Csmc022 NIT Hamirpur
Csmc022 NIT Hamirpur
Csmc022 NIT Hamirpur
Submitted By:-
Dr Pardeep Kumar, Associate Professor,
Civil Engineering Department,
NIT Hamirpur, Hamirpur (H.P.)
Presented by:-
Bavita Bhardwaj, Research Scholar
Total Project Cost: Ten Lac Sixty One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty only.
# Testing charges have been reduced to Rs 1.0 Lac from Rs 3.0 Lac because one of the instruments is
being purchased by NIT Hamirpur itself, earlier the testing of which was proposed to conduct in
some other institute by paying testing charges including TA&DA ( Rs 2.0 Lac)
Testing- Testing age and specimen size
Test Specimen Size Testing Ages No. of Total
(mm) (Days) specimens for specimens
each testing
Compressive 100x100x100 28, 56, 90 3 9
Strength Test size cubes
Flexural 100x100x500 28, 56, 90 3 9
Strength Test size beams
#RCPT 100 dia x 200 56, 90 3 6
Total (each batch) 24
Report preparation
Compilation of Results
Data Analysis
Experimental work
Material Procurement
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (months)