Sem 6 Syllabus
Sem 6 Syllabus
Sem 6 Syllabus
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• To learn the internal architecture and programming of an embedded processor.
• To introduce interfacing I/O devices to the processor.
• To introduce the evolution of Internet of Things(IoT).
• To build a small low-cost embedded and IoT system using Arduino/Raspberry Pi/ open
• To apply the concept of Internet of Things in real world scenario.
Suggested Activities:
• Flipped classroom on different types of RTOS.
• Practical - Writing simple embedded C codes.
• Practical - Developing simple application using embedded C code.
Suggested Activities:
• Flipped classroom on ARM processors and its applications.
• Practical - Developing simple application using Arduino.
• Case study of different sensors used in IoTs.
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
• Tutorials on Arduino programming.
• Assignment problems on interfacing I/O based applications with Arduino board.
• Quizzes on IoT devices.
Suggested Activities:
• Flipped classroom on Bluetooth, WiFi, ZigBee, GPS, GSM etc. standards.
• Practical - Developing simple application using open platform (like Raspberry Pi).
• Case study of different existing IoT related standards.
Suggested Activities:
• Flipped classroom activity on different existing IoT applications.
• Designing simple applications.
• Case study on IoT based home automation solutions.
On completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand and compare various embedded processors.
CO2: Design and deploy timers and interrupts.
CO3: Write embedded C programs.
CO4: Design simple embedded applications.
Co5: Design portable IoT using Arduino/Raspberry Pi /open platform. Co6:
Analyze applications of IoT in real time scenario.
1. Muhammed Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay, “The 8051
Microcontroller and Embedded Systems”, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2014.
2. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally “Designing the Internet of Things”, John Wiley &
Sons, 2014.
1. Michael J. Pont, “Embedded C”, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Robert Barton, Patrick Grossetete, David Hanes, Jerome Henry, Gonzalo Salgueiro,
“IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use Cases for the
Internet of Things”, CISCO Press, 2017.
3. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computer System
Design”, Elsevier, 2006.
4. IOT (Internet of Things) Programming: A Simple and Fast Way of Learning, IOT Kindle
5. Andrew N Sloss, D. Symes, C. Wright, “Arm System Developers Guide”, Morgan
Kauffman/ Elsevier, 2006.
6. Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach”, VPT,
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• To learn the fundamentals of data science and big data.
• To gain in-depth knowledge on descriptive data analytical techniques.
• To gain knowledge to implement simple to complex analytical. Algorithms in big data
• To develop programming skills using required libraries and packages to perform data
analysis in Python.
• To understand and perform data visualization, web scraping, machine learning and
natural language processing using various Data Science tools.
Data Science – Fundamentals and Components – Data Scientist – Terminologies Used in Big
Data Environments – Types of Digital Data – Classification of Digital Data – Introduction to
Big Data – Characteristics of Data – Evolution of Big Data – Big Data Analytics – Classification
of Analytics – Top Challenges Facing Big Data – Importance of Big Data Analytics – Data
Analytics Tools.
Suggested Activities:
• Case studies on big data application domain.
• Real world domain specific problems involving big data and listing out the challenges.
• Demonstration on data analytics tools.
Suggested Activities:
• Solving numerical problems based on statistics and probability.
• Demonstration of descriptive analysis using Python.
• Demonstrate PCA using Iris data set in Python.
Suggested Activities:
• Solve numerical problem solving using linear regression models.
• Demonstrate data cleaning using WEKA tool.
• Demonstration of data preprocessing and machine learning features in Python.
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
• Simple lab based activities for machine learning in Python using small benchmark
• Tool based assignments on linear, polynomial and multivariate regression using real
world case studies.
• Assignment on comparative analysis of two or more data sets using their features.
Suggested Activities:
• Case studies on applications involving usage of data analytical frameworks.
• Demonstration of Installation and configuring Hadoop and MapReduce.
• Design and develop algorithms to be executed in Map Reduce involving numerical
methods for analytics.
