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Report On

Tic toc toe

Under subject of

B.TECH, Semester – V

(Computer Engineering)

Submitted by:
Sakhiya yagnik jayeshbhai 190002098
Sakhiya yash kiritbhai 190002099

Prof. Nirali p.borad

(Faculty Guide)

Prof. Tosal M. Bhalodia

(Head of the Department)

Academic Year



We hereby declare that the work presented in this project entitled “tic tac toe”
submitted towards completion of project in 5th Semester of B. Tech. (Computer
Engineering) is an authentic record of our original work carried out under the
guidance of “pro. Nirali p. borad”.

We have not submitted the matter embodied in this project for the award of any
other degree.

Semester: 5th
Place: Rajkot

Sakhiya yagnik(190002098)
Sakhiya yash (190002099)





This is to certify that the “tic tac toe” has been carried out by sakhiya yagnik
under my guidance in fulfillment of the subject Mini Project in COMPUTER
ENGINEERING (5th Semester) of Atmiya University, Rajkot during the academic
year 2021.

Pro. Nirali p. borad Prof. Tosal M. Bhalodia

(Project Guide) (Head of the Department)





This is to certify that the “tic tac toe” has been carried out by Sakhiya yash under
my guidance in fulfillment of the subject Mini Project in COMPUTER
ENGINEERING (5th Semester) of Atmiya University, Rajkot during the academic
year 2020.

GUIDE: Prof. Tosal M. Bhalodia

Prof. Nirali p. Borad (Head of the Department)



We have taken many efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without
the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our
sincere thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to Prof. Nirali p. Borad for their guidance and constant supervision as
well as for providing necessary information regarding the Mini Project titled “tic tac toe”. We
would like to express our gratitude towards staff members of Computer Engineering
Department, Atmiya University for their kind co- operation and encouragement which helped us
in completion of this project.

We even thank and appreciate to our colleague in developing the project and people who have
willingly helped us out with their abilities.

Sakhiya yagniik (190002098)

Sakhiya yash (190002099)


Our project which uses OpenGL Technology is a very simple approach towards
demonstrating the use of basic features or functions provided in OpenGL.
 The project is associated with two simple games one of which is called as “TIC-TAC-TOE” for 2
players, one for „Red‟ and other for „Blue‟, who takes turns making the spaces in 3x3 grid. The
Red player goes first. The player who succeeds in placing their respective colours in a horizontal,
vertical or diagonal rows or columns wins the game. If the players do not succeed in placing
their respective colours in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal rows or columns and if there are no
further blocks to be filled then the game is considered to be over!!!
 The other one is called as “ROCKET SMASH” which is for a single player in which player needs
to move his rocket up or down to make itself to survive against the incoming obstacles at
different positions. If he collides with the obstacle which is approaching the rocket then the
game is over!!!



Sr. Page
No. No.
Acknowledgement I
Abstract II
List of Figures III
List of Tables IV
1. Introduction 10
1.1 Purpose 11
1.2 Scope 11
1.3 Technology and tool 11
2. Project Management 12
2.1 Project Planning 13
2.2 Project Scheduling 17
2.3 Risk Management 17
2.3.1 Risk Identification 18
2.3.2 Risk Analysis 19
3. System Requirements Study 21
3.1 Hardware and Software Requirements 22
3.1.1 Server side hardware requirement 22
3.1.2 Software requirement 23
3.1.3 Client Side requirement 23
3.2 Constraints 23
3.2.1 Hardware Limitation 23
3.2.2 Reliability requirements 24
3.2.3 Safety and Security Consideration 24
4. System Analysis 25
4.1 Study of Current System 26
4.2 Problem and Weaknesses of Current System 26
4.3 Requirements of New System 26
4.3.1 User Requirements 26
4.3.2 System Requirements 27
4.4 Feasibility Study 27
4.4.1 Does the system contribute to overall objectives of the 27
– 4.4.2 Can the system be implemented using the current technology and 28
within the given cost and schedule constraints
4.4.3 Can the system be integrated with other system which are already 28
in place?
4.5 Feature Of New System 30
4.6 Selection Of Hardware and Software and Justification 35
5 System Design 36
5.1 Input /output interface 37
5.2 Interface Design 38
5.2.1 Class Diagram 38
5.2.2 Use Case Diagram
5.2.3 Activity Diagram
5.2.4 Data Flow Diagram
6 Code Implementation 40
6.1 Implementation Environment 41
6.2 Program/Module Specification 41
6.3 Coding Standards 41
7 Testing 42
7.1 Testing Strategy 44
7.2 Testing Method 46
7.2.1 Unit Testing 46
7.2.2 Integration Testing 46
7.2.3 Validation Testing 46
7.3 Test Cases 47
7.3.1 Test Suite 47
8 Limitations and Future Enhancement 48
8.1 Limitations 49
8.2 Future Enhancement 49
9 Conclusion 50
10 References
Table Title e
e No.

