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Indian Geotechnical Conference – 2010, GEOtrendz

December 16–18, 2010

IGS Mumbai Chapter & IIT Bombay

Field and Laboratory Investigations on Subgrade Layer of

Low Volume Roads

Gupta, A. Kumar, P. Rastogi, R.

Research Scholar Professor Assistant Professor
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Department of Civil Engg., IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand

The performance of pavements depends to a large extent on the strength and stiffness of the subgrades. This
paper presents the results of an extensive field and laboratory investigation of fourteen low volume road sections
in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) tests, California Bearing Ratio
(CBR) tests, Field Dry Density (FDD) and Field Moisture Content (FMC) tests were performed to study the
strength properties of the subgrade layer of pavements. The work described herein focuses on exploring the
correlations between the results obtained using the DCP and the results obtained using the CBR method for
subgrade soils at various locations of Northern Districts of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, India. A correlation
between the modified structural number (MSN) of subgrade and DCP penetration index and CBR values were also
established. Regression models were developed as part of this study to enable the prediction of CBR values based
on the average penetration-rates of DCPs performed for field density and field-moisture content.

1. INTRODUCTION transmitted in a manner that the subgrade-deformation is

Roads have performed a very vital role in meeting the within elastic limits, and the shear forces developed is
strategic and developmental requirements and accelerating within safe limits under adverse climatic and loading
all-round development. Technical progress in planning and conditions. The sub-grade comprises unbound earth
road construction technology has kept pace with rapid materials such as gravel, sand, silt and clay that influence
changes in the field of infrastructural development. The the design and construction of roads. The assessment of
world has witnessed the engineering excellence of India in properties of soil sub-grades, in terms of density, soil
various fields of Civil Engineering including road stiffness, strength, and other in-situ parameters is vital in
construction, and the capability of our engineers in adopting the design of roads, and their performance.
a scientific approach towards solving challenging problems. Traditionally, flexible pavements are designed based
India owns the second largest network of roads in the on the CBR approach or by considering elastic
world, next to USA. The total road length in the country at deformations. The CBR approach to pavement design
present is over 3.3 million km, which gives the spatial road gained popularity among practicing engineers in the late
density of about 1 km/sq. km. of area. Out of the total road 1980s with the use of advanced computing power and speed
network of India, village and other roads (Low Volume (Rollings 2003). But this approach to flexible pavement
Roads) consists of 80% share. Low volume roads are mainly design, gives more importance to the estimation of the
rural roads in India carrying daily traffic less than 450 density of the sub-grades and the pavement layers. Other
Commercial Vehicles per Day (CVPD) (Thube, 2006). Low design philosophies for flexible pavement do exist,
volume roads serve as one of the key infrastructures placed including those with more of a basis in the theory of the
for integrated rural development, which has become a matter mechanics of materials—such as layered elastic and finite
of growing urgency for considerations of social justice, element approaches. In the classical approach to design of
national integration and economic uplift of the rural areas. flexible pavements using the Burmister’s (1958) layer
theory, it is required to estimate the elastic modulus of the
2. NEED FOR THE STUDY sub-grade in order to determine the required layer-thickness
Sub-grades play an important role in imparting structural of a pavement structure.
stability to the pavement structure as it receives loads Despite the advances in these state-of-the art
imposed upon it by road traffic. Traffic loads need to be
1020 A. Gupta, P. Kumar and R. Rastogi