• Installation of MongoDB and simple data management.
Suggested Activities:
• Demonstration of simple Python scripts using NumPy and SciPy Package.
• Demonstration on NumPy arrays and matrix operations.
• Simple lab activities on dimensionality reduction and feature selection using Python.
• Demonstration of experiments on data visualization using matplotlib functions.
On completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Identify the real world business problems and model with analytical solutions.
CO2: Solve analytical problem with relevant mathematics background knowledge.
CO3:Convert any real world decision making problem to hypothesis and apply suitable
statistical testing.
CO4:Write and demonstrate simple applications involving analytics using Hadoop and
CO5: Use open source frameworks for modeling and storing data. CO6:
Perform data analytics and visualization using Python.
1. Frank Pane, “Hands On Data Science and Python Machine Learning”, Packt
Publishers, 2017.
2. Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellapan, “Big Data and Analytics”, Wiley, 2015.
1. Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron, “Python Data Science Essentials”, Packt
Publications, 2nd Edition, 2016.
2. DT Editorial Services, Big Data, Black Book, Dream Tech Press, 2015.
3. Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, “Python Machine Learning”, Packt Publication, 2017.
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• To learn about the concepts of distributed systems.
• To understand distributed resource management.
• To study the basics of cloud computing.
• To study about virtualization and cloud resource management. To be aware of
different cloud platforms.
Suggested Activities:
• Implement RPC and Bankers algorithm.
• Create and Distribute a Torrent file to share a file in LAN Environment.
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
• Demonstration and assessment of the working of the implemented algorithm.
Suggested Activities:
• Use Google Collaboration Tools: Create Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides and share
it with others.
• Explore public cloud services like Amazon, Google, Sales force, and Digital Ocean etc.
Suggested Activities:
• Create a simple web service using Python Flask /Java /any language [Web service:
Client-server model should be implemented using socket/http].
• Install Oracle Virtual Box/VMware Workstation and Create a chat application [Note:
Launch two Virtual Machines for chat application].
Suggested Activities:
• Use security tools like ACUNETIX, ETTERCAP to scan web applications on the cloud,
cloud networks for finding vulnerabilities, verifying leakage of information to an
unauthorized third party.
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
• Report Submission - Generate a detailed report describing vulnerabilities along with
the suitable action that can be taken to remedy the loopholes.
HDFS – Map Reduce – Google App Engine (GAE) – Programming Environment for GAE –
Architecture of GFS – Case Studies: Openstack, Heroku, and Docker Containers –Amazon
EC2, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine.
Suggested Activities:
• Install and configure OpenStack all-in-one using Devstack/Packstack and Launch VMs
in OpenStack through dashboard.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Appreciate distributed computing, distributed resource management.
CO2: Articulate the main concepts, key technologies, strengths and limitations of cloud
CO3: Develop the ability to understand and use the architecture of compute and storage
cloud, service and delivery models.
CO4: Explain the core issues of cloud computing such as resource management and
CO5: Choose the appropriate technologies, algorithms and approaches for implementation
and use of cloud.
CO6: Establish own cloud environment using Openstack and work on it.
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten Van Steen, “Distributed Systems - Principles and
Paradigms”, Second Edition, Pearson, 2006.
2. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C Fox, Jack G Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing,
From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
1. Mukesh Singhal, “Advanced Concepts In Operating Systems”, McGraw Hill Series in
Computer Science, 1994.
2. Buyya R., Broberg J., Goscinski A., “Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigm”, John
Wiley, 2011.
3. John W. Rittinghouse, James F. Ransome, “Cloud Computing: Implementation
“Management and Security”, CRC Press, 2010.
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• To learn tools relevant to Embedded System and IoT development.
• To write simple assembly programs that use various features of the processor.
• To explore Embedded C Programs for different embedded processors.
• To develop simple applications using Arduino/Raspberry Pi/open platform.
• To design and develop IOT application for real world scenario.
