Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan: Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc

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Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.

Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat

Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993
TIN: 000-578-187 (Non VAT)
“Service for the l ove of God through Mary”


PREREQUISITES(If needed):Grade 3-10 Science

Subject Description: This course focuses on the application of scientific knowledge and the solution of practical problems in a physical environment. It is designed to bridge the gap
between theoretical science and daily living.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learners are able to develop a community disaster preparedness plan to minimize vulnerability and disaster risk in the community and avoid or limit adverse impacts of hazards.
What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?
Highest Enabling Strategy to Use
Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess in developing the Highest Thinking
Skill to Assess
Most Essential Performance KUD Flexible
Content Content Standards
Topics Standards KUD Classific Assessment Enabling Flexible Learning
Complete Classific Most Essential ation RBT Level Activities (FAA) General Strategies (FLS)
ation Performance Strategy
Quarter 1
Basic concept The learners The learners… 1.Differentiate
1. Basic The learners of disaster relate the the risk factors
K Understanding Representati
concept of demonstrate and disaster concept of 1. Explain the meaning K underlying on Think/Pair/Share
disaster understanding of risk disaster with of disaster; disasters;
and the… daily life. 2. Differentiate the
K Discussion/Reflecti
disaster risk factors on
risk 1. Concept of 2. Describe the
underlying effects of
disaster disasters;

2. Concept of
disasters on Presentation/
3. Describe the effects K Understanding Representati Analysis
disaster risk one’s life; on
of disasters on one’s
3. Nature of life;
K 3.Analyze
4. Explain how and disaster from
Effects of disasters when an event U Analyzing Communica
becomes a disaster; U the different tion

5. Identify perspectives
areas/locations (physical,
exposed to hazards psychological,
that may lead to U socio-cultural,
disasters; and
6. Analyze disaster
from the different political, and
perspectives (physical, biological).
psychological, socio-
cultural, economic,
political, and
Exposure The learners Exposure and The learners
and demonstrate Vulnerability conduct hazard The learners… 1. Explain K Understanding Poster Timeline Group Discussion
Representati Small Talk
Vulnerabilit understanding hunts of why certain Plan the Social on
y of… exposed 1. Enumerate sectors of Media Content

elements and elements

society are
propose exposed to more
corresponding hazards; vulnerable to
corrective 2. Explain the K
disaster than
actions for one’s meaning of others;
preparedness. vulnerability; 2. Analyze
U Analyzing Communica
3. Explain why why certain tion Reporting
certain sectors structures are
of society are more vulnerable
more to specific hazards
vulnerable to than others;
disaster than
others; 3. Recognize
4. Analyze vulnerabilities of
why different elements
certain exposed to
structures specific hazards;
are more
4. Differentiate
to specific among hazards,
hazards exposure, and
than vulnerabilities and
others; give examples
K from actual
Rebus Puzzle
5. Determine the situations.
elements that Symbols Around
are exposed Me
Various elements
to a particular Image Analysis
that may be
exposed to Digital Collage
6. Recognize
hazards: U
vulnerabilities U Applying Connection
1. Physical
of different
2. Social
3. Economic
exposed to
4. Environmental
Vulnerability of each
hazards; and
exposed element.
7. Differentiate K Understanding Representati
among on

s and give
from actual

Basic concept The learners Basic concept The learners The learners…
1. Give examples Pre-Writing Image Analysis
of hazard demonstrate of hazard relate various K Remembering Representati
understanding of types of hazard 1. Define hazards; K of the types of One Minute Paper on Discussion
the… with a specific 2. Give examples of hazards;
K Video Analysis Digital Collage
area for one’s the types of 2. Explain the
impact of various K Understanding
1. Concept of preparedness. hazards; and Representati
Article Analysis
hazard 3. Explain the hazards on Brochure/
2. Types of hazards impact of various different exposed Pamphlet Reflection Writing
(issues copyright,
The impact of various hazards on elements. fair use &
hazards plagiarism)
different exposed
elements. 3. Evaluate the Brochure/Pamphle
*4. Examine the U impact of various t
U (canva.com)
different types of hazards. Evaluating
hazards. and Proof
*5. Evaluate the 4. Develop
impact of various emergency D
preparedness plan Creating
hazards. Problem
D Solving
*6. Develop an
preparedness plan
Earthquake The learners Earthquake The learners The learners…
Hazards demonstrate Hazards develop a 1. Recognize K Understanding Slogan Representati Interaction/
on Discussion
understanding family 1. Identify various U the natural Word hunt
of… emergency potential signs of an Brainstorming

