Towards IEEE 802.22 Based SCADA System For Future Distributed System
Towards IEEE 802.22 Based SCADA System For Future Distributed System
Towards IEEE 802.22 Based SCADA System For Future Distributed System
Abstract-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) several equipments such as Intelligent Electronic Devices
systems are critically important to the procedure of (IED), Human-Machine Interface (HMI), Remote Terminal
modernimtion of contemporary power systems, industries etc. A Units (RTU), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Data
SCADA system involves the integrated technologies of computer, Historians, Input/Output Servers, SCADA Server or Master
communication, electric devices etc. Electric utilities are expected terminal Units (MTU), Control Server, power equipments,
to choose the communication media best suited for the
substation controllers etc.
characteristics of distribution facilities. The communications
systems provide the physical medium for transferring, controll The United Nations (UN) reports that there will be more
ing and acquisition of data within SCADA from remote locations. than three billion people living in rural areas as in 2005 [2].
Currently, it is generally recognized that wired communications Present SCADA's communication system can not provide its
will serve as the best solution to this problem. Obviously, coverage to all especially rural and remote areas with very
compared with wired communications, wireless communication wide geographical areas, harsh environment, lack of public
presents a number of security and reliability concerns for network (such a cellular coverage) and in many cases licensing
SCADA system but wireless communications become an the required spectrum is not an option for them for power
attractive option as communication network. In SCADA system
system monitoring or industrial purposes and therefore there
the communication system plays a key role and to meet objective
are many boundaries of present SCADA's communication
of the SCADA system, as a result, various communication media
system. The IEEE 802.22 standard is designed to provide
have been applied. In our paper we present a concept about
broadband access using the white space in TV frequency bands
SCADA system using IEEE 802.22 standard where details design
with no harmful interference to harmful to TV user. It employs
of system, analyses of feasibility and benefits over wired and
other wireless systems and scopes to enhance the performance
a variety of advanced communications techniques such as
are also described. If we apply this system in a large industrial
orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) and
distributed system and in a total railway system, then the total offers extensive coverage area (33-100 km) due to the good
designs are also shown in our paper. propagation characteristics of TV bands. We think that the
SCADA communication system using IEEE 802.22 is more
Keywords- SCADA; SCADA system components; Distributed advantageous and reliable for future. There are three
System; Wireless Communication Systems; IEEE 802.22. generations of SCADA system. The present generation of
SCADA is in third generation which is wired networked as
I. INTRODUCTION well as distributed monitoring, controlling etc. As a result there
are many limitations in present SCADA system's
The main purpose of the supervisory control and data communication. In our paper we present a SCADA system
acquisition system (SCADA) is gathering real-time data, using IEEE 802.22 standard to overcome all existing
monitoring and controlling equipments and processes in the limitations. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the
critical infrastructures [1] such as oil and gas production, three generations of SCADA system, in section 3 why we
transmission and distribution, telecommunication, industrial should use wireless communication in SCADA system, in
plant control, process monitoring, agriculture and environment, section 4 cognitive radio based IEEE 802.22 standard, in
weather, pollution and soil monitoring, power utilities supply, section 5 the total concept of the system, in section 6 and 7 two
distribution and network monitoring, water utilities, supply, examples and in section 8 analysis of feasibility and benefits
distribution and management of fresh, irrigation and waste are described.
water, electrical power distribution from nuclear, gas-fired,
coal, renewable resources, gather information i.e. where a fault
occurs, status of circuit breaker etc., transfer to information II. SCADA GENERATIONS
back to a central station, alert the home station that the fault has The SCADA system has gone through three generations
occurred, carry out necessary analysis and control i.e. and these are given below. First Generation: Monolithic:
determining the fault is critical, display the information in a During the first time development of SCADA system, the
graphical user interface etc. and so on. A SCADA network model of computing is centered on a mainframe system which
provides connection between servers which reside inside a a single monolithic system is performing all computing
control center and control devices which are located at fields, functions connected with a given procedure. Networks were
sometimes at remote locations. The SCADA system consists of generally non existent and each centralized system stood alone.