1. Write 8051 Assembly Language experiments using simulator.
2. Test data transfer between registers and memory.
3. Perform ALU operations.
4. Using interrupts generate waveforms and test Timers.
5. Write assembly language experiments using Kit to test interfaces and interrupts using
Traffic Generator, DAC, ADC, Stepper Motor (2).
6. Write Basic and arithmetic Programs Using Embedded C.
7. Write Embedded C program to test interrupt and timers.
8. Develop Real time applications – clock generation, wave form generation, counter –
using embedded C.
9. Explore ARM/PIC based controllers using Embedded C.
10. Explore different communication methods with IoT devices.
11. Develop simple application – testing infrared sensor – IoT Applications – using Aurdino.
12. Develop simple application – testing temperature, light sensor – IOT Application –
using open platform/Raspberry Pi.
13. Deploy IOT applications using platforms such as Bluemix.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Write and implement simple assembly programs that use various features of the
CO2: Write an Embedded C Program, debug and interpret the results.
CO3: Develop micro controller based application.
CO4: Test and experiment different sensors for application development.
CO5: Develop IoT applications using Arduino/Raspberry Pi/open platform. CO6:
Explore deployment platforms for IoT applications.
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• To provide hands-on experience to cloud and data analytics frameworks and tools.
• To use the Python packages for performing analytics.
• To learn using analytical tools for real world problems.
• To familiarize the usage of distributed frameworks for handling voluminous data.
• To write and deploy analytical algorithms as MapReduce tasks.
Analytics Using Python:
1. Download, install and explore the features of NumPy, SciPy, Jupyter, Statsmodels and
Pandas packages.
(i) Reading data from text file, Excel and the web.
(ii) Exploring various commands for doing descriptive analytics on Iris data set.
2. Use the diabetes data set from UCI and Pima Indians Diabetes data set for performing
the following:
(i) Univariate analysis: Frequency, Mean, Median, Mode, Variance, Standard
Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis.
(ii) Bivariate analysis: Linear and logistic regression modeling
(iii) Multiple Regression analysis
Also compare the results of the above analysis for the two data sets.
3. Apply Bayesian and SVM techniques on Iris and Diabetes data set.
4. Apply and explore various plotting functions on UCI data sets.
Cloud Computing:
5. Installation of OpenStack.
6. Creation of VMs and installing applications and executing simple programs in
7. Simple applications for communication across VMs.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Install analytical tools and configure distributed file system.
CO2: Have skills in developing and executing analytical procedures in various distributed
frameworks and databases.
CO3: Develop, implement and deploy simple applications on very large datasets.
CO4: Implement simple to complex data modeling in NoSQL databases.
CO5: Develop and deploy simple applications in OpenStack cloud.
CO6: Implement real world applications by using suitable analytical framework and tools.
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Students are expected to take up problems that would directly benefit the society and design
and implement an IT based solution for the problem, based on the courses undertaken up to
that semester. The domains of the problems may reach out to sectors like but not limited to
Energy, Education, Material, Environment, Telecommunications, Defense, Healthcare,
Entertainment and Agriculture. The societal value of the project is to be evaluated based on
the need of the hour and request from stakeholders. The evaluation of the project would be
based on the usefulness of the problem statement, formulation of the problem, stakeholders
need, and the usage statistics of the solution and the technical merit of the solution.
The project design, development and testing phases can be as shown below:
• Architectural design.
• UI design.
• Component Design.
• Database design.
• Coding in a suitable language using necessary platforms and tools.
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• To give students knowledge of soft computing theories and fundamentals.
• To design a soft computing system required to address a computational task and use
heuristics based on human experience.
• To understand fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic for problem solving.
• To become familiar with neural networks that can learn from available examples and
generalize to form appropriate rules for inferencing systems.
• To familiarize with genetic algorithms and other random search procedures useful while
seeking global optimum in self-learning situations.
Suggested Activities:
• Install MatLab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and ANN toolbox to design and simulate systems.