approaches to pavement design, the CBR approach

continues to be one of the most reliable methods for
pavement design, especially in the design of pavements
for military and civilian aviation (Semen 2006). This
method is supported by more than 60 years of field
experience under a wide range of conditions throughout Fig.Fig.
1 Various FieldField
1: Various and Laboratory Tests
and Laboratory Conducted
Tests Conducted
the world. In addition to this, the approach to quality control The DCP used in this present study has a hammer of 8
of pavements gives more importance to the determination kg, which is dropped through a height of 575 mm. The
of in-situ density and moisture content. penetration of the cone into the pavement layers is measured
Of the various methods of evaluating the sub-grade using a calibrated scale. It is possible to evaluate up to a
strength, the use of dynamic cone penetrometers (DCP) depth of 800 mm without an extension rod and up to 1200
has become wide-spread since they can be easily fabricated, mm depth when fitted with an extension rod.
and they facilitate rapid testing and evaluation of sub-grades The details of the road sections and subgrade soil
based on the resistance offered to penetration. In view of properties like Field Moisture Content (FMC), Field Dry
the new developments in the field of pavement evaluation, Density (FDD), Optimum Moisture Content (OMC), ratio
there exists a need to correlate the results obtained by using of FMC to OMC and degree of compaction for each test
DCP to those obtained using traditional approaches such section are presented in Table 1.
as the CBR for the benefit of road engineers. This work Table 1: In-situ Subgrade Properties of Test Sections
focuses on exploring the correlations between these
S. Name of FMC FDD OMC FMC/O Compac
approaches for the subgrade soils of Uttarakhand and Uttar No Road (%) (gm/cc) (%) MC tion (%)
Pradesh states, India. Sections (%)
Low volume road pavements in India generally 1 Kaido 6.6 1.605 12.32 53.57 92.4
comprise of one or more granular layers laid over the 2 Galhotha 11.58 1.73 13.56 85.4 97.74
subgrade and surfaced with thin bituminous carpet. These 3 Harrakhed 11.23 1.218 13.14 85.46 67.03
roads are usually of single lane carriageway and may be 4 Roopri 11.57 1.677 14.23 81.31 91.64
earthen tracks or granular pavements with or without a 5 Shahpur 10.55 1.657 12.47 84.6 90.35
thin bituminous surfacing layer (IRC, 2002). The roads 6 Gulaoti 15.28 1.588 14.95 102.21 86.68
being built under the Prime Minister ’s Rural Roads 7 DKBy 11.68 2.003 12.58 92.85 109.81
Programme (known as PMGSY) are mostly granular Pass
pavements with thin bituminous surfacing (20 mm thick 8 Haridwar 9.96 1.598 14.21 70.09 78.53
premixed carpet or single or double coat surface dressing). 9 Dehradun 11.4 1.603 13.21 86.3 74.91
In the present investigation, an effort has been made to 10 Hat Hat 14.05 1.744 14.37 97.77 100.35
11 Nazarpur 6.9 1.752 14.04 49.15 103.24
correlate the results obtained from the evaluation of the
subgrade using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests
12 Dhunayya 12.67 1.285 12.86 98.52 72.48
conducted on subgrade with the results obtained from the 13 Sitarganj 14.25 1.748 14.08 101.21 85.69
CBR value calculated in the laboratory conditions and 14 Ramnagar 7.97 1.801 11.57 68.89 83.19
Modified Structural Number (MSN) value calculated using
a software UK DCP 3.1. The work reported in this paper is Details of the field DCP values of the subgrade layer
a step in the direction of rationalization of design of rural and the laboratory CBR values of the subgrade soil
roads in India. specimens prepared at field dry density and field moisture
conditions are presented in Table 2.
Field evaluation was carried out on thin bituminous
surfaced granular pavements constructed under PMGSY UK DCP 3.1 is the analytical software for measuring road
programme in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand states India. pavement strength and designing low volume sealed roads
Fourteen test sections were considered for the study. Test using the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer. UK DCP 3.1
pits were excavated at the edge of pavements to obtain software is designed for two categories of user: those who
details such as pavement layer thicknesses, field moisture wish to analyse DCP data; and those who need to produce
content and field dry density of subgrade. Soil from the design for lengths of sealed roads used as spot
subgrade was collected to carry out laboratory studies improvements on low trafficked roads. In this paper we
(gradation, index properties and CBR) on the samples. are dealing with the first case of analysing the DCP data.
Samples were prepared in the laboratory corresponding to The penetration per blow, the ‘penetration rate’, is
field dry density and moisture conditions. The calculated recorded as the cone is driven into the pavement and used
subgrade CBR have been correlated with the corresponding to calculate the strength of the material through which the
DCP values. Figure 1 shows the various field and laboratory cone is passing. A change in penetration rate indicates a
tests conducted. change in strength between materials, thus allowing layers
Field and Laboratory Investigations on Subgrade Layer of Low Volume Roads 1021