As a result SCADA systems were stand alone systems with (NPRM) for permitting unlicensed radio transmitter to operate
virtually no connectivity to other systems. Second Generation: in broadcast Figure l. IEEE 802.22 System architecture
Distributed: The distribution of system functionality across television spectrum at locations where that spectrum is not
network connected systems served not only to increase being used [3]. In response to the NPRM, the IEEE 802.22
processing power but also to improve the redundancy and working group on Wireless Regional Area Networks was
reliability of the system as a whole. Rather than the simple formed in October 2004. Its main objective is to develop a
primary or standby failover scheme that was utilized in many Wireless Regional Area Network system that would deliver
first generation systems, the distributed architecture often kept broadband connectivity to all particularly to rural areas by
all stations on the LAN in an online state all the time. For sharing the television spectrum. By May 2006 draft vl.l [4] of
example, if a Human Machine Interface (HMI) station were to the IEEE 802.22 standard was available although much works
fail, another HMI station could be used to operate the system are still required. Discussions need to be done with
without waiting for failover from the primary system to the broadcasters whose spectrums are being shared as they are
secondary. The WANs in use to communicate with devices in fearful of interference and reduced revenues from advertising.
the field were largely unchanged by the development of LAN According to FCC rules, the cognitive devices have to be
connectivity between local stations at the SCADA master. operated within the very high frequency (VHF) channels and
These external communications networks were still limited to the ultra high frequency (UHF) channels [5], therefore, the CR
RTU protocols and were not available for other types of based IEEE 802.22 uses 54 to 862 MHz TV band. The standard
network traffic. Third Generation: Networked: The third was expected to complete by the first quarter of 2010 where
generation of SCADA master station architecture is closely some of the first networks could then be deployed. Table I
related to that of the second generation, with the primary summarizes the characteristics of the IEEE 802.22 WRAN
difference being that of an open system architecture rather than standard.
a vendor controlled, proprietary environment. There are still
multiple networked systems sharing master station functions.
There are still RTUs utilizing protocols that are vendor
proprietary. The major improvement in the third generation is
that of opening the system architecture, utilizing open
standards and protocols and making it possible to distribute
SCADA functionality across a WAN and not just a LAN.
There are many wired and wireless communication media Figure 1. IEEE 802.22 System Architecture
can be used for communications in SCADA systems such as
twisted pair metallic cable, coaxial metallic cable, fiber-optic
cable, power line communication, satellite based, modern
cellular network based systems etc. We think among them Parameters Specification
fiber-optic cable system, offers unlimited bandwidth and high Range 30-100 km
Methodology Spectrum Sensing to identifY free channels
channel capacity relatively, for SCADA system is a very
Channel bandwidth (MHz) 6 or 7 or 8
technically smart solution. Although fiber-optic cable system is Modulation OFDMA
too expensive to use, it offers two benefits largely. Firstly it can Channel capacity 18 Mbps
carry a vast amount of data easily. Secondly, it can offer fast User capacity Downlink: 1.5 Mbps
Uplink: 384 kbps
accurate real time communication. Again, it is serious concerns
about economic, reliability as well as flexibility in many cases V. CONCEPT DESIGN FOR IEEE 802.22 BASED SCADA
for using the fiber-optic cable system for SCADA. If the data is SYSTEM
being small it is also wasteful. When the fiber-optic cables are
cut or broken there high amount of maintenance is required and IEEE 802.22 based system is like to present 3G UMTS and
as the cable is passing through the underground, the repairing WiMAX technologies as it has a base station and a number of
and findings consumes a lot of time, in many times it is very users or customer premises equipments which are located
difficult to find out if it is situated in dangerous or difficult within a cell. A base station is linked to the main network and
locations especially for rural remote areas. Therefore, with transmits data on the downlink or downstream to the users or
compared to wireless communication systems to wired fiber receivers. In IEEE 802.22 based SCADA system the human
optic cable system, wireless communication offers large machine interfaces (HMI), supervisory control rooms, SCADA
benefits likes low installation costs, secured communication, server rooms, remote terminal units (RTU), master terminal
easily maintenance, mobility etc. A comparative analysis is units (MTU), intelligent electronic devices (lED) etc. are
shown in later. situated within one or more cells, depicted in figure 2. The
control center houses a control server (MTU) and the
communications routers. Other control center components
IV. COGNITIVE RADIO BASED IEEE 802.22 STANDARD include the HMI, engineering workstations and the data
In May 2004, United States Federal Communication historian which are all connected by a Local Area Network, it
Commission (FCC) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking may be wired or wireless. The control center collects and logs
information gathered by the field sites, displays information to the 33 km distance, the power of the customer premises
the HMI and may generate actions based upon detected events. equipment should be 4 watts effective radiated power relative
The control center is also responsible for centralized alarming, to an isotropic source. This system has been defined to enable
trend analyses and reporting. The field site performs local users to achieve performance similar to Digital Subscriber Line
control of actuators and monitors sensors. Field sites are often (DSL) services. This eventually gives the download speed of
equipped with a remote access capability to allow field about 1.5 Mbps at the cell edge and an uplink speed of 348
operators. Standard and proprietary communication protocols kbps.
