Red Moon Rising Rule Package: Character Creation
Red Moon Rising Rule Package: Character Creation
Red Moon Rising Rule Package: Character Creation
This package includes the basic information you need to play Revolution D100 in the Red Moon Rising
Character creation
All characters in Red Moon Rising are human. Determine before play begins whether your character is a mage,
as you cannot learn magical abilities if you do not have the gift of magic from birth.
Background table
Ashul Close Combat [Brawl or Dagger or Rich: 3d6x100 I am proud of belonging
Sword] Affluent: 3d6x50 to the superior Ashuli
Communication [Language: Ashuli] Average: 3d6x25 culture.
Knowledge [Literacy] Poor: 3d6x5
Operate [Machinery]
Survival [Northern Climate]
Imara Close Combat [any] Rich: 3d6x100 May the Moon bless me
Communication [Language: Imaran] Affluent: 3d6x25 and make my thoughts
Knowledge [Literacy] Average: 3d6x10 always clear.
Knowledge [Red Moon Cult] Poor: 3d6x5
Survival [Imaran Desert]
Rishara [pick any one non-combat Trait ] Rich: 3d6x50 One day we will be free,
Caan Communication [Language: Caanite] Affluent: 3d6x25 and I hope to see that
Knowledge [Literacy] Average: 3d6x10 day.
Ranged Combat [any firearm] or Close Poor: 3d6x5
Combat [any]
Survival [Streetwise]
Note that the standard Trait of Red Moon Cult available to Imarans is sufficient to let them develop magic
powers if they have this gift. In other cultures, a person with magical aptitude must be trained in the ways of
magic before being able to use it effectively.
All nations in the Imaran continent speak their own language, but since all of them come from the same
ancestor language, barriers to communication are virtually non-existent, although language makes one’s
birthplace immediately recognizable. Communication between people from different nations takes place
without difficulty. The Literacy trait applies to all languages.
You can use any of the Professions listed on the modern/steampunk Profession Table on page 14 of the core
rulebook, except Warrior. A Mage by profess ion can use the Mentalist profession from the Space Opera
profession table on page 15 of the core rulebook.
All skills are available in this setting, where low technology and high-technology coexist with magic.
The basic Machinery Trait allows activation and operation of anything simple which uses steam or electricity as
a power source. More exotic machinery like an airship engine, as well as complex devices like cameras or
servo-mechanisms, require a specific Trait. Creating electric power s ources (batteries) requires the Electric
Firearms are a recent Caanite invention and are not generally available as a Trait to non-Caanites. Even
Caanites are seldom aware of their existence, except for the restricted circle of insurgents to which player
characters often belong.
Ashul and Imara are societies where status is sometimes more important than wealth – or, more likely, it is
status that brings wealth. Most people can be classified as Average, which reflects both their Wealth and
Status. Being a Mage gives you status, except in Rishara Caan, and should be noted along all your other Status
In Ashul, Status is linked to military rank, with mages being more likely to become officers than non -mages. If
your character is an officer or a special agent, use this Rank as his or her Status . The administrators of large
industrial complexes, while technically inferior to military ranks, command respect for their position; this is
roughly equivalent to being Rich in other industrial societies.
Imaran society is founded on its noble houses and guilds and being a member of nobility is the most suitable
candidate for a Status increase. A mage has plenty of opportunity of being adopted in a noble family. Apart
from nobility, one’s rank in the clergy or a trade guild, if any, is a mark of Status. As trade and production is in
the hands of nobles in any case, there is little reason to record an Imaran character’s wealth, as it is almost
always connected to his or her nobility.
Rishara Caan used to have a feudal nobility, too, but this caste has been wiped out in the battle of Seras Daya,
leaving behind only ruins of once-splendid manors. Native Caanites are at best of Average status, and
sometimes Poor, and even those who are the descendants of for mer rulers have very little use for this
condition, as the people who rule their land do not acknowledge their nobility.
Communication stunts
Above you (Status). This stunt subtracts one point per level of difference in Status to any Resolution Poin t loss
suffered in a social conflict. Ashuli rulers are the ones most likely to show this form of extreme contempt to
inferiors. While Imaran nobles are not as cold as their Ashuli counterparts, a condescending attitude towards
commoners is not unknown among them, either.
