ACPA Products Catalog 2003

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The document appears to be a catalog for technical and promotional products published by the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA). It provides information on various publications related to concrete pavement construction and rehabilitation projects.

Some of the publications discussed include '40-Day Wonder' about a runway construction project in Atlanta, 'Airfield Joints, Jointing Arrangements and Steel', and 'Best Practices for Airport Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction'.

The catalog highlights projects at airports including ones in Atlanta and Savannah. It also mentions concrete pavement restoration projects and reconstruction optimization techniques.

PRODUCT CATALOG Technical and Promotional Products

★ AM







American Concrete
Pavement Association
Table of Contents Airports

“40-Day Wonder” Sets Precedent

2-3 Airports
The concrete runway constructed at Atlanta’s
4-7 Concrete Pavement Restoration Hartsfield International Airport in just 40 days is
performing well more than 25 years later. This
7-9 Construction article reprint from Concrete Construction maga-
9-10 Cost Analysis zine tells the story of the decision to rebuild the
runway rather than resurface with asphalt and is
10-11 Environmental an early example of fast-tracking both project
11 Industrial and Trucking planning and construction.
RP341P 4 Pages 1995
11 Intersections Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50
12 Jointing
13 Materials-Durability New! Airfield Joints, Jointing
14 Overlays Arrangements and Steel
This all-new publication is specifically for airfield
15-16 Overlays – UTW pavement facilities serving aircraft larger than
17 Performance 100,000 lbs. It discusses all of the factors neces-
sary to select joints for airfield features. The dis-
17 Research and Technology cussion includes considerations for longitudinal
18 Software and transverse joints, load transfer, layout of
intersections, odd-shaped panels, embedded fix-
19 Specialty and Promotional Items tures and joint sealing.
19-21 Streets and Local Roads TB017P 20 Pages 2003
Price: $17.50 ACPA Member Price: $5.25
21 Subbases
21-22 Traffic Management
New! Best Practices for Airport
22 National Awards Program Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
23 Education and Training Courses Construction
This report, prepared by the Innovative Pavement
23 Ordering Information Research Foundation under the FAA’s Airport
24-25 Index by Code Number Concrete Pavement Technology Program, is a
comprehensive 159-page, full-color guide to con-
26-27 Index by Title structing airport pavements. Highlighted boxes
within the text provide “Quality” and “Paving”
alerts to key items that affect pavement perform-
“Our mission is to make portland cement concrete the mate- ance and the construction process. A spiral bind-
rial of choice for airport, highway, industrial, street ing and extra-durable paper allow this book to
and local road pavements.” withstand field conditions.
JP007P 159 Pages 2003
Founded in 1964, ACPA is the national professional organ-
Price: $11.00 ACPA Member Price: $11.00
ization of the concrete pavement industry. ACPA’s services
include marketing, promotion, education, government
affairs, and technical support for the concrete pavement Concrete Pavement Project Report
industry. ACPA’s more than 600 members include paving (Alpena Airport)
contractors, cement companies, equipment manufacturers, This project report describes the 61-day construc-
material and service suppliers, ready-mixed concrete pro- tion of an unbonded concrete overlay on the run-
ducers, bonding and surety companies, engineering con- way at Alpena (Michigan) County Regional
sulting firms, and allied organizations and individuals. Airport. The story highlights the rehabilitation
Cover photo: U.S. Route 11/15, Pennsylvania. 2002 methods and schedule, and shows why the proj-
National Excellence in Concrete Pavement Award Winner, ect was a winner of the Michigan Concrete Paving
Divided Highways – Rural category. Angelo Iafrate Award of Excellence!
Construction Company. PS002P 2 Pages 1998
Price: $1.20 ACPA Member Price: $0.40
Prices effective June 1, 2003. All prices subject to change.

2 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733


Concrete Pavement Project Report Successes – Airports –

(Kansas City Airport) Atlanta/Savannah
This project report describes the runway and (50 PACK)
taxiway rehabilitation effort involving nearly 1⁄2 Successful projects at Atlanta
million square yards of 15-inch thick concrete Hartsfield International Airport
overlay. It includes how placement accommodat- and Savannah-Hardin County
ed a state-of-the-art surface movement and guid- Airport in Tennessee emphasize
ance control system. the versatility of today’s concrete
PS003P 2 Pages 1998 pavement. In Atlanta one of the
Price: $1.20 ACPA Member Price: $0.40 world’s busiest runways was
reconstructed in just 33.5 days,
while the first-ever use of ultra-
thin whitetopping was placed in
Revised! Concrete Pavement for an award-winning Tennessee
General-Aviation, Business and project.
Commuter Aircraft PL510P 6 Pages 2000
This newly revised, 12-page, 2-color publication Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
covers concrete pavement design for aircraft less
than 100,000 lbs. Excellent information is provid- Ultra-Thin Whitetopping
ed for subgrades and subbases, pavement thick- for Airfields
ness design, and pavement joint design and con-
struction. Tables are provided for updated aircraft Highlighting the family of con-
information and thickness design recommenda- crete overlay products, this video
tions. A detailed appendix gives examples of cus- shows the use of ultra-thin white-
tomizing the thickness design process. topping on general aviation air-
ports. Projects from Tennessee
IS202P 12 Pages 2002 and Missouri are highlighted
Price: $12.50 ACPA Member Price: $3.75 with testimonials and commen-
tary from the design engineers
Findings – Osan Experience – and owners. 11 minutes. (CD-
CPR for Airfields (50 PACK) ROM version requires
QuickTime or Windows
Findings from the Osan Air Force Base in Korea Media Player.)
show how diamond grinding of airfield pavement
can restore smoothness, improve passenger com- VC521P VHS 2001
fort and increase pavement longevity. This pro- Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
motional publication shows how effective dia- CD016P CD-ROM 2001
mond grinding can be for airfield pavements. Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
PL508P 2 Pages 2000 Orders of 10 or more $14.95 each, CD or VHS
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
New! Safe Landings –
Why Concrete for
Airports (25 PACK)
Successes – Airports (50 PACK)
This 4-color pamphlet tells why
This promotional publication reviews how con- concrete pavements are the best
crete pavements are providing durability and choice for airfields. Easy-to-read
long-term savings to airports in Rapid City, South text explains the seven concrete
Dakota, Okmulgee, Oklahoma and New Smyrna pavement factors that contribute
Beach, Florida. Its contents describe the benefits to low maintenance costs and
of award-winning whitetopping overlay solutions, safe aircraft operations. This bro-
including time and cost savings. chure is suitable for all classes
PL505P 4 Pages 2000 of airports.
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00 PA179P Pamphlet 2003
Price: $6.50 ACPA Member Price: $6.50

Order on-line: 3

Concrete Pavement Restoration

New! An Overview of Concrete Pavement Restoration

Concrete Pavement (BINDER)
Rehabilitation Strategies Many of our CPR technical documents and some
This comprehensive article cov- interesting articles are contained in this focused
ers rehabilitation selection as binder. It includes the following technical docu-
well as in-depth descriptions of ments: JP001P, SR903P, TB002P, TB003P, TB008P,
restoration and resurfacing tech- IS235P, TB018P and TB020P, among others.
niques. Case histories of con- TB400P BINDER 2000
crete rehabilitation options are Price: $90.00 ACPA Member Price: $30.00
also presented. Reprinted from
the regional ACP (Associated
Construction Publications) mag- New! Concrete Pavement Surface
azines. Restoration: Diamond Grinding vs.
RP405P 8 Pages 2001 Carbide Milling
Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00
Compares diamond grinding and carbide milling
for surface restoration. The benefits of diamond
Available Soon! grinding are discussed and compared with the
Concrete Crack damage caused by carbide milling. Full color
and Partial-Depth Spall photos demonstrate the two techniques.
Repair Manual SR904P 2 Pages 2001
These guidelines cover airfield Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00
concrete pavement maintenance
and repair techniques including
partial-depth patches, crack
sealing, and joint resealing. New! Concrete Pavement Repair
Numerous photos and diagrams Manual
depict the repair scenarios. This This handy field manual fits into your back pock-
handy field manual fits into et and is an excellent resource for inspectors,
your back pocket and is an engineers, contractor crews, and anyone involved
excellent resource for inspectors, with concrete pavement repair on both airfields
engineers, contractor crews, and anyone involved with concrete and roadways. The guidelines cover concrete
pavement maintenance and repair on both airfields and road- pavement repair and restoration techniques in-
ways. The manual is an annotated reprint of the U.S. Depart- cluding full and partial-depth patches, diamond
ment of Defense Tri-Services military manual UFC 3-270-03. grinding, and load transfer restoration. Numerous
JP003P Available Fall 2003 photos and diagrams depict the repair scenarios.
Price: $24.00 ACPA Member Price: $8.00 This manual is an annotated reprint of the U.S.
Department of Defense Tri-Services military
manual UFC 3-270-04.
Concrete Pavement
Rehabilitation: Guide for JP002P 80 Pages 2003
Load Transfer Restoration Price: $24.00 ACPA Member Price: $8.00

This technical bulletin, co-pub-

lished with the Federal Highway CPR Brings Dying Pavement
Administration, describes the Back to Life
process of load transfer restora- Reprinted Roads & Bridges magazine article
tion for concrete pavement joints describes Georgia DOT’s 20+ year program to
using dowel bar retrofit. It extend the life of their concrete pavements.
includes information on select- Georgia’s CPR techniques include slab stabiliza-
ing candidate projects, and tion, slab repairs, diamond grinding, joint reseal-
designing, constructing, and ing, and dowel bar retrofitting. The effectiveness
opening the repaired joints to and costs of CPR are discussed along with the
traffic. beneficial effects of restoring pavement smooth-
JP001P 20 Pages 1998 ness.
Price: $1.10 ACPA Member Price: $1.10 RP354P 2 Pages 1998
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50

4 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Concrete Pavement Restoration

New! CPR for City Streets Guidelines for Full-Depth

This video reviews Concrete Pavement Repair
Restoration (CPR) – a series of engineered tech- This technical publication dis-
niques designed to manage the rate of deteriora- cusses design and construction
tion in concrete roadways, streets, and other practices for repairing concrete
pavements. Fast track construction principles and pavement slabs with structural
practices allow concrete streets to be re-opened and joint deterioration. Contains
in much shorter time than in the past. City engi- information applicable to pave-
neers, public works directors, and even city man- ments for streets, highways and
agers will benefit from seeing how they can man- airports, and distinguishes re-
age their maintenance and capital budgets by quirements for jointed concrete
repairing only the distresses found on their pavements and continuously
streets, instead of overlaying the entire system. reinforced concrete pavements.
CD023P CD 2001 TB002P 20 Pages 1995
VC019P VHS 2001 Price: $12.75 ACPA Member Price: $2.40
Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
Orders of 10 or more, $14.95 each.