running over serial communications are used to transport
information between the control center and field sites using A. Communications Topologies
IEEE 802.22 standard. Here for data transmitting and receiving
MTU-RTU communication architectures vary among
all SCADA components are networked through IEEE 802.22
implementations. The various architectures can be used,
based standard. It is also control the medium access and
including point-to-point, series, series-star and multi-drop, are
perform traditional roles as in the conventional systems.
shown in Figure 4. Point-to-point is functionally the simplest
Besides that it also manages the cognitive radio aspects of the
type. However, it is expensive because of the individual
SCADA system. The base station uses the equipments of
channels needed for each connection. In a series configuration,
SCADA system to perform distributed measurement of the
the number of channels used is reduced. However, channel
signal levels of other signals on various channels at their
sharing has an impact on the efficiency and complexity of
current position. These measurements are reported to the base
SCADA operations. Similarly, the series-star and multi-drop
station and decide which frequency, channel or transmission
configurations' use of one channel per device results in
power to be used. It provides the ability to select the best decreased efficiency and increased system complexity. The
available channel. The basic functions can be summarized as
four basic architectures shown in Figure 4 can be further
follows, spectrum sensing which Detects vacant spectrum and
augmented using dedicated communication devices to manage
sharing the spectrum without harmful interference with
communication exchange as well as message switching and
primary users, spectrum management which captures the best buffering. Large SCADA systems, containing hundreds of
available spectrum to meet user communication requirements,
RTUs, often employ sub-MTUs to alleviate the burden on the
spectrum mobility which maintains seamless communication
primary MTU. This type of topology is shown in Figure 5.
requirements during the transition to better spectrum and
spectrum sharing which provides the reliable spectrum
scheduling technique among coexisting users. The coverage
area for the IEEE 802.22 is much greater than other IEEE 802
Local Area Network/Metropolitan Area Network standards.
IEEE 802.22 standard specified that the range for equipment is
33 km and in some instances base station coverage is extended
to 100 km.
B. Spectrum Sensing
Spectrum sensing, vital part of SCADA communication
system using IEEE 802.22, involves observing the radio
frequency spectrum and processing the observations to
determine if a channel is occupied by a licensed transmission.
Spectrum sensing is included as a compulsory feature within
IEEE 802.22. In IEEE 802.22 both the base station and
equipment sense the spectrum for three different licensed
transmissions such as analog television, digital television and
licensed low power auxiliary devices.
C Air interface
amongst collocated IEEE 802.22 cells is of paramount dedicated secured communication as well as real time. We can
importance. use two different architectures for communication purposes
likes' primary radio and secondary radio. The primary radio
can provide the wide area coverage due to good propagation of
TV bands and in situation where there is more white space
available in TV bands and/or the TV user density is small, it
can effectively provide broadband access. Again for higher
customer density and capacity requirements, availability of
unused TV bands is low, can be called secondary radio for
transmitting non-critical data, providing as a backup, security
purposes or special circumstances. For both primary radio and
secondary radio the real-time critical data transmission or
emergency data transmission are difficult because of inherent
sensing delays and cognitive nature defined IEEE 802.22.
