.
The house where I was born,
I told the teacher.
‘Not exactly,’ she corrected.
‘Yes exactly,’ I confirmed.
I was born in the back bedroom
What the participants said while Mum read, ‘Gone with the Wind’.
She had no answer
to that.
Cliff Yates – course tutor (https://cliffyates.wordpress.com/):
It was a brilliant week. The group gelled instantly, they were mutually supportive and A house on a street,
the atmosphere was great. They had no trouble seeing themselves as writers rather attached to a shop.
than teachers. Occasionally the experience of discussing their poems led to real insight I remember the parquet floor,
into implications for their teaching. During a tutorial one of them said: ‘when a teacher a mouse under the china cabinet,
becomes a writer they have a clearer voice in the classroom.’ Brilliant! Hearing that was waiting for Santa.
so great - you can imagine. I remember the settee,
The teachers quickly grasped the implications of their new insights for their teaching sage green and bobbly.
of the reading of poetry as well as their teaching of writing. As a former teacher I always On 16th July 1969
wanted to teach this course – I enjoy working with teachers, and realising how this will the sofa became a bed.
benefit so many children and students. I didn’t know
it could do that
Rhonda Glasgow – teacher on the course (An example of a poem Turned out it was just
Rhonda wrote during the week is below): that one time.
For a Belfast primary school teacher, passionate about literacy and writing, the Arvon
Teachers’ Week was both a luxury and an adventure. The adventure was into the unknown Rhonda Glasgow
world of poetry writing, inspired by the unique talents of poet Cliff Yates. He said to read
it aloud, to use specific names, and that only you can write what you write. I loved it. I’m a writer – don’t slay
Let’s play –
The Arvon Foundation: sweep inhibitions away.
For Arvon, teachers are among our most important partners, as the benefits of their
Kneading the dough,
experiences on our creative writing courses are multiplied many times over in the
moulding some clay –
resulting impact on their students. Arvon Teacher courses offer a chance to develop
at least for today.
as both a teacher and a writer, and by going through this creative journey themselves,
teachers gain insights that help them empathise with the struggles their students face Awaken the midnight
when exploring their own creativity. We’re heartened by the positive feedback from storm within us
these courses, with many teachers telling us the Arvon week revived their enthusiasm that’s not perfect.
for the profession at a time when they had been considering leaving teaching altogether. Stitching and glitching.
Through our teacher courses and our research partnerships such as Teachers as Writers
and The Craft of Writing, we hope to continue to have a lasting impact on how both “I’m a writer”
teachers and the children they work with express themselves through writing. Don’t slay.
Jonathan Morgan
the Gap!
Perspectives on
the Transition
from Primary
to Secondary
teachers and head teachers (at least termly), they are What saddens me is that I am often the only one
always willing to have visitors and engage with dialogue who gets to experience the wonders of the primary
about what and why they do things. However trying classroom. It is a magical place, and I have only respect
to actually arrange a visit is like trying to prise open for those who teach in them and create that magic.
an oyster: there is a great gift inside, but opening it – Too many secondary school teachers won’t or can’t
finding mutually convenient times, in between the go. We are all too busy – so, so busy. But then again,
challenges of Christmas concerts, mocks, external this is important: successful transition means we
visits, and so on – can prove impossible. can build successful progress in Year 7 and on into
But we keep trying. And when we succeed, I see GCSE.
the most amazing things. Students who are working
independently, quietly, moving around the space And finally …
maturely, completing work to high, high standards. I If I could change one thing, it would be that all secondary
return to a Year 9 class who can’t actually get their books English teachers would have to spend half a day a year
out of their bags without a reminder. I have to remind visiting a primary classroom – and that they would have
myself that these are teenagers, with a lot more going to spend half a day a year watching their secondary
on in their school day than those 10-year-olds, more colleagues teach too: but that’s another article!
adults to negotiate, more spaces to inhabit, different
expectations to adjust to, and so on. They still compare Raina Parker
negatively to the Year 6 class I just left, though! teaches English in Cumbria and is Vice Chair of NATE
(Similarly, of course, ask primary colleagues what a become enthusiastic about being a stopwatch monitor.
piece of writing for a decent pass grade at GCSE looks They’ll get bored and give up – and you’ll have to train
like – and they frequently wouldn’t know either.) them all over again as that muscle tone is lost.
I’m not sure what the answer is. It goes back to those Easy Fix 2: Use a common language. Children in Year
different beasts. But I think I can see some possible 1 are taught phonics using the very specific terminology
fixes that are not too difficult and that could help. associated with it. 6-year-olds know what split digraphs
and graphemes are, and, over their time in KS1 and KS2,
Fixing it: continuity and progression we build on this to introduce everything from noun
Easy Fix 1: The National Standards required to reach phrases and subordinating conjunctions to the past
‘secure’ or ‘greater depth’ at the end of Year 6 are out progressive tense, so that they can be comfortable using
there. There are multiple examples of work available, the terminology to name structures of language when
and primary colleagues attend lots of moderation presented with them in an author’s work and when
activities throughout the year to ensure that their writing their own pieces.
view of a ‘secure’ child matches the generally accepted Secondary colleagues should expect this of students
standard. Secondary colleagues need to look at this and who have reached the expected standard for the
build on it, focusing especially on ‘greater depth’. end of Year 6. With the building blocks in place and
secure, the joy of KS3 onwards should be enabling
choice, development and experimentation, whilst still
“The local secondary schools who work with maintaining those expectations.
my primary school try hard to overcome Easy Fix 3: Diversity of previous teaching does not
mean you shouldn’t expect the same standards from the
pastoral transition issues, creating supportive students. There are resources out there for English; there
is a common, accepted standard – and it’s moderated,
packages for pupils to help nurture their so you can and should trust it. If children reached the
emotional health and social anxieties. I am not end of Year 6 having achieved the expected standard
in writing, reading, Maths, and grammar, spelling and
sure the same can be said about the curriculum.” punctuation then, regardless of the primary setting
in which they learned, they should be working on a
Some of those kids are writing really fabulous pieces common foundation.
of multi-genre narrative and non-narrative; they are If pupils arrive at KS3 and there are profound
able to use complex sentence structures; they have inconsistencies, do, of course, talk to primary staff,
developed their own writing style, and they are able primary moderators and headteachers and local
to use an incredible range of language accurately to authority advisors and show them your issues. But go
articulate very specific moods and characterisation. back to the expectations for the end of Year 6 and get to
They have to do all this to reach the standard. Failing know them. The children will know them like the back
to give them opportunities to stretch those writing legs of their hands.
they have built up is like expecting a primed athlete to
And finally …
Communicating effectively and in the best interests of
the pupils is crucial. I have tried to suggest that, with
some commonly available resources and some efficient
liaison, there are some things which can be done
relatively easily.
And imagine the time that could be saved from those
‘What’s going wrong in KS3?’ meetings …!
Carol Robertson
is Deputy Headteacher of a primary school in the North
West of England
Evangelou M., et al. (2008) ‘What Makes a Successful
Transition from Primary to Secondary School?’
Howe, A., ed., (2011) Bridging the Transition from Primary
to Secondary School. Routledge
Sutherland R. et al. (2010) Supporting learning in the
transition from primary to secondary schools. University
of Bristol School of Education
Nottingham Education Partners (2019) Strategic School
Improvement Project – 1: Reading Transition Toolkit KS2 –
KS3, www.nottinghamschools.org.uk/media/1536189/
Ofsted (2015) www.gov.uk/government/publications/
from which there is no evasion, that which is inevitable. 3. Reading aloud: expressing yourself, finding
Necessary house “privy” is from c. 1600. Necessary evil your errors
is from 1540s (the original reference was to “woman”). Getting students to read aloud is really important if you
https://www.etymonline.com/word/necessary want them to improve their SPaG. This became clear to
me when I once asked a student to read what they had
This led to a discussion about how the word comes from written in their book to me. (I was sitting beside them so
the French and Latin. We all laughed about ‘necessary they weren’t embarrassed that everyone was listening.)
house’ when I told them what a ‘privy’ was; we thought Their work, which I had not marked, was full of SPaG
about it meaning ‘no backing away’. Now a sort of magic errors. As they read, they began to realise most of their
pervaded the word – and the students’ ability to spell it own mistakes: spelling, punctuation and grammar. The
improved. From that time onwards, I began to discuss act of reading aloud was absolutely central to them
the etymology of important words with my classes, realising their errors. From that time onwards, I asked
finding that it really helped with pupils’ spelling. my students to read their work to each other in pairs or
groups on a regular basis and found that if I asked them
2. Working words out: modelling learning to stop and correct their work when appropriate, this
Some teachers might bridle at the thought of looking had amazingly good results.
up a word in class with students, because, as an English
teacher, students think you are supposed to know the 4. Real contexts: SPaG through reading and
meaning of every single word in the language, and their writing
spellings. This is, of course, an absolute impossibility. While decontextualised tests can have their place (see
Moreover, research has shown that when a teacher below), the overwhelming evidence is that pupils learn
‘models’ how they discover things in front of the class to spell, punctuate and discuss grammar when they
“When and then encourages their pupils to do the same, they are reading ‘real’ pieces of writing and exploring ‘real’
situations. This is why giving them lots of high-stakes
students read really help their pupils to learn both more quickly and
more happily (Watkins, 2010). spelling and grammar tests where they are only writing
aloud, they What does this mean in practice? It means being one-word answers is a waste of time.
