2013 A Novel Fuzzy Inference For Roof Fall Rate
2013 A Novel Fuzzy Inference For Roof Fall Rate
2013 A Novel Fuzzy Inference For Roof Fall Rate
Safety Science
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ssci
A novel fuzzy inference system for predicting roof fall rate in underground
coal mines
Mojtaba Razani a, Abdolreza Yazdani-Chamzini a,⇑, Siamak Haji Yakhchali b
Young Researchers Club, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Roof fall is one of the most important hazards connected with underground coal mines, because signif-
Received 20 July 2012 icantly affects financial and human losses. On the other hand, according to different parameters make
Received in revised form 22 August 2012 a significant impact on roof fall and these factors are ill-defined or even immeasurable, this problem is
Accepted 24 November 2012
an uncertain and complex issue. Fuzzy logic is a useful tool to handle the existing uncertainty to be more
Available online 31 January 2013
adapted to the real world problems. In this paper, fuzzy inference system (FIS) is applied to predict roof
fall rate more accurate, precise, and sure for controlling, mitigating, and/or even eliminating the risk of
roof fall. The model utilizes subtractive clustering method to generate fuzzy rules based on 109 data of
Roof fall rate
roof performance from US coal mines. The established model is evaluated by testing dataset based on
ANN three indices, including coefficient of determination (R2), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean
MVR square error (RMSE). The results derived from the FIS model in comparison with artificial neural network
Underground coal mines (ANN) and multivariate regression (MVR) model demonstrate that prediction of roof fall rate by the FIS
model is more accurate and satisfied.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0925-7535/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Razani et al. / Safety Science 55 (2013) 26–33 27
Table 1
A list of several studies on modeling roof fall.
network (ANN) and multivariate regression (MVR) models based such as: pattern reorganization, classification, data processing, and
on three indices, including coefficient of determination (R2), mean process control. ANN technique has some unique futures which
absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE). distinguish them from other data processing systems include abil-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: multivariate ity to work successfully even when they are partly damaged, par-
regression is briefly illustrated in the ext section. Section 3 de- allel processing, ability to make generalization, and little
scribes artificial neural network (ANN). The basic concepts of fuzzy susceptibility to errors in data sets (Malinowski and Ziembicki,
inference system (FIS) are presented in Section 4. Section 5 ex- 2006). An artificial neural network simulates the human brain
plains the indices applied in model performance. Data set is de- mechanism to implement computing behavior (He and Xu, 2007).
scribed in Section 6. In Section 7, the FIS system is applied to ANN is developed based on biological neural networks, which
predict the roof fall rate and its performance is investigated in neurons are the basic building blocks ones. An artificial neuron is
comparison with ANN and MVR models. In Section 8, results and a model of a biological neuron. An artificial neuron receives signals
discussion are discussed. Section 9 includes the conclusions of from other neurons, gathers these signals, and when fired, trans-
the study. mits a signal to all connected neurons (Engelbrecht, 2002). An arti-
ficial neuron model is depicted in Fig. 1.
2. Multivariate regression analysis As seen in Fig. 1, xi (i = 1, 2, ..., n) is the input signal of n other
neurons to a neuron j; wij is the connection weight between the
Regression analysis is widely used for modeling relationship be- ith neuron and the neuron j; hj is the activation threshold of the
tween inputs and output variables. Based on basic concepts of mul- neuron j; f is the transfer function, and yj is the output of the neu-
tivariate regression (MVR), relationship between inputs variables ron. yj Is calculated through the following equation:
and the output variable is generally explored by the function that !
is fitted to a dataset. Standard form of the MVR model in statistical yi ¼ f wij xi hj ð2Þ
analysis can be defined as: i¼1
5. Model performance
ðAi Pi Þ2
R2 ¼ 1 ð5Þ
i Þ2
ðAi A
u N
u ðA P Þ2
u i i
t i¼1
RMSE ¼ ð6Þ
Fig. 5. Method of measuring intersection diagonals (Molinda et al., 2000).
jAi Pi j
MAE ¼ ð7Þ
coal mining. As a result, its failure is the main cause of fatalities
i is the average
where Pi is predicted values, Ai is observed values, A and injuries. In many cases, increasing the roof bolt density is
of observed set, and N is the number of datasets. the simplest way in order to reduce the level of roof fall risk.