to be identified and the thickness and strength of each to the CBR of the entire subgrade, rather than any layers into
be determined. These layers are then grouped together into which the subgrade can be divided. A procedure to identify
the pavement layers of base, sub-base and subgrade, guided the layers which have the greatest influence within the
by test pit or as-built records if available. The strengths of subgrade and derive the aggregate subgrade CBR in a
all layers can then be combined into a Structural Number manner which reflects engineering judgement has therefore
for each pavement layer and the entire pavement structure. been devised and is included in UK DCP 3.1. The
The subgrade layer boundaries of all the road sections are
relationship between subgrade CBR and SNG is as follows
shown below in Figure 2.
(Eq. 1).
SNG (or MSN) = 3.51 Log10 (CBR) - 0.85 Log10 (CBR) 2 − 1.43
(1) MSN was calculated for all the road sections with the
help of the UK DCP 3.1 software. MSN values are given in
Table 2.
Table 2: Subgrade Strength Properties
S. Name of DCP CBR Modified
No. Road (mm/blow) (%) Structural
Sections Number (MSN)
1 Kaido 2.49 7.39 2.08
2 Galhotha 13.96 1.03 1.18
3 Harrakhed 8.71 3.78 1.74
4 Roopri 22.3 0.41 0.79
5 Shahpur 7 4.41 1.57
6 Gulaoti 23.37 0.7 1.17
Fig. 2: Subgrade Layer Boundaries of Section 1- 14 7 DK By Pass 12.28 1.56 1.6
The strengths of Test layers are calculated by 8 Haridwar 16.175 0.62 1.42
converting the penetration rate (mm per blow) to a 9 Dehradun 3.075 6.54 2.08
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value and then from the 10 Hat Hat 9.13 2.12 1.65
CBR value to a strength coefficient and finally to a 11 Nazarpur 9.04 3.51 1.82
Structural Number. The default is the TRL relationship for Ronda
a 60° cone. 12 Dhunayya 4.98 5.87 2.03
13 Sitarganj 3.12 6.87 2.08
Many different characteristics can be measured for
14 Ramnagar 4.29 5.91 2.08
subgrade layer: thickness, modulus, CBR and so on. These
values can be combined in many different ways. The concept 5. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS
of a Structural Number (SN) was developed during the
AASHO Road Test research as a single number which DCP – CBR Relationship
would indicate the strength and durability of an entire The relationship developed between field DCP value and
pavement and which would be internationally recognised. the laboratory CBR (field condition) obtained from the study
The concept was developed for the analysis of flexible is given in Eq. (2). The relationship is plotted in Figure 3.
pavements; rigid pavements are not analysed using
Structural Numbers. Over time, the concept has expanded. CBR = 35.476 (DCP)-1.28 (2)
The original term, SN, was calculated from the imported R2 = 0.8817
surface, base and sub-base layers. The modified Structural Many relationships have been developed to estimate
Number (MSN) was then introduced to include the effect the CBR value from the DCP penetration index. Some of
of the subgrade. However, it was realised that because the them are listed in Table 3.
subgrade contribution to MSN is independent of its depth,
redefining subgrade material as sub-base gives a higher Table 3: CBR - DCP Relationships by Different Researchers
MSN. Tests were carried out and the adjusted Structural S. Name of Relationship
Number (SNP) was developed. This adjusts the contribution No. Researcher
of the sub-base and subgrade according to their depth and 1 Kleyn (1975) Log (CBR) = 2.62 - 1.27 Log (DCP)
eliminates this potential source of error. 2 Livneh Log (CBR) = 2.56 - 1.16 Log (DCP)
The contribution of the Subgrade to the Structural (1987)
3 Harrison Log (CBR) = 2.55 - 1.14 Log (DCP)
Number of a pavement is referred to as SNG (same as MSN)
and is calculated directly from CBR without the need for 4 Sahoo et al. CBR = 67.687 (DCP)-1.1029
an intermediate strength coefficient. SNG is a function of (2009)
1022 A. Gupta, P. Kumar and R. Rastogi