Diamond Grinding and Concrete Guidelines for Partial-

Pavement Restoration Depth Spall Repair
Here is the state-of-the-art information on Guidance on how to repair con-
diamond grinding concrete pavements to restore crete slab spalling is provided
pavement smoothness. This booklet covers spe- by this technical bulletin. It
cifications, field operations, and expected per- thoroughly discusses prepara-
formance of diamond grinding. Prepared in tion, cleaning, patch materials
cooperation with the International Grooving and and field tips to produce long-
Grinding Association. lasting patches.
TB008P 28 Pages 2000 TB003P 16 Pages 1998
Price: $15.00 ACPA Member Price: $5.00 Price: $12.25
ACPA Member Price: $3.75

Findings – Longevity of Diamond-

Ground Pavements (50 PACK)
New! Load Transfer
This promotional publication summarizes find-
ings from a study of the longevity and perform-
Restoration: Diamond
ance of diamond-ground pavements. The conclu- Saw Slot Cutting vs.
sions are based on 193 sections in 18 states. Find Carbide Milling
out how well diamond grinding can perform! Compares diamond saw slot
PL509P 2 Pages 2000 cutting to carbide milling for
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00 dowel bar retrofit. The advan-
tages in sawing the slots are
compared to the damage done
to the pavement and the retrofit
Full-Depth Repair and Utility Cuts for process when milling the slots.
Concrete Pavements Full color photos and diagrams
demonstrate the two techniques.
Simple and concise discussion of the correct pro-
cedure for full-depth repairs and utility cuts in SR905P 2 Pages 2001
concrete streets and roads is provided by this Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00
semi-technical publication. Full-color photo-
graphs illustrate the five basic steps from locating
the distressed area to opening a patch to traffic.
PA169P 8 Pages 1995
Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00

Order on-line: 5

Concrete Pavement Restoration

Slab Stabilization Guidelines for Stitching Concrete Pavement Cracks

Concrete Pavements and Joints
This technical publication describes the procedures for slab sta- This special report provides the basics of stitching
bilization (the process of filling voids that may develop beneath cracks or joints in concrete pavement. Two meth-
concrete slabs). It covers in detail, all the necessary items to ods, slot-stitching and cross-stitching are
successfully stabilize concrete slabs, including void detection, described along with special considerations to
material selection, equipment, and construction procedures. improve the quality of these repairs. A table rec-
ommends appropriate repairs for defects in newly
TB018P 20 Pages 1994
constructed concrete pavement.
Price: $12.75 ACPA Member Price: $2.40
SR903P 8 Pages 2001
New! Specification Price: $10.00 ACPA Member Price: $3.00
Guideline for Dowel Bar
Retrofit Successes – I-20 Georgia
This technical document pro- Reconstruction and CPR (50 PACK)
vides guideline specification lan- This promotional publication describes the largest
guage useful for developing concrete rehabilitation project that the Georgia
project specifications for dowel Department of Transportation has ever done.
bar retrofit (DBR). Included are Testimonials and decision factors are outlined on
sections on application of the this remarkable project from the birthplace of
technique, materials, pre-con- CPR!
struction requirements, and con-
struction requirements. The PL512P 6 Pages 2001
guidelines are easily modified Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
for use by any agency applying
the technique to a concrete pavement. Footnotes, diagrams, and
illustrations give added details and list important references for
The Concrete Pavement Restoration
a specification writer.
Guide: Procedures for Preserving
IS104P 8 Pages 2002 Concrete Pavements
Price: $9.00 ACPA Member Price: $3.00
The “Why and When” of concrete pavement
restoration (CPR) is included in this technical
New! States Talk publication. Rational procedures to repair, im-
Strategy on Pavement prove and extend pavement life are discussed.
Restoration Trigger and limit tables provide guidance for
This reprint from Better determining when to apply any strategy. The con-
Roads Magazine provides a tents cover all techniques including, patching;
glimpse at what a few states joint resealing, retrofitting shoulders, retrofitting
are doing in the area of con- dowel bars, cross-stitching, slab stabilization, and
crete pavement restoration diamond grinding or grooving.
(CPR). Includes discussions TB020P 24 Pages 1998
about methods used in Price: $13.50 ACPA Member Price: $2.50
Georgia, Minnesota,
California, and New York. The Diamond Advantage in Highway Grinding
RP408P 4 Pages 2002 This VHS video shows the applications and advantages of diamond grinding of
Price: $3.50 ACPA Member Price: $1.80 concrete pavements. Old pavements with surface defects are restored to good
rideability by this appealing rehabilitation alternative that costs less and lasts
longer than asphalt overlays. Produced by the International Grooving and
Grinding Association.
VC415P VHS 1994
Price: $18.95 ACPA Member Price: $18.95

6 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Concrete Pavement Restoration Construction

The Longevity and Performance of Diamond-Ground Pavements Concrete Curb and

This research study involved a comprehensive review of existing information on Gutter Manual
diamond grinding. Extensive field surveys – 60 pavement sections in 18 states – Published with the NRMCA,
were used to obtain performance data. The analysis includes models for faulting this technical document pro-
and shows no evidence of surface degradation resulting from diamond grinding. vides a general reference for
RD118T 112 Pages 1999 the use, design, and con-
Price: $20.00 ACPA Member Price: $20.00 struction of concrete curbs
and curb and gutter sections
along the edges of streets,
New! The Longevity and Performance parking lots and other pave-
of Diamond-Ground Pavements ments on grade.
This information sheet is an abridgement of a
comprehensive study, “The Longevity and LT234P 18 Pages 1999
Performance of Diamond-Ground Pavements” Price: $20.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
(RD118). Includes a review of existing informa-
tion on diamond grinding. Extensive field surveys Concrete Pavement
– 60 pavement sections in 18 states – were used Project Report
obtain performance data. The analysis shows no (Decorah, Iowa)
evidence of surface degradation resulting from
diamond grinding. This project report describes the
replacement of a 50-year-old
IS522P 12 Pages 2002 concrete pavement on down-
Price: $12.50 ACPA Member Price: $3.75 town Water Street in Decorah,
Iowa. The project employed
Best Seller! The Ultimate special coordinated timing and
Rehabilitation Handbook (BINDER) traffic management techniques.
A great example of concrete’s
This binder includes all of our technical publica- ability to be quickly recon-
tions on rehabilitation topics (EB210, TB002 structed with attention to traffic
through TB015, TB018, and TB020, among oth- management!
ers), as well as several additional articles covering
concrete pavement planning, design, construction PS003IP 2 Pages 1998
and maintenance. Contents are organized by con- Price: $1.20 ACPA Member Price: $0.40
venient tabs for quick reference. For anyone
involved in highway, street, airport or parking lot Concrete Pavement
pavement rehabilitation, this package is a must. Surface Textures
TB100P BINDER 2001 New report provides latest
Price: $200.00 ACPA Member Price: $65.00 information on concrete pave-
ment surface textures for a
variety of applications, focus-
Utility Cuts and Full-Depth Repairs in Concrete Streets ing on skid resistance and
This short information sheet describes our recommended practices for the noise qualities. Complete rec-
restoration of utility trenches cut into concrete pavements. It includes concrete ommendations, including tex-
removal, excavating, backfilling (including flowable fill), and concrete mix design ture dimensions, are given for
and placement. the ten most common textures.
IS235P 6 Pages 1989 SR902P 12 Pages
Price: $5.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00 2000
Price: $12.00 ACPA Member
Price: $4.00

Order on-line: 7


New! Constructing New! Early Cracking of Concrete

Smooth Concrete Pavement – Causes and Repairs
Pavements This new publication outlines the many factors
This 28-page technical bulletin that influence uncontrolled cracking, including:
covers all of the aspects of saw timing, cut depth, longitudinal joint con-
concrete pavement design and struction, weather conditions, concrete mixture
construction that affect pave- and other design features. It is a great reference
ment smoothness. Factors dis- for crew education and forensic evaluation. A
cussed include base/subbase, table of repair techniques is provided, along with
horizontal and vertical curves, a detailed appendix on estimating the characteris-
embedded items, concrete mix- tics of concrete from the combined grading.
ture, grade preparation, string- TB016P 24 Pages 2002
line setup, operation of the Price: $17.50 ACPA Member Price: $5.25
paving machine, and finishing crew activities, among others.
Measuring devices for smoothness measurement in construction
acceptance are also covered. An excellent resource for training New! Executive Briefs – Maturity
contractor crews before paving, as well as engineers. Testing of Concrete Pavements – Open
to Traffic Quickly (50 PACK)
TB006.02P 28 Pages 2003
Price: $20.00 ACPA Member Price: $6.00 Concrete maturity correlates directly with the
strength gain. This publication provides an
overview of the technology and also details the
Construction of Portland benefits of using the technique, which include:
Cement Concrete earlier opening to construction traffic and public
Pavements (NHI) use, determination optimum time to saw joints,
This CD contains PowerPoint and fewer beam or cylinder specimens to fabri-
presentations, images and text cate and test, among other benefits.
for the popular National High- PL518P 4 Pages 2002
way Institute (NHI) Training Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
Course Number 013133. Its
contents include information on
plant operations (central mix Fast-Track Concrete Pavements
and truck mix), slipform paving, fixed form paving, jointing, This is the technical guideline on the exciting
and concrete pavement restoration techniques. Complements concept of placing and opening concrete pave-
the printed manual, ACPA product SR901P (order separately). ments to traffic in hours rather than days. It
CD003P CD 2000 discusses the concept and the materials, design
Price: $5.00 ACPA Member Price: $5.00 and construction thought-processes needed to
make fast-tracking work. The latest information
on sawing, curing, and opening concrete to traffic
Construction of Portland are provided!
Cement Concrete
TB004P 32 Pages 1994
Pavements (NHI)
Price: $15.00 ACPA Member Price: $3.00
The participant’s manual for the
popular National Highway
Institute (NHI) Training Course
Number 013133. Illustrated with Fast Track Concrete Pavements – More
over 750 photographs or illus- Than Just High-Early Strength
trations, it contains information A non-detailed discussion of what is now known
on plant operations (central mix about fast-track concrete pavements is explained
and truck mix), slipform pav- in this article. It describes the key factors in
ing, fixed form paving, jointing, planning, concrete materials, jointing, concrete,
and concrete pavement restora- curing, strength testing and traffic opening.
tion techniques. A CD complements the printed manual – see Reprinted from Concrete International magazine.
product CD003P. For more information on the NHI training
course contact the National Highway Institute. RP338P 4 Pages 1995
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50
SR901P 434 Pages 2000
Price: $25.00 ACPA Member Price: $25.00

8 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Construction Cost Analysis

New! Maturity Testing of Concrete New! Comparison of

Pavements: Applications and Benefits Pavement Performance
This publication provides an overview of and Costs, Interstate 985
measuring concrete strength gain with the and State Route 400,
maturity method and also details the benefits of Georgia
using the technique, which include: earlier This special report summarizes
opening to construction traffic and public use, a study of long-term pavement
determination optimum time to saw joints, and performance and actual cost
fewer beam or cylinder specimens to fabricate data from a 46-mile corridor of
and test, among other benefits. A guideline Interstate 985 and a 31-mile cor-
procedure for testing concrete strength using the ridor of State Route 400 in
maturity method is included as an appendix. Georgia. Results show concrete
Guidance on opening a new pavement to traffic is savings of 66-71% compared to
also given. asphalt pavements on these rural divided highway corridors. An
IS257P 16 Pages 2002 excellent resource for engineers, decision-makers and others
Price: $15.00 ACPA Member Price: $5.00 designing and planning pavements and pavement treatments.
SR994P 4 Pages 2003
Optimizing the Surface Texture of Price: $6.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.50
Concrete Pavement
This report summarizes past research and devel- A Comparison of
opment work related to surface texturing tech- Pavement Costs and
nology. It begins with early research on skid Performance, Interstate
resistance from the 1930’s and extends through 40, Oklahoma
work to 1996. An excellent resource document This special report summarizes
for anybody researching skid resistance, friction, a study of long-term pavement
textures or tire-road noise. performance and costs on
RD111T 112 Pages 1995 Interstate 40 in Oklahoma.
Price: $40.00 ACPA Member Price: $20.00 Results are based on the
comparison of actual cost data
from concrete and asphalt pave-
ments on the Interstate corridor.
Understanding Statistically Based
Strength Specifications for Portland SR993P 4 Pages 2001
Cement Concrete Pavements Price: $6.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.50

