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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA
Vol.10, No.8, 2019

Effectiveness of Budgeting and Budgetary Control on the

Performance of Ado-Ekiti Local Government in Nigeria
Olola Olayeye, Aduwo
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

This study examinedthe effectiveness of budgeting and budgetary control on the performance of Ado-Ekiti Local
Government in Nigeria.In this study, we adopted a descriptive research design with datagathered through
questionnaire administered to some selected respondents. The non-parametric tool of chi square was employed to
analysethe data. The hypotheses were tested and analyzed on a 5% level of significance and it was revealed that
budgeting is a usefultool that guides local government to evaluate whether their goals and objectives are actualized.
Considering the changing environment in which governments now operate and serve, it can be concluded that
budget, which is a continuous management activity, should adaptto changes in the dynamic business environment.
Keywords: Budgeting, Budgetary Control, Local Government, Ado-Ekiti, Performance
DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-8-06
Publication date: April 30th 2019

1.0 Introduction
The society wants are limitless but the resources to satisfy are extremely limited. Communities demand for public
utilities to make them confortable in their living standards.Local government needs to statutorily provide basic
needs such as good road,street lightening, drains,publichighways,provision and maintenance of public
conveniences, provision and maintenance of primary, adult and vocational education and so on.It is therefore
paramount forevery serious project undertaken by the local government to produce at that possible minimum cost
so as to properly serve the people and ensure steady progress. In view of this, there is every need to do a realistic
planning of the activities of the local government taking into consideration the limiting factors and the long term
objectives of the local government.Budgeting has long been considered asa necessary tool in managing
organization resources. Chartered Institute ofManagement Accountants explained budget as a qualitative statement
prepared and approved prior to adefined period of time for the purpose of attaining a given objective. It may
include income, expenditure andthe employment of capital. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants also
stated that budgetary control isthe establishment of budgets relating theresponsibilities of executives to the
requirements of apolicy and the continuous comparisons of actual withbudgeted results, either to secure by
individual action theobjectives of that policy or to provide a basis for its revision.
Horngreen and Foster (2002) defined a budget as a quantitativeexpression of a plan of action and also assist
coordinationand implementation.Therefore, planningis an important blue print of business growth and a clear road
map fordevelopment that helps in deciding objectives, quantitatively and qualitatively. Planning involves setting
a goal on thepremise of the objectives and keeping of the resources.Planning process requires that the managers
of business or the government to act as if they are fortune tellers and attempt topredict the future course of action
to be adopted. These predictions of the managers or the government will determinewhether or not the objectives
of the organization will be met.Budgetsare plans that deal with future allocations and utilization of resources to
different activities over a given period oftime. For any organization to make progress or achieveits goals it needs
capital and to be able to make profit, itrequires planning of its resources, which can only beachieved through
budgeting, budgeting then serves as atool for financial planning.Budgetary control is defined as a systemwhich
uses budgets as a means of planning and controlling all aspects of producing and or selling commoditiesor services.
This definition is true as we tend to prepare revenueand expenditure variance analysis so as to be able to
deduceareas of divergences for which the government needsto watch to avoid embarrassment as any adverse
variancewill translate into inability to meet the corporate objective which will eventually lead to disagreement
withstakeholders.The factthat resources are scarce, coupled with high expectationthat rests on the government,
budgets when rightlyapplied, would be an effective tool for planning and control, especially in a community such
as Ado-Ekiti Local Government administration.
Budget is guideto making and coordinating short range plan; a devicefor communicating plan and objectives
to various responsibility centers and a basic evaluation of performance.Budget is a parameterwhich measures the
actual achievement of people, departments, ministries and firms, while budgetary controlensures that actual results
are positively or negatively inaccordance with the overall financial and policy objectives of the organization.The
decision as to how to distribute limited financial and non-financial resources, in an effective and efficient manner,
is an important challenge in all organizations and Local Governments. In most large and complex organizations,
this task would be nearly impossible without budgeting. Without effective budget analysis and feedback about
budgetary problems, many Local Governments would become bankrupt and considered ineffective. Some of the