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Table Title e

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1.1 Tic-tac-toe also known as noughts and crosses is a paper and pencil game for two players,

whotake turns marking the spaces in a 3 x 3 grid traditionally. The player who succeeds in

placingthree of their marks in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins the game. It is a zero-

sum of perfect information game. This means that it is deterministic, with fully observable

environmentsin which two agents act alternately and the utility values at the end of the game are

always equaland opposite. Because of the simplicity of tic-tac-toe, it is often used as

pedagogical tool inartificial intelligence to deal with searching of game trees. The optimal move

for this game can begained by using minimax algorithm, where the opposition between the

utility functions makes thesituation adversarial, hence requiring adversarial search supported by

minimax algorithm withalpha beta pruning concept in artificial intelligence


Various stages of the design process (and even earlier) can involve a significant amount of time
spent on locating information and research. Consideration should be given to the existing
applicable literature, problems and successes associated with existing solutions, costs, and
marketplace needs.

Design requirements
Establishing design requirements and conducting requirement analysis sometimes
termed problem definition (or deemed a related activity), is one of the most important elements
in the design process, and this task is often performed at the same time as a feasibility analysis.
The design requirements control the design of the product or process being developed,
throughout the engineering design process. These include basic things like the functions,
attributes, and specifications - determined after assessing user needs. Some design requirements
include hardware and software parameters, maintainability, availability, and testability.

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In some cases, a feasibility study is carried out after which schedules, resource plans and
estimates for the next phase are developed. The feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of
the potential of a proposed project to support the process of decision making. It outlines and
analyses alternatives or methods of achieving the desired outcome. The feasibility study helps to
narrow the scope of the project to identify the best scenario. A feasibility report is generated
following which Post Feasibility Review is performed.
A concept study (conceptualization, conceptual design) is often a phase of project planning that
includes producing ideas and taking into account the pros and cons of implementing those ideas.
This stage of a project is done to minimize the likelihood of error, manage costs, assess risks,
and evaluate the potential success of the intended project. In any event, once an engineering
issue or problem is defined, potential solutions must be identified. These solutions can be found
by using Ideation, the mental process by which ideas are generated. In fact, this step is often
termed Ideation or "Concept Generation." 
Preliminary design
The preliminary design, or high-level design includes (also called FEED), often bridges a gap
between design conception and detailed design, particularly in cases where the level of
conceptualization achieved during ideation is not sufficient for full evaluation. So in this task,
the overall system configuration is defined, and schematics, diagrams, and layouts of the project
may provide early project configuration. (This notably varies a lot by field, industry, and
product.) During detailed design and optimization, the parameters of the part being created will
change, but the preliminary design focuses on creating the general framework to build the
project on.
Detailed Design
Following FEED is the Detailed Design (Detailed Engineering) phase, which may consist
of procurement of materials as well. This phase further elaborates each aspect of the
project/product by complete description through solid modeling, drawings as well
as specifications.
Product planning
The production planning and tool design consists of planning how to mass produce the product
and which tools should be used in the manufacturing process. Tasks to complete in this step
include selecting materials, selection of the production processes, determination of the sequence
of operations, and selection of tools such as jigs, fixtures, metal cutting and metal or plastics

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forming tools. This task also involves additional prototype testing iterations to ensure the mass-
produced version meets qualification testing standards.