This workbook provides conceptual considera-

tions, possible specification strategies, basic statis- A Comparison of
tics, pay factors and case studies on statistically Pavement Performance,
based strength specifications. It is useful material Interstate 15, Utah
for specification writers or contractors bidding This special report summarizes
and working under statistically-based specifica- a study of long-term pavement
tions. performance and costs on Inter-
SR990P 68 Pages 1999 state 15 in Utah. Results are
Price: $21.00 ACPA Member Price: $7.00 based on the comparison of
actual cost data from concrete
and asphalt pavements on the
Interstate corridor. Find out how
much money concrete pave-
ments actually save Utah in the
long run!
SR992P 4 Pages 2000
Price: $6.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.50

Order on-line: 9

Cost Analysis

Comparison of Pavement Life-Cycle Cost Analysis and the Discount Rate: An

Performance – I-40 Alternative View
Tennessee Reprinted from Concrete Pavement Progress, this article discusses the discount
This special report summarizes rate used in life-cycle cost analysis. It shows why the discount rate may be inap-
a study of long-term pavement propriate for governmental agencies because they pay for future work out of their
performance and actual cost working capital on a yearly basis, which is subject only to the effects of inflation.
data from an 88-mile corridor RP364P 2 Pages 1999
of Interstate 40 in Tennessee. Price: $1.00 ACPA Member Price $1.00
Results show concrete savings of
13-21% compared to asphalt
pavements on this rural Inter- Pavement Costs and Quality
state corridor. This is interesting
reading for engineers, decision- This Concrete International reprint discusses con-
makers and others designing and planning pavements. crete pavement performance, service life, life-
cycle costs and rehabilitation. Documented re-
SR991P 4 Pages 2000 ports from state studies and other referenced
Price: $6.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.50 works are summarized in the article. Compar-
isons are also made to asphalt pavements.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis RP329P 3 Pages 1994
This promotional brochure Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50
encourages the use of life-cycle
costing for streets and roads. Its
purpose is to introduce life-
cycle cost analysis concepts to
city and county commissioners,
elected officials, city managers,
and public works officials.
Published jointly with NRMCA. Environmental
PL229P 4 Pages 1991
Price: $1.50
ACPA Member Price: $0.50 Effect of Pavement Surface Type on Fuel Consumption
Shows that heavy trucks save up to 20% fuel when traveling on concrete pave-
New! Life Cycle Cost ments as compared to asphalt pavements. Brief summary of data given in a com-
Analysis: A Guide for prehensive report from the Federal Highway Administration.
Comparing Alternate SR289P 3 Pages 1989
Pavement Designs Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00
This engineering bulletin pre-
sents the concepts of Life Cycle
Cost Analysis (LCCA) for the New! Findings – Longitudinal Texture
purpose of comparing equiva- for Smooth Quiet Ride (50 PACK)
lent competing pavement design This brief 2-page publication provides an exec-
alternatives on an economic utive-level overview of the relationship between
basis. All of the factors that the surface texture of concrete pavement and
should be considered in an eco- tire-pavement noise. Longitudinal textures are
nomic analysis are explained, as quiet as other pavement types, while trans-
and guidance is given on the selection of values for LCCA-sensi- verse textures are perceived as noisier. Data
tive factors. Examples of three different analyses are given: from national research on texture and noise
highway, county road, and city street. Advanced LCCA tech- are summarized, including charts and graphs.
niques are discussed, including the impacts of pavement type The publication recommends longitudinal tex-
selection on roadway network. Finally, life cycle cost and pave- tures if noise is an issue.
ment performance studies are summarized, showing the benefits
PL516P 2 Pages 2002
of concrete’s low life cycle cost and other economic benefits.
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
EB220P 50 Pages 2002
Price: $25.00 ACPA Member Price: $8.25

10 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Environmental Industrial and Trucking

Available Soon! Light Reflectance Trucks Demand Concrete

This 4-color pamphlet explains the benefits of concrete pavement’s superior light Concrete’s advantages for paving
reflectance. The easy-to-read text compares the luminance of concrete and truck terminal yards and truck
asphalt. This brochure is suitable for a non-technical audience. stop parking areas are described
in this full-color promotional
PA180P Pamphlet Available Fall 2003
brochure. The contents outline
Price: TBD ACPA Member Price: TBD
concrete’s improved nighttime
visibility for operations and con-
crete’s superior strength and
Available Soon! Quiet Concrete Pavements ability to carry heavy wheel
loads and resist fuel spills.
This 4-color pamphlet tells how concrete pavements are one of the quietest pave- Published jointly with NRMCA.
ments when designed with noise in mind. This brochure is suitable for non-tech-
nical audiences, with easy-to-read text and lists. PL239P 4 Pages 1991
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50
PA181P Pamphlet Available Fall 2003
Price: TBD ACPA Member Price: TBD


Industrial and Trucking

Building or Replacing
Concrete Pavement for with Concrete
Trucking Facilities This VHS video discusses the
advantages of portland cement
This is a guide for the design and construction of concrete intersections compared
concrete pavements where the predominant traffic to asphalt intersections. It in-
will be over-the-road (conventional) trucks. It cludes construction sequencing
applies to pavements at industrial plants, ware- suggestions for rapid placement,
houses, terminal facilities and truck stops, and it thus minimizing traffic dis-
covers concrete quality, site preparation, pave- ruption. Produced jointly with
ment thickness and joint design, construction and NRMCA.
VC331P VHS 1993
IS416.01P 8 Pages 1995
Price: $18.95 ACPA Member Price: $18.95
Price: $5.25 ACPA Member Price: $1.75

Concrete Intersections –
A Guide for Design and
Design of Heavy Industrial
Concrete Pavements
This booklet is the first compre-
This technical document provides thickness hensive technical guide to
design procedures and describes jointing prac- designing and building concrete
tices appropriate for concrete pavement at facili- pavement intersections. It covers
ties with heavy trucks and heavy industrial vehi- factors in thickness design,
cles, such as gantry cranes and intermodal strad- jointing, fast-track, phasing,
dle carriers. construction, signal detectors
IS234.01P 12 Pages 1988 and opening to traffic. Details
Price: $5.40 ACPA Member Price: $1.80 for jointing and transitions
between concrete and asphalt
are provided.
TB019P 28 Pages 1997
Price: $15.00 ACPA Member Price: $3.25

Order on-line: 11


Best Seller! Intersection Design and Construction of Joints

Joint Layout for Concrete Streets
Here is the first publication ever A booklet that discusses the design and construc-
to reduce intersection joint lay- tion of jointing systems in concrete streets to
out to ten simple steps; An easy ensure structural capacity, ride quality, and good
fold-out format shows all ten pavement performance. Contains information on
steps at once for right-angle and transverse, longitudinal, and isolation joints
skewed intersection examples. design and construction; load transfer; sealants;
This is an essential tool for any- spacing; keyway design; and layout.
one that designs or constructs IS061.01P 12 Pages 1992
concrete pavements, from park- Price: $5.25 ACPA Member Price: $1.75
ing lots to Interstates.
IS006P 6 Pages 1996
Price: $4.50 ACPA Member Price: $1.50 Joint and Crack Sealing and Repair
for Concrete Pavements
Concrete Pavements with This technical publication provides the specifics
Undoweled Joints for of sealing and resealing concrete pavement joints.
Sealant function, material, evaluation and repair
Light Traffic Facilities
are described, along with special considerations
Based on design considerations for resealing cracks, cross-stitching and load-
and performance experience for transfer restoration.
light-duty pavements with rela-
tively low truck traffic volumes, TB012P 32 Pages 1993
this information sheet presents Price: $14.50 ACPA Member Price: $3.00
criteria and rationale for the
omission of dowel bars.
IS405P 4 Pages 1994
Price: $3.00
Proper Use of Isolation and Expansion Joints in
ACPA Member Price: $1.00 Concrete Pavements
This technical information sheet contains concise details for the use, location, and
Design and Construction construction of isolation joints, and just as importantly, where not to use them.
of Joints for Concrete IS400P 2 Pages 1992
Highways Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00
This technical publication pro-
vides the standard technology
on jointing concrete highway
pavements. Load transfer, joint
effectiveness, dowel bar size and
joint spacing recommendations
are provided in clearly written
text. It also contains joint con-
struction tips based on input
and experience of knowledge-
able contractors.
TB010P 24 Pages 1991
Price: $13.50 ACPA Member Price: $2.60

12 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Materials Durability

Diagnosis and Control of Alkali- Recycling Concrete

Aggregate Reactions in Concrete Pavement
Don’t let unproven materials be a cause for This bulletin takes you through
concern about concrete durability. Learn about concrete pavement recycling
material characteristics, appropriate testing from old pavement removal, to
methods, and control measures regarding alkali- concrete crushing, and replacing
aggregate reactions. This information sheet the new pavement. It covers
provides a thorough discussion of alkali-silica and critical aspects of mixture
alkali-carbonate reactions. design using recycled concrete
for aggregate in the new mix-
IS413 24 Pages 1997
Price: $8.00 ACPA Member Price: $8.00

TB014P 20 Pages 1993

Price: $12.75 ACPA Member Price: $2.40
New! Formation and Characteristics of
Portland Cement Concrete for
Pavements: The Basics New! Executive Briefs –
This 16-page technical publication covers the Slag Cement and
basics of concrete as it is used for pavements. Concrete Pavements
Published by the Center for Portland Cement (50 PACK)
Concrete Pavement Technology at Iowa State
University, this excellent report includes informa- This brief explains how using
tion on cementitious materials, cement hydration, slag in concrete paving mixtures
water, air entrainment, and aggregates. Desirable can enhance the the long-term
characteristics of plastic concrete are explained: benefits of concrete pavements.
uniformity, consistency and workability. An excel- Definitions of the hydraulic
lent resource for anyone involved in design or activity, effects on plastic and
construction of concrete pavements! hardened properties are also
SP486P 16 Pages 2002
Price: $15.00 ACPA Member Price: $6.00 PL517P 4 Pages 2003
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00

Guide Specification for Concrete Subject

to Alkali-Silica Reactions The Use of Recycled-
Concrete Aggregate from
This guide specification provides screen testing, Concrete Exhibiting
recommendations and a decision tree that will Alkali-Silica Reactivity
help you create a durable mixture. Suggestions
are provided for the most common additives, This research report discusses
such as fly ash. an investigation of the precau-
tions that are needed to prevent
IS415 8 Pages 1998 expansive alkali-silica reactivity
Price: $5.33 ACPA Member Price: $5.33 (ASR) when ASR-affected con-
crete is recycled as coarse aggre-
gate in new concrete.