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA
Vol.10, No.8, 2019

problems arise from inadequate data to formulate and implement a proper budget; and non-existence of well-
defined structure, which leads to overlapping of duties. These deficiencies can therefore be addressed through the
use of budgeting technique and budgetary control. Therefore, the study intends to evaluates the effectiveness of
budgeting and budgetary control on theperformance of Ado-Ekiti Local Government administration in Nigeria

2.0 Conceptual Literature

Budgets are statements of estimated resources set for execution of planned activities over a specified period of
time. It is a blue print of the outcome of the organization’s operation in a financial year and indicates the qualitative
parameters of an organization’s performance, while budgetary control is a process of finding out what is being
done and involves the act of comparing the actual result with the budget to verify accomplishment or remedy the
differences.Budget is a financial plan summarizing the financial experience of the past, the current plan and
projection over a specified period of time in future. Short term budget is established for use for a short period of
time, usually a yearwhich responsible officeruse for control purposes. This is commonly in use in manufacturing
industries due to the complex and dynamic environment in which they operate.This is a long term plan called
development plan normally use for a minimum 5 years. Government prepares 5 years Development plan which
can be rolled over for every five year as manufacturing companies also prepare 5 years strategic plans, which is
sometimes split into yearly budget rolled over from one year to the other.Fixed budget is a budget set prior to a
control period and not subsequently changed in response to changes in any activity costs or revenues. It may serve
as a benchmark in performance evaluation. Flexible budget is a budget designed to change in accordance with the
level of activity attained. This budget recognizes the existence of fixed, variable and semi-variable costs and is
designed to change in relation to the actual volume or output or level of activity in a period.Rolling budget is a
system of budgeting that involves continuously updating budgets by reviewing the actual results for a specific
period in the budget and determining a budget for the corresponding time period. Under this period, instead of
preparing a budget annually, there would be budget every three or six month so that as the current period ends, the
budget extended by an extra period.

2.1 Organisational Performance

This deals with the analysis of an organisation performance when the outcome iscompared to its goals and
objectives. According to Upadhaya, Munir and Blount (2014), organizational outcomes can be judged from three
specific areas, which are Financial performance (profits, return on assets, return on investment); Market
performance (sales, market share,); and Shareholder’s return (total shareholder return, economic value added).
Similarly, government performance especially the local government performance may be assessed through the
provision of basic social amenities and achievement of statutory responsibilities.

2.2 Budgetary Control System

Budgetary control is a system of controlling costs which includes the preparation of budget, coordinating the
departments and establishing responsibilities, comparing actual achieved maximum profitability (Nweze, 2004).
Nweze identified the objectives of budgetary control to include: to coordinate all the activities of business, to plan
and control income and expenditure so that maximum profitability are achieved, to provide yardstick against which
actual results can be compared, to acts as a guide for management decisions when unforeseeable conditions affect
the budget and to ensure there is adequate labour force and it is fully utilized. Therefore organization of budgetary
control include: budget departments, the introduction of adequate accounting records, general instructions of
operating the system, the preparation of an organizational chart, the establishment of a budget committee, the
preparation of a budget manual, budget periods and level of activity.

2.3 Empirical Studies

Mwaura (2010) employed descriptive research design to investigate the factors affecting participatory budget
setting and budget commitment and financial performance of companies listed in Nairobi Stock Exchange. The
outcome of Mwaura’s study revealed that at return on capital and assets are influenced significantly by budgetary
control in Nairobi Stock Exchange. Furthermore, the study revealed that budget commitment and financial
performance in Nairobi Stock Exchange are positively connected. Karanja (2011) employed descriptive research
design to examined effects of budgetary control systems in saving and credit cooperative in Nyeri country and a
sample of 23 stratums was used for the study. The author concluded that finance officers mainly participated in
budgetary control processes which assisted the saving and credit cooperative’s to attain set financial goals. Nickson
and Mears (2012) studied budgetary control and financial performance of government ministries in Boston
Massachusetts for a period of ten years and sampled five ministries in the study. The regression model showed a
positive relationship between the variables employed for the study.
Marcormick and Hardcastle (2013) examined the budgetary control and corporate financial performance in
government entities in Europe for a period of 10years. The author employed a 40 government parastals for the