You’re far better off using some of the excellent
begin to spot honest! If you don’t know the meaning of a word in a
passage you are reading, then tell your students that resources published by the likes the University of
most of their you find it difficult and show them how you might work Exeter: these are free, research informed and supported
out the meaning. Recent research (Giovanelli, Mason: by yours truly, NATE (see below for details). These
own mistakes: 2015) has shown that reading is often best taught when resources can be used in the classroom with little or
spelling, a teacher doesn’t know the text and is reading it the first no modifications. They model for teachers how the
time with the students – or at least giving the impression teaching of grammar in particular can be embedded
punctuation that they are. In part, this produces better outcomes within the teaching of such texts as A Monster Calls,
and grammar. from students because the teacher is able to model how
they find out what difficult words and phrases mean
Touching the Void, Lord of the Flies and Great Expectations.
If you don’t feel confident about teaching grammar,
The act of by re-reading them, by asking questions, by looking up they are a great place to start because lesson plans and
reading aloud words in a dictionary. I have observed too many lessons
– and been guilty of delivering them myself – where the
resources are provided. Once you’ve used them, you’ll
grow in confidence and then use their ideas to inform
is central to meanings of difficult words are supplied in a glossary. your teaching of other texts.
them realising The process of looking words up in a dictionary aids
spelling and comprehension because students will
The English and Media Centre’s All Sorts (a series of
teaching ideas, resources & plans) also contains some
their errors.” internalise the word, making it their own. brilliant ready-made lessons on the teaching of spelling
the Art
in English
for creativity
in the English
Although we give trainees the opportunity to visit the secondary and post-16 coordinator and explore the current
art gallery on this occasion, it’s not suggested that teachers exhibits to see what is available and identify which
must take students to visit a gallery in order to engage with provide most scope to discuss in relation to the teaching
art. Certainly, where this is possible, it offers a valuable of English, focusing on which exhibits resonate with me
experience – the opportunity to expand cultural capital and which I feel would make a useful starting point for
and move learning beyond the classroom. But the emphasis discussion. Following the visit, I source one non-fiction
here is not on the location or on the value of organising a text as a supporting resource to facilitate discussion and
trip: it is on the exhibits themselves – many of which could exploration of one of the selected exhibits, and then
be sourced in alternative ways, or used conceptually by the schedule a self-guided tour (which incurs no costs) for
“The visit trainee to develop alternative classroom pedagogies. It myself and the English PDGE trainees (38 this year)
is aimed at should also be noted that expertise in art is not a
requirement. Indeed, due to the nature of exhibits in the
who have commenced the course just four weeks earlier.
allowing Whitworth, which regularly change, all the art used Exploring art conceptually
trainees to within the session is new and relatively unfamiliar: there
are no tried and tested exhibits used which have been
This year, we began by visiting the Li Yuan-chia
exhibition. This offered stunning photography,
flex their explored with multiple cohorts over a number of years. beautifully hand-painted by the artist. Taking
creative The session is planned and delivered over the course
of just two visits to the gallery. The first visit involves a
inspiration from this, trainees were encouraged to
consider how the same technique could be used to
muscles.” ‘recce’ – as the tutor, I visit the gallery, speak with the connect images and literature together, moving away
from simple identification of features or providing
visual representation of context to consider how use
of colour could facilitate greater connection with
mood, tone and emotion within a text, or how use of
contrasting colours or colour accents could visually
model a writer’s approach to drawing the reader in.
The process here is simple: students are provided
with a black and white image which in some way
connects to the text they are reading. Rather than using
this simply to visualise context, they are encouraged to
look at the image in a new way. Focusing on description
in the text, they alter the image with the following
questions identified as a starting point for any text:
• What aspects might be highlighted?
• What colours might be added?
• Are there any parts of the image which might
become blurred?
• Are there any parts of the image that might be redacted?
• How might the image be altered for different
Physical objects
Moving on from this, trainees then visited ‘The Reno
@ The Whitworth’ which offered a fabulous opportunity
to explore a local community project in relation to
themes of identity and place. Trainees were encouraged
to reflect upon the poetic form of a displayed timeline,
consider the impact of collage as a stimulus material,
and explore the use of everyday items and artefacts to
make connections with a text as well as supporting
development of narratives within writing.
The Reno exhibit offered trainees an insight into
a specific place – a cellar club which acted as an
unofficial community hub for mixed-race Mancunians “Trainees
throughout the 1970s and 80s. The excavation of
artefacts from the site and their display in the gallery
reflected on
alongside images of local people who frequented the the different
club, as well as video testimony and the opportunity to
listen to music typical of that played, gave trainees the
forms which
opportunity to reflect upon the different forms which art can take,
art can take and the immersive experience provided
by presenting physical objects alongside other forms
and the
of information; and to connect these to potential immersive
teaching opportunities from familiar texts.
Trainees identified and discussed specific artefacts
from the exhibition, reflecting on why they resonated provided by
with them and sharing their ideas about how this
might be used within a lesson. An example of this
was the use of rusted and discarded cans, broken and physical
covered in dirt, which was suggested as a possible focus
for the teaching of Tatamkhulu Afrika’s ‘Nothing’s objects
Changed’, providing a tangible object for learners to alongside
explore connotations and denotations through a wider
sensory experience, with the potential to use this a other forms
starting point for exploring themes within the poem of information,
itself as well as presenting opportunities for wider
creative responses. making
Exploring contrasting perspectives
One of the highlights of the session was the with potential
opportunity to explore a large-scale installation – an
assemblage of lost items presented within Ibrahim
Mahama’s exhibition ‘Parliament of Ghosts’ – offering opportunities
a unique opportunity to use the installation itself as
both teaching space and resource. As trainees sat
for familiar
on the aged and abandoned train seats which have texts.”
NATE | Teaching English | Issue 22 | 55
Putting the Art in English – Opportunities for creativity in the English Curriculum
to Teach
RQT perspectives
on the Secondary
English PGCE
‘Ah Ha!’
‘Ha Ha!’
and Stand-
Up Comedy
Comedy and cognition: tickle my funny lobe The good news is that this isn’t some shamanistic
Kevin McCarron, Literature Professor at Roehampton magic, and the stand-up comedian does not represent
University, writes (2009): ‘It is not uncommon to hear some naturally gifted pinnacle of perception. Rather,
academics referring to teaching as a performance. What is it’s a learning experience and, as with teaching,
uncommon is to encounter any further analysis of what kind improvements are only made through an iterative
of performance it is.’ So here comes the science bit… process. The more you do it, the better you get at
The communicative and participatory interaction it. In short, there are a number of transferable and
in teaching might seem obvious: we ask questions transformative skills that can be taken from the comedy
of our students, they answer (we hope), we discuss, club into the classroom that could help with eliciting and
we debate, we share. But what’s more fascinating managing a ‘live’ and immediate feedback loop in the
is the growing body of evidence from the field of classroom. As a teacher, one is completely dependent on
neuroscience connecting the ‘Ah ha! I get it’ to the ‘Ha the dynamic of dialogue with the group in front of you
ha! I get it’ moment within the brain. Robert G. Franklin that provides endless scope for formative assessment of
(2011) placed subjects within an MRI machine to the ability of the group and your own ability to connect,
observe the response to watching stand-up comedy of interact and engage with them.
participants’ brains. He discovered that areas of the Let’s be clear: I do not advocate the production
brain associated with the construction of logic, social of funny teachers, or even (necessarily) the use of
cultural memory and socio-emotional response were jokes in the classroom: humour is simply an effective
engaged throughout – a veritable fireworks display of communicative tool within a wide variety of tools
cognitive activity was on display. In other words, in that a stand-up comedian has to hand. But there is
order to ‘get’ a joke audiences have to make cognitive a veritable arsenal of transferable techniques, skills
leaps – processing the (often incongruous) logic of the and experiences in stand-up comedy that can be used
joke, accessing the interplay between social and cultural to improve teaching practice, and there are serious
references, and deciding whether the joke is acceptable insights to be gained from those who ‘make them laugh’
within our social group. Going to a stand-up comedy gig by those that ‘make them learn’.