software is available to analyse the DCP data for evaluation

and designing of low volume roads. An attempt has been
made in the present work to develop a correlation between
DCP Index, CBR and MSN values. Indian Roads Congress
uses the CBR based method for design of low volume roads
in India. The correlation developed under this study will
Fig. 3: Relationship Between DCP and CBR be useful to estimate the CBR and MSN value from the
DCP data for low volume roads.
Most of the earlier relationships estimate higher values
compared to the CBR value obtained from the present study. REFERENCES
The reason may be that, most of the DCP tests were De Beer, M. (1991). Use of dynamic cone penetrometer in
conducted in the laboratory on the specimens in a mould, the design of road structures, Research Report DPVT-
which was affected by the lateral confinement as observed 187, Minnesota Department of Transportation,
by Kleyn (1975) and Harrison (1987). Only the model by Minnesota.
Sahoo et al. (2009) was performed in the field conditions. George, K. P. And Uddin, W. (2000). Subgrade
Hence the present model will be more useful to estimate characterization for highway pavement design, Final
the laboratory CBR value from the field DCP tests for Report Mississippi Department of Transportation.
subgrades with low bearing strength. Laboratory CBR value
George, V., Rao, N. C. and Shivashankar, R. (2009). PFWD,
is commonly used input in many design approach.
DCP and CBR Correlations for evaluation of lateritic
6. DCP – MSN RELATIONSHIP subgrades, International Journal of Pavement
The relationship developed between field DCP value and Engineering, Vol. (3), 189-199.
the analytical MSN obtained from the UK DCP 3.1 software Harrison, J. A. (1987). Correlation between California
is given in Eq. (3). The relationship is plotted in Figure 4. bearing ratio and dynamic cone penetrometer strength
(3) measurement of soils, Proc. Institution of Civil
MSN = 2.3539 e -0.038 (DCP) Engineers, Part 2, 833-844.
R2 = 0.8383
Indian Roads Congress (2002). “Rural Roads Manual”,
IRC: SP: 20, IRC, New Delhi, India.
Kleyn, E. G. (1975). The use of the dynamic cone
penetrometer, Rep. L2/74, Transvaal Roads
Department, Pretoria, South Africa.
Liveneh, M., Ishai, I. and Livneh, N. A. (1995). Effect of
vertical confinement on dynamic cone penetrometer
strength values in pavement and subgrade evaluations.
Transportation Research Record 1473, TRB,
Fig. 4 : Relationship Between DCP and MSN Washington D.C., 1-8.
Murad, Y. A. F., Munir, D. N. and Ekram, S. (2005).
CBR – MSN RELATIONSHIP Application of dynamic cone penetrometer in pavement
The relationship developed between field CBR value and construction control, Transportation Research Record
the analytical MSN obtained from the UK DCP 3.1 software 1913, TRB, Washington D.C., 53-61.
is given in Eq. (4). The relationship is plotted in Figure 5. Powell, W. D., Potter, J. F., Mayhew, H. C. and Numm, M.
MSN = 1.264 CBR 0.2606 (4) E. (1984). The structural design of bituminous roads,
R = 0.8357 TRRL Report LR 1132.
Sahoo, U. C. and Reddy, K. S. (2009). Subgrade strength
characterization for low volume roads in India, Proc.,
of International Conference on Pavement Engineering,
ICPE-2009, College of Engineering and Technology,
B.P.U.T. Bhubaneswar, 86-93.
Thube, D. T. (2006). “Performance Based Maintenance
Fig. 5: Relationship Between CBR and MSN Management for Rural Roads”, Ph.D. Thesis, COTE,
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
7. CONCLUSIONS Technology Roorkee, India.
Non-destructive in-situ tests are becoming more popular UK DCP Software, Version 3.1 (2006). Measuring road
now days for evaluation of the pavement and subgrade pavement strength and designing low volume sealed
layers. Low cost techniques like DCP are gaining popularity roads using the dynamic cone penetrometer, Transport
due to its correct results and ease of operation. Analytical Research Laboratory Limited, UK.

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