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA
Vol.10, No.8, 2019

regression model to analyse both the independent and dependent variables. The study found that budgetary control
and performance of parastals are related positively. Abdirisaq and Ali (2013) examined the relationship between
budgeting and performance in remittance companies in Mogadishu, Somalia. The researcher employed descriptive
research design, standard deviation and correlation for the study and a sample of 103 was used. The author
concluded that there is a moderate relationship between budgeting and remittance companies. Ekpenyon (2014)
studied the application of budgets as a managerial tool for effective performance in university of Calabar, Nigeria.
The study used survey design and obtained relevant information from 250 senior staff. The result of t-test statistics
confirmed that the application of budgets in the University of Calabar as a managerial tool was effective. Kimani
(2014) identified the effects of budgetary control on performance of non-governmental organisations in Kenya and
a sample of 30 non-governmental organisations was used for the study. The researcher employed descriptive
statistics and concluded that, there existed a slight positive relationship between budgetary control and financial
performance of non-governmental organisations. Mburu (2015) conducted study on budgetary control and
performance of constituency development funds in Machakos for the period of 2011-2014. The result of
descriptive statistics employed to test the hypotheses concluded that participative budgeting with proper planning
and monitoring and controls have a positive impact on performance of constituency development fund. Mutungi
(2017) determined the effects between budgeting and budgetary control on financial performance of country
governments in Kenya. The study investigated budgeting and budgetary control, managerial performance and
country government. The researcher used quantitative descriptive research design to determine the relationship
between budgeting and budgetary control and financial performance of developed governments and 47 country
governments was used for the study. The study concluded that country government encounter challenges of budget
implementation such as non -compliance with budgetary timeliness as required by Public Financial Management
Act 2012. The study established a strong positive relationship between budgeting and budgetary control and
financial performance.

2.4 Conceptual Framework on Effectiveness of Budgeting and Budgetary Control in Ado-Ekiti Local



Good Road construction,

Street lightening, drains and
public highways

Provision and Maintenance

of public convinences EFFECTIVENESS
Provision and Maintenance
of primary, adult and AND BUDGETARY
vocational education

Agricultural and

Provision and maintenance

of quality health services

Figure 2.1: depicts the relationships between independent and dependent Variables used in the study.
Sources: Author, 2018

2.5 Theoretical Framework

The model built for this study are underpinned by the allocation of resource theory, expenditure theory, economic
theory and progressive theory of public expenditures as discussed below:
2.5.1 Allocation of Resource Theory
Allocation of Resource Theory was credited to Peteraf and Barney (2003). This theory dealt with the way