R2 shows how much of the variability in dependent variable can PRSUP is a roof bolt density indicator that is calculated by the
be explained by independent variable(s). R2 is a positive number following equation (Molinda et al., 2000; Ghasemi and Ataei,
that can only take values between zero and one. A value for R2 2012):
close to one shows a good fit of forecasting model and a value close
to zero presents a poor fit. Lb N b C
MAE would reflect if the results suffer from a bias between the 14:5 Sb W e
actual and modeled datasets (Khatibi et al., 2011). RMSE is a used where Lb is length of the bolt in m, Nb is the number of bolts per
measure in order to calculate the differences between values pre- row, C is the bolt capacity in KN, Sb is the spacing between rows
dicted by a model and the values observed from the thing being of bolts in m, and We is entry width in m.
modeled. RMSE and MAE are non-negative numbers that for an IS: Roof fall reports in underground coal mines show that most
ideal model can be zero and have no upper bound. of the falls occur in intersections. The intersection fall rate
proves that intersections are much more likely to fall than entry
6. Data set or crosscut segments between intersections (Molinda et al.,
2000). Because unlike of entries and crosscuts, rock load applied
The data set involved in this study includes 109 observations of on roof in intersections is proportional to the cube of the span
the roof fall rate against its affecting parameters (Molinda et al., (Molinda et al., 1998). As seen in Fig. 5, the IS can be defined
2000). In order to construct the ANFIS model for the roof fall rate, as the sum of the two intersection diagonals.
the existing data set is separated into training and test sets. For DOF: In underground coal mines, deep of cover is one of the root
achieving the aim, 82 observations (75%) are randomly selected causes of roof fall. Because a rise in depth leads to a vertically
to formulate the model and the rest of the observations (25%) are and horizontally increase in virgin stress levels in the rock mass
used to reflect the performance of the different constructed mod- (Ghasemi and Ataei, 2012). Hence, it is harder to achieve
els. Base on the ARIMA model, the affecting parameters on the roof enough stability at high depth, and a set of measurements
fall rate are extracted as described in the following. should be conducted to ensure roof stability.
One of the most important steps in developing a successful pre- MH: Mining height is one of the most important factors in the
dicting model is the selection of the input variables, which deter- roof fall accidents. Based on the study accomplished by Fotta
mines the architecture of the model. Based on the literature and Mallett (1997), regardless of the employment size, as min-
review and a lot of face-to-face interviews, five input parameters ing height increases, miners are at increasingly higher risk of
for predicting the roof fall rate (RFR) are recognized, including injury from accidents due to slips or falls and accidents involv-
CMRR, PRSUP, IS, DOF, and MH. Each of these variables and their ing shuttle cars and falls of ground. Basic descriptive statistics
impact on RFR are illustrated in the following part. on the dataset involved in modeling are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Statistical parameters of each data set.
Type of data Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis
CMRR Input 47.72477 45 78 28 11.10461 0.854792 3.667385
DOF Input 445.5505 400 1100 40 226.57 1.182488 4.064498
MH Input 6.284404 6.5 10 3 1.940226 0.093543 2.704866
IS Input 63.44771 63 78.4 50 5.607594 0.373796 3.418295
PRSUP Input 5.711009 5.32 14.67 2.46 2.286372 1.186847 4.747508
FALL Output 2.750826 0.52 31.82 0 5.251759 2.955404 12.82796
Table 3
Testing dataset applied for performance measurement.
is not satisfied. The major conceptual limitation of all regression Therefore, an FIS model based on TS inference system is con-
techniques is that one can only ascertain relationships, but never structed to recognize the complex patterns involved in the data
be sure about underlying causal mechanism (Yilmaz and Kaynar, set; so that, ANN is not able to properly identify them. Similar to
2011). the ANN model, using established algorithms in MATLAB 7.11
Then, according to the basic concepts of ANN design and using package software, the best-fitted FIS model is selected. In this
