Basic ESP Schedule Monitor Training
Basic ESP Schedule Monitor Training
Basic ESP Schedule Monitor Training
1. How to sign on to ESP
Sign on to ETSO from a 3270 emulator session.
From the ISPF Primary Option Menu type ‘ESP’ on the command line.
Choose Option ‘C’ for Consolidated Status Facility.
2. How to create ESP views.
From ESP; Consolidated Status Facility or ‘CSF’ Type ‘V’
Go beside your general view and type ‘R’ to replicate the view.
Give your new view a name and description.
Go beside your new view type ‘S’ to select it.
When your view comes up type ‘FI’ on the command line to filter.
From this screen you will be able to customize your view as you wish.
Hit Enter to save your view.
3.Customizing ESP Views
To Update a view: Go into ESP CSF. Type ‘V’ on the command line.
Go beside the view you wish to update and type ‘U’. Make the desired change.
To delete a view: Go beside the view you wish to delete and place a ‘D’ beside it.
To replicate a view: Go beside the view you wish to replicate and type ‘R’ beside it.
To select a view: Place an ‘S’ beside the view you wish to select.
To change your presentation order type PR from the command line in ESP. Each view you have
set-up has it’s own presentation order. Type PR on the command line after selecting the view you
wish to change the presentation order for. This action will bring up the following panel.
Field Sort Sort Pres Pres Pres
Description Order Seq Order Len Title
Jobname ===> 1
Application ===> 3
Account Number ===>
Appl Generation ===> 5
Appl Def Seq ===>
DJC Jobnet ===>
Subapplication ===> 4
P-Node ===> 5a
Qualifier ===> 2
Status ===> 7
User Status ===>
System Status ===>
Tag ===> 8
Scheduled Time ===> 6
Event Name ===> 8b
Job Number ===> 8a
Hold Count ===> 6b
Job Start Time ===> 6a
Job End Time ===>
Completion Code ===>
Auth String ===>
Wob Type ===> 9
Agent Name ===>
DManager Name ===>
Put the fields in the order you wish for them to be in. Put a number in the presentation column, 1
will be the first field on the left of your view. As the numbers increase the fields go further out to
the right of your view. If you look at the example above you will see that Jobname is first, Jobqual
and so on. The fields would go from left to right like below.
Jobname Jobqual Appl Subappl AGen PNode Scheduled Start Time HC Status
You may also change your sort order. From the command line in CSF you can type SO. This
command will take to the same screen as the PR command. If you have nothing in your sort order
fields, it defaults to sort by jobname. You may want to sort by application generation if you are
looking at an applwait situation. You may want to sort by start time if you wanted to see what jobs
have been executing the longest.
ESP has colors that can be defined to help differentiate between job statuses. For example you
may want to see your jobs in a failed status in RED. You may to see jobs in an executing status in
green and so on. Just type CO from the command line in ESP:CSF. The following screen will
come up.
Job Status Colour Highlight Intensity
Scheduled ===> ===> ===>
Predecessor Appl Wait ===> ===> ===>
Waiting for Predecessors ===> ===> ===>
Ready or Resource Wait ===> ===> ===>
Submitted ===> ===> ===>
Executing ===> ===> ===>
Overdue ===> ===> ===>
Failed ===> ===> ===>
Task Awaiting Post ===> ===> ===>
Complete ===> ===> ===>
Bypassed ===> ===> ===>
Available Colors: Blue Green Pink Red
Turq White Yellow
Highlighting: None Blink Reverse Uscore
Intensity: Low High
Just type a color in the field provided that you would like to see the job status to left displayed in.
At the bottom of the display you can see the colors you have to choose from. You also can have a
status underlined by using the uscore in the highlighted field. You also have blink and reverse to
choose from. Colors can be an important monitoring tool. After monitoring for a while you will
begin to associate certain colors with certain job statuses.
4.Explanation of PNODES
A. Applhold: By putting ‘applhold’ in your pnode field it will show you all of the ESP
applications that are currently on Application Hold.
When an application is on applhold, no jobs can start to execute in that application until it is
released. An application can be triggered on hold or can be placed on applhold manually.