RD114T 20 Pages 1996

Price: $20.00 ACPA Member Price: $20.00

Order on-line: 13


Concrete Overlays – Reconstruction Optimization Through

Bonded, Unbonded, Concrete Inlays
Whitetopping Concrete inlays are a rehabilitation strategy for
The performance, versatility replacing all or a portion of primary travel lanes
and advantages of concrete without raising the existing surface or removing
overlays are provided in this existing shoulders. This technical guide describes
promotional brochure. It the design and construction considerations to
addresses highways, streets, optimize material use on both existing concrete
and airports, for elected offi- and asphalt pavement highways, airports and
cials and transportation low-volume roads.
authorities at the state and TB013P 20 Pages 1993
local level. Price: $12.75 ACPA Member Price: $2.40
PL227P 4 Pages 1990
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50 The Concrete Solution for Deteriorated
Asphalt Intersections
Guidelines for Bonded Concrete Overlays This promotional brochure describes the advan-
The advantages of bonded concrete overlays for improving tages of using concrete for rebuilding failed
structural capacity of existing concrete pavements are discussed asphalt intersections. Written in plain language
in this technical publication. It also includes explanations of the appropriate for elected officials, public works offi-
construction steps and special considerations for pre-overlay cials, and local transportation authorities.
repair, surface preparation and jointing.
PL226P 4 Pages 1990
TB007P 16 Pages 1990 Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50
Price: $6.00 ACPA Member Price: $2.00

Guidelines for Unbonded Concrete Overlays

This bulletin explains necessary design and construction fea- Best Seller! Whitetopping –
tures for this rapidly growing rehabilitation strategy. The text State of the Practice
also includes job-site factors and performance information on
actual unbonded overlay projects throughout the United States. Best-selling engineering manual includes compre-
hensive coverage of all aspects of concrete over-
TB005P 16 Pages 1990 lays on existing asphalt pavement. It includes
Price: $6.00 ACPA Member Price: $2.00 information on the benefits, history, performance,
design practices, and construction of all types of
New! Portland Cement whitetopping. A special chapter discusses ultra-
Concrete Overlays – thin whitetopping (UTW), including an interim
State of the Technology procedure for determining the load-carrying
capacity of UTW based on research and perform-
ance surveys.
This report, produced by the
Federal Highway Administration EB210P 70 Pages 1998
(FHWA), presents the latest Price: $25.00 ACPA Member Price: $5.50
information on the design, con-
struction, and performance of Whitetopping Technique Revives
portland cement concrete (PCC) Burgeoning Kansas Thoroughfare
overlays. Bonded, unbonded, This reprint describes the ultra-thin whitetopping
whitetopping, and ultra-thin (thin concrete overlay of existing asphalt pave-
whitetopping overlays are cov- ment) project constructed in Leawood, Kansas.
ered in this synthesis of the current state-of-the-technology. This Two inches of asphalt milled out between curb
comprehensive book is a must-have for those interested in con- and gutter was replaced with 2 inches of fast-
crete pavement overlay design and construction.
track concrete. The project demonstrates the com-
SP045P 188 Pages 2002 bination of concrete durability, minimum disrup-
Price: $5.00 ACPA Member Price: $5.00 tion of traffic, and increased competitiveness with
asphalt overlays.
RP274P 3 Pages 1995
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50

14 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Overlays – UTW

New! Accelerated Pavement Testing to Repair of Ultra-Thin

Evaluate UTW Load-Carrying Capacity Whitetopping
This special report summarizes key findings of an This semi-technical brochure
accelerated testing program to evaluate the load- outlines the requirements and
carrying capacity of ultra-thin whitetopping steps to repairing ultra-thin
(UTW) pavements. The testing was done at whitetopping overlays. Full-
FHWA’s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research color photographs visually
Center using an accelerated loading facility. demonstrate each step.
Results show UTW is adequate for its intended PA397P 4 Pages 2000
uses and provides insight in to specific perform- Price: $6.00
ance characteristics. ACPA Member Price: $1.50
SR002P 8 Pages 2003
Price $9.00 ACPA Member Price: $3.00

Construction Specification Guideline for Ultra-Thin Whitetopping

Ultra-Thin Whitetopping All aspects of ultra-thin white-
This technical document provides guideline spec- topping are contained in this
ification language useful for developing project technical information sheet,
specifications for ultra-thin whitetopping. It including: applications, history,
includes three sections: general requirements, material requirements, perform-
products (materials) and execution (construction ance, joint design, construction
requirements). These guidelines are easily modi- procedures, and repair. Load-
fied for use by any agency or engineering firm carrying capacity tables are pro-
designing a UTW project. vided.
IS120P 8 Pages 1999 IS100P 24 Pages 1999
Price: $5.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.67 Price: $10.50
ACPA Member Price: $3.50
Executive Briefs – UTW (50 PACK)
This promotional publication features one of con-
crete’s fastest and most economical overlay solu- Best Seller! Ultra-Thin
tions: ultra-thin whitetopping. It includes field Whitetopping (BINDER)
and test track results and basic product definition A complete compilation of ultra-
and installation procedures. An excellent intro- thin whitetopping documents
ductory publication for ultra-thin whitetopping. are provided in this reference
PL506P 4 Pages 1999 binder. It includes technical
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00 documents (IS100P, IS120P),
interesting articles and copies of
ten research technical reports.
Anyone wishing to learn about
UTW ought to have this convenient reference!
New! Findings – Versatile Concrete
Pavement Provides Mix of Fixes for TB300P BINDER 1999
Rutted Intersections (50 PACK) Price: $60.00 ACPA Member Price: $37.00

Provides brief summary of South Carolina’s long-

term solution to an on-going rutting and perform-
ance problem at the intersection of US301 and
US21/178 in Orangeburg. Ultra-thin whitetopping
was chosen and work was completed in just 4.5
PL513P 2 Pages 2002
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00

Order on-line: 15

Overlays – UTW

Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Whitetopping – No Longer an Experiment

for Roadways Reprinted Roads & Bridges magazine article describes the widespread use of con-
Highlighting the family of con- ventional whitetopping on interstate highways, as well as primary and county
crete overlay products, this roads. It briefly discusses design and construction techniques, and the perform-
video shows the use of ultra- ance and economics of whitetopping.
thin whitetopping on streets and RP353P 2 Pages 1998
local roads. 12 minutes. (CD- Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50
Rom version requires
QuickTime or Media Player.)
CD015P CD 2001
Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
Whitetopping – The Road to Renewal
This brochure and companion video (VC332P,
VC522P VHS 2001
order separately) were developed as marketing
Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
tools to promote the use of whitetopping to pub-
lic officials. They list the most important benefits
New! Ultra-Thin of whitetopping and have a distinctive style that
Whitetopping takes a clear approach appropriate for govern-
Repair Demonstration mental officials.
An 8-minute video highlights PL452P 6 Pages 1998
the repair demonstration of Price: $2.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.80
UTW pavements tested at
FHWA’s Accelerated Loading
Facility in McLean, Virginia,
performed as part of IPRF’s
research program The introduc- Whitetopping – The Road to Renewal
tion of the video includes a
background and summary of This VHS video and companion brochure
ultra-thin whitetopping, as well (PL452P, order separately) were developed as
as when UTW repairs are necessary, including straightforward marketing tools to promote the use of whitetop-
step-by-step procedures. Produced in cooperation with the ping to public officials. The video covers the most
Federal Highway Administration and Construction Technology important benefits of whitetopping with a distinc-
Laboratories. CD also includes background paper on the tive style that takes a clear approach for presenta-
research and other IPRF documents. tion in government arenas.
CD025P CD 2001 VC332P VHS 1998
VC001P VHS 2001 Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
Price: $11.00 ACPA Member Price: $11.00

Ultra-Thin Whitetopping
Gains Momentum
Reprinted from Roads & Bridges Withstanding the Tests of Time
magazine, this article discusses This Roads & Bridges magazine reprint summarizes the accelerated load testing
the emerging technology and of ultra-thin whitetopping at the Turner-Fairbank highway research facility in
growth of ultra-thin white- McLean, Virginia.
topping (UTW). Outlined are RP363P 4 Pages 1999
studies including, research at a Price: $2.40 ACPA Member Price: $0.80
Louisville, KY site, 5-year evalu-
ations of 41 test sections on
Iowa Route 41, and continuing
condition surveys of 11 UTW
projects in Georgia and
Tennessee. UTW projects at two general aviation airports –
St. Louis, MO and New Smyrna Beach, FL – are also described.
RP356P 2 Pages 1998
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50

16 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Performance Research and Technology

An Overview of Pavement Performance Creating a New

and Design in New York Generation of Pavements
Reprinted article describes a New York State – A Blueprint for
Department of Transportation study showing that Portland Cement
AASHTO design procedures under-estimate the Concrete Pavements
performance of concrete pavements and over-esti- Concrete pavement research,
mate the performance capability of asphalt pave- technology and innovation are
ments. The factors of over-design and under- focused on five goals: (1) dis-
design and the resulting adjustments by NYSDOT cerning today’s best practices,
to the AASHTO procedure are given. (2) reducing initial costs without
RP352P 2 Pages 1998 comprising performance,
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50 (3) reducing user delays and
inconvenience, (4) developing cost competitive options for all
applications, and (5) increasing certainty of achieving design
Findings – General Aviation
expectations. This plan contains a detailed description and
Performance (50 PACK) timeline for each of these goals.
This promotional publication highlights a study
SP001P 24 Pages 1997
of general aviation airports in Illinois. The study
Price: FREE ACPA Member Price: FREE
results show that concrete pavements are measur-
ably more durable and longer-lasting than
asphalt. Creating a New Generation of Pavements – An
Action Plan to Execute the Blueprint for Portland
PL503P 4 Pages 1999 Cement Concrete Pavement Research
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
Prepared by the Innovative Pavement Research Foundation
(IPRF), this document provides a comprehensive research pro-
gram (67 research statements) to implement the five goals out-
lined in the Blueprint (see SP001P). The plan contains specific
Findings – Iowa County Road Study (50 PACK) descriptions, needs, and timelines that prioritize each project
This colorful promotional publication highlights Iowa’s 1996 county road study. under the Blueprint’s five goals.
The study shows the economic advantage achieved by counties applying long- SP003P 90 Pages 1998
term concrete solutions over those using asphalt. Price: FREE ACPA Member Price: FREE
PL502P 4 Pages 1999
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00 Digest of Current Concrete Pavement Research
This manual summarizes research on issues relating to concrete
PCC Carries Weight in Illinois pavements that were underway or completed in 1997 by U.S.
Roads & Bridges magazine reprint summarizes agencies. Updates through 2001 are available on our website at
the performance of 2000 miles of concrete inter-! Published jointly with the Federal
state pavements constructed in Illinois between Highway Administration.
1957 and 1994. Data are from a study by the SP002P 172 Pages 1998
University of Illinois and Illinois Department of Price: FREE ACPA Member Price: FREE
Transportation, which concludes that these joint-
ed and continuously reinforced pavements have New! International
carried far more traffic than the amount for which
Conference Proceedings
they were originally designed.
Proceedings of the 7th Inter-
RP351P 2 Pages 1998 national Conference on Concrete
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50 Pavements, held September
10-13, 2001 in Orlando, Florida.
Successes – Highway Projects (50 PACK) The conference program con-
sisted of presentations and dis-
Major projects in the states of Washington and Pennsylvania are highlighted in
cussions on new developments
this highway market promotional publication. The emphasis is on concrete’s
related to concrete pavement
advantages as the premier reconstruction material that reduces maintenance and technology. Implementable products and techniques that result
inconvenience to the public. in long-lasting new and rehabilitated concrete pavements, and
PL504P 4 Pages 1999 the use of concrete to rehabilitate other types of pavements,
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00 were emphasized.
XC024P 2001
Price: $75.00 ACPA Member Price: $75.00

