ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 - Targets and Objectives Procedure

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OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure

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Reviewed By Emmanuel Chu K OSH MR

Approved By Engr. Sameer R General Manager

Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
Page 2 of 9

Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure

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ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure







Introduction 6

1. Development of OSH Objectives KPI’s and Targets 6

2. Management of Objectives KPI’s and Targets 6

3. Objective, KPIs and targets communication 7

4. Monitoring and Reporting of Objectives KPI’s and Targets 7

5. Minimum Objectives KPI’s and Targets 7

6. Review 9

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ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure


The objective of this procedure is to outline how ASMI will develop, monitor and report, Company
policy specific, specific OSHAD SF KPIs, SRA specific, occupational health and safety objectives and
KPIs to monitor the target achievements of its OSH performance and continual improvement.


This procedure covers the development of OSH KPIs and its monitoring and reporting methods. It
provides basic information regarding what KPIs are, sets out an approach for developing KPIs and gives
specific methods related to selection and formulating the reports. It shall also demonstrate the
management, monitoring and reporting requirements of specific KPIs which are selected based on
specific criteria in line with OSHAD SF V3.1 Mar 2017- element 7 monitoring, investigation and
reporting, OSHAD SF V3.0 July2016 -GD- understanding OSHAD KPIs, OSHAD RI – Mechanism 6.0
– OSHMS performance and incident reporting V3.1 Mar 2017, SRA (IDB – Industrial sector OSHMS
requirements version 3.0 of July 2016) minimum KPI requirements and OSHAD SF Form E - Entity
Quarterly Performance Report – V3.1 Mar 2017.


 Top Management: Shall set, review and evaluate the achievements of OSH KPI targets
periodically, ensure communication of OSH targets and objectives to all level of employees.

 MR / OSH representative / OSH Officer: Shall submit the reports to specific authorities within
and out of the organization as required by the procedure.

 Supervisor & Dept. Heads: Shall ensure the required information of all OSH KPIs are recorded
and reported to concerned MR/OSH representative and company objectives and targets are
communicated with employees.

 Employees: All employees shall work according to the responsibilities out lined in the targets and
objectives program to achieve the company Objectives.
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ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure


ASMI/ Company / Organization: Al Sahraa for Metal Industries L.L.C

Hazard : The elements its poor control could lead to OSH consequences.

Risk : Something with a potential to cause harm to peoples and property.

OSH : Occupational Safety & Health

OSHMS : Occupational Safety & Health Safety management System

PR : OSHMS Procedure


OSHAD SF : Occupational Safety & Health management System, System

Frame work

OSHAD RI : Occupational Safety & Health management System Regulatory

KPI : Key performance indicatives

SRA : Sector Regulatory Authority appointed by OSHAD Centre to regulate

company OSH in the emirate of Abu Dhabi which is IDB.

IDB : Industrial development bureau

MR : Management / OSH Representative

LTIFR : Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate.

LTISR : Lost Time Injury Severity Rate.

LTI : Lost Time Injury.

MTC : Medical Treatment Cases.

TRCF : Total Reportable Case Frequency.

RWC : Restricted Workday Case.

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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure

EM : Employees appointed by Company.

OP : Other Persons such as visitors, suppliers, customers and contractors.

SMART : Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time frame.

GM : General Manager
Records Procedural Steps Resp.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantitative and qualitative

measures used to review organization’s progress against its OSH
objective. These are broken down and set as targets for achievement by
company management and individuals and the achievement of these
targets are reviewed at regular an interval which is on quarterly and
annual basis.

1. Developments of OSH Objectives, KPIs and targets

ASMI has developed its specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic
and time bounded OSH key performance indicatives and its targets
aligning with organizations OSH policy, OSHAD SF & SRA
requirements. The KPIs are selected in terms to eliminate, control and
reduce each risks and hazards identified by organization to health, safety
its employees, suppliers, visitors, products, customers, public and
interested or other parties which may effected by the activities of ASMI

KPIs has developed by the organization considering a way benefitting to:

 To control, maintain, improve, investigate and study OSH

 Reduce or eliminate occupations injuries, illness & accidents, better
industrial safety management.
 Ensure the full implementation of OSHMS
 Monitor the OSH performance frequently
 Measure the OSH performance frequently
 Measure the target achievements
 Have a OSH database for trend studies and bench markings
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ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure

Records Procedural Steps Resp.

