ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 - Targets and Objectives Procedure
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 - Targets and Objectives Procedure
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 - Targets and Objectives Procedure
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Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Introduction 6
6. Review 9
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ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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The objective of this procedure is to outline how ASMI will develop, monitor and report, Company
policy specific, specific OSHAD SF KPIs, SRA specific, occupational health and safety objectives and
KPIs to monitor the target achievements of its OSH performance and continual improvement.
This procedure covers the development of OSH KPIs and its monitoring and reporting methods. It
provides basic information regarding what KPIs are, sets out an approach for developing KPIs and gives
specific methods related to selection and formulating the reports. It shall also demonstrate the
management, monitoring and reporting requirements of specific KPIs which are selected based on
specific criteria in line with OSHAD SF V3.1 Mar 2017- element 7 monitoring, investigation and
reporting, OSHAD SF V3.0 July2016 -GD- understanding OSHAD KPIs, OSHAD RI – Mechanism 6.0
– OSHMS performance and incident reporting V3.1 Mar 2017, SRA (IDB – Industrial sector OSHMS
requirements version 3.0 of July 2016) minimum KPI requirements and OSHAD SF Form E - Entity
Quarterly Performance Report – V3.1 Mar 2017.
Top Management: Shall set, review and evaluate the achievements of OSH KPI targets
periodically, ensure communication of OSH targets and objectives to all level of employees.
MR / OSH representative / OSH Officer: Shall submit the reports to specific authorities within
and out of the organization as required by the procedure.
Supervisor & Dept. Heads: Shall ensure the required information of all OSH KPIs are recorded
and reported to concerned MR/OSH representative and company objectives and targets are
communicated with employees.
Employees: All employees shall work according to the responsibilities out lined in the targets and
objectives program to achieve the company Objectives.
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Hazard : The elements its poor control could lead to OSH consequences.
PR : OSHMS Procedure
GM : General Manager
Records Procedural Steps Resp.
Before 10th of April for first quarterly report – for the period of
January to March of each year.
Before 10th of July for Second quarterly report – for the period of
April to Jun of each year.
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ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Before 10th of October for third quarterly report – for the period of
July to September of each year.
ASMI- Before 10th of January of next year for fourth quarterly report – for
OSHMS- the period of October to December of each year.
01- OSH 5. Minimum Objective, KPI and targets
Company has set the below minimum KPI and targets based on Company
policy requirements, SRA specific, OSHAD specific and applicable
program GM / MR
legislative requirements.
Theses KPI shall be recorded using ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-01- OSH
Objective targets program on an annual basis and an analysis reports shall
be maintained using ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-02 – OSH Targets and
objectives analysis report, The analysis reports shall be updated on a
monthly basis with closing on each quarter to enable maintenance of
monthly statistics of OSH performance, the cumulative results shall be used
to review against the set targets achievement.
report These minimum KPI shall be reviewed in the event of any changes to
legislation, company OSH policy, SRA and OSHAD SF requirements
pertaining objectives and targets or the changes may identified to be having
an impact on identified company KPIs. However an annual review of
objective, KPIs and targets and its program shall be conducted to ensure the
6. Review
GM, Technical Manager and MR shall review this procedure and related GM / MR
programs as and when identified to require and shall update the relevant
sections, the review shall be further communicated to all level of employees
with change details and actions required. The GM shall take necessary
corrective actions in the event of any deviation found in the achievement of GM/Technical
performance target during the periodic review. Manager / MR
Records: Records related to this procedure are ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-01- OSH Objective targets
program and ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-02 – OSH Targets and objectives analysis report and shall be
maintained for five years.