Order on-line: 17


ACPA AirPave PCAPAV – Thickness Design of Concrete Streets and Local Roads
Windows-based pavement Simple to use DOS-based design program calculates thickness for concrete roads.
thickness design software calcu- Recognition of load transfer at joints, curb, and gutter effects are key features.
lates load stresses for aircraft or MC003P Diskette 1990
specialty vehicle gear loads. It Price: $50.00 ACPA Member Price: $50.00
includes more than 25 popular
aircraft with over 59 configura-
tions including the A300, B777, Powerpave CD
Concorde and military aircraft. Windows-based analysis tool that predicts early-age performance of continuously
Also allowed are custom config- reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). The analysis is based on both design
urations for any vehicle, such as forklifts, cranes, straddle carri- assumptions (such as material quantities and types) and construction assump-
ers, tracked vehicles, trucks and non-standard aircraft. tions (such as environmental factors and construction methods). Powerpave can
MC006.01P CD 2001 help optimize CRCP options to reduce risk, control costs, and maximize invest-
Price: $325.00 ACPA Member Price: $225.00 ment. Developed and supported by CRSI – Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute.
JP008P CD 2002
CA4PRS Software Price: $295.00 ACPA Member Price: $295.00
Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies
(CA4PRS) is software that aids road agencies and contractors in WinPAS
determining the most feasible rehabilitation strategies in an User-friendly, windows-based software allows
urban environment. The software combines pavement engineer- roadway pavement thickness design and evalua-
ing, construction productivity analysis, and traffic simulation to tion following the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide
expedite rehabilitation/reconstruction. Developed and support- for Pavement Structures, including traffic and
ed by University of California at Berkeley. overlay thickness methods. A life-cycle cost mod-
JP004P CD ule allows you to compare alternative designs too.
Price: $3500.00 ACPA Member Price: $3000.00 Includes manual (MC016P).
MC016.01P CD 2000
HIPERPAV Price: $495.00 ACPA Member Price: $95.00
high performance HIPERPAV is a tool which can
per formance paving software
WinPAS – Simplified Design Guide Manual
be used by planners, designers This manual accompanies our popular software program (MC016P). It explains
and contractors. During the planning stage, HIPERPAV can be all factors in the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide for Pavement Structures, including
used to develop quality control specifications for a particular reliability, traffic, soil support, serviceability and concrete properties. Also
project based on the available materials and climatic conditions includes chapters on overlay thickness design and life-cycle cost analysis.
of the region. Contractors can use HIPERPAV to prevent expen-
MC016P 94 Pages 2000
sive repairs by predicting cracking and potential damage due to
Price: $20.00 ACPA Member Price: $20.00
unexpected conditions during construction. HIPERPAV deter-
mines the factors that will prevent damage to the pavement.
With HIPERPAV suppliers can manage the temperature of the Great Value! CRC Highway PAVE and
concrete based on their mix designs and specific climate and CRC Air PAVE
project conditions. Packaged together, these DOS-based analysis tools
Includes version 2.5.1 license. Quantity discounts available are for the design of continuously reinforced con-
for orders greater than five (5) copies – please call for details. crete pavement. CRC-HIGHWAY PAVE models
JP006P CD concrete and reinforcing steel stresses, and crack
Price: $490.00 ACPA Member Price: $490.00 widths and spacing, while optimizing reinforcing
steel based on material properties and construc-
tion considerations. Inputs include truck axle con-
figurations and tire pressures. CRC-AIRPAVE
includes similar models as CRC-HIGHWAY PAVE for loading inputs not only for
standard aircraft or special gear configurations, but also for cranes and straddle
carriers typically found at ports and intermodal freight terminals.
JP009P CD 2002
Price: $100.00 ACPA Member Price: $100.00

18 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Specialty and Promotional Items

New! Stickers for Equipment, “Count on

Hats and More Concrete”
Show pride in your ACPA membership and sup- Promotional
port for concrete – place these stickers on your Merchandise
equipment, hard hats and anywhere you want to Show your enthusiasm
signify your commitment to the industry! Made for concrete by purchas-
from durable vinyl material and imprinted with ing clothes and other
ultraviolet inks that will not fade. Perfect for items displaying “Count
employee or customer giveaways.
on Concrete.” The
PA182P 2" ACPA Logo $7.50 (25 pack) “Count on Concrete”
PA183P 6" ACPA Logo $1.00 (each) logo, executed in a con-
PA184P Count-on-Concrete (1.5" x 3.5") $20.00 (100 pack) temporary style and
PA185P Count-on-Concrete Bumper Sticker $1.25 (each*) vibrant color combinations is the cornerstone of a new industry
*Discounts available for large orders. Please call for details. campaign. Over 50,000 promotional items can be imprinted
with the “Count on Concrete” logo through the Bartell Creative
Concepts network. Support your industry by proudly wearing
Pave with Pride Flags and using your “Count on Concrete” promotional merchandise.
Contractors…Fly these 2x3 ft white
denier nylon screen-printed flags on Ordering is simple, either by phone or online:
your paving equipment. Each flag is To order online:
finished with a canvas header and access the “Count on Concrete” website at www.countoncon-
side grommets that can easily be and click on “promotional products.” The easy-to-
PAVEMENT attached to your equipment or any follow menu will guide you through the entire ordering process.
To order by phone:
PA186P $35.00 (each) call 1.800.468.1570. A representative from Bartell Creative Con-
cepts will be happy to assist you with all your merchandise needs.

Why Concrete
Pamphlet describes the
benefits of concrete pave-
ment, including safe by
design, smooth & quiet
surface, good for the
environment, durable
under loads, versatile usage, and superior long-term value. Great as a hand-out
for non-technical audiences.
PL454P Pamphlet 1998
Price: $1.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00

Streets and Local Roads

New! Answering No. 34 GASB New! City Streets the Concrete Advantage
Statement Demands Agencies Develop The major advantages of concrete for city streets: low first cost,
Efficient Asset Management Practices low maintenance, long life, and safety are showcased in this
This full-color reprint from Roads & Bridges video. It presents many fine examples of concrete streets across
Magazine discusses the need for state and local the nation and is aimed at community citizens, civic groups,
agencies to financially and physically account for city councils, engineers, and those interested in improving their
their largest asset, the roadway network. Included communities’ street systems.
are highlights of how concrete pavements can CD326P CD 2003
help manage the yearly costs of maintaining, VC326P VHS 2003
upgrading, and building a high-quality, long-last- Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
ing network of roadways. Orders of 10 or more, $14.95 each, VHS or CD
RP128P 2 Pages 2002
Price: $4.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00

Order on-line: 19

Streets and Local Roads

Best Seller! Concrete New! Executive Briefs – Asset

Engineering of Streets Management for Responsible Roads
and Local Roads (50 PACK)
(BINDER) This publication explains what an effective asset
This attractive 3-ring binder management program requires. The “average
contains technical publications years of remaining service” concept is explained,
separated by tabs into the and the long-term fixes that concrete pavements
following topics: design, con- can provide are detailed. The benefits of imple-
struction, intersections, white- menting an asset management strategy that
topping, repairs and miscel- includes concrete pavements are also explained.
laneous. More than 10 ACPA PL515P 4 Pages 2003
publications are included as Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
basic coverage of streets and roads. Extra room is available for
you to add more publications. This is an excellent reference for
city and county engineers, municipal consulting firms, and for New! Positions – Asset Management – A Concrete Solution to
distribution at workshops on these topics. Responsible Government (50 PACK)
TB200P BINDER 1998 This publication explains what asset management is, including the require-
Price: $100.00 ACPA Member Price: $33.00 ments for government agencies in GASB Statement No. 34. The focus of the
8-page brochure is on how concrete pavement facilitates asset management.
The long-term fixes that concrete pavements can provide are essential for an
Construction effective asset and pavement management program. Includes a discussion of
Specification Guideline the “Mix of Fixes” – a technique that helps maintain stable yearly budgets and
for Concrete Streets and excellent pavement conditions.
Local Roads PL514P 8 Pages 2003
Comprehensive guidelines and Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
specification language useful for
developing street or local road Streets and Local Roads
project specifications are pro- Promotion Resource Guide
vided in this technical infor-
mation sheet. Statistical accep- This promotion resource binder contains tips and
tance criteria for smoothness, resources for promoting concrete streets and local
thickness and concrete strength roads, including information on financing, asset
are provided. Footnotes, management, mix of fixes, environmental solu-
diagrams and illustrations give added details and list important tions and traffic management. Its unique format
references for a specification writer. simplifies talking points for promotional argu-
ments and will be invaluable to anyone involved
IS119P 24 Pages 1998 with streets and local road promotion!
Price: $12.50 ACPA Member Price: $2.75
SP385P BINDER 2001
Price: $50.00 ACPA Member Price: $50.00
Design of Concrete Pavement for City Streets
This is a simplified guide to design of concrete pavements for The Concrete Solution for City Streets
long life and economy. It discusses concrete quality, subgrade
strength, thickness design, traffic volume and design life. Tables This promotional brochure emphasizes concrete’s
are provided to allow thickness design. benefits for city streets. It stresses concrete’s long
life, low maintenance and low lifetime cost ad-
IS184P 8 Pages 1992 vantages to other pavements. Appropriately writ-
Price: $5.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.66 ten for city managers, local governmental bodies,
and public works officials.
PL225P 4 Pages 1990
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50

20 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Streets and Local Roads Subbases

Thickness Design for Concrete Subgrades and Subbases

Highway and Street Pavements for Concrete Pavements
This engineering manual discusses how to deter- Engineering guidance for the
mine adequate pavement thickness to carry traffic proper construction and design
loads using a mechanistic design procedure. It of support layers for concrete
includes fatigue and erosion design criteria for pavement are clearly written
plain, reinforced, and continuously reinforced in this technical bulletin. It
pavements. Engineers can use the procedure to emphasizes the major objective
evaluate the effects of concrete shoulders and of obtaining long-lasting uni-
lean-concrete subbases. form support for a pavement.
EB109P 48 Pages 1984
Soil problems (expansion, heav-
Price: $12.00 ACPA Member Price: $3.00
ing, etc.) are discussed along
with options for subbases,
including free-draining permeable layers.
Thickness Design for Concrete Highway
TB011P 24 Pages 1991
and Street Pavements (Canadian Edition)
Price: $13.50 ACPA Member Price: $2.50
This engineering manual discusses how to deter-
mine adequate pavement thickness to carry traffic
loads using a mechanistic design procedure. It Traffic Management
includes fatigue and erosion design criteria for
plain, reinforced, and continuously reinforced
pavements. Engineers can use the procedure to Executive Briefs – Traffic
evaluate the effects of concrete shoulders and Management (50 PACK)
lean-concrete subbases. Tables and details pro-
vide metric units compatible with Canadian stan- Traffic management during con-
dards. struction and rehabilitation is a
key to success. This executive
EB209P 44 Pages 1984 brief dispels common myths
Price: $14.00 ACPA Member Price: $8.00 associated with concrete pave-
ments and shows why concrete
pavements are the traffic-friend-
ly choice.
PL507P 4 Pages 2000
Price: $30.00
Cement-Treated Permeable Base for ACPA Member Price: $10.00
Heavy-Traffic Concrete Pavements
Design, construction and maintenance of open- Findings – Unique I-10 Pomona Project Kicks off
graded, permeable cement-treated bases are dis- Caltrans’ Pavement Rehabilitation Program
cussed in this technical information sheet. It gives (50 PACK)
material requirements for the base course, separa-
tor layer, edge drains, and outlets. Caltrans’ concrete solution for an anticipated 27% growth in
vehicle miles traveled on their highways is described in this
IS404P 6 Pages 1994 promotional publication. The findings shows how effective con-
Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00 crete pavement is meeting Caltrans’ first priority – “the safety
and satisfaction of the road user!”
PL511P 6 Pages 2001
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
Concrete Pavements Without
Subbases for Light Traffic Facilities
This short technical information sheet discusses
the conditions (light truck traffic) for which a
subbase layer beneath concrete pavement is not
required. The recommendations are based on
design considerations and surveys of actual pave-
ment performance.
IS414P 2 Pages 1993
Price: $3.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00

