Caterpillar Performance Handbook 49 62020 Partie611

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Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures

● Wheel Loaders — Radial Ply

Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures.


Inflation Pressure
Star Titan Yokohama Triangle
Model Tire Size Rating Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear
kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi
950GC 23.5R25 ★, ★★ 503 73 400 58
950H 23.5R25 ★, ★★
950K 23.5R25 ★, ★★
950M 23.5R25 ★, ★★ 483 70 379 55 400 58 365 53
750/65R25 ★, ★★
962H 23.5R25 ★, ★★
962K 23.5R25 ★, ★★
962M 23.5R25 ★, ★★ 552 80 379 55 407 59 372 54
750/65R25 ★, ★★
966H 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 517 75 414 60 503 73 400 58
966K 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 448 65 345 50
966M 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 503 73 503 73 503 73 276 40 503 73 400 58
775/65R29 ★, ★★
972H 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 517 75 414 60 503 73 400 58
972K 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 483 70 345 50
972M 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 503 73 503 73 503 73 276 40 503 73 400 58
775/65R29 ★, ★★
980H 29.5R25 ★, ★★ 503 73 400 58
980K 29.5R25 ★, ★★ 503 73 303 44
875/65R29 ★, ★★
980M 29.5R25 ★, ★★ 503 73 503 73 503 73 303 44 503 73 400 58
875/65R29 ★, ★★
982M 29.5R29 ★, ★★
875/65R29 ★, ★★
986H 35/65R33 ★★, ★ ★★
988K 35/65R33 ★★, ★ ★★ 648 94 648 94
990K 45/65R39 ★, ★★
992K 45/65R45 ★, ★★ 648 94 648 94
993K 50/65R51 ★, ★★


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Standard Cold Inflation Pressures Tires
● Log Loaders — Bias and Bias Belted
● Log Loaders — Radial Ply

Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures.

LOG LOADERS — Bias and Bias Belted

Inflation Pressure
Strength Goodyear Bridgestone/Firestone
Model Tire Size Index Front Rear Front Rear
kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi
950H 23.5-25 20 372 54 276 40 345 50 207 30
966H 26.5-25 20, 26 448 65 276 40 414 60 276 40
980H 29.5-25 28 427 62 276 40 586 85 379 55
988K 35/65-33 42 655 95 414 60
Consult Goodyear
990K 41.25/70-39 42 Consult Bridgestone/Firestone
NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Log Loader pressures.
NOTE: Pressures for “Log Loaders” are not approved because general application of machine exceeds tire load limit.

LOG LOADERS — Radial Ply

Inflation Pressure
Strength Michelin Goodyear Bridgestone Eurotire
Model Tire Size Index Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear
kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi
950H 23.5R25 ★, ★★ 450 65 276 40 476 69 303 44 345 50 207 30
650/65R25 ★ 345 50 241 35
750/65R25 ★ 276 40 207 30
966H 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 414 60 276 40 448 65 303 44 414 60 276 40
750/65R25 ★ 414 60 276 40
980H 29.5R25 ★, ★★ 517 75 276 40 503 73 303 44 586 85 379 55 585 85 380 55
988K 35/65R33 ★★ 800 116 600 87 655 95 414 60
990K 45/65R39 ★, ★★ Consult Michelin Consult Bridgestone
NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Log Loader pressures.
NOTE: Pressures for “Log Loaders” are not approved because general application of machine exceeds tire load limit.



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Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures
● Integrated Toolcarriers — Bias and Bias Belted
● Integrated Toolcarriers — Radial Ply

Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures.


Inflation Pressure
Ply Goodyear Bridgestone/Firestone
Model Tire Size Rating Front Rear Front Rear
kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi
IT62H 23.5-25 16 372 54 248 36 345 50 207 30
NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Integrated Toolcarrier pressures.


Inflation Pressure
Star Michelin Goodyear Bridgestone
Model Tire Size Rating Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear
kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi
IT62H 23.5R25 ★ 345 50 241 35 427 62 276 40 345 50 207 30
NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Integrated Toolcarrier pressures.


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Standard Cold Inflation Pressures Tires
● Wheel Dozers — Bias and Radial Ply

Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures.


Inflation Pressure
Ply Bridgestone/Firestone Titan
Model Tire Size Rating Front Rear Front Rear
kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi
834K 35/65-33 42 345 50 379 55
844K 41.25/70-39 42 483 70 414 60 476 69 476 69
854K 45/65-45 58 655 95 414 60 676 98 676 98


Inflation Pressure
Star Michelin Bridgestone/Firestone Titan
Model Tire Size Rating Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear
kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi
814F2 23.5R25 ★ 352 51 324 47
824K 875/65R29 ★ 352 51 352 51 496 72 421 61
824HQ 29.5R25 ★★ 352 51 352 51
834K 35/65R33 ★★, ★★★ 400 58 400 58 345 50 414 60 648 94 648 94
844K 45/65R39 ★ 303 44 303 44 379 55 379 55
854K 45/65R45 ★★ 379 55 310 45 648 94 648 94



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