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Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence
1. In the U.S., students must attend school between the ages of six and seventeen, and after
passing all required courses they graduate and either go on to higher education or join the
military or work force. The number of students who go on to higher education has increased
dramatically in the past decade as job opportunities have become more competitive and college
degrees more accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. U.S. students have a vast
network of private and public universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges at their
fingertips and therefore, a great deal of choice in the course of their education.
U.S. students have a vast network of private and public universities, liberal arts colleges, and
community colleges at their fingertips and therefore, a great deal of choice in the course of their
2. In the developing world 1.1 billion people still lack access to safe drinking water, 2.6 billion do not
have access to adequate sanitation services, and more than 1.6 million deaths each year are
traced to waterborne diseases (mostly in children under five). All too often in developing countries,
water is costly or inaccessible to the poorest in society, while the wealthy have it piped into their
homes. In addition, because of the infrastructure that is used to control water, whole seas are
being lost, rivers are running dry, millions of people have been displaced to make room for
reservoirs, groundwater aquifers are being pumped down, and disputes over water have raised
tensions from local to international levels. Fresh water is a limiting resource in many parts of the
world and is certain to become even more so as the 21st century unfolds.
Fresh water is a limiting resource in many parts of the world and is certain to become even more
so as the 21st century unfolds.
3. In colonial days, huge flocks of snowy egrets inhabited the coastal wetlands and marshes of the
southeastern United States. In the 1800s, when fashion dictated fancy hats adorned with feathers,
egrets and other birds were hunted for their plumage. By the late 1800s, egrets were almost
extinct. In 1886, the newly formed National Audubon Society began a press campaign to shame
“feather wearers” and end the practice. The campaign caught on, and gradually, attitudes
changed; new laws followed. Government policies that protect animals from overharvesting are
essential to keep species from the brink of extinction. Even when cultural standards change due
to the efforts of individual groups (such as the National Audubon Society), laws and policy
measures must follow to ensure that endangered populations remain protected. Since the 1800s,
several important laws have been passed to protect a wide variety of species.
Government policies that protect animals from overharvesting are essential to keep species from
the brink of extinction.
4. The most important problem in our city is its poor public transportation system. Thousands of
residents rely on the city’s buses and taxis to travel throughout this large city, while Metro
Transportation System’s daily schedules are totally unreliable. A bus or taxi that should arrive at
7:45 may not arrive until 8:00 or later. Moreover, it is not unusual for a bus driver to pass up
groups of people waiting for the bus because he wants to make up for the lost time. Unfortunately,
people often end up going to work late or missing important appointments.
The most important problem in our city is its poor public transportation system.
5. Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous
beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes.
Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin
remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. Another important
characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in
hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is I astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear
gold-plated heat shields for protection outside spaceships.