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA
Vol.10, No.8, 2019

Governments, corporate organisations and entrepreneursdistribute their financial resources through budgeting
process to achieve their financial goals. Budgetary control mechanisms are used to allocate scarce economic
resources in government institutions (Anantadjaya, 2008). With the aid of Invisible Hand Theory, researchers can
understand how the allocations of resources are distributed through competition, supply and demand, entrepreneurs
and government institutions (Peteraf, 2003). Government institutions, corporate organisations and entrepreneurs
allocate their financial resources through budgetary process for the purpose to achieve their predetermined
financial targets. Therefore, Allocation Resource Theory assists Ado Local Government in allocating its financial
resources allocation at its disposal through budgetary control system.
2.5.2 Expenditure Theory
Expenditure theory was propounded by Rubin (1990). The theory provided explanations for the use of normative
and descriptive theories. Budgeting process requires a normative theory to determine its critical policy on financial
expenditures while normative theory expatiates while corporate expenditures are given priority and other
expenditure are not given priority in the budgeting process (Posner and Blondal, 2012). Normative theory of
budgeting helps to resolve conflicts in government decision making on budgeting process. Descriptive theory
emphasized the participation in public financial activities on budget in other to meet financial objectives.This
theory explained individual budget expenditures variation and to make us understand why expenditures changes
from time to time (Ulrich, 2008). Therefore, government at Local levels use normative theory to choose projects
to be executed depending on the acceptance of the project as stated in the budget.
2.5.3 Economic Theory
Economic theory was developed by Lewis (1952) in his efforts to explain that the concept of marginal utility could
be used to determine the relative financial value of goods to explain the allocation of resources that the aggregate
would improve financial performance of corporate entities. Economic theory explained the procedural methods
for budgeting and put into consideration all scarce resources to attain financial performances of corporate entities.
Due to the scarcity of the financial resources in response to demand, every expenditure would be worth its return
and every financial cost would be equal to all its opportunity costs in order to achieve financial targets (Wicker,
2011). Incremental financial analysis is very important in each budget effectiveness.
2.5.4 Progressive Theory of Public Expenditures
Progressive theory of public expenditures was created by Walker (1951). Walker believed on a theory of
expenditure based on cost-effective thoughts as preferable to dependence on theoretical claim to the argument of
impartiality that was noneconomic and outside the government. Theory of expenditure allotment based on finances
provided records to replace condemnatory influence and thus using marginal utility theory indifference point is
discernable in the distribution of government budgets (Hildreth and Zorn, 2005). Progressive theory of public
expenditure is important since Walker’s work predated key budget writers, including Herbert Simons ‘financial
measurement research in Chicago (Walker, 2009). Walker suggests the norm for distribution of scarce financial
resources and gives an approach for a positive budget process which leads to high corporate financial performance.
This theorist further states that, public budgets must traverse the complex nature of executive legislative
relationships in order to achieve the set financial goals.

3.0 Methodology
The method adopted for this study in collecting the data is the use of questionnaire. The data were generated from
the responses of 150 out of 200 respondents randomly sampled in the course of this study. The research material
was distributed to the five Local Governments under Ekiti South Senatorial District namely Ado Local
Government Area, Efon Local Government Area, Ekiti West Local Government Area, Ijero Local Government
Area, Irepodun/Ifelodun Local Government Area with more concentration on Ado Local Government Area. Five
Local Government Chairmen’s, five Directors of Finance, thirty eight Treasurers, nineteen Chief Accountants and
eighty three Budget Officers were selected randomly to fill the questionnaire. A summary of the selection
procedures are presented in table 1 and 2 below:
Table 3.1: Distribution of questionnaire in Ekiti South Senatorial District
Local Government No. Administered No. Retrieved
Ado Local Government 60 46
Efon Local Government 35 26
Ekiti West Local Government 35 26
Ijero Local Government 35 26
Irepodun/Ifelodun Local Government 35 26
Total 200 150