is like a mental gym – to ‘make them laugh’ you’ve got
to ‘make them think’ – and comedy audiences are not And finally …
passive, they are participatory. They don’t just interact I’ve had the pleasure and the challenge of having a
vocally (by laughing, booing, heckling or withholding foot in both worlds – I’ve studied both, I’ve done both
laughter); they have to engage their intellect. and, through the insights I’ve gained, I now train
The point is that the mental gymnastics necessary in teachers to improve their abilities through the use
order to ‘get’ a joke may relate to the process required in of stand-up comedy techniques. I was a speaker and
order to ‘get’ an idea. Stand-up comedians and teachers panellist at Brunel University’s Centre for Comedy
aim to set in motion the cogs of cognition, and they do Research conference last year,exploring ‘Comedy and
this through effective communication. the Classroom’, and I’m currently investigating the
relationship between assessment, communication and
education. If you would like to learn more, please visit
“I do not advocate the production of funny my website or email me:
teachers, or even (necessarily) the use of Website: https://www.listen-learn-standup-speak.com
jokes in the classroom: but there is a veritable E-mail: [email protected]
Papers: https://ucl.academia.edu/MartinBillingham;
arsenal of transferable techniques in stand-up Videos: www.youtube.com/channel/
comedy that can be used to improve teaching.” UC2YTblj2Qgcxtv6jgeD67cw
Martin Billingham
The bad news and the good news is currently studying for a PhD at the Institute of
The bad news is that stand-up comedians are afforded Education, University College London
something special: constant, conspicuous and immediate
feedback – you get a laugh, or you don’t. If you do, you References
keep going; if you don’t, it’s time to change things up. In Franklin, R, Adams, B. (2011) ‘The Reward of a Good
contrast, it is extremely difficult for teachers, especially Joke: Neural Correlates of Viewing Dynamic
trainees and early career teachers, to ‘read the room’: Displays of Stand-up Comedy’, Cognitive, Affective,
eliciting and prompting the responses you want are skills & Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol 11, No 4.
that need years of practice. Stand-up comedians don’t McCarron, K. (2007) ‘Outside the Box: Teaching
have summative assessments at the end of the show: American literature and performing stand-up
they depend utterly upon their ability to formatively comedy’, Teaching American Literature: A Journal
assess both the group in front of them and their own of Theory and Practice. Vol 1, No. 2
ability to communicate and engage with them. McCarron, K. (2009) ‘Stand-Up Comedy and Teaching
in a “Global Age”’
Reflecting Education. Vol 5, No. 1
Comedy and the Classroom conference: https://www.
Reading and writing poems
in the English classroom
Step 19 Step 20
Distillation Life seen from another angle
One of the ways of looking at poetry is to see it as a compressed form of Poems can offer a way of looking at life from an unusual
expression, in which every word that is not absolutely necessary has been perspective. For example, from the point of view of an
squeezed out. Thinking of the poetry of Gerald Manley Hopkins, you animal or an outsider. The ultimate outsider is the alien
can see where this might lead: sometimes a compression so severe that or a robot.
it is hard to comprehend. Nevertheless, the idea of distilling sentences
or thoughts until they become more focused and intense is a useful way
of talking about poems with students, especially if they don’t ‘get’ poetry.
Craig Raine’s ‘A Martian Sends a Postcard Home’ is one
of the most well-known and can easily be found on-
Example line. It begins:
Here’s an example from a Y9 student: Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
My cat and some are treasured for their markings --
is as vain as a film star they cause the eyes to melt
her green eyes shine or the body to shriek without pain.
like emeralds
I have never seen one fly, but
she dribbles in contentment
sometimes they perch on the hand.
lazy as a cow
The poem becomes a series of metaphors to unravel
but graceful as a ballerina
or, really, riddles to solve. Students shouldn’t leave it
she’s a tightrope walker at that, though. Get them to discuss how successful
on padded paws they think the comparisons are. Are some better
my furry thought out than others? (‘…cause the eyes to melt’
fat cat might be deemed effective whereas ‘snores’ might be
questioned in the lines ‘a haunted apparatus sleeps, /
You can see how the poem has been distilled from a much longer that snores when you pick it up.’) The next stage would
description: be to invent some descriptions of their own. For
My cat is as vain as a film star or a queen like Cleopatra. She purrs like she has example, ‘Bright metal capsules eat their owners and
an engine deep down in her throat or her chest and her evil green eyes shine in hurry along dry river beds’.
her face like emeralds. She meows pathetically and gets ignored or fed. But later The poem that begins ‘Now I lay me down to sleep, /
behind her half-closed eyelids she dribbles in contentment. She sleeps all day, The king-size bed is soft and deep... / I sleep right in the
lazy as a cow but I suppose she’s as gentle and as graceful as a ballerina when centre groove / My human can hardly move!’ is variously
she wants to be. When she walks along the wall it’s as if she’s a tightrope walker titled ‘A Cat’s Prayer’ and ‘A Dog’s Prayer’. Either way, it
on padded paws. When she’s asleep she’s just like any other furry fat cat. sees the world from the point of view of an animal.
Can students find others written from an animal’s
point of view?
Teaching tips
Set students a homework task to observe an animal, whether it be a
pet, a bird in the garden or even an insect on the window pane. They Writing Suggestions
should write down everything they see or hear: what it looks like, what Students generally find it enjoyable to write from the
it does, how it moves, what it reminds them of… These notes are to be point of view of an animal but may need help in order to
brought back and written up into a short descriptive passage. These give the poem structure. ‘A day in the life of…’ or ‘Five
descriptions can be shared in groups with group members underlining things I dislike about my human’ provide plenty of
or highlighting phrases they like. The descriptions are then returned opportunities for an unusual take on life and for humour,
to their authors to whom it is suggested they remove all the words that of course. Humour would be replaced by serious message
have not been highlighted and see what is left. Further small edits can if the animal in question was an endangered one, for
be made but the aim should be concision. Arrange each phrase on a new instance. Alternatively, they might like to consider
line and the result will almost certainly be a poem. themselves robots. ‘Beep beep / I wake / voice calls / I eat’
This activity should not only produce some interesting writing but – and so on through a school day with bells determining
act as an eye-opener with regard to the nature of poetry. Many poems one’s actions.
appear to have gone through such a process, whether literally or in the
mind of the poet. Think of Edward Thomas’s ‘Tall Nettles’ for example. Teaching Tips
Use this opportunity to discuss the notion of persona.
Writing Suggestions We all tend to assume that, if written in the first person,
In addition to the approach described above, students could take an the voice of the poem is the voice of the poet and this,
existing passage of fiction or non-fiction and select the phrases that of course, is often not the case. The use of a Martian
appeal to them, copying them out and arranging them as they think voice, or a dog’s voice makes it clear that the poet can
most effective. The description of the Red Room from Jane Eyre write from any viewpoint. Some poems are not so
would be one powerful passage to use. Do not exclude non-fiction. obvious, especially when the poet is employing irony.
Travel books and even cookery books can provide some rich material! If appropriate, seek out and discuss one or two of these.
Step 21
A Bit of a Twist
These poems seem to be going in one direction and then at the end, there’s a twist, something unexpected.
– from the sublime to the ridiculous:
Rossetti’s poem seems to be heading in an obvious direction and then in the last few lines, she switches,
with powerful effect.
‘My Seven Days of Dieting’ employs a switch for comic effect, which is a more common use of the
In ‘My Seven Days of Dieting’, the last verse is also a relief from the repetition of the previous ones.
(It’s a poem which is best read aloud as there needs to be variation through the verses.)
(See also Leigh Hunt’s ‘Abou Ben Adhem’ and Louis Macneice’s ‘Prayer Before Birth’.)
Writing Suggestions
To create a poem with a twist at the end, try this simple pattern, which can be applied to almost any topic,
for example, Winter. ‘I hate the way the cold nips at my toes; / I hate the way I can’t see the ball at night …’ and so
on until ‘But I love the cosy evening firelight.’ Or the reverse, of course.
Or the description of a person. ‘X was no good at …, X couldn’t ever …’ and so on until ‘But X saved my cat from
next door’s dog.’ This simple form can be used with serious effect to tackle stereotypes, for instance.
Teaching Tips
Take any of the poems mentioned above and read them aloud until the point where the poem changes.
