ACPA Products Catalog 2003
ACPA Products Catalog 2003
ACPA Products Catalog 2003
★ AM
American Concrete
Pavement Association
Table of Contents Airports
Concrete Intersections –
A Guide for Design and
Design of Heavy Industrial
Concrete Pavements
This booklet is the first compre-
This technical document provides thickness hensive technical guide to
design procedures and describes jointing prac- designing and building concrete
tices appropriate for concrete pavement at facili- pavement intersections. It covers
ties with heavy trucks and heavy industrial vehi- factors in thickness design,
cles, such as gantry cranes and intermodal strad- jointing, fast-track, phasing,
dle carriers. construction, signal detectors
IS234.01P 12 Pages 1988 and opening to traffic. Details
Price: $5.40 ACPA Member Price: $1.80 for jointing and transitions
between concrete and asphalt
are provided.
TB019P 28 Pages 1997
Price: $15.00 ACPA Member Price: $3.25
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping
Gains Momentum
Reprinted from Roads & Bridges Withstanding the Tests of Time
magazine, this article discusses This Roads & Bridges magazine reprint summarizes the accelerated load testing
the emerging technology and of ultra-thin whitetopping at the Turner-Fairbank highway research facility in
growth of ultra-thin white- McLean, Virginia.
topping (UTW). Outlined are RP363P 4 Pages 1999
studies including, research at a Price: $2.40 ACPA Member Price: $0.80
Louisville, KY site, 5-year evalu-
ations of 41 test sections on
Iowa Route 41, and continuing
condition surveys of 11 UTW
projects in Georgia and
Tennessee. UTW projects at two general aviation airports –
St. Louis, MO and New Smyrna Beach, FL – are also described.
RP356P 2 Pages 1998
Price: $1.50 ACPA Member Price: $0.50
ACPA AirPave PCAPAV – Thickness Design of Concrete Streets and Local Roads
Windows-based pavement Simple to use DOS-based design program calculates thickness for concrete roads.
thickness design software calcu- Recognition of load transfer at joints, curb, and gutter effects are key features.
lates load stresses for aircraft or MC003P Diskette 1990
specialty vehicle gear loads. It Price: $50.00 ACPA Member Price: $50.00
includes more than 25 popular
aircraft with over 59 configura-
tions including the A300, B777, Powerpave CD
Concorde and military aircraft. Windows-based analysis tool that predicts early-age performance of continuously
Also allowed are custom config- reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). The analysis is based on both design
urations for any vehicle, such as forklifts, cranes, straddle carri- assumptions (such as material quantities and types) and construction assump-
ers, tracked vehicles, trucks and non-standard aircraft. tions (such as environmental factors and construction methods). Powerpave can
MC006.01P CD 2001 help optimize CRCP options to reduce risk, control costs, and maximize invest-
Price: $325.00 ACPA Member Price: $225.00 ment. Developed and supported by CRSI – Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute.
JP008P CD 2002
CA4PRS Software Price: $295.00 ACPA Member Price: $295.00
Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies
(CA4PRS) is software that aids road agencies and contractors in WinPAS
determining the most feasible rehabilitation strategies in an User-friendly, windows-based software allows
urban environment. The software combines pavement engineer- roadway pavement thickness design and evalua-
ing, construction productivity analysis, and traffic simulation to tion following the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide
expedite rehabilitation/reconstruction. Developed and support- for Pavement Structures, including traffic and
ed by University of California at Berkeley. overlay thickness methods. A life-cycle cost mod-
JP004P CD ule allows you to compare alternative designs too.
Price: $3500.00 ACPA Member Price: $3000.00 Includes manual (MC016P).
MC016.01P CD 2000
HIPERPAV Price: $495.00 ACPA Member Price: $95.00
high performance HIPERPAV is a tool which can
per formance paving software
WinPAS – Simplified Design Guide Manual
be used by planners, designers This manual accompanies our popular software program (MC016P). It explains
and contractors. During the planning stage, HIPERPAV can be all factors in the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide for Pavement Structures, including
used to develop quality control specifications for a particular reliability, traffic, soil support, serviceability and concrete properties. Also
project based on the available materials and climatic conditions includes chapters on overlay thickness design and life-cycle cost analysis.
of the region. Contractors can use HIPERPAV to prevent expen-
MC016P 94 Pages 2000
sive repairs by predicting cracking and potential damage due to
Price: $20.00 ACPA Member Price: $20.00
unexpected conditions during construction. HIPERPAV deter-
mines the factors that will prevent damage to the pavement.