Orders are orders (Command, prerequisite military rank or mage status). The character is trained to issuing
commands in such a way that the underling cannot even consider the option of not obeying, even when his or
her own life could be in danger or when the order is suspicious or questionable. The character can skip any
Conflict to persuade an underling, except when the orders issued clearly constitute treason, and on a
successful Command roll can treat the underling as a temporary sidekick for the next Combat or Conflict. A
Conflict is required to keep the underling as a sidekick for a longer time.
Bear in mind that a sword is not superior to a pole weapon on the battlefield – the opposite is probably true.
However, in a context where you may wear sidearms, the sword also becomes more important than the spear
because you can carry it along easily. As a compromise between the powerful -but-conspicuous spear and the
weak-but-concealable dagger, the sword is probably a good choice, particularly for high status characters who
are not likely to elicit suspicions if they carry weapons . Of course, the most effective duellists learn Dual Wield
(Dagger) to gain an edge against their enemies whenever possible.
Most stunts describe here are prerequisites for using the special effects of finely crafted weapons. In general, a
given weapon will have only one or two of the effects. A particularly fine spear may have all, but its price
would become prohibitive. Due to the need to have a curved or straight blade to enhance the Slash or Impale
effectiveness, respectively, it is impossible to craft a sword capable of supporting all stunts.
Sword stunts
Sword (Thrust). Consider any sword with the impale (effect) attribute, such as a Rapier, as having impale
(advantage) if the character lacks this stunt.
Sword (Slash). Consider any sword with the slash (auto) attribute, such as a Sabre, as having slash (effect)
instead if the character lacks this stunt.
Sword (Fencing). Consider any sword with the keep distance (auto) attribute, such as a Rapier, as having keep
distance (effect) instead if the character lacks this stunt.
Sword and Pistol (Caanites only). As per standard rules. Although this combat style is very steampunk-ish, the
limited diffusion of handguns makes it almost unknown.
Spear stunts
Change Grip. This Stunt allows a spear wielder to use a shorter grip on the weapon, making it more suitable to
fighting in close quarters. The weapon loses two points of Reach, but its Attack and Parry SR cost also
decreases by one point. Changing grip costs no Strike Readiness with this stunt, meaning that it effectively
reduces the cost to attack and defend by one point after the initial attack; however, it also decreases the
effectiveness of the Keep Distance effect.
Spear (Slash). This stunt allows usage of guisarme-like weapons in slashing mode. Treat all spears with the
slash (effect) attribute as slash (advantage) if the character lacks this Stunt.
Spear (Hook). This stunt allows usage of beaked polearms. Treat all spears with the entangle (effect) attribute
as entangle (advantage) if the character lacks this Stunt. In addition to this, the hook bestows a Penalty to the
target’s Ride skill if trying to dismount an opponent with a Trip combat effect.
Spear (Cross). This stunt allows usage of cross/bladed polearms. Treat all spears with the entangle on parry
(effect) attribute as entangle on parry (advantage) if the character lacks this Stunt.
Dagger stunts
Dual wield (Dagger). As per standard rules.
A wide array of equipment is available in the Imaran Peninsula. Weaponry is more or less equivalent to
Renaissance Earth, so there is not a great variety: pikes and swords reign supreme, the shield has almost
disappeared, and armour has only ceremonial use, due to its lack of effectiveness against most magical
attacks. Some Ashuli officers wear heavy cloth uniforms that provide nominal protection against enemy bolts
and spears, but most military units let soldiers enter combat unarmoured to improve their resistance to
Covert agents sometimes wear quilted padding under their clothes to make them more resistant to sword
slashes, as swords are the weapon they are most likely to face if discovered when infiltrating an enemy
Ashul is capable of manufacturing almost anything which was available in the Victorian era except firearms,
plus some more advanced items like radios and cameras. Caanites are the only ones to have developed
Bows were once common weapons, but since crossbows are more effective on the battlefield they are no
longer a military asset. You can, however, still find them in use in the countryside, especially in Imara.
The world of Red Moon Rising also includes some anachronistic devices such as floating vessels or steampunk
prosthetics. Such items clearly belong to the Weird Science domain and are better treated as powers and not
Weapon tables
As weapon use is more codified in the Imaran contintent, there are no weapons that can be used both one-
and two-handed.