 Comply with OSHAD, SRA, other local enforcement & regulatory

body (e.g. CWM) and legal requirements
 Fulfilling the company OSH policy
 Continual improvement of OSH performance

2. Management of Objectives, KPIs and targets

ASMI shall develop systematic ways to select SMART objectives, KPIs

and manage its achievements by designing action plans, initiatives,
programs and assigning specific OSH responsibilities. The monitoring GM
authorities, measures and methods shall also be designated to measure
and evaluate the OSH performance periodically to identify the desired
results and if in case of discrepancies or deficiencies noticed shall be
subjected to immediate corrective action in order to retain the desired
OSH performance levels.
GM / MR and
3. Objectives KPIS and Targets communication next level
The set company objectives and targets shall be communicated to all
employees through notice boards, posters, tool box talks, trainings,
meeting etc. The GM and next levels of management shall ensure all
company objective targets and responsibilities including action required
are communicated to all staff effectively. The GM / MR shall ensure the
OSH objective and KPI programs and analysis of achievements are
communicate with relevant parties, stakeholders and other interested

4. Monitoring and Reporting of Objective KPIs and Targets GM / MR

ASMI shall keep records of all its OSH KPIs progress reports updated
on a quarterly basis using OSHAD SF Form E - Entity Quarterly
Performance Report – V3.1 Mar 2017 and shall be reviewed on
quarterly and annual basis to measure the performance. To be committed
and comply with the legal standards ASMI shall submit Form E - Entity
Quarterly Performance Report – V3.1 Mar 2017 to sector regulatory
authority (IDB) on a quarterly basis.

 Before 10th of April for first quarterly report – for the period of
January to March of each year.
 Before 10th of July for Second quarterly report – for the period of
April to Jun of each year.
Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure

Records Procedural Steps Resp.

 Before 10th of October for third quarterly report – for the period of
July to September of each year.
ASMI-  Before 10th of January of next year for fourth quarterly report – for
OSHMS- the period of October to December of each year.
01- OSH 5. Minimum Objective, KPI and targets
Company has set the below minimum KPI and targets based on Company
policy requirements, SRA specific, OSHAD specific and applicable
program GM / MR
legislative requirements.
Theses KPI shall be recorded using ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-01- OSH
Objective targets program on an annual basis and an analysis reports shall
be maintained using ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-02 – OSH Targets and
objectives analysis report, The analysis reports shall be updated on a
monthly basis with closing on each quarter to enable maintenance of
monthly statistics of OSH performance, the cumulative results shall be used
to review against the set targets achievement.
report These minimum KPI shall be reviewed in the event of any changes to
legislation, company OSH policy, SRA and OSHAD SF requirements
pertaining objectives and targets or the changes may identified to be having
an impact on identified company KPIs. However an annual review of
objective, KPIs and targets and its program shall be conducted to ensure the

Company shall refer to OSHAD SF Mechanism 6.0 - OSHMS Performance

and Incident Reporting-V3.1 Mar 2017 for definition and description of
KPIs and type of incidents
5.1 Objectives and Minimum KPIs

a) Objective - Reduction in OSH incidents - Reduction in OSH incidents with

a target of reduction of total incidents (company employees, contractors & OP),
total incident consequences for the company & contractors, LTI frequency rate,
LTI severity rate and total reported case frequency, property damage incidents,
near miss and first aid cases for the company.
b) Objective – OSH competency development with a target of increase in OSH
resources and OSH training hours per employee.
Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-02 00/01 01.05.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

OSH Targets and Objectives Procedure

Records Procedural Steps Resp.

c) Objective - Reduction of naturel resources use with a target of decrease in

consumptions of power, water, paper and fuel.
d) Objective – Waste reduction with a target of decrease in hazardous and non-
hazardous liquid and solid waste send for disposal and increase in hazardous
and non-hazardous liquid and solid waste recycled by environment service
e) Objective – OSH compliance with a target of 3rd party compliance audit,
decreasing trend in written warnings notices, fines, prosecutions, penalties
received from SRA as result of OSHMS non-compliances
f) Objective – contractors or supply chain monitoring – with a target of one
annual evaluation of all existing / new contractors / suppliers.

The above requirements shall be considered in company objective targets

program but not limited to; and shall include additional as required to meet
SRA, local legal, other enforcement authorities & OSHAD requirements.
Reporting to SRA on quarterly basis shall be strictly complying with
OSHAD RI – Mechanism 6.0 – OSHMS performance and incident reporting
V2.1 Dec 2013 and shall be done only using OSHAD SF Form E - Entity
Quarterly Performance Report – V3.1 Mar 2017.

6. Review

GM, Technical Manager and MR shall review this procedure and related GM / MR
programs as and when identified to require and shall update the relevant
sections, the review shall be further communicated to all level of employees
with change details and actions required. The GM shall take necessary
corrective actions in the event of any deviation found in the achievement of GM/Technical
performance target during the periodic review. Manager / MR

Records: Records related to this procedure are ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-01- OSH Objective targets
program and ASMI-OSHMS-FM-02-02 – OSH Targets and objectives analysis report and shall be
maintained for five years.

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