1.2.Introduction to Domain
In this project, we have presented the idea that we can fill two liquids simultaneously in one
bottle. Our main objective of doing this is for those people who visit gym regularly. They
generally carry water and juice with them which requires two bottles. And carrying two bottles
is difficult for them. So, we have executed this idea for the solution of the problem of people
like them.
We have kept two compartments in this bottle so people can carry two liquids in a single bottle.
Apart from these, we have also set a level indicator in this bottle so the people who consume
juices or protein shakes regularly in a fixed proportion can measure it accurately.
A speaker is also fitted on the bottle for the entertainment purpose. It can also act as a torch
through LED kept at the top of the bottle. For gymmers , pedestrians and fitness workers also a
calorie burner is set in a bottle which can be extremely useful to them.

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2.1 Design Engineering Canvases
2.2.1 AEIOU Canvas Image & Description
AEIOU is an investigative tool to help interpret observations gathered by ethnographic practices
in the field. It is an Observation tool. Its two primary functions are to code data, and to develop
building blocks of models that will ultimately address the objectives and issues of a client.
Activities are goal. Directed sets of actions. Paths towards things people want to accomplish.
What are the modes people work in, and the specific activities and processes they go through?
Environments include the entire arena where activities take place. What is the character and
function of the space overall, of each individual’s spaces, and of shared spaces?
Interactions are between a person and someone or something else; they are the building blocks
of activities. What is the nature of routine and special interactions between people and objects in
their environment, and across distances?
Objects are building blocks of the environment, key elements sometimes put to complex or
unintended uses (thus changing their function, meaning and context). What are the objects and
devices people have in their environments and how do they relate to their activities?
Users are the people whose behaviors, preferences, and needs are being observed. Who is there?
What are their roles and relationships? What are their values and prejudices?
1. Activities:
 Gymming
 Cycling
 Walking
 Skipping
 Traveling
 Yoga
 Dancing
 Athletics

2. Environment:
 Gym

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 Office
 Schools
 Hospitals
 Playground
 Walking track

3. Interaction:
 Human beings-bottle
 Human beings-stop watch
 Human beings-cellphone
 Individual- gym trainer
 Individual-Engineer
 Individual- Traveler

4. Object:
 Track band
 Trade mill
 Dumbbells
 Gym cycle
 Stop watch
 Gym cycle
 Boxing gloves
 Headphones
 Towels

5. Users:
 Gymmer
 Driver
 Engineers
 Athletes
 Pedestrian

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 Diver
 Lecturer
 Dancer


2.1.2Empathy Canvas Image & Description

USER is who is going to use our solution, research or analysis. In this stage, we find the various
users which are directly or indirectly related to our project.

STACKHOLDERS is a person, group or organization with on interest in a Project. In this stage,

we find the user who will directly or indirectly relate to users.

ACTIVITIES are we write down whatever every segment of people does (Activities we had
identified at empathy stage). We make the list, as long as possible. In this session, we describe
daily routine of user. Activities are directly or indirectly related to stakeholders.

STORY BOARDING in this part we write 4-5 incidents in life of users based on our observation
of users.
 Engineer
 Trainer
 Pedestrian
 Mountaineer
 Traveler
 Athletes
 Cyclist
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 Doctor

 Parents
 Yoga researcher
 Fitness trainer
 Office partners
 Room mate

 Exercise
 Aerobics
 Karate
 Yoga
 Dancing
 Boxing
 Skipping
 Gymming


 HAPPY STORY: Ilam was a well-known fitness trainer. Many of the youngsters who
reside in nearby areas used to visit his fitness training center. He usually provide them with a
bottle of watermelon juice and bottle guard juice in order to reduce the weight and to maintain
the fitness. Even Ilam, himself regularly consumes these juices to boost his health and fitness.