Therefore, for solution, we can use duel-radio architecture for
secured real-time data transmission in SCADA where one radio
Figure 4. Large Communication Topologies of IEEE 802.22 Based SCADA
chain is dedicated for data transmission and while the other is
dedicated for spectrum sensing and here, the sensing radio
D. The Physical and Medium Access Control Layer constantly searches the availability of new channels, as a result,
The PHY layer maintains a high degree of flexibility for the other radio chain does not need to delay for data
meeting the system requirements [4]. The first characteristic is communication to search the unused bandwidth. Using this
the modulation type. An OFDM system has been adopted duel-radio architecture can offer high spectrum efficiency and
because of the resistance against multi-path propagation and accurate sensing than single radio architecture that need a small
selective fading. Further, the system provides high level of amount of time slot for spectrum sensing.
spectrum efficiency and sufficient data throughput. To provide
access for multiple users, OFDMA is used for both upstream F Scopes to Enhance the Performance
and downstream data links. IEEE 802.22 allows a variety of There are several scopes for enhancing the performance of
modulation schemes to be used within the OFDMA signal such cognitive radio based IEEE 802.22 standard [6] based
as QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM can all be selected with SCADA's communication for power system. Here we describe
convolution coding rates of 112, 3/4 and 2/3. In order to meet three scopes only. First of all, we know the Base Station's
the requirements for the individual users that may be coverage area of IEEE 802.22 standard is larger than other
experiencing very different signal conditions, it is necessary to IEEE 802 based standards for example, the range of IEEE
dynamically adapt the modulation, bandwidth and coding on a 802.16 WiMAX is limited to 5 km. For IEEE 802.22 the Base
per SCADA components basis. In order to be able to obtain the Station's coverage is 33 km during the power level of the
required level of performance, it has been necessary to the equipments being 4 Watts Effective/Equivalent Isotropic
IEEE 802.22 to adopt a system of what is termed "Channel Radiated Power (EIRP). If higher levels of power are allowed,
Bonding". This is a technique where the IEEE 802.22 system is this coverage area can be extended to 100 km, as a result, for
able to utilize more than one channel at a time to provide the wide area coverage the requirements of Base Stations being
required throughput. lesser. Secondly, the Cognitive Radio Systems can be
Accordingly the MAC has been designed to provide implemented using re-configurable and re-programmable
flexibility and to incorporate these new ideas [4]. As there is Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology for more flexibility,
not any fixed channel for the system and no pilot channel can therefore, modifications through software upgrades are being
be broadcast, any SCADA components during turning on and easy. Thirdly, we think for duel radio communications have a
initializing needs to be able to find the signals. Accordingly, soft limit of capacity because of it's opportunistically and
when initializing, any SCADA components first scans the dynamically usage of availability of TV channels for increasing
available spectrum to look at channel occupancy. Once it has the capacity of the system. To provide SCADA system
acquired the correct network it can then proceed to connect to components with a level of performance related to Digital
the network. It is also required to have a defined format for the Subscriber Line (DSL) broadband connections a total data rates
data. To enable the data to be suitably structured, the of 18 Mbps in a 6 MHz TV channel defined by IEEE 802.22.
transmission is formatted into frames and super frames. The For increasing the data rates up to 24 Mbps, the IEEE 802.22
super frame is built up from the smaller frames. The super physical layer has to utilize channel bonding and use more than
frame is used to provide overall synchronization for the system one TV channels for transmitting and receiving purposes.
and in particular provides the initial network access/entry
initialization. G. Comparative Study
SCADA system's communication can be designed by using
E. Duel-Radiofor Real-Time Dedicated Communication modem cellular communication systems like GSM/GPRS [7],
Some questions are arrived like possibility of real-time CDMA [7-10], 3G UMTS [11], IEEE 802.22 WiMAX [12],
dedicated and secured communication in SCADA's satellite based [13] and [14] etc. A comparison of
communication system using IEEE 802.22 as SCADA needs characteristics of wireless technologies for SCADA system is
given in table 2. From this study we can say that IEEE 802.22
is suitable for future SCAD A system's communication for data at defined intervals (e.g., 5 seconds, 60 seconds etc.) and
future distributed system. can send new set points to a field device as required. In
addition to polling and issuing high-level commands, the
SCADA server also watches for priority interrupts coming
from field site alarm systems.
Characteristics IEEE IEEE GSM/CDMA Satellite I[EE
802.11 802.16 Based 802.22
Broadband Hi gh Hi gh Hi gh Hi gh High
Wide Area Very Low Low Low Very Hi gh Very
Coverage High
Real-time Somehow Somehow Somehow Not possible Possible
Monitoring, Data possible possible possible for because or for large
Gathering, for small for medium and transmission and very
Controlling etc scale only medium large scale time delay large
and large scale ...\ pljl
Cost Low Low Very Low Low High
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