Alternatively give students a copy with the last lines omitted. In each case ask how they think the poem
might be finished. They could try writing a few lines or simply suggest the kind of ending.
‘Big Picture’
Andrew McCallum suggests approaches
to writing that will help to build students’
knowledge, confidence and motivation.
with personal response: initial thoughts, links to prior My current creative writing class has eight boys – hard to
reading or viewing, likes and dislikes, and so on. For manage and settle but full of ideas and charm. They are a
original writing, it might mean lots of opportunities to mixed ability group with a high level of additional needs.
write about their own lived experiences. New learning Most of them have missed out on large parts of their
in this model is far from redundant: freed from having education: all are serving prison sentences of anything
to draw on new material and ideas, students can from a few months to life.
concentrate fully on form, voice and expression.
I could see that the boys were intrigued by the ‘Just
Just Write… Write’ books – drawn to them. The layout, the tasks, the
At EMC we’ve tried to address the three barriers to colourful illustrations are immediately appealing. At first,
writing identified above in our Just Write publication they flicked through the pages muttering things like ‘shit’
for Year 7/8 students (with a follow-up for Year 9/10, and ‘boring’ – the expected response to anything new. I
Write On, due this summer). It’s a beautifully illustrated told them that the books now belonged to them and asked
workbook, containing 44 writing activities. Students get them to write their names on the front. They didn’t. They
their own copy and are free to complete the activities chatted about an adult prison and ‘Love Island’ and who
in any order they like. Each task directs students to had and hadn’t been to the gym. Then gradually, almost
write for a different purpose and audience, with a surreptitiously, they picked up their pens.
variety of forms to choose from. In writing, then,
What is so compelling about these books is the freedom
they develop their understanding of how to draw on,
they give to be creative. By the end of the session, every
adapt and craft their existing language resources for
boy had written something independently – a rap, a story,
particular effect. Learning comes from knowledgeable,
poetic prose. When the guards came to collect them, I
confident, motivated doing, with teacher advice after
shook the boys’ hands and thanked them for the session.
the event offering ways to develop further. In tackling No fights. No tantrums. No abuse. ‘Love Island’ almost
a wide range of tasks students develop their ability to forgotten. And eight books carefully piled up in the middle
write flexibly and confidently in a full range of forms, of the table – each with a name neatly (proudly) written
including critical. on the front.
The response to the books has been amazing,
absolutely proving that big picture writing is valuable
and possible for all, given the right conditions. The Andrew McCallum
testimony below is from a writer working with young is Director of the English and Media Centre
offenders. Her previous experience of working with
them was that it was very, very difficult to get them to
write anything.
Developing Writers as
a Developing Teacher
Next in our classroom research series, Vincent Byrne
explains how he negotiated the teaching of academic
writing at KS3 and KS4 during his teacher training year,
and argues that we need to be flexible in our use of
formulaic writing frameworks to develop skills effectively.
A key focus of my training year was the development of Getting to grips with GCSE
strategies to build students’ confidence in academic Sam Counsell notes a shift in the way in which students
writing. Whist students’ ability to ‘understand and critically approach texts when preparing for GCSE examination,
evaluate texts’ (DfE, 2014, p.6) is integral to success in GCSE with both teacher and student ‘[beginning] to interrogate
English, as teachers of English we endeavour to empower texts with formal, summative assessments firmly in
all students in becoming articulate communicators of the mind’ (2015, p.41). Despite my belief that the study of
written word beyond examinations – to provide ‘access English should focus on ‘connections between life and art’
to power’ (Myhill and Watson, 2011, p.59) not only in (Marshall, 2003, p.82), the ‘endgame’ of the summative
academic contexts, but also for the communicatory GCSE examination inevitably becomes a priority in
demands of adult life (‘adult needs’ – Cox, 1989, p.60). As planning and teaching in KS4. With writing still being
such, I felt that my journey in building a repertoire of the ‘dominant mode for accessing educational success’
methods to approach the task of academic writing was (Myhill and Watson, 2011, p.59), I felt it was necessary
central to my development as a teacher of English. to establish a framework to help students craft coherent
In considering the theoretical frameworks behind written responses from the very beginning of Year 10.
the process of writing, Myhill and Watson (2011, p.59– My initial approach incorporated the first two
62) note three main disciplinary approaches: cognitive elements of the cognitive psychological process as
psychological, linguistic, and socio-cultural. My presented by Hayes and Flower: ‘planning (goal setting,
experience in the training year led me to recognise that generation of content, organisation of ideas) and translating
all three of these disciplinary approaches are integral (turning thoughts in words and sentences…)’ (Myhill
to the development of young writers. The present and Watson, 2011, p.59). In seeking to build on the
study will focus on the use of cognitive psychological pupils’ capabilities and prior knowledge, I felt that a
and social-cultural approaches in relation to the standardised approach to academic writing would be
development of students’ academic writing. useful because the middle-ability class was comprised
of students from five different form groups and as students as ‘using quotes to support my Explanation’. I was
such the students were coming from differing ‘starting still promoting the use of PEEAR, but now also seeking
points’. From the outset, neither my mentor nor I saw to build specific skills in academic writing.
the framework as something to which students should One particularly successful example of this was
rigidly adhere, but rather as a guide to an ‘in house’ style a lesson that focussed on the embedding of quotes
that would allow them organise their ideas. (Evidence) into analytical passages. Students had
During the first half term, students were guided on become so accustomed to organising quotes and
using the ‘Point, Evidence, Explain, Analyse, Reader analysis into separate sections of a response that one
Response’ (PEEAR) framework through ‘scaffolded’ student remarked ‘can you actually put ‘Evidence’ into
activities that culminated in students writing an the ‘Analysis’ section?’ I took the opportunity to remind
extended essay response. The task of marking and students that the PEEAR framework was a guide rather
reflecting upon these responses served as a ‘critical than something stipulated by the exam board. By
event’; it influenced both my planning for the group encouraging students to consider exam-based criteria,
thereafter and understanding of how my implementation they were now progressing from the ‘planning and
of the framework needed to be adapted based on the translating’ stage of writing to the final ‘reviewing’ stage
present intellectual development of the group. Perhaps of the Hayes and Flower cognitive model of writing (as
the most notable ‘revelation’ was the disparity between presented by Myhill and Watson, 2011, p.59) because
some students’ cogent verbal responses in class and the they were reviewing their writing in the context of its
strength of their written work; something that has been ultimate purpose.
noted by other practitioners (Counsell, 2015, p. 41).
Contrastingly, some of the strongest writers were those
who were less vocal in class.
“Whilst recognising the benefits of developing
As a result of this experience, I began to name particular a cognitive approach via writing frameworks,
students in my planning and PowerPoint presentations
in order to ensure that all students were included in class
I felt that this was still too focused on following
discussions. I used the naming strategy in a positive way specific forms and addressing a set mark
– for instance, such a questions would always contain a
merit point incentive and would be pitched according
scheme rather than encouraging students to
to my prior knowledge of individual ability. This discuss texts in relation to their own personal
technique helped me to promote good behaviour for
learning and made all students aware of my expectations experiences and opinions.”
for everyone to participate fully in class discussions.
Towards personal response
Beyond formulae Whilst recognising the benefits of developing a
Whilst it was clear that the PEEAR framework had cognitive approach via writing frameworks, I felt
helped some students to structure their arguments, it that such an approach was still too focused on
did not fully address specific skills relating to academic following specific forms and addressing a set mark
writing. Reflecting on the success criteria I had used scheme rather than encouraging students to discuss
during my teaching prior to marking the assessments, it texts in relation to their own personal experiences
was clear that some of my expected outcomes in written and opinions (a socio-cultural approach). Whereas
tasks lacked a specific skills-based focus, for instance: the first term had been spent providing students with
‘Students will use the PEEAR method to discuss how Priestley a framework from which to work, as I entered into
uses language to explore a character under pressure’. Up my Second School Experience (based in an inner-
until the internal ‘common assessment’ at the end of the city, mixed gender comprehensive school) I was keen
first half term, the focus in developing students’ ability to observe and incorporate different approaches the
to provide a critical written response was primarily teaching of writing into my pedagogy.
based around their structuring of paragraphs. It was In this new context, the primary writing framework
now time to tackle specific skills necessary for effective for academic writing was Point, Evidence, Technique,
academic writing. Analyse, Link (to the original question) and Evaluate
Louisa Enstone notes that ‘academic prose is obscure (a variation on the Reader Response): PETALE. This
and foreign to students’ (2017, p.33) and as ‘beginning strategy was used universally across the department at
writers’ in the context of GCSE requirements, it was GCSE, and also for middle and higher ability groups in
clear that the PEEAR framework has served to promote Key Stage 3. However, a critical event emerged from my
‘content generation rather than … the needs of the audience’ teaching of AQA English Language Paper 2 to a middle
(Myhill and Waston, 2011, p.60). My next step was to ability Year 10 class.
help students write for the specific requirements of the I had used the PETALE framework to guide
mark scheme. Conversations with my mentor led me to students through Question 3, in which students are
the realisation that students needed to have a precise asked to consider a writer’s use of language. I found
understanding of what they were being assessed on – in that the framework was, in effect, ‘too large’ for
effect writing for the ‘needs of the audience’. students to make numerous points in the recommended
My tutor and I agreed that in the first instance I allocated time for the question. Whereas the PETALE
should select key objectives from the mark scheme framework encouraged students to provide a detailed
and present them in an accessible manner. ‘Use textual extended response, elements such as ‘Linking’ back
references, including quotations, to support and illustrate to question, or ‘Evaluating’ one’s response as a reader
interpretations’ (AQA GCSE English Literature, in every paragraph seemed redundant in the context
Assessment Objective 1) was reworded and presented to of Question 3.