One-handed weapons
We apon Trait SR A/D Notes
Knife Dagger 2 3/2 1d2 1 8[m] 3 - Poor 4 8 Impale (effect)
Wood axe Axe 5 10/5 1d6 2 8[mw] 11 2 Average 5 100 M ight +1, Slash
Bladed Spear Spear 12 6*/6 1d8 3 10[m] 11 3 Average 10 200 Impale (advantage),
Slash (effect)*,
Keep distance
Crossed Spear Spear 12 6*/6 1d8 3 10[m] 11 3 Average 8 160 Entangle on parry
(effect)*, Impale
(effect), Keep
distance (auto)
Hooked Spear Spear 12 6*/6 1d8 3 10[m] 11 3 Average 10 200 Entangle (effect)*,
Impale (effect),
Keep distance
We encourage you to use the rules in Chapter Five of the core rulebook to devise new kinds of spears and
polearms. If you can think of a specific length and configuration, rest assured that some Imaran blacksmith
must have thought of it, too.
Armour table
Element Location(s) Wealth Cost Notes
Cl oa k 1/2+ 1 Tors o 1/0+, Poor 4 8 Wi th hood, total va lue 1/1+ a nd Head 1/1+
Li mbs 1/3+
Hea vy cl oth garment 2/3+ 2 Tors o 0+, Avera ge 3 60 Decrease coverage i f headgear is worn
Arms 1+, Legs 3+ (uncommon)
Qui l ted Pa dding 2/4+ 2 Tors o 0+, Avera ge 8 80 Worn under cl othes, without headgear.
Li mbs 3+
Steampunk Science
The Ashuli have developed a sophisticate technique for replacing lost organs with technological implants. The
mages’ ability to “see” the flow of electricity through nerve terminations was the key factor in the
development of this technology, which is stil l rudimentary in our world despite the availability of sophisticated
computers and circuitry. The cost of these implants is rather high, with their Wealth level being Affluent by
default, so they are usually restricted to officers who have lost a limb.
At the present level of technological development, prosthetics relies on the constant infusion of life force into
the artificial body parts. As only mages can channel life force where they wish, they are the only ones who can
use prosthetic implants. Using an implant drains some of the mage’s energy, leaving him or her with a reduced
effectiveness in magic. In game terms, this means that the prosthetic implant “uses up” some Channelling as if
it was a long duration power. Should the character need to free this Channelling to use it for magic, the
prosthetic limb will stop functioning within five minutes.
Head implants.
All implants which cover the surface of the head provide 8/9+ armour . Mere protection does not use up
Channelling. However, it is possible to replace one or more sensory organs with their prosthetic equivalent,
providing the user with Acute Hearing, Acute Vision, or Night Vision, or even more exotic senses if th e Narrator
agrees. Each two sensory Traits or fraction use up one Channelling point.
Heart and lungs
Circulation and respiration can be aided with mechanical means, raising the character Toughness by +2 and
giving him or her the Improve Endurance power at the cost of two Channelling points . However, this means
that the character will die if he or she ever re-routes magical energy away from the implants.
Prosthetic arms do not allow the same level of control over one’s fingers as natural ones, so their users lose
any Craft or Operate Traits which imply fine manipulation. However, the new limb is stronger than a natural
one, and the character gains +5 STR per artificial arm to all tasks which use the limb (and consequently +1
Might to all Close Combat Attacks with that limb). A character with two prosthetic arms gains +2 Might when
using a two-handed weapon. Each artificial arm uses up one Channelling point.
Other effects
Some Ashuli officers have their prosthetic implants personalised with extra functions, such as retractable
blades or other tools. These extra functions usually do not cost the character extra magical energy, but
designing them requires the creation of a blueprint according to the rules provided in Chapter Five of the core
rulebook. Any new function adds its normal Value (multiplied by four because of its permanent nature) to the
Value of the implant, which is 10 points per point of Channellng used.
Magic abilities are Traits associated with the Concentration skill. A mage is born with these abilities, and
usually manifests them early on, when he or she is about 5 to 13 year old, though later manifestations are
possible. Magic abilities require training to control and master them. Perfecting one’s magic abilities and
Manipulation Stunts usually requires months if not years of study under the supervision of a teacher.
Facets of magic
There are five facets to magic, one for each element: fire, water, air, earth, and void. All specific powers are
considered Stunts of one of these five and have the basic power of the facet as a prerequisite. Although your
Mage needs to be born with the basic Trait of each element to use it, he or she can eventually learn new Traits
that belong to the same element. You usually need a mentor to awaken (see below) the base power for each
element and can learn the other Traits as you progress i n the exploration of your mind’s potential.
Attributes of magic
Practitioners of magic can manipulate their powers with Manipulation Stunts. Some attributes of magic are
non-standard and behave slightly differently than how explained in the general rules for powers.