With HIPERPAV suppliers can manage the temperature of the Great Value! CRC Highway PAVE and
concrete based on their mix designs and specific climate and CRC Air PAVE
project conditions. Packaged together, these DOS-based analysis tools
Includes version 2.5.1 license. Quantity discounts available are for the design of continuously reinforced con-
for orders greater than five (5) copies – please call for details. crete pavement. CRC-HIGHWAY PAVE models
JP006P CD concrete and reinforcing steel stresses, and crack
Price: $490.00 ACPA Member Price: $490.00 widths and spacing, while optimizing reinforcing
steel based on material properties and construc-
tion considerations. Inputs include truck axle con-
figurations and tire pressures. CRC-AIRPAVE
includes similar models as CRC-HIGHWAY PAVE for loading inputs not only for
standard aircraft or special gear configurations, but also for cranes and straddle
carriers typically found at ports and intermodal freight terminals.
JP009P CD 2002
Price: $100.00 ACPA Member Price: $100.00
Why Concrete
Pamphlet describes the
benefits of concrete pave-
ment, including safe by
design, smooth & quiet
surface, good for the
environment, durable
under loads, versatile usage, and superior long-term value. Great as a hand-out
for non-technical audiences.
PL454P Pamphlet 1998
Price: $1.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00
New! Answering No. 34 GASB New! City Streets the Concrete Advantage
Statement Demands Agencies Develop The major advantages of concrete for city streets: low first cost,
Efficient Asset Management Practices low maintenance, long life, and safety are showcased in this
This full-color reprint from Roads & Bridges video. It presents many fine examples of concrete streets across
Magazine discusses the need for state and local the nation and is aimed at community citizens, civic groups,
agencies to financially and physically account for city councils, engineers, and those interested in improving their
their largest asset, the roadway network. Included communities’ street systems.
are highlights of how concrete pavements can CD326P CD 2003
help manage the yearly costs of maintaining, VC326P VHS 2003
upgrading, and building a high-quality, long-last- Price: $24.95 ACPA Member Price: $24.95
ing network of roadways. Orders of 10 or more, $14.95 each, VHS or CD
RP128P 2 Pages 2002
Price: $4.00 ACPA Member Price: $1.00
The program, “ACPA National Pavement Awards for Excellence” honors Special Offer!
quality concrete pavements constructed each year. Co-sponsored by Excellence in Concrete
publisher Hanley-Wood and its Concrete Construction Magazine, the
awards program recognizes the contractors, engineers, and project own- Paving (50 PACK)
ers who completed outstanding projects. This colorful reprint provides a full
recap of 26 award winning and finalist
A panel of industry professionals representing contractors, DOT engi- projects in the 12 award categories from
neers, FHWA, FAA, military, municipalities, consultants, and other ACPA’s Excellence in Concrete Paving
industry organizations judge the entries. Selection criteria includes proj- Program. ACPA’s popular award pro-
ect scope, paving process/smoothness, quality control, traffic manage- gram is sponsored by publisher Hanley-
ment, innovation, and public relations. Wood and Concrete Construction
Nomination form and rules are available. For more information visit our Magazine. (One bundle per order only.)
website, or call 847-966-2272 and ask to speak to PL001P 6 Pages 2002*
our national awards program coordinator today! Bundle Quantity – 50: FREE
*updated yearly
The American Concrete Pavement Association’s Education and Airport Pavement Design Seminar
Training Program provides association members, consultants, public The three-day seminar is geared toward entry-level and project engi-
officials, and other industry representatives with the information neers. It will consist of:
required to maintain the highest professional standards and quality.
ACPA’s training is designed to give you practical and useful knowledge • A comparative analysis of the FAA, PCA, and military design methods
that translates into career success. • An explanation of Federal Aviation Administration specifications and
design requirements
Construction of Portland Cement • Preparation for construction and construction techniques for pave-
Concrete Pavements ments, concrete mix designs, and adjustments.
A 21⁄2 day training course co-sponsored by ACPA, the American Asso- Pertinent publications, software programs, and other materials will be
ciation of State Highway Transportation Officials, and the Federal provided.
Highway Administration. This course is offered through the National
Highway Institute. If you are interested in scheduling a course, please If you are interested in any of these courses, visit our website
e-mail: [email protected]., or call 847-966-2272 and ask to speak to
our education and training coordinator today!
WinPAS Training
A one-day seminar that teaches the ins and outs of concrete pavement Concrete Pavements 101
design and evaluation using ACPA’s WinPAS software. This course The presentations on this CD were
comes to you through our affiliated chapter network. developed using PowerPoint and are
used in ACPA’s highly-rated training
Concrete Pavements 101 Course course. The presentations give practical
A 21⁄2-day course designed to provide practical information to design information on concrete pavement de-
and construct concrete pavements effectively. The course’s technical sign, rehabilitation, construction, cost
content includes concrete pavement design and construction basics and analysis and promotion. Excellent for
information about different applications of concrete, such as whitetop- educators, promoters and students!
ping, patching, reconstruction, etc. The course covers basic materials
and mixture design. Attendees receive a free take-home binder that can CD006P CD updated periodically
be used as a reference. Price: $50.00 ACPA Member Price: $50.00
Ordering Information