Quote explosions
As I prepared to return to my lead school at the
beginning of the summer term, I was keen to trial
other strategies I had developed during my second
for students to conceptualise the process of comparison The need for flexibility of approach
(see diagram, below). Students would then return to A notable feature of my development of academic
their ‘data’ (the QTP grid) and use their analysis of the writing strategies has been an increasing awareness of
writer’s purpose as the focus for comparison. From the the need to adapt differing strategies to suit the needs
planning framework of the Venn diagram, students and ability of particular groups. Whilst I maintain that
then proceeded to use the plan as a template for their the writing frameworks that I introduced and refined
comparative points. during the first half of my training year are not in of
Returning to the planning stage of the cognitive themselves detrimental to development of pupil’s
model through use of QTP grids and Venn diagrams has ability to write in an academic manner, I concur with
served as a reminder that the development of writing is Enstone (2017, p. 36), that such strategies should
an ongoing process and that all models of writing need not be used as the only option in helping students to
to be reviewed and adapted in the context of students’ grow as academic writers. More recent experience has
prior learning and the context of the task. At the time demonstrated that strategies can be put in place at the
of writing, the students have completed an end-of-year point of planning or ‘initial response’ rather than at the
common assessment based on comparing poetry from point of composition.
the GCSE conflict cluster. From the perspective of a Looking forward to areas for development in the
‘cognitive psychological’ approach to writing, the next NQT year, I am interested in trialling the use of ‘thesis
step in developing students’ ability will be to review statements’ further as a strategy for encouraging
their extended responses based on the needs of the deeper levels of thought. However, at this early stage
mark scheme. in my career I would be reluctant to dismiss writing
frameworks altogether from my teaching. Reflecting
“Writing frameworks are not in themselves upon the practice of my colleagues has led me to
consider options that discreetly address areas of
detrimental to development of pupils’ ability analysis in a less formal way, such as a ‘quote explosion’,
to write in an academic manner, but such which can then be used to inform an extended response
without the constraints of a sometimes arbitrary
strategies are not the only option in helping acronyms. However, my experience of using quote
explosions in the context of a grammar school has
students to grow as academic writers.” demonstrated that such smaller scaffolded responses
need to be used sparingly and in the context of
particularly demanding texts. This experience has also
led me to develop my own strategies for scaffolding
writing (Quote, Technique, Purpose), which has been
developed for the specific needs of a particular group –
an experience which will encourage me to adopt a more
flexible approach when using writing frameworks in my
teaching during the NQT year.
Counsell, S. (2015) Thinking, Talking, Writing:
Collaborative Reasoning in the Classroom. Teaching
English. Issue 9, pp. 41–44.
Clayton, P. (2016) The Post-16 GCSE Challenge. Teaching
English. Issue 11, pp. 14–15.
Cox, B. (1989) English for ages 5–16, DES, London.
Department for Education. (2014) The national
curriculum in England (English). London, Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office.
Enstone, Louisa. (2017) Time to stop ‘PEE’-ing?
Developing academic writing in KS3 English beyond
the ‘PEE’ formula. Teaching English, Issue 13, pp.
Goodwyn, A. (1992) English Teachers and the Cox Models.
English in Education. Volume 26, Issue 3, pp. 4 –11.
Goodwyn, A. (2011) The Expert Teacher of English.
Abingdon, Routledge.
Marshall, B. (2003) The write kind of knowledge in
English. English Teaching: Practice and Critique.
Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 83–94
Myhill and Watson (2011) Becoming a Reflective English
Teacher. Maidenhead, Open University Press.
Vincent Byrne
teaches English at Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School
Book Box
From the Editor’s Desk:
Children’s Picturebooks
A wonderful – and beautifully illustrated – celebration
of the world of children’s picturebooks, part history,
part analysis, part overview.
(And if that hasn’t whetted your appetite, it’s hard to
Children’s Picturebooks know what would.)
Chapter 2 explores The Picturebook Maker’s Art,
The art of visual storytelling examining the relationship between art and illustration.
Martin Salisbury, Morag Styles (Second edition) Locating the topic within broader questions about the
Laurence King Publishing 2020, £29.99 relationship between ‘art’ and ‘design’, this chapter
offers an overview of debates about whether the
This beautiful, lavishly illustrated large format art picturebook ‘counts’ as art, and asks what the specialist
book about children’s picturebooks – celebrating one art of the picturebook consists of, and how the skills are
of the major intersections between art, literature and acquired, focusing especially on debates about visual
education – is written by the two acknowledged experts literacy and communication in the 20th century. The
in the field: Martin Salisbury, Professor of Illustration at chapter concludes with fascinating case studies of the
Cambridge School of Art in Anglia Ruskin University, work of Jon Klassen, Sydney Smith, Beatrice Alemagna,
and Morag Styles (who is well-known to NATE and two Chinese illustrators Ya-Ling Hueng and Ye-
members), Professor (now Emeritus) in Children’s
seul Cho – and such case studies conclude most of the
Literature at the University of Cambridge.
remaining chapters in the book.
It’s perhaps best described as an illustrated survey of
Chapter 3, The Picturebook and the Child, focuses on the
an art form – partly about history, partly about the crafts
relationship between the child and the book, returning
of illustration, writing and book-making, partly about
to issues of visual literacy and communication but from
publishing, and partly about reading and education. The
the reader’s perspective, whilst Chapter 4, Word and Image,
introduction defines the picturebook form – making
Word as Image, gives an overview of the theory of the
the crucial distinction between an ‘illustrated book’
picturebook – the ways in which words and images
and a ‘picturebook’. In the latter, ‘words and pictures
interrelate in this hybrid form – drawing on key theorists
combine in varying ratios to deliver the overall meaning,
complementing, teasing and often contradicting each other’ in children’s reading such as Margaret Meek, William
– as distinct from the illustrated book, in which ‘the Moebius and Maria Nikolajeva. There’s also a survey of
images enhance and augment the text but are not essential some of the different forms this interrelationship has
to its understanding’. The rest of the book systematically taken, including wordless books and graphic novels.
explores the various facets of this form. Chapter 5, Suitable for Children?, explores treatments
Chapter 1, A Brief History of the Picturebook, of violence, love and sex, death and sadness, and
contextualises picturebooks within the broader form of inhumanity in picturebooks. Chapter 6, Print and
‘pictorial storytelling’ – think Neolithic cave paintings! Process: The Shock of the Old, explores some of the
– but focuses on printed books from the 15th century historical art processes of the picturebook – relief
onwards, from Leonardo and Gutenburg in the printing, etching, lithograohy, monotype, and digital
Renaissance to Jon Klassen, Isabelle Arsenault, Sydney printmaking. Chapter 7 deals with the explosion in
Smith and the contemporary Chinese picturebook Non-Fiction picturebooks. The final chapter gives an
revolution in the 21st century. It takes in, along the way, overview of The Children’s Publishing Industry.
William Blake, Thomas Bewick, Heinrich Hoffman (Der This wonderful book certainly does not shy away
Struwwelpeter), Edward Lear, Randolph Caldecott (‘the from history and theory, but nevertheless succeeds
father of the picturebook’), Walter Crane, Kate Greenaway, completely in being both a beautiful and fascinating read
John Tenniel, Arthur Rackham, Jean de Brunhoff (Babar), for the layperson and a key contribution to the literature
Edward Ardizzone, Puffin Picture Books, Paul Rand, on children’s books – essential for teacher education,
Antonio Frasconi (See and Say), Andre Francois, Charles and a treat for English teachers and children’s literature
Keeping, Raymond Briggs, John Burningham, Richard enthusiasts. Highly recommended.