Order on-line: 21

Traffic Management

Successes – Traffic Management (50 PACK) Fast and Under Traffic

This promotional publication highlights projects in Michigan This video dispels the myths that concrete is
and New Mexico built with unique traffic management consid- hard to work with, requires extensive traffic
erations. Find out how concrete pavements have been built with control measures, and takes too long to re-
traffic control schemes previously associated with asphalt pave- open to traffic. Unbonded concrete overlays
ment! are excellent cost effective choices for roadway
resurfacing that minimize user delays during
PL501P 4 Pages 1999
construction and allow simpler traffic manage-
Price: $30.00 ACPA Member Price: $10.00
ment schemes In this video are the stories of
two concrete overlay projects in Michigan,
where concrete is placed over an existing con-
Best Seller! Traffic crete pavement, separated by a thin asphalt
Management for interlayer. (CD version requires QuickTime or
Concrete Reconstruction Media Player.)
& Rehabilitation CD017P CD 2001
A comprehensive and practical Price: $11.00 ACPA Member Price: $11.00
engineering manual for plan- VC523P VHS 2001
ners, design engineers, opera- Price: $11.00 ACPA Member Price: $11.00
tions engineers and contractors. Orders of 10 or more, $5.50 each
Explains the basic concepts,
considerations and requirements
for managing traffic through
New! Weekend Reconstruction – Urban
construction workzones. Prac- Concrete Pavement on Interstate 10
tical construction staging dia- Researchers documented a remarkable reconstruc-
grams are provided to fit many tion project on Interstate 10 in California – 1.75
projects possibilities. lane miles of concrete pavement was replaced in
just 55 hours over one weekend! Find out how
EB213P 68 Pages 2000
the contractor used innovative pavement removal
Price: $24.00 ACPA Member Price: $8.00
and fast-setting concrete to accomplish this proj-
ect. The report discusses the contractor’s plans,
construction procedures and constraints, and pro-
ductivity compared to a 7-10 hour nighttime clo-
sure alternative.
SR001P 6 Pages 2001
Price: $2.00 ACPA Member Price: $2.00

National Awards Program

The program, “ACPA National Pavement Awards for Excellence” honors Special Offer!
quality concrete pavements constructed each year. Co-sponsored by Excellence in Concrete
publisher Hanley-Wood and its Concrete Construction Magazine, the
awards program recognizes the contractors, engineers, and project own- Paving (50 PACK)
ers who completed outstanding projects. This colorful reprint provides a full
recap of 26 award winning and finalist
A panel of industry professionals representing contractors, DOT engi- projects in the 12 award categories from
neers, FHWA, FAA, military, municipalities, consultants, and other ACPA’s Excellence in Concrete Paving
industry organizations judge the entries. Selection criteria includes proj- Program. ACPA’s popular award pro-
ect scope, paving process/smoothness, quality control, traffic manage- gram is sponsored by publisher Hanley-
ment, innovation, and public relations. Wood and Concrete Construction
Nomination form and rules are available. For more information visit our Magazine. (One bundle per order only.)
website, or call 847-966-2272 and ask to speak to PL001P 6 Pages 2002*
our national awards program coordinator today! Bundle Quantity – 50: FREE
*updated yearly

22 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Education and Training Courses

The American Concrete Pavement Association’s Education and Airport Pavement Design Seminar
Training Program provides association members, consultants, public The three-day seminar is geared toward entry-level and project engi-
officials, and other industry representatives with the information neers. It will consist of:
required to maintain the highest professional standards and quality.
ACPA’s training is designed to give you practical and useful knowledge • A comparative analysis of the FAA, PCA, and military design methods
that translates into career success. • An explanation of Federal Aviation Administration specifications and
design requirements
Construction of Portland Cement • Preparation for construction and construction techniques for pave-
Concrete Pavements ments, concrete mix designs, and adjustments.
A 21⁄2 day training course co-sponsored by ACPA, the American Asso- Pertinent publications, software programs, and other materials will be
ciation of State Highway Transportation Officials, and the Federal provided.
Highway Administration. This course is offered through the National
Highway Institute. If you are interested in scheduling a course, please If you are interested in any of these courses, visit our website
e-mail: [email protected]., or call 847-966-2272 and ask to speak to
our education and training coordinator today!
WinPAS Training
A one-day seminar that teaches the ins and outs of concrete pavement Concrete Pavements 101
design and evaluation using ACPA’s WinPAS software. This course The presentations on this CD were
comes to you through our affiliated chapter network. developed using PowerPoint and are
used in ACPA’s highly-rated training
Concrete Pavements 101 Course course. The presentations give practical
A 21⁄2-day course designed to provide practical information to design information on concrete pavement de-
and construct concrete pavements effectively. The course’s technical sign, rehabilitation, construction, cost
content includes concrete pavement design and construction basics and analysis and promotion. Excellent for
information about different applications of concrete, such as whitetop- educators, promoters and students!
ping, patching, reconstruction, etc. The course covers basic materials
and mixture design. Attendees receive a free take-home binder that can CD006P CD updated periodically
be used as a reference. Price: $50.00 ACPA Member Price: $50.00

Ordering Information

How to Order: Method of Payment:

Phone: To order by phone, call 800.868.6733 toll free within the USA ❏ Charge it to my: ❏ VISA ❏ MasterCard
3 and Canada, or 1.847.966.2272, from outside the USA.
❏ American Express
Fax: To order by fax, send to 1.847.966.9666. Do not send written
5 confirmation when ordering by phone or fax.
Online: Visit and follow the Order Products Account No.: Exp. Date:
! link to the newly expanded online Services and Products. Ordering is
fast, convenient, secure, and accessible “24/7”!

Shipping and Handling:

Continental U.S. AK, HI, PR and Canada International Customers
Orders shipped to
Retail Dollar (Shipping and Special Handling Via Fed-Ex,
destinations outside the
Value of Order Handling Fee) Next Day UPS First Class
USA may incur greater
< $5.00 $5.00 For orders shipping costs. To ensure
$5.00 – $25.00 $7.00 under $100 retail proper payment, please
$25.01 – $65.00 $8.00 amount, S and H contact ACPA Customer
Actual shipping cost
$65.01 – $100.00 $9.00 fee is $12.00. Service, 1.800.868.6733,
$100.01 – $300.00 8% for a quote on applicable
special handling
$300.01 – $500.00 7% For orders over $100, shipping and handling
fee of $5.00.
$500.01 – $750.00 6% S and H fee is 15% is charges before placing
$750.01 – $1000.00 5% 15% of retail amount. your order.
> $1000.00 4%
All Prices Subject to Change.

Order on-line: 23

Index by Code Number
CD003P Construction of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (NHI) $5.00 $5.00 8
CD006P Concrete Pavements 101 $50.00 $50.00 23
CD015P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Roadways (CD) $24.95 $24.95 16
CD016P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Airfields (CD) $24.95 $24.95 3
CD017P Fast and Under Traffic $11.00 $11.00 22
CD023P CPR for City Streets $24.95 $24.95 5
CD025P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Repair Demonstration $11.00 $11.00 16
CD326P City Streets the Concrete Advantage $24.95 $24.95 19
EB109P Thickness Design for Concrete Highway and Street Pavements $12.00 $3.00 21
EB209P Thickness Design for Concrete Highway and Street Pavements (Canadian Edition) $14.00 $8.00 21
EB210P Whitetopping – State of the Practice $25.00 $5.50 14
EB213P Traffic Management for Concrete Reconstruction & Rehabilitation $24.00 $8.00 22
EB220P Life Cycle Cost Analysis: A Guide for Comparing Alternate Pavement Designs $25.00 $8.25 10
IS006P Intersection Joint Layout $4.50 $1.50 12
IS061P Design and Construction of Joints for Concrete Streets $5.25 $1.75 12
IS100P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping $10.50 $3.50 15
IS104P Specification Guideline for Dowel Bar Retrofit $9.00 $3.00 6
IS119P Construction Specification Guideline for Concrete Streets and Local Roads $12.50 $2.75 20
IS120P Construction Specification Guideline for Ultra-Thin Whitetopping $5.00 $1.67 15
IS184P Design of Concrete Pavement for City Streets $5.00 $1.66 20
IS202P Concrete Pavement for General-Aviation, Business and Commuter Aircraft $12.50 $3.75 3
IS234P Design of Heavy Industrial Concrete Pavements $5.40 $1.80 11
IS235P Utility Cuts and Full-Depth Repairs in Concrete Streets $5.00 $1.00 7
IS257P Maturity Testing of Concrete Pavements: Applications and Benefits $15.00 $5.00 9
IS400P Proper Use of Isolation and Expansion Joints in Concrete Pavements $3.00 $1.00 12
IS404P Cement-Treated Permeable Base for Heavy-Traffic Concrete Pavements $3.00 $1.00 21
IS405P Concrete Pavements with Undoweled Joints for Light Traffic Facilities $3.00 $1.00 12
IS413 Diagnosis and Control of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete $8.00 $8.00 13
IS414P Concrete Pavements Without Subbases for Light Traffic Facilities $3.00 $1.00 21
IS415 Guide Specification for Concrete Subject to Alkali-Silica Reactions $5.33 $5.33 13
IS416P Concrete Pavement for Trucking Facilities $5.25 $1.75 11
JP001P Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation: Guide for Load Transfer Restoration $1.10 $1.10 4
JP002P Concrete Pavement Repair Manual $24.00 $8.00 4
JP003P Concrete Crack and Partial-Depth Spall Repair Manual $24.00 $8.00 4
JP004P CA4PRS Software $3500.00 $3000.00 18
JP006P HIPERPAV Professional $490.00 $490.00 18
JP007P Best Practices for Airport Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction $11.00 $11.00 2
JP008P Powerpave CD $295.00 $295.00 18
JP009P CRC Highway PAVE and CRC Air PAVE $100.00 $100.00 18
LT234P Concrete Curb and Gutter Manual $20.00 $10.00 7
MC003P PCAPAV – Thickness Design of Concrete Streets and Local Roads $50.00 $50.00 18
MC006.01P ACPA AirPave $325.00 $225.00 18
MC016.01P WinPAS $495.00 $95.00 18
MC016P WinPAS – Simplified Design Guide Manual $20.00 $20.00 18
PA169P Full-Depth Repair and Utility Cuts for Concrete Pavements $3.00 $1.00 5
PA179P Safe Landings – Why Concrete for Airports (25 PACK) $6.50 $6.50 3
PA180P Light Reflectance TBD TBD 11
PA181P Quiet Concrete Pavements TBD TBD 11
PA186P Pave with Pride Flags $35.00 $35.00 19
PA397P Repair of Ultra-Thin Whitetopping $6.00 $1.50 15
PL001P Excellence in Concrete Paving (50 PACK) NA FREE 22
PL225P The Concrete Solution for City Streets $1.50 $0.50 20
PL226P The Concrete Solution for Deteriorated Asphalt Intersections $1.50 $0.50 14
PL227P Concrete Overlays – Bonded, Unbonded, Whitetopping $1.50 $0.50 14
PL229P Life-Cycle Cost Analysis $1.50 $0.50 10
PL239P Trucks Demand Concrete $1.50 $0.50 11
PL452P Whitetopping – The Road to Renewal $2.50 $0.80 16
PL454P Why Concrete Pavements? $1.00 $1.00 19
PL501P Concrete Pavement Successes – Traffic Management (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 22
PL502P Concrete Pavement Findings – Iowa County Road Study (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 17
PL503P Concrete Pavement Findings – General Aviation Performance (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 17
PL504P Concrete Pavement Successes – Highway Projects (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 17
PL505P Concrete Pavement Successes – Airports (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 3
PL506P Executive Briefs – UTW (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 15
PL507P Executive Briefs – Traffic Management (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 21
PL508P Findings – Osan Experience – CPR for Airfields (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 3
PL509P Findings – Longevity of Diamond-Ground Pavements (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 5
PL510P Successes – Airports – Atlanta/Savannah (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 3
PL511P Findings – Unique I-10 Pomona Project Kicks off Caltrans’ Pavement Rehabilitation
Program (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 21
PL512P Successes – I-20 Georgia Reconstruction and CPR (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 6
PL513P Findings – Versatile Concrete Pavement Provides Mix of Fixes for Rutted
Intersections (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 15
PL514P Positions – Asset Management – A Concrete Solution to Responsible Government (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 20
PL515P Executive Briefs – Asset Management for Responsible Roads (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 20
PL516P Findings – Longitudinal Texture for Smooth Quite Ride (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 10
PL517P Executive Briefs – Slag Cement and Concrete Pavements (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 13
PL518P Executive Briefs – Maturity Testing of Concrete Pavements – Open to
Traffic Quickly (50 PACK) $30.00 $10.00 8