productive algorithm in MATLAB 7.11 package software in order to study, there are five input variables in the problem of RFR predic-
obtain the optimum network architecture; several network archi- tion, including CMRR, PRSUP, IS, DOF, and MH. Therefore, fuzzy ‘‘IF-
tectures are established to select the best-fitted ANN model. Before THEN’’ rules can be defined as follows:
constructing the ANN model, all variables were normalized to the
interval of 0 and 1 to provide standardization using Eq. (11): IF ðCMRR is . . .Þ; AND ðPRSUP is . . .Þ; AND ðIS is . . .Þ; AND
ðDOF is . . .Þ; AND ðMH is . . .Þ; THEN
X norm ¼ ðX X min Þ=ðX max X min Þ ð11Þ ðRFR ¼ a CMRR þ b PRSUP þ c IS
þ d DOF þ e MH þ gÞ: ð12Þ
The best fitted network based on the best forecasting accuracy
with the test data is contained of five inputs, eighteen hidden The parameters a, b, c, d, e, and g are estimated from the training
and one output neurons (in abbreviated form, N(5-18-1)). This con- dataset using linear least-squares estimation. The structure of the
firms that simple network structure that has a small number of FIS model is depicted in Fig. 6. In order to generate the optimum
hidden nodes often works well in out-of-sample forecasting number of ‘‘IF-THEN’’ rules and determine the MFs, the subtractive
(Areekul et al., 2010; Khashei and Bijari, 2011). This can be due clustering method is applied. This method is utilized to granule
to the overfitting problem in neural network modeling process that conditional attributes (technical indicators) and it reduces proba-
allows the established network to fit the training data well, but bly the amount of FIS rules. The method uses the given search ra-
poor generalization may happen. The effectiveness of the ANN dius to measure the density of data points in the feature space
model for predicting the RFR is presented in Table 3. It can be seen (Chiu, 1994). The algorithm employed in this method selects the
that the output of the established model is not fitted well. data point with the highest potential to be the first cluster centre,
M. Razani et al. / Safety Science 55 (2013) 26–33 31
removes all data points in the vicinity of the first cluster centre in by using control surface as depicted in Fig. 8. As seen in the figure,
order to determine the next data cluster and its centre location and Fig. 8a shows the inter dependency of RFR on CMRR and PRSUP,
iterates on this process until all of the data is within radii of a clus- Fig. 8b depicts inter dependency of RFR on CMRR and IS, Fig. 8c
ter centre (Yetilmezsoy et al., 2011). The optimum cluster radius shows inter dependency of RFR on CMRR and DOF, and Fig. 8d de-
can be systematically resulted by changing in the values of four picts inter dependency of RFR on CMRR and MH.
parameters range of influence (ROI), squash factor (SF), accepted
ratio (AR), and rejected ratio (RR) around their default (ROI = 0.5, 8. Results and discussion
SF = 1.25, AR = 0.5, and RR = 0.15).
The optimum clustering parameters are found by a trial and er- The results derived from the developed fuzzy model agree well
ror approach as follows: range of influence: 0.1, squash factor: 1.2, with the recorded data and outperform MVR and ANN models.
accept ratio: 0.2 and reject ratio: 0.15. It produces the highest R2 of Three performance indices applied on the dataset demonstrate
0.872 with lowest MAE and RMSE of 1.119 and 1.72, respectively. the effectiveness and capability of the fuzzy model based on sub-
The optimal number of rules for best-fitting model is 84. A sample tractive clustering to predict the RFR values in coal mines. The per-
of rules generated by the ANFIS model is presented in Fig. 7. formance measures of the FIS, ANN, and MVR models for testing
After forming the initial FIS structure, the training stage is data set are listed in the last three row of Table 3. It can be shown
accomplished with the help of the training dataset. Then, the that the R2 value for the FIS model is 0.872, which is significantly
established model is checked by the testing data set. For achieving greater than that obtained in ANN and MVR, which are 0.687 and
the aim, the input vectors from the test data set are presented to 0.039 (R2 less than 80% is unsatisfactory (Shamseldin et al.,
the constructed network and the predicted outputs are compared 1997)), respectively.