 SAD STORY: Om is suffering from obesity problem. He has been advised to follow
certain diet chart and to visit gym regularly. He started to implement this advice and started
taking balanced diet regularly. But during gym hours, he needs protein shake and water both to
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fulfill the requirements. So carrying two bottles simultaneously is bit hectic for him while going
to Gym.

 HAPPY STORY: Isha is an engineering college student. She is a fitness lover person.
She regularly goes to college on bicycle. One day, it was very sunny weather during mid days of
summer. She used to bring lemon water and mineral water every day to fulfill her thirst and to
energize herself.

 SAD STORY: Ami, a college student was very much fond of yoga. Yoga offers her joy
and peace. While doing yoga, she needs to consume water and juice regularly in a fixed
proportion. But as she is concerned a lot about environment, she doesn't carry two plastic bottles
with her, so it disturbs her a lot because she cannot follow her regular plan.


2.2.2 Mind Mapping Canvas Image & Description

Mind mapping is a simple technique to represent diagrams instead of writing sentences.

Because mind maps are easy to depict visual representations with the help of diagrams than that
of linear notes.

After going through AEIOU framework, we put all our ideas on a chart called mind map. This
was carried out so that we could narrow down our concepts and have a clearer and broader idea
of our domain. AEIOU gives us a primary idea of our domain, whereas the mind map helps us to
clear up our thoughts and concepts and hence help us to give a more constructive solution to the
problem statement.
The AEIOU forms a reference for our mind map as it is because of the observations of AEIOU
that we came up with the idea of mind map.

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 Gold
 Clay
 Plastic
 Glass
 Copper
 Steel
 Paper
 Jute
 Wood
 Molten
 Ceramic
 Mud
 Resin
 Silver
 Biodegradable
 Tall
 Thin
 Thick
 Half
 Magnum
 Split
 Long
 Short
 Zigzag
 Trapezoidal
 Cuboidal
 Rectangular
 Circular
 Riesling

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 Curved
 Straight
 Triangular
 Bardeaux
 Oval
 Conical
 Square
 Perfume
 Lighting
 Kitchen
 Travelling
 Thermo set
 Squeeze
 Spray
 Laboratory
 Transparent
 Baby feeding
 Dual fluid
 Decorative
 Reusable
 Medicine
 Shampoo
 Sports
 Blender
 Plant
 Milk
 Wine
 Water
 Cosmetic
 Pet
 Glue
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 Oil

 Trainer
 Children
 Gymmer
 Diver
 Doctors
 Dancers
 Engineers
 Lecturer
 Pedestrian
 Students
 Traveller
 Driver
 Employee
 Swimmer
 Atheletes

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2.2.3 Ideation Canvas Image & Description

PEOPLE we make the segment more focused. We note down the kind of people we have in
mind while developing the product and the people for whom we are resolving the problem.

ACTIVITIES are we write down whatever every segment of people does (Activities we had
identified at empathy stage). We make the list, if possible. IN this session, we describe daily
routine of user. Activities are directly or indirectly related to stakeholders.

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SITUATION/LOCATION/CONTEXT Every above-mentioned activity can be done in a
different situation, location or context. In short, when/why/where- Many activities that user does
can vary depending upon changes in situation, location or local condition/context.

PROPS/POSSIBLE SOLUTION we note down the objects, technologies or solutions which may
be possible outcomes to our idea/challenge. The prop need not be related as it’s always
randomness that helps in finding new ideas in this we write down non-living things or items

Summary of Ideation Canvas and their observations:

 Mountaineer
 Pedestrian
 Cricketer
 Doctor
 Engineer

 Hiking
 Karate
 Jogging
 Cooking
 Playing
 Dancing
 Driving
 Skating
 Singing
 Feeling energetic
 Roller skates
 Immunity
 Auditorium
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 Sports club

 Water level indicator
 USB transfer
 Separate compartment
 Flashlight
 Cooler
 Straw
 Filter