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA
Vol.10, No.8, 2019

Table 3.2: Status of Respondents

Status No. of Respondents Percentages
Chairman 5 3.3
Director of Finance 5 3.3
Treasurer 38 25.3
Chief Accountant 19 12.7
Budget Officer 83 55.3
Total 150 100
The breakdown of table 2 above shows that of the 150 respondents, 5 (3.3%) were Local Government
Chairmen’s, 5 (3.3%) were Directors of Finance, 38 (25.3%) were Treasurers, 19 (12.7%) were Chief Accountants
and 83 (55.3%) were Budget Officers. Structured questionnaire was formulated to solicit respondent’s perception
on the effectiveness of Budgeting and Budgetary Control on the performance of Ado Local Government in Ekiti
State. The questionnaire consists of two sections. Section A elicits demographic information like gender, working
experience, educational qualification and status, while Section B contained structured items relating to the research
questions that necessitated this research.
Table 3.3: Response to statement 1 to 5
1 Ado Local Government budget achieve the construction of good 71 46 25 8 150
roads, street lightening, drains and public highways
2 Budget helps to provide and maintain public conveniences 50 71 15 14 150
3 Budget assist to provide and maintain primary, adult and vocational 73 35 32 10 150
4 Ado Local Government Budgets achieve Agricultural and natural 54 61 22 13 150
resources development
5 Ado Local Government Budgets provide and maintain quality health 52 62 21 15 150
Average 60 55 23 12 150
From the response frequencies above, a total of 115 (76.67%) respondents accepted the statement that budget
has helped to achieve the construction of good roads, street lightening, drains and public highways as well as help
to provide and maintain public conveniences, primary, adult and vocational education, quality health services and
budget has also helped to achieve agricultural and natural resources development while 35 (23.33%) of the
respondents objected to these statements.
Table 3.4: Response to statement 6 to 10
6 Budgetary control aid to achieve the construction and maintenance of 75 62 11 2 150
good roads, street lighting, drains and public highways
7 Budgetary control help to achieve the provision of public 59 56 12 23 150
8 Budgetary control assist in provision and maintenance of primary, 66 61 16 7 150
adult and vocational education
9 Budgetary control helps to achieve the development of Agriculture 67 58 19 6 150
and natural resources development
10 Budgetary control assist in provision and maintenance of quality 68 48 22 12 150
health services
Average 67 57 16 10 150
From the response frequencies above, a total of 124 (82.67%) respondents accepted the statement that
budgetary control has helped to achieve the construction of good roads, street lightening, drains and public
highways as well as help to provide and maintain public conveniences, primary, adult and vocational education,
quality health services and budget has also helped to achieve agricultural and natural resources development while
26 (17.33%) of the respondents objected to these statements.

4.0 Results
Table 4.1: Budgeting does not help to achieve statutory responsibility of Local Governments in Ado-Ekiti
Local Government in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Subject No. % T – calculated Table value Decision
Agreed 115 76.67
Disagreed 35 23.33 1.83 0.27 Reject
Level of significance – 0.5

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA
Vol.10, No.8, 2019

Since t-calculated is greater than the table value (i.e. 1.83 > 0.27), then the null hypothesis is rejected, while
the alternative hypothesis is accepted and we concludethat Budgeting does help to achieve statutory responsibility
of Local Governments in Ado – Ekiti Local Government in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
Table 4.2: Effective Budgetary Control does not help to achieve and improve performance in Ado-Ekiti
Local Government in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Subject No. % T – calculated Table value Decision
Agreed 124 82.67
Disagreed 26 17.33 2.60 0.31 Reject
Level of significance – 0.5
Since t-calculated is greater than the table value (i.e. 2.60>0.31), then the null hypothesis is rejected, while
the alternative hypothesis is accepted and we concludethat effective Budgetary Control does help to achieve and
improve performance in Ado – Ekiti Local Government in Ekiti State, Nigeria.

5.0 Discussion of Findings

Finding of hypotheses tested reveals the followings:
The result of hypothesis one revealed that budgeting and budgetary control has helped Ado-Ekiti Local
Government to achieve statutory responsibilities in terms of construction of good roads, drains and public
conveniences, provision and maintenance of public conveniences, provision and maintenance of quality health
services;Hypothesis two revealed that Ado Local Government budgetary control achieved satisfactory

6.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

The relevant research questions raised above have been examined in the light of mode of operation of Ado-Ekiti
Local government. The study concluded that Ado-Ekiti Local Government administration achieved budgeting
provisions in the satisfaction of public utilities for the citizens in Ado-Ekiti communities, Nigeria.
The study recommended that the Local Government should adopt a standard budgetary system for adequate
planning with strict adherence to its implementation. The study recommended that Local Government Legislators
should pass appropriation bill regularly to improve Local Government performance and that budget plans should
be statutorily executed to avoid financial performance challenges and to achieve quick public service delivery. The
study recommends that further research should be conducted to ascertain financial performance of Local
Government using another Local Governments and different variables for the study.

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