Certification of The Absence of A Qualified E
Certification of The Absence of A Qualified E
Certification of The Absence of A Qualified E
Series of 2017
This is to certify that based on the records of this Office, there is no qualified
eligible who actually applied to the Teacher II position in Iloilo National High
School, La Paz, Iloilo City.
I agree that any misrepresentation made in this certification shall cause the filing
of administrative/criminal case/s against me.
Administrative Officer V
Highest Official In Charge of HRM
Date: _________________
DepED – SCHOOLS DIVISION of ILOILO Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City, 5000 | Tel./Fax (033) 320 1402 | ICT-Unit Direct Line: (033) 320 0710 Trunk Lines:
(033) 320 0707 | 320 0728 | 320 0719 | Website: http://www.depediloilo.net | E-mail: [email protected]