The Combine Manipulation Stunt is not available in this setting. The few powers that have the Combine
attribute usually have several variants. A mage can use the default levels of Combine to use the different
variants together, if he or she knows both.
Combine n/a No
Might 1 Yes
Targets 1 Yes
The default values for non-manipulated attributes is always one, with the exception of Range.
Attributes that do not have a * score do not cause any Penalty for the lack of the appropriate Trait. The default
value provided is used instead.
Active and dormant powers
Magic Traits and Stunts follow the normal Revolution D100 rules for Skill slots, meaning that a character
cannot have more active Traits than 10% of his or her Concentration skill. However, the character can learn
Traits in excess of available slots, provided that extra Traits remain dormant in the back of the mage’s mind.
Dormant Traits are useless until the magician has made them active: the mage will one day be able to perform
that feat, but not today. Starting characters with multiple elemental powers may have to keep some elements
dormant until they have enough slots.
Awakening one Trait requires a Narrative Time Conflict against an opposition of 4d6 Resolution Points. An
active Trait must be made dormant if the mage does not have enough slots.
A part of mage training involves having runes painstakingly carved into one’s face, one symbol for each facet.
The runes glow when the mage uses magic and serve both symbolic and practical purposes: I mara and Ashul
both use different sets of runes, with the runes serving as a Channelling aid whenever magic is called upon. In
fact, any Mage who lacks runes, or who is unable or unwilling to use them, will find his or her Channelling
score halved for the purpose of determining the maximum Manipulation score allowed.
Using Magic
For each attribute manipulated when using a Magic Power in Advanced Combat, the Mage must spend one
Exertion Point. Overcome is not counted, as the attribute is not actually manipulated but just added. The
number of Manipulation points applied is not important, only the total number of Manipulations used. The
time needed to use the power is one Concentration action per Exertion Point cost. If a power is not
manipulated at all, it sti ll requires one Concentration action and one Exertion Point.
Moonrising Magic allows all forms of extension for the duration of powers, except permanence. Thus, a Mage
can either pre-activate a non-instant power or use it with an extended duration, and in both cases this will use
up Channelling points. Improving powers with a ritual casting is also possible, and is the typical procedure used
for environmental effects like weather control.
Magic powers
Element Base power Magic powers
Fire Create Fire Project Fire, Absorb Fire, Restore Health
Water Create Cold Project Cold, Absorb Cold, Skin of Life
Air Create Lightning Project Lightning, Absorb Lightning, Levitation
Earth Create Tremor Project Matter, Absorb Kinetic, Sense Substances
Void Create Void Disruption, Telekinesis, Protection
Absorb [Energy]
Might *, Target * individual(s)
As per standard Revolution D100 power, including the ability to raise a last time defense as a reaction, with a
Penalty to the Concentration roll.
Might *, Range *, Target * individual(s) or item(s)
This power renders the target almost immune to inertia and gravity, allowing him or her to make unbelievable
jumps or to fall like a feather from extreme heights. The Might of the power must be at least equal to the Size
Class of the target. The caster cannot move the target with his or her will, Telekinesis is required for this.
Project [Energy]
Might *, Projection, Range *
As per standard Revolution D100 power, except that Project Kinetic is replaced by Project Matter.
Project Matter
Might *, Projection, Range *
This power creates a pellet doing 1d4 damage and having a Might equal to the power Might, plus an automatic
Stun effect. It replaces the Project Kinetic power from the core rules.
Shape [Energy]
Might *, Touch
This power is always the base for the appropriate element. It allows the mage to produce a small amount of
elemental energy (fire, electricity, etc.) around his or her hand(s ). The mage can also alter the shape of an
existing manifestation of the element (for instance, a flame) which he or she can touch, or is close enough to
harm him or her.
Any object the element touches suffers damage appropriate to the power Might, as per normal energy rules.
Treat the mage’s touch as if having the [Element] Blade active on his or her hand, except that the Might of the
elemental damage is equal to the power Might and not just limited to one. If the mage grapples a target while
the power is active, the target will suffer elemental damage equal to the power Might at the end of each
round, even if the mage does nothing but hold on. The “Void” element creates an energy discharge that does
the same damage as Disruption to anything touched and cannot be blocked by any magic or armour.
Although this power has the Touch attribute, a mage can use it within one or two metres from the mage by
means of ritual casting. However, the mage cannot extend its range with a Manipulation stunt in combat: he
or she will require the Project [Energy] power to strike a foe from a distance.