The cucumber is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with squash and
different kinds of melon. Cucumbers are high in water and low in calories,
fat, cholesterol, and sodium. They have a mild, refreshing taste and a high
water content. They can be refreshing and pleasant to eat in hot weather and
help prevent dehydration. It is eaten savory, but it is strictly a fruit.
Cucumbers have been grown in India for food and medicinal purposes since
ancient times, and they have long been part of the Mediterranean diet.
Cucumbers consist mainly of water.
1) Hydration.
2) Bone health.
3) Cancer
4) Cardiovascular health
The American Heart Association (AHA) encourage people to eat more fiber, as
this can help prevent a buildup of cholesterol and the cardiovascular
problems that can result from this. Cucumbers are a good sources of fiber,
particularly in the skin. They also provide potassium and magnesium. The
AHA also recommend reducing sodium and increasing potassium intake to
help prevent high blood pressure.The cucurbitacins in cucumber may
also help prevent atheroslcerosis.
5) Diabetes
Researchers have concluded that cucumbers may help control and prevent
diabetes.Cucumbers, like squash, gourd, melon, and other related foods,
contain Cucurbita ficifolia, which may help reduce spikes in blood sugar. One
theory is that the cucurbitans in cucumber stimluate insuline releaseand regulate
the metabolism of a key hormone in the processing of blood sugar, hepatic
glycogen.They also have a low score on the glycemic index (GI), which means
they provide important nutrients without adding carbohydrates that can
increase blood glucose.
6) Skin
Cucumbers are believed to have anti-inflammatory benefits.Used directly on the
skin, sliced cucumber has a cooling and soothing effect that decreases
swelling, irritation, and inflammation. It can alleviate sunburn. Placed on the
eyes, they can help decrease morning puffiness.
One cup of cucumber provides around 11 percent of the daily allowance for
vitamin K.