with the actual ones for the performance measurement as listed The MAE value for the FIS model is 1.119, which is considerably
in the last column of Table 3. smaller than that resulted by ANN and MVR, which are 1.711 and
The interdependency of input and output parameters derived 2.834, respectively. The RMSE value for the FIS model is 1.72,
from the rules generated by subtractive clustering can be shown which is dramatically smaller than that yield by ANN and MVR,
1. If (CMRR is in1cluster1) and (PRSUP is in2cluster1) and (IS is in3cluster1) and (DOF is in4cluster1) and (MH is in5cluster1) then (RFR is out1cluster1) (1)
2. If (CMRR is in1cluster2) and (PRSUP is in2cluster2) and (IS is in3cluster2) and (DOF is in4cluster2) and (MH is in5cluster2) then (RFR is out1cluster2) (1)
3. If (CMRR is in1cluster3) and (PRSUP is in2cluster3) and (IS is in3cluster3) and (DOF is in4cluster3) and (MH is in5cluster3) then (RFR is out1cluster3) (1)
4. If (CMRR is in1cluster4) and (PRSUP is in2cluster4) and (IS is in3cluster4) and (DOF is in4cluster4) and (MH is in5cluster4) then (RFR is out1cluster4) (1)
5. If (CMRR is in1cluster5) and (PRSUP is in2cluster5) and (IS is in3cluster5) and (DOF is in4cluster5) and (MH is in5cluster5) then (RFR is out1cluster5) (1)
6. If (CMRR is in1cluster6) and (PRSUP is in2cluster6) and (IS is in3cluster6) and (DOF is in4cluster6) and (MH is in5cluster6) then (RFR is out1cluster6) (1)
7. If (CMRR is in1cluster7) and (PRSUP is in2cluster7) and (IS is in3cluster7) and (DOF is in4cluster7) and (MH is in5cluster7) then (RFR is out1cluster7) (1)
8. If (CMRR is in1cluster8) and (PRSUP is in2cluster8) and (IS is in3cluster8) and (DOF is in4cluster8) and (MH is in5cluster8) then (RFR is out1cluster8) (1)
9. If (CMRR is in1cluster9) and (PRSUP is in2cluster9) and (IS is in3cluster9) and (DOF is in4cluster9) and (MH is in5cluster9) then (RFR is out1cluster9) (1)
10. If (CMRR is in1cluster10) and (PRSUP is in2cluster10) and (IS is in3cluster10) and (DOF is in4cluster10) and (MH is in5cluster10) then (RFR is out1cluster10) (1)
11. If (CMRR is in1cluster11) and (PRSUP is in2cluster11) and (IS is in3cluster11) and (DOF is in4cluster11) and (MH is in5cluster11) then (RFR is out1cluster11) (1)
12. If (CMRR is in1cluster12) and (PRSUP is in2cluster12) and (IS is in3cluster12) and (DOF is in4cluster12) and (MH is in5cluster12) then (RFR is out1cluster12) (1)
13. If (CMRR is in1cluster13) and (PRSUP is in2cluster13) and (IS is in3cluster13) and (DOF is in4cluster13) and (MH is in5cluster13) then (RFR is out1cluster13) (1)
14. If (CMRR is in1cluster14) and (PRSUP is in2cluster14) and (IS is in3cluster14) and (DOF is in4cluster14) and (MH is in5cluster14) then (RFR is out1cluster14) (1)
15. If (CMRR is in1cluster15) and (PRSUP is in2cluster15) and (IS is in3cluster15) and (DOF is in4cluster15) and (MH is in5cluster15) then (RFR is out1cluster15) (1)
16. If (CMRR is in1cluster16) and (PRSUP is in2cluster16) and (IS is in3cluster16) and (DOF is in4cluster16) and (MH is in5cluster16) then (RFR is out1cluster16) (1)
17. If (CMRR is in1cluster17) and (PRSUP is in2cluster17) and (IS is in3cluster17) and (DOF is in4cluster17) and (MH is in5cluster17) then (RFR is out1cluster17) (1)
18. If (CMRR is in1cluster18) and (PRSUP is in2cluster18) and (IS is in3cluster18) and (DOF is in4cluster18) and (MH is in5cluster18) then (RFR is out1cluster18) (1)
19. If (CMRR is in1cluster19) and (PRSUP is in2cluster19) and (IS is in3cluster19) and (DOF is in4cluster19) and (MH is in5cluster19) then (RFR is out1cluster19) (1)
20. If (CMRR is in1cluster20) and (PRSUP is in2cluster20) and (IS is in3cluster20) and (DOF is in4cluster20) and (MH is in5cluster20) then (RFR is out1cluster20) (1)
21. If (CMRR is in1cluster21) and (PRSUP is in2cluster21) and (IS is in3cluster21) and (DOF is in4cluster21) and (MH is in5cluster21) then (RFR is out1cluster21) (1)
22. If (CMRR is in1cluster22) and (PRSUP is in2cluster22) and (IS is in3cluster22) and (DOF is in4cluster22) and (MH is in5cluster22) then (RFR is out1cluster22) (1)
23. If (CMRR is in1cluster23) and (PRSUP is in2cluster23) and (IS is in3cluster23) and (DOF is in4cluster23) and (MH is in5cluster23) then (RFR is out1cluster23) (1)
24. If (CMRR is in1cluster24) and (PRSUP is in2cluster24) and (IS is in3cluster24) and (DOF is in4cluster24) and (MH is in5cluster24) then (RFR is out1cluster24) (1)
25. If (CMRR is in1cluster25) and (PRSUP is in2cluster25) and (IS is in3cluster25) and (DOF is in4cluster25) and (MH is in5cluster25) then (RFR is out1cluster25) (1)
Fig. 8. Control surface of RFR on (a) CMRR and PRSUP, (b) CMRR and IS, (c) CMRR and DOF and (d) CMRR and MH.
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