Scarry, Judith Kerr, Miroslav Sasek, Maurice Sendak,
Tomi Ungerer, Anthony Browne, Julia McRae, David Gary Snapper
McKee, Janet Ahlberg, Shaun Tan – and many others. Editor, Teaching English
Cloud Boy is a heart-warming story of friendship and I suspect many of us have been in a situation or two
loss, an engrossing tale of hope and sadness, a depiction like that experienced by Cosmo and his family in the
of a child’s ability to demonstrate resilience in the face opening of this book. We’ve been late for our children’s
of grief. school play, or missed the beginning of a special event
Written in the form of a diary, the novel tells us the because of work, and had to face the wrath of our
story of Angie Moon and her best friend and almost- partner and the disappointment of the rest of the family
twin, Harry Christmas. When Harry’s persistent as a result. What does a dog do in these situations? How
headaches turn out to be far more serious than the pair can he keep the peace when his family is falling apart?
could ever have imagined, their friendship is put to its How can he stop it happening? Such are the problems
biggest test yet. Harry is an avid cloud collector (which faced by Cosmo, the narrator of this story.
means he keeps a diary noting the type and name of Cosmo is an aging, slightly arthritic golden retriever.
each cloud he sees) and Angie likes to draw them. The He is a year older than his beloved 12-year-old boy Max.
pair are looking forward to enjoying their brand new Cosmo is close to all the members of his family but
tree house retreat when Harry’s health takes a turn for particularly to Max. They have grown up together and
the worse. are inseparable. His family, to whom he is also devoted,
Marcia Williams’ ability to capture the voice of a is struggling and are at breaking point. The adults
child is something that I first encountered in another constantly bicker and the children, Max and Emmaline,
of my favourite reads, Flossie Albright’s War Diary, and are bewildered and scared about what might happen
Cloud Boy offers a similarly believable character in to them if their parents separate. Max, in particular,
Angie Moon. The protagonist leads her reader on an is very anxious about being torn from his best friend
emotional journey as she deals with the ups and downs Cosmo who, in turn, sees it as his duty to keep the
of friendship, experiencing anger, fear, love and joy in family together.
equal measure. The dog’s solution is to reinvent himself, courtesy of
Angie’s diary is interspersed with letters written by Max’s dog-trainer uncle, into the dancer he has always
her Grandmother throughout her time as a prisoner dreamed of being. He aims, despite his rickety joints and
of the Japanese in Changi Prison, Singapore, during painful back, to win the prize of a star role in a film and
World War 2. The letters provide Angie and Harry with thus make his family proud and happy to be together. In
a welcome distraction and introduce young readers to this often amusing but sometimes heart-wrenching tale,
an often untold story of life during the war. Grandma’s things do not work out exactly as Cosmo would like.
letters detail the conditions in Changi Prison and Parents separate and children cry, but, in the process,
highlight how the prisoners fought boredom by creating they discover different forms a love and ways of living
their own Girl Guide group and secretly crafting a quilt where they are happy together, yet apart.
made from scraps. I found myself eager to flick to the The themes of this book, and possibly the
additional information at the back of the book, which circumstances, will be familiar to many 8–12 year olds at
details the true events that inspired this portion of the whom this book is pitched. However, it is by no means
tale. At first, while they are interesting, the letters seem an easy read and the language and vocabulary may
to be a random interruption to the flow of the story but well stretch some younger readers. It is, in many ways,
as the events unfold, Grandma’s letters take on more quite sophisticated and philosophical, which may be a
and more relevance to Angie’s problems and the two bit off-putting for the more immature reader. However,
stories are woven together beautifully. The historical for those who stick with it, I Cosmo is an intelligent,
angle provides a depth to the story that would appeal moving, poignant view of family life – from a loveable
to readers of all ages and makes the book a real page- dog’s point of view.
Cloud Boy is a lively narrative that I read in one sitting Barbara Conridge
and look forward to recommending to young readers. NATE Primary Committee
The book deals with highly sensitive issues written in
a form that is very accessible to children, and is often
very humorous. I loved details such as the noting of the
current cloud formations in each diary entry that seem
to mirror Angie’s emotions.
‘I may as well tell you straight away that I hate writing!’
is Angie’s opening line. Well, I’m glad that the young
protagonist continued with her efforts, resulting in a
charming book that will stay with you long after you’ve
read it.
Sarah Jarman
Holden Clough Primary School
A Postcard to Ollis is a truly delightful book published Catherine Fisher is a well-established author of books
by the independent publishers Wacky Bee, who pride for children and teenagers. She was awarded the Times
themselves on being ‘inclusive and diverse’, and for Children’s Book of the Year prize for Incarceron and she
whom representation is a watchword. One of their has written many other books including The Crystal
specialities is books in translation: this one is translated Stair, two trilogies (Snow-Walker and Oracle) and the
from Norwegian, written by Ingunn Thon, a script- Chronoptika series. A mistress of creepy fantasy, her two
writer and puppeteer for the Norwegian Broadcasting novels for younger readers, The Clockwork Crow and The
Corporation, and beautifully illustrated by Nora Brech. Velvet Fox, do not disappoint.
Ollis Haalsen is 10 years old. Her full name is Oda On the way to her new home from St Mary’s
Lise Luise Ingrid Sonja, but she’s known by the initials orphanage, where she has lived since the death of her
of those names – each one the name of an inspirational parents, Seren meets a strange and anxious man at the
woman from Norwegian history. She lives, in a village station and, much to her surprise, ends up in possession
near mountains and forests, with her mother, Elisabeth, of a mysterious newspaper parcel. When she arrives
her five-month-old brother Ian, and her recently at Plas-y-Fran, her new home in the wilds of Wales,
arrived step-father Einar, the father of Ian. She’s bright, Seren’s dreams of a perfect future with her new family
and she wants to be an inventor. Meanwhile, though, quickly disappear as she realizes that Plas-y-Fran is a
she is dealing with the fallout from the arrival of Einar cold and secretive place. Captain Jones and Lady Mair,
– who she doesn’t like – and baby Ian. the owners of the house, cannot bear to live there after
Her escape from all this is her best friend, the fearless the disappearance of their son, Tomos, and Seren is left
Gro. And comfort is also found in the family dogs, Micro to the dubious mercies of Mrs Villiers the housekeeper.
and Macro. Somewhere in the background is Ollis’s real Left to her own devices, Seren investigates the
father, Borgepa, who she’s never lived with – but who, contents of the parcel and discovers it contains all the
she tells Gro, she goes to stay with in the holidays. parts needed to make the Clockwork Crow. The crow
Exploring on their bikes in the forest one day, having is a grumpy and quick-tempered bird who claims to be
managed to get past the frightening Goat of Christmas a bewitched prince. During her adventures with this
Past on the nearby farm, they stumble across an mysterious mechanical creature, Seren comes across
abandoned yellow postbox in which they find a postcard a dusty nursery that hasn’t been occupied for some
mysteriously addressed to Ollis: ‘Hi Ollis. It’s me. Happy time. Surely this is Tomos’s room. She must unravel
Birthday. I love you.’ the mystery of his absence. Maybe the secret lies in the
Things move quickly from here, and the mystery collection of snow globes left in the attic. With the help
deepens. Who sent the postcard and why does it have of the Clockwork Crow, Seren manages to rescue Tomos
the same symbol on it as an old photo in Ollis’s desk? from the disturbing Fair family, who live on a parallel
Who exactly is Borgny Klokk and why is her house plane at Plas-y-Fran.
in the forest full of undelivered letters? What exactly This is an atmospheric and satisfyingly mysterious
is Ollis’s relationship with her father, Borgepa? Less Victorian Christmas story that we would recommend
mysteriously, why does Ollis feel a fog in her chest when for readers aged 9-11.
she is around her mother and Einar? What happened to
the old days when it was just Ollis and her mum together Bethia Green
and they got on so well? And what happens when you lie (Year 5, All Saints Primary School)
to your best friend?