preparedness earthquake impending

Article Analysis
Potential plan to guide hazards; tsunami;
earthquake them on what 2. Recognize the U
Picture Analysis

hazards: to do before, natural signs of 2. Analyze the U Analyzing Communica

1. Ground during, and an impending effects of the tion
shaking after an tsunami; different
2. Ground earthquake. 3. Analyze the U earthquake
rupture effects of the hazards;
3. Liquefaction different
4. Earthquake- earthquake 3. Interpret U Evaluating Reasoning
induced hazards; different and Proof

ground 4. Interpret U
subsidence different hazard maps;
5. Tsunami earthquake
Earthquake-induced hazard maps;
landslide and; 4. Apply U Applying

5. Apply precautionary Connection

precautionary and safety
and safety measures
measures before, during,
before, during, and after an
and after an earthquake.
Volcano The learners Volcano The learners The learners…
.1. Differentiate K Understanding Picture Analysis Representati Lecture
Hazards demonstrate Hazards develop a family on
understanding emergency 1. Explain various K among different Image/Infographic
of… preparedness volcano-related volcano hazards; Analysis

plan to guide hazards;

Signs of impending them on what 2. Differentiate K 2. Recognize signs Understanding
volcanic eruptions to do before, among different of an impending K Representati
during, and volcano hazards; volcanic eruption;
Potential volcano- after a volcanic 3. Recognize signs 3. Interpret
related hazards: eruption. of an impending different volcano
1. Lahar volcanic hazard maps; and
2. Ash fall eruption; 4. Apply
U U Evaluating Reasoning
3. Pyroclastic 4. Interpret measures/interve and Proof

flow different ntions before,

4. Ballistic volcano hazard during, and after a
projectile maps; and volcanic eruption.
U U Applying
5. Volcanic 5. Apply 5. Create an Connection
gasses appropriate emergency
Lava flow measures/interve preparedness plan
ntions before,
during, and after
a volcanic
eruption. D Problem
*6. Create an D Creating Solving
preparedness plan.

Other related The learners Other related The learners The learners… Map reading Lecture

geological demonstrate geological develop a family Reflection/

hazards understanding hazards emergency 1. Discuss the K 1. Analyze the U Understanding Reflection Paper Discussion
of… preparedness different causes of
on Video
plan to guide eological geological Presentation/
Related geological them on what hazards; hazards; Analysis
hazards to do before, 2. Analyze the U Video Critiquing

1. Rainfall- during, and causes of 2. Recognize signs U Applying

induced landslide after the geological of impending
Sinkhole occurrence of hazards; geological
events that 3. Recognize U hazards;
cause geological signs of
hazards. impending 3. Interpret U Evaluating Reasoning
geological geological maps; and Proof
U U Applying
4. Interpret 4. Apply mitigation Connection
geological strategies to
maps; and prevent loss of
4. 5. Apply mitigation U lives and
5. strategies to properties.
6. prevent loss of
7. lives 5. Create an D Creating Problem
and properties. Solving
*6. Create an plan.
preparedness plan.