24 Order by Phone: 1.800.868.6733

Index by Code Number
PL225P The Concrete Solution for City Streets $1.50 $0.50 20
PS002P Concrete Pavement Project Report (Alpena Airport) $1.20 $0.40 2
PS003P Concrete Pavement Project Report (Kansas City Airport) $1.20 $0.40 3
PS003IP Concrete Pavement Project Report (Decorah, Iowa) $1.20 $0.40 7
RD111T Optimizing the Surface Texture of Concrete Pavement $40.00 $20.00 9
RD114T The Use of Recycled-Concrete Aggregate from Concrete Exhibiting Alkali-Silica Reactivity $20.00 $20.00 13
RD118T The Longevity and Performance of Diamond-Ground Pavements $20.00 $20.00 7
RP128P Answering No. 34 GASB Statement Demands Agencies Develop Efficient Asset
Management Practices $4.00 $1.00 19
RP274P Whitetopping Technique Revives Burgeoning Kansas Thoroughfare $1.50 $0.50 14
RP329P Pavement Costs and Quality $1.50 $0.50 10
RP338P Fast Track Concrete Pavements – More Than Just High-Early Strength $1.50 $0.50 8
RP341P “40-Day Wonder” Sets Precedent $1.50 $0.50 2
RP351P PCC Carries Weight in Illinois $1.50 $0.50 17
RP352P An Overview of Pavement Performance and Design in New York $1.50 $0.50 17
RP353P Whitetopping – No Longer an Experiment $1.50 $0.50 16
RP354P CPR Brings Dying Pavement Back to Life $1.50 $0.50 4
RP356P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Gains Momentum $1.50 $0.50 16
RP363P Withstanding the Test of Time $2.40 $0.80 16
RP364P Life Cycle Cost Analysis and the Discount Rate: An Alternative View $1.00 $1.00 10
RP405P An Overview of Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies $3.00 $1.00 4
RP408P States Talk Strategy on Pavement Restoration $3.50 $1.80 6
SP001P Creating a New Generation of Pavements – A Blueprint for Portland Cement Concrete
Pavements FREE FREE 17
SP002P Digest of Current Concrete Pavement Research FREE FREE 17
SP003P Creating a New Generation of Pavements – An Action Plan to Execute the Blueprint for
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Research FREE FREE 17
SP045P Portland Cement Concrete Overlays – State of the Technology Synthesis $5.00 $5.00 14
SP385P Streets and Local Roads Promotion Resource Guide $50.00 $50.00 20
SP486P Formation and Characteristics of Portland Cement Concrete for Pavements: The Basics $15.00 $6.00 13
SR001P Weekend Reconstruction – Urban Concrete Pavement on Interstate 10 $2.00 $2.00 22
SR002P Accelerated Pavement Testing to Evaluate UTW Load-Carrying Capacity $9.00 $3.00 15
SR289P Effect of Pavement Surface Type on Fuel Consumption $3.00 $1.00 10
SR901P Construction of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (NHI) $25.00 $25.00 8
SR902P Concrete Pavement Surface Textures $12.00 $4.00 7
SR903P Stitching Concrete Pavement Cracks and Joints $10.00 $3.00 6
SR904P Concrete Pavement Surface Restoration: Diamond Grinding vs. Carbide Milling $3.00 $1.00 4
SR905P Load Transfer Restoration: Diamond Saw Slot Cutting vs. Carbide Milling $3.00 $1.00 5
SR990P Understanding Statistically Based Strength Specifications for Portland Cement Concrete
Pavements $21.00 $7.00 9
SR991P Comparison of Pavement Performance – I-40 Tennessee $6.00 $1.50 10
SR992P A Comparison of Pavement Performance, Interstate 15, Utah $6.00 $1.50 9
SR993P A Comparison of Pavement Costs and Performance, Interstate 40, Oklahoma $6.00 $1.50 9
SR994P Comparison of Pavement Performance and Costs, Interstate 985 and
State Route 400, Georgia $6.00 $1.50 9
TB002P Guidelines for Full-Depth Repair $12.75 $2.40 5
TB003P Guidelines for Partial-Depth Spall Repair $12.25 $3.75 5
TB004P Fast-Track Concrete Pavements $15.00 $3.00 8
TB005P Guidelines for Unbonded Concrete Overlays $6.00 $2.00 14
TB006P Constructing Smooth Concrete Pavements $20.00 $6.00 8
TB007P Guidelines for Bonded Concrete Overlays $6.00 $2.00 14
TB008P Diamond Grinding and Concrete Pavement Restoration $15.00 $5.00 5
TB010P Design and Construction of Joints for Concrete Highways $13.50 $2.60 12
TB011P Subgrades and Subbases for Concrete Pavements $13.50 $2.50 21
TB012P Joint and Crack Sealing and Repair for Concrete Pavements $14.50 $3.00 12
TB013P Reconstruction Optimization Through Concrete Inlays $12.75 $2.40 14
TB014P Recycling Concrete Pavement $12.75 $2.40 13
TB016P Early Cracking of Concrete Pavement – Causes and Repairs $17.50 $5.25 8
TB017P Airfield Joints, Jointing Arrangements and Steel $17.50 $5.25 2
TB018P Slab Stabilization Guidelines for Concrete Pavements $12.75 $2.40 6
TB019P Concrete Intersections – A Guide for Design and Construction $15.00 $3.25 11
TB020P The Concrete Pavement Restoration Guide: Procedures for Preserving Concrete
Pavements $13.50 $2.50 6
TB100P The Ultimate Rehabilitation Handbook (BINDER) $200.00 $65.00 7
TB200P Concrete Engineering of Streets and Local Roads (BINDER) $100.00 $33.00 20
TB300P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping (BINDER) $60.00 $37.00 15
TB400P Concrete Pavement Restoration (BINDER) $90.00 $30.00 4
VC001P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Repair Demonstration $11.00 $11.00 16
VC019P CPR for City Streets $24.95 $24.95 5
VC326P City Streets the Concrete Advantage $24.95 $24.95 19
VC331P Building or Replacing Intersections with Concrete $18.95 $18.95 11
VC332P Whitetopping – The Road to Renewal $24.95 $24.95 16
VC415P The Diamond Advantage in Highway Grinding $18.95 $18.95 6
VC521P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Airfields (VHS) $24.95 $24.95 3
VC522P Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Roadways (VHS) $24.95 $24.95 16
VC523P Fast and Under Traffic $11.00 $11.00 22
XC024P International Conference Proceedings $75.00 $75.00 17
Stickers: PA182P, PA183P, PA184P, PA185P – Descriptions, quantities, and prices 19