This is a tremendously engaging read – a fun, Andrew Green
(Brunel University)
intriguing and well-written adventure story which is
also a very moving narrative about mothers, fathers,
daughters and families. You may shed a tear: I certainly
Gary Snapper
Editor, Teaching English
To start to tell the back-story of a book series running to This second novel by Dodd focuses on Amelia Hester
six volumes and over 3000 pages is a bit of a tall order Macleod, named after two lady explorers. She lives with
– but here goes. A large meteorite crashes into southern her father and grandfather on an imaginary Scottish
California, absorbing the town of San Perdido into an island, her parents having separated 711 days (we are
enormous impenetrable dome, along with a twenty told by the protagonist) before the novel begins. Amelia
mile stretch of surrounding countryside. Everyone has previously been home-educated by her mother,
over the age of fourteen gets ejected from the bubble, having been dismissed as ‘unteachable’ because of her
leaving the remaining youngsters to wage a Lord of the dyslexia. Now that her mother has left the family home,
Flies-style war against each other. And, to make matters Amelia has to attend an academy on another island as
worse, they have acquired superhuman powers in the her home education cannot continue.
process. Phew. This is a coming of age novel in which the protagonist
Monster is the first book in the follow-up series, encounters a new school where she knows no-one;
and begins with the dome being blasted open, and the new pupils, including the class bully; a father who is
surviving occupants either being killed or slipping struggling to cope with his own emotions with none
back into the real world. Unfortunately, the problems left over for comforting his daughter; a grandfather
for Earth have not gone away as further fragments of suffering from dementia; and two rather strange
meteorite are timed to arrive from the depths of space, neighbours of whom Amelia is afraid. Into this mix is
triggering massive changes in anyone who chooses to thrown some myth and magic to create a somewhat
swallow any of the rock. It is left to Shade Darby and unsettled and chaotic world. Its placement in the
various other survivors to lead the fight against the Scottish islands lends it atmosphere. The plot would not
resultant evil in a swirling, action-packed battle which have worked in an inner city where the myths are urban
sweeps across western U.S.A. and the only magic how fast something disappears if
The plot hammers along at break-neck speed, and not left secure!
there is rarely a dull moment. The action is high- Although the protagonist is 11 when the novel begins
octane stuff, with lots of blood and gore flying around, and 12 at its end, it is more suited to KS2 readers in
as well as the occasional limb. Some of the set-piece its style than the KS3 readers the age might suggest.
confrontations are brilliantly written, the escape from Children tend to read above their age level anyway but
the secret laboratory and the battle on the Golden Gate also there is perhaps not enough grit in the narrative to
bridge being especially exciting. There is an escalating engage the KS3 reader. Its tone is light and humorous
sense of tension as the various strands of plot lead to the which creates some difficulty for the author when
final battle on the San Francisco waterfront. Excellent she wants to introduce darker themes. It sometimes
stuff. sits uncomfortably between comedy and issues-based
One interesting premise is the way that the writing, inhabiting neither fully. This is a shame, as there
superpowers of the various protagonists are linked to is a lot in the narrative that will appeal to readers - not
their actual personality. Of particular note is Cruz, a only those suffering similar problems with friendships
transgender character who has spent their life trying and family life but also those wanting a good adventure
not to be noticed and who consequently develops the story.
power of invisibility. Others have these links developed Amelia Hester Macleod does manage to face up to
equally well, although perhaps the toddler who is her fears and, in doing so, discovers that they can be
always putting things into his mouth and who turns overcome. “The only thing we have to fear is...fear itself”, as
into a variation on the very hungry caterpillar takes the Franklin D Roosevelt said.
story dangerously close to farcical.
Inevitably in a book of this kind there has to be a Lorna Cowburn
major suspension of disbelief. Some of the science Royal Masonic School
seems highly unlikely (being able to track a small piece
of meteorite from the orbit of Jupiter to a particular
part of a particular field in Nebraska being a case in
point). The characterisation is also at times a little
cursory, perhaps not surprising given the break-neck
speed of the plot. For example, we are told within half
a page of meeting Justin that he is brilliant, talented,
sociopathic, maladjusted, a predator and utterly devoid
of a moral centre. He’s a villain, by the way.
Apart from the reservations above, I thoroughly
enjoyed Monster. It is very much an action-fest, but the
basic premise is so intriguing that that can be forgiven.
It has its young-adult target market very much in mind,
but is nonetheless recommended.
Phil Kendall
John Hickman
The basic premise of this novel is that a family – on Jersey, 1940. Joe Le Carin, Spinner Braye, Ginger Martin
suddenly becoming rich – decide to move to London and Clem Percheron are 12- and 13-year old kids trying
where the parents send their two sons and daughter to to conduct their childhoods against the background of
a fee-paying school for the gifted and talented. Freya, war. There are the usual childhood challenges – like
the 7-year-old daughter and Ethan, the 17-year-old son, how to deal with school bully Percy du Brin, and how
relish this opportunity but the first-person narrator Sam to manage Joe’s dysfunctional parents. But there’s also
who is in Yr10, sees himself as ‘normal’: ungifted and Ginger’s dad and Clem’s brother away fighting with the
untalented. He has no desire to attend such a school and British army, the German planes flying overhead each
the reader has a continual insight into his experiences, night, the noise of explosions and the view of fires on
his thoughts and his angst as he tries to come to terms the French coast, the blackout routine every night, and
with his new life. the growing fear of a German invasion. Not to mention
Leaving aside the morality of a private education – all the little boats going to rescue British soldiers from
let alone one with a G&T tag – this scenario has obvious St Malo – and the news that France has fallen to the
story-telling potential particularly when its intention Germans.
is to be amusing. Indeed, there are echoes of Adrian The kids form a ‘Resistance Club’ and plan how they
Mole in much of the writing and there are attempts will ‘dent enemy morale’ if the Germans invade. A few
to deal with issues of belonging, sexual awakening and days later, there’s a German bombing raid. Then the
the notion of real friendship. Much of the dialogue, soldiers land. Suddenly life changes dramatically for the
involving the adolescents in the text, is sharp and tight-knit community on the island. But Joe, Spinner,
engaging as is Sam’s interior monologue which is often Ginger and Clem haven’t given up on their resistance
poignantly comedic. plan.
However, the characterisation of the adults A Cake for the Gestapo tells the relatively little-
is superficial to the point of caricature. The best known story of the Nazi occupation of the Channel
comedy writing often has its roots in a version of Islands from the perspective of these four children who
reality – particularly when dealing with some of the collectively represent the camaraderie, the bravery –
aforementioned issues – but here it is impossible to find and sometimes the foolhardiness – of the real islanders
genuine credibility in any of the adult characters or in who had to face this threat. Author and former teacher
the very existence of the school that provides the back- Jacqueline King, who grew up on Jersey and learnt
drop for most of the action. Waugh could get away with the history of the Nazi occupation of the island first-
this in Decline and Fall, but, unfortunately, the words put hand from those who had experienced it, draws on the
in the mouths of the mother and the teachers in The real-life accounts of the islanders, and, as she says in
Gifted, The Talented and Me fall far short of either reality the acknowledgements, on her reading of pretty much
or satire and will simply grate with many readers. A everything written about the occupation of Jersey.
couple of examples will help to explain this criticism: At the end, there’s an ‘afterword’ in which King
the form tutor who says: ‘your parents must have told explains her motives for writing the book: she found
you about our pedagogical ethos. We have a child-centred, that many on the mainland knew nothing of the
non-hierarchical framework here’; and the drama teacher fact that a part of Britain had been occupied by the
who leaves a pupil with the comment ‘I’ll look forward Germans, and that the children she’d told about it were
to seeing you bring to life some of your internal conflicts in fascinated by what it would have been like to live under
my next lesson. There is a respectful and appropriate way occupation. The afterword also explains something
to physicalise even the darkest thoughts. Harnessing inner of how she moulded source material into fictional
trauma is key to releasing your full potential’. These are just narrative, and, last but not least, acknowledges that she
two of many and, for me, they undermine the humour had to negotiate certain sensitivities: ‘things happened
and reduce some characters to the one-dimensional. which people wanted to forget, and still do’.
In general I found the novel underwhelming and, at King paints an atmospheric, absorbing and
times, annoying – but this could simply be the musings occasionally extremely dramatic picture of a traumatic
of an out-of-touch, retired teacher. I would be very but under-represented moment in British history. In
interested to hear the views of typical Year 10 students many ways it’s old-fashioned ‘kids in wartime’ adventure
who may find the whole thing hilarious. storytelling, rich in detail and characterisation – but
with some very dark and dangerous moments. It’s
John Hickman certain to appeal to keen KS2 and KS3 readers.