B. Applwait: Put ‘applwait’ in your pnode field. It will show you all of the ESP applications that
are currently in application wait
An application wait comes about when an application loads and the previous application with
the same name has not finished. Each time an application loads it is given a generation
number. An application in applwait will not start to execute until the previous generation
C. Complete: Pnode complete will show all entries in ESP that are completed. When a job
finishes or task does its function it will go into a completed status.
D. Exec: Pnode Exec will show all entries in ESP that are in an executing status. Objects are
executing when they are running on a system.
E. External: Pnode External will show all entries in ESP that are external (Links to another
application) Externals allow a job in one application to release a job in a different application.
F. Fail: Pnode Fail will show all of the entries in ESP that are in a failed or suberror status.
G. Input: Pnode Input will show all jobs in ESP that are in an input submitted status. Jobs are
input submitted when their predecessors are complete but the job is waiting for an initiator.
Jobs could be waiting in the input queue for the following reasons: The business unit held.
The initiators are drained. All of the initiators the job in question is waiting on are in use. The
job is on hold in the input queue.
H. Manhold: Pnode Manhold will show all entries in ESP that are in a manhold status and are not
waiting for predecessors.
I. Predwait: Pnode Predwait will show all entries in ESP that are waiting for predecessors.
J. Ready: Pnode Ready will show the jobs in ESP that are eligible or queued for submission.
Jobs are eligible for submission if they are not held or waiting for resources or waiting for
K. Reswait: Pnode Reswait will show all ESP entries that are in a status of waiting for resources.
L. Sancwait: Pnode Sancwait will show all ESP entries that are in a status of Subpplication wait.
( The previous generation of the sub-application in question has not finished.)
M. Subdelay: Pnode Subdelay will show all ESP entries in a status of submission delayed.
N. Suberror: Pnode Suberror will show any ESP jobs that have a submission error. Some of the
most common suberrors are when there is no jcl for the job, the scriptname does not exist,
there is an error in the application, the job card in the jcl is not correct
O. Task: Pnode Task will show tasks that require manual completion.
P. Waiting: Pnode Waiting will show any ESP entries waiting for a specific delayed submission
5. Explanation of an Application:
A. An application is a group of workload objects. Jobs can be grouped together to form an
application by Business unit. By which platform they run on. By what type of jobs. By which
department they are running for etc.
6. Explanation of a Sub-Application:
A. A group of workload objects in an application that can be displayed or controlled without
affecting or viewing the entire application. Or put more simply it is a smaller group of
workload objects within the application. You can filter on or issued commands to sub-
application without viewing or affecting the entire application.
In the panel above you can fill in a different DSNAME and or MEMBER if they are different
from the original that was submitted.
B. How to Release a job from manhold.
Place an A beside the job you wish to release and press enter.
C. How to release a sub-application from hold.
Place an AS beside any job within the sub-application and press enter.
D. How to release an application from hold.
Place an AA beside any job in the application and press enter.
E. How complete a job.
Place a C beside the job you wish to complete and press enter.
F. How complete a sub-application
Place CS beside any job within the sub-application and press enter.
G. How to complete an application
Place a CA beside any job in the application you wish to complete and press enter.
H. How to bypass a job.
Place BY beside the job you wish to bypass and hit enter.
How to bypass a sub-application
Place a BYS beside a job in the sub-application you with to bypass and hit enter.
J. How to unbypass a job
Place UB beside the job you with to unbypass
K. How to unbypass a sub-application
Place UBS beside a job in the sub-application you with to unbypass and press enter.
L. How to list historic job index entries for a job.
Go beside the job you with to see history for and place a LI beside it and press enter.
M. How to set user status
Go beside the job you wish to change the user status for and place SUS beside it and hit enter.
N. How to hold a job.
Go beside the job you wish to hold and type H beside it and press enter.
O. How to hold a sub-application
Tab beside one of the jobs in the sub-application that you wish to hold. Type HS beside the
job and hit enter.
P. How to hold an application
Go beside one of the jobs in the application use with to hold. Type HA beside the job and hit
Q. How to hold a job with a reason
Filter on the job you wish to hold. Type HR beside the job. This will bring up another panel.
Enter the HOLD reason ===>
(The HOLD reason is placed in the User Status field)