Hydrometeoro The learners Hydrometeor The The learners…

Picture Analysis Interactive
logi cal demonstrate ologi cal learners discussion
hazards understanding hazards develop a 1. Distinguish K 1. Recognize signs U Applying Essay Connection
of… family and of impending Multimedia
emergency differentiate hydrometeorologi
Potential preparedne among and cal hazards; Brainstorming
hydrometeorologic ss plan to between
al hazards: guide them different 2. Apply U Applying
1. Typhoon on what to hydrometeorol appropriate Connection
2. Thunderstorm do before, ogical measures/interve
3. Flashflood during, and hazards; ntions before,
4. Flood after the 2. Recognize during, and after
5. Stormsurge occurrence signs of hydrometeorologi
6. El niño of events impending cal hazards;
La niña that cause hydrometeorol
hydromete ogical 3. Interpret U Evaluating Reasoning
orological hazards; different and Proof
hazards. 3. Apply hydrometeorologi
appropriate cal hazard maps;
The learners measures/inte
develop rventions 4. Use available D Creating
proficiency in before, tools for Problem
executing during, and monitoring hydro- Solving

emergency after meteorological

response plans hydrometeoro hazards.
through safety logical
drills. hazards;
4. Interpret U
maps; and
5. Use available D

tools for
Fire hazard The learners Fire hazard The The learners…
demonstrate learners
understanding develop a 1. Recognize elements K 1. Analyze the
of… family of the fire triangle in different causes of
U Analyzing Communica
emergency different situations; fires;
Fire hazards and preparedne Observe
related concepts: ss plan to 2. Analyze the different U precautionary
1. Fire triangle guide them causes of fires; measures and
2. Causes of fires on what to Observe precautionary proper
Phases of a fire do before, measures and proper procedures in
emergency during, and procedures in addressing a fire
after a fire addressing a fire incident;
incident. incident;
3. Apply basic response U 2. Apply basic U Applying Connection
procedures during a fire response
incident; and procedures during
a fire incident;
4. Follow fire emergency D D Creating
and evacuation plans; 3. Follow
fire Problem
emergency and Solving

evacuation plans;

Concept of The learners Concept of The The learners…

Disaster Risk demonstrate Disaster Risk learners
Reduction understanding Reduction are able to 1. Discuss the
(DRR) and of… (DRR) and develop a key concepts, K 1. Recognize
K Understanding Representati
Disaster Risk Disaster Risk community principles, importance of on
Reduction and Disaster risk Reduction emergency and elements DRR on one’s life
Management reduction: and preparedne of DRR;
(DRRM) 1. Concept of Management ss plan and 2. Recognize K
DRR (DRRM) community the 2. Develop a D Creating Problem
2. Importance of disaster importance community
DRR preparedne of DRR on preparedness
Key principles ss plan to one’s life; plan;
vulnerabilit 3. Prepare survival D Creating Problem
y and kits and materials Solving
disaster for one’s family
risk in the and for public
community information and
and avoid advocacy.
or limit
impacts of K


emergency 3. Discuss different K
response community-based
protocols/p practices for managing
rocedures disaster risk to specific
through hazards;
Community-based drills. 4. Develop a community D
disaster risk preparedness plan; and
reduction and
management for 5. Prepare survival kits D
preparedness and materials for one’s
1. Emergency plan family and for public
2. Monitoring and information and
Evaluation advocacy.
3. Early Warning
Survival kits and
What to The learners Policies of The The learners…
1. Abide by public D Creating
expect demonstrate DRRM learners Problem
between the understanding are able to 1. Explain DRR- K policies on DRRM. Soving
State and the of… develop a related laws
citizens community and policies;
1. Policies of disaster 2. Avail of
DRRM -The preparedne existing
Philippine ss plan to DRR-related
DRRM Law RA minimize services
10121 and its vulnerabilit programs
Implementing y and and projects;
Rules and disaster and
Regulations risk in the 3. Abide by D
Information and community public
resources from the and avoid policies on
Government or limit DRRM.
(Projects and adverse
Programs) impacts of

Performance Task:
Philippine is one of the counties prone to different types of disaster, your local TV network proposes raise awareness and preparedness to the community. As a segment producer, you are assigned to create a 5-minute video
containing awareness and preparedness campaign promoting safety and prevention. The video will be presented to the program director and be broadcast every 3 hours to be viewed by people within the locality . The video
will be

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