Gary Snapper
Editor, Teaching English
Colour Me In is Lydia Ruffle’s second novel following Talk about grabbing the reader’s attention in the
the success of The Taste of Blue Light and it reintroduces opening paragraph: how about this first line? ‘Yesterday,
the reader to a character who is briefly mentioned in I killed a boy on Clanfedden Bridge and then I drove away.’
her debut novel. We follow Arlo Thomas, a 19-year-old To quote my Year 9s: ‘made me want to read on.’ I was
actor, who flees to the other side of the world following instantly drawn in and could not put the book down,
a tragedy. He takes with him only a sketchbook full reading it in one sitting.
of maps and embarks on a journey where he explores The villain of the story, Jake McCormack, represents
derelict buildings in a beautifully described Japan, one of the main themes in book. He has bullied and
although the county is never formally named as such. tormented the people of Clanfedden, and the story
From the first sentence, ‘Memories of the little forest at the shows what happens when someone finally finds the
bottom of the swimming pool flood Arlo the second the plane strength and courage to stand up to him. I really enjoyed
flings its great bulk into the sky’, you know that you are in the mystery surrounding his character. He is a truly
safe hands and that you can let the rich description and unlikeable character – although not always believable.
imagery wash over you. It is through this deep and slow Allie and Luca are the true heroes of the book,
unravelling and exploration that the novel opens up and demonstrating resilience, strength and the courage to
gives you a real insight into Arlo and his inner turmoil. stand up to Jake the way they do. Other themes such
This is a novel which depicts grief, mental illness, as friendship, love and loss are also explored through
toxic masculinity and friendship in beautiful and heart- these young protagonists without it ever getting too
breaking detail. The narrative is presented in the third deep for the reader. I really empathised with both of
person and so the reader is always held an arm’s length these characters.
away from our protagonist. However, this only ever I particularly enjoyed the multiple narratives in this
serves to make us feel more of a connection with him and book. This provided an element of mystery as I figured
affords us the chance to witness the importance of the out the connections between characters and events
relationships that he has with others. At the start of the from the various narrative threads. It really feels like
novel in London, the friendship between Arlo and Luke you’re getting the whole story. I also love a good twist
feels genuinely real and it is rare to see a heterosexual to a book and this one certainly has an unexpected one
relationship between two young men presented in such that kept me guessing until the end.
a tender and loving way. Upon departing to get lost in I thoroughly enjoyed reading A Strange Kind of Brave
Japan, Arlo meets with Mizuki, a fellow traveller, and – an emotional, gripping book that I’ll definitely be
we are afforded a window into Arlo’s thoughts through recommending to my students.
their conversations. It is in this middle section of the
novel where Ruffles slowly and meticulously depicts the Michelle Shufflebottom
complexity and depth of grief and mental illness. Her Ulverston Victoria High School
description of a panic attack is vivid and disorientating:
‘When it hits, it’s as if a seatbelt comes undone and he
sails through shattered glass into a brick wall… Arlo can’t
breathe’. Equally, her depiction of the paralysing and
all-encompassing nature of depression is beautiful and
dark: ‘shadows and black weeds twisted through Arlo’s brain
and body, pinning him to his bed.’ This is a novel which
sweeps you up in the richness of its prose and dream
like depictions of labyrinthian cities but ultimately
exposes inner trauma.
Fundamentally, it is a novel about being young and
lost. The conceit of running away to find yourself is
not new but there is something original and refreshing
about the way that it is done here. The presentation of
Arlo as a young, broken man feels timely and explores
the notion of masculinity whether it be tender or toxic.
However, this is not a bleak or mawkish read; it is life
affirming and hopeful in outlook and an important
addition to contemporary young adult fiction.
Tom Cranfield
Francis Coombe Academy
Dear Evan Hansen expands upon the six-time Tony White Rabbit Red Wolf is a fast-paced fall into the
Award-winning musical of the same name. It is told bewildering warren of Peter Blankman’s life. Even the
from the perspectives of Evan Hansen, a teenage boy surface layer of his existence is extraordinary – with a
with crippling anxiety who is struggling to be ‘part of highly respected Doctor for a mother, a twin sister with
something’ and Connor Murphy, after his untimely a wildly protective temper, and of course he himself, a
death. Maths prodigy who measures probability of disaster at
This coming-of-age story deals with heavy topics every turn. However, things get even more twisted when
including suicide, grief, anxiety, depression, and acute his mother is attacked and his twin goes missing. Peter
loneliness in a believable if slightly uncomfortable unfortunately ends up in the hands of an organisation
way. Perhaps this is due to the majority of the book one would rather stay well away from.
being written from an extremely awkward teenager’s The novel itself moves quickly, bouncing from one
perspective. The story takes us into the highly plot twist to another with the reader left ricocheting
medicated mind of Evan who is struggling with himself, along the walls of Pollock’s imagination (along with his
therapy and fitting in to the typical maelstrom of high protagonist). The ‘recoils’ that Peter experience cleverly
school. He is desperate to be noticed; until he is – and allow for flashbacks of increasingly unusual events
then one lie becomes a complex rewriting of history which lead to the night of Peter’s mother’s attack. The
to help a family deal with their grief but also gives cast of characters are curious, each with quirks of their
Connor everything he has always wanted. That is until own. Pollock does not allow any less than interesting
everything inevitably implodes. figures to feature in his story, even minor ones. The real
The characterisation of Evan is well executed and conundrum is who from this cast can Peter really trust?
his anxiety is portrayed honestly with the nuances that This is exacerbated by the protagonist’s anxiety, which
make it distinct from depression clearly represented. It is palpable throughout the novel. Pollock exhibits an
is noteworthy to see this side of mental illness portrayed intimate understanding of the struggles young people
as it is not written about as often or as well. The use face with mental health and illustrates the tumult with
of text interaction between Evan and Jared his ’family tact and skill.
friend’ is also highly believable and injects a little well Our protagonist Peter is unique and atypical of
needed humour into what is otherwise quite a heavy your traditional hero; nervous and shy whilst shiningly
storyline. academic, he navigates a world that he is in constant
On the other hand the other characters were sadly fear of. Pollock is successful in capturing an authentic
undeveloped. There were remnants of personalities teenage boy’s voice, cleverly veering away from typical
there and traits to enjoy within each character, but young adult character tropes. The treatment of the
they were nowhere near as well rounded as Evan and twins’ relationship invites the reader into the warmth
unfortunately became more like stock characters and closeness the two share, whilst also holding Belle at
we have all seen before. This meant that as a reader arm’s length to maintain the mystery and conflict Peter
I started to disengage, especially as the character of faces about her.
Connor, whose suicide the whole storyline hangs on, Whilst the story begins with a relatively domestic
is a rather confusing contradiction delivered in stages. school life, the book’s genre is ambitious in its
The few times he takes the reigns as narrator whilst exploration of different avenues of story-telling. Pollock
navigating the afterlife is intriguing and his dark dips his pen into supernatural science, crime drama,
humour and brutal honesty when describing his current coming-of-age narrative and even a touch of romance.
situation and feelings about the storyline unfolding is This is a whirlwind for the reader and can at times be
an effective foil to Evan’s overly apologetic struggle to described as disorientating; more than a couple times
put his feelings into words. Without the advantage of the thread of the plot becomes almost too tangled, yet
seeing the characters come to life on stage you can’t it always seems to unknot before frustration sets in. A
help but feel there is more to them but we are not given rip roar of a ride that promises to continue catapulting
the insight. even when you think Peter has survived the many
The irony is neither Evan nor Connor can talk crescendos of his adventure. Into the ‘white’ rabbit hole
about what they really need to when they really need the reader is compelled to go!
to; leading them both to take desperate measures with
dire consequences. The feeling of intense isolation Avril Dowdeswell
many young people suffer is very real and poignantly Cardinal Newman School, Luton
presented, but the storyline is painfully obvious from
the beginning and really fizzles at the end. You find
yourself wanting more of a significant resolution but
it is definitely worth a read if only to offer insight into
teenage male anxiety, depression and the exhausting
daily battle of someone struggling with mental illness.
Katherine Burr
Cardinal Newman Schoo
Anthony Cockerill
In this column, NATE invites one of its active members to reflect
on some of the things that have inspired them in life, literature and
English teaching. This term: Anthony Cockerill, Head of English at
Boroughbridge High School.
The Books?
• My favourite comfort read is Donna Tartt’s The Secret
History. This undoubtedly makes me sound odd,
given that it’s a book about murder and conspiracy,
but I love the evocation of that particular world.
• I usually have a large stack of non-fiction by my bed.
Currently, the stack includes Grayson Perry’s The
Descent of Man, Oliver Sacks’ Musicophilia and Robert
MacFarlane’s The Wild Places. I can easily have several
non-fiction books on the go at the same time and
switch from one to the other, depending on my mood.
• I’ve always enjoyed travel writing. I’ve recently read
John Steinbeck’s Travels with Charley, which offers
an insight into the great man in his twilight years.
I’m also reading Paul Theroux’s Deep South, which is
characteristically well-observed.
• I enjoy twentieth-century American poetry, especially
Robert Lowell, William Stafford and Hart Crane. Yorkshire Dales
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