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2.2.4 Product Development Canvas Image & Description

 Dual drink storage
 As a purifier
 To safeguard health

 Engineer
 Swimmer
 Gymmer
 Traveler
 Actor
 Diver
 Student
 Doctor

 Durable
 Clean
 Easy to carry

 Indicates water level
 Separate compartment
 Easy to drink

 Dual opening
 Adjustable separator

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 Thermal layer
 Activated carbon

 Embossing plate
 Rim
 Separator
 Base
 Neck
 Lip
 Cooler
 Base
 Thermal layer

 Heavy Weight
 Non-eco friendly
 Costly


 Paper
 Jute
 Thermal Layer
 Dual Compartment
 Filter

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2.2 Summary of Findings of Prior Art Search of the Project /

A bottle is very useful component and is used everywhere in routine life. From cooking to
plantation bottle is used everywhere. Till now, various innovations has been made to make
bottle even more useful. Anti-theft agent on bottle, printing digital images on it etc. are the
innovations which has enhanced a simple bottle into significant component in routine life.
For better purpose, we have arranged separate compartment in a single bottle through which
two liquids can simultaneously be stored in a single bottle. Besides this, a level indicator is also
set in a bottle which helps in measuring a level of liquid in a bottle. A speaker, LED and a
calorie burner can also be fitted in bottle to make it used in multiple ways.

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2.2.1 Summary of Patents Prepared by each Members

Table Name

Title Anti-theft device for bottles
Descripti The purpose of the invention is to provide an anti-shop lifting device
on which provides practically full safety against unauthorized removal of
the bottle and can be applied very easily and can be duly removed so
that no additional burden need to be put on the personnel at the counter.
In the self-service shops and supermarkets, this invention is a boon. In
order that dishonest person shall not take away any goods without
doing the payment, it is necessary in the shop to install expensive alarm
systems including an alarm element on each piece of goods which is
removed from the goods or deactivated at the honest purchase and
when bill is being paid at the counter, but in case this has not been
done, causes alarm to sound when the dishonest customer carrying the
good passes through one of the exits of the shop.
q=theft&q=devices&q=bottles &oq=anti+theft+device+for+bottles
Inventor Bertil Holmgren
Country US

2.3 Short Summary of the learning from Reverse Engineering Activity

Product disassembly and reverse engineering can be a very useful method in teaching
engineering design process. As the concept of reverse engineering is increasingly used in
benchmarking, as well as improving the current design, it is very critical for engineering
students to understand the procedure under study. An important element of this process,
disassembling a real-world mechanical device, is practiced by students in junior engineering
design process class in groups of three to four to study the behavior of the system under
consideration, the physical principles behind it, and to brainstorm towards improving the current


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Phase- 3 Rough Prototype Model / Conceptual Plan-Layout
This term is used to refer to the early stages of software development. The main part of this
process involves product testing, communication, and demonstration.
During app development, so many errors can occur. Even if you revise several times, the
possibility of errors can only be reduced but can never be eliminated. The best way to prevent
errors is to invest your time and resources in prototyping. Prototyping will alert the development
team on the errors and give them an opportunity to improve on your mobile app before it is
placed on the market. It is true that there are some disadvantages of prototyping. However, the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Prototyping remains an indispensable tool in any
development project, especially in app development. Top players in the app development
industry are making UI a priority. They know the importance in the development world. A good
user experience will make your app stand out in the market. The best way to ensure that your
user experience is up to par is to invest in prototyping. This way, when your app is released, it
will meet customer satisfaction, become number one in your niche and bring in profit.

3.1 Image of your Rough Prototype / Model & Description

Here, the image shows the prototype of a innovative bottle. It has partition in between them
which divides the bottle into two parts to store two different liquids in them. In addition, it
indicates the level of liquid in a bottle which is useful for the people who go to gym. It has the
speaker in base for the entertainment purpose. It includes calorie burner and it has inbuilt straw
in it.

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