Absorption and Emission: Each: Description/Concepts Principle Instrumentation Information Provided Application

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 UV region – 100 to 350 nm

UV Spectrophotometer (light
 Visible (VIS) region – 350 to700 nm
source, Collimator,
 Electronic Excitation is the promotion of Absorption and Emission: Each
UV Monochromator, Wavelength
electrons to the next energy levels when exposed compound absorbs or transmits light Amount of known substance
Spectrophotometry selector, Sample solution in
to UV/VIS radiation over a certain range of wavelength
Cuvette, Detector, and Digital
 max = highest absorbance display meter)
 Quantitative

 Energy levels observed are molecular vibrations

which is perceived as heat
 Only vibrations that result in a rhythmical change
in the dipole moment are observed
Infrared Absorption Process: A
 Qualitative
molecule absorbs only selected
IR  Stronger bonds and light atoms will vibrate at a frequencies of IR radiation. This is
IR Spectrophotometer (IR
Determine functional groups
high stretching frequency (wavenumber) source, Reference, Sample,
Spectrophotometry limited to bonds with dipole (4000 cm-1 to 2000 cm-1)
 Peaks at: Splitter, Detector, Reader)
moments, which is affected by
< 3,000 cm-1 = saturation (single bonds), geometry
fingerprint region
> 3,000 cm-1 = unsaturation (double and
triple bonds)
1,700 cm-1 = saturation (single bonds)

Drug testing and

Generate ions from either organic or
 Destructive method discovery, food
inorganic compounds by any suitable  Molecular weight
 Peaks Mass Spectrometer (Inlet, contamination detection,
method and to separate these ions by  Elemental composition
1:1 – Br source region, mass analyzer, pesticide residue analysis,
Mass Spectroscopy their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) then  Isotope formation
1:3 – Cl detector vacuum system, data isotope ratio
detecting them qualitatively and  Molecular structure
 Molecular ion peak = mass of analyte analyzer) determination, protein
quantitatively by their respective m/z  Quantification
 Measurement is based on magnetic properties identification, and carbon
and abundance

Nuclear Magnetic  Measures absorption of EM radio waves (~4-900 Nuclear Magnetic Moment; Many Chemical structure of most  Structural (chemical)
Resonance (NMR) MHz) nuclei have spin and all nuclei are organic compounds elucidation
 Non-destructive electrically charged. If an external  Study of dynamic
 Observes shielding, chemical shift, number of magnetic field is applied, an energy processes
signals, integration transfer is possible between the base  Structural (#D)
energy to a higher energy level studies
(generally a single energy gap)  Metabolomics
 Drug design
 Medicine (MRIs)

 Powder XRD: 1-
 Identification of
dimensional diffraction
unknown crystalline
data characterizes the
materials (e.g.
surface the X-rays hit
 Constructive interference – same orientation; minerals, inorganic
Constructive interference of
waves add up together; in phase; signal is compounds)
monochromatic X-rays and a  Single-crystal-XRD:
crystalline sample. X-rays are Provide 3-dimensional
X-ray Diffraction  Destructive interference – different orientation;  Determination of
generated by a cathode ray tube, diffraction data that can
Analysis out of phase; signal is increased unknown solids is
filtered to produce monochromatic help determine the
 Bragg’s Law – geometry of diffracted X-ray critical to studies in
radiation, collimated to concentrate, compound’s phase and
beams from crystals geology,
and directed toward the sample. structure
 Non-destructive environmental
science, material
 Determine the
science, engineering
and biology
structure of a material

 X-ray strikes an atom and

excites a core electron that can
Widely used technique for
 Ideal for material analysis either be promoted to an Measurement of the
Major parts: X-ray source, a determining the local
 Excitation channel specific unoccupied level, or ejected elemental and chemical
X-ray Absorption sample holder, an X-ray geometric and/or
 Sensitive to chemical environment from the atom composition in a specimen
Spectroscopy monochromator, and a electronic structure of
 Samples can be in the gas phase, solutions, or by virtue of its X-ray
detector matter
solids  Each element has its own set of absorption characteristics
absorption edges (energy) and
decay channel
 “Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis”
 A sample is irradiated with monochromatic  An X-ray is absorbed by anatom
when the energy of the X-ray is
x-rays,  Pigment analysis
transferred to a core-level
 resulting in the emission of photoelectrons from mummy and
electron (K, L, or M shell)
whose artwork
which is ejected from the atom. Quantitative and chemical
 energies are characteristic of the elements  Analysis of carbon
X-ray Photoelectron The atom is left in an excited state information from the
within the Electron spectrometer fiber-polymer
Spectroscopy state with an empty electronic surface of the material
 sampling volume composite material
level (a core hole).
 Measurement of photoelectrons ejected from the  Analysis of
surface of a material which has been irradiated materials for solar
 Any excess energy from the X-
with X-rays energy collection
ray is given to the ejected
 Auger effect photoelectron
 Uses Ultra-high vacuum (UHV) for surface

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