Order on-line: 25

Index by Title
“40-Day Wonder” Sets Precedent RP341P $1.50 $0.50 2
A Comparison of Pavement Costs and Performance, Interstate 40, Oklahoma SR993P $6.00 $1.50 9
A Comparison of Pavement Performance, Interstate 15, Utah SR992P $6.00 $1.50 9
Accelerated Pavement Testing to Evaluate UTW Load-Carrying Capacity SR002P $9.00 $3.00 15
ACPA AirPave MC006.01P $325.00 $225.00 18
Airfield Joints, Jointing Arrangements and Steel TB017P $17.50 $5.25 2
An Overview of Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies RP405P $3.00 $1.00 4
An Overview of Pavement Performance and Design in New York RP352P $1.50 $0.50 17
Answering No. 34 GASB Statement Demands Agencies Develop Efficient Asset
Management Practices RP128P $4.00 $1.00 19
Best Practices for Airport Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Construction JP007P $11.00 $11.00 2
Building or Replacing Intersections with Concrete VC331P $18.95 $18.95 11
CA4PRS Software JP004P $3,500.00 $3,000.00 18
Cement-Treated Permeable Base for Heavy-Traffic Concrete Pavements IS404P $3.00 $1.00 21
City Streets the Concrete Advantage CD326P $24.95 $24.95 19
City Streets the Concrete Advantage VC326P $24.95 $24.95 19
Comparison of Pavement Performance and Costs, Interstate 985 and
State Route 400, Georgia SR994P $6.00 $1.50 9
Comparison of Pavement Performance – I-40 Tennessee SR991P $6.00 $1.50 10
Concrete Crack and Partial-Depth Spall Repair Manual JP003P $24.00 $8.00 4
Concrete Curb and Gutter Manual LT234P $20.00 $10.00 7
Concrete Engineering of Streets and Local Roads (BINDER) TB200P $100.00 $33.00 20
Concrete Intersections – A Guide for Design and Construction TB019P $15.00 $3.25 11
Concrete Overlays – Bonded, Unbonded, Whitetopping PL227P $1.50 $0.50 14
Concrete Pavement Findings – General Aviation Performance (50 PACK) PL503P $30.00 $10.00 17
Concrete Pavement Findings – Iowa County Road Study (50 PACK) PL502P $30.00 $10.00 17
Concrete Pavement for Trucking Facilities IS416P $5.25 $1.75 11
Concrete Pavement Project Report (Alpena Airport) PS002P $1.20 $0.40 2
Concrete Pavement Project Report (Decorah, Iowa) PS003IP $1.20 $0.40 7
Concrete Pavement Project Report (Kansas City Airport) PS003P $1.20 $0.40 3
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation: Guide for Load Transfer Restoration JP001P $1.10 $1.10 4
Concrete Pavement Repair Manual JP002P $24.00 $8.00 4
Concrete Pavement Restoration (BINDER) TB400P $90.00 $30.00 4
Concrete Pavement Successes – Airports (50 PACK) PL505P $30.00 $10.00 3
Concrete Pavement Successes – Highway Projects (50 PACK) PL504P $30.00 $10.00 17
Concrete Pavement Successes – Traffic Management (50 PACK) PL501P $30.00 $10.00 22
Concrete Pavement Surface Restoration: Diamond Grinding vs. Carbide Milling SR904P $3.00 $1.00 4
Concrete Pavement Surface Textures SR902P $12.00 $4.00 7
Concrete Pavements 101 CD006P $50.00 $50.00 23
Concrete Pavement for General-Aviation, Business and Commuter Aircraft IS202P $12.50 $3.75 3
Concrete Pavements with Undoweled Joints for Light Traffic Facilities IS405P $3.00 $1.00 12
Concrete Pavements Without Subbases for Light Traffic Facilities IS414P $3.00 $1.00 21
Constructing Smooth Concrete Pavements TB006P $20.00 $6.00 8
Construction of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (NHI) CD003P $5.00 $5.00 8
Construction of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (NHI) SR901P $25.00 $25.00 8
Construction Specification Guideline for Concrete Streets and Local Roads IS119P $12.50 $2.75 20
Construction Specification Guideline for Ultra-Thin Whitetopping IS120P $5.00 $1.67 15
CPR Brings Dying Pavement Back to Life RP354P $1.50 $0.50 4
CPR for City Streets CD023P $24.95 $24.95 5
CPR for City Streets VC019P $24.95 $24.95 5
CRC Highway PAVE and CRC Air PAVE JP009P $100.00 $100.00 18
Creating a New Generation of Pavements – A Blueprint for Portland Cement
Concrete Pavements SP001P FREE FREE 17
Creating a New Generation of Pavements – An Action Plan to Execute the Blueprint
for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Research SP003P FREE FREE 17
Design and Construction of Joints for Concrete Highways TB010P $13.50 $2.60 12
Design and Construction of Joints for Concrete Streets IS061P $5.25 $1.75 12
Design of Concrete Pavement for City Streets IS184P $5.00 $1.66 20
Design of Heavy Industrial Concrete Pavements IS234P $5.40 $1.80 11
Diagnosis and Control of Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete IS413 $8.00 $8.00 13
Diamond Grinding and Concrete Pavement Restoration TB008P $15.00 $5.00 5
Digest of Current Concrete Pavement Research SP002P FREE FREE 17
Early Cracking of Concrete Pavement – Causes and Repairs TB016P $17.50 $5.25 8
Effect of Pavement Surface Type on Fuel Consumption SR289P $3.00 $1.00 10
Excellence in Concrete Paving (50 PACK) PL001P NA FREE 22
Executive Briefs – Asset Management for Responsible Roads (50 PACK) PL515P $30.00 $10.00 20
Executive Briefs – Maturity Testing of Concrete Pavements – Open to Traffic
Quickly (50 PACK) PL518P $30.00 $10.00 8
Executive Briefs – Slag Cement and Concrete Pavements (50 PACK) PL517P $30.00 $10.00 13
Executive Briefs – Traffic Management (50 PACK) PL507P $30.00 $10.00 21
Executive Briefs – UTW (50 PACK) PL506P $30.00 $10.00 15
Fast and Under Traffic CD017P $11.00 $11.00 22
Fast and Under Traffic VC523P $11.00 $11.00 22
Fast Track Concrete Pavements – More Than Just High-Early Strength RP338P $1.50 $0.50 8
Fast-Track Concrete Pavements TB004P $15.00 $3.00 8
Findings – Longevity of Diamond-Ground Pavements (50 PACK) PL509P $30.00 $10.00 5
Findings – Longitudinal Texture for Smooth Quite Ride (50 PACK) PL516P $30.00 $10.00 10
Findings – Osan Experience – CPR for Airfields (50 PACK) PL508P $30.00 $10.00 3
Findings – Unique I-10 Pomona Project Kicks off Caltrans’ Pavement Rehabilitation
Program (50 PACK) PL511P $30.00 $10.00 21

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Index by Title
Findings – Versatile Concrete Pavement Provides Mix of Fixes for
Rutted Intersections (50 PACK) PL513P $30.00 $10.00 15
Formation and Characteristics of Portland Cement Concrete for Pavements: The Basics SP486P $15.00 $6.00 13
Full-Depth Repair and Utility Cuts for Concrete Pavements PA169P $3.00 $1.00 5
Guide Specification for Concrete Subject to Alkali-Silica Reactions IS415 $5.33 $5.33 13
Guidelines for Bonded Concrete Overlays TB007P $6.00 $2.00 14
Guidelines for Full-Depth Repair TB002P $12.75 $2.40 5
Guidelines for Partial-Depth Spall Repair TB003P $12.25 $3.75 5
Guidelines for Unbonded Concrete Overlays TB005P $6.00 $2.00 14
HIPERPAV Professional JP006P $490.00 $490.00 18
International Conference Proceedings XC024P $75.00 $75.00 17
Intersection Joint Layout IS006P $4.50 $1.50 12
Joint and Crack Sealing and Repair for Concrete Pavements TB012P $14.50 $3.00 12
Life Cycle Cost Analysis and the Discount Rate: An Alternative View RP364P $1.00 $1.00 10
Life Cycle Cost Analysis: A Guide for Comparing Alternate Pavement Designs EB220P $25.00 $8.25 10
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis PL229P $1.50 $0.50 10
Light Reflectance PA180P TBD TBD 11
Load Transfer Restoration: Diamond Saw Slot Cutting vs. Carbide Milling SR905P $3.00 $1.00 5
Maturity Testing of Concrete Pavements: Applications and Benefits IS257P $15.00 $5.00 9
Optimizing the Surface Texture of Concrete Pavement RD111T $40.00 $20.00 9
Pave with Pride Flags PA186P $35.00 $35.00 19
Pavement Costs and Quality RP329P $1.50 $0.50 10
PCAPAV – Thickness Design of Concrete Streets and Local Roads MC003P $50.00 $50.00 18
PCC Carries Weight in Illinois RP351P $1.50 $0.50 17
Portland Cement Concrete Overlays – State of the Technology Synthesis SP045P $5.00 $5.00 14
Positions – Asset Management – A Concrete Solution to Responsible
Government (50 PACK) PL514P $30.00 $10.00 20
Powerpave CD JP008P $295.00 $295.00 18
Proper Use of Isolation and Expansion Joints in Concrete Pavements IS400P $3.00 $1.00 12
Quiet Concrete Pavements PA181P TBD TBD 11
Reconstruction Optimization Through Concrete Inlays TB013P $12.75 $2.40 14
Recycling Concrete Pavement TB014P $12.75 $2.40 13
Repair of Ultra-Thin Whitetopping PA397P $6.00 $1.50 15
Safe Landings – Why Concrete for Airports (25 PACK) PA179P $6.50 $6.50 3
Slab Stabilization Guidelines for Concrete Pavements TB018P $12.75 $2.40 6
Specification Guideline for Dowel Bar Retrofit IS104P $9.00 $3.00 6
States Talk Strategy on Pavement Restoration RP408P $3.50 $1.80 6
Stickers: PA182P, PA183P, PA184P, PA185P – Descriptions, quantities, and prices 19
Stitching Concrete Pavement Cracks and Joints SR903P $10.00 $3.00 6
Streets and Local Roads Promotion Resource Guide SP385P $50.00 $50.00 20
Subgrades and Subbases for Concrete Pavements TB011P $13.50 $2.50 21
Successes – Airports – Atlanta/Savannah (50 PACK) PL510P $30.00 $10.00 3
Successes – I-20 Georgia Reconstruction and CPR (50 PACK) PL512P $30.00 $10.00 6
The Concrete Pavement Restoration Guide: Procedures for Preserving
Concrete Pavements TB020P $13.50 $2.50 6
The Concrete Solution for City Streets PL225P $1.50 $0.50 20
The Concrete Solution for City Streets PL225P $1.50 $0.50 20
The Concrete Solution for Deteriorated Asphalt Intersections PL226P $1.50 $0.50 14
The Diamond Advantage in Highway Grinding VC415P $18.95 $18.95 6
The Longevity and Performance of Diamond-Ground Pavements RD118T $20.00 $20.00 7
The Ultimate Rehabilitation Handbook (BINDER) TB100P $200.00 $65.00 7
The Use of Recycled-Concrete Aggregate from Concrete Exhibiting Alkali-Silica Reactivity RD114T $20.00 $20.00 13
Thickness Design for Concrete Highway and Street Pavements EB109P $12.00 $3.00 21
Thickness Design for Concrete Highway and Street Pavements (Canadian Edition) EB209P $14.00 $8.00 21
Traffic Management for Concrete Reconstruction & Rehabilitation EB213P $24.00 $8.00 22
Trucks Demand Concrete PL239P $1.50 $0.50 11
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping IS100P $10.50 $3.50 15
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping (BINDER) TB300P $60.00 $37.00 15
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Airfields (CD) CD016P $24.95 $24.95 3
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Airfields (VHS) VC521P $24.95 $24.95 3
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Roadways (CD) CD015P $24.95 $24.95 16
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping for Roadways (VHS) VC522P $24.95 $24.95 16
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Gains Momentum RP356P $1.50 $0.50 16
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Repair Demonstration CD025P $11.00 $11.00 16
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Repair Demonstration VC001P $11.00 $11.00 16
Understanding Statistically Based Strength Specifications for Portland Cement
Concrete Pavements SR990P $21.00 $7.00 9
Utility Cuts and Full-Depth Repairs in Concrete Streets IS235P $5.00 $1.00 7
Weekend Reconstruction – Urban Concrete Pavement on Interstate 10 SR001P $2.00 $2.00 22
Whitetopping Technique Revives Burgeoning Kansas Thoroughfare RP274P $1.50 $0.50 14
Whitetopping – No Longer an Experiment RP353P $1.50 $0.50 16
Whitetopping – State of the Practice EB210P $25.00 $5.50 14
Whitetopping – The Road to Renewal PL452P $2.50 $0.80 16
Whitetopping – The Road to Renewal VC332P $24.95 $24.95 16
Why Concrete Pavements? PL454P $1.00 $1.00 19
WinPAS MC016.01P $495.00 $95.00 18
WinPAS – Simplified Design Guide Manual MC016P $20.00 $20.00 18
Withstanding the Test of Time RP363P $2.40 $0.80 16

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American Concrete Pavement Association

5420 Old Orchard Road, Suite #A100 U.S. Postage
Skokie, Illinois 60077 PAID
Skokie Illinois
Permit No. 155


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