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
• Quizzes on basic concepts of fuzzy logic and operations.
Suggested Activities:
• Practical – Develop a supervised model to train neural net that uses the AND/OR/XOR
two input binary/bipolar input and output data and learn linear models to understand
the importance of initialization parameters.
Suggested Activities:
• Train neural net that uses the XOR three input binary/bipolar input and output data and
learn linear models to understand the importance of learning parameters.
• Train a linear / non linear model with one hidden layer, two hidden layers.
• Observe the performance with different learning rates and draw the graph depicting
the error rate with iterations.
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
• Implementation evaluation with new input set.
Suggested Activities:
• Train a neural net that uses any dataset and plot the cluster of patterns.
Suggested Activities:
• Implement GA for the Travelling Salesman problem to find the shortest path that visits
all cities in a set exactly once.
1. S. Rajasekaran, G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithm: Synthesis and Applications”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. J.S.R. Jang, C.T. Sun, E. Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”, Pearson
Education, 2004.
1. S.N. Sivanandam, S.N. Deepa, “Principles of Soft Computing”, Second Edition, Wiley-
India, 2007.
2. Siman Haykin, “Neural Networks”, Prentice Hall of India, 1999.
3. Timothy Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, Wiley Publications, 2016.
4. David E. Goldberg, “Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine
Learning”, Pearson Education, 2008.
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• To learn the fundamentals of Information Retrieval and its various models.
• To learn about the preprocessing techniques and query languages used in IR system.
• To understand the performance metrics of IR System.
• To learn the usage and design of Web Search Engines.
• To study the basics of recommender systems and information extraction system.
Introduction – Goals and History of IR – The Impact of the Web on IR – The Role of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in IR – Basic IR Models – Boolean and Vector Space Retrieval Models –
Ranked Retrieval – Text similarity metrics – TF-IDF (term frequency/inverse document
frequency) Weighting – Cosine Similarity.
Suggested Activities:
• Understanding the basics of IR.
• Study of other retrieval models.
• Practical – Implementation of the retrieval model with Lemur Tool kit and test the
performance of different retrieval algorithms.
Basic Tokenizing – Indexing and Implementation of Vector Space Retrieval – Simple
Tokenizing – Stop Word Removal and Stemming – Inverted Indices –Efficient Processing with
Sparse Vectors – Query Operations and Languages – Relevance Feedback – Query
Expansion – Query Languages.
Suggested Activities:
• Study of indexing techniques.
• Practical – Implementation of vector space model.
• Flipped classroom on query expansion with thesaurus.
Suggested Activities:
• Practical – Implementation of evaluation metrics.
• Study and implementation of PageRank algorithm.
• Study of web page duplicate detection technique.
Suggested Activities:
• Study of different classification techniques and its uses in different applications.
• Practical – Implementation of classification and clustering techniques with WEKA tool.
• Assignments on clustering algorithms.
Suggested Activities:
• Study of types of collaborative filtering techniques.
• Flipped classroom on semantic web.
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
• Assignments on item based and user based collaborative filtering techniques.
• Quizzes on semantic web.
On completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Build an Information Retrieval system using the available tools.
2. Apply indexing and query expansion techniques for efficient retrieval.
3. Apply performance metrics to validate any information retrieval system.
4. Apply machine learning techniques for text classification and clustering for efficient
Information Retrieval.
5. Design and analyze the Web content structures.
6. Design and implement recommender and information extraction system.
1. Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich Schütze,” Introduction to
Information Retrieval”, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
2. Ricci, F. Rokach, L. Shapira, B. Kantor, P.B. “Recommender Systems Handbook”,
Springer, 2011.
1. Brusilovsky, Peter, “The Adaptive Web Methods and Strategies of Web
Personalization”, Springer, 2007.
2. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey David Ullman, “Mining of Massive
Datasets”, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
3. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, “Modern Information Retrieval: The
Concepts and Technology behind Search”, Second Edition, ACM Press books, 2011.
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