Involute Gear Gear Nomenclature
Involute Gear Gear Nomenclature
Involute Gear Gear Nomenclature
Figure. 1
Circular pitch (CP)=PCD×
T . no .
Tooth thickness (t)=
Clearance =Gear Constant × Module;-C×M
Addendum =Module:-M
Deddendum =( Gear constant + 1)×Module;-(C+1)M
Radius of curves=
3.Draw the pitch circle, Addendum circle Dedendum circle and Clearance circle.
Figure. 2
4. Draw the base circle as follows;
Draw a line tangent to the pitch circle at p as shown; This is called common tangent
Measure the pressure angle from the line as shown and draw a line; This is called the line of
On the side that the action line gets below the pitch circle, measure the pressure angle at the
Centre of the circle,
Draw a line that subtends the pressure angle at the Centre of the circle such that it cuts the line of
Label the point at which the line cuts the line of action as J figure 2 above; This is the point at
which the base circle is tangential to the base circle.
Draw the base circle radius OJ, from the Centre of the gear. Base circle is also called the
generating circle.
Figure. 3
Starting from the pitch point, along pitch circle mark the tooth thickness as P,P 1,P2,P3 etc. just for
use as boundaries from tooth to space .
The involute arc radius is estimated; take a measurement equal to, slightly bigger or slightly
smaller than PB
The first arc is drawn through the pitch point;-With compass at P, locate the Centre of the
involute curve on the base circle, in this case the arc radius is equal to PB so the Centre will be
B,now draw the involute arc Centre B, radius PB, it will pass through P.
To draw the other involute for the first tooth ,Again locate the Centre for the involute on the base
circle, NB/ the radius chosen for the involute curve radii is constant, Therefore PB remains our
radius for all the profiles. Now with PB as radius and Centre p1 on the pitch circle where the
involute must pass, mark an arc on the generating circle labeled B1 in the figure. This is the
Centre of the second involute, with Centre B1 and radius PB draw an involute arc to pass through
To Draw a second tooth the steps used in drawing the first tooth are repeated; With the thickness
already marked on the pitch circle and the involute radius selected ,its easy to draw the other
teeth;- With compass at P2,locate the involute Centre on the generating circle, in this case it will
be B2,now draw the involute arc, Centre B2 to pass through P2.Again locate the closing involute
Centre on base circle, in this case its B3,draw the closing involute arc for the second tooth to pass
through P3 and proceed to the third tooth
To trace the arc at the root of the tooth ,you can use the formula to get the radius,locate the centre
of curve and draw the curves,or simply trace a smooth free hand curve from clearace circle to the
dedendum circle.
To draw two gear in mesh;
Two gears mesh in the ratio of 1:1, given that the teeth number is 25 and the module 10, Draw at least
five teeth in mesh for the system. Use a pressure angle of 20 and gear constant of 0.157.
Figure. 4
Example 2
Two gears mesh to give a velocity ratio of 2:5,given the pressure angle is 14.5.the PCD of pinion is
96mm and the Module is 6,draw at least 5 teeth in mesh for the system.
Draw the profile radius, EC, from G. This is the other flank of the
Add the fillet at the base of the tooth as before. (more detail needed)
The tooth is now complete. The outside circle between the two
flanks is the top of the tooth